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Updated 17 hours ago
Updated 17 hours ago

10/$25 dvds & cds more @bethtrusel

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lillievonstoop1 Thank you for the follow 🌠
Apr 23Reply
myday529 Hi Reggie, Thanks for following me. I'm having an awesome 50% off bundles of 3 or more item's sale if you would like to cruise through my closet. Have a wonderful day!
Apr 24Reply
fluffy143 What a cutie pie.... I LOVE MY MITTENS ALSO
Apr 27Reply
heyboisechic Amazing collection!!! Great taste!
Apr 29Reply
michelleskorner Hi Reggie. Thank you for visiting my closet. I just want to say what a beautiful furr baby, so regal. 🐈👑
Apr 30Reply
zardiva1 😃😘🐱
Apr 30Reply
traceyreynol558 @reggietruselwa love your t-shirts!
May 01Reply
healingbeauty What we need is Love sweet Love to guide and protect us All 💜🎶🎵🎶 May we All rise and heal together as One 💙🌳🌎🌳💙
May 01Reply
rosemastellone Hi Reggie, Thanks for following my closet and I've shared some of your great items. Wow, such an adorable kitty! Cats are so amazing especially how they squeeze into the smallest spaces. At your convenience, browse by my closet as I have cute cat pics too. Much success, stay safe and happy poshing,
May 03Reply
chickadee7237 Hi and thanks for the follow 😊! I ❤️❤️ your kitty! So handsome! Have a great day!
May 03Reply
nicholepruitt73 hi pretty girl😍 please accept this $3 credit to shop my closet today. If u make a purchase of 2 or more items I will give u 15 % off your entire purchase and give u a FREE gift valued at $10😍 LIMITED TIME OFFER FREE 3 PK OF MEDICAL GLOVES WITH EVERY ORDER
May 06Reply
mysusieque Beautiful cat! 😻
May 08Reply
justshares It’s important to share! Poshmark is like a bunch of sellers shuffling items/posts in order to make a connection to possible buyers. If you don’t share others are less inclined to share you to their fanbase. With that said, I always share; but am less inclined to share people with no shares. (I share minimally those who don’t share) Just trying to help, good luck.
May 08Reply
tommyrider33 Nice Closet Reggie ~ Keep on Poshin' !! 😊👍
May 09Reply
rebeccaspowers Super cool closet! 😎 Really enjoyed perusing your tees! I shared a few for quick sale! Best of luck! Rebecca
May 15Reply
pamwali Thanks for the Shares 🌺 totally appreciated!!! My motto is Sharing is Caring!!! Let’s continue to help each other WIN!!! 😃
May 16Reply
stoneaged Beautiful cat!!
May 21Reply
thomaskatiep You have a kick ass collection of Harley t-shirts. Obviously y’all have been everywhere to get these shirts. Don’t they have sentimental value? I would send them off to have quilt made. I had all my husband fraternity shirts made into a quilt. It’s bad ass! They can put them in order of each rally or however you want it. Just an idea...
May 22Reply
kitkatt1026 Adorable ❤️😻😘😘
May 23Reply
hauteresale Thanks for the follow Reggie! Love the photo!. 🙏🏻😊😷
May 25Reply
kasmaj Hey girl thanks for the follow ! Feel free to ask me any question about my closet ! Best of luck 😊💜🌈
May 27Reply
pixiedustpj what a gorgeous cat! Absolutely beautiful.❤
May 31Reply
fashionicon2020 Hi Reggie! Nice to meet u here @PM😀Your cat could be the twin of my former cat Baby-looks just like her! Happy Poshing! And wishing many sales🤑👕👖👟🧢Cheers-Michelle 🌺
Jun 10Reply
claireleslie07 Oh my love that kitty!
Jun 10Reply
reggietruselwa @claireleslie07 thank you his name is Zola
Jun 10Reply
reggietruselwa @fashionicon2020 hi there that’s Zola & he has a twin sister!
Jun 10Reply
claireleslie07 @reggietruselwa he looks like one of mine!
Jun 10Reply
reggietruselwa @claireleslie07 he has a twin sister also!
Jun 10Reply
claireleslie07 @reggietruselwa post more pics of them! Lol
Jun 10Reply
eriley755 Love love LOVE your profile kitty!! 😻 😻 😻 😻 😻 😻 😻 😻 😻 😻 😻 😻 😻 😻 😻
Jun 13Reply
greatbunnini Hey Reggie! Thank you so much for following me. Super appreciate it. Wishing you lots of sales. Hoppy Poshing! 🐰
Jun 14Reply
thehippiesden ✌️❤️Happy Poshing
Jun 26Reply
momof2boys621 Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East & hijab friendly clothing 💕
Jun 29Reply
pwacket Reggie is so sweet looking & handsome!! ❤️🐾🐾 G
Jul 01Reply
catoutthehndbag Beautiful kitty! 😊❤😻
Jul 04Reply
caninowbe hello my name is Katherine Vandall.. I love to buy new baby clothes for my reborns babies ( dolls painted to look like real babies). I need to sale some of their chothes because I need the money..I will have woman's chothes also some miscellaneous items.. please come check out my closet Have a wonderful day or night which ever it maybe.
Jul 08Reply
eviternity_vtg Hi! Poshmark closed out the case so I can't comment on it - but thank you! I love the print of the dress, hopefully someone else will get to enjoy it ❤ I'd definitely say it's probably best fit for a 4 or maybe a 6.
Jul 11Reply
kessandtill thank you so much for the shares! I'm brand new to Poshmark and I appreciate all the sharing! ☺️ love all your HD pieces! 🏍️
Jul 14Reply
reggietruselwa @kessandtill you’re welcome...I have learned that with more sharing comes more sales
Jul 14Reply
kessandtill @reggietruselwa Good to know! I'm trying to learn the ropes! 👍🏼 thanks for the tip! ☺️
Jul 14Reply
docspot You have a very nice looking closet.if you would take a look at mine I would appreciate it. I have created a YouTube channel called doc at the barn Snyder. please check it out and's been designed to help us all on the online sales business. thank you for your support. happy poshering.!!!
Jul 24Reply
docspot I just want you to know how nice your closet looks and if you could be so kind could you look at mine. also, I have a YouTube channel called doc at the barn Snyder . it's been designed to help us all with our on my business please look at it and if you like it please subscribe thank you so much
Jul 25Reply
nyfashionstore Can you check out my closet? 💕💕💕
Jul 27Reply
purplepixiemom 🍒🧚‍♀️Wishing you🍒Happy Prosperous Poshing!🍒
Jul 30Reply
shpmelissagrace Love to see another cat lover 🤗 thanks for the follow and shares! Happy posing! 🙃
Jul 31Reply
reggietruselwa @cthomp513 yes you’re welcome I’ve got 4 fur babies
Jul 31Reply
thelife67 I like your closet bro!
Aug 17Reply
gigimom6 Beautiful kitty❤️
Aug 23Reply
beachhat thanks for the share!
Aug 23Reply
brandi_sails Thank you so much for the follow! I really appreciate it. Good luck in your sales. 😁 Have a beautiful day! 🌺🌊
Aug 23Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Sep 11Reply
rivasue Wow Zola is so pretty. Two longhairs put 2 others, lots of hairball remedy I imagine. I have 6 kitties & 2 dogs myself.
Sep 21Reply
debmontes Thank you for sharing my post 🙏😉💋
Sep 26Reply
reggietruselwa @debmontes you’re welcome
Sep 26Reply
lina82 Thank you for the follow and shares!!!
Sep 30Reply
reggietruselwa @lina82 thank you too
Sep 30Reply
dajameshop Hello and thank you for following us. 😊Check our closet out, we have low prices. Bundles of 4 or more get an automatic 15% discount. I’m also excited to see your closet! Happy Poshing! 💞 DajameShop
Oct 04Reply
stephaniebal124 Hello, thank you for the follow. And thank you for checking out my closet and sharing. I will do the same.
Oct 11Reply
wildbluemontana Thanks for all the shares--greatly appreciate.
Oct 24Reply
reggietruselwa @wildbluemontana absolutely... hope it helps good luck poshn
Oct 25Reply
janfast Hi Reggie! Thanks for following my closet and sharing my listings! 🌸
Oct 28Reply
specialplace Thank you for taking the time to look through my closet and sharing some items you like. Stay safe!
Oct 31Reply
shelbix Super cool closet! Wishing you many sales! Thanks for the shares 💗 happy Poshing! 🌸😊
Nov 09Reply
dlmsbms Thanks for sharing my closet. Hope we sell a lot!
Nov 14Reply
reggietruselwa @dlmsbms anytime...good luck!
Nov 14Reply
riverson3 Love your closet!! Feel free to check out my closet and two wedding videography businesses!!!! Tis the season to Posh!!! 💍😍🌻
Nov 21Reply
danielebele Thank you for sharing😊💕
Nov 22Reply
reggietruselwa @danielebele thank you as well
Nov 22Reply
danielebele Thanks for all the shares😂💕💕
Nov 25Reply
eljopee Such a great picture of such a pretty kitty 😻
Jan 14Reply
silviabauer That is one gorgeous kitty cat you got there!
Jan 28Reply
reggietruselwa @silviabauer Thank you he was a rescue (I have 4 from humane...)
Jan 28Reply
silviabauer @reggietruselwa Well I will be truthful that is why I would like to have that Snuggie because I personally have six dogs and my boyfriend has a cat so it’s quite interesting and fun around here LOL
Jan 28Reply
silviabauer Sorry that’s supposed to say eight cats
Jan 28Reply
dorothy_wirth Thank you for viewing my closet it is greatly appreciated. Be well........Dorothy 💜
Feb 21Reply
carmenwoollums Thank you for the follow 💛 God bless ✝️
Mar 13Reply
dorothy_wirth Thank you for viewing my closet it is greatly appreciated. Be safe.....Dorothy 💜
Mar 13Reply
racesdragons awww... I love your kitty! and your closet! I have pictures of my maine coone up, me & him are bestest buddies! I can tell you love yours too 💕😽💕
Mar 21Reply
reggietruselwa @racesdragons wow what a beautiful baby you have! I noticed you went to Chico state, I’m a Humboldt alumni and remember how fun it was to go over for pioneer days (daze)
Mar 21Reply
reggietruselwa @racesdragons btw I have 4 rescue kitties... Zola is pictured on my homepage, he’s a blast! I entered him on America’s favorite pet because he’s very photogenic and loves laying upside down. It’s nice to meet you and hope you enjoy poshn
Mar 21Reply
elmocunningham Thanks for sharing my listings!
Mar 22Reply
2ndfeature 🧚🏾✨✨I love your closet!! Just stopping by to wish you many many sales! ✨✨🧚🏾
Mar 27Reply
cjnwa Thanks for all the shares. I truly appreciate it. Happy Poshing : )
Mar 27Reply
kayjun_girl Love your closet ❤️
Mar 27Reply
brittanyhabli Hi! Could you offer me a bundle on the two I liked? Vegas and Hawaii men’s HD shirts? Thanks
Jun 02Reply
reggietruselwa @dsetterfield Hi there, I have 4 rescues (Zola has a brother and 2 sisters) lol...
Jun 06Reply
sweetbearpea Hi! I’m just leaving on vacation for a week and wanted to let you know that I have so much H-D clothing and memorabilia in my closet. I’ll be adding so much more when I return. Anything in particular you are looking for? Have a fabulous week 😎
Jun 23Reply
dman339901 Thank you for sharing!! 😀👋 Have a wonderful week!
Jun 29Reply
jlhd Love the kitty. Just love kitties - I have 7.
Jul 13Reply
bohobutterfly77 Zola is precious!!❤️
Jul 31Reply
bigred2019 Hi what a neat closet! Shared quite a few items! Thanx for stopping by my closet. ❤️🐝🌺🇺🇸
Aug 15Reply
chop50 great closet !!👌
Aug 22Reply
mickey3d Thank you for sharing my closet
Aug 22Reply
j2security Thanks for the shares!!!!!
Nov 06Reply
reggietruselwa @j2security absolutely! You have an awesome closet
Nov 06Reply
lopezvailjeyler how much for the cat
Jan 13Reply
jennifereveart Hi Zola!🎁🎁🥰🥰😘😘💖💖🙂
Jan 27Reply
okiesales2 Hi Zola, thanks for the follow and all the shares. I love your Harley-Davidson items. You’ll do well with them on PM. We’re having to sell all our HD and bike items as we can no longer ride due to medical. Have a great day! 😊
Jan 28Reply
gigisoma Hi sweetie, thanks for all the shares💋
Mar 05Reply
reggietruselwa @gigisoma absolutely! Have a wonderful weekend
Mar 05Reply
hooliganhyde111 much appreciated 👊
Mar 05Reply
gigisoma @reggietruselwa You too, keep in touch😎
Mar 05Reply
reggietruselwa @gigisoma hopefully my shares will help you make more sales… good luck and have FUN!!!
Mar 06Reply
clpink2 Hi! Thanks for the shares!
May 14Reply
reggietruselwa @lucky07354 you bet hope you have a great day
May 15Reply
gregnrona Thanks Zola for peering into to see my cats and closet.
May 21Reply
pugsinparadise That is one beautiful cat! ❤❤❤
May 30Reply
emilymckune thanks for the share :) happy poshing!
May 30Reply
irenecase Hi, Nice to meet you ! 🌸. ☘️. 🌸. Swing by anytime and say, “ Hello” ….and if there’s anything you’d like to see more of in my closet let me know ! Or if you have any questions just ask. ~ Happy Spring 🌷 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
Jun 11Reply
gigisoma Hey sweetie, thanks for all the love💋Gigi
Jul 04Reply
xojfly Nice meeting you!! Let’s sell stuff!!
Jul 29Reply
stocktonlaw100 Hi favorite shoppers, I'm currently running a sale pick any 10 items $12.00 & under for $40.00
Aug 02Reply
swscraftshop Hello 🖐Thanks for Following my Closet! Feel Free to Leave Comment or Shop my Closet! If you see anything you want but don't ❤ the price make an Offer! Most Offers 💰 accepted! Thank You! Wishing You Great Sells!! 🙂Happy Poshing!!
Aug 05Reply
lamarquez16 Hello, I appreciate the follow. I'm new to selling but not new to buying on Poshmark. I started this adventure with my daughter as a means to spend quality time together. We have a variety of clothes for women, men, and youth boys. We shared some items from your closet and we hope you can do the same Happy Poshing
Sep 05Reply
donna_woodward omg so cute 😍
Sep 16Reply
mysusieque What a handsome cat!
Dec 03Reply
reggietruselwa @mysusieque I know right, lol, thanks so much everybody loves Zola, I've even got offers for him
Dec 03Reply
mysusieque @reggietruselwa hahaha…not even for a billion dollars!
Dec 03Reply
reggietruselwa @mysusieque no doubt ! he also has a twin sister but she is camera shy (for real, it's hilarious)
Dec 03Reply
mysusieque @reggietruselwa hysterical! Happy Poshing!!!
Dec 03Reply
cutehosiery @reggietruselwa Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jan 17Reply
marywilliams130 Hi this is Mary 😊 thank you for following my closet 😊
Jan 22Reply
tymetravler Thanks for the follow! I am looking forward to clearing out my closets to make room for New! —Kelly
Jan 23Reply
pinkgables Thanks so much for following! I hope you’ll stop by and browse My Closet often!! 😊 Kathy of Pink Gables
Feb 26Reply
maehekkg10 Hey there!!! Hope you're doing awesome! I just wanted to drop by to share an inside news with you... I HAVE A VERY EXCITING OFFER dropping super super soon. IT'S GONNA BE A CRAZY ONE! If there's something you like from my closet, go ahead and create your bundles and wait for THE DAY 😍 Thankyou for following my closet ✨
Mar 11Reply
galore2020 Hi R T: I want to drop you a note to let you know that I have recently listed a bunch of muumuu. I see that you reside in HI so these muumuu may come in handy. Come visit my closet and take a look at the muumuu and other listings. Happy Poshing!
Mar 15Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Apr 05Reply
oldesires Hello, WELCOME & THANK YOU for your “follow or like(s)”. Please feel free to visit, scroll, make an offer or just ask?’s. Hoping your Posh adventure is fun & successful.
Aug 02Reply
lynnettechamber Hi just wanted to stop by and let you know if you by chance see anything you like in my closet, I 99% of the time take the offer thrown my way. I’m also having a sale of buy 3 baby items for 15 plus discounted shipping. I will always work with people on price. Hope to see your name again. Have a wonderful weekend and have fun Poshing. 😁❤️🎉
Apr 07Reply
krystalmcc1621 👋Thank you for following me. I just visited your 👚closet 👖to follow you and share some of your 👜 items 👟 with my followers. Have a wonderful day☀️and many 🧾sales 🎉!!
Jun 03Reply
dancewithgrace Hi, thanks for your interest in my Dead box set. $35 is a great deal, the set is basically new, most of the CDs have never been played. But it can be yours for $35. Happy 4th, Cindi
Jul 06Reply
reggietruselwa @dancewithgrace thanx yeah I got anot11 or 12 on top w tax and shipping
Jul 06Reply
reggietruselwa thanks again! fyi I AM A SERIOUS DEAD COLLECTOR...
Jul 06Reply
reggietruselwa I have all and still listen to them daily but thought it would be nice to have a pristine collection. Unfortunately I've been trying to complete my lp collection which is where I'm spending
Jul 06Reply
dancewithgrace love your kitty!
Jul 08Reply
mollys3 That is the cutest little face!! 💕🩵
Aug 11Reply
debimom Gorgeous kittykatmowmow!! Thankyounfor the bundle offer of Levis shirt & hangers.. can you please advise how $ a bundle of the Levi's shirt & the Gray Harley l/s shirt would be? ( with hangers = $?, without hangers $?). we really don't need any hangers honestly. Thankyou. Haven't answered offer yet pending your reply.
Sep 21Reply
reggietruselwa @debimom normally 20 on the 2 shirts. hangers are free I'm trying to give away . would do 18
Sep 21Reply
chrissy2529 Thank you for your purchase ❤️ we are shipping your order out Monday 12/23/24
Dec 23Reply
lhays3 Good morning, thanks for checking out my closet and liking the records would love to make a deal with you on them. Feel free to send me a counter offer if you’re still interested. Thanks!
Dec 24Reply
lhays3 Sorry we couldn’t make a deal on the records. Hope you have a nice holiday!
Dec 24Reply
cantposhthis1 SPECIAL GUEST INVITE!! ITS CLOSET CLEAR OUT for a limited time which means ALL items are 30% off single items or 50% on a bundle! FREE SHIPPING on $85+…Happy Poshing!!!
Jan 04Reply
xxtreasures4uxx Hello. The Best of Joe Walsh Gatefold Vinyl LP Album and Supertramp "Crime Of The Century" Vinyl LP Album sold earlier in the day and are no longer available. I’ll hold off on your offer until you have a chance to reply back. Thank you.
Jan 22Reply
xxtreasures4uxx Did you still want the Genesis Album? I noticed it wasn’t included in your revised bundle.
Jan 22Reply
xxtreasures4uxx Good morning. Just an FYI…….your package exceeds the 5 lb. package limit. I will need to add an additional $14 to cover the shipping over 5 lbs. If you’re ok with that, the total will be $74. Any questions, feel free to message me. I’m going to send your offer for you to accept should you wish to proceed. Thank you:
Jan 22Reply
xxtreasures4uxx Hi. In going over your most recent order, the final weight will be approximately 7 lbs. Poshmark charges a standard shipping fee of $7.97 for up to 5 lbs. Anything over 5 lbs. is charged on a pro-rated basis by Poshmark. In this case, Poshmark would charge an additional $9 for the extra 2 lbs. over the 5 lb. standard weight limit. Doing it this way is $16.97. However, if you split the order in half and place 2 separate orders, the shipping is $15.94
Jan 24Reply
xxtreasures4uxx I’ll let you decide which option you prefer. I placed a note on your package from your first order. Should you wish to reach out to discuss, feel free to do so. I’ll hold off on shipping this current order until you have had time think it over. Have a nice evening.
Jan 24Reply
xxtreasures4uxx The following vinyl LP albums are currently being offered via auction and have active bids. I would be willing to pull them from auction for you if you wish to purchase at their current respective bids which I have noted next to each title.
Jan 25Reply
xxtreasures4uxx Bob Marley & The Wailers The Birth Of A Legend Double Vinyl LP Album $15 Electric Light Orchestra Face The Music 180 Gram Vinyl LP Album - New/Sealed $25 Jethro Tull “A Passion Play” Gatefold Vinyl LP Album 1973 $14 Jethro Tull Thick As A Brick Gatefold Vinyl LP Album 1972 $15
Jan 25Reply
xxtreasures4uxx The other albums within your current offer are available without any restrictions. However, I would like $10 for the Queen album.
Jan 25Reply
xxtreasures4uxx I think I’m running out of albums that I can let go for $5 each. However, the good news is I found the other Santana album. I’ll get that shipped out to you on your next order. Let me know when you receive the package with the attached note.
Jan 29Reply

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