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Updated May 12
Updated May 12

Meet My Hero & Best friend Momma Rip


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A little while ago I lost my Mom & best friend to Cancer. She lived with me. I haven't been able to go through her things but I think Im almost there. When I sell her closet I will donate 20% to a local non profit org called the Victory House. Her Bday is coming up April 11, on that day I will list some of her things. On April 11th I encourage all of you to take 1 item from your closet & Donate that $ to a Charity that means something to you. On that day I will pick 2 who donate alongside cont.
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julia_rose On April 11th I will be posting my Moms things in honor of her birthday. Anyone who joins me in donating an item in your closet tag me & I will randomly pick 2 ladies at the end of the day to get a $10 item in my closet. No purchase necessary just participation.
Mar 07Reply
julia_rose @yengkeepop here is the coat I told you about, I wouldn't get rid of it for anything.Also another fellow Posher & mother of 2 has also recently been diagnosed the past week. Her name will be confidential until I ask her if its ok. She loves jewelry. I wanted to see if anyone would be interested in donating a piece of jewelry that we could send to her in a care package. Tag this photo if you have any interest. I will contact her to see if she minds. I do know that she's allergic to certain metals so it would be silver or another alternative that you see fit. Thanks & God Bless❤ PAY IT FORWARD
Mar 07Reply
pupkins @julia_rose you have such a beautiful soul. Your mother is smiling at you <3
Mar 07Reply
julia_rose @pupkins thank you. She was the greatest person I ever knew. I got my empathy & compassion from her. She was a hair stylist for 46 yrs. during her last few months during Chemo she would get all dressed up & so excited to see her clients & friends. Toward the end she was only able to work a half a day. She was in the hole each week by oweing Booth Rent. She is the only person I know til this day that PAID to go to work. Her birthday is coming up & I plan on putting some of her stuff up to sell on that day.I haven't been able to do that yet so this gives me a good reason to do so. I'm also going to donate a portion of her sales to a Non Profit Company Called The Victory Center. It's all volunteer so maybe my donation will only end up being $20, I still need to feel like I'm helping even if its in a small way. I also met another Posher who told me she has cancer yesterday. She is a young mom like yourself & A Mom of 2 Boys. I wish Posh had a Charity Closet where we could go & help ppl who need it. I know how hard it is to live & take care of someone who is that I'll. It's to close to my heart. I hope you like the extra shoes I threw in your package I was rushing to get out a few give aways.Do you have a head count yet ? You have to be close your working your buns off! 💋💋💋💋
Mar 07Reply
pupkins I want to help you. Ill donate stuff too. Hopefully you put a return address on the package you sent. Ill send some jewelry or whatever I can find. . I don't care If I win the bag. I just want to help you sell your stuff & make new friends. Poshmark is so fun! Hope your enjoying it as much as me xoxo 💋💋
Mar 07Reply
julia_rose @pupkins thank you. I am really enjoying the community I love fashion & styling ppl. I've always done personal shopping for my friends. They all want me to do it for a living. You should check out my photography facebook page. I've neglected it for a few months😴 bc my photography requires a lot of marketing & I don't have the $ to advertise Ect ... I think my facebook page is Julia Rose Images or Julia rose images 411? It's been awhile. Also I have a blog on Google+ Julia Rose images 411 & my blog is Simply Julia 411. I'm going to blog about my experiences here on Poshmark. Also if you look at my photography I provided all the accessories jewelry hats vests scarves boots coats & more props. As far as the other Posher I will have to tag her so that she gets all the inquiries, she needs they items shipped to her so that she can put them in her closet to sell. Her & I do not know each other I met her like I met you. And she told me she was sick, I was very upset. I immediately wanted to figure out a way to help.When ppl get sick we feel helpless & all we can do is either pray, send kind words or figure out a way to help them get donations. This lady has it pretty bad she live in New Orleans & also was affected by Katrina. I should write The Ellen Talk show she is always helping people.And this gal really needs it. It couldn't hurt all it is, is a letter the worst thing is that they don't help. But could you imagine how it would feel if they did respond & help her? I think that would be high up on my bucket list. If I had $ I would love doing what she does.I do it on a small basis, I firmly believe that people who are successful stay that way bc they give back & they don't take their success for granted. Good talk! Lol, I'm so sleep deprived I feel like I just published a short novel to you. Sorry Hun😎 YOLO
Mar 08Reply
pupkins Wow New Orleans. I live in louisiana too.. Lol small world
Mar 08Reply
julia_rose @pupkins & you both have 2 boys
Mar 08Reply
yengkeepop @julia_rose shes beautiful
Mar 08Reply
cynthiaasalas @julia_rose I'm sorry to hear about your mom sweetie. I would like to donate. Please keep me informed and I will do whatever I can to help. God bless you sweetie. You are making your mom proud of you just by being you. May The Lord shine His face upon you and give you peace and cloak you in Jesus name.
Mar 08Reply
julia_rose @cynthiaasalas thank you for the prayer😂 my mom has passed. I met a fellow Posher who told me she has Cancer & I'm trying to help her. It's really personal to me when ppl get Cancer Bc I lived with it as the primary caregiver to my mom, my only parent & best friend. I need to talk to the girl & let her know a few ppl want to help & then I will post her name & everyone can then deal with her directly. I just know what's she's going through & she had 2 young boys. I'm sure she would appreciate anything anyone would do as far as even just saying a prayer or sending a message of hope. Thank you again .xoxo JR
Mar 08Reply
cynthiaasalas @julia_rose here if you need anything sweetie. God bless. :)
Mar 08Reply
teddyb356 @julia_rose Jmarie, I'm sorry to hear about your mom. I too was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer that had spread to my lymph nodes. I had a bilateral mastectomy including lymphnodes in May of last year and I take it one day at a time. My prayers and love sent to you and family. What do I need to do to help with the charity? Plz let me know. I love posh mark for many reasons, but meeting great ppl that become friends is awesome. 🙏😇💕 my email is, if needed.
Mar 16Reply
julia_rose @teddyb356 thank u so much for your kind words & I will keep you in my prayers. I don't have a charity I just happened to met a fellow posher who found out she had cancer. I don't know her & we've never met but my heart broke when she told me she was sick. If you want you can go directly to her I'm just the messenger. If you want to talk or pray for each other maybe you guys can help each other? Thanks again her closet is dreamsicle07 god bless & prayers your way
Mar 16Reply
teddyb356 @julia_rose Can you tell me how to find dreamcycle07? I've looked at your followers to try that way, but no luck. Thank you for all the prayers.
Mar 16Reply
julia_rose @teddyb356 maybe I misspelled it brb
Mar 16Reply
teddyb356 @julia_rose oops, sorry with her name. I looked for the correct one dreamsicle07. : )
Mar 16Reply
julia_rose @teddyb356 sorry it's dreamsicle7 I have a note posted in my closet also if you need to find her another time
Mar 17Reply
jen_forfashion @julia_rose Oh ! I am so sorry to hear this. Your Mom was beautiful and you are beautiful and so is your family. Love the pictures you posted of you and her 😍 My eyes are tearing up as I am looking at the photos. It is tough I know my Mom is my best friend. It is a beautiful thing you are doing to keep her memory alive. 💕
Mar 17Reply
julia_rose @jsimp43 thank you so much for your message ❤her name was Julia and my grandmas was Rose I named by company after them..Im a photographer or at least I'm trying to I'm new & mostly did fan & friends. My Mom was my only parent I didn't have a dad so when she got sick my world fell apart. My kids & art, fashion & ppl like you are what keeps me going. Thanks again
Mar 17Reply
territ1 @julia_rose lost my mom 12 long years ago. Still sometimes think I have to call her to tell her about something and then remember, I can't ... But I have lots of good memories and moments that make me smile more than cry anymore. I was so lucky to have such a wonderful mother and friend. I will gladly participate! What a great way to honor your Mom!
Apr 03Reply
mellymisfit81 @julia_rose ok I am crying😭 I am sorry for everyone who posted a loss!! My prayers are with u all!! My mom is my best friend and I don't know if I could live without her. If I can do anything to help please let me know. Gotta go get some tissues:(
Apr 05Reply
julia_rose @mellywheeler31 thank you so much for your kind words they mean a lot by letting me share who I am and what's important In life
Apr 05Reply
mellymisfit81 @julia_rose u r very welcome. I followed and shared her page if u have anything in mind about helping her let me know I will do what I can to help:)
Apr 05Reply
julia_rose Today is my Angels My Mom in heavens birthday I just sold a few of her items last week & as I able will add more. I love you Momma Happy Birthday! RIP to all those Poshers whom have been affected by Cancer, or are fighting it now my Heart & thoughts & prayers are with you 💗 #beatcancer #cancerstinks
Apr 11Reply
julia_rose @lilo68 thank you so much very hard day I don't have any tears left in my body 😂thank you so much, very sweet you remembered
Apr 12Reply
julia_rose Happy Birthday Momma you are the best Mom that ever was or could be
Apr 12Reply
julia_rose @workinmama13 I have 5 kids and everyday Is a struggle. I moved my Mom in she was 64 a hair dresser and no health insurance to give her a better life.That was April , we had the best times with my kids and cooking doing stuff. Aug 13 she said I don't feel good I think I need to go to the ER. She had 2 hernia surgeries so we thought that's what it was. We saw a medical student who told us for 6 hrs. Nothing was wrong with her. I knew something was but I didn't ever think at all it was Cancer. After 6-7 hrs of getting no where I went to the nurses desk in tears and begged them to send a dr. In. He admitted her and I was relieved. I went the next. Morning to visit which was the worst day of my life. When I got there, her room was filled with doctors and specialists. They told me she had stage 4 terminal cancer & was given 4-6 months to live. I didn't accept that and tried to research everything I could to slow the process help the process because she was 64 and would be 65 in 7 months. When she would get insurance and have things a little easier. I spent every second with her trying to maximize each day.i threw her a bday party for her 65 th in April she was sick and only lasted a little while. I had in home hospice they came 2xs per week or whenever I would call. 60 days after her bday June 19th a Sat. Hospice came fri and said they would see me Monday. Sunday we had a house full of ppl. Everyone left and I was home alone with her. I went to check on her every 5 mins as I had done for months and she had fell on the floor. They think she sat up to breathe bc her lungs were filled with fluid. I laid a pillow on her head and gave her mouth to mouth. It didnt work God wanted her. It took me a year to not look at that as a tragedy but as a miracle bc he person who held me 1st time when I came I to this world, I got to send to heaven. Mother's Day just passed as well as her bday. And the anniversary of her passing is coming up soon. All I can say is based on what you have said she's your best friend and all you can do is have the best time each time you see her make the most of it. Cherish every minute so that you have happy memories to help you in the future. I will pray for you and her and your loved ones. It's very hard. But I know you can hold your head up high and be proud of yourself for doing all you can for her, that's the best medicine she could have is to be loved and honored. I'm glad we connects too. Keep me up to date . 💋💋💋💋 hugs and prayers your way!
May 31Reply
smwetherhold I will always except style advice!!!! You definitely know style and hair. Your pics with your mom are gorgeous. I'm so sorry for your loss and know first hand how hard it is. I lost my grandmother who was basically my second mother to cancer almost 4 years ago. My mother and I were her caregivers and now we are my father's 😞 it's definitely not easy!
Jan 19Reply
julia_rose @smwetherhold I'm so sorry 😢🙏 I didn't have a present dad in my life he left when I was 2. I lived with my Grandma & Mom Til I was 7 when my Mom got remarried... I lost my grandma 5 years ago to Cancer My Mom & I cared for her. She lived 2 yrs from Her diagnosis she was 82 yrs old My Mom said she never wanted to live that way & suffer. My Mom was diagnosed 4 months after moving in with me 😢 she died in 10 months it's the hardest thing I've ever had to go thru my biggest nightmare. I've felt like I don't have a safe place to fall. That one person who loved me unconditionally... Fortunately I have my kids to live for they give me life & my fur baby's 🐾🐩🐈🐩 2 Sundays ago my oldest Dog 9 yrs old Gucci went missing were still looking ..... My daughter got her when she was leaving Kindergarten. She wanted a new dog so I have a baby in the house she's the cutest little stinker ever! 5 Wks old she can't replace my Gucci in my heart but she's helping my kids cope with our missing. I will pray for you & your parents in this difficult time try to enjoy every second as hard as the time may be 🙏👼💋😘 sending love & prayers
Jan 19Reply

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