Searching for Juicy Charms!
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I'm looking for JC charms to add to my collection (posted above 😊)! If you have any available, please tag me or drop me a line below! I'm looking in particular for the older ones 👀 Thank you so much!

51 others
like this

I have a bracelet w some charms! I'd be willing to work w you
Apr 17Reply

@poshmosh1 hi! 😀 sounds good, let me know what you have ~charmwise! thank you! 💕
Apr 17Reply

thanks for the like 😊💕@gliston
Apr 18Reply

@brunetteheart thanks for the info. I can not seem to find countrydarling to view her site?
Apr 18Reply

@mybrunetteheart I have one! Check out my page!
Apr 20Reply

@lcalc thank you! i will definitely check it out - your closet looks full of goodies 😍
Apr 20Reply

thank you for the like @elizabethcruse 😘 i know you are a fellow charmie!
Apr 20Reply

Apr 20Reply

thank you @modlove82 😊💕 @life_with_m has great charms, I admire her closet 😍
Apr 20Reply

@erykahink I might have some - I can check and let you know 😉
Apr 20Reply

❤ Your collection!
Apr 20Reply

@forchikas thank you 💕☺ it's been a long time in the making, lol!
Apr 20Reply

@mybrunetteheart You got quite an investment 💰💵 there 😋 Nice!!! Happy Saturday!
Apr 20Reply

thank you 😊💕 - I hope you have a great weekend too! enjoy a ☕ or 🍷maybe a 🍫 (i need to stay out of these icons)
Apr 20Reply

oops! @forchikas 👆
Apr 20Reply

thanks @ediblecosmos i will check them out now! i just loled at your awesome purse ninja! 😋
Apr 20Reply

@ediblecosmos i know... i think about in Sex & the City when Carrie realizes how much she has spent on shoes and is 😦 about the total, lol 😛 buuut charms are much more reasonably priced than Choos & Manolos! so I tell myself 😓
Apr 20Reply

@ediblecosmos i know! they need to start making some less than cute ones, like a trash can or something, haha
Apr 20Reply

noooo! i'd buy them all, I want a wee Oscar! and a Cookie Monster with googly eyes, and and and... @ediblecosmos
Apr 20Reply

@ediblecosmos you've done it, that would by far be the cutest Sesame Street/Juicy crossover charm. now we wait patiently for this to be put into production 🙇
Apr 20Reply

Why was I tagged in this lol??
Apr 20Reply

oh, i tagged you on that charm post since the seller lowered the price for you, but didn't tag you - i figured you wouldn't want someone to snag your negotiated price! sorry if that wasn't the right thing to do! @missmermaid21
Apr 20Reply

all royalties to @ediblecosmos - one set of Sesame St. charms to @mybrunetteheart and drinks for all 🍹🍸🍺🍼
Apr 20Reply

You've got some great charms!!! Love looking at everyone's collections :)
Apr 20Reply

@ediblecosmos ooh, you fancy girl! 😉
Apr 20Reply

@elizabethcruse i do too! it's like where's waldo for my favorite ones, lol!
Apr 21Reply

You don't even know how jealous I am of you for getting the hula globe!! Deal of lifetime! Lol
Apr 21Reply

Oh I see what happened! I clicked your name and it redirected me to your closet and the only post you have is the one I left asking why I was tagged. I'm still kinda new at this and didn't check the picture lol 😅 I was so confused haha. Thank you so much for tagging me though on the charm, I REALLY appreciate it ❤😘😊
Apr 21Reply

@elizabethcruse aww, you will get a great deal too, patience is the key! I've gotten some steals before that didn't pan out, so I never count my charm chickens until the mailman comes, lol - so I'll be happy once it actually arrives 😅
Apr 21Reply

@missmermaid21 of course! 😊
Apr 21Reply

👜 or 🏠/🚘 lol @ediblecosmos
Apr 21Reply

@ediblecosmos diamonds are a girls best friend! 💕💍💕
Apr 21Reply

@designerjustin lol, yes - I have a charm problem! hehe 😊
Apr 21Reply

@designerjustin yay! I will keep my eyes peeled 👀 and keep checking back! if you could tag me too, I'd really appreciate it! 😉
Apr 21Reply

@designerjustin thank you! you are already becoming an expert PM seller & master bundler! 😃
Apr 21Reply

@designerjustin ditto! 😊
Apr 21Reply

@ashkurat hello! 😊 i did! i happen to have that one, but if you come across any others, let me know!
Apr 21Reply

We have like 200 check out our closet
Apr 23Reply

@londoncouture Wow! 😍 thank you for letting me know - I'm off to admire your closet now!
Apr 23Reply

Hi I have an older strawberry and pink megaphone do you you already have those?
Apr 25Reply

@jessygold hello! i have a red strawberry, but not the pink one 😊i do have the megaphone! thank you for letting me know! 😃💕
Apr 25Reply

@designerjustin hello! I'm actually out of town at the moment, but I'll update it so theres no delay on your end 😊 thank you again for everything!
Apr 25Reply

@designerjustin thank you! 😄
Apr 26Reply

thank you @ejacky! 😘
Apr 26Reply

@mybrunetteheart Hey Lauren I have a question that maybe you know the answer there an easier way to search? Like newly listed or not pull up ones you've already seen? My eyes are going scroll And dd your stone replacement work?
Apr 27Reply

hi @shanibabe - a good tip is if you do a search for 'juicy charm', refine it to disclude any sold listings... that can make things go by much faster! i definitely can relate to that scrolling blur, haha! and i haven't yet had a chance to perform any ~charm maintenance~, i will def let you know the results when i do! thanks so much again for being so kind to send them! 😊💕
Apr 27Reply

saw a bunch last nite will look for you
Apr 29Reply

@crystal4867 thank you so much! you are a sweetie 😊💕
Apr 29Reply

I'm at work right now but will look tonite for sure she had a lot
Apr 29Reply

@crystal4867 whenever is clever 😋 thanks again! i hope your Monday is treating you well 😃
Apr 29Reply

what's ur birthstone
Apr 29Reply

@crystal4867 Garnet! January baby here 😇
Apr 29Reply

@mybrunetteheart I have a large emerald cut and teardrop cut garnet in my closet for sale for cheap and you might like
Apr 29Reply

@mybrunetteheart I owe BP because she paid 36 for shipping on my order today
Apr 29Reply

@crystal4867 I will definitely check it out! Sounds pretty! 💎
Apr 29Reply

@mybrunetteheart ok Hun would make a gorgeous ring either one or pendant and you could buy a casting on jtvs website for 21 for wg pendant snap casting up to 100 wg for ring or 35 for silver very inexpensive to make but beautiful
Apr 29Reply

@icepuppy05 yay! i will be checking them out shortly, thank you so much for letting me know! 😃
May 03Reply

Would you ver consider parting with any of them?
May 03Reply

hi @korahbell 😊 thank you for the like! i'm not ready to part with any of the ones pictured, but i have some others that I may list soon - i just need to go through my stash! i will definitely let you know if you are interested!
May 03Reply

That sounds awesome please tag me when you post!
May 03Reply

@korahbell will do! 👍
May 03Reply

Hi! I have a charm
May 04Reply

@aiddaaaa yay! i've been wanting that one! 😃 please let me know if you have any others!
May 04Reply

@mybrunetteheart I have the two plus a bracelet and am willing to work with you! Lets make a deal!
May 04Reply

Idk if you have the carriage charm or the pizza box charm but bum really looking for the two the both have sentimental significance to me a I've been looking everywhere and they are either sold or ridiculously priced lemme know please!
May 04Reply

hi @korahbell ☺ i found a few pizza boxes currently on eBay, for less than $20 with free shipping/ no tax 😃 there were a couple of auctions too that are starting real low, so you might luck out even cheaper that way - I might try that first. As for the carriage, that one pops up on PM quite a bit - I'll keep an eye out for you! hope that helps a lil 💕
May 04Reply

You are an angle thank you so much!
May 04Reply

@korahbell 😇 anytime! let me know if you are looking for any others, I'll do my best to help!
May 04Reply

thank you for the like! @veronicab 😊💕
May 04Reply

my daughter has a few charms she might be willing to sell, what are you willing to pay for each?
May 04Reply

@veronicab hello! if you could let me know which ones are for sale, I'd love to work something out! 😃i have quite a few, but there are still plenty i'm interested in!
May 04Reply

@missmermaid21 thank you for tagging me! i do definitely collect charms, haha! too many i think! 😋
May 06Reply

@veronicab hi there! if your daughter still is interested in selling some charms, i've got my piggy bank ready! hehe 🐷😄
May 06Reply

Just sent her a screen shot of your message😁she did say she had a few she was willing to sell👍
May 06Reply

@alexelisen hi! thank you for the like! 😊💕
May 06Reply

I have the juicy Schnauzer charm if interested
May 06Reply

@alexelisen is it the little one in the coat, or maybe the brown weiner-esque doggie? hehe, I'm trying to picture the right one! 😋
May 06Reply

Ill post him. He's one of the originals ( haha yes it's a he ;) )
May 06Reply

@alexelisen all my doggie charms are he's too! lol, I'm a charm nerd for sure ☺🐶
May 06Reply

May 06Reply

thank you for the share @eclectomaniac 😊💕
May 07Reply

Hey np Hun, but could you please share some of my closet as well gorgeous ;) Thank you.
May 07Reply

Thanks doll!
May 07Reply

Hey hun I just posted a charm on my closet☺
May 10Reply

@redheelprincess hello! 😊 thank you so much for thinking of me! ❤ I happen to have that one already, but I made sure to share the listing to all my other ~charmies!
May 10Reply

thanks so much hun
May 10Reply

I have them
May 10Reply

And the charm bracelet
May 10Reply

@jerseychickk thank you!! I will check out your closet 😍👍
May 10Reply

Sweet collection! 😘
May 11Reply

@lindsayrose thank you so much! 😊
May 11Reply

@mybrunetteheart I have a heart padlock locker charm in perfect condition , LMK if you're interested!
May 11Reply

@jackieee328 thank you for letting me know - I will check it out! 😊💕
May 11Reply

Did you see my charms?
May 12Reply

good morning @sunrise7 😄i did! I have the cherries and surfboard already 😬 but if you happen to have any others, please let me know! thank you for thinking of me!
May 12Reply

I have a juicy charm ☺ I will post later if you would like
May 12Reply

howdy @mme0x 😀👋 that would be awesome, thank you! which charm is it? inquiring minds want to know, lol! 😋
May 12Reply

It's a silver one and says juicy in rhinestones
May 12Reply

@mme0x ahh! that is a pretty one! 😍i happen to have that one, but there are quite a few charm lovers here on PM that might be looking for it! if you post it, I'll make sure to share! 😇💕
May 12Reply

@mybrunetteheart check out our closet and website we have over 200
May 14Reply

@londoncouture thank you for the heads up! I will check out your site 👍😄
May 15Reply

Totally love your little collection! :)
May 15Reply

thank you @tlm0306 😄
May 15Reply

@mybrunetteheart thanks for the shares Lauren!! Is that a new puppy on your profile or did he just grow up??
May 16Reply

@gliston of course, anytime 😉 and yes, thats my pup - a more recent pic of him all happy and worn out at the dog park! its one of my fave pictures 😂
May 16Reply

@mybrunetteheart he is adorable! they have a way of making your life brighter don't they lol.. I have 5 little ones.. All with different personalities!
May 16Reply

@gliston thank you! yes, they are my lil honey buns, i love them so much 🐶❤🐺
May 16Reply

@43meghan thank you!! I shall check it out! you are awesome! 😊💕
May 18Reply

thank you so much for the share @cuties4us 😊💕
May 20Reply

You too hun! Thank you 🎀😘
May 20Reply

I have some :)
May 21Reply

thank you @caro9877 😃 i will check them out now! if you happen to have any others that aren't listed, let me know too 😉
May 21Reply

I would give you both for 60 if interested :)
May 21Reply

Wow love this check out my closet I have some juicy bracelets and charm
May 22Reply

@swagsbaby thank you! I will check it out! 😃👍
May 22Reply

@korahbell The carriage was back on the JC website earlier this week!
May 28Reply

@mybrunetteheart awesome collection 💕💕💕💕💗💗💗💗
May 31Reply

@ldeleon80 thanks darlin 😘 its ninja protected at all times... you just can't see him 👀😎
May 31Reply

@mybrunetteheart ahh it's that sneaky ninja stealth lol I'll let you know on Saturday if I make out on some more great deals.
May 31Reply

Yay! Thank you both & good luck! 😉if you find anything charmie, I can pay ya Saturday! 😃
May 31Reply

@mybrunetteheart thank you! What is your Wishlist just charms or other things too? I have sooo many juicy things I may have something your looking for. I just don't have any charms.
May 31Reply

@madidoll I try to limit it to the charms, because if I didn't... I might have to live in a cardboard box with all my pink&fluffy Juicy goodies! Haha! It's all so tempting! Do you have any of the Fifi Lapin items? I just recently started looking for those 💕🐰
May 31Reply

@mybrunetteheart now that wouldn't be so bad! Atleast you would have juicy items surrounding you haha just kidding. Those will gain value though if you keep them in amazing condition and it looks like you do😊 and no I don't I'm sorry.
May 31Reply

@madidoll no worries at all! if you happen across any Fifi's, or any charms in blue lined boxes for a good deal, let me know & I'll buy them from you! I ~treasure~ hunt (ie shop) a lot, so if I see any of your goodies, I'll let you know too! 💖
May 31Reply

Oh wow
Jun 01Reply

@annabee12 yeah... a have a lil bit of a problem me thinks... but at least they are small to store! 😇
Jun 01Reply

@itssophiamilan thank you for the like! 😊💕
Jun 02Reply

hello! @sls39 😃 thank you for the like!
Jun 03Reply

@mybrunetteheart I have another juicy item I am fixing to list. Thanks
Jun 04Reply

@harughtymom thank you for letting me know! if it happens to be a charm, please tag me! 😇 either way, I will definitely check it out! thanks again!
Jun 04Reply

It's not but I have friends who have some that I will let know of your interest. It was a necklace
Jun 04Reply

@harughtymom I will still check it out, as I may take a likin to it! 😉 Or at the very least will make sure to share 😃👍 If you could let your friends know, that would be really appreciated!! I would be super happy to work something out! thank you again for everything :)
Jun 04Reply

@cmcc2013 thank you for the share! 😊💕
Jun 05Reply

thank you for the share @splendour ! good morning! 🌞
Jun 05Reply

@splendeur good morning! 🌞 thank you for the share!
Jun 05Reply

Happy to share doll 😊
Jun 05Reply

@snowbunny79 like this! brings you right to the listing!
Jun 08Reply

How do I do it and how long were you wanting me to reserve these, because others are interested too.
Jun 08Reply

thank you for the like @sterbz 😊💕
Jun 09Reply

thanks @suzyque211 ! you are a Doll! 😘💕
Jun 09Reply

@mybrunetteheart I have older ones if you are interested. TAKE a look At my stuff! I can sell them individually if you would like or to together.
Jun 10Reply

@allieg0331 hi! if you have any older charms, I am definitely interested! 😃 I didn't see any in your closet, but if you have any that aren't listed - let's work something out! Thank you for letting me know! 😇💕
Jun 10Reply

@mybrunetteheart I just listed them for you!
Jun 10Reply

Love your vavy
Jun 11Reply

@ooofah1 thank you for the share! 😃 you have great taste in charms by the look of your gift bracelet! She's gonna love it!
Jun 11Reply

Hi! I have the silver toned cruise ship charm. It's not listed yet but it's brand new, let me know if you'd like to see it ❤
Jun 12Reply

hi @owlsinboots11 😊 (i love your username by the way)! I have that one in particular, but thank you so much for letting me know! if you come across any others, you know. where to find me! 😎 thanks again!!
Jun 12Reply

I was making my bf her cha bracelet and bought an extra Eiffel Tower charm if u are interested u can see in my closet the charms I put together for her present
Jun 13Reply

thank you for thinking of me @ooofah1 😊 I have that one already, but I'd be happy to help share the listing if you put it up! thanks again!
Jun 13Reply

Knowing u have all those beautiful charms I was thinking u probably have it
Jun 13Reply

@ooofah1 I actually just got that one not that long ago here on Posh!! That's why I ❤ this app, lol!
Jun 13Reply

@mybrunetteheart love your collection ;)
Jun 15Reply

@jennyd919 thank you so much! These lil guys are quite addicting!
Jun 15Reply

@mikki8247 Thank you for the like! 💕😊💕
Jun 17Reply

thank you for the like! @biancao2013 💕😊
Jun 18Reply

Wow! Great collection!
Jun 22Reply

@katelutzo thank you! 😊💕 its taken many years and a lot of patience! Thankfully Posh has been helping me get some ones I've been looking for (and emptying out my Piggy Bank in the process, haha)!
Jun 22Reply

Londoncouture has a ton of juicy charms.😊
Jun 25Reply

You should post a picture of all your yorkie dog charms :) just to see, I love them all so much lol
Jun 25Reply

@carbuss Thank you for the tip! I'll have to check out their closet; I think they have a site too! 💕😊👍
Jun 25Reply

@zoeyruns - I will try to! Sometimes its hard to wrangle em up since they tend to hide out in different parts of the house, or I'll be convinced I have one I don't or vice versa! But if I can, you'll be the first to be tagged! 🐶👍😇
Jun 25Reply

@mybrunetteheart , I have charms in my closet, if you are interested😊
Jun 30Reply

@teeteedatsme Yay! I will take a peek for sure! Thank you for taking the time to let me know! 😊💕
Jun 30Reply

@owlsinboots11 thank you for the share! 💕👍
Jun 30Reply

Are these the ones you already have wow! There are some really pretty ones! @
Jul 06Reply

@jonesji26 Good Morning! 🌞 Thank you ☺💕 Yes, this is a group of them; I try to make little ~themes~ in my shadow box when I hang them up! I have more that don't really fit into any theme 😕 so they sit in their storage box, hehe!
Jul 06Reply

Jul 07Reply

@clincoln2013 & @shaewhat09 Thank you for taking a look at my listing! 😊💕 If you ever happen to have any charms for sale, let me know!
Jul 07Reply

I always get them so follow me n ill tag you when I get some
Jul 07Reply

@clincoln2013 sounds fantastic! thank you so much; its greatly appreciated!! 😃
Jul 07Reply

Would you trade the coffe one or no
Jul 08Reply

@gchipres Hello! Do you mean the Travel Coffee Mug (pink & white)? I might trade for a charm on my wants list, but otherwise the ones above are just for display 😁
Jul 08Reply

The one at the bottom left
Jul 08Reply

oh, I'm sorry! I was thinking the other one. Yes, I have an extra of that one - I can post it for sale later today & tag you if you'd like 😃
Jul 08Reply

Ok would you trade for it
Jul 08Reply

@gchipres I would trade for a charm I don't have, but not trading for anything else at this time
Jul 08Reply

@crmnrcks Thank you so much for the share! You have an awesome closet! 😍
Jul 09Reply

no prob 😀💕✨
Jul 09Reply

I have a limited edition charm listed ATM :)
Jul 09Reply

@korahbell @jinna_baybay @deenanelson @shanibabe @gliston Hi Gals! I posted some charms tonight, will be posting a few more tomorrow... I know you might have these already (I know at least a couple of you do... you know who you are! 🚓🚨👮lol) but I always like a heads up so here ya go 😊💕 Much ❤ to my fellow charmies!
Jul 10Reply

@mybrunetteheart check your email. I sent you something!!
Jul 10Reply

@chicandclassic I will!! And thank you so much for all the shares, I really appreciate it! 😊💕
Jul 10Reply

@mybrunetteheart email me when you get a chance. I wanted to see of you were interested in something. :-)
Jul 10Reply

@chicandclassic I *just* emailed you back, lol! so let me know 😊 I'll be sure to check my email more often, I have way too many addresses!!
Jul 10Reply

@mybrunetteheart I do too!! Lol. ButI like to keep everything organized so its a good thing.
Jul 10Reply

@mybrunetteheart check your mail when you get a chance.
Jul 10Reply

I have a bracelet with charms in my closet!
Jul 11Reply

@emilybaigent Thank you for letting me know!! I will definitely check that out! 😃
Jul 11Reply

okay!(: let me know if your interested! I wanna get rid out it!
Jul 11Reply

☀check out our Website for amazing accessories, hair extensions, bags & the cutest sandals for summer ! 🎀💫✨☀
Jul 15Reply

@abtal712 thank you for the like! 💕😊
Jul 24Reply

@zoeyruns look what I found for you Hun enjoy it 😊😉😍😘
Jul 24Reply

@zoeyruns sorry Hun she is searching for one too .😔😢but you might ask her if she is willing to sell some to you
Jul 24Reply

thank you for the share @julesq 😊👍
Jul 25Reply

I love your collections:-)
Jul 25Reply

thank you @mjsvogue 😊 it has been a long time to collect them - 7 years and counting! I enjoy it though 😇 Gives me something to hunt for when shopping!
Jul 25Reply

@mybrunetteheart wow impressive!!!!!! Check out my page I have a few on there that I don't see here!
Jul 26Reply

@courtneycole1 Thank you! ❤ I love these charms - collecting them has been my hobby! I will definitely check out your closet 😊 and if you ever add any more, let me know! 💕
Jul 26Reply

@mybrunetteheart omg this is amazing 😱
Jul 28Reply

@fraww Aww! Thank you so much! ☺ its been a long time in the making! I love these lil charms! ❤
Jul 28Reply

@thehboutique Thank you for the like 😃💕 I just checked out your page, and your miniature sewing table is so adorable and awesome! You are quite the talent! 👍😇
Jul 29Reply

Hey! So i was wondering if there was a "scorpio" charm. I figured you would know the answer! 👍
Jul 29Reply

@reem_cakez Hi! There are two actually! One is (I think, it's one I'm looking for 👀) kinda purplish/pink, and has a scorpion and the sign on the front/back with rhinestones, and the other one is a circle thats mirrored that says 'Scorpio' and has the little astro sign ♏ Both super cute!!
Jul 29Reply

O yippy! I def need one! Im going to start searching! Thats a MUST for my bracelet! THANKS!
Jul 29Reply

@reem_cakez Anytime!! 😊👍 I know the mirrored one was on Ebay recently!
Jul 29Reply

Wow! This is a very impressive collection!
Jul 29Reply

Thank you @fishfish ❤ It's the only thing I really collect, thankfully! 😬 a little pricier than the stickers I used to collect in elementary school, but last much longer 😉
Jul 29Reply

@bkblueagave thank you for the share! 😊💕
Jul 30Reply

Sure thing!
Jul 30Reply

thank you for the share @pandaears 😊💕
Aug 03Reply

@lnp916 : Any suggestions on where to locate JC charms?
Aug 04Reply

@cvz15 Ty doll I can help
Aug 04Reply

Lmk what u are looking for I have 1 in my closet with a chord the chord is $20 alone the charm retails 35 I'm asking only $15
Aug 04Reply

Thanks for buying love! I have so much more that I will post soon!!
Aug 07Reply

PS they are older ones too!
Aug 07Reply

@cmc7488 No, thank you!! 😃👍 I have been looking for the Cowgirl Hat & Mermaid for forever! Do you have a list by chance of the other ones you will be posting? I have a few I'm looking for, so I'd love to make a bundle! 💕
Aug 07Reply

@cmc7488 Ahh, you just made my collector heart pitter patter, lol! I'm so curious as to which ones you might have!! 🙊🙈
Aug 07Reply

I will post tomorrow what they are 😜
Aug 07Reply

@cmc7488 Sounds great! If you wouldn't mind giving me a heads up before you post them, I'd really (really!) appreciate it! ❤
Aug 07Reply

@cmc7488 I'm going to serenade you with an updated version of 'The Breakfast Club' classic - 🎤 Don't yoooou forget aboutttt meeee... about posting newww chaaarmmms 🎵🎶
Aug 07Reply

I won't I wok all day so it won't be til tonight
Aug 07Reply

@cmc7488 oh, I know, I was just being a bit silly 😊 Whenever is clever!
Aug 07Reply

Ok I will be posting soon I just walked in the door
Aug 08Reply

thank you for the heads up!! 👍💕😇
Aug 08Reply

@cmc7488 Ah, I forgot to tag you - Thank you so much for the heads up! 👍💕 My 👀 are on charm watch 😋
Aug 08Reply

Posting now
Aug 08Reply

@mybrunetteheart I have some really cute Juicy charms listed in my closet! Check it out!❤💙💛
Aug 11Reply

Hi @maureen888 😃 Thank you for letting me know; I will definitely check it out! 👍 If there are any that I already have, I'm always happy to share! Thanks again for thinking of me! 😊
Aug 11Reply

@mybrunetteheart 👍
Aug 11Reply

@mybrunetteheart I have three, a Saturn, a football helmet, & a pretzel I could sell to you
Aug 12Reply

@haileybarnett hi! Thank you for letting me know! Can you tag me once you post them? 😇 I will for sure check them out!
Aug 12Reply

@mybrunetteheart I tagged you in them!
Aug 12Reply

@haileybarnett Yay! Thank you! 😃 I got the Boot, whoohoo! I appreciate you letting me know - you rock! 👍💕
Aug 12Reply

@erykahink Hi! You asked awhile ago if I was selling any doubles - I have listed some tonight and have a bunch more (hopefully!) for tomorrow... just letting you know in case you were still interested! 😊
Aug 13Reply

@korahbell Posted more Juicy charms tonight, and more to come tomorrow! Just lettin ya know 😊
Aug 13Reply

@danielleove Thank you so much for all your likes & shares!! 💗 I really appreciate it! If there's anything I can help you with, please let me know! 😊💕 Have a great weekend & happy Poshing!!
Aug 17Reply

@mybrunetteheart hi Lauren! I have
The midnight dolphin charm! Price is negotiable!
Aug 17Reply

@kateyfess good morning! ☀Thank you for letting me know! I happen to have that one (I think if you squint real hard you can see it in this pic, lol) but I will be glad to share the listing! It's a super cute charm, so I'm sure it will sell fast! 😊👍
Aug 17Reply

@mybrunetteheart oh okay! I thought the ones posted were ones you were looking for! My bad haha!! And thanks that would be great and id be happy to do the same :)
Aug 17Reply

@mybrunetteheart do you think my price is a fair price?
Aug 17Reply

@kateyfess Definitely a fair price; that little guy has been retired for about 4 years now, and is posted on Ebay for around $100... so I think its a great price! If it doesn't sell on PM, you could probably do a 'Buy it Now' on Ebay for $65/75 and sell it 😊👍
Aug 17Reply

@mybrunetteheart thanks if you could comment that on my photo would be awesome! I'd really like to sell it! Do you have any suggestions for selling?
Aug 17Reply

@kateyfess I *just* started selling like, 3 days ago (lol) but I have been buying on PM since last year. My tips would be to always answer anybody's questions, share it in the Juicy or Jewelry parties that they have, have lots of things in your closet (thats a PM tip - I guess that draws in more customers) and just keep doing what you are doing! I totally would have bought him if I didn't have him, so look for more listings where people are seeking out charms!
Aug 17Reply

@mybrunetteheart how do you list in parties?
Aug 17Reply

@kateyfess Well, you know how you see the invites all the time in your inbox - if you see one that fits (Juicy, Jewelry, Accessories, etc) then if you go to 'Share' on your listing, it gives you the option to share to that particular party when its happening. Its good, because you at least will get some followers out of sharing, which is a good thing! 😉
Aug 17Reply

@starbaby711 Thank you so much for all the shares! 😊💕
Aug 21Reply

@mybrunetteheart you have a great closet💗💕thank you for all the shares 😘
Aug 21Reply

@starbaby711 Thank you! ☺ & anytime!! ❤😉
Aug 21Reply

I have the striped candy charm if interested! 😊💕
Aug 25Reply

@kimikochan Thank you for letting me know! I have that lil one, but I'll be glad to share! 😃
Aug 26Reply

@mybrunetteheart thanks! 😊
Aug 26Reply

Sep 20Reply

Oh my gosh!! Didn't know you had such a collection! Awesome!
Sep 21Reply

I have some:)
Sep 21Reply

@daisycouture Hi! Thank you for letting me know! I have the Koala & the Bolt, but if you happen to add more, please let me know! Thanks again!!
Sep 22Reply

@mybrunetteheart there are more under the bolt!:) if you'd like to check those out!:)
Sep 22Reply

@fionascloset If you happen to have any of the ones on this list, please reserve for me if possible! This is my ~wish list~ lol 😅
Oct 07Reply

@mybrunetteheart I'll keep an eye out for the ones mentioned!
Oct 08Reply

@jesruiz101 Thank you! Its a bit outdated, I've been lucky enough to snag a couple, but there are a few that I've been 👀 for for what seems like forever, lol! so any help is always appreciated 😃👍
Oct 08Reply

@elizabbott1 Awesome! I will definitely check them out!! Thank you again for letting me know!
Oct 08Reply

@mybrunetteheart Which ones are you still looking for?
Oct 11Reply

@kmnsboo Howdy! 😊 I'm mostly looking for the older ones, and some of the ones I've missed along the way! on this listing I have a list of my ~most wanted~ ones 😋
Oct 11Reply

@kmnsboo If you, or someone you happen to know 😝 are selling any, please let me know! There are lots of them that I would be interested in for sure!
Oct 11Reply

@mybrunetteheart okay I wasn't sure if that list was the most updated you have. I will definitely be on the look out!😊
Oct 11Reply

@kmnsboo Thank you so much! I do need to update it a bit, since I've been lucky enough to snag a few on there, but to be honest I forgot how I made the list look somewhat neat in the firstplace, lol 🙈 but definitely, if you see any, please let me know! and if there is anything that you are looking for in the realm of shopping - let me know! I'm a pro shopper, lol 😉
Oct 11Reply

@mybrunetteheart okay thank you! I'm actually looking for the zebra charm in new condition and original box. Let me know if you happen to see one! 😍
Oct 11Reply

@kmnsboo I shall keep my eyes peeled for one! I had one but sold it 😓
Oct 11Reply

@mybrunetteheart aw ): that's okay, I'm sure I'll find one someday. Do you by chance have an idea of how rare the nesting doll charm is?
Oct 11Reply

@kmnsboo Well, its fairly rare... it was released twice with very little difference between the two, so there are quite a few out there, but usually pretty pricey when you can find one 😓
Oct 11Reply

@mybrunetteheart oh I see, that's another I've been wanting. You are so knowledgeable!!😊
Oct 11Reply

@kmnsboo ☺️ thank you! I figure after all these years of collecting I should know a lil somethin! if there are any others (than the Zebra or Russian Doll) that you are looking for, let me know 👍💕
Oct 11Reply

@kmnsboo That Pie charm is really cute 😃 I ordered it directly from the Juicy site a couple weeks back, and its a good one, lol! In my opinion though, you could for sure get it for less than $50... the charm itself retails for $48, and its on the Juicy site right now on sale for $33 with free shipping (+tax though if you live in a state that has a JC store). It might even go down in price more, but def less than $50 😓
Oct 11Reply

@mybrunetteheart oh okay lol I thought for some reason it was discontinued 😐
Oct 11Reply

@kmnsboo Well, its Limited Edition... so they won't make it again, but it will be for sale till they run out 👍
Oct 12Reply

@fionascloset this is part of it, lol! 🙈 (i have way too many)
Oct 16Reply

@fionascloset Sorry for the late reply! I don't wear them, since the little rhinestones fall out easily 😓 sometimes I'll wear one as a bag charm though, if my purse has a spot for it 😇
Oct 16Reply

@dsw A somewhat updated list! 😉
Oct 17Reply

@mybrunetteheart I think we already talked about peanut, I have an extra one. Let me know :-)
Oct 17Reply

@dsw Ah - yes, I still don't have Peanut! If you'd like to work out a little somethin somethin tradewise, let a gal know ☺️ (we need a waggly eyebrows emoticon for times like this). I will be posting a few more up today here on Posh too 👍
Oct 17Reply

@mybrunetteheart I will save it for you, and keep my eyes peeled :-)
Oct 17Reply

@dsw Thank you kindly! 🌷
Oct 17Reply

@gkar1994 Hello! No problem! Thanks for letting me know :) I think I purchased the Bird Cage charm from you recently - thanks again! I 'll def check out your closet again ;)
Nov 10Reply

@jesruiz101 Thank you so much for all the shares!! I really appreciate it! 😊💕👍
Nov 11Reply

@xomissy Here is the list of ones I've been looking for for a while! :)
Nov 11Reply

@xomissy That would be fantastic - thank you so much! I saw on your page that you take PP - if you wouldn't mind, maybe once you get all unpacked & settled (congrats on the reno by the way - I'm sure it was a pain to go through but much better now 😊 pain is beauty, even for real estate, lol) you could send me a list of the ones you have & we could work something out directly? That way you don't have to bother with listing or PM fees 👍 If so, let me know, and I can shoot you my email address whenever you are all set! Thanks again! I wish you luck on your unpacking 😇
Nov 11Reply

@xomissy Take your time! I know how it feels - its amazing how much stuff can accummulate between moves! I had no idea just some of my stuff could fit in a uhaul and run out of room 😐 and I still have stuff at my Mom's! aye yiye... so just take a beverage of your choice (☕️🍷🍺🍶) and chillax a bit! the boxes won't go anywhere, lol 😋
Nov 12Reply

@mybrunetteheart hello ! I have the dreidel BNIB if interested 🎀
Nov 12Reply

@3bugmama Thank you for letting me know! I'll def let you know if interested!! 👍
Nov 13Reply

@mybrunetteheart thanks for being courteous enough to reply ! 🎀
Nov 13Reply

@xomissy Howdy! I forgot to give you my email address after all my chit chatting, lol! its my username here (mybrunetteheart at gmail dot com). So whenever you get the chance, if you could email me whatever charms you are willing to sell, let me know! Hope the unpacking is going smoothly! 😊💕
Nov 13Reply

I have nail polish, Eiffel Tower, cupcake and jewel juicy heart !
Nov 23Reply

@steff1991 Thank you for letting me know! I'll definitely check out your closet! 😊💕
Nov 23Reply

Hi @margiedaboss :) Thank you for all your likes! If you have any questions, please let me know!
Nov 24Reply

I have a peace sign charm! Check out my closet!
Nov 27Reply

@miamoser Hello! I was going to ask, if it wasn't too much trouble, if you could take a peek at the list above & let me know if you happen to have any of these charms that you'll be selling? if so, if you could put them aside for me & bundle, I would be super appreciative! I've been collecting for 8 years now, and still get so happy when I find one I've been looking for! :) Thank you again for your time, and I look forward to working with you! Have a great weekend! :D
Nov 30Reply

Sorry don't have any the other ones on your list
Nov 30Reply

@miamoser No worries! I really appreciate you checking 😊 if you could still tag me on any other ones that you post, that would br great! Thanks again!
Nov 30Reply

@kylieescalera Awesome! Thanks for looking out for me! 😊💕👍 I appreciate it!
Dec 05Reply

@kylieescalera Aww! I wish I had some $ to get them, lol! I just have to (continue 😝) being patient!
Dec 05Reply

@mybrunetteheart Lauren, did you hear that JC has been sold to Kohls?!? By next fall the only place you can buy it is there. I so hope they don't stop making charms!!!
Dec 25Reply

@shanibabe I did - I hope they keep them around 😔 I don't think the average Kohls shopper is going to spend $50+ on a charm, so I'm not sure if they are going to axe them completely or just have a much more plain, less expensive collection. Either way, it doesn't seem good 😪
Dec 25Reply

@jdthomas80899 Thank you so much for all your likes! 😊 If you have any questiondss, let me know 😃🎊🎉🎊🎉🎉🎊 Happy New Year!
Dec 31Reply

@marissasteinet Thank you so much for the offer! 😊💕 I happen to have both of those already, but I'll be glad to share! Thanks again! 😃
Jan 02Reply

@marissasteinet Thank you for letting me know 😊👍 I'm on a bit of a budget right now, so I'm not sure that I'd be able to afford your chihuahua 😔 however, I know if a couple people on here that have been looking for that one, so I'd be glad to share to them directly if you decide to post! Thanks again! 💕
Jan 03Reply

@shanibabe Hey you 😊 Hope you are having a great New Year and had an awesome Christmas 🎄 I was going to ask a long shot question - do you happen to have an extra box for the '09 LE Love Letter charm? I'm assuming not, but I am desperate and figured of anyone, you'd be the person to ask! if not, no worries in the least, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask 😳 Anywhoo, I hope you are well and enjoying these crazy sales! 😋👍 Talk to you soon 💕
Jan 03Reply

@mybrunetteheart YJRU2673? If so yup I do!! Text me your addy again and I'll put it in the mail on Monday. Any other boxes? I have a drawer full of labeled extras boxes.
Jan 04Reply

@shanibabe Yay!! 😃❤️😃💕😀 No, just that one - I'll text/email (whatever I can find first, lol) my address 👍 What do I owe ya? I'd give you my firstborn, but ya know, I don't have any of those yet... so how bout some cold hard cashish 😉👍
Jan 04Reply

@mybrunetteheart No money needed!! Just emptying a drawer and helping a charmie!😘
Jan 04Reply

@shanibabe Aww! you are the bestest!! Thank you! if you ever need one, I'll be glad to check for you! 💜😃
Jan 05Reply

@macwink Thanks again! it's been years to get it this far, and I still have a ways to go! but posh id definitely helping! 😃👍
Jan 06Reply

@shanibabe Thank you so much! Received my box today 😃💕 You really are the Fairy Charm-mother! 👸✨ Thank you again, and please let me know if you ever need anything! 👍💕
Jan 07Reply

@mybrunetteheart Glad it got there! Better to have its mate than hanging in my drawers!😘
Jan 12Reply

@shanibabe They are each other's lobster (nerdy Friends reference just in case you aren't a TV person - my sister forced it upon me & we had a lonnnng marathon... And I liked it, lol 😋 they do that to me a lot!!)! Thank you again 💌❤️
Jan 12Reply

@macwink Hello! Thank you for the comment! 😊💕 is it the one that looks like a little dog carrier/purse? I have that one, but if it's not that one, I am def interested! Thank you again for letting me know! 😃
Jan 16Reply

Hello! I was wondering if you have any of the vintage charms like the ones posted above for sale?
Jan 17Reply

@polinazeynalian Hello! I do have quite a bit of charms for sale, but the older ones I usually sell on another auction site since they are worth more 😬 If there are any you are looking for specifically, let me know - I'd be glad to set up a listing for you if I have one 😊👍
Jan 17Reply

@mybrunetteheart Thank you Doll! I am looking for a lot actually. I saw you had a posting of the chandelier and the bustier i would love those! I am also looking for the polaroid camera, the black chair, the pink mannequin, the black display neck with pearls, the roulette, the massacred, the Hawaiian globe, the blow drier, the pink armoire jewelry box, the driver's license, the hamburger, the jack in the box and many more. This is all I can think of now but there's definitely more I am looking for. What web are you selling them on?
Jan 17Reply

the grand piano
Jan 17Reply

@polinazeynalian Howdy! of the ones you mentioned, I have the Chandelier, the Blue or Black Bustier, Polaroid Camera, Pink Mannequin, Masquerade Mask, Pink Jewelry Armoire, Driver's License, Jack in the Box and Piano. I have about 150+ to sell, but have been posting them (very!) slowly on E bay 🐢
Jan 17Reply

K perfect I'll check you out on ebay I want pretty much all of them but a few at a time so no rush. Here are some more of what I am looking for if you could give me your profile name on ebay I would greatly appreciate it! do you do "buy now" sometimes on ebay? I'll check out the prices there.
cirrus lion
2009 yearbook
notebook with pen
ferris wheel
cracked egg
credit card
pink roses
red rose bouquet
check book
perfume bottle
chinesse take out box
days of our couture
retro tv
dolce vita scooter
princess phone
train case
look book
pink gum ball machine
fish bowl
2009 love letter
genie lamp
2008 evening shoe
aries sign
bikini bottom
treasure chest
love letter in a mailbox
fortune cookie
jackpot slot
bittersweet chocolate bar
do not disturb sign
Jan 17Reply

If there are any bundle deals you could give me to purchase here I would love that as well!
Jan 17Reply

If I wanted the Chandelier, the Blue and Black Bustier, Polaroid Camera, Pink Mannequin, Masquerade Mask, Pink Jewelry Armoire, and the Piano together what price range would you bundle it as on this web? these would be my first priority. Thank you thank you tons
Jan 17Reply

@polinazeynalian Thank you for the comments! I do have some of the others you mentioned & plan on listing them soon. I most likely wouldn't bundle them on Posh since it would cost more for both of us 😬 Let me find an active listing of mine that you could search for on E bay so you can get my ID (would rather not post on here!)
Jan 17Reply

@polinazeynalian If you do a search for 'Juicy Lobster Rare', I'm selling the only Lobster charm 👍 I can price out those ones you mentioned if you are interested - let me know!
Jan 17Reply

Ok Doll sounds great! If you could send me a listing l'll find you! I'm so happy I found this site! @mybrunetteheart
Jan 17Reply

@polinazeynalian Let me know if you cant find it with the Lobster! but if so, thats me - I have about 6 charms up right now (just sold a few) so will be listing some more soon.
Jan 17Reply

@mybrunetteheart Yes I found you! Do you think you'd be able sell the 8 charms I want together? plus the eye shadow so 9. I can buy them on ebay if you prefer that way. And if you do, could you give me one price for all? I'd like to know the price vs. my budget.
Jan 17Reply

@polinazeynalian Good Morning; my apologies for the delayed reply. According to the price list I have set up for the auction site, the total for those would be listed at $915. Most are new in their tagged boxes, some are not. I try to figure out what others are going for, and go off of that. If you wanted any individual prices, I'd be glad to give those to you. If sold as a lot, I could discount it or throw in a couple others for free. I know thats still a lot of money though 😓 😬 Some I wasn't planning on parting with, but I am paring down my own collection somewhat. So any questions, please let me know - otherwise my advice after 8 years of collecting - be patient, even though its hard!!! You can get better deals that way for sure 👍
Jan 17Reply

No worries doll! Oh wow that is a lot all together I will just continue checking your site and and see what comes across. I do want all but I'll take your advice. I saw you put them on bracelets sometimes and it comes out to better deals. So Thank you thank you thank you tons for the responses. I will definitely keep in touch!
Jan 17Reply

@kylieescalera Ah, those ones are all great! I searched all over for that Ham - apparently when it first came out, you could only find it at Bloomingdales, so off I went! It's a really detailed charm, someone will be really happy with it when they get it home! Thank you for thinking of me! 😊💕👍
Jan 29Reply

@kylieescalera I believe I do!
Feb 17Reply

@baby_doll28 Hello! I don't have an extra Igloo or Fortune Cookie unfortunately 😓 I really appreciate you asking though! If you decide to sell any charms, please let me know!
Feb 19Reply

@annelibug I am! I have been for about 8 years now 😇 I still have many to go though - I've learned to try to be patient... not always easy!
Feb 25Reply

Wowee! I don't collect anything, but this is a good thing to collect -- doesn't take up much space! Glad I could add to your list! :)
Feb 25Reply

@annelibug I'll be excited to get it - thank you again! & yes, they don't take up much room, thankfully - I'm glad I don't collect figurines or something, that would eat up the little space I have currently!
Feb 25Reply

Hi I just wanted to let you know I'm posting some charms within the next week, so check out my closet! I have a lot of juicy couture ☺️
Mar 17Reply

@sammyantha15 Hello! Thank you so much for the heads up! 😊👍 do you happen to know which ones you might be posting? I always seem to miss out on things on here, haha! If you have any I already have, I'll be glad to share once they are posted - I have a lot of charm loving followers 😄💕 thank you so much!!
Mar 17Reply

I have one available but not sure if you have it or not. Also a brand new charm necklace.
Mar 19Reply

@jcamburn Hi! Thank you so much for thinking of me! I do have that one, but I shared it so my charm buddies can take a peek! You have a beautifully organized closet by the way - great job!! 😊👍
Mar 19Reply

Thank you! Have an awesome night!!
Mar 19Reply

Hello, I have a gold footprint with a diamond ring on it and the peanut charm . Only the peanut has a box. But it doesn't have the tag on the bottom
Mar 20Reply

@21arcticcat Hello! I'd be interested in both if possible! Do you know what you will be listing them at by chance? Thank you for letting me know - I really appreciate it! :)
Mar 20Reply

I will be listing a ton of charms I'm the next few days. Thank I
Mar 20Reply

I will be listing a peanut, footprint, sushi, kiss me couture , and a graduation scroll . If I lost anymore I will let u know. Thanks
Mar 20Reply

@mybrunetteheart fabulous collection!
Mar 21Reply

@poshology Thank you so much! It's been a long time since I started collecting, but somehow I'm still catching up! 😊
Mar 21Reply

@gliston I'm guessin you are sleepin (my schedule is all mixed up! boo) so I'll ask on here 😉😘 😴 I'm trying to figure out which color crystal hearts I ~need~ - there was a great pic of them on TPF but I can't find it 😐 I have what seems like 3 shades of pink (dark, mid, light) dark purple, lavender and a black one that came off something else. I know there's a blue one, clear, and orange? What am I missing, if any? Green would have been real pretty.... 💚
Mar 24Reply

@mybrunetteheart let me send you a pic of what I have ;)
Mar 24Reply

@pink2luv I will check them out! Thank you for letting me know! 😊💕
Apr 16Reply

@mybrunetteheart just listed an older cupcake charm if ur interested!
Apr 21Reply

@j0nathanl33 Hi! Thank you for letting me know - I will definitely go & check it out! 😊👍
Apr 21Reply

@age_of_couture Hey! Just wanted to make sure you received your package with the charms 😊 also hoping you are doing well! Hope to talk to you soon! 💕
May 02Reply

I have a few in my closet. 😃
May 23Reply

@gjs42 Thanks! I will def check them out!
May 24Reply

Would you trade any charms?
Jun 16Reply

So jealous of your collection!
Jun 25Reply

Jul 18Reply

Hi doll! I have some charms in my closet!
Sep 19Reply

Sep 19Reply

Hello I am wondering if you by any chance have the nutcracker? And if so would you be willing to sell. Thanks :)
Nov 24Reply

@indira06 hello 😊 I have quite a few, but no Nutcracker unfortunately. If there are any others you are looking for, feel free to let me know!
Nov 24Reply

Love your collection was wondering if You have the crayon box charm?
Jan 15Reply

@rooxy hello :) I don't have that one, my apologies!
Jan 15Reply

Ok thanx anyway! If happen to come across with it can you tag me please
Jan 15Reply

Omg I just fell in love!
Jan 30Reply

I have the record player!!
Mar 18Reply

@shopmy_closet97 Hello! Thanks for letting me know! I am looking for the older pink/green one, but I appreciate it all the same! 😊
Mar 18Reply

Hi! I have the JUICY cupcake in pink oven charm, JUICY dog in pink carrier charm, FOSSIL russian doll and FOSSIL bug in jar charm. Would you be interested in any of these? All new, unused in mint condition. LMK. Thanks!
Jun 08Reply

@macaroon_girl Hello! Thank you so much for letting me know! I believe I have those ones, but I'll be glad to share the listings if posted! Thank you again! :)
Jun 10Reply

Hey girl, I know this is an in search of post. However, I was wondering if you have the genie lamp charm? It's a little newer so i was wondering if maybe that is something You had And were willing to sell. Also if I run into any of those charms you are looking for ill tag you ;)
Sep 16Reply

@athenakarns Hello! I don't think I have that one, but I'll definitely double check! I'll keep an eye out as well 😊👍
Sep 17Reply

Statue of libirty ebay 45$ i had the record some lady scamed me out of it
Jan 19Reply

@heatherandjim Thank you for letting meanies, I'll definitely check it out! Much appreciated! 😊💕
Jan 19Reply

This is amazing 😍
Mar 29Reply

@brensun Thank you! 😊💕
Mar 29Reply

I am SO MAD i did not see this on my spending spree last night... no idea how i missed your closet. that's ok, bc i WILL be back. amazing amazing amazing.
do you have a picture u ever show of how you "house" them all?!!! do you just touch them every day, lol!!!
May 15Reply

@ashbyyokosuka Ah, I don't think I have the space, lol! I have a tiny apartment and a lot of wall art, so I have to pick & choose wisely 😂 I think I'm going to pick out my absolute favorites & hang those up in a smaller frame, maybe? I've seen some gorgeous displays from other charmies! 💕😃
May 15Reply

shhh. but if u don't have to have the hooks (which i see as more "wear and tear" there are a few sites that sell like 12 or 18 in covered boxes. NOT JUICY. HSN (joe mangeo. don't ask) sells jewelry boxes... but u could display them standing up... or in-between books... do cute little shadow box these around the house (like bath stuff in the guest bath-- or outside real bath... so doesn't get too steamy/ hot/
May 15Reply

where do you BUY THESE in real life. i've never stepped foot into a real J.C. (not sure if there is one near hellsville Tampa or not?? i didn't see ANY when i went to khols a few days ago (or like 2) but not worth looking at~
May 15Reply

@ashbyyokosuka I have a few of the Juicy charm boxes, but haven't used them - I like the idea of the shadow boxes to hang on the wall! That's what the one in the pic is, I made it (took forever!) but it's so heavy that it's not hung up, lol 😂 all the others are just in their boxes in storage. I used to hang the holiday ones up on little trees for Christmas & Halloween!
May 16Reply

@ashbyyokosuka Sadly, they closed all the Juicy Couture stores a couple years ago :( they sold the licensing to Kohls, but it's not the same line of products. The JC site is still up, but they don't have much either. I was lucky to have been able to go to the stores here in the Bay Area (and boy did I, lol 😁) for years; it was sad to see them all close. The charms were so much fun! So addicting though!
May 16Reply

@tara12311 Here's the post with the charms I'm still on the hunt for ☺️ Thanks again!
Oct 26Reply

@mybrunetteheart are you still looking for the foot print?
Jun 20Reply
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