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I work HARD for the things I have,& I was trading because its a fun cheaper way to get new things,but being scammed is the shittiest thing that's happened to me now 3 times..the first time I sent a girl over 300$ worth of clothes..& got a box with tissue paper,and this week I got scammed twice!! thank god I work for the Sherriffs dep and know how to take things to a criminal level. It's STEALING people! You will get fined if the person it takes that far..(which I do) be honest people Jeeze!!!!!

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The first girl I pressed charges on for stealing got fined 200$!!!! (The she did HAVE to pay) is it really worth it ladies? I don't think so! This. Site is suppost to be fun!! But now I don't even know if I want to keep my account, I just wasn't raised that way and could never do that to someone
Aug 04Reply

(That she did have to pay) ^^
Aug 04Reply

@kristinchambers I know it sucks ! Obv there's awesome traders like you that I adore ! But the shitty people suck! Lol
Aug 04Reply

I'm sooo sorry that happened :(
Aug 04Reply

Aug 04Reply

Omg! I ant believe that happened!! I would be SO pissed if I'm expecting cute clothes and all there is, is tissue paper... Did you ever get your stuff back? Or did she get to keep it?!
Aug 04Reply

@car_lay no I never got my stuff !:( but I did press charges & they are still pending
Aug 04Reply

Well good thing you did.. Save some trouble for the next girl, maybe next time that girl will think before she does that
Aug 04Reply

@carleybuning Karmas a bitch.. Hers will come around ! I just thank god for my job & I knew how to go about pressing charges on her even though we are in different states ! 😊
Aug 04Reply

@car_lay I so wish u liked something of mine so WE (good people) could trade haha
Aug 04Reply

@shananicole scammer !
Aug 05Reply

@kacieriebman @car_lay ladies @shananicole is one of the scaaaammmmerrrrrs who scammed me this week lol.. Her name was shanas closet and now it's ambers !!!! She blocked me and won't answer my emails .. Guess she's another one I'm pressing charges on.. & she lives in the same state which makes it easier !
Aug 05Reply

@mimimc1 shananicole is a scammer!!!! Beware
Aug 05Reply

I am so sorry you have gotten scammed. I have gotten lucky with trades and received my stuff so far. That is an awful thing to have to go thru and I'm sorry that it keeps happening to u = (
Aug 05Reply

Omg...shananicole got me for only $20. I reported her to PayPal and Posh...PRESS charges against her...she deserves it. I see her scamming others. Her phone number is 315-651-0880. Her name is Shana Barto. I sent her money through PayPal that is why I have her phone number. I am also blocked. I texted her and told her $20 must mean allot for her to scam me. Keep me posted if you do sue her. Thanks.
Aug 05Reply

@jenna0312 ⬆⬆
Aug 05Reply

@maitai87 Thanks, but I guess she already got me to!! I'm going to the poshmark Facebook page to see what I can do to get her blocked!!!!! It's sad that you can not trust people any more!! But it is what it is I guess!!! I'm gonna shut my closet down after I get the deals I have going now done anyway, no one wants to buy anything and its just a headache!! I will just keep the app and buy things if I find something!! Thanks for all the heads up!!! But I mailed her stuff out a week ago, if not longer, but we used shipping on here!!!
Aug 05Reply

@jenna0312 just called the Sherriffs department in Jacksonville and filed a theft report... @shananicole your in trouble dear !
Aug 05Reply

@jenna0312 & Ty for her phone number that helped a lot.. And I see on her page she's saying she was scammed?!?! Hahaha that's why she blocked all of us .. Dumb ass she won't get away with this
Aug 05Reply

I have been asking other people on her page if they received their stuff, so far only one other person responded and she said all her stuff was fine!!
Aug 05Reply

@jenna0312 lol I guess she just recently decided to start scamming people and now she is going to close her closet..bc she was "scammed" she's pathetic
Aug 05Reply

@jenna0312 look at her page she's deleting her posts lol
Aug 05Reply

I got on my daughters posh account and wrote stuff on every one of her posts!!!! She will probably just start a new one!!!
Aug 05Reply

@shananicole Haha you can't delete the sold items, can you!! Stupid bitch!!!!!!
Aug 05Reply

I know the one shirt was a kardashian shirt, she will probably start a new closet! I will search for it in a few to see!!
Aug 05Reply

And she lives in Florida with you!! Good, maybe something will actually be done!!!
Aug 05Reply

@jenna0312 omg she just posted a scammer pic! Lol
Aug 05Reply

Will you email me her address and the number for the sherif dept down there??? I will call also!! Jenniferdyanlangley@gmail.com, thank you!!
Aug 05Reply

Another girl just sent her a message for me too!! She told her to just send me my stuff!!! Lol!! She's a dumbass for sure!!
Aug 05Reply

@mel03 Did you receive your item from @shananicole????
Aug 05Reply

@9336 Hey sugar, did you receive your item from @shananicole?? She has scammed a few people, and I was just wondering if you are one of us!! Thanks!!
Aug 05Reply

@mlopez712 haha I see what she said to you wow.. She's a fucking bitch. " those bitched things were let being sent out bc I got a new job"? Yeah right..that's why she blocked all of us and won't answer on here her email or her phone.. Dumbass
Aug 05Reply

@missamyxox she's a loser you have to check out what I wrote back to her! I reported her and blocked her now I'm posting her closet in mine to warn all other users to NEVER DUE BUSINESS WITH THIS GIRL!!!
Aug 05Reply

I reported and blocked her too! I wrote to her on her scammer post! I got your back ladies!
Aug 05Reply

I did receive the dress
Aug 05Reply

@jenna0312 @mlopez712 look at the pic I just posted!!!!!!! She wrote me back after I told her I called the police
Aug 05Reply

@missamyxox I sent you screen shots of our conversation before she blocked me too
Aug 05Reply

So, we both paid for shipping on posh but she don't have time!! All you have to do is put it out for the mail person to pick up!! I guess we will see!! She told that other girl she blocked me for being rude!! All my posts are on that listing for the juicy perfume I am suppose to be getting, let me know if you think I was rude! I asked her if she received her package and stated I had not and that was four days ago and she never answered me! But I guess we will see if she delivers or not!!
Aug 05Reply

Yes I ordered a dress from her & I got it. She did take a long time to send it out...almost a month, and when I got it it had a small hole in it. But it wasn't worth the hassle of me sending back. Sorry she's scammed u guys, that sucks!
Aug 05Reply

@missamyxox so sorry u got scammed Hun! Ppl just don't care bout honesty anymore apparently... 😣
Aug 10Reply

@missamyxox oh no doll😢😢😢sorry this happened to you! It happened to me once before but luckily Paypal returned my money in full. Another time, this girl didn't send my item and I had to throw the "I'm gonna press charges on you" type of thing in order for her to ship (5 weeks later!) CRAAAAAAZY!
Aug 10Reply

@missamyxox yes @shananicole is a scammer she has many different accts tht she claims she use to get the $5 credit I caught her and asked her y she had different accts she also do this trick with trading she told me how she cancels the order but still is able to use the shipping label something deep within told me she was a scammer her other acct is @girlygirl
Aug 10Reply

@missamyxox it's @girlygirl1988 thts her other acct
Aug 10Reply

@missamyxox she hasn't accept on here yet nd she received the item I sold to her said it was for her mom
Aug 10Reply

Omg how sad!
Aug 11Reply

How frustrating! I always get nervous trading bc of ppl like this! Glad you were able to press charges!
Aug 14Reply

@jenna0312 did the lieing biotch ever ship your stuff ?
Aug 14Reply

No ma'am!! And she told me through email that she hasn't done anything to anybody that they could bring charges up on her for!!
Aug 14Reply

@jesrae hey, how would that make a difference? I guess posh couldn't say that the transaction was against posh policy, but you would only get $1 credit if something happens
Aug 17Reply

@jesrae oh yeah good point
Aug 17Reply

Jeeze that's why every time I trade I cringe !! so dangerous
Aug 17Reply

@missamyxox hmmm this is so sad to read this, my girlfriend has breast cancer and she has gotten scammed. And her closet goes to breast cancer.
Aug 24Reply

@missamyxox how to you press charges? I got scammed $200 and a MK bag! :/
Aug 25Reply

@missamyxox dang...sorry that happened...@mimimc1 ..I regrettably sold on PayPal on here...and haven't received merch.... She asked me to send money fam/friend...I'm so new to PayPal that I was chicken...so I sent $ (sales/services...?.) and described exactly what it was... Ladies...is it easy to get monies back from PayPal? It was $65!!!! Would appreciate your thoughts from you two... It sucks!!!
Aug 31Reply

The same thing just happened to me. I sent my Authentic Michael Kors purse in exchange for another MK bag and have still yet to receive my trade😡😡😤
Sep 01Reply

Does anyone know if she has a new name?? This makes sick to my stomach!! This is suppose to be fun but very much turning into a mess!! So sorry y'all got scammed- my mama always taught me what goes around comes around!! And manners:)
Sep 02Reply

@chrissyn not that I know of .. I'm sure she does though 😔 people are awful
Sep 02Reply

I've gotten scammed as well, quite a few times! However, after the very first mishap, I got smarter about trading. I don't/won't ship out my items until I receive what I'm supposed to. There's another girl going around making multiple accounts as well. She started out as barbiegirl, then hluvsj, then jesusluvsu.. Her name is Holly.. Beware of her. We were supposed to do an even trade, my brown MK Grayson for her supposed vanilla MK Grayson, well I waited and all I received was a box full of clothes in a bag! Guess she thought she was going to get an almost $400 bag out of me but she was mistaken! Also, watch out for a girl named Kelly, her Posh name is tippiinslow.. She scammed me out of $150 for a MK Hamilton that I never received and I paid through Chase when I was very new to Posh not knowing.. I don't know if or how I could even trace my money back to me or if I could ever get it back! It's so sad.
Sep 07Reply

How are you doing?? I was just checking in to see if you got those charges against Shana Nicole filed!!! I hope you stick it to that lyin bitch!!!! I'm about to close my closet, just don't have time to be on here much anymore after getting rid of my iPhone!!! I went back to a Galaxy phone, I love the new S4 active, it's awesome!!!!
Sep 13Reply

Hate a liar and a thief!!!! 👿
Jan 08Reply

@missamyxox wow people are such assholes I'm happy you press charges!! They deserve it!!
Aug 28Reply
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