Scammer Alert!!
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@ohhsoexquite sent her my iPhone thing u can see in my closet. Just went to look at her closet all I have to say is wow! 02/12/12

36 others
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This makes me sooo mad that she would do that. Still haven't got my stuff from her either but something told me that she was a scammer & that's y I told her I would send her items once I got hers...smh I'm sorry this happened to u girl. I've had it done to me & I know how u feel :(
Jan 05Reply

@heatherj73 yea I gave up on receiving Anything back I just hope she don't scam more people :(
Jan 08Reply

Ooh dang I was gonna trade with her a while back.. Glad I didn't
Jan 08Reply

@alleybaby9 I know she sucks
Jan 08Reply

I had a problem with her too!!
Jan 08Reply

Thanks for the tip. I blocked her. This is specifically why I put a feedback listing in my closet so people would feel comfortable doing transactions with me. It's a shame people abuse posh
Jan 09Reply

@chelsea200 :(
Jan 09Reply

@tiff_badal good!! People like that make mi sick. Don't mean to be ugly I just don't want her to scam more people :)
Jan 09Reply

I agree and we need to keep an eye out for scammers cause they ruin this awesome site/app for the rest of us
Jan 09Reply

Thank you and I am sorry this happened to you. Can we complain somewhere so she is blocked from the site. I feel sorry for she. She is sick and a scammer.
Jan 09Reply

@tiff_badal yes ma'am we do
Jan 09Reply

@newclothesforme thank you :) and it's okay I will learn from it. I'm not sure I've blocked her and reported her on her closet don't know how much that does to her :/
Jan 09Reply

I can't find her. Maybe she got kicked off.
Jan 09Reply

@newclothesforme let me try to tag her on here
Jan 09Reply

Jan 09Reply

I found her if you put in ohhso how do you block?
Jan 09Reply

@newclothesforme if u get In her closet press the top right corner and it will give u the option
Jan 09Reply

Did it. Thank you. I'm glad I took the time in your closet :)
Jan 09Reply

@newclothesforme good! 😃
Jan 09Reply

Thanx for the heads up it ruins it for the rest of us
Jan 09Reply

Thank you for sharing this information!
Jan 10Reply

Thanks for sharing sweets
Jan 10Reply

@tracyh15332 glad to help 😊
Jan 10Reply

@pupkins no problem ☺
Jan 10Reply

Sharing this to all my followers :)
Jan 10Reply

@jezza122488 good girl!! 😊
Jan 10Reply

@liliana8 glad to help! Tag me if u see any more scammer alerts pls!
Jan 10Reply

@jezza122488 sure will girl 😉
Jan 10Reply

@liliana8 byw i need tips on how to trade. Im new here in posh and would like to trade my items
Jan 10Reply

@jezza122488 if its an even trade u can mark it to 0 and they do the same then u purchase so u only pay shipping
Jan 10Reply

Oh i see thanks :)
Jan 10Reply

What if im trading three items with her one item do i put all three items in one listing?
Jan 10Reply

@jezza122488 yes put all 3 things on one listing and add them to the description
Jan 10Reply

Thanks for the help girl!
Jan 10Reply

@jezza122488 no problem happy to help 😃 good luck 😉
Jan 10Reply

I tried to Find her and Block her but said page can't be found. Thanks for the heads up.
Jan 10Reply

Thanks for the tip!
Jan 11Reply

@harmonycouture no problem :)
Jan 11Reply

@jmalter7 oh good I hope they kick her out :)
Jan 11Reply

That's ridiculous. I don't understand why people would want to get on here and make a deal with no intentions of following through with it, just tacky! I wouldn't stress about it, you get what you give... It'll come back to bite her in the a$$.
Jan 15Reply

@ohitsbecca amen to that :)
Jan 15Reply

@ccm2862 I traded my iPhone case and charger adapter one of them is BCBG. By the way love your juicy glasses :)
Jan 17Reply

I just thought I'd let everyone know that I just tried to get on her closet to block her but it said profile cannot be found!!!!! Glad we got rid of her. We don't need people like that!!!!!!
Jan 21Reply

@cristienicole91 yay!!!!! That's awesome thank you for the information :))
Jan 21Reply

No problem hun!!! I sure don't want to deal with someone like her.
Jan 21Reply

@cristienicole91 she's not blocked :( look at my closet at my BCBG leopard print phone case she is in the comments
Jan 21Reply

@liliana8 I wonder why it's not letting me on her profile??
Jan 21Reply

Ok I found her :) I blocked and reported her. I'll share your experience!!!
Jan 21Reply

@cristienicole91 I guess I just spelled her name wrong when I tried to tag her
Jan 21Reply

@cristienicole91 okay good :))
Jan 21Reply

You poor thing ;(
Jan 21Reply

Hi, I'm new here. How to block, or tag here?
Jan 22Reply

@alexiafaye aww it's okay I learn from my mistakes :)
Jan 22Reply

@samantha1383 hey girl! Go in my closet find the BCBG phone cover/wallet and u can find her in the comments it's @ohh something go in her closet clic the top right corner and block :)
Jan 22Reply

Thank you!
Jan 22Reply

@samantha1383 your welcome hope it helped
Jan 22Reply

Yah.... it helped. Especially for a new posher like me. I've been on poshmark maybe only a week or so.
Jan 22Reply

So, what? Can someone receive my items & I not get paid for them or what happened?
Jan 23Reply

Hey girl! Someone started to follow me today so I check out their closet and it was that guy teryn, I saw that you wanted to buy his ray ban folding wayfarer sunglasses, I don't know if you are still interested but I am letting you know that they are not polarized, even though he says they are, I commented on his pic to make sure other people see but I just wanted to let you know! I work at a Sunglass hut lol if they were polarized they would have "ray ban p" lasered into the lens instead of just "ray ban" like his are. I mean they seem real so if them not being polarized is okay then I would say go for it! If they were really polarized they would be close to $200 dollars, at least at my store lol just letting you know girl! Happy poshing! 🎀 @liliana8
Jan 24Reply

@nicoleee91 you are so sweet girl for taking the time to let me know thank you so much 😊
Jan 24Reply

Anytime girl! Anything for an honest fellow posher! 😊🎀 @liliana8 and thank you for the shares too!
Jan 24Reply

So glad i came across this! I'm new to posh and pretty nervous to do any transactions because of these evil scammers!!! Any tips to find out if someone is a potential scammer? HELP!
Feb 20Reply

@monaferg @ashleighdxo hey girls yes it's very sinking that there are people like this I just can't understand 😣 lol but I'm glad this helped 😃 happy pushing love to fined honest people I will share some or y'all's things 💖💖
Feb 20Reply

@dalion is a scammer paid her 150 for an iPhone and never heard from her again...prior to that i bought a pair of uggs that took forever (3 weeks) to get (she claimed the post office lost them but that "THANK GOD" she had "insured them" and FINALLY sent them out). Stupid me.. i gave her the benefit of the doubt & did business with her again since she said she desperately needed the money for her sons bday and i wanted to gift the iPhone to my own stepson...BIG mistake! We communicated via text and email for a while she gave me the run around then stopped responding and conveniently deleted her listings....tried calling the number i had for her its a textfree account and today I googled her real name Anette Riggins and found out she's a convicted felon that was arrested in 2005 for possession of stolen merchandise. I have started my research and the UGGS she sold were fake ($100). She even has a mugshot and it's the same as her old PM pic!(973) 432-9948 is this woman's textfree number, she lives in New Jersey and heres a link to her mugshot (im going crazy copy/pasting this story because i work hard for my money and my poor stepson was really looking forward to his phone):
Feb 26Reply

Thank you for the info/alert.!
Be safe ladies.! I'm saying good bye to trades as well.! Just had a bad experience. :(
Feb 27Reply

@wendy718 thank you for the information that's I'd terrible :/
Feb 27Reply

@alisniemont your welcome! It sucks that we can't just rust people :/ good luck girl
Feb 27Reply

@liliana8 yes it is but I already filed a police report and reported the fraud to the USPS now jut waiting for pp to hopefully refund my money
Feb 27Reply

@wendy718 oh man hopefully u get it all soon so sorry that happens to u
Feb 27Reply

Thank you for posting this. I blocked the ohhso chick and the other that someone mentioned was a scammer. People who scam are disgusting.😑
Mar 14Reply

@pumpk1npie you are welcome yes it's very sad that people do this
Mar 14Reply

Sorry that happened to you.I just went to her page & blocked her just incase.I never seen that user before or followed them.Thanks for the heads up.Hope poshmark would delete someone like that off the site.
Apr 05Reply

@ nadiacianca is also a scammer! Scammed more than four people out of $300-$500! She tried to get me to trade my Ray-Bans but I was warned! Report her!
May 17Reply

@nena2013 yes girl it's absolutely disgusting that people can do that it's been a long time but I never forget till this moment I'm scared to trade it's crazy because I know there are honest people out there but u just never know 😏
Jun 10Reply

I trade with @ohsoexquisite too! She scammed me also and tons of people. She has lots of scam alerts. This lady is ridiculous! She needs to me stopped! It makes me so upset how low people can be. They must be so desperate.
Jul 13Reply

Jul 13Reply

Jul 13Reply

Updates? Same person, place..spelled ohhsoexquisite. Name that she lists..Bianca Collins.
Jun 28Reply

@tissue thank god haven't heard anything about that person girl but I would definitely stay away :)
Jun 28Reply

I found 2 listings for her. Spelling is different by one h. She's still operating! I don't trade so that eliminates that scenario. Be well and careful.
Jun 29Reply

@yummyhunnymarie oh my gosh so glad to help!! Good luck 😊
Jul 24Reply

@yummyhunnymarie if not karma will get her :)
Jul 24Reply

@yummyhunnymarie amen sister 😊
Jul 24Reply
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