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Updated May 26
Updated May 26

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Hello fellow poshers.. My name is Tiera from SC. Im a MUA (makeup artist) in the process of saving for my own makeup studio. Im so easy to get along with, love to laugh && enjoy my Christian Ministry. 😊I love meeting new people. πŸ‘°I'm negotiable so by all means ask questions && Happy Poshmarking!! πŸ˜‰
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persianpoison @tshan86 Pretty gurrrrl ❀❀❀
Jul 23Reply
tshan86 Aww don't make me blush πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‰
Jul 23Reply
maggie_pie @tshan86 thank you for stopping by my closet, and for all the shares! Wish you all the best.... Happy Poshing!
Jul 31Reply
tshan86 @maggie_pie My pleasure πŸ‘, No problem && Your Most Welcome!! 🌺Wishing you endurance && better health...πŸŽ€πŸ’–πŸ’‹
Jul 31Reply
tshan86 @maggie_pie sorry the endurance && better health was for a different posher that's ill... Forgive me🌺
Jul 31Reply
tshan86 @maggie_pie No I'm sorry that comment was for you. I'm sorry it's late where I am, guess I'm more tired than I think. πŸ˜€
Jul 31Reply
missy2828 I love your closet!! And another person from SC! Awesome:)
Aug 04Reply
tshan86 @missy2828 aww a fellow S Carolinian... So nice to meet you Hun πŸŽ€ && thanks for the compliment. πŸ‘If interested in buying anything I can give you a special SC discount 😜
Aug 04Reply
tshan86 @lbsrn8 Hey There πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹....nice to see another person from SC, I've met two already πŸ˜ƒ. I hope your having a nice posh experience it's such a great community to be involved with other who too love fashion. πŸ‘ πŸ‘—πŸ‘šπŸ’πŸ’„Have a Great Weekend πŸŽ€πŸ‘
Aug 09Reply
tshan86 @ash_leary πŸ˜‰πŸ‘
Aug 10Reply
tshan86 @cmarshall38 thanks for the share πŸ˜‰πŸ‘
Aug 10Reply
so4reel @tshan86 nice to meet you sweetie. I read your comment & Posh did Delete my List 2X's. I don't understand why they wouldn't want their members to no whose on here taking advantage of other members. 😏It's crazy. I guess the way I did it this time adding photos then the List on the last pic is the Reason. Idk??? I hope that my Closet don't close, I didn't get that serious of a threat! But we need to stick together & share whatever we can. We are on here to make Extra moneyπŸ’΅πŸ’° & not let anyone take it from us! It'll be pointless. Well nice meeting you & thanks for leaving your comment & I'm gonna look in your closet Now. πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘‹
Aug 14Reply
tshan86 @so4reel ohh ok... Yea my email said that we (PM) deleted your scammer listing because we have been informed that its not a supported listing (ie clothes,jewelry,shoes,etc) and it said please reads up on PM do's and don'ts. Then said that they would basically have to take action if I put up another scammer listings. That's just crazy to me all I was doing was trying to protect US honest people. But ohh well. Nice to meet you as well && thanks for checking out && sharing my closet.
Aug 14Reply
mzfloyd97 @tshan86 , I just realized that it was your precious boy with the closet I was looking at yesterday!, he is sooo darling!! I have a grandson that's 2 so ill definately check back with y'all too!!! Take Care and Be Blessed!!
Aug 16Reply
tshan86 @mzfloyd97 yes that's my son, thanks so much for your kind words. Have a great Weekend !! πŸŽ€
Aug 16Reply
mzfloyd97 @tshan86, I just sent it to your email!! Take care!!
Aug 16Reply
tshan86 @danielle1979 thanks πŸ˜‰πŸ‘
Aug 18Reply
loganevan @tshan86 Thank you for sharing. You are ever so welcome.
Aug 19Reply
loveglamour @tshan86 hey just wanted to warn you @ornleas456 is a scammer don't buy anything off her go to my closet and you will see she scammed me out of $200 of hair extensions
Aug 23Reply
tshan86 @loveglamour hey I saw your comment under her shirt I was inquiring about. I was wondering exactly what had happened. But I also noticed that she has a lot of successful sales too so I'm confused. But thanks for the info!!
Aug 23Reply
tshan86 @loveglamour ok no I just realized that it wasn't your comment it was another Poshers comment @heatherneal ... So yea now I'm really skeptical!!
Aug 23Reply
loveglamour @tshan86 yeah just be careful...I don't want you to get scammed too.
Aug 23Reply
tshan86 @loveglamour thanks so much... Yea I won't trade with her. Just buy so that way it's all done through PM && it's tracked so if I have a dispute she can't get funds unless I release them AFTER I get my package. But still that was so wrong what she did. If the extensions are not what she wanted then she should have returned them simple as that. Smh!!
Aug 23Reply
loveglamour @tshan86 yea I agree with you
Aug 23Reply
kimmiedee Your son is beautiful! A true gift from God!😊❀
Aug 28Reply
tshan86 @kimmiedee Aww thanks so much. I really appreciate that , your so sweetπŸŽ€πŸ˜€ πŸ‘
Aug 28Reply
kimmiedee Sweetie, if I've learned anything in my 40+ yrs, it's that children are the true meaning of life...they are gifts from our Creator that fill out our hearts with love and joy...sometimes pain...but in the end are worth every second of our time! Enjoy that child with every ounce if your being! They grow waay too fast for our mother's hearts!😊❀
Aug 28Reply
tshan86 @kimmiedee You are so right. I've always felt blessed to have him. &&as he grows older my love just gets deeper. && it's so true that they grow so fast... Feels like it was just a while ago that I was bringing him home but now this is his first year of schooling. He's my only child but such a joy && blessing just like you said. Thanks so much for you kind words. 😘
Aug 28Reply
tshan86 @julimosele Hey nice to see another fellow S Carolinian. πŸ˜€I'm from Columbia too born && raised. Nothing beats a GRITS πŸ˜‰But live else where now still in SC though. Hopefully when you add some listing you will let me know. Thanks!! πŸŽ€
Aug 28Reply
tshan86 @lng81 thanks for the like πŸŽ€
Aug 30Reply
lng81 Np hun!
Aug 30Reply
urbanhaven2014 @tshan86 Beautiful! 😊
Aug 30Reply
lermant Hi Tiera is luz Yes i have Speedys for sale but cant post those on posh πŸ˜ͺπŸ˜ͺπŸ˜ͺ Email me plzz so i send pics Via pay pal $85 i pay shiping πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
Aug 31Reply
beautyis4every1 Thanks for the shares!
Sep 02Reply
tshan86 @beautyis4every1 Your most Welcome && Thankyou as well πŸ‘
Sep 02Reply
hooochietaco Hello! I am selling iPhone 4/4S/5 cases and bows in my closet that you will never see anyone else have! I am doing this to raise money for cancer & have spent my own money to get them manufactured. Please check them out and share them on your feed! Thank you :)
Sep 06Reply
tshan86 @hooochietaco I respect the cause your selling for BUT this was not the place to post that comment. Try using listings that are already sold/traded or areas that people have listed for feedback..... Thanks!!
Sep 06Reply
tshan86 @alyserhea Nice to meet you ... πŸ˜ƒI too am from SC, originally from the Capital (Columbia)πŸ‘but now reside in Orangeburg. Hope your enjoying PM as much as I am. HAPPY POSHING !! πŸŽ€
Sep 07Reply
alyserhea Thanks! You're too sweet. We are living in Beaufort and love it.
Sep 07Reply
tshan86 @alyserhea Your Most Welcome... πŸŽ€
Sep 07Reply
2luvtam ThxZ for sharing my closet. I'm new to Posh, when u share where or they posting @...???
Sep 09Reply
tshan86 @2luvtam First of all you have a Really Nice closet && when I shared your items... They were shared to the 2,000 plus followers that I have. This way if they see what they like they will buy or share to their followers as well. The more you share the more people will share your closet too && the faster you will sale. The key is to follow LOTS of people & share their times, most will return the favor. Welcome to Poshmark...if you have anymore question please don't hesitate to ask!! 🌸
Sep 09Reply
slswswlucas It's so nice to meet you, sweetie! God blessπŸ’•
Sep 11Reply
tshan86 @slswswlucas Aww, Thanks!! Really nice tower you as well. Many blessings on you sales πŸŽ€
Sep 11Reply
honeybeee1 @tshan86 thanks for sharing! Good luck. 😊
Sep 11Reply
tshan86 @honeybeee1 your most welcome πŸŽ€&& TY!!
Sep 11Reply
barch17 Hey! I deleted the dress cause I'm reorganizing my closet, but I'm going to relist it..I had my nana measure it because she's a seamstress, it's 41" without stretch and stretches to 44"
Sep 11Reply
dfryeduo Really cute closet & how you've put items together looks great! I shared some items for ya! Have a great day!πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜œ
Sep 13Reply
tshan86 @dfryeduo Thanks so much for your sweet compliment && I really appreciate you sharing my items, so I definitely returned the favor!! Happy Poshing!! :)
Sep 13Reply
tshan86 @bapringle Hey, I'm from SC too :). Born && raised in Columbia but now live in Orangeburg. Nice to meet you!! πŸŽ€
Sep 13Reply
bapringle @tshan86 oh wow hello!!! I stay in Summerville but I come to orangeburg every single weekend!!! My church is in bamberg so I'm up there every weekend! So nice to meet you! Small world!....:-)..and let me look over some more of your closet because you have some real nice things and I will let you know if I would like to bundle or not!
Sep 13Reply
tshan86 @bapringle Yes its truly a small world. :) && Ok that's gone just LMK!!
Sep 13Reply
bapringle @tshan86 did you go to SCSU?
Sep 13Reply
tshan86 @bapringle No I just moved this way to help out my grandparents!!
Sep 13Reply
bapringle @tshan86 oh okay...I was just wondering!
Sep 13Reply
tshan86 @jaynegwilson26 Hey, it's very nice to meet a fellow Posher from SC. πŸ‘‹I've met more than I though I would have here on Posh . πŸ˜€But your the first that is also from my hometown. πŸ‘It is truly a small works here on this Posh community!! πŸŒΈπŸ˜‰
Sep 16Reply
mandy45315 Your so pretty and have such a handsome son!
Sep 24Reply
tshan86 @mandy45315 Aww Thanks so much for your sweet compliment... I appreciate it!! πŸ˜ƒ You are pretty as well && have a cute closet!! πŸŽ€πŸ’ž
Sep 24Reply
tammysbeachwear Welcome aboard:) I look forward to getting to know you!
Oct 02Reply
tshan86 @tammysbeachwear Thanks so much... happy to be apart of the sisterhood YAY!! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰... Now I must sleep lol so I can wake up in the morning && share share share like crazy... 😜
Oct 02Reply
1jesus1life πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•Thank you for all the shares πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•
Oct 04Reply
tshan86 @1jesus1life Ypu are Most Welcome... πŸ’‹
Oct 04Reply
southernstyle88 @tshan86 Hi Tiera, It's very nice to meet you also! I love God, He's an AMAZING God. Without God-you have nothing but emptiness. And I hate it that anyone would ever have to feel that in their entire life, that they would rather feel all that hurt & hatred toward someone when instead you can forgive & forget & go forward in your life. You know-that's one thing I firmly believe in is You have to always go forward in your life, if not your constantly living in the past & reliving & reliving the past. How can you ever move forward if you don't ever forgive & forget. It's like taking 1 step forward & 4 steps back. You're never going anywhere but backwards & where does that take you right back to the ugly old past. I'll hush now. That's my sermon for today. LOL oh I'm Sherry from Alabama 🐘Roll tide Roll🐘
Oct 08Reply
tshan86 @sherry8888 Hello, its a always a pleasure to meet someone who has a love for God as well... You are so right it is so important to forgive others, that is the only way that God forgives us. How can we expect him to forgive us if we don't first have a forgiving heart. I try my best not to judge or take offense I just let God have his vengeance. Thanks for your words, I always appreciate words of wisdom :)... Thanks so much for stopping through!!
Oct 08Reply
southernstyle88 @tshan86 Hey Tiera, So sorry for the book, but had things on my mind & it got my motor started up. You are so beautiful & your Son is so darling! Thank you for the shares. Thank You So Very Much, Sherry
Oct 08Reply
tshan86 @sherry8888 It was not at all a problem :) && Thanks so much, && You are very Welcome!!
Oct 08Reply
no_trade @tshan86 very nice to meet you!
Oct 14Reply
tshan86 @no_trade Thanks && you as well. Your very pretty!! πŸŽ€
Oct 14Reply
no_trade @tshan86 you are pretty too!! Looking forward to meet all the sisters in the near future
Oct 14Reply
fuzzynavel @tshan86 hi sweetie! Let's talk offline! Call me! 626-278-4214.
Oct 14Reply
lisadraper Ur such a beautiful lady inside and out!!!
Oct 16Reply
tshan86 @lisadraper Aww, Thankyou!! You are such a beautiful Lady yourself :)
Oct 16Reply
tshan86 @lexi_lue Yes I'm very interested, will take a look soon!! Thanks!! πŸ‘πŸ˜ƒ
Oct 20Reply
tshan86 @jblacombe Thanks, nice meeting you too @& that is so true, they grow up to fast!! πŸ˜ƒβ€οΈπŸ‘
Oct 21Reply
oyuki76 Thank you sister!! Can't wait also!!😊
Oct 24Reply
beautyblack What app did you use for your pictures?
Oct 31Reply
tshan86 @beautyblack Hey Sis the top pic with dots is "pic collage" and the one with my Son and I is "pics art" πŸ‘
Oct 31Reply
beautyblack Thx, gotcha. Have a blessed night
Oct 31Reply
tshan86 @beautyblack Your Welcome && You have a Great Night too ...
Oct 31Reply
fab_fashionista Hi :) I saw that you are apart of the closet theme DKP and wanted to know of you could help me out a bit. I'm interested in applying before I close my closet for a short winter break but I have been trying to figure out what in my closet would work against me. I use to trade when I first started a year ago until I found out it was against the rules but I have some listing "sold" through trades that obviously can't be deleted. Could you take a quick look and let me know if you suggest anything to be removed? I would really appreciate the help!! 😊
Dec 03Reply
fab_fashionista I love your photos and family by the way!!
Dec 03Reply
tshan86 @fab_fashionista Hello πŸ‘‹ first thanks for your interest in DKP... It's a lovely sisterhood of great Poshers all around. We continuously share each others items, bring awareness to specific parties and just help in any ways we can to our fellow members and Poshers in general. Now, according to your closet let me first say it is GREAT!! πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘... Of what you have left that's unsold nothing needs to be deleted or taken off. So the next step is to just let your buyers know that you will not be trading or accepting PP (PayPal) these are not only rules of DKP but more importantly of Poshmark. All we ask is that you follow these rules, be kind, courteous and help your fellow Poshers and then sign up to become a member. I will tag in the posting that let's you know where you can sign up. πŸ˜ƒ hope to see you listing soon as a DKP member πŸ‘πŸ˜˜
Dec 03Reply
fab_fashionista Thank you!! =)
Dec 03Reply
tshan86 @fab_fashionista You are so Welcome πŸ˜ƒ
Dec 03Reply
daska2 This is so cute! I have some questions about it - what's your email address?
Feb 11Reply
tshan86 @daska2 I don't give out my email address to strangers!! Whatever you need to ask can be done here. Have a nice day!!
Feb 11Reply
threadbare1 @tshan86 Beautiful wedding gown! Your closet is really nice!!πŸ’ž
Nov 09Reply

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Last Active: Jan 19

Union, SC
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Last Active: Jan 19

Union, SC
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