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I do not appreciate sellers advertising all over my listings. I share items that I like, that are stunning but not my size, and I reciprocate shares when I get the chance. If you advertise on my listings I will not share your items and if you keep doing it I will block you. I do not appreciate spam.
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nahana_ @lovelm lol I'm so tired of people spamming my listings. I'm OCD so it really bothers me. I re-list so many items because of spam. Decided I'm going to start blocking spammers.
Mar 16Reply
junekim11 @eunicera - wow, so people go to your listings and advertise their own stuff?! That's really rude!
Mar 16Reply
nahana_ @junekim11 yes!! Drives me crazy!
Mar 16Reply
lovejones9563 @blondiekk I am fairly new still. Can you tell me what this means so II can make sure I don't do it or someone does it to me? Thanks.
Mar 17Reply
blondiekk @lovejones9563 Ill give you an example of one some did on my closet, that will be easier! 😊 I have several things from the Gap listed in my closet and a girl wrote on my listing "Like Gap? Then youll like Prada! Come check out the new Prada items in my closet." She is potentially taking some interested in my closet away. she wrote on 6 of my listing before I could block her! If I can find any of them I'll tag you. Its ok to tag people to come look at your closet from your own listing just not on someone else's. Does that help?
Mar 17Reply
makeupartist01 So obnoxious!! Or this was a great one.... I had a girl go on my listing for a coach bag and said "take a look at my Michael Kors bag. It's beautiful!" And I said " it is beautiful, but I'm not interested in trading at the moment." And she said "oh, I wasn't offering it as a trade. I was asking if you wanted to buy it." And even though she wasn't trying to get someone else to buy it from my feed, I still found it rather rude. If I was interested in buying a bag, I would have let her know.
Mar 17Reply
nicolec0625 I hate getting tagged on these random listings about sales and buying something I've never even seen you guys get that too? At least once a day I get that
Mar 18Reply
nancha @nicolec0625 yep I have 77,000 followers it happens to me a lot. Very annoying when they do that.
Mar 18Reply
frantasticslp Bummer... I totally understand you!
Mar 19Reply
bunnypuff I would have to say the worst one is when you share their item(s) and they ask you if you are interested! Or even worse, post on your wall about bundles and great discounts after you went out of your way to help share their items..... 😓
Mar 19Reply
adombek I agree! Also agree with @bunnypuff So annoying. Try helping them by sharing, and instead of returning the favor, try to sell to you or ask for more favors. Rude.
Mar 21Reply
ittep @eunicera I wish we could delete certain comments. That would prevent spam and advertising.
Mar 22Reply
ilyjovin When they spam my closet I spam them 2x 😉 hopefully they get the pic. It's very annoying. It's not like you see Kmart employees going inside Walmart saying 'hey come buy from Kmart'!!! :D
Mar 23Reply
jenniferlove I agree👎 soooo rude and Desperate!!!!
Mar 26Reply
michelleclaire @eunicera hi there, I see the maxi skirt and dress was delivered... Did you release funds? Are you happy?
Mar 27Reply
nahana_ @ilyjovin I just tried out your method since this wasn't enough for some followers... I hope it works
Mar 28Reply
ilyjovin It worked for me 😉 ....not one spam
Mar 28Reply
ilyjovin No wait... Spoke too soon. 😑 Lol. It does help tremendously though
Mar 28Reply
dombroski07 Thanks for following me!!! Take a look at my Closet, I'm making a deal with the next bundle is 40% off and I ship today I'm trying to get money to move my daughter and I out of a bad situation
Mar 30Reply
erand Very cute closet (: Ive never felt soo tempted to go crazy!! haha.
Mar 30Reply
nahana_ @erand ❤thank you hun!
Mar 30Reply
nahana_ @classy_closet seriously! Dombroski07 advertises on THIS listing?! Blocked.
Mar 30Reply
veronical Dombroski07 HAHAHA 😂😂😂😂
Apr 02Reply
nljorda1 Oh my gosh!!! what a dumbass... blocking her too...
Apr 02Reply
lhuynh401 Thats just ridiculous dombroski07 T-T
Apr 05Reply
jijifashion @ilyjovin that's my thinking too! Someone came on my page and posted on a pair of shoes that aren't even my size and said how she had a similar pair in my size on her page! Grrrrr, being forceful pushes away sales, it doesn't drive them! Certain people on here will never understand.
Apr 07Reply
mawnika Thanks for sharing this info!!! I'm new on here too and it's good to know what to look out for. Much appreciated ✌
Apr 11Reply
carrion @eunicera Thanks for following me🙋Please take a moment to visit my closet🌴 I'm sure you will find something you can't live without🍒if not share something 👀 I'll be sure to pass it on👭 Happy Poshing
Apr 22Reply
nahana_ @jblacombe hmm I think anything whoops intentions is fine as long as its not spam or advertising your closet on other people's listings. Most poshers only want serious buyers commenting
Apr 24Reply
nahana_ @jblacombe with good*
Apr 24Reply
taylermiller5 @eunicera I have a question about this to lol would you say it's spam to comment on something that you like and say Something to the extent of "this is so cute I wish it was my size or I absolutely love this" bc I've done that before :/
Apr 24Reply
spills81 There are so many things some PMers do that are annoying. Like tagging your item as being Coach (for example) just so you can share it at a party when it's a totally different brand! Or selling an item for more than its listed originally and currently on a website bc you don't want to lose 20% to PM..list it on eBay then! Totally understand we are all here to make a few bucks but some people just cannot follow the few simple rules.
Apr 26Reply
esornire I hate sellers who list things on PM but will only take PP.
Apr 26Reply
ms_wang24 @eunicera amen sister👏👏👏
Apr 29Reply
liveeeann Spammers have absolutely no shame! I posted something similar to this in my closet but it didn't stop them. I would get especially irritated when I would go to a spammers closet to comment on their listing and tell them it's rude to spam, only to find many people complaining to them about it! Now, I just go through their entire closet and report every item that is not allowed on Poshmark: lotions, bathing suits, undergarments, etc. It makes me feel a little better to be vindictive!! Lol
May 03Reply
iloveizee I'm new how do you know their doing this?? Does it show with your regular listings??
May 07Reply
angelbear042 @eunicera oh im so glad ur closet is back! :) for a couple days it said no listings😪 what happened?
May 24Reply
nahana_ @angelbear042 I know!! My account was temporarily suspended due to off-Posh transactions so I will be only accepting purchases via Poshmark now.
May 24Reply
angelbear042 @eunicera ooh~ wow😳sorry to hear that.. but im happy along w so many other poshers u are back! 😊
May 24Reply
nahana_ @angelbear042 thank you!! So glad to be back 😊 I've reduced all my prices since I will only be taking PM transactions. Couldn't imagine life without PM!!
May 24Reply
angelbear042 @eunicera oh i kno wat u mean! btw i saw pics of ur jewelry in another poshers closet ryno714.. didnt kno if they were sold to her but theyre the same images~
May 24Reply
nahana_ @angelbear042 hmm I will definitely check that out, thank you hun!!❤
May 24Reply
julieingeneral @eunicera thx for the fallow! If u would like to ask questions or buy an item, feel free to ask and tell me! Thx! Good luck! 😋
May 24Reply
brianas87 I find it super annoying when you've already told someone on a listing that you don't do trades, then someone else comes along and asks the same thing. Never fails. Ugh
May 30Reply
msmara18 I agree with another posher from above, I wish we could DELETE the offending message!! Blocking is a great addition, but being able to delete the spam would be great too, then I wouldn't have to re list!!!
Jun 28Reply
leesaash The top of your page says you do trade. U might want to change it. FYI.
Nov 12Reply
nahana_ @leesaash there is an X by trade. That means I don't.
Nov 12Reply
leesaash Didn't know that was an X it looks like something else. 😊 ok sorry.
Nov 12Reply
mollydolly Lol omg!!! I have almost the exact same listing up!
Nov 12Reply
mollydolly And congratulations tonight!!! 😁👏👏
Nov 12Reply
sugarduckface 🙌 thank you.
Mar 10Reply

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