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Updated Nov 25
Updated Nov 25

SOLD♠Kate Spade iPhone Case♠

kate spade

US$3,000 US$45

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Kate Spade iPhone cell cover "Skirt the Rules" it's a piece of art! Black sides w a gold spade and a neon pinkish orange color! Gorgeous and worth every penny! Retails $45+tax price firm• no trades •no Paypal ♠brand new with tags in box! Hard shell
  • Ships to: United States

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rchl62 and 24 others like this
valleygirltechs @brizai Hi there, thank you for the offer but price is firm. Sorry love
Aug 06Reply
eunibug33 👭Shared💖
Aug 21Reply
fabicase @babygloves2shop top 8 items shared 💝😊
Aug 29Reply
fabicase @babygloves2shop Top 5 shared 💓
Sep 06Reply
valleygirltechs @fabicase Thank You my KSWP♠👍👍😘
Sep 06Reply
eunibug33 🎈 Shared
Sep 10Reply
valleygirltechs @chrisetta hi there thank you! Would you like me to bundle for you? 😊
Sep 11Reply
valleygirltechs @chrisetta I'm so sorry for delay and my feed is inundated- do u mind telling me the other item? I'm not sure what it is but I'm happy to help♠
Sep 11Reply
mshaffer82 Hi dear, will this case fit iPhone 5?
Sep 11Reply
valleygirltechs @chrisetta hi there! Both super cute selections already both reduced by $5 each and priced firm individually-if u bundle I can offer a $5 discount- great deal ☺lmk
Sep 11Reply
valleygirltechs @mshaffer82 hiiiiii no I'm sorry just a 4/4S 😊
Sep 11Reply
mshaffer82 No worries!!😊
Sep 11Reply
hclark317 Cute closet!!!
Sep 11Reply
rchl62 Really want one of these!! ❤️❤️
Nov 14Reply
valleygirltechs @rchl62 hi Rachelle I have one more if you're interested👍👍😄
Nov 14Reply
rchl62 @babygloves2shop I would take it in an instant just waiting on our check from UPS they mailed it USPS....WHY? They make millions and couldn't I over night their mistake? Lol it went out yesterday so it should be Tom or sat if you still have it I would love to buy it ❤️❤️❤️
Nov 14Reply
valleygirltechs @rchl62 Awe darn well at least it's coming!!! Yes come back whenever you're ready!👍👍😘
Nov 14Reply
rchl62 @babygloves2shop I know I've argued with them for two weeks but at least it's two Checks ;) more to spend lol I have a lot clearing also, I saw a few things for Xmas presents and just out of the blue I was bored looking around and the girl that made the comment to you about a phone case and that everyone else had it cheaper.. Blah blah she has used Essie finger nail polish she was selling! Isn't that like a health code or something lol... I mean personally I wouldn't want to buy used anything from anyone ha
Nov 14Reply
rchl62 I just adore this!! Love love
Nov 14Reply
valleygirltechs Oh my gosh I know- everybody's got their own thoughts but I've been Poshing wayyyy to long to know better 😉 ill give you a great bundle on the two cases! Either way please stop by and say hi every now and then!!! Congrats on your host pick last night! Such a pretty cost and I love the dragon fly Rowley! So cute!
Nov 14Reply
valleygirltechs @rchl62 😃👆👆👆I forgot to tag u!
Nov 14Reply
rchl62 @babygloves2shop I do that all the time, Old age is my excuse lol. I def will i'm going to look online and see exactly when these went out and where I'm pretty good at guessing these kinds of things now lo!!! and Thanks, that was out of no where I really wasn't expecting that.!! CR has some cute things this Fall, really cute, i'm going to look later tonight or tomorrow ;)
Nov 14Reply
rchl62 I'm getting This today getting funds straight, long story I hate to ever say anything bec so many give sob stories, just since my husband had his stroke I have to watch everything single this but when we get out ck from 401k watch out ;).....
Nov 16Reply
rchl62 @babygloves2shop how much for the two?
Nov 17Reply
valleygirltechs @rchl62 for you ill do $42 😊
Nov 17Reply
rchl62 @baedge sounds good, I think I'm getting the new 5 for Xmas let me double check Kenley knows she said something last night but she volunteered to work at the SPCA today so she should be home in a few :) even if I'll prob get this one anyway lol I can always resell you have or will you be getting any for The new 5? She had the new one I was going to get a few for like stocking stuffers Even
Nov 17Reply
valleygirltechs @rchl62 I have two cases for the 5 one is Jcrew animal print and the other is the Coach animal print. I volunteer do ASPCA as well! That's awesome! Fabulous stocking stuffers! I'm non stop buying for Christmas now! I have like 7 birthdays between now and then too ARGH!!! Lol 😊
Nov 17Reply
rchl62 @babygloves2shop she's a good girl I got lucky with her though she has her moments lol she loves animals and wants to be a Vet so she 's doing it bec she wants to but for her college app also, u know all the extras help with that. She's had to grow up so fast since her Dad had the stroke She gave up her whole Summer and wouldn't Go anywhere she stayed here 24/7 and helped me so much. I felt guilty but then again I think when she gets older it prob helped some. I try not to talk about money in front of her but she's aware. She won't ask or tell me if she needs something I always find out some other way even if it's a sweatshirt for school or money to go somewhere. That breaks my heart. Money's never been a problem, and it's tight now but eventually when all is said and done She'll be taken care of the rest of her life. That's about two other. Different stories. It shouldn't have happened and was missed about 4 times, but for now I'll go without to make sure she has what she needs, but when you have kids that's with any Mom of course. I had to force her to go to TN with a friend of hers at the end of the Summer almost dragging her to the car. She's def been through more than most 14 year olds I'm proud of her though she volunteers at the Animal clinic on weekends and the SPCA twice a month and it was her idea. ;( we've got through it without assistance or handouts Hard but we did, I get so annoyed seeing people sick of the gov't If we can do it anyone can...that's why they are so broke....
Nov 17Reply
rchl62 Can you show me the coach animal Print it'll prob go with her coach stuff as well
Nov 17Reply

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