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Updated Jun 10
Updated Jun 10

Self promotion is a no no



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Self promotion is a big no no on other people's listings! It's like walking into a store and screaming "hey everyone come to my store right now!" You wouldn't do that would you? If you want to be seen, share to posh parties, socialize with other ladies, and make your listing beautiful! Next time you're about to write "follow me everyone...great prices" on someone else's listing think about it first! The second picture is an example of just one of my listings that has been completely spammed.
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katiegolightlyx so true! thank you for posting this!
Feb 06Reply
alexflowerz Thank you for posting this!!!! It's so annoying and then when you tell them to please stop, they act all upset and offended.
Feb 06Reply
vccruzer I hate when people do that. It's so rude. PayPal transactions and trades bother me too but that's another story. It bothers me to break rules A LOT
Feb 06Reply
pdub341 Love! My latest is someone who said they demanded i sent an item via overnight shipping hahaha
Feb 06Reply
princess_jessy Hello, I'm New On Here & I Was Wondering How I Can Get Followers On Here?
Feb 06Reply
almoyes @mstyle89 here it is (see above)
Feb 06Reply
almoyes @princess_jessy After commenting here, why did you post to "follow you" on one of my new listings? Please read this listing (above ^) If you aren't respectful of others, then it will be a tad difficult to attract new followers to your closet. See PoshMark Support Center under the "logout" option. In the support center section, read the sections titled "Helpful Posh Tips" and "Community Guidelines"
Feb 06Reply
almoyes @princess_jessy Just interact with others in a respectful manner and you should do fine. It takes time to build a following. I gained 2000 followers in 8 months. It is not easy. Read the sections that I mentioned above. Aside from how to interact, read the tips to improve your listings, join parties, and share listings of others. Just don't ask them to share back. Good luck and have fun!
Feb 06Reply
princess_jessy @almoyes I Couldn't Figure Out How To Delete A Comment! Haha, But Thanks!
Feb 06Reply
samantha_raven Wow. People really do that ? I thought that was kinda of like... A rule of thumb. Ridiculous you had to post this :( 👎
Feb 06Reply
jneria I'm getting really burned-out on stuff like this 😕
Feb 06Reply
katiegolightlyx i am also getting annoyed by people who mark things with a designer name just so that they can place them into a party.. that's spamming too!
Feb 06Reply
katenychay Where do you get your items?
Feb 06Reply
hannah @katenychay from my closet and my business
Feb 06Reply
katenychay Oh cool, do you have a store somewhere?
Feb 06Reply
hannah @katenychay thanks! I'm in the process of making my website right now but I already have product so I'm listing it on here as well:)
Feb 06Reply
katenychay That's awesome! It seems like a lot of people use poshmark as a sort of store front. I wish I had more things to sell but right now I'm only selling from my closet.
Feb 06Reply
maidmarian @deerecoder How do you block someone?
Feb 06Reply
ehugurl99 @hannaho . Thank you for posting this!! I found it rude, egocentric,intrusive for those people who just comes in to your closet and advertise their own!! I have several people that do this into my closet and I was completely blown away!!! How can people just do that!!!
Feb 06Reply
maidmarian @deerecoder Hey you what's up! Thanks for the info, good to know. Have a great day🎊
Feb 06Reply
gossip_girlxoxo ❤Love this!! Thank you!
Feb 07Reply
hal3yros3 @deerecoder when you block someone can they NOT see your listings? Or is it that they can't comment?
Feb 07Reply
valerieannk01 @i had a girl out an inappropriate sentence on mine. Is there a way to remove it?? It's very embarrassing.
Feb 07Reply
valerieannk01 @nikki0818 I had the same girl say that on my page. How do you block?
Feb 07Reply
valerieannk01 @nikki0818 thanks do much. I saw it deleted the comment also. :)
Feb 07Reply
marieminx @hal3yros3 I have a feeling that the people who are being rude, possibly oblivious, are not going to be the active people who share your listings or purchase your items; this, maybe it's not as big of a loss. Being an extreme optimist, I'd hope people just have no idea of etiquette, no malice :)
Feb 07Reply
veeshire Yes plz
Feb 07Reply
ananj Thank u for listing this!! I've had 5 people do just that all this morning - really gets on the nerves - hopefully your message is heard
Feb 07Reply
abbeyroad I totally agree that it's annoying to see that kind of stuff all over a random post trying to sell a dress or something....but I'm new as well and don't really understand how to obtain followers. I would never do something like that, so my closet is just hanging out unnoticed. Any recommendations?
Feb 07Reply
hannah @abbeyroad Welcome to poshmark! you can gain followers by making your listings look beautiful, sharing them to the appropriate parties, and socializing with the other ladies :)
Feb 07Reply
hal3yros3 @deerecoder thanks bc I have this one girl who puts not nice things on all my posts!!!! Thanks for info!!!
Feb 07Reply
almoyes @bella_pt96 If you want to gain followers when entering others' closets, please read the above post ^ ^ ^
Feb 08Reply
jadorefancyxo How do you delete comments
Feb 12Reply
siennethreads @hannaho hi i'm new here! can u follow me pleeeease? lolll what's up w that?! omg i can't believe how much pm has changed!! it's great that it's blown up, but gosh! i've been browsing listings lately and saw a post for a PIT BULL. like a real live dog!! lol. on the flip side, look at u, most popular gal on pm!! teach me your ways!! did u open up a store within the past 6 months?!! i've missed out on soo many goodies!! but it's nice to be back, we'll see how it goes... i've totally missed u and all the "og" poshers. haha 😉😘
Feb 12Reply
hannah @siennethreads ahh girl it's a completely different ballgame now! people are ridiculous!! and oh yes little old me haha i literally just hung up the phone with a reporter from the wall street journal who did an interview with me about my success on poshmark! CRAZYYYYY! annnnd I'm currently in the process of designing my website! coming soon! I miss the "og"girls! no one really talks anymore because of how many people are using the app now:( Still love the app though!Can't wait to shop your closet again!!!
Feb 12Reply
siennethreads omg hannah!! that's amaaazingg!!!! so happy for u!! just remember to stay in school missy!! lol. yeah things r totally different but i've been deprived of pm and need to get back in the game. 😁
Feb 12Reply
mamab369 I'm new to pm as well ... I've been pretty successful with buying from others closets ... Have gotten some incredible stuff ! I have started setting things aside to set up my own closet but gotta admit I'm a bit nervous:) hopefully ill do ok... More than anything it's sooo much fun and I have chatted with some really nice poshers... I would love for the fun to continue from my closet, but people like the ones mentioned in your comments can seem like they could suck the fun right out of it... I'm glad you posted .... I know what to watch out for now :)
Feb 13Reply
hannah @siennethreads ahh thanks lady!! It's super exciting!! And blah I know I have to stay in school:( haha actually the dean of academic affairs wants to have a meeting with me on Tuesday to talk about my success! I'm glad you're getting back in the game! I already want more than half of the things you have listed as coming soon!
Feb 15Reply
siennethreads that is beyond awesome!! maybe they want u to teach an entrepreneur course or something. 😉 will def be opening up shop again - just sent stuff back home so i will fully list them once they arrive in cali so my sis can handle the shipping for me. ☺💋
Feb 15Reply
justinas_closet Thank you!!! I had to tell someone to stop recently. She kept posting in all my items to check out some stuff in her closet. Makes me wish we could delete those comments only.
Feb 15Reply
hannah @kkbella hey! Welcome to poshmark!! That's not bad at all! That is exactly what you should be doing to gain followers! Just make sure that you are sharing items to parties that actually go with the theme:) this listing is about the people who ruin others listings by writing self promoting comments on them!
Feb 15Reply
hannah @kkbella anytime!:)
Feb 15Reply
namaste_closet I am new and appreciate the info! I also would like to thank @17thandirving for answering my questions! This is getting addicting ;)
Feb 15Reply
kayla304 I completely agree with you and I myself am BRAND NEW TO THIS APP! I just made my closet & profile for here JUST last night and I'm definitely not trying to self promote myself on others listing that's SO WRONG IN SO MANY WAYS! I agree very much so!!😊👍
Feb 15Reply
dreamieneptune SO TRUE
Feb 17Reply
marieclark I sold a Boston Proper for 15$ and the girl's harassment is getting out of control. She said there is a little green spot On the front which would go away wishing in ! It's even in the picture iAm trying to make things right For her even late last night I posted a almost brand new black jacket and offer to send it for free. She just won't stop! Finally i wrote Poshmark and told them to refund her. Dang. Some ladies are out of hands ... To be Continue
Feb 17Reply
tracy58 U go girly!!! Can't believe there is a comment afterwards about followers!!!!
Feb 17Reply
busylizzie I'm one week new here as well and will change my screen to no PP or trades. I didn't read the rules (darn ADHD!) so am happy to have seen this feed! My problem is that I KNOW my designer items are authentic but I see people selling replicas and then they may have one or two that they say are authentic so I don't trust buying from them because they sell replicas! I HATE replicas. Blah! Just save up and buy the real thing!
Feb 17Reply
jbear @hannaho 🙌🙌🙏👏 PREACH!!!! Ladies new to posh: If you want followers than help share listings of stuff that you love but already have or maybe can't afford at the time. Self promotion done the wrong way can be cheesy and tacky. ONLY if someone posts that they are looking for something that has already been sold can you refer them to your closet politely and that is under slim circumstances. All of the ladies I've talked to on here so far are extremely kind and generous, but do not expect to try and take advantage to get their stuff at little cost. Everyone must be fair when negotiating prices. A way I found followers was by searching for clothes and shoes in my size and than following that person and sharing some of their listings - I LOVE SHARING btw - usually they will help share mine, and if not oh well. Use the same common curtesy & respect you would in public. And ps: don't get mad if someone won't sell you an item for half the price they are listing it for, sellers have to make $$$ too!!! Xoxoxoxo
Feb 18Reply
poshchronicles @hannaho I agree with you! Very rude I think for those that try to advertise through someone else's listing! I decided to block those culprits. In regards to PP, yes, I just found out that's a no no and took that off my profile completely! It was very nice of a sweet girl to let me know of that policy! 😉🎀
Feb 18Reply
jbear @hannaho ah! I'm super nosey and just read all the comments lol but congrats on your success with PM! And good luck with your store! i can see how certain stuff is annoying but i havent been harrassd with the followers thing yet lol - take it as a compliment that you are doing so well! maybe you should charge for marketing lessons 😉 I did see a few newbies w questions ab how to get followers hope you don't mind but I wrote a comment above on tips for them to promote since they are new @jessalcain @abbeyroad @heatherv78 @kayla304 - good luck everyone!
Feb 18Reply
namaste_closet @jbear thanks for the tips!
Feb 18Reply
styledbyjadie @jennachen noticed you were new! Here's some good tips on getting followers.
Feb 20Reply
styledbyjadie @brittanymarilyn ⬆ just some advice
Feb 20Reply
beccboot I have a random "poshequitte" question and I noticed you have been a big help to some others...During a Posh Party is it OK to use an "ad" to invite people to your closet as long as you have items that match the party? For example, a Coach party and sharing a listing that says come check out my closet for a Coach sale? Or a Bauble party posting a listing telling people all jewelry is 10% off that day? I get annoyed when I see random listings that don't match the party or "ads" when the closet doesn't have anything that matches the theme...but I do often click on them to check out new closets. Thanks for your help!
Feb 22Reply
uly16 I agree with the post. Ppl NEED to start being themselves. Ppl tell us to be ourselves but they won't even be themselves. Even ppl on tv tell us to be ourselves but they won't be themselves. I don't like it one bit. Sorry if it doesn't sound right.....
Feb 24Reply
golyndsey Hi Hannah! I have a quick question... How do individuals become a "Suggested User"? Is this something people pay for? Just trying to learn more about Poshmark! Thanks in advance - love your closet's deliciousness!!! ;)
Feb 27Reply
kenzibray OMG 💗this!!! I'm so tired of parties being spammed by oh look at my discounts, and I have all these Brands in my closet. When I go to look through a posh party I want to see the brands, theme that is SUPPOSED to be there. Not people who try to bend the rules just to get their stuff in there
Feb 27Reply
rdesigns85 @polkadotdrawer please read so you are aware of it. What you said wasn't to the extent of "follow me" but still annoying. Hope we can put it behind us and just so you know I didn't block you and you were the one spamming.
Mar 02Reply
annie9972 Someone kept leaving me messages abt god
Mar 02Reply
styledbyjadie @carsonpclark noticed you were new!
Mar 03Reply
aidenrulz So true!
Mar 13Reply
lmank @hannaho totally disrespectful..
Mar 13Reply
fashiondesign @karam12 maybe this will help you understand
Mar 24Reply
fashiondesign @breluvfashion... Maybe this can help you out
Mar 26Reply
crcummings I'm new too and trying to figure everything out. What's the deal with PayPal seems like a lot of people don't accept, I have always had good experience with PayPal so just curious. Thanks in advance!
Jun 10Reply

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