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Hope everyone follows their dreams no matter what. Thanks for reading and Happy Shopping!! ❌⭕❌⭕

43 others
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@kdawn3024 Thanks for the like and sharing! 😘😘
Mar 09Reply

@kdawn3024 Awe😘 thank you so much...i wish i can inspire myself...I have really hard days where I miss the old me... I went from 100 miles an hour to a complete stop in seconds. But I feel honored if I can inspire you... It's truly an honor! I just wanna spread the word... Never give up and never loose hope. Follow ur dreams because you never know in a split second your whole life can change.
Mar 09Reply

@ibtisama THANK you for the like. Much appreciated
Mar 09Reply

@luv_luv Thank you so much! 💕💕
Jun 05Reply

Your an inspiration & a trooper!! :)
Sep 15Reply

@txbeck I appreciate that so much! It means the world to me if I can just bring some hope to people when all feels lost! 👍💕💕😘
Sep 15Reply

Wow. I truly believe you were put here to help others and just reading your story gives me a reason to be thankful for everything i have and people like you! Hun please don't ever give up, you are an inspiration to us all and things can only get better if you set the path for them to! Thank you for sharing your story, I can only imagine how hard everyday must be but you seem to have found a bigger and better meaning in life out of your experience. Xoxo...
Sep 16Reply

@kaetthegnome Thanks for the like
Sep 16Reply

@bettina_ann Thanks for the like
Sep 16Reply

@bettina_ann Thank you sweetie. I really appreciate you taking the time to comment. It really helps to know I can give hope to people and to feel I still have a purpose. Xoxo cheers to everyday putting one step forward!!!
Sep 16Reply

@turtlejenc ThAnKs for sharing your story. You hear of it happening, but seems like those things only happen in the movies. Keep up the positive outlook, & never give up. Glad you have Boxer's too! They can help you forget about life struggles ;))
Oct 04Reply

@lysstin thank you so much. Yes, boxers are a funny breed. They make me laugh everyday.
Oct 04Reply

Hi precious baby
Oct 29Reply

@ooofah1 Awe! Thank you so much, and thanks for all the shares💕💕💕💕😘😘
Oct 29Reply

God bless u and your family
Oct 30Reply

@lauluvit Thank you so much for the share and like💕💕💕💕
Oct 30Reply

@andihollisrn Awe thanks so much for your comment and letting me know about the item. Hope you had a great holiday... And more to come!!
Nov 30Reply

Hello my posh friend. Just checking in on u
Dec 12Reply

@turtlejenc Hey Jennifer! I loved what you wrote and it's so true each of us should cherish the life we have because things can happen at any time I know how precious life is too for my dear mom was fine and always in the go then in 2009 she suffered a massive stroke which forever changed her life and ours forever she lost her ability to walk, talk and care for herself and she passed in 2010 and we miss her everyday . She was one who truly did just that lived her life to the fullest everyday before that fateful day . Thanks for your story and thanks for listening to mine. God bless you and I wish you continued progress in your recovery. Happy New Year to you and yours.
Jan 04Reply

@turtlejenc With your determination and spirit you will achieve your dreams.I am so sorry you have had to endure so much,but sometimes bad things happen.
I hope you have kept a journal of your progress so you can look back on every day and see how far you've come.The very best wishes for full recovery.
Jan 11Reply

@marilynn54 Thank you for the kind words... I have kept a journal... I have come a far way, but as of right now it's hard to read. It puts me in that place where I was and I'm not far enough away from it that I want relive it....but it will be interesting to read one day :-)
Jan 11Reply

@turtlejenc Hi your page says Jersey Devil?I went to a Neuro Optomitrist who specialized in Brain Injury I went for Four years.Dr Norman Einhorn In Belmar.The Man was a Godsend.I had a Head injury and then a stroke.His work up was difficult then treatment was a hoot took months staring at a piece of fuz until it turned into an "e".found I was leaning 30deg to the L ,got sick in stores with isles.Had to use index cards to keep my place to read and a huge magnifying glass.Robert wood Johnson head injury and Willes Eye Hospital in Phila wanted to write me off and recommended I be placed in assisted living.Keep working.It was no picnic but I was back at work things aren't perfect but One can compensate.He made glasses for me with prisms so the world was upright again.(I never knew till he tested it,I see everything as upright because your brain alters it but I was actually starting to lean to the left. the other hospitals felt I'd had too much damage it was hard work but worth every minute.If you want to talk I'll give you my e-mail(Your doing great)Do you get tired easily?
Jan 11Reply

@marilynn54 Yes, please give me your email. Thank you for sharing. Few people really understand what a brain injury entails. I do get tired very easily, I argue with myself on a daily basis because I know I shouldn't be tired, but I'm exhausted. So frustrating because I use to be so active, I was also a personal trainer and kept myself fit, now I lost all my hard work. I struggle to walk on a treadmill without puking. Any fast movement is not good, I went from roger rabbit to Thomas the tortoise. A lot of people can't relate how fustrating that is, when you are use to being one way and the injury changed everything you knew in an instant. Coping is a daily struggle, but it must be done if we are going to get anywhere. I don't have any income at the moment, after my employer found I reached medical maximum improvement they cut me off financially. It's been a year on the 31st I've had no income. I just got food stamps 4 months ago and welfare 2 months ago. They make it difficult for people to get help who need it because everyone abuses the system. I'm living on 300/month... And 130 is welfare. Crazy how they think bills can get paid with that. It just barely covers my phone. I can't drive much yet, can't work yet, so I'm stuck in this house for days... Drives me crazy. I never use to sit still. So I try to sell what ever I can get my hands on so I have some spending money. People donate things to me so I can sell it which is how I am surviving right now. I do eBay too, but it gets hard when I sell only once a week. People arnt the nicest anymore, not understanding when I can't mail something out ASAP... But that's where out society has come to.... Ignorance. There are few in between that still brings me faith of our humanity...I've met a lot of extremely nice people on here that I'm amazed of their support and understanding to someone they don't even know. Which really helps me from one day to the next. It's was great talking to you and hope to talk to you soon!!
Jan 11Reply

@marilynn54 Oh I'm jersey devil because it's a nick name I've acquired from my boyfriend... He says I have an evil laugh, and I love the dark and spooky stuff. So it kinda stuck with me... Lol I can actually see in the dark without any ambient light pretty well, which freaks him out... Hehe I eat lots of carrots so maybe it has helped with night vision. Bright light also hurts my eyes and head.... As you probably know with a brain injury a lot of migraines follow so I tend to have my house low lit... Which he uses as an excuse for my nickname. He calls it the devils layer. I just shake my head and laugh... I am in the faith an use that to bring me strength to keeping putting one step forward! So that's my little story of where my name comes from.
Jan 11Reply

@turtlejenc Birds of a feather stick together!Reach me you haven't been able to read in awhile it's interesting what you choose first. I worked on daily devotionals from "Living Beyond The Daily Grind"by Chuck Swindoll it was helpfull.Talk to you soon!
Jan 11Reply

Thank you for sharing your story❤ you are an inspiration. God has plans for you!!! Xoxo
Jan 21Reply

@kimsthings Thank you so much💗💞💞
Jan 21Reply

Thank you for sharing beautiful dog and i wish you all the luck i have had a hard life with a lot of disappointments with family and loss and working now on getting well from heart and phemonia life is hard but i try to smile
Mar 06Reply

@deborahsbird Thank you so much for the kind words. I try to live by, tomorrow can be a better day... As hard as it is, finding a way to smile is the best medicine... No matter what it is. My pup was rescued, she wasn't potty trained at 2yrs (she would go outside and get distracted and forget to go potty.. She remembered when she got inside), she would jump on the counters/table, not leach trained, would not listen... She was a mess...after two years she became a really good dog. She still has accidents in her kennel, but she came a long way.... She makes me laugh everyday! I wanted to get rid of her when I got her because she was such a mess and I never felt good to train her, but we stuck it thru and we made out pretty good. I'm glad I kept her because I doubt many people would have dealt with her bad behavior and she gave me the best gift in return... Unconditional love!! Stay strong and I'm here to talk! 💞💞💞😘😘
Mar 06Reply

@turtlejenc lucky puppy😍👍💕
Mar 06Reply

@deborahsbird I think we both got lucky 😘😘💞💞 Thanks again...
Mar 06Reply

@turtlejenc Hey there! Your up late,are you doing OK?
Mar 16Reply

@marilynn54 awe sorry I didn't get back to you, yea I'm ok, I haven't been sleeping lately. Thank you for asking. Doc wants to so more head scans... Ehhh I don't like all that radiation, makes my hair fall out! 😔
Mar 16Reply

That made my day! I really needed that!!!! I just got bad news that my son is in ICU (he's diabetic) I'm in Florida and he's in Texas! So I feel helpless right now. Thanks for sharing your story!!!!
Apr 18Reply

@crystallynnclh awe sweetie!!! Sending prayers your way! I am so glad I can make you feel a little better.... That is my whole reason for sharing my story and by all the other ladies comments.... In hard times we are never truly alone! Support is out there!!! Sending hugs and kisses to you and your family!!! I know that is such a scary thing you are going thru... I'm here if you need to talk and I'm sure anyone of the ladies who commented would also be glad to lend a listening ear! Take a deep breath... Everyday is one step closer to your baby getting better. Xoxoxoxoxo always here to talk.
Apr 18Reply

Thanks so much!!!!
Apr 18Reply

@turtlejenc ❤️
Apr 27Reply

@vinsam thank you sweetie xoxox 💞💞 and for all the shares
Apr 27Reply

@turtlejenc You're welcome and thank you 😘😘😘
Apr 27Reply

@turtlejenc Hi!! Just checking in to see how you're doing??!! ❤️❤️❤️
Jun 06Reply

@vinsam Hiiii!!! Thank you for asking. The weather puts a wrench in my daily life, but on clear days I'm doing ok 😊😊😊👍👍👍 i smile every time I put those crops on because I think of your strength and it gives me a push. So thank you xoxo hope you and your family are doing well. My step son is almost out of school so I'm excited... We always have fun. Keep in touch! Xoxoxoxo
Jun 06Reply

Thanks for the shares. Just read your story, and some of the comments. I can't even imagine what it must be like to be hit by lightning. I thought people couldn't survive something like that. Life can be so unfortunate sometimes ;( my situation is no where comparable to yours, but I can relate to your feelings of frustration when you want to do things, but just can't. I have 4 kids and being a full time mom has a lot of limitations too, especially with an infant in tow. Of course, my situation is self induced, while yours was not, so a big difference there. But I myself had to pray last night for God to help me be content, in all situations. To help me to stop wanting a life that I can't have right now. To give me peace, His peace that surpasses all understanding. We all need His help to get thru this life. I will pray for you too :)
Jun 14Reply

Thanks for the shares. Just read your story, and some of the comments. I can't even imagine what it must be like to be hit by lightning. I thought people couldn't survive something like that. Life can be so unfortunate sometimes ;( my situation is no where comparable to yours, but I can relate to your feelings of frustration when you want to do things, but just can't. I have 4 kids and being a full time mom has a lot of limitations too, especially with an infant in tow. Of course, my situation is self induced, while yours was not, so a big difference there. But I myself had to pray last night for God to help me be content, in all situations. To help me to stop wanting a life that I can't have right now. To give me peace, His peace that surpasses all understanding. We all need His help to get thru this life. I will pray for you too :)
Jun 14Reply

@rosenbmata Thank you so much! Everyone walks thru life differently, even thou our situations are different.... The struggle is still the same. I will send prayers your way as well. And remember, God will only throw things your way He knows you can overcome. Stay strong sweetie and trust me when I say, things will get better. I had a rough few years, but I kept putting one step further because I don't ever want to give up. I still have my bad days, but things are better. When the lightening came out of my head the doctors didn't know my outcome, so I made my outcome to Never Give Up Hope! I'm glad I didn't because I can now get out of bed (slowly), read again, talk without stuttering or hesitation (most of the time), walk without assistance. So life for me is finally doable. After 4 years..... And I still have hope I am going to recover further. One step forward sweetie and it eventually will lead you where you need to go. My hardest thing was never to look back at what I had or how I was, but look forward to how far I came. That's what I still struggle with, but I'm getting better. So keep your head up and your feet forward!!! ;-)
Jun 14Reply

Thank you for your words. You may have some physical difficulties, but your heart and mind seem to be working much better than most! Your mention of how hard it is to not look back at who you used to be really struck a cord with me. You are very right- situations in life are different, but the struggles are the same. It's good to find others who can understand. Everything is worse when you feel alone. Thank you for being brave enough to share your story. And good for you for being so strong in a time you were your "weakest".
Jun 15Reply

@rosenbmata I have to return the kind words. Thank you for your support and understanding. It's so refreshing to meet such wonderful people such as yourself. Remember, your never alone. I might be miles away, but I'll always send some email love your way!!! 💞💞💞 stay strong sweetie!
Jun 15Reply

I agree- It is refreshing to meet nice, supportive people. Keep doing what ur doing cuz it's working! Much love <3
Jun 15Reply

@turtlejenc God bless you and your family, live has up and downs. Hope you always be happy and healthy. Love your 🐾🐾
Jun 19Reply

@aladdinboutique Thank you😊
Jun 19Reply

Hey just saw u Purchased my cleaner. If u wanna bundle more stuff I can give u a better deal!:) let me know
Jul 16Reply

Thank you 😊 that's something I needed to read! I hope things start falling into place so you can see the bigger plan for you. There is always a reason just keep trucking to get to the goal!
Aug 01Reply

@krzobel Thank you so much. Things are getting better, thank you so much! Wish you luck as well in anything that seems not obtainable, keep pushing forward!! Xoxo
Aug 01Reply

Hi, my name is Deena and while I didn't get struck by lightening I was diagnosed with several medical conditions about 15 yrs ago and have been unable to work. We have state disability here in CA but it only lasts a year so I went from working 10 days straight to nothing. So that I understand. It's frustrating. I also had to go on food stamps and cash aide but I filed for social security disability and finally after about 18 months my social security started and while I don't make a lot, it's more than welfare. I also had to sell anything I could. Things that can never be replaced but like you I made it through to the other side. Oh and I was dead for 5 minutes lol. I to believe that everything happens for a reason. Nothing in this world happens just by chance. If you haven't filed for social security disability then you need to ASAP. And if your denied get a lawyer and while they take 25% your money is adding up every month you are disabled. I hope all this makes sense. If you have any questions I'm here to help. Hang in there and god bless you and you will be in my prayers🍃💖💕
Aug 03Reply

@deenanelson Thank you so much, any info is very helpful. I didn't have any income for over a year, welfare, food stamps, and social security took over a year to be approved. It just started a couple months ago, so I am trying to save my house still.... It sucks so bad when you don't have the brain power from an injury to actually argue and fight for your case to be approved. And here, they wanted me to keep driving 40 min away, I mean, I have a brain injury... I can't drive hardly at all with no money for a cab service. Now, it's better thou, with less money stress, I am starting to heal a lot faster. My doctor told my sister, cause he didn't want to freak me out, that my recovery will take from 7-10 years because the lightening came out of my head. It took me three years to be able to communicate and understand the English language again. My brain had to make new pathways because they were burnt away. When learning how to walk I now walk different than I did, I still have to sit in the shower or take a bath, bending my head makes me fall in that direction ( lost most of my hair and had to cut the rest off.. Very sad.. 15") if feels I am someone new, but not better by any means and that is not by choice. But after just 4 years this July, my struggles are better..... I can get out of bed most days and I can even drive a little. The weather (pressure change) has a huge effect of how I feel. If we get rain, I know the day or two days before it's here. I won't be able to get out of bed because my head feels like I have 50lbs on it. And 20lbs on my feet... But I am having better days and pray for more, your thoughts, prayers, and shares mean so much! To know someone cares enough is amazing to me. Thanks you sweetie, for your words and kindness. I will always try to return the favor! 💞💞💞 and sending prayers your way to improve your recovery or help in any way. Not being able to do what you once did or are use to is a daily struggle we both are familiar with. Good luck sweetie with everything. 😘😘
Aug 03Reply

Keep that positive attitude!
Aug 12Reply

Just read your story...good for you! I hope things continue to get better each and every day for you. It's easy to give up and because you haven't, that shows some true strength and courage. Keep on going! @turtlejenc
Aug 14Reply

@medexaminer THANK YOU so much for your kind words. I really appreciate you taking the time to read and comment. It helps more than you know to have peoples support. 💞💞💞
Aug 14Reply

Certainly. The least someone can do is share some kind words. I think we can all use that now and again. And thank you for all the shares! @turtlejenc
Aug 14Reply

@turtlejenc your story is inspiring and makes any other problems seem small. I am a retired police officer and am recovering from my 4th hand surgery!! After 4 summers in a cast I am ready to throw in the towel and then I just read your story and I know I will get better and to be patient. I can def understand your feelings of your police career dream being gone. But like you said things happen for a reason and you are still here on this earth with your family. I will keep you in my prayers for recovery. Thank you for sharing your story and keep moving forward!!!!
Aug 17Reply

@cdivinsky THANK YOU, so much for commenting, sharing and your service to protect others. Last year I was nominated as a recipient for Officer Down Inc, they are an amazing group of people who became my second family. Once my workers comp ran out, I had no income, couldn't collect social security because my employer had me on pay roll "leave without pay" and I couldn't collect and couldn't collect unemployment because I couldn't work. Worked for 11 years, never took vac and that's how they repay ya. So it was over a year that I had no income, my credit went down the tubes because I couldn't pay my bills/mortgage, my heater broke "luckliy my mom had a Woodstove I had my brother installed), then I had to find wood, split it and carry it in when I could hardly walk. Until the pension board decided my fate, I had absolutely nothing. Not even money for food, I went down to 89lbs. This year they started to pay me income and approved my pension disability. I finally got approved for food stamps.... But when I needed help for that year there was nothing. Everywhere I tried to get help, just was a really long cold year to get it... So extremely grateful once I had some money again, but man it was hard. Plus going to all the doctors they wanted me to see... I saw 28 different doctors in one year. So many horrible tests... Mental and physical. I couldn't drive, had no money for gas if I could, so always had to find help, which was another task. What people never realized is how much I loved to work and I couldn't and still can't. I grew up on a farm, worked since I was 17 at a real job, even through college... 3 different jobs to get me thru college. Once I found my dream job I got my house... Was just where I wanted to be and worked so hard to get there, then in an instant it was all taken away. But... Now 4 yrs later... I'm reading, driving a little, walking better(not running yet), no slurring my speech or studdering much... I met my life partner, and now having a baby. I had no reason to keep waking up, but did it anyway because I'm stubborn and don't want anything to hold me back, now I'm back to having more than I had before. I still extremely miss my job, nothing can replace that hole, but I have my new goal, to be the best mom I can to my little one. So, when your down and feel like there is nothing, keep going because you never know what tomorrow brings. Moving forward is the only way to help you get where you want to be... You know from being in law enforcement.. Never stop until the job is done. Well, your job isn't done until you get better! I wish you the best, sending hugs and prayers your way. There is light at the end of the tunnel, even if you can't see it yet. Just keep moving one step further and you will get there! 💞💞💞💞💞😘 Good luck sweetie!
Aug 17Reply

@turtlejenc you are a beautiful person!! The BEST of luck and prayers for your life to be richer and more fulfilled than ever!! ❤️❤️ thank you for your story!!
Aug 18Reply

This is Auhmazing* Your a truly gifted person to go thru all tht! Im glad u survived to tell ure story ! :D <3
Aug 25Reply

@rooeypooey Awe thank you, your kind words means a lot. I'm Getting better, just such a very slow process. 💞💞💞
Aug 25Reply

Im sure, I couldn't even imagine <3 You will get back to normal soon, Im positive of that! C: Your very strong* <3
Aug 25Reply

@rooeypooey thank you so much, love your support and encouragement!!! It really does mean a lot💞💞
Aug 25Reply

WOW.......who gets struck by lightning?
All I have to say is you are so right...........GOD has major plans for you. I can't believe I read this b/c things have been so stressful lately and I keep staying faithful but at times I keep wondering what I will have placed before me that I will have to learn & grow from. So I just keep chipping things away daily and do my best to move forward.
In reading your message, I can only respond with thank you for being kind enough to share your position in life with everyone & i personally thank you for giving me the boost I needed myself.
So what are the odds again that you may be struck by lightning???
Amazing...............your life & strength is truly a testimony of courage & will. Do not stop living or let obstacles get you down. Your lite is probably just beginning and whats ahead will be much more blessed than you could ever have imagined. Maybe you should write a book or memoirs of your life. Your story could possibly be a great motivator! You should try to submit your story to TED and try to get a place on a TED TALK. I bet if you did, you'd receive an outpouring of support to open the doors you need to get more professional assistance.
Please keep me in your favorites & update me when you can. You are a miracle.......who wouldn't want to stay in touch with you is beyond me!
Blessings XXOO Kim
Aug 25Reply

Wow, you are amazing. The words and support and understanding. Thank you so much, I really can't find the words to express how thankful I am to be able to help someone through a tough time in their life. You know they say getting struck by lightening is more rare than wining the lottery, so I played, and didn't win hahahaha. There is actually a support group online about people surviving with my injuries and I couldn't read it for the longest time, 1 because I couldn't read , and 2 because it hit home. All their effects were the same if not similar to my own, it just made my struggles so much more real. I finally read this women got struck 4 times. So not sure about the likely hood of getting hit again, but if I do, I doubt I will be strong as I was. It was just so long to ever see any signs of improvement. I just didn't want to wake up anymore, there was no point. I still kept going thou, I was too stubborn to give up totally. There were days were I just couldn't push myself, and days where I could do more. My symptoms varried so much, no consistency so trying to focus on things that would trigger twitching or vertigo, it was no use. I can't explain how grueling difficult the healing process was and give so much more credit to people who have had it worse than me, and those unable to get better. I came a long way and I look back and NEVER want to be there again and wouldn't wish it on anyone. I am thankful everyday to be able to get out of bed, dress myself, be able to read and understand simple conversation. I am more thankful now than I ever was in my life, I appreciate everything more. Even on my bad days now are no where near where they were. I can get dressed everyday now... I've thought about writing a book, one day where I can fully have function of my thoughts, it would be nice to share my story and give people hope when there seems to be none. The special thing about life is you never know what's gonna happen tomorrow.. So take appreciation what you have today and strive to be better tomorrow. Thanks again 💞💞💞💞 and for all the shares
Aug 25Reply

@lasamplecloset 🔝🔝🔝
Aug 25Reply

@lasamplecloset I forgot to tag you, but the above message was to you 😘😘😘💞💞
Aug 26Reply

Thank you for your message back to me. I was going to tell you that you better start playing the LOTTO & then read your note. Hey a buck a week if you could afford it.....???? What are the odds :-D. I'm happy to hear that you are keeping memoirs. I really believe that when you do so and then read through your notes when you are feeling a bit better, it is physical knowledge that you can use to give your self credit for all that you have accomplished & also be able to really notice the continued blessings & knowledge that GOD is working in your life.
I'm a very visual person and am a HUGE believer in vision boards and also putting myself visually in a position or surrounded by the beauty that is in my life daily that way I see the little things as miracles too. If you haven't started a vision board you should consider it.
I'd like for you to keep in touch via e- mail if you are comfortable in doing so. My e-mail address is or I can be reached at
I live in the heart of L.A in an area full of talent & that includes many friends & neighbors who are writers. I constantly network just because you never know if you can help someone or team two people together or find another that's a perfect match for something i'm involved in myself. So you never know. GOD brings people together unexpectedly all the time and regardless o.f the reason why, we all need each other to keep each other moving forward. If the only thing we accomplish in life is that of a life sharing support & LOVE then we are richer than most and our lives will be fruitful in so many ways.
On a final note, I hear you speak through your messages to those that have sent Love your way and if you have troubles or brain damage........then what is so many others peoples problems with speech and communication skills.
You speak & write more eloquently then a large percentage of this country. And gosh darn were struck by lightning!!!!!
So accept that compliment as a huge one. I'm going to put you onto my vision board with the logo of TED surrounding your name.
LOVE & hugs and blessings and strength, endurance & joy to you and those you love & those who have supported you.
<3 <3 <3........Kim & Roxy & Trixie & Coco :-)
Aug 26Reply

not to get super personal on this public listing.. I just want to say, thank u thank u thank u ♥ and a million times more. u never really kno how much the ppl around u are hurting.. you could be standing next to someone who is completely broken inside and you wouldn’t even know it.
Aug 29Reply

@queenjc Well THANK YOU, thank you for reading and commenting. I have realized people get so wrapped up in life that they form a bubble around them, if they don't step back once in a while to look at the larger picture in life.... It seems we can miss a lot. I've done it, use to live in a bubble, at times I still do and I have to take a step back and realize... There is so much more to this everyday grind... Many people out there have it harder than me and they are kicking life in the butt.. And that gives me strength to keep moving forward, because I know I'm stronger and can be better... And I hope this post is able to give someone else the strength they need to keep moving forward. Xoxo thanks again!!
Aug 29Reply

Well your post definitely was just that for me. At the right time, kind words or unexpected encouragement from a stranger, can make all the difference in the world. Kindness is free, but it’s priceless.
Aug 29Reply

@queenjc I am so happy I was able to give you a virtual hug, that's at least what I call it... Lol just to say I'm here and I understand. Hope you have a good rest of your day and take care 😊😊👍👍👍💞💞💞
Aug 29Reply

Hello! I just wanted to let you know that many people are using this new app called MERCARI and they take none of your money. You're listing price is what you receive. If you sign up, use the code: TXD698. You'll get a $5 credit which you can buy yourself something with. Just wanted to spread the word because I'm sure many people are tired of getting 20% taken! Have a great day!☺️
Sep 03Reply

@turtlejenc Jennifer, I know what it's like to struggle to live day to day. I had an accident in 2009 and shattered my hip and pelvis. To this day I have difficulties. I have 4 children all with Aspergers and Bipolar Disorder, so the recovery was that much harder. I lost my business that took me years to build and I can never work in that industry. Today, I live a wonderful life on the lake and spend my days painting, and taking pictures. I became an ordained minister and work at a ministry providing kids with a beautiful Christmas they would not otherwise have. It's not the life I imagined, but for more beautiful. Hang in there. It gets easier as the days pass by. Lots of love and prayers.
Sep 13Reply

@elires1067 Thank you for sharing your story. Sending warm thoughts your way and to never giving up!
Sep 13Reply

Wow....thank you so much for sharing your story. I'm sorry it's been so difficult for you, you are so strong and such an inspiration and could be an inspiration to many!! Hugs 💜🌸
Sep 14Reply

@nosler Awe thank you so much! And for all the shares. Sending back some warm hugs💞💞💞
Sep 14Reply

Hey sweety I am so sorry that happen to you I wish u all the best and courage and strength and u can do what ever u want as long as u try , I am a 2 x cancer survivor and I know how hard it can be , I just stood tall and fought and I pray it never comes back and , life for some strange reason outs us on certain paths in life and wish we new the answer to why . But god bless u xoxo💙😊
Sep 16Reply

@angel70581 Thanks sweetie, I'm sorry u had that struggle as well but I believe we are not handed anything we can't handle. Everything happens for a reason weather we ever find out what that is during this life or the next. I wish you all the luck in the world and stay strong! 💞💞
Sep 16Reply

@turtlejenc thank u so much means a lot , and the same with u and hope everything stays well with u . Xoxo
Sep 16Reply

I love you aunt jen you are so beautiful and amazing! I could only hope to be as strong as you someday!!! YOU GO GIRL💗💗😊
Jan 18Reply

@lalalaciii Thank you lady bug!!!🐞 love you tons!! ❌⭕️❌⭕️💞💞💞
Jan 18Reply

I pray that you find your purpose in this life and that you are even more passionate about it than you ever thought you could or would be! If God wants you here, he will show you the way and you will be filled with joy! God Bless! Ps. I love that puppy dog!
Mar 30Reply

@jls83007 Thank you so much. I just became a mommy, didn't think I could have babies after my accident, but I was blessed with a baby boy!! He is my angel
Mar 30Reply

That's the joy I was talking about! I have two boys and a daughter and they are literally my whole world! And the boys just make me laugh and smile every day of my life no matter what else is going on! So glad you found the greatest job in the world!
Mar 30Reply

@jls83007 Thank you so much, and you are so blessed. It is the best job ever 💞💞💞
Mar 30Reply

U r a true miracle!
Mar 30Reply

@gretasue awe thank you so much. 💞💞💞
Mar 30Reply

You are an angel and a light. So thankful to have found you girly. Never give up. You have something good going on and your spirit is guiding you. 💗
Feb 03Reply

@karinwithani3 That is so sweet. I really appreciate that so much. This July will be 6 years. I've came such a long way, but my doc said I still have a ways to go for everything to function normal. I am so thankful for all the support and for coming as far as I have, it's def an interesting journey.
Feb 03Reply

Thank you for your like and for visiting my closet! If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
Happy poaching!
May 31Reply

Hey pretty! Please feel free to make an offer on that gorgeous Free People beach dress or a bundle - same or next day shipping! 💕
Aug 02Reply
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