@mystibleu3 is a total LIAR & SCAMMER!!!!!!!
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This girl never sent the items she bundled for our trade! She received my items but sent me crappy clothes reeking of cigarette smoke, totally stained & even inside out! Clothes just as trashy as she is & not even listed on her site! Then when confronted she said my real items are in a package that conveniently never arrived & now she won't respond & has blocked me from her page & commented 2 make it look like I got my stuff but I can't reply. Karmas a biotch! Share this & keep it going Poshers!

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Ughhhh she scammed me too!!!!!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭
Jun 02Reply

@courtneypardo hey girl! Just sent u a comment on your page about this! My email address is pinkspree18@ymail.com! ;)
Jun 03Reply

@dukefanjenny yeah tell me about it! I've done at least 30+ trades then I find this girl and she screws me over completely! She's going down. For sure. Trash.
Jun 03Reply

She scammed me too! 😡😡😡😡
Jun 07Reply

Will pm do anything? Since trading is kinda frowned upon I was wondering if they'd intervene.. Anyone know?
Jun 07Reply

@sschaech yeah she's gotta be stopped!
Jun 07Reply

@chae808707 I just emailed Poshmark & I'm filing a police report. ;) I was out of town last week. Charging that nasty piece of trash @mystibleu3 for fraud & theft! :D
Jun 07Reply

Oh good. I want to start trading but afraid of the same thing happening and nowhere to turn for help. I hope everything works out for all of you. It really sucks when these trolls ruin pm for everyone!
Jun 07Reply

@chae808707 trading is fun! Just make sure you check them out first. You can do a search for their user name and read the comments under their listings especially the sold ones. If I had done this there's no way this sorry POS would have scammed me. If I had even seen her picture! Omg! I just had like 8 trades or something all going on at once and didn't take the time. Ugh
Jun 07Reply

I will definitely research first! How do you know if someone has blocked you?
Jun 07Reply

@chae808707 I went to comment on one of her listings and it said I couldn't comment because I had been blocked. This was right after I commented & tagged this girl that was about to trade her authentic brand new designer bags for a ring she priced close to $1500. At least that poor girl got my message! Mystibleu3 immediately blocked me & then a cpl hours later she deleted everything from her page except the sold listings (not sure if you can delete those..?) the girl wanted the ring because she had lost her wedding set while on vacation. Mystibleu3 has no freakin heart. Just as trashy on the inside as she is on the outside :/ rotten to the core.
Jun 07Reply

Omg!! That is downright nasty! She deserves what's coming to her. She'll be sorry she scammed people here when she finds out she has fraud charges filed against her! I went to her page to check it out and saw that only sold items are listed. But the comments are just shocking! She apparently sold a Gucci purse completely different than what was pictured and even gave a fake serial number for it. People called her out on it and she just gave some lame idiotic excuse!
Jun 07Reply

I saw your comment about her deleting everything and poshmark did it. She got banned from selling and can't upload any more items 😜
Jun 22Reply

@djtemptationz @laurajen @ladykate333 @serenitycircle @fanciface @solds @psoane @mimzy75 hey girls just sharing I don't want any of us getting scammed. Thanks Hun for putting this out there for us. I will share with my followers. I have already blocked her too
Jun 22Reply

@springlove oh awesome! Posh replied back to me & it didn't sound like there was anything they could do to fix my situation since it was a trade, but this is great! She always spoke of her sister though so let's hope she isn't still scamming as her or thru her!
Jun 22Reply

@favhndz someone just commented that posh has banned her from selling! Awesome!! But still watch out. Unfortunately she wasn't the only one :(
Jun 22Reply

@favhndz - Thanks for the heads up. Since moving I've been on a Posh break. Stuff like that makes me want to make my break permanent! But people like you who watch out for honest poshers are why I keep coming back and can't wait to get back to it! You're great, thanks again!
Jun 22Reply

@nurse_ray - Whoa! Have you come across this user's name? (mystibleu3) Time to block and spread the word! @pinkspree18 - I'm so sorry this happened to you :-( I traded with a user and as soon as she got her stuff she went MIA... Fortunately @nurse_ray saw my post about it and got tons of users to demand accountability on her page... A few days later I actually got my stuff (as described too) with an apology letter! She claims she had been going thru stuff and lost Internet connection, but she magically was able to accept her items on PM yet not respond to my inquiries... It was also fishy because she originally claimed she had shipped my stuff but the tracking # showed it had never reached the post office. even tho i got my stuff I would not recommend trading with her (her username is under the trade listing with the yellow floral dress Fyi)... I'm sure my outcome is a rarity unfortunately... Maybe this was the user's first attempt at scamming and got cold feet (as she should)... Point is, spreading the word and uniting against scammers will hopefully ruin their reputation. I hope you saved her name and address! ;-)
Jun 30Reply

Please Please add @twasiela to the scammer list, she just scammed me, so livid😡😡😡😠😠😠😤😤😤😠 her name and address as shown on label was
Tracey Figueoa
7508 Orchard Lane Apt 5
Woodridge, IL 60517
Jul 28Reply

God I hate some people! Only piece of mind is knowing karma will get them somehow someway.
Aug 11Reply

@pinkspree18 @courtneypardo I'm sorry that happened! I'm surprised her profile is still up. They should get rid of her.
Apr 15Reply
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