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Updated Mar 10
Updated Mar 10

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Meet Your Posher


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Hi, fellow fashionistas. It’s Lisa & my model Chloe. We opened the closet in July 2019. Chloe has since been promoted to the Chief Inspiration Officer. I really dislike purchase surprises, & I disclose any kinds of flaws I’m able to see. I have an eclectic taste & collect unique pieces of clothing & accessories. I live in Naples, FL. I love resort life, maintaining a healthy body, mind, & soul, golfing, traveling, FASHION, & hanging out with my husband & friends. I look forward to connecting with you & browsing your closet. I’m open to offers. xoxo
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spicastars Hi Lisa! I just wanted to say hello and Thank you for sharing my listing on Tumblr. I really appreciate it 😊 I really need to start branching out with social media. Right now I only use Poshmark. Thanks for the share and the reminder 😉💖
Aug 05Reply
chloeandlisa @kvasil2018 you are so welcome! I’ve only been on Poshmark for a couple weeks. I’m still learning!! 😊😊😊
Aug 05Reply
kbbesh Hi!!!! Welcome to Poshmark. Just checked out your great closet. Looks like you’re having fun on Posh! So excited for you. 💕
Aug 16Reply
chloeandlisa @kbbesh thank you! I’ve been on for one month today. I’m loving it! Thanks for reaching out! 💕💕
Aug 16Reply
joansjunction Love all the cute pics of you and Chloe 😊 Great closet too💕
Aug 22Reply
chloeandlisa @joansjunction thank you SO MUCH!! We’re having fun!! 💕💕
Aug 22Reply
lovemythings365 Hi there I noticed you added my cute Hudson shorts to your bundle, are you still interested? I love your fun personality, it shows through in your pics! 💗 either way best wishes to you on this journey!! ✌🏼💗
Aug 27Reply
chloeandlisa @lovemythings365 hey there. I was trying to share it and hit the wrong button. Unfortunately, the shorts are too small for me. They’re super cute!!
Aug 27Reply
tatasstuff @chloeandlisa Your just a doll! Cheers and happy poshing to you! 🥂
Sep 03Reply
chloeandlisa @tatasstuff thank you so much! Thank you for showing me some posh love!💕💕
Sep 03Reply
thriftycheryl Love it! You & Chloe look like you have fun! 🤣 Thanks for the share - I’m also in Sunny Fl, happy Poshing!!
Sep 06Reply
chloeandlisa @cookiemom100 thank you for reaching out!! It’s hard not to have fun when you do what you love!! 💕💕👗👠 I hope you were OK with Dorian. We sure had our fingers crossed!
Sep 06Reply
vlindsay55 Lol. Love your posh profile photos! And Marco Island is one of my favorite places! ❤️❤️🌴🌴
Sep 13Reply
chloeandlisa @vlindsay55 thank you! We’re having lots of poshing fun! Marco Island is pretty special! ❤️🌴🌞
Sep 13Reply
bigsis3328 Love your closet!!!❤️❤️
Sep 25Reply
chloeandlisa @bigsis3328 thank you!!! I appreciate the posh love. Have a great day! xoxo
Sep 25Reply
calmanani Hi there. Thank you for your purchase of my gorgeous G&B set. I will ship it first thing Monday and I hope you love it. It is truly one of a kind.
Sep 28Reply
chloeandlisa @calmanani thank you so much, and you’re welcome. I’m looking forward to adding them to my collection! 💕
Sep 28Reply
calmanani @chloeandlisa I see that you have quite a beautiful collection, I think this set will add in wonderfully!
Sep 28Reply
calmanani Hi there. Thank you for the 5 star rating and for your kind words. I hope you get much enjoyment out of the beautiful G&B set
Oct 02Reply
chloeandlisa @calmanani you’re welcome. I sincerely meant every word. I receive a lot of packages. Yours truly stood out. Thank you, and I would’ve given you more stars if I could have.
Oct 02Reply
chloeandlisa @calmanani are you on Instagram?
Oct 02Reply
calmanani @chloeandlisa thank you, you are so sweet
Oct 02Reply
chloeandlisa @calmanani OK. I just posted a pic of me wearing the jewelry and gave you a shout out. I posted your closet name, so maybe you’ll get some new shoppers. 😊
Oct 02Reply
calmanani @chloeandlisa oh my. Thank you so much.
Oct 02Reply
chloeandlisa @calmanani you’re welcome. I’ll be in your area tomorrow. Driving over to The Breakers and Worth Ave. I think I’ll be wearing the jewelry. 😊
Oct 02Reply
calmanani @chloeandlisa now that sounds like a great day. Enjoy!
Oct 02Reply
dream888 Hi Lisa thank u for ur like on my bracelet. It’s really beautiful. I can ship first thing in the morning if your interested. 😊
Oct 03Reply
annick100 I ADORE these pics of you and Chloe‼️👍🏼💚💗⭐️. You two (and your Naples lifestyle) seem so extra fun! The antithesis of mountain living (and extremely casual no matter what a few will say) life in Denver- Rock on Sis! And happy happy Poshing!
Oct 05Reply
fryemeup HaHa super cute & you have a Great Closet🎉 Thank You for the Shares💗
Oct 05Reply
chloeandlisa @annick100 thank you so much, Annick! I’m a bit of a chameleon. We moved to Naples from New Mexico. I so get and loved the casual mountain living. We spent a lot of time in Denver! Your pics are awesome and show that you like to have a great time, too. Thanks for the posh love!
Oct 05Reply
chloeandlisa @fryemeup thank you so much!! I, too, appreciate the shares. I love your closet! 💕💕💕
Oct 05Reply
fryemeup @chloeandlisa Thanks have a Great Weekend😍💗
Oct 05Reply
chloeandlisa @fryemeup you too!! 💕💕💕
Oct 05Reply
beacbee Thank you for sharing, that was very thoughtful😊!
Oct 13Reply
chloeandlisa @beacbee you’re very welcome. You have a great closet!! 💕
Oct 14Reply
ycbear22 Thank you for sharing as well. It was my pleasure to share your closet. It is beautiful! They say “sharing is caring.”
Oct 15Reply
chantealbin HI there! I love your bio. It looks like you and Chloe have lots of fun. I'm far from retirement at this time but I couldn't agree with you more. I love the resort life. I look forward to moving to Florida or maybe Alabama to do the same. Happy Poshing! ...Oh, and great style! 😊💕🥂
Oct 17Reply
chloeandlisa @chantealbin thank you so much for reaching out! It looks like we have a lot in common! 💕 I retired 8 years ago, so opening this closet 3 months ago has been quite inspiring!! Have a wonderful day!! 💕💕
Oct 17Reply
debijodee Girl! I miss you! I remember so many of these clothes! Happy Poshing and thrifting! Love you❤️🍷
Oct 21Reply
chloeandlisa @debijodee 💕 So awesome to see you on here! I had no idea you have a PM closet! I miss you, too!! 💕💕
Oct 21Reply
debijodee @chloeandlisa mine isn’t as nice as yours! I need to get brave and purge my closet more then I do. Maybe with winter coming on I’ll get to that. Love you and take care ❤️
Oct 21Reply
westcoastthreds Hi, thank you so much for all your shares 💖 Wishing you much success and Happy Poshing!💕🌷😎
Oct 25Reply
chloeandlisa @westcoastthreds thank you, too! I love finding great closets such as yours to share!! 💕
Oct 25Reply
lindaschic How you purchased my couture wall art I have been sick and I him shipping today I just wanted to let you know. Thank you again for your purchase Lindaschic
Nov 09Reply
lindaschic Hi when I started to pack the couture I noticed a couple of scratches on the surface. I don't want to send you anything that is damaged so I will go ahead and cancel the order. My apologies
Nov 11Reply
artdoll56 Hi and your manikin are a hoot!!!! 💖
Nov 25Reply
chloeandlisa @artdoll56 you just made me laugh! Thank you! Just trying to keep the days interesting. Thank you for reaching out. 💕💕
Nov 25Reply
artdoll56 @chloeandlisa I actually have a manikin I named LuLu and she lives in my living room dressed in a 50’s dress with a big beehive wig...what was a Halloween prop years ago became a permanent fixture 💕💕💕
Nov 25Reply
chloeandlisa @artdoll56 oh!! How fun!!!
Nov 25Reply
_casualelegant_ Fun closet!! 💕
Dec 13Reply
chloeandlisa @_casualelegant_ thank you! I’m loving yours, too’ 👢👢👢
Dec 13Reply
_casualelegant_ Hi there 😍 see the new old Gringo I just posted - size 7.5 - gorgeous!
Dec 17Reply
bamfshades Whatup Posh Fam!
Dec 29Reply
agirlfromparis Love your profile pics!! Lol, so cute, those pictures exude pure joy! Here's to a happy and prosperous 2020!😄🥂🎉
Jan 06Reply
chloeandlisa @agirlfromparis thank you!! It’s amazing how rewarding life is when you’re doing work you love! Happy New Year to you, and happy poshing! 💕💕
Jan 06Reply
prettyping88 Thanks for the shares♥️ love ur aura in all these pics♥️ happy selling in 2020!
Jan 16Reply
chloeandlisa @prettyping88 💕💕💕 you’re welcome, and thank YOU!! We have to help each other succeed!! 💕
Jan 16Reply
prettyping88 @chloeandlisa yes we do ♥️💪🏼
Jan 16Reply
kathyskloset14 Hi there you have an amazing closet and spirit!! I follow you on Ig too!!
Jan 16Reply
chloeandlisa @kathyskloset14 💕💕💕 thank you!! If I’m not following you on IG, I will be shortly!!! Happy poshing, my friend!
Jan 16Reply
kathyskloset14 @chloeandlisa thanks so much I see you now 👗👠📦👀👚I sent your a message on IG too whenever you have some extra time!!!
Jan 16Reply
luvmee40 Welcome to Poshmark. Big closet, No Closet or just started my closet, I am here to help you. just ask! At the same time I am running my biggest sale ever on over 1000 drop dead gorgeous items. My Avg discount is 68%!  I am taking off an additional 30%. Pay NO attention to any price you see. Click on the heart under each item you want and I will send you the additional discount. Everything and I mean Everything gets the additional discount. Come shop till you drop :)))
Jan 22Reply
cbednarek22 You have a fantastic looking closet! Be proud of yourself!
Feb 12Reply
chloeandlisa @cbednarek22 thank you so much!! 💕💕💕
Feb 12Reply
nwpines YOU ARE FABULOUS🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷
Feb 12Reply
chloeandlisa @nwpines thank you for the shares!!! 💕💕
Feb 12Reply
nadrollins Oh my gosh this is so wonderful! I love love love this and your model! Enjoy life and poshing is the best! 💕🙋🏻‍♀️😘🇺🇸🛍
Feb 17Reply
chloeandlisa @nadrollins thank you so much, and I appreciate the shares!!! 💕💕💕
Feb 17Reply
nadrollins @chloeandlisa Glad to help your beautiful closet out, and I will be back to shop for sure! 🙌🏻🛍💃🏻💕👙😊 You live in such a beautiful place I just noticed, I’m Looking forward to this thing there.
Feb 17Reply
chloeandlisa @jaimerstone thank you and Happy Sunday!! I so much appreciate the shares!! You’re closet is pretty awesome, too. 💕
Feb 23Reply
linda53560 👋 nice to meet you is it ok if I get those measurements later tonight I'm getting off work at 11pm
Mar 01Reply
linda53560 👋👋 hey I couldn't find my measure tape so I went and bought one now I'm back and got the measurements for you so the royal blue dress is about 3 feet I still have it in blue and hot pink I measure from the shoulder to the bottom
Mar 03Reply
marpishop @chloeandlisa Hi can you do $29 for the leopard print coat? Thanks
Mar 10Reply
chloeandlisa @marpi_17 I’ll do 27.
Mar 10Reply
chloeandlisa @trex_910 thank you! I so much appreciate the shares! Have a great day! 💕💕
Mar 19Reply
flirtswshirts Love the pics of you and Chloe! You both look so happy 😼 Your closet is beautiful! Have a fun Friday! 💃💃
Apr 17Reply
chloeandlisa @flirtswshirts thank you so much!! 💕 I appreciate the shares. 💕💕 Have a wonderful day and happy selling. 👠👕👚👙
Apr 17Reply
goldneyez311 Hi.👋😁 How are you? Just wanted to invite you to come check out my closet!! 🛍I have a ton of inventory to list right now- So make sure to keep an eye on my closet. I have everything from Women's, men's, kid's,(in all sizes)makeup, skin care, home name it! I am more than happy to spread love by offering great deals on anything you like and bundle! We can all use a little joy in these tough times. Come check it out! 😁💗Wishing you Happiness and Health. Be safe. xoxo @Goldneyez311
Apr 19Reply
chloeandlisa @goldneyez311 thanks! I’ll take a look!
Apr 20Reply
kimlefler Thanks for sharing
May 13Reply
tigggy27 Hi Lisa🙂I checked the inseam on the golf shorts, and it is 5”. Anything else, just let me know. Have a great day☀️🌸
May 25Reply
txblingqueen @chloeandlisa Hi Lisa. I love ❤️ your closet profile, your just precious. Thank you for the shares. I have met so many nice people on here. I love sharing and shopping Posh. My favorite thing is making a sale and carefully wrapping it and sending it off as quickly as possible. When you have time; take a look at my bling sandals. Perfect for Florida weather. Thank You for supporting small businesses like mine. Joanie In TX
Jun 06Reply
chloeandlisa @txblingqueen thank you for reaching out! What a fun closet you have! Thank you, too, for the shares! xoxo 💕💕
Jun 06Reply
scribbler20 Hi - not sure how best to send you a message. Is it possible to consolidate the shipping if I purchase two items?
Jun 16Reply
chloeandlisa @scribbler20 Hi and absolutely! Just ‘like’ whichever items you’re interested in and either bundle them, or I can do it for you. Thank you for browsing my closet.
Jun 16Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Jun 27Reply
simplyorganize Hello! My sister Maria who you know from Beyond Your Best told me about your Poshmark! Thank you for the kind shares! :-)
Jul 24Reply
chloeandlisa @simplyorganize of course!! I love Maria! 💕 Happy poshing and wishing you lots of sales!! 💕💕
Jul 24Reply
jenniefinds007 These pictures are great made me smile !!!!! Wanted to know what is dress for success?? 🥰 thanks have a great day
Jul 28Reply
chloeandlisa @jenniefinds007 thank you, and I appreciate your shares! Dress for Success is a worldwide not for profit that helps at risk women achieve economic self-sufficiency by providing a network of support, professional attire, and the development tools to help women thrive in work and life. Thank you for asking and happy poshing!! 💕💕
Jul 28Reply
cackalackee Thanks for sharing some of my closet. I’m in NC, but one of my favorite cousins lives in Naples. Raised her family on Marco Island. Thanks again!
Aug 19Reply
chloeandlisa @cackalackee you’re so welcome, and thank you, too!! I love Naples! I live in IN during the summer and winter in Naples. I’m looking forward to getting back there. 💕 Happy poshing to you!!! 👠👢👗
Aug 19Reply
jewels_814 @chloeandlisa Hi there👋🏼 hoping you receive your item today. Seems like USPS had some delays. Enjoy and happy poshing 😊.
Sep 11Reply
chloeandlisa @jjolles814 thanks! Not today! Hopefully, they'll show up soon. I shipped a backpack that should've taken 2 days. It arrived 2 WEEKS later!
Sep 11Reply
jewels_814 @chloeandlisa I am somewhat new to poshmark so I am not sure if they would consider reimbursing us shipping costs. I am happy to contact them tomorrow if you don’t get anything.
Sep 11Reply
chloeandlisa @jjolles814 it’s a problem within USPS. They should arrive soon. Welcome to Poshmark!
Sep 11Reply
brandi_sails Hello lovely. Thank you for the follow and the shares, I really appreciate it. Have a blessed evening! 🌅🌺
Oct 12Reply
chloeandlisa @brandi_sails you’re welcome! Happy poshing!
Oct 12Reply
dianeallen1960 I made a mistake, can we correct
Oct 23Reply
belivdesign Hi Lisa! You are the cutest! 💗 That’s all, nothing profound just stopping by loving your closet! Stay safe 😊
Nov 04Reply
chloeandlisa @belivdesign you’re sweet. Thank you so much! Thank you, too, for the shares!! 💕💕💕💕
Nov 04Reply
his_majesty What’s the name of your friend in the pictures ? :)
Nov 12Reply
chloeandlisa @his_majesty my model’s names is Chloe. 😊
Nov 12Reply
his_majesty @chloeandlisa I wonder how Chloe looks like if she smiles , crack some jokes please and take that Kodak moment for her smile :) . I think many fans are waiting for that moment
Nov 12Reply
chloeandlisa @his_majesty she’s laughing on the inside. 😊😊
Nov 12Reply
my_irish_jive love it!! 💚 thanks for the smile 🌞
Nov 17Reply
chloeandlisa @my_irish_jive 💕💕 Thank you 💕💕
Nov 17Reply
chloeandlisa @mylovejewelry thank you! You have some beautiful pieces! 💕💕
Nov 20Reply
05teddy11 Blessings on sharing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜. Happy New Year 🎊🛍🙏🤟🏻❤️💜
Dec 31Reply
chloeandlisa @05teddy11 Happy New Year to you, too! 💕
Dec 31Reply
berlinshop18 hi Lisa, Thank you for shopping my closet, your package will go out first thing Monday❣️btw love the cause 'dress for success'..👍👍
Jan 03Reply
berlinshop18 hi Lisa, just wanted to let you know, that I got a note that your earrings are back on delivery course, so sorry for the delay, truly not my fault ❣️
Jan 11Reply
chloeandlisa @berlinshop18 thanks, and no problem. This is the USPS world in which we’re living. It seems that most everything I ship is delayed. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Jan 11Reply
berlinshop18 @chloeandlisa so true..will keep my eye on it❣️
Jan 11Reply
berlinshop18 Hi Lisa, Thank you for the 5🌟 rating, very glad you're happy with your purchase, enjoy ❣️
Jan 12Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey Welcome to Poshmark I’m Emily thanks for following if you like any of my items I lowered the prices on almost anything so create a bundle or send an offer since I’m desperate to get rid of my stuff lol Happy New Year😊☃️❄️🎉🎊
Jan 13Reply
chloeandlisa @berlinshop18 thanks for the shares!
Jan 13Reply
berlinshop18 @chloeandlisa Love a good cause❣️
Jan 13Reply
janfast Hi Lisa! Thanks for sharing my Ralph Lauren shorts! 🌸
Jan 26Reply
chloeandlisa @janfast my pleasure! Have a great day! 💕
Jan 26Reply
bettyboopertoo Thanks for sharing my tee shirt. I’ll peek into your closet and share to my followers! I hope you’ll check out the rest of my closet and share too! Bundles of 2+ always get discounts. 😊😊 Betty
Feb 11Reply
jcjones46 Thank you for visiting my closet. Whether you sell, or shop, I wish you much success, and fun. May you feel the Lord's presence near you always, comforting your heart, giving you strength during these difficult times, and bringing you and your family hope, health and happiness every day of the year. Stay safe and God bless. 🌻🌞🌼
Feb 13Reply
kylej Love Love LOVE your profile pic! Those Heart shaped glasses! I need! Are you selling them? Best, Kylej
Feb 14Reply
chloeandlisa @kylej thank you so much! I don’t have the glasses anymore. They were fun while the lasted!! 🕶🕶
Feb 14Reply
jjl0305 @chloeandlisa Hi I am Johnson thanks for sharing ❤️
Feb 21Reply
upyourstyle Hi, Lisa. I see you’ve shared from my closet so thank you for that. I’ve reciprocated and shared a few of the items that you’ve recently listed. Good luck and happy poshing!
Feb 24Reply
chloeandlisa @upyourstyle thank you so much!!
Feb 24Reply
mazyodc Hi, I’m Marianne Cummins, a Poshmark Ambassador. Some of you are long time poshers and some are new. I will do my best to assist you if you are new to Poshmark and have any questions about buying or selling. If you’ve been selling for some time I might ask you for some tips. 😄I hope you’ll visit my closet. I have a number of unique items and many vintage items. If you find anything that interests you please let me know and I’ll be happy to offer you a discount.
Feb 25Reply
deveredesigns Happy Thursday Lisa!! a fellow Posher and sweet lady, also in Florida, is going through a real struggle.....just asking my Fav Poshers to visit her closet and support. please and Thank you!! 😎🏖Have a terrific Thursday!!💕🙏
Feb 25Reply
chloeandlisa @deveredesigns Hi, Susan. Happy to help. What is her closet name?
Feb 25Reply
deveredesigns @chloeandlisa well that would be helpful wouldn't it? 😎 it's Tiarabee. Thank you soooooo much! She is really a sweet lady. 🙏😎💕
Feb 25Reply
deveredesigns @chloeandlisa Wow!! Thank you for your purchase!! I will get it to the Post Office this afternoon!! Thanks again!! 😎🏖🙏🌹💕
Feb 25Reply
chloeandlisa @deveredesigns you’re most welcome. I appreciate your ongoing support, and I love the earrings. I bought some from Tiara, too. 😉😉
Feb 25Reply
deveredesigns @chloeandlisa LOVE IT, LOVE IT!!!😎🏖🙏💕
Feb 25Reply
lakesidetrades Hi I’m Carol , my sister lives on Marco island . Sharing your beautiful closet !
Feb 27Reply
chloeandlisa @lakesidetrades thanks so much! 💕
Feb 27Reply
deveredesigns Wow! Thank you for the Awesome review!!👌 I truly appreciate it!!🙏 Thank you for shopping with me!! I hope you enjoy the beautiful earrings!! Have a blessed and wonderful week!! 😎⛱🙏💕
Mar 02Reply
janfast Hi Lisa! Thanks for sharing my Serfontaine Jeans! 👖
Mar 11Reply
chloeandlisa @janfast you’re welcome!!
Mar 11Reply
fattybow1 Thanks for sharing!🥰
Mar 14Reply
pamelatteposh @chloeandlisa thank you, Lisa!!! 🥰🌺
Mar 25Reply
chloeandlisa @pamelatteposh thank YOU! I appreciate the review! ❤️
Mar 25Reply
pamelatteposh @chloeandlisa you’re very welcome! I’ll be a repeat customer 😆❤️ xx
Mar 25Reply
us514_lenab Thanks so much for the support, Lisa!! Have urself a fab day!!❤️
Apr 14Reply
chloeandlisa @us514_lenab you’re so welcome. Have a great day, too!!
Apr 14Reply
mpenn Hi and thanks for sharing my closet on Posh! Love the manequin! ❤️Check out my closet for lots of items that are reduced. Select 5 of the $5 items for only $15! ❤️❤️❤️Have a great day!
Apr 27Reply
dondees_ace How cute❣️ Lived in burbs of Chicago and was just in Naples, currently live in SoFla❣️ LOVE your closet...Best to Chloe 🤗💕💕💕
May 02Reply
greenbaypackers Morning 🌅. Thanks 🙏🏾 for the share. Happily shared back😃😃😃!!! Have a great 👍🏼 day!!!!
May 02Reply
chloeandlisa @dondees_ace thank you!! I LOVE South Florida! Happy poshing to you and have a wonderful day!!
May 02Reply
soosiez Cute closet, cute Posher👍 Bravos! Looks like we are similar in age but your humor is ageless😆⭐️😉
Jun 25Reply
chloeandlisa @soosiez thank you!! Cheers to living life out loud!! 👍💕👍
Jun 25Reply
soosiez @chloeandlisa Ha Ha!!! That’s the best spirit for a razzle dazzle cheerleader 🎊🎉📣
Jun 25Reply
seastylethrift Hi there, I have dropped the Miz Mooz Boots the my lowest I can take, sorry but I can not take any lower than advertised price
Jun 29Reply
chloeandlisa @seastylethrift Thanks for your response. No problem. 👍👍
Jun 29Reply
evette212 🙏🏽 Merci beaucoup! You are very kind!
Jul 03Reply
chloeandlisa @evette212 no, thank YOU! It’s such a great top, mate!
Jul 04Reply
southdrawl good morning, thanks so much for sharing from my closet! I love your profile pictures, so fun!🙂
Jul 09Reply
chloeandlisa @southdrawl you’re welcome, and thank YOU so much!! 💕💕
Jul 09Reply
boromaca Hi! Thanks for sharing!! Bobbi 😊
Jul 18Reply
poshibilitiesx3 Thank you for sharing my item, especially since it led me to your closet. Love it!🥰
Jul 29Reply
chloeandlisa @clgbndkds3 you’re welcome! Thanks for the share backs! Have a great day!! 💕💕
Jul 29Reply
mi_vida_hermosa You two are ADORABLE 😆🙌🙌 I adore your personality already. Thank you for the follow... your closets amazing 😘😘😘
Sep 06Reply
tatnaples Hi Lisa & Chloe! Thanks bunches for your follow and support, happy Poshing 💜 Tamala
Oct 19Reply
littlepeachxo hi ! ^^ i have a variety of listings & all earnings from my closet go to a child abuse survivor to help them heal. -peach ♡.
Nov 29Reply
sweetpeacin Hi Lisa. Thank you for the follow and the shares. I really appreciate it. Happy Poshing! 🙂
Feb 16Reply
eastsidesusan @chloeandlisa Thanks for your purchase Lisa! Those earrings are soooo stinkin' cute! Getting them ready NOW & will ship by lunchtime PST. -S♥︎
Mar 09Reply
chloeandlisa @eastsidesusan thank you so much! I look forward to adding them to my collection! 💕
Mar 09Reply
eastsidesusan @chloeandlisa We’re all set. Posh generated a 3 day label but the earrings are now winging their way to you! ✨📦✨
Mar 10Reply
chloeandlisa @eastsidesusan thank you!! 💕
Mar 10Reply
eastsidesusan @chloeandlisa I’m thrilled you love the earrings! Thanks so much for shopping with me and for the sweet words/5 stars/ speedy acceptance of your parcel! 😘 -Susan
Mar 15Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Apr 30Reply
chloeandlisa @sandydallison my pleasure. Thank you for the shares!
May 01Reply
cutehosiery @chloeandlisa Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 18Reply
chloeandlisa @cutehosiery thank you see much!! 💕💕💕
May 18Reply
steve4art Thank you for the follow…
May 22Reply
chloeandlisa @steve4art 👍you’re welcome.
May 22Reply
thethrillofit Lisa, thank you so much for your purchase of the two ESCADA tops. When the floral one was examined closely before packing, a spot was noticed on the front.. how would you like this handled? would you like to choose another top (free, of course) for me to include in your shipment with the other top… or would you like me to refund your money for the floral top when I send the other top ?
Jun 06Reply
chloeandlisa @thethrillofit hi. Can you comment in the bundle and attach a picture of the spot, please. Thank you.
Jun 06Reply
chloeandlisa @tutuwig great wigs!!
Aug 25Reply
nylifeaccess Hi dear, thank you very much to check out and following or share my closet. Just would like to let you know my closet is doing BUNDLE discount “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” and $25/3. Welcome to shop at my closet. Wish you have a wonderful day ;)
Dec 03Reply
krystalmcc1621 Thank you for following me. I just visited your closet to follow you and share some of your 👚items 👖with my followers. Have a wonderful day 🌞and many sales!
May 30Reply
krystalmcc1621 Also nice to met Chloe. I have Judith Anne.
May 30Reply
chloeandlisa @krystalmcc1621 thank you so much!!! Happy selling to you!!
May 30Reply
rllittle1 Thanks for sharing my closet. Open to offers!! Happy poshing!!!
Oct 26Reply
stephstyle22 hi! wanted to tell you all J McLaughlin pieces are bundle 3, get 50% off total!
Feb 25Reply

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