Medical Funding
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A part of the proceeds from my sales, will be used to help fund medical expenses for my nine year old daughter. Two years ago, she was diagnosed as a severe epileptic. Because of her condition, we often make trips to see her specialist, who is located 250 miles away. We appreciate every like, share and purchase! Thank you, and God Bless!! :-)

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@cleegarcia God bless you, your family & your daughter! 💜
May 05Reply

Aaaaahhh! Thank you!! It is very kind and thoughtful of you, to leave such a beautiful comment. Blessings to you and your family, as well. :)
May 05Reply

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for sharing this!
May 05Reply

Praying for y'all! I have myalgic encephalomyelitis and a rare mitochondrial defect that caused my joints to form improperly (they are free floating, or unattached for the most part). My sales go towards my medical bills as well. I totally get where your coming from with the specialist, too. Mine is in Ohio and I live in GA. Prayers for your daughter!
May 06Reply

There is nothing better then the power of prayer! Thank you!!
May 07Reply

@isabellascloset-***thank you for taking the time to like something that is so close to my heart. Blessings to you and your family!
May 08Reply

@cleegarcia God bless you and your daughter. You are in my prayers.
May 15Reply

@liriashop thank you so very much!! :)
May 18Reply

@sddydsycox Thank you for liking something so close to my heart. :)
May 22Reply

A friend of my family has a little girl who is epileptic and she has had many scares, plus I'm partial to any medical cause (my middle son is autistic) that has made me more aware of any and all medical causes!❤💖
May 22Reply

I'm sorry I haven't gotten to email. Just checking to make sure your daughter and husband are doing okay. Hope your sons graduation turned out alright.
May 28Reply

I myself had Epilepsy and it will go away. Mine went away in my early 30's my mothers went away and my cousin hers went away. It is mostly found in females. Good luck and god bless.
May 30Reply

Sending good positive thoughts your way!! 💜💜
Jun 05Reply

@dealmommy Thank you for the likes. Most for this like, that is so close to my heart. ❤
If I can answer any questions about your likes, or if you would like to bundle, don't hesitate to ask. Have a great day!
Jun 08Reply

@cleegarcia Did you ever read the book CHECKERS? Find it! If I can find a copy I'll send it to you. It's a wonderful story about parents raising a child with epilepsy. About social impact, family stress, a happy tearjerker and beautiful true story. Read it like 35 years ago will never forget it. God Bless!
Jun 09Reply

Oh my gosh, you are incredible! If you don't mind, I'd like to share this with my fellow Posher's?? If there are ever any fundraiser's for your daughter (or Epilepsy Awareness in general, that you'll be in attendance), please reach out to me because I'd love to help by donating items for raffle baskets, etc.! I mean that!! God bless your daughter; I will be sure to keep her & your family in my prayers. <3
Jun 09Reply

@evelynjax_sid Thank you so much for your kind words and offers. I am trying to come up with a couple of fund raisers for her medical expenses. We live about 200 miles away from her specialists, so it is quite expensive making the trips and overnight stays. One way or the other we will manage.
When we made her aware of the possibility of brain surgery, she asked me for one thing. She asked me if we can take her to one place, before her surgery would take place. She asked me to take her to Disney land. How does a mother say no? We don't. I have never planned a trip on such short notice, or paid for a trip there, but whatever it takes, my baby will get to Disney land before she has surgery.
Thank you for listening. I guess I had to vent just a little bit. If you would like to email or text me my email is, & my phone is 575-807-0207. Have a fabulous day.
Jun 10Reply

@cleegarcia awww u r very welcome! And I'm so honored that u really appreciate this like! :) I'm also so sorry to hear about ur precious daughter & her severe epilepsy. Just a few yrs ago my brother was diagnosed w it & it's a nightmare. He can no longer even work to support his family. And it's very scary. He's often in the hospital lately. So I can understand bout ur daughter. I will keep u & ur family in my prayers. And tonite I'll say a extra special prayer for ur daughter. 💜Thanks for being so helpful & please let me know if there's anything that I can do for u or ur family. Have a great nite! 😃
Jun 13Reply

my sister works for Disneyland, CA prices have gone up ridiculously ! when your family is ready to come out my sister can offer you a great deal including both parks (: God Bless your family.
Jul 02Reply

@stephers_ Omg! You have just put he largest smile on my face! Thank you, for reading our story, and thank you so much for the offer. We are actually trying to plan a trip for as soon as possible. She has a dr appt tomorrow, so I do not know specifically when surgery would be scheduled. So I am hurriedly planning a trip. My cell phone is 575 707 0207. If you could please give me more info. I would so much appreciate it. Thank you. 😊💐😊💐😊💐😊💐😊💐😊
Jul 02Reply

I'm glad I have ! we recently helped out a single mom take her two boys as well so it will be great to help another family out. Sounds great all will be well God helps all<3 🙏
I will text you so you'll have my number (:
Jul 02Reply

@stephers_ Thank you from the bottom of my heart!! ❤❤
Jul 02Reply

@cleegarcia I feel your pain lovey and god bless you and your beautiful daughter! My oldest was born at 28 weeks 16 years ago and has struggled through some tough health issues but is an amazing student and a great girl and doing incredible after drs told us not to expect much so I wanted you to know that I have you guys in my prayers and I want you to stay strong...I battled cancer while I was pregnant with her and am so again so it's hard some days to keep myself positive but I have to and I know you can too..just know you are not alone and my heart is with you. Xoxo
Jul 15Reply

@mcjayne Thank you for taking the time to share your story, and read our story, as well. Kind words, thoughts, and prayers help in so many ways during difficult time as these. My heart pours out to you your daughter and your family as well. You give me inspiration! You are a very strong women, and God will protect, guide and lay his healing hands over you. There are days when I am so depressed, and then I receive an uplifting comment from a fellow Posher, and It makes a world of difference. In my heart i know that everything happens for a reason. Everything is a part if God's plan. As horrifying as it is to see my daughter suffer everyday, I must say that I also see the goodness that has come from our experience. Much love, hugs, and prayers to you and your family. Please keep in touch.
Jul 15Reply

@cleegarcia-prayers for your daughter. I am also epileptic. I have had seizures for over 15 years. I can say that the best thing is to have a good specialist. I have one of the best and she has helped me considerably.
Aug 08Reply

@cleegarcia I know what it's like and the daily stress waiting and wondering. When will the next seizure happen? How long with it last? What will they be doing? Will they be ok?... I have 5 kids total 3 girls (ages 17, 13, & 10) and 2 boys (ages 14 & 6). Minus asthma and seasonal allergies and my middle daughter being allergic to milk my girls are healthy. My boys on the other hand..... My 14 year old was born at 28 weeks weighing 2 pounds 10.5 ounces and 15 inches long... The first year was the worst roller coaster battle of my life! In and out of hospitals and ERs. Specialist after specialist. Pulmonary sending us to cardiology. Cardiology saying its not their issue its pulmonarys. Back and forth back and forth.... 🎾⬅that's what I felt like... Climbing 🌁 mountain after mountain just to have everything pulled from us and be right back in the hospital with my baby hooked to a ventilator. Clayton (my 14 year old). Has severe asthma, complex partial seizures, 2 holes in his heart, severely deformed right lung, and gastric (abdominal) problems. Roman (my 6 year old) was born on time at 37 weeks weighing 6 pounds 3 ounces and he was 18 inches long. The first thing we noticed with him was he didn't react to loud noises. Then we started having issues with him latching on as he was breastfed. About 3 weeks old they realized he was "tongue tied" and had the first snip to correct. (They literally just sever the frenulum or piece that connects the tongue to the bottom of the mouth) (usually the frenulum does not cause issues but in some people the frenulum is located closer to the front of the mouth which can (but not always) cause tongue movement restrictions. Causing issues with sucking, swallowing, chewing, and even talking.) after that things seemed to get better. Until he was roughly 8-9 months old and showed no interest in sitting crawling standing or walking. He never babbled or "talked" like babies usually will. By this point all we knew was he hated car seats. It didn't matter if it was a 5 second ride or a 5 hour ride. He would cry the whole time, from being buckled into the car seat, until being removed from the car seat. He was sick ALOT. Constantly having upper respiratory infections and by the age of 6 months he had been hospitalized for RSV 4 times. (RSV is a respiratory virus that in a healthy person is no big deal but in an infant, a person with asthma (or any chronic breathing disorder), someone whose immune system is compromised, or the elderly it is very dangerous and can lead to death. When he was 10 months old he was diagnosed as epileptic. And 2 days after his 2nd birthday we found out he also has cystic fibrosis. Which is where his lungs don't absorb the extra mucus or contract to expel it like a healthy persons. And the slightest thing from a sinus infection or the common cold can kill him. He's on more medicines a day than my mom, myself, and my 4 other kids combined! At the age of 2.5 he was diagnosed with both Autism and what's called "Apraxia of Speech". If you think of the brain and nervous system as telephone wires sending messages to the body, the ones to his mouth for the annunciation of words and letters.. Some are crossed, while, others didn't fully form so the message never reaches its destination. So as I'm sure most realize by this point I live at the hospital with him and occasionally we get to go home and visit but it rarely lasts more than a month... @cleegarcia if you ever need ANYTHING someone to talk to please don't hesitate. (Because at times and I'm sure you've been there too along with some others of our "Posh Family") have a child admitted into the hospital for days, weeks, months on end and the other parents are all you have (or like now he is in the hospital I am sitting next to him while he rests and get so lonely at times I decide to subconsciously write you my last 6-14 year auto biography because I am starting to miss "big people" conversations) but if not for the other parents/grand parents/aunts/uncles/family members we'd have gone INSANE long ago!! Please email me at: if you don't mind. And I apologize for this being so long I only intended to let you know I'm here and know what you're going through with me having 2 kids with seizures and I've wrote a novel!! Keep in touch and ((((HUGS)))) to you and your family!!
Aug 10Reply

Never posted a comment like this. I wanted to share my support with you from a fellow Epileptic to the parent of one! From what I see in my parents faces every time I "come back" I know that its a test of strength. But God only gives you what you can handle even though you sometimes think you can't. I used to think it was weird, bc I started to have seizures the middle of sr yr of high school (1/17/06) . Thankfully in a strange way I was lucky to have a sister that already had this condition from being in a car accident was she was a fetus. So I was able to adapt much faster.But everyday is a struggle b/c of the idea - am i going to seize at work? and I going to get sick and are my meds not going to work?? But with great parents and great friends anything is possible, even a semi normal life!!!!
Aug 25Reply

And you my new friend are surely included in the "great Parent " comment! Don't ever think your not doing enough! Dont ever think your not doing something right!! Those are the moments that you are doing it right!!!!!!!
Aug 25Reply
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