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A lady is so much more than the clothes she wears...a gentle reminder and a literary dose of Xanax or Zen or Love or..whatever you would like to call it..and a big thanks to @thanhie for the great awareness story 'The little old lady and the Taxi'..🌿💓💗💓🌿

189 others
like this

@erikayua 😘
Jan 05Reply

Jan 05Reply

Jan 05Reply

@lovedana tu!😘
Jan 05Reply

I love this! So unfortunate that some people do not heed these guidelines😔...some people are such bullies! You're a doll and I'm pleased to meet you! 😘💋
Jan 05Reply

@ghazal21 😘tu! 😘
Jan 05Reply

@missaisha555 😘tu!
Jan 05Reply

Love it!!! Simply well said.
Jan 05Reply

@lamariela2012 thank you! 😘
Jan 05Reply

@enigma BRAVISSSIMO!!!
Jan 05Reply

@koko65 thank you!😘😘
Jan 05Reply

Perfect ❤
Jan 05Reply

@drgardner 😘😘
Jan 05Reply

Beautifully said and I wholeheartedly agree!! 😘😘😘 maybe in the 4th post, mention the old lady and taxi story? I think it is a definite lifechanger!
Jan 05Reply

@thanhie oh! Good idea!! I will need to get all my forks out again, for my little etiquette photo-set...hehe..because I don't even have a little old lady or a taxi..pondering..pondering..😘😘😘😘😘
Jan 05Reply

@ceege's very sad..but it also makes you step back into awareness, and that is beautiful!! @thanhie recommended this the other day, when I was a bit !! frustrated and it took my blood pressure to calm, in just moments😘😘
Jan 06Reply

👏👏👏👏 I need your advise/opinion? I found an item on someone's account that I very much like but it's over priced $20. I remember looking for the item for myself in stores it's was only $25 but never could find my size. I don't want to be rude to the seller but she's ripping the followers off.
Jan 06Reply

@shenachanel hi hon.Thank you. I wouldn't do anything, why cause silly drama? It's her listing, and there may be some reason for her pricing, (limited edition, sold out color or style, she may be on the edge of wanting to sell or not..). Pricing is up to the seller and most PM buyers are extremely savvy, and know their way around to google comparative pricing..posh on😘😘
Jan 06Reply

@shenachanel hon..I read your post with my first sip of coffee..(lazy Sunday!) was still sleepy..hehe..if you like the item..why don't you just make her an offer..say hi, I love this..can you do $ ?😘as long as it's reasonable, you wouldn't upset anyone..😘😘
Jan 06Reply

Lol you are funny! Yea I was just curious bc I guess I am just an honest person. I donate all my clothes to my parents church and never really used posh til recently and I don't have the heart to rip people off you know? I might try that and see what happens. Thanks!
Jan 06Reply

@shenachanel Weekend mornings! With PM and coffee, in bed..ahhhh!!😘 Love!!😘
Jan 06Reply

Jan 06Reply

@jojo12 😘😘😘
Jan 06Reply

Utterly phenomenal! 💞
Jan 07Reply

@tribalsister thank you😘
Jan 07Reply

@enigma love this post! And the beautiful settin for the "old lady and taxi" story! You also improved my vocabulary. I've never even heard of belletristic! Keep spreading the love and you are making a positive impact bcs it changes an outlook and makes someone think twice. 👏👏👏
@ceege I agree, it is heartbreaking when the elderly or any person have no one to help support them. I am very sorry to hear about your friend.
Jan 07Reply

@thanhie it's the only fitting B word for this that works with words & I do love my champs...hehe..if I find a little taxi car..I will make it better..when I was in London, they had little taxi tins with chocolates..but it seems I ate all of them and gave away the tins, when I moved...UK trip anyone??
Jan 07Reply

@enigma what was so special about the chocolate? Is British chocolate different somehow? I would LOvE to go to the uk! I've never been to Europe and I've seen pics of Ireland and it seems so captivating! Also guys with British accents? Automatic bonus hotness points! ☺
Jan 07Reply

@thanhie I think it's because British food (except for a really good Fish&chips and Trifle(I adore trifle!!!)) is rather hmm..well not start loving other British Cadbury's chocolates and Lemon Curd, and really excellent tea and hard cider black.. But! they do put little chocolates in cute car black taxi car tins, phone booth tins, double decker bus tins..which you can use for your 'buttons & tags' ..which I always saved, but didn't know I would ever need, save for PM and resales... 😳😳😘😘
Jan 07Reply

@thanhie hehe..British guys always seem so reserved & proper, or too cool and reserved..but they are just guys, who fall in love and love harder than one may suspect..I so like the reserved part, as's a bit nicer than the crudeness or fake behavior, we see lately..but..mostly, I just love the fabulous wit!! With a smart sense of humor, wit, and some decent manners (maybe a decent wine knowledge/collection) a gentleman can win anyone's😘😘..
Jan 07Reply

@enigma so British is about the presentation? I agree! I went to a high tea party and was STARVING afterwards! I'm like yes this is tiny and cute but give me more food! Hard black cider? Sounds yummy! I LovE the idea of trifles! I have a death by chocolate version where I have Nutella brownies layered with chocolate pudding (spiked with Kahlua) and everything drizzled with even more chocolate! Yummmm!
Jan 07Reply

@enigma sounds like there is a story behind that? Did you have a torrid relationship with a British guy? 😏 lol! Sounds like you have the perfect guy in mind! I agree- manners is a huge thing for me! I would rather have them reserved and proper than loud and obnoxious! I have met too many cocky guys! Also a guy that can make you laugh is priceless! If I'm in a tiff and he does something or says something silly- laughter just makes everything better! Looks like we have similar taste in guys! Great minds! 😉☺
Jan 07Reply

Oops you're married? Well can I have a wing girl? Does he have any cute friends? 😊
Jan 07Reply

@thanhie hehe..well yes..long story over Soju or Cognac or Sambuca or ...hehe..long story..good one..hehe..I'm always everyone's wing girl ..funny!!! ..
Jan 07Reply

@enigma ooH! I definitely want to hear it! Lol! Yes soju or cognac (omg viets do love their Hennessey!!). I've never had sambuca so that will be interesting to try! Thanks, wing girl! 😘
Jan 07Reply

@thanhie I emailed u..😘..I'm going to snooze for a minute..because me eyes are falling..😘😘😘
Jan 07Reply

@enigma sorry for keeping you up! Ill have a long week by will try to respond back when I can! Sweet dreams!
Jan 07Reply

@enigma ~ I love to be enlightened! Thank you for this!!
Jan 07Reply

@enigma i love it!!!
Jan 10Reply

@roxyjane 😘😘
Jan 10Reply

@wenghorak 😘😘
Jan 10Reply

@ropicado 😘😘 happy thoughts your way!
Jan 10Reply

@enigma priceless! :)
Jan 10Reply

@ropicado you feel better?😘 I emailed you 😘
Jan 10Reply

Yes. Yes yes please!!!!
Jan 10Reply

@enigma you make me feel so much better, I am FORREST POSH again! "run poshers ruuun" haha. Tag me if a Dior Tote is bored in a closet! ;)
Jan 10Reply

I gave myself extra doses with extra hits on the like button...oh, yeah, I need this now
Jan 16Reply

@almoyes 😘😘
Jan 16Reply

@almoyes I need this myself, at least once a week..remind myself..take a minute before responding, say it in the most polite way..even if it's a simple 'No thank you'..take a break when I start nerving the small stuff..😘😘
Jan 16Reply

Jan 22Reply

@shopgirl13 thank you!😘
Jan 22Reply

@vannie 🍭thank you for sharing!🍭
Jan 22Reply

There are days, I am very glad to read this. Do you mind if I promoted this in my closet?
Jan 23Reply

@thanhie my closet is your closet!!! Mwahahaa..big hugs!! Don't be 😔I will post an emergency joke for you!!😘😘
Jan 23Reply

@enigma so wonderful!!!!
Jan 29Reply

@spiritoffashion 😘thank you!💐💐
Jan 29Reply

Jan 29Reply

@perlalisa 😘thank you, sweets!!😘
Jan 29Reply

Good stuff - Fun convo! You've got THE best sense of humor. Great advise too. :)
Jan 31Reply

@rkgeyer read my late night insomniac rambles..hehe..all over my closet..arrgh!! 😘😘
Jan 31Reply

Oh my, I've never heard this story until now, thank u! I really touched me. My husband is a business office manager at a nursing home, he was a social worker before that. He has seen many sad situations in his line of work. Before all that he was a social worker for 15 yrs in Chgo helping children in terrible situations in impoverished neighborhoods inside the city. I often think how much he has helped children that might have fallen through the cracks if their social worker was a lazy uncaring person, or someone who didn't fight hard enough for them or didn't understand the system from lack of experience, etc. He had an opportunity to make lots of money through a friend of mind working in real estate but, when he found out that they were possibly cheating ppl out of money in the long run, he quit and said I can't live with myself knowing that I might cheat some hard working family outta money because I wanted to make more for myself - no thanks! I love him for being the kind cab driver!!
Jan 31Reply

@rkgeyer Yes! It's a great story..we forget what's important, sometimes!! I must give credit, on this story to @thanhie ..your honey sounds amazing, I am glad you found each other! Never forget the feelings you have for him!!😘😘😘
Jan 31Reply

@enigma I saw the tag and I'm like "honey"? I don't have a honey?!? Then I reread it and I'm like ohhhh!
@rkgeyer I agree your hubby definitely sounds like a keeper! I just love stories like this where people are doing the right thing. Someone people are too focused inward and don't realize what an impact they are making on other people's lives. He definitely improved the lives of those children and I'm sure he is also a positive force at the nursing home as well. Thanks for sharing your story. Happy poshing!
Jan 31Reply

@thanhie oh yes! Thank u!! Give credit where credit is due. This story was something that touched me deeply. I cried so hard. My mom passed last March suddenly... She was with my dad at the ER. Said she couldn't breathe, ESP when shes lying down, of the attending nurses pushed her down onto the hospital bed and she stopped breathing and died. I often wonder why my dad didn't call me back so I could have gone to the ER with her. I was nursing my daughter at the time, so they didnt call or if that nurse was nicer and didn't push her down to insert a cath. I keep playing it over and over in my head. I feel so guilty til the day I die.
Jan 31Reply

@rkgeyer I am so incredibly sorry to hear about your mother. I know it is probably not my place to say but no one could have predicted what would happen. Your mother loved you and would not want you to carry this guilt. I truly believe everything happen for a reason. Maybe the reason you were not there was because your mother did not want you to witness the last moments of her life, she wanted you to remember all the happy and loving times. It can be very traumatic to witness someone's death and your mother wanted to spare you that. She is watching over you and I'm sure you honor her memory.
Jan 31Reply

@thanhie oh wow, I never thought of it that way!! You're amazing!! To witness that it may have caused me even more insanity. Oh u are sooooooo wise. My eyes literally got huge as I read and re-read your kind comment. I do believe that God (or whatever higher power) did help me instead of causing more drama in my life at the time after reading your response. Holy holy holy...I have to process this. Thank u! I've much to think about. @thanhie @engima - You ladies are so amazing so full of Grace. I'm learning so much about myself in the last few yrs! Thank you a thousand x!!
Jan 31Reply

@rkgeyer I sent you a little pondering, for when you are feeling down😘😘
Jan 31Reply

Thank u so!!
Jan 31Reply

Feb 02Reply

@enigma ❤❤❤ well said !
Feb 02Reply

@enigma Wow! I just read about the little old lady and the taxi driver through tears in my eyes... Thank you for sharing; it restores ones faith in humanity.
Feb 02Reply

@regine 😘yes, it does! Being kind, is rather fabulous!😘
Feb 02Reply

@enigma , hi there!!! Love your closet;))) i enjoyed looking at all your stuffs in it;)) BTW, just friendly posher lady;)) you can use an app ( versagram) try it its more fun instead writing them all;)) someone told me anout from one of the poshers;) have fun'!!!
Feb 02Reply

@christina1974 hi there!! Thank you! Yes, there are some fun, fun apps out there!! Versagram, ImageChef..I just prefer to hand write my Ponderings (and, in life, my personal correspondence..)..I know it makes it a bit harder to read, I apologize, but it just feels more 'me' to me..😘
Feb 02Reply

@sunshinelady01 you may find this helpful!!
Feb 12Reply

@eespindola13 you may find this helpful!!
Feb 12Reply

@kspiri2 ^^😘
Feb 12Reply

"@thanhie 😜you never told me the story of the old lady and the taxi😜I wanna know!!;)"
Feb 13Reply

@juliepointer1 Lol! Google "old lady and the taxi" the story should be on a website called zen moments. Maybe have a tissue ready, an absolutely beautiful story!
Feb 13Reply

@steelergirl75 Charis also provides excellent guidance and wisdom!! 🌻
Feb 17Reply

@gordomom aw! Thank you, that's so sweet of you!!! I just love playing with forks..hehe😘😘
Feb 17Reply

Lol - we have to start somewhere 😄
Feb 17Reply

@steelergirl75 hi there..I went to visit your closet, but it was empty..😳😱..let me know when you list, and I'll help wherever I can😘😘
Feb 17Reply

@gordomom and I find..just so much more responsible than running with scissors..bwahahaha 😘😘 I'm so corny today!! The sun was shining..💐☀💗😘
Feb 17Reply

Lol - keeps things interesting!! 😄
Feb 17Reply

@cgrajeda56 Charis and Tia @thanhie have provided us with excellent Posh Etiquette that we wish others would follow! 😊 not to mention they both have impeccable handwriting!! 😍
Feb 18Reply

@gordomom hehe..all except for me...hehe
Feb 18Reply

WELL SAID! It worked for me when I decided to leave bc of all the ridiculous harassment on here. Thanks to you...I went to one of the many animal shelters I volunteer & realized what's REALLY important! Big hugs & MUCH LOVE!!!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤
Mar 01Reply

Love it
Mar 06Reply

The poshmark community is fantastic and I've met so many great people through this site...such as yourself. ;) only thing is...the more this community grows...the more rude people I encounter. I wish there was a way to kick those people out of here. Lots of ladies have been forgetting their manners.
Mar 07Reply

@panela05 I know! It's frustrating and sad! I will always love you for talking me down from my 😞when the grumpy people got to me!!!💗💗thank goodness we have a great vent/booster group on here!!😘luvs! I'm going to the LA meetup today!! YAAY! I'll send you a shout out!!😘😘😘
Mar 07Reply

@gordomom thank you! Mine was inspired by Charis- so all props goes to her!
@phoebescloset11 @panela05 I agree, as Poshmark grows the number of rude or inconsiderate encounters seems to grow and I've asked for items to be reserved and then sold from under me! 😭😱😠 but then I remember all the wonderful people I have met and how we have bonded and helped others thru various endeavors and then Posh is worth it again! ☺😊😘
@enigma Having fun at the Posh party? I'm currently up north with horrible internet. so am not able to attend! Wish I could be there sipping and poshing! 😓 We will meet up! Enjoy!! 😘😘😘
Mar 08Reply

Ooooh I'm so excited that you get to be there in person!! Can't wait to hear about it!! Hey there @thanhie and @phoebescloset11 !! 😄
Mar 08Reply

@thanhie @gordomom @phoebescloset11 It was so much fun!! I know I neglected my phone, in the madness..but I'll catch up tomorrow, for sure!!😘😘
Mar 08Reply

@manish What a please to meet you and the most fabulous, fashionable First Ladies of Poshmark!! @lyann @maria @msmegan @triplyksis, and all the lovely's still an hour drive out and the rain is coming down and the wifi wavering, so I bid you goodnight & thank you so much for hosting this Posh evening!!💗
Mar 08Reply

It was amazing to finally meet you. Thanks for coming out and sharing your thoughts and ideas. We'll follow up @lyann @maria @courtneychan
Mar 08Reply

@enigma it was so nice to finally meet you in person!
Mar 08Reply

Loved meeting you! We will be in touch. xo
Mar 08Reply

@enigma had such a great time chatting with you! Be sure to come visit us soon😊
Mar 08Reply

@enigma you are sooo right🌹
Mar 27Reply

THANK U so much for the kind note and extra shirt!! Your awesome I hadn't opened my package as we were away and it was such a lovely brightness to my day I needed u r the best and I thank u for being so thoughtful!! I love love it as well!! Will ttys and surely purchase as soon as I am able!!
Apr 04Reply

@kcmarie28 oh! Thank goodness! I thought it didn't fit, or you didn't like it! I'm so happy it fits well, and you love! Thank you so much for letting me know!! Go!! Knock them dead!!! And when you are ready, let me know and I'll put up a couple more for you, in everyday wear forever styles, at a great price !Yaay! This made me so happy😘😘🌸💗😘😘😘
Apr 04Reply

@enigma @kcmarie28 yes, her (Charis's) packaging and notes and extras are SO sweet.... made my day as well :) I will be back to purchase (though I'm always ogling), as you said, as soon as I'm able ! I am intrigued, I must look at your closet as well!
Apr 04Reply

👍 Love it!!!
Apr 05Reply

Love this 😍
Apr 09Reply

@retailtherapist - Love this!
Apr 12Reply

This was meant to be ❤ for me to read! Awesome read, I will read
To my all my 5 kids at bedtime;) thank you for sharing !!!❤
Apr 15Reply

yes yes manners. like when somebody asks you... where do you get your clothes? im like... wth... should i answer back? where do you get your money? smh...😩
Apr 19Reply

@vickie777 haha..yes! Ah well!! Thank you for all the shares!! I'm in the middle of a school project with my stepson, and it's consuming all my PM time! I'll catch you later!😘😘
Apr 19Reply

Love it.
May 06Reply

@elsyhe 😘thank you!
May 06Reply

How I would love all to think as u.
May 08Reply

Xanax AND Zen? I need them both today! Thank you - fabulous post!👑😘👑😘👑
May 10Reply

@queenmumm ..and forks!! Never forget the forks!
May 10Reply

AND the forks. 🍴But of course. This made my day, doll! I just returned home from a funeral for a dear aunt of the family. She spent her last weeks in hospice but was never quite the same after her husband of 58 years passed 4 years ago. They married when she 16! This is the first post I saw when I logged on. See, just like the taxi driver, you're post was here to lighten my spirits! That's a fab gift, darlin'! Grateful!😘💋😘💋😘
May 10Reply

And still so emotional I can't type with good grammar...😣
May 10Reply

Thank you love 💚💚💚..I received my package today and I just love them both xoxoxoxox
May 18Reply

@gavinm77 Yaaay!!!! Thank you for letting me know!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉💗✌
May 18Reply

@enigma , I have to say you are just adorable!! 😃. I like the little touches and not to mention I have a feeling u would be way to much fun to party with, lol..
May 25Reply

👍Thanks for sharing...about showing kindness & compassion😊 Today, a simple etiquette has become such rarity which in fact should be a common sense...😭
May 30Reply

@ginasocal My pleasure!! I do try to catch everybody and do a mad dash share, sometimes my return shares are a good 12 hours late, though..haha..I hope you are having an amazing day! 💗💗
May 30Reply

Thank you !!!! I love my new treasures 😍 my surprise is awesome 💚💜💜💚
May 31Reply

@gavinm77 Yaay!! I'm so glad!!!!! I'm sorry it's a skull, I haven't made it back to unpack more, but I do need a trip next month!!! 💗💗💗
May 31Reply

I love it !!! 💜💚💜
May 31Reply

@enigma Thank so much Charis for sharing this!!! It made my night, dear lady. 💖💚💜💛💙❤
Jun 26Reply

@blandw Thank you for reading it!! Sometimes we all need to reset..💗💗I hope you are loving Poshmark!!!!
Jun 26Reply

@enigma I love Poshmark! I've only been on a few months, but I can't imagine what I did before I became a Poshstitute. LOL 😍 I've made some marvelous friendships that have enriched my life greatly. Can't wait to see what more is in store! Blessings to you!! Bland
Jun 26Reply

@golyndsey I added the think for you!! And you are lucky it worked because your Martinis are wayyyy stronger than one would think...bwahahaha
Jul 03Reply

Ahhhhhahahaha!!! Which one did you make? And did you add the water???
Jul 03Reply

And yes..... They go down like sugar then hit you midway!!!
Jul 03Reply

...As all 'tinis should!!!
Jul 03Reply

I would never dilute!! PG!🍸
Jul 03Reply

@thanhie @enigma the little old lady and the taxi has been inspiring me for years and it guides me but somehow I slip and I ask for forgiveness. We are just human. Not perfect yet and knowing that other people may be going through some situations in their lives, they vent here in Poshmark and as wise Poshers, we open the door for venting, yes then we encourage and love and pray for them! Thank you for posting this!
Jul 14Reply

@noy2312 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
Jul 14Reply

@noy2312 I agree with you as well! Sometimes we get so focused or so stressed, it may be difficult to be kind or may become snappy. However, we are all human and we can only try and do our best! It is always wonderful to be reminded of kindness and just to treat others well. Thank you for the reminder. ^_^
Jul 16Reply

I will be kind! I will be kind! I will ignore nonsense! I will be kind & ignore nonsense. I will ignore nonsense and be kind and polite!!!
Jul 18Reply

@enigma My fav is so simple and we often forget the basics. It's part of lyrics from a song I just adore. " a please, a thank-you and a smile will take me far ". Some basic things we learn as children then develop amnesia as adults. So simple. Thanks. Blessings, Health & Prosperity to you & yours.
Aug 04Reply

@5diane5 Thank you!! Yes! I need to share this more! Just as bad vibes spread so very quickly do really good ones!!💗I love your message, too! I need to look up this little song (I didn't grow up in the country, so forgive me my ignorance!)
Aug 04Reply

@manish ok! This is a small! Small plea! I know I keep asking for this..but!!! (And if you choose to ignore this avid plea, I may really suck it up and stop asking! Or I will try not to beg frantically!! ?!) Please sir.. (This is in the Oliver voice!! Maybe it will help?!?) please sir, may I please have a little LiKe PURGE button?? I would like to store my party picks (yes, I really do this when I'm not host and when I'm home and I really adore the hosts!!!) and then I would like to DELETE ALL!!! So that I can store again freely!! This is my biggest Poshmark dream!!! Haha💗💗💗💗🍸💗(yes, ok! I admit! I had one of the too many premixed last night cocktails!...haha) signed ..lost in my own hoard of likes!! Help!! Help!!!
Aug 05Reply

Love the acronym.
Sep 16Reply

@enigma I love your forks🍴🍴🍴
Sep 18Reply

Sep 26Reply

Oct 09Reply

@chellirose 💋💋
Oct 09Reply

Hi again! I know you have lots of posh things to do but whenever you have time, can you peek at my closet and tell me what I should fix? It's crickets in there. Most the items look better in person, there is no light in NYC. I'm not sure how to improve the pics. My prices are good, I'm willing to have sales and bundle and discount. Is traffic just slow overall? I really need to make room in my place and I would like to sell everything even if at lower prices, then I can list and buy at a calm pace. I rather sell a little, after I clear out what's in my closet now, and then use the money to buy from other poshers. But I need this stuff to find a new home, now! Lol! I'm cramped in here and want to open up my space by giving away furniture and selling clothes and just being able to breathe...ahhh. So any advice on why my closet is so quiet😹.
Oct 26Reply

@lovecolor7 ok! I will take a peek!!! I think you should take anything out of your closet that is not women's clothing (lotions etc.) because it's against the guidelines and many Poshers won't share closets that violate..I'll pop back next week and maybe a little custo!! I'll check your closet in about 30min. 💗💗
Oct 27Reply

Thanks for such a super speedy response! You're the best😻. I didn't know about the face creams, I saw a lot on here from sellers with lots of followers and sales and thought it was ok. But I'll take them down. Thanks for taking the time💜
Oct 27Reply

@enigma u have an email 💖💖👍
Nov 08Reply

@enigma I lived in London too! @thanhie I'll be your wing girl anytime. Let's go to the UK and Shake things up!
Dec 02Reply

@enigma Charis, this is such a wonderful post!!! Everything you wrote speaks to what PoshMark is really all about!!!👏👏👏
Dec 15Reply

@theeyecandyshop thank you!! Too much is done in haste -'and anger that can't be undone..a simple moment of reflection has a wisdom we can't even grasp until way later!! Thank you for tonight! My heart broke and you helped mend it!💗💗💗💗💗
Dec 15Reply

@enigma Charis, your words are so insightful. My heart was broken too! I know how hard @ashley1985 and Tammy worked and I was truly devastated to see that post.😔 But on the bright side she has Wonderful and 💫Aaamazing💫people like you and @mizfabulousity rallying around her to uplift her spirits!! And isn't that what PoshMark is truly about! Women empowering one and other and being there for each other!! Im so 🍀Lucky🍀to have crossed paths with you phenomenal women! And, any friend of Ashley's is a friend of mine!!!💐💐💐
Dec 15Reply

@enigma @mizfabulousity @ashley1985 and any friend of Ashley's is a friend of mine!!!💐💐💐
Dec 15Reply

@enigma @theeyecandyshop @ashley1985 same here ! Much love and blessings for all of you 😘😘😘 Have a Merry Merry Christmas girls 🎅🎄
Dec 15Reply

@enigma Oh! I love these postings!❤️👏💕
Dec 19Reply

@enigma 💜💜💜✌
Jan 17Reply

@iheartpurple 💗💗💜💗
Jan 17Reply

@enigma LOVE....this listing!!!OMG where have you been all my POSH life? LOL
I'm just glad I found you...thx to my PFF sherry888
I will be following...&sharing...BTW Hello My Name is Olga
have a super Day and I will remember to mind my manners
Apr 22Reply

@enigma Love this! I actually am going to use your THINK acronym with my students. thanks!😉😘
Apr 28Reply

I love this post. It should be part of a "posh introduction etiquette " 😌.
May 26Reply

@roxybeach thank you!! I can't wait to be done with this move and get back to Posh!!💗💗
May 26Reply

I just googled the story you mentioned . ☺️💞. I loved it. Very true. Life is just the moments we make out of it. I am so grateful I encounter your closet.
Hope you can be back poshing soon! And inspiring people 😘.
Happy Memorial Day to you .
May 26Reply

@enigma 😘🌸💞💞
Jul 20Reply

@isabellascloset I hope your Sunday is amazing!💕💕💕
Jul 20Reply

@enigma Thank you sweet I hope your having a relaxing day also ⭐️🌸🍬
Jul 20Reply

@enigma , I love your way of thinking. There's always a silver lining. I really liked your response to a woman whom was upset about a posher selling an item higher than retail value. You are correct, hopefully this said person has a great reason to mark it high. I personally keep things very inexpensive because I know a lot of people are having a difficult time financially and I don't want them to break the bank. I really liked your reply. :)
Sep 07Reply

Well said (written) 👍
Sep 30Reply

@epicstorm 💋thank you
Sep 30Reply

@enigma you have an absolutely amazing closet!! 😍
Oct 22Reply

@djgross5 💗thank you!
Oct 22Reply

@ridinghood13 thank you! When I started PM we didn't have an etiquette guide and I used to make random poems and posts like this, until we got one! Haha💗
Oct 26Reply

Want more sales? There is this new app called m-e-r-c-a-r-i (spelled without the dashes of course) and they take 0% away from sales, so what you sell for is what you get :) you can also sell more than clothes, you can sell makeup, perfumes etc. if you use the sign up code DHJRUF when signing up you get a free $15 credit to spend on whatever you like on the app!
Jan 12Reply

@enigma I love this! If you see a comment from someone selling literal knockoffs. I donate Cc4c. Celeb clothes 4 causes. Buy only fair trade, or Europe. He wrote nasty things, for I said he should say ysl "inspired" or?
Oct 19Reply

@enigma another girl asked details about how my colon was harmed. I said I don't feel comfortable. Then I explained. Models get obsessed fans, also my ex's manager "warned me" in ways not to talk. Dark side of Hollywood, I see good in all to a flaw. She blocked me? I lived in yoga Center. No drugs/alcohol. I asked if legal to sell exotic pets online? She blocked me. I learned just talk clothes. :(
Oct 19Reply

@enigma I have tons of sweet stories from just pure intention. I lost my career saving a life, I don't regret it. My website, online rep, fair weather friends, health... I know all will work out. I'll tell u about homeless woman that only vegetarian restaurant in Detroit, owner made her pay $25 to drink warm water, what she made with olive in martini glass, and I'd refill tea, coffee. Let her sit like a human. My Christmas gift. I still have!
Oct 19Reply
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