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Updated Mar 18
Updated Mar 18

Please Stop Asking If I'm Interested When I Share

Pet Peeve



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I share a lot. What has become most annoying is getting notifications on multiple items I have shared from the same person stating: "Thanks for the share! Let me know if you're interested! I take 10-15% off bundles and love to negotiate for a cheaper price!" ON ALL THE ITEMS I SHARED. This is the quickest way for me to NEVER SHARE YOUR CLOSET AGAIN. I'm tired of politely explaining the obvious. I'm trying to help you out by sharing. If I'm interested I would have Liked it.
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susansupernova Well said!!!! This so annoys me too-and I love sharing, but once I get one of those, sharing stops. Ugh.
Aug 10Reply
wasabigirl Thanks @susanleeyogi! Yeah, I don't want to sound mean, but I almost screenshot my newsfeed; all the same "thanks for the share, let me know if your interested" line and its variations all the way down. 😝
Aug 10Reply
susansupernova I dont think its mean at all. Its rude when they do that-I will say thank you once in a while, but the best thanks IMHO is a share in return! Some people need to be told straight forward and blunt :)
Aug 10Reply
wasabigirl @susanleeyogi Yes! No need to thank me, just share back!... Haha I almost thanked ou for sharing my Cardio tank and told you I like to bundle. 😉
Aug 10Reply
susansupernova :p haha back atcha! I will be sure to spam spam spam bundle bundle discount discount!!!
Aug 10Reply
wasabigirl @lovetoshopxo Thanks for the share! Are you interested in Grumpy Cat? I can bundle him with a skirt for discount! Haha... Dude, someone seriously just thanked me and asked if I was interested. I should tag them in this.
Aug 10Reply
madi276 oh gosh! i totally get ya!! i share lots too and it happens almost everytime!!!
Aug 11Reply
wasabigirl @madi276 I hate how I think, "ooh! A comment! Someone has a question!" And then it's one of those. 😒
Aug 11Reply
madi276 well one time i shared and soomeone goes "thanks for the share! i can package that up right now if ya like" and i'm like oh no. wowww🙅
Aug 11Reply
wasabigirl @madi276 OMG someone just asked me again. I'm gonna start tagging offenders.
Aug 11Reply
madi276 oh that would be SO helpful!!!
Aug 11Reply
gemineye18 @janell06 Sorry, didn't mean to offend you in anyway.
Aug 11Reply
mollythomas4312 I'm sorry but that is rude. Please stop following me. Thank you
Aug 11Reply
wasabigirl @gemineye18 No worries, thanks for understanding.
Aug 11Reply
morgank00 Sorry about that I'm new to this so I don't really know what this sharing thing is, so I thought it meant that you were interested but I guess that likes only mean that your interested:(: @janell06
Aug 11Reply
wasabigirl @morgank00 Yeah, just trying to help you out by sharing. Share back, everyone will help you out. 😉 Share stuff because their followers will see share or follow. It's all about the right buyer seeing it!
Aug 11Reply
_lovephysique_ I seriously love reading ur posts 😜
Aug 11Reply
wasabigirl @liz235 Thanks. Sometimes that one straw.... 🐪
Aug 11Reply
msjoi @janell06 you say what a lot of us are thinking...good for you....and us
Aug 11Reply
emiluna How is your is this rude? I'm sorry but if you took the time to share someone's items and what you got in return was a pushy seller trying to get you to buy instead of a thank you or a share back, I think they're the rude one's. Read your Poshmark Etiquette. It's exhausting after so many! I hear you and I'm with you on this one. I also don't like to be harassed after every "like". If I'm interested I'll initiate a conversation. Thank you🙏
Aug 11Reply
emiluna I need to read my rambles before hitting post, lol! Some words out of place. Oh well.
Aug 11Reply
wasabigirl Thanks for saying that @msjoi because I've thought about deleting it. But, hey this is a PSA. You're right @emiluna, it's now in the etiquette. When I first started it was the norm for someone to ask if someone was interested after a like, but that quickly stopped. However, somewhere along the way some idiot started "trade?" "lowest?" and "thanks for the share! Are you interested?" You JUST SAID thanks for the share, it's a share! No, I'm not interested or else I would have liked it with a heart. Even outside posh in the dictionary there's a difference. Eh, whatsherface thought it was rude because I tagged her. Because I didn't sit and hold her hand and explain it to her. The other gals were way cool and have since shared the sh1t out of their closet. Rude girl was the offender that broke the camels back when I woke up to her list of comments. It's tough love, maybe she'll realize that's why only 26 people follow her after all this time. No one wants the bombardment of her comments.
Aug 11Reply
emiluna Totally agree! I have your back on this one as I see most do. I love this post and I don't care if it costs me inconsiderate and pushy followers/buyers.
Aug 11Reply
emiluna Btw, I see you shared several of my items. I could bundle for a really good price and ship out to you tomorrow. Lmk, love! Just kidding!! But those "terms of endearment" are annoying too😜
Aug 11Reply
wasabigirl @emiluna ok Hun! Haha 😜🔫
Aug 11Reply
emiluna Exactly!! Lol
Aug 11Reply
cmarshall38 @janell06 girl thank you for this!!! I totally agree. Then I have to politely tell them that I'm sharing the Posh love!!! Geesh!!
Aug 11Reply
moonbunnytoo Grumpy cat!!!! 😾 Still digging the Emoji! Thanks!!👍
Aug 11Reply
wasabigirl @moonbunnytoo haha have you been texting friends too? You can make picture sentences and emoji art too! 💎💎💎💎💎💎💎 💎💄💄💎💄💄💎 💄💎💎💄💎💎💄 💄💎💎💎💎💎💄 💎💄💎💎💎💄💎 💎💎💄💎💄💎💎 💎💎💎💄💎💎💎 💎💎💎💎💎💎💎
Aug 11Reply
wasabigirl @moonbunnytoo haha have you been texting friends too? You can make picture sentences and emoji art too! 💎💎💎💎💎💎💎 💎💄💄💎💄💄💎 💄💎💎💄💎💎💄 💄💎💎💎💎💎💄 💎💄💎💎💎💄💎 💎💎💄💎💄💎💎 💎💎💎💄💎💎💎 💎💎💎💎💎💎💎
Aug 11Reply
moonbunnytoo 😱M I N D B L O W N again 😱 I can't handle these earth shattering revelations more than once a week!
Aug 11Reply
wasabigirl @moonbunnytoo Haha 😱💨 come back next week, I'll refer you to some apps....
Aug 11Reply
eunibug33 1) YES 2) I love Tard the Grumpy Cat (no, really, all my friends know and tease me about my love for her) 3) I love you for having the 🏀⚽ to post this. Thanks! Definitely part of good etiquette on Posh. 😘 Also... Trade for my 🍤? Thx.
Aug 11Reply
wasabigirl @meunice33 I do love beer battered shrimp, so I just might! 😋🍤🍤🍤
Aug 11Reply
eunibug33 LOL! 🍻🍤😹
Aug 11Reply
treannesfrocks This is hilarious! So true true
Aug 11Reply
annatastic12 OMG THIS LIKE WTF?! I share because I think someone else may like it or to help your closet get some exposure! if I liked it, I would've actually hit that "like" button! Biggest peeve, but didn't know how to say this politely. LOL
Aug 12Reply
wasabigirl @annatastic12 I usually say, "No, just helping you to share." And they usually say, "oh, thank you!" But tough frigging love. I woke up yesterday to a whole laundry list of the comment. 🐪
Aug 12Reply
annatastic12 YES, you & I both!! I would've said something like that in return, but it's exhausting to do that to every I just ignore it. Seriously, I love all these posh rant posts you put up!! It just makes my day. 😜
Aug 12Reply
wasabigirl @annatastic12 oh I've made others and haven't posted them... Yet! Just you wait til someone else pushes my buttons! Haha 📍
Aug 12Reply
annatastic12 Thank you for these posts though! I may share them repeatedly from time to time. 😜😂
Aug 12Reply
wasabigirl @annatastic12 Haha go for it! If it can just touch and change one crappy buyer... *cue violin music
Aug 12Reply
ynaoj Thanks so much for the shares! I'm new to posh and it's hard to get myself out there even if I have a closet full of stuff to sell! I really appreciate your sharing my clothes😊💕
Aug 12Reply
wasabigirl @ynaoj Welcome! If you share my closet as well as others you will get shares back. Share from your main feed too. Also, follow people. Follow my followers and other people's followers. You'll get follows back. Through sharing, your items get more exposure. I have posts on here to follow fellow poshers, follow game, and some PSAs like this one of what not to do. Haha. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! 😉
Aug 12Reply
ynaoj Wow, thank you for the thorough advice! That's really lovely of you! And I will be sure to come to you with any questions😋
Aug 12Reply
maggie_pie @janell06 Priceless!! LOL!! I love the cat frowning! And you are so right!! It's incredible, simply incredible how inconsiderate and self absorbed ppl can be.... And what I find even more incredible, is that there are sooo many of them! Manners seem like such a rare quality these days!
Aug 12Reply
mizfabulousity @janell06 : I would like the grumpy cat please .😜 Lol
Aug 12Reply
pookiebeau Just had someone ask me my lowest and I was in a good mood so I said $70, its what I sold the same bag in a different color why not? So she comes back and asks if I can do $60...ughhhhhhh!!!!!😩😩😩😩luckily someone swooped in and bought it for $70!
Aug 12Reply
wasabigirl @pookiebeau Yay! Take that lowballers!
Aug 13Reply
coloredthreadz Lol this is awesome!!
Aug 13Reply
riaaa0917 Whenever that happens to me I think: " if I shared it no I'm not interested...if I were why the eff would I want 3000+ more people seeing it and grabbing it first?!?"
Aug 13Reply
wasabigirl @angie_219 @riaaa0917 On the bright side, once you share an item, that person will never get a notification again that you shared the same item. Great app feature huh? It'll still show up in your main feed, but they will never know. They just think you never share back.
Aug 13Reply
mirandamarie90 Oh my gosh haha great post! Completely agree and I don't ever share again 😔
Aug 13Reply
shannonjbratton love this 😊
Aug 13Reply
annatastic12 @hanijny94 just FYI for future references. :)
Aug 13Reply
tribalsister 😆😆😆😆👏Just happened to me yesterday!! Love this!👍👍👍
Aug 14Reply
wasabigirl @tribalsister I think it's just a matter of people just copying something to say, but don't realize it's annoying because it doesn't make sense.
Aug 14Reply
tribalsister I think it's straight up harassment...😜😜😜
Aug 14Reply
moonbunnytoo No Kotex sighting today, but saw "coffee that will help you lose weight!" Interested???
Aug 14Reply
mizfabulousity @janell06 : hey girlie u need any tummy wraps ? Heehee 😱
Aug 15Reply
wasabigirl @mizfabulousity I've actually tried those and like them!!
Aug 15Reply
mizfabulousity @janell06 : do they work ??
Aug 15Reply
wasabigirl @mizfabulousity It really made it more taught. Probably by taking out bloat. Sadly, I would still have to work out but it's a nice lift/boost!
Aug 15Reply
mizfabulousity @janell06 : hmmmm good to know ... Is it the ones advertised everywhere ? How long does it last ? The taughtness?
Aug 15Reply
wasabigirl @mizfabulousity yeah the it works. It keeps working after 3 days and gotta drink lots of water to work basically its a detox. It'll come back if you don't workout or keep eating bad of course.
Aug 15Reply
mizfabulousity @janell06 thanks for the tip sweets 😘😘😘👍
Aug 15Reply
wasabigirl @mizfabulousity I was hoping your comment meant you became a distributor. I'd be your customer!
Aug 15Reply
maryreid 👏👏👏👏👏👏
Aug 15Reply
couturegirl Another fab post!! I forgot to tell you, someone stole my pic with the bird about the new sharing feature and then had the balls to crop my tag out and when I asked her she said she didn't want to get in trouble for stealing my pic🙈🙈The kicker is she tagged me in her listing!!!!
Aug 15Reply
wasabigirl @couturegirl People are so lazy. At least ask before you steal. And then how hard is it to make your own? I might have seen that post. Was it a brown noser? Let me tell you the straw with posh was bending on Monday. Some wannabe real housewife filed a claim, alright, but on top of it I had measurement pics to show and they didn't even bother. I got auto replies they were busy. And they issued the refund same day. I complained and a day after I got a cookie cutter email basically saying too bad. Great customer service and loyalty. 🌾🐪
Aug 15Reply
couturegirl I was just going to say its someone who isnt some little seller and knows better💩💨👃. I think you were tagged in it😤I never care if someone asks but to do that was real shady. And she still has it up even though you could tell I was annoyed with my comments🙈I'm not surprised that posh did that to you!! I had bought a pair of $35 MK shoes from a well known blogger that they love. I get them, gross, foot stains and these Velcro tabs inside by the heel..unwearable to me. They said they would give me $10 and for me to accept them so she could get her money. I fought them and finally got a refund but she got to keep her money. I'm so tired of them rooting & helping the bloggers & people they like..not exactly the way to show fairness!! That was one of the reasons I was ready to close.
Aug 15Reply
heyjnet Shared this instantly! 😀
Aug 15Reply
moonbunnytoo I know I've been guilty of posting "thanks for sharing", but a least I do it on my own listing. This morning a girl posted "thanks for sharing" on every single item she shared in my closet 😳 at least it wasn't "trade?" Or "I can bundle or a discount!!"
Aug 15Reply
wasabigirl @couturegirl haha I love the 💩👃💨haha 😹. Honestly, I'm tagged in a lot and sometimes forget to go look again later and comment, especially when I'm out and see it on my phone. I believe that blogger thing, like SU or party to someone who has 43 followers, but blogs. I was irked, cuz it's like I'm SU, I play by the rules. This other person is new and selling baby clothes and webcams. But sure, she can cry and return it. They didn't read the comment where she said she didn't try it on! But they read everything. Uh huh.
Aug 16Reply
couturegirl One of the bloggers tonight bluntly said she takes PayPal in the comments of her listing and I see that a lot. Either have the same rules for all or none. Same thing with fakes and hosts either selling them or picking them. As a matter of fact, one of the regulars asked if it was real and the girl said they pull it, no..instead another one picks it!! I was so pissed! A lot of shady shit going on behind the scenes!!
Aug 16Reply
wasabigirl @couturegirl you know what pissed me off last night? I was thinking of reporting my earnings to taxes. Then I checked that I have paid taxes on all my purchases. Does the seller get this remitted? Why would Poshmark keep my 7.75%? they aren't selling the physical item and would have to pay a sellers tax. So they are pocketing tax on purchases.
Aug 16Reply
couturegirl That is so made me go check mine and I haven't paid any. And you're right, they aren't selling the item so why do they get it. I know when I sell something on eBay I have the option to collect tax so I can claim it on my taxes because I'm the seller. Interesting!!
Aug 16Reply
teeburks Lol. Funny..I jus ignore them tho. Cute pic
Aug 16Reply
pookiebeau @couturegirl I've seen this time and time again! I wasn't sure if regular people like me could even make it as su's or party hosts. But I've just seen so many who have items not allowed or use pp also. And posh turns a blind eye! I've reported and nothing gets done, still up and running and are still su's! The one thing I see and wonder is how a few of these ladies are always at the top of the parties every night and have back to back listings up. I get it if they have more than one device, but seriously that takes some skill. They must have their entire family with a device each to put as many listings as I see and all within the last minute lol😳
Aug 17Reply
wasabigirl @couturegirl I just saw your ostrich! I was actually tagged in it a while ago, but just came across it. Not who I remembered though!
Aug 17Reply
avadisilva Lol 💗💗💗
Aug 18Reply
joeysgirl17 Lmao sooooo true!!!
Aug 20Reply
moonbunnytoo I think I missed my weekly earth shattering news last week!!! ok introduce me to an app! I think I can handle it :)
Aug 22Reply
wasabigirl @moonbunnytoo okay, emoji apps? Go to App Store and type in "emoji" there will be the apps that are called art where they get put together, or type "animated emojis" and it's like yahoo messenger where they move. 😉
Aug 22Reply
moonbunnytoo in my black silk blouse listing, look up a few comments, aidansmommy. she bought from my before and did the same thing - asking for 40% off the list price! and last time i told her price firm unless bundled, so she ended up purchasing 2 items at 10% off and i threw in a $5 item free. and AGAIN she asked for 40% off list price. someone also asked "lowest" and i told her price firm, she agreed, it was worth the price! blech
Aug 22Reply
wasabigirl @moonbunnytoo It's really a game to some people. Some cheap rush.. I'm so over it.
Aug 22Reply
maur_fashion Love this post ! Had some laughs!!! Couldn't have said it any better !!
Aug 23Reply
jguffey THANK YOU!! I hate this. I too share a lot and I get so annoyed with "interested?" 😁😁
Aug 23Reply
frantastic2010 😂👏 btw...thanks for the shares.
Aug 23Reply
wasabigirl @frantastic2010 Anytime! Thank you too! 😄💕
Aug 23Reply
lizanneee I just wanted to thank you for all of the shares! You're awesome! Keep on keepin on 😊
Aug 26Reply
wasabigirl @lizanneee You're very welcome! Just to let you know, I always reshare, but after the first time you'll stop getting notifications. So I'll be sharing in the main feed! 😉
Aug 26Reply
lizanneee @janell06 well thank you for all the love & advice (: you're awesome
Aug 26Reply
musepittsburgh TARD!!! ❤❤❤
Aug 26Reply
juliegaines Amen sister!
Aug 26Reply
moonbunnytoo Remember that buyer I was telling you about? The one who keeps asking for 40% off list price? She had bought a dress from me over a month ago and then asks to return it today because it is too short for her. 🔫🔫
Aug 27Reply
wasabigirl @moonbunnytoo Nope. She accepted it. Don't do it. She'll think it's a free for all. PM notified me my one crazy chick who returned that top posted harassing listings and headings about me and they took action to suspend her. She'll be back though I'm sure. I bet they wish they didn't honor her return. Someone said her post was about me reporting her boys clothes and stuff. Um, when you file a claim Posh looks into your account and listings. Duh. I got better things to do.
Aug 27Reply
moonbunnytoo Told her all posh sales are final!! Duh! Read the print in all listings!! Thanks for he update. Glad to hear that was resolved! I know, you got better things to do like selling used curling irons and puppy costumes 🐩
Aug 27Reply
wasabigirl @moonbunnytoo Ha! I'm busy sharing them. I'd buy that stuff, why would I report it? Hopefully, your 40 lady doesn't shop in your closet again. Save you to trouble.
Aug 27Reply
moonbunnytoo Funny you mention that - she came back for a top, but it had already sold this morning! HA!
Aug 27Reply
wasabigirl @moonbunnytoo She probably woulda bought it at 40% and tried to return it because she was too fat. I'd block her.
Aug 28Reply
krissy007 @janell06 may I steal this pleeeeasseeeee!!! Lol
Aug 31Reply
wasabigirl @krissy007 Sure. It has my name watermarked, if you don't mind. Maybe it'll cut down on the annoying comments! 😼
Aug 31Reply
krissy007 @janell06 I don't mind at all! Thanks! I'm so tired of this!
Aug 31Reply
wasabigirl @krissy007 I still get it. When I first posted I tagged the offender that broke the camel's back. She said it was rude and to unfollow her. Absolutely! Haha. It's a little abrupt, but most realize. I've had people tag their offenders on it. A little awkward, but whatever works!
Aug 31Reply
krissy007 @janell06 that so awesome! The other "how low can you go" listing I asked you to use a few months ago I had up an every time someone asked me that I tagged them. People were getting soooooo mad lol but it is what it is... Thanks again 😘
Aug 31Reply
wasabigirl @krissy007 My next posting will be a picture of a flea market.
Aug 31Reply
krissy007 @janell06 bahahhaa please tag me when you put it up I have to see it!
Aug 31Reply
dasrozo lol!! I love all your closet postings 😂👍
Sep 01Reply
concept Haha @janell06 , I hear ya!! Thanks for sharing ❤💜
Sep 02Reply
lindyhiphop This is SO TRUE. I'm sharing to be nice! And you're ruining it with your spam responses! Arghh 👎
Sep 04Reply
itslove Ahahahahahahahaha! ❤❤❤❤
Sep 05Reply
mollys3 👍 I hear ya, girl!
Sep 05Reply
xoflawless52xo Well said* awesome pic!
Sep 06Reply
apinkboutique @wasabigirl I noticed you shared my items, that must mean you are interested! Haha. I hate when I get on after a couple of days & I have a bunch of comments & I get excited & it's all "thanks for the share, I can bundle that with my entire closet & ship it now" then the second comment on the same item, "I'm heading to the post office, I can ship that now", just no. Even if I like it, I'm not interested unless I say I'm interested. Thanks for posting this!
Sep 09Reply
janetypk Hahaha lol I ❤ it
Sep 17Reply
moonbunnytoo @rottrunner you're not the only one who feels this way!
Sep 17Reply
rottrunner Omg, yes!! Will they never learn? 😜
Sep 17Reply
andine Amen sister! 😉 Your posts are so well said, so entertaining, and they point out just the right amount of absurdity in such a hilariously worded way! Love it!
Sep 19Reply
emiluna Sorry to bother you with this question but I think I saw somewhere you may know a thing or two about this. I just saw someone is using one of my pictures from an item I sold. She was the buyer but she put in a claim against me saying the item was not authentic when it was. Posh found in my favor but now she's selling that item using my photos without permission. Can she do that? Not happy!
Sep 19Reply
wasabigirl @emiluna Ugh, two people used my photos on eBay for shoes. I was like "those are my feet!" As far as Posh I don't think there's much you can do except ask her to remove those photos. Are they of you? If so, then I would write posh support with a screenshot of her listing, using the pictures of you and ask that they ask her to remove them. Hope, you get it resolved. I know my ONE return that was a total lie turned out to be with the craziest chick ever. Good luck!
Sep 20Reply
emiluna Wow! On eBay?! That's pretty crazy! I get why people plaster their name on their photos now. It's just so much work! The photos she STOLE are actually of my co-worker wearing my item listed. She wasn't too happy either. I'll try that. Thanks so much for your advice! What happened with your crazy??
Sep 20Reply
wasabigirl @emiluna Check out my New Name post if that gives you a clue. Basically, this wannabe Real Housewife claimed I sent the wrong size and it was ripped. She didn't even try it on. I suggested she did. Then she says its too big, no way the medium fit like an XS. I had measurements to show etc and I tried it on myself. Anyway, PM granted her return. Psshh. So she sold phone jacks and men's clothes and other junk and got notified by posh. Hey, maybe they saw it when they read thread comments about this top (it came back unripped of course). She made a post saying I was a hypacrite (her spelling is more insulting) and I sold lingerie. It has tags. Anyway, I reported it as harassment. Her closet was on hold where no listings showed, but she still blasted my user name at the top. I was like hey, just to let you know posh... But apparently they had their own problems with her, no doubt that entitlement issued mouth of hers. They said they couldn't discuss it but would let me know when they completed handling her account and could issue me a name change. It was a good time actually to link it to my new storenvy store name so I took the offer. Nutters come out of the woodwork on here. Today I got tagged in a post giving a heads up to maybe not mail out expensive items right away because people are paying with stolen credit cards that initially go through.
Sep 20Reply
emiluna Holy mother of🙊! WTF?! That is so crazy!!! I just thought you had started a new a business maybe but wasn't sure. Double WOW! AND now that credit card scam? Geez! I'm always trying to ship next day too. So sad that some people have to ruin it for so many. It's a shame that many have NO shame.
Sep 20Reply
wasabigirl @emiluna It's because they can hide behind their iPads and phones.
Sep 20Reply
subygirl92 @wasabigirl agreed! Lol by the way thanks so much for sharing the listing of my hubbies suit :) I appreciate it!!
Sep 22Reply
wasabigirl @jezray Exaaactly! And sometimes it's like, instead of thanking me, just share one back! 😄
Sep 23Reply
kenzies_kloset @wasabigirl totally agreed. I've actually made it a point to never ask if interested if someone shares. It's way obvious. No one is going to want to share something they want to buy before anyone, with the rest if the shoppers. Like the angry cat-great touch!
Sep 23Reply
wasabigirl @kenzies_kloset You'd be surprised I still get them all the time including one the other day that said, "Thanks for all the shares. I can give you a discount on all of them." It's two different things! 😝💊
Sep 23Reply
kenzies_kloset @wasabigirl people are desperate! I mean seriously??? The ONLY time I bother anyone is if they like something and even then I just "leave the door open," like....please lmk if u decide you're interested, although u may just be saving this in ur likes. Ppl need to think as if they were in like idk, a Guess store. They ask "can I help u with anything?" And if the customer says no, it's no. Like could u imagine if u called a friend to share the info about an item u hv found and the sales associate secretly followed u around n just popped up into the phone and was like...."SHE SHARED WHAT THIS LOOKS LIKE ARE U INTERESTED OVER THER ON THE OTHER LINE?? There's a SALE TODAY!!!" Hahahahahaaaaa....go read the comment I wrote under ur "limbo" posting lol
Sep 23Reply
wasabigirl @kenzies_kloset Same goes for going into a Guess store and asking them to lower the price of something or better yet offering $5 for it.
Sep 23Reply
kenzies_kloset @wasabigirl exactlllyyy....u walk in to ANY store worth buying from and are 10¢ short, they just go....welllllll, ur going to have to come back when u get that dime! HAHAHAHA
Sep 23Reply
allie89 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 Thanks for the PSA!! Some people REALLY need to get the message! Stop harassing, I'm only sharing!! Hahaha and theres not a better way to get the message through than Grumpy Cat 😾😻!!
Sep 25Reply
wasabigirl @allie89 Haha. 😸 I still get it unfortunately! But Grumpy Cat helped me vent!
Sep 25Reply
brookejaimie Omg! And can people PLEASE STOP showing "collections" and their "babies" (I.e. Brand new LV speedys and rose neverfull MM) I am not on here to watch and drool over your bragging, I am on this app to buy!!! Please stop listing "not for sale" and "collection" posts!!! Arg 😡😔
Sep 25Reply
brookejaimie If we are ranting off topic.... Wtf is up with the cell phones an DVDs?!!!! This is fashion people!!! Thanks for this and listening! You are all right on!!!! ✌👏🌺
Sep 25Reply
mynameismita This is even more annoying than the "Interested??????" when you "like" something. If someone shares something, they don't want it! They want you to return the favor by sharing something of theirs and maybe a follower on either side will take interest. Ugh! It really isn't a difficult concept.
Sep 25Reply
wasabigirl @mynameismita Yes! Two different words and concepts, even if someone's new!
Sep 25Reply
cristallo Lol so funny, even if I like it ...why do people ask are interested ? If I like multiple items...I can see initiating a comment ...but I try not to big people a bunch because I hate trying to respond to every little thing too. Lol btw I love grumpy cat!!! Posh Memes are the best!!
Sep 27Reply
tessturbo ...and even if I DO like it, I STILL may not be interested! I like plenty of things that aren't my size and/or don't suit my current needs. As with everyone else, if I were actually "interested," I'd inquire.
Sep 27Reply
wasabigirl @tessturbo When viewing your comment in my newsfeed, someone right under your comment thanked me for the shares and asked if I was interested in any of it. Smh. 😖
Sep 28Reply
dfizzal Lol👍😜 Hilarous!! Thanks for all the shares hun!! I of course shared this and will many of your other items😉 have a lovely day😊☀️💟
Sep 28Reply
wasabigirl Thank you too @dfizzal! 😄
Sep 29Reply
brownbethany75 @wasabigirl 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂👍
Sep 30Reply
a1seibol could not agree with you more!
Oct 01Reply
fccandles @wasabigirl you have any Kotex ?? Bawaaaa!!! Thanks for the shares !!😘😘😘
Oct 01Reply
jwelsh85 Oh my goodness, I agree! 😂
Oct 03Reply
wasabigirl @poshinpinkk Haha. I'm glad! I saw your post and was gonna tell you to "queen, the dishes please." Haha. Knock knock joke commercial. 😄
Oct 03Reply
scarlettstained All I can say is Janell thank God you love me muah! You're awesome!
Oct 03Reply
wasabigirl @scarlettstained Haha are you afraid I'd make a meme for you otherwise? Haha you rock! I got wraps from you so can't hate someone who helps make me skinny! I do need more though as I am eating rolled tacos as I type!
Oct 03Reply
scarlettstained @wasabigirl I kept sending you messages to old acct!!!bawahaha!!!!thank God I had a reminder of the New and perfected WASABI CHIC!I'm all good as long as you don't throw tomatoesmuahxoxoxo girl your already skinny and gorgeous you don't need any wraps.We Love you just the way you are!!!! And there is a song about that
Oct 03Reply
wasabigirl @scarlettstained Haha you've found the new Wasabi Girl before! Because I know you sang to me not too long ago. 🎤🎶 #thatswhatfriendsarefor
Oct 03Reply
scarlettstained @wasabigirl oh yes I did find you .when you tagged me.but later I had a relapse of memory.I've now written it in ink!! Yes I did sing to you! What a memory
Oct 03Reply
sparky01 Omg. Glad it's not just me that this happens to. 🌹💖🌹
Oct 04Reply
chrissyn Omg love!!! I share a ton and I'm sick of it!!! I'm ready to stop and just shut down for all the crap I've dealt with!!:) to bad there isn't a love button and btw I'm sharing this lol
Oct 04Reply
laratoth Oh boy. Up until now I've only been a buyer, but I was going to start working on setting up my "closet" soon. All these comments about issues with buyers and with Posh are making me nervous though. : / Would love any insight anyone has to offer.... (Hope it's okay I asked this on your post @wasabigirl .)
Oct 06Reply
wasabigirl @laratoth I wouldn't trade for starters and I would start documenting what you sell, some people will not like what you sell and claim it's ripped, @poshmarksupport won't even look at your side. I got one back perfect condition, such a whore. Haha. Sorry, did that scare you more? Feel free to look at my suggested posh sisters list, everyone is great! Its a numbers game, of all my months selling I've had only one drama chick, touch wood.
Oct 06Reply
laratoth Where do I find this "sisters list"? ;)
Oct 06Reply
laratoth Okay, finally started my closet. I've got a whole five things so far! Haha! Thanks for your advice!
Oct 06Reply
laratoth How do I add the "no trades, no pay pal, will bundle" to my profile? I don't see a way to do it. Thanks for taking the time to "mentor" me....I promise I'll pay it forward someday!
Oct 07Reply
wasabigirl @laratoth people still ask! But I type it in and use the emoji (keyboard)
Oct 07Reply
dmenzel @wasabigirl lol! So true!
Oct 10Reply
vdsmay @wasabigirl hey girl I just realized ......yes the few brains cells I have seem to be working today, that I was going in my closet and trying to tag u with those 2 listings so you could peruse the laughable convo. Then duh it occurred to me that I can't do that. Check out the ......well I will leave it bundled for now, who cares. The shirt and bag bundle on each of those listings this person over the course of the past day or two has really worn out their welcome. But tell me if I'm wrong. And you know there are a few listings that she also put ..."will you take 10," like that was the lucky number. I don't want to sell the stuff that bad.
Oct 10Reply
wasabigirl @vdsmay I hear you on the not needing to sell it for a low $10. I usually find it insulting. A small part if me, if it's gently used, is like maybe, but they probably aren't serious anyway and just want to see how low they can go. I asked someone for $4 after an offer and they bailed. You figure they'd be a problem customer anyway. Good way of looking at it. I've said no to offers and relist them, since you can't delete comments. And someone will come along and buy it, no questions asked and love it. Easy peasy.
Oct 10Reply
vdsmay @wasabigirl I know, right! And guess what, I told her I was going to relist and she went ahead and bought them! Oh well, I thought I was done with it. Lol jokes on me now.
Oct 10Reply
3bugmama 😂😂😂
Oct 12Reply
ex_globetrotter So true!!! Thanks for getting this out there!!! 👏👏👏
Oct 14Reply
cheekychick Bwahahaha! I can't agree more. It gets frustrating having to explain... "actually this isn't even my size, I just thought I'd help you find someone it would fit"
Oct 14Reply
wasabigirl @cheekychick Haha. Sometimes people like then share, but when I just share a bunch it's like they are two different concepts and words! It's gotten less frequent, but still annoying. Trading is annoying because I have it listed in each listing. Lowball offers is insulting and makes me want to punch a baby. Preferably theirs.
Oct 14Reply
cheekychick Punch their baby? - LOL. I have had a few really good experiences trading. But if it is listed as "no trades" or even if the seller has commented I don't trade to someone else, then you really shouldn't offer to trade. Sometimes people get stupid with the trading though. Like it should always be 1 item for 1 item regardless of price marked or the value of items. A girl wanted to trade my leather Cole Han bag that I paid more than $400 for a cute shirt - not happening. Another girl (today) asked me for a trade so I offered her 3 of my items for 4 of hers, where the price marked on my items (that I would send to her) was more than $10 higher than the ones she'd send to me. She wasnt happy with that deal and she asked me if I had any warmer clothes and I listed more items for her to look at. Well, she liked one of the items that I listed so she negotiated the same bundle trade that I offered her, plus one more item from me to her bc she wanted it to be 4 items for 4 items (with me throwing in one extra $20 item) while the cost of items I'd get from her was still the same price. I haven't been getting any use out of one of the items bc it doesn't fit, so I decide to say what the hell and agree to the trade. She tells me to bundle the items into a single listing and I do. Then she says she wants to switch out one of the items. She wanted me to replace a basic casual sweater for an Angora Rabbit hair sweater that I had listed for more than twice the price of the basic sweater. I told her I couldnt substitute the more expensive sweater and she lost her shit! She told me I didn't understand how trading works blah blah blah... Wtf!?! You already offered ABC&D for EFG&H, I accept the deal and then you want a better deal? Since she wouldnt go through with the trade she offered, I had to relist the items that she had asked me to bundle and that means all the people who saved those items in their likes can't come back and find it later. Ruined my posh experience this morning for sure!
Oct 14Reply
wasabigirl @cheekychick Aw this morning? I've definitely had people ruin my day and I just won't posh. I read a girl traded a dooney for a Louis and was wondering if the Louis was fake. Um. I'm gonna say probably. People can get too demanding and out if control on here. Even Nordstrom wouldn't take some of these fake returns, trades, or lowball offers!
Oct 14Reply
cheekychick Alrighty. Well, posting my rant here gave me a little relief. I am going to get back to poshing!
Oct 14Reply
jnyfr Amen sister
Oct 15Reply
musepittsburgh 😂😂😂
Oct 15Reply
sparky01 @cheekychick Just wanted to offer 1 bit of advise, since I too have had ppl chg their minds after deleting things. 😡I make a whole new listing & chg the prices on the things I'm incl (on those listings) till it goes thru. That way I can delete them once it's finalized & not have to relist everything. 💖💐💖
Oct 15Reply
cheekychick Thanks. That's a good idea. I am going to do that from now on. @sparky01
Oct 15Reply
musepittsburgh I share A LOT...but this is really starting to drive me effing NUTS. Like big time.....
Oct 16Reply
wasabigirl @kat_kennedy I've seen it die down a little. I've also seen people tag offenders on this listing! Kinda awkward sometimes, but if helps! I'm having particular mass tag irks. It's one in particular that's out of control, but I don't want to sound rude. 😜
Oct 16Reply
musepittsburgh Ohhhh I've been mass tagging lately 😖😖😖 Ooops! Sorry! LOL And I've only just started having this "thanks for the share, interested?" problem recently!
Oct 16Reply
wasabigirl @kat_kennedy No worries about your mass tags. Like, I said its one that is ridonkulous!! Haha. I posted this one one day a few months ago when someone broke the camel's back and wrote on like 8 in a row, "thanks for the share! Interested Hun? I give blah blah discounts on bundles!!" I tagged her in this post and she asked me to unfollow her. Happily! 😸
Oct 16Reply
musepittsburgh 😂😂😂 hahahaha that sounds EXACTLY like something I would do! I knew there was a reason why you are on of my favourites! That's why I mass tag you sometimes 😉💕💕
Oct 16Reply
wasabigirl @kat_kennedy You can tag me any day! 🔖👍👯.
Oct 16Reply
musepittsburgh Yay! 👍💕💕😁
Oct 16Reply
wasabigirl @kat_kennedy haha speak of the devil. I just got tagged. 😏
Oct 16Reply
musepittsburgh Me too!!! 😆😆
Oct 16Reply
wasabigirl @kat_kennedy I checked mine and didn't see your name. Lucky! Haha. It's party tags like 3 scrolls long. Yeah I got them 24/7 prior to a party and didn't even get a pick. No big whoop, but I thought it'd be a small thank you for forcing me to see it ALL DAY for a month. Now it's the "OMG when I hosted..." + 3 scrolls.
Oct 16Reply
maxedout i 2nd that...
Oct 18Reply
maloney35 @wasabigirl lol I love this❤💙❤ lol
Oct 18Reply
itsbrenk Bahahahaha!! My exact thoughts, if I'm interested I would have bought it! Lol I'm like and share this now but don't ask me if I'm interested haha jk ;)
Oct 18Reply
itsbrenk Another I can't stand is being called "hun" or "sweetie" or "love" by everyone who messages me to see if I'm interested haha
Oct 18Reply
wasabigirl @itsbrenk Don't forget "doll!"
Oct 18Reply
wasabigirl @itsbrenk Haha someone just asked. Smh
Oct 18Reply
itsbrenk Oh man it's so annoying lol! I've never hounded anyone
Oct 18Reply
musepittsburgh I think you just got tagged like 3x 😂😂😂
Oct 19Reply
wasabigirl @kat_kennedy Yep! 😜🔫
Oct 20Reply
wasabigirl @breananana Haha. Or how about I give you less than the price listed for that and 3 MORE items added in, but free shipping!
Oct 23Reply
wasabigirl @breananana Ugh. Every day. It's insulting. 😖
Oct 23Reply
wasabigirl @breananana I know. Like they'd do that at Macy's!
Oct 23Reply
margo97 Dear God I wish they would listen to this, it irritates me to no end!
Oct 25Reply
wasabigirl @margo97 Sometimes I tag offenders on here when I'm down to my last straw.
Oct 26Reply
crmnrcks agreed! this gets pretty annoying - thanks for the post😉
Oct 28Reply
karmakat I just love the one word used: absolutely!! NEVER engage the stupid or insane. Fkn priceless! ❤ @wasabigirl
Oct 28Reply
ceesfutura lmao ! Priceless. This should be the next Host Pick!
Oct 30Reply
wasabigirl @pittygirl You did? I didn't get any notifications at all. Thanks! 😄
Oct 31Reply
blondsoul I agreeeeeeeeeeerrer!!!! Yes please stop that!!!! Same goes with the likes for me!!!!!!!! Happy halloween 🎃👻✌️
Oct 31Reply
wasabigirl @blondsoul Happy Halloween! 👻🎃
Oct 31Reply
lljj This is hilarious! Especially where they asked you to stop following them 😏 but it's so true! I had to share it as well. Love your closet.
Nov 06Reply
wasabigirl @lljj Haha. That was the chick who caused me to post this. I know some people don't know, and I usually tell them I'm not interested just helping to share and they are gracious enough. But sometimes it's maddening or they are rude. I tagged a lady in her because I already informed her I was just sharing and next comment was the next thing I shared - just for me because I shared $15!! Yeah, no 😼. On my limbo post someone commented that it was rude and some people don't have money and want a lower price. Okay negotiate, but don't lowball. I told her it's obvious she's never been insulted by low ball offers repeatedly. I shoulda written "$1?" On all her items before blocking her. Sorry, for the long commented, but do check out what was written on my blowout sale listing. Smh. 🙀
Nov 06Reply
cle2220 @wasabigirl sooo trueeee! And so funny!
Nov 07Reply
vivasm @wasabigirl lmao! 😂😂😂😂
Nov 08Reply
pookiebeau Hi👋I hope you're doing well, just wanted to apologize...I haven't been able to share my usual rounds this past week as I hadn't been feeling too well and wasn't poshing as much. I'm finally feeling good again and back to normal😊👍Hope you are having a great day💌
Nov 08Reply
wasabigirl @pookiebeau No worries at all! How could anyone ever be upset at someone named Pookie 🐻? Haha. Hope you're feeling better!
Nov 08Reply
chickykat OMG!! I have TOLD ppl that it's rude to ask me this on all TEN shares that I DID OUT OF KINDNESS, and one wanted to argue with me!!! Dumbasses!!
Nov 09Reply
pookiebeau Haha, I used my kids nicknames for my screen name...pookie is my daughter and beau bear is my son Lol💗
Nov 09Reply
wasabigirl @chickykat a Argue what? That "like" and "share" are the same concept? Haha
Nov 09Reply
chickykat That it's not "rude" to respond to every single share as she does just like EVERY SINGLE LIKE!! She said there is nothing that says she can't. I'm like, "um, knock yourself out. At first I was saying don't go to that takes way too much time! One thx is enough!! NOW I'M SAYING IT'S AS ANNOYING AS SHIT--STOP DOING IT!!" And blocked her!! Ugh!! I can't WAIT till ppl start bugging the crap out of her. I wish I could find her. I'd have a hundred ppl be a pest to her!! Lol
Nov 09Reply
wasabigirl @chickykat Haha serious! Chicks be crazy! I told the person who thought my lowball post was offensive that obviously she hadn't been insulted by people offering her pennies for her crap. Then again it was crap! And you know she was a lowballer. She said some people don't have money. Um then, maybe they shouldn't be shopping!
Nov 10Reply
chickykat YUP, EXACTLY!! The ones offended are the offenders!!
Nov 10Reply
2bears4u I shared this because I feel the same way, 😡
Nov 11Reply
wasabigirl @cmireless right? High five sister! 👋
Nov 11Reply
2bears4u 😎
Nov 11Reply
alibfcat Lol! @cuurlz 👆👆
Nov 12Reply
globkesaric Drives me bananas
Nov 24Reply
krystens Too cute! How about the word "hun" used in every other word?
Nov 24Reply
wasabigirl @krystens "Thanks for the share Hun! Are you interested?" ...... Haha 😆
Nov 24Reply
krystens No, Thanks, Hun...maybe next time, hun :)
Nov 24Reply
wasabigirl @krystens "Okay, just let me know if you'd like to make an offer Doll." Haha. Doll runs second.
Nov 24Reply
krystens @wasabigirl So, I'm not the only one who feels that! So annoying!
Nov 24Reply
wasabigirl @seikaz79 Anytime! I'll share the sssh it out of it when I get more battery!
Nov 25Reply
bellasbeauties I agree I share and like to help out , if I'm interested I'll tell you or I'll buy...
Nov 25Reply
wasabigirl @uzanne Last night I got a copy and paste comment to the effect of "let's help each other make money! I'll share yours and you share mine!" I almost didn't share, but not before telling her no need to post this mass comment, especially on my page. I'm a good sharer. If she really wanted to help me, she coulda bought something. Haha.
Nov 25Reply
bellasbeauties How about the men? I've found plenty.. I thought this was a site for women selling women's things ? Enough of all the baby items, toys and kids clothes. Ughh! One girl who makes woven bracelets I asked her about them , she then made me some then asked when I would buy? I never told her to even make them .. It's obnoxious when they assume.
Nov 25Reply
wasabigirl @uzanne There's a fine line between trying to make a sale and being a Tard cat. Haha. 😸
Nov 25Reply
bellasbeauties I love this tard, I have my own furry kids . Lovem to death.:)
Nov 25Reply
sommer83 @wasabigirl LMAO 😜 haha too funny but yeah seriously or the paragraphs of thank you for following my closet etc... thanks for the shared girl! Appreciate it!😘
Nov 26Reply
wasabigirl @sommer83 Some party tags are like War and Peace II !
Nov 26Reply
sommer83 @wasabigirl yea but this one is so true. 😜
Nov 26Reply
shoebug Amen!
Nov 27Reply
wasabigirl @em0507 haha "douchelord!" I was one who called people Hun, when I started because everyone else did. As long as we get it. Some people are nicely told and they either continue or freak out. 😜
Nov 27Reply
melquino @wasabigirl Hear ya on this!!!
Nov 27Reply
sandygaboury Soooo true. Drives me nuts too!!! 😊
Nov 28Reply
randikandi @wasabigirl luv this. It should b at the top of ur closet. So annoying
Nov 28Reply
coloredthreadz @ladyley Hi, you must be new to posh. Low balling soooo much is not appreciated here. Thank you. Have a great day.
Nov 30Reply
ladyley @angie_219 Noooo. ... Not really new to this! Trust me I know what is is to get low ball offers. But the PM community is built on fellow poshers buying & selling & willing to give a better deal, than we would find at the stores. . Nothing wrong with negotiating! My apologizes if I insulted you but I was only asking for $5 lower than your asking price. I didn't consider that a lowball offer. Thanks for your time.
Nov 30Reply
yassic @wasabigirl very well said! I share a lot so I also get this many many times!
Dec 01Reply
sommer83 @wasabigirl i still cant get over how funny this post is. I saved it in my likes and i crack up every time. Probably bc i love grumpy kitty pictures lol 😁
Dec 03Reply
deanna_anders @wasabigirl Hahaha! Well I truly thank you for the shares!! I've gotta get my hands on one of the cardio tanks & the french bulldog earrings 😍😍
Dec 05Reply
wasabigirl @deanna_anders Anytime! I can bundle both for you for $30.
Dec 05Reply
deb104 @wasabigirl Really?? I've seen a lot, but not that YET! So annoying!!!😁
Dec 06Reply
wasabigirl @deb104 Oh just you wait! Haha. It has died down a little although I did get a full on one today and another "thanks, let me know if you're interested" short one for sharing. 😜
Dec 06Reply
jaclyncastro Lol - yup 😁
Dec 10Reply
ra211 @wasabigirl can I copy this?
Dec 10Reply
wasabigirl @ra211 Yeah go for it. I don't mind since it has my old watermark on it. 😉
Dec 11Reply
ra211 @wasabigirl thank you
Dec 11Reply
amlee I'm gonna share this 3 times a day!
Dec 23Reply
wasabigirl @amlee I gotta say I get this less often these days... knock on wood!
Dec 23Reply
nidia973 Yea very well said same thing i said if i was interested i would like it. And if im ready to buy i just buy it.. Love ur closet by the way
Dec 28Reply
cmelendez I agree! I get this all the time.
Dec 29Reply
wasabigirl @cmelendez I've been getting it more often again. If someone loves more than one of my items I'll thank them and shoot a bundle offer, but not a cookie cutter long comment on each of the items explaining how I run my closet and NOT on just a share. 😆
Dec 29Reply
cmelendez @wasabigirl girl I feel your frustration lol. I try to ignore them but sometimes it's hard. Thanks for the shares hun . Good night 😍😍😍
Dec 29Reply
wasabigirl @cmelendez Haha, that's why I make these posts 😝 thank you for the shares too! - let me know if you're interested, I do bundles....hahaha.
Dec 29Reply
cmelendez @wasabigirl omg that was funny!!! Girl that made me laugh!!!! Lol!!!
Dec 29Reply
wasabigirl @msvintagelover It's really shouldn't be annoying, but it is! #twodifferentthings 😆
Jan 04Reply
wasabigirl @msvintagelover 99% are new and nice when I try my best to say, "just helping to share 😉" and I still get it but (knock on wood) the 10 same comments in a row from items I've shared. 😆 haha You'll see all types on here. Most people are cool and you'll make fast friends. Then there are some that make you wanna quit: vultures, rude lowballers, liars, drama makers. It can be like high school. 👯😜
Jan 04Reply
wasabigirl @msvintagelover When you have a chance look at the limbo post. From lowballers to people selling a pony on here (so I've heard). However, I have seen free Kotex, house, pharmaceutical drugs, a puppy and everything for sale too!
Jan 04Reply
alekia LOL!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!
Jan 04Reply
brkcuzafordham Live this!!!!!
Jan 05Reply
allyd86 👏👏👏
Jan 06Reply
dollashley_ I love this!!!
Jan 06Reply
wasabigirl @dollashley_ Haha. Sadly, it's making a comeback!
Jan 06Reply
mommy2007 @wasabigirl should I bundle all your shares and give you 15% discount! LOL. This is a good post, because that behavior defies logic, why would I share something I want for myself?
Jan 08Reply
wasabigirl @mommy2007 Right? It's mine all mine!!!! Haha. 😝
Jan 08Reply
kll0123 Haha! That's one of my pet peeves. So annoying.
Jan 09Reply
wasabigirl @kll0123 Doesn't it just make your toes curl when you read them in your notifications? 😝
Jan 09Reply
kll0123 Yes! And obviously from all of the previous comments, so does everyone else. So they should just stop haha.
Jan 09Reply
wasabigirl @kll0123 I wish! Haha. I got at least three yesterday. 😔
Jan 09Reply
kll0123 Maybe you should just tag them in tis post when they ask! Lol
Jan 09Reply
carina32 I just have to share...every time .. I love it. It's just perfect 😊💕 and thanks for all the wonderful shares💋💋
Jan 10Reply
sparky01 Sry, have to vent. Why is it when u share for some of these ppl-they come back & say 'I know it's not in your likes-but are u interested?' Don't they just get the concept of I was trying to help u out??? Really, it's not even my size.😡😡If I liked it-I wouldn't share it... OMG!!! Wake the hell up ppl. Smh
Jan 11Reply
musepittsburgh I sh*t you not I was just thinking about you! I must have been tagged in at least 10 party listings today by the same people
Jan 12Reply
wasabigirl @kat_kennedy Haha. I like being in the party loop, but there are definitely a lot of repeats! I've gotten I have to like them because it takes too long to scroll down to see if I said "yay! Congrats!"
Jan 12Reply
wasabigirl @alyssameowww You mean, right meow? 😹
Jan 14Reply
posh81 Lol
Jan 15Reply
lisabella17 @wasabigirl 👩👏👍😍love it
Jan 15Reply
katmlim Lol!! I love this. It's SO TRUE. Thanks for sharing ;))
Jan 17Reply
sdshopper Thanks for sharing my closet! If you're interested, I love to bundle!😜 lol!! Smile! It's a (drumroll please!) Joke!!! Hope you're having a great night 😘✨⭐️
Jan 21Reply
sdshopper Love this sign💕💕💕
Jan 21Reply
wasabigirl @sdshopper Haha I've known you too long to be fooled! Only the newbies use those lines! Haha. 😂👍😘💕
Jan 21Reply
sdshopper Had to throw in a laugh and yet NOT be taken seriously!!!😆 can't be blocked from sharing your amazing closet!!! 😘😘😘😘✨✨✨✨. Hope you're well❤️
Jan 21Reply
roseellina Yes, yes, a million times yes! 👏👏
Jan 23Reply
wasabigirl @sunbursthancock Haha. I try to tell them nicely that I'm just helping to share (after I calm down). Usually that gets an apology and thanks. Once in a while someone might freak, then ❌❌❌😜
Jan 26Reply
styled Almost choked!!!!soo funny.!!! Well said!! 😂😂
Jan 27Reply
wasabigirl @styled haha don't die on me! 😹
Jan 27Reply
thevintageroze Amen!👏👏👏👏👏
Jan 28Reply
jessica2_lynne1 😂😂 love this.
Jan 29Reply
fab_fashionista Haha this is cute! I know what you mean!! I get those too 😒
Jan 29Reply
bellanblue @wasabigirl hi i wanted to ask how poshers get selected to be a host & since you've hosted b4, thought you might have some insight. Any help would be appreciated. 😀
Jan 30Reply
wasabigirl @bellanblue They actually send you an email saying you've been selected. It's kinda random favoritism because I'm sure they go through the SU list. I've been SU since about July and Hosted for the first time in December which was cool. However, there are some folks that have hosted twice and thrice before me and I have no idea. People can suggest you host and I've seen people who have shamelessly said they pleaded to be SU let alone Host a party. I've seen new poshers with 1400 followers host as well. With that, I can't believe you haven't hosted.
Jan 30Reply
wasabigirl @bellanblue I think I should send out some suggestions! 😜
Jan 30Reply
bellanblue @wasabigirl hmm so it's just random. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for always sharing. Have a good day! 😀
Jan 30Reply
adornedbyamie Ha ha ha @wasabigirl I love this! So true!
Jan 31Reply
monica_salazar I'm so happy to see this because I'm I week old to posh :) and I try to be nice and share back but when I do it to other people and they ask me if I'm interested and are pushy I feel bad because I want to help others too and I don't know if to say no thank you or just ignore it because I never assume they are trying to buy.
Feb 02Reply
wasabigirl @monica_salazar Welcome! Most people are nice, apologetic and appreciative when I let them know I was just sharing to help (add smiley face). However, once in a while there is a person that makes you want to punch a kitten they are so annoying. Hence the post. 😜 feel free to come by anytime to ask questions. I've pretty much seen and heard of everything from scams, psychos, and people selling pregnancy tests. 😉
Feb 02Reply
monica_salazar Thank you so much :) happy to know that there are very helpful and nice girls that are willing to help not just looking out for their own butts. Thanks once again :)
Feb 02Reply
katz2 @wasabigirl Thank you for stating the obvious!👍
Feb 05Reply
wasabigirl @katz2 Sadly, it's not so obvious for some. Just like "trade?" I have 🚫PRICE FIRM 🚫TRADES 🚫PAYPAL in EVERY listing. 😖
Feb 05Reply
katz2 @wasabigirl Ditto, I have the same notices in my listings. Maybe they think we will change our minds for them. (Grinding teeth here)😝
Feb 05Reply
lmarieboutique What's annoying too is when they continue to ask if you trade when the comment right before says NO. I don't bug anyone who follows, likes or shares my items. If they want to purchase I'm sure they'll buy or ask a question.
Feb 18Reply
wasabigirl @lmarieboutique I have 🚫Price Firm 🚫Trades 🚫PayPal in every listing and I still get asked. I just saw a pair of pants I liked for $65. Someone left a comment "$20" I went and blocked them. Dude that's less than 50%! The nerve!
Feb 18Reply
lmarieboutique They should really use some common sense on stuff like that.
Feb 18Reply
wasabigirl @lmarieboutique or manners. 😜 her profile pic was all about God. I was really tempted to tell her God does not like lowballers. Haha. 😉
Feb 18Reply
lmarieboutique Haha it's a front
Feb 18Reply
katpearl86 Hear hear!
Feb 19Reply
13thfashions Hi we are mutual friends of brownbethany and I'm wanting to know if you will hold the black kitty cat bag she loves. She is my posh mom and sister and I want to send to her for bday. Let me know if not I understand completely. If you can don't put my name on it or she will know:)) Thanks
Feb 23Reply
wasabigirl @sweetbee17 what a sweet friend you are! Of course I'll hold one for you! I have 3 left I think, but I'll put one aside. And I'll discount it for $40. I know it's next month, but let me know whenever. Aw, that made my day. 💕👯
Feb 23Reply
13thfashions Aww thank you sooo much:)) 🌹🌹🌹
Feb 23Reply
aliford @wasabigirl hahaha! Love this! My new thing is just plain blocking people... There are hundreds of thousands of people on posh and its easier to just weed out the morons. If I get a comment that says "lowest?", or "trade?" (first of all if you want something cheaper, at least take the 8 seconds to write a complete sentence), I just block them. And if I like something and I get an immediate "interested?" I immediately unlike it... I don't want anything bad enough to deal with idiocy. I have a credit card, I'll buy it from an actual retailer if I want it bad enough... I'll pay it forward with some shares, no need to thank me with 20% off tho :)
Mar 02Reply
wasabigirl @aliford I do and feel the same. I also put 🚫trades on each listing so they can't say they didn't see a sign in my closet. Still get it. I block people when I see them lowball on other pages. I liked a pair of $69 pants someone said "20" not even a question mark. I blocked them. Weed weed 🌿
Mar 02Reply
mlpoul Lol .. I'm not brave enough to say this..
Mar 02Reply
wasabigirl @mlpoul My usual comment is "just helping to share 😄" but sometimes I'd like to say "it's two different concepts!'
Mar 02Reply
mlpoul 😃😃lol lol 😇
Mar 02Reply
aliford @wasabigirl you and I are cut from the same cloth :)
Mar 02Reply
wasabigirl @sweetbee17 Hi Sherrie! I have two bags left. One is on hold for you. 😉
Mar 02Reply
13thfashions Oh my goodness I've been caught up in the excitement of putting together my posh party, I completely had gotten sidetracked. Ok, let me know when ready🌹🌹🌹
Mar 02Reply
stolson64 @wasabigirl I so agree..I am at times reluctant to like something, due to the same question. Interested?
Mar 08Reply
wasabigirl @stolson64 I haven't gotten it in a while, although I get variations such as, "Thanks for sharing! Let me know if you have any questions!" I didn't ask. 😝 but it comes in waves like nothing for a whole then five different people will say it and I'll have to create a post. 😉
Mar 08Reply
maxedout Hahaha! Love it;)
Mar 15Reply
calibae123 @wasabigirl please offer me a discount now that I've shared this twice 😉😂
Mar 19Reply
calibae123 @wasabigirl oh! This girl today for so mad. She was like trade. And I was I'm sorry but I don't trade. (It says that everywhere, along w how firm my prices already are, and that I DON'T use PayPal). She got an attitude. Like what? Hunny you're posting on my listing on this crazy stuff.
Mar 19Reply
wasabigirl @calibae123 thanks for sharing! I offer bundle discounts! Haha. Seriously though, I'd hook you up with a good discount. 😉
Mar 19Reply
wasabigirl @calibae123 I put 🚫trades 🚫PayPal 🚫price firm on Every listing and still get asked to trade.
Mar 19Reply
calibae123 @wasabigirl seriously died over those leggings. I've seen those before and cried when they sold. But they've been tucked away in my likes with all my other times I will purchase one day lol! And thanks for posting this! Ill admit to be guilty of a few things. But I CANNOT STAND when I get low balled or asked if I'm interested after sharing. Ill ask you if price is firm, but ill never offer 10$ for a 50$ shirt. That's just, obnoxious and brave really
Mar 19Reply
calibae123 @wasabigirl a lot of these women just don't pay attention. I look at the closet, I read comments, see when it was last updated, I do my research before asking anything. They're just careless and don't have etiquette
Mar 19Reply
wasabigirl @calibae123 Lowballing is the worst! I will block someone when I see it. If you like the Shopping tank and Tights. I'll bogo 50% off the tight and make it an even $25
Mar 19Reply
wasabigirl @calibae123 I put it on each listing because I've seen people bark they don't look at the whole closet while searching. No excuse, but they still do it!
Mar 19Reply
calibae123 @wasabigirl thanks! Don't do anything now though 😉 I have to give you a son story about how I have to redo my taxes and haven't gotten my shopping money yet 😜 but ill certainly be coming back. On a side note. I'm having a hard time telling the condition on these boots I want and the lady said they're great but the pics are iffy. Any advice?
Mar 19Reply
calibae123 I will give you -1$ for this listing if you trade me that item that you're selling for ** @wasabigirl
Mar 19Reply
wasabigirl @calibae123 Hmm. I'd ask for clearer pics (inside, backside, underside) reassure her you are interested. Cuz there's a lot of people that ask for pics and never return after the trouble. Sux.
Mar 19Reply
calibae123 @wasabigirl I have no doubt ill be purchasing them. She even offered a lower price. But I'm not going to do this whole song and dance if they're in crappy condition.
Mar 19Reply
calibae123 @wasabigirl I go to ask for better pics, and wammo there they are. Some other woman asked for them. Don't take my precious!
Mar 19Reply
wasabigirl @calibae123 haha! I hate when I sit on something and it's bought!
Mar 19Reply
calibae123 @wasabigirl I check my likes everyday. Sometimes I happy when a purchase is made bc I was iffy on it. But something I adore and I'm so waiting on I hurt a little hehe. Oh the joys of retail therapy! Breaks my heart most
Mar 19Reply
coloredthreadz Omg girl...... I'm so tired of the "are you interested" questions !!!!! It kills all the fun of helping each other out with all these desperate girls :/
Apr 12Reply
brookesgranny AMEN SISTER🙅🙅🙅
Apr 19Reply
southernstyle88 @wasabigirl I made this mistake for a while, but you learn. Like at Christmas, I was running a special. But I was trying to see if they wanted the items in time for Christmas, etc... I was on a deadline. After that special, no more. At the most, and this is just random I'll thank them for following back or make sure it's not for a party & politely say Thank you Ma'am. And go on my way. That's it. Sherry
May 27Reply
casakeillor That cat in the pic is the BEST! ;-{D
Jun 16Reply
wasabigirl @casakeillor Grumpy Cat rules! 😹
Jun 16Reply
hlamasters I had a girl ask me to list my item on another app bcuz she had credit on it. I googled the app and it had horrible reviews saying they rip you off! So annoying and obvious!
Jul 26Reply
wasabigirl @hlamasters The M site? I just had someone spam comment me to check it out. Reported for spam and blocked!
Jul 26Reply
hlamasters I can't remember I checked my app store but I didn't see it. I didn't download it
Jul 26Reply
hlamasters Omgosh!! My friend just told me the rest of the m app and YES it reminded me that was it!
Jul 26Reply
wasabigirl @hlamasters It won't even let you type in the name on here since its a competitor. I have no time to cross list anyway, and @poshmark takes good care of sellers on here with customer service.
Jul 26Reply
sparky01 @tburg21 More reading for your enjoyment.😳😊
Dec 31Reply
candycane57 Ha ha, I love grumpy cat and good morning to you! I'm new to PM and hope to see you around – I'll check out your closet if you'll check out mine!❤
Mar 26Reply
wasabigirl Will do @candycane57! Welcome!! 🛍💕
Mar 27Reply

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