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Updated Dec 12
Updated Dec 12

🌺 Aloha from Hawaii!!🌴 I'm Sharon! Welcome🌺



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Im a SAHM with my wonderful 2 yr old. I live in Hawaii, online shopping is far from a new concept for me! I worked in the retail world for 10+ yrs before my little one. I'm having a blast on PM and can see how this can be addicting! I can tell you my objective is to have great product at a great price. I will have a nice mix of gently worn to new with tags. Since starting, family and friends have added to my mix! Thanks for taking the time to look through my closet, and Happy Poshing😍
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acquittdapparel Thanks for the follow! You have a super cute closet! Please check out my closet as well and let me know if you see anything you like! Everything is make offer!
Nov 05Reply
gemmas_treasure @vintageglamgirl Thanks Patricia!! Nice to meet you :) How long have you been on if you don't mind me asking?
Nov 05Reply
gemmas_treasure @mdandreano46 Thanks Michelle!! I started as a buyer, so I know that side of the closet well ;) being purely a buyer, if you have feedback on what you see as a great closet, I'm all ears :) Now that I'm home, I know I'll be on here ALOT!! Oh, and thanks for the comment on my daughter. I'm going to have to agree!!
Nov 05Reply
overflowz1 Welcome to posh. I'm an addict to posh as well. I LOVE IT. There are some awesome ladies on here.
Nov 06Reply
cljenson @rad2474him & mdandreano46 Thanks for the invite to your sale Sharon! I've just started looking, but I recognize your closet as one I've been to recently, which is why you invited me, I'm sure. I remember looking at one of the pics and thinking that it looks like you live in the tropics! Your daughter is absolutely gorgeous!! I don't know how I happened to read all the way down into the texts- I was either thinking it was more info about you... Or I was being very nosey!!! 😳😊 Anyway, I was cracking up when I read Michelle's comment about being a "Poshitute"!!! OMG!! That's hysterical- and what I am, I think! I'm totally addicted!!! I do sell as well as buy, but I've sold ONE item and bought about twelve, and have more on reserve!!!! I need to get busy adding to my closet, and STOP buying so much!!! I, too have met such nice women on here! Oh, and I don't have a large closet, but I do have several new with tag items. I wish you success with your sale, Sharon. I'm going to shop around now. And keep Poshing away Michelle. Nice to meet you both!
Nov 07Reply
gemmas_treasure @cljenson You are right! I live in Hawaii. We don't know winter layering ;) Thanks for commenting on my Closet!! I'll check yours out as soon as I jump off of this note ;) I'm still in the introduction stage, so I'll take all the friendly conversation and advice one or more will give!! Talk soon!!
Nov 07Reply
gemmas_treasure @mdandreano46 will do for sure!! So very nice to meet you :)
Nov 07Reply
joopiecharmz How adorable! Very nice to meet you both!
Nov 08Reply
sshafer @rad2474him thank you for sharing my items. I love your closet😄
Nov 09Reply
gemmas_treasure @joopiecharmz thanks!! Nice to meet you :) have you been on Poshmark for a while?
Nov 09Reply
gemmas_treasure @sshafer Thanks! You have a great closet too :)
Nov 09Reply
freedomschild @rad2474him thanks for sharing my listing.
Nov 09Reply
joopiecharmz Thank you! Yeah I've been on here for several months now (can't remember exactly when), it's been awesome thus far. I know I should do one of these about me / meet your seller postings. . . Just haven't got around to it lol. Hope you're having an awesome weekend
Nov 10Reply
chicbirdie Happy to meet you! My kiddies are 5, 3, and 1; nap time is Posh time! 😉
Nov 10Reply
gemmas_treasure @kstallman1013 Wow!! You really have your hands full! ;) I'm taking it you are a stay at home mom too. You have a great closet, btw and thanks for the shares!
Nov 10Reply
chicbirdie I am! Just stopping as a part time massage therapist; it's just too much! Loooooving Posh, trying to build my own dream job!
Nov 10Reply
gemmas_treasure @kstallman1013 yes! I had a very fulfilling career before my bundle of joy came along. Now, well... I kinda see this as a great outlet for me to feel like I'm contributing! ;)
Nov 10Reply
dilledressups Hi Sharon, your little one is precious. Welcome to Posh my friend. You have the start of a lovely closet. I wanted to thank you again for all the shares. Poshing is addictive and you find time just flies by on here. So many great ladies on here to help if you have any questions. I myself have only been on since the end of August. It does take time to get going as anything worth while. But just meeting new friends and sharing is rewarding in itself. Will be visiting and sharing your lovely closet again soon. Have a great week! :)
Nov 11Reply
gemmas_treasure @dilledressups Wow! Since August?! That's great that you are enjoying yourself!! I love going through the closets..... Soooo much to see!! Well, thank you for the friendship and the shares once again :)
Nov 11Reply
cmarshall38 @rad2474him Sharon you have great dresses!!! Love all your Betsey Johnson!!
Nov 11Reply
gemmas_treasure @cmarshall38 Thank you!! I appreciate your comments and the shares!!
Nov 11Reply
paperrose Welcome to Posh!!!😊 I've been on Posh for about 6months, and it's been great meeting many kind ladies💕 I hope your experience here will be great as well. Share your listings and share others as often as you can. This will be the best way to show off your items as well as making great new friends😊 Let me know if you have any questions! Happy to help😊😘
Nov 13Reply
gemmas_treasure @paperrose Thank you!!!! Yes, I've had a successful week so far! I'm learning you are right. There are some really great ladies out there!! I can see you are one of them. Thanks for the shares. I will return the favor after this note. I do have a dumb question for you... How do you make those cute lil faces?? Is that an app?
Nov 13Reply
paperrose 😊You know what, I learned from one of a Poshers who was so kind enough to tell me how to. If you have an iPhone or iPad, go to Settings, go to General, go to Keyboards, go to Add New Keyboard, then add Emoji from the list. It's so cool and fun to use, and I love it😍 Hope this info helps you. Let me know for more questions😘
Nov 13Reply
gemmas_treasure @paperrose okay!! Here we go😍!!! I got it😊 I'm in the "in" crowd now.... Haha!
Nov 13Reply
paperrose Great!!! Now you know how to decorate your posts😉 Just in case you didn't know, many Poshers and I also use two apps called "A Beautiful Mess"( free app to put drawings or letters on pics) & "Pic Stitch"( it might cost you $1.99 or something but so useful when you put multiple pics in one screen for bundling). I hope this info also helps you, too😊 Happy Poshing!!! So nice to meet you!💕💕
Nov 13Reply
gemmas_treasure @paperrose Thanks!! So nice to meet you. I updated some of my pics? Take a look when you have a chance? 😘
Nov 13Reply
paperrose A very nice closet w/ nice & clear pics!😍 i hope you'll be able to boost your sales soon. I'll definitely let you know when I'm ready to buy something from your closet😊
Nov 14Reply
gemmas_treasure @paperrose Oh thanks!! That means a lot 😍 I used the app instacollage, which was free, but they have a lot of cute frames! And your friendship is enough on here, but if you ever seriously find or see something you like in my closet, I'll give you the "friend" discount 😜
Nov 14Reply
ash_3 Thx for the follow 😊 I'm new to Poshmark
Nov 14Reply
gemmas_treasure @ash_3 Hi! Welcome to PoshMark. I've been on for maybe close to three weeks now, and am having a blast. If you feel I can help you in any way, let me know. Happy Poshing!
Nov 14Reply
bleushoegirl Hi Sharon, nice to meet you! Welcome to Posh! I'm Kelly. You have a great closet! I'm so glad you stopped by mine so I could find yours! 💜 I wish you the best of luck with your sales! I'll try to help you out with the shares. And omg, your little one is such a cutie pie! 😍 Also, thank you to @paperrose for explaining the emoji keyboard above. Very helpful comment! I was told I had to download an app to get them and then never bothered. Yay! Now I can join the club, too!
Nov 15Reply
gemmas_treasure @bleushoegirl YAY! Thanks for officially introducing yourself!! Thank you for all your shares, and I try real hard to share right back. Have you been on here for a while?? I'm on here waaaaayyyy too much.
Nov 15Reply
bleushoegirl Haha I have the same problem. I've been on here since August and I'm having a ton of fun so far! This site is definitely habit-forming, but I figure as habits go, one that involves making new friends, helping other women out, and making a little extra cash doing something involving one of my biggest passions is not a bad one to have.
Nov 15Reply
gemmas_treasure @bleushoegirl Agreed!! Please stop by and say hello again real soon! You have a great closet as well. When my eyes don't feel like they are going to fall out of socket, I'll take a better look!!😳
Nov 15Reply
paperrose Thank you for sharing my entire closet😊😘 I really appreciate your help😊 And thank you @bleushoegirl for your sweet comment about 'emoji.' I've had so much help and kindness from many wonderful Poshers so I'm just doing the same to the others😊 Nice to meet you💕
Nov 15Reply
bleushoegirl @paperrose Nice to meet you, too!
Nov 15Reply
gimmesmoore Thanks for following my closet! I'm having a BOGO sale, offering 20% off bundles, and taking offers on all items! Please stop by and take a look! I have free people, wildfox, brandy melville, seven jeans and other designer denim , Jeffrey Campbell, Steve Madden, urban outfitters, j crew, Abercrombie and more!!
Nov 15Reply
gemmas_treasure @gem53 Thanks! Ironically, my precious Gem's name is Gemma. Love your name as well😊
Nov 22Reply
gemmas_treasure @jaimerstone nice to meet you as well!! I am a night owl, but you have me beat. You see, I live in Hawaii..... So your 130a is my 830p. By the time I have time to catch up on Poshmark, most people are in bed. How long have you been on PM, oh and what app are you using? I like it... Heck, I like your closet!
Nov 23Reply
nahnecole Thank you so much for everything! I am glad I met you on here! Hope ur having a great day and a great mom day!!🌹😄✌️
Nov 24Reply
gemmas_treasure @mljb05 Thank you!!! I saw on your page that you are planning a wedding....congrats!!! I did that 9 yrs ago. Don't stress!!! It's meant to be an enjoyable day, don't be miserable leading up to it😉 than you for all the share and Happy Thanksgiving😊
Nov 27Reply
nahnecole Hi!!! Happy Thanksgiving! Sorry it took me almost a day to accept as I was not home but I did open them and the are so purrr-fect, lol!! I was hoping and couldn't remember if they had that faux fur look and feel so I was so excited when I opened them and saw that!!! And I really want to thank you for the card!! Plus the nice little goodie bag with the pendant I appreciate it so much and all the sharing you have done! I hope you and your beautiful baby and family have a great holiday and thank you again!!!!!😃🌸
Nov 28Reply
gemmas_treasure @nahnecole Stephanie! I'm happy you like the shoes. They needed a good home, too cute not to. You are welcome for everything else😊 The cross is 925 silver, so it's a nice one. I was going to write this last night, and in my 1am delirium thought I had.... Anyway, I wish you the best my friend!! I hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving!! Keep me updated on how things are going with you, please.
Nov 29Reply
alyssa2662 Thanks for all the sharing I really appreciate it!! 😊
Nov 30Reply
dest98 hey gal :))))
Dec 15Reply
gemmas_treasure @dest98 hi!!! I was just thinking about you!! How are you?
Dec 15Reply
dest98 im good how r u , loz that's funny we was thinking of each other :)) hope yall are ok there!!!
Dec 15Reply
gemmas_treasure @dest98 yes, we are! Getting ready for Christmas. What are you going to do? Do you have a big family that gets together?? I do, so there is a bunch of them heading over. I've been trying to post the rest of my things on here, but my little munchkin keeps running around! LOL!! Hey, FYI... I'm having a promotion. Details are listed on the top of my page....don't know if I have anything you want, but today is the last day of $1 shipping on orders over $35. Let me know! Can I send you a Christmas card??
Dec 15Reply
dest98 ok sounds great we r ok and I want to try to keep it simple as possible this yr lolz heheheh
Dec 15Reply
gemmas_treasure @dest98 oh I wish I could just keep it simple. Everyone lives just far enough to not see eachother all the time, and just close enough to get together! Hahaha!
Dec 15Reply
dest98 hehehhe thts good , that's just right heheheheh
Dec 15Reply
demitria67 @rad2474him 🌺🌴Aloha🌴🌺I ❤️your pix they are filled with such beauty & love😇do you live on the big island? I welcome you to PM and wish you many happy sales always😇have fun🌷
Dec 23Reply
cerina1 😊Yes I m trying to build up my Client Tales what did you have in Mind sweetheart sis cc
Dec 25Reply
cerina1 Yes as I was saying we Are all God Children. And I love being in the family of Posh I m new I more buying then selling my things I looking for those that buy from e I buy from u I share your closet you share mind God Bless u and Family Have a safe and bless Holiday 😊
Dec 25Reply
cerina1 😊🎄🎆🎅Hi Sweetie share your whole closet Please share my closet Thsnk You again God Bless Yiur Family Love sis cc Be Bless😊
Dec 25Reply
dest98 hey gal how r ya??? hope yall had a great holiday in Hawii!!!!!
Dec 28Reply
gemmas_treasure @dest98 Hi Debbie!! We are doing great!! Finally resting after the massive amount of family! I'll post pics to FB today so you can see how crazy it was!! How was yours?? Did Santa bring you anything exciting??
Dec 28Reply
gemmas_treasure @cerina1 Hi Cerina! First off, I love your name! I considered it for my daughter, bit went with Gemma instead. Secondly, thank you for all your shares! I just sent shares back for you😊 Also, I don't normally hold items for people, but if you really want them, comfirm and I will hold till the 3rd, but please only request to hold if you will purchase! Thank you, and I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. I did, and that's why I haven't been on here for a few days😊
Dec 28Reply
ametzger The most absolutely precious child my goodness!:)
Dec 29Reply
gemmas_treasure @ametzger Thank you!!! Too sweet😊 but I agree! Hehe btw, every time I see your profile pic, I tell myself how beautiful you are!
Dec 29Reply
ametzger @rad2474him oh my goodness you just absolutely made my night you have noooo idea! I really needed that <3333 you're so beautiful inside and out:) and thank you for the shares returning the favor now!:)
Dec 29Reply
gemmas_treasure @ametzger I speak the truth! You can see when someone has a genuine beauty about them, and I'd see you comment on something here, or post something there... And we never talked before that I know of, yet I saw a beautiful person...... So thank you for reaching out!! Keeping shining, Star!!
Dec 29Reply
ametzger @rad2474him it is people like you that make this world so beautiful whenever something dark happens or whenever something goes wrong. You're that exact light that always shines through and picks me back up off the ground and makes me keep going. You really made me smile soooo much tonight and I can't thank you enough:) ❤I hope you have an absolutely amazing rest of your night/morning and give that lil' one a hug for me:) you're definitely a new posh friend:)
Dec 29Reply
dest98 ok gal heheheh ill be looking
Dec 29Reply
gemmas_treasure @mdandreano46 of course!! I look out for people who made an effort to look out for me :) I'm doing really good! I've had some nice sales! I'll keep looking out for you!! Happy New Year!!
Dec 30Reply
raedene22 Hey, neighbor I'm from Hawaii too. Big island!! You? So cute your little one !!!🌺
Jan 05Reply
gemmas_treasure @raedene22 Hi!! I'm on the BI too! Waikoloa to be exact, but grew up Hilo side! Where are you? Have you been on Posh long? I see people from Oahu on here often, but not BI :) Nice to meet you!
Jan 05Reply
raedene22 @rad2474him Awesome !!! I live in Hakalau, Hamakua Side. My husband works in Waimea and we are looking to buy a place in Kawaihai. So cool to meet you, you have a lovely Baby. I've been with Posh about 1 Year but only recently got serious Keep in touch girl. 🌺😘
Jan 05Reply
hollykeirns You're both beautiful!
Jan 05Reply
andrea_27s Aww beautiful little honey! :) so fortunate to live in Hawaii too❤️❤️❤️
Jan 08Reply
isa_wine_lover Nice to meet you Sharon! Lovely closet. Thanks so much for your shares; I shared you some ;-) I'm also a stay-at-home mom, so whenever you feel like chatting, stop by my closet! Happy Poshing!!!
Jan 08Reply
gemmas_treasure @isa_wine_lover Hi!! LOVE your closet and love chatting with other SAHM! Thanks for all the shares! I'll make a point to share from you regularly!! Where is home for you?
Jan 08Reply
isa_wine_lover I'm from Colombia, and I live in Maryland! So jealous of your weather right now, lol!
Jan 08Reply
alekia Awesome pics!
Jan 10Reply
gemmas_treasure @alekia Thank you!! You have an awesome closet btw!!😊😊
Jan 10Reply
alekia @rad2474him Thank you soo much!
Jan 10Reply
rgalvan210 Thanks for all the shares!!! 😃👍👏
Jan 11Reply
mrsdoodlebug Hi Sharon, I just want to say thanks again for the awesome jeans, I wore them yesterday and they're a perfect fit!
Jan 11Reply
gemmas_treasure @mrsdoodlebug Yay!! Btw, I definitely have a few more NYDJ in a 12p. I'll post soon and tag you. If you like them, I'll give you a great deal (returning customer deal!!😄😄)
Jan 11Reply
mrsdoodlebug Awesome ((-:
Jan 11Reply
dest98 hi hi my friend in my dream place
Jan 13Reply
gemmas_treasure @dest98 Hi Debbie!! I need to send you a picture of the beach!!
Jan 13Reply
dest98 yes!!!!!!!
Jan 13Reply
km_callahan1 @rad2474him .. Aloha, Sharon! Beautiful family... Gorgeous child! Botticelli Cherub! 👼. Wow, Hawaii.. I'm jealous... Lol.. Have a wonderful day! I love PM, too. New to it, so I don't have a closet set up yet - just my pets😻
Jan 14Reply
janelleviola @rad2474him Beautiful photos! You all are such a Beautiful family! :)
Jan 15Reply
jeanie52 @rad2474him , thank you for the have a great looking family and a cool closet.. Good luck hon. Jeanie
Jan 16Reply
gemmas_treasure @jeanie52 Thank you so much!! Very sweet of you! I'm all about helping each other out, so when I browse through a closet, I share along the way😊😊 If there is anything I can do for you, you let me know!! Have a great night!
Jan 16Reply
dest98 yes mam ur awesome !!!!!!
Jan 18Reply
gemmas_treasure @dest98 Awwwweee!!! I love my friend😊😊
Jan 18Reply
lmbohanan @rad2474him ALOHA doll.. How are you Sharon! I'm Lola... I live on Schofield. For the time being! 💕💃
Jan 21Reply
gemmas_treasure @lmbohanan Aloha Lola! You beat me to an introduction😊😊 when I saw your pic, I liked it to remind myself to go back after I fed my munchkin breakfast😉 I'm on the Big Island.... I've been to Scofield many times when I was younger and married.... Let's just say I may have dated a Marine or two. LOL
Jan 21Reply
lmbohanan @rad2474him lol... I understand!! 😉 I LOVE the Big Island! It's the best of all islands put into one!! 💕❤️ so nice to meet you!!! I'll be leaving unfortunately, hubs will be here another year, but my daughter and I are moving back to Boston, was supposed to be the 28th of this month, but looking like it'll be next month!!! I'm ready for the change of weather, "I think" 😂😉
Jan 21Reply
gemmas_treasure @lmbohanan OMG! That comment was supposed to be NOT married! LOL... Oh well.... I was close to engagement with one😉, but that's another convo....hehe! Wow! That's a big move!! Are you from there originally? The weather will be something I can only imagine! I have to have my sun!! Oh, I can measure the boots for you. Ill post about that under them when I do and tag you😊
Jan 21Reply
lmbohanan @rad2474him oh girl.. I totally get what you meant.. 😊💕 lol.. It'll be bittersweet for sure. I've loved every minute here. But I miss my family terribly.. 😊
Jan 21Reply
mands13 Hi thanks for the intro on my page! I love your closet as well. Your daughter is beautiful! I need to update my photos- my youngest is close in age with your daughter. Ugg Hawaii! I'm super jealous, I'm freezing over here in New Hampshire haha. Thanks for all the posh love ❤️😄
Jan 21Reply
gemmas_treasure @mands13 Thank you!! Come visit! Hehe the kids would love it! My daughter could live - eat and breathe the beach if I let her! How long have you been on Poshmark?
Jan 21Reply
mands13 they would definitely love it.... But I probably would more! Haha. I am coming up on almost a year of poshing. How about you?
Jan 21Reply
mandavais Aww is this Gemma!?? She's so beautiful!!
Jan 22Reply
tamarismom Hi Sharon. It's Cora. Nice to meet you. Are you in Hawaii? I live in Miami. I'm a mother of two girls and I have a grandson. I work full time and the rest of my waking hours is on Poshmark. Lol. Thanks for seeking out the newbies and trusting me with introducing them to our circle of fellow Poshers. I wish you the best with you closet. Happy Poshing👗👠👛❗️
Jan 23Reply
gemmas_treasure @tamarismom Cora!!! First off, thank YOU for being so great and taking on the "meet and greet" for the newbies. So many come on here and get hit by the "trade? PayPal? Crowd... So I think it's great they get a fresh start😊 Btw, as a token of my appreciation of ALL you've been taking on, I've been sharing from your closet, with no expectation of you sharing back, so please take it for what it is. I do live in Hawaii..... On the Big Island exact🌴 You live in the other paradise! Don't overdue yourself, my friend! Let me know if I can assist in any other way...Have a great day!
Jan 23Reply
paperrose OMG Sharon! Haven't seen your closet for awhile and now I see it, it looks simply amazing😍😍😍👏👏👏👍
Jan 23Reply
gemmas_treasure @paperrose That means soooooo much coming from you!! Thank you!! You have got to be so excited/ but exhausted at the same time😊😊 Seriously, let me know if/how I can help at any time😘
Jan 23Reply
itslwl Welcome to posh! I'll def tag you if I post the dress :)
Jan 23Reply
paperrose I was literally in panic when I 1st co-hosted 'cause I knew no one and the foot traffic on my closet was used to be silent so I was so overwhelmed w/ tons of tons of messages at the inbox😱 But now that I know what's coming, I'm calm and I can focus more on finding great ones for HPs. Sorry my friend, because now your closet has lots of HPs and you're not in underground anymore😁 I cannot choose your listing for HP this time😫 But it's good that your closet shines now👍💗✨🎉
Jan 23Reply
gemmas_treasure @paperrose Oh Joo! I'm 100% ok with not having host picks!! I actually will recommend a new closet I came by and even bought an item from, @caloreswifey She could use the exposure, if you have time, great.... If not.... We understand!! I will be at your party to cheer you on!! Xoxo😊😊
Jan 23Reply
paperrose I just looked at that closet and I liked it😍👍 Don't tell her yet! I'm still looking but she's a strong contender. I wanna surprise her if hers is chosen😁 Ahhh what time is there? I gotta get some sleep😴
Jan 23Reply
gemmas_treasure @paperrose I won't breathe a word😉 it's only 937pm here (Hawaii) you are in Cali though? Right!? Anyways, you have a fabulous night!!! Get sleep and we'll talk soon! Thanks for the compliment on my closet!! Means soooo much!!
Jan 23Reply
paperrose 😊😘💕💕💕✨😁💗👍😴
Jan 23Reply
gemmas_treasure @itslwl Thank you!!! You have a great closet😊
Jan 23Reply
gemmas_treasure @redurb Jackie! You beat me to the punch! I was about to say the same to you😊😊 I'm in the "other" paradise, so I'm calling it a night in a few😉 You have a great day!
Jan 23Reply
lmbohanan Sharon!! I just cannot tell you enough, nor Thank You enough for your generosity! You are one outstanding person!! I look forward to getting to know you more!!! With incredible respect.. Thank You!! 💕💞💟
Jan 26Reply
kristikreations @rad2474him You have such a beautiful family!! I am jealous that you live in Hawaii!! I would love to live there. I have always wanted to live somewhere tropical. I live in Alabama. Woo Hoo!! Lol!! You have a GREAT closet!!😘
Jan 27Reply
gemmas_treasure @bamagirl017 Thank you for the sweet words!!! Hawaii is great, and the weather is most of the time! Keep in mind you can drive almost anywhere in the USA, whereas I have to fly Everywhere in the world! LOL, but some days are worth it😊
Jan 27Reply
littlestar1976 Hi @rad2474him I'm in Hawaii (Waikiki) too! Love your closet! :)
Jan 29Reply
gemmas_treasure @littlestar1976 Hi Paula!! Thank you for saying Hi, and thank you for the complement on my closet😊😊 Stop by and say hi anytime, neighbor!
Jan 29Reply
marykat 💕 Hi Sharon, welcome! I'm Mary, nice to meet you! Your little is addorable🌹
Feb 07Reply
keemiiee Thanks for the shares ❤️❤️❤️
Feb 07Reply
gemmas_treasure @keemiiee Thank YOU for the shares and the likes😘 Happy Poshing!
Feb 07Reply
floralpeace Thank you! And same. Your closet is divine!! 😍😍 cheers from florida! 🌴🐚 @rad2474him
Feb 11Reply
gemmas_treasure @floralpeace Thank you!!! So sweet of you to share/show love in my closet! I will try to regularly for yours😊
Feb 11Reply
jordiii Adorable little girl!
Feb 14Reply
arieledear Ugh u are TOO good to me! 💕😘💝
Feb 15Reply
justjessi @rad2474him awwwwww......💜💜💜 💋#xojessi
Feb 18Reply
mollys3 Ur little girl is so adorable!!
Feb 19Reply
gemmas_treasure @mollys3 Thank you!! Thank you for your shares as well💕😊
Feb 19Reply
lorlordeluxe @rad2474him Soooo nice to meet you Sharon! Your daughter is adorable💗 you're so blessed to be able to be a SAHM and spend time with your little one. I think that is absolutely wonderful! I grew up in Hawaii and will be going back to visit this May! Thank you for all your shares and allow me to share back :) I will visit often!
Feb 20Reply
gemmas_treasure @lorlordeluxe Hi Lauren! Thanks for All the shares💕💕 More than generous! I have to tell you, it was hard giving up my job, but I felt led by the mad upstairs that I am supposed to raise my daughter. I can saw now, I feel it was the right decision and I've come to realize how much of myself I gave to work. Where in Hawaii did you live?
Feb 20Reply
lorlordeluxe @rad2474him That's really awesome, it truly seem to have been your calling then. I'm sure she will appreciate you're sacrifice when she is older and love you all the more for it! Your family is just too cute! Are you guys military or just ended up in Hawaii? We were stationed at schofield barracks while my father was still in. Now I'm married to a military man and we are in MS💩💩💩. Poopville.
Feb 20Reply
arigrldesigns @rad2474him Hi, there- nice page😘 sweet family! Great to meet you!! I'm Ari, yes, isn't this sooo addictive, haha- but really fun to socialize a bit while earning some cash and changing out your wardrobe! 😍 Your son is darling! Mine are 15 & 17 already - time flies! Have a terrific day!🌸🌸✨🎉💟
Feb 22Reply
arigrldesigns @rad2474him !!whoops!! just realized you have a sweet daughter 😁 sirry for the error! So precious! 💞💞
Feb 22Reply
lmbohanan 💞💕😘 nah I'm not partial at all'!! Lol.. Miss my chic!!! 💞💕
Feb 24Reply
tutuohtoo Hi Sharon, I'm Vicki and it is so nice to have you here. My husband and I love your beautiful islands and hope to own a home on Kauai someday. We try to get there a couple of times a year. Your pics of your family are beautiful and you are gorgeous! Please let me know if I can help you in any way. Mahalo🏄🏄
Feb 24Reply
gemmas_treasure @lemonwacki Vicki!! Thank you for reaching out!! I love Kauai, and lived there until Hurricane Iniki "blew" my family over to the Big Island. I love both Islands. Where do you currently reside?
Feb 24Reply
tutuohtoo We love the Big Island as well...We currently live in Oklahoma but are going to explore properties in warmer climates. We know we love Hawaii but we are going to Costa Rica in the Fall to see what that is like...not even close to Hawaii I am sure! Nice to meet you😊
Feb 24Reply
moreforyou @rad2474him Ohhhh! She's adorable! My husband and I honeymooned in HI last August. I would LOVE to live there! You have a beautiful family! 🌺🌺🌺🌺
Feb 25Reply
gemmas_treasure @pmgr22 I just realized I never responded to you! Excuse me, I got behind in my PM notifications, and are just no rereading them. Time flies for sure! I swear I just gave birth last week, and now she talks? LOL Nice to meet you!
Feb 25Reply
arigrldesigns @rad2474him Oh no worries at all. Lol-That's cute! I know how time can slip away from you so easily- w/ little ones. 😘😘😘. Have a fun morning☺✨
Feb 25Reply
missyjo111 You have a beautiful family too. I love these pictures. I told my husband we need to attempt getting pics of all of us together. I'm hoping it's starts warming up so we can do a natural shoot like these. It's a major challenge getting everyone to look at the same time or even get everyone to sit still for more than a half a milli second:) lol.
Feb 26Reply
jenny1965 Welcome to Posh. I've been shopping since almost it's inception. It's a better addiction than other alternatives. I worked in retail starting at age 18 to help pay for college, stopped when I became a police officer at 21. I'm 48 now and still love clothes, shoes, jewelry
Mar 01Reply
jenny1965 Hit post before I finished. You have a gorgeous family. Living in Hawaii, what a dream. I've never been. I love the picture if your little blonde angel coming out of the water. She looks like she thinking, I'm not to sure I'm liking this. She's very beautiful Iike her mama. Congratulations on your beautiful family. Your truly blessed. Happy poshing.
Mar 02Reply
bton1268 @rad2474him - Hi Sharon! Great photo of the family, how long have you been in Hawaii?
Mar 03Reply
gemmas_treasure @bton1268 Hi Bess!! I grew up here, and moved back about 7yrs ago. Love it.... I live on the Big Island. Have you been to Hawaii before?
Mar 03Reply
bton1268 @rad2474him Sadly Sharon I have NOT, crazy right! But I do plan to one of these days, will hit you up for good places to check out! =) Nice to meet you on Posh! xoxo
Mar 03Reply
gemmas_treasure @bton1268 Bess, you must come! It's absolutely beautiful. You must let me know when you do💕 Where do you live?
Mar 03Reply
books_and_tea Thats so funny, I live on Oahu. Love your closet keep it up! ❤️
Mar 03Reply
bton1268 I live in Santa Monica, CA close to LAX so close to Hollywood, if your ever in town let me know!
Mar 04Reply
gemmas_treasure @bton1268 Hahaha, OMGosh, by brother lives in Santa Monica and works in Hollywood. We will have a flight layover for a few hours there in May, but not long enough to actually do anything. I'll end up having lunch with my brother. when I go visit him on an actual visit, I will definitely let you know!!🌺 Thanks for being a weetheart💕
Mar 04Reply
bton1268 Small world! I live and work in SM, walk to work traffic can be a downer in LA! Enjoy while your here!
Mar 04Reply
meg23 Nice to meet you! Cute closet! Thanks for sharing my sale listing, shared some if your items in return! Happy poshing! 😉💕
Mar 04Reply
sequingirl @rad2474him Awww..thanks for the shares! Great to hear from you! XOXO
Mar 06Reply
fashionfever88 @rad2474him Ok that's it. Sharon, I've decided I'm picking up and moving to Hawaii. We can be best friends! LOL I just love your pictures! Gorgeous family.
Mar 07Reply
gemmas_treasure @fashionfever88 OMGosh Laura! You are the absolute sweetest!!! Yes, come on over!! I always have room for a bestie like you!😘
Mar 07Reply
fashionfever88 hehe i've never been to the big island! my husband and i have been multiple times to Oahu, but next time we're lucky enough to make it over there, i'd love to visit some other islands!! what a wonderful place to live! do you love it?! :) @rad2474him
Mar 07Reply
moreforyou @rad2474him Hi. I like the new additions! Tell your sister if she wants to visit San Francisco, I need a model too! Ha ha!😉 hope you have a great weekend!
Mar 08Reply
gemmas_treasure @moorepatrice Hi!!! How are you feeling??? I am sooo tired! I need to sleep, but want to post a few more things. I had to hold her down today to model a few things...hehe, but I bet you could tell which items came from her closet hahaha. Part of the deal we made. Her body, my closet😝
Mar 08Reply
moreforyou @rad2474him I'm with you. I need to sleep too! So far this cough medicine doesn't seem to be working! You get some rest. Have fun with your sister 👭 I'm about the same. Thank you for asking. Sweet dreams😴😴
Mar 08Reply
gemmas_treasure @fashionfever88 I live on the Big Island and I love it! You should definitely come visit the a Big Island! Such stunning views, and the most land mass out of all of them😊 but I'm not biased😉
Mar 08Reply
moreforyou @rad2474him Hi. Thanks so much for checking on me 💟 Feeling about the same. I appreciate your 🙏 👭 Please Keep 🙏🙏. How are you? Has the weather improved there?
Mar 09Reply
jyhuntley Thank you for all your shares. You are so very kind. 😘. Beautiful family
Mar 10Reply
gemmas_treasure @jyhuntley Julie! My pleasure! You have some great classic pieces! Thank you for sharing as well💕 Have a great night😊
Mar 10Reply
fashionfever88 @rad2474him omg i would jump on a plane YESTERDAY if i could!!!! haha do you ever get "island fever"?
Mar 10Reply
gemmas_treasure @fashionfever88 Laura, if fashion fever means, do I ever just need to get off the island, I'd say no. BUT if it means going somewhere period, then YES!! I love to travel.
Mar 11Reply
petalsofposh @rad2474him, the items in your closet brightens my day!! So beautiful and colorful <3
Mar 12Reply
gemmas_treasure @petalsofyouth OMGosh!! You just made my day with this comment💕 Thank you!!😊
Mar 12Reply
petalsofposh Awww, I'm glad, You are very welcome!
Mar 12Reply
gemmas_treasure @star5908 Starlet! I saw your profile pic "I love Texas", and was going to message you and you didn't have anything for me to leave a comment on, so here it is on my page. I was born in Houston and my my parents moved me and a few siblings to Hawaii. So, this is where I'm "from" but will always have a soft spot for the big state😉
Mar 13Reply
moreforyou @rad2474him Where are you? I miss you 😞👭 getting my running shoes on to share your closet my friend! 😘 🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾
Mar 13Reply
onecaratdiamond @rad2474him Beautiful family and very lovely photos💕Aloha :)
Mar 13Reply
gemmas_treasure @moorepatrice I missed you!!!💕 I stay home ALOT! Soooooo, I had a chance to escape by grocery shop.... Exciting I know! lol!!
Mar 13Reply
star5908 I LOVE texas! Ever since I have gone I have always said I will live there someday. Long story short, myself and my husband are trying to relocate to TX from NY. I'm a RN and have been applying for jobs like crazy in hopes of Landing a job so we can have an income. Hopefully soon. Thanks for the tag lol
Mar 13Reply
chrissie_marie Your daughter is beautiful!!! And you and your family are just lovely!!! Thank you for sharing! (ps your closet is fabulous!!) 💕
Mar 13Reply
gemmas_treasure @chrissie_marie Thank you soooo much for your sweet words! I think the absolute same about your closet!
Mar 13Reply
gemmas_treasure @star5908 Oh my! From NY!! Do you feel that will be a big transition? How exciting!! I have met quite a few RN's on Poshmark! Thanks for replying to my random message💕
Mar 13Reply
gemmas_treasure @becbari Thanks Becca!! I was just about to post how gorgeous your closet is💕💕
Mar 14Reply
blingbabe10 @rad2474him hi Sharon, I'm shena. Very nice to meet you. You have a darling closet and a beautiful family. Xoxo
Mar 15Reply
gemmas_treasure @blingbabe10 Shena!! So nice to meet you!! Thank you for stopping on to say hello and share💕
Mar 15Reply
hiwaisteds Thank you so much for the shares and likes! Greatly appreciate it :) also, your daughter is absolutely adorable!! Such a cute family ☺️✨💕
Mar 18Reply
julieg1 What a little cutie
Mar 23Reply
anoliver Hi Sharon! Wow, Hawaii- so envious!! My sis lived there for awhile but it got too expensive;) Your little girl is adorable, would live to snuggle that one<3 I have a 3 yr old and miss the cuddle stage!!! Your closet is wonderful and I so appreciate the shares<3 I hope you're having a lovely weekend!
Mar 23Reply
gemmas_treasure @anoliver Angela!! Thank you sooo much for stopping by with your sweet comments💕 I do love the cuddle stage, and I'm sure I'll be semi heartbroken when it ends😪 Hawaii is indeed expensive to live, but I've never lived on the mainland, so I wouldn't know better all that much. I've lived overseas.... And it's expensive in most countries.... lol I'm headed to your closet now. I want to see a picture of this cutie pie you have!
Mar 23Reply
anoliver Oh wow! Where have you all lived? I LOVE to travel<3 If I was really wealthy, that's all I would do!
Mar 23Reply
iheartpurple @rad2474him 💜love this & Your little angle 👼 adorable xo😍😍😍
Mar 24Reply
gemmas_treasure @iheartpurple Cyndi!! You are absolutely the sweetest!!💕💕 Thanks for being a great Posh friend😘
Mar 24Reply
bellasbeauties OMG, what a sweetie pie, look at that face.
Mar 27Reply
fifig23 You have such a beautiful family- your little one is so precious and looks so happy!- and so many gorgeous treasures in your closet!! 😊 I LOVE Hawaii and have been there 6 times! It's paradise! Nice to meet you!
Mar 28Reply
gemmas_treasure @fifig23 Thank you for your sweet words!! You have a great closet!💕
Mar 28Reply
chemierre You have an amazing closet and your daughter is absolutely adorable! Mine is just over two years old now. Nice to see other SAHM's on here! 😊
Mar 30Reply
sachielove769 Love this! Gorgeous family ❤️
Apr 06Reply
gemmas_treasure @sachielove769 Taryn! This is the beach I thought might have been in your picture! Have you ever been to the BI?
Apr 06Reply
sachielove769 Yes! But not for a long time. I will have to go here next time I visit :)
Apr 06Reply
mannequeen Nice to meet you Sharon!💞 Beautiful closet and happy to share it.🎀🎀
Apr 08Reply
moreforyou @rad2474him Hi sweetie. Thinking of you. It's almost here! I know tomorrow will probably be crazy busy for you. So I wanted to tell you now how blessed I am to have met you Sharon! You have a great big caring, kind heart. A killer sense of humor and you are so intelligent! Beautiful inside and out! Enjoy your party to the fullest extent. You are going to be the best host ever! Hugs n kisses!
Apr 11Reply
gemmas_treasure @moorepatrice Thank you Patrice!!💕😘 That means so much, coming from you!
Apr 11Reply
eliteapplause @rad2474him Beautiful family! See you tonight!🎀
Apr 12Reply
roxybeach 💞💞💞💞💞💞😍😍😍😍😍😍 beautiful pictures . You have a little doll . My little boy turns one year old today 😱. Time is flying ☺️
Apr 12Reply
randikandi @rad2474him hi again Sharon. I luv meeting new people. How gorgeous is ur daughter?
Apr 12Reply
bethw34 Beautiful family💖💖
Apr 12Reply
valerieannle 😊You have a lovely family😘
Apr 13Reply
chemierre Ahhhhh! Your daughter is just SO STINKIN CUTE!!! ☺️☺️☺️
Apr 17Reply
mixnmatch @rad2474him hi..welcome to posh.. Im from the BIG ISLAND too.. :)
Apr 17Reply
gemmas_treasure @mixnmatch that's awesome! Are you still here? On island I mean?
Apr 18Reply
petalsofposh @rad2474him Sharon, Happy Easter to you and yours. Stay beautifully blessed :D ~Mei
Apr 20Reply
mands13 Happy Easter to you and your family Sharon 💕🐰
Apr 21Reply
gemmas_treasure @mands13 Thank you soooo much Amanda!
Apr 21Reply
gemmas_treasure @mands13 I got cut off.... I truly wish for the very same to you and your family💕🌺
Apr 21Reply
gemmas_treasure @petalsofyouth Mei!!! Thank you soooo much!! So sweet! I wish the best blessing to you and yours.💕
Apr 21Reply
kate777 😊such a sweet fam!🌺
Apr 23Reply
petalsofposh @rad2474him Good morning Sharon. I just want to stop by to say hello and thank you for your support. The pumps sold <3 Thank YOU!!! :D Have a beautiful Friday and enjoy your weekend ~Mei
Apr 25Reply
lmbohanan @rad2474him MISS YOU! 💕💕😘
May 15Reply
13thfashions I want to hold her and hear her giggle, she's adorable. I love the fam. On bch pic :)
Jun 15Reply
abstractdreams Great pics! Beautiful family!!💋
Jun 16Reply
gemmas_treasure @lilliesnorchids Thank you Lan!!!💕😘
Jun 17Reply
gemmas_treasure @linmp1031 Thank you Linda!!! Xoxo💕
Jun 17Reply
gemmas_treasure @sweetbee17 Sherri!! I just now saw your sweet message! Thank you! Are you going to Posh Fest? I just bought my ticket yesterday😁
Jun 19Reply
meh17 @rad2474him Thanks for sharing my things! 🙋
Jun 23Reply
gemmas_treasure @ridinghood13 Thank you!!💕 I, like you, live for my munchkin. I can't really remember happiness before her.
Jun 26Reply
ashinu27 Love her outfit! Nice looking family!
Jun 26Reply
justperfect4me Hi Sharon. I love your closet. Started to share and couldn't stop looking. OMG. What a beautiful baby. 🌺🌺
Jun 27Reply
gemmas_treasure @jamonczyn Janet!!! Thank you so much!! I feel the same way about your closet as well💕 I will try to share yours often!
Jun 27Reply
justperfect4me And I will visit and share as well 💕
Jun 27Reply
weimaranermom Aloha Sharon! I'm Bev and am planning to move to Honolulu in the next year or 2. I spend every Christmas there and am in love. I also love your closet! Nice to meet you.
Jun 28Reply
gemmas_treasure @weimaranermom Aloha Bev!! Thanks for the sweet words in regards to my closet. I'm so excited for your move to true Paradise!!💕 Keep in touch!!
Jun 28Reply
turquoiseoma @rad2474him hello Ty so much for all the shares I greatly appreciate it:-) I shared back:))))
Jul 13Reply
gemmas_treasure @travelingirl Heather, you are so sweet!! Thanks for the sweet words!! I do take serious thought and care on what I post and do here on PoshMark. I truly encourage you to come to PoshFest. I'm soooo excited! This truly is a little community and I'd love to put a face to the name as they say lol. Where in Texas are you? My parents are from Houston originally. About the Facebook page, the search ended up being too complicated for a lot of people, so I actually included a link on the top of my closet, where it says website. Click on that, and it should take you straight there! Look us up! Let's definitely chat more!
Jul 15Reply
luvsmink @rad2474him ....Please let me know if I am over tagging you; I don't want to be a nuisance at all. Thank you, Suanne🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
Jul 31Reply
moreforyou @rad2474him Tag me when you list anything you think I will like k? 😘❤️
Aug 01Reply
gemmas_treasure @moorepatrice Will do! I already have a few things in mind😉
Aug 01Reply
chic_happens Great new stuff!!!!! Love love love your listings😘💕
Aug 19Reply
gemmas_treasure @gin_uwine Hey girl!! I thought the exact same for your closet😘
Aug 20Reply
chic_happens Thank you☺️💕
Aug 20Reply
gemmas_treasure @jblacombe Janis!!! You do not ever need to feel like we need to match shares!! That is never the case!! I will always share your closet. I saw that you are helping your son and I think that's great!! If I can help anyway on here, just say the word. Oh!! On the lady that has you blocked, don't worry about her!! I have a few that have blocked me for no apparent reason! Who knows what people's reasoning are on here sometimes😉
Aug 20Reply
theachloe Beautiful family Sharon! Your daughter is simply adorable!
Aug 27Reply
gemfox Hi Sharon! My name Gemma, but I usually go by Gem! Every time I see a notification from your closet I do a double take hehe! Thank you for stopping by and I'll see you around Poshland! Aloha •_•
Sep 02Reply
gemmas_treasure @gemfox what's so ironic is, I almost asked you if your name was Gemma! My daughter's name is Gemma and I absolutely love the name!! Thanks for stopping by to say hi:-)
Sep 02Reply
bellanblue sweetie! i'm saving to visit Hawaii next year. I want to visit Waikiki. What is the best months to go?
Sep 09Reply
gemmas_treasure @bellanblue Ill Facebook you some info!! How fun!! I love Waikiki :)
Sep 10Reply
turnstyle @gemmas_treasure Awwww I love her. The pics on the beach are so peaceful. She looks like a serious little girl. Like she's an observer and likes to figure things out. Maybe she'll be a scientist. Is that right about her or am I off? Sorry, I'm having baby withdrawal. I have to get my 1 year old nephew over her for a visit 🐢🐞
Sep 17Reply
emilyrubin Gorgeous pics!!! Such a lovely family!! ❤️ And you have a great closet by the way!!! 👍😊
Sep 21Reply
leather_sequins Ps - I have the same last name :) (I assumed Gemma)
Sep 24Reply
gemmas_treasure @leather_sequins Really??!!!! That's awesome! Gemma is actually my daughter's first name. I LOVE that name and have never heard it as a last. Is it of Italian decent?
Sep 24Reply
tinamarie_33 @gemmas_treasure Hey Sharon! Just stopping in to say hello. Hope you had a great weekend. But, barring any hurricane's, any weekend in Hawaii would have to be great! LOL
Sep 28Reply
gemmas_treasure @tinamarie_33 Tina!! How sweet of you!! Thank you so much! I can't complain too much on where I live, this is true!! Have an absolutely fabulous day, and let's chat again soon!
Sep 29Reply
annabella54 Your daughter is beautiful. What a beautiful family. I've never been to Hawaii but want to know it. I feel like it's another world. Have you always lived there? Looking forward to going and I always like to the people who know place before I go.
Sep 30Reply
craftcraze Hi, nice to meet you! What a beautiful family, I love those photos! Also the pictures in your closet are absolutely clear & fantastic! Really nice to browsing thru....I worked in retail for so many years as well! But Family comes first, so I had fo put a hold on it!
Oct 09Reply
gemmas_treasure @craftcraze Katalin, thank you for all the sweet compliments!!!! So nice to meet you!! Yes, family should come first, so good for you!! Let me know if I can ever be of assistance. I don't know how long you've been on PoshMark, but it's a constant evolving project for me! I LOVE it!!
Oct 09Reply
pentstudio @gemmas_treasure I wanted to move to Hawaii so badly, but then watched a few episodes of buying the beach and that changed my mind. All the centipedes, roaches and spiders. What a deterrent!
Oct 09Reply
craftcraze Yes, it is a constant occupation , learning experience & fun time! 😍 I signed up a year ago ( almost to the day! ). I've learned a lot, but I think there is a lot more to "digest"! It is nice to read people comments and opinions! 💞 I wish I had more time,....yes we could team up for sure!😉 I also wish if there would be poshers around here where I live! (NY). How long ago you started(excuse me if I did not read it above!) ?
Oct 10Reply
gemmas_treasure @alise28 Alise, thank you!! If I can assist in any way, create a bundle at a discount, let me know!!
Oct 11Reply
51twenty Hi Sahm! I'm Carolyn! You have a beautiful family & closet. Aloha, from MI!✋
Oct 25Reply
gemmas_treasure @kookc Hi Carolyn! So nice to meet you! Do you stay at home as well?
Oct 25Reply
51twenty Yes I do! What a wonderful privilege. I would l🍊VE to come back and visit Hawaii. It's been awhile..
Oct 25Reply
meridith46 @gemmas_treasure I love these photos! Such a beautiful family! 💕
Oct 27Reply
gemmas_treasure @meridith46 Thanks Meridith!!!! Hope all is well!!
Oct 29Reply
billiejeam Oh my that was my dream when I was younger was to live there. But age he sloped away from me. I did visit in the 90,s oh and I fell in love god bless u
Nov 24Reply
gemmas_treasure @billiejeam Awe! Thank you for stopping by!! I think you are overdue for a visit to Paradise!! It's just as beautiful as you remember ;)
Nov 25Reply
gemmas_treasure @theobe101 Thank you so much for the closet love and shares!!! Feel free to reach out if I can be of any assistance :) Happy Poshing!!
Nov 25Reply
billiejeam Is it expensive to live there? Getting up there in age but it truely the most beautiful place I have ever been . Thank u and god bless u and your family
Nov 25Reply
txmamabear So nice to meet you!! You and your family are beautiful 💖 thank you for your kind words and all the shares!! Beautiful closet 💐 😄
Nov 26Reply
gemmas_treasure @cocobellacruz Hi!! I'm sooooooo excited for you to get your goodies today!!
Nov 29Reply
courtneyhaller Your closet is amazing! And your family is beautiful 😊 If you ever need anything I'm a tag away away, I didn't share ur coming soon items b/c I actually got scorned before on a different poshers page b/c they were not available lol yet they had it up?! Oh well lol so I ask ahead for the ones saying coming soon 😂but I'm happy to share them I'm a tag away if ever needed! Happy holidays and happy Poshing- Courtney 😊
Dec 07Reply
gemmas_treasure @courtneyhaller Thank you Courtney! I appreciate the shares and the sweet words. I don't mind people sharing my "coming soon". I say, if you put the listing up, you asking people to like and/or share it😉
Dec 08Reply

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