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Updated Dec 12
Updated Dec 12


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I'm Savannah and I'm a Texas girl studying to be a nurse so I can help other children that fight ITP. All the money that I make from posh goes towards paying for school or paying my medical bills. So come check out my closet!!!
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cristallo Beautiful 💘
Jun 24Reply
cristallo I live in Omaha , yes I believe your spot on dear..vaccinations done after antibiotics. Which is a big no no. Since western medicine got my son where he is, we will not resort back to it. Well best wishes to you doll! You are gorgeous inside & out!
Jun 24Reply
savvyj @cristallo Thanks so much honey! Much love and happy poshing doll💋💋
Jun 24Reply
savvyj @cristallo wish it was that easy but my vaccines were given safely. I was an ear infection kids and was on lots of antibiotics as a child but not around vaccine time. I did have a bad virus right before! Who knows I just wish it would go away!!!!
Jun 24Reply
cristallo Yup sounds familiar , when lots of antibiotics are taken for any reason, a certain amount of time must pass before any vaccinations are administered, besides the fact that every human reacts differently to all these man made drugs. So more time would need to pass for some more then others, but you seem very strong & intelligent & I'm sure you will overcome. Stay beautiful & strong! Xo
Jun 24Reply
savvyj @cristallo Thanks girl! I had to turn down numerous scholarships and stay home because my platelets were so low! Yes you are right about the vaccine but that information was Not out there twenty years ago and mothers thought they were protecting their children. In my days there was mercury still in vaccines and mothers were crazy if they didn't vaccinate there babies. The link to Autism and autoimmune diseases came way after I received my shots. The Doctors at Texas Children's still believe it was the virus that caused it! Now I have Adult ITP and my platelets won't go up! I'm trying to determine a new way to battle. They are pushing Rituxin(chemo) on me and I would love to hear your alternative. We have tried so many lifestyle changes and nothing has helped! Off to another blood test! Please email my mom She has searched for many many years anything to help me💗 much love to you and your baby boy💗he is lucky to have you honey💋💋
Jun 24Reply
cristallo Awe you made me tear up...your mother did an amazing job raising such a beautiful woman! I hope I can be as good of a mother for my son! I will email her & hopefully we can be email buddies as well as poshers ;) stay positive! Hope platelets are as close to 150k as possible ;)
Jun 24Reply
savvyj @cristallo ahhh I'm sure your an amazing mom!!! Give him a huge hug from me! I'm studying pediatric nursing to help child like that sweet baby of yours! Here is hoping for high platelets💉we always say "If we had a dollar for every doctor appt. and blood test we would be lying on a beautiful, white sand beach" but this trip would include a beautiful mom and her little guy💋💋talk soon💋💋
Jun 24Reply
savvyj @cristallo I was just reading on Evans and I hate it that your baby has to deal with that! I can't imagine your struggles as a mom. You will be in my thoughts and prayers friend! How old is your baby? Stay strong friend
Jun 24Reply
cristallo Well it is different from a parents perspective...because we love our children so much is unexplainable. We must have faith though. You made it this far for a reason, & you can inspire lots of people with your story. My son is 15 now, they diagnosed him with ITP 2 yrs ago & then changed it to evans once he took his Coombs test. On my way to store & will email when I get home so we don't have to announce all our details on posh lol xo
Jun 24Reply
saranda @savvyj ❤💋Prayers and love to you and yours! 💋❤
Jun 24Reply
savvyj @saranda Thanks doll💋💋
Jun 24Reply
saranda @savvyj Let's get you some sales sweetheart! 💋❤
Jun 24Reply
savvyj @saranda Wow your such a sweet heart 💋💋
Jun 24Reply
garbie816 Just wanted to say thank you, by following some of your followers and taking your advice I made my second sale!! Thank you and lots of love and well wishes 💞💖💕💓
Jun 24Reply
savvyj @garbie816 Yeah!!!! So happy for you doll💋💋💋I'll share some more for you and maybe you'll make another💋💋
Jun 24Reply
savvyj @sngocone Ahhh Thanks sweet one💋💋💋much love to you💋💋💋
Jun 24Reply
rissa37 @savvyj gorgeous pictures!! Loving your closet too. Nice to meet you:)
Jun 24Reply
savvyj @rissa37 Thanks sweet one💋💋nice to met you too doll💋💋
Jun 24Reply
rissa37 @savvyj your welcome!
Jun 24Reply
savvyj @garbie816 Hey doll I have another trick! Notice how we both have so many that we are following but much less following us. Well go to all your followers and hit the tab to unfollow then follow them back! I did it today and wow I got hit buy tons of people!!! Just FYI 💋💋
Jun 24Reply
garbie816 Do you have to go through and click every individual one again to follow? Or is there like an unfollow all, follow all button?
Jun 24Reply
savvyj @garbie816 I wish there was a follow all!!!!! No you have to unfollow and follow again. I think people forget to follow when they see it on the feed!
Jun 24Reply
garbie816 That would just be too easy haha 😆 thats a good idea i shall do that when i get onto a computer!!
Jun 24Reply
audreycee @savvyj you're beautiful! And YOU've got a beautiful closet! ☺ Also, thank you for following.
Jun 25Reply
savvyj @audreycee ahhh thank you so much friend💋💋that's so sweet💋💋
Jun 25Reply
savvyj @4digger91 Thank you so much friend💋💋💋
Jun 25Reply
savvyj @lorraineann Hey friend! Thanks for the like💋💋hope all is amazing in your life💋💋
Jun 26Reply
lorraineann @savvyj hi yes things are good right now how are things with you how have you been feeling? Alittle slow right now on Poshmark not selling too much lately but that's okay I love your pictures looking good!!
Jun 26Reply
kaitlin902 @savvyj thanks for sharing my closet. Any interests !? I'll lower prices!
Jun 27Reply
savvyj @kaitlin902 I will keep that in mind! I just saw you were a newbie in this crazy posh world and wanted to share💋💋
Jun 27Reply
savvyj @lspang Wow what a sweet thing to say doll! You are a dear! I hope that's true, I love kids and hope one day to work at Texas Children's where they treated me as a child! Thanks doll!
Jun 30Reply
savvyj @lspang well I can tell your an amazing person yourself doll! I bet your a fantastic nurse💋💋thanks for your kind words, you would be amazed at how this posh world has helped me! The wonderful uplifting people like yourself, keep me so positive!!! It helps me so much!! I get the results tomorrow from another blood test! Ugh say a prayer for me! Thanks so much friend💋💋much happiness to you!
Jun 30Reply
savvyj @lspang Thanks doll! We always say if we had a dollar for every dr appt and blood test we could be sitting on a beautiful beach somewhere! This time you'd be with us doll!
Jun 30Reply
sassysuzzy @savvyj Don't know who you think you are little girl for taking me to task for stating my own opinion. I wasn't speaking to other women I was talking to her about a sale. I think you should mind your own business & show those Texas manners you are known for. No disrespect.
Jul 01Reply
savvyj @sassysuzzy Now there you go again! I tried to help you out before but you just don't seem to understand! PEOPLE READ WHAT YOU POST! Treating people poorly will not get you far in business! So I would suggest you stop this bad behavior!!! Do not post again anywhere in my closet or I will report you!
Jul 01Reply
jesslwallace @sassysuzzy I was very offended that you would post about my prices the way you did. I would never go to your closet and purport to find something so much cheaper somewhere else. As for Savannah, she is my friend and was merely defending me. Please do not insult her because you have no right to. Poshmark is supposed to be fun, and going around to girls' closets and being less than delightful is NOT fun. Attacking prices, asking whether or not I REALLY wore something for only an hour? Treat those the way you want to be treated, and Savannah wouldn't have said a word!
Jul 01Reply
jesslwallace @jillsnider You are right, it's very bad for business! I've read posts on others' pages and blocked immediately as well. Thank you for the follow, by the way. 
Jul 02Reply
savvyj @jillsnider I will keep you in my prayers Jill! Mine is autoimmune also! I'm trying a new treatment soon and will post if it helps me! I was very shocked that of all my listing she posted here where so many well wishes, prayers and beautiful sentiments have been said to me. It really showed her colors! I don't wish anything negative on anyone. I hope maybe she learned something. That post will come back and hurt her! Much happiness to you friend and praying for good health💗
Jul 02Reply
jesslwallace @jillsnider You really can't get much better than this girl here. She is a gem!
Jul 02Reply
savvyj @jesslwallace @jillsnider ahhh now your Both making me cry💗😹Thank you dear friends
Jul 02Reply
savvyj @jillsnider Hey doll your killing me! Wish there was something I could do! Where do you live? Don't feel obligated honey. I totally understand! I luckily have insurance and its still so high! My doctors have been pushing Rituxin (chemo) which is 40,000 and with insurance I still have to pay 30%! Ugh my counts were down today so I know it's coming. My mom is a mess! So I'm going to try a natural product called manna tech. You should look it up friend! I have ITP? Do you? Really doll my heart would feel so much better If you use your money to better your health friend! You can always buy from me when you get your it under check! Much love💗
Jul 02Reply
savvyj @jillsnider Night sweet Jill and thank you so much for your kind words! I will keep you in my heart and pray for you often! The Lord does amazing things and he will for both of us! Sweet dream and can't wait til we speak again friend! Much happiness to you💗
Jul 02Reply
carisakell You are GORGEOUS,inside and out... Sure You hear it All the time. It's True!!! Thank You SO SO MUCH For sharing my things,EVERYTHING!!! I'm embarrassed as I don't really have anything listed yet, things already here were the things that I had already had out. Overwhelmed is only the half of it. Yesterday and All morning until now,I have been in bed,my back is over the pain scale,No Biggy,but,I just laid in bed the entire day. I can't stand it as I get nothing done,I had so much I needed to do today,And,Zilch... Lol!!! Oh Well,I guess it is what it is and I just have to accept it and move on... Can't wait until tomorrow,I will tag You when I'm ready to purchase, and,then the other pair on or before the 15th. Very excited to get some jeans that will fit me,and,they are awesome as well. Thank You So,So Much for Everything,I will Share Everything I like and things I know others will as well. ALL OF YOUR CLOSET IS BEAUTIFUL!!! And,that's a True FACT!!! Thanks Again,see You tomorrow. Love and Miles of Smiles,Care***
Jul 02Reply
savvyj @carisakell Cari love!!! Thank you so much for your kind words! Sorry it's taking me a bit to get back with you doll! I'm not at my best today😹so I totally understand a day in the bed! I will be praying for you love! I can't imagine going through so many surgeries and I'll add to my prayer that this will be the last!!!! You seem like an amazing person full of love and compassion. Your babies are so lucky to have you. I lost my dog last year and its been very hard. Tipsy my Winnie dog was poisoned when our lawn guy used to much fertilizer on the lawn. It broke my heart and we just haven't gotten over it yet. I love that you have rescue animals and when we're ready again that is what we will do. I'm excited for tomorrow! Let me know when your ready and which one you want first! Blessings on your day honey and much love to you💗
Jul 02Reply
mft915 @savvyj thanks doll for shares
Jul 03Reply
mft915 I'm gonna get the jacket love it can u hold for hour so I can look of I want something else and I also am working in the party pretty please hold juicy jacket I'm a million and 1 def buying
Jul 03Reply
carisakell Hello,it's Cari,sorry I took so long,dinner took a bit and longer than I planned. I was going to call You but don't want to wake You up if You are sleeping. I'm really tired so,is there any way We can do everything in the morning??? I don't think I could even concentrate right now. I promise to ring,what,about 10:00am. That way I'll be up and moving by then so I can buy them... Please,I sure hope You don't mind,or,are mad at me. I totally meant to do this earlier,I was in excruciating pain this morning and was crying,it was painful. Anyway, I get up a little and felt somewhat better,but,it was getting to be dinner time. Just want to go to sleep before it starts throbbing again.. I sure Hope You are feeling well, and,try to rest,this place gets awfully addictive... Goodnight...get some rest,do it tomorrow, Love Cari : )
Jul 04Reply
savvyj @carisakell Sure doll no problem. Just remember your am hour ahead of me. I'm in Texas so call me in the morning love💋No not mad sweet one I'm not that kind of person love💗sleep well💗
Jul 04Reply
iheartpurple @savvyj 💜💜💜😘 ur gorgeous <3
Jul 05Reply
savvyj @iheartpurple Thanks so much doll! You have a great closet💋💋thanks for the shares💗💗
Jul 05Reply
carisakell Okay,You know more than I about the jeans. Even though I like the more straight leg,a bit loose fitting,so,I will leave it up to You. Just let me know,I have to do something very quickly with a trade,will be right back... Thank You So Much for Your patience,I'm out right now so I can be here to talk to You. Now Again,a prisoner in my own home. Almost 50 and I get no Happiness out of life anymore. I do want to talk to You,I know how much You mean to everyone,including me, and,I'm sorry about last night. I'm going to spend the same amount of money,I would never not do that,I just Love All of Your jeans,Your entire closet for that matter. Just want You to know,I realize You have Never met me,but,I really feel such a Good and Spiritual Soul with You,You are Beautiful,and,I Pray that You Never think any differently about Yourself. I was So looking forward to talking with You, can You give me Your number here again. This is my cell and I can save it right away. You are more than just kind,You are someone that GOD sent here,gifting Us that have even just crossed paths just a bit... But,of Everyone has been blessed enough to cross paths with You,Not a One will Ever Not embrace You and Your family within their Hearts. Even more than Your Unbelievable Story,withstands in my Heart, a True,Corageous Giving Woman. You have been in my prayers ever since I first met You here. Have You ever met someone that You feel that You have met before,Well,I have that instinct right now,and,I just Hope and Pray that You realize How Amazing and Beautiful You really are. I wanted to talk to You So Badly last night,I will explain,Hopefully tomorrow. But,until then,Please get Your rest,Your babies need You. Much Love Always, Happy 4th of July,This was My parents favorite Holiday,Man,I miss that and them period. Blessings of Wellness and give the Lovebugs a giant hug from me,they won't even know who I am,it's fine... Love and Many more prayers Baby Dolll,Care *** : )
Jul 05Reply
carisakell I am very broke,but,if I Ever come up with a silly idea,some way to earn some good money,it's not only going to my local Humane Society,But,to Pay off Your Education. You are an Inspiration to the entire World,no better Way to spend any money I could have,to You... I Promise,and,again,I don't make a promise I can't keep... Rest Well Sweetheart,Talk tomorrow. : )
Jul 05Reply
savvyj @carisakell Hey doll we need to get this sale done doll! I have someone really wanting a pair of jeans you are holding so we need to get it done love! Hope your 4th is amazing🎉how about I call you tomorrow morning. Give me a time cause I want to make sure we get the right size for you honey! Blessing on your night your a doll💋💋
Jul 05Reply
savvyj @carisakell thanks doll love those fury babies for me!!!
Jul 05Reply
fabicase @savvyj Love your pictures!! I live in Austin. We need to have a Posh Party in Texas!! 😊
Jul 05Reply
savvyj @fabicase Thanks doll! We do need a Texas posh party!!! Especially in your town!!! Fun fun fun! Wow I've seen other posh parties in other states and wondered why we haven't don't it! Great idea doll! Love your closet honey💋💋posh love💋💋thanks so all the shares!
Jul 05Reply
fabicase @savvyj So true! Would be great to have one during South by Southwest! You have a beautiful closet! 😊
Jul 05Reply
savvyj @fabicase what is south by southwest? This Houston girl is clueless! Lol
Jul 05Reply
fabicase @savvyj It's a technology show, movie and music festival. Pretty much the whole town is inundated with a week long events of music and movie previews and its where all the new tech companies come to showcase their new application. Tickets cost between $500 to $1200... And it sells out!!! It gets crazy. 😊 The event is better known as SXSW. The website is
Jul 05Reply
savvyj @fabicase wow girl you need to get a both at that girl!!! You'd made a pretty penny with all the people and all your pretties 💋💋
Jul 05Reply
jesslwallace You hit 20,000+!!!! Congrats, beautiful!!!!!!!
Jul 07Reply
savvyj @jesslwallace Wow did I? Very exciting very exciting!!! Thanks honey! I see women with a million followers! I'm astonished by them wow!!! I'm happy with my 20,000 awesome ladies 🎉🎊🎋🎉🎆🎇thanks doll
Jul 07Reply
singernyc Good luck to you sweetheart! Thanks for all the likes and shares! I will be checking out your closet. 💕🎀💕
Jul 09Reply
savvyj @singernyc Thanks honey! Much love and happy poshing💗great closet💗
Jul 09Reply
jesslwallace Phew! I am officially following EVERY single one of your followers!! Wish there was a Follow All button! Lol
Jul 10Reply
vickyshannon Wow you're gorgeous! Very pretty eyes!
Jul 10Reply
savvyj @vickyshannon Ahhhh Thank you!!! I'm a blue eyed American Indian girl!!!!
Jul 10Reply
savvyj @jesslwallace wow!!! Go Jess!!! Here is another trick I do! I go to the suggested users and go to everyone of their followers and follow them! They change them every two days. I have gotten to the point where I can follow people and watch tv at the same time!!!! Hehe you're so right we need a follow all button and they need to finally fix the follow problem!
Jul 10Reply
jesslwallace I'll do that, too, then! I just ran 7 miles, so I think I'm going to go shower and collapse tonight. I'm gettin' old... Lol
Jul 10Reply
savvyj @jesslwallace I'm so impressed!!! Talk tomorrow! I didn't have a great, blood test and bad headache and results tomorrow. Talked to may papa and her new some of the names you mentioned. We can talk tomorrow I'm not feeling well! Sleep well friend!
Jul 10Reply
jesslwallace You, too, love. I'll be praying for you to feel better!
Jul 10Reply
savvyj @jesslwallace thanks sweet Jess!!!!! Hey your closet is coming along beautifully! I remember when you just had a couple of things!!! Look at you go girl😘💃🎉gorgeous
Jul 10Reply
jesslwallace Thank you!! Hopefully my photography is better, too. Those early shots - gasp. Hehe!  Hey, aren't we both supposed to be asleep?
Jul 10Reply
savvyj @jesslwallace Yes honey but I think we are both night owls!! Don't forget it's easy to hold the ole iPhone as I'm lying here watching tv!!!! My papa knew the Dailey family! Okay I'm going to sleep! Maybe!!! Hehe night honey
Jul 10Reply
jesslwallace I can't wait to talk to Jackie!!! Good night, Babydoll. 
Jul 10Reply
savvyj @jesslwallace 💤💤💤night doll💤💤💤
Jul 10Reply
jewoods7 @savvyj - from one RN to another (almost) - congrats on your achievements and your dedication to a cause! I have scrubs in my closet - take a look if you get a moment!!
Jul 11Reply
savvyj @jewoods7 Thanks so much love!!! I can't wait to start my new life!!!
Jul 11Reply
jewoods7 @savvyj - You're welcome!! I've got 20 years under my belt, and still love it! I'm trying to pay for my MSN/ARNP as soon as my BSN is completed in April (as well as trying to pay for a wedding to the love of my life), so that's what Posh is for me). Check out my closet for scrubs!! ❤
Jul 11Reply
savvyj @jewoods7 Much happiness to you sweet one!!! Do post pic's of your big day doll! Where do you live? I pray your very successful on posh and get all that tuition paid for! When I get my med bills paid ill be back to shop 💋💋
Jul 11Reply
ytak42 I'm a displaced Texan living in Chicago. I have knowledge of ITP, I have a good friend who had it. It's scary so I'll put ya in my prayers!
Jul 11Reply
savvyj @ytak42 Thanks so much for the prayers doll💋💋
Jul 11Reply
jewoods7 @savvyj - My fiancé has to have another back surgery, so wedding is postponed for now. One of my close friends was told she had ITP for years, and actually has Lupus! I would steer clear of chemo for now; plenty of other things to boost platelets without immuno-compromising the rest of you! You are brave and beautiful - hats off to your Mom! We wanted an October wedding, but we are in New Hampshire, so it's a toss up whether it's Indian Summer warm or New England cold!! I will share pics (and sell my gorgeous dress) when we finally wed; whether it's via a JP with no glitz or the "full-on show"!! ❤ (Try to remember: bills shouldn't hold you back - you only live once - I learned that as a Hospice Nurse. Life is precious, so LIVE IT!!! 💋
Jul 11Reply
savvyj @jewoods7 I was thinking about you this morning girl! To imagine how many people you have helped in your nursing career is unimaginable! I pray that one day I will bless and help children they way you do. Very exciting to start from scratch making plans to wed your honey!!! I hope you enjoy every minute of it friend. I've been living with ITP since I was five and it gets old! I had to turn down several scholarships and stay home from college until I have better health. I'm applying next year to nursing school and UT health and science is walking distance to my doctor so hopefully I will be well but if not I will still try to go. Thank God I live close to Houston our medical care is fabulous!! I do but a few things but try hard to save my money. But I will buy some things for myself after the 25th!! Ill check your closet out doll! Much love honey and happy wedding planning! We don't get much of a fall so I think a fall wedding would be wonderful! Outside with the beautiful changing leaves! Just my opinion💗💗smootches💋💋
Jul 11Reply
jewoods7 @savvyj - thanks for the kind wishes! You sound determined enough to do it!!
Jul 11Reply
garliyogirls @savvyj you're beautiful & in my heart & prayers❤🙏✨✨
Jul 12Reply
savvyj @garliyogirls Thanks so much sweet one! Much love and happiness to you💗
Jul 12Reply
ninjachick 😊💐Ty for all the shares sweety! I love your closet!💖
Jul 13Reply
savvyj @ninjachick Thanks girl!!! I love your closet too and thanks for your shares doll💋
Jul 13Reply
joannausa @savvyj , hello , I live near Mayo Clinic in MN. I'm not sure if you ever heard about the clinic , but this is the place where all the stars and politicians come with serious diseases. They have the best specialists and always work on new alternative ways to cure stuff. I think you should look into it!!!🌺🌺🌺
Jul 13Reply
savvyj @joannausa Thanks doll! I have thought about Mayo but I live outside Houston and our Medical facilities are world renoun! My Doctor is the best in her field! So I'm very happy with my care! I do have Mayo in the back of my mind if I ever feel like I need a second opinion! Thanks love!!!!
Jul 13Reply
joannausa 👍👍👍
Jul 13Reply
ninjachick Thanks so much! You're welcome and anytime ! You look to be a very talented and beautiful posher! I will be following you regularly!💗💐
Jul 14Reply
savvyj @ninjachick Thanks so much sweet one💋💋you have a fabulous closet doll💗holler if you ever need anything!
Jul 14Reply
savvyj @feliciagrace Ahhh thank you doll💋💋how sweet are you!!!
Jul 17Reply
jesslwallace Good morning!!! Thank you, lovely! 
Jul 17Reply
savvyj @jesslwallace Good morning pretty one! Closet is looking good 🙀
Jul 17Reply
jesslwallace Thanks!! No clue what you're doing liking everything, but there must be a method to the madness. Haha!!!
Jul 17Reply
savvyj @jesslwallace It's called lack of sleep and I'm just in a likie kind of mood! I had like a zillion likes last night! Every time the put my name up as a suggested user, my goodness my feed explodes!!! I was up most of the night again! Ugh
Jul 17Reply
jesslwallace Haha, well, I'm glad you were there again, but sorry for the lack of sleep!! Get some rest, girl!!!
Jul 17Reply
savvyj @jesslwallace Yeah it's nap time for me!! All that action but no sales! It's been slow for me! I have a couple things on hold but we will see!
Jul 17Reply
kc1101 @savvyj Hi Savannah, we talked a little bit last night. I'm so sorry you have to deal with all the medical issues! I also have a blood problem, I suffer from Anemia do to a GI absorption problem! My body doesn't absorb all the nutrients I need to promote healthy bone marrow production! I have lost too much weight and struggle to stay at the weight I'm at right now! I also receive regular Iron infusions and blood transfusions😖 Yucky! But it keeps me going! Hang in there! If you ever want to vent I'm here!😊
Jul 19Reply
savvyj @kc1101 Hey doll! I will keep you in my prayers . I know how hard it can be and hope you stay healthy and happy. I have to do blood weekly and it gets so old but I always tell myself there is always people out there that have it way worse than I do! I go back to my doctor next week and fear she will start the "chemo" talk again! Thanks and if you ever need to talk I'm here girlie💗
Jul 19Reply
kc1101 @savvyj I know what you mean! It could be so much worse! I thank God everyday for what I do have!🙏 But somedays I just have to have my own little pitty party and then move on! Lol 😊 I will keep you in my prayers every night!🙏
Jul 19Reply
savvyj @kaitlin902 Thank you so much! It does get very old! Ill holler at cha next time I'm in a pity party maybe we can help each other! I had to stay home from school this year cause the ole platelets have been rock bottom! Ugh
Jul 19Reply
moonbunnytoo Hey girl! Hope you are healthy and feeling well! I read through your thread here and got some good tips, so thank you!! How do you deal with people who advertise in your closet / on specific items?? Comments like "you should buy from me" or "check out my closet!" Suggestions?
Jul 21Reply
savvyj @moonbunnytoo Hey doll! I'm sorry that's happening to you girl! I would nicely tell them to go read posh Etiquette, it's the 1st don't listed! I get so tired of Interested? Just because I returned a share! Ugh Hope that helps honey!
Jul 21Reply
imartla @savvyj - you are wonderful! thank u for your help! I got laid off and I am trying to help my husband with bills as well. I have little boy born with Congenital Heart, he had 4 open heart surgeries already. Its been a tough time now that im out work. My son is turning 9 this coming wk and im trying to sell some for his bday! Goodluck hun!
Jul 21Reply
savvyj @imartla Hey sweet one! I will keep you and your family in my prayers! I've only been on posh since Feb. and if I can do it so can you love! Follow and share as many people as you can!!! Go to the suggested users and follow constantly! Keep adding to your closet and don't be surprised if it becomes your new full time job! I hope you love it like I do💋💗there are amazing people here!!! @jesslwallace @mamatofmany are two that are sisters to me!!! Ill be praying for you honey! Holler if you need anything💋💋
Jul 21Reply
imartla @savvyj - thank you so so much! greatly appreciate it. hope to make it here as well! you will be in my prayers too! thank you for being my first friend here at Posh! ;)
Jul 21Reply
savvyj @imartla Hey Rhea! Where ya from honey? I love to know where my posh friends are in this great country! I'm a Texas girl down by Houston.
Jul 21Reply
moonbunnytoo Do you post that on your own listing or one of theirs? Thanks :) and I agree about the flood of "interested??" Posts!
Jul 22Reply
savvyj @moonbunnytoo Hey sugar I would put that on your post. Say something like " Hey sugar please don't advertise on my listing! If you need any help posh Etiquette is a great place to start. That's my suggestion. If she gets tacky you can always report or block her. Good luck!
Jul 22Reply
savvyj @lspang Hey doll! They only ones I have is a pair of 31 7fam but they aren't distressed. I know may people who distress their own jeans! These are fab 7's because their inseams are way long like 35. So they would be great with some high heals! These aren't on yet let me know if you want me to tag you on them. If not I will keep an eye out for you and see what I can find!!!!
Jul 22Reply
savvyj @lspang Well I think they do it with sissors, , bleach, chains and hammer. You just pick out where you want them distressed and start working away with the fabric! I would get a pair you don't wear anymore and start working on them. Then when you've figured it out then work on a pair you want to wear! Make since?
Jul 22Reply
savvyj @lspang okay doll! I will tag you and ask around to see if anyone has any? Do you want them to be ripped all the way through?
Jul 23Reply
jesslwallace Hey, lovely! I have a question. It's been 10 days and that girl still hasn't shipped, but I can't figure out how to cancel. Shouldn't there be a button? Ugh, I've emailed Posh, but I'm irritated. Lol
Jul 23Reply
savvyj @jesslwallace Hey doll I've read they have 12 days to ship or posh will cancel the order. So hopefully that will happen. Has the lucky girl shipped? Has your seller been communicating at all? So sorry that has happened to you friend! Such bad luck on buying lately!!
Jul 23Reply
jesslwallace Ohhhh, gotcha!! I thought it was 10 and that you had to cancel on your own. Makes sense. She said the girl shipped, but she really won't communicate with me. I don't think I'd be so eager to cancel if she was truthful!!
Jul 23Reply
savvyj @jesslwallace I understand completely!!! Why she didn't choose to be upfront and honest I don't get! I will double check but I think that is right, 12 days! Ill get back to ya honey!!!
Jul 23Reply
savvyj @jesslwallace I looked everywhere and I can't find where I saw that! One thing that bothers me is if she has posted that it has been shipped will posh just cancel it? One other thing I worry Juicy will have a change of heart. Here she is holding a free package that is a big bundle right? Who's to say what is happening? Do you know where your seller and juicy live? This sure is taking a long time! Ugh Have you talked directly to juicy girl? I would go there next.
Jul 23Reply
jesslwallace It just let me cancel!!! Yay!!!!! Lol I am seriously frustrated. I really wanted the things I had bundled from her. Oh, well. Goes to show how dishonesty doesn't pay!
Jul 23Reply
savvyj @jesslwallace Yeah I'm just glad you got your money!!! I hope juicy girl does what is right. Cause then your seller will be without items and money. She really should have communicated with you with honesty. Sorry honey!!
Jul 23Reply
mmerida My daughter had ITP when she was 4. What a little fighter! :) thank you for sharing and good luck to you online and off! Hugs to your mom! Xxxo
Jul 25Reply
savvyj @mmerida Thanks so much doll!! My poor momma worries all the time especially when I get in a car! You know you can't look at a person and know how many platelets they have! We drive downtown Houston today to see my Hematologist Ugh! I'm sorry your baby had it! It's terrifying when they are little! I was diagnosed at 5 with 3,000 platelets! Is your daughter in remission? I know 85% only has ITP once but mine sadly is chronic😹much love and happy posh doll!!!
Jul 25Reply
mmerida Yes! Thank you! She had weekly inpatient treatments for about a year after we almost lost her one crazy scary night! She nearly bled out. Thankfully, we got her to the hospital fast! She's 18 now and the healthiest, most beautiful girl in the world! (Much like you! Strong and independent!). :). Keep your chin up!!! Good luck today at the doc! Tons of positive thoughts coming your way! Xxxxooo!
Jul 25Reply
savvyj @mmerida THANK YOU FRIEND!!! Give your daughter a big hug from me! So happy she is healthy💗much love and happiness to you!!!
Jul 25Reply
shawntay Thank you for sharing!!!♥♥
Jul 26Reply
alimarikob Thank you for sharing some of my items! I hope you get better as soon as possible :))) Good luck selling your items - you've got a great closet 💕
Jul 27Reply
savvyj @alimarikob Thanks sweet one💋💋💋thanks for sharing too!!!! Much love and happy poshing💗💗
Jul 27Reply
moonbunnytoo Hey girl! How are you?? I loved your meet the seller/buyer post so I finally made my own :) I think I'm finally starting to get the hang of Posh, but disappointed that sales are moving so slowly! Maybe it's only sellers out there now? How is your closet doing??
Jul 28Reply
savvyj @moonbunnytoo Hey pretty one!!!! Life is good for me! Love your new seller post!!! Glad your getting the hang of things! I so love this posh world!! One thing I do know is when I start having slumps in my sales I always start following more people! The more people looking the more chance of selling! It also seems like right before people get a paycheck it slows down! So next week should be busy. Thanks for the kind words doll! 💋💋
Jul 28Reply
moonbunnytoo I love how optimistic you are!! Thanks girl! Just the needed push I neede!
Jul 28Reply
savvyj @moonbunnytoo Ahh that girl!!! I'm loving this posh world and hope everyone is as successful as I am! Have you heard anything about taxes for this? I just wondered? No one will answer me when I ask! Ugh
Jul 29Reply
moonbunnytoo I've been paying taxes on all my purchases since day 1. Given that was a month ago. Is PM based in CA? I know CA is so broke that they try to get sales tax on everything imaginable.
Jul 29Reply
savvyj @moonbunnytoo Yes PM is in Ca but I'm really talking about income tax! Ugh I've asked some big hitters on posh and they won't answer! Honey I've sold a lot and have only been on since Feb. stay motivated cause if I can do it so can you doll!!! We were in Cali last summer! LOVED IT!!!! So beautiful
Jul 29Reply
moonbunnytoo Email me at moonbunny at so we don't have to keep chatting on your lovely meet the seller page :)
Jul 29Reply
savvyj @crystal_iris You're AMAZING!!! Thanks so much doll for sharing my whole closet love!!! Much love and happy poshing💗💗
Jul 30Reply
crystal_iris Hi, nice to meet you! I was just reading about ITP. I'm sorry you have to deal with that. That's awesome you are going to nursing school to help others with that. I graduated from nursing school a couple years ago in hopes to so something similar. I wanted to help kids with Trichotillomania (which I have), but with complications during my 1st of 2 pregnancies (during nursing school) I haven't gotten the courage up to start working. It's been 2 yrs since I graduated and I'm afraid I've forgotten everything! Sorry that was long! Just wanted to let you know I'll be praying for you & your studies. I still have all of my nursing books/materials/notes.. So if you need anything at all... Please don't hesitate to ask! Good luck and post when you graduate!🐧
Jul 30Reply
savvyj @crystal_iris Hey there sugar! Sorry it took me a bit to answer you back! I took a little snooze! Lol Thanks so much for prayer doll that means so much to me!!! I have met so many awesome people on posh and tons of nurses! I think it's amazing so many nurses are like us, wanting to give back due to struggles of our own! I will say a prayer for you girl!!! You should give nursing a try girl! You can do it💗much love to your friend and happy poshing love💗
Jul 31Reply
aleshial @savvyj Your closet is freakin AMAZING!!! I could not stop sharing your items!!! Simply amazing!!!!
Jul 31Reply
savvyj @aleshial Ahhh thanks doll!!! I was reading your seller page and had to giggle!! My mom and I always say we could open a retail store with all the sizes we have in our closets. I've been on prednisone and she has hypothyroidism. So we both have been every size there is!!! Love your closet to doll! Much love and happy poshing💋💋
Jul 31Reply
aleshial @savvyj We are Shoppers at heart no matter what size we are. I read your page and love that PM has helped you follow your dreams and help others!! You have a beautiful spirit and I'm sure your patients love you!!! You and your mom be good to one another and continue to take care of yourselves :) we need you!!
Jul 31Reply
savvyj @aleshial Ahhh thanks doll! Your a sweet heart! I can't wait to have patients and give the kind of care I received as a child and still do! I want to work at Texas Children's Hospital here in Houston where I was as a child! One day💗much love to you friend💗my closet is always open, give me a holler if you ever need anything love! Happy poshing💋💋
Jul 31Reply
savvyj @aleshial Ahhh thanks doll! Your a sweet heart! I can't wait to have patients and give the kind of care I received as a child and still do! I want to work at Texas Children's Hospital here in Houston where I was as a child! One day💗much love to you friend💗my closet is always open, give me a holler if you ever need anything love! Happy poshing💋💋
Jul 31Reply
moonbunnytoo Hi lady! I pinged a friend who has an etsy shop regarding taxes. Email me and I can fwd you the response.
Aug 01Reply
savvyj @cassidyo22 Sweet one I will focus on those beautiful words when I get down!!! Thanks so much my sister-in-Christ!! God is so good by sending me Angels like you doll!!! Thank you!!!
Aug 02Reply
cindyciara @savvyj thanks for the tip on moon, just picked one of her items for my party on aug 19
Aug 06Reply
savvyj @cindyciara Oh that's great news! She is a sweetheart and so are you!! Can't wait for your party!!! They are so much fun
Aug 06Reply
vashtibella @savvyj Hey Beautiful! Love the new pics. Just returned to Posh & wanted to say Xoxo as I was thinking of you!! Hope you're having a FAB summer. Lifting you in prayer ALWAYS!!
Aug 06Reply
savvyj @vashtibella hey doll I've missed you!!! Hope all is blessed in your world! I'm doing great and as always so thankful for the prayers doll!!! Thanks doll for all the shares 💝much love 💝
Aug 06Reply
vashtibella Hey Doll Friend!! Yes, All is blessed in my world!! PRAISE GOD!! I pray the same for your world and better!! You are always welcome for my prayers. *U know when I share ~ U know you don't have to share!! LOL Xoxo Thanks Doll for ALL the shares!! Miss ya too. I'm back baby!! ;*))
Aug 06Reply
savvyj @vashtibella I always share the love doll😍so glad your back love!! I've missed you😘
Aug 06Reply
vashtibella Thanks for the shares and the missing!! You're ALWAYS welcomed to contact me.....NO MATTER IF YOU SEE ME ON POSH OR NOT!! Missed U too!!
Aug 06Reply
sofiemarie do you have kids? if you do i have great clothes for them!
Aug 08Reply
savvyj @sofiemarie No kids doll!
Aug 08Reply
sofiemarie okay sorry sweetie good luck!
Aug 08Reply
moonbunnytoo Suggested User?? Congrats!! When did this happen??
Aug 11Reply
savvyj @moonbunnytoo Hey doll it happened about a month ago and boy have I gained a ton of followers since!!! Yippee!!
Aug 11Reply
moonbunnytoo When super fantastic news like this happens, TELL me!!! So happy for you!!
Aug 11Reply
savvyj @lilteach1976 Thanks so much friend! That is so kind of you! Much love and happy poshing!!!
Aug 11Reply
savvyj @lilteach1976 Thanks doll! I do love my jeans! Haha!!! My closet is always open to you friend or if there is ever a brand your looking for holler at me!
Aug 11Reply
savvyj @jemari23 Thanks doll for the shares! Welcome to this crazy posh world! If you ever need anything holler at me! Much love and happy poshing 😘
Aug 11Reply
ccrose1113 Thank you for all the shares sweet :)))
Aug 11Reply
savvyj @ccrose1113 Back at cha doll!!! Thanks😍
Aug 11Reply
crazymama1000 My name is savannah too!!! :)
Aug 17Reply
savvyj @crazymama1000 Hie Savannah👋✋👋✋
Aug 17Reply
mrvica @savvyj - Thanks for the follow!
Aug 18Reply
moonbunnytoo I swear your followers list grows 2k a day!! Hope you are doing well!! 😘💕
Aug 20Reply
ludazaiter You're a very beautiful girl😊
Aug 23Reply
savvyj @ludazaiter Ahhhh thank you💋💋
Aug 23Reply
ela84 @savvyj gorgeous! 😀
Aug 28Reply
savvyj @ela84 aahhhhhhh thank you!!!!
Aug 28Reply
ela84 @savvyj welcome!
Aug 28Reply
ela84 @savvyj Hey lady! Just got the package. Loving it and all fits like perfect. Just I have too big chest so can't close the jacket. :-)
Aug 31Reply
savvyj @ela84 Ahhh darn! It's so cute you still have to wear it friend! If not put it in your closet because it will bring a lot of attention to you! It was a host pick!!! Ugh wish it fit! Glad everything else works
Aug 31Reply
ela84 @savvyj No no! I am NOt selling it. Just bit more harder gym time and all will be good. I will wear it. :-)
Aug 31Reply
savvyj @ela84 Yeah I'm glad!!! You go girl!!! I love that jacket!
Aug 31Reply
gabbygirl46 @savvyj Hey, Savannah babe! What the hell are you suffering from? I read your 'meet the seller' part of your Posh profile. Obviously I saw the initials of this 'disease' you poor thing are suffering from? But I have no idea what it is. IF you don't mind me asking, what exactly is it? One more thing that we have in common. I started nursing school but had to quit because of a life threatening 'issue' as well. Share? You or me first? Anyhow, I'll always be here for you to talk to. Julianne Ps - AND I shall be 'stealing' some jeans from you tomorrow, too! Woo-Hoo! 😘💋👍❌⭕
Sep 03Reply
savvyj @gabbygirl46 Hey honey I have an autoimmune disease called idiopathic thrombocytopenia pupura (see why we use initials lol) My body attacks my platelets so its kinda like a hemophilia. It can be so tiring and makes me very week! I've had it since I was five. It can be very dangerous when my counts get to low! What do you have doll? I will keep you in my prayers!!!!
Sep 03Reply
gabbygirl46 @savvyj Wow babe! I have heard of that and I WILL pray for you EVERY day. I don't actually 'have' anything, except an aneurysm. Back in 2007, my husband, 7 yr old son, my mother & I went on a family vacation. My mother wanted to pay for the whole thing. To make a long story short, she chose the Dominican Republic because they had an American resort there and it was kid friendly. I didn't care. I just wanted white beaches, tasty, girly cocktails and SUN! Lol! Anyway, we were landing and I was getting my son's & my thing's out of the top carry-on shelf up above and all of a sudden I had this sharp, stabbing pain in my head. Anyway, 2 days later, I was throwing up uncontrollably, hallucinating to where my son started crying because he was so scared and all in all, Club Med flew me back to Dallas in a Medical Plane. I was in ICU for 1 full year in a medically induced coma so they could drain all the blood from my brain, they shaved my head and drilled a hole in my head to put a shunt in it; also to drain blood. My son, meanwhile, was thinking that I was dying in the hospital since they wouldn't let him see me until much later, etc. ANYWAY! I am pretty much a better except I cannot ever work again. For some reason, according to the government, anyone that has had severe head trauma cannot go back to work.???? Blah, Blah, Blah. My husband has been SO wonderful in all of this. He was in the DEA for 15 years but when this happened to me, he never missed a day visiting me in the hospitals. Whether I was knocked out or not. When he spoke to the main Neurologist, he told my husband (in the beginning) that I had a 1% chance to live. Well, I lived! Lol! And you cannot tell that I even had a brain bleed or 2 strokes (which I had as well) or even an aneurysm! SO! Sorry this story has been so dang long. But there really was no way to cut it down! I'll TTYT baby. Buy a few of your jeans and talk some more. Now that Posh knows my entire 'Trials and Tribulations', here is my email: 💋👍❌⭕🌹
Sep 03Reply
savvyj @gabbygirl46 Wow Jules!!! You are one walking miracle!!!!! Sorry you had to go through all that! I do know from what I've gone through that God has a reason for everything!! He wants me to be a nurse and help other kids with ITP! I know there is a reason for what you went through!!!! You are truly a 1%'er! Lol! You have to be one strong chic to bounce back girl! I'm totally in awe! Don't worry about posting here! Posh is amazing! I have heard so many uplifting stories here from strong wonderful women just like you!!! Your going to meet some amazing friends just you wait! My friend Tina just had back surgery due to a train accident! She is fabulous and like a sister to me! You are going to fit right in and become as addicted as I am to posh girl!!!! You get some rest girl... 💤💤💤if you can💤💤💤with my jeans💤💤💤calling your name💤💤💤lol hehe nighty night
Sep 03Reply
gabbygirl46 @savvyj lmao! You are SO SWEET & NICE, girly! Usually I am wary of people in general but even when writing people, I can just 'tell' if they are a 'cool kid' or not. And you, Miss Savannah are one of them! I may be Miss 1% but you're Miss Everything! Lol! And you are right. God HAS put us here for a reason and we have survived for a reason! As I'm sure you know. 👍 But, before I do 💤, I did want to tell you that you are an amazing young woman. And, for some reason, look familiar to me. Anyway, you've got my email. I pray that you'll use it! Off I go and dream of sexy, high-end, low-riding jeans......💤💤💤💤👀😂😂
Sep 03Reply
savvyj @gabbygirl46 Ahhhh! Your an angel!!!! Sleep well my friend!! You got a big day of shopping and meeting fab posh ladies tomorrow! Lol hehe night Jules darling💋💋smooches💋💋much love to my friend💗
Sep 03Reply
jesslwallace Hope your classes are going well! Miss you! 
Sep 03Reply
savvyj @jesslwallace My prof just wanted me to share with the class what was so funny! Lol your killing me!!! Out of the blue! Hehe I miss you! I have got to slow down and smell the roses!
Sep 03Reply
jesslwallace That one was too good to pass up. Lol I'm running off to class, now, too - have a great day!!! We need to chat soon!
Sep 03Reply
sarathomas07 i have ITP!! didn't know anyone knew what it really was!
Sep 08Reply
savvyj @sarathomas07 Sara!!! I knew one day I find a posh friend with ITP!!! Here is praying your counts are high honey!! Mine are finally stable around 50,000!!! Where do you live?
Sep 08Reply
sarathomas07 @savvyj mine are stable right now i haven't needed to be checked for a while. last time i checked they were around 4200!! i live in STL!
Sep 08Reply
savvyj @sarathomas07 How long have you had it? How low have you gotten? I'm in Houston and my doctor is the best in the country!!! She has been pushing me to do Rotuxin! Ugh
Sep 08Reply
savvyj @sarathomas07 Lol hehe I was about to worry about you! Hehe
Sep 08Reply
sarathomas07 @savvyj I got diagnosed 3 years ago but I'm chronic so I've had it all my life. I had that treatment! it was the best! (it wasn't fun to get) but it was VERY effective!!!! it was so much better than the prednisone i had to take. I took that for a year. it was awful. i was in middle school which was hard enough, but then I had SOO much steroid weight... that was the worst year of my life... but I almost went to Houston for surgery when I first was diagnosed!
Sep 08Reply
savvyj @sarathomas07 Yeah I hear ya! I've had it since I was five!!! Ugh have been on Predizone so much I never want to do it again!! I use to model and was a tiny little thing until I was on it for a year. I would love to wear all my size 2 and 4 again!!! Oh well, I've sold them on posh! I'm chronic too! Do you know how you got it?
Sep 08Reply
sarathomas07 @savvyj i got mono and that's where it all started
Sep 08Reply
savvyj @sarathomas07 Sounds familiar mine was a bad virus!!! I was very young and only had 3,000 platelets! Mom was terrified!!!! Ugh how old are you? I'm 20
Sep 08Reply
sarathomas07 the lowest I've gone is 1,000 (ugh bad times) and I'm 15
Sep 08Reply
savvyj @sarathomas07 ah sugar!!! I will tell you when I first got it they didn't know much and the only treatments were splenectomy, predizone, IvIg and that's about it! Since then they have learned so much about it and there is so many new treatments for us. Maybe when your my age they will totally have it figured out! Make sure your okay on Vitamin D. That is one thing that has really helped me! I was very low! I'm American Indian and I think my body just needs more sun. Since I've been taking it every day I feel better! Keep your chin up pretty girl and if you get down please know I'm here!!!! If you ever need a friend! Most people have never heard of it and don't understand! I do!!!!
Sep 08Reply
sarathomas07 @savvyj thanks :) you too!
Sep 08Reply
mcjayne @savvyj savannah I couldn't help but write this morning after I saw your post about your dr trying to get you on rituxin for your ITP, I have multiple myeloma and had to take rituxin as a chemo and it's tough stuff, if you have to take it I can certainly share my experience with you but I wanted to tell you to stay strong and be positive, it's hard to feel down when you wear a smile. Good luck to you sweetheart.
Sep 08Reply
savvyj @mcjayne Hey doll!!! I will say a prayer that you win your battle!!! Stay strong girl and kick some bootay! My platelets are much better these days and running around 50,000 but last year they were dangerously low so low that my doctor was pushing us to decide between 3 different treatments and we decided on Rituxin. The day before I was to start I went in for some blood work and can you believe my platelets were so high my doctor was shocked and cancelled it! Wow see what prayer can do! Much love an happy poshing💗
Sep 08Reply
savvyj @eharris076 look familiar? These were all taken at Market street! Gotta love my Woodlands shopping!!!
Sep 08Reply
eharris076 @savvyj, you're beautiful!!!!!;-)
Sep 08Reply
savvyj @eharris076 Thank you honey!!! So are you!!!
Sep 08Reply
eharris076 @savvyj, my pleasure!;-)
Sep 08Reply
mcjayne @savvyj I am so grateful for your prayers and thoughts lovey and I believe that the beautiful energy created by prayer is so powerful. You are in mine too, health problems truly are the hardest thing because there is never an escape and it becomes your entire life but it's amazing what we can endure, you truly don't find your strength until it has to be tested, you are tougher than you ever imagine possible-I'm sending good thoughts your way, love to you and above all I send you hope. Xoxo
Sep 09Reply
jesslwallace Hope your sales pick up this week, Babydoll!!!
Sep 10Reply
savvyj @jesslwallace Thanks so much honey!! I found another box of clothes I've been working on! Boy I used to be tiny!!! Ugh your shares helped my feed just went crazy thanks!
Sep 10Reply
jesslwallace Oh, my word, you STILL ARE tiny!!! Glad they helped! I'm heading to another class, too. I was so crazy yesterday, I couldn't even form a cohesive sentence. Lol She won't do anything, she knows she was wrong!!!
Sep 10Reply
lilspitfire86 @savvyj u very pretty!!
Sep 10Reply
savvyj @lilspitfire86 Thanks so much sweet one!!!
Sep 10Reply
lilspitfire86 @savvyj your soo welcome god bless u
Sep 10Reply
savvyj @lilspitfire86 God Bless you too sweet one!
Sep 10Reply
vashtibella @savvyj Good Morning! 😘💋💖✨💕💞🌺🙏
Sep 11Reply
arigrldesigns @savvyj thanks so much for reaching out😘 I am pretty new to Poshing - so I will probably take you up on that, Sweetness! Love it tho- these ladies are the best! Love your cause! You are a darling! Great to meet you!!💞💞💞
Sep 13Reply
savvyj @pmgr22 Ahhhh thank you! Can wait to make a difference!!! Let me know if you ever need anything! Much love and happy poshing💗
Sep 13Reply
jesslwallace @savvyj Check out the conversation on my listing, perfect white skinnies.
Sep 14Reply
savvyj @jesslwallace I can't believe she did that!then Lol'd you!!!! So tacky and deceitful! Boy we have the lucky sometimes!!! Sorry I'm late posting!! I worked a double today and tomorrow!!! I'm so tired! Wow the nerve of some people!
Sep 15Reply
jesslwallace No, you are fine!! I couldn't believe it - they were the nude pumps in her closet. I was so ticked! All scuffed and worn! I don't k ow how she got her pics to turn out. And I dd 't care that I was being rude, either. Grrrrr.... Anyway, get some rest - I know you're tired!!
Sep 15Reply
savvyj @jesslwallace I hope you are sending them back! I wouldn't buy anything from her again!!! I know I won't
Sep 15Reply
jesslwallace I'm really hoping Posh approves the return!!
Sep 15Reply
savvyj @jesslwallace me too! Did you have to take pictures of them? Just hope posh is fair!!!!
Sep 15Reply
jesslwallace Yes, I took 4. Ugh, if they decline I will be furious!
Sep 15Reply
savvyj @jesslwallace they should be able to compare those to the pictures she posted! I'm sure they will refund you doll! Keep me posted!!!! I will be angry if they don't refund you!!!!!
Sep 15Reply
jesslwallace I will!!
Sep 15Reply
jesslwallace They green-lighted the return!! Yay!!!!!!
Sep 17Reply
savvyj @jesslwallace Yeahhhhh!! People shouldn't do that! She knew about her deception and laughed about it. Crazy huh! Glad posh can see through that!!! Yeah the good girl wins!!!
Sep 17Reply
jesslwallace Thanks!! I was really hoping! Have you ever had to return anything?
Sep 17Reply
savvyj @jesslwallace No but I haven't bought much😭not that I don't want to I just have to much financially I'm responsible for
Sep 17Reply
jesslwallace I know, I haven't been buying much, either. How are your counts?
Sep 17Reply
savvyj @jesslwallace your so sweet!!! They are at 50,000 and I have a lot of bruising so of corse mom is worrying!
Sep 17Reply
jesslwallace Awwww, are you feeling bad? 
Sep 17Reply
savvyj @jesslwallace No just tired! To much on my plate!
Sep 17Reply
savvyj @jesslwallace How's my friend? How are the wee little ones and your main man?
Sep 17Reply
nanmangimelli @savvyj Wow. Thanks for all the shares👏💙👏
Sep 18Reply
savvyj @itskimmys Ahhh thank you sweet one💗
Sep 19Reply
sarathomas07 @savvyj hey itp friend.. guess who just got diagnosed with lupus.... 😕
Sep 20Reply
savvyj @sarathomas07 Nooo! I'm so sorry friend! At least you know so you can learn and manage it! My heart is breaking for you girl!!i will say a prayer for you sweet one! So sorry!
Sep 20Reply
3gs Thank you very much for the shares! Your a beautiful girl and I do hope things go well for you! :) god bless
Sep 22Reply
savvyj @3gs thanks south sweet one!!!! I really appreciate it doll💋💋
Sep 22Reply
samoftustin You are so cute
Sep 28Reply
savvyj @samoftustin Ahhh thanks sugar💋💋
Sep 28Reply
poshdebgirl You just keep positive! It will happen sweetie . I've had medical issues to include having cancer 5 times. I even had half of my liver removed last year. To see me you would never know what I've been thru. Keep that beautiful chin up and keep pushing forward!!!
Oct 05Reply
savvyj @poshdebgirl Wow doll your are a true inspiration!!!! Thank you so much for the positive words! I try my best to be happy and live life to the fullest! I've fought this disease since childhood so sometimes it does get very old. I do try to focus on the good and that one day I will be helping other kids with ITP! Wow you are amazing girl! Thanks again and much love💗
Oct 05Reply
cutie26119 You're insanely gorgeous and such an inspiration! Keep being strong! :)
Oct 06Reply
savvyj @cutie26119 Ahhh that's is so so sweet honey!!! My counts are down so your kind words really help! Much love and happiness you to sweet one💗Thanks for all the shares doll💗
Oct 06Reply
amazonajt @savvyj what part of tex?
Oct 10Reply
savvyj @amazonajt Hey doll I'm in a small town northwest of Houston.
Oct 10Reply
eli_17 you are so pretty :)
Oct 11Reply
savvyj @eli_17 Ahhhh thanks doll!!! So are you😍
Oct 11Reply
vashtibella 🌺💝💖💕🎉💞💋💃😘💋🙏
Oct 18Reply
ohemmadeer Thanks so much for following! 😘👍
Oct 20Reply
savvyj @bridgetglasco Hey sugar!!! Yes ma'am they are!!!
Oct 23Reply
genyfer14 @savvyj Crazy to read your post. When my sister was 10, way back in the 80's, she was diagnosed with ITP. We live in a small town so the doctors didn't have a clue. She was bruising all over. They thought it was leukemia at first. She then saw a team of doctor from minneapolis who came up to because our local hospital just couldn't help her & they diagnosed it. Today she's 34 & healthy as can be, whatever they did, her body took to it right away. I remember she was hospitalized for quite done time for treatments. This is only the 2nd time in my life Ive heard that term. Best of luck to you. My thoughts & prayers are with you hun :-)
Oct 24Reply
savvyj @genyfer14 Hey girl! So happy to hear your sister is healthy! The majority (85%) of children that have ITP only have one episode. I'm sadly in the other group that have it for life. Ugh!!! It's amazing to see all the advancements in fighting this disease. I was diagnosed at the age of 5 which was 15 years ago and the treatments have come so far!!! I'm waiting on a call for my doctor concerning a Indium Screening. This screening will show exactly where my platelets are being removed. If it shows that my spleen is the problem than I will have it removed and be like your sister! If it's my liver than onward with the fight! This screening is so new in the US that I'm still not sure if I will have it done yet!!! Ugh I'm very tired of this battle and would love for it to be over!!!! Thanks so much for your kind words and tell your sister how lucky she is! Much love!!💗💗💗
Oct 24Reply
mtnoonan Good to meet you!!! I live in austin (born and raised!!!) Nursing is such a rewarding career, best wishes to you!! my daughter graduated from UT and is a nurse at Seton in the critical care unit. Small world 😉
Oct 28Reply
savvyj @mtnoonan Thanks doll I can't wait to start my career! I bet your so proud of your daughter!!! Amazing! It's so hard to get into UT! I'm applying in the spring to their nursing school! Hopefully I will be well enough to leave my parents house!!! Ugh I am from Tomball just northwest if Houston! Love Austin it's so beautiful there! Much love and happy poshing💗
Oct 28Reply
jesslwallace Thanks, girl!!!
Oct 29Reply
savvyj @jesslwallace Closets looking good friend!!! How's my big sis?
Oct 29Reply
jesslwallace Thank you, baby doll! It's good, just so hectic! Have you gotten any results back??
Oct 29Reply
savvyj @jesslwallace No not yet sugar! Had a blood test today and the waiting is killing me!!! My doctor has been out of town but as soon as I know something I will let you know! Not as busy for me I dropped that night class as some as my platelets dropped!
Oct 29Reply
jesslwallace Yes, please do! I'm glad you're taking it a little easier. ;)
Oct 29Reply
valdiri27 @savvyj wow I had Itp when I was little 😣 I hope you get better soon ❤️
Oct 30Reply
savvyj @valdiri27 Hey doll! Your very lucky🍀85% of ITP only have it once, the rest of us have chronic ITP! I've had it for going on 16 years!!! Ugh much love and excellent health friend💗
Oct 30Reply
valdiri27 @savvyj thank you ❤ I had a splenectomy and then I start to get better and better 🌺
Oct 30Reply
savvyj @valdiri27 Wow how is life without a spleen? I'm waiting to find out about a new screening called the indium screening where they mark the platelets and see where they are being eliminated and if it's my spleen I will have it removed over Christmas break! So ready!!! I'm studying to be a nurse to work with ITP kids. Really how is life without your spleen?
Oct 30Reply
valdiri27 @savvyj that's crazy I'm going to school to be a nurse too I have 1 year left and i don't see much difference since I had it removed when I was 10 years old I will say i get sick faster than a normal person would with like colds and stuff like that😘
Oct 30Reply
savvyj @valdiri27 Where do you live and go to school? I'm a Texas girl
Oct 30Reply
valdiri27 @savvyj I'm in bistro and go to north shore community college 🌺
Oct 30Reply
savvyj @valdiri27 Bistro? What state? I'm at a community college too! I was to sick to leave home. I'm applying in the spring to nursing school and hopefully I will be well then!
Oct 30Reply
valdiri27 @savvyj hahaha no bistro omg too funny boston ma
Oct 30Reply
valdiri27 @savvyj you will don't worry 😊
Oct 30Reply
savvyj @valdiri27 Crazy auto correct! My cousin lives there and teaches at Harvard! She's crazy smart and a doll! Boston is a gorgeous city😍 I'm outside of Hot ole Houston🔥
Oct 30Reply
savvyj @valdiri27 I'm hope so! I'm waiting on another call from the doctor! Ugh
Oct 30Reply
valdiri27 @savvyj omg I remembered those days 😣 I wish you the best and maybe one day you decide to come and visit your family member here 🌺we can meet 🆙 😘
Oct 30Reply
savvyj @valdiri27 That would be great! Much love doll💗
Oct 30Reply
suzettesousa That's great I'm a nurse as well keep up your studies!!!!
Nov 01Reply
savvyj @suzettesousa Thanks doll! I will😍
Nov 01Reply
savvyj @dcheck Hey girl here is my seller page. Just hit the like button and it will save me in your likes!
Nov 12Reply
dcheck Awesome! How do I get to my Seller page to introduce myself. You look awesome!
Nov 12Reply
savvyj @dcheck You just post it like you would an item your selling! Thanks sugar😍
Nov 12Reply
dcheck You have been very informative! Thanks a lot I appreciate you taking the time out for me! I will buy something from you as soon as I get some money lol!
Nov 12Reply
savvyj @dcheck Ahhh thanks sugar!!! I love helping friends on posh💗Let me know if you EVER need anything! My closet is always open to you💗
Nov 12Reply
kaceybear1223 @savvyj My husband has ITP, but was diagnosed with it after boot camp for the Navy.. I admire you for doing what you're doing for a cause. :) if there's any info that you may know that we don't, please let me know. I know there's not much to do but they didn't even give any options/ideas for him.. He's just miserable some days :( but thank you again for going out there for a good cause :) 💜💜
Nov 13Reply
savvyj @kaceybear1223 I've had ITP for 16 years and they have come a very long way with treatment options. In Europe they have created the Indium-111 test, which can see if platelets are being eliminated in the spleen or liver and will tell you if you are a good candidate for splenectomy. And hopefully it'll come to the US soon!! There is also the PDSA, an online support group for people with ITP and has a vast amount of information. If he ever needs to talk I'm here. And thank him for his service.
Nov 13Reply
kaceybear1223 @savvyj Thank you! I'll look into that and see what else we can learn.. We just know the basic jist and of course from the vaccinations and all being main cause but I like to know more if I can even if he doesn't (being a stubborn man :P) and I'll pass the thanks along to him:)
Nov 13Reply
savvyj @vintagemom see here is my seller page
Nov 14Reply
vintagemom @savvyj great!! I will create one today!!
Nov 14Reply
vintagemom @savvyj Hi... I tried to read all the post but it's too much to read. From what I gather is that someone has health issues. My brother had stage 4 cancer and was able to beat it through juicing fruits and vegetables 4x a day and chemo.... Juicing will cure any health issue ... Just google the recipe for your health issue.
Nov 15Reply
savvyj @vintagemom Hey friend! Yes I have battled a blood disease for most of my life. I've tried everything even juicing with no luck. I'm waiting on the FDA to approve this test that is offered on Europe. Once that happens then hopefully the doctors can tell were the problem is and I can be cured! Thanks doll for the suggestions!
Nov 15Reply
vintagemom @savvyj call these people in the morning. Tell them your situation . They may can help ...
Nov 15Reply
savvyj @vintagemom Thanks so much doll! I'm taking Manna Tech right now and there products are amazing! They have helped so many people just not me...yet!
Nov 15Reply
rebeca3 @savvyj thank u Savannah for the shares, God bless!
Nov 15Reply
savvyj @rebeca3 Ahhh thank you sugar!!! Thanks back at cha for all that you shared! Much love and happy poshing💗
Nov 15Reply
savvyj @mbyrd323 Michelle thanks for your kind words! It's great to meet another ITP gal! Where do you live? How long have you had it? I'm selling on posh to get me to Europe to have the Indium 111 test done so they can tell where my platelets are being removed. I would love to have my spleen removed but won't until I know. I'm low right now and on pred.👹the ev drug!!! I've had ITP for 16 long long years!!!!
Nov 16Reply
nannie08 @savvyj hi u know how to purchase thru ur redeemable balance without using credit card? They say u can do it, but I don't know how
Nov 16Reply
savvyj @nannie08 I think you just buy it and it comes out! I don't think you have to do anything!!! I'm mailing now if you want to try with your jeans!
Nov 16Reply
nannie08 @savvyj I have to wait until Monday morn..sorry..I didn't have any redeemable credits..had to push thru to my bank..but my payday is Monday so I'll buy then
Nov 16Reply
savvyj @nannie08 Okay sugar No problem!!!
Nov 16Reply
dcheck Remember I met you my very first days? Why did I get host of the night pic when I didn't join party don't know how to do party yet! Do I just thank people? How did they find my dress? My daughter modeled it is that better I don't get it you said you would help me! Help thanks posh professional I sold 2 things lol!
Nov 17Reply
savvyj @dcheck Yeah!!!! Way to go girl! Getting a Host Pick is very exciting! Look at my page to see what I do when I get one! Now edit that listing and say "🎉Host Pick🎉" you can go to the actual party and find your listing and take a screen shot where it shows it's a host pick. Then edit and put that picture in your dress listing. No, you don't have to go to a party to get chosen, one of the ladies who are hosting the party saw it and picked it! This is good because your closet will really get looked at! 🎉Congrats🎉way to go girl!!! Sold 2 things and you got a hold pick! Holler of you need more help!
Nov 17Reply
savvyj @dcheck Yes you just thank people and maybe share from their closet!
Nov 17Reply
dcheck Thanks for all your help!
Nov 17Reply
vashtibella 🌺😍💝✨💕💐💖✨💞😘💋
Nov 20Reply
yesha22 Thanks for sharing my stuff. I appreciate it. :1)
Nov 24Reply
luvbucs Nice closet
Nov 30Reply
brooklyn_luxury Thanks for showing fashion love
Dec 03Reply
savvyj @brooklyn_luxury Ahhhh thanks love💗
Dec 03Reply
holliscurtis LOVE the bio! It's so nice to know more about the person behind the closet. And even NICER to know that the proceeds benefit in such a positive way! I look forward to scoping out your stuff!
Dec 10Reply
savvyj @holliscurtis Thanks so much sweet Holly! My closet is always open to you friend💗
Dec 10Reply
jaymoon @savvyj very pretty and love the closet!!! 😘
Dec 19Reply
savvyj @jaymoon Thanks friend! Love your closet too!!! Merry Christmas🎁
Dec 19Reply
savvyj @sunbursthancock Sunburst!!!! Your a sweetheart! My Christmas was amazing with all the peeps I love! I hope yours was too! I also hope your New Year is incredible🎉
Dec 26Reply
theresab @savvyj they didn't fit so bummed 😢
Dec 26Reply
savvyj @theresab Nooooo!!!😭 maybe it's just the Christmas joy! My jeans are too tight right now! Lol Try them on in a couple of days and maybe they will work! I'm sorry friend I know you love them. Relist them or make them your New Years resolution!
Dec 26Reply
theresab @savvyj no it's my butt
Dec 26Reply
savvyj @theresab well pooh! But be glad you have one! I have this tiny little but! Mom calls me tiny hiney!
Dec 26Reply
savvyj @2inspired anytime sugar!
Dec 30Reply
theresab @savvyj @4me fit the damn jeans mailed them to her that lucky shitzzz
Dec 30Reply
savvyj @theresab Poor baby! Breaks my heart they didn't fit😭I'm posting more today! Keep watching my closet maybe you will fall in love again! I love these Miss Sixty's they are size 29 with a small waist of 15 inches! I'll tag you on them!
Dec 30Reply
mreyes821 @savvyj ... I'm so into denim & hoodies so I'm ❤️'n your closet. Definitely will come back once I'm back to my normal size 4.
Jan 01Reply
savvyj @mreyes821 My closet is always open friend!!! Happy New Year🎉I always have lots of 4/26's!!!
Jan 01Reply
nannie08 @savvyj hi doll.. Just wanted u to know that the JS jeans fit perfectly..btw...thank u sooo much for the skinnies..I needed them so bad...again..thank u friend...
Jan 02Reply
nannie08 @savvyj oh btw... I posted some pics of how the jeans fit so I could see how I'm built...
Jan 02Reply
meg23 Good luck with nursing school! It's hard but tough it out and it will be worth it! Good luck selling!
Jan 04Reply
savvyj @meg23 Ahhh thanks friend! I'm trying my best cause I want so bad to help kids who are sick!
Jan 04Reply
gramees I am a mom who does not believe in vaccine nor antibiotics I believe God gave us doctors to help heal the people vaccines and antibiotics are just to make money i never vacs my kids my 10 year never had a cold in her life until th day my mother in law saw it fit to take her at age 3 she now has asthma severely and is constantly sick my 7 yr old was born with collapsed lung due to doctor thinking he knew my body better than me he went in and took him to early while in hospital for 3 months they vacs him he is now autistic and is being dx for mental retardation my 22 yr old is healthy as a horse have birth to my twin grand daughters my 18 yr old has never been vacs and us as well healthy I believe eat right and exercise and prayer is above any man made medicine.
Jan 05Reply
savvyj @gramees I'm not a fan of vaccines either. I think there are some that are safe and necessary but some are not. The problem I have is some are three shots in one and then when they give the shots it can be multiple shots in a day and I think that is way to much for some peoples bodies, not everyone. So sorry it happened to your family! I will keep you in my prayers and give your babies a hug for me! Much love and thanks so much for the prayers!!!!
Jan 05Reply
bonniewoz25 Great posher! I'm happy to share her closet please do the same!
Jan 05Reply
savvyj @bonniewoz25 Ahhh thanks sweet one! I will send friends your way!!!
Jan 05Reply
bonniewoz25 @savvyj anytime 😃I know what it's like to struggle with medical problems I will do the best I can to promote your closet 😃
Jan 05Reply
savvyj @bonniewoz25 Thank you friend! My doctors just took me off steroids and if my platelets drop again I will have to have chemo and it is so expensive!!!! Ugh I really appreciate it so much thanks!
Jan 05Reply
bonniewoz25 @savvyj it's none of my business but do you have leukemia! My father has it and I see how hard it is for him I worry about him all of the time. I pray that you start getting better.
Jan 05Reply
erikagannon Great to meet you @bonniewoz25 I will be over to visit!! Thanks for the introduction @savvyj xoxo
Jan 05Reply
savvyj @bonniewoz25 Thank God I don't! I have had a blood disease for most of my life called ITP. It's kind of like being a hemophiliac. My body eliminates my platelets.
Jan 05Reply
bonniewoz25 @savvyj well bless your heart I'm so sorry. Well lets make you some money girl so that's one less worry you have a new friend in me 😄
Jan 05Reply
alisonw28 Hi I have a quick u know why one of my items says reserved on it and I can't edit it? How can someone reserve one of my items?
Jan 12Reply
savvyj @alisonw28 Sure friend that means someone is in the middle of buying your item! Sometime it takes a bit if they are new to posh! Yeah!
Jan 12Reply
alisonw28 Thank u so much I was like what's goin on here?!?! Lol
Jan 12Reply
msbsboutique @savvyj Thanks for the shares!
Jan 12Reply
savvyj @melissy30 Hey friend! I'm from Tomball northwest of Houston. What about you?
Jan 17Reply
savvyj @melissy30 My mom grew up in Plano!!!
Jan 17Reply
bluevase Beautiful closet!! :)
Jan 20Reply
savvyj @bluevase thank you! I love yours too!
Jan 20Reply
alexpanks Thank you for all the shares!!! Praying for you💝💖
Jan 21Reply
savvyj @alexpanks Ahhh thank you!!! Waiting on news right now. It's driving me nuts😡 Praying for you and your dad too!
Jan 21Reply
alexpanks Awe thank you girl! You're so sweet!😘
Jan 21Reply
abstractdreams 💕👍
Jan 25Reply
sarahmann Hey! I need some help! How do I get People to like the stuff I'm selling or actually sell them. Is their a trick? @savvyj
Jan 28Reply
savvyj @sarahmann Sarah you have to start following a ton of people and sharing your your own things! Then your sales will come!
Jan 28Reply
sarahmann Thank you!!! And by sharing I just share To my own followers right? Or is their a different way?
Jan 28Reply
savvyj @sarahmann Yes follow a zillion people and share your own items!
Jan 28Reply
sarahmann Thanks doll!!
Jan 28Reply
lknevski you're amazing and strong, sharing forever
Jan 31Reply
maureen888 💋💋💋
Feb 04Reply
savvyj @txchicka Hey chickadee! What's flappin?
Feb 09Reply
rusticgaldecor Ty for sharing. I will share as much as I can.
Feb 09Reply
savvyj @rusticgaldecor Ahhh thank you friend💗
Feb 09Reply
2bears4u @savvyj hey a Texas girl!!! I moved to Calif from Houston.. 💐☺️
Feb 26Reply
savvyj @cmireless Well I'm from the big booming metropolis of Tomball Texas! Lol I'm sure you know where that is! Lol NW of Houston!
Feb 26Reply
2bears4u @savvyj oh yes!!! I have friends there and family. 17 years in Texas.... Miss it!!! Love your closet!
Feb 26Reply
roxyporter Just dropping a little 📝 to tell you that your super fabulous!!!! 😘 I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Mar 01Reply
gettumgirl Hello....have you started Chemo yet...and how are you😔😘😘
Mar 03Reply
vashtibella 😘💋😘💋😘💋
Mar 12Reply
wenrella Its nice 2 meet U ✌
Mar 14Reply
savvyj @wenrella Hey friend👋nice to meet you too💋smooches💋
Mar 14Reply
stephschoens @savvyj hi! nice to meet you, i know you can fight your blood disease! Thank you for choosing my Victoria' Secret Cropped Trench coat as an HP last night, I truly appreciate it! :)
Mar 17Reply
savvyj @stephschoens thanks friend!!! I've been fighting most of my life!!! Love your trench so adorable! Hope it helps to sell it! Thanks again friend!
Mar 18Reply
aprils2ndcloset 💖Beautiful!💖
Mar 20Reply
txbetty Hey pretty lady! What part of Texas are you from?
Mar 20Reply
aprils2ndcloset Hi, Savannah! Thank you for being so wonderful! I just received my beautiful dress💖💕💖, and it's absolutely beautiful! 😘I would absolutely make another purchase from your closet, and likely will in the near future! I would highly recommend your closet to even my dearest friends! Thank you again! Best, April 🌹❤🌹❤
Mar 22Reply
savvyj @aprils2ndcloset Your amazing friend💗thank you!!!
Mar 22Reply
savvyj @xosheabutterxo Nice to meet you too sweet one! If you ever new any help holler at me friend💗
Mar 24Reply
savvyj @xosheabutterxo It's okay friend most people don't! The medical term is idiopathic thrombocytopenia Pupura yes it took me 16 years to pronounce it! Lol it's an autoimmune disease where my body eliminates my platelets. I've had it since I was five years old. Well I have it but it doesn't have me! Lol
Mar 24Reply
thesassyblondes @savvyj always love visiting your closet!! I could get in lots of trouble, lol...
Mar 25Reply
savvyj @lmfashion Ahhh thank you sugar😍my closet is always open to you friend! But I do t want cha gettin in any trouble girl! Hehe I'm about to post more more more!!! Lol
Mar 25Reply
thesassyblondes @savvyj Oh no! Pls don't tell me that. I'm still in the red, lol. I have got to make some sales & show some restraint, lol. I have a long way to go. So much to list. I didn't realize it took so much time to list things. Or get them prepared to list, I should say. 💖😀
Mar 25Reply
savvyj @lmfashion it does take a bit to list! But I always remind myself how long it took to list on E*ay. Then I don't coma in anymore!!! I hated that site! Love posh just wish it was easier to manage the things in my closet! I love the new changes wish it was easier to share!
Mar 25Reply
mrs_c27 Hey Hun real big into CAMO right now... Shirts, shoes, jackets, hoodies...know of anything out there?!?!
Mar 26Reply
savvyj @mrs_c27 No but I have a tank dress kinda camoush I'll tag you!
Mar 26Reply
savvyj @mariashu Thanks so much friend!!! That means so much to me sugar! Gotta love my Texas gals!!! @txbetty Meet my new sweet friend!! She is close to your area and she is a sweetheart😍
Mar 30Reply
savvyj @mariashu I try to carry plus size stuff that my mom doesn't wear but it has sold so fast! I think I have one pair of denim left. I'll tag you on it!
Mar 30Reply
roxyporter @savvyj hello my sweet savannah!! 🙋 so have have you been? I know your life is busy as mine so I just like to drop a note every now and then and tell you've I'm always praying for you and I hope your always doing good! I have a question!! You know a lot about denim so I am selling a pair of miss me skinny jeans they are a size 31 would they be a size ten R twelve? Miss me runs different in size with the different cuts but I fluctuate so much in pants I couldn't even tell you the exact size so trying to find out so I know, also because I have a woman asking right now and want to tell her the correct answer 😳
Mar 30Reply
txbetty Thanks for the tag 💜 @mariashu where in East Tx?
Mar 30Reply
savvyj @roxyporter Hey friend! I miss you!! I get so busy on this thing but I really need to stop and chat with my fav's like you friend!!! Thanks so much for thinking and praying about me doll! I'm doing good was downtown at my doctors this week and my numbers have been very stable lately!!! 75,000 which is great for me! Normal is 150,000-400,000 platelets but I'm happy!!!! Yippee 🎉🎉🎉🎉 Hey friend a 31 is a 12 in denim but I think Miss Me's run a hair on the small side! I would also tell her a waist measurement lying flat so she can compare to some she has in her closet! Hope you sell them friend!!!
Mar 30Reply
savvyj @roxyporter Hey I'm going to post on your MM to try and help! Don't act like you know me!
Mar 30Reply
roxyporter @savvyj omg!! 😱 I'm such a nerd I didn't read this till after I posted!!! Buwahhhhh! I was so excited to have an answer for her I didn't read anything after!! Ha ha silly me!!! Heheheheaaa
Mar 30Reply
roxyporter @savvyj alright so back to our conversation! 😉 🙋yay!! 🎉🎉👯🎉🎉 I'm doing a happy dance right now for you! So glad to hear your numbers are great!! That means one thing!!! GOD IS GOOD!! that just makes my ❤️ fat and makes me smile from ear to ear knowing your doing great!! You know even my husband prayers for you and always asks me how your doing! 😃 I just appreciate you so much and am so glad God is working in your life to keep you healthy and happy! 😘
Mar 30Reply
savvyj @roxyporter I did that for ally the other night and she made the sale!!! Hehe if you have someone dangling over a sale holler at me and we will get it done! Hehe
Mar 30Reply
mypinecone @savvyj hi! I noticed you started following me .so I read your meet the seller and I am stunned. What are the chances.. I have i tp too!
Mar 30Reply
savvyj @konasmom1 wow I've only met one other posher with ITP!!! It's a pain right!!! I've had it since I was five and it's been ruff the last couple of years! Where do you live? How long have you fought the fight? Much love and high platelets!!!!!!!
Mar 30Reply
mypinecone When you meet or talk to someone with i tp seems like you are family forever. I am 46 and have had i tp for 24 years. My lowest count back then was 16,000 that I know doc and I just treated with ivigg once.I never did any other meds. The i tp was making me have so much anxiety I never did steroids. We just decided to do sp lenectomy. I took a couple months to Kick in but I have mostly had normal counts for 20 years. I have spats where it will be in the 60,000 range for a year or so but then recovers thank god. I am sorry you are struggling. Its so hard. Do you belong to i tp people its a site that gives encouragement and lots of news etc. They have a conference every year. Have you considered splenectomy?
Mar 30Reply
savvyj @konasmom1 yes we've consider a splenectomy several times but I'm waiting on a test they already do in Europe where it follows the platelets and you will know exactly where they are being eliminated. Until I know for sure that it's not happening in the liver I will wait. It's being looked at here in the states but not approved. 😭I've done IVIG, steroids constantly and have been in line to start Rituxin and the day before I start my platelets went sky high!!! Crazy huh!!! I've been at 3,000 before but the last couple of months I've been around 75,000. Yippe🎉happy about that! Yes I'm a member of the platelet group an they help me a lot! It's a daily struggle! We need to keep in touch!!! My ITP FRIEND!
Mar 30Reply
mypinecone I dont blame you for waiting for the test. That would be heartbreaking to go through surgery and have it not work. I think what drives i tp patients crazy is not knowing what caused it...or what can actually helps..its such a guessing game. I hope you have a doctor you like and trust. That is so important! Gosh, I wish you good health in the future. You have a beautiful posh page btw;) I just started . I like it alot. I like making a little money and getting to buy items I could never afford in the store. Have you had any problems? I am afriad kinda to sell some of my expensive items worried buyer might get the item and not pay.. how has your experience been?
Mar 30Reply
lenter @savvyj thank you for sharing! Love ur closet:)
Mar 31Reply
savvyj @lenter Thanks sweet one! Love your closet too!!!
Mar 31Reply
afaluuu Thanks so much for the share doll! 💕
Apr 02Reply
txbetty I'm Poshmark Stalkin ya! 😂😂😂
Apr 05Reply
aaliyaahnicolee thanks for the follow! I love your closet! check out mine 😘 have a great day!
Apr 07Reply
fifig23 So pretty. 😊
Apr 09Reply
savvyj @fifig23 Ahhhhh thank you friend💗
Apr 09Reply
fifig23 You're so welcome! It's true. You are so pretty and so kind. Thank you for all your shares! I will do more sharing for you a little bit later after work!! Have a wonderful afternoon, filled with great moments as big as Texas. 😊
Apr 09Reply
erikagannon @savvyj Hey Girlie!! Whatcha got in capris? I am in a 27 nowmostly...woot woot!!!
Apr 10Reply
sjhonson @savvyj Hi! Just wondering if you've been able to ship my bundle yet :)
Apr 14Reply
savvyj @sjhonson Yes sweet one I shipped the same day you purchased. I dropped it off in the drop off box at my post office about two hours after you bought it!
Apr 14Reply
sjhonson @savvyj ok! I just hadn't received a "shipped" email from posh so I wasn't sure. But that's happened to me before! Thanks so much :)
Apr 14Reply
savvyj @sjhonson It's so aggravating when they don't scan them! Please let me know if you get that email. I will be worrying about them. They went out Sat night around 6ish!
Apr 14Reply
kaylinml Your closet is so fun! Thanks for sharing from mine - much appreciated 💕
Apr 16Reply
savvyj @kaylinml Ahhh thank you friend!!! Love you closet💗thanks so much for the shares love💗
Apr 16Reply
kaylinml @savvyj You're welcome! Anytime - beautiful items need to be shared! Lol 😍
Apr 16Reply
zanyzoes @zanyzoes Nice to meet you. I know you will make a wonderful nurse. You have the heart for it.
Apr 16Reply
savvyj @zanyzoes Ahhhh thank you so much friend!!!
Apr 16Reply
kriskris68 Got my TRJ today and they were just as described. It's funny...I couldn't wait for them to arrive but after dialysis today, I'm too tired to even try them on lol! I'm sure they'll fit just fine. You've got such an awesome closet. I hope I have money before that cute little red(ish) jacket is gone. Can you say super cute?????
Apr 17Reply
savvyj @kriskris68 Yeah!!! So glad you got them friend! I so glad you like them! I would love to send you that super cute red jacket😍hope your feeling better soon love💗I DO understand friend! I fight everyday! Smooches💋
Apr 17Reply
jesslwallace Thanks, my girl!! :)
Apr 17Reply
savvyj @jesslwallace Anytime sister💗hope life is amazing!
Apr 17Reply
ssshayscloset Thanks for all the shares, darlin'! I wish u nothing but the best. ;)
Apr 17Reply
savvyj @ssshayscloset Ahhhh thank you sugar💗💋I just got the call with high counts a minute ago so I'm going shopping😍like I need to right!!!!! Lol
Apr 17Reply
savvyj @ssshayscloset Well high counts for me! If you had my numbers your doctor would FREAK!!! Lol
Apr 17Reply
ssshayscloset Lol...I know what u mean! Sometimes I just can't help myself. But it's always healthy to treat yourself every once in awhile. ;) HAPPY SHOPPING!!
Apr 17Reply
kriskris68 Wow! Apparently someone else liked the jacket too :(
Apr 17Reply
savvyj @kriskris68 Sorry love joy😭your the first person I thought about when she wanted to bundle this morning!!!! Ugh
Apr 17Reply
s_carter Thanks for the shares! :)
Apr 20Reply
savvyj @s_carter anytime sugar!!! Thanks back at cha girl!
Apr 20Reply
skinn Your beautiful inside and out
Apr 20Reply
kimi1208 That's awesome Savannah! I'm a nurse as well (semi retired due to Fibromyalgia ...Ugh!). I graduated from the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor in 95' ( Belton TX...not far from Austin), and did clinicals at Scott & White Hospital. I wish you the very best with your education, and I know you will be a fabulous caring nurse!! ~~ kim
Apr 22Reply
savvyj @kimi1208 Wow thank you friend!!! I almost went to MHB!!! ITP kept me home😭but will hopefully be on my way next year! Loved the campus and their nursing program. I know they were about to build a new building when I was there. Thanks so much for the encouraging words! You sound like an amazing person friend! Where are you know?
Apr 22Reply
savvyj @kimi1208 I've meet so many posher fighting fibromyalgia! So sorry I will keep you in my prayers. So many crazy illnesses in our world! I count my blessings can always be worse! Life is good especially with counts are 75!!!!
Apr 22Reply
kimi1208 Oh, one more thing (well may be more than just one)...I believe my illness has made me a better nurse and person. I was 3 weeks away from leaving for Vanderbilt to complete my Masters/Practitioner degree (free full ride from the State of TENNESSEE) when the Fibro hit hard, and I was bed bound for 2 years (and no one could figure out what was wrong with me). I lost my job that I loved, my chance to continue my education, and so much more. However, I have been able to experience and participate in so many AMAZING things and help so any people that I would never have had the opportunity if I continued on my planned path. If God has a plan for you, He is going to use you regardless of whatever disabilities or shortcomings we may think we have!! I'm not like the "Normal" nurse...can't do all the things they do anymore...but I am a very special nurse, and no one can do or give the gifts that I can (God and medicine has a place for every kind of nurse)!! You will find your special niche, and you will be a true gift to the people and the profession! Never measure your worth or abilities by others...There will be but one of YOU for all times, fearlessly be yourself 😘 Should you ever need to talk, vent, or share as you pursue your dream I'm an email away! God will make A Way where there seems to be No Way! your closet too!!!
Apr 22Reply
savvyj @kimi1208 Your amazing friend and you are reaffirming what I was hoping and praying for! I know God has a plan for me. I was diagnosed at the age of five an was treated at Texas Children's. I want to go into Peds and hopefully work with children with ITP. I know if I wouldn't have been fighting for so long I would never gone down this path!!! I can tell your an amazing person and thank you so much. Don't be surprised if you hear from me again. Stay strong my friend! Much love and happiness💗💋smooches💋
Apr 22Reply
stefalicious @savvyj This girl is WAAAAY sweet! She not only gave me a good deal but she gave me her sweet attitude and good-home-grown hospitality. I recommend this girl's closet to anyone because we all want people who are not only going to have a cute closet but a positive attitude as well about what they're selling. She definitely hits the mark. (: 👍😋❤️😝❤️
Apr 22Reply
savvyj @stefalicious Ahhhhhh thank you sweet friend!!!
Apr 22Reply
kimi1208 No are thinking about attending UMHB!?! How cool is that😄. It was an amazing journey, as well as the toughest thing I've ever done! I wouldn't change a thing! It is a terrific nursing program (it's all new now. Seems like I went in the Stone Age ...LOL!)! I loved S & W hospital too. I'm now living back in my home state of Indiana now (post divorce). I hope I can attend a home coming at UMHB someday (how cool if you were going there when I did). I was on the executive board of the Student Nurse Assoc, editor of the Nursing School newspaper (so fun), Nsg homecoming parade chair, Nu Sigma Lamda/Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society, and even made it into the Who's Who of Universities and Colleges ...LOL! Oh I had such big plans! It has been a wild ride for sure ...LOL! Ya just never know how things will end up (that's really the fun part of it). I started nursing school with the intention of going into surgical nursing (even won the AORN Scholarship for the whole dang state with an internship anywhere I wanted...did it at S&W), but the final semester of my last year I feel in love with community/public health nursing (not as glamorous, but perfect for me)! I wanted to keep people OUT of the HOSPITAL ...LOL! I love teaching and working with people right where they're at. Send an Email sometime, it would be fun to share! I can't wait to see how your story unfolds 😎
Apr 22Reply
savvyj @kimi1208 hey sorry I crashed last night! I applied to MHB a couple of years ago to attend as a freshman and had quite a bit of scholarship money but had to turn down all the schools and stay home because my illness was way to bad to go off to school. In the last couple of years I've been so low that staying at home was my only option with isn't easy being an honor student! I'm about to apply to nursing at schools that would be driving distance to my doctor. The list is UTMB, Women's, A&M, UT Galvestion and all of these are close to the med center in Houston. My doctor is the best in the country!!! Love her💗I really loved MHB but it is just to far from my doctor😭
Apr 22Reply
kimi1208 Sounds like a good choice Savannah (also my granddaughters it)! It is so important to have a really good support system while getting through nursing school!! Your health is the most important👍 take your time sugar, whenever you reach the finish line it will be the Perfect Timing! This is Your journey, enjoy it, but don't compromise your health! I'd be interested in following your progress... Drop me a line now and then and let me know how things are going! I will keep you in my prayers and light a candle for you!! With God ALL things are possible (I'm living proof!) 😃😃😃
Apr 22Reply
rxela82 Hello Sweety hope u feeling great ! Wanted to ask if you have been tested for H. pylori ? It's just a thought .... Love your closet :)
Apr 24Reply
savvyj @rxela82 Hey friend yes I've been tested for H Pylori and for numerous things. My doctors say it was either my MMR or a virus I had that caused my chronic ITP. I'm blessed to have the best doctor in the Country here in the medical center of Houston. Sounds like you know something of ITP!
Apr 24Reply
thesequinhanger Very beautiful 💜💚❤️
Apr 27Reply
cerina1 😊💋👍Nice comming to my closet stay sweet Gid Bless Sis CC God Love You And I Do To share your closet please share mine apprecaite very much 🌹💐😊😊😊😊
May 01Reply
kc1101 @savvyj I hope you are doing well!😊
May 01Reply
savvyj @kc1101 Hey friend!!!! Life is amazing! My platelets have been high for me since December! If you can call 75,000 high lol! for me its fabulous! Posh is wonderful and finals are next week!! yippee How are you gilie doodle?
May 01Reply
kc1101 @savvyj Oh this is great news! I'm glad things have been stable for you! It's time for me to get my Iron infusion and some blood😝. I can always tell when it gets low but thankful it's a easy fix! We are having amazing weather here in Seattle so it's all good😊!
May 01Reply
savvyj @kc1101 Take care of yourself friend! Go get some VitD with the weather so great. It can do wonders. Oh yeah get that blood girlie. I need another check but I'm enjoying the "I'm Okay" mind set I'm in right now.Lol It's wonderful in Houston right now too! It's normally way Hotter than this!
May 01Reply
kc1101 I think the vitD makes me feel better than the blood! Lol. You take care as well! @savvyj
May 01Reply
savvyj @kc1101 You too Kristi!!! Talk soon!
May 01Reply
briewineposh Do you model? So pretty...natural beauty 👍 Thx for the shares 😍👯👍
May 02Reply
savvyj @brie309 ahhhh thank you friend! I was a preteen model her in Houston and in NYC but had to stop due to my illness. I loved it and miss it! Prednisone knocked me from a size zero!!! Ugh
May 02Reply
briewineposh What is ITP? I'm all too familiar with prednisone. I have AML, a form of leukemia. I had a transplant, and four years later, doing pretty well. 😉 ? I get it
May 02Reply
savvyj @brie309 idiopathic thrombocytopenia Pupura is a autoimmune disease where my body eliminates my platelets. It can be exhausting and so agrivating but I'm blessed I can always be worse! I'm sure you understand that! So glad you are doing better!!! To many crazy diseases in our world!!! Wow I'm sure you have been through it! I'm sure your a much stronger person because the battle you fought!
May 02Reply
briewineposh strengthens you in a way no one can understand unless you have a serious disease, handicap, or cancer. I hear ya on the platelets. I was just at my oncologist's today for an appt and my platelets, among other blood counts, are a big deal to me. Leukemia eats away all of your red,white, platelets, etc. So how are you dealing with in what's the prognosis and regimen to combat it? I'm always interested in other diseases and plights of others. I'm a teacher through and through 😁 and hearing other stories makes you feel like you're a distant cousin in a it's our disease sorority lol 😋😎😜
May 02Reply
savvyj @brie309 I agree!!! I'm studying to be a pediatric nurse because all the things I've been through. It does make you stronger! I have dealt with mine from the age of five so I really don't know what it would be like to be well. I go through times of remission if you can call it that! Like right now! My platelets have been around 75,000 since Christmas which is great for me. When I catch a virus then it comes back and there are several thing to try to fight it with. Splenectomy, IVIG, prednisone, Rituxan, and a couple other drugs. My platelets have been as low as 3,000 and I have used several treatments. Life is good though!!!
May 03Reply
briewineposh Ughhh I've done Rituxin! I hate the darn premeds! They knock me out for two days and the infusion takes all day! I guess it's a part of who you are though, just like someone with type II (I think ) diabetes or something of the like. One of my students has that and it's a day to day struggle to survive! I try not to think of it too long bc I get attached to my students and I cry when I do. I can't fathom being his mom. My heart and arms 😉 go out to you bc we deal with this everyday...however, you've always dealt with this. I accept my cancer, and I know I'll have some other cancer or problem later in life bc of all the toxic chemo, but I still live life like I'm as normal as my friends. You seem like you're like that too. That's awesome. Glad I came across your profile bc of @fifig23 Liz 😍 She's one of my favorite Poshers. You can just tell, like you, through the words how amazing a person they are. Z👍 Great to meet you. 😃
May 03Reply
fifig23 @brie309 I am so touched beyond belief that a woman of your strength and character would feel that way about me. You just are true blue and such a good soul. Your words have made my day. You have so much good to do in this world- so many people who must need you. My mother and sister both have type 1 diabetes and I've seen first hand, way too many times, how terrifying it can be. Hopefully there will be a cure very soon. And I hope you never suffer another minute after all you've been through. There's a quote I want to share with you and, you too, the lovely and strong savvyj: “The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.” ― Elisabeth Kübler-Ross The first time I read this, it made me think of my father, who suffered a stroke at 50, my mother, who tried so hard to hold the whole family together while inwardly she must have been so terrified, and my husband, who had been to hell and back by the time I met him and tells me that sometimes he feels 80 years old. But he has been given a new life- and he relishes it. You guys LIVE LIFE- and you are both beautiful people!!!!
May 03Reply
briewineposh OMG @fifig23 Such beautiful words, from first to last! It's so true too. I think anyone involved or surrounded by struggle learns such a valuable lesson about life. You are definitely one-of-a-kind! 😘😘
May 03Reply
fifig23 @brie309 and so you are you. 😘
May 03Reply
savvyj @fifig23 @brie309 You ladies have me in tears!!! You both are such inspirations to me. When I get down I'm going to come back to those beautiful words! Wow thank you both from the bottom of my heart! I'm in the middle of finals and I'm stressed out!!! So I really need to hear them right now! I love posh! I am so empowered by women like both of you and I carry all the beautiful sentiments in my heart!!! Thank you!
May 03Reply
fifig23 You are amazing and a huge light in this world. One of my other favorite quotes, which I felt in my heart for so long, and looked at on my tack board every day, came from The Lord of the Rings. "You cannot always be torn in two. You will have to be one and whole for many years. You have so much to enjoy and to be and to do. Your part in the story will go on." YOU have so much to enjoy and to be and to do- and people to help! I believe in you even tho we've never met! Frodo in The Lord of the Rings also says, "you have a strength... of a different kind."
May 03Reply
briewineposh Absolutely! At the end of the day, know you're not alone. Some of us 'get it.' All our struggles are different in one way or another, but we all have those same sad days, hard days, and 'go-f-yourself days.' Go kick some finals butt! 😜👏😎😁 @fifig23
May 03Reply
savvyj @brie309 @fifig23 Ladies ya'll are amazing💗I will keep your words close to my heart and kick some bootay next week!!!!! 💋smooches from Texas💋Savannah
May 03Reply
fifig23 @brie309 Go get em Savanah and show that test who's boss!! We are behind you 100%! Pls keep us posted!! You can do it girl!
May 03Reply
alba330 @savvyj Thank you for the shares, lovely Savannah!
May 03Reply
savvyj @alba330 Anytime friend!!! Thank you sweet one 😍
May 03Reply
nikongirlrocks Lovely photos! :)
May 03Reply
savvyj @nikongirlrocks Ahhh thanks friend!!!
May 03Reply
m0love Thanks for the shares love :)
May 08Reply
honeygrace You're very pretty Savannah☺....thanks for the shares. I really appreciate it. I will return the favor as much as I can while I try to gain more followers😘💋
May 09Reply
roxyporter @savvyj hi there my beautiful savannah! 😘 I just wanted to let you know thank you so very much for walking me through the entire co-hosting experience! Without you and I seriously mean this! Without you I would have been so confused and lost! I would have been the one during the party that looked silly because I was clueless! Instead I've had so many compliments and been shown so much ❤️ from everyone and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!! It's weird I think I only sold one thing since the announcement of the party 😩 do you maybe I should change the prices on everything? I've had so many woman ask to buy items but only want to pay 1/2 of what I'm asking? Just some more needed advice from your sis in Oakdale!! Muwahhhh!
May 15Reply
browningjj Hi @savvyj , i have tried taking screenshots with my cellphone and from my PC but it does not look any way like yours what am i doing wrong?
May 19Reply
savvyj @browningjj it takes a little practice! Are you using an iPhone? If so hit the top button first then a couple seconds later hit the center button. You can do it girl! It makes life easier on posh! Like when you bundle two items to relist them you can just screen shot instead of having to take new pictures. Practice a few times you will get the hang of it!!!
May 19Reply
isabellawright Just knew u were an angel . Ur beauty on the outside matches the beauty u have within . U r truly blessed my friend , lucky to have met u thru posh !! Xxoo😁
May 22Reply
savvyj @isabellawright Your so sweet friend!!! I feel blessed to have met you too💗thank you so much😍my closet is always open to you sweet friend💗
May 22Reply
araines4 I just graduated from nursing school....good luck it's awesome I work with children now!!!
Jun 18Reply
lisadraper 🙋 Beautiful Savannah!!!! Thank you sweetheart for the shares 😃😘
Jun 23Reply
savvyj @lisadraper Ahhhh thank you sweet Lisa💗I hope your day is marvelous!!!! Love sharing your amazing goodies😍
Jun 23Reply
savvyj @ridinghood13 Ahhh thank you so much!!!
Jun 25Reply
savvyj @ridinghood13 Ahhh thank you sweet one! You made my day sugar pie!!!!
Jun 27Reply
weatherlymh01 Love your closet!!
Jul 02Reply
savvyj @weatherlymh01 Thanks sweet one!! Yours is amazing too!!!! Love that coach bag!!!!
Jul 02Reply
wer4cats @savvyj I meant to give 5 stars on feedback and there was no way to edit so I contacted Posh. I'm so sorry !! I LOVE the tops!!!!
Jul 07Reply
savvyj @wer4cats Ahhhh thanks friend! I hope you love them all!!!
Jul 07Reply
marifun @savvyj It's nice to meet you, and I love reading how positive you are and working with kids is a great calling! I'm a teacher and can't even imagine having to see kids with serious illnesses. Anyway, good luck with school and god bless you!😊
Jul 11Reply
savvyj @marifun Ahhh thank you sweet friend! It's nice to met you too! It does talk a certain person to work with kids and I would like to thank you for what your doing!! Teaching is a wonderful calling and next on my list if nursing somehow falls through. Thanks for stopping by and sharing sweet friend!
Jul 11Reply
lbrooke4263 My little girl was sick. On antibiotics for 10 days. Then had a flu shot at her school. A few days later was diagnosed with type one diabetes. 3 years ago. Idk if it has anything to do with her getting diabetes. But it's just always been real odd to me. 😢
Jul 19Reply
savvyj @lbrooke4263 I'm so sorry friend! There are some terrible terrible bugs out there! I know all to well, a virus caused my blood disease that I have fought for 16 years. Just know sweet momma God has a reason for everything! The fight I've lived with has molded me into who I am today! Your baby will be the same way! Maybe even a nurse helping others with their battles! Give her a big kiss from this lil Texas girl!!!
Jul 19Reply
savvyj @lbrooke4263 having that flu shot right after antibiotics also puts so much on the immune system. I also had a vaccine after being ill! Ugh I don't think we will ever know!
Jul 19Reply
lbrooke4263 We live right at the nm Texas border. An hour and a half from Lubbock. She's def very strong. She doesn't let it get her down. She still plays all sports and does everything a normal kid does. She's amazing and she inspires me everyday. Her little brother always helps test her blood and gets her insulin. He may just end up being a dr. Lol!!! Thanks so much!! Hopefully one day there will be a cure for u and her both!!! 😉
Jul 19Reply
lbrooke4263 We will keep u in our prayers as well!! 👼👼🙏🙏
Jul 19Reply
emberkjohnson Beautiful!
Jul 19Reply
savvyj @emberkjohnson ahhhh thanks cousin!!!!! Lol
Jul 19Reply
roxyporter @savvyj 🙋 savannah! How are you doing my sweet friend!!?? I've actually been off posh for a bit as we had to turn our internet off! It's back on now!! 🎉👯🎉 yay!! Just wanted to check in and let you know just because we don't talk every day your always in my thoughts and prayers! I hope you've had a wonderful summer so far!! Things around here have been pretty crazy I'm so busy busy I'm hoping once the children start school again I'll be back in full posh mode!! Hope all is well!! Xoxoxooxo muwahhhhh!! 😘
Jul 22Reply
savvyj @roxyporter hey friend!!! I miss my girl😭your so sweet and I'm ready for you to be back on full time! Sorry it's taken me a bit to get back to you sugar! I've been out of tow. And just got In Today! Thanks so much for the prayers! I really need them right now my platelets are very low in fact the doctor called while we were gone and we had to cut our trip and come straight home. 😭have to be downtown in the morning to see the doctor! Pray for me friend?!! Talk soon! Miss you
Jul 23Reply
dianabae Thanks you for the shares beautiful! Xo
Jul 24Reply
savvyj @dianabae ahhhh thank you sweet one! Thank you also for the shares!!! I'm on my way to the doctors will share more later!
Jul 24Reply
b_frank88 Hey @savvyj! I received my dress from you and I absolutely L😍VE it!!! It's so beautiful and totally figure flattering! Thank you times a million! 😘😘😘
Jul 24Reply
savvyj @wildfox2014 Ahhh thanks sugar!! Love your closet😍it's Amazing!!!!
Jul 30Reply
bellafiore4 @savvyj you have an amazing closet :) if you are availible i have 5 share groups if you are interested :)
Jul 30Reply
savvyj @bellafiore4 I've done a couple share groups before but I might be game. What time and when?
Jul 30Reply
bellafiore4 @savvyj my groups are different then the ones out there there time sensitive to work ill mid morning purple afternoon blue night red start half hour after your posh party green mid evening starts at 6:00 est if u want to try it let me know ill get u a code to sign up each share team has diff share amounts
Jul 30Reply
savvyj @bellafiore4 I would love to give it a try! Thanks friend! Set me up and tell me what to do! I'll be there! I'm game!!!!
Jul 30Reply
bellafiore4 @savvyj ok sweetie if you have time tom ill go over everything with you :) ill get you a code in the mean time xoxox
Jul 30Reply
savvyj @bellafiore4 sounds great! Let's chat tomorrow! I'm in😍
Jul 30Reply
kmb42 What part of Texas are you in? I used to live in Katy it's just west of Houston.
Aug 03Reply
savvyj @kmb42 hey Kelly I'm in Tomball! Lol where are you now?
Aug 03Reply
kmb42 Oh wow I've bee to Tomball many times. I'm back in my home town a suburb south of Cleveland Ohio. Couldn't take the heat down there. 😁
Aug 03Reply
savvyj @kmb42 it's a small world friend! Ohio is nice!!! Are you close to the Rock & Roll hall of fame? Yeah our summer can be brutal but not this year!!! Yippee🎉🎉🎉🎉
Aug 03Reply
kmb42 Yes please do measure...I always encourage everyone to measure. The bust in them is 40 & 42 which is nice and roomy. So no heat wave down there this year huh? I was down there during the Ike hurricane that was an experience....worst part is the aftermath of no electricity. Yes I'm 20 minutes from the hall of fame. Cleveland is a cool city just not in the winter it's cold up here. But I like the change of seasons and having a basement too. Lol
Aug 03Reply
savvyj @kmb42 It's been a great summer!!! We haven't even gotten to 100 yet! Mostly low 90's which is wonderful! I'm a native so I can handle it! Wow Ike was something right! 2 weeks without electricity was a nightmare!!!!! I'm not home but I will measure when I can! I've never played in snow! Lol I've seen the flakes fall but never actually seen it accumulate! One day😭
Aug 03Reply
kmb42 lol....well come to Cleveland in Janurary and you can roll around in it and build snowmen. lol it can be beautiful when its a fresh snowfall....It for sure feels like Christmas when it snows too. I just couldn't get used to a 75 degree and no snow...We put fresh greens on the front porch to try and make it feel like we were up north....One really funny thing a local friend down there did. She had a christmas party it was 70 degrees that night...but she wanted the christmas feel in her house so she turned her air conditioning on and her fireplace. I laughed so hard....
Aug 03Reply
abbiforyou WI had acute ITP as a child, and it's so wonderful to see someone working to help others with the disease! Great job 😊
Aug 04Reply
savvyj @abbiforyou Ahhh thank you friend!
Aug 04Reply
emocorley @savvyj thank you for the shares! also these photos are so pretty!
Aug 08Reply
savvyj @emocorley Ahhh thank you sweet friend 😍 lovely closet you have sugar❤️
Aug 08Reply
modernfashion @savvyj thank you so much for all the shares I really appreciate it 😊😊😊
Aug 08Reply
savvyj @modernfashion Ahhh thanks back at cha babydoll😍great closet love❤️
Aug 08Reply
modernfashion @savvyj Thanks 😊😊😊 you have an awesome closet as well 😍😍😍
Aug 08Reply
savvyj @jenkan23 Hi Jen!!!! So nice to meet you sugar! Kelly is a sweetheart and obviously YOU are too!! I would love to be share partners with you friend!!! Thanks honey so much
Aug 10Reply
fifig23 Thanks girl! Hope you had a really great weekend!
Aug 18Reply
savvyj @fifig23 I hope your weekend was amazing too sweetness😍
Aug 18Reply
fifig23 I did! It was gorgeous here in Boston! We had a super relaxing weekend. It was wonderful. I hope you did too doll. You're so generous, Savannah. Thank you for all your shares and your generous heart!!
Aug 18Reply
savvyj @fifig23 your so sweet😍my weekend was okay! Prednisone is kicking my bootay😭I just relaxed and rested all weekend! Movied out😃big week for me at the doctors! So I'm trying to get ready. I'm sure your summer are amazing in Boston! One day I will visit!!!!
Aug 18Reply
fifig23 You're a strong, strong woman and I will be sending up prayers for you and thinking of you! And you're not only strong, but super cute to boot! I hope this week goes just as you want it to, my dear. And I will be your your guide when you come to Boston!! It's best in Fall!!
Aug 18Reply
savvyj @fifig23 thank you dear friend!!! I go back downtown Friday😭I will keep you posted! I will have to plan a trip to celebrate getting well!!!
Aug 18Reply
fifig23 Please do keep me posted sweetheart. And I think a trip to a fun, great, new city would be the perfect way to celebrate getting well and staying well forever!!
Aug 18Reply
skinn @savvyj are u getting this message someone thinks I have your jeans I hope I hope u got my messages
Aug 21Reply
fifig23 Hi pretty lady, just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and hoping you're feeling great today. I tried to take a posh break over the weekend to disconnect (from my work email too, which is even harder!) to just be present with my family at my mom's beach house. I thought of you a few times and am definitely keeping you in my prayers. Wishing you a happy and peaceful evening.. your friend in Boston, Elizabeth
Aug 26Reply
savvyj @fifig23 Elizabeth I hope you enjoyed your break and the peace of the beach!!! Your so amazing thinking of me during your time there. Maybe a lil of me was there with you! I have been busy myself! I went to Texas A&M yesterday to talk to them about transferring in the Spring and lived it! I was to sick to go off like everyone else so this would be fabulous for me. Thanks so much for praying for me!!! I will be on prednisone until the 8th then we wait until my platelets drop again. Once they drop I will start my new treatment😭I will really need the prayers and well wishes then. It a chemo type drug that will kill my immune system. Hope all is well with you friend! I will keep you close to my heart and in my prayers. Praying that your finances go sky high so it will be a piece of cake to stay where you are! Talk soon friend! Savannah from Tomball!!
Aug 27Reply
fifig23 Savannah, you are truly such a beautiful person... you have such a grace and unusual (in the best way) light about you. You really do. I am slightly in awe of your sparkley personality, graciousness, thoughtfulness, faith, and overall strength. But your warmth, well your warmth just overflows. I feel that all who know you must just be so touched by you in one way or another. There's a quote I would love to share with you if I may... This quote made me break down and cry the first time I read it because it made me think so much of my husband and my father. Two beautiful, strong, kind men who have been through such terrible grief and sadness, but only to come out on the other side. I truly wept. And my husband had tears when I gave it to him and it made his heart smile. And it makes me think of you too. It is called "Beautiful People" by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross. "The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen." And I know you sent me your address but I can't find where you put it! I'm so sorry! I've been looking for your comment for like a half hour but seriously can't find it! If you remember where you put it, can you tag me there again?? I'm sorry doll! Thank you! If you could bottle whatever it is that you have and sell it as pixie dust, you would be so rich!! :-)
Sep 05Reply
skinn @savvyj hope your not sleeping if your not can u text me have quick question thought u might no 253-327-3873
Sep 12Reply
flowersnmyheart Hi @savvyj !!!....What a WONDERFUL Closet you have!!!....I'm a newbie here and trying to do MY Best; building MY Closet...Listing my Pre-Loved Excellent Condition Clothes!!!....I know you are VERY busy; and I'm hoping you may have a moment to answer a couple of Q's I have...☺️ !!!
Sep 14Reply
alba330 Hello Sweet Savannah! I got so excited visiting your closet that I unfollowed you by mistake (refollowed again!) I stopped by to check up on you and tell you you're in my thoughts! Hope all is well and you are back to "normal"... Ok, adios and bye-bye! 👊✌
Sep 15Reply
shopmoonphase Georgeous! Courageous! Smart! You're super woman @savvyj xoxo
Sep 15Reply
savvyj @shopmoonphase ahhhh thank you sweet Ash!!!
Sep 15Reply
savvyj @okcfirewife Paula you're amazing friend!!! I had my first round of Rituxan yesterday. It was quite a day!!! First I fainted when they put in my iv which is crazy because I've done that a zillion times! Probably just the anticipation. Then I had a allergic reaction to it so it took 9 hours to complete! Ugh so long!!! The nurses said it was a good sign the I had a reaction to Rituxan? What do you think? 1 down 3 to go!
Sep 21Reply
shopmoonphase Hey you. Just wanted to see how things went. I caught up with the last comment, but you were on my mind so I just wanted to stop by. First round done! Sending love and prayers to you, babe! Big hugs!
Sep 22Reply
annabella54 Aww. Hope you're okay .
Sep 23Reply
savvyj @annabella54 trying hard to get well!
Sep 23Reply
annabella54 I'm an emergency room nurse. If there's anything I could ever help you with let me know.
Sep 23Reply
savvyj @annabella54 so sweet!!! Ive battled ITP for as long as I can remember. I've just started Rituxan last Friday and have 3 more rounds. So hopefully this is going to be behind me soon!
Sep 23Reply
annabella54 sorry to hear that. Is this the first time you're using this medication? I hope that it works for you .. They treat ITP now with so many meds. Hopefully they find the right one for you. You poor thing you must have had it since you were young
Sep 23Reply
savvyj @annabella54 yes I've done lots of meds but this is the first time with Rituxan. I've had it since I was five and have never known any difference. I've been in remission several times but it's always come back.
Sep 23Reply
annabella54 stay positive as it will help with your healing . I wish you health and happiness . Let me know if I can help you with anything. I'm always available.
Sep 23Reply
savvyj @annabella54 Ahhh thank you sweet friend😍
Sep 23Reply
annabella54 You are very welcome my dear sister.
Sep 23Reply
cdelp116 Hello there beautiful young lady! I have been reading this post for the past hour. My name is Cheryl, I want to assure you GOD has a plan and his plan is perfect Prayer is SO Extremely POWERFUL! And I see you have been fighting the good fight for some time now, and keeping the FAITH! I am going to say special prayers for you!! I want to see a RISE in your platlet count and by GOD'S GRACE, it WILL happen Dear. I read that you have been in the evil "prednisone" a horrific drug! One I wish they would remove off the shelves! You will beat this, and restored to GREAT HEALTH! Speak this over your illness, you take control, trust and hold onto your FAITH, especially in the worst of times! I will check back on how you are Progressing and HEALED! Accept and expect NOTHING less! I wilk go thru your closet this evening Dear, and for now, I will go into prayer and devotion! Blessings, you've got this!!
Sep 23Reply
savvyj @cdelp116 Cheryl so nice to meet you and from the bottom of my heart I thank you for the prayers! They mean so much to me! Yes I've battled ITP most of my life and I can't remember not having it! I have just started a new treatment, last Friday I started Rituxan and I will continue for three more weeks with this infusion. I know God has a plan for me with or without ITP and will continue living each day the best I can leaning on HIM!!!! Thanks for your sweet words of encouragement! My closet is always open to you friend!!!!
Sep 23Reply

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