PLEASE SHARE COPY FORWARD: this is my son Kelley .
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One week before , his car and now..... A woman hit him going over 40+mph.she drove straight thru without ever slowing down or stopping. She walked away without hardly a scratch, my son who just turned 22 may 1st.kelley on his way to work, ended up with 1-5% chance to live. Please get off ur hone, don't txt.pease stop@stop signs. The child I have is now in a coma...thats Y my closet isn't ready.bare with me, I'll add as I can. Pray for Kelley. Wherever ur going..slow down.thnk you

30 others
like this

My prayers go out to you, your son and your family! So sorry to hear about this :/ I pray he makes it through with a safe recovery! Your in my thoughts!!
May 03Reply

Praying. People put your phones away when u drive. See it all the time.
May 03Reply

oh sweetie, I want to reach out to you and maybe provide hope. when I was 15 I was in a car accident and the car I was in looked much like this. only a drunk driver hit us and killed my best friend and her boyfriend. I am 38 now and suffered a tbi, was in a coma for 28 days and pt for over a year. The doctors said if I were to come too, I would be at a vegetative state. I proved them wrong, I do suffer from seizures, memory loss, short term memory problems, word search problems and migraines all related to the accident. I have other issues not related, but I worked in a high-end executive position for 12 years after and eventually became disabled do to sle lupus , it's an autoimmune disease, they think I was predisposition to have it and one too many traumas brought it out. Back you your baby, it's possible he is young and that will be in his side. I will be praying and starting a prayer chain at church . If you have any questions regarding my recovery , just ask. I have faith! God bless and thanks for sharing, will show my kids how important it is to drive cautiously! This has got to stop, it's becoming an epidemic, as bad as drunk drivers.
May 03Reply

You're in my prayers🙏
May 03Reply

You and your family will be in my prayers, its such a dangerous world out there, my son is turning 15 in 22days and I want him to be ready for the road so bad but he will never be at the hands of careless people. I pray or a speedy recovery for your son and emotional peace for you. Simply Jyune
May 03Reply

Hey girl I lost my whole family in two accidents I feel you
May 04Reply

If you have any size 9-11-13 I'm looking love
May 04Reply

I had a family member in a coma. I really believe talking to them a lot helps. You can see them react to your voice.
May 04Reply

My heart goes out to you, you're in my prayers.
May 04Reply

May 04Reply

@raveonatabu what are the sizes clothes your daughter or son wears? I would like to at least give something for them. My heart goes out to you and your family. God bless you and your children. Hope and pray for his recovery. God is in control. Reach out and HE IS ALWAYS WITH YOU ALL!
May 04Reply

@raveonatabu I'm so sorry about your son. We are all praying for your family please keep us posted on how he is doing. Please post more items so we can all make it a point to buy from you so that way it can help for any medical cost or financial hardships due to this unfortunate accident. ANYONE READING PLEASE TAKE THE PLEDGE TO NOT TEXT N DRIVE BECAUSE THIS CAN HAPPEN TO ANYONE
May 04Reply

Thank u all for starting prayer chains....,offering comfort when I've needed it most in my life. I do have faith, I believe in leaning on god &asking for strength when we sometimes can not understand our selves.
I'm hoping to post tomorrow , soooooooo wish me luck. Lol
I liked hearing stories about everyone.
I read someone on here was disabled too, well that's me....yay!!!kidding of course,I'm such a goofy girl so bare w/me there is some sense in my own madness.hehehe
May 05Reply

@raveonatabu I'm so sorry that this has happened to your son. I lost my father in a car accident 4 yrs ago so I feel for you. My prayers go out to you, your son and the rest of your family!!😔
May 08Reply

Just a UPDATE:Kelley belly, has finally came out of his coma after a horrific
Car accident that was stupid n senseless that put him there 3/19/2013.
Kelley now only 22 years old has opened his eyes to see the world around him. Thank Jesus ! Kelley can not speak so I just try to follow my motherly instincts after all who knows him better than himself right now. He's moving his
(r) arm n leg, n moving his (l) hand barely . He follows you with his eyes most of the time. He's right handed, so he can snap which seems so silly but when you think your child is at deaths door, ringing that doorbell...I'll take his little snap any day. Thank you for all those who commented & forwarded our story.
I know I'm not the first or last bit maybe sharing will save someone's life..and for that ONE LIFE SAVED is why I shared Kelley's accident.thank you everyone for reading & praying for a person that you never even met, it means everything to us.
May 12Reply

Happy Mothers Day!! You are an amazing mom! Will continue the prays! Stay strong! 👍
May 12Reply

@raveonatabu glad to hear from you. Just got your message.
Here's how to reply to them. You can just message from here. In order for them to get the message/notification, you have to tag them by typing @ and their screen name. As soon a start typing the @ and the first three letters of their screen name , it will pop right out. Hope that helps.
Yes I love this site. I have met nice people. Met scammers too. LoL be careful. Also don't give out your email address. Some will hack your account. Good luck.
How's your son doing???
May 18Reply

Yeah, let's see if this worked. Lol I am so angry the woman who did this didn't even get in trouble. Grrr! Anyways, Kelley can hear us ..but he's struggling of course to move around.his motion is pretty limited. Its dis heartening to watch my son go from a funny- outgoing charming, silly nice respectable person to someone who needs diapers, changing...can't talk etc. it's a very sad sad thing. Al I can do is pray.
May 18Reply

@raveonatabu I am soooo sorry just read breaks my heart :( but if it helps I was in the hospital four years ago and it was really bad with infection I was airlifted and they gave me 0 chance I lost 90 percent of my skin and was in the burn truma center for over three months and I made it :) I will pray for you as I am sure it worked for me..stay strong my friend
May 19Reply

Stay strong love and with all the prayers everything is possible! Thanks for posting this, a lot of people don't really realize that texting while driving is as bad as DUI.
May 23Reply

Kelley's been moved temp from one place to another, it's sucky. Not a lot better but he's starting to try n move himself around although he can't yet, he wants too. I know he's trying to nod. It brings tears to my eyes very time I see him. I hate hater hate seeing him this way. I can't deal with it. It's soooooo emotionally draining.i have no energy. With my own health issues, I can't go see him everyday..that makes me feel guilty.
I feel like my own nightmare won't end , I know it's not MINE .but being the mom, I can't feel that him getting better is taking forever. Ugh
Sigh...I'm sad. I'm happy he's alive, I'm soo happy. And yet I'm overwhelmed with guilt.thank you everyone for prayers. My family needs them
I appreciate all that everyone had said. Any advice? I'll take it.
From one mom to another hug your children tighter tonight for me. I hug kell he hugs me a liittle or he tries. One small hug means everything!
May 24Reply

Thanks to everyone who's commented on here. Long weekend!!!! Thank goodness I'm over this bugg from hell!! Wash ur hands, this one was terrible ladies- ughhhhhhh, anyway saw Kelley : update~
No talking yet but smiles, lilltle smiles is everything a mom could ask for. Kelley probably is now starting to realize what's happened to him... But hey power of prayer. Thanks everyone. I'll add more clothes and misc this week!
May 28Reply

@raveonatabu 🎈How your Son? ..
May 28Reply

Isabella hey, thanks for asking . He is more awake now.still not talking. He's breathing on his own, thnk god!! How he survived this....I'll never question.
But we still don't know the damage of his mind, however he's beginning to
Understand very small basic commands sometimes. I'll take whatever I can get.
Although sometimes when I go see him, I cry. Tears of sadness n joy. Mixed emotions I guess are normal.anyhow I'll take pics and update soon.
May 29Reply

@raveonatabu I'm glad you n your family are hanging in there I'm going to church tomorrow and I will pray so hard for you n your son please let me know Blessing to you n your family :)
Jun 02Reply

So sorry :( my heart breaks for you. I really hope the best for your son and the rest of your family.
Jun 15Reply

Just read your story and it brought tears to my eyes. Your beautiful baby boy in the hospital because some careless inconsiderate individual could not wait to text or call!!!! PLEASE spread the word about the dangers of texting and calling while driving. It is just as dangerous as drinking and driving. May God bless you and your family and give you strength to get through this.
Jun 21Reply

Your welcome ❤ my prayers are with you and thank you for your helpful words I'm pretty new to PM do I'm still learning 💖
Jun 22Reply

@raveonatabu It is insane how one person's carelessness can change the world for so many. I am deeply sorry this happened to your very handsome son, and I am joining so many in praying that his joy, sparkle & love of life return! Regardless of what happens, know that he and you both are touching lives, and you are in prayers of many!
Jun 24Reply

Our family will pray for yours. Life is such a precious gift. We must all remember to not take it for granted. Every second counts. We lost one of our best friends in a car crash last October! I pray that son will not only survive, but will be back to himself before you know it. Miracles CAN happen!!!
Jul 12Reply

I just cried omg
Jul 13Reply

@jerseychickk awhhhhh don't cry sweets
Jul 13Reply

I'm I. My sons room sitting onli e came across ur son and cried he asked what's wrong I am explaining what texting n driving does. He is 10 and its so scary I hate this crazy world we live In. Ahhh
Jul 13Reply

Prayers for you and your family !
Jul 13Reply

This brings tears to my eyes!! I'm so sorry your family is going through this and do hope that somehow someway this story reaches everyone that has texted while driving to show everyone how dangerous it can be. Wishing you and your family lots of peace and strength. Thanks for sharing your story.
Jul 15Reply

Hi I would like to thank you for following me. kelleys story has touched my heart. I wish him the best, and, I hope that you take care of yourself as well. Thanks for sharing kelleys story with us all. It speaks volumes.........Take care and be blessed!:):):):)
Jul 15Reply

I'm praying for him🙏🙏🙏😘😘😘... And I pledge🙋not to text/ drive.. I myself was in a terrible accident in 2004. I fell asleep at the wheel. You stay strong! I see that he's a fighter/ on the road to recovery!👍😘
Jul 22Reply

@raveonatabu positive thoughts to you and your family.
Sep 09Reply

I am pray for you! I just witnessed a hit and run! And stayed as the only witness. Smh! Heartless
Sep 12Reply

That is heartless. 😿Some people just don't get it,had that happened to kell n no one called 911 my baby, oldest son would have died. Thankfully there are people like you. Thank you for stopping n staying.
Sep 13Reply

You and your family are in our prayers!!!
Sep 21Reply

Prayers to your son and family🙏🙏
Sep 26Reply

@raveonatabu wow I was reading about your son! That's terrible! You are a very strong woman!! Keep it up! I'm so glad he's alive and I'll keep him in my prayers that he will get through this!!
Oct 04Reply

@raveonatabu that's awful. I pray for your family. I hate when people don't take a second to think about the idiotic things that cause accidents like this - and for what?
Nov 14Reply

This brings years to my eyes. Prayers for you and your son and all your family
Nov 14Reply

Nov 14Reply

My prayers are with you my dear. God is good!!! We have to have faith in Him. I will pray for a complete healing. God bless you and your family, Kim
Nov 16Reply

@radiomaxx 🙏🙏🙏🙏 I will be praying for your son.
Nov 17Reply

@raveonatabu prayers to you and your family! Shared Hun:) suck a shame, people just don't get it out there on the road. :( I hope he gets better real soon! Xoxo
Nov 22Reply

Reading through all of this just breaks my heart. I just want to hug you and him both. I really hope that lady got her punishment I'm so sorry she took so much life out of your son. I would just be thankful he is alive no matter how much struggle there may be at times. God bless you and your angel❤️
Dec 05Reply

@raveonatabu there is no words for this, but trust God even though this might be difficult to do at times. I will definitely pray for you and your sons. I bless you and him in the powerful name of Jesus Christ
Dec 12Reply
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