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I love how sellers use the words "Inspired" instead if counterfeit, which is EXACTLY what they are! It is an illegal trade, and PM states in their rules that it is not allowed, and yet every day PM is being destroyed by a plethora of counterfeiter merchandise that makes me afraid to purchase brand-name goods because I have lost my trust. We, as honest sellers need to police this. Report every "inspired" counterfeit item. Keep PM clean! You can also report right to sites like Tory & Coach.

83 others
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This is my biggest complaint, I report every single one I see, you forgot the other word REPLICA lolol or when they say I'm not sure if it's real . Come on who are they kidding ? Not me . Or it was a gift?.. Just today I received a LV accessories . Guess what replica lolol.. The only good thing I told the seller and she isn't gonna fight me on it she will refund without posh digging around to figure out what happened. I'm glad to see this up I'll share as many days as I think about.... My name is Bella . Oh yesterday I commented on a closet about A FAKE, then some random girl must've been her friend says . Why don't you mind your own business... Lolol I love it when they get all pissy . One girl said to me one time I sell them because not all people can afford the real thing . HA!! Sorry for going on and on ,it just really gets to me.,
Nov 28Reply

Ugh on of my biggest pet peeves! I report all "inspired"
Jan 10Reply

@sarah_toth Me too! And I really hate it when I review a completed posh party for something like Louis Vuitton and there are more "inspired" aka COUNTERFEIT items than there are the real thing. That's not what PM is supposed to be for. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother looking. It's discouraging. 👎
Jan 10Reply

Hi Jennifer I see we both fell for a misrepresentation on a so called cream winter coat. Which is nothing of the sort, it's more of a light cover up made at a sweat shop in China. I was as displeased as you. Jan
Nov 20Reply

@chefjan Thank you for your insight! I am glad I am not alone. If I lived in a warm climate, this may get me through a "winter." I just came back from San Diego and winter is in the 60's at night. I could wear that there, as it is lightweight, not midweight. I am debating wearing it as a Cardi that looks like a spring coat, or just putting it on eBay. I have had so much more luck selling on there anyway. If you look at my closet, most say "sold on eBay." I don't have much use for it. I thought it was a winter coat. I sent photos to Poshmark to dispute it, even showing the light shining through it because it is so sheer. Poshmark gave me a $25 "sorry you aren't happy fee," and I wrote them back and said I am done. I proved with photos that it isn't a winter coat to "keep you warm all winter," but they saw otherwise. I am now looking at other apps and I wrote Poshmark and said I am done. I will be closing my closet down here. It isn't worth not having a buyer guarantee. ❤️
Nov 21Reply

@chefjan and yes, mine came in a bag covered with Asian writing. There is no tag that says what it is made of, and the "brand tag" is printed backwards and is unreadable.
Nov 21Reply

Same here, I may write posh as well. Thanks for your feed back.
Nov 21Reply

@chefjan You should. At least you may be able to recoup the $25 of it. I paid $55 for the coat which makes me cringe as it is obviously not worth that because it is so cheaply made. I don't know if you wrote the seller, but I did. She was cold and didn't even try to make things right. It was like "sorry you are unhappy but you got what you ordered," kind of response. Most sellers would try to make it right. She tried to sell me another coat!
Nov 21Reply

Jan 14Reply

I just reported a fake yesterday…it was a MOSCHINO logo belt. Real ones have the M & O fixed in place so, even though the middle letters aren't, they can't move around. This one had letters sliding ALL over the place...they weren't even consistent in the pics. It was a hot mess! I own two real ones so fakes stand out like a sore thumb to me. I just wonder happens when something is reported as counterfeit, especially if the seller plays dumb & denies it's a fake (even when it CLEARLY IS).
Jan 19Reply

@chrissyanthemum I bought something that I was told was a winter coat. When it arrived, it was a thin piece of cloth that was so sheer you could see your hand through when you held it up to the light. When it arrived, I contacted PM to tell them it was misrepresented and I sent pics of my hand showing through the flimsy material, and of our convo with her stating that it was a winter coat They said sorry, you're stuck with it. So, if that's any indication, you are out of luck.
Jan 19Reply

@guinnevere22 I work for Louis Vuitton I'm outraged that poshmark allows people to sell fake Louis Vuitton alone yesterday I contacted tons of people selling replica Louis Vuitton they block me than I report it and poshmark doesn't do a thing I'm sickened by this as a Louis Vuitton employer I go to diff sites weeding out the fakes
Aug 06Reply

@leslienyc35 That really disturbs me that PM doesn't do anything about it. I wonder how well they really follow their own code of ethics. I had someone sell me an item that wasn't as described and I had to send PM photos proving it, which I did, and they didn't do anything about it. At that point I decided I would do more selling than purchasing on PM because their "Money Back Guarantee" wasn't a guarantee at all. I'm glad you are being vigilant on here. Keep up the good work!
Aug 07Reply

@guinnevere22 ty it's very frustrating that poshmark is breaking the law this is a federal and state law prohibiting sellers to sell replicas that means poshmark promotes counterfeiting by taking money from the counterfeiting
Aug 07Reply

@guinnevere22 I work for Louie Vuitton and for anyone to counterfeit Louis Vuitton makes me sick I send poshmark pics and the conversations of me telling these sellers it's illegal to sell fakes I send to poshmark and they do nothing but further action will be taken if they continue to have these sellers sell fakes
Aug 07Reply

@leslienyc35 I'm so glad you are doing something! One good thing is that I don't think those sellers can remove your comments, so hopefully people see your comments and know that what they are considering buying is a fake. It's all around theft what they are doing!!!
Aug 07Reply

@guinnevere22 ty know they can't delete comments but I can contact attorney general if they don't stop stealing Louis Vuitton trademark it's against federal and state law. Most of the Louie Vuitton are replicas with buyers claiming there authentic they are cheap knockoffs and I've contacted Louie Vuitton about this
Aug 07Reply

@guinnevere22 poshmark doesn't realize there breaking the law also as a Louie Vuitton employee I weed out the fakes this makes my skin crawl
Aug 07Reply

@guinnevere22 Louie Vuitton is getting involved I have them buyers names with pics of the replicas they will take the appropriate action ty again foru helping to stop this
Aug 07Reply

@leslienyc35 That's good! And PM has to know it's against the law. Most people know, and PM has to have a law firm to set up a business model.
Aug 07Reply

They are probably overwhelmed with reports and don't have the manpower to investigate every case, which is bad on their behalf because it's going to eventually catch up with them and lead to them getting shut down. You'll find fakes all over eBay too. eBay says they try to control it and they have a team that works to keep them off there, but there's more fakes than people to monitor and remove them, sadly.
Aug 07Reply

@guinnevere22 True but I don't think that posh has experienced people that know what they're doing every time I see a fake bag I take a picture of it along with the screen name and the person's closet and I send it to them plus I've been sending it to Louis Vuitton
Aug 07Reply

@guinnevere22 I don't think Poshmark cares because they're making a profit from the counterfeit bags
Aug 07Reply

@guinnevere22 I just went through about 10 people's closet with the fake Louise understand when I tell people only look at my profile that I work for Louis Vuitton how they have the balls to continue to list these bags as authentic or replicas
Aug 07Reply

@guinnevere22 i'm not sure what posh Mark has if they had a cough for him then why would they allow all of these replicas on the site
Aug 07Reply

I cannot find a link to report a suspected fake... where can I find it?
Dec 14Reply

Not from your closet, sorry.. please forgive me.. I was directed to this post via a google search on reporting a fake... again I apologize... I am not speaking of anything to do with your posts ... SORRY
Dec 14Reply

@justicecalla on the top right of the listing there’s a little box with an arrow pointing upward. If you click it a menu will appear that has about 4 options and one is “report an item.” I now get items sent to me from Poshmark to review as fake.
Dec 14Reply

Feb 17Reply

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) investigates criminal counterfeiting, piracy, and other federal crimes. You can report suspicions concerning the manufacture or sale of counterfeit or pirated goods to the FBI by contacting your local FBI Office and asking to speak with the Duty Complaint Agent.
Feb 20Reply

I just brought another fake Coach cloth and it was seen worn many times ( instead of 5-6times described ). It is too awful too wear. I will not shopping here anymore. The cloth was fake and even old. It costs me $120.
Apr 03Reply

@lisa6666j I would contact Poshmark. You can file a complaint and they will ask you to send photos. They have been pretty good at reviewing things. I had only one incident where I bought a coat that was described as being a winter coat and it was sheer. I filed a complaint and sent photos and they did nothing and it was expensive for a piece of sheer cloth. I was NOT happy. It’s always worth a try!
Apr 03Reply

@guinnevere22 Thank you so much for replying! I have filed a complaint with PM. I will be careful next time when I am shipping here.
Apr 03Reply

@feya_anka what they do have is up in the top right there is a drop down menu on the item and you can report the item as a replica. I get invites all the time from PM to review items, although this kinds of disturbs me if they are relying solely on the opinion of PM sellers and not on a staff of trained individuals.
Apr 06Reply

I purchased a Longchamp tote that is supposed to be NWT and I’m 98% sure it’s a fake. Poshmark offered a free authentication service but it’s via email only... does anyone have any experience with this? I haven’t heard good things about authentication through PM. Am I just out $100??
Apr 09Reply

@jgomez29 they had me send pictures of the cheap coat I bought and then sided with the seller. “Winter coat will keep you warm,” and it was a thin, see through piece of polyester material. I sent pictures of my hand that you could see through the material when held up to light. I think they should have a service where you MAIL them the item and they inspect it first hand. Make sure you take good photos.
Apr 09Reply

@jgomez29 I have a Longchamp bag that I bought from Nordstrom. Sometimes I can tell by the horse print in the leather and on the pull tag. The leather handles and stitching sometimes give it away too. I’m looking inside mine to see if they put anything in there to mark them. Ok. There is a tag sewn into the seam left of the inside pocket. It is a clear plastic and says (in several lines) CLA LIG/M/02
LONGCHAMP PARIS. MADE IN CHINA. 1061090. 1899089645. Then it has the washing label marks.
Apr 09Reply

@guinnevere22 Thank you soo much for the LC info! It should be delivered today and I’m hoping for the best. The reviews I’ve heard about PM authentication is mostly that they side with the seller like they did with you. Mailing in the product would make so much more sense than just photos!
Apr 09Reply

@jgomez29 You are welcome! PM is a hotbed of fakes. If I buy anything secondhand designer, I go to The Real Real, which has a staff of inspectors that inspect before they even put the consignment items on their site. They sometimes feature celebrities closet items. Otherwise Bag, Borrow or Steal who end up selling the items they once rented, which are authentic.
Apr 09Reply

@jgomez29 I don’t mess around on here. Nothing I get is ever as pictured. I bought a simple Vineyard Vines shirt that the girl said she wore only a couple of times. I asked if it was faded. She said “No.” It arrived faded with a string undone and the whale emblem all cracked from the dryer. I didn’t even bother reporting. Just left my poor review. 😕
Apr 09Reply

Hi! I recently bought a mulberry bag here and seller posted it as authentic. I opened a case here hoping that I would get my money back. What’s the probability that PM will side on buyers?
Apr 11Reply

@frankenteen888 I really don’t know. I’ve had them side with me on a case and I’ve also had them side against me on a case that was extremely obvious. On the one that they sided with me, they refunded my money.
Apr 11Reply

@guinnevere22 thank you! Seller couldn’t provide any proof of authenticity. She insists that it is, i was basing my case through the authenticity sites I found online. She said she doesn’t have the cards nor receipt
Apr 11Reply

@sarah_toth Hi, do you know I report a post that I think it a replication?
Apr 12Reply

@elenanj in the upper right hand corner of the post is a box that looks like several sideways slash marks. Click on it and there’s a drop down menu. In that menu should be the option to “report” item. When you click it, it will ask why you are reporting it: it isn’t allowed on PM, it’s a replica, it’s mistagged, etc...
Apr 12Reply

I just repostured Riley M yesterday morning she still there selling her neverfulll lv for 300 harassing f me Poshmark does not care much
Apr 13Reply

@guinnevere22 I just bought a Tory Burch bag for my moms birthday and it looked real seller wrote it as a "Tory burch" not replica but it was a fake, i didnt accept the delivery, right away I filed a claim to poshmark, showed them what I found on neiman Marcus as to what an original should look like. Any experience do you think I would get my money back?
Apr 25Reply

@keeshia328 I have no idea. It is truly up to their discretion. I have had cases go both for and against me. The one that went against me I thought was very clear cut. The item was not as described, and yet I ended up losing.
Apr 25Reply

@guinnevere22 yea I'll probably anything in this site anymore, especially luxury items because there's too many scams and they clearly don't care
Apr 26Reply

@keeshia328 I hope that since you didn’t accept it and have photos as to why, that they’ll vote in your favor!
Apr 26Reply

Contact your local fbi counterfeit. I too was told by posh the item I was told was real and NWT is a fake yet they released the funds and said they take the sellers side. I will follow through when there policy says they protect buyers from fake, replica or counterfeit yet they don’t they take the money and approve the sales of fake item
Apr 29Reply

@bellasbeauties now I purchased an item from a consignment shop so I wasn’t sure of its authenticity. So when I listed it I said “I can’t vouch for its authenticity”.
May 15Reply

@guinnevere22 they don’t care , as long as they get their cut. Now with all the men , kids and other things. I dislike the site anymore. I stopped selling .
May 17Reply

@jpham_ When you file a complaint with them over the item you received, the seller is automatically involved. You have to file the complaint at the point where you accept or decline the item. If you decline it, the app asks why and the case is started. On a side note, PM is very slow at responding to emails I have found.
May 25Reply

@jpham_ I don’t recall exactly how long it took when I emailed them about some issue I was having, but it seemed like it was over 4 days 😔
May 25Reply

@mainecoonmom1 I never thought of that, but that’s quite possible. I have always wondered about the process where PM asks you to identify if things are a fake, or mistagged. I hope they aren’t just relying on seller’s opinions. The fact that every couple of days I get asked to review 10-15 items makes me wonder if they don’t have the manpower or they don’t want to pay for the manpower.
May 29Reply

@mainecoonmom1 I’m with you on not buying high priced items. All you see and hear about are scams. It’s too bad. And when people get booted for illegal activity, they come back with a new account name.
May 29Reply

I'm new to poshmark and an nervous to buy anything now. I felt that poshmark was more accurate in their authenticity than amazon and most definitely ebay.I'm so tired of dishonesty.
Jun 04Reply

@babyba_91 No. I would never buy anything expensive on here. You just can’t trust that it’s real. I believe that they may have to inspect items over a certain dollar amount, but I don’t care to risk it. It’s amazing how many people have no morals and would choose to take advantage of people. 🙁
Jun 05Reply

Ladies: Please beware and be very careful of people posting designer things under $500. Not saying they’re all fake but keep in mind Poshmark will authenticate items over $500. If you notice, many will post at $495 to avoid that feature. People who post any kinds of fake designer items make me want to vomit. They are parasitic leeches and must be stopped! Sorry not sorry on getting graphic but they really pluck my nerves. 🤮
Aug 30Reply

Hi, can anyone help me?! I purchased an LV bag, listed as authentic, I accepted the package. I ended up ordering a different bag I liked more, I went to resell the LV bag and the buyer told me it's a fake...what do I do now? It is on it's way back to me, I accepted the packaged, am I out $300? Will posh help? Or do I need to contact my CC company?
Sep 30Reply

@coleandlukesmom I don’t know what to tell you. PM is supposed to inspect all bags over a certain dollar amount, but they are shady as hell with how they handle complaints. I had an item that I reported and they wouldn’t accept the return. I resisted it and the person who bought it didn’t like it and reported it and they accepted her report. I have quit buying and selling on here. I only use eBay now. I have reported them to the BBB.
Sep 30Reply

@guinnevere22 unbelievable. I think I'm about ready to be done with posh. I just can't afford these kind of "mistakes" on their part. ugh....
Sep 30Reply

@coleandlukesmom No. it’s ridiculous. And there is no continuity o how they handle complaints. It appears as though it is at the mercy and whim of who ever happens to be assigned to your case. There is no solid reasoning or structure to their decision making process and no one you can talk to. That’s why I chose to go higher.
Sep 30Reply

@leslienyc35 I think the one posted by “rlcanas74” may be a replica.
Oct 11Reply

@leslienyc35 can you check this bag out for me
Oct 11Reply

@heiressone Hi let me look
Oct 11Reply

@heiressone Can you give me the name of the person’s profile
Oct 11Reply

@imnae1913 I tried to put that person’s profile and it says no listing
Oct 11Reply

@imnae1913 I put that name in that you gave me but it’s coming up no listing is there another name under this person
Oct 11Reply

@leslienyc35 Thanks for checking! It’s still up
Oct 11Reply

@leslienyc35 I Will try to copy the link.
Oct 11Reply

@leslienyc35 Here it goes!
Oct 11Reply

@imnae1913 Give me the girls screen name
Oct 11Reply

@imnae1913 For some reason when I put that number and it’s not going through so try to be there copy the link or send me her screen name
Oct 11Reply

@leslienyc35 okay! Screen name: rlcanas74
Oct 11Reply

Oct 11Reply

@imnae1913 Send a copy of the picture of her profile to my email
Oct 11Reply

@leslienyc35 okay! Thanks!!
Oct 11Reply

Oct 11Reply

Oct 11Reply

I tried lookin it up with screen name, but nothing comes up, but the bag is their under LV purses
Oct 11Reply

Oct 11Reply

@imnae1913 I just wrote her you can go onto her side and look what I said
Oct 11Reply

@leslienyc35 okay!
Oct 11Reply

@leslienyc35 Thank you Leslie!!
Oct 11Reply

@imnae1913 as soon as I told her it’s against the law to sell replicas and that her date code didn’t exist she put not for sale sign up on whole closet I reported her
Oct 12Reply

@leslienyc35 Wow!!
Oct 12Reply

I do not see this option and have come across a seller with 2 fake Coach bags listed as Coach's. Please help
Oct 20Reply

@thebaglady2015 in the upper right hand corner of each listing is a small square made out of several hashes. Click that and click Report User. It will asked you why, such as “Unsupported Item” or “Replica Item.” Click that. You can also do this right on the person’s page and report the user in the same way.
Oct 20Reply

Nope, nothing there.
Oct 20Reply

@thebaglady2015 Ok, I just had to look at a random listing to see. I picked out a listing and clicked on it. When you click on the actual listing to view it, in the upper right corner there are three dots. Click on those and a boa appears to report it.
Oct 20Reply

Oct 20Reply

No dots in the upper right corner to report. She has 2 of them listed in Bags, Coach. Pure fakes.
Oct 20Reply

@thebaglady2015 I can’t click on the link. What’s her screen name?
Oct 21Reply

@thebaglady2015 make sure you aren’t looking at the item in your feed and that you are actually clicking on the item. If you are looking at it in your feed there aren’t any dots. If you click on the item to view it then there are.
Oct 21Reply

jennsiew. Aain, there are no dots. Just copy and paste thsi link.
Oct 21Reply

Oct 21Reply

@thebaglady2015 my phone will now let me copy the link, but I searched her name and went to her page. I looked at all her listings and see two Coach bags and a Gucci. Neither listed by their brand name. One coach and the Gucci have sold and so there is only one coach left for sale. It is the Op Art print C bag. When I click on it from my phone to look at it, the dots are there in the corner to report it. Are you using a phone or computer?
Oct 21Reply

Using a computer. And yes, if you search under brand names, her purse is listed under Coach and it is clearly a counterfeit. I do not get any 3 dots. I am in IT and I have searched the entire screen while on that listing. Nothing, nowhere to report it. She sold a fake bag, listed under Coach.
Oct 21Reply

Or are you inferring that it is ok to sell a counterfeit bag under the Category Coach, as long as you don't use Coach in the title? just curious. that should NOT be allowed to be sold, no matter WHAT name, category or brand it is listed under.
Oct 21Reply

And she has blocked me because I posted that it is not a Coach bag.
Oct 21Reply

I put a screenshot of exactly what I see in my closet. There are no 3 dots anywhere.
Oct 21Reply

@thebaglady2015 no, it’s not ok to sell fakes. This post that we are writing on is my original post. Maybe the computer doesn’t have the option to report fakes and only the app does.
Oct 21Reply

That could be, I will check that.
Oct 21Reply

Okay, just looked on the app and you are correct, there is the menu. she has now changed the listing to have Coach in the title... Some poor unsuspecting buyer will get ripped off.
Oct 21Reply

You nit wits need to do something about all the fake bape and supreme
Dec 22Reply

@thebaglady2015 same happened to me im not buying anything from Poshmark just here to troll fakes. Poshmark never does anything about it and they never will. This company is helping perpetuate scams!!! Bleeep Poshmark
Dec 22Reply

Does anyone know what the best thing to do is if i just bought a bag and am now realizing it may be fake, but it hasn’t shipped from seller? 😩😩😩
Dec 31Reply

I looked through a sampling of COACH bags today and at least half were blatantly counterfeit. Of course, none were over $500.
Idea: could PM distribute checklists to sellers of the 5-10 traits that a legit item will have (based on the designer) and require them to certify to the checklist? This could be a good education tool for the sellers who don’t know what they have.
Jan 07Reply

On a related issue, I am really bothered by the flagrant selling of branded items that counterfeiters use to make their goods seem authentic, e.g. authenticity cards sold on their own. Today I even found a seller selling admittedly fake Tiffany authenticity cards “for fun” at $7 a pop. Poshmark could quickly catch and delete these listings, as they don’t require further evaluation.
Jan 07Reply

@guinnevere22 I know of one instance where the seller found a way to delete individual comments. The seller was marketing “pearl earrings” with gold posts, then sending cheap faux pearls with wire that weren’t even close to the pics in the listing. My cousin posted to warn other potential buyers, then zap! Somehow the comments were gone. I don’t know how the seller did it.
Jan 07Reply

@guinnevere22 Of course, that was also a case where PM ignored the photos submitted in the claim and denied a refund, saying “Ask the seller more questions next time.” Questions like, “Are you lying in your listing?”, I suppose.
Jan 07Reply

@brooklynpaigew were you able to cancel? If not, when you get the bag (assuming you still believe it is fake), make sure you file a case within 3 days of receipt. Do not accept the bag. Report that there is a problem with the bag’s authenticity,
Jan 07Reply

@snowqueensgems yes! I didn’t realize I could cancel but I figured it out. And all of her listings have since been deleted 🧐
Jan 07Reply

@brooklynpaigew well, that certainly confirms everything you were thinking! I’m so glad you didn’t get stuck with a fake! Sometimes there are happy endings. 😀👍
Jan 07Reply

@snowqueensgems I have quit buying on here and since I have moved to the Keys and all of my winter belongings are in storage back in Michigan, I have quit selling too. I have had two too many bad instances where PM has made me purchase a faulty item but then made me take back a perfectly good item of my own.
Jan 07Reply

@snowqueensgems As far as fakes go, I laugh every time I see their Ad on TV where the girl claims to have bought a pair of Louboutin heels “for a steal” on PM (it’s some insanely low price) and all I can think of is “the only reason their that cheap is because they’re fake!”
Jan 07Reply

They’re that cheap...
Jan 07Reply

@guinnevere22 to the Keys! That is fantastic. That must be like living in Paradise.
Jan 09Reply

@guinnevere22 yes, that ad is a little too close to home. I am done buying. I was going to sell a wide variety of clothing and jewelry on PM, but after my experiences and hearing about yours and others, I am going to limit the sales to shoes and some jewelry. I’ll take the other business elsewhere, maybe back to eBay.
Jan 09Reply

@guinnevere22 thanks for taking the time to warn others. The BBB complaints alone are quite an eye opener. if you or anyone else has a *good* experience with another online consignment site, I’d love to hear about it.😀 take care!
Jan 09Reply

@snowqueensgems I tried Tradsey but didn’t like it. I have had the best luck on eBay. This is just a clearinghouse for fake junk. It makes it impossible for the honest seller.
Jan 10Reply

@guinnevere22 thanks for info on Tradesy and eBay. I had a heckuva time even as a honest buyer here. Some of the sellers will lie their heads off to close a sale - in my final purchase, I bought a dress labeled 6 (misses) and the seller hid that it was actually a 5/6 (juniors). Now she’s arguing I can’t get a refund “just because it doesn’t fit.” Aaargh! 🤬 So done.
Jan 10Reply

@snowqueensgems Sounds typical. And it’s typical of PM to say that the evidence shows it’s a 6 so tough luck to you. It seems that how they operate. I bought a coat on here, asked if it was a winter coat for the MI winters, told it was, told it was warm, got it and it was see through! Sent pics to PM showing my hand through it and they made me keep it!
Jan 10Reply

@leslienyc35 I love how much you are complaining about replicas meanwhile you have a hideous fake Chanel dog outfit in your closet.
Jan 13Reply

@cveraymond u want to talk about hideous looking stuff have you looked at what your selling and that outfit sold so ur point is lol go away
Jan 13Reply

@cveraymond and Judy so u know u can’t sell inspired Chanel boots ur reported
Jan 13Reply

@leslienyc35 @guinnevere22 Happy to find this thread. I recently purchase a LV Pochette accessories in the damier ebene. It’s a discontinued bag so I paid more than it was even worth. I received the bag and as soon as I looked at the leather I was suspicious i took it into the sunlight and compared it to my two other same print bought in store and I could instantly see the difference. PM of course said it is authentic.
Feb 25Reply

@leslienyc35. I do not trust them and I am in the process of trying to make a return. They also accepted my purchase two hours under the 72 hour policy so that is something else that I am trying to bring to their attention..
Feb 25Reply

@leslienyc35 It is really sad how you cannot trust people and I am new to PM so I didn’t realize you could look through people’s closets until after I made my purchase and when I saw that this particular person who I purchased from has sold over 70 of the same LV bag I was quite disturbed. I told PM however they are yet to even acknowledge my email.
Feb 25Reply

@cand81 hey, any luck with PM? You might want to file with BBB. There’s a link in the thread above.
Mar 04Reply

@guinnevere22 do you review CHANEL bags? There is a seller on here named efashioncorner that ONLY sells fake CHANEL and seems to be quite popular. They claim that the bags are all “VIP” gifts and I’m wondering how they haven’t gotten in any trouble
Mar 11Reply

There is a serious Goyard replica issue on PM ... and it's super annoying.
Mar 21Reply

@aimlessmee I don’t, but there’s a serious replica issue all over PM and that’s why I will never purchase any luxury item. I laugh every time I see that commercial about the Louboutin heels at $200 on TV. I’m like cuz they’re FAKE!
Mar 21Reply

@danitari This sure is full of replica issues and that’s why their TV commercial cracks me up. “I got these Louboutin heels for only $200 on Poshmark!” I’m like, “Yeah, because that shit is fake!!!
Mar 21Reply

I moved down to the Keys and left most of my wardrobe up in Michigan. Most of my closet on here is up there. I have nothing but my purses and sunglasses down here really. I gave up selling because when I started years ago there weren’t a lot of people and it was real. Not it’s full of fakes.
Mar 21Reply

Please tell me what you're supposed to say if it is in fact the same character? I say "inspired by Disney character____" because it is very obviously Mickey Mouse even if Disney didn't officially make it. I state my beads are not Pandora brand, and despite the S925 stamps, I am honest as to what metal they are. Yet I just found out a whole bunch of my listings have been reported. I don't know what to say! How would I word a description for something that is clearly the same character?
Mar 31Reply

@charming_beads If they are replicas of Pandora’s beads, you cannot sell them. It’s no different than seeking a replica Gucci bag. Even if you state “Replica Gucci,” or “Inspired Gucci Bag,” It is not allowed. Replicas are not allowed to be sold on Poshmark. It’s that simple.
Apr 01Reply

Hey do I report a fake bag being sold on her?!?
Apr 08Reply

@mzshay82 In the upper right hand corner of the listing you will see 3 dots. Click on them and a drop down menu will appear and one of the selections will say “Report Listing.”
Apr 08Reply

Thank you
Apr 10Reply

@dylan_ashton It is in the rules of selling on Poshmark that no fakes are allowed the reason being that selling fake, “inspired” products are ILLEGAL. It’s counterfeit! People go to jail for selling replicas and the labels themselves can go after a person for making money using their company name to make a profit. That’s why.
Apr 14Reply

I am new to Poshmark (1 month) and already got a fake pair of Ferragamo shoes. It was too late to report because you only have 72 hours. I guess Poshmark's position is that everything is fair game unless it costs over $500 or you report in 72hrs. The fact is that many people are ok with the knockoffs because they either couldn't afford the authentic item or simply wouldn't pay for an authentic product if people can't tell the difference.
May 04Reply

@hvduncan Yes, you have 3 days to look over an item and click the button that you aren’t accepting it. Unless you are gone/out of town, that shouldn’t be a problem. The problem arises when they don’t back you on it. They show no consistency, so it’s hard to say which way they would go.
May 05Reply

So, I am pretty sure this Coach purse is a fake. Can I just list it as a black purse? no mention of the "C" word?
May 18Reply

@jonnii I really don’t know. I would say in the description “this is not a Coach” just because someone may see the design and think you don’t know what you’re selling.
May 18Reply

@guinnevere22 I'll probably just keep it for myself, I bought it at a yard sale for $2. :)
May 18Reply

@guinnevere22 I just found out I bought 2 pairs of counterfeit Ray-Bans. The seller closed their closet. And it’s been past 3 days since I discovered they are counterfeit. I emailed poshmark. What do they do? I’m out a lot of money? Any remedy since I originally accepted the orders? Thanks very dissatisfied
May 23Reply

@vanlee123 No, once you e accepted them, you are stating that you have looked them over and verified they are acceptable.
May 23Reply

Here is an account that is selling fake bags ➡️ @til_ru on Poshmark
Jun 17Reply

@gymlifemom their account is empty now, but make sure you repairs them when you see anyone doing it.
Jun 17Reply

@guinnevere22 She has already made a new account & is back on here: @anizoe6 and her closet is again full of counterfeits. I’ve reported her, but she’s just going to open another account once this one gets closed!
Jun 17Reply

I recognize her pics because I took a screenshot of them. Same listings, different name.
Jun 17Reply

Actually, items listed as "replica" or "styled after", etc are *not* counterfeits. Counterfeit goods, by definition, are duplications sold with the intent to deceive or defraud. If the product is clearly labeled as a replica then that requirement is not met and it's not a counterfeit.
Jul 07Reply

That's also why reproductions of paintings are not "counterfeits" unless they're sold as if they were the real deal. Of course, reproductions may infringe on trademarks, IF they include a trademarked logo.
Jul 07Reply

@apraetor Either way neither of them have any business on this site as stated above in the rules of Poshing. Counterfeit or designated as a “replica.” Intended to dupe or not. Pretty simple.
Jul 07Reply

Has anyone ever ordered something like skincare or makeup and when you received it, it seemed to be counterfeit?
Jul 22Reply

@iliamna same!! I reported this person who was clearly selling FAKE Chanel earrings for $100 a pair and people are actually buying them!!! It’s insane Poshmark doesn’t really care 😞
Aug 13Reply

@angiehoust the WORST! I’ll report now. Check out [tonyosod] - this person is selling fake Chanel earrings!! When people respond it’s fake, he gets super defensive. 🙄
Aug 13Reply

Poshmark does NOTHING about fake items or illegitimate sellers
Sep 07Reply

Well, check out @nyposher because I just bought two replicas and they are trash pieces! Pure has bested quality. Shame on them! I reported them but nothing has happened and my claims are under review.
Sep 19Reply

i’d like to report @rhymspop - PM member that sells counterfeit merchandise. Their online store is filled with fake Ray Bans. She claims is authentic by providing fake receipts to PM. Their merchandise are fakes of the lowest quality, made in China of course. This consumer defrauding is illegal business. Buyers- please be aware !
Sep 28Reply

i agree - also @rhymspop sells fakes - including Ray Bans claiming they are authentic. When i opened the dispute with PM & provided the pics @rhymspop claimed it’s not her merchandise! PM claimed she provided some phony receipt that guaranteed authenticity of her product. it’s an absolute joke! i’m reporting this further than my credit card. please be aware there are consumer protection agencies that investigate these kind of matters.
Sep 28Reply

@nnanaiv is literally ALL fakes.
Oct 05Reply

I just bought a pair of Timberland boots off of this guy and they were the fakest things I have ever seen and in the pictures they looked real and he is still selling tons of fake shoes to people. How long did it take for PM to get ahold of you? I’ve reported him and the listing
Oct 09Reply

The more people report them, the faster they get taken down. @ posher_8alana fake belts. @ bagsofluxurys This person opens a new account everyday after they get banned, its the same instagram handle everytime. How do they even do it? I thought there was a limit of PM accounts per user/IP/household or whatever?
Oct 11Reply

@iloveshiniez It’s honestly a lost cause with Poshmark. I won’t buy on here anymore. I just moved from Michigan to the Keys and put my closet on hold while everything is in boxes and some stuff is still up north. I don’t know if I will even bother selling again. When I first started in 2012 (I think it was?) it was so less cluttered a such a different game. Easier, nicer, less garbage and less fakes.
Oct 12Reply

@iloveshiniez this seller is selling nothing but fakes. I already have been scammed by them and now they need to be stopped @bigsaving4ever
Oct 16Reply

@loveme_g1rl please report @bigsaving4ever she's selling nothing but replicas in her closet
Oct 16Reply

@fakeraybans I’ve always been suspicious of raybans here. I guess that’s how they’re able to offer them so cheap👎🏻
Oct 17Reply

@lsilvers please report @bigsaving4ever they are selling all fake merchandise in their closet
Oct 17Reply

Bunch of fake louis vuitton belt from @ skane5533 and @ olgastatxx86 !! Hurts and pisses me off to know how much they have sold and listed their belts as authentic
Oct 21Reply

@lchan513 The second account doesn't show up on search. These accounts are also selling a bunch of fakes @ posher_8alana and @ mindyposhtime And the worst @ kimfashbags22 @ jessfashbags1 is the same person, opens new accounts everyday sometimes 2 or 3 at the time, can always be found by searching for their IG handle "realfashiondepo" that they try to plug in every single one of their items and accounts. Please report them if you can, thanks!
Oct 21Reply

@loveme_g1rl please report @supersave they are selling a lot of fake products
Nov 10Reply

how do I report it,I've looked all over and it's nowhere to be found. I just purchased an item that turned out to be counterfeit and I don't know how to go about getting her products flagged and reported.
Dec 05Reply

@guinnevere22 you can dispute it with your card carrier and they will give you your money back. I just did that with capital one and they always protect their customers from fraud. Which that misrepresentation of the item absolutely counts as fraud. Good luck.
Dec 05Reply

@guinnevere22 you need to take poshmarks posh protect statement, where it says they refund if item is not as described and contact your card carrier and they will refund your money.
Dec 05Reply

@leslienyc35 I just watched a documentary last night about counterfeit goods and it is very much illegal for poshmark to allow the sale of those goods. I intend on contacting the FBI cyber crimes department and letting them know about what's going on with this website. They really take this stuff seriously.
Dec 05Reply

@cmichaelson66 I should have done that. It’s been a couple of years since that dispute, but it got me fired up. I completely shut down shop here. Then I decided to sell a couple of things to see how it went but I made a pledge that I will never buy on here again. I’m glad you mentioned that though. That’s an avenue I never though of taking. 👍🏼
Dec 05Reply

@guinnevere22 I just got scammed I’m out over $250 dollars on two pairs of fake Uggs. Beware of @smoreuggs check out my photos showing the counterfeit uggs. Disputing it but I’m so angry that poshmark is still allowing her to keep up her listings
Dec 28Reply

If someone sold a counterfeit bag then will you report them to the police? Also can a person get their money back? I haven’t bought anything yet but I’m kind of leery. Wanting to make sure how things work first.
Jan 14Reply

@itlk2angels No, you report it to Poshmark who then open an investigation. They have a whole thing on it in their FAQ on buying and selling. They have you send photos and then they determine from the photos if they think it’s fake. It’s lame. I won’t buy anything just sell. I’ve had too many bad experiences and this app is full of fakes.
Jan 14Reply

Ghada85 and Mina29 both sell FAKE Michael Kors bags! I’m hoping Poshmark gives me a return and refund!
Feb 07Reply

@guinnevere22 I could use your help with a pair of(really obviously,as soon as I saw the box my heart sank,but I should have known better...)RayBans Wayfarers.
Feb 19Reply

@crystalina1984 All you can do is report them to Poshmark, sadly. They’ll ask for photos and then base their decision on the photos, sadly. I really think they should send a box for you to ship your item in so they can look at them firsthand because I have received the short end of the stick on their evaluation of photos. Do it before your time to review the item is past and you are stuck with them. Hopefully you won’t be!
Feb 20Reply

@guinnevere22 thank you so much for getting back to me! I’ve sent the pics/harassing texts he sent me(through the first complaint I made..he said he’d refund me and he “didn’t know” they were fakes so I dropped it..over a week later and no refund and he blocked me).
Feb 20Reply

@guinnevere22 ...also he said to just keep the sunglasses. Who does that? He must be afraid if I sent them back they’d know they were fakes. Like,they’re SO fake. I’m wondering if Posh can see our initial conversation through my complaint,as this is where he called me some crazy names and also said “Poshmark doesn’t care!”
What’s crazy is he has a lot of good reviews-it must be all kids who don’t know any better...
Feb 20Reply

@guinnevere22 in his bio,he claims to be a “manager at Sunglasses Hut”...I figured maybe he was getting rid of floor models that were lightly scratched or something. I’m so disgusted. I feel so stupid,you know?
Feb 20Reply

@crystalina1984 or he’s saying that to sound legit.
Feb 23Reply

I'm so glad I'm seeing this. Yesterday just received a total fake Dooney Bag. Now seller trying to fight it and reverse my words into making this fake bag and listing real. Item listed as a real DB bag. Not to mention she lives close by as well. I'm sharing this one! !!! Thank you! We need to stop this on here, I'm upset and it wasn't much money, the principal though!
Feb 27Reply

@guinnevere22 hi I just unsuccessfully tried to get my money back from postmark for a fake Frye handbag. I opened a claim with my credit card company. Have you done this and did you send back your product before or after getting your card company to take off the charge?
Feb 29Reply

@lynnallenshawn I never tried doing that. Someone mentioned that to me in this thread, but it was years after I was denied my return from PM. They definitely do not have the buyer’s back, despite their Buyer’s Protection that they claim.
Mar 01Reply

@lynnallenshawn I won’t buy on here anymore. Only sell, and since I moved from MI to the Keys and only have a small amount of my stuff, I only have a couple of things for sale. This site just scares me. It’s full of dishonest people and no protection. I prefer to use eBay. I wish you the best with your CC company!
Mar 01Reply

Poshmark, why do you let sellers like authentickickzx still exist on your site?? They have multiple SCAM listings on your platform. This is one of many. PLEASE REMOVE THIS ACCOUNT!
Mar 02Reply

@jpham_ who did you buy from? I feel like I may have just purchased a fake pair of Oakley’s.
Mar 04Reply

Someone sold me a replica, poshmark authenticated it. what should I do?
Mar 23Reply

You should be allowed to sell items that are “fake” if you brand them as so. That way you are not lying to anyone and they know exactly the product they are getting. I had an item that had several offers and it was taken down and now those people are wondering if they can still get it. I’m still going to make the money so I’m happy, but I just think that if another individual wants to buy it they should be able to.
Apr 08Reply

@ardellcloset Poshmark says otherwise, and so does US Law. “Not only is it illegal to bring in goods to the U.S. that are counterfeit, or that use a trademark without proper authorization, but it's also illegal to sell those goods. Under the Lanham Act, selling, offering for sale, distributing, or advertising any goods that are counterfeit is a violation of the law.Apr 8, 2015,” so, despite what you may think, it’s illegal.
Apr 09Reply

Didn’t say it was legal. I gave my view of why I think it should be allowed, which was a fair view.
Apr 09Reply

Poshmark is horrible at dealing with fakes. This selling platform is a literal joke. I have reported obvious fakes and poshmark chooses to do nothing. When I commented on an individuals post that their product was fake, I instead got a warning from Poshmark. The fake seller got off free and now continues to scam people.
Apr 15Reply

I mean, the fake seller qincy999 has sold over a thousand fake bape pieces and has gotten no punishment!! Absolutely ridiculous.
Apr 15Reply

There is a scammer on this website that is still selling.
Apr 17Reply

BUYER ALERT: seller sunlovin 1 has scammed some people
Apr 25Reply

@bellasbeauties is there any way I can get a refund on a fake Louis Vuitton I bought
Jun 06Reply

@abw0001 when did you receive it? Did you hit accept?
Jun 07Reply

@leslienyc35 you work at LV right? I purchased a fake one on accident. I’d love to help report the seller.
Jun 07Reply

@bellasbeauties yes I did 😭
Jun 07Reply

@abw0001 I think you should still report it. Tell them you brought it somewhere, unless there’s a LV store near you. How long ago did this happen
Jun 07Reply

@abw0001 can you tag me to it? Or give me the closet name, if you don’t put the # symbol up she won’t know you tagged me or told me who.
Jun 07Reply

@bellasbeauties I’ll be disputing the claim with my credit card company
Jun 07Reply

@abw0001 just don’t give up! I just got screwed again. Someone saw I was looking for a certain brand of a brush. I messaged a few times, now I’ve been blocked and she won’t respond. I’m don’t making purchases on line. It’s been horrible
Jun 08Reply

Currently disputing a purchase for an LV Emilie wallet ugh it had a fake r e c e i p t and everything I had no clue. It’s funny tho I have looked up a normal r e c e I p t from Michigan store LV. And seen the same number on it and same date on other listings on Poshmark (now removed) I just hope Poshmark let’s me return.
Jun 14Reply

My experience has been the exact opposite bad end of the spectrum. I purchased some Betsey jewelry from the poshmark wholesale marketplace and someone reported them as fake and PM just removed the items and put 5 strikes against my closet. I had to put my whole closet on vacation so that I can't get anymore strikes as its been 2 days and PM hasn't responded to my emails where I sent copies of the receipts. I am at risk of losing my closet for real items.
Jun 24Reply

@policewifehtx That’s awful! So they don’t even know what’s for sale on marketplace? This place has turned into a bad place to buy or sell. You aren’t safe either way! Ive been a member since 2006 or 2008 - can’t remember, and it has gone to hell.
Jun 24Reply

@policewifehtx I even closed down for a while and then started back up about 7 years ago in hopes it got better but it’s just gotten worse. More fakes. Less support as a seller or a buyer. I have had bad experiences in both ends. 💔
Jun 24Reply

@guinnevere22 we will see what happens. I guess we are just at risk of bad people here just like in the rest of the world. I would pay to talk to an actual get to send emails and hope they answer☹
Jun 24Reply

@guinnevere22 I'm so sorry for your bad experiences. mine had been great until this last round of issues..I just spent thousands on sure what to do now
Jun 24Reply

@guinnevere22 poshmark has reinstated my items and removed the negative remarks. just fyi.
Jun 24Reply

@policewifehtx That’s awesome!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Jun 24Reply

Purchased a dior bracelet from seller @amandah54. I figured out it was fake minutes after I purchased and immediately asked her to kindly cancel. She blocked me and is not cancelling the transaction. She said “I won’t ship so poshmark will cancel the transaction.” Girl, I want my money back now! Just click 2 buttons and cancel my transaction! Nobody buy from her
Jun 30Reply

Hey @amandah54 since u want to block me after I kindly asked you to cancel my order, I am again asking for you to cancel the order on ur end. I do not want it shipped to me and poshmark will only give me my money back after 10 days. Please save us both the hassle and just cancel the transaction as a human being. Thank you for ur time and I hope u do the right thing
Jun 30Reply

THANK YOU! There is more than this going on here. It’s disgusting.
Aug 30Reply

@rosabh What else? The more I know, the less I want anything to do with this app.
Aug 30Reply

@guinnevere22 I feel ya. I wrote to them with my concerns.
Aug 30Reply

Other than that. Wishing you a wonderful Sunday from a Key neighbor to the north. ☀️ 🏝
Aug 30Reply

@rosabh No kidding! What key are you on? I’m on Summerland.
Aug 30Reply

@guinnevere22 I’m in Key Biscayne (Miami), so not The Keys but if you look at google maps it is the first key before The Keys 🤗
Aug 30Reply

@rosabh That’s awesome! Thank bet it’s lovely, plus you have real shopping near by, lol!
Aug 30Reply

@guinnevere22 It is, and that we do. I love taking the drive down to the Keys- it’s a great escape :)
Aug 30Reply

I ordered an "authentic" pair of Airpods Pro, checked the serial number when they arrived and it was a legitimate number. Immediately upon use, I had connectivity issues and waited 1.5 weeks for an appointment at the Apple Bar for troubleshooting. They informed me they were fakes, but the best ones they've seen to date. They've provided me with a letter specifying their findings, and I cannot get PM to respond. I've reported the seller, and have filed a dispute with Amex. Any other tips?
Sep 09Reply

@houseofharper See the direct link on my page under "Website" to the BBB Poshmark page. They have thousands of complaints and a low BBB rating. You can file a complaint there.
Oct 03Reply

What about getting fake emails from Poshmark, saying they need your information updated. Bull they don’t reach out to you like that.
Oct 05Reply

@guinnevere22 I’ve gotten things that weren’t as described. I’ve taken pics, explained and got my money back. Maybe once they sided with the seller.
Oct 08Reply

@guinnevere22 it didn’t used to be this bad, I’ve been with Posh since 2012, things have definitely gotten worse. Don’t give up keep at them!
Oct 08Reply

@bellasbeauties You are right. I’ve been a Posher since Oct. 2012 and when I started there were no problems. It also wasn’t so saturated with products or fakes and your things sold relatively quickly. Not anymore.
Oct 08Reply

@guinnevere22 I just leave my closet up. Check it once in a while. I don’t like all the changes. Made things worse
Oct 08Reply

Glad you started this. The fakes are out of control. I’m helping someone dispute a purchase now. A new posher that I referred.
Oct 20Reply

beezqueen Is selling a counterfeit Swatch - be careful - Unworn Swatch aoo1 3j - this is not even a well-made counterfeit - it should be removed from Poshmark.
Oct 21Reply

Just received fake Chanel bag and the seller told me that she bought it in Bloomingdales and never mentioned it was real, what a scam artist.
Oct 23Reply

@lolamasola123 I am so sorry. That seems to be the way on here. Every “high end” item I see, I’m suspicious of. I buy from The Real Real a lot. They authenticate everything before they put it on their site. They also sell from celebrities closets now and then. I know that when I buy from them it’s 100% legit. I see that they say they do an authenticity check on anything over $500 but I wonder if it really happens and how trained are their checkers?
Oct 31Reply

@lolamasola123 I have only 2 Tory things on here right now and I either buy them from her website or from her store in the Somerset Mall in Troy MI, back when I lived in Michigan. I hate fakes and will do everything to help my buyers. Like this post.
Oct 31Reply

Also if she even suspects that you might know the fake from a real you will be blocked and not able to buy! Because I own several of these snapshot bags purchased at designer stores and on the Mark Jacobs site I know exactly what to look for I was inquiring about a couple of handbags and she noticed my name she knew that I knew the difference and she immediately blocked me lol
Dec 13Reply

@oaxaca55 Me either. Thank you for sharing because I see I was a follower.
Dec 13Reply

@hniccccc I’m starting to feel that there are more fakes than real items in this platform. I know PM says they review anything over $500. But who is reviewing it, and do they really? I was sided against by PM as a buyer.
Dec 13Reply

@bellasbeauties I have reported this week alone 500 and I recheck 5 days later still up or sold. I even jokingly
Made offer abs they excepted. It is tiresome that they are not taken down.
Dec 16Reply

Dec 16Reply

@leslienyc35 👏
Dec 16Reply

@guinnevere22 Yes I agree!! It’s like the wild Wild West kind of like how a eBay used to be in the early days!
Dec 16Reply

Jan 10Reply

Jan 10Reply

Hi, I’m in need of some help. I purchased a fake Louis Vuitton bag by accident on here and the seller won’t let me cancel. Can I return it? I’m so upset she stole my money.
Jan 12Reply

@brynnbaldwin You should take the actual bag to a designer bag store that sells that brand and if they can authenticate that it’s fake then you can open up a case with Poshmark and you will get your money back
Jan 18Reply

@brynnbaldwin Poshmark is “supposed” to inspect any purchase over $500 before it is shipped to you (it goes to them first and then they ship it to you.) idk how good their authenticity check is, especially since I get notices on the app to view items and determine if they are fake or not... however, I believe that over $500 they do a hands on inspection, so if it’s fake, it should cancel.
Jan 18Reply

@guinnevere22 unfortunately I bought it for 200. :(
Jan 18Reply

I just got a pair of fake Louboutins for $440. Thought I was getting a steal because there was a small scratch on the inner heel... had them authenticated by another company, said they couldn’t be sure off the listing pictures. Sent them more pics when I got them and right away they said no they’re fake.
Jan 22Reply

Also compared them to my only other pair, a genuine pair I bought in Paris. Have a claim with PM going exposing all this in more detail, including comparison pics and certificate that they’re fake, but I’m very worried. Any insights? Would be greatly appreciated 😔 Thank you 💖
Jan 22Reply

Everything is typically off for a fake: the logo on the box is different, the felt bags feel like cheaper quality and the shoe tips feel like plastic, there’s signs of poor craftmenship (looks like the inside some was not cute to the right measurements and then glued up the side a bit), the color is slight off (seen w/flash), and the engraving on the bottom is different. They’re a good fake but you can see the difference of quality next to my real ones.
Jan 22Reply

I’m so sorry to spam your post but PM got back to me after a day asking for more pics in natural lighting which I gave right away but I had to like “file a new claim” as I exhausted my comments in the claim (didn’t know that was a thing, this is my 1st came). It’s now been 2 days and they haven’t said anything else 😔
Jan 22Reply

Also - the seller provided a digital receipt, like something sent to an email. When I filed the claim they said they were on the phone with Saks and being told to file a police report. Then suddenly they were from Nordstrom with this digital receipt. I provided photos of my paper receipt from Paris and my duty free tax form from bringing my pair back to my the US so PM know they’re real.
Jan 22Reply

@trifecta3 did you already accept your order? If not, there’s an option to report the seller and send photos of the item to be authenticated. I was thankfully able to do that!
Jan 24Reply

Any advice if you were scammed and purchased a replica? I don’t know what to do. I’m so upset.
Jan 27Reply

@leslienyc35 can you help determine the wallet I purchased is allegedly fake. A girl commented on my post and told me I bought a replica LV key pouch. I don’t know what to do.
Jan 27Reply

@bellasbeauties Just read your comments on counterfeit items. so agree. I just got burned by someone selling a counterfeit on Poshmark and it made me so angry that this stuff happens on here. I thought people would have more class here but I was wrong.
Feb 01Reply

@zagrzebski didn’t you report it ?
Feb 01Reply

@dcarr3434 did you report it when you found out? How long ago was it? I’ve been with posh since 2012. They have me as 2013 not that it matters. That’s awful
Feb 01Reply

@bellasbeauties I did. And Poshmark just approved it so I shipped it back. Not sure how long it takes for them to reimburse me - and I''m not sure if they reimburse the entire amount so we'll see. Important thing is I made a stink about it and went on record showing how he was selling counterfeits. Thanks
Feb 02Reply

@zagrzebski glad you’re getting your money back. I’m pretty sure you get the entire snout back , unless things have changed. Once the seller gets it back and accepts it. Then they put your money back in your account. I just called someone out for trying to sell a makeup product that I used to sell, she has it up for double what it cost in the website. People are horrible! Posh always will work with you if you get something that’s not described right or a fake item. Good for you. !
Feb 02Reply

@stylemode101 It is unnecessary to spam my listing by asking others to report someone who has done something wrong by you. You take that up with Poshmark. I get on here today and I have 14 messages. Most of them fro. You soliciting people on this post to report someone for you. That isn’t what this is for.
Feb 03Reply

@stylemode101 You cannot delete comments.
Feb 03Reply

@stylemode101 have you reported this to PM? I always report replica items.
Feb 03Reply

@stylemode101 Do you know how many comments are on this post that are put on here to help guide people? I am not deleting my entire post. Now if I could delete comments, that would be great, but it isn’t so.
Feb 03Reply

I think I may have bought my son some counterfeit yeezys. He told me that the pictures that they put up were different. Like one picture the shoe looked different and the laces were tide differently. The bottom of the shoe wasn’t the appropriate color. I get them tomorrow and if they come in fake I will send them back. Do I contact the seller first? I sent him a message and asked if they were real for fake and I got no response. 🤷🏻♀️Makes me so mad! It’s wrong to do that!
Feb 21Reply

@elegantbelle68 Poshmarknis supposed to personally inspect anything over $500. However, this site is rampant with fakes. Purses and shoes especially. And you can ask someone if they’re real and they’re naturally going to lie to get the money. You can file a claim with Poshmark. If you send them back you’ll just lose your money and they’ll re-list the shoes. You have to file a grievance with PM and send photos. Then they decide from the photos if they’re fake or not. It’s sucks.
Feb 21Reply

So even if they are fake I will loose the money? That’s not right. PM should make the individual pay that back. I hope when we get them they aren’t fake. But my son looked and he said they are. I’m sick about it.
Feb 21Reply

@elegantbelle68 You may get your money back. It’s all in PM’s hands. When you file a dispute, PM will ask you to send photos. Based on the photos they decide if they think they’re fake or not. If they agree they are, you are refunded. If they think they’re real they’ll make you keep them. I had this happen to me. I sent a ton of photos and they sided with the seller and I was stuck with a fake garment. I’d love to know who the “experts” are at PM who determine these things.
Feb 21Reply

What happens if you purchased an item thinking it was authentic and seller already shipped it and now listing is no longer found? I see several replicas that say sold and then they’re gone.
Feb 24Reply

@halliburtonwife I purchased two lv purses yesterday and since then the sellers profile is empty with no listings or information . If they are replicas will I be refunded? I’m so confused and feel so ripped off
Feb 25Reply

@kdubral2257 I’m wondering the same. Will you be refunded? What if it already shipped? You’d think Posh would send an email or something to the buyer. Maybe someone else will chime in who knows. Praying you get the bags of your money back! 🙏🏽
Feb 25Reply

@halliburtonwife thank you . I contacted poshmark and they said not to worry, the seller is just having issues with his account. I hope they’re right. Sucks how there are scammers on every platform
Feb 25Reply

@chrissyanthemum nothing happens. I also reported something on Poshmark that was clearly fake and providing evidence as well. The seller still sells it.
Mar 04Reply

@Poshmark. They don't accept it as a policy however when you fall prey to one of these scammers they refuse to help you saying , you should not have accepted a product and your out of money. Way to go poshmark
Mar 25Reply

@halliburtonwife Nope they told me because I accepted the order they won't help.
Mar 25Reply

@stylemode101 They are not good at service , they are not responding to reports of counterfeit merchandise being sold and they are not refunding buyers on items they didn't know was counterfeit.
Mar 25Reply

@guinnevere22 Poshmark relies on other users to review reported listings. They do nothing to remove the accounts that constantly post counterfeits and are profiting from it. I report them over and over just because it makes me angry to see it keep happening, but the only thing that will really stop it is to report it to the IC3, CPB, FBI, directly to brands, etc. Since POSH is publicly traded, report to FINRA or SEC. I'm waiting for Chanel to sue posh like they did The RealReal.
Mar 26Reply

@malshimommy It cracks me up that every so often they send me a notice to review items to determine if they’re fake or not! You take 20% of my sales! Hire some people to do that. They’re supposed to “personally” inspect anything over $500 🙄. I won’t buy luxury on here. It’s buyer beware. I didn’t know there was a lawsuit against The Real Real. Sometimes they sell a celebrity’s closet. I didn’t know they were having issues with fakes. Good to know!
Mar 27Reply

RUN FAST.. FASTER!!! Replica for 1000
Knock offs for 500
Double Jeopardy posh Mark needs to go to jail for $1 million thanks Aleks
Mar 30Reply

@guinnevere22 I just purchased 2 fake Chanel items on here I'm am so disappointed over this.Hopefully I will get my money back.
Mar 31Reply

@purplesticky79 I tried to follow that long run on sentence... If you don’t believe that these people have had issues, then why did you like the post? PM states that they inspect every item over $500 but it isn’t true. They rely on the members to review items. That may be part of the issue, but it doesn’t take away from the fact that people see this as a great platform to sell their fake items instead of doing it street side in large cities. Counterfeit items suck. The end.
Apr 03Reply

@purplesticky79 LOL! This is my post. I had a hard time reading your writing. So that makes me a Karen. You are so generic.
Apr 03Reply

@purplesticky79 You are so creative. The Karen comments are very original. And judging by your lack of understanding of grammar, I can see why it’s the only thing you have to fall back on. You just keep trolling posts while you sit in your mother’s basement. Nice closet, btw. I’m guessing you are the one who got the notice from PM to stop selling fakes so you had to create a new profile 🤣
Apr 03Reply

I’m so sorry to all of you who have been scammed on this site, and about the exchange with the troll above who thinks everyone is lying. He has a brand new profile, and I would keep that in mind while shopping, because if anyone is so upset over the no counterfeit rule, he must be one of them who was selling them.
Apr 03Reply

It’s Purplesticky79
Apr 03Reply

@thewhitelodge sells counterfeit Disney pins as though they're real. And I'd give them the benefit of the doubt, but when I commented asking about it, they blocked me from being able to comment on their listings. I wouldn't trust them with any purchases. Buyer beware.
Apr 28Reply

I think the reporting is a bit out of hand and we need to get the definition of counterfeit right because you just maybe harming someone’s business because PM doesn’t take the time to authenticate your claims but ding someone’s acct.
May 08Reply

A counterfeit is faking a product by X for example that was not made by X but branding it as X! If an established brand Y happens to sell a product that is similar in style to X but X is maybe more “well known”. Please let’s do research first Birkenstock has similar item design sandals as Mephisto who do we report as counterfeit? We need to get the definition right please. Vent over
May 08Reply

Don’t get me wrong I agree that there are soooo many fake products and items that are correctly identified as fake (fake LV, fake Gucci, etc) should definitely be reported but let’s do more research on items that have a legit brand of their own before getting trigger happy.
May 08Reply

@ujibiok If it’s another brand and they’re using a YV logo instead of a LV logo, then that’s not the problem. It an attempt to make a bag like an LV but it obviously isn’t.Now, if they are making a bag with an LV logo that looks just like the real thing, then that is counterfeit, and anyone who tries to pass off an item as being a LV when it isn’t, is selling counterfeits. Saying “inspired” isn’t getting them off the hook for selling something that is unlawful to sell.
May 08Reply

@guinnevere22 my point is that everyone need to do research and clearly understand the definition and difference between counterfeit, fake, inspired and replica. I came across this from a Google search and someone’s comment about reporting every “replica” prompted my comment. People are reporting peoples items with lack of brand knowledge or common google search
May 08Reply

@guinnevere22 tagging a corkbed sandal as counterfeit is plain ridiculous without even doing a Google search on the listed brand to see if they exist and if that item also exist etc.
May 08Reply

@guinnevere22 That is the point I’m making people are energized with “reporting every replicas” and at this point I’m confused as to who owns the trademark to corkbed sandals lol. If my TF star listed as a TF star and sold even on this very platform, Amazon, local retailers etc can be reported and PM without research ding my account without research on the reporter or PM side. My point is that the reporting has become excessively ridiculous on some people’s part without a simple research
May 08Reply

@guinnevere22 genuine counterfeits do get reported lol never made an excuse that they shouldn’t. 🙂
May 08Reply

@guinnevere22 sorry the term used ^^^ was inspired lol. Anyways happy weekend poshing to all.
May 08Reply

Ugh....I just fell for a “gift story” - I am new at all of this and obviously my ignorance got the best of me. I was too late - 6 hours - to cancel the order. I guess we only have 3 hours. Can’t get a hold of anyone. Dont know what to do. Feel like an idiot. And am really frustrated.
May 10Reply

@civv33 what is a “gift story?” I’m afraid I’m not familiar.
May 10Reply

Oh. I thought someone on the thread mentioned when sellers say they got the item “as a gift”...they “don’t know much about it” etc etc
May 10Reply

@civv33 Oh yeah, I gotcha! Usually I see people do that when they don’t want to say that something is fake. They skirt the issue by saying it was a gift and they have no way to authenticate it. Definitely stay away from those. It’s amazing how many people use that excuse and think it isn’t looking obvious.
May 10Reply

@guinnevere22 I have reported these accounts hundreds of time and nothing came of it. I actually screenshot accounts selling replicas and sent it directly to PM in an email. They told me they would investigate. There are now 1000’s of counterfeit items listed and so many people being taken advantage of. Most of the accounts have blocked me so I can’t comment and inform people their merchandise is fake, so if everyone keeps commenting they can’t block us all.
May 14Reply

I have been selling and buying from here for a short while and find this insulting to try and compete against all the “knockoffs”. Shame on PoshMark for allowing this activity to continue. What really gets me is when I receive marketing from PM featuring the fakes.
Jun 06Reply

@dsyde Yes! Yesterday in my feed I saw “New from Chanel” and 2 of the 3 they showed were fakes! Or when you see a fake or someone who sells Adair’s as a Host Pick! Really?!?!😡
Jun 06Reply

@leslienyc35 I agree. I think they are passive and turning a cheek. Unfortunately it tarnishes their reputation and makes PM a questionable site to sell authentic luxury but a great place for an online “garage sale”.
Jun 07Reply

I just got scammed by @italicy_snkrs
Just recently reported it and reported the charge to my credit card company. Anybody know how long the process will take? She has people coming forth on my page about how she sold them fake shoes
Jun 12Reply

@shethrifts0810 I have no idea how long that takes. I wrote PM yesterday because in my feed under their heading “New in Dior” was a bunch of fake Dior purses. You know when they are selling them for $180-250. Each item has a different account but the same background in the photos. There are also a bunch of accounts that are just a scramble of letters and they only list one fake (prob in case the account gets busted.) PM told me “they’re working on it.”🙄
Jun 12Reply

@guinnevere22 i filed the claim with my credit card company. So they are refunding me the money temporarily. Nevertheless do u have a email address for Poshmark?
Jun 12Reply

@shethrifts0810 I don’t. They have contact info under your account. That’s how I sent the message about my frustration with fakes.
Jun 12Reply

@guinnevere22 I have a question i purchased a fake item from a seller that I'm trying to return but why isn't Poshmark answering this is the second time how are allowed to sell fakes and get away
Jun 16Reply

@hellocat123 All I know is that you have 3 full days to inspect the item. During that time you can feline the item if you have determined it is fake. Poshmark then starts the investigation process. If you wait more than 3 days, Poshmark automatically accepts the item on your behalf and that’s the end of it. If the item is over $500 they are supposed to personally inspect it before it’s shipped to you also.
Jun 16Reply

@guinnevere22 I haven't received an email I just sent images to determine that it's fake it says ongoing investigation currently the status it's already 4 days I
how can I get ahold of someone I'm just annoyed that I was duped it was a graphic t-shirt valued at $300 and I bought it half the price and it's fake
Jun 16Reply

@guinnevere22 feline the item means return??? do I return it without shipping label provided by Poshmark
Jun 16Reply

@hellocat123 You have to decline the item by day 3. If you do, then an investigation starts. If you waited until Day 4 to dispute, they won’t do anything. When we an item arrives, PM asks you to a reprint so that the money is released to the seller. If you do nothing, on Day 4 they release the money and it’s done. If before Day 4 you declined it and stated why (it asks) then an investigation is opened.
Jun 16Reply

@hellocat123 If you declined the item and a case was opened, they will ask you for photos and make a determination based on that. If they accept your declining of the product, they will give you a label. Again, if you waited to do this over the 3 day item review period, then it’s yours.
Jun 16Reply

Postmark will NEVER get rid of the fakes off their site as they make too much $$$ letting them be there. I love the way they have policies that they don’t enforce. It’s obvious that any Louis Vuitton item on their site for less than the realistic price is fake. I would NEVER buy any brand item from their site. Way too risky. Very disappointing that they allow garbage on their site.
Jun 19Reply

Yes I agree! Thanks for your tips and emphasizing that buying/selling counterfeit is illegal. 👍🏾
Jun 26Reply

I purchased fake Vionic’s on PM. By the
time I realized they were fake it was too late to report. Buyer Beware!
Jul 03Reply

@nicolerose347 why don’t you tell everyone what you think here?
Jul 10Reply

@policewifehtx I got strike against me and I have no idea about what item they are talking about and they won’t reply. 💯 nothing in my closet is a replica or fake lol. I have an LV wallet in there with the original receipt and location so I am hoping that this is it so I can prove this user Wrong. So fed up with fake LV crap on posh. Not sure how it stays up and people who sell the real deal get punished.Sorry you are experiencing similar things.
Aug 15Reply

@abbychristen415 mine was luckily rectified. Send posh the receipt even if it is in the listing and that should rectify it. im sorry this happened to you😒
Aug 15Reply

Ya I just got scammed on a LV bag. It said “authentic printed” in the description. I’m super upset about it and don’t even know what to do now.
Aug 16Reply

@skennell301 One thing I have discovered lately on this app is that there are a bunch of new accounts, all using the same photo (although sometimes not) and their user name is a weird combination of letters or letters and number that don’t mean anything. Like they just hit some keys to keep creating new accounts, lol “sjhpzlew.” Also, of the price is too good to be true here, it is. They’re selling Louis bars for $160. There’s no way. Watch for those type of account names.
Aug 17Reply

I’ve been reporting seller selling fake Victoria’s Secret shine bras from aliexpress for weeks now. Poshmark does nothing :(
Aug 20Reply

@minkosia85 It’s a huge problem. I don’t think they have the staff to manage the huge influx of fakes that have taken over this app. Look at their BBB report snd it’s not good.
Aug 20Reply

@guinnevere22 mind boggling :( it’s out of control. VS, LV and Gucci especially.
Aug 20Reply

@minkosia85 I’ve noticed a ton of accounts popping up with random letters or random letters and numbers in their name that mean or spell nothing. Several have the same photos for the items. All fake. People get scammed but when you see a Gucci Marmont for $250, you have to know it isn’t real. The old saying goes, “If it seems to good to be true, it probably is,” especially on here! It’s a shame.
Aug 20Reply

@guinnevere22 yup. But Poshmark needs to step up. We’re getting flooded with all that counterfeit garbage …
Aug 20Reply

@minkosia85 I 110% agree. It’s complete crap here now. I think I started selling on here in 2006 and it wasn’t like this at all. I rarely purchase anymore because of fear that I’m going to buy some fake garbage.
Aug 21Reply

@guinnevere22 I I just bought a pair of Adidas NMD R1 Bape Camo sneakers, but while showing my gf, I started noticing small things that seemed off when compared to the other sales of the same item. Poshmark states that I can’t cancel the order because it was through an offer, but if the merchandise is a knock off, will they work with me on reversing the sale?
Aug 23Reply

@kalypsohhh You have 3 days after the item arrives to file a dispute. Make sure you do that with a lot of photos to back up your case. After that, it’s all in PM’s hands. Sometimes they side with the buyer and other times they side with the seller. I’ve had it go both ways.
Aug 23Reply

@guinnevere22 then that’s the plan! Thank you for the advice and quick response!!
Aug 23Reply

@kalypsohhh No problem!
Aug 23Reply

Seems to be a TON of fake Gucci and LV bags under a million different accounts, they've completely taken over. They just post it under a different brand like Tory Burch, and say things like "100% GENUINE leather" and "Buy with confidence"...They come with fake dust bags and everything. Every time I go to follow new people, I see tons of these fake accounts. Just a shame. If I ever want to sell my luxury bags, I will sell on a different platform I guess. Can't compete with an LV for 300 🤣🤣
Sep 07Reply

@thesexydress YES!!! It’s insane. They are over-running PM. I cannot believe that there’s nothing that can be done. I’m actually kind of shocked that PM hasn’t been shut down since they obviously have lost control of this site. Problem is, people are cheap and they buy it and then get upset when they realize that their $200 LV is fake. 🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️ I’m going to start writing “fake” in the comments on these items when I see them.
Sep 08Reply

@guinnevere22 Yes we should! We should all write FAKE. I mean it's literally illegal and also just gives poshmark a bad reputation. It's ridiculous. These losers have a million different accounts with random usernames like gggggg66dhh78vvg. So as soon as they get reported they just open new ones. Ugh. I understand maybe a normal girl selling a fake she thought was real that she bought from a consignment store one time or something but these spammer fake accounts are Criminals!
Sep 08Reply

@thesexydress I am behind this 💯. Let’s do it. And call on others on here to support this. Not only does it let the person know they aren’t getting away with it, it can help those who may not understand that it is a fake when we comment that below the item. 👍🏼
I noticed the same thing you did. It’s always random numbers and letters that don’t make any sense for the username and they miss tag items. I found several LV, Gucci, Hermès under “New Tory Burch Listings” just now. 😒😒
Sep 08Reply

Hi, Poshmark keeps saying my item is a replica. I bout the bag brand new. It’s not a replica this is annoying.
Sep 14Reply

@guinnevere22, Agree!!!
Nov 21Reply

@bellasbeauties , AGREE!!
Nov 21Reply

@christineinaz terrible.
Nov 26Reply

@amygsplane What do you mean by terrible? I haven't been active on this site in months. Please get back to me so we can figure this out. I don't sell counterfeit or replica items. I find it repulsive when others do it, so why would I? Please don't smear my name like that for no reason. I am not guilty of such repellant behavior. If I've got this wrong, please let me know. All i saw on my newsfeed was my username then "terrible" Please explain, thank you
Dec 03Reply

@christineinaz I’m so sorry. I meant I think the whole replica thing is terrible. Meaning (not you )but all the listings that come up everyday .
I was responding to all the comments on this train of comments . I goggled PM replica rules & it brought me to these comments. STRANGE . Someway they need to update there software to block these . Anyway sorry gor the miscommunication.
Dec 04Reply

@christineinaz not you terrible read below explanation.
Dec 04Reply

@amygsplane Sorry about all the confusion on my post. I have been on PM since 2012 and have seen it go down the toilet with the replicas. I’m not even sure when I created this post (or listing) but it has blown up. Some people use it the wrong way and I can see how it can get confusing. I’m not sure if these are still in their rules or not. It’s an old screenshot of what their rules used to be. Thank you for believing in getting rid of replicas and sorry you two got tangled up on here!
Dec 04Reply

@guinnevere22 no worries. It’s coming up on google -I can’t exactly what I searched . There were so many messages . I think the replica policy is still the same. Have a great day .
Dec 04Reply

@amygsplane oh my gosh I’m so sorry about that-I jumped the gun; I guess because I, too, feel super strongly and am so passionate about getting rid of the idiots who post fakes that I assumed—again sorry about that too—thank you for the clarification hun
Dec 04Reply

@christineinaz no worries at all . Is it worth reporting replica ‘s to posh?
Dec 05Reply

@amygsplane IKR? This seller listed tons of fake LV and claimed them to be authentic. Uh...A brand new LV for less than $300.00? All of her stuff are fake LV. Poshmark needs to be notified! I did but she is still there with tons of her fake LV.
Dec 09Reply

Here is she: 💎✨Authentic✨💎 Brand New 💎 Ŀọuis Ṿuittọn 💎 Bag Hobo Handbag 💎K8
$276Size: OS@viccoradorthy. FAKE LV BAGS, TONS OF THEM ON POSHMARK.
Dec 09Reply

@kurnia59 not good that they are scamming. Heard Louis Vuitton involved -who knows ?
Dec 09Reply

@amygsplane I reported her to Poshmark but haven't checked if they removed her? Crazy! She has tons of her on her closet. All LV, fake for sure since the price reflect that.
Dec 12Reply

@bellasbeauties lol at your fake Louis Phone case after that post
Feb 18Reply
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