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I'm also a newlywed and wouldn't be alive if I didn't have such an awesome husband!!! 💞🌴💞
Aug 08Reply

And, of course, I'll share the love...tit for tat!! 😀😀
Aug 08Reply

@sashima tyvm!!
Aug 08Reply

Ugh. @shashima...tyvm!!
Aug 08Reply

@elisehunter your welcome good luck😉
Aug 08Reply

@shashima 👍👍
Aug 08Reply

@lynndalove21 Thank you so much!!
Aug 08Reply

It's on my page
Aug 09Reply

@elisehunter I love these pictures of you!! I also love the way you adore your Hubby 😍 I adore my Hubby too 😊
Aug 10Reply

Aw ww ty @hydrogirl !! They're great guys, obviously....!!! lol
Aug 10Reply

@elisehunter stroke😱 that is not good! I am so sorry to hear that! I will send a lil prayer to the man upstairs📬!! I work in about 6 hospitals were I live and I deal with strokes ALL the time! It is huge here! It takes one second for your like to chance and you can not even help it! I hope they got to your stroke because it did any damage to your brain😔 If you ever need any advice on medical stuff message me I know ALOT lol and my bf is going to school for MD in hopefully the Emergency Room. Hope things get better for you! Xoxo
Aug 10Reply

@jpattakos91 thank you so much, sweetie. I have damage the size of a silver dollar but it's on the inside of the brain so it could be worse. It affects my motor skills and my talking and my memory and oh, my emotions...I cry at the drop of a hat! But I will get through it!! :) thank you so much....and I might just ask you a medical question or two. tyvm!!! Prayers are always needed....it really was a miracle. I was on the floor, alone, for four hours until my husband came home, because he forgot a tool!!! otherwise I wouldn't be here! And then they took me to the Mayo Clinic and it was amazing how quick everything was after that. The only bad thing is the medical bills...$100k just for the hospital (my insurance doesn't cover the Mayo Clinic). :( But it's ok. Posh is helping me mentally and helping me coordinate and gives me a reason.....and I get to meet great people like you and @kodyjo and @karenvrgas and @hydrogirl and the list goes on. It's such a great community and I thank you for the shares!!! :) ❤
Aug 10Reply

@elisehunter Wow, I am glad he came home and got you when he did!! Thank god!! Mayo clinic? We have one here in AZ, is that we're you are located as well? If so i work for Banner hospitals:)
Aug 10Reply

@kodyjo tyvm, sweetie. It helps a lot....every bit helps! ❤ @jpattakos91 no, I live in Jacksonville, Florida. It's literally a block away (the next exit down from us but it's really a long block). I thank god every day for my husband!!! He knew exactly what to do and was with me every moment (they wouldn't let him in the ambulance and that was upsetting to me but he was fine as he needed to grab my medicine and let the dog out of his crate (after the EMTs came). It's was horrifically scary and something I wouldn't wish on anyone. As I said, I'm really lucky and glad to be alive!!! ❤ Thank you, ladies, so very much!
Aug 10Reply

@elisehunter wow!! Yes thank god for him!! I am shocked they didn't let him in the ambulance! It is probably because they didn't want him to see anything if anything were to happen:/
Aug 10Reply

@jpattakos91 yes, you're probably right....that's so scary to think about!!!
Aug 10Reply

Thanks for tagging me. Gosh I had no idea you had gone through so much and a newly wed. You look so young to have had a stroke. Keep going on, you are beautiful person.
Aug 11Reply

does ur movado watch authentic?i am very interested..
Aug 11Reply

@elisehunter I will be praying for you & your family ... Get well soon <3
Aug 11Reply

@dorisss thank you, sweetie. I have been through alot. I'm trying to keep my chin up...I woke up and can't go back to sleep and I see that I've disappointed some people and it makes me extremely sad. But I HAD to go to sleep. I'll go through your likes in my closet and do a good bundle for you, dear. xxx
Aug 11Reply

@ivygrace00 yes, the Movado watch is authentic -- it just needs a battery. I haven't worn it in years but it's a classic. It has extra links in it right now so you can always take them out if you're a skinny-mini or keep them in if you have big bones like me. :) LMK if you're interested.
Aug 11Reply

@myramike4ever thank you so much sweetheart. Thank you. I will also go back and see about a bundle for you...I believe it's the rose ring and the rope chain. I'll comment on one of those pages and create a bundle.
Aug 11Reply

@jpattakos91 @dorisss @myramike4ever @plus Thank you all for your kindness and sweet wishes and prayers. I sincerely need them and appreciate any I can get. As I said earlier, I feel terrible that I had to go to sleep and I disappointed people. I'm really really sorry. I shouldn't have posted them last night....should have waited until the morning but I wanted to catch the Party....again, I'm terribly sorry. I hate the feeling/thoughts that I'm disappointing people....that's a big one for me because I feel already like I'm not contributing for my family....that's why I'm Poshing. I really could go on and on but I won't because it's taking away from the time that I can put together bundles for my dear, new friends. BUT please do know that I'm truly sorry if I disappointed anyone. It's not my intention....my intention is to contribute to my family, get better with my typing so I can work again and overall, to have fun and get away from the nightmares I have from this horrible event. I never would wish what I went through on anyone....if you've not had a stroke you'd never understand what it's like to have your husband there, with this pained look in his eyes, telling me it's going to be alright.....and all I wanted to do is tell him that I loved him...and that I would be fine but no words. I had no words but it was all there, in my brain...I just couldn't get it out. And as they wheeled me, rushing, into the operating room, in my head I was screaming "I love you, Baby, tell Maggie I'm going to be alright!" and nothing came out! It's making me crying, reliving that all over again.
So, I'll go now, but again, I'm sorry for any disappointment or aggravation I caused anyone. Plus, It's taken me forever to type this....I used to type 120 words per minute with few errors and the errors were caught instantly. Now I'm lucky if I can type 15 wpm, and there are tons of errors. All I can do is credit auto correct and Siri!!
God bless you all! xoxox - Elise
Aug 11Reply

@elisehunter everything is going to be okey with you dear with all the prayer & you family's love for you you will be okey hopefully a lot sooner , you have a nice day Hun ..... I'm ready to for be its almost 12 am here :)
Aug 11Reply

@myramike4ever tyvm, sweetie. thank you. You have a great day and a good night's sleep. If Mike is there, hold him close. Much love to you!!
Aug 11Reply

is there any scratch or any defects doll?!scratch on the mirror..
Aug 11Reply

Oh, @ivygrace00 I sold it in a bundle this morning, Hun. I'm sorry. I'll tag you if I have any other watches. I'm sorry!!!
Aug 11Reply

@dorisss it won't let me edit it now. That's the Start of your bundle. I'm on my way back from the doctor I'll send you an email after I get settled at home.
Aug 14Reply

Wow! I am happy you are alive too! A stroke, at such an early age. It's just wrong. I would never try to low-ball you on your items! I hope you understood that while we negotiated! Me, I am a single mother of a crazy genius 11 year old boy. I'm also a teacher. So between those, it is no surprise I am broke. Add that to my own health issues and my impulsive shopping behavior, and wow, I am glad I actually looked at my bank account before I agreed to purchase! NOW, On that note, please do not hesitate to sell the pieces I want if you get an offer. I can't promise that I will be able to get them next week. I will share all of your pieces as often as I can! I believe I got 5diane5 to buy a piece from you already. Yay! Peace and good health to you! 😘😘😘🌹🌹🌹
Aug 21Reply

@jenijenisand no, girl, you did what we all like to do...negotiate. I'll hold them for you. Not a problem!! That's cool you have a genius boy!! 😃 I have a God Son who is a crazy genius too!! 😉 And I understand....I have to restrain myself and its not easy!!! Yeah I can't believe I had a stroke. It's crazy insane. I'm sooooo happy my husband found me and while crazy expensive, I'm glad they took me to the Mayo Clinic!! No worries, Jenn, I'll hang on to them. Just let me know when you know. 😘
Aug 22Reply

@elisehunter , hi there, I just wanted to let you know that I am now on disability but used to be a P.T. Having a stroke at a young age can be devastating but it seems as if you are back on the right track. Using the computer can help with memory and cognitive ( thinking skills) and working on the computer using your hands is great for fine motor skills ( doing exact tasks with your hands) like typing, trying to take pictures of items so you have to steady your hands etc. working crossword or even seek and find puzzles can help too and if you are like me and can't work a newspaper crossword then there are easier 1's available at the store. Suduko puzzles are also good for thinking. Playing cards is good for fine motor skills also. If you ever need a suggestion just tag me. I usually check my iPad a few times a day. Hope you get to feeling better and get all your function back.
Aug 22Reply

@schandler tyvm, sweetie!! That's just another reason I wanted to be on Posh!! All of the things you mentioned are helping! I tried doing some light "bookkeeping" today and just broke down. It was just too much! Ty sweetie!! 😘😘
Aug 22Reply

@elisehunter , how long ago , the stroke?
Aug 22Reply

@schandler July 1st. The Mayo did a new procedure where they went thru my groin into my brain and plucked the clot out. Immediately upon waking, while my speech was a little slurred, I really did well. I'm in cognitive and speech therapy over there. It really was a miracle since I was on the floor for 4 hours!!!
Aug 22Reply

@elisehunter , the Mayo never fails to leave me in awe. Pulled the clot to minimize damage. That's brilliant!
Aug 22Reply

@elisehunter, if you are trying bookkeeping and it overwhelms you then start smaller. Do some simple add and subtracting. Remember it's like doing it in school. One step at a time! I'm amazed you are able to continue this so well! Sometimes if more than 1 person is tagging you it gets confusing! You are doing a good job.
Aug 22Reply

@schandler I should mention that the part of my brain that has damage controls emotions. Specifically for me, crying. But I've always been sensitive that way. 😉 And yay, Mayo. You won't believe this. My husband found me a little after 11am, the ambulance got me to Mayo, I was in and out of the CT by 11:35 (gotta also love their patient online records), and there was a doctor who had just arrived that morning, who travels the world, teaching that technique (starting with Mayo, of course)! Miracles!!!! 💕
Aug 22Reply

@schandler yes, early on I got messed up with bundles but the beautiful women on here understood and let me straighten it out. Tyvm!!!
Aug 22Reply

@elisehunter , one trick I used to do for motor skills was to put different things in a bowl of uncooked rice, don't look at the bowl and try to pull things out and feel it and say what it is. Penney, dime, bobby pin, safety pin, beads, the safety pin is so hard. It feels like the rice.
Aug 22Reply

@schandler I'll do that!!!!
Aug 22Reply

@elisehunter , I don't want to wear you out but if you ever need to talk or have a question, look me up ok.
Aug 22Reply

@schandler tyvm. You're a doll! 😘😘
Aug 22Reply

@elisehunter how are you doing dear I hope your doing a lot better.. Take care dear :)
Aug 23Reply

@myramike4ever thank you, sweetie!! I am doing better! 😘😘😘❌⭕
Aug 23Reply

@redurb good morning, fellow Floridian!! 😀 I'm in Jax and tyvm, I'm doing better and better everyday!! Thank you so much for your note!! 😃
Aug 27Reply

@redurb I absolutely love Villano!! Ty so much for your kindness...it means a lot. 😊
Aug 27Reply

I can sympathize!! I fell down ten satire at work and have herniated disc from my neck to my tailbone and inflamed joints in between, I just turned 37. The company j was working for said when I'm pug as long as I have a note my job is fine 7/36 they fired me I lost my health ins everything! I get cortisone shots every other week in my neck and lower back the worst is the sciatic nerve! I was told by a sup at the workers comp Bo that I qualified for partial monetary benefits but my adjuster shot that down, do I have to get unemployment and its not much at all..!! I am so sorry what ur going through when I was 17 I had terrible migraines and then one day I was telling backwards and doing strange things the doctors said it was a vey small stroke after they did a cat scan. Well sorry for boring u with my woes but I will pray for u and ur family and the hard times!!!😊🌹✌🌺✨
Aug 31Reply

@nahnecole I'm sorry!! But what doesn't kill us makes us stronger, right? Keep trying for the disability. You should be able to get it. They always shoot you down the first time ! Good luck, sweetie!
Aug 31Reply

You too!!!😉💐
Aug 31Reply

Thank u for the shares I've got more to do in ur closet!!as u can see mine Is a little empty i just have trouble standing to long I need to get a friend over or my mom so we can fill it lol!!
Aug 31Reply

@nahnecole I totally get it!! No problem. I had to replace all the pics because they were blurry. 😃
Aug 31Reply

That must have taken dome time!! I know when I take my pics I have to take them a couple of times until I get the right mon blurry weird shadow On my way! Lol!!
Aug 31Reply

@nahnecole keep the faith sweetie! 😘
Aug 31Reply

You too and good luck on a full recovery
Aug 31Reply

@blandw hi sweetie!! How are you?
Sep 07Reply

@elisehunter Hi Elise!!! I'm great dear- how are you? How's the wonderful world of Posh? And how are you feeling? Any better?
Sep 07Reply

@blandw Hi Bland! I'm better, every day! Thank the good Lord! Posh has really slowed down and I really need to make money...still out of work. I had to sell my engagement ring. That was a tough one. I know it is a material thing but it was very special because it was set in my mom's engagement ring setting. The jeweler wanted both so we were forced to give up my Mom's beautiful vintage ring. It makes me sad to think about it. I'm trying to keep my chin up...it's hard, ya know? I've never NOT worked and there's only so much time I can spend at the pool. And boy oh boy, do you find out who your friends really are when you go through something like this. I'm just hoping I get more strength and come out stronger than ever. They still don't know why I had the stroke. It's scary. So, dear, sweet friend, please continue to pray that they find an answer and we can get control of this. I feel like I've got a cloud over my head and I don't know why it's going to happen again (maybe). I'm just fighting every day. :)
How are you sweetie? Everything good at home and poshing? :)
Thank you for everything you've done for me and for your prayers. You're a true friend. xoxo
Sep 07Reply

@blandw tyvm sweetie!
Sep 07Reply

@elisehunter ooooh it's super late and hubby and I are on marriage encounter weekend ( so I have to get up early). I have ideas for you to help you on Posh so let's touch base again tomorrow or Sunday. I'm not sure how busy we'll be because its supposed to be intensive. But I do have ideas!!!! Talk to you soon sweetie!!!! 😘😘😘😘❤❤😘😘😘😘
Sep 07Reply

@blandw ty sweetie! Looking forward to it!! Enjoy!
Sep 07Reply

Omgosh girl! You rock! Thank you for all the shares. Will be visiting your closet often as well. We Posher girls must stick together. Paying it forward is sharing the love. 💌Sending warm thoughts for a wonderful healthy week. Hugs 🌺🌷😉🌹😀☀🍀🌻🌼
Sep 09Reply

@dilledressups thank YOU for all the shares!! Yes, we need to stick together and share the love! I really appreciate all your support!! 😃😘😘
Sep 09Reply

Hello. So sorry about everything happening with you :( I am happy to share for you. Ty for shares you did for my things. Hope things get better soon.
Sep 10Reply

@sandygaboury tyvm. I appreciate it. More than I can express. tyvm!! 😘
Sep 10Reply

Thxs so freakin much for all your shares ~ 😘
Sep 11Reply

@rosannerms lol, ty!!! 😀
Sep 11Reply

Prayers & shares😘😘😘
Sep 11Reply

@manymurrays tyvm, sweetie!! 😘😘😘. I need all the prayers and help I can get!! Thank you!!
Sep 11Reply

@cdfielding tyvm!! I truly appreciate you!! I have no words for how truly appreciative I am (lol...literally at times!). 😉😊 @blandw
Sep 11Reply

@elisehunter I am so glad @blandw tagged you on my co-host listing. I will be glad to help share your items even before the party. Sending you much love and prayers.
Sep 11Reply

@fabicase I just woke up and had to check Posh. Tyvm for all your help and prayers. Tyvm for sharing And even before/during(?) the party!! You don't know how much I appreciate it. Everything takes me so much longer now and your help is greatly appreciated!! It literally brings tears to my eyes because you must have a lot to do when hosting!!! I can't put into words how much I appreciate it. (That's one of the things I'm having difficulty with is word retrieval..... I still can't believe I had a stroke sometimes!!! In an instant everything changed! One of the worst parts is they don't know why I had it. I don't have high blood pressure and I'm not taking estrogen/birth control pills or any of the things that would be a reason. It's scary because I live in constant fear it will happen again!! I'm sorry I wrote so much...I just wanted to tyvm. Oh so much!!!!! 😘😘😘❌⭕
Sep 11Reply

@elisehunter May God help you recover quickly. Your in my thoughts and prayers. I admire your courage and strength. God Bless you dear💕
Sep 11Reply

@sunpaises Thank you so much!! That means a lot to me!! There are many times that I don't feel like I have strength and I'm feel not at all courageous so thank you, this helps me put it in perspective. As my 9 year old step daughter said to me yesterday, "Miss Elise, because of the stroke your self esteem is taking a beating right now. You need to give yourself a break". Then she looked at my husband and said "Daddy, will you help her with that when I'm not here?" It brings me to tears just remembering her words. She's so smart and intuitive and what a thing for a 9 yr old to say and understand!! She's so much like her Daddy (I've put him through the wringer and we've only been married less than 2 years!). So, if you're seeing it and even she's able to see it and express it, who am I to argue? 😃 Thank you, sweetheart, for starting my day off with such a shot of self esteem. I really appreciate it and, believe me, it'll take me through the week!! (I had to sell the stone out of my engagement ring so I have been down and discouraged.). It's just "stuff" and that is not what's important in life, but nonetheless, it's tough. So, again thank you!!! 😀😀😀 (sorry to write a book in response but the only thing repeated are the thank you's and I'm certainly not taking any of those out!!!) ❤🌸🌸❤
Sep 11Reply

Hi Elise :)! Prayer changes ALL things....in our most weakest moments by his strength we can overcome....BELIEVE!!!....We are more powerful than we think we are :)..!!! You are B.U.tiful....!
Sep 11Reply

@bluanjel tyvm, sweetie. I do believe...it's sometimes hard to see the forest through the trees. Ty for your kindness and inspiration!! You are beautiful and I so appreciate it!! Much, much more than you know!!! 😘God Bless you, sweetie!!
Sep 11Reply

@fabicase sweetie, see what I get for waking up in the middle of the night...of course you needn't worry/think about me during the party!! I appreciate all shares you've already done!! Tyvm!!! ❤
Sep 11Reply

@elisehunter I'm so sorry what you have been through. Please know my prayers are with you. I will share your things as much as I can. You have a beautiful closet of very nice items so I'm sure you will be successful. Take care & keep your spirits high. I suffer from chronic depression so I understand how it can wear you down to have to deal with everyday life when you're in the middle of a medical condition. Stay strong & remember to enjoy all the little things- that is what matters. 😘💕
Sep 12Reply

@swanhhdjj Lisa, thank you very much for this. And thank you for the prayers. I really could use them. And I'm sorry for what you're going through too. Thank you very much for sharing....I'll try to remember to too! When I see you in my feed, I surely will. :) And I'm set to buy, if you are. :) I'm going to buy right now and if you can too, then I can have the postage and will run to the post office before it's too late for today's mail!
Sep 12Reply

@jblacombe thank you so much! 😘
Sep 12Reply

Your amazing! It sounds like you have a wonderful husband too. I'm very lucky to have the opportunity to meet you!👏👏 You are truly inspiring. Everything you have gone through, and you keep going. Finding ways🍃Deana
Sep 13Reply

@endersd tyvm, sweetie!! That makes me feel really great. Thank you, sweetie. It's been a long road but I just keep plugin' along! 😃 And finding ways. 😀 I do have a wonderful husband. I'm really lucky. It only took took 43 years, lol!! It's my pleasure to meet you, too, sweetie!! So nice to meet you and thank you so much for your very kind words!! I really appreciate it. So much!!! 😘
Sep 13Reply

I've done the test/ study for The Mayo Clinic myself. Kudo to you👏💋 Bot fun was it... My twin brother Richard & I did it.
Sep 13Reply

@endersd which test/study? That's good you had your brother with you!
Sep 13Reply

@elisehunter Thank you for the shares:)
Sep 13Reply

@emmachoi yw sweetie. Tyvm!
Sep 13Reply

We were both tested for genetic: cancer. Our mother had just passed away from it. Unfortunately my twin brother had a marker for cancer. When we were 38, Richard was struck with colon, stomach, and pancreatic cancer. He is strong like you and still alive. I was the lucky one,at 39 I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. I am still strong as well💗
Sep 13Reply

@endersd oh, sweetie, I'm sorry!! But, yes, you're both very strong!! Keep being that way...as you know, it gets us through a lot!! 😘 I'm sending lots of love and strength to you and your brother! ❤💞❤
Sep 13Reply

Right back at you sister!!!💗💐💗💐💗
Sep 13Reply

@elisehunter I can lower it to $20
Sep 13Reply

@cherylanney tyvm for your kindness!! And I'm so sorry! You truly understand what I'm going through. Thank God you could take early retirement! But tyvm for your note. You're right, God will see us through!! 😘
Sep 17Reply

@cherylanney thank you so much, sweetie! I really appreciate you! It's true, we will be stronger for this. I've been down lately because I had to sell the stone (the logical me says "it's a material thing. Get over it", the emotional part of me (and that's where the damage is so even though I fight it, I don't often win), is sad I had to sell it. And I got potentially bad news from the Hemotologist on Friday that I'm trying not to over-think (I did that before the stroke)!! So I may just email you. When I get depressed I get hermitty tho'. I did find another box of my moms things so I'm busy posting new items (it takes awhile and it's tiring for me so I can only do so much!! Ty for reaching out Cheryl. You can't imagine what it means to me!! You're a beautiful soul, inside and out!! 😘😘
Sep 17Reply

@cherylanney And how could I forget to thank you for the shares?!?!! Tyvm!! 😃
Sep 17Reply

God bless you! You're beautiful ❤ all my best 💋
Sep 19Reply

@mkmess0213 oh, thank you so much!!!😘😘😘
Sep 19Reply

@elisehunter THANK YOU... 💃
Sep 21Reply

@msred0604 you're welcome, sweetie. Tyvm! ❤
Sep 21Reply

@elisehunter hello. Just read this...so sorry to hear about your stroke. Really hope you are doing welll and are healthy. Congrats on being a NEWLYWED!!! Love the picture of you both. I wish you both much happiness and health! Nice to meet you!
Sep 21Reply

@ironmaidn Hi! Tyvm got your kind words! 😘 Very nice to meet you too! You're so very sweet and kind! Thank you, sweetie!
Sep 21Reply

You are so blessed to have an angel looking over you that would keep you strong for 4 long hours. Even more so that some things are just meant to be - for better or for worse - yes worse case you did have a stroke - for better your husband who may never figure out how or why he left something at home & had to come back at time that if it were any other day made a WORLD of a difference - that was for a reason. That was a miracle. I do believe in GOD, I believe in guardian angels, and I believe that as humans our brains are only as strong as the suffering and pain we have endured in life. There is nothing in this world that will erase your personal experience, but I can somehow relate to the experience of being conscious but completely paralyzed and literally screaming in my head for help, trying to shake myself to no avail. In 2010 I developed PTSD after being a victim of violent crime (another story for another day) the psychical effects did not measure up to the emotional damage I still deal with and will deal with for the rest of my life. Bad dreams, night tremors, sleep disorder - to name a few. But the lucid dreaming and outer body experience was the scariest thing I've ever experienced, so I can only imagine what U went through. I encourage you to keep doing what you are doing, and posh is a great way to stay connected even if you can't get back to work just yet. Please believe in your heart that this nightmare is going to make you a better person. A person who treasures and values the tiniest things, laughs at the silliest stuff, and loves like you have never loved before. True strength comes from the heart. The people who have been handed the worst hand in others eyes end up with the winning pot in the long run. Hard days are bad, and bad days are dreadful - but make your good days the best days and the best days one for the record! And remember, Success and love would never feel so good it it weren't for pain and struggle. Again, you didn't deserve what you went through, but you didn't give up. You endured and continue to get out of bed or keep yourself on posh occupied. , which is an accomplishment on its own! I know I'm a random but I wanted to share my experience and my philosophy on my personal situation. I will absolutely pray for you and I have faith in what the outcome of all of this will be 💖💖💖wishing you love happiness and success!!
Sep 21Reply

@jbear oh my goodness!! Thank you so much for your kindness and eloquence! You truly know what it's like. I too will pray for you, believe in miracles and know almost exactly what you're going through. I do believe it will make us stronger and have great respect and empathy for you. Your message is so well said...there's nothing I can add. Thank you so much for reading and writing. You too are a very strong person and I know you'll succeed. 😘😘😘😘. Tyvm, again!
Sep 21Reply

I'm gonna post this in my closet to help and glad you are doing better 🙏☝😊
Sep 22Reply

@nekaj004 oh my goodness!! Tyvm, sweetie!!! 😘😘😘🌷🌷
Sep 22Reply

@elisehunter Prayers are in order for you 🙏🙏 Lots of love your way and enjoy life to the fullest!! 💕
Sep 23Reply

@jules2209 tyvm! I really appreciate your kind words. Yes!! Life is short....living it to the fullest! 😘. Still hang in' in there!! 😘🌷😘
Sep 23Reply

@elisehunter God bless you & your family always!
Sep 23Reply

@dulcecandyviv tyvm, sweetie! God Bless you for your kind words!!😘
Sep 23Reply

@elisehunter Thank you for all your shares!!! I owe you BiG TIME! 😘Wow, you have been through so much! You are an amazing women!💁Sending prayers your way for continued and complete recovery! Much Aloha from Hawaii!💐
Sep 24Reply

@beboutique no problem, sweetie. You have such beautiful things!! Tyvm for your kind words! It's very much appreciated!! Aloha! My husband and I took the Pride of America cruise for our honeymoon!! We hope to go back one day! Ty again, you're very kind!😘
Sep 24Reply

@blandw @dprocks11 @love2travel TYVM for all the shares this morning, sweet ladies!!! I have a second follow up appointment with the Hemotologist this morning and I'm nervous. When I saw all your shares it made me feel so good from all the Posh love and caring you gals give me daily. Today was a great dose at perfect timing!!! Thank you all, soooooo much!!! 😘😘😘
Sep 26Reply

You have my prayers!
Sep 27Reply

@sharapost tyvm, sweetie!! It's very much appreciated!! 😘
Sep 27Reply

I believe in the power of prayer! I will be happy to pray for you!
Thanks for the shares too.
Sep 27Reply

@sharapost I believe too! And I'll take all I can get! Tyvm, dear!
Sep 27Reply

Sep 27Reply

@elisehunter just wanted to THANK YOU so much for the sweater, Brighton biz card holder and surprise gift! You are too sweet! Will keep my eye on your closet! Will buy from you again! Thanks again - have a great day and weekend!
Sep 27Reply

@ironmaidn oh, GREAT!!! I'm so glad you like it all!! I'm really glad you like the gift, too :). Tyvm for your purchase, honey!! Do visit often, I hope you find other things and get them....it helps a lot...but no pressure, obviously, you've helped a lot already!!!! I added items yesterday...and I'm constantly adding things. I'm so blessed to have my brother and his girlfriend, they're now sending me new items to sell because I just can't let them give me money (they found a way around it!!! I'm super blessed!! ❤️ Thanks again, sweetie!! 😘
Sep 27Reply

@elisehunter so sorry to hear 😢my mother had suffered several in her lifetime so I understand what your going thru...love and prayers 💙🙏
Sep 29Reply

@lowprices tyvm, sweetie. I appreciate your kindness and prayers! May God Bless you! 😘
Sep 29Reply

@elisehunter Thank you for the shares! I enjoyed sharing your lovely items too! 💕
Sep 30Reply

@sonpaises tyvm, sweetie!! You have a lovely closet!!! 😘🌹😘
Sep 30Reply

I hope you're feeling like yourself again...real soon hon! 👍💕😘
Sep 30Reply

@linmp1031 tyvm, sweetie!! Sooo much!!! 😘
Sep 30Reply

@linmp1031 tyvm for the shares!! 😘😘
Sep 30Reply

I have Lupus & just wanted to support you during this difficult time hon! 💕 And, it was easy...you have a gorgeous closet!! 😍
Sep 30Reply

Ty so very much, @linmp1031 !!! 😘😘😘
Sep 30Reply

No worries hon!!! I'd hate to see you held back by the fine print!!!! Love your closet!
Oct 01Reply

@kstallman1013 tyvm, I really appreciate it. This is my only form of income right now. So a sincere thank you! My husband is a remodeling contractor mad working 10+ hours a dayI don't want to lose this. Ty again! 🌹
Oct 01Reply

I completely understand trying to make a Posh profit, I'm a stay at home mom myself, every little bit helps! Happy Poshing!!!
Oct 01Reply

@kstallman1013 👍 ty!! 😃
Oct 01Reply

@barnette tyvm, sweetie!! <kiss kiss> (I'm on my computer so I don't have emoticons. lol :)
Oct 02Reply

@janelleboulos tyvm, darlin'! 😘
Oct 03Reply

@elisehunter Bless Your Heart. I know how strokes are I lost my brother to a stroke sad part we had been separated over over 40 years thanks to his step daughter we were reunited but a year later he passed away. My birth father has been having strokes since he was 42 my boyfriend of 13 years had one left him totally blind in one eye and only partial vision in the other. I'm disabled also if not for Poshmark I don't know what I'd done and I have still have a 16 year old daughter at home I wish you a very speedy recovery
Oct 03Reply

@stitchesforyou so you really understand!! I'm sorry about all the stroke victims in your life. I totally empathize! Tyvm for your kind words, sweetie! ❤️🌹
Oct 03Reply

Sending good vibes your way! I'm currently on the organ list for an intestinal transplant and have faced death several times so I completely know what you mean when you said happy to be alive!!
Oct 04Reply

@kwdiva oh, sweetie, you DO understand!! I'm sending good vibes out to you!! Good luck, sweetie!!
Oct 04Reply

@hydrogirl @lillianboo For the first time since the stroke, Fred and I went to dinner for a belated anniversary of our first date!!! I wore your black top with the embellishment, Lilian, and I wore your bracelet, Sally (couldn't wear the necklace because the embellishment was enough. At Fred's request I wore the earrings we got married in) The server snapped a pic and I posted it on Facebook.....if either are on Facebook, I'd love to be friends....Elise Suzanne Hunter Matthews. We had a fabulous time!! Thank you both for making me feel pretty and new!! 😘😘😘
Oct 06Reply

AWW!! great to hear u had a good time! Happy First Date!!<3
Oct 06Reply

@lillianboo ty, sweetie!!! ❤️
Oct 06Reply

@elisehunter What a wonderful way to start my day reading your wondrous message😍 I am so happy you and Fred were able to celebrate your love💗 I know you looked like an angel👼 I am on FB very limited Sally Sue Snyder Manning 😍
Oct 06Reply

@hydrogirl 😘🌷
Oct 06Reply

@mikkidw hi!!! How are you?! 😀😘
Oct 07Reply

God bless you love!
Oct 07Reply

@shortyy197 tyvm, sweetie! I really appreciate your kindness!! God Bless!!! 🌹❤️
Oct 07Reply

Oct 07Reply

You are such a beautiful person with a loving heart. You can see the ❤ you & your hubs have for one another just by looking at you two. Wishing you all the love & health, as God is watching over you. Always blessed..... Xoxoxo
Oct 08Reply

@moon727 tyvm, sweetie. I do love him...he's the love of my life and saved me that day!! God Bless you sweetie!! xoxo 😘😘🌹❤️
Oct 08Reply

@hydrogirl ugh. I can't sleep....and I messed up the listings in my closet. Now I have to try and figure it out! 😣
Oct 09Reply

@elisehunter 47!! You look much younger! Sending prayers for you and your husband! I hope everything goes well for you and your health! ❤️❤️❤️
Oct 09Reply

@elisehunter I hate trying to reorganize my closet! 🙀
Oct 09Reply

@bonnabee1 tyvm, Bonnie!! You're too kind!! Tyvm for your kind words, thoughts and blessings. Same to you, sweetie!!! 🌹😊
Oct 09Reply

@hydrogirl I know...I'm giving up!!! 💤💤💤 (I hope!)
Oct 09Reply

Hi I had a stroke at 46. It was because of an genetic disorder from one of my parents. It's called factor v Leiden. I had used a low dosage of Premarin for several years which raised my risk of stoke by 50 percent.
Oct 10Reply

@vogolo I'm sorry. How are you doing now? I was taken to The Mayo Clinic. The first round of testing was for common reasons for clot development, the second and third rounds were for "rare blood disorders" which, of course, included genetic testing. They haven't found a reason so I'm on Plavix and a full aspirin a day for the rest of my life (better than taking Coumadin.). You know The Mayo didn't leave a stone unturned!! I'm grateful that my husband found me and the doctor that travels around the world, teaching this new procedure, just happened to be there!! It was my only option as I was on the floor for 4 hrs when my husband just happened to come back for a tool he forgot!! Tyvm for writing to me 😀
Oct 10Reply

I suffered my stroke back at before the first of the year and each day has gotten easier. I when through physical therapy and a full day of testing to figure out where my deficits where. I had TIAs all across the base of my skull, on the right side of my brain and deep within the connecting lobes. I worked for 25 years and am now disabled. They call it a silent stroke because I don't have any physical symptoms. I have trouble with my speech and sensory input is cranked up to the max. I slept for many months but I'm starting to get my energy back. It is a slow process but I may not be what I used to be but I tell myself that it's okay to have limitations just do the best I can. Facebook has a stroke network group and they have a forum of folks you have dealt with strokes and are extremely helpful.
Oct 10Reply

If you wish to talk more let me know. Vogden@indy.rr.com
Oct 10Reply

@vogolo I'll look it up on FB. Yes, one day at a time. I had the same evaluation....grueling!! Good luck, sweetie!
Oct 10Reply

@vogolo tyvm!!!
Oct 10Reply

I'll be praying for you 💖 I'm glad you are here too!!!
Oct 10Reply

@angelakomloski tyvm, sweetie!! 😘
Oct 10Reply

You are beautiful! 💗
Oct 10Reply

@laurengent tyvm, sweetie!!! You are so kind!! 😘
Oct 10Reply

@molly266 tyvm, sweetie!!!
Oct 11Reply

Thx for the shares!!! And your very pretty btw :) happy poshing!! @elisehunter
Oct 11Reply

Tyvm, @lez03 you're so sweet!!! 😘😘
Oct 11Reply

Your welcome and thx so much!! @elisehunter
Oct 11Reply

@luxushop4less 😘😘
Oct 12Reply

@elisehunter I'm with you! My husband had a stroke in 2003 we've been married for almost 16 yrs now. You will be in my prayers hun. God is good! <3
Oct 12Reply

@luxushop4less thank you, sweetie! If you've been through it, you really do understand. I'm at the point that I feel really guilty for not contributing to our income! Thus the flash sale! 😘😘😘
Oct 12Reply

Hello...it's very nice to meet you...I knew there was a reason that even though the earrings I "liked"...as I was going through my likes were sold..I kept them there...because you know you can "Unlike"..right??..well anyway I read the whole post all the responses..and everything...so this is what has happened ...God intervened ...you are a miracle...nothing short of that...it was not luck...when The Lord performs miracles its done so NO man can take the credit...lets add up everything...you had a stroke..can't explain why...4 hours in a stroke position...your husbands comes home..because he left a tool...you live near a Mayo Clinic....the Doctor performing the surgery was traveling the world for this trial treatment...yet he stopped first at the hospital you were in...and you're not 100...but your brain only suffered on the emotional side ...you are walking Miracle and testimony!!!!...God wants to use you...but first you must know there is no luck about this testimony....when you get a chance please visit my closet...and you will understand my passion for Christ...thank you for sharing!!!!....hope you don't mind...would like to tag a few other strong ladies here on posh ....@couturegirl @patricewymore @blandw @carenlovesgucci @generalbueno @scarlettstained @azulpacifica @janicegw@cvz15 @73v3n ......,
Oct 13Reply

@elisehunter Elise! Pleased to meet you! Please, take care of you and continue to heal! @gettumgirl Charm is so right! I do not believe in luck or coincidence as we are all a part of His plan! Thank you for the tag dear Charm (Elise, her name suits her!) Let me get my share on!
Oct 13Reply

@gettumgirl thank you for the tag 😊 i agree with every word you wrote ! @elisehunter i will gladly share this & your listings with my followers 😃💗
Oct 13Reply

@gettumgirl Charm, (what a lovely name) tyvm for your note and you're shares!!! I appreciate it more than you can imagine!! And yes, I believe, and I don't want to sound pompous when I say this, I AM a walking miracle!! You're right....there were too many coincidences that day!! I am truly blessed...with my husband, my friends and family and my family here on Posh!!! There is truly nothing like it!! I just try to "pay it forward". Thank you for everything!! I will visit your closet!! You're a doll!! 😘🌹God Bless you, Charm!!!
Oct 13Reply

@carenlovesgucci @73v3n thank you so very much!! Is it too early in our relationship to say "I love you"!?! I truly do. Thank you so much!
Oct 13Reply

Lol well i believe in love in 1st site , so go head spread the friendship love! 😊💗 i wont judge at all!
Oct 13Reply

@elisehunter xxxxx Never a wrong time to spread the love gf :)
Oct 13Reply

@73v3n LOL!! 😘😘
Oct 13Reply

@gettumgirl @73v3n @carenlovesgucci oh my goodness! You should see my feed!!! Thank you all so much!! God Bless!! ❤️🌹❤️
Oct 13Reply

I shared your whole closet 😊💜 i hope it helps 😃
Oct 13Reply

@73v3n tyvm! I'm getting new followers!!! 😘😘😘
Oct 14Reply

Oh you're very welcome and we did not cross paths on accident...it was divine intervention...we needed to pull other people in to witness what a miracle you really are!!!...love you much..:)))
Oct 14Reply

Hi Elise. I'm Patrice and I am happy to meet you and share! Wishing you the best!!
Oct 14Reply

@gettumgirl Thanks Charm
Oct 14Reply

@patricewymore ...anytime my friend!!!!
Oct 14Reply

@patricewymore nice to meet you, too!! Thank you very, very much!!😘
Oct 14Reply

Tyvm@sdowney3 😘🌷
Oct 14Reply

Followed and shared 😘💕💕 Prayers and God bless @gettumgirl 😀
Oct 14Reply

@azulpacifica me too! Tyvm!! 😃🌸
Oct 14Reply

@azulpacifica ...thank you Kim for the Prayers!!!
Oct 14Reply

@maidmarian tyvm, sweetie, for all your shares. I can feel the love and I appreciate it more than you can imagine! XO
Oct 14Reply

Sure that's how we roll! Keep up the recovery🙏
Oct 14Reply

@maidmarian ❤️😘
Oct 14Reply

@eccuni I would love to return your shares...tyvm...but I'm blocked from your closet (?)
Oct 16Reply

Omy Double Gosh!!!...the bracelet is gorgeous and so vintage...but I must be honest with you...you mentioned cooper...Uh uhhh...you know this has 14 k on it...it has sterling with gold...where did you get copper from...and most important ...do you want me to send it back since you thought it was one thing and it's not...:)(
Oct 17Reply

@gettumgirl Charm, oh my double gosh it is!!! I had two other that were copper. So are you sure....is it on the charms? No, I could not/would not ask you to return it. I thought it would be a cool gift. Geesh, i thought I sold all my gold, lol. 😃😃. Can you wear it? If you can't or won't wear it I'll ask for it back, but only then. 😘😘
Oct 17Reply

Hehe...I'm wearing it now!!!!...it's soo beautiful...will clean it later...lol
Oct 17Reply

@gettumgirl oh, I'm glad!! Enjoy it!!
Oct 17Reply

Aweeee...Thank You soooo..much I promise to take care of it at all times!!!
Oct 17Reply

@gettumgirl YW, sweetie! Just remember how special you are to me!! 😘😘
Oct 17Reply

You are Special to me as well...and as I told another friend of mine...@carenlovesgucci ...you Reap...what you sow...*wink*...
Oct 17Reply

@gettumgirl @carenlovesgucci so true!! 😘
Oct 17Reply

@manymurrays I've been sick and haven't caught up with my shares 😘
Oct 18Reply

@cicafig. Thank you sweet❤️
Oct 20Reply

@elisehunter just wanted to say hi and let you know you are in my thoughts. I'm on a trip visiting my cousin who had a severe stroke . I'm trying to help her communicate with a letter board. Take care and I'll be happy to share your items. Posh love💝. Take good care, Sal. Myreflections
Oct 20Reply

@myreflections Sal, tyvm!! So you really do understand. Thank the good Lord they took me to The Mayo Clinic. They did a new procedure where they went through my groin, into my head and plucked out the clot. So, while it was slurred, I was speaking when I woke up. Tyvm for reaching out and helping! I appreciate it more than you can imagine. I don't know if you've read all of the comments but it tells my story from the beginning. God bless you and I'll pray for you and your family...I know it's difficult to see your loved one like that. I truly know, first hand. My husband has been terrific but I know it's been hard for him. And with the burden of all of the financials on him...he's in the remodeling business so you can imagine how it's not a great time for one income and 100 of thousands in uncovered medical bills. God bless you, sweetheart!! 😘😘
Oct 20Reply

Hope everything is okay and that you're health above all else!
Oct 20Reply

@kristenpluch tyvm, Kristen. I can't tell you how much your caring words help keep my spirits lifted 😘🌹
Oct 20Reply

@circafig tyvm, sweetie!! I'm getting better each day! 😃😘
Oct 22Reply

I'm glad I found you!!! I think your awesome and Threadflip made me a new friend. My prayers go out to you and yours. I need to add to my closet on here so check in!! God bless girl..💐💐
Oct 24Reply

@cmireless oh!!! YAY!!!!! Yes, I'll like something in your closet so I'll always be able to find you in my likes. Do the same so you can always find me. 😃👏👏👏. Me tooooo 👭😘
Oct 24Reply

@elisehunter Elise💗 I pray now in Jesus name for your strength, courage, and faith so that you can endure this fight! You are so beautiful and can tell you have such a love and zest for life, especially with a new hubby❤️ Stay strong and positive and you can conquer anything💗 God bless😇
Oct 25Reply

@jefsweetie Katie!! Nice to meet you!! I've been praying for you since I meet @sassypants and saw your listing in her closet. I just left a note for you in your closet. Tyvm for praying, sharing and such kind and beautiful words. You can't imagine what it means to me. Well, actually you can. You are such a strong and powerful woman and I love your attitude!! (But once in awhile we need a few words of encouragement, so thank you again!). I admire you for your strength and courage....and I know how difficult it can be to maintain that at times. Please LMK if you ever need an ear....you're gorgeous inside and out!! 😘
Oct 25Reply

@mstaylor oh, I don't know about all that! But thank you!! That made my day!! Tyvm! 😘
Oct 26Reply

@fancy514 don't you think a minute more about it. I truly do understand. And you give yourself all the time you need...I think about my dad at least 20 times a day, especially since the stroke. I just want to talk to him. Ohh, I have to stop!! The area of my brain that was damaged deals with emotion and I cry at the drop of a hat. But I'm really doing better and better each day! I love you, my sweet friend. 😘😘❤️
Oct 26Reply

Sorry to hear about the stroke at such a young age! I'm a pediatrician who just started working(and trying to chip away at those crazy loans) so I can only imagine how difficult the recovery process and financial burden has been. You're in my likes now so I'll help you share your closet!
Oct 28Reply

@neelug tyvm, sweetie!! And seriously, please LMK if I can help! 😃
Oct 28Reply

@elisehunter I'm so sorry I'll 🙏 for you. That's so scary your so young.
Oct 29Reply

@frendzy tyvm, Karen! It was really scary! At first I didn't know what was happening. I was just tired. Thank God my husband came home because he forgot something! When the EMTs came I started figuring it out but I really couldn't process that I was having a stroke. Idk if you've read all of the comments...there's a lot, but it tells my "story". Tyvm, prayers are welcome. I'm doing really good now but not quite there. I appreciate your purchase, it helps a lot more than you can imagine!! Especially nearing the first of the month when lots of bills are due! I do great bundles, if you like anything else...there are a lot of listings! 😃. Thanks again, sweetie!😘
Oct 29Reply

You are so strong and a fighter! Each day will be better than the next. I have a deficit in memory and remembering thinks.So I have become the list queen irregardless of how trivial. When I get discouraged, I look at what I've accomplished on my list.
Oct 30Reply

@vogolo hi!!! Yes, I'm a list queen now!! But that's a great idea. I get down on myself because I used to be able to do "everything". I'm going to try that! Thanks! 😃
Oct 30Reply

@nikkieluv oh, tyvm, sweetie!! I so appreciate the help!! So, we're the same age...can you imagine? I'm perfectly healthy...they can't find anything wrong. In the blink of an eye, everything changed!
Oct 30Reply

@nikkieluv tyvm, Hun! I appreciate the prayer! God is great. It's a miracle I'm here and doing well...I'm grateful every day! 😘
Oct 30Reply

Wow...I just read your story! I will most def share your closet. Best wishes!
Oct 30Reply

I tried sharing your closet but I keep getting a msg to share in Instagram and I don't belong to Instagram. Strange. Can you let me know if my share worked? I also shared this post of you.💗
Oct 30Reply

@osheilaoz tyvm, sweetie!!!😘
Oct 30Reply

Wow thank you so much for sharing my ENTIRE closet ! I tried to keep up ! What a great posher 🎉🎉😀
Oct 30Reply

@osheilaoz I got this share. Yeah they do that for Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. But on here you have to share each item separately. 😣
Oct 30Reply

@lexylu2 thank YOU, sweetie!!!
Oct 30Reply

Oh my goodness, I just read this! Well, some of it...no time to spit lately! (Is that a saying?) lol Anyway, I just went to your closet to share some more of your things (because you've been so sweet to share mine - thanks again!), and came across this. I'm so sorry to hear it, but it seems God is taking great care of you, and I will pray He continues the blessings. XOXO
Oct 31Reply

@thehouse tyvm, sweetie!! I'm getting better each day!! But I can really still use the prayers. My husband's work is slowing down (he's a remodeling contractor) so I really need to make sales or I don't know what we'll do. I sold my engagement ring and that's all gone. Our credit cards are maxed out. I'm getting anxious just thinking about it. Stressed!! Actually, @cvz15 , Momma Eagle, I need to shout out for help with shares and sales. My BOGO didn't work AT ALL and I don't know what else to do. I'm redoing my pics in hopes that it will help. I stay up for every party and share them and tag people so while I think my closet is getting more attention, I only make an occasional sale (and they are for much money because I have my prices as low as I can. Thanks for letting me ramble, Debra! I really don't like asking for help but I need to.....😣🌹
Oct 31Reply

@elisehunter : Could you please e-mail me at:
I have a personal message for you, along with some ideas to share with you!! Thank you!!
Oct 31Reply

@cvz15 yes, absolutely!!
Oct 31Reply

All I can do from here is pray HARD for you and I have and will.....I can also suggest (for fear of getting kicked off Poshmark) ebay is a much better way to sell. They only take 10%, and way more people see your stuff. Just saying'....sorry Poshmark. Blessings on your sales either way love! xoxo
Oct 31Reply

@thehouse tyvm, sweetie. Prayers are always welcome! And I do also sell on another site with some luck. 😘
Oct 31Reply

Its nice 2 meet U ✌ I'm hopping u will e better soon! Listen to Mamma Eagle ( @cvz15 ) she always has great advise. I'm in her Poshinista posse
Nov 01Reply

@wenrella hi, nice to meet you too! She invited me into the posse! (So happy to be a part of something with such great ladies). I wrote to her and haven't heard back...I'll listen well! Tyvm, sweetie!!
Nov 01Reply

sorry to hear i sure they well find out what happen i had a small heart attack myself last year it took a little bet but they find the promb well praying for u
Nov 01Reply

@lmac4fash elisehunter@comcast.net
Nov 01Reply

@elizabeth3374 so far they haven't and there aren't any other tests that can be done. I'll be on blood thinners for the rest of my life. Beats the alternative!! 😃
Nov 01Reply

They all most miss my promb to I had to go to a heart special doctor and the find out a promb I promb had all my life and don't know it on the left back part of my heart is not puping right
Nov 01Reply

@lindsay2367 you're officially on my list...I stopped adding people because I was getting a lot of irritable people asking to be taken off the list. Geesh. So I haven't added anyone BUT you're on the list unless you don't want to be. Just let me know (not in all caps though. I'm pretty sensitive and since July I can't control it. It's better than the other two things that could have been effects of the stroke--laughing inappropriately or uncontrollable anger!!) 😉
Nov 03Reply

@elisehunter Hi there! Maybe my brain is all discombobulated from trying to keep up with the news feed tonight, but what list did you add me to? And I promise I will never get upset with you...you are always amazingly sweet! :)
Nov 03Reply

@lindsay2367 oh, ty, sweetie. I meant my list of people I send things to, like announcing new parties or some spectacular sale (not many of those...they have to be really good) or people in crisis or something like that.
Nov 03Reply

Hehe! That sounds great! I was so confused, I swear my brain is fried tonight! Thanks so much for advertising the party tonight and all your shares! :)
Nov 03Reply

@lindsay2367 oh, I bet it is!! Hosting a party seems very stressful to me (right now anyway)!! But I imagine you have lots of newbies flat out begging you for HPs! And if you're anything like me, I'd feel bad. But you can't please everybody! And I can only imagine your feed!! 😣❗️
Nov 03Reply

@lindsay2367 and thank you very much! You're a sweetie!
Nov 03Reply

@luvlielyfe hey, you know our conversation earlier...the part about the cancelled order? People do that so they don't even have to pay for shipping! That's so wrong!! Nice to meet you, sweetie!
Nov 03Reply

Nice to meet you to. Thank you
Nov 03Reply

@elisehunter Prayers sent your way🙏beautiful girl! Beautiful couple...💕
Nov 04Reply

@cuccdn tyvm, sweetie! Very much!!
Nov 04Reply

@elisehunter you are an incredible woman. Thank you for touching lives... You touched mine and I wish u all the best and i hope therapy could help you get through and have your motor skills in order. I am an nurse and had seen stroke as it happens. And I am glad you are among those who have strong will of survival because that means alot! Live forward... And keep that smile!
Nov 04Reply

Sending healing and happy thoughts your way! 😊💓
Nov 04Reply

@ifemi tyvm, sweetie!! Wow, thank you for saying I touched your life!! I'm honored and grateful. Since you're a nurse, you know how this stroke stuff seems like it goes on forever!! I'm doing well and yet I still have some deficits in my cognitive issues and I get overwhelmed with too much activity. But I'm taking Nudexta now and it's helping with the constant crying. (The damage to my brain is in the area of emotions). So tyvm for your kind words....they mean so much. Thank you, doll!! 😃😘😘
Nov 04Reply

@splendeur tyvm, gorgeous!!😘
Nov 04Reply

@elisehunter Your welcome💐
Nov 04Reply

Prayers & good thoughts being sent your way, @elisehunter. Hang in there! ❤
Nov 04Reply

@karmakat tyvm, sweetie. I appreciate the prayers and your kind words!
Nov 04Reply

@elisehunter your story truly touched my heart! I am honored to know you... God must have a MUCH bigger plan for you darlin! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your hubby!! 💖💖💖
Nov 05Reply

@erikagannon tyvm, sweetie!! You can't imagine how much your kind words mean to me!! Beautiful women like you keep me going! The damage to my brain is to the area that controls my emotions so, for me, that means a lot of crying. I'm on a new med that helps and I thought was completely working but it's not working all the time, which is particularly hard on my oh so wonderful husband (he hates to see me cry because he can't make it stop even though I tell him the long, hard wonderful hugs help a lot!! I really need to make sales, desperately. Fred is a remodeling contractor, self employed, and last week the work just dried up. He can't even get unemployment, I don't know what we'll do.Prayers are welcome 🙏. Tyvm for letting me ramble...I am just so touched by your kind words and beautiful heart!!😘😘
Nov 05Reply

@elisehunter You aren't rambling at all my dear!! I am always here to lend and ear and my heart! Oh my goodness! Though I can in no way imagine what you are going through physically and emotionally with your healing, my fiance is a contractor also...I am all TOO familiar with the ups and downs of the industry! Always seems like those downs come at the absolute worst time! You will continue to be in my thoughts and I will promote your closet to try to help make you those sales you need! Sending love n hugs!!!
Nov 05Reply

@erikagannon thank you so much, Erika! I have no words....I can't find them. Thank you very, very much!!! 😘😘👭
Nov 05Reply

❌❌⭕️⭕️✌️wow! Did u get a cramp in your finger from sharing? Lol did I ask U what part of Fl. Your in?
Nov 05Reply

@wenrella lol, I little cramp...your whole hand must have cramped!!! Tyvm!! No, but if live in Jacksonville. Do you live in Florida? Tyvm for the shares. I truly do need them....I really need to make sales!!! My husband is a remodeling contractor and as of last Friday, work just dried up...no one wants to do any remodeling near the holidays. Idk what we're going to do. So thank you so much!!!😘🌹
Nov 05Reply

@moodtherapy I can do a great bundle for your likes! 🙏🌹
Nov 05Reply

@73v3n 😘😘😘
Nov 05Reply

@katralvin tyvm for the many shares!!! 😘😘😘
Nov 06Reply

@jpattakos91 I found u here? Love this lady❤️
Nov 06Reply

@wenrella Yes this women is an awesome gal!!:) nice to meet you!
Nov 06Reply

@elisehunter You're welcome. Thank you also. ���
Nov 06Reply

@elisehunter You're welcome. Thank you also. 😊
Nov 06Reply

@burberrie2008 yvm for all the shares!! I'll do my very best to return them!😘😘🌹
Nov 06Reply

@wenrella tyvm much!! I love you too, sweetie!😘
Nov 06Reply

@jpattakos91 aww, tyvm, sweetie!! Big huge hugs to you both @wenrella 😘😘🌹
Nov 06Reply

Hi s
Nov 06Reply

Oops sorry. Sending you message on fb 😊
Nov 06Reply

Oops sorry. Sending you message on fb 😊
Nov 06Reply

My sis from another mother. Ill need u to by dole some nice things for my
Mommy a nurses
Nov 06Reply

Sorry pooper whining in car driving to work. Meant to say bundle. There are these Philippine nurses and aides that take care I'd mom at rehab center and dialysis center
Nov 06Reply

@ooofah1 oh, Dina, I'll do my very best on a bundle!! 🙏. I've marked down my new stuff to break even or at a loss to get some cash flow. I can do my best on my Brighton purses and Vintage stuff although as you can see, they're very rock bottom great price. Thanks for anything you can do! And you know I'll do my very best!! 😘❤️❤️
Nov 06Reply

Where are u in Florida?
Nov 08Reply

@yahaira2013 tyvm for your awesome shares!!! I'll return them all, eventually. Thanks much for the Posh 💞
Nov 08Reply

No problem sweetie ;)
Nov 08Reply

@heatherbc23 😘😘👭😘😘 I love your mom!!
Nov 08Reply

@erikagannon tyvm, sweetie. If there's anything else, just say the word and it gone! I don't think there is though. I'm sharing it now. I usually wait til the last minute so if anyone is shopping a party, I'm close the top. So, right now my closet is "upside down" for that reason. I bet that's why no one told me. Tyvm, sweetheart!!😘. I have not enough words to say how much this means to me!
Nov 09Reply

@tbarbee1962 Plz help me welcome Elise:)
Nov 09Reply

@73v3n tyvn, sweetie!!! So much!! Thank you just doesn't seem to cover it but I don't have words!! 😘😘😘
Nov 10Reply

@swanhhdjj tyvm, sweetie!!! I'll return the shares, I promise!! I'm just so overwhelmed right now....the new med is not working out....I'm crying all the time again. 😥. But I'll return the shares, I promise!😘😘👭
Nov 10Reply

It's ok Sunshine! Take a deep breathe and just focus on the things that matter, everything else will fall into place. I pray for you & Fred and that you get through this time in your life. You are strong- look at what you have already conquered. You are a warrior! Love ya! 👭😘💕
Nov 10Reply

@swanhhdjj oh, thank you, Lisa, sweetie!! Thank you! I don't feel much like a warrior lately. But I know God wouldn't have saved me to have us suffer like this so it should be short lived, right? Something has to change soon!! Ty so much...your words do help strengthen me. I love you! Thanks for the prayers, the shares and everything! 😘👭😘
Nov 10Reply

@elisehunter what a small world. I was 47 when I had a stroke. I am now 61. There is life after stroke. If I can help, let me know. I am still not working but I am on social security disability since my stroke.
Nov 10Reply

@msupgrade hi! Thanks very much for your note!! The des said I'd make a full recovery because they did a new procedure where they went in through my groin (like a heart cath) and up into my brain and plucked the clot out! It was my only option because I was on the floor for at least 4 hours. Thank God my husband forgot something and came home and found me! So I made really good progress at first but it's not fast enough for me. They denied me disability benefits (I've tried 3 times) because the doctors all said I'd make a full recovery. I'm glad about that but I'm not ready to go back to work yet. I'm just not ready. Now my husbands work has dried up because of the holidays. He's a self employed remodeling contractor so he can't even get unemployment. So I really need to make sales!! This is our only form of income and it's just not enough. I was just telling my friend in the post above this that I know a God didn't save me just to make us suffer so it's gotta be short lived, right? Sorry, I'm rambling. I guess I just needed to talk about it. Tyvm for your note. I'm glad you're doing well!! And I thank God every day for all the miracles that happened that day!!! Nice to meet you!!😘
Nov 10Reply

@elisehunter I'm really not doing all that well. There are days when I just can't get out of bed to do anything. My memory is really bad. Do you have any residual effects from the stroke at all? Did you have a lawyer for SSD? You need to go with a lawyer after the third denial. That's what I did. Almost a guarantee that you get it and the lawyer only gets a percentage of what you get. No harm no foul.
Nov 10Reply

@msupgrade no, I don't have a lawyer. I'll try to do that. I have really bad short and mid term memory and I have PBA (I cry lots of the time). I'm on this new med that seemed to be helping but since last week, it's not helping at all. And I'm still dealing with some cognitive issues...can't find the words some times and I process slowly and get overwhelmed quickly. Other than that, lol, I'm fine 😉. I'm sorry you're not doing that well. When you said there is life after stroke I assumed...love ya!! So glad you dropped by! 😘
Nov 10Reply

@wenrella I love you!!
Nov 10Reply

❌❌⭕️⭕️✌️ love u back always
One of these days I'm going to go to Jacksonville. Ever heard of Kat Kur? Do u have FB? If so look for me. Wendy Reavis Vero Beach w/ my signature green eye.
Nov 10Reply

@wenrella yes, I'm on Facebook. And you always have a place to stay in Jax!😘
Nov 10Reply

@wenrella no, I haven't. I'll look her up and follow her!!
Nov 10Reply

@elisehunter Elise, I'd love to share some of your items as host picks however I can't because you don't go by Posh rules. You except Paypal which is a big no no. If you take that down and stop accepting Paypal and don't trade I would love to Host Pick your items and do all I can to highlight your closet and help promote your sales and use my stays as a suggested user to help you out anyway I can. Think about it and let me know. I'm co-hosting a party on Friday night so I'll be making picks this week. Roni
Nov 10Reply

@msupgrade oh, no, I DON'T accept PayPal. That a red circle with a line through it. I absolutely follow all posh rules!! This is our only income so I don't do anything to jeopardize my reputation with Posh!! Are you talking about that line on top, under my name? If so, I'll make it clearer! I'd appreciate any help you can give me...shares, a host pick, anything. I don't have words to express how grateful I am for any help. Please LMK if it's the line under my name and I'll see how I can make it clearer. Tyvm!!
Nov 10Reply

@msupgrade Roni, I have never accepted PayPal and I only did a few trades when I first started. I think trading should be banned. If you look under several listings I say I don't trade when people asked. And I regularly call people out when I am helping new Poshers! I'm sorry that I'm writing so much, I'm just upset that anyone would think I'm not following posh rules.
Nov 10Reply

@snhboss tyvm for your shares. I don't have words to truly express my gratitude. We're desperate for sales...my husband is a remodeling contractor and his work dried up last week due to the holidays. He's self employed so he can't get unemployment. Sorry for rambling! I just want you to know how grateful I am for your shares to your gazillions of followers!! 😘🌹
Nov 10Reply

Ur cloz looks great! LMK wen adding any more n I will share awayyyy;)
Nov 10Reply

@maxedout tyvm, sweetie!! I will. Do you know the auntiecoco? Please see posts above (??)
Nov 10Reply

@elisehunter sorry Elise. I saw the ☑️and I thought it was for Paypal. I will definitely prompt your closet. Can I call you my friend? I would be honored to.
Nov 10Reply

@msupgrade Roni, of course!! Tyvm because if it's not clear, I'll change it. I'll add another 🚫 after PayPal to make it clearer. I don't want anyone to misunderstand! I'm sorry for the long post. The damage to my brain was in the are that deals with emotions so I easily get upset and it seems like I'm crying all the time. So, my friend, thank you!! 😃. I'd be honored to be your friend. 😘
Nov 10Reply

@maxedout never mind. I had the wrong person and we worked it out. I was very upset and got flustered!! 😘😘🌹
Nov 10Reply

@tinawears tyvm, lovely!!! You're truly such a good, kind person! I adore you!!😘❤️
Nov 10Reply

Good morning, Elise! Happy Monday to you and your family!
Nov 11Reply

Good Morning, @tinawears !! Happy Monday! I hope you have a great Veterans, day!! 😘
Nov 11Reply

@elisehunter I luv to meet people & read their stories. Sooooo glad u r ok. Posh is such an amazing community...helpful & supportive. I will share ur beautiful face & hope people follow. How r u doing now?
Nov 11Reply

@tyvm, @randikandi ! I really appreciate it. I'm doing ok, tyvm for asking. I'm ready to go back to work yet but haven't been able to find remote work....I'd be more comfortable with that...I worked from home before as a social business Community Moderator before I love meeting new people too and I can't help myself....I'm doing "light-touch" moderation on here...Posh and the wonderful women on here are so great, it's my way of giving back!! I help new Poshers and gently call people out when I see inappropriate posts (like advertising in people's closets) but I leave them an out so I don't embarrass them and I do it under a sold listing, yet I've been banned from some closets!! I really need to get back to work because, since last week my husbands work dried up due to the upcoming holidays (he's a remodeling contractor). He's self employed so he can't even get unemployment. Sorry for rambling, it was all to say tyvm for any shares, I really need cash flow!! It means so much to me, you can't imagine!! I have no words. I'll do my very best to return them all!!! 😘🌹😘. Tyvm for reaching out and you're very kind words!! It means so much!! 😘
Nov 11Reply

@elisehunter anytime Elise. The people who block u, u don't need as friends. As far as the financial...believe me, I understand. I'm having a rough time myself...& my son quit his job. 😡😡😡 anyway, keep ur chin up gf. U will find something. In the meantime, keep Poshing. My friend Carol...@cvz15... This is all she does. And does very well with it. A lot of time & effort...but it's worth it. I'm gonna "like" this post so I can remember to share as much as possible. 👯👯👯
Nov 11Reply

@randikandi tyvm, sweetie! Yes, I know @cvz15 Carol, she's helped me so much and has invited me into her Posse (I'm forever grateful)! There are so many wonderful women who care on here! Posh has given me so much love and support! I seriously don't know what I would have done without it. I started to help my cognitive skills and dexterity and I've stumbled into a "life line" of love and support!! ❤️ tyvm, again, for reaching out! You're such a doll and I'd be honored to call you "my friend"! 😘😘
Nov 11Reply

@elisehunter 😇😇😇 ditto my new friend 🌹🌹
Nov 11Reply

@randikandi hello, my friend 😉!! I wonder if you'd like to be added to my Party Alert list. I send party alerts, tag people on listings of people who may need help, great deals, etc. You have a gazillion followers so I'm sure you're already on lists so I thought I'd ask. 😃. OH, and guess what? I just got notified that I'm a suggested user!! I'm so honored!! I'm so excited!! 😘
Nov 11Reply

@elisehunter absolutely. I luv to help...plus I need help...lol. Suggested user...omg. Congrats gf. Well deserved. Make a post & show it off. 👏👏👏👏👯👯👯👯❌⭕️
Nov 11Reply

Hi Elise ...not to be rude by no means ...but will u plz remove me from ur tag list...thank you sweetheart ☺
Nov 11Reply

@lisadraper np! Not rude. That's why I usually leave the line in. 😃
Nov 11Reply

@elisehunter could you please untag me from those mass posts? Thanks!
Nov 12Reply

@etierney sure!
Nov 12Reply

Thanks for sharing this info. Will def try to help and send magical thoughts your way!
Nov 14Reply

@renatesteiner tyvm, sweetie. Magical thoughts are greatly needed!! 😃
Nov 14Reply

@elisehunter Your story has touched my heart in a very special way. While I don't personally know what you're going through with having had a stroke, my husband just had a ruptured brain aneurysm 3 months ago. Exactly 1 month before we were supposed to get married actually. I know what it's like to have your life turned upside down by something that no one can really explain. He's 27 years old and otherwise very healthy. It was a Saturday morning & he was in our bathroom and all of a sudden I heard a loud thump, like someone had dropped a couch or something on the floor. I ran into the bathroom to find him unconscious and not moving at all. Called 911 and they got him to regain consciousness about 20 minutes later. Took him to the ER and had a CT and found the bleeding on the brain. He was life flighted to a larger hospital with a neurosurgery unit & had an angiogram and then right from there to surgery for a craniotomy & metal clipping of the aneurysm to keep it from opening and bleeding out again. Spent 2 weeks in neuro ICU and has been in physical, occupational & speech therapies 3 days a week ever since. Luckily, he pulled through & is getting better every day. We even were able to still get married on the date we planned to; however, because of his condition & our financial situation because of the medical bills, we traded in our big celebration for a small intimate ceremony in our backyard with just our immediate family & close friends. His company terminated him once FMLA ran out so he lost his health benefits with that. We're drowning in medical bills & only getting by on my income now. It is so difficult & I praise you & admire your strength & positive outlook. 💗👍 Thank you for openly sharing your story & struggles on here. I will be keeping you and your family in my thoughts & prayers. Prayers & hugs to you!! 💕
Nov 15Reply

@purple1986 oh, sweetie! I'm so sorry!! I remember the look on my husbands face when he found me laying there, after he realized something was wrong, and the pained expression when he held my hand when they were explaining what they needed to do - I could really process that it was ME that they were talking about...I just couldn't bare to see his face so worried when he's usually so calm and collected! So I can kind of imagine what you probably went through! Thank God that you were there!! And yes, drowning in debt in the blink of an eye.....thank you for sharing and "talking" to me! I'm so glad you were able to get married on your date, I bet that made it even more special and there were many tears!! The good kind 😃. If you ever need anything, whatever...help,about Posh or just someone to listen, I'm here. Like this so it'll be in your like feed....and I'm always here if you need to talk or need anything. Something like this is difficult for the "victim" but I really think it's hardest (maybe not the right word, I have trouble sometimes) on the loved ones.....my husband tells me the opposite but I know. He was with me every moment...the Mayo Clinic (one of the many miracles that happened that day because there were other options and an argument with the EMTs, thankfully the women who pushed for Mayo won) was wonderful, I had a private room with a pull out bed and they let him stay with me (I was in ICU and I'm told it's very unusual) the whole time. But I'll never forget the look on his face at certain times...my brother, who I'm very close to, lives in LA and I live in Florida, has told me how helpless he felt/feels so I imagine while you're doing everything you can, you felt helpless, fear, panic(?)...this isn't fair to you, lol, but that's how I would feel. Anyway, I'm here if you want to talk ever and get a different perspective for your husband...if you need anything, sweetie, please reach out!! Thank you for telling me your story. The damage to my brain deals with the area of emotion and I've always been sensitive (so multiply that by 100) so it really makes me feel less alone. I'm so sorry for the experience you went through...I can only imagine from what my husband has told me...but he plays it all down. I truly wish he had the support that I have from the Posh community...great women like you!! God bless you, dear. You're in my thoughts and prayers!! XO 😘
Nov 15Reply

@elisehunter Again I'm so sorry for what you have been through as well! It affects everyone in the family it seems but I'm sure you and your husband feel like the majority of it is on you (as it should be! You're the ones going through it after all!) You guys sound like us - I feel worse for him because of what he's been through and how he's still trying to recover and get back to some sense of his "normal" self & he feels like I'm the one who has it worse because of how terrifying this all has been and I've had to take on full responsibility of keeping track of our finances, pay the bills, keep the house clean & running smoothly, get him back and forth to therapy & doctors appointments and continue to work my full time job. I'll admit it is hard on the primary caregiver and spouse. You feel like you're never doing enough for the other person and you want to take their struggles away and you can't. When he was in neuro ICU I never left his side. I stayed every night and gave him baths in bed when he couldn't get up the first week. I brought him food from home so he'd feel a little more comfortable there and pictures of us and our families. I did everything I could to try and make it a little better for him. And once he was home, for the first 2 months I was so scared to leave him alone at all. I was so afraid he'd pass out again and I wouldn't be able to save him again. Everytime he went to the bathroom I would get panicked, almost waiting to hear that loud thump again. It's getting better now & I'm feeling a little more relaxed and I'm even able to get out of the house and leave him home alone for a couple hours at a time. Luckily I work from home so I've been very fortunate to be home with him every day during this. Sometimes we sit back and talk about it all and still can't believe this happened. Do you ever think that? Not so much like why us or why me, but just amazed at how the morning this all happened things were normal and we made breakfast and ate together and he was going to go outside and now our lawn and 5 minutes later he's unconscious in the bathroom. That was by far the scariest moment of my life - running in to find him laying on the floor and not moving. His eyes were open but he wasn't there at all. I can understand your husband's fear for you. It is truly a miracle that you are still here! And thank God your husband found you and was able to get you the medical help you needed to survive! How long ago did this happen to you? (Sorry if it's in any of the comments above. I read through them but I didn't catch when it happened.) I'm happy to have found my way to your closet on here. It's nice to know someone understands exactly what we're going through because no one in our families or friends really does. I know they're here for us and it has affected them to an extent but it's still not the same as it actually happening to them. I'm sure you understand that completely. Please know I am always here to talk to as well! Anything you need, just ask. And thanks for being here for me too. It's nice to not feel so alone anymore. God bless!! 😍
Nov 15Reply

@purple1986 oh, sweetie, same, same, same!!! I agree completely with everything you said!! We do talk about it sometimes in exactly the same way but I think it more often, that's why I said "in the blink of an eye..." Everything changed! My husband is very encouraging and doesn't want to dwell on it so we don't talk about it that often. I think about it all of the time! And it's true, no one can possibly understand unless you've been through it. It happened July 1. I'm really so lucky because the technique they used minimized the damage...I was talking, slurred, but I was talking when I woke up from the surgery. If you read the comments you know how they did it, another lucky thing. However, my insurance company doesn't cover the Mayo Clinic because they do so many experimental procedures...this being on of them...so it wouldn't have matter anyway! I have to go for now sweetie. God bless, I'm glad you found me and I feel like I have a new friend! 😃😘
Nov 15Reply

@elisehunter My husband is just like yours - he doesn't want to dwell on it. He says he just wants to go back to normal again. I understand why he wants that. This is certainly not a normal life for two 27 year olds, and newlyweds at that. I'm sure you guys feel the same. How long have you been married? And congrats by the way! Your husband sounds like a great man who really loves and supports you. I'm glad you have him for support. 💗It sounds like you're doing pretty well considering the circumstances. I've found that the best thing to do is try to keep busy and keep positive. Let yourself grieve and certainly you'll have days where you're emotions get the better of you. But I hope your days are mostly positive & bright now. You certainly have a new friend in me and I'm here anytime you need to talk or vent or anything. Take care hun and I hope you have a great weekend. I'll catch up with you again soon and continue to pray for you guys. Much love!! 💕💕💕
Nov 15Reply

@purple1986 we'll be married just 2 years on New Year's Eve! So we are newly weds or at least it feels that way. 😍. We seem to have much in common. I'm doing really well now. I have some cognitive deficits still like short and mid term memory issues. I was working remotely from home, doing Social Business Collaboration and need to go back to work soon. I'd love to work for Posh because I know it better than the software I used to work on. They've had two upgrades and just as a user, it looks very different. So, that's scary because I don't want to fail!! I don't think Posh has any Community Moderators because I've been doing it and I haven't seen any other people doing it (except on party listings as a reminder of what is allowed or you can't get any host picks). Ok, gotta run. I've got so much to do in regards to the party. I need to jazz up the party listing!! And I really need to do laundry and dishes, etc!! God bless!! 😘
Nov 15Reply

Hi Elise. I had no clue this had happened to you. We have much in common. I'm so very sorry you went through this awful experience. I read an earlier comment that you made where you said that you very quickly found out who your true friends were and that many have all disappeared since your stroke. I can identify on so many levels! I'm not sure if you've read about what's going on with me lately, but you can if you want to under the sad kitty listing in my closet. Anyway, I started getting extremely sick with my autoimmunes and migraines while my husbie and I were planning our wedding. The stress of planning this huge affair did me in and I decided to scrap it, that we should get married at the Justice of the Peace. I have a GORGEOUS couture bridal gown hanging in my closet I've never worn, we lost deposits on venues and vendors, but I was too sick-and like you said- my "friends" kind of fell away one by one. I guess they didn't know how to deal with illness on this level in our 30's. But my sweet husbie has stood by my side all these years through sickness and rare times of health. I also have two beautiful sons who happen to be my step sons but I love them just as if they were my own. Anyway, I will add you and your family to my prayers. I appreciate the tags for everything and I'm glad we got introduced. I want to apologize if I don't respond to everything for the next little chunk of time owing to a health scare, 2 week hospital stay, now home with PICC line and antibiotic infusions blah blah blah. I just wanted to tell you I'm proud of you and inspired by your positive presence and glad that we get to be Posh buddies💛 I can't wait for your party!!!🎉🎁 XOXO 😘💕Anna Lane
Nov 15Reply

@alanetx oh, sweetie, I'm sorry. I didn't know. I will keep you in my prayers. And tyvm for your kind words!! The part of my brain that was damage deals with emotions so I'm crying now. But they're good tears. You and @purple1986 have really touched me so positively. I want to introduce you! We need to stick together and support each other. There is so much that I want to say but I'm so sorry, I haven't got the time, my news feed has blown up due to the party. But if you read the comments I wrote to Leeanne, I'd say much the same to you in reverse (does that make sense?). In other words you have to go through it to really get it! God bless honey!! Same for me, for the next week, I'll be unable to respond or return shares (it's killing me!!!) 😘😘. Much love to you both, my new PM friends!! 😃😘😘. I do hope the two of you connect!!
Nov 15Reply

@elisehunter That would be great if you could work for Posh! I'll be praying that something works out for you. There's nothing wrong with feeling like newlyweds still after 2 years! I hope hubby & I do too. 😍 Good luck with all the prep for your party & I'll be thinking of ya, posh buddy! 😄 @alanetx Anna, I read your posting in your closet. I'm so sorry for what you're going through hun. I don't understand how insurance companies can get away with the things they do. What's the point of having insurance when they basically toss you out the door like that when you so desperately need the medical care. Shame on them! You are beautiful & strong and I'm praying for you and your family now as well. Like Elise said, we all need to stick together & support each other. It's nice to"meet" you and if you ever need someone to talk to, please reach out to me. Have a wonderful day new friends! 😘😘
Nov 15Reply

@oliviaraeann tyvm, sweetie!! That mans a lot to me!! The damage to my brain deals with emotion and I was very sensitive before...so you can imagine!! I'm happy to have met you too!! And the party will get you loads of exposure, or so I'm told! 😉😘
Nov 16Reply

@elisehunter I have liked the meet me! Woo hoo! Thanks so much for being so welcoming and throwing me a bone! I will return the favor! *hugs*
Nov 17Reply

@blondeofaud oh, good!! Now I'm always in your likes so if you need anything, just reach out!!! 😃
Nov 17Reply

@elisehunter perfect! Muchas Gracias!
Nov 17Reply

You are in my thoughts and prayers!! Congrats on your newlywed status! My fiancee was with me thru my breast cancer. I unfortunately experienced 3rd degree burns from my radiation and bless my man he lovingly stood by my side cheering me on and changing my bandages until we got to the top of the mountain! 2 yrs later he was diagnosed with cancer and I got to cheer him on through his battle and beyond! God is good!
Nov 18Reply

@makeuppatti Hi, Patti, nice to meet you!! Tyvm for stopping by! I'm so sorry for what you've both been through!! But I bet it made your love stronger, didn't it? I know it has for us. My hubs never even catches a cold so who knows if I'll get to return the love and support like he did for me...I try to everyday. Tyvm for your note!! God bless you dear! You're both in my prayers too now. 😘😘
Nov 18Reply

@blandw 😃😘
Nov 18Reply

@elisehunter It is nice to find someone who can appreciate the gift of waking up every day like I do. Sometimes I find people just don't get how fragile life is ya know. I also have a medical problems and could spend a month going over all of them but what I do know is that you and I could be best friends. 😊 Your closet is fabulous and we have the same goals for our closets, the same greatfulness for our husbands and friends and of course we both love @blandw !! I am looking forward to talking with you more and if you need anything let me know. You are only a state away. I live only two hours from Florida.
Nov 18Reply

@elisehunter that looks SOOOOO awesome darlin'! Is that your belated anniversary pic? You look radiant and so beautiful! What a lucky fella Fred is!!! You tell him I said so and to always treat you like a princess... Or I'm gonna come after him. LOL
Nov 18Reply

@daisygirl321 oh, yes, we could!! Yeah, I've learned so much since the stroke. You really find out who your true friends are, right!? And it's really refreshing to meet another person who adores their husband!! There are so many people who complain about theirs. I want to say "Get out then!" but of course I don't. 😃. And yes, it sounds like we have the same goals and appreciation for life!! You really have to go through stuff to get it!! I'm looking forward to getting to know you!! I bet we could sit and talk for days!! 😘
Nov 19Reply

@blandw yes, it is!! And he does, but I'll tell him!! LOL! 😃. Can you read the top? I had so much to say...LOL...this is the edited version!! Tyvm sweetie!!!😘😘
Nov 19Reply

awwww sweetie.. that picture is adorable..I just saw it for first time.. beautiful xoxooxxoo
Nov 19Reply

@sandygaboury tyvm, sweetie. I figured it was time for an update. This was the first time we went out to dinner since the stroke. We went early so it wasn't too late. Can you read the top? I had so much to say, this is the edited version, lol!!
Nov 19Reply

@sandygaboury do you think the Phoenix Rising is too much? I thought it was cool and crazy color compatible. Fred said "it's a little too much. Kinda hokey"
Nov 19Reply

that picture is adorable and nooo I don't think the Phoenix Rising is too much.. it is cool.. I remember when you went out to dinner. I remember I was so happy for you that you were going out.. :-) and yes I can read the top.. it looks awesome to me.. :-) as usual.. everything you create is great..
Nov 19Reply

What wonderful news!!! I'm so happy for you Elise!!!
Nov 19Reply

@sandygaboury tyvm, sweets!! Haha, Fred came up and I didn't have a second...😉sorry I disappeared!! Ok, cool!! Your opinion really matters to me!!! Ty ❤️😘
Nov 19Reply

@neelug tyvm, sweetie!! 😘
Nov 19Reply

Love it! Love u❌❌⭕️⭕️❤️
Nov 19Reply

@wenrella OH!! Tyvm, sweetie pie!!! I love you too!! I was afraid I put too much writing at the top but I had so much to say. This is the edited version!!! Hahaha!! 😃😘😘😘
Nov 19Reply

@elisehunter I'm happy that you are ok now. It's a long process to be fully recovered, but you will get there. You have a wonderful man always by your side, so you are blessed. Keep it up, and you see full of life ahead of you ❤ from SoCal with love 🌹
Nov 19Reply

@ilovesunset tyvm, sweetie!! I just got off the phone with a friend....he's been with his sister, in the hospital for 5 weeks...she had a stroke and wasn't as lucky as me!! Puts everything into perspective!! I'm reminded every day, just how lucky I am!!! 😘
Nov 19Reply

@elisehunter ❤ Be strong and you will be back to work very soon!
Nov 19Reply

@ilovesunset 😘
Nov 19Reply

@elisehunter Hey Elise! Just checking in to see how you're doing today my friend? I love the updated post & pictures. What wonderful news. Life is full of awesome miracles every day. Hope you are having a great week! 💕 LeeAnne
Nov 19Reply

@purple1986 hi LeeAnne!! I'm doing really great!! Getting ready for my party tomorrow night (woot woot!). Are you going to be there? I hope so 😉. Tyvm, sweetie, your kind words mean so much!! 😘. How are you?
Nov 19Reply

Elise, I absolutely love that you updated this and I adore what you've written!!! Look at you my little Miracle Girl!!! I know you're swamped right now, but just wanted to wish you luck with your party tomorrow! Try not to stress too much! I seriously stressed myself to no end and it really wasn't hard at all😊 You will do a fabulous job and I'm so impressed with how quickly you have grown in the Poshmark community😊 This wonderful Posh community is fortunate to have a diamond like you😊
Nov 19Reply

@hydrogirl tyvm, sweetie!!! You are such a doll!! You're so very precious to me!!! I love you, Sally🍰!!!!
Nov 19Reply

@elisehunter I most certainly will be at your party tomorrow! I can't wait! Good luck and don't worry, it is gong to be fabulous!! 😍 I'm doing great, just finishing up work for the night and then probably onto some chores around the house. Fun stuff! Hahaha 😜
Nov 19Reply

Hi 😘 Just thought I let you know that I tagged the owner plus the other regular hosts on her listings. Thanks!
Nov 20Reply

@missrochelles great. I had sent an email to the person who asked me to co-host. They're all over it. Her cohost, Gwenn, has children's clothing at the very bottom, too! 😘
Nov 20Reply

@tinker_bell tyvm, sweetie!!!😘😘
Nov 20Reply

Oh my. Well I'm sure my Posh career is over though because I wrote a long letter to the owner on my page. 😝 But it's been brewing in me for a long time & sending emails hasn't worked :( Oh well! Btw I 💜💜 your jewelry!!
Nov 20Reply

@missrochelles I'm glad you did!! He should know!! 😘😘. Tyvm!! Me too!! 😕
Nov 20Reply

@elisehunter WHOOP WHOOP!! 🎉💃You must be so excited!! 😁😁 Congrats, enjoy & give us some awesome fashion! 💋
Nov 20Reply

@trenddelight God bless you, sweetie!! It's all true...and you really find out who your friends are, don'tchya? Tyvm for stopping by and writing such beautiful words! I wanted to respond now because tomorrow morning you'll be several hundred down in my feed!! This party is blowing my feed up more than usual!! So I would write more and be more eloquent but I'm swamped!! God Bless, sweetie!! I'm glad you're still here and yes, it gives you a whole new perspective. I was good about telling people that I loved them before but I realize now that it's important to tell my husband, especially, in the morning when he leaves...when he found me I couldn't speak and I'll never forget the pained look in his eyes and I just wanted to tell him I loved him and I'll be alright. It's those moments that change you!! 😘😘 God is good!
Nov 20Reply

Hi, I also had a stroke, when I was 32, I couldn't talk and my left side was limp and couldn't move it, it took kaiser 1 year and many many test to figure out why I had one, I was young, healthy, non smoker, no drugs, they couldn't find anything! Then one Dr. Said " I'm going to try one last test on you" he checked my blood for ACL " Anti-Cardiolipin Antibodies " basically means your body is making clots, that's what I have. So I have been on blood thinners since the incident and will be fort the rest of my life. Luckily I had two children before this had happened! I pray I won't have another one, it was the scariest thing I've ever been threw, my husband didn't know what was wrong with me, I just started crying because I could talk and I didn't know what was going on either, but I knew it was something bad, I thought " I'm going to dye and can't even tell my husband " I'm thankful for every day I have now! Hope this helps you, thought after reading about yours maybe they could check this on you?
Nov 20Reply

@mkstope tyvm for stopping by, sweetie! Yes, it was that way for me....it makes you really appreciate what you have and how important it is to tell those you love, that you love them everyday. It was the same thing for me but I couldn't really process why he had that pained look in his eyes. I couldn't talk but didn't hurt and I also couldn't process that the right side of my body wasn't working. I was just really tired. They checked everything - including ACLs. Nothing. I'll be on plavix (a blood thinner and a full aspirin for the rest of my life too) but it beats the alternative! I don't want that to happen again!! Much love. Thank you very much for stopping by and leaving a note. I appreciate it greatly!
Nov 20Reply

@elisehunter have a fabulous time tonight!!!! Woohoo!!! Since you'll be busy, I'll be happy to help share your closet to the party!
Nov 21Reply

@kristyblocker tyvm, Kris. My PMBFF @blandw has offered already. I sincerely appreciate you both!! (I hadn't even thought of my closet!) 😘😘
Nov 21Reply

@elisehunter no problem! I know how busy you can get sharing away! I adore your closet
Nov 21Reply

@kristyblocker tyvm, sweetie! You're a doll!!! 😘
Nov 21Reply

@elisehunter I am SOOOO glad you have posted an update!!!! And thrilled that you are doing better!!! My thoughts and prayers have been and continue to be with you!!!! Lots of love,hugs, prayers, and support continue!!!
Nov 21Reply

@erikagannon Oh, Erika, tyvm, sweetie! You have always been such a dear to me!! 😘😘
Nov 21Reply

@elisehunter you make my heart smile sweet lady !!! xoxo
Nov 21Reply

@erikagannon I had to wait 'til tonight...I had to change it twice since last Friday!! 😉
Nov 21Reply

@elisehunter you are a sweetheart!!! Enjoy tonight...it is allll yours!!! I will be there right beside you to cheer cheer share share!!!!
Nov 21Reply

@erikagannon ty, doll!!
Nov 21Reply

@elisehunter sorry- twins were crying. Amazing story! I'm a dementia specialist and work very closely with stroke victims. You're amazing!!!
Nov 21Reply

I'm gonna share your things as often as possible!!!!!!!!!!! All proceeds I make go to, Public Dementia Education. Xoxo
Nov 21Reply

@kristyblocker oh, tyvm, sweetie!! I have Angels!!! ❤️. Twins!!! I can't really talk now....I just didn't want to scare you off!!
Nov 21Reply

@kristyblocker I saw that and shared it!! I think that's great!!
Nov 21Reply

@elisehunter oh I'm so sorry to bother ya. I know your busy. I would really love to have the ring.... Badly. I asked my husband if I can have it. Since it would need to be sized, I can only afford $150. No offense, please. I didn't mean to low ball you. But, that's all I can do right now.
Nov 21Reply

@kristyblocker oh, sweetie, I can get more scrapping it...but I don't want to do that. But that's too low. I'm not offended, no worries. And a good jeweler would want the extra gold and give you money back. (I've had many of her rings resized.) LMK if you can go higher in the future and we'll hope it's still here. I truly want it to go to a good home. 😃. I just can't go that low with the commission and all. 😘
Nov 21Reply

@elisehunter I totally understand. Really. You're right about the sizing. $200 is what I pushed from him.
Nov 21Reply

@kristyblocker maybe for christmas ;)
Nov 21Reply

@elisehunter Hi! We've shared each other's closets so many times, and I am so sorry that I never saw this post! I am SO sorry to hear about your stroke and I hope you are feeling better and better every day!! It is those around us that give us our strength and it sounds like you are surrounded by an amazing support group, including us...your Posh family! I will continue to share your closet more than ever! Again, please forgive me that I never saw this earlier. Sending you the biggest hug ever ❤️❤️❤️and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers! 🙏
Nov 21Reply

Ok I know I was following you but once again it shows I'm not, hopefully I didn't just unfollow🙈Stupid glitch!
Nov 21Reply

@vinsam oh, sweetie, it's ok. I'm not of the woods entirely so your thoughts and prayers are appreciated! And I can feel the hug!! And WHAT? I thought you were a SU?! Dang, you should have gotten it before me! xoxo
Nov 21Reply

@couturegirl I know, it happens all the time!!
Nov 21Reply

@elisehunter One day at a time ❤️😘💋!! And, no, I have not been granted the SU honor yet, but what an awesome day that will be!! Just not sure what I'm "not" doing? But, I will continue to support everyone around me and just enjoy the wonderful community I've been introduced to! We have some truly amazing people on a Poshmark, don't we? Love it! ❤️
Nov 21Reply

@randikandi I'm SO GLAD you can be off to party with us (me!) LOL. But really, I'm so glad you don't have to work tonight!! xx
Nov 21Reply

@elisehunter AWESOME news girl! Stay strong and positive! Always an inspiration you are lil lady💗💐 Have fun tonight!
Nov 21Reply

@vinsam I'm sure it's not anything you're not doing (how many double negatives is THAT?!) :) It's gotta be a glitch in the system, or the new algorithms they have. idk. But yes, I just love this community...I've truly been blessed to meet such lovely people -- like you!! I love it too!!! xx
Nov 21Reply

@jefsweetie me?!? YOU!! xoxo
Nov 21Reply

@elisehunter And yes.....you as well 😘😘😘!!!
Nov 21Reply

@vinsam ty, sweetie!
Nov 21Reply

@elisehunter I know. Me too. I'm always working. 10 minutes to go 👏👏👏
Nov 21Reply

@elisehunter 😘😘😘
Nov 21Reply

@randikandi I know! I want to start now!! lol!! xo
Nov 21Reply

"Party's here!!!" 😜- Snooki 😱🌷🌸💐
Nov 21Reply

OMG Elise.... 💞Thank you so very much! My first Host Pick's!💞I've been so out of everything with my surgery Nov.8, I didn't know about your Co-Hosting the evening party tonight. ✨👏👏Congrats Sweety, you so deserved it!👏👏✨
I was so caught off guard...I realized how much I really don't know.lol 😳
But, everyone is so helpful & sweet.😘💐Your page looks great! 👍You have put a lot of work into it! Congrats Sweety💞✨& TYVM
Nov 21Reply

@endersd well deserved!! And tyvm, sweetie!! It's hard to tell from where I was sitting 😃. I had a blast!!!
Nov 21Reply

Posh wrote me back stating all hosts go through a screening process. Etc etc. and that they have such a huge request pile they only quickly review. - Regarding the other Posher slamming us I think it's rediculous because at least I never asked to be host once I found out i was doing something wrong! It used to be that only paid fashion bloggers hosted. Or someone who had a long exc history on Posh.
Nov 21Reply

@missrochelles I'm glad they responded!! I don't know how I got asked! And yeah, I'm with you 😘
Nov 21Reply

Good grief!!! I've been getting harassed all day! Ugh! 😝 I think you're right!! I sent her my last & final reply stating that we were never mad at anyone nor are we now!
Nov 21Reply

@missrochelles that's why I just blocked her!! But of course she can talk about us with her 29 friends. LOL!!
Nov 22Reply

@missrochelles I know. That's not nice!! But, come on, now!!! 😜
Nov 22Reply

You are so sweet. I am so glad that I have met you. You have given me courage by your example. Thank you!!
Nov 22Reply

@vogolo aww, sweetie, tyvm!! Meeting you is my please!! Be strong, my friend!!😘😘
Nov 22Reply

Great bio! Keep enjoying life!....Julie
Nov 22Reply

@ghiapoolie thanks Julie!! I needed a lot of help when I first started and this lovely community really help me a lot!! (Did you see the second pic?). So I've been "paying it forward" ever since!! This is the best community!!
Nov 22Reply

Yes....Congrats! that's Awesome! I've got a "Keeper",too! 32 FUN years! I also agree with this site. The "Poshers" are so great! Very helpful,sweet and caring! I know there will always be scammers,yet, the greater majority are fabulous! Take care & I'll see you on Poshmark!.....Julie
Nov 22Reply

@specialk104 tyvm, sweetie!!! God bless you!! I don't think you're on my "party alert" list. Would you like to be?
Nov 23Reply

That is a great update!!!!👍💗🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊
Nov 24Reply

Have we spoke about the Google+ app yet?
Nov 24Reply

@wenrella no. I'm on there...just don't use it much. FB is my fav and I'm hardly on there anymore. 😕. Having a rough couple weeks, turning into month. <sigh>
Nov 24Reply

@elisehunter how are you doing today? Thinking about ya! 💞💖💞
Nov 24Reply

@nikkinoodles aww, NN!! You're so sweet!! I'm still 😷👈. How are you, sweetie?😘
Nov 25Reply

You will be in my prayers... You are one of the lucky ones to get another chance from god.. God bless..
Nov 25Reply

@thenewera tyvm, sweetie!! I know, I really AM lucky and grateful!!! 😘
Nov 25Reply

@thenewera and God Bless you too!!!
Nov 25Reply

@elisehunter Hey Elise! I hope you had a great weekend. I just wanted to wish you and your hubby a very Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your holiday and I'll talk to you soon! 💕💕💕
Nov 26Reply

@purple1986 hi sweetie!! You're so great, keeping in touch!!! 😘. Happy Thanksgiving!! 😃😘❤️😘
Nov 26Reply

@elisehunter I wanted to say that I love love love the earrings that I bought from you!! I'm a little late in answering only because I've been so busy but not because I'm not happy with what I just bought from you!! I was going to keep the earrings as Xmas gifts for the fam but I liked them too much....looks like I'm going to have to shop some more!!! :)
Nov 26Reply

@fuzzynavel Oh, I'm so glad you're happy!! Yay!! I'm really glad...that makes me happy!! 😃. Well, I have lots 'o stuff...and I'll give you the best deal should you want anything else sweetie!! Tyvm for letting me know!! 😘. Oh, I'm not at all doing a "hard sell" at all...but just to let you know...I don't know if you were interested or not...I have one crown ring left (I have another, better one, in an 8 that I haven't posted) and one 4 CTW of the crown earrings. I made an "ear selfie" for the earrings so people could see the size on...they aren't "too much". I can tag you on them if you'd like. I'm actually losing money at these prices so they're going quick (I desperately need cash flow). LMK if you'd like me to tag you on those, I don't want to be obnoxious and presume anything.
Tyvm, sweetie for stopping by and making my night!!😃😘
Nov 26Reply

@elisehunter Sure tag me on them but I can't make purchases until end of month. So maybe a sloooow tag? :) If you know what I mean? lol. I love how you packaged them in each little baggie! Makes it easy to give as gifts!
Nov 26Reply

@fuzzynavel I do know what you mean. I'll tag you and then you can like them and they'll be in your like feed. While I only have one 4CTW earrings, I have a couple left of the 3 CTW. 😃
Nov 26Reply

@mljb05 I'm happy to be alive too!! I really have a lot to be thankful for this year!! Feel free to rummage through my closet. I desperately need to sell so I can give great bundle deals...especially on my purses, clothing and vintage stuff. I need cash flow!! Tyvm for stopping by!!😘
Nov 26Reply

Don't be Jelly! I have a jacuzzi on my back porch, be jelly of that! BAHAHAHAHAGIGGLESNORT 😜 when u feel better & I get my house set up u will have to take a drive down to Vero & let me pamper u in my Spa like home. ⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️✌️
Nov 27Reply

That's a deal!!! ❤️
Nov 27Reply

@elisehunter Oh Elise so beautiful and kind eyes! I want to share my listing in my closet it's personal but I too Am like a phoenix .thankful to have new life!
Nov 28Reply

Oh @scarlettstained I didn't know!! And tyvm for the kind compliments and your super kind words!! You can't imagine how much it means to me!!! I had a pretty horrible day so this makes it all better!!! Do you want the Phoenix alone? I could add that pic if you'd like. Just LMK, sweetie!!! 😘❤️😘
Nov 28Reply

Sweetie. I just shared this on my fb page. Don't get angry. 😍😍😍😍
Nov 28Reply

@sandygaboury oh, honey!! How could I ever be mad at you?! Everything you do is with pure, good intentions!!!😘😘❤️👭
Nov 28Reply

Your gorgeous! You have a loving smile!
Nov 29Reply

@jacobs3 tyvm, Kim!! So kind!!!
Nov 29Reply

I read your "Meet Seller" story and I understand...strangely. I myself have A-fib. Found out one day as I was pouring my coffee feeling just fine. Woke up with paramedics over me. I have been lucky and over the past ten years I've had about 5 close calls. Scary stuff. I take Topral for the rest of my life and I'm absolutely fine with that and am also so grateful to alive. Wishing you the best of continued health FOREVER!
Nov 29Reply

@jacobs3 oh!! That is scary!! It puts everything into perspective, doesn't it? I really do feel like a living miracle!! There were so many things that happened that day that were more than coincidental!! I'm glad to "meet" you and I'm happy you're alive too!!! 😃💕💞💕
Nov 29Reply

@elisehunter email me d.brennan83@yahoo
Nov 30Reply

@sweetlysavage done 😉
Nov 30Reply

So glad everything is ok with you!! Stay strong 😊
Nov 30Reply

@misspink916 tyvm, sweetie. Your kind words mean more than you can imagine. (That's why I'm holding both items and breaking my own rule)❤️
Nov 30Reply

@elisehunter ..I will help you and support you on your journey! What a strong and beautiful woman you are. Let me know if I can ever do anything for you! You inspire me! God Bless and you are in my thoughts and Prayers.
Dec 01Reply

@kathyanthony1 tyvm, sweetie!! Very much! You can't imagine what your kind words mean to me! 😘. I emailed you back.
Dec 02Reply

@judithchan You can get an idea of my hair from both of these pics. But my hair had recently been straightened!! 😃
Dec 02Reply

Can't believe you are 47 thought you were in your late 30s :);)
Dec 02Reply

@judithchan oh!! Tyvm, sweetie!! That's so sweet!! But I'm crazy healthy and only 47. They still don't know why
Dec 02Reply

Welcome Sister😘😘😘
Dec 02Reply

@elisehunter how could I EVER forget u. U have been such an amazing help to me. Stupid lipstick thing, I forgot about it. I just saw all ur posts to have ur gals look in my closet. I don't know what to say...😇😇😇 any sales 🙏🙏🙏 will b dedicated to u 💕💕💕😘😘😘❌⭕️❌🎉❌⭕️
Dec 02Reply

@elisehunter I'll probable just check in to c ur beautiful face 🌹🌹🌹
Dec 02Reply

@randikandi aww, thank you sweetie! I didn't even think to look but alls well. I think you'll probably get one... at least :-) xoxoxo
Dec 02Reply

@randikandi xoxox kiss kiss (I'm on my computer!)
Dec 02Reply

@elisehunter Hi Sweetpea! Hope you're having a great day!!! 😍😍😍
Dec 03Reply

@elisehunter ,you have an amazing story.You seem like such a great person,thanks again for all you tips on being a posh co-host,I will definitely be choosing something in your closet to be HP,I will let you know what it is😘
Dec 05Reply

@monicamunoz tyvm for your kind words!! I sincerely appreciate them and the impending HP!! 😃😘
Dec 05Reply

I did see on @sassypants13 you were ill (I believe there). Prayers to you and continue to fight !!! Much love💖 me😍
Dec 06Reply

@sdshopper tyvm, sweetie!! Thank you. Your kind words and the words of others keep me going!! 😘
Dec 06Reply

Awwww that's what us real women are there for! To help each other! Please keep me posted please💞💞💞
Dec 06Reply

@sdshopper Yes, I wouldn't want that ever to change!! It still saddens me greatly that people are leaving because of whatever was said!! 😘👭😘
Dec 06Reply

Oh I know! That reminds me I have to catch up on that thread!! I know it had so much feedback. People have to know that (I can vouch at least for myself) we do it not to waste our time for nothing, nor ask for anything in return. Just plain old congrats! I know I love seeing them! Even w sharing, newsfeed is off the hook!! Plus, as you know, you can't personalize each person, it would take well over 4hours lol!!! I hope people stay on, there's always a bunch of bad apples no matter where you go😕
Dec 06Reply

@sdshopper it's true. Do catch up with the listing. More people are leaving. I'll tag you. Please read my comment. I was very upset and just could not remember everyone to tag!! 😘
Dec 06Reply

@sdshopper and I promise to return your shares. I'm just so far behind!! Tyvm Heather!!
Dec 06Reply

❤️my prayers are with you and your family. Have a wonderful Christmas and new year. I keep sharing too 😘
Dec 06Reply

@jules1653 tyvm, sweetie!! And you too!!! 💕💞💕
Dec 06Reply

After chatting with you for the last hour or so, I had to come back to see you. I remembered that you had had a stroke. How frightening that must have been! You look super happy, and so does your man. Nice getting to know you better.
Dec 06Reply

@micheleedesigns thankfully I didn't know what was happening until the last minute before surgery!! (I don't think I could "process" it) I was on the floor by myself for 4 hours!! My husband had forgotten something and just happened to come home after I managed to crawl out to the one spot where he could see me when he came in through the garage!! I'm a lucky girl!! And my husband is awesome!! Tyvm, sweetie! 😘
Dec 06Reply

@micheleedesigns and it's nice getting to know you!! 😃
Dec 06Reply

Your angel was watching over you! Same thing happened to a client of mine, and because it happened on Yom Kippur, her husband was only out for a run, instead of at his office, and found her. Something to be said for those angels!
Dec 06Reply

@micheleedesigns definitely!!
Dec 06Reply

Hi Elise!! Hope u are feeling well!! Is it possible to add me to your party alert list!? I get a few here and there but i noticed you send them out! I would appreciate it if its not too much trouble!! Thx😃😃😃Lucia
Dec 10Reply

@lucia0777 Sure!! I don't ever want to add anyone without their permission...I don't want to be blocked for mass tagging! 😃. You're on it!! 😘
Dec 10Reply

@elisehunter Hi Elise. Thought I'd get to know you a bit better. I'm very glad to hear you are doing better. Such a scare. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for sure. 💕 I love your puppy too! I have two Pom puppies, two daughters, two stepdaughters and one husband - in a pear tree🎶🎶. I love your closet (jewelry is my weakness!). I'm still trying to navigate my way here on posh, so I'm grateful when I find great poshers like you! I would love to be added to your party alert list. I'll be popping in and out! 🎄🎄🎄. Very Happy Holidays to you and your family! 🎄🎄🎄🎄
Dec 10Reply

Ughhhh Some people!!!!!! Is all i have to say lol!! Thx so much❤️
Dec 10Reply

@cassandraknox oh, sweetie, tyvm for your kind words!! They mean so much to me!! And thank you for your prayers and support!! Truth is, I'm not out of the woods just yet. I posted this before I got a cognitive eval back...and it wasn't good...I didn't want to take it down, ya know? I've been pretty upset about it and last weeks drama made things worse. Even tho I wasn't directly involved, I was blocked too! I used to cry pretty easily but now It seems I cry all the time!! So prayers are sincerely appreciated!! While this whole experience has made Fred and I closer, he's hurting. He hates to see me cry. You know how men are "fixers"....well he can't fix this and he says it literally makes his stomach hurt. So, all that to say, with all sincerity, thank you. ❤️ And you're officially on my list!! 😃😘😘 I love your closet too!! And jewelry is my passion! I got that from my Mom. I never thought I'd sell her jewelry, but I know she would understand. (All my vintage stuff is my Moms). Truly vintage from the '40s. LOL, I saw some young thing calling things from the '80s "vintage". That made me feel OLD!!! 😕 Thanks for listening, darlin'!! 😘😘
Dec 10Reply

@lucia0777 I know!! 'Nuff said!!
Dec 10Reply

@elisehunter luv that face
Dec 12Reply

@randikandi I love you soooo much!!! 😘😘❤️❤️
Dec 12Reply

Pleasure to meet you this evening! You're an outstanding women and I appreciate your guidance with Posh hosting! Truly wish the best for you! Happy Poshing! <3
Dec 13Reply

@svalentine tyvm, sweetie!! I got on Posh 3 weeks after the stroke (crazy, right?) to improve my cognitive skills and dexterity. I got lots of help from this wonderful community. I'm thrilled to "pay it forward". That's all I can do so I'm very happy, and available to help!! Tyvm for your kind words. They mean more than you can imagine!! 😘
Dec 13Reply

🙏🙏🙏I never would have thought this was your journey! You are so selfless on Posh as you give and give and give... You take nothing (but a good sale let's stay real here 😍) you are truly an angel sent from posh heaven!!! 👼👼 I knew it was something special about you lady!!!
Dec 17Reply

@imanimom oh, tyvm, sweetie!! Really, you kind words mean so much!! If you saw the second pic, that's really am still I prematurely put the update but don't want to take it down, you know? But I've always wanted to help people. I got a lot of help on here when I started so I'm happy paying it forward. I really love supporting the parties, and who doesn't like host picks (keeping it real😃) but I'd gladly trade them for sales!! My husband is a remodeling contractor and a month ago his work dried because of the holidays. He's self employed so he can get unemployment). I'm sorry. I'm rambling. Just very stressed and cry easily and have panic attacks (common symptoms). I've never been unable to work. I had a great job. Everything has changed. Sometimes I still cannot believe I had a stroke!! I'm young and very healthy!! Oh,sweetie, I try not to let it spill into here. I'm sorry!!! ❤️😘
Dec 17Reply

I think telling your story is fine. I know it makes you who you are... You're a blessing. Testimony keeps you humble helping everyone
Dec 17Reply

@imanimom Tyvm, Lisa. You're lovely!! 😘
Dec 17Reply

@elisehunter hi Elise how are you doing my dear I hope everything is going well with you specially to your health .... might not b able to greet you on Christmas & new year since I'm not doing posh very often now.. well you have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS & a HAPPY NEW YEAR DEAR with your beautiful family... More blessings to come your way... Take care <3<3<3
Dec 18Reply

@myramike4ever hi sweetie!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!!! Much love to you and Mike!! 😘😘😘. Did you see my new jewelry? Less expensive and lovely!! 😉😉❤️
Dec 18Reply

@isa_wine_lover I'm here! Are you sharing mine to the party, love?
Dec 20Reply

Not to the party love; I'm sharing to my followers!
Dec 20Reply

@isa_wine_lover I love you!! 😘😘💋
Dec 20Reply

Dec 20Reply

Hi Elise nice to posh meet you 😊 sending well wishes your way xoxo
Dec 21Reply

@jm_evans Nice to meet you too, Jenn!! Tyvm! 😘
Dec 21Reply

Well I'm glad to hear your doing so well, life is hard enough without obstacles along the way.. I'm a 46 yr old ,who at the age of 15 became disabled due to a horrific accident . I was literally run over by an 18 wheeler truck. And dragged 500 ft. I died a was brought back , hospitalized for almost a yr after 100 operations , I can safely say I'm a walking talking miracle myself.. I do pretty ok for myself. I'm lucky to be alive.. Thankful for my family and friends .
Dec 22Reply

@uzanne oh my goodness!! Wow, I'm glad you're doing so well!!! God bless you!!! 😘
Dec 22Reply

I wanted to let you know I can understand major life changing situations, and at no time should one EVER give up the fight . No matter how hard or long it might be.. I sometimes think I'm still here to help others along the way who gave had their share of bad situations. I never feel like mine worse than the next one. But that we all have our troubles and to each , their problems aero the biggest to them. Not two situations are the same but often similar.. I want
You to know if you ever need to cry complain or just bitch, I'm here with a open mind heart and ear for listening, and hope that I can inspire others to carry on push forward and never give up... I honestly wouldn't trade my life with anyone else , for I feel very blessed for my life and those in it... Well you have a friend in me if you could use another.. I'm always around so please don't hesitate to contact me in your time of need... Sincerely Bella , hope today is a good day..
Dec 22Reply

@uzanne I really appreciate you!! True, no story is the same but you can't really understand unless you go through something like this. So, thank you also for not saying "I know how you feel" 😉. And I can always use more friends!! It's my pleasure to meet you!! 😘
Dec 22Reply

Elise, I just saw this, now I understand why selling on Posh is important to you! To make up for sharing at a wrong time, I simply will buy something from your closet tonight, let me pick up my 3 yo from daycare and I'll be able to browse your listings, I'll get MIL gift:) Thank you! Tat.
Dec 23Reply

@tatyana123 aww, Tat. I'm really happy to just help!! 😘
Dec 23Reply

@elisehunter Elise, I have taken some time to read your story and my heart goes out to you. I believe you will continue to improve and you will be okay. You are a beautiful person inside and out and you are truly loved. There is much more for you to accomplish in this world. Just remember that sometimes you need to take baby steps. I wholeheartedly believe that what you give comes back to you. I learned this from my dad. He was the most selfless man I've ever known. He just believed that doing for others was the right thing and its a trait that's been inherently passed down. February will be three years since I lost him. Courage is something you clearly exhibit and that will lift you up and carry you through the most trying times Elise. I learned a bit about courage from my mom. She was a 43 year survivor of breast cancer. February will be one year since I lost her. She was my best friend, and she was beautiful and glamorous and my inspiration for so many things. They had a beautiful life together and I miss them so. We all learn how precious life is, and I'm more in love with my husband now after 32 years than I ever was. It's what you go through together that tells your story. You have a keeper. You have someone who treasures you. You are going to be awesome.
Dec 26Reply

@elisehunter Well Elise, I guess I read the back end of this huh? Or is this where it starts? Did you ever find out why this happened & how did you know it was a stroke or what was your signs? What started going wrong 1st?
Dec 27Reply

@sherry8888 I meant to ask if you saw the original pic. I'm very healthy. No high blood pressure or high cholesterol, nothing. They still don't know what caused it. I will be on blood thinners for the rest of my life.im going to start a new post so you know I'm here.
Dec 27Reply

@sherry8888 so, that morning, July 1st, was supposed to be the one sunny day that week. I was bound and determined to get some sun. I put my bathing suit on and headed downstairs. My typical routine...turn the tv on, make coffee, have breakfast. I couldn't turn the tv on. It's one of those things where you have to turn the tv on first (with the remote) and then hit the cable button. Well I couldn't turn it on. I was really tired so I sat on the couch and rested on the coffee table. Then I just fell off the couch, to the right. Nothing hurt, I didn't realize my right side didn't work. It took me 4 hours to crawl out to this spot between the family room and the dining room. But I couldn't process things. I didn't know it was that long. It's about 8'. There were several miracles that day. My husband forgot something and came home, in through the garage. I had "given up" on crawling anymore because I was so tired. Decided to take a nap. I was in the one spot that my husband would be able to see me, coming in from the garage. I was working at home so he wouldn't have thought anything about me not being downstairs!! So he called 911 when he asked me to smile (after asking me if I'd been drinking 😃joker!!). They took me to the Mayo Clinic just down the road. I still couldn't understand what the fuss was about......
Dec 27Reply

@sherry8888 a Dr had arrived 2 1/2 hrs earlier who travels around the world teaching this new technique, like an angioplasty, but into the brain. So for being on the floor for 4 hours, I have minimal damage. Physically I'm 100%. The part of my brain that's damaged deals with emotion so I cry a lot. And I'm having panic attacks. I used to be in charge of an office and put on big conventions, train, speak publicly, among all sorts of things. Now, going to noisy places gives me panic attacks. If there's too much activity and stuff going on, I cry and can't control it. My husband is a remodeling contractor and his work dried up before thanksgiving. So, since then it's been worse (the financial stress). He's self employed so can't get unemployment. So, these last few months have been really hard. An Angel came to my closet Monday night and bought a big bundle. I haven't cried since. She came back last night and bought a big Coach purse bc "I discounted it too much". She's truly prayers answered!! I have new things I bought, when I could, that are waiting to be listed but I want to keep my closet fresh. Whew! Thanks for listening. If I don't respond right away it's because my husband and stepdaughter are waiting for me for wii monopoly!!! 😃. Tyvm for asking, sweetie. That's what brought me to Posh...to make some money but, at the time, mostly to improve my dexterity and cognitive issues. Gtg! 😘😘💨
Dec 27Reply

@sherry8888 and I guess I posted the update too early...I'm really at the first pic still 😕
Dec 27Reply

@judyt726 Judy, thank you so much!! Your kind words mean so much to me! You can't imagine! We sound a lot alike...my mom was my best friend. Lost her too early in '99. I lost my dad a year and a half ago. They had the exact same traits as your parents did. I know my parents, and God, pulled me through this and continue to give me strength. And my husband. He is a keeper. We'll be celebrating our 2nd anniversary on New Years Eve. I didn't think our relationship could be any better but our situation has made us stronger. I'm so in love with him 😍. Tyvm for stopping by and taking the time to read and write. Sorry it took so long to get back to you but I wanted to reply when I could give you my full attention!! God Bless you. I hope you had a wonderful day yesterday and that the New Year brings you nothing but good health and more happiness!! 😃😘❤️
Dec 27Reply

@jaimerstone Hi, sweetie. Thanks for reading about me. And thank you so much for your kind words. I'm so sorry you're in such great pain all of the time. I don't talk about this much but I have something called CRPS (complex regional pain syndrome). I had a small injury to my arm and the ganglion bundle was irritated and gives me constant pain. I was having shots in my neck, right past my carotid, they worked for a while and just stopped. So I'm on Hydrocodone. So, I can totally empathize! But my stroke brought me to Posh and for that I'm truly grateful!! Like you said....you can talk to people from bed. I'm physically 100% but the area of my brain that was damaged deals with emotions and I cry a lot. My husband is a remodeling contractor and his work dried up before thanksgiving. Very difficult time for us. He's self employed so he can't get unemployment. I've been having panic attacks, blah, blah. You're right. We are strong women!! 😃. I try very hard to be upbeat and not let my sadness be toxic for others. I hope I do a good job of that. It's hard for me to tell because I'm usually in tears so I have written (typed) templates that I copy and paste for party alerts and stuff (obviously this is not a template. If it was, it'd be upbeat). I'm so glad you stopped by and took the time to meet me and write. Tyvm for that!! 😃. So good to have a new friend!!! 😘💨
Dec 27Reply

@elisehunter Well Blessums that little Heart of yours. You've been thru enough enough & then some. Please put me on your list. I would appreciate it. And Thank You for sharing it with me. Thank You Very Much, Sherry DKP Big Sister
Dec 27Reply

@sherry8888 tyvm, Sherry! And you've got it, sweetie!! (Since mass tags are frowned upon, I wait for people to ask because I can always say I have permission for each person, in case it becomes an issue. You're on it now, doll!! 😘❤️
Dec 27Reply

I am so glad to meet you! What a miracle!!! God is good!
Dec 28Reply

@jakeamom12 tyvm, sweetie! God IS good!! 😘❤️
Dec 28Reply

Dec 29Reply

@vanadzor I tried to comment under your listing you tagged me on but I'm blocked! Will you please unblock me? Or ask support to? That listing is great!!! I hope some younger lovelies on here see it!! Tyvm, sweetie!!! ❤️🌹😘💨
Dec 30Reply

@elisehunter Hi Elise!! I'm stopping by to wish you and your hubby a Happy Anniversary! 🌺 And of course a very Happy New Year, too. I hope you have a nice celebration planned this evening. May 2014 be filled with good health, endless love, and a whole bunch of Poshperity. 😍 I am grateful to know you and to be able to support you across the miles. (Oh, and when you have a chance, add me to your tag list.)😘 😘
Dec 31Reply

@judyt726 tyvm, sweetie!! 😘. Happy New Year!! And you're on it now!!
Dec 31Reply

Awhh, I never saw this before. I'm sorry. Will keep you in my daily prayers. You are sweet & a beautiful lady! 😃❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏
Jan 02Reply

@finelife tyvm, sweetie!! Your kind words mean more than you can imagine!! Prayers are much appreciated! ❤️😘
Jan 02Reply

@nkhob you're up too? 😖
Jan 03Reply

Since 4;00
Jan 03Reply

My best wishes for you and your family. Hope this 2014 brings you health and love because with those two you can accomplish anything you want ☺️💞
Jan 03Reply

@roxybeach tyvm, sweetie!! You're absolutely right!! Happy New Year!! 😘
Jan 03Reply

@roxybeach Roxy, did you share to your followers or to the party?
Jan 03Reply

To my followers . I didn't realize the theme of the party 😅. Let's do it again lol
Jan 03Reply

@roxybeach no, no
Jan 03Reply

@roxybeach sweetie, thanks but always share to your followers, sweetie. You can only share once to a party and I like to share late. Tyvm, I'll return your shares ASAP! 😃❤️
Jan 03Reply

Ohhh I didn't know that 😑. Lesson learn 😅 sorry 😜
Jan 03Reply

@roxybeach yeah, most people don't. It's ok. Tell your friends though. 🌹😃
Jan 03Reply

Hey sweetheart ...would u mind putting me back on ur news alert plz...thank you 😃. Btw...I love my Cabi sweater I bought from youn😃😘
Jan 06Reply

@lisadraper sure sweetie. Aww, I'm glad!! !! 😘
Jan 06Reply

@nanilinda oh, tyvm, sweetie. YOU know how greatly your kind words are appreciated!! It means so much that you shared your story. Tyvm. And I do believe. There were too many miracles that day. God (and my parents-my angels) pulled me through. And I refuse to believe that God would save me to make us suffer. Thank you so much for the time you spent reading my story. Just that means a lot. And for telling me your story. It does give me hope. Physically I'm lucky to be 100% but I have some cognitive issues and I'm having terrible panic attacks that come out as crying. I'm really in great shape for having had a stroke 5 months ago. I need to remind myself. Thanks so much, again!! God Bless!! 😘😘
Jan 07Reply

@kmr1105 This is what I meant by that. I'm really still at the original pic (2nd pic). Things have been really hard lately. (Thought I'd tell you why if that seemed like a weird remark)
Jan 08Reply

@elisehunter - oh honey...somehow I missed this! Interestingly, my husband just had a mild stroke also. Of course, he is 65 but it came totally out of the blue and if we had not been having a conversation at that exact moment, we might never have known. He is very lucky and got that early warning shot so that he had a chance to make some changes. His food server in the hospital was 30 and already had FIVE strokes under his belt. Needless to say, today, in fact, I had all if the necessary screenings...keep on trucking sweetie!🌹
Jan 09Reply

@kmr1105 tyvm sweetie. Yeah, it's hard sometimes. It's radically changed my life. I'm having panic attacks!! I've only had one an it was not the same. I cry uncontrontrolbly. Thankfully I can almost see them coming, so I've only had 2 major "public meltdowns". So tyvm sweetie. 😘😘
Jan 09Reply

Good morning, Elise. So sorry to be out of touch, and so behind in my sharing. I am overwhelmed with work after vacation and holidays...Hope all is well with you! Much love! 😘😘😘😘
Jan 09Reply

Jan 09Reply

@micheleedesigns oh, I understand sweetie! I'm way behind!! Love you much!!! 😘😘
Jan 09Reply

So sorry for all you have gone thru! Love and prayers!
Jan 10Reply

@meg23 tyvm, sweetie!! That's so sweet. Tyvm 😘
Jan 10Reply

@elisehunter Hi Elise, I wanted to drop by and say hello and see how you're doing. I know the Posh party ladies are keeping you quite busy, for sure!! How are you? I hope you are taking time to do some things for yourself. Do you have anything special going on this weekend? I hear there are football playoffs so my hubby isn't moving off that couch.
Jan 10Reply

@judyt726 Hi Judy. Thanks for stopping by. I'm ok. Going through a rough patch. But it'll get better. No plans for the weekend but my stepdaughter is spending it with us. And yeah, I'm sure there will be football involved 😃. How are you, sweetie?
Jan 10Reply

Hi, things are quiet. We've had some winter weather so I've been staying in a lot. If I go anywhere it will only cost me money, right?! Some days I get so obsessed with posh I spend too much time on it, but I keep taking a new look at things and want to present things better, I sure want to make some more sales and you know the networking takes up a lot of time. And I have to check in on my ladies... 😊
But I can't be all posh all the time, I've got to put some real structure back into my life and set some goals. I am always around to listen if you're having a bad day. Btw, I noticed tamarismom has a typo in your name she has you tagged as Elsie. Lol. That's not going to work 😯ttyl 🌺🌺🌺
Jan 11Reply

@elisehunter not only are you lucky to be alive but your beautiful & stop lying about your age we all know your 30 lol😜. At least you don't look your age at all👍😊
Jan 14Reply

@elisehunter and you & your Hubby look so inlove💗. Beautiful sight & feeling. I love my Hubby too‼️
Jan 14Reply

@kanyejoyner oh, you're so sweet!! Ty. I'm glad you have your hubby too!! 😘
Jan 14Reply

@elisehunter me too me too I don't know what I would do without him. We're lucky ladies to have wonderful Hubby's.
Jan 14Reply

@kanyejoyner we are!! 😘
Jan 14Reply

@braty_aliyah1 I'm really at the original pic. And my husband has been out of work since November.
Jan 15Reply

<3 beautiful god bless
Jan 15Reply

@braty_aliyah1 tyvm. God bless you too. ❤️
Jan 15Reply

Hi Elise! I just saw this, and read some of the comments. I don't mean to butt in, but I read you've been denied for DI three times. Have you gotten any help with the application? I've heard that Lots of places have free help for people trying to apply. The application process is a whole new world for people! If there is a law school near you, you should try to contact their pro bono programs and see if they have an SSDI clinic or program. It'll be law students and practitioners to advise you. 😘😘
Jan 15Reply

Also lots of times the hospital will help you. Check out dena stern's blog dameazon (just google it'll be the first result). She has cancer and wrote a big post on how she's paying for stuff.
Jan 15Reply

@ms88 Michelle, tyvm for stopping by to read this and giving your advice, great advice!! I'll read the blog!! And that's great advice about the law school! Unfortunately the Mayo Clinic turned down by application for a Financial Hardship! Idk why...they won't tell me. They said something, when I called, about a large deposit. I told her I had to sell my diamond out of my engagement ring! It didn't matter. We're hanging on by a thread, just barely. Idk what we're going to do. 😢. Tyvm for taking the time to read this too, my friend. I try to put all my energy into Posh bc we need it and I love helping others and it somewhat keeps my mind off our troubles. 🌹😘
Jan 15Reply

@dagochan71 tyvm, sweetie. I really appreciate your kind words! I'm sick so in Ed already. I'll return your shares tomorrow but I need to offer you so support before I go to sleep. 😃
Jan 18Reply

@dagochan71 tyvm, Liz. I didn't want to forget 😃
Jan 18Reply

@elisehunter - I never read this! Of course I had to put on Readers becuz I can't see the teeny tiny writing 😊😊, but you are a walking, talking miracle !! If you have some time • some day• read mine, I wasn't going to share but I met someone & we chatted - so there you have it.
Thanks for all your help! I so appreciate it!!
Jan 20Reply

@keg90 Kim, LOL, it seems like everybody knows. I still need the help tho. The original (2nd) pic says it all. We are drowning in debt. Idk what we're going to do. Truly. This is my only income and it's not enough. I'm slowly listing things that were bought in November when my husband had steady work. (He's a remodeling contractor and bc of the holidays work just dried up). 😢 Sales don't work for me but I do great bundles. I need to make a listing for that. Tyvm, sweetie. I've got a few shares to return and then I'm going to look at yours 😘😘💨
Jan 20Reply

It is so nice to finally "meet you" through this listing! I'm LeAnn and I just wanted to take a minute to let you know my thoughts and prayers are with you and your Family every step of the way! It's nice to hear that you are in good health and able to return back to the workforce, I'm sure you are craving that after being couped up. On the bright side, you are still here and able to Posh ;) and looks like you have a very supportive/loving family - Time to show life you beat its challenge and are stronger than anything it can throw at you. If you need anything, let me know.
Jan 22Reply

@lkmilks tyvm, sweetie!! 😃
Jan 22Reply

@myrucca876 tyvm for stopping by! NYSE, I have a fabulous family and I'm really happy to be here 😉 I love Posh!! Wish I could make a living out of it!! Thanks again, you're so sweet! 💕💞💕
Jan 22Reply

@lkmilks 😘💨
Jan 22Reply

Hi, my name is Shirley and I have been reading your story. I have been on disability since 2003 due to a chronic spinal injury, very bad pain 24/7. I was a nurse for almost 30 years and because of my age and the type of damage I have, it was not hard for me to get disability. My youngest daughter has a illness kind of like lupus but worse, no cure, she will just continue to get worse. Because of her age we had to fight to get disability for her but we finally did. So do not give up, find someone to help you, I did a lot of research and found out what they were looking for and finally got a hearing in front of a judge and with in 10 minutes he approved her. It took me months of research, just keep googling and you will get what you need. Has the hospital offered to set up a payment plan for you? If not tell them what you can afford to pay each month and then be sure to pay it. Be sure it is something you can live on. Put it in writing and send to the hospital and the doctors. It is my understanding that if you are paying something every month they can not do anything to you.
I am going to pray for you each night, one, that you get well enough to go back to work and two that the hospital works with you so that you are not stressed about this all of the time. I will keep watching your closet and if I can find something I can use and afford I will buy, in the mean time I will share for you.
God Bless and keep the faith! Shirley
Jan 25Reply

Wow! Makes you stop & realize how precious every day can be! How does that saying go....Today is a present but tomorrow is a gift?
Jan 25Reply

I am in tears(sorry)as I read this.wishing you the best recovery possible!💞You and your family will b in my thoughts.I finally found someone who spells their first name like mine👯.My dad had a dream one nite. Lo and behold his dream became my name . Lol Blessings to you Sweet Elise😇😇
Jan 26Reply

@tinpat I know!! Me too! I only meet Elyse's and think "lucky duck, no one will ever call you Elsie". 😃. Tyvm, thoughts, prayers, anything is welcome!! We're still in a tough spot. I'm sorry I made you cry 😘💕💞💕
Jan 26Reply

It's ok. I feel for you!My heart breaks. Yes even my grandfather called me Elsie at times. That's why I hated my name for so many years. You can never get something already personalized. We named my daughter Elise.Now my granddaughters middle name is Elise. Lol.Truly wishing you the best . Take Care💕👼
Jan 26Reply

@tinpat so true!! Tyvm, sweetie!! ❤️
Jan 26Reply

@you are awesome!
Jan 27Reply

@mary447 tyvm, sweetie!! 😃🌹😘
Jan 27Reply

@salrae Shirley, I had bookmarked this to reply but simply forgot. Tyvm for reading my story and sharing yours with me. I'll take your advice when it's time. I understand, in Florida anyway, that you must be disabled for a year before applying. 😒....and we're sinking now so I'm not sure what we will do or where we will be by then. 😰. This whole "thing" is crazy. I want my old life back, my own brain back!! LOL, I miss me. Well, thanks again. I see your closing your closet. Bummer. I'm sure I can't buy anything but I'll share for you, sweetie. Thanks again, so much! ❤️😘💕
Jan 27Reply

@elisehunter Elise.. Wow! What an amazing God we have huh? You've been through so much! I myself am a pretty spiritual person and pray a lot! I pray that you would continue to do well and that God would lift you up and heal! His work is mighty and so is his word! You are a Blessing! And I'm sure glad to have met you!! I will continue praying.. You are a darling, and so thoughtful of everyone around you! Im Blessed to know you! 💞💖😘
Jan 27Reply

@lmbohanan tyvm, Lola. I still need prayers. And thank you so much for your kind, kind words. You can't imagine what it means to me! 😘😘💨
Jan 27Reply

@seabass tyvm, sweetie!! I just got back and I'm checking my feed....this is the first thing I've seen and it's perfect timing. Yes, I believe. I'm a walking/talking miracle! God Bless you, sweetie!
Jan 28Reply

Swwe couple! God blesses you both
Feb 01Reply

@yonkers10 tyvm!! I'm lucky to be alive!!
Feb 01Reply

Feb 01Reply

Amazing story, so happy for you and your family, that you are doing better, I used to work in nursing home, and I had seen people who suffer from stroke most of the time they don't come back to their normal routines, I know how scary that is I had experienced my self a medium stroke, I was so scared I thought I was going to died, but thanks to my dear god I'm still here best wishes for you and your family god bless :)
Feb 01Reply

@mlupec tyvm, sweetie. It was scary. I'm not 100% yet but I'll get there!! 😘😘
Feb 01Reply

Yes you will :)
Feb 01Reply

@mlupec 😘😘😘
Feb 01Reply

Thank you for your support and friendship,it means the world to me❤️❤️❤️
Feb 02Reply

Omggggggg!!!! I am so sorry & so happy you are alive!! You are so beautiful and looked like the picture if health! I can't believe that happened to you.... You def have my prayers from here on in & I glad you are back in good health... GOD BLESS🙏💖
Feb 04Reply

@jezebella72 oh tyvm, sweetie!! Prayers are needed still. We're having a real hard time in this economy! God Bless you!! 😘
Feb 04Reply

@elisehunter Elise, Nice to meet you. What an Amazing story and you are extremely blessed in so many ways. I just read the Beautiful posting that your Good friend @sandygaboury put together and I am truely touched by your courage and your faith.
Feb 05Reply

Feb 05Reply

Once again (can't seem to say this enough) you're simply amazing😊
Feb 05Reply

aww Elise I just read what Sandy wrote, I am so sorry for what you have been through and pray you are now fully healed🙏 one of my neighbors had a stroke at age 50 too and she thought she was perfectly healthy, very scary , take care my friend 💓👭💓
Feb 05Reply

@charmedgirl234 tyvm, sweetie for your shares, kind words an prayers!! I'll do my very best to return them but I'm way behind. My news blew up last night bc of my wonderful friends....@sandygaboury @isa_wine_lover @ilovesunset @randikandi I can't stop crying!!! But they're happy tears and I'm not deserving of such kindness!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘
Feb 05Reply

@elisehunter UR deserving. Get used to it..😘😘❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Feb 05Reply

@randikandi 😘😘 going to the other 👭❤️😘😘
Feb 05Reply

I just wanted to tell you how awesome you are! You've been sharing my maternity sale like crazy, and it is helping. Reading about you makes me see how amazing you really are! Xoxo
Feb 06Reply

@bwelsh0930 oooh, tyvm, sweetie!! I'm really glad it's helping! 😘
Feb 06Reply

Hello hunny how are you feeling???...I saw and commented on that beautiful post for you!!!!...you are sooooooo loved Elise!!!!!
Feb 06Reply

@gettumgirl I literally cried all day!! I saw your sweet, sweet message 😘 I have yet to respond to anyone. I hope to today. I couldn't find the right words yesterday. I don't feel like I deserve such kindness and love! @sandygaboury is the sweetest!! I was/am just blown away! ❤️👭😘😘💨
Feb 06Reply

Awwwww Ty sweetie 😘😘 but you do deserve it all. ❤️❤️❤️
Feb 06Reply

❤️love & prayers sent your way. 😘💕
Feb 06Reply

@tribalsister tyvm, sweetie. Prayers are still needed. Tysm!! 😘💨
Feb 06Reply

@tribalsister and love!! Tyvm, sweetness! 😘😘💨
Feb 06Reply

@britgirl2 Diane, I had bookmarked this to respond, giving it the proper time it deserves. (I'm a bit behind). Tyvm for stopping by sweetie!! ❤️ They still don't know the reason for the clot so I'm forever on 2 blood thinners. And I have an awesome brother who got me a Life Alert necklace. (I think the first time I put it on, I instantly aged 20 years!) 😃 But I wear it all the time and it gives me such peace. (I won't be on the floor for four hours if it happens again!!). Tyvm for stopping by and reading and writing. It really makes a difference. 😘😘💨
Feb 06Reply

Elise, meet @ldenmark. She's kinda new to PM and may want to do a meet up in your area. Jacksonville Right?! Maybe u both can figure out one together cuz 2 heads are better than one. I've given her the questions to ask herself like: who do u want to meet? When & where do u want to have it? What's your goal for the meet up. Ect. Let me know & her know if u want to just go or if u want to be a part of it. I can lead u both on how to make it happen ( only cuz I've done one) ⭕️⭕️❌❌✌️
Feb 09Reply

Hey Ms Elise just saw one of your listings in the host pick showroom and thought I'd stop by to check in on you! Hope things are going well, lots of love and prayers! Love your new jewelry listings btw!
Feb 10Reply

This is beautiful congrats on your progress. Love hearing stories of perseverance and lovely woman overcoming huge obstacles. You inspire me!! 😘
Feb 12Reply

@sydneyladd tyvm, sweetie!! I appreciate it a lot! I see you're new. Let me officially welcome you! ❤️
Feb 12Reply

@saintchic Jen, thank you so much!! You have no idea how much your words mean to me!! 🌹😘
Feb 13Reply

@blissfulinaz Me too. Really bad short and mid term memory since July 1st. I'm really at the second, original picture. 😕
Feb 14Reply

Elise, Thank you for sharing my good news!!! You have had an incredible journey through your short life!!! Il going through your closet now!!!!
Feb 16Reply

@fashionaddict69 tyvm, sweetie. I think so too. (I'm too young for this). I love supporting the parties, new users and sales. I'm happy to. Tyvm for looking through my closet! ☺️😘
Feb 16Reply

@drizzymizzylove what do you think?
Feb 19Reply

@sandygaboury @randikandi @isa_wine_lover @ilovesunset what do you think?
Feb 19Reply

Yesssssss ! Defiantly fits you 👍. Good job !
Feb 19Reply

@drizzymizzylove ty sweetie!! It's not obnoxious?
Feb 19Reply

No . Not at all .
Feb 19Reply

💗Well done, Elise 💗
Feb 19Reply

@drizzymizzylove tysm sweetie!
Feb 19Reply

@ilovesunset tysm, sweets!
Feb 19Reply

@elisehunter I love it. It's perfect. Of course I always love seeing ur beautiful face. 😇😇😇😇😘😘😘😘❌⭕️❌⭕️
Feb 19Reply

Aww, sweetie. Thank you!! @randikandi 😍😍😃😘😘
Feb 19Reply

@nkhob is this obnoxious?
Feb 19Reply

Love it 🌹😘💨💋
Feb 19Reply

@nkhob can you read the top? The stats? 😃😃😃
Feb 19Reply

Yes how did you get that?
Feb 19Reply

@nkhob go to your account area, support center, my closet stats. 😘
Feb 19Reply

🎉GRATUITOUS PARTY COUNTDOWN🎉. There's a Party tonight in just under 3 1/2 hrs. In the meantime, here's an opportunity to read my updated "Meet Me" 😁 As always, LMK if you want to be removed from my list by leaving a comment in my closet. I have 2 lists....I can take you off the Party Countdowns, if you like @swanhhdjj @sandygaboury @gettumgirl @carenlovesgucci @kstallman1031 @elizabeth3374 @patricewymore @73v3n @sassypants13 @maidmarien @hydrogirl @breananana @barnette @janicegw @jefsweetie @cmireless @jbear @ginger71 @lindsay2367 @alanetx @tinawears @anna_redbridge @tinker_bell @missrochelle @maxedout @oliviaraeann @nikippham @blondeofaud @ilovesunset @daisygirl321 @cmjla @sheenamattdylan @brownbethany75 @lolabella6 @loriscloset50 @theeyecandyshop @isa_wine_lover @lucia0777 @cassandraknox @pandaears @judithchan @micheleedesigns @snhboss @brooklyn_s @mcalhoun2204 @lyvonne7298 @cftgirl @italgal33 @kanyejoyner @jessicacampbell @sophiapetrillo @bentleyclothing @nadiafashion @getluckyvocals @cody7150 @wenrella @sherry8888 @classyvintage @mrinurse @saintchic @songlady @judyt726 @tgoode1 @kll0123 @lisadraper @audreycee @bwenger @uzanne @nkhob @mskfar @tdkbkt6 @aluther420 @thenewera @trendytouch @sweetbee17 @kristenc21 @jenniiiiii @amandamarino @ahoodie94 @mrsdiva703 @poppy64 @ej135 @bbarnes362 @maryhuff1979 @marleone87 @lexilouhoo84 @myrucca876 @puddpudd0 @windylouu @vanessa_03 @jessiewing @selvey5 @omegachild @cerchiones @charming_mhel
Feb 19Reply

You are beautiful inside and out, Elise! I admire the positive outlook you have on life! 😘😘😘
Feb 19Reply

@elisehunter you are such an angel! Thanks for tagging me...it was nice to read your story! Prayers and hugs sent your way!! 😘💕👼
Feb 19Reply

O wow, I never read this! You are a gem with a story! I can tell how much you love this community, because you are always there cheering, sharing and assiting! Thank you for being you, and being a fighter through everything you are going through. I love through it all you are STILL SMILING! that is what matters most. Positive outlook, and knowing that GOD has it under control, just hold on for the ride and trust it will end smoothly. WOW, I am so happy to have me you Elise!
Feb 19Reply

@windylouu oh, tysm, sweetie. Did you see all the pics? Read a few of the first several comments. I'm really, truly lucky to be alive!! I was on the floor for 4 hours! (Alone). I wanted to update this after finding my stats! I got on here to help my dexterity and cognitive issues and pay bills and I can't believe it's turned into a volunteer carrier! Top 10%? Wow!! Thanks again, sweetie! ❤️😘
Feb 20Reply

Feb 20Reply

@elisehunter you are a strong women!!! You've become a good friend in such a short time!! Thank you for your support and help!! May God Bless you and your family!'😘😘😘😳 love ya my Big sister😉💐💐💐❤️❤️
Feb 20Reply

@mrsdiva703 oh, my goodness, Thank you so much!! That's so sweet and you're right, I'm in Gods hands, we all are. You don't know the impact of your words. ❤️😘
Feb 20Reply

@jbear OMG, ty, sweetie! I mean, WHAT???!! Right?!! OMG, really? Top 10%????? 😘😘😘
Feb 20Reply

@cmireless oh, tysm, sweetie!! Love you!! ❤️😘
Feb 20Reply

@elisehunter you are truly an inspiration!! And your stats!! Wow!! You're like Posh royalty! Lol!! Soooo happy for you!! I will keep on praying, sharing and cheering you on my friend!! 😘
Feb 20Reply

@windylouu lol !! Awww, ty, sweetie!! 👭😘
Feb 20Reply

@pandaears ohh, ty sweetie!! 😘
Feb 20Reply

@jenniiiiii oh, tysm!! 😃😘
Feb 20Reply

@elisehunter check out my closet!!
Feb 20Reply

Elise, you know I cant say enough about you! I know I speak for all us ladies when i say You are truly a blessing to the posh family! You have come such a long way and I admire your strength and am truly inspired by all that you have done and continue to do! And Wow!! Those stats!! Yay girl😘❤️😘❤️😘❤️😘❤️
Feb 20Reply

@elisehunter you rock pretty lady💃
Feb 20Reply

Sorry I didn't see you tagged me until now missed last night tag. Looks good sweets. 😘😘
Feb 20Reply

@sandygaboury ty sweetie. Can you see the stats? Is it obnoxious? 😍
Feb 20Reply

@kanyejoyner no, you do!! 😃😘
Feb 20Reply

@lucia0777 aww, tysm, sweetie!! OMGosh! I know, can't believe it!! (Yay) 😃❤️😘💨
Feb 20Reply

Feb 20Reply

@bholiday OMGosh!! I can't believe my stats!!! I had no idea!! 😳
Feb 20Reply

Everything, this beautiful, young lady has said and written is true and then some. She has been an absolute joy to deal with and literally goes the extra mile to make her POSH friends happy and satisfied. I wish her the most luck anyone could wish. In the mean time, I intend to continue my relationship with my new friend. She's the real deal, and I'm happy to have met her and if it wasn't for POSH this wouldn't have been possible for that I am truly thankful! 💜❤️💙💚😊😎😀
Feb 20Reply

@jacobs3 aww, Kim, tysm, sweetie!! It's my pleasure!! ❤️😘
Feb 20Reply

Such a beautiful woman inside and out!💖✨@elisehunter
Feb 20Reply

💙❤️you are awesome @elisehunter !!
Feb 20Reply

@elisehunter not sure if you know this posher but she has a great deal of health issues & is super sweet, has a lovely closet, & has trouble spending as much time on posh as she would like-- maggie_pie is her closet name & I am hoping that between you & I we can spread the word to ck it out ( I don't want to tag the feed she sent me- but if you drop in her closet she states due to health issues she isn't on as much as she wants to be) ck it out & then we can send out something to diff flowers 💙💙 LMK
Feb 20Reply

@keg90 oh, I'm sorry. I can only mass tag to parties. She has a lovely closet!! I'll share 😃😘
Feb 20Reply

@elisehunter - oh why??
Feb 21Reply

@elisehunter I mean is there something I should be aware of ??
Feb 21Reply

@keg90 well, mass tags are a big, fat "Don't". So I only mass tag to parties so I don't get in trouble or lose my SU status. 😕
Feb 21Reply

@t_ms_sincerity ohh! tysm, sweetie!! 😘
Feb 21Reply

@elisehunter - good to know thanks -- so should I delete my posting or just edit it to say I will inform you on parties- I only did that becuz I can't keep up ( I personally don't care for them) so I get it ✅✅
Feb 21Reply

@keg90 I'd say parties only. That way you're helping the co hosts and you have everyone's permission (to fall back on if need be) 😘
Feb 21Reply

@elisehunter - yeah I should have stuck with my gut on that - I hate all those mass tags
Feb 21Reply

@elisehunter - appreciate your help & support as usual
Feb 21Reply

@keg90 😃 Always. Every time! 😘💕
Feb 21Reply

@elisehunter Hi Elise, I am glad you are doing great. Thank you for always including me in your updates and sharing my closet. You have been the best posh friend ever. Have a great weekend. God Bless!
Feb 22Reply

@barnette aww, Rose, you're too kind! I'm behind!! I can't seem to catch up!! 😘😘ty, sweetie!! 😘💨
Feb 22Reply

@barnette yiii, my memory!! God Bless!!
Feb 22Reply

There is unbelievable power in 🙏! You are so young for these health issues! 🙏for you to continue getting stronger💜
Feb 22Reply

Beautiful photo Hun! Btw love your closet😘
Feb 22Reply

@mjv411 tysm, sweetie!! Prayers still needed and MUCH appreciated! 😘
Feb 22Reply

@samaruda ohhh, tyvm, sweetie!! 😘😘💨
Feb 22Reply

Thanks so much my love for sharing always... You are an angel... God Bless You <3
Feb 22Reply

@elisehunter Elise, you are so amazing!! Love ya girlie! 😍❤️
Feb 22Reply

@auntiecoco aww, tysm!! 😃😃 love you too, sweetness!! 😘💨
Feb 22Reply

@jblacombe hi Janis. If you go to your account area, support center, my closet stats. It's super cool. I was surprised!! LMK when you find yours. 😃😘
Feb 23Reply

@jblacombe Sorry to just disappear, sweetie. I'm in bed with the flu or something. Ugh. I like the self shares and the listings. I'll bet it includes the $0 "info" listings. Haha, I wonder if everyone says top 10%....😃. I really like the total sold, there is no other way to know. Well, what's really odd is that it says mine is March but I guess I downloaded it then. I know I listed my first listing 3 weeks after the stroke bc I wanted to help with my dexterity and cognitive issues. I've had to take almost every picture over bc my right side was affected and I had a hard time taking pictures. I still have a hard time but I have a tripod and a micro lens. Anyway, I guess I downloaded it earlier....I really don't remember (my short and long term memory is shot). Haha 😃 I've been sleeping all day and now I'm all chatty. 😃💕💞💕
Feb 23Reply

YAY!!!!! That is soooo AWESOME!!! Such a beautiful lady. 😘😘😘😘
Feb 24Reply

@caput1996 ohhh, tysm, sweetie!! I couldn't believe my stats!! I always ship ASAP but didn't know I was in the top 10% !! Very😎! How are you, sweets?
Feb 24Reply

I'm fab. Thanks for asking! I know right! I was shocked to see that I was in top 10% as well. Crazy.
Feb 24Reply

@caput1996 awesome!!! 😘💨
Feb 24Reply

@elisehunter Just read this. Wow! You are an inspiration! We are the same age. I am an RN who was injured caring for a patient. I have recently learned that I cannot return to bedside nursing because my injury has left me disabled. I share this with you because your victory encourages me during this uncertain time. Thank you for being here and rising up and above your adversity. I admire you! God bless. I hope you won't mind me sharing my life verse Phil 1:6 "He who began a good work in you will (continue to) perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus." 🙏
Feb 24Reply

@elisehunter I just wanted to say thank you for adding me to your party lists! And your story is incredible!
Feb 24Reply

@moorepatrice tysm, sweetie!! It's "funny", I don't feel much like an inspiration....just trying to do the best I can. But tyvm!! I have rough days so this really makes a difference. I started Poshing to help with my dexterity and cognitive issues so I'm pleased as punch to be doing so well and being an inspiration is just fabulous!! God Bless you, Patrice!! 😘😘💨
Feb 24Reply

@elisehunter stopping by to say "hi"!
Feb 24Reply

@vogolo hi Vonda! How are you? ❤️
Feb 24Reply

Just stopped to say "hi". Love the new photo of you--so pretty!
Feb 24Reply

@elisehunter Love the new photo. So pretty. 😘
Feb 25Reply

Am happy your better now.. God wants you here for a reason and let me tell you that he did good on keeping you here with us, you are a wonderful person always helping others thank you for that. God bless you and yours.
Feb 25Reply

@micheleedesigns hi sweetie!! How are you? Aww, tysm. 😘💨
Feb 25Reply

@katralvin tysm, sweetie!! ❤️😘
Feb 25Reply

@thenewera Tysm, sweetie. Prayers still needed tho. God Bless you!! Your kind words mean so much!! ❤️😘😘
Feb 25Reply

@jaimerstone ❤️😘😘💨
Feb 25Reply

@jaimerstone sorry if I was short, sweetness. I'm just getting over the flu 😷. Much love to you, doll!! ❤️😘😘💨
Feb 25Reply

@erikagannon here 😃
Feb 25Reply

@erikagannon lol, I'm going to say no. 😃😃😫
Feb 25Reply

@elisehunter yayayayay!! U rock!!
Feb 25Reply

@erikagannon but you can't really see it tho, huh?
Feb 25Reply

@elisehunter I can't see the numbers to the right but I can see the days to ship and listings sold!
Feb 25Reply

@erikagannon gah! Idk what to do about it! 😕
Feb 25Reply

@elisehunter I think it's ok to show the numbers!
Feb 25Reply

@erikagannon yes, me too! They're there. That's why I put those text bubbles, to draw attention. Then I put them above my picture.
Feb 25Reply

@elisehunter 💟☺️ this is such a great pic of you!! Good day my friend! Hope you are well ⭐️🍀
Feb 25Reply

@keg90 tysm, my lovely! You're too sweet!! I'm still getting over this flu but I'm def on the mend. Sorry to be so MIA lately. I hope you're well!! xxx
Feb 25Reply

@elisehunter - yeah thought I was being snubbed (lol) no !!actually been working on personal stuff & I am about to hit it again-- 😁 this J o B thing gets frustrating. Well I know in time something will happen, & my kiddo is right there beside me guiding me ( gotta believe that ❤️)
Ttyl - thanks for the shares -- have a super day 💟☺️😊
Feb 25Reply

Awww Elise you didn't have to share back but thank you💖 I was just trying to help you out w some posh love😊 knowing your situation😔 I hope your improving each and everyday & of course your included in my daily prayers❤️😘🙌
Feb 25Reply

@jezebella72 aww, tysm, sweetie!! 😘😘💨
Feb 25Reply

@keg90 never, ever! 😍. Good luck, honey!! Yes, believe!! ❤️😍😘😘💨
Feb 25Reply

Lifting prayers! I've spent a great deal of the morning reading entire threads! You are an inspiration on so many different levels! I certainly wish I had known about your helpful listings when I first began! But even so, I took away several pieces of helpful info this morning! I pray that you continue to recover and grow stronger each day. So pleased to "meet" you!
Feb 26Reply

@careygirl tysm, sweetie!! You have no idea how much your kind words mean to me!! 😃. Thank you for stopping by, my please to "meet" you! 😃😃 I'm happy to answer any questions, ever, if you have any! 😃💨
Feb 26Reply

Not sure if you have been told but we can't mass tag anyone anymore! Contact posh if you want . Just letting you know as I don't want you to get into trouble 😘
Feb 26Reply

@specialk104 go to your account area, Poshmark support, closet stats. I blocked out some stuff, you'll see. LMK....😃😘💨
Feb 26Reply

@specialk104 YAY!! 👏👏👏
Feb 26Reply

@classyvintage I was at some drs appts. Haven't checked email. Tysm, sweetie. This is a bad idea on Posh's part, IMHO, it'll affect attendance at parties.
Feb 26Reply

@elisehunter I know!
Feb 26Reply

That is why Nadia and Holly don't do it any more😩
Feb 26Reply

@classyvintage I'll figure out a way to support them still....somehow. Tysm, my friend. Holly told me to be careful and Nadia and I had a conversation before she stopped. If you want to, read a few comments above....it's just my opinion. 😘
Feb 26Reply

@uzanne I just saw your other comment but decided to move it here. Tysm, sweetie. Yes, you get it!! I've found that ppl can't really understand unless they've gone through something devastating. I have only told a few ppl it's not recent...the majority of people won't understand so when anyone compliments me I say "tyvm". I am getting better but I'm having terrible panic attacks and some other cognitive issues. Prayers are much appreciated! We're in serious financial trouble...about to lose my car and the house. My poor husband has been working 10/11 hour days but he's in construction so you can imagine....I'm just so unsure of what will happen. I used to be able to do so much and now I can't do more than one thing at a time and I get rattled, emotional, forget everything. 😖😖 I'm so frustrated and sad!!! Tysm for your email. I may just email you but I'm on Posh so much that it's easier for me on here. Much love and Gods blessings to you and your family! 🌹❤️😘😘💨
Feb 26Reply

@classyvintage Hi Sweetie. I haven't received any email. How do you know that it's not allowed? I don't it's a big fat "don't" but it seemed like you were saying they're putting their foot down. Did you get an email or something?
Feb 26Reply

I haven't but a lot have - I also know they don't like it so I've tried to refrain from it. Contact POSH
Feb 26Reply

@classyvintage ok, ty sweetie. Like I told Holly, if they're going to take my SU status away, they'll lose a full time, unpaid "employee" in Florida. I don't mean to be cocky but if that's the worst they'll do, well it's their loss. I don't want to lose it but everyone on my list has given me permission to mass tag on parties. And I only mass tag on parties. And kinda like spammers, I always include a note that people can ask to be removed from my list. Idk if that covers me or not. But I do see the point...some lists are excruciatingly long, especially when they separate them by line. And I know of several people who have "poached" my list (for a fact). That's just wrong and they should be reprimanded!! Sorry sweetness, rant over! 😘😘
Feb 26Reply

Oh you are fine with your ranting ! Lol if that's the worst you do you need a medal!
Feb 26Reply

@classyvintage LOL, that's pretty much it!! 😘
Feb 26Reply

LOVE your new picture! You are truly a beautiful person - inside and out!!💟
Feb 27Reply

@tinawears tysm, Tina, my friend!! You are!! 😘😘💨💨💨 (and OMGosh! I can't believe my stats!!) ☺️
Feb 27Reply

Hi Elise...just wanted to tell you THANK YOU for all you do to keep us informed of the parties...truly appreciated...:)
Feb 28Reply

@lisadraper aww, YW sweetie. My pleasure! Hope you're well!! 😘
Feb 28Reply

@mommadukes50 tysm, sweetie!! ❤️
Mar 01Reply

Hey girl!!! Would you consider putting me on your party alert list???? I have been searching like a crazy woman to find any of my co hosts. For the 7th. I finally got tagged by Cody. Yay!!! She found one of my co hosts🎉🎉 anywho..... I noticed you have a great list of women you alert????? I would be honored to be included?😘😘😘😘💞
Mar 01Reply

@kimsthings sure, sweetie!
Mar 01Reply

❤️ thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!😘🎶🌻🍦💃 lol. I love all these little pictures!!
Mar 01Reply

@elisehunter Hi lady! Wanted to pop by & say hi. Hope all is well with you!
Mar 01Reply

@mslorrieb hi sweetie!! Good to see your smiling face!! How's it going? 😘💨💨
Mar 01Reply

@elisehunter Hi Elise! Your story is amazing. Thank you for sharing from my closet, I'm new to PM and still trying to find my way. Seems like it takes a while to gain "credibility" so I'm trying to be patient. Where at you in FL? I'm from Tallahassee, lived there for many years and my parents are still there.
Mar 01Reply

@mytherapy Tyvm, sweetie. I'm in Jacksonville. Yes, it does take a bit. Read the pics and comments in my "Subtle Nuances to Happy Poshing" listing. It's not just for new Poshers so you'll have a leg up. And there are a lot of comments but it's a quick read! Are you sharing, what you can, to parties? Actually, read the pics and comments and reach out if you have any questions. 😃❤️
Mar 01Reply

❤️wow Elise ❤️ I did not know all this. Bless God for your recovery!!!! You are amazing!!!!!! I am around the same age as you (although I feel like a kid!!! Lol), and this really makes me take pause. I also am newly married (2.5 years) to my best friend and love of my life!❤️ what a blessing it is to have found this wonderful man. My first marriage of 14 years ended in a way that I believed I could never ever trust again..... But God had better plans for me than that. Sounds like you have that unconditional love and support from your honey too!!!! I am sorry if this is too long, it's just so beautiful the way you opened up and told your heroic story🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😘 much love, Kim
Mar 02Reply

@kimsthings Kim, tysm for taking the time to read this! We have some crazy similarities -- my marriage of 14 years ended with me saying I'll never marry again or change my name! Well, we're been married almost 2 1/2 years too :) Yeah, can you imagine? At our age? It's crazy scary! I've recovered a lot but I'm not the old me...I'm slower when thinking, can't multi task anymore :(( and I have terrible panic attacks. It's "crushing" how much my life has changed! But I'm remaining positive, I try my best every day to be positive and not be "toxic" on here. I sometimes can't believe I had a stroke. It doesn't seem possible. And they still don't know why. God had more plans for me. And yes, Fred is my soulmate, the love of my life. Truly. He's amazing! Tyvm, sweetie. I wanted to tell people because life is so short and even if you're healthy, these things can happen.....in the blink of an eye....tysm for stopping by and taking the time to read this! It's so nice to get to know you!! xoxo, elise
Mar 02Reply

❤️wow!!!!! The similarities are shocking!!! Could we have been separated at birth????? 😃 I understand your frustration (panic attacks). You have been through so much. But rest assured you are NEVER toxic on here💖 your wonderful, and a leader 💞💞💞 so so nice to open up and find such a profound connection as we have. Xoxo Kim
Mar 02Reply

@kimsthings I know, right?!! We could be twins. :))) tysm for telling me I'm not toxic on here. I try really really hard not to be. I have some pretty bad days and I try not to respond to comments that are unnecessary. You know? Like when someone goes on $145 item and says "I'll give you $80 right now". Wow, really? Like anyone can have a mark up that high! And THANK YOU for saying I'm a leader!! I used to run the Florida office of an international organization and people used to say I was a leader. Since the stroke I feel like I've been a sheep. It is so, so nice to have a profound connection with you!! Please let's continue being in touch! I usually leave a few listings up that are bundled, beneath the sold sign so that we can talk and I can delete the listing if it's anything sensitive so feel free! :) Where do you live, Sweetie?
Mar 02Reply

That's a perfect place to chat!!! I've done that a few times with another one of my good good posh friends. 🌻 we can also connect through FB if you have it? I found out that's ok with posh💞 I mostly use my FB page to promote my poshmark page now😄 annoying to some, but great for others ( who have since joined posh and purchased items I promote😄). I have zero to hide. I do not sell on, nor would I ever consider selling through any other site. I'm so darned loyal❤️. If PM offered me a job, I would take it, and work for free!!!!! Lol. I get weirded out by odd questions or offers too 😜😁 I just politely decline. Deep breath. Lol. Last night someone asked me to "model shoes".... Creeped me out?????? Why???? Check out the convo under my MB shoes😆 not sure I handled that one the best??? You, my new soul sister are no sheep!!! Tons look up to you!!!! Truth. Need to re set my iPad. Ugh. Ttyl. Xoxo
Mar 02Reply

Oops. Sorry. I currently live in ohio. But I hate it!!!! Want to move to better weather within the next 5 years. Hubbies profession is great, we could live about anywhere.... His kids ( my sweet peas❤️) too young right now though.
Mar 02Reply

@kimsthings oh sweetie you were great, are great! Guess what? You are so going to freak!! I can't wait if you aren't online. Ok, I'll just tell you: I love Posh too!... I applied for a job with Poshmark! I used to be doing the exact thing a step above though bc I was a consultant. I I have trouble though, I think, getting jobs because before that job, a had this other one that turns against me......I have all this experience; running a company, doing training, speaking, blah blah, but I don't want that anymore. And this was before the stroke. I finally find my soulmate, have a stepdaughter!! I've always wanted kids but could never and now I have this lovely step daughter!! Anyway I don't want that kind of job anymore! But I have too much experience. I haven't heard from Posh so maybe it's not a remote position. But I was a little disappointed that no one responded to me. They were looking at my LinkedIn profile but no one even sent an email even.
Mar 02Reply

@elisehunter Good luck with the job! Hope you get it! You would be the perfect person for the job.
Mar 03Reply

@mslorrieb ty sweetie but idt they're interested. 😕
Mar 03Reply

Mar 03Reply

Mar 03Reply

@elisehunter Follow up with them. Keep contacting them and they'll know you're really interested.
Mar 03Reply

Girl💖 feed is going crazy again!!!! Buckle down time!!!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉 I want to chat more after my party. I am praying for you for the job!!!!!!!!! I hope PM sees how great you would be!!!!!!!! Xo Kim
Mar 03Reply

@kimsthings Oh, I know it is, and it won't let up until a few days after! Hold on tight! :) It must not be a remote position. Yes, I'd like to chat more...I thought I might have scared you off with the creep feet people. :-) glad I didn't! xoxo e
Mar 03Reply

Lmao!!!!! 😂😂😂😂
Mar 03Reply

@kimsthings :-)
Mar 03Reply

Officially freaking out. My gal pal co hosting on 8th has her theme??? I don't yet????? What?😁😳😁😳😁
Mar 03Reply

@kimsthings you probably have dif party planners. Email yours to be sure. Then tag me so I can do a theme alert ❤️😘
Mar 03Reply

I emailed her last week. I feel like a coo coo if I email again. This is not like me. I am usually a very patient gal. Lol. I'm just going to keep busy, and give it more time. Makes sense there are different party planners. Thanks doll. Excuse my nutty self 💞😜💞
Mar 03Reply

@kimsthings you're not nutty! It would make me crazy to think that I didn't know something I should! :)
Mar 03Reply

@elisehunter Elise--I've been thinking of you and praying that your health improves!! You deserve to enjoy life to the fullest!!
Mar 04Reply

Oh, @cody7150 I love you!! ❤️😘💨💨
Mar 04Reply

Where did you find the sales analysis pictured on top of this listing? I have seen pics on other poshers' closets as well but cannot find mine
Mar 04Reply

@meg23 hi sweetie! How are you? Ok: go to you account area, poshmark support center (@ 3/4 down the page, then my closet stats. Yeah a friend of mine found it, showed it to me, and then I posted my update but idt people can read it 😕
Mar 04Reply

Ok great I found it, thanks! I'm good, hope you are too!
Mar 04Reply

Thank you so much, love this website. Prayer for continued recovery and good health. Been there ,it takes time.
Mar 04Reply

@faithsgoodies tysm for stopping by. Yes, it sure does. I don't know if I'll ever be the same again (cognitively). It's really messed things up in my life! I was the "bread winner" so this has financially hit us hard. I don't know if you read all three pictures of this listing but I still feel like I'm back in July sometimes (with much less $$) Thanks so much for dropping in. I'm glad you love Posh, I do too! If you ever have any questions please reach out. :) xoxo
Mar 04Reply

@elisehunter I love that pic, I have a pic right there 🌴👍🌺
Mar 06Reply

Hope you get we'll soon, I just turned 40 and experiencing all kinds of changes with my body💔 but stay blessed, in my prayers🌹✨😊🙏
Mar 06Reply

@garliyogirls Malibu?
Mar 06Reply

@garliyogirls tysm, sweetie!! Prayers still needed 😘💨💨
Mar 06Reply

@elisehunter Elise, A million thank yous for sharing my sales and suggested user posts. It has not gone un-noticed. Actually I have been able to set my clock to your posts the last couple of months!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️❤️
Mar 06Reply

@daisygirl321 😃😘💨💨
Mar 06Reply

God bless you! You have a beautiful soul & a great heart. I'll keep you in my prayers. Have a great Thursday!!!
Mar 06Reply

@jazzyjayne tysm for stopping by and reading! Prayers are still need and very much appreciated ❤️😘💨💨
Mar 06Reply

@morningdove1961 Oh, tyvm, lovely. Ahh it's just so hard some times. ❤️❤️ God bless you! You're prayers are so much appreciated. And still needed. Tysm, my lovely!! 😘💨💨
Mar 06Reply

@morningdove1961 oh, sweetie! Tysm! 😍❤️😘
Mar 07Reply

@saintchic 😘😘. I'm going to change it. Nobody can read my stats! 😕
Mar 07Reply

Hi Elise, I'm Shena and its very nice to meet you. I'm happy u overcame and is doing well. God is indeed good and yes he is a miracle working God. I'm happy I had a chance to cross path with you.throughout the community I've always seen you helping and not hesitating to provide feedback and help to newbies and oldies alike. I pray God continues to strengthen you and keep you in good health. Happy Poshing!! @elisehunter
Mar 07Reply

@blingbabe10 Tysm for stopping by! Prayers are still needed and much appreciated....as well as your kind words! They mean a lot! I'm happy our paths crossed as well! :) xoxo
Mar 07Reply

🎉PARTY INFO🎉 FYI, I WONT BE DOING NIGHTLY PARTY COUNTDOWNS ANYMORE AND I CANNOT ADD ANYMORE PEOPLE TO MY LIST UNLESS THERE IS AN OPENING. TYVM FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING! ❤️ @sandygaboury @gettumgirl @carenlovesgucci @kstallman1031 @vacat @patricewymore @73v3n @sassypants13 @maidmarian @hydrogirl @neelug @breananana @barnette @blandw @janicegw @jefsweetie @nikkinoodles @cmireless @jbear @ginger71 @lindsay2367 @alanetx @tinawears @anna_redbridge @tinker_bell @missrochelle @maxedout @nikkinoodles @oliviaraeann @blondeofaud @ilovesunset @daisygirl321 @cmjla @brownbethany75 @lolabella6 @loriscloset50 @theeyecandyshop @isa_wine_lover @lucia0777 @cassandraknox @pandaears @judithchan @micheleedesigns @snhboss @brooklyn_s @imanimom @mcalhoun2204 @lyvonne7298 @cftgirl @italgal33 @kanyejoyner @jessicacampbell @sophiapetrillo @bentleyclothing @nadiafashion @getluckyvocals @cody7150 @wenrella @sherry8888 @classyvintage @mrinurse @saintchic @songlady @judyt726 @tgoode1 @kll0123 @lisadraper @lascalaaa @audreycee @bwenger @uzanne @nkhob @mskfar @ktrn777 @allyd86 @tdkbkt6 @aluther420 @thenewera @trendytouch @sweetbee17 @kristenc21 @jenniiiiii @amandamarino @ahoodie94 @mrsdiva703 @poppy64 @ej135 @bbarnes362 @maryhuff1979 @marleone87 @lexilouhoo84 @myrucca876 @puddpudd0 @windylouu @vanessa_03 @jessiewing @michelleyxo @selvey5 @omegachild @cerchiones @charming_mhel @robynwenell @mcreeves @kimsthings @swissmistress @cljenson @femininefashion
Mar 08Reply

Noted beautiful Sister😘😘😘I am glad i am on your list🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Mar 08Reply

So glad I got on your list just in time!!😊💕
Mar 08Reply

@charming_mhel tysm, lovely. I'm glad too! 😃😘💨💨
Mar 08Reply

@swissmistress Me too!! ❤️😘💨💨
Mar 08Reply

Hey Elise! How are you doing today? Soooo will you still do the party cohost alerts, or you are ceasing all of your mass tags? I can completely understand you wanted to take a step back, to sell more. I did that, and the extra TLC does help get that exposure needed for consistent sales. I always say this, but I appreciate all you have done, are doing, and will do for this community!
Mar 08Reply

@elisehunter oh no that was my way of unliking them. But I respect any chose you make pretty lady💃
Mar 08Reply

Definitely understand! 💜💜💜
Mar 08Reply

Hi Elise! I will miss seeing your daily party post count downs in my feed but NEVER take me off of your list! I always want to see everything you post! You are a wonderful Posh leader - an excellent friend and mentor for all on Posh! I am truly lucky to be in your circle of friends! Many hugs and much love to you (and your handsome husband) 😘👯🎉💜
Mar 08Reply

Mar 08Reply

@elisehunter So thankful to be on your list! 💕💕😊💕 Happy Saturday Elise! 😃💐🌻🌸
Mar 08Reply

@rubyred17 this is one awesome lady who really knows how to do it! Follow her and check in often. I love @elisehunter 💖💖💖💖💖
Mar 08Reply

I love you @tinawears 😘
Mar 08Reply

@mrsdiva703 tysm, sweetie. I'll still do the party alerts, just not the countdowns. 😃😘
Mar 08Reply

@kanyejoyner IDK what you mean, sweets.
Mar 08Reply

@aluther420 me too, you!! 😃😘💨💨
Mar 08Reply

@allyd86 ❤️❤️❤️😘💨💨
Mar 08Reply

@tdkbkt6 ❤️❤️❤️
Mar 08Reply

Is everything ok🌹?
Mar 08Reply

@elisehunter you know when a party alert comes out I always hit like & then when you do the infamous party countdowns I hit unlike. It's my way of knowing when I no longer need to like it bc my likes are always overloaded with party's. I hope that better explained what I meant & again I respect any chose you make.
Mar 08Reply

@elisehunter Hey pretty lady! I hope you take some time to enjoy your weekend. Incredibly the sun is shining and it's 50 degrees in New York today!! I am always happy when you are coming through my news feed because I know you are busy and working that brain. And everything you give will come back to you many times over. Several weeks ago we chatted about the panic attacks. I told you my story with that. I'm hoping that's starting to come under control. Let me know how you are doing. Always thinking of you and wishing for better days. 💞💐
Mar 08Reply

@classyvintage hi, sweets. Yes, I'm ok. Just "tired"...and it's getting too much. You know? I'll still do the alerts. 😃😘👭Ty my friend!!
Mar 08Reply

@kanyejoyner oh, I see. Well I'll tell you how I did them, I went to the party the night of, and looked to see if I was supporting any of the co hosts. You can do that(?) 😃😘❤️
Mar 08Reply

Good- as long as your healthy and happy! Glad I'm on your list🌷🌹
Mar 08Reply

❤️❤️❤️💋💋💋I will miss that!! You are such a big part of my posh world❤️Hope it's a choice and doesn't mean anything💋💋💋So very grateful to be on your list❤️❤️❤️
Mar 08Reply

@elisehunter yes thank you pretty lady💃 I was just doing it the easy way lol😜
Mar 08Reply

@judyt726 hi Judy. Yes, I remember 😃. Adjusting my meds some more so it's rough. Tysm dear friend!! So very sweet!! 👭❤️😘💨💨
Mar 08Reply

@mrinurse I'll still do alerts. 😃❤️❤️😃😘
Mar 08Reply

@elisehunter I am so sorry to hear you will not be doing the party countdowns. I look forward to them every night. Would you be offended in any way if I was thinking of stepping in your shoes and trying to do the countdown myself? I know your shoes are big to fill. 😘 what do you think? 😊❤️😘
Mar 08Reply

@mrinurse no, nothing else 😃😘
Mar 08Reply

@kanyejoyner ❤️😘💨💨
Mar 08Reply

@daisygirl321 well, sweetie, one of the reasons I'm not doing it is bc mass tags are a "Don't" so that's less chance of getting in trouble, without doing the countdowns. I have everyone's permission to mass tag on parties. Are you talking about to my list or creating your own? If you want to be an SU, I've heard rumors of taking SU status away or not giving it bc of not following the rules.
Mar 08Reply

@elisehunter It was a spur of the moment thought. I didn't even think it that far. I just was thinking that a lot of ladies will miss it and although I could never be you maybe I could do something to fill the void.
Mar 08Reply

@daisygirl321 oh, you're too sweet. I didn't think it through either. It's a LOT of extra attention every night. ❤️😘💨💨
Mar 08Reply

@elisehunter Hi Elise. I'm new (abt a month) but meeting some awesome ladies. So sorry to hear abt your stroke. I will def. be praying for you. I'm 44 & have some health challenges myself so I can relate to some of what you are going thru. Congrats on being newly married. I too have an amazing husband & couldn't & wouldn't prob be here if it weren't for him. You have an amazing closet & following. Hopefully one day I can be blessed w/so much Posh Love. Very nice to meet you! Lynn 💖
Mar 08Reply

@lmfashion hi sweetie. I'm still doing the alerts so don't disappear. 😃. Good guys are hard to find! I'm happy for you and know what you mean about not being able to do it without them 😍 and tysm for the compliment! ❤️😘💨💨
Mar 08Reply

@elisehunter Awe! Yvw I'm not going away!!😊😃. Well I am going to dinner tonight, lol (It's so hard to even get out as much it seems) but I'll be back! & TY- The good ones are hard to find. That's def where I get my strength & thru God! I don't drop that around a lot but I do believe in prayer & I know he brought my hubby to me. Couldn't do it right the first go around so had to have some help!! Have a great day!!💖💞😘
Mar 08Reply

@elisehunter I too have cognitive issues. It's awful!! I have Fibromyalgia so that's a biggie!! 😘
Mar 08Reply

My darling Elise. I will miss your countdowns since I always tried to reply to ass many as I was able to, but I completely understand and support any decision you make. You know how much I look up to you. You're an amazing woman, Posher, and friend.. Love ya darling.. And I love being part of you list! It's an honor!💞😘
Mar 09Reply

Oh @nadiafashion my sweet friend. This gives me tears. You know, I just can't keep up! I'm having some troubles so something had to give. I'm really glad you're on my list.. too. xo
Mar 09Reply

@ej135 Oh, sweetie, thank you so much. It means to the world to me bc of my stupidity of the bag. I'm so glad you have forgiven me. I really appreciate you...you are so willing to learn and so unbelievably kind. I just love you!! Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers! They are much appreciated and so much needed. You are a true friend and you don't know, can't know, what that means to me! Tysm, my lovely!!! XOXO I really hope you're right that there are better things in store for me. I think I've done well on here but it's not enough money and I'm sure now that i will file for disability. I have a few things left to do first, get things in order....Thank you darling. I get hermitty when I'm down or going through a rough patch but don't be surprised if I reach out. :) xoxo Love you!
Mar 09Reply

@lmfashion Oh, I'm sorry. We have a few friends that have fibromylagia. That IS a biggie. Have you read the earlier pics in this listing? I had a stroke in July and am lucky to be alive. But it's changed our lives so much! I am having terribly financial issues...blah blah. But the panic attacks and cognitive issues are the major things left. xoxo
Mar 09Reply

@elisehunter I just read a few posts of you talking to others abt how your hubby came home & found you. If not for that you wouldn't be here. How amazing is that! The bills are your least worry. I don't say that lightly as they decided to terminate my long term disability (MetLife, the LTD carrier not the co I worked for) in Mayof this yr for no reason. They paid me for 5 yrs then one day decided no more. So not fair. So I'm glad I found Poshmark since I can't work & now no paycheck. Can't get disability. The system is so unfair.Like you I needed something to occupy my time & mind & do something that gives me purpose again. I cannot compare my health issues to yours but I can relate to some if what ur going thru. Also I've had panic attacks since I was 16. They can be debilitating in themselves. It's a miracle that you did not sustain more damage than you did. It can happen to any of us (medical problems). So anyone who thinks their immune is fooling themselves. Do you take a good bit of meds or just the blood thinner? My thoughts & prayers are def w/you!! 😘
Mar 09Reply

@elisehunter I didn't finish my thought when I said the bills were the least of your worries. That cognitive thinking is going on me, lol. I meant to add that at least your here. You can make payments on hospital bills however that is very stressful & I do not mean to lesson that huge burden that hangs over your head & worries you daily. It does me but... Hope I cleared myself up on that! I don't always finish my thoughts. Ugh!! (((Hugs)))!!💖💞😘. Lynn
Mar 09Reply

Love ya darling!! Xoxos💞😘
Mar 09Reply

@ej135 I love you!!! I had thought that I'd be able to work but I think I was just being positive. Tysm, my lovely, lovely friend!! You know prayers are so much appreciated!! 😘💨💨
Mar 09Reply

@lmfashion lol, that's nothing! I do that all the time. 😃. Yes, I know...thank you!! It's just so hard financially. We're going to lose our house eventually, and I'm not bragging or being a brat when I say it's really hard not being able to do or buy anything you want. God was done with me yet but I don't know why he'd save me to watch us suffer. I need to have more faith, but I don't get it. And I know how lucky I am to be alive and I know, such little damage for being down, alone, for 4 hours. It was a very "lucky" day for me!! Tysm for taking the time to write! ❤️😘💨💨
Mar 09Reply

@mskfar tysm, sweetie!! You can't imagine how much your kind words mean to me! ❤️😘💨💨
Mar 09Reply

@ej135 ❤️👭😘
Mar 09Reply

@elisehunter Your not being a brat! I know how you feel & I'm right there w/you! I can't go out & buy stuff anymore. I was used to going out & being able to spend & not even worry abt how much. You know the saying, God doesn't give us anymore than we can handle...well I get so tired of hearing that, lol. I don't understand why bad things happen & why we have to suffer. I also hear he has a plan. Well I'd like to know what it is, ya know? Lol. I have a 23 yr old daughter w/autism. Socially & emotionally she's 14. I feel like God has played a sick joke on us sometimes. Why does she suffer so!? I love her to death but it's tough! All I know is we're strong women & we'll survive, somehow! Hey! Maybe we'll win the lottery! Yeah nah. Just dreaming there for a minute, lol. I have no luck! I know you have all these fabulous ladies to talk to but if you ever need to bend someone's ear I will listen! & I'm not just saying that. Ttys L. 💞💞😘😘
Mar 09Reply

@lmfashion I couldn't agree with you more, on every point!! 😃😘💕
Mar 09Reply

@elisehunter Good morning Elise and thank you for this update. Your such a brave woman and I'm proud to know you. I love strong women who face difficult times with courage and still work so hard. I also love the advice you give us all and I appreciate your words as I can feel your sincerity. I often have so little time these days to be on Posh but I fit it in as much as possible because I truly truly enjoy it. Your an example of one of the reasons why I like it so much! ( though I won't deny there are lil things that I don't like, he he! 😉) Have a beautiful day Elise! 💕💕💕
Mar 10Reply

@sonpaises tysm, Ana!! That's so sweet!! I truly appreciate your kind words...you can't imagine how much it means to me!! I truly love Posh (and same same). 😃. Again, thank you so much for your kind words!!! LMK if you want my blurb I use when getting new users....I write under one of their listings, reference this listing and share their closets. (Get ready!!) 😃☺️☺️☺️😘
Mar 10Reply

@elisehunter Thank you so much Elise! Thats so kind. I sure appreciate your help so much! Can't wait to get to know you more too! 😄💕💕
Mar 10Reply

@sonpaises Oh, no problem! Yeah, me too! :) ❤️
Mar 10Reply

Hi Sissy, I was reading what you wrote to Jessica and I never ever ever realized exactly how much we have in common ( although in different ways - yet the same... Does that make sense??).. I now recently have incurred over $75K in medical bills on top of the $40K I owed from 2013 (these last 2 weeks with dr after dr and hospital stays and meds in just 2 wks I got a hospital bill for over $75K and being out on disability and denied SS disability I have no funds and with my husband being a builder there is no work right now for him!). I need to have brain surgery because my nerve in my brain is being squeezed by a blood vessel that is wrapped around the nerve that effects my motor skills, I have such bad short term memory ( my husband tells me something and 15 mins later I ask him again and it drives him nuts- thank god he is understanding).. My meatball rolled off my plate a few nights a go and for some reason I started to cry. I don't know why, I am very sentimental, emotional and am Always and constantly crying. The dr said its normal but I've always been sentimental but now it's so bad. I continually cry and would love a laugh now and then but even if I laugh I cry. Cont...,
Mar 12Reply

Having Trigenimal Neuralgia has changed my life and brain surgery scares me but I don't have anything else to so and then there's only 87% chance it will help. I am always here for you not only because your my friend and my sister but because in a way I understand how you feel. ( different diagnoses yet many same inner feelings) when you want to cry.. I will cry with you. When you want to laugh.. I will laugh with you. When you want to talk.. I am here to talk to you. Thank you again and again for supporting me while I was out sick, please know I am here to support you. I love you Sissy❤️❤️😘
Mar 12Reply

@loriscloset50 oh my goodness!! You really do understand!! And I understand for you. I love you!! My brother and his gf are visiting...sorry I'm rushing!! 👭❤️👭😘💨💨
Mar 12Reply

💟💟 you are so fab!!
Mar 12Reply

Hi Elise, I have somevitems listed, how long doesbitvtakevto get some sale, pointers would be appreciated. Hopevyour feeling vwell. THANK YOU:)
Mar 12Reply

@faithsgoodies looking good. One of your listings needs to be rotated and some are off center. You just need to play around with it some more. 😃❤️
Mar 13Reply

A little birdie just told me that today was your Birthday!!!! Hope you had a great Birthday Elsie!!!!!!! 😘😘😘😘😘😘 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝🍧🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🍧🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🍧🎂🍧🎂🎂🎂
Mar 13Reply

Hi Elise! I just wanted to introduce myself:) I see your name a lot- I think you need one of those shirts that read "I'm kinda a Big Deal around here"- lol! I read your story and am just deeply touched- God bless you, you sound like one lovely, strong, amazing woman<3 I will pray for your continued healing and beautiful spirit! Hope to get to know ya and please feel free to stop by my closet anytime;)
Mar 14Reply

@anoliver hi Angela. Really?!! LOL!! That's pretty cool...I hope it's all good!! 😃. And tysm for your kind words!! And ty for stopping by!! ❤️😘💨💨
Mar 14Reply

My pleasure! Hope you have a lovely day<3
Mar 14Reply

@anoliver you too, sweetie! TGIF! 😃😘
Mar 14Reply

Elise, you are such a fighter! I am so happy to hear that you are happy and healthy!! Congrats on your new marriage as well! I wish the best for you and your husband! I appreciate all of your shares and help with my closet! You are most definitely a Posh-Role Model! Thank you for everything!
Mar 14Reply

@rletwin tysm, sweetie!! You're too kind! 🌹😘💨💨
Mar 14Reply

Hi Elise! My name is Crystal. I've seen your name almost everywhere on poshmark. You're an amazing role model and people really look up to you. I haven't yet had the pleasure of crossing paths with you, so I wanted to stop by and introduce myself! I'm so glad you're ok after your stroke... They can do a lot of damage... And thank god for that hubby of yours! 💕 If you ever need anything, please let me know. I'll be sharing your closet like crazy to help your sales. Good luck dear! 🙏
Mar 15Reply

@crystaljos Hi Crystal!! So nice to meet you!! Tysm for stopping in and reading and saying hi. 😃. I hope you're hearing good stuff, lol. 😃. You're so sweet!!! I checked and I'm following you. Tyvm for your shares, you kind thoughts and you can't imagine how much your sweet words mean to me! Yes, I've got the greatest husband and I'm SO lucky to be alive!! Thanks again, sweetie!! I'll try my very best to keep up with your shares! ❤️🌹😘💨💨
Mar 15Reply

Haha yes,I've only heard good things! Don't worry about keeping up with shares... I just want to help! :-)
Mar 16Reply

I just read this. Too bad you had to sell things close to you but there is always a better sunny day to gather new memories! I wish you the best :) You are a brave woman!
Mar 17Reply

🙏🙏🙏I will be praying for you Elise, God bless your heart Sister😘😘😘
Mar 17Reply

@charming_mhel ohh, tysm, my lovely!! Prayers are much appreciated and still needed. ❤️😘😘💨💨💨tyvm, doll!!
Mar 17Reply

You are welcome Dear😘😘😘keep fighting!!! God is Great🙏🙏🙏
Mar 17Reply

@jaismeen tysm, sweetie!! Tyvm for stopping in. I keep saying it's just "stuff" but a lot of it was so much more tho. ❤️❤️
Mar 17Reply

@charming_mhel yes, he is. Tysm honey!! 😘💨💨
Mar 17Reply

😘😘😘you bet Sister
Mar 17Reply

Wow!!! What a testimony!! I am so glad to know that all is going well for you, especially after all that you have endured...Truly amazing!! So glad you have someone by your side who loves you so much...😘😘😘😘
Mar 18Reply

@heartmykids I'm soooo lucky!! Tysm, sweetie, for taking the time to read and such kind words! ❤️😃
Mar 18Reply

@elisehunter You are welcome.. It's great that you share your story... It will inspire and uplift others!!!!
Mar 18Reply

Just read your update, totally understand about needing to focus on sales! (Sometimes we get so focused on parties and sharing etc we forget to try to sell our own stuff!). Please keep in touch and keep me posted on how you are doing! You will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers! Hope God blesses you physically, emotionally, and financially! I will try to share your closet as much as I can to help with your sales but please remind me if I forget! And don't worry about sharing my stuff, focus on yourself for once! Love and prayers! (And btw God definitely had a purpose in saving you and it wasn't just for you to suffer. He still has a plan for you and a ministry he wants you to do!).
Mar 21Reply

Hey ladies for those of you who don't know Ms Elise she is one of the sweetest ladies on posh! She is in need of some sales due to medical bills, lets all help her out like she dies for everyone else! Please share her closet when you can, and if you are looking to shop on posh, check out her closet! She has some awesome jewelry! @ashley1985, @cdfielding, @bmrsnrally, @bwenger, @ms88, @kcgentzler, @kstallman1013, @wendac, @allie89, @cjhubley, @ametzger, @jakeamom12, @jessicanance, @rad2474him, @dcs615, @sherrylgoodman, @dazling, @kayceescloset, @alexisssttt, @ckcurtis6, @intricateivory, @mmendoza89. Thank y'all in advance for helping out a sweet posh friend! 💕
Mar 21Reply

Should say does. Ugh auto correct 😝
Mar 21Reply

Mar 21Reply

@meg23 shared and praying💖💖💖💖
Mar 21Reply

@meg23 oh, sweetie, tysm!! Aww, you're so great!! 😍😍 And thank you!! I don't like to think that way (about suffering) but I do believe God has a plan...I'd like to move on to the next phase!! Ya know? Prayers for all those things are much needed and appreciated!! Tysm, my lovely!! 😘💨💨
Mar 21Reply

@jaimerstone tysm sweetheart! Yes, we had our two year anniversary on New Years Eve!! We still feel like newlyweds! 😍😍 idk what I'd do without him!! I'm glad you have your hubs....sounds like an awesome man!! And I'm glad you're off the morphine and I hope that you feel better and better!! ❤️😘💨💨
Mar 21Reply

@elisehunter - slight issue -- need your advice, I have two people wanting the same item. One liked it a few days ago - well no big right cuz that doesn't necessarily mean anything, then last night she likes 4 other items but I can't figure out the 5th-- & it's a watch...
Around the same time a well known posher likes 3 items & asks how much for all 3 I tell her-- everyone goes to bed, this am I see they both like the watch 😳 the first one re likes her items for me & says she liked it a few days ago but I say I didn't know & someone put an offer on three items last night--
The 2nd buyer is now ready to go -/ 😳😳
What would you do
Mar 23Reply

@keg90 GM, Kimmy. I'd go with the one that is ready to go bc if the other wanted them, really, they'd have bought already. If you can, offer the 1st one an extra little discount on everything else she wants. (I know you're already greatly reduced). You'll know, real quick, if she's a serious buyer! ❤️
Mar 23Reply

@elisehunter - that is what I decided to do offer her another item at a reduced rate -- thx friend!!
Mar 23Reply

@keg90 great minds...😘
Mar 23Reply

@elisehunter yup
Mar 23Reply

@kammieb tysm, sweetie. I'm at that point! What's the silver lining, God? Tysm for stopping by, sweetie!! 😘💨💨
Mar 24Reply

@elisehunter All my love! I wish I knew you better and wasnt writing this quite so publicly :* But do you have any history of cancer, hormonal imbalance, migraines,
Mar 24Reply

You are inspiring! I'm dealing with my own health issue and waiting for a kidney transplant. I believe it's important to meet positive and inspiring people. Every smile, joke, greeting and compliment helps with dealing with what life has thrown us. It's always nice to see someone taking the time out of their own difficult life to spread positivity! I wish you the best and hope you just become even better than before! 😀😘
Mar 25Reply

@elisforlove tysm for stopping by and writing and your such kind words!! Posh has been really great for me...sanity in these trying times. God Bless!! I hope you, too, become better than before 😃😘💨💨
Mar 25Reply

Hellooo pretty lady! Just stopping by to see how you are feeling😘😘
Mar 26Reply

@lucia0777 hi sweetie pie!! More importantly, how are you?! Tysm for stopping in!!! ❤️😘💨💨
Mar 27Reply

@elisehunter omg Elise, I've seen a lot on Posh but you are the only other young stroke survivor I've met! I had my stroke when I was about. 5 months shy of my 40th birthday. I was like "oh great, welcome to the 40s!" Ha. We should talk some time. The only complication that accompanied the stroke (other than the actual brain stem bleed of course) was that one of my lids drooped. By the time I was in the hospital, it was 75% closed. Other than that, I felt completely normal. The doctors gave me every test imaginable, trying to figure out the cause. I had some convinced I had ms I even went to Mayo in search of answers. The one and only thing they could find was that my blood pressure was sky high (I should have been dead it was so high), and I'd been living with it that way for a long time. When I was discharged from the hospital, I was on 10 meds to keep my. Blood pressure down. 😕 To this day, I'm still on 3 for the blood pressure. I have NEVER regained my strength and energy to what it was before. And, I'm sure the meds cause a lot of the sluggishness, but I can't do without them! Frustrating, But, obviously, the stroke was a blessing in disguise b/c it could have done some serious damage, or killed me. Have you posted another listing with more details about your stroke?
Mar 27Reply

@elisehunter girl, we seriously need to talk sometime! I just read a little more. I was at the Jacksonville Mayo too. I'm sure we have a loooot in common. Oh, and I'm 46 now.
Mar 27Reply

@mommalaughing I only have a moment now and want to respond with the attention this deserves. Alright if I write tomorrow? This is the original listing...original pics below. The comments tell the whooooole story but no necessary to read them all but you'll have much more of an idea. (They took me to Mayo and they saved my life. If you read, you'll see there were a bunch of miracles that way. Ttytomorrow!! ❤️😘
Mar 27Reply

@splendeur Thanks God!! This is still my only income. I've made quite a bit, for usually small sales. (But it isn't enough). I didn't want to do this, didn't want to admit it, but I'm going to have to apply for disability. I have serious deficits cognitively. I thought I'd get better, and I did a bit initially, but I had to finally admit that Elise, the Executive, just isn't here anymore. I moved this to this listing bc it's about me. 😊. How are you? How are sales for you? You know, I saw someone the other day that had 30 sales and is a Top 10% Seller. I sure would like to know how the stats are calculated!(?). Do you know?
Mar 28Reply

I'm so sorry to hear Elise!!! However, it sounds like you have come to terms with it and is at peace, yes? Either way, I'm sure it's difficult to admit and really process it and take it in... If you ever need to talk.. I'm here. 😊💕
Sales are okay... I loose quite a bit of customers bc ppl live instant gratification. Had two cancel orders about a week ago bc of shipping time... Oh well, what more can I do..
I don't know how that's calculated, everyone that I know or have told me are all top 10% seller..😳 so, I do wonder how that's calculated...
Mar 28Reply

@splendeur Tysm Suhan. Not quite come to terms with it yet....just know I need to do it.That's the right word - process. I sometimes I still can't believe I had a stroke. A STROKE! It doesn't seem possible. And all the rest of it that it brought I'm not bragging sweetie, but I had a high powered job....made tons of money, bought anything I wanted. I started working at 8 and I've always had a full time job so it's hard on so many levels. Thank you, sweetie. Knowing you're there means a lot to me! ❤️ Oh, yeah, instant gratification. That's where I'm pretty lucky bc I'm online or close to my iPad. Well, you're right, I'm sure you're doing your best so what more can you do! Life has a way of getting in the way.... :) Oh, I only know one person who had nothing there. But yeah, everybody else I've talked to is a Top 10% Seller. I'm going to write to posh and ask how it's calculated. If I get a response, I'll write it here. But please check in bc it's entirely possible/probable that I'll forget. I have this in my likes bc I have some messages to respond to on here. lol, so I might forget why it's in my likes. :-))) that's pretty funny!! Even I'm chuckling. :) Have a great day, beautiful!! ❤️❤️
Mar 28Reply

Wow... I don't know what to say but you are definitely going to work everything out as you did with your high power job. You figure things out and solve problems. 😊💕 and things will work out bc you're positive about the situation. Positive thoughts goes a long way!! 😊💕 on that note.. Sending happy, healing, and positive thoughts your way. 😊
Yes, please do let me know how they calculate if you find out.. I'm quite curious. 😊 have a lovely day!!! 😊💕🌸
Mar 28Reply

@splendeur You're so sweet! I'm always very positive and I try harder every day. The reason I mentioned that (I know i didn't finish the thought probably) is that I can't multi-task anymore. I can't even do one thing at a time now. BUT I'm sorry, I try not to dwell on it and I try hard to remain positive. I've been sick lately, that's why I put up the Oliver post. :-) i don't want to bring anything toxic into Posh. Have a great day and I will try to find out!! ❤️❤️
Mar 28Reply

Power through girl! Power through!! 😊💕🌸
Mar 28Reply

@splendeur ❤️❤️❤️
Mar 28Reply

@mommalaughing hi! Wow, I've never heard of anyone so young having a stroke, before me. Yes, we should talk some time! I've been under the weather for weeks. I just wanted/needed to respond! ❤️❤️❤️
Mar 30Reply

@elisehunter Hi. Elise. I'm a fairly new posher and I need some guidance with regards to a not so good purchase I made from a seller on here. Is there somewhere I could ask you how the best way to handle this is? Or is it ok here? Please Lmk. 💕 thank you!!!
Mar 30Reply

God has Blessed you for sure! I'm a healing in progress too! 👍😘
Mar 30Reply

@linmp1031 Yes, he has. I'll say prayers for you for your continued healing. :) ❤️❤️
Mar 30Reply

Thx hon...and I'll do the same for you & yours! 💕
Mar 30Reply

@linmp1031 ❤️❤️❤️
Mar 30Reply

@jacqueray Hi sweetie! I was just reading through my feedback. Tysm again! I have some new, pretty spectacular items in, or just about to be. You might want to come by and take a look. I'd love to make you happy again. :) ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 02Reply

Stopping in to say hi!
Apr 07Reply

I wanted to thank u for all your advice, tags and encouragement during my first party. I feel like it was a huge success and without the advice from you and some others, I would have gone crazy. So again I say thank you and God Bless🙏🙏
Apr 07Reply

@beautyblack Oh, you're welcome and my pleasure! It was a huge success!! You Rocked it!! :)
Apr 07Reply

Next goal, SU😃😃😃
Apr 08Reply

@beautyblack yes!!! 🙋
Apr 08Reply

@elisehunter Hi Elise, I just wanted to wish you a Happy Easter friend. God Bless.
Apr 18Reply

@barnette Rose, Happy Easter!! Tysm for your continued support and friendship! 🌷😘😘💨💨💨
Apr 18Reply

@elisehunter It's been a pleasure meeting you here on Posh Elise & TY for your help the other day! You are such an inspiring woman! 😘💕👯👯👯💖
May 02Reply

@jenniferrlee Tysm, my lovely!! It's my pleasure! You can't imagine how much your kind words mean to me!!! 😊❤️😘💨💨
May 02Reply

Hey Elise! Just wanted to say hi and see how you have been feeling xo
May 02Reply

@lucia0777 hi sweetness!! I'm hanging in there. How are you doing? How much longer? 😊😊😘
May 02Reply

@elisehunter I don't know how I missed this before! You are so awesome! I'm glad I found you on here, and my prayers are with you.💞😊💐
May 03Reply

@marifun I am too!! Tysm for your kind words! They mean more than you can imagine. Prayers are appreciated and still needed. God Bless you! 😘
May 03Reply

@elisehunter Oh geez! Sorry you're going through all of this! Thank you for being selfless and despite your trials and tribulations, thank you for finding the time (and energy) to help others. I won't ask for anything in return. Take good care of yourself and yours. Best wishes! -Alba
May 04Reply

@alba330 tysm, sweetie!! 💕🌷💕😘
May 04Reply

How could I have missed liking this??!! ❤️❤️❤️
May 09Reply

Hi Elise how you doing, just stop by to say hi, and also to let you know that I just ordered the materials for your bracelet I'm so excited can wait to get them ttus, take care :)
May 09Reply

@mlupec Hi sweetie!! Thanks for stopping by!! 😊❤️. I think today will be a better day. 😃😘😘😘. I hope you're well!!!
May 09Reply

@emilyrubin 👭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👭😘💨💨
May 09Reply

@elisehunter i soooooooo wish we lived near each other 😩😩 I would b there every day. 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 roses for the best mom ever
May 10Reply

@randikandi Ohh, Rands, I love you. I'm sorry I'm being such a bad friend. 👭😘
May 10Reply

@elisehunter stop it...never. If u were, I wouldn't keep coming back. So there...
May 10Reply

@randikandi LMBO!! I love you!!!!!😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
May 10Reply

@elisehunter 💨💨💨💋💋💋 luv u 2... Always
May 10Reply

You're so blessed to have someone to walk through tough times with you!!! 💛💙💚
May 15Reply

@ringleader 😀💕🌷💕😘
May 15Reply

I'm sorry to read this @elisehunter I truly wish the best for you. My heart & hugs to you 😘🍃🌹🍃
May 22Reply

@goodbuys tysm, sweetie!! ❤️👭😘💨💨
May 23Reply

@elisehunter how are you feeling these days Elise? I hope better.... ❤
May 24Reply

@brittanydillon1 aww, thanks for asking. I'm hanging in there 😕. How are you sweetie? If I don't respond right away, I'll be back. 😘
May 24Reply

@elisehunter oh good, I hope your sweet puppy takes good care of you! he's adorable!!! We are getting some nice weather in Chicago which has been wonderful!!!! I'm trying to drop some lbs. for summer, so I can feel a little better about myself😊 but wow this watching what I eat thing is tough!!! I'm ready for a big ole' cheeseburger and a beer lol😂 but I am committed to looking good and feeling good!!! Excited for my oldest to be out of school and spend some fun summer fun together, he's 7 and my little sweetie ❤ Hope you are getting some nice weather your way, that can always lift the spirits!!! Much love darling 😘
May 24Reply

@brittanydillon1 You're such a sweetheart!! Oliver is taking good care of me....thanks God...I get so lonely being alone all day. But he is with me right now, in the office, by my feet. I just adore that boy. (ty) :) I have gained 20 lbs since last july. I just asked my husband if he would buy me some Boost or Ensure or whatever. I literally eat one time a day, at lunch time, and I'm not losing anymore weight....I'm stuck. It's like summer here....seriously...the pool is packed all day. And what got me through last summer was going to the pool for a couple of hours each day with a neighbor. (Ok, not packed bc it's a small community, but now I'd rather be alone and not around all sorts of people.) I've been having bad panic attacks. It's horrendous. I want to lose some lbs before I get out there too. Ohhhh, i remember that age...Maggie, my stepdaughter is about to turn 10. She's a cutie pie too. :))) She's got me playing a game and now I'm #1 on it so she invited me into a group and they made me the leader....sneaky!! I don't want to be the leader! lol, I don't really even know how to play that well. I can just see her typing...."I know someone who is at a high level and has strong defenses.....can we invite her and she will be our leader" (they needed one) lmbo, so cute!! I love you girl! Thanks for stopping by!! xo
May 24Reply

@elisehunter awww sweet Oliver to keep you company!!! Ugh losing weight is such a challenge!!! Hard hard work, I am so ready for a pizza!!! Lol I'm here if you need any support, because I am right there with you girl. I am 30 lbs. heavier than before my kids, and it doesn't sit well with me. I long for that pre-baby body I once had. I am so glad you have a sweet niece like that. Nieces and nephews are wonderful, I have two of each and adore them all!!! So great to be the "cool" aunt isn't it??!! Soak it up at the pool love, a little sun does a body good. Xoxo -Brittany 😘
May 24Reply

Hey! I'm so happy to see you are doing better. A stroke can be a devastating thing but staying positive and motivated is the key to getting through it. I work with stroke victims on a daily basis as and speech-language pathologist at 2 nursing homes. I also saw where you suffer from panic attacks. I have had them for years and just recently got them under control. They are the most horrific experience that no one understands unless they have been there. I will be praying for you. And if you ever have any questions about speech/cognition or need some suggestions for panic attacks let me know! You are strong and you will get through both of these obstacles.
May 25Reply

@elisehunter Hello Elise, I had no IDE you had a stoke. My heart goes out to you. I'll share and promote. I totally know what it feels like. I am recovering from cancer in my blood, if I didn't have my gorgeous wonderful husband I wouldn't be here today. He is the kindest man alive, but when he put his face right in front of mint and begged ". Please live, if not for you, then for me". I don't know a life without you. At that point, I slowly turned it around and am getting better day by day. Thanks for your story. You know I've always felt a kinship with you. I guess love for others is one of them. Take good care. Michelle
May 26Reply

@michelleannette Ohh, michelle! I'm so sorry. If I may ask, what type? Yes, I'm so lucky to have met my soulmate!! And yes, a kinship. 😃. I've been really sick with the flu for several weeks. Can't shake it (while they didn't find a reason for the clot, they found out I have one of the markers for Lupus, which explains why I've always caught everything.). Now it seems so much more often, after I had a clot in my spleen 8 years ago and lost 60% of it. My head is pounding sweetie. I just wanted to respond. Tysm for your shares. I'm just checking occasionally for parties and any sales. I've gotta lay down. Tysm....I really think the world of you and I'm so glad we met!! 💖👭😘💨💨
May 26Reply

So wonderful to read your road to recovery! I'm grateful to Posh, too, as I'm on my own journey to recovery! 🌸 thank you again for your support and shares! 🌸
May 30Reply

@ringleader tysm Holly!! I hope you're well on the road to recovery😘😘💨💨
May 31Reply

@elisehunter elise you are a remarkable lady. You have to be strong. I joined Posh to give me something to do. I have been ill for last six years but all i can say is you have to be strong. I will be praying for you sweet lady i will share your closet and i will be back to buy!
Jun 01Reply

@elisehunter i can say that i would not be here if not from my husband fighting for me. We have been married 30 yrs this August. Most husbands are not strong enough to go the distance but we are very lucky.
Jun 01Reply

@page54 We are lucky!! Thanks for stopping by, sweetie. 😊💕🌷💕
Jun 01Reply

@page54 ohh, tysm!! You must be very strong yourself!! 😀😘
Jun 01Reply

@elisehunter ☺️😊❤️❤️ just checking in to say HI!! 😊😊 I miss you ! 💗
Hope you are doing well !
Aug 27Reply
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