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I share and share back however only for closets which follow Poshmark Guidelines and Policies ! That means no PayPal transactions. NO selling of : perfume nail polish, aerosol products, electronics, books, home goods, children's items, men's clothing, used makeup, used swimsuits, used undergarments and any Health and wellness products. No replicas or fakes !

51 others
like this

Thank you @noyesno for this information and thank you @fabicase for this post @kleinlori @kelliecurtis @golyndsey @msmara18 @tevavoid @mere5 @cindyciara @andine @krisnator @designhamptons @storyofmydress @fashionaddict69 @jakeamom12 @mgmoontide @4me @mswhite56 @lrbennett12 @enigma
Aug 09Reply

Great info! Thanks! I had no idea, so good to know! xo
Aug 09Reply

Aug 09Reply

@4me saw this. Nuts
Aug 09Reply

Aug 09Reply

@vivacouture I did not know this!! Sherrie, I got your kind post, but am headed to hospital😟! Will write you from there on your page!!
Aug 09Reply

Aug 09Reply

@docholliday @jvcallanta
Aug 09Reply

@mswhite56 ok good luck and sending you positive vibes !!!
Aug 09Reply

@lauresboutique thanks for the shares and follow see above in case you were not aware ;)
Aug 09Reply

Thanks for the info! I tend to share the items I love more than once. And your closet is amazing.
Aug 09Reply

@vivacouture can I put this up in my closet if you don't mind? Thanks
Aug 09Reply

@missaisha555 of course! It's wacky huh?!!
Aug 09Reply

@missaisha555 @fabicase was kind enough to let me use it this am thanks
Aug 09Reply

@vivacouture Im realizing this myself. This is an excellent shout out!!! I've missed my own Host Picks sometimes!! Haha!! You are always very gracious w/ your shares. I know we share to help others, but it's hard to give everyone, Instant Gratification!!! Speaking for myself, I appreciate any sharers; no matter when!!!! I know you have our backs!!!!👯👯👯 We have yours!!!! Leslie
Aug 09Reply

@vivacouture yes very it makes no sense?!? Thanks!!
Aug 09Reply

@fashionaddict69 thank you ! I appreciate any and all shares too!!
Aug 09Reply

Wow! I had no idea... Thanks for the info! I wonder why??? XXOO
Aug 09Reply

@golyndsey me too!
Aug 09Reply

@vivacouture 👍👍💓👯💓👍👍
Aug 09Reply

Aug 09Reply

@noyesno777 thank you for the information and the shares . I tried to tag you earlier but miss-spelled typing quickly !
Aug 09Reply

@vivacouture yep I do the same thing!!! Had no idea until @noyesno contacted PM support and shared! I'm always drawn to the same items. What can I say? Thank you😘💕
Aug 09Reply

@sheelagoh not sure if you know I and just shared I sometimes shared many of your items and probably repeated them lol !
Aug 09Reply

@finchen @gordomom @emadgian
Aug 09Reply

@vivacouture I love that saying sweetie , and it is soooo true !! You have been lucky to have been blessed with both sweet love !💖💖💕😘
Aug 09Reply

Aug 09Reply

thank you for the heads up. i thought that the feed just got clogged up during heavy traffic (parties, etc). going to post something similar in my closet. 😘💕
Aug 09Reply

Do u mind if I copy this to post in my closet??? This is crazy! I post people's items over and over again! I also hate that someone is posting my things and I don't know to thank them!
Aug 09Reply

@jakeamom12 hi @fabicase let me kindly use it ! I am going to make a similar one shortly to update and anyone who wants to use can too. It's valuable info!
Aug 09Reply

@mere5 awe thank you beautiful for your kind compliments ! Love this quote too!
Aug 09Reply

@excreations @coolstuff4u
Aug 09Reply

@kleinlori OMG your phone !! That Sounds like something I would do ! Wait I think I left my phone in the FRIDGE once ! Who does that ???????
Aug 09Reply

I'm not a fan of this! Not even a little bit! I will not be forced to share my less favorite items, just to be seen and noticed!
Aug 13Reply

@enigma I completely agree and also I can't always Remember everything I shared from everyone's closet -- some yes but not all !!
Aug 13Reply

@team1995 awe that is so sweet ! I wish I would hit the jackpot too!
Aug 17Reply

Hate this feature as well. Don't want people thinking I don't return shares. 😕
Aug 19Reply

Omg. I'm soooo glad I stumbled upon this! I am CONSTANTLY sharing! Sometimes I think "WTF?!! 😕 Where's this 'Posh Love' everyone speaks of?" This totally makes sense!!! Like someone else said - I also seem to get drawn to sharing the same items again and again! Anyway, thanks for the info! 👍
Aug 27Reply

@jblacombe I am so sorry for the late reply but yes of course you can use this !
Aug 28Reply

@jblacombe yes I have done the same ! Which post did manish comment on?
Aug 28Reply

@vivacouture Hi Sherrie, Thank you for this info. I didn't know this, but I don't know a lot. I am learning as I go. But this wasn't in Posh Tips at the top of my page. May I borrow & post in my closet. I will get the hang of everything soon, I hope. :) Thank You Bryn
Sep 09Reply

@brynzys_trenzys hi I know I had to read and figure things out too when I first started!! Feel free to ask questions and sure please use this post in your closet ! I will share your liaison an too !
Sep 09Reply

@vivacouture Thank you so very much Sherrie. I appreciate all the shares. Bryn
Sep 09Reply

@micheleedesigns hi again this is informative for you because of the sharing feature . I leave a 👣 icon when I reshare an item!!
Sep 21Reply

Thanks for the info. I see how you did that on my listing. Now I have to figure out how to get icons on my phone or iPad. Thanks for all your sharing too!
Sep 22Reply

Did you see that it now is back to normal? Shows now you shared. Yay!!!
Oct 11Reply

@nugget_love yes !!! I saw it and so glad ! Need to change this listing ! 😘😘how are you ?
Oct 11Reply

Stressed, but okay. And at the moment holding my sick Nugget while he takes a nap, so I'm awesome. 😉. You????
Oct 11Reply

@nugget_love I am sick too and Evan was sick all week ! I was holding him at bedtime and nap too ! That's the down side of preschool . Any possibilities on the horizon for your hubby ?
Oct 11Reply

@kc1101 spread the word ! I thought you were tagged on another listing !!
Oct 14Reply

@vivacouture Thank The Lord for the little things that make us happy!😃
Oct 14Reply

@kc1101 I know right ??😘
Oct 14Reply

@camposcc so about the bag ! I asked her to email me pictures but she said she will post several on another listing which she did but didn't include the back picture ! I also asked if she had wiggle room on the price and she said alittle not much so I asked for 500 ...but she hasn't responsed to that or if there are major scratches I should be noting ..since there were no pix of the back ! I haven't shopped her closet and looks great but I have been burned twice here with bags so being cautious ! I had this style on a wait list for 2 anniversary presents so wondering if I should hold off anyway or see what her response is ! Maybe I am being paranoid ???
Oct 28Reply

I asked her some questions on the Chanel shoes and haven't gotten response so she looks to have gotten busy so stay tuned and I'm sure she will get back to you. 500 is reasonable and what I would have aimed for. Did you see the left side. Looks like there's a little section that is 'warped' and when opened same side has marking. But again for 500 it could possibly be overlooked. No zooming in ... So she doesn't want to email? Would request that she does do can zoom. She seems friendly so I think she will work with you. Only you can answer waiting for anniversary or not 😊 ok off to grocery aisles ! I'll check flights later woot! 😘
Oct 28Reply

@vacat btw I just posted this !! It makes me bonkers when someone shares my closet like 10-25 shares and then I go to share back and I see a items not allowed !! Sometimes I say something but I figured I would post this as I am not posh police. What do you do ?
Nov 26Reply

That happened to me last night (ortho?????)! Depends on my mood, honestly! Sometimes I'll share allowable things. Sometimes, I just ignore it but then I feel bad about it!! It's a judgement call. I won't follow anyone like that though. Which reminds me - I need to check my following group again!!
Nov 26Reply

@vacat that's what I did too ! Meaning I would share the allowable stuff but now I get a lot of closets that have this stuff and I feel bad too not sharing back .. Thought I would post this and see if anything might change alittle ? Maybe they just don't know ?
Nov 26Reply

Well I've contacted three or four this month and asked if they'd like help? When they replied yes, I gave them info on the FAQ section for allowable items, blah, blah! Each of them listened, asked questions, and changed their closets. Maybe the rules are not as obvious as we think they are! This should help anyone who really wants to do well. The others, they won't last anyway!
Nov 26Reply

@vacat 👍👍👍agreed !!!
Nov 26Reply

Love it!! I'll share someone's closet back too....until I see a Paypal listing or a replica....then no more sharing. And I report.😁
Nov 30Reply

@nugget_love hi !! Or what about bras that are not new ?? That one always pops up for me!!! Or I get over 25 + shares then I go to share back and BaM the closet is full of this stuff not allowed ugh !!
Nov 30Reply

I know!!! Or used makeup. There's strollers....work out machines...lol!!!! How do they think this stuff will ship?? The Paypal is what really upsets me
Nov 30Reply

Well Paypal and replicas....
Nov 30Reply

@nugget_love I know the used makeup makes me bonkers !!!! Besides the replica of course !! 😘😘
Dec 01Reply

@nugget_love @pandaears i had to explain the "reason behind" unsupported items to two ppl. today= do you really want to risk and buy possibly contaminated beaty and hygiene products? not to mention poorly packaged that could leak and brake? i have seen baby formula! and gardening supplies and a TV
Dec 02Reply

@styled @pandaears @nugget_love a tv ?? Now that I would like to see how it is packed and shipped !! I really don't understand used makeup !! Besides many other bizarre items but I wish it would be more visible for users to know what is not allowed !!
Dec 02Reply

@vivacouture oh my eyes!!! The whore of it all!! Lol! I've actually seen a couch! A COUCH! What size box do you use for that??! Btw..thanks Sherrie for the offer to help😉 I've tagged my daughter, I'll also put a bug in Maureen's ear, she usually gets the gift thing done for my husband!! He's not that great at it :-(. Can I steal this? I need to put it in my closet! @stjames
Dec 05Reply

@vivacouture oh yeah ...I saw a half hard PENIS!!!!!! 🙈@stjames
Dec 05Reply

@fccandles OMG are you kidding me ?? @stjames that is too much !!! Was it a picture or WTH ?? Ok curtains and TV are outrageous but that's beyond out there @nugget_love read above what @fccandles Kim saw !!!
Dec 05Reply

@vivacouture oh girl!! Full on wiener!! It was the post Chanda tagged for all of 1 minute before it was pulled... On my iPad no less so it was FULL SCREEN!! Bleck!! I had to bleach my eyeballs
Dec 05Reply

@fccandles Oh gross I remember that tag but it was gone thankfully before I saw it! I just saw a steering wheel cover for sale one of my new followers woot woot !!
Dec 05Reply

@vivacouture @stjames cripes...
Dec 05Reply

@vivacouture @fccandles whaaaaa???? That is crazy!! WHAT are people thinking??
Dec 06Reply

@nugget_love @stjames @fccandles I think there are too many people who have LOST their minds ..
Dec 06Reply

@vivacouture amen!!!!!
Dec 09Reply

@vivacouture I've seen hamster cages, a tv, a vending machine, & much more! 😖
Dec 09Reply

@erinbobearin thank you so much for all the shares ! I would like to continue to share back however I noticed some items in your closet which are not supported by PM so I wanted to let you know. I hope you understand ! If they are removed then I will be able to share back ! Thanks again for your understanding 😊
Dec 10Reply

Seriously....I just saw a 3 pc Summers Eve deal listed. Seriously?!?!?!???
Dec 10Reply

@nugget_love OMG no way ??? This I have to see where ??
Dec 10Reply

@vivacouture so Sherrie, can I steal this? Just got called a 'stuck up leash wearing witch' because I informed someone that they had unsupported items on their closet!! Lol! Really? And that was by their 'friend!!!' Cripes!
Dec 12Reply

@fccandles of course you can take this . The bottom 2 pictures are from @nugget_love and I think she will be totally fine with it ! Mine were to drab that I quickly did so adding the colorful sign big and Clear hopefully will help ! What the F ?? Who said what !!!!!
Dec 12Reply

@vivacouture I know...suffice to say, next time..I'll just tag them on this listing rather than try and be 'nice' ...she constantly shared half my closet..just wanted to explain why I only shared 1 or 2 listings. Her friend freaked out on me. Funny her friends closet full of nail polish, and trades and makeup. I was fine with the rant until she called me names... Really? Child.. I reported her closet! I got pissed then!
Dec 12Reply

@fccandles who who ?? Let me know so I can block !! The same thing happened to me and I kindly finally tagged here because I felt bad not sharing back but I try to keep my word when I see stuff not allowed in a closet and constantly get Closets with nail polish , underwear and books !!
Dec 12Reply

@vivacouture jessieb824 she's the friend who called me names. The other girl is just unaware. She says this girl is he friend an is her go to when she had questions and has never steered her wrong. She did say she would continue to share my closet whether I shared or not and her perfume was new so it was ok. She's no big deal.
Dec 12Reply

@fccandles oh that really upsets me . Ignore them !! Ugh her while closet is against posh policy !! Where did they write all this to you ?? Yes post this ASAP !! Weird weird weird !!
Dec 12Reply

@vivacouture in manhattan75 feedback page. Poor girl! Then her friend continued to post how I was just bing nosey and it's ok to sell those things because everybody does.. I just ignored the rest of her posts. You can read. I responded to her once, thn apologized to the first girl, if I offended her, not my intention. signed OFF!!! They're just girls... No manners😵
Dec 12Reply

@fccandles just read and you know that some people see things negatively . If it was an open person they would appreciate that you took time to explain why you aren't sharing back and the policy etc .. Moving on and I am glad you showed me because actually she shared my closet too and I shared back but I didn't go all the way down to see those other listings !!
Dec 12Reply

@vivacouture and actually I've been sharing her closet for some time....her shares have gotten more frequent and she went from 3 shares to 15 every day.. That's the ONLY reason I addressed it. I assume then that someone is wanting to get noticed. She only has 1 HP so I thought I'd help her out and explain. When I first started I was selling a nib bottle of perfume and had no idea until posh threatened me!! I would have welcomed some good advice, but like you said, everyone sees it differently. I'm making my post now!!
Dec 12Reply

Thx for the shares Sherrie😘😘😘I hope you're doing well💛😊🙋
Jan 23Reply

@ginger71 thank you too Gina !! I am well and how are you ?
Jan 24Reply

I'm glad! Doing alright💛💛💛
Jan 24Reply

@vivacouture thanks for the post. I moved all children's items over to eBay
Jan 27Reply

@mrslee07 hello and welcome to poshmark ! that's great You did that I am really glad this listing helped !! I just shared your closet now ! Just another tip I saw you in your leather jacket listing you you described the leather jacket as inspired but did you mean it's not genuine leather ? If so maybe you could say " faux leather ? Or vegan ? Because sometimes just the word inspired gets misconstrued for a replica of a designer ... Just sharing my opinion though ! Have a great night and if you have questions I am happy to help !
Jan 27Reply

Amen!!! 💋💋💋
Jan 28Reply

Hi there, if you have any room left please consider my listings for a GLAM'd UP host pick! Thanks in advance for your consideration
Feb 04Reply

I love to see that there are good people out there that read the rules and follow them! Congrats to you! I feel the same as you have stated above.
Feb 11Reply

@ayronscloset thank you and I am glad you feel the same way !
Feb 11Reply

Hi there would you mind if I used the blue section of items not aloud ?
Feb 11Reply

@uzanne not at all !! I got that one from @nugget_love and I am sure she would be ok with it too !
Feb 11Reply

@uzanne 👌
Feb 11Reply

@vivacouture Hey I missed what that post was about - it must have been deleted. What was going on?
Apr 26Reply

@julie48 hi well I wasn't sure if I had originally tagged you or you were tagged on a listing for someone's closet claiming to have cancer and needing money to help etc... So apparently many honest kind women here were sharing her closet - sending money to her and making listings to promote her closet so that they can help her financially and her kids but apparently she seems to be a scammer / con and may have 3 different closets and was lying about her cancer Etc.. Not sure if you were tagged on it or not ?
Apr 26Reply

@vivacouture I think I saw something like that (was tagged at least) but it was awhile ago. Just goes to show how sad some people are. I do believe what goes around comes around and Karma's a total b$%#h!
Apr 26Reply

@julie48 yes I am firm believer in karma . And I stat far away from drama . 👍
Apr 26Reply

@vivacouture Ditto chica!! I party drama free 💃🍸💃🍸💃‼️
Apr 26Reply

@vivacouture Sherrie you have added some beautiful new pieces!
Apr 28Reply

@kc1101 thank you Kristi I still have several to go but it's a slow process !! I hope you are well ! Have you seen other dresses yet ?
Apr 29Reply

@vivacouture I am well, thanks! Hope all is good with you and yours! I haven't been out looking, just on line. I think I should dedicate a day and hit up all the stores! (Heavy sigh!)
Apr 29Reply

May 29Reply

@javagirl1 hi sorry for the delay ! Just getting to my comments and missed this one. Yes that has happened to me many times. Some closets are empty because they are not selling but are buying on the site... I know the communication is short like $50 for a designer item I have listed for say $250 !! It can be Surprsing .. I just would let them know politely that their offer is too low . Does that help ?
Jun 22Reply

You have a beautiful closet! 😊 cheers 🍻
Jul 11Reply

@vivacouture Good Evening Mon Sherrie,Glad I just read this about sharing in the proper closets. I have made 3 sales already. So happy🌹exhausted from listing as a beginner lolThanks for everything. Have a great weekend . Ttus💞
Jul 27Reply

So, NWT bras are not allowed?
Sep 16Reply

@mandibearak hello mandi ! Thank you for asking I updated this listing because I made it before NWT under garments were allowed !
Sep 16Reply
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