My Beautiful Family (not for sale) :-)
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My baby girl is 7 & has lots of personality my boy is 11 & the exact opposite he is a shy kinda guy which he gets from my wonderful husband. We are a family of Christ & proud of it. God is the number 1 in our lives always.

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@libertynjustice thank you it was my babies 1st day in a new school in a new town we just moved over the summer so I decided to put em out there for all to see they Thot they was lookin GOOOOOD :-)
Sep 05Reply

@nadinehill nothing like happiness 😍
Sep 07Reply

@itsamandabrooke Thank u sweetie we get the love from God to keep us together and happy we don't let no one steal our joy and if they try to we fight em back with the word of God and prayer :-)
Sep 07Reply

@nadinehill well Romans 39:38 reassures us of that! Always know your rock and foundation and you will never be led astray! You are wonderful people!
Sep 07Reply

@itsamandabrooke THANK YOU!!!! We do our best and we just live thru him thanks for the compliment :-) A family that prays together stays together
Sep 07Reply

@nadinehill no doubt. Ecclesiastes 3. Everything season with come, and every emotion but you stay glued together.
I also REALLY just want to say this, but don't want to AT ALL come off rude. I love the picture of the kids and I was looking at it. I would probably crop it or paint over the school name lettering.. Who knows who is looking at those things. It's not Facebook or Craigslist but you never know these days unfortunately 😕
Sep 07Reply

@itsamandabrooke it's cool Hun I'm still figuring out how to work a computer and laptop but thanks for the advice I'm gonna do that :-)
Sep 07Reply

@itsamandabrooke thanks for the tip I should of know that but let me know what think of my babies pic :-)
Sep 08Reply

@nadinehill oh my beautiful family!!
Sep 09Reply

@lkoland thank u :-)
Sep 09Reply

@nadinehill hey just checking to see if you have gotten your purchase from me yet ? Thanks!!!
Sep 11Reply

@nadinehill hello there wanted to let you know I have contacted posh as I sent this out and have the tracing number and it is saying item not found. So I do not know what happened to it???? I am so upset I do not know what to do!!! But I thought I would let you know I am trying to figure out what happened! So sorry!!!
Sep 11Reply

Thanks for the likes on my family ladies god bless
Sep 11Reply

@nadinehill What a cute pic of your children. I live their smiles! Thanks for sharing it with the rest of us Poshers. 😃
Sep 15Reply

@mrsmadariaga thanks u these 3 are my life I can't imagine not having my babies and not be married to and being in love with the one and only love of my life :-) God has blessed me so
Sep 15Reply

= ] joy & blessings 🌹
Sep 16Reply

Hello to a fellow Okie! :)
Sep 18Reply

@nadinehill It's very nice to meet you Nadine. "A Family who Prays together stays together" And I totally believe that! So glad you followed me & I am definitely following you. Thanks so much, Bryn
Sep 18Reply

@tammyk289 thanks girl for the shares and I will let u know if I want to get a bundle I'm currently buying some stuff I have on hold right now but I be back with u :-)
Sep 18Reply

You have a beautiful family !:)
Sep 19Reply

Awww! Would it be ok if I ship your package Monday. We live on an island and they are working on the bridge and my sister has been in line for 2 hours and not getting far! Would that be ok? Or I can and will do my best to get there by time they close??????@nadinehill
Sep 19Reply

@crystalhope38 Monday is fine sweets just give me a heads up when u shipped it thank u :-)
Sep 19Reply

Thanks girl..I'm having some health problems to. You have a beautiful family. What is wrong with your husband? He is lucky to have you. I grew up in hospitals. I'm sorry and he will be in my thoughts and prayers! Please forgive me if being nosy just concerned! I will let you know as soon as I mail it. I promise you I'm no scammer. Been scammed to much!!!! So stuck with items I would never sell or use!!😎😎😎😎
Sep 19Reply

I never thought I would be 40 and not married but its hard finding someone to love you just the way you are as you have, which gives me hope! Thanks!
Sep 19Reply

@crystalhope38 Its ok he got heart problems and he had to stop working 3 yrs ago and I've been with him sine I was 19 and I'm 34 ands going to be 37 so we've been thru it and back again and only thing that's kept us going was God so keep ur faith god works on his time and ur in mine also hun. Thanks for the purchase I stay in touch :-)
Sep 19Reply

@nadinehill, beautiful family! I so agree with you, the way of life, the instructions we get from our grand creator through the bible is the only way! God Bless. Sue
Sep 19Reply

The family that prays together stays together you are all so beautiful.
Sep 23Reply

so precious! I love how she models your stuff. Congrats on having such darling kids. :0)
Oct 07Reply

@1glamorousdiva thanks for the shares also hun :-)
Nov 16Reply

@nadinehill Now that is one good looking family! 😉😊
Nov 21Reply

@bevans91 Thank u so much for the compliment :-)
Nov 21Reply

@bevans91 thank u for the shares also much appreciated :-)
Nov 21Reply

@nadinehill love your description! God Bless you guys!!! Nice to meet u Happy Poshing!
Nov 22Reply

@thesarahir hello doll nice of u to stop by.... I got family in Mesa, Az.... God Bless u too :-)
Nov 22Reply

@nadinehill oh nice! Az is pretty nice this time of year today it's raining. Love your love for our Lord! God is good! 😊
Nov 22Reply

@thesarahir AMEN sister he sure is :-)
Nov 22Reply

@nadinehill 😊😍
Nov 22Reply

Beautiful Family! Thank you for the shares!!
Be Blessed :)
Nov 24Reply

Such a beautiful family! Happy holidays! =)
Dec 30Reply

Jan 08Reply

@shenneneilleen ty love my family :)
Jan 09Reply

Jan 28Reply

This is so cute! I have some questions about it - what's your email address?
Feb 03Reply

@daska have some questions about what? :)
Feb 04Reply

Hello my SIC staggered across your closet again. Just showing a lil love! Blessings!
Feb 17Reply

@nadinehill 🎀You have a beautiful family🎀
Feb 17Reply

@tazze TY I like them lol.... but seriously TY these 3 right here are my heart and I pray God's protection over them daily everything I do I do for them to better our family so we can start living like god intended us to live....God Bless and thank u :)
Feb 17Reply

@nadinehill God bless you too😊😊
Feb 17Reply

God Bless 🙏
Mar 13Reply

So cute😘
Jun 20Reply

@dallize thank u I think so myself lol :-D seriously thank u my boy is 12 and my girl is 7 and they r as opposite as day & night :-D
Jun 20Reply

They are beautiful like they're mama 😘🌺
Jun 20Reply

Beautiful family!
Aug 06Reply

@tymntymagain thank u I like them lol they r my life as long as they r happy I'm happy 😍
Aug 06Reply

You have a beautiful family
Jan 20Reply

@kat620 thank u so much I like them too lol I love them can't imagine life without them 😇🎉💎💋
Jan 20Reply

Mar 23Reply

@samantha77 here is both of them & the best I did not show his face because he was too shy and said no I couldn't lol and I do enjoy them a teenager and a 8 yr old 😘😇💖💜🌹💋
Jul 31Reply

So sweet!!!! 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Jul 31Reply

Thanks for the shares and stay blessed! 😃
Jul 31Reply

@nadinehill Thanks for sharing your inspiring story. Continued blessings to you and your family. Ps. Thanks for all the likes too.
Jan 20Reply
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