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Updated Sep 05
Updated Sep 05

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Hi I'm Debra! I love fashion almost as much as reading πŸ“–. A few other loves are: chocolate, candles, quiet moments, rollerblading/strength training, the sun, philosophy, quantum physics, and most everything esoteric, metaphysical and paranormal. After 10 years as an 🏈NFL wife and 9 years as a πŸ‘—boutique owner, I have way too much stuff in my closet! I am working on letting go of attachments, thus will be seeking new closets for many items. Check out my sisters closet too @nikongirlrocks
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closetgems2 Thanks for the shares and likes @savvyj ! I love a worthy cause and your ability to create opportunity from your experience. I will share and check back often!
Sep 16Reply
savvyj @closetgems2 Thanks so much sweet one!!! Your closet is amazing(said in a high pitch squeal) lol! I will check back and share yours also! Tell your main man thanks! Love the NFL and it brings my family so much joy! Mom says if there's no football in Heaven she's gonna have some words with the big man upstairs! Lol!!! Grew up on the football field with Texas high school football!!! Love it! Thanks again for your kind words!!!! Much loveπŸ’—
Sep 16Reply
maximus50 Love your imagination! I love philosophy and quantuM physics and all the mysteries of life also! Like in the movie " What the #€#% do we know?" stuff. Blessings! And thanks for sharing about you and your life. I also love clothes and shoes and jewelry and purses way too much!!! I can relate! Good luck!
Sep 20Reply
closetgems2 @maximus50 Thank you dear!! I love crossing paths with kindred spirits🌾What The Bleep is great stuff! Have you seen The Hidden Messages in Water? If not, check it out! Blessings😘😘
Sep 20Reply
closetgems2 @mubystina thank you! You have some really fun stuff in your closet πŸ˜„
Sep 20Reply
special_stuff @closetgems2 Thanks so much for the follow!! I really appreciate it...and hope you find Lots of other somethings in my closet that you like. Please share. AND DON'T FORGET β—β¬‡πŸ‘ALL OFFERS CONSIDEREDπŸ’₯
Sep 20Reply
vintage2vogue @closetgems2 quantum physics?? You too?? Lol... There cannot be to many of us out who enjoy a light read like quantum physics as a hobby ;) if you enjoy theory's such as the observer theory, membrane theory, etc... There is a documentary I can guarantee you will LOVE... It's called: DMT: The Spirit Molecule ... It will blow you away, seriously !! Just google DMT , there is a video about it With Joe Rogan (fear factor dude) watch it if you have some time it will peak your curiosity :)
Sep 21Reply
closetgems2 @vintage2vogue Not nearly enough of us for sure! I've just downloaded DMT
Sep 21Reply
closetgems2 @vintage2vogue was saying, just downloaded 'The Spirit Molecule' onto my excited to read it! I've read the subject of the multidimensional universe for many years, as well as many books on NDE's. Have you read Michael Newton's works? Destiny of Souls & Journey of Souls. Fascinating stuff also. I love to cross paths with like minded, kindred souls, so thanks for taking to time to share yourself, Namaste!
Sep 21Reply
closetgems2 @special_stuff thank you,, You have some great pieces in your closet!
Sep 21Reply
vintage2vogue @closetgems2 I am not familiar with his work but it is now officially added to my list :) thank you for the suggestion. I am always looking for a good read to quench the thirst of my mind, spirit & soul :) I just finished a great, or should I say excellent book called "Many Minds, Many Masters" it is a true story, which is almost unbelievable considering the subject, written by a PhD it takes you on this amazing spiritual journey. A bit paranormal, a bit religious, just amazing!! I have a strong feeling you will enjoy it :) I find the Multidimensional Universe Theory to be fascinating! What I find even more fascinating is that Ancient Eastern Religions and/or Spiritual Sciences had much more knowledge of these things than our egos allow us to believe. In the Hindu text Vishnu Purana it teaches of the universe being made up of 7 planes... The lower planes hold more matter therefor more material, the higher planes made up more of energy, how they all interpenetrate each other & occupy the same space, & how different levels of consciousness r required to perceive these dimensions. Kabbalah has a similar teaching "The Tree of Life", etc...etc... I find it fascinating that we believe we are so advanced as a species and maybe we are technologically, but as far as spirituality goes, I fear we have lost sight of the importance of spiritual growth and evolution on a much more deeper level than technological, material, & monetary. Ok, Ok Sorry for beating your ear on the subject :( I find I never have anyone to discuss this topic with but I suppose this subject is more of a acquired taste and I do not know many people who enjoy it as I do :) thanks again for the suggestion and please keep them coming ;)
Sep 21Reply
closetgems2 @vintage2vogue I am a great fan of Brian Weiss, read Many Lives Many Masters years ago....don't miss his two subsequent writings...they go deeper. I planned to attend his workshop at Omega in Upstate NY a couple months ago but family came Into town so I stayed. You should attend a workshop with me!! Friend me on FB...Debra Tongue...I have a few friends that are quite open and aware. I'd love to share info, stories, thoughts, insights, adventures, etc with you!
Sep 21Reply
closetgems2 @shienmei your closet rocks too, thank you!
Sep 21Reply
garliyogirls @closetgems2 Ty for for following me🌹😊✨
Sep 21Reply
vintage2vogue @closetgems2 I requested u on FB ...will come up Jaime Irwin :) I wld love to attend one of his seminars! I'm sure that he would be very intriguing. I am so glad I discovered you on here... Every time I try and have a conversation with anyone about the things I am interested in like spirituality, cosmology, astrophysics, theories related to quantum physics, etc... My friends all look at me like my dog does when she is confused, tilted head and all (lol) and you have a whole community of friends interested in such discussions?? I am jealous! ;) I'll catch up with ya more on FB :)
Sep 21Reply
closetgems2 @tabatha5410 thank youπŸ’œ I stopped by your closet and returned the sharesπŸ’œ
Sep 21Reply
dreamsablaze @pm_editor another fabulous closet πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†
Sep 22Reply
neon_resale Fun closet!!!
Sep 22Reply
closetgems2 @dreamsablaze thanks for your πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
Sep 22Reply
closetgems2 @neon_resale thank you! You have lots of fun stuff also πŸ’œπŸ’œ
Sep 22Reply
closetgems2 @tabatha5410 thank you πŸ’œπŸ˜˜
Sep 22Reply
bethcfleming @closetgems2 Beautiful family!! 😊 And a great closet!!! β€πŸ’œ
Sep 30Reply
closetgems2 @bethcfleming thank you Beth!! You have a beautiful family too! It takes an angel to teach 1st grade!
Sep 30Reply
bethcfleming @closetgems2 Thanks so much!! It sure takes a lot of energy and patience!! 😊 I teach all day and I'm also the part-time asst principal at a large K-2 school....but I love what I do!!! Love the conversation on here between you and vintage2vogue😊 awesome! Thanks for the follow--nice to meet you!! πŸ’ž
Sep 30Reply
closetgems2 @garliyogirls and thank for your follow!πŸ’œ
Sep 30Reply
garliyogirls @closetgems2 Ty great closetπŸŒΉπŸ‘
Oct 01Reply
sthncharmvntg @closetgems2 ~ Gorgeous Family! Awesome closet. πŸ’—
Oct 01Reply
closetgems2 @roxyjane thank you for the sweet words! You also have a great closet and I assume the two darling girls in In one of your pics are yours? Lovely!
Oct 01Reply
himac Awesome closet, and such a gorgeous family!!
Oct 01Reply
closetgems2 @garliyogirls thank you also, lot of gret stuff in your closet as well πŸ’œ
Oct 01Reply
closetgems2 @himac thank you! Lots of fun stuff in your closet too!!🌺
Oct 01Reply
alexiaxalexia Love your closet! Such beautiful things !
Oct 06Reply
closetgems2 @alexiaxalexia thank you!!!πŸ’œ I had a boutique for many years and only recently decided it was time to pass the shop along to my kids and relax for a while😊so many of my closet items are hand picked by me at markets (LA is my fav)
Oct 07Reply
michey2424 love the hamsa doll
Oct 12Reply
closetgems2 @michey2424 πŸ™πŸ’œ
Oct 12Reply
michey2424 And u have a beautiful family πŸ‘«
Oct 12Reply
closetgems2 @rpx01 Likewise and thank you😘I'll be watching your closet, great stuff also!
Oct 18Reply
evylape86 What NFL team was your husband on?
Oct 27Reply
closetgems2 @evylape86 hello! He has played with KC Chiefs, Seattle Seahawks, NY Jets and Oakland Raiders ⭐⭐
Oct 27Reply
evylape86 I wish he played for the Pgh Steelers we have the best and the most loyal fans of all 32 NFL teams
Oct 27Reply
jennskloset Beautiful family! And a lovely closet!
Nov 29Reply
dallaskenna Oh my geeeee I love the paranormal stuff! Have you caught anything weird?!?
Dec 04Reply
closetgems2 @dallaskenna very cool! By caught, do you mean on film??
Dec 05Reply
dallaskenna @closetgems2 yea! I've always been interested in that kind of stuff 😊
Dec 05Reply
closetgems2 @dallaskenna myself also😊. I do have some pretty interesting photographs & stories!
Dec 05Reply
cboyd221 Very deep, interesting, lovely lady, with a very lovely family!
Jan 11Reply
closetgems2 @cboyd221 Thank you for the kind words! I peeked in your closet & shared some great stuff! You have a beautiful family, those little boys are darlings!!
Jan 12Reply
cboyd221 Thank you, I am crazy about them.
Jan 12Reply
dede2015 @closetgems2 You have a beautiful family! Those Dior heels in the last picture are gorgeous!
Jan 13Reply
closetgems2 @dede2015 thank you so much for the sweet words! I love those heels much so that I rarely wear them lol....I need to enjoy them more 😊
Jan 14Reply
acreasy613 @closetgems2 you're closet is so great I couldn't stop sharing!!! πŸ˜ƒπŸ‘β€οΈ
Jan 21Reply
parabuds I cannot wait to check out Brian Weiss & the DM video. I'm so glad I read your bio πŸ˜‰
Jan 21Reply
closetgems2 @acreasy613 aww so sweet of you, thanks so much!! Absolutely Sharing back!!
Jan 21Reply
closetgems2 @parabuds just saw your second comment. Brian Weiss has much to share, so happy you take interest 😊. DMT The Spirit Molecule: I downloaded the book, have not watched the video, but it is a great look into new science of the molecule....where scientists are now seeing the light...literally. Awesome stuff. There is so much more to reality ( that which is REAL rather than illusion of perception) than our 5 physical senses tell us there is. Namaste Posh Sister 😘🌹
Jan 21Reply
parabuds Scientists are finally able to show what the few of us had felt for a long time. We must be "old souls" πŸ˜‰
Jan 21Reply
closetgems2 @parabuds no doubt my friend!
Jan 22Reply
jjindigogirl9 I love all things metaphysical and paranormal too!!!!! So all consuming!! So- who was lucky enough in the nfl to have you as a wife?!?!?!?
Jan 24Reply
closetgems2 @jjindigogirl9 Definitely a way of life and sometimes all consuming for sure! I feel very blessed to be connected to deeper levels of existence than most others are even aware of 🎈
Jan 24Reply
trouble_247 WOAH!!! You have a treasure trove of goodies! 😍 Thanks again for all your help, your sister is so sweet and funny too! I hope you get some awesome rest! Night😊
Jan 24Reply
trouble_247 Thank you for all the shares! πŸ˜ƒβœ¨βœ¨βœ¨
Jan 24Reply
closetgems2 @trouble_247 thank you & you're very welcome! Good night to you as well😴
Jan 24Reply
drg__ Your family is beautiful 😊
Jan 24Reply
closetgems2 @drg__ thank you Destiny🌹
Jan 24Reply
ggcruz1011 Your blessed with a wonderful life and beautiful family and of course an amazing closet :) :)
Mar 09Reply
closetgems2 So kind of you @ggcruz1011, you've got some great items in your closet as well⭐
Mar 10Reply
nikongirlrocks Did you know tomorrow night's party is LIVE from SF: Urban Glam Party!!!!
Mar 18Reply
suzy_q40 @closetgems2 Thanks for the warm welcome!! πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—
Mar 28Reply
princy22 @closetgems2 @vintage2vogue You both sound just like me! I've read so many great books about spirituality, karma, and past lives. I've read books written by psychic medium Jeffrey A. Wands and I've seen him a few times. Excellent readings! I've been spiritually awakened to so much just by reading about the after-life and learning more & more. It's amazing how you start to see signs all around you. My grandmother comes around me all the time, she sends ladybugs and butterflies. Another good book: Animals Speak. It's so nice to meet like-minded people πŸ˜€πŸŒΈ
Jul 04Reply
joyceh48 Hi I am Joyce and welcome to the posh world of shopping and selling we all here love to look and and share and buy I hope you will love it here all the girls are just all some here just ask any if the girls and they will help you with any thing so let me welcome you as a posh girl god bless and just have fun.
Aug 09Reply
landerites @closetgems2, Hi Debra. I enjoy quantum physics as well! I love to think and my husband and I share the joys of deep, philosophical conversations everyday. Now we have a two year old and she follows in our footsteps with painting (I'm an artist and musician) and she plays all of our musical instruments. My cousin played for Tampa Bay Bucs, he has since retired; however, we used to attend games regularly. :) Thanks for following me. Namaste.
Aug 16Reply
closetgems2 @landerites hi Trilyn, wow we have lots of parallels, so cool! I love meeting like minded people😊. And how awesome that your husband shares your love for the greater questions in lifeπŸ’œ. NamasteπŸ’œ
Aug 16Reply
landerites @closetgems2, Hi Debra, I agree with the parallels and it's interesting how people are able to connect in our world now. I truly feel people are connected in life for a reason, wether it be to learn or to grow. Regardless, life has an interesting way of creating like minded people to connect. If we acknowledge this concept, it gives life new meaning, hence a new concept and greater understanding of how to move forward. :) Let's stay in touch. I'm happy we have met.... At least via cyber world. :)
Aug 16Reply
closetgems2 @landerites awesome! I'm on FB, Debra Tongue, in case you are also and want to connect that way. I always share good stuff I come across😊
Aug 17Reply
landerites @closetgems2 , Hi Debra, I just sent you a friend request. I see you posted about Monsanto. What a horrible, vile company. I am ecstatic we have connected. I have a passion for knowledge. It's imperative for a balanced opinion. :)
Aug 17Reply
closetgems2 @landerites Yes, Monsanto definitely needs to be exposed for what they really are. Glad we've connected, I know we can learn much from each other😊
Aug 18Reply
landerites @closetgems2 , Hi Debra. Yes, Monsanto is horrible. They are now trying to buy out a lot of mom and pop heirloom see companies as well. When are we finally going to say enough is enough?? After I graduated from undergrad at The University of Florida, I moved to a tiny town in Vermont called South Royalton so I could attend Vermont Law School for superfund site litigation law. It makes me sick what these huge companies do to our earth. Have a wonderful day and I am so happy we have met. :)
Aug 18Reply
norascloset1 Beautiful family and closet πŸ™God bless!!!
Sep 21Reply
oliviashaven It's so nice to meet you, Debra. You have a beautiful family. ❀️
Nov 19Reply
closetgems2 @oliviashaven thank you Olivia! Nice to meet you also😊
Nov 21Reply
jessicayflores Beautiful family and great closet!
Apr 05Reply
closetgems2 @jessicayflores thank you very much!
Apr 05Reply
jesa_casual Thanks for the follow😘
Jun 28Reply
closetgems2 @mrscorchuelo Hi Alexandria, the Hamsa hand and eye are symbolic is multiple cultures, a symbol of protection for the wearer against the unintentional or intentional negative thoughts or "evil eye" of envy from others. Also a symbol of luck and prosperity.
Sep 09Reply
stacyevatt ✨Love your closet!✨
Apr 05Reply
closetgems2 @stacyevatt Thank you!! πŸ’œβ˜ΊοΈπŸŽˆ
Apr 05Reply
naomeee @closetgems2 Great closet Debra !!! β€οΈπŸ•‰
Apr 11Reply
vlo4 Thank you! Love your closet.
Apr 13Reply
thechicbohemian Hello, Debra! What a life you're both living and have created! That sound like a whirlwind, finally settling down with time to be creative. You have a beautiful family! :) Some of the ladies I've come to know who have great style & are gracious people include: @karint @reinem @onisifora @ejvanbev @costumebaldor @lisamaried @coolmelanie @laurney13 @courtneyheinz @ginnydog @lanisew5591 @the_kimmi_show @lynnefashion @hippiemama613 @hellovintage - 'Glad to now include you!
Apr 24Reply
thechicbohemian @lynnefashion You're so welcome, Lynne. :)
Apr 24Reply
tcaestudio @closetgems2 terrific closet! I'll pass it along/visit often! Posh can be a lovely lesson in non attachment. In fact, Pema Chodron may need to include us in a dharma talk at some point. All goodness to you, Darlin.
Apr 24Reply
texas_posh_gal @closetgems2 Hi Debra, Kimberly. Nice to meet you. Love your closet and you have a lovely family. Thanks for the tag Jessica @prelovedworks πŸ’•πŸŒΊπŸ’•
Apr 24Reply
closetgems2 @prelovedworks Thank you Jessica for the closet referrals! I have a closet crush on your closet heheπŸ’œ.
Apr 27Reply
closetgems2 @ejvanbev yes I agree, it sounds like you study eastern philosophy alsoπŸ’œ. Nice to meet you, Atma NamasteπŸ™πŸΌ
Apr 27Reply
closetgems2 @the_kimmi_show hi Kimberly, thank you! You have a great closet too, and I absolutely love your photo layouts!! Great job! You are one strong sister tooπŸ’œ
Apr 27Reply
texas_posh_gal @closetgems2 Thank you so much Debra. It always means so much to me when I receive compliments from poshers like you. You've owned your own boutique and you know what you're doing! Plus, you've got great style. I also think we're like minded in spirit too. I just posted something on a posting in Jessica's closet. I'm going to tag you on that listing so you can read what I wrote. πŸ’•πŸŒΊπŸ’•
Apr 27Reply
bethelsfamily Thanks for sharing
May 07Reply
closetgems2 @bethelsfamily you're welcome, there are treasures in your closet!😍
May 07Reply
neenesboutique Wow so cool who does he play for?
May 11Reply
jannies @closetgems2 , So glad Debra, they can be taken up, and I couldn't let them out😁😡. Glad you like them🌹🌹 Thanks for the rating!
Jun 10Reply
ldah Hi Debra! I'm not at home today but will return home tomorrow afternoon and drop your package at the post office😊 thank you!
Jun 18Reply
iheartpurple πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“
Jul 16Reply
closetgems2 @ldosramos Hi Linda! Nice to meet you! My shop was in the Circa complex midtown for a few years and moved into Perkins Rowe for 5 years before closing in 2013. A deal to sell the business fell through at the last hour so I closed with a lot of inventory, and opened my posh closet!
Jul 21Reply
closetgems2 @ldosramos awesome! I haven't been shopping in Lafayette, but Perkins Rowe is a great place for shopping! I loved my time there, but have two granddaughters now that I want to enjoy. Retail is long hours/ 7 days a week!
Jul 21Reply
wenrelas_boutiq Hi Its nice 2 meet U. I've never met another person that even knows about quantum physics. Have you met any of your Dopplegangers? Or done a quantum jump? I've tried but was unsuccessful.
Jul 23Reply
ronanana_batman Hello! Feel free to check out my closet! happy Poshing πŸ³πŸ‰
Jul 27Reply
crystalhealing @closetgems2 is your boutique still open? I'd love to stop by and check it out! I talk to another Br local on posh, @aishablake and we had discussed doing a posh and sip sometime in the future. We'd all 3 make a great team!
Jul 31Reply
closetgems2 @crystalhealing a posh and sip would be fun! And no the storefront isn't open anymore, it was time for me to move on to the next chapter n my life, too many long hours.
Jul 31Reply
khloes_clothes Beautiful family & ahhhhhmazing closet! Love your free thinking as well. I too love pretty much everything metaphysical and supernatural. Love finding kindred spirits. Love & light!
Aug 09Reply
closetgems2 @nursedee15 hi Dee!! Always! At any given time I have a ton of unlisted goodies, there is not enough time in the day to balance posh listing/sales with kids and grandkids lol. What are you looking for?
Nov 03Reply
wfda You are so beautiful and such a beautiful smile too
Jan 03Reply
closetgems2 @wfda thank you😁
Jan 03Reply
enocharden Thanks for following my closet πŸ’•πŸ˜Š
Jan 08Reply
nsanfordsgirl πŸ™‹πŸ½Thanks for stopping by. I'm happy to accept reasonable offers and answer any questions.πŸ›Happy shopping.
Jan 18Reply
mabr5299 @closetgems2 love ur pictures . What a beautiful family
Mar 04Reply
fofana22 Your family is very beautiful.
Mar 05Reply
closetgems2 @ninaesdeath I don't, sorry
May 07Reply
slynn0986 ❀ your breif life story. I love crossing paths with Kindred Spirits. I love your closet it's very fun. Thanks for following. ❀❀❀ blessings to you
May 14Reply
closetgems2 @mabr5299 thank you😊
May 14Reply
closetgems2 @fofana22 thank you😊
May 14Reply
closetgems2 @slynn0986 thank you Sara, Blessing back to you⭐️
May 14Reply
jess3b33 Would you be interested in selling your bait sandals for $19. If so would you mind changing the price and hopefully I can get a random low shipping cost. Poshmark sometimes lowers shipping cost if selling lowers price 10% or more in a random.
May 18Reply
closetgems2 @jess3b33 I'm sorry I don't know what sandals you're talking about
May 18Reply
jess3b33 @closetgems2 the dayton slide by naot size 11 you posted the other day ;)
May 18Reply
closetgems2 @jess3b33 I see. They are a brand new listing so I'm not willing to drop that low at this time.
May 18Reply
jess3b33 @closetgems2 ok I understand
May 18Reply
abes734 Add me on snapchat abes734
Jun 22Reply
prairiecv Hey dear. It’s Carol…. About the bag… My store number is 609748… 1555… Call me whenever if I’m not there I can always call you back… Or I can give you my cell if you want it… Thanks and have a great day hope your Thanksgiving was a good one
Nov 24Reply
treasuredtwice Hi Debra! You have an amazing closet... I noticed you have many LV items. Would you be able to help me with a bag that I have? I don't know the shape and am curious about it's authenticity. I could do a "not for sale" post with pictures so you could share your thoughts. Any assistance or guidance would be much appreciated! Thank you in advance for being such an awesome posh mentor!!
Apr 02Reply
closetgems2 @treasuredtwice hello! I’m happy to offer guidance, create the not for sale post and tag me😊
Apr 02Reply
styledbylhei Welcome to poshmark, beautiful!!:) Let me know if you need any assistance! Hopefully you can check out my closet and maybe shop as well!!β™‘
Feb 02Reply
kellygroves @closetgems2 Hi Debra! Kelly from Poshmark :) I sent you an email if you're able to take a quick look!
Feb 26Reply
closetgems2 @kellygroves awesome Kelly! I just messaged you back! β˜ΊοΈπŸ’œ
Feb 26Reply
kellygroves @closetgems2 Hi Debra! I sent you another email last week - let me know if you didn't get it!
May 06Reply
closetgems2 @kellygroves Hey Kelly, I just saw and and responded!πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸΌ
May 06Reply
cmcevers Hi there: I wanted to let you know that I am currently offering a 50% OFF EVERY ITEM IN MY CLOSET SALEβ€οΈπŸ˜€ If you see items that you like just add them to a bundle and either send me a 50% off offer and I will accept or let me know when the bundle is complete and I will send you the 50% off discount. ❀️Happy Poshing.❀️ Cami πŸ˜€
May 16Reply
closetgems2 @mountainposh406 Thank you senator! I'm returning the compliment, you're a stunner yourself, and a smart woman to boot! Love your pics, I love the outdoors also!
May 21Reply
liplindy Thanks for following me
Jul 17Reply
gron15 AWESOME PICTURES!!! Would it be ok if I sent you an extry$100 and you can mail it overnight? They are melting in the mail sometimes lol? Thanks!!πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡β€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈ
Aug 17Reply
symhgw3 Hey this is Sadie go check out my closet I have everything from MK wallet to buckle shirts shorts and shoes and all different brands.! Happy posting.! πŸ’œ
Aug 25Reply
lellowandpink Thanks for the follow! Happy Poshing! πŸ€™
Sep 25Reply
kellygates58 @closetgems2 thank you love the topπŸ’ŸπŸ’Ÿ
Nov 09Reply
closetgems2 @kellygates58 awe Yay! You’re welcome!☺️
Nov 11Reply
clarasrose25 Thanks for the follow - your closet is amazing ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Dec 09Reply
madblk3 🧑Beloved🧑I am delighted to know youπŸ₯°My commitment is caring🌸sharing🌺giving🌼and being respectful to all in the Posh communityπŸ’•πŸŽ€If you choose message me just to say HelloπŸ˜‡I only pray for your health wealth and joyπŸ’―πŸ›Happy PoshingπŸ’πŸŒ·β˜˜οΈπŸ§‘Be BlessedπŸ§‘πŸ•―β„οΈπŸ’πŸŽHAPPY HOLIDAYS WARMTH AND LOVEπŸŽπŸ’β„οΈπŸ•―πŸ§‘
Dec 10Reply
desylulu99 Hello, thanks for the follow! Happy Poshing :)
Dec 10Reply
vintageandpearl Hey, im so grateful that you followed me! I love your closet and your β€œmeet the posher” picture. Let me know what you would like to see in my closet for future listings 😊 Happy Holidays πŸŽ„πŸŽ
Dec 25Reply
closetgems2 @kittycat_xoxo Thank you and Happy Holidays to you too!🌷
Dec 28Reply
closetgems2 @madblk3 thank you Madalyn, Happy Holidays!
Dec 28Reply
closetgems2 @clarasrose25 thank you!πŸ’–
Dec 28Reply
defne8201 Hi Debra, Love, Love your closet. πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’• I’m new to Poshmark and I’m always looking at different closets, but sister your closet is on point. 😊 A variety of items and and your items are well staged!!!! πŸ€—What an inspiration... Peace & blessings!
Jan 20Reply
closetgems2 @defne8201 thank you Daphne, welcome to Posh! If you ever have any questions, feel free to ask! I’ve been Poshing since 2013, many great purchases and sales alike, I absolutely love this platform!🌺❀️😊
Jan 21Reply
sargebill hey neighbor, good morning Debra thank you for the follow, wishing you all the very best, Bill
Dec 11Reply
closetgems2 @sargebill thank you Bill, Happy Holidays!
Dec 12Reply
closetgems2 @jenr414 thank you Jen and same to you also! You have some great items as well! Happy Holidays!
Dec 12Reply
closetgems2 @desylulu99 thank you, happy Poshing!
Dec 12Reply
closetgems2 @madblk3 thank you Madalyn, Happy Holidays and Happy Poshing!
Dec 12Reply
sargebill @closetgems2 Hi again, lol, you;re very welcome and I thank you as well,all the shopping is done, it's a rat race out there, felt like I was in the super bowl at wal mart, haha
Dec 12Reply
nickcrotts96 Im new to this im interested in a pair of shoes and what you would take for them. for my wife xmas
Dec 17Reply
closetgems2 @nickcrotts96 hi Nick, they are excellent condition, never actually worn. I can take an offer of $400, you can simply use them ale offer” feature on the listing. I also have the bag that matches if interested in that also.
Dec 17Reply
debrad80 Love your closet! 😍
Aug 03Reply
kristenkreation Hi @closetgems2 I'm Tink! Thank you for the follow! Love your closet! I'm also a Posh Ambassador so if you need any help lemme know and I'd be happy to help!! Thank you and have a great day! πŸ’œπŸ˜Š
Sep 06Reply
ariasvesteban hello, are you able to ship out the bag i purchased last week any time soon? thank you
Jan 18Reply
closetgems2 @ariasvesteban hello! It shipped out yesterday!😊
Jan 18Reply
ariasvesteban @closetgems2 thank you so much :)
Jan 18Reply
cutehosiery @closetgems2 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Mar 05Reply
presadog Shirt arrived in good time and excellent condition. Comms were great re: shipping. Thank you
May 04Reply

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