SCAMMER @bbythompson12 SO I received your package!
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THIS WAS A PACKAGE FROM @bbythompson12 THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO CONTAIN A CAMERA! THANKS A LOT;) pretty sure being so busy this week that I wasn't able to ship until today was GOD's WAY OF SHOWING ME THAT YOU ARE A NO GOOD LIAR, THIEF, & PATHETIC PERSON. I will pray for you.

38 others
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What a woman or whatever you are! & unfollowing me won't change the fact that you Tried to scam me!
Feb 15Reply

Omg I would police report her! Absolutely disgusting!
Feb 15Reply

@britnifoster KLEENEX? Are you serious... I seriously am going to pray for this person, also praying I never find out who they truly are.
Feb 15Reply

a kleenex -___- report her ass pathetic...
Feb 15Reply

@leslies I have! She's blocked me already! Lol
Feb 15Reply

How do you know if she blocked you??
Feb 15Reply

@britnifoster always ask for references before trading doll thats what i do ! <3
Feb 15Reply

I tried commenting on one of her listing & it said I am blocked!
Feb 15Reply

Feb 15Reply

I'm actually so scared... I downloaded 90 songs for her and took me 4 hours....
Feb 15Reply

Girl I'm gonna help you out!!
Feb 15Reply

i think you should take a look at her closet before she realizes whats happened and clears it out lol..
Feb 15Reply

@missymoo thank you girls so much. It just breaks my heart that there are people like this in the world. It's despicable.
Feb 15Reply

Well she'll hafta delete ALL of her postings to get rid of my comments ;)
Feb 16Reply

Omg that's so horrible :/
Feb 16Reply

Don't you LOVE how she used a 'P.O Box' for a return address?
Feb 16Reply

@britnifoster @missymoo that's horrible! did you use pay pal with her? Bc if you would have kept it in the app you could of probably gotten your money back and also she wouldn't have written out your address she would have needed to put a shipping label. :/
Feb 16Reply

That is insane😞 I made sure to share
Feb 16Reply

^^ so truuee didnt even have the guts to use a real address with their name how pathetic >.< lucky it wasnt me who recieved that kleenex would have messed their whole life up XD lol
Feb 16Reply

What an idiot! Want me to find this person for you? That makes me so mad!
Feb 16Reply

Feb 16Reply

Brit.... I didn't know people could sell things like cameras on this site....
Feb 16Reply

She has over 140$ worth of my stuff!!! She sent me a pin and a keychain for it....
Feb 16Reply

Thanks so much to everyone who has liked & shared. Maybe it will help keep idiots like that off of pm. @marissssmarie yeah she had traded $150 worth from me. But I've been stuck working the ER & MedSurg floors this weeks so I just now got everything sent of yesterday. & I received her package before I shipped..... Pretty sure god was by my side telling me to wait.
Feb 16Reply

God was on your side! I just wish I knew before I traded with her. She was supposed to trade me jeans, and I will get them. I'll sue her for scamming! I am all the emails on what she was going to send me. I'll take her to court!! She tried sending that SAME camera to Alysia Miller on here. That is too upsetting. @britnifoster
Feb 16Reply

@jayseababie @marissssmarie thanks girls! Makes me so mad... There's nothing I hate more than a liar, & a thief! You're pathetic.
Feb 16Reply

@britnifoster omg that is horrible
Feb 16Reply

That's friggen awful!!!
Feb 17Reply

I was so mad after reading this i posted on someone elses listing by accident. Anyways, may she get what she deserves for doing that! Karma has no time limit.
Feb 17Reply

Sorry sweetheart, people really do stink
Feb 17Reply

I have been scammed three times so be careful. 😥
Feb 17Reply

@heatherc amen! :( it just makes me feel bad for them, why are they the way they are? So all I can do is pray for them.
Feb 17Reply

@britnifoster WOW ~ I was just in that person's closet. Then I read your Scam Alert. That's crazy. I guess PM don't do anything ?
I'll share this too so it gets out there. That stinks !!
Feb 17Reply

I can't believe people do this! It ruins it for others who don't abuse it! I went to her page and reported looks like she's done it to more than just you too! I hope that she gets kicked off here, or something?! I saw someone posted something on all of her listings notifying future buyers...but it can't undo what she's already done! I hope something is done for you :)
Feb 17Reply

This is do bad.
Feb 17Reply

Thats fraud press charges
Feb 17Reply

such a loser... this kind of act is not normal, a psycho...
Feb 18Reply

So glad you didn't send yet!! Definitely someone watchin over you (: She'll be caught in no time hun
Feb 18Reply

Wow I'm so sorry ! I was about to buy something from her until I saw a comment about this scam!
Feb 18Reply

Thank you for sharing, sorry you had to go through that but it just makes us all aware of what a thief is willing to do at any cost.. God bless you
Feb 18Reply

@britnifoster I am supposed to do a trade with her... I'm a little scared because I'm sending her three things for one pair of shoes.. What if she sends me the empty box? I think I'll wait to send her stuff until after I've received the shoes from her just to be safe.
Feb 18Reply

Feb 18Reply

@jadema3 seriously? No. Do NOT SEND HER ANYTHING! EVEN IF SHE SENDS YOU A TRACKING NUMBER! You really need to read all the comments. She sent other people a pen, keychain, etc. I'm seriously warning you sweetie.
Feb 18Reply

@britnifoster okay Thankyou... So glad you shared this! And so glad I saw it before I sent her all of the stuff.. I'm not sending anything until I get my shoes. And If I don't get them then Everything she wanted from me goes back to being for sale! Thanks so much. We got lucky we didn't ship her stuff yet.
Feb 18Reply

@jadema3 yes ma'am! We sure did! & she blocked me & my email because untold her EXACTLY what I thought about her. That is pathetic!
Feb 18Reply

I am new here. Don't have a closet up but have been doing a lot of buying. It pisses me off when folks do shit like that. I have blocked her as well. Thanks sweeties for the alert!
Feb 18Reply

@csergi -thnx girl & im so sorry this happened to u @britnifoster !!!
Feb 18Reply

@britnifoster - i also went in there & put SCAMMER on her stuff!!!!
Feb 18Reply

@somsom8 thank you!!!!
Feb 18Reply

I just went and looked! I was following her...thank you for sharing this and I'm sorry that happened to you!
Feb 19Reply

Hope she knows she can very well get jail time for it being wire fraud & mail fraud. 👊💢💢
Feb 19Reply

Wtf tissue get real. 😡This made me mad. Sharing!
Feb 19Reply

WOW:( I'm so sorry that happened!
Feb 19Reply

Hi love :) just wanted you to know that I went and reported her and reported all her listings :)
Feb 19Reply

Feb 20Reply

Same here girl
Feb 20Reply

There's nothing on her page it's all gone
Feb 21Reply

@britnifoster I just saw her wall and she deleted everything off of it. This is just sad and I thank God that you didn't send your stuff out there. I am sorry this happened to you.
Feb 21Reply

@britnifoster Scary...!!!!😕
Feb 21Reply

I am so scared if trading! I don't want to not trust people, but I am jut afraid. I hate that this happened to you! So sorry!
Feb 21Reply

@britnifoster what's the scammers name
Feb 21Reply

Sorry this happened to you:(
Feb 21Reply

What was her address that you shipped your stuff to? Was it that PO box one too? Or different?
Feb 21Reply

@rayylynn @leigh_anna @jano224 @ilyjovin @ariieeboo @misskeo @gcmarcus @ashley0825 @leslies @kristelynn @alisanesbit @christylee84 @heatherc @mrsvjolui thanks ladies:( but finally trading with good people who keep their word! @mrsvjolui yes it was a po box! What a douche!
Feb 21Reply

What's ironic is I did a trade yesterday & right when I got back from the PO, I saw your post! I contacted the girl & she said she shipped hers but her baby ripped up the receipt. I was the last person at the PO & 3 hrs later, I got the shipping notification from Posh. I still haven't received a notification from Posh about her package that she supposedly sipped to me. I'm not 100% sure it's a scam but I'm scared shitless now! Lol that's why I asked about the address. If my gut is right & I did get scammed, I'm out of $500 😳 which is my fault for trusting so easily. Blahh
Feb 21Reply

Another scammer on my page
Feb 21Reply

@mrsvjolui I asked about the po box too. Then tracked my package all the way here then opened it to find tissues. I pray you have better luck!
Feb 21Reply

Also watch out if you're following @vanessavanity
Feb 22Reply

@leigh_anna why would you watch out for me I was going to ship your stuff but you canceled..I'm sorry I have a busy schedule and didn't ship it ASAP
Feb 22Reply

@vanessavanity there is no excuse, I promise you are not half as busy as I lets not go there.
Feb 22Reply

@leigh_anna I had 10 days to ship canceled before that soo not my problem you couldn't wait
Feb 22Reply

@vanessavanity you should put " I take 10 days before I decide to ship" in your profile💋
Feb 22Reply

@leigh_anna and you should put "I'm an impatient bitch don't sell to me unless you send it immediately " hahahahah bye !
Feb 22Reply

@happened to me..;((( traded miss me jeans and such with some bitch who sent me an empty box w tissue paper! People these days;(
Feb 22Reply

@leigh_anna @vanessavanity ladies please no arguments! Everyone is just trying to look out for one another! Once you've been burned its kind of hard not to be paranoid & anxious about your packages. & I stay so busy thank goodness for the lovely ladies O deal with on here for being so patient, all anyone wants is communication when those things happen! <3 @missamyxox :( people are just despicable. All we can do is pray for them & turn them in!!! :) <3 but there are good & honest people on here to trade with. & thank god for them!:) <3
Feb 22Reply

Wow. All I can say. Your a nice woman to pray for her, seriously that's so big of you. I'm sure shell get hers. Karma always has a way of working stuff out😜
Feb 23Reply

Aww that sucks. 😳 It's stories like this that deter me from ever trading on here. Clearly her closet has no listings now, but surely she'll open a new one...well let's hope not! 😁
Feb 23Reply

@britnifoster CRIMINAL !!! Do not let this go, when you commit a crime via USPS that my dear is a federal crime!!!! Prosecute!! Makes us honest women suffer!! Disgusting -so sorry
Feb 24Reply

Every time I see this it makes me so sad for you ;(((
Feb 24Reply

@missamyxox bless your heart! There ARE good people out there, & praying for them gives me hope that they will become better people!
Feb 24Reply

Wow I'm just reading these comments how horrible I'm always so afraid of that happening😞
Feb 25Reply

@chasenewyork 😃you should have seen what that seller wrote me, "that she had 9 days to ship it" she really got mad at me, I was just trying to get any sort of response from her before I canceled! I'm like you, if you buy it before 2am I get online and let my po know to pick up packages the next day😃
Feb 26Reply

@chasenewyork I know ppl get busy, but you don't even have to leave the house to ship through pm! I can't understand why ppl act like they can only ship one day of the week or month. You have a mailman, that comes to your house every day, call post office and schedule a pick up...i take care of a special needs baby that has to have alot of care, but I make sure I get my packages shipped same or next day💋
Feb 26Reply

@dalion is a scammer paid her 150 for an iPhone and never heard from her again...prior to that i bought a pair of uggs that took forever (3 weeks) to get (she claimed the post office lost them but that "THANK GOD" she had "insured them" and FINALLY sent them out). Stupid me.. i gave her the benefit of the doubt & did business with her again since she said she desperately needed the money for her sons bday and i wanted to gift the iPhone to my own stepson...BIG mistake! We communicated via text and email for a while she gave me the run around then stopped responding and conveniently deleted her listings....tried calling the number i had for her its a textfree account and today I googled her real name Anette Riggins and found out she's a convicted felon that was arrested in 2005 for possession of stolen merchandise. I have started my research and the UGGS she sold were fake ($100). She even has a mugshot and it's the same as her old PM pic!(973) 432-9948 is this woman's textfree number, she lives in New Jersey and heres a link to her mugshot (im going crazy copy/pasting this story because i work hard for my money and my poor stepson was really looking forward to his phone):
Feb 26Reply

Please add this to my scam listing on my page! Sorry:/
Feb 27Reply

@britnifoster Thanks for warning girl! Sadly, the world is full of unscrupulous people intent on making a quick buck, I'm so sorry for you
Feb 27Reply

This makes me angry! Thank you for sharing and I am so sorry this happened to you!
Feb 28Reply

@britnifoster oh, wow!! I'll report her also. How awful!
Mar 03Reply

@britnifoster I'm about to start a scam post myself in my closet I'm sick and tired of seeing people do this crap and giving us ALL a bad name. I'll add her, but I'd really love it of you'd share your story on there. Just copy and past it. God does look out for His children!!
Mar 05Reply

How can they scam you if the funds aren't released until we get the item and check it? I am confused:(
Mar 07Reply

I just shared this! Wow people are so low. The things they will do for money. :(
Mar 07Reply

@britnifoster well I just checked to see who she was and she has absolutely NOTHING POSTED SMH THAT'S WHAT KINDA MAKES IT LEERY TO BUY STUFF ON HERE BECAUSE OF PPL LIKE HER. REPORT IT TO POSH NOW
Mar 07Reply

@bwbsmom @itsjustvee @rajwilliams I came across this too! Some girl she traded with was supposed to send her a camera and sent her a package with tissues in it! I feel so bad :( and she's scammed more girls if you read the comments!
Mar 08Reply

@kstelly2013 here's the post I just told you about :(
Mar 08Reply

@twee @vtpham @ishopandshop @ssuong
Mar 08Reply

@noy2312 @krishosman @cindikaye @savanhcloset @ccargo @katjo @staceycloset 👆
Mar 08Reply

@iconicfashion 👆
Mar 08Reply

@twee oh my word. Too many scammers. I have no trading policy!!
Mar 08Reply

@twee thank you for sharing!
Mar 08Reply

@jogeeya @ryann_ma23 take note!
Mar 08Reply

@lizierox here's one!
Mar 08Reply

@britnifoster I see this happening more and more. Sad:( be careful girl we are not all bad happy and safe poshing. Love your hair mine is about the same color and having trouble finding matching extensions. Cute closet:)
Mar 22Reply

@bbythompson12 that is pathetic that happened to you it ruins this site for none scammers
Aug 18Reply

@britnifoster amen Moma!!! Lots of these ladies need prayer I got scammed for 400+ and a few smaller ones but idk how these ladies sleep at night...smh
Aug 20Reply

I know it's been awhile, but this is still good to know...thanks for sharing!!!
Oct 21Reply

@bbythompson12 does she still exist? So I don't purchase anything from this person! Similar thing happened to me over a pair of $998 shoes :( I am fighting a dispute right now.
Feb 25Reply
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