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Updated Dec 15
Updated Dec 15


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Let's be POLITE. Let’s respect each other as well as our time. We are ALL grown,busy women. These extra interactions take time/effort. Please, a quick..sorry that won't work for me,or something's come up, or you're ripping me off! ANYTHING😝 but please don't ignore. It only takes a half a minute to say 'thanks'! Manners are not lost on me . SERIOUS BUYERS ONLY PLEASE! If I can take the time to answer/measure/photo at your request.. PLEASE respond. Even if something doesn’t work for you:-)
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bella_dolce I so agree! Look at my Coach shoe listing and see my comment I wrote to another posher just 20 minutes ago. So rude.....
May 29Reply
fccandles @bella_dolce happened to me twice yesterday!! Sooo frustrating and in bad taste!! You're welcome to steal this listing if you'd like 😍👍
May 29Reply
kashiecafashion omg... this is super rampant here... ive experienced a lot .. and i have my worst list but i rather just let go of their immaturity..
May 29Reply
fccandles @hkfs I used to just let it go...but it has become such a time waster, that I felt I had to address it!!😛
May 29Reply
kashiecafashion exactly... i feel for you... youre not alone...😊
May 29Reply
bella_dolce Stole it, thanks! 👍😉👍😉
May 30Reply
guess214l Agree!!! I hate that. Waste of my time 😠
May 31Reply
fccandles @bella_dolce 💛💙💜💖😘
May 31Reply
fccandles @guess214l just use some common courtesy's ok if you don't want to buy..just SAY something!!😼😾
May 31Reply
guess214l I know!!! I made 3 bundles this week and they never answer back I don't understand. I think they do it for fun
May 31Reply
fccandles @guess214l that's just a disturbing thought isn't it?! 🙀
May 31Reply
dontplayme @fccandles AMEN, GODBLESS AND HALLALUHA
May 31Reply
fccandles @dontplayme sick of it! 2 of them just this week...
May 31Reply
dontplayme @fccandles when ppl do that? I block them! Lol.. And then write on a sold item in their closet (that way they can't delete ) that what they did was wrong and dishonest- lol! They soon get the picture..
May 31Reply
fccandles @dontplayme great idea!!!!!
May 31Reply
amblnc38 <3 this!! :) I am still coming for that Trina Turk dress once I have the money!
Jun 03Reply
kmariec @fccandles Amen to that!!!
Jun 04Reply
fccandles @kmariec I know right?! Enough already !!!
Jun 04Reply
fccandles @lexyrudy😊😊
Jun 25Reply
lexyrudy @fccandles ahahaha! I love it!
Jun 25Reply
fccandles @lexyrudy thought you might like!! Girl I've got em all!! I tried for a long time to ignore...but posh has exploded all of the sudden, and people seem to have forgotten their manners!!😕 It's like the Internet gives you anonymity to behave in a way you would NEVER act in person...sad really........
Jun 25Reply
sunnyh81 I agree with you 100%. Especially when they ask you to reserve an item for days and then never respond! Hence the reason why I do not do reserves anymore and block buyers that waste my time
Jul 10Reply
fccandles @sunnyh81 I no longer do holds for that same waste of time!!
Jul 10Reply
missrochelles That's been happening a lot lately :( Sometimes its a good excuse though. But not always!!!
Aug 12Reply
jakeamom12 Happens to me all the time!!! Lve "put your big girl panties on"!!! LOL
Aug 18Reply
jkeenan @fccandles LOVE THIS!!!
Sep 01Reply
jguffey There has been a LOT of this going on lately -.- . My past three potential sales have been this. It really gets my hopes up ): .
Sep 02Reply
fccandles @jguffey I know!! It seems like just lately....I think posh has exploded in popularity and there are a lot of people who just like to,'play' on here....they forget we are REAL people behind these messages, who are trying to earn moolah!! Don't waist our time if you aren't going to behave like an adult!!! ( ok I'm done!!) lol😳
Sep 02Reply
styled @hmbowling - heather I think you will love Kim's public service announcement too😉. ( btw, loove everything "Kim")👯
Oct 17Reply
hmbowling Oh my goodness yes!! That's so frustrating!! @styled
Oct 17Reply
shoebug Yes! Oh how many times it had happened to me... Makes me so mad! 😔
Oct 17Reply
theresab @fccandles first, of i love this guy lmao !! and seriously this happens so often its just down right rude !! love this post i will be sharing !
Oct 17Reply
fccandles @styled thank you Karina!! Guess where I'm heading right now!!! Cookies will be coming soon!!!🍪🍪🍪🍪
Oct 17Reply
fccandles @shoogal82 thanks Ria! I've just gotten so frustrated lately!
Oct 17Reply
fccandles @shoebug @theresab I know! It just takes up more time, and who has extra of that now days??
Oct 17Reply
styled Kim!!!! 😍💓👯 loving you and this Thursday so far!!!
Oct 17Reply
fccandles @styled 💃💃💃
Oct 17Reply
fccandles @styled lost my freakin military ID @ the bar😱 trying to get another! My Thursdays not off to a great start... Keeping positive☀️☀️☀️
Oct 17Reply
styled Oh Kim!!!! Bummer for you!! 😢Dont stress!! Sending you good vibes!! 💕👭
Oct 17Reply
khkdomer AMEN!!!!! 👏👏
Oct 18Reply
hmbowling So I created a bundle 5 days ago for this girl and she's still giving me the runaround! She likes saying she's going to buy then asking if I'll trade (which I constantly tell her no) and then disappears. What do you ladies recommend I do?! @fccandles @styled
Oct 18Reply
styled @hmbowling -🙀how irritating and inconsiderate.!! I have had to pull out bundles an refuse to sell to problematic buyers.( like that!) it's time consuming!! I have one like that right now!! She just disappears!! Reply to her and give her a time frame when you need an answer. Or commitment.
Oct 18Reply
bayleebanks Couldn't agree more
Nov 09Reply
kfisch3 AMEN
Nov 14Reply
fccandles @stjames want to tag anyone on this??!!!
Dec 01Reply
twopugsnme This is my biggest pet peeve. Very nicely said👍🙏
Mar 22Reply
elle17 Virtual high five!!!!✋ & fist pump!!!👊✊ I hate that! It's absolutely mean to talk a posher down on the price with all of your reasons as to why ur price is to high i.e. I only have a certain budget, when shipping is added it'll be priced too high, I absolutely need this for an event or the new one, I have to pay taxes so my funds are low. Then when u agree on a price they either don't respond or ask u to hold it for the next two weeks when they get paid. I can't take it!!! Stick a fork in me cause I'm done! Lol 😄
Mar 22Reply
fccandles @elle17 thanks ..enough already! Feel free to tag the offenders if you'd like👍
Mar 22Reply
a2z6 OMG Kim love love love this👍👍👏👏👏👏. I have similar rules in my closet on this too !!😀
Apr 04Reply
fccandles @a2z6 thanks Jen😊sooo frustrating right?!
Apr 04Reply
a2z6 Omg tell me abt it?!? 😣😣😣. It's like really can't say "no thank u" or whstever!? Sigh some ppl I tell ya lol 😂😂 I guess we just have to expect that unfortunately not everyone has proper etiquette 👎👎 😒
Apr 04Reply
classy_sassy Amen!!! So unprofessional. No class 😝
May 29Reply
robbilen1 Love this!😂
Jun 05Reply
fccandles @robbilen1 thanks!! Stayed up late and had another newbie 'disappear ' 😝
Jun 05Reply
allie22edwards This happened to me last week! This woman commented on something and told me she was going buy it that night and to PLEASEEEE reserve and all this and then the time came and she never did. And I asked her if she was purchasing and she blew me off and never answered! So rude!
Jun 05Reply
fccandles @allie22edwards so rude!! Happened to me twice last night! Just say no thank you right?! I stayed up for goodness sake! That's why I'm sharing all day today😛😛
Jun 05Reply
abstractdreams A personal pet-peeve of mine!! Well said!👍
Jun 06Reply
pixiedo Well said!! I am quite new to posh (two months) and I am already frustrated that people say they will purchase "next payday" and then disappear. You all have a lot more patience than me!! As for buyers or non-buyers that are nasty, you say you block them? I haven't figured out how to do that. Any advice? Thanks!!
Jun 06Reply
fccandles @pixiedo hi Mary💕sorry for the delay...I've been out all night! So in the upper rt hand corner, there is a box, when you tap on it in someone's closet it gives you several of which is to 'block' someone. People can be sooo very frustrating. I found that I just no longer do holds and that helps. A Lot!!
Jun 07Reply
pixiedo Many thankf @fccandles
Jun 07Reply
mmr22878 @fccandles I hear you!👍
Jun 20Reply
fccandles @mmr22878 😍😍😍2 bundles made this week...then 'poof' disseapered
Jun 20Reply
mmr22878 @fccandles I can't believe people still ask about P a y p a l too.
Jun 20Reply
fccandles @mmr22878 people will ask ANYTHING!!😜
Jun 20Reply
fccandles @nycrelady11 here's another for you... 👍
Jun 30Reply
hauteandcold The new thing is asking to model shoes/boots then nothing. Twice in the last few days😡😡
Jun 30Reply
melodicmistress 😂😂 I love it👏👏👏. Somebody's gotta say it🙋
Jul 02Reply
carinxoxo Agreed!! How frustrating :(
Jul 17Reply
fccandles @carinxoxo 3 times this week😠
Jul 17Reply
carinxoxo I also hate when people act like they are going to buy and last minute they tell me they want to trade omg. We are all here to make a profit! 😓
Jul 17Reply
fccandles @carinxoxo wow... Haven't had that one yet😳 how frustrating!!!
Jul 17Reply
cdnbfly It has happened to me also, but I think its just Attention Deficit...there is so much going on here that I figure they get distracted by something else and forget ☺️ it is annoying though.
Aug 03Reply
fccandles @cdnbfly I would like to think that!! 😉
Aug 04Reply
alainea AMEN!!!
Sep 22Reply
foamgirl Hehehe so funny! You have a beautiful closet. ✨✨You made a comment on my spelling bee 🐝🐝listing. Didn't want to tag you on that one, but just enter "prada toilet" Shop > search field and you'll see the mint green listing❗️
Sep 22Reply
cody7150 @fccandles hi Kim! I steered a PFF looking for a long sleeved black dress in XS/0-2 to Emily's closet. Letting you know that Emily's Loft dress is in her top three. If Emily has pix of it being worn--might make it the winner😉
Feb 08Reply
christalynd And a big A-Men! 😊
Feb 22Reply
fccandles @christalynd ha ha ha!! Tru dat!!😆😆
Feb 22Reply
denette46 Agreed
Feb 28Reply
stephanyy 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
Mar 09Reply
julia_rose Oh my goodness I needed this today 👏😍🙏
Mar 09Reply
moviecloset Love this! So so true! Finding that out in my few short months of selling on here!
Mar 09Reply
npolicky @fccandles I have a question, I'm new to the posh world so I'm not sure what's going on or what I can say without being rude. I've had a few girls ask me to try things on even though the picture is of a model. I'm selling because I didn't like the way something looked on me, so why would I wear it ? Then they don't even answer me when I do post a pic ...what's the deal ?!?! It's rude ! But idk who's serious about buying and who's not? Help. What do I do? Why do people ask for a picture if they don't want it? Am I missing something ?
Mar 10Reply
fccandles @npolicky I'm sorry this is happiness g to you!! Hence tnis listing😫 it happens to all of us. Unfortunately ...some people just don't have any common courtesy. Some POSHERS just politely say they don't model. If you have a picture of a model wearing something ...then no need for addl pics in my opinion. It's an ongoing battle on here ..people just dissearing. If I go to the trouble of taking addl photos, tagging that person and get no response, then I block them....I don't have time for childlike behavior. :-( they are not serious buyers 😔
Mar 11Reply
npolicky @fccandles thanks for answering me ☺️
Mar 11Reply
sheerglamour @fccandles Kim I need advise on something please since you been here in Posh the longest, could you assist ASAP? Thanks so much💐💐
Mar 13Reply
fccandles @sheerglamour tag me on a SOLD listing...I've been laying low a bit...sorry😳 been super busy at work:-(
Mar 13Reply
leonajoe Thank you.....there are people who will ask you to model, take more pictures and ask to bundle and then disappear. Rude Rude Rude. Why do they waste your time?
Apr 18Reply
fccandles @anni83 please be respectful of other people's time.
Apr 29Reply
carina_von 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
May 02Reply
fccandles @erincap😕
May 06Reply
fccandles @mzb06 😍😍😍
Jul 10Reply
luvkorum Thank u! Finally someone says something!
Jul 22Reply
ricksmthree I'm new to Poshmark, less than 1 month, I have had more than a few people stop all communication after they ask for more detail...very frustrating. This site takes a lot of time as it is and I'm happy to give extra detail but please don't just stop communicating. Say you aren't interested, I promise I won't hound you!
Nov 16Reply
fccandles @ricksmthree frustrating right? It's mostly w/ buyers only. Just don't take it too seriously and tag them on this listing🤓🤓
Nov 16Reply
ricksmthree Good idea. I'll remember that for the future!
Nov 16Reply
fccandles @swankythreads because I'd rather be...I dunno...painting my nails😂
May 01Reply
karens54 @fccandles Hello Kim, sorry to bother you but I have a question. Is your C'est la Vie T Shirt eligible for reduced shipping? Thanks, Karen
May 30Reply
fairlygirly 🙌🙌 even just an "ok thanks" is better than not responding at all
Jun 07Reply
fccandles @fairlygirly agreed.... I wonder if these people would ignore you to your face? Ha ha!😆😆
Jun 07Reply
fairlygirly LOL! right... like you're working in Nordstrom and someone comes up and says "do you have this in a medium?" and you say "sure, right here!" and hold the shirt out and they just turn and walk away...
Jun 07Reply
fccandles @fairlygirly EXACTLY... 2x this week. And both interactions were initiated by the buyer😡 soooo frustrating !!
Jun 07Reply
fccandles @sneverett5😕😕😕
Jun 13Reply
52edge This cracks me up! Helps me laugh off the frustration! Lol - Thanks!
Jun 15Reply
jessica10808 @fccandles hello Kim! Good news! That self portrait dress became available again as I initially had two, but one customer who bought it just returned it as the size did not fit her. Would you still be interested in purchasing? If so, I can upload it again on trade sy, if you are okay with purchasing it there?
Jul 04Reply
fccandles @jessica10808 do you mind if I ask how you like using the tradesy web site? I was thinking of taking my high end stuff there... Have you had good luck? I have some Chanel , LV, And other less known high end designers that I don't think 'posh' is the right venue for 😉
Jul 04Reply
jessica10808 @fccandles hello Kim, so sorry for the late reply! This weekend was insane busy.. Anyways, I actually really recommend trade sy, many of my items were sold there. Perhaps you could open an account and just give it a try? :) happy to answer other questions!
Jul 11Reply
marticorena Completely agree my dear! 😊
Jul 16Reply
fashion_whore89 Reposting! 🙌🏼
Jul 20Reply
kristenvanness 💙😘🙏🏻
Aug 03Reply
iamwarrior This! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Sep 20Reply
savvychicluxe Seriously! There's a girl commenting on my Aldo boots, lowballing me and now asking me to post a video. Wtf. 🙄👎🏻 she also has 2 accounts! Amazes me that some people just don't have any manners.
Sep 24Reply
fccandles @uppityminx a VIDEO??? 🙈🙈🙈
Sep 25Reply
savvychicluxe @fccandles lol i know right? And before that she said she was a college student and wanted me to send her photos of me modeling the boots and she could only afford $30. Wtf?! 🙄😾
Sep 25Reply
fccandles @uppityminx then she should be shopping at Wal Mart😡
Sep 25Reply
savvychicluxe @fccandles for reals. She offered $10! 😾💩
Sep 25Reply
fccandles @uppityminx crap! Tell her to get off posh and go to k mart😳
Sep 25Reply
savvychicluxe @fccandles hahahah!! 😂😂😂
Sep 25Reply
savvychicluxe @fccandles omg the drama continues on the boots. 🙄 I blocked her accounts. Beware.
Sep 25Reply
saintjden Hi @jessica10808 , I'm new to Posh and still learning the ropes. A buyer can return their purchase if something doesn't fit right? Poshmark seems very anti-return so far 😕 I bought something that was not as described, and they still wouldn't refund me, just gave me Posh credit of $5!! 😂😂😂😂😂
Nov 22Reply
fccandles @endbsl so You can't return something for fit. A 'not as described' is a case by case situation. A $5 credit sounds like they weren't totally convinced. If they were you would have gotten full credit and had to return the item. I'm sorry that happened ☹️. Be sure and ask LOTS of questions...a good seller never minds answering😉 hope that helps👍🏻
Nov 22Reply
fccandles @endbsl I'm sorry...this was on my listing ...thought it was directed at me😉
Nov 22Reply
fccandles @jessica10808 I'm sorry I thought you had directed the question to me😉 since it was on my listing 😳
Nov 22Reply
saintjden @fccandles thank you for clarification, I definitely will ask more questions from now on. The item was listed as a peacoat jacket, but it's far from being a jacket or a peacoat, it's a 💯 blazer but I guess to some it's all the same.
Nov 22Reply
fccandles @endbsl that's a shame.... Well you can just re posh 🤔 again...sorry for that....
Nov 22Reply
saintjden @fccandles all good, your flyers made me smile.💐 Especially the one about needing sleep, I feel a lot better knowing that there are others with the same problems as mine. 😂😂
Nov 22Reply
fccandles @endbsl glad to hear it!!!😆😆😆
Nov 22Reply
fccandles @ianboutique feel free to use this anytime my friend😉
Nov 25Reply
fccandles @lanboutique 👆🏼👆🏼( sorry.. not wearing my old lady glasses)
Nov 25Reply
fccandles @lanboutique I definitely re tag... then if no answer I tag them on this listing. They had no intention of buying anyhow and it's just so rude😡.. I used ignore them but not anymore... it's too time consuming
Nov 25Reply
fccandles @lanboutique the way I see it.. it's THEM being rude...! And you can ALAYS block them after leaving the comment. People feel that that they can say or do whatever because it's faceless... but we both know we are busy, loving, hardworking women doing our best😉👍🏼
Nov 25Reply
fccandles @lanboutique thank you for such kind & generous words💗 ANYTIME you need help, a laugh or just to vent.. don't hesitate to call😍
Nov 26Reply
terri_lynns I like this 😉 Sad but so true. I have had it all done to me. Very Frustrating 😤🙄
Dec 22Reply
fccandles @terri_lynns all week my friend 😡all week! Just exhausting
Dec 22Reply
terri_lynns @fccandles Oh No 🤦🏻‍♀️ All that and No Sales 👎🏼 Aarrrgggghhhhh!!!!! Happy Holidays my Friend 🎄🎁❤
Dec 22Reply
fccandles @smariasg you seemed like such a nice posher. Too bad I made my family stop the movie, had my daughter try it on and stop what she was doing...I realize that those measurements needed to be taken, but it was Christmas Eve. A simple 'it won't fit' was all it would have taken. So frustrating.... have a happy new year .
Dec 28Reply
scrawn75 Great post!!
Dec 28Reply
fccandles @scrawn75 thank you😉 people have gotten so frustrating 😡
Dec 28Reply
fccandles @yesithinkimsexy please be considerate when asking questions.... peoples time is worth something. A simple response takes less than 15 seconds.
Jan 07Reply
nivene87 @fccandles I had someone ask me about a style number on a gown. Then when I followed up a couple days later asking if she was interested she said the dress was too big. She knew it was going to be too big but had the nerve to ask to style so she can find it somewhere else. So rude!
Jan 07Reply
fccandles @nivene87 I'm sorry that happened to you☹️ ...looks like you're new so welcome 😉 typically if someone is asking something like that...that's exactly what they're around. That's EXACTLY why I made this is so rude and frustrating. Feel free to tag them here ANYTIME 😉😉😍
Jan 07Reply
blushngloss @fccandles Do you know @matana? She just blocked me from her closet. I don't know why? She asked why I don't share and then blocked me. I don't understand.
Jan 08Reply
fccandles @palauluxos people have truly lost all sense of polite behavior 😳
Jan 09Reply
braindoctor @fccandles well put. I just joined Posh about two months ago and I'm already shutting down my closet as soon as my current transactions are complete. I've had so many bad experiences on here in just these few weeks. It's stressful and wasting my time when I work like crazy anyway. Many of my items that I would have otherwise sold on Posh will either go to consignment or a woman's career charity that helps women in need dress for interviews.
Jan 30Reply
fccandles @braindoctor I'm so sorry to hear of your poor experience 😕 Udo understand your frustration However. Posh has not ALWAYS been like this😕 I have made some fabulous friends on here... with growth comes pain I suppose. Best to you😍
Jan 31Reply
braindoctor @fccandles you know, from reading comments, that seems to be the case! I did make a couple of great friends and did interact with some lovely people ☺️. I wish I had discovered Posh a long time ago! 💖
Jan 31Reply
braindoctor @fccandles and thank you! Best to you too!! ☺️🌟
Jan 31Reply
nikkidahl LOVE THIS 💜
Feb 25Reply
fccandles @nikkidahl use it anytime my friend 💕
Feb 25Reply
born2shop76 Your closet is SICK!!!!! I love it😍😍😍
Mar 10Reply
fccandles @born2shop76 thank you Whitney😁😍 I've been following you for a while now! Yours is great as well💕
Mar 10Reply
born2shop76 @fccandles 🤗🤗 thanks love 😘
Mar 10Reply
fccandles @houseofowl there's this....
May 10Reply
fccandles @houseofowl 😁 you'll get there Will and when you do..feel free to use any of these 😍 have a wonderful day my friend! I'm off to,the daily grind😎
May 10Reply
ibpalace Really? They're rude? You're being rude... it's called being a "sales person". You have to take things. You have to ignore things. You have to be smart and strategic. I understand you're frustrated with certain buyers but blowing up / slashing out and making this big post because people won't respond isn't a very smart sales move. You are in sales! That's how things goes! I wouldn't buy from you just because of this post.
Aug 13Reply
fccandles @ibpalace hello😁 and let me start by actually Welcoming you to posh.. it's ok if you find my listing offensive. As to being in sales, it's what I do for a living . And just like I wouldn't ask a customer a question in person and then ignore them ...the same goes for online interaction. Being that you are JUST starting out and have 0 shares have yet to experience any of this. Give yourself a few thousand followers, and 100 or so time consuming questions ...
Aug 13Reply
fccandles @ibpalace question at which you stopped what you were doing something...and took your 'customer' request seriously only to be met w/ deafening silence. I understand that this early in your posh 'career' you think this post seems unreasonable. You do not know me, my closet. Nor what kind of a posher I am. You really shouldn't judge someone until you yourself have been in this situation long enough to compare notes.
Aug 13Reply
fccandles @ibpalace people on here are for the most part polite, know d AND respectful of others time, however you will find that's not always the case. If you are to be successful then you will indeed find this post to be ABSOLUTELY true and in time I guarantee you yourself will feel like tagging people in it. If you don't like something in someone's closet...then just move on. I would also encourage you to try sharing. Otherwise it doesn't matter what you think about 'customers' won't have any🤔
Aug 13Reply
fccandles @ibpalace and FYI...I'm a SU/ and Top 10 in posh sales/ I've been a host 5 times. While I can appreciate your sales speech. ...I've been poshing since 2012. I can give YOU a few tips on how to be successful on posh, as well as get you some closet recognition. Have a fabulous weekend 😁
Aug 13Reply
fccandles @drcovington read the above ... people on here use the internet as a shield to say whatever they want regardless of the person on the other end.. you're a good seller. Sometimes people just are ugly on the inside😳 we can't change that right? Come and vent ANYTIME on any of my vent worthy listings 😍👍🏼
Sep 03Reply
drcovington @fccandles I love this, a place to vent 📣
Sep 03Reply
fccandles @jenna88marie a simple thank you is all anybody asks for. I stopped what I was doing ( helping my mother who has dimentia) to take that photo. Going forward you should be more thoughtful of other people's time ☹️
Sep 20Reply
fccandles @sammkundratt ☹️ I would expect better from another seller ....
Sep 21Reply
fccandles @uppityminx hi Amy😊 hope your thanksgiving was good 👍🏼 just put my Christmas tree🤦🏻‍♀️ wow! Where has this year gone? Hope you're enjoying your Sunday 😍😍
Nov 26Reply
savvychicluxe @fccandles hi Kim! Wow, time really does fly. Hope you're having a great weekend! 🎄💜
Nov 26Reply
unvarnished @fccandles Hi Kim, I hope you're well. Advice please, have you ever heard of ANY circumstance where an order was cancelled after it was shipped? It sold on Thurs; mailed Fri; tracking info updated that night. Went into my sales today (it's on time for delivery today on usps site) and it says order cancelled. I did not cancel it. There were no emails from posh, not that I could've done anything. Any advice? Written posh, but they take up to 3 days to reply. Thank you
Dec 18Reply
fccandles @unvarnished that happens when the payment doesn't go through on poshs end ☹️ all you can do is Waite for their response and tell them it was shipped ... you should still get paid if it shows delivered ..... that's happened to me once. I DID get paid. Lmk
Dec 18Reply
unvarnished @fccandles Thank you! I guess an alert email from Posh was too much to expect; they obviously knew it was mailed. BTW, do you recall how long the delay in pymt took? I have an offer on an expensive item that I hesitate to sell if I have to potentially battle PM on this pymt. TY and Merry Christmas 🎄🥂
Dec 18Reply
fccandles @unvarnished if I sell an expensive item.. I wait 3 days to ship ... that's usually good 👍🏼
Dec 18Reply
fccandles @unvarnished phone was on 1%🤪 so I definitely learned my lesson on those high dollar items 😩😡hope posh doesn’t give you the run around. Pretty ridiculous that they can even DO that to a seller. My feeling is, if they get stuck w/ a bad payment....not my issue. If you don’t mind sharing your outcome....😉 xoxo 💋
Dec 18Reply
unvarnished @fccandles I will. My head felt like it actually exploded this morning, so your text back helped me calm down (somewhat 🤣😜) .
Dec 18Reply
unvarnished @fccandles Verbatim: Thanks for your email. Due to unverified payment by the buyer, we had to cancel this order. Since you have already shipped this out, we have provided you with your earnings. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. " Yay! 😊 couldn't be happier to avoid a pymt chase! I dumped trad es y for that, oh and the doubling of fees. Thanks for your help my friend; always!
Dec 19Reply
unvarnished @fccandles Btw, any advice on any new resell apps to try for higher end? 😘
Dec 19Reply
fccandles @unvarnished the only one I use regularly is real real ... they take a chunk but are definitely the deal ☹️
Dec 19Reply
nljorda1 Fabulous. I hate the ghosts. Pisses me off. ESP when you have kids and you take time away to take this measurement and that measurement and this pic and that picture and they split. Ugh 😡😡😡
Nov 05Reply
fccandles @nljorda1 so much about posh anymore pisses me off. Just isn’t the same.. I just keep plugging along though because of fab women like you ❤️
Nov 05Reply
nljorda1 Posh has changed so much. We’re part of the original crew. I honestly am discouraged that they allow anyone to join these days. People pull the trigger without reading descriptions then two days later say oh “sorry i didn’t read that” and cancel arbitrarily when you’ve pulled the item cleaned it and gotten it ready to ship. Happens all the time to me. They need to up their screening process. I feel like it’s become another eBay. So disappointing
Nov 05Reply
fccandles @nljorda1 oh girl... they watch the RIDICULOUS commercials that claim they get a brand new or oh CLs for $100 Then lowball the hell out of you. All of these RIDICULOUS new features that do NOTHING for sales 😡 how about screening! And making a minimum for offers? So easy to do..
Nov 05Reply
fccandles @nljorda1 and make US absorb the shipping costs? That one REALLY burns me! I could go on and on 😂😂😂
Nov 05Reply
nljorda1 What the HELL is with us only allowing to drop prices if we eat the shipping? It’s such crap! I feel like writing a strong worded letter Manish and offering a warning the he’s treading a fine line with the OG pop that got his company up and running and made him millions. I mean i have $52,700 in personal sales alone. Do the math Kim! I’ve made him $10,540 with him doing NOTHING!!! It’s crap
Nov 05Reply
fccandles @nljorda1 the sad part is.. even if you wrote a letter, he wouldn’t care😞. I actually had 2 conference calls w/ him AND talked w/ him at poshfest. He tells you what he thinks you want to hear... blows smoke up your ass.. He asked ME for the calls. Wanted my opinion . Truth is he really doesn’t care..
Nov 05Reply
fccandles @nljorda1 I’ve sent numerous e mails since... no reply. He’s stopped talking altogether. All they care about is signing up new poshers ( buyers) and boutique people. Double dipping!
Nov 05Reply
nljorda1 Wow really? What a piece of you know what. Makes me want to pull Out altogether! Wanna start our own?!? 🤪
Nov 05Reply
fccandles @nljorda1 I know right? I’ve ran my own business before... not interested 😆😆BUT... sure does piss me off☹️ I figure as long as I’m selling I’ll still stay. Sooo nice to talk to you 😊
Nov 05Reply
amberindallas I don’t understand this post-If someone asks a question and you answer it, isn’t that the end of the communication? You’re expecting Poshers to come back and acknowledge your response? Why?
Dec 19Reply
fccandles @amberindallas if someone is asking me to take the time for extra interactions, an acknowledgment that my response was received is the polite thing to do. Perhaps you don’t mind people not responding... I however do not conduct myself that way👌🏼 Happy poshing
Dec 19Reply
amberindallas @fccandles -ok, acknowledged.
Dec 19Reply
fccandles @amberindallas 😆😆 thank you :-)
Dec 19Reply
fccandles @amberindallas as well’s helpful that I KNOW they received it. There are times when it’s easy to miss a response and I would feel terrible if someone thought I ignored them 👌🏼🥰
Dec 19Reply
soireegoodies4u So true @toughluck00 @seansanburn LADIES THIS IS SO TRUE!!
Mar 24Reply
pjmoneybags @npolicky I've had people ask me to model some jewelry or take more pictures. I just assumed that they were being cautious thinking the item may have been a stock photo and they want to make sure they are seeing a picture of the actual item and it's condition. Then it's crickets. I just keep it moving.
Apr 05Reply
fashion_scrilla We really appreciate this post! 🌟🥂🌟
Apr 24Reply
fccandles @fashion_scrilla thank you 😂😂❤️
Apr 24Reply
soulfaerie0 do you mean you want people to let you know if they decide not to buy the item they asked a question about? i don’t think asking a question equates having to buy the item or telling you they don’t plan to.
May 17Reply
soulfaerie0 then again i’m very new to this. so i’m just wondering what the expectations are.
May 17Reply
fccandles @soulfaerie0 hello… no expectations of purchase. However if you were to initiate a question and someone takes the time to get the info you requested, or just answer…. that a response you received your answer is the polite thing to do. I’m just asking that people don’t ghost each other. 👌🏼
May 17Reply
soulfaerie0 @fccandles i see, thank you for clarifying!
May 17Reply
fccandles @soulfaerie0 you’re most welcome 😍👌🏼
May 17Reply
233east @fccandles ooh my❗❗❗ I thought it was just me! YAY I'm glad to know this is happening to other's as well ( not glad but I guess relieved) at this point a few of my BIGGEST pet peeves are #1 ,SELLERS sending a low ball offer for a item they want #2, BUNDES that are made but not purchased ❗ My favorite word on posh~ BLOCKED LOL
Jun 25Reply
fccandles @dianerenee833 it is so bad that I stopped engaging anymore. People are no longer respectful. Time is valuable to us all 🤷🏻‍♀️
Jun 25Reply
233east @fccandles yes! Thank you for posting and speaking out🥰
Jun 25Reply
fccandles @dianerenee833 As my husband always says ‘Tell me how you REALLY feel’! Lol .. mind shooting me an offer on the bundle I created? Ty 😍
Jun 25Reply
233east @fccandles And I don't think they REALYwant to know how we feel LOL and yes ABSOLUTELY
Jun 25Reply
233east @fccandles Thank you ,this will be shipped out ASAP
Jun 25Reply
fccandles @dianerenee833 lol!! Most accurate 👌🏼
Jun 25Reply
babyboogee Um can I borrow this if I quote you?? I went SO out of my way to get measurements while pregnant and raising a baby (yes you heard right, Irish twins yall) and NO RESPONSE on a dress that I worked hard to get measurements for.
Jul 15Reply
fccandles @babyboogee absolutely! So irritating right? Only ask that you refer back to me 🥰Good luck with baby! How exciting:-)
Jul 15Reply
txgratitude NAILED IT! 🙋🏻‍♀️ HI & WELCOME to the Poshmark (Posh) Community. I’ve been here since 2016 and am an Ambassador. I’m trying to build my network. Feel free to ask questions, I'd be happy to help navigate. I am sharing your listings with my 100k+ followers. If you want to stop by my Closet, I carry: - Exquisite REAL GEM Rings - Huge selection of Men & Women’s Plus Sizes - Purses - Shoes - Skin Care & Make Up - Electronics - Home Goods - Pet Items Happy Poshing!🙏🏻💐🌻🇺🇸
Oct 27Reply
leahfields77 With all due respect why so drastic? If they don’t reply it didn’t work out, right? So why do they need to explain it to you? Do you need to know? Does it matter? When you answer questions they’re there for future Poshers! I looked in your closet, absolutely gorgeous, but I didn’t stay long because you have as many “meme-listings” explaining all your Rules, Likes, & Dislikes than actual items. It’s a bit much for online shopping. Sorry.
Oct 29Reply
leahfields77 I don’t want to be blocked by anyone and I wasn’t being disrespectful. I just don’t understand why anyone would be that way.
Oct 29Reply
leahfields77 @soulfaerie0 if you don’t want the item for any reason you don’t need to explain that to anyone. Most Poshers would never do this.
Oct 30Reply
fccandles @leahfields77 hello… thank you for stopping by. As a posher who has been Poshing since 2012 these memes of rules are a culmination of 10 yrs. As I have a virtual assistant they have a tendency to get grouped and shared together .. not my preference. As to THIS particular one… as I have over 500k followers…
Oct 30Reply
fccandles @leahfields77 questions that are asked of me can run in the dozens a day. I take the time to respond to each and everyone of them. This takes time. I am only asking that the person responds with a ‘thanks’ as it lets me know that they have received my response. Why someone doesn’t purchase something is irrelevant. I am only asking for acknowledgment of a response. Happy Poshing 👌🏼
Oct 30Reply
fccandles @leahfields77 as well a large portion of my memes are informational for other poshers are police and procedures. Again … happy Poshing :-)
Oct 30Reply
leahfields77 @fccandles I understand, ty
Oct 30Reply

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