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Updated Nov 20
Updated Nov 20


Michael Kors



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DO NOT buy inspired/fake/replica bags! I have seen a lot of people claiming their bags are authentic when they are not, and pricing inspired bags as high as real ones. I made this list of things so its easier for you to spot a fake vs. real bag. This list has the basics so you can make a good judgment before you purchase. Lets be honest and Happy Poshing πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
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jefsweetie @allie89 Great information girlπŸ‘πŸ‘
Jul 22Reply
normlazay Gracias!! Lo comparto πŸ˜‰
Jul 24Reply
blackcherry7 Nice! Good looking out!
Jul 25Reply
nicolec0625 Wow I've never seen a fake but owning real ones and seeing this I can't believe how the details don't match up so bad! This is great for those who have never owned one great info!
Jul 28Reply
gerdulka Thank you so SO very muchπŸ‘
Jul 30Reply
gerdulka @allie89 Thank you so SO very muchπŸ‘
Jul 30Reply
designhamptons Good info thanks!
Jul 30Reply
michie1438 @allie89 it's sickening the price they ask for knockoffs!!! You can buy a real one brand new for what some people are asking!!!
Jul 30Reply
allie89 @michie1438 yeah, I've seen people asking for $80+!! With a bit more than that you can go to an MK outlet store and get a nice real one.
Jul 30Reply
valleygirltechs This is awesome!!! Great job!
Aug 01Reply
bbsgirl Thanks :)
Aug 01Reply
gvalle86 Awesome thanks!
Aug 02Reply
frantastic2010 That's a dang shame. I didn't even know they made fake MK bags. I guess I should have known cause there seems to be fake everything else. Smh
Aug 02Reply
annjo @allie89 i was thinking this just not out loud! A lot of these bags say "AUTHENTIC " and far from it! I appreciate this....
Aug 06Reply
allie89 @annjo I know, it's so sad... I hate dishonest people πŸ˜•
Aug 06Reply
annjo @allie89 you and me both!
Aug 06Reply
dianet06 @allie89 hey hun can you help me authenticate a mk bag if it's not too much trouble
Aug 07Reply
allie89 @dianet06 not at all hun! I'm here to help!!! 😊Where should I look?
Aug 07Reply
dianet06 @allie89 it's actually the tote I have listed 2 girls have said its not authentic because the bottom doesn't look like any mk sells
Aug 07Reply
allie89 @dianet06 ok saw it, and saw the comment. The inside lining checks out, its the one that says KORS and my Margo satchel has the exact same one. Usually the inside lining is the giveaway between real/fake ones. The cut of the letters at the bottom is a bit weird I'll get back to u in a few mins to check (it could be a bad cut i.e. real but defective)
Aug 07Reply
dianet06 @allie89 do fake ones have the serial # tag in them?
Aug 07Reply
allie89 @dianet06 Honestly I don't think MK bags even have serial numbers, at least I haven't seen them. I was actually at the mall and went to TJmaxx to check. I have two pics for u I'm adding a separate listing so u can see the bottom. It's kinda the same as yours and they don't sell fakes there.
Aug 07Reply
zodin You rock❀❀❀my new hero
Aug 07Reply
allie89 @zodin awww thank u sweetie hahaha! Just trying to help so Poshers don't get scammed here! 😊
Aug 07Reply
zodin Well I wish more people would!! My best freind does the same for watches. I had bought 2 fake ones not even knowing it! I was heartbroken, since I have 5 authentic beautiful ones. I will share this everydayπŸ’—πŸ’—
Aug 07Reply
curtecho Thanks a lot!!
Aug 07Reply
dpmandil @allie89 thank you thank you thank you!! I've been calling out every inspired bag being sold as authentic !! also on the Mk Hamilton..the key holder on an authentic bag is more of a rectangle shape a fake has an octagon shape to it
Aug 07Reply
allie89 @dpmandil thanks for that, I actually didn't know! They're making so many fake Hamilton's its scary :( I'm glad I can be of some help 😊!
Aug 07Reply
curtecho Astaples18 needs you
Aug 08Reply
allie89 @sandyperry ok give me a sec!
Aug 08Reply
allie89 @sandyperry yes, they are both authentic! Lining, zipper its ok and I've see both the bag and wallet as MK models. But I think its already been sold!
Aug 08Reply
poshm09 Love these!! I help girls all the time in this website and love this because it puts everything in comparison! β€πŸ˜„
Aug 11Reply
missmusic93 Thank you! This helps so much!
Aug 12Reply
pivarn Thanks ! Very helpful
Aug 13Reply
lula44 @bernpros8 this is a great post! I know you <3 mk so in case you decide to ever get one on posh this is helpful!
Aug 13Reply
berna_doodle ❀ Love this post! Sometimes they're hard to tell apart it's disgusting that someone would sell a fake one as a real one but it happens! Thank u :)
Aug 13Reply
allie89 @lula44 @bernpros8 yeah I just did this one night I was searching for MK bags here on Posh! (I loveee MIchael Kors πŸ’•) and saw so many fakes for $100, $125 I even saw one for $165! So many girls were asking if they were authentic (when they were clearly not) and the sellers were responding evasively saying ("its a good quality handbag"!) So wrong, I hope this helps to end this.
Aug 13Reply
berna_doodle @lula44 ❀ it!!
Aug 13Reply
berna_doodle I know I'm so afraid to buy one on here bc I'm afraid it will be a fake! I can't stand fake bags i don't know why people even want to buy them. And it's not like they're even that expensive!! It's not LV or Chanel lol it's just Michael kors. U can get an authentic one for the $165 u just spent on that fake lol
Aug 13Reply
julieanna Thank you for this info. Do you have info for a Coach like this?
Aug 14Reply
allie89 @julieanna no unfortunately I don't have much knowledge about Coach bags, I only have one so I can't really spot the fakes that easily. Also I personally think that Coach bags are a bit more difficult to tell if they're fake, specially the older monogram versions.
Aug 14Reply
julieanna Ok. Thank you so much for getting back to me.
Aug 14Reply
allie89 @julieanna you're welcome sweetie, anytime! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Š
Aug 14Reply
julieanna I'm fighting to get a return label and refund from Posh right now. I bought a bag from someone who said it was Authentic and at first sight I new it wasn't. To make sure I looked online and I was right. If Posh doesn't refund me I'm going to a different app.
Aug 14Reply
allie89 @julieanna I really hope they do because 1) they have a refund policy if an item does not match the description the seller gave to you 2) they do not sponsor selling counterfeit merchandise and not refunding you would be a way of encouraging people to continue this practice! I wish you good luck with this and hopefully you will get refunded soon!! πŸ™πŸ’΅
Aug 14Reply
andinella @allie89 Ur post just freaked me out because my dust bag is the same as the MK one u have in the fake column. I bought my bag and my shoes either at the Michael Kors store or Bloomingdales. I checked out my bag with the lining and emblem and both come up as authentic according to ur list. Is it possible that ur mistaken about the dust bag being a fake? Makes no sense to me.
Aug 14Reply
allie89 @andinella no, don't freak out!!! There is also another dustbag (authentic) that has the MK without the circle! Very similar to the one I posted here as fake. If you notice the fake one here, the font is a bit off. This one was posted with a bag that was also fake. I did not post the other type the of authentic dustbag because as you can see, I ran out of space for more pics :( by all means don't freak out! And always go online and research to verify authenticity! 😊
Aug 14Reply
lochsteph1980 awesome..thank you..
Aug 14Reply
patlynn41 Good info! I personally think MK fakes are easy to spot, they just look weird to me!
Aug 16Reply
allie89 @patlynn41 yes fortunately they're really easy to tell! MK fakes are not well made at all. They are made with cheap materials and in tacky designs, but I guess if its their first time buying an MK, some people are not able to tell. I just hope this helps! 😊
Aug 16Reply
sonia19 @allie89 can u please HELP me if This bag Its FAKE or autentic
Aug 16Reply
allie89 @sonia19 no problem! Lmk what closet should I look in!
Aug 16Reply
sonia19 @allie89 can u please Check my closet
Aug 16Reply
sonia19 Thank UU. So much Hun god bless
Aug 16Reply
allie89 @sonia19 It looks authentic too me. In the jet set saffiano totes check that the gold lettering that says "Michael Kors" is centered, the font is NOT skinnier or longer than other bags and that it does not have a line through the name. To be extra sure you can google " Michael kors Jet Set Saffiano Orange" and compare your bag with the ones from legit stores or MK website. Hope this helps!
Aug 16Reply
sonia19 @allie89 thank UU. So much Hun
Aug 16Reply
allie89 @sonia19 you're welcome sweetie! Anytime 😁😊
Aug 16Reply
patlynn41 That is true, if someone had never seen a MK before they may not know a fake from authentic. I'm sure you are helping many! There is someone selling a black quilted Hamilton, she had bought it from a friend, unfortunately I don't believe it's authentic but I can tell by her comments that she thinks it is. I let her know, I wasn't trying to be mean just don't want her to get a bad rep as a seller if she sells the bag as authentic and it isn't. Anyway, this is very helpful!
Aug 17Reply
bibi2013 @allie89 I love this...!!! I feel aggravated when I see fakes go for $80 + dollars. I respect those who buy fakes but it irritates me when I see someone being "tricked" into buying a fake for a real one. I debate whether to intervene when first time Michael Kors buyers buy these thinking they are buying the real thing. Very upsetting for someone trying to sell authentic items not being able to make sales due to these fraudulent sellers.
Aug 17Reply
patlynn41 @bibi2013 when you do intervene the person gets angry at you, this girl was telling people, she "thinks it's real", so I politely let her know that it did not look real to me and that she may want to be sure, so she doesn't get a bad rep as a seller, she actually seemed like a nice person, and I even told her that she seemed sincere that she thinks it's authentic so I just wanted to help her out. I thought I was being nice but she accused me of being mean and why am I even commenting when we don't even follow each other's closets, uh, I'm looking at MK purses, I don't have to follow someone to look at their closets or items. She also said she never said it was authentic, ummm, saying you "think" it's real to me is saying it's real, she made me mad because I wasn't trying to start drama as she accused me of, I thought I was helping a fellow posher out, so I will no longer intervene for anyone!
Aug 17Reply
patlynn41 @bibi2013 I know you were talking about buyers, but there are sellers who I think really believe they have an authentic item, but I won't say anything g to anyone anymore, everyone just gets defensive.
Aug 17Reply
bibi2013 @patlynn41 unfortunately, it's true. Very sad this is happening. I'm not that knowledgable here but as I read posts of items I like, I see scammers alerts, replicas being sold as authentic, etc. I believe there should be something done to fix these issues. We have the option of suggested sellers but I would love to have a listing of fraudulent sellers in order to avoid them. And yes ma'am, you are right. Sometimes people get way too offensive. I stay because shopping is my passion and I really love most of the Posh community.
Aug 17Reply
patlynn41 @bibi2013 I guess the best way is if you see someone trying to pass off a replica as authentic is to report the listing, the only thing is 9x out of 10 the person will probably just re-list. She also twisted my words into I was saying she was wrong to list a replica, which I did not have a problem with, I was just trying to clear it up for her that it was a replica, I don't understand her at all, first she said thank you and she will check it out, then hours later she went off on me, she did change the listing to inspired and reduced the price significantly, so my conclusions are she found out it wasn't real and she took her anger out on me or she wanted people to think it was real and got mad when I mentioned it may not be. She way overreacted, and she told me I need to find a nicer way of talking to people, meanwhile I was not mean to her at all, I reread it, I don't see where i was mean about it, but then unfortunately she got me on a PMS week and after her responses to me, she did make me mad and I reported her listing, I have never reported anyone and I kind of feel bad because she did change the listing to inspired but she caught me on a bad day! 😳
Aug 17Reply
bibi2013 @patlynn41 I hear sad there are "weird" people in here. Oh well, I guess it's better to stay quiet and hope for the best!
Aug 17Reply
allie89 @nesvera yeah I think if ppl are unsure of authenticity and it was a "gift" sellers should always err on the side of caution and sell as replica bags. (It was a gift anyways so you're not really losing any money) Replica bags should not be sold because it reduces te value of the actual products by MK but if you are going to sell em they shouldn't be overpriced. Thank you for liking and I'm glad this is somewhat helpful for you😁😊
Aug 17Reply
linnealoree This makes me happy to see, especially since you know Michael Kors is my number one most sold brand.. And since you've purchased and gave me a good review..πŸ˜€ I am happy to see you helping fellow poshers the way I do with my prices, authenticity, and free name brand beauty gifts! I really do respect people like you. πŸ’—Linnea
Aug 21Reply
allie89 @linnealoree ☺☺☺ You know I ❀Michael Kors so I thought this was a way of showing my love πŸ’• and at the same time helping other girls that are so lost among all the replica bags and dishonest sellers. I'm glad there are sellers like you that are honest, with great prices and great service! So, thank YOU. πŸ˜πŸ’•πŸ˜ŠπŸŽ‰
Aug 21Reply
lilmscrys πŸ‘
Aug 23Reply
ashleysunshine @allie89 Agreed! This is a great tutorial in real vs. fake MK bags! Bravo! As a former employee with Tory Burch, I find it my duty to "police" and preserve the integrity of brands. It is not fun to fool the end it will catch up with you. Thanks for bringing the issue up! xo have a fabulous evening! : )
Aug 23Reply
allie89 thanks @ashleysunshine πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜€ πŸ’•!!!
Aug 23Reply
shop055 thx for taking time put together the list & share 🌷
Aug 24Reply
allie89 You're welcome @shop055 !!! Just trying to help my fellow poshers πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜πŸ’•πŸ˜€
Aug 24Reply
ac2010 @allie89 hi I really want a black mirror grayson , but the ones I have found have a gold lining on the inside . My friend said that particular purse would be considered a knock off , since authentic Grayson's are solid colors with the MK logo in he inside . Is this true?
Aug 24Reply
allie89 @ac2010 I did some research here on Posh, as I do not have the gold grayson. User "shopluxe" has the bag and it has authentic MK lining inside (two of my bags have this same lining), meanwhile user "boonette" has the same bag but lining is all gold inside and has actual mk store tag attached. I am not sure if there are two different versions of the bag (with different linings) I would stick with the mk lining inside that user "shopluxe" has because I know its authentic. I also believe tjmaxx is also selling the gold grayson and they sell all authentic so you could check there and make sure and then try to get a better price here on Posh, its $200+ at tjmaxx. I hope this helps.
Aug 24Reply
allie89 @ac2010 sorry I misread, thought you said gold grayson, and you meant black. But I think the same applies if your referring to the patent black grayson with the mk pattern outside. I believe this bag comes in silver, gold, bronze and black.
Aug 24Reply
allie89 @ac2010 check out user ceejayyem for an example of black authentic grayson😊
Aug 24Reply
ac2010 @allie89 victoriaisa has a MK handbag that I want but the inside is gold she says the bag is authentic but I am just unsure about it. This bag also fades really bad on the sides and if is a real MK I wouldn't think it would do that . I will take your advice and stick with the black lined grayson . Thanks for your help.
Aug 24Reply
allie89 @ac2010 I looked at the bag and it looks authentic, but I think you could get it for a better price anyways, I've seen them at $200 or $220. Check other closets, especially ones with previous sales or feedback and you'll feel more confident about your purchase!
Aug 24Reply
ac2010 @allie89 thanks so much for your help
Aug 24Reply
allie89 You're welcome @ac2010 !! Anytime πŸ˜πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•
Aug 24Reply
sinkerk Another good way to tell is almost all of the hardware on his bags have his name engraved into them. I.e. on the buckle on his totes one of the sides will have "Michael Kors" engraved into it. Or on the hole where the straps loop through it should have his named engraved.
Aug 25Reply
nusa74 Thanks
Aug 27Reply
nanniebella09 Wow, thanks for sharing!!! Very kind of u!!! 😘
Sep 01Reply
charmingdawn this is awesome! totally sharing on my page if you don't mind
Sep 02Reply
choni929 Great info! There are so many knock-offs floating around. Especially in NYC! I see at least 5 a day. It's getting so bad that I want to retire all my MK bags, but I love them way too much to do that.
Sep 02Reply
kimra Great post! THANK YOU!!
Sep 03Reply
tinalalinaa This is great! πŸ‘πŸ‘
Sep 03Reply
mimiyip Thanks for sharing ! I never thought there were so much inspired MK bags being listed / sold on Posh . It's truly unfair to those who are selling the authentic ones . This is very informative and I'm glad you pointed this out ! I hate dishonesty , just to want to grab a hold of your money . Nice closet by the way , cheers !
Sep 05Reply
kanyejoyner Every one should see thisπŸ‘ Nice post girl🌹
Sep 06Reply
redtozjen @allie89 - Aren't you a sweetheart for posting this? Thanks so much!
Sep 07Reply
ladesign @allie89 excellent post!!πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜‰
Sep 07Reply
nannagirls4 R u selling any purses
Sep 07Reply
allie89 @nannagirls4 not at the moment hun, but I will tag you if I post one of my bags for sale!
Sep 07Reply
nannagirls4 Ok thanks !!!!
Sep 08Reply
catjahnke64 One thing you didn't mention is that all authentic MK bags have a small plastic tab sewn into the lining that says "made in China with a serial # below it!! Sometimes they're hard to find -- you almost have to pull the lining out to look for it!!
Sep 08Reply
maggie_pie @allie89 this is such a great post! Thank you!
Sep 08Reply
mft915 May I use this love this is very helpful
Sep 08Reply
allie89 @mft915 sure, glad I could be of some help!
Sep 09Reply
thardyrn Thank you this is amazing
Sep 09Reply
wheels So true, thank you for this. I totally agree,.
Sep 09Reply
denarashid08 If u look my bag matches the REAL side so thanks
Sep 09Reply
chellirose Can I use this?!?
Sep 10Reply
annjo @julieanna i had also purchased a MK bag on here and it wasnt what the seller described in her post and i didn't accept the item and reported it to posh and requested a refund. It took them about 2 weeks b4 my refund was final. It was worth the wait. You will get it. It's a lot of dishonest people on here and it's sad that you can't trust people. I too have ran across some very honest people on here as well!
Sep 10Reply
chicbearsgirl Fabulous!!! Thank u!!! What about how the mk lines up on the exterior of the bag?! Does that make a difference?
Sep 10Reply
chicbearsgirl Is it okay if i put this on my page?
Sep 10Reply
allie89 @chicbearsgirl Sure 😊 I don't really know about the lining up of the mk's... I just posted what are the easiest things to tell just by looking at pics here on Posh 😁
Sep 10Reply
sunandsand2013 @allie89 Thanks so much for this post Alice!!
Sep 11Reply
traceylk Thx for this!! I want to send this to everyone that is trying to buy a real MK and they have no clue! I see it all the time and I just want to yell at these people scamming these poor young girls that really don't know!!
Sep 11Reply
scavoner This is so helpful! Your awesome!
Sep 12Reply
chicbirdie Thanks!!
Sep 17Reply
stolson64 @allie89, great info!! Thank you so much!! Sue
Sep 21Reply
khkdomer @allie89 Great post! Thank you!! πŸ‘πŸ‘
Sep 24Reply
allie89 @svinton ok just checked! I believe its authentic, I've seen that purse before in stores! I would request her a pic of the inside of the bag so you can both 1) see the condition of the bag inside and 2) see the inside lining and compare it with the pics I posted here. I'm pretty sure is authentic though πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Š
Sep 24Reply
allie89 @svinton hahahahaha!! I'm glad I can be of some help 😊!! I πŸ’•MK bags so I think of this as fun πŸ˜πŸŽ‰
Sep 24Reply
allie89 @lily_layne I don't really have much knowledge of LV bags, that's why I haven't made any... There's this website that has everything you need to know! It's called wikihow... If you google "lv authenticity" it'll show up :) I hope this can help you, I found it very useful!!!
Sep 27Reply
ner64450 You're awesome! πŸ˜‰
Sep 30Reply
cak1027 @allie89 thanks for the info, came in handyπŸ˜‡
Sep 30Reply
deemd14 @allie89 I won't even follow people or do business with those who try to pass these off. I know better and I feel bad for those who don't know and fall for it.
Oct 02Reply
smoreno2231 Thanks this helps with one that I want to purchase but was not sure. Great info.
Oct 05Reply
allie89 @mifashiongirl I checked my bags and I honestly could just find the tag on one of them!! And I looked everywhere!!! The one I found the tag for was from the past Spring collection and it said "Made in Vietnam" followed by a serial number. The tag was a small clear-ish rectangle. I checked online and its said MK started making their bags in China since 2008... But they might have also manufactured in other countries, they just moved it from US to lower costs. I honestly wouldn't say a bag is fake only by that, I would check other signs that are more obvious (materials, lining, logo, type of bag, tag, etc)
Oct 06Reply
allie89 @mifashiongirl you're welcome!! πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜πŸ’•
Oct 06Reply
allie89 @kikikuku i just saw the bag, it's authentic. The person that was saying is fake does not know what she's talking about... Replica bags don't have that lining... That lining is from 100% authentic bag. It bothers me when people do this without knowing first... Besides replica bags look nothing like yours!!
Oct 07Reply
pattyjune8 😍
Oct 07Reply
jeywest Thank you for posting! Not many websites will be so detailed!!
Oct 08Reply
nikkinikki54 Thank you this great info!!!
Oct 12Reply
creneelifestyle Inspired bags are actually illegal. :/ You can get $4,000 fines just for selling one!
Oct 13Reply
ahr1959 Thank you
Oct 17Reply
allybabie93 @mifashiongirl which one who owns it? Sorry I've just told so many people with MK bags to trade with me and thank you so much! 😘 Happy poshing!
Oct 17Reply
eunibug33 @kittycafe Helpful post! πŸ‘πŸ’•
Oct 18Reply
kittycafetoo @meunice33 Thanks. I looked online to try to figure it out as well. I'm still questioning the authenticity though because, although everything matches up to be "real", the interior is my concern. It's unlike any of these listed and I couldn't find anything about it on-line either. I've never been a fan of MK purses (I prefer the clothing line) so I don't have one to compare it to either. I looked up the going rate for amazing "inspired" MK purses and they can go upward to $300! I'm going to lower the price on mine just in case. But honestly, if it turns out to be authentic then whoever buys it will make out like a bandit. LOL.
Oct 18Reply
allie89 @mifashiongirl I think it's authentic, but I can't say I'm sure 100%... I haven't seen that one that much and I don't own it. I know it's a monogram jet set.... I googled it and found a fake one online on a website called mk discount or something like that ( you can find it if you look at google images) and it looks nothing like the one you tagged me in! The monograms were not even aligned and were kind of weird. This one looks legit to me though.
Oct 19Reply
allie89 You know u always welcome @mifashiongirl :) I don't mind trying to help πŸ˜›
Oct 19Reply
1kbm Great info. Thanks for sharing!!!
Oct 19Reply
edithjones Hi, do you know anything about a tag sewn on the inside of MKs relating to the authenticity?
Oct 20Reply
allie89 @edithjones hi! Someone asked me a couple of weeks ago and I checked my bags and was only able to find a tag in one of them. I found a clear tag that said "maid in Vietnam" followed by numbers... I don't really think that the tags are much help to determine authenticity... I couldn't find tags on most of my bags and they are authentic. I hope this helps :)
Oct 20Reply
edithjones Yes, thank you! My niece bought one from Macy's & the tag sewn in says China with a few numbers. So hard to tell these days...
Oct 20Reply
knikolnolan I love you for this! I tend to comment on listings that I are are inspired to let others know. It doesn't go over too well πŸ˜•. Thank you for taking your time to post this!
Oct 22Reply
allie89 @chubbychix13 sure, where should I look? :)
Oct 23Reply
vinsam @jennyb7611. I just read this tonight 😊
Oct 23Reply
allie89 @chubbychix13 I saw all three of them! They are all authentic πŸ˜„! I've seen all those bags in-stores (so they actually exist, they are not a made up design) and they have the authentic mk lining inside (which is usually the easiest way to tell if an mk is real or not) I hope this was helpful! Enjoy your awesome bags πŸ’“πŸ˜
Oct 23Reply
vinsam @jennyb7611 😘😘😘
Oct 23Reply
iranbh Gracias por compartir , excelente InformaciΓ³n
Oct 24Reply
linnievee @allie89 I love when people post things like this! I am learning so much...thanks.
Oct 26Reply
allie89 You're welcome @linnievee glad that I can be of some help!! πŸ˜„
Oct 26Reply
maxedout Thx for this type listing:) I wish there were more for other higher end bags too so ppl could buy safely;)
Oct 28Reply
incognito13 thank you @allie89 , sometimes my daughter gives me bags ( always perfect condition ) but I don't know enough about the big names and how to tell of they are authentic or fakes! Posts like these really help!
Oct 28Reply
jessicaszoke Yeah these listing are cool!
Nov 06Reply
jessicaszoke @mifashiongirl someone just bought that fake bag and I feel bad :/ I warned someone else but was too late for the other girl
Nov 06Reply
jessicaszoke @mifashiongirl I'm not sure she got it yet but she also has no listings but I don't think she will listen anyways because 3 people changed their mind because of its authenticity but she still got it :/ I hope she reports her
Nov 06Reply
unlaced @raeann1210 here for you mom lol
Nov 14Reply
closet_finds Very good. I agree. πŸ™‹πŸ™‹πŸ™‹πŸ™‹πŸ™‹
Nov 17Reply
elli3226 @allie89 thanks for the information sometimes I wander about these because I can't tell the difference so thank you!!!
Nov 17Reply
allie89 @elli3226 glad I can help πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Š!
Nov 17Reply
eburkett LOVE this! I think ALL replicas should be banned from PM. I also think ppl that sell men's clothes and children's clothes should be banned. If you can't follow the rules you should not be allowed!!! Other than report people who miserably fail to follow the rules... What else can ya do?
Nov 18Reply
allie89 @eburkett I agree!!! .. Replicas are tacky and ugly.... and browsing thru a closet that has really nice things and a bunch of baby stuff in between every listing is annoying and time consuming 😭😭
Nov 19Reply
eburkett So true! I use posh to save time and act as a filter... Hate when ppl detract from the effectiveness of this awesome app! Your closet is stellar by the way!!!!
Nov 19Reply
allie89 Thank you @eburkett πŸ˜πŸ’•!!! Yeah, I love Posh too... Especially when I'm looking for something specific I just search it and it's there hahaha 😻
Nov 19Reply
bohobeauty97 Why would tho tag me @milfafashiongirl
Nov 29Reply
bohobeauty97 Why would u tag me @mifashiongirl
Nov 29Reply
bohobeauty97 @Mifashiongirl thank you so much for looking out for me
Nov 29Reply
anniefiggy Great info ....thank you....I love MK, especially the jewelry and watches....think I've seen a few inspired watches being sold as authentic.....going to save this post!
Dec 08Reply
shopmyassoff THANK YOU
Dec 13Reply
marinavivar Omg I need to check my moms she just bought two she so gullible I love her though lol πŸ™€πŸ˜ΈπŸ˜ΈπŸ˜ΈπŸ˜ΉπŸ˜ΉπŸ˜Ή
Dec 15Reply
ltilley Hi I was wondering if I tagged you in a listing for an MK bag I'm seriously considering if you could tell me if you think it's authentic?
Dec 27Reply
allie89 @ltilley sure, no problem! :)
Dec 27Reply
allie89 @ltilley yes, it's authentic!! :) MK makes the Hamilton bag in two styles, the one with the lock and the one with the name in the rectangle. I believe these ones are only available at the outlet stores. If you google "quilted Hamilton bag" you'll see it! You could also ask her to post a pic of the price tag and the inside of the bag so you make sure it's clean and everything. It's a really nice bag!
Dec 27Reply
ltilley Yes I did ask for additional pics of the inside. I thought it looked authentic as well I just wanted a second opinion thank you so much! Looks like it'll be my Christmas gift to me from me ;)
Dec 27Reply
choni929 I had to share this! I just put up 2 bags for sale, and I cannot believe how many bags I'm seeing listed that people are trying to pass off as authentic. This posting is a MUST see!
Dec 30Reply
sweetiemarie75 Thank you πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
Jan 01Reply
xvboutique @allie89 , I'm unable to tag you but someone listed a men's MK wallet I was interested in purchasing but not sure if its authentic or replica. I've checked the official site but only one color in black is available - no brown. How can you tell if they're authentic or not? Your help is greatly appreciated, thanks!
Jan 03Reply
allie89 @xvboutique I really don't know much about mens wallets, but I've seen them on both black and brown and usually have "Michael Kors" written on the bottom left corner and come in a cream colored box. If you google "mens michael kors wallet" a bunch come up and maybe that will help you compare with the one here on Posh. Hope that helps a bit!! :)
Jan 03Reply
andreiaf11 Certain things you just don't buy from here like Gucci, fendi, LV or on that scale leave those purchases for your department stores but if you must buy good luck with that or be careful I'm selling authentic bags but folks have gotten wronged or been hit with a scam I think that's why I haven't really sold any but there are some honest folks out here but trust me I ran into a few bad apples on here as well!!! Good luck
Jan 04Reply
andreiaf11 But all in all great info for folks who don't know how to spot the fakes!!!
Jan 04Reply
katz2 @allie89 Thank! I just found this in your closet. Superb info. I do not own any MK bags, but have seen a lot on here. This truly helps.😘
Jan 05Reply
katz2 @jrtharcrow Here is good info for you.
Jan 05Reply
lanirichmond @lilyle helpful tips πŸ‘
Jan 10Reply
michie1438 @christy84 thanks but I already know about this post. I'm one of the first people to comment. Thank u for looking out!..
Jan 12Reply
allie89 @mifashiongirl that bag you tagged me in looks fake to me... The lining inside is not the one Hamiltons have and the material doesn't look like leather... Also the color looks lighter than the actual one... @michie1438 Google "monogram Hamilton" and compare it, let me know what you think, but I wouldn't buy because something seems off to me...
Jan 12Reply
michie1438 @allie89 hey thanks but her bag is authentic. It's the Hamilton perforated leather logo tote. Here's the link to check it out.
Jan 12Reply
allie89 @michie1438 Yes, I saw it... I'm not 100% sure because I haven't seen this bag that much. Usually fakes are more obvious like they have a plastic on, the lining is a darker color... I looked at it again and the dust bag is authentic, so it might be but I can't say 100%... I've seen so many of the fakes with the perforated design that I'm usually very cautious with those
Jan 12Reply
michie1438 @allie89 so far my dealings with them from what I can see that one is authentic. That's why I told her to take a pic of the tag.
Jan 12Reply
allie89 @michie1438 that's the best way to go, if she has a pic of the tag, you're all set!
Jan 12Reply
michie1438 @allie89 thank u for ur help!.. It is better to be safe than sorry! Luckily posh will reimburse us if we do buy fakes.
Jan 12Reply
allie89 @michie1438 yeah I know! I'm so paranoid lately because there's a lot of scammers selling fakes for $200 and people actually buy them... It's so sad and unfair... But I think Poshmark is taking care of reimbursements which can give everyone some piece of mind :)
Jan 12Reply
michie1438 @allie89 I totally understand. I don't know what makes people go so low and lie. I can't stand liars. I'm so honest it's painful. Lol. I say I'm not mean, I'm honest. Happy poshing!..
Jan 12Reply
longtimeposher @allie89 @dianet06 I learned on here that MK does have serial numbers. It's not like Coach though. It's a very tiny tag on the inside seam towards the bottom. It's usually a clear label with numbers. Hope this helps.
Jan 13Reply
angiemangum Thx.alot
Jan 13Reply
thriftadventure This is so awesome!! Thanks for posting this! We need one of these for Kate Spade and Tory Burch, too! So many people on here scam others and it is so sad :(
Jan 17Reply
ac2010 @allie89 I was wondering if you have any info on a real versus fake large MK black mirror grayson? It has all the details of a authentic MK but the interior is solid gold, whereas newer mirror Grayson's are black or silver( depending on the color of the bag) with the small circular enclosed MK I'd like you would see in the Selma's or the Cynthia's. Really unsure if it's the real deal. I got it as a gift.
Jan 20Reply
ac2010 @allie89 the posher victoriaisa has the MK I have.
Jan 20Reply
allie89 @ac2010 yes! Ive seen those grayson with the gold lining inside :) they are authentic, I've actually seen them in stores (tjmaxx, loehmanns) and they don't sell fakes... I've seen that only in the gold (shiny) colored graysons, I'm pretty sure it's all good πŸ‘πŸ‘
Jan 20Reply
mamatasha Amazing!!! Thank you so much for this!
Jan 25Reply
marly911 @frantastic2010 thanks will check it out
Jan 28Reply
secret_luxuries Is there anything to be looking for when looking for a travel jet set tote? Considering there's no actual fabric or print on the inside to make it a dead giveaway.
Feb 03Reply
allie89 @secret_luxuries what I've seen in the fake jet sets is usually the "Michael Kors" on the outside is not straight, the letters are kind of crooked and usually the font is different from real ones. Also some have a fake monogram lining, while real jet sets dont have any. I have also seen the handles of the bags covered with plastic (yes people actually leave those on for the pictures 😳) and MK bags never come with plastic covers, usually just tissue and dustbag inside. Thats mostly what I've seen thats a red flag, especially on Jet Sets.
Feb 03Reply
allie89 @youngbabs0 the bag you say you're looking for in your closet its not authentic :( I'm tagging u here so you can read my post! Hope this helps :)
Feb 10Reply
youngbabs0 :(((((( wahhhhh, would there be an authentic one that just has the different logo? usually replicas are made from the same design as an authentic bag.
Feb 10Reply
allie89 @youngbabs0 I've never seen any like that or that color 😞 but I'll be on the lookout πŸ˜‰
Feb 10Reply
katz2 @silvasarah Sarah check this out.
Feb 10Reply
silvasarah @allie89 thank you for this. I'm looking to buy my first MK soon, I only know Dooney. I can't afford MK really, but would just love one signature tote :) and for not knowing anything about them, this is appreciated!
Feb 11Reply
meliabonce Thank you so much for Sharing my closet! *Shared back* :-)
Feb 15Reply
lachichi @allie89 Thank you sooo much for this post and keeping us informed!
Feb 18Reply
exxpensive__ This was a wonderful post!! Thank you so much!! People selling knock offs for the real price isn't fair. These were great tips!!! Knock offs suck! πŸ‘Ž
Feb 21Reply
dimot Wow. Thank you! I'm keeping this to reference. I do t mind inspired. But like you said. It's maddening and sad when someone tries to slip one in. Thanks! And super rad closet btw. πŸ’•πŸ˜˜
Feb 25Reply
allie89 Thank you @dimot πŸ˜πŸ˜„!!!
Feb 25Reply
michellejayde @agauth79 thank so much for posting this! βŒβ­•βŒβ­•
Feb 28Reply
cbcortes13 I can't even begin to explain how much I hate replica handbags. It's against the law and Posh rules and no one cares . And Posh doesn't do anything about it!! I have reported so many people numerous times and they simply go unpunished! I have even posted lists of rule breakers on their FB. The people who run Posh just don't care. That's why I don't buy ANY designer handbag (coach, MK, LV...) on here or anywhere but the actual retailers. Much safer that way. People nowadays are terrible and will hopefully get what they deserve in the end!!
Mar 04Reply
hfboutique Great post! Been looking for the Michael Kors Selma on here and there are so many fakes. I have owned two Michael Kors handbags and I am actually selling one of my older ones, but I didnt know all these tips n tricks. I can definitely spot the fake MK circle logo ones but the others are great tips!
Mar 18Reply
gurfer @allie89 Good ideaπŸ™
Mar 21Reply
gayleg @allie89 🌺 Thanks for the Share! Also thanks for the info, last year I bought a MK bag here on Posh was told it was authentic, and I did not realize that it was a knock off until a sales person at coach pointed it out to me and I paid $165. You've done a great service to ladies like me who don't know any better, Thanks 😘
Mar 30Reply
anig1199 πŸ‘
Mar 30Reply
snoopyluver516 thank you so much for posting this!!!!!!!!!!!! More people should read this :) Its such a shame that people have inspired MK's listed for such high prices and then when you tell someone its not real they get defensive against you. Its crazy. But thanks again for this post :) oh and authentic MK bags do have date codes well some older ones dont and are still authentic but the newer ones actually have a tab on the inner lining with a letter and 4 numbers after it. I read about the date codes awhile ago and had to check for proof of it against my MK bag I purchased from MK last year and it in fact has the tab. :)
Apr 04Reply
fccandles @britta21 here you go😊
Apr 07Reply
msanderson28 Cool. I work in retail part time and I hate when people on PM misrepresent items. I thought about making something similar to this to show the differences between retail and factory items. Way to go!
Apr 08Reply
grammiesstore Buying and selling designer replica merchandise on Poshmark is not fine. "Inspired" is a frosting covered term for an inferior knock off made to gain profit on the reputation of a quality high end name and is not permitted on this website. Inspired, fake, merchandise is illegal merchandise. Poshmark requests that these listings be reported by way of the icon in the upper right hand corner of the listing, as designer replicas. Otherwise, great information. Thank you for posting.
Apr 11Reply
katz2 @stephaniamaria Hope this helps.
Apr 13Reply
eliteapplause @allie89 Thanks so much! This is why we need suggested users.
Apr 16Reply
lovemymks2 @pennylady hope this help otherwise you can ask this beautiful posher @allie89 to help you out .. She is just pathetic !!!
Apr 16Reply
pennylady Watch out ladies , I think potency1908 is a scam as well , I mean who let's u pay out a 300 purse for 60.00 down on pp ...
Apr 16Reply
marly911 @angelleoni πŸ‘†πŸ‘†
Apr 24Reply
angelleoni Hi can you authenticate the MK bag in steph_salas closet? The red one ThankYou! @marly911
Apr 24Reply
allie89 @angelleoni I checked her closet she has two MK bags that she sold, the black one is authentic, but the red one I'm not sure because 1) I've never seen that style before 2) The lining looks like the one used in inspired bags... Usually they have 3 types of lining: the one with the small MK's, the ones that say "Kors" and ones that don't have monograms at all.
Apr 24Reply
angelleoni ThankYou! I thought the same thing!
Apr 24Reply
ashinu27 Great info. Thanks for the share and you have a really nice closet. I wish we had a "favorites" option . Lol
May 03Reply
lakeforest @allie89 thanks for commenting on this! It's so not fair when sellers on PM try to sell an obviously faux/inspired bag of a major label and then ask for an amount that's close to what one would pay for the real thing!
May 17Reply
maralonso22 Thank you for posting this I think that this would really help buyers. Feel free to browse my closet 😊
Jun 26Reply
luvbucs28 Ty , very useful , I just purchased a fake MK watch , but Poshmark support was very good about making things right 😘β™₯️😘t
Aug 10Reply
lovemymks2 @jendixon16 this might help you .. You didn't ask, but I wanted to buy it then saw it and wasn't interested anymore . Each one of us I entitled to their own opinion ..
Aug 19Reply
msimperfeckt That really sucks bc the tags even have the name and stuff too sigh. I hate that people even make replicas... It's so bad. They have no originality and can't come up with their own logo. So sad.
Aug 21Reply
ltilley @nikkie56 since you're looking into MK bags you should take a look at this so you don't get scammed
Aug 23Reply
zheny @allie89 thank u for sharingπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ hope those seller who sells fake and claim there item real feel guiltyπŸ™…
Aug 24Reply
pockets_full πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜œ
Sep 09Reply
marly911 @sarajane πŸ‘†πŸ‘†
Sep 10Reply
tamaroda Good to know!
Sep 13Reply
toryshop @allie89 Allie, THANK YOU!! I wish others out there realized there is SO MUCH of the FAKES out there being passed off as the real deal/ your right too, if someone is selling something that is inspired, or if they flat out state that it isn't real designer just a copy, I think that's great too/ because some of us want the real deal but just can't afford it right now!!! There's room for those items out there too and there's nothing wrong with that it's just when they try and pass and inspired item off as the real deal that's what MAKES ME ANGRY/ and sadly I see it all over/ and not just on this site/ but on all the sites/ out there!!! FAUX IS FINE/ BUT SAY IT IS FAUX / and DON'T CHARGE LIKE IT IS THE REAL DESIGNER!!! THERE IS ROOM AND NEED FOR ALL/ JUST GET HONEST/AND JUST CHARGE HONEST!! Sincerely thanking you!!! toryshop
Sep 13Reply
queenmab236 Hi Allie, I have recently been given a Michael Kors bag and really want to know if it's authentic but am not sure what to check. Maybe you can help? Please😘.
Sep 21Reply
allie89 @queenmab236 sure!! Just tag me in a pic of the bag and I'll try to help :D
Sep 21Reply
obeast @allie89 πŸƒβ™₯️thanks so much 4 sharing this info! That is the very reason I have bought my beloved MK bag here on POSHMARK, I didn't know how 2 spot the fakes! Now armed w/ ur info I feel more confident n buying... Keeping it n my LIKES & also SHARING! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜˜πŸ‘Š
Sep 30Reply
cesssy Thanks!
Oct 02Reply
wisprynwardrobe @allie89 this is great to know! My mom just bought a michael kors bag its beautiful but she was nervous it wasnt authentic. It is though! Thank you!
Oct 06Reply
scootersbabe thanks for the out scammers...we are getting schooled ;-) xo happy poshing
Oct 16Reply
jpinos @allie89 πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Oct 26Reply
theclosetcase @allie89 ~ Looking at Vuitton bags, I noticed there are a lot of inspired or replica bags on this site. One seller was asked repeatedly if the bag was authentic and then proceeded to dance around the question without ever saying yes or no. If you're selling it, own it. And is you listed it for 35.00, it is a counterfeit bag.
Oct 27Reply
swtla313 @allie89 YES!!! THANK YOU people need to be aware of this. You should do LV too!πŸ‘πŸ‘
Nov 13Reply
marly911 @frantastic2010 😜😜
Nov 22Reply
jbabycan69 theres also a sure tell if the bag does not have the small tag on the inside side of the bag towards the bottom is is fake. all real mk bags have them just like an id number I hate when ppl try to charge 100-200 for a fake bag!!!
Dec 07Reply
allie89 @jbabycan69 I know!! it's ridiculous! you can actually get an authentic MK bag for $150-$200 at TJ Maxx... People try to sell fakes for that price and sadly some people buy them :(
Dec 07Reply
keg90 @courtneyhaller read this it is very helpful 😊 Also FYI it is against posh rules to sell non authentic ~ hope this helps ( there is also the posh community FAQ'S for you if that helps...
Dec 09Reply
courtneyhaller Thanks @keg90 but I'm not selling any replicas i think u got my pic of fake MK that is not for sale confused it's up there for others to see that it is a replica πŸ˜‚ I know the differences between real and fake MK now coach and so on im clueless lol but I definitely know MKπŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ‘πŸ‘ Ty though πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘
Dec 09Reply
keg90 @courtneyhaller oh no, please don't get me wrong - I was not accusing you of selling anything fake ( just wanted to be sure you were aware ... I just thought this would be helpful. As far as Coach, it how the material matches up, & the creed inside ... You can go to a site &look it up.
Dec 09Reply
lovemymks2 @sagerube she has help me a lot and not only me :))
Dec 27Reply
sparkymcghee Thank you. I am liking this to refer to it when needed!
Jan 03Reply
marcybin @allie89 thanks so much good information.
Jan 09Reply
katie_comfort @allie89 Curious if you know if MK Hamiltons always have a key to go with the lock or no? I was suspicious of a buyer because she said there was no key, and the lock was just for "looks". Thanks!
Jan 11Reply
allie89 @katie_comfort yes!! They do come with a key, I'm not sure if the key actually works with the lock, but there is a cute key with the MK logo hanging from the bag. It should come with the bag unless the person lost it.
Jan 11Reply
datsun72 I made this mistake , I paid $39.99 for a wallet thinking it was MK. So now I gave a FAKE MK wallet.
Jan 23Reply
emilykelley1562 Love thisπŸ‘
Jan 24Reply
keg90 @renitac1123 good info & great closet to follow!
Jan 25Reply
moviecloset πŸ˜‰thanks
Jan 30Reply
danystormborn @allie89 hi! I just wanted to thank you for being one of my best and most consistant share buddies! I don't think I can remember even a single time that you didn't share back after I shared from you, haha! So thank you, for being one of the awesome Poshers that makes this place so fun and addicting! πŸ‘πŸ’žπŸ˜˜
Feb 16Reply
danystormborn Also I was going to post this on your "about me" but it had reached the max number of comments, and I didn't want to post it on one of your listings haha!
Feb 16Reply
allie89 @danystormborn Awww you're so welcome!! I love sharing back! Thank you for sharing my listings!! Hahaha someone told me about the about me section, I have to make a new one so people can leave comments!!! Again thanx so much!! πŸ’•πŸ˜˜
Feb 16Reply
danystormborn @allie89 you're so welcome! Plus your closet is so cute! It's always more fun to share cuter items!
Feb 16Reply
mvankoot Hi girl. Can you check the closet @randresh I don't want to be scammed, I'm so vulnerable!!Thanks so much! Xoxo
Feb 18Reply
randresh Thanks for do this, great idea, I sale MK realones πŸ˜‰
Feb 18Reply
mrsfalette Thanks!
Feb 20Reply
courtneybelcher @sarajane Ahhh! Thank you thank you thank you! This is so helpful!!!! I think it's definitely real!
Feb 21Reply
courtneybelcher @sarajane Thank you so much!!! 😘
Feb 21Reply
mandapanda83 TY for posting this!! I've seen a lot of listings about Coach, but never Michael!! I was surprised to know these!! I want an MK bag so badly; but can't afford them..πŸ˜ͺπŸ˜ͺπŸ˜ͺ
Feb 23Reply
badromance76 Know anything about coach stuff or Chanel wallets /purses?! Any help much appreciated!
Mar 27Reply
allie89 @badromance76 sorry, I just know about Michael Kors bags :'(
Mar 27Reply
bcaso This is great. People don't always know what they're buying! Sometimes they're not "educated" in the field, because they've never owned one before. There should be more listings like this for people! #behonest #bereal
Mar 27Reply
allie89 @lm_style sorry just Michael Kors right now, if I post anything else I'll tag you! :)
Apr 17Reply
nancyfsingh I see so many fakes and I report them . Some one had a whole site of Fake LV 's I reported it and now the site is down. I'm keeping watch to see if she pops up elsewhere.
Apr 18Reply
lauraaabigail πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ thank you!
Apr 28Reply
lv74 @allie89 thank you for the valuable information. ;-)
May 05Reply
crissygarcia84 Thanks for this very helpful information!!! I'm looking to hopefully buy my first MK, but I cant afford to get one new, I just don't want to get scammed, so this listing really helps....
Jun 23Reply
tonistwinkles @allie89 Great info! I've been very hesitant to buy one on Posh bc I'm afraid of Fakes. Mind if I "borrow" these photos? Great idea! πŸ’œ
Jun 30Reply
allie89 @twinkletoestoni not at all! Glad I can help!! πŸ’•πŸ˜Š
Jun 30Reply
rodrigai This is awesome. Thank you for sharing πŸ‘πŸ½
Jul 06Reply
sokreations @sharon37 please share with followers
Jul 14Reply
sokreations Thanks,this,good to,know sharing with followers
Jul 14Reply
evedom Thanks!
Jul 15Reply
tinashields0528 @allie89 Now I am questioning the one I have. πŸ˜’
Jul 22Reply
96jenn Can u help me look at madisonwest closet if her selma is real or fake? @allie89 cus its listed at only 180$
Aug 07Reply
allie89 @96jenn yes it looks authentic to me :) I will tag you in another one I found so you can compare, they both look pretty much the same and authentic
Aug 07Reply
leilasayedzada @aliciad11 it is by all means a replica there is no Michael Kors that is real with the plastic circle on it. just trying to help you cannot sell replicas on posh
Aug 21Reply
blandw πŸ’ Shared. Have a super fantastic day!πŸ’
Aug 26Reply
mapleseed @allie89 I understand what you mean...on bags...clothes are just as bad...I don't like it when they don't give you clear answer if it is authentic or not...or when people don't list the brands...i just want to know what I'm paying for. I seen Gucci dresses and Prada that they give vague answers to.
Aug 30Reply
allie89 @mapleseed I know what you mean, I've seen it too :( They say things like "it's obvious", or "look at price" or "very good quality" all to avoid saying that is not authentic. It's sad because for some it's just very confusing... I wish everyone could just be honest and didn't try to fool people :(
Aug 30Reply
curlybaybae Oh my gosh...if I hadn't seen this, I would not have known the difference...thanks so much for sharing!!
Sep 16Reply
maureen888 Can I tag you in a MK listing? I'm not familiar with MK and want to jump on a bag but want to be sure. 😁
Sep 18Reply
allie89 @maureen888 hi!!!! Yes it's authentic! You can google it if you want to see it, it's "MK Jet Set Gathered Tote" in Navy/White. Really pretty! πŸ’•
Sep 18Reply
maureen888 Thank you! You are amazing!
Sep 18Reply
alabeljunkie Also depends on the age of the bag since the monograms have changes. My older MK doesn't have any monogram on the inside nor does the dust bag look like that but it came from MK in San Francisco. So it depends on the age of the bag. Vintage bags look different but still be careful!
Oct 29Reply
paigeybaby14 THIS ROCKS! we need more poshers like you!πŸ˜ŠπŸ’“πŸ’“
Nov 03Reply
lizzie0105 Great info! Thank you!!!
Nov 09Reply
Nov 11Reply
bree__baby 😭😭😭
Nov 12Reply
hollybme123 I never would have known if you wouldn't have posted this. I am now going to go thru my bags and make sure they are real. Thank you soooooooooo much for doing this.
Dec 04Reply
loulou5120 @allie89 it would be great if you could do the same for a Louis Viton and Coach bag
Dec 17Reply
ksabon Thanks so much! This is really helpful. ❀️
Dec 22Reply
allie89 @haivyndaisy the bag you commented on earlier today is fake
Dec 29Reply
haivyndaisy Oh no that would've sucked. Thank you!
Dec 29Reply
allie89 @haivyndaisy no problem! That bag is a replica of the MK Cindy crossbody just in case you want to find another one :)
Dec 29Reply
jackiez8 Question about your last photo showing the tags... What are you pointing out? Some outlet/TJ Maxx bags say "jet set ITEM" and are totally authentic. Confused on that.
Dec 30Reply
allie89 @jackiez8 I'm pointing out that the font and the color on the tag is completely off. The font in the right is skinnier and in orange, which are not the real Michael Kors font and color.
Dec 30Reply
jackiez8 @allie89 thought so, great info!!!! Thanks love!!
Dec 30Reply
yogiscloset_ Thank youπŸ™ pretty sure I bought a fake iPhone cover / wallet!
Jan 06Reply
handbags4ever Thank you!!!
Jan 10Reply
emilyhmunn @allie89 great post, sometimes is so hard for me to tell with MK bags. These are great tips.
Jan 21Reply
allie89 @unique622 so sorry to hear that :( It makes me so sad when people try to take advantage of others πŸ˜”πŸ˜‘
Feb 01Reply
astrum03 @aparsons15 this is helpful!
Mar 29Reply
zatara17 Thank you for helping everyone out! I've almost been fooled a couple of times! They fake ones when photographed sneakily can trick you! 😍 You're an angel! πŸ’•
May 11Reply
hazelandhope Thank you so much!
Jul 07Reply
lilvespa @allie89 Thank you for sharing that πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ
Jul 18Reply
aesramble @cciciotti !!!! πŸ‘†πŸΌπŸ‘†πŸΌπŸ‘†πŸΌπŸ‘†πŸΌ
Jul 28Reply
emmax94 this is awesome!!!
Aug 29Reply
dear_rachel Just to add: Outlet MK and lifestyle (actual MK store) have different plaques too. For instance a Hamilton will have a lock from lifestyle and a rounded square from outlet. Both are still authentic. I used to work at MK lifestyle so all of my closet is authentic :)
Sep 29Reply
qutecloset Thank you!!! You're a doll. πŸ’• really helpful to new Poshers like me who might get sucked in too enthusiastically
Oct 18Reply
jmv1984 Thank you for the valuable info!
Nov 02Reply
sincerelysusan @allie89 Hi Allie! This MK 'real' vs 'fake' is great! Do you mind if I share with my followers? Thanks, and have a wonderful evening.
Nov 02Reply
allie89 @sincerelysusan don't mind at all! :)
Nov 02Reply
allie89 @chloejoy15 Here's my MK listing just in case you ever need it :) Thanks Maureen, @maureen888 I don't consider myself an "expert" hahaha, but I like to help others not get ripped off. I have seen a lot of people trying to pass fake bags as real ☹️
Jan 18Reply
chloejoy15 @maureen888 -- you two are great! Wish I was in the market for a bag right now 😬 I have 4 little ones and my purse serves as a diaper bag half the time πŸ˜‚ but pretty soon mama is getting her own stuff!!
Jan 18Reply
itslove Such a doll for posting this- always a great Poshinista looking out! It's a shame that you even had to do this- let's all keep PM a fun, honest, and trustworthy place to shop!
Feb 08Reply
sewerrats1 Thanks for sharing ! 😘
Feb 10Reply
cristymc Oh shoot, i just bought two.. they told me they were authentic but i really don't know cus its my first ones i have
Mar 14Reply
beverleeperry ✌️
Apr 03Reply
bulldogmedic60 Can you post something similar for the MK watches? And thanks for posting this ! Who ever tries to sell knock off brand name items should be banned from this site !
Apr 09Reply
jsawyer089 Love this πŸ’— πŸ‘›
Aug 09Reply

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