SCAMMER ALERT!!! @mommyjenn
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Don't do any trades/business with ππππππ. She is a scammer. I did a trade with her worth $45 and she never sent her stuff. She keeps giving excuses for not shipping and when she says she shipped and you ask for confirmation, she won't respond. It has been over a month and a half of me waiting and she blocked me. She has done this to many poshers already!

11 others
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Thank you for letting me know before I ship my items! Sorry about it!
Apr 18Reply

@emmita I'm happy I was able to stop someone from making the same mistake. This really taught me a lesson... First time I was scammed ππ£π
Apr 18Reply

@sTaceyrene @hmmwkg92 @dannell1987 @mchristian @sweeetdiana31 @paperdoll311 @jamiehaag @jennyontheblock
Hey girls! I see some of you are on the same boat as me, unfortunately. Could you help me support my claim and warn fellow poshers, please.
Apr 18Reply

@malianl I was scammed the same way...I shipped my stuff, she never shipped hers. I kept asking for confirmation, she just kept making excuses and getting mad when I asked. I threatened to report her as a scammer, so she allegedly went to the post office and they told her they did not ship a package to my area, she went home only to find she had never shipped it. She offered a free gift, to which I replied no thank you, I just want the two shirts I traded for. She promised to ship it that day and the package has never been received. Initial transaction took place March 21. My first time, also, being scammed. People that scam are straight up thieves and losers for stealing!!
Apr 18Reply

@malianl yes she is a scammer she keeps giving excuses about her husband court dates she is a big scammer i have her on my scammer list to warn other girls
Apr 18Reply

@malianl aww don't tell me I gotten spam she told me that she send it in the am omg I'm mad as hell
Apr 18Reply

@malianl meant scam
Apr 18Reply

@dannell1987 yeah sorry girl. :( we all fell for it.
Apr 18Reply

@malianl damn
Apr 18Reply

@malianl look at my scammer post. I couldn't tag you for some reason.
Apr 18Reply

@malianl I liked this so that I can find it easily to post as much as possible! I made a post as well.
Apr 18Reply

@srh018 love the comments you out on her listings!! Love it!!! Did you really contact the police, could they do anything?
Apr 18Reply

@malianl haha thanks! she's crazy psycho! and actually yes I have family and friends in law enforcement and were going to figure out something for this female/male/person lol
Apr 18Reply

@srh018 cool! Let me know if you need any evidence. I got emails. :)
Apr 18Reply

@malianl ok thanks so much! and I'm so sorry it happened to you!
Apr 18Reply

@vicky0413 Thanks for sharing!!
Apr 18Reply

Yes all of you guys should report her if you have her info. there have been a few scammers on posh that were arrested. I can't believe what people do especially to expectant mothers and everyone else. its truly sad. its not really about the items lost in my opinion but more so of the principle of just being honest. SMH!!! so wrong, this girl is sooo lucky it wasn't me her lying ass would have been served.
Apr 18Reply

@malianl I've been going back and forth with this woman for the past few days. She's now saying she's been in and out of court for the murder trial. I told her I'd give her a COUPLE more days, since she SAID she shipped them out on Friday and 'the mail doesn't run there on Saturdays'.... Figured even if she shipped them the cheapest way possible, I should have them by Saturday. We'll see... I'll keep checking back on this and share it around after Saturday.. and that is ONLY because I told her I'd give her the benefit of the doubt. She SAID she blocked me too, but hasn't yet. I've also contacted a few of her other 'trades' and had asked them if they received their stuff either... THAT'S what she got mad about... because I was posting 'all over her page' that she was a scammer. Pft.
Apr 18Reply

Now, I am blocked. Went to write a comment on another trade, of which something in it was supposed to be in my bundle, too.. >.< Smh. This was my very first trade, and luckily I only lost 3 shirts, one nwot but what can you do. I've done a trade with someone else after and it was all okay... I HATE people sometimes...
Apr 18Reply

@tanyacarr I know you like to do some trades, make sure to spread this around, and block this posher!!! :)
Apr 18Reply

@malianl such a shame! I've trade with some great and honest poshers and now I won't trade at all! I actually have been working with another posher on a trade and I think I'm not going too because of being burned with this one! Thx for letting me know u are still waiting, I was still giving her the benefit of doubt. π
Apr 18Reply

@countrygal1974 hey love. This is the one who screwed my girl @mchristian, so let ur girls know not to trade with her, PLZ babe :-). Text me when u want love ;-). Had baseball and softball practices last night so I promise I wasn't ignoring u :-(. Thanx chica.
Apr 18Reply

@staceyrene What I think I'm going to do, is keep an eye out for the postings people do about reputable traders... and stick with people like that.. or ones with good feedback. I had an issue sending @tanyacarr her package, but only because I didn't want to use the hubby's card to pay for shipping, he doesn't like my posh addiction.. haha... it took a few days, but it's all taken care of now. Some people are so inconsiderate and just ruin it for everyone else!
Apr 18Reply

@countrygal1974 ya it's nasty here too. Not raining yet but it looks like hells on its way :-(. Taking a 3hr trip to my aunts today so well be driving in it for 6 hours :-(
Apr 18Reply

@countrygal1974 I'm gonna check it out mama
Apr 18Reply

@malianl @countrygal1974 she posted on my scammer post this am telling me to take down my post because she sent me a tracking number in text. I'll check later but I'm sure it's a bunk number. I won't be getting my stuff. Ugh!
Apr 18Reply

@malianl @paperdoll311 well since I contacted the police about it they had todo some research on her to make sure she was even who said she was and apparently she's been in a correctional center many times on countless reasons. she tried to claim insanity. she's out on community service and there is only one record of a man dying with that last name or anything to do with a Jennifer Stitzel and it was her BROTHER! if that's even the same one. how pathetic can this be. the police over here have contacted the police in Ohio so hopefully she will get put back where she belongs. people these days. I'm just shocked.
Apr 18Reply

@srh018 @paperdoll311 well that is very interesting!! I hope they find her... I still haven't gotten confirmation that she claims that she posted this morning for all her traders...
Apr 18Reply

@vicky0413 you go to their closet and in the right upper corner there is a section that says report user.
Apr 18Reply

@malianl well I really hope all of you really get your items! she's making threats and everything because she's mad because she's caught.
Apr 18Reply

@vicky0413 oh wow! im sorry for that person. this is how I'm warning others... I created a posting. They don't have a scammers list on poshmark, people
Apr 18Reply

@vicky0413 people just comment and voice out their opinions.
Apr 18Reply

@malianl yeah, I doubt I will get the stuff. She just gave me a fake tracking number to get me to leave her alone. I told her if I ever get my stuff I'll delete the post. But I know that stuff isn't coming. Posting her pic got her attention though! Lol!! She deserves to be called out. No one else should be scammed!!
Apr 18Reply

@malianl you should read all her comments on my post. Se also has someone that says she has traded with her before and gotten her stuff. She was lucky then!! And I think it could be mommyjenn with another closet, not a separate person!
Apr 18Reply

@srh018 hey there- it actually was her husband who was killed- she used to have a listing up with his name and all this stuff as a tribute thing and she was going on and on about gun control. Totally easy to google the guys name and read a couple news stories. Sounds like he was the criminal, clearly. So I commented " wow you have a lot of personal info on there; it's easy to look up the news stories and see what happened". She immediately deleted that post and responded to me on one of my listings (that I think I bundled and is gone) that blah blah yes, and so sad, and people are mean etc. but hello she is just total trash with a capital T and that was even obvious before reading all this stuff about the bad trading! Wow. She still does have one listing that says "must read" or something with his name and info written on stuff in the pic a couple times. Check it out. She is so horrible!!
Apr 19Reply

@srh018 the name stuff meaning he doesn't have the last name stitzel, that must have been her maiden. His was Spire or Sperc or Spere or something
Apr 19Reply

@andyb74 oh shut your mouth. keep your two cents out of it. you are completely irrelevant. your false accusations don't phase me so don't waste your time next time. but thanks for entertaining me with your irrelevant words. now YOU go get a hobby.
Apr 19Reply

@moonhat thanks. I was just going off what I was told but granted the police can't tell you everything.
Apr 19Reply

@srh018 no- you're right though, I think her brother died also- I saw something about that too!
Apr 19Reply

Wow thank you! I'm sorry that happened to you! ππ
Apr 20Reply

On the alert
Apr 21Reply

@mommyjenn should be reported to the police and kicked off poshmark. She's stolen from people which is illegal no matter how u do it. She's a scam artist and will pay!
Apr 21Reply

@bernpros8 I reported her to poshmark and another lady already reported her to the police. It just makes me frustrated the way she is handling things. She claims all this stuff is happening to her and uses that as an excuse and if she is too busy to send out her trades then why is she conducting business on Poshmark. I understand people get busy, but why the hell would you take on more than you can handle. She says that she made amends and sent out all her trades, oh but when I ask her for my tracking number, she tells me it won't be sent out til the 1st because she's sending out trades that were made after me sent out first. What the fuck is that. I've been waiting since March 10th and this is getting ridiculous. Wouldn't you want to send out trades in order. It's like shes selective to scamming trades and yet people are still conducting business with her. She shouldn't be doing that! She should take care of what she has and then move on. ugh.
Sorry for that. I'm just really frustrated with this trade. Thanks for your post on her listing. lol :)
Apr 21Reply

Yeah that's ridiculous she is probably making up shit so people feel bad for her but she's really just a scam artist. She's stealing people's things. I bet she's got nothing else going on she's just looking for free stuff. I hope she gets kicked off & I think anyone she scammed should make out a police report. She would be arrested if she stole from a store. This is the same thing just online.
Apr 21Reply

@malianl have you gotten your stuff yet? I have read some of the other people who went through the same thing and asked to copy their post to my page but they wanted to wait to see of they got their items. I don't think this is right for our community. It's a as long as I get mine I won't worry about you attitude.
Apr 22Reply

@malianl @muta9988 , of corse I care about other poshers! @muta9988 you know nothing of my specific situation. You got my post deleted. So clearly you are the one with no concern for others. Why do you think I even made a point to call out mommyjenn?? And she did send my items and I do think others will get theirs too! I can't speak for others only for myself and I don't want to falsely accuse anyone! I think it was all just bad business. Either way, how dare you say that I don't care about others being scammed??!!! What's wrong is wrong no matter who it happens to. You don't know me, don't put your crappy judgment on my head! @malianl I only tagged you so that you see she is wrong. Thank you for listening. That is just asinine to say! And then she reports my scammer post?! Wow!! Now it is deleted! Shows who cares huh?!
Apr 23Reply

@paperdoll311 You are delusional...I didn't get anything deleted. I didn't report anything what is wrong with you??? Do you have some specific need to bully people. Stop being so paranoid. Maybe you need to realize how many people looked at your posts before you jump to conclusions. Especially when I simply tried to help you out in beginning. You don't know me either hun and if you did you would realize that this is not a wise post on your part.
Apr 24Reply

@muta9988 delusional? Hahahaha!! Yeah ok, that's why poshmark said it was you in the email I got from them??? You are an idiot! Good luck in your sad life.
Apr 27Reply

@muta9988 not a wise post? Why not? You got my stuff deleted. Poshmark told me. You are pathetic. You tried to help me?! No no, you tried to make me look bad for not wanting to bash someone that was still trying to do the right thing and send stuff. Grow up. Get a life. I'm to busy to deal with you. I won't read another word of your lies!
Apr 27Reply

I am surely appreciative of the scammer information. I am so sorry for everyone's misfortune with this. It is very sad that people have to mess up a good thing with this app. I would never because I love this app. I am so addicted to it. It really gives me something to do that I enjoy. Good luck to all of you!!!
May 01Reply

@sgs2013 Hahah wow! I just realized she did delete her post with me... I gave up on her a long time ago. It's a shame though cause the items we traded were for my little one. I hope karma gets to her. I just reported her again. So she made up the story of her husband?
May 27Reply

@malianl I traded with her and I did get the item..but I think that's only because I was nice to her. When I got the item it smelled terrible and was not in the condition described. It's sad to think people do this. She will probably just create another account and scam other people:/ You probably wouldn't have wanted those baby clothes for your baby if it was in the condition of what I received mine in.
May 31Reply

@madidoll I was nice to her until I got impatient and then I put this up about her. Hahaha maybe that's why I never got my things... But oh we'll, you're probably right, I wouldn't have wanted those items anyways in the condition I probably would have gotten them in especially them being for my newborn. π But oh well... I guess this lady taught us all a lesson!
May 31Reply

@malianl Yeah she did. She seemed weird and very indecisive before we traded - I should have known something was up. I'm just glad the items weren't too valuable to me. Have you noticed all of her items are gone? I was wondering if she got reported so many times that happened...
May 31Reply

@madidoll oh I just noticed that! Well I'm glad but I remember her saying that she would create another account if this happened to her... One girl mentioned πsaid that she is going by a different name?
May 31Reply

@malianl I knew she would -- but she can't fool us because her postings will look the same and the same clothing items.
May 31Reply

@malianl Wow sorry this girl did this smh, she actual purchased (Not traded) with me a few months ago on some sports items for kids I pretty much gave it away to her due to the whole murder story of her husband etc... She has also blocked me & I held items for her for almost a month due to her awaiting her funds. I wonder if she actually sold my items and that's why she blocked me??? Welp thanks for the info & sorry for your loss:-(
Jul 12Reply

She scammed me too :(
Sep 26Reply

That's really sad!! WARNINGβοΈβοΈβοΈI was Scammed by mandee123 --- The ugliness will start showing on their face every time they look into the mirror!!
Feb 08Reply

@vondiefish oh thanks girl for the heads up!! It sucks that there are people out there that love to ruin it for everyone else...
Feb 08Reply

@malianl I will block her right now hate scammers
Feb 15Reply

@malianl OMG-- I'm so sorry! I just saw this... makes my 2 minor items look like nothing compared to this!
Dec 10Reply

@pinkglittermom π itβs so sad but oh wells. Itβs how we learn that some people canβt be trusted. But itβs all good though, I believe in karma, and hopefully she got hers. I still have a positive experience with poshmark though. Iβm sorry that you got cheated too..
Dec 10Reply

Hey... how do I pull someone up if I don't have anything of theirs under my likes???
Dec 10Reply
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