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Updated Jan 04
Updated Jan 04

I'm nice and ill help in any way



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fancypants84 So as we're having our little convo I realized you're my 2500 th follower!!! Yay! I wanted to thank you by offering you 15% off anything in my closet!! And an extra 15% off bundles😘💕💕💕👍 thank you for helping me reach this milestone!!
Nov 26Reply
lacci916 @fancypants84 whoo hoo I'll let u know when I get $$
Nov 26Reply
lacci916 What items can I sell on Poshmark? Poshmark is a marketplace for women’s fashion and accessories. Please refrain from listing items that do not fall into this category. Pre-owned items can be listed on Poshmark if they are clean and in good condition. We do not condone the buying or selling of perfume, nail polish, aerosol products, electronics, books, home goods, children’s items, men’s clothing, used makeup, used swimsuits, all types of undergarments, and any health and wellness products. All items must be clearly and accurately represented. Poshmark does not allow the sale of replicas or fakes. Please join us in respecting and celebrating the intellectual property and creativity of today’s fashion designers. If we feel that your listing violates these guidelines in any way, we reserve the right to remove it and may take other actions, including restricting your future buying and selling privileges on Poshmark. Here are items allowed to be sold on posh please read and follow
Nov 26Reply
melissa_le Please share my listings! Thank u so much!
Nov 30Reply
chloeb_lane Thank you!!! 😘
Dec 05Reply
lacci916 @chloeb_lane u r welcome lol this is like my reminder page
Dec 05Reply
lacci916 @deltakappaposh is the best join now !!!!!!!
Dec 06Reply
lolabella6 How did you get so many followers?
Dec 22Reply
lacci916 @lolabella6 I'm a poshmark suggested user
Dec 22Reply
lolabella6 Wow! Congrats! 🎉How long were you on Poshmark before you became one?
Dec 22Reply
lacci916 @lolabella6 humm a year and 9 months I believe I've been on posh almost 2 years in a few weeks
Dec 22Reply
lolabella6 Wow! 😱 that's awesome!
Dec 22Reply
lacci916 @lolabella6 thank you doll
Dec 22Reply
goldenpolkadot @lnp916 you are so sweet.... It shows in ur listing! Thats why ur a success on POSH... And in life.... Im sure! G luck 🍀and continued success! Im Sharing💗💕💖💞
Jan 05Reply
lacci916 @partymk999 omg you made my crappy day amazing thank you for your kind words
Jan 05Reply
goldenpolkadot @lnp916 thank u! Its nice to know my words came at the right time! Now u can go on and make it a fabulous day. My best friend call me Tink ( for Tinkerbelle) cuz she says i spread magic pixie dust to make ppl smile and happy...... Maybe she's right! Lol! Have s great Day Doll & keep smiling☺️😘
Jan 05Reply
lacci916 @fancypants84 I'm still holding out on my 15% your just tiny
Jan 09Reply
aalterio @lnp916 if you'd help me share my listings doll if greatly appreciate it and you'll receive 10%off in my closet☺️💕
Jan 11Reply
justjessi @lnp916 love checking out new closets!!!! I am a "👣👣👣👣" share junkie......would love to Posh with you!!!! I am in the midst of listing A LOT of out the closets to make room for MORE SHOPPING!!!! Appreciate all the "share backs" I can get!!!! That's what this is all about, after all, right? Supporting our gals, great deals, amazing fashion and, of course, STYLE!!!!! 💋#xojessi
Jan 12Reply
lacci916 @justjessi yes mam it is
Jan 12Reply
hfhefner Thanks!! xoxo
Jan 13Reply
cheerstar1202 @lnp916 please share my listings! I haven't had any luck selling bc of being new to posh. Thank you :)
Jan 21Reply
solangelababe @Inp916 hi! I am new to Posh! If you get a chance...Could you look my closet over and make some suggestions! Thanks in advance!
Jan 22Reply
demitria67 @lnp916 💗yes you are more than nice your kind💗 I appreciate you taking time to share💗 make your day a beautiful one🌻☀️🌻☀️
Jan 22Reply
lacci916 @demitria67 omg thank you doll I am sleeping off an on today and sharing thank you babe
Jan 22Reply
junosantos I just put up my first listings and would love if you'd share them. Thank you!!
Jan 22Reply
brittlkeyes Hello can you help by sharing my listings I'm new to posh! Thanks in advance!💞💕
Jan 24Reply
brittlkeyes Thanks for the shares!
Jan 24Reply
eliannafranz You have a beautiful closet!!! What app do u use to add borders and letters to your pics? I love it!!!!!
Jan 26Reply
lacci916 @eliannafranz I do the ones with a white background on my computer to make it white if I have time then I email them to my phone then I save the image to camera roll then I use the app called studio it's green to add all the borders etc
Jan 26Reply
eliannafranz Thank you so much ❤️❤️💋
Jan 26Reply
lacci916 @eliannafranz you are more than welcome
Jan 26Reply
sherenem So True!!!! This girl's super awesome!!!
Jan 31Reply
open tyvm for the shares ! <3
Feb 03Reply
lacci916 @open thank you as well
Feb 03Reply
jaclynchase123 Thank you for sharing my item. I'm very new to this and I do have so many questions so I may take you up on your help offer. 😳
Feb 06Reply
lacci916 @jaclynchase123 that's what I'm here for
Feb 06Reply
coralb Please share my listings :)
Feb 14Reply
allygirl1964 Lacci - I want to thank you again for everything you've done for me this week!!! And I want all of Posh to know - this girl right here, is what a true Poshmark seller should be! Honest and selfless!! I accidentally shipped a package to her (instead of the buyer) and she was honest enough to tell me about it and even offered to repackage it and send to the correct buyer!! PLUS, she wrapped it all cute and included goodies in it!!! I couldn't ask or a better Posh friend!!! YOU'RE THE BEST EVER!!!!! xoxo @lnp916
Feb 19Reply
lacci916 @allygirl1964 omg you made me cry (no lie) I'm lost for words thank you so much you are very kind and a friend to me as well again thank you so much
Feb 19Reply
lacci916 @nicolatta3 humm that's odd have you RSVP yes to them
Mar 03Reply
lacci916 @nicolatta3 I suggest you email posh and tell them
Mar 03Reply
lacci916 @nicolatta3 nope just email posh
Mar 03Reply
lacci916 @nicolatta3 u r welcome
Mar 03Reply
lacci916 @anne1960 awe you are more than welcome I truly don't mind a bit anytime you need a share just ask
Mar 11Reply
stay_instyle hello, my name is Dalita and new to posh! Getting married in August and trying to save up for my honeymoon if you could plz help me out by sharing ....much appreciated :)
Mar 17Reply
brianne1979 Thanks!! Yes, may have to take u up on that! 😊
Mar 24Reply
laurora Hey, I love this that one of your gifts? If not is it for sale?? Pls lmk?? Ty
Apr 05Reply
lacci916 @laurora no that's my coffee cup I drink out of every morning lol
Apr 05Reply
laurora I'll be opening my closet in about a week or less, any tips?? I need to sell the items like yesterday?? But I refused to have a garage sale cause I have some items very expensive but sell them cheap it's better than get a nickel or a quarter as garage people likes to pay, don't you think?? Thank you for the offer!! God bless you and your family!! Laura
Apr 05Reply
lacci916 @laurora post some stuff and I'll help u from there
Apr 05Reply
laurora Well, if you could find one, I'll appreciate it...see, I'm having to move and probably out of the country and I can't buy something like this cup where I'm going, I should be gone by the end of July, but praying for God's guidance!!
Apr 05Reply
lacci916 @luvsmink like this it's sorta my post it note for posh
Apr 05Reply
luvsmink Thank you so very much !!!!! I really appreciate everything you've done to help,me
Apr 05Reply
lacci916 @luvsmink hey anytime doll
Apr 05Reply
linsleppo 😘😘😘 You so sweet
Apr 06Reply
chrissie_marie Hi, Lacci!!! You have a fabulous closet! I've only been on posh 2 months & would LOVE any advice on how to get more followers & sales! I try to attend & star at every party & take good photos, and advice from an experienced & fashionable posher like yourself would be greatly appreciated! (As would shares, if you have the time!!) Thank you so so much!!! 💕💕
Apr 13Reply
karynloy 😢😢 could u make a listing real fast for me or do u think u could get in trouble?
Apr 24Reply
cmsblaz I appreciate all the sharing you have done for me your closet is beautiful and fabulous!!! Have a wonderful day and happy Mother's Day to you !!!!! Thank you for sharing again and I'll make sure that I share again and again and again !!!! Happy Mother's Day to you and have a great day!!!!
May 11Reply
lacci916 @cmsblaz awe thank you sweet heart thank you for sharing as well
May 11Reply
thewifeysthings @lnp916 Thanks so much for the shares advice 💖
May 13Reply
lacci916 @bjgilliam awe you are welcome doll
May 13Reply
ladyqstuff Hello it is nice to meet you. I love your closet so much. It is beautiful. When you get a chance, can you share my closet. I would appreciate it so much. I would also appreciate any advice in making my closet more thrilling to draw Poshers to buy too. Thanks :)
May 23Reply
lacci916 @originaldana if you want to use last pic
Jun 24Reply
originaldana Thank you! Luv it! :)
Jun 24Reply
bnmeyer Hi!! I'm new to Posh and I have no idea how to do bundling..can you help?
Jun 30Reply
lacci916 @bnmeyer ya sure I don't mind
Jun 30Reply
bnmeyer Do I have to take them off of their individual listings if someone requests a bundle?
Jun 30Reply
lacci916 @bnmeyer look at this pic
Jun 30Reply
karlyn1771 Hello. . I am Soo NEW to this. . Any help is greatly appreciated. .
Jul 06Reply
jkniss I would love it and be so appreciative if you shared my listings! Especially my sale one :) @lnp916
Jul 23Reply
ellene77 What app do you use to make those images? Not postings (I know they are photos) but the images like the one you used to make the above images?
Aug 29Reply
lacci916 @elli3226 in this pic but my clothes Picts
Aug 29Reply
_morgaannn_ How do I get more followers to sell me items?
Sep 04Reply
lacci916 @_morgaannn_ follow people who are following me or who I follow and I'll share your items
Sep 04Reply
travelgramshop You are such and angel for helping out! This is the nicest post on Posh 👏👏😆
Sep 14Reply
lacci916 @truedesign Thank you so much
Sep 14Reply
lacci916 @jblacombe lmao I have a cup too
Sep 16Reply
jennibuck Just had to drop a quick note and Thank You, for being such a fabulous Posher. You were kind, generous, prompt and a pleasure to work with. I would absolutely recommend you and I will certainly but, again. Thank you, sweets! 💗💓💕💞
Sep 17Reply
lsimon221 @lnp916 Fairly new, thanks! 💐 Been many ladies with offers to help, I love it. And I love your closet many things my size. 😊
Sep 20Reply
stacyesd You are a the epitome of a True Posher~ great to do biz with!
Dec 09Reply
lacci916 @stacyesd well thank you so much for the compliment you made my day
Dec 09Reply
stacyesd Tks! For sharing!! 👍
Dec 09Reply
colemank I'm new to Posh and would love for you to share some of my items! I love seeing helpful people on these types of networks.
Dec 09Reply
lacci916 @colemank done have a great day doll
Dec 09Reply
divadiana Would love to have the shares!
Dec 22Reply
houndstooth I am brand new to Poshmark and it is do rhea to see this. Thank you!!!
Dec 30Reply
houndstooth I'm interested in buying 2 of your items. Would love to buy more but am broke from the holidays. Do I purchase them both separately?
Dec 30Reply
lacci916 @houndstooth which ones sorry I fell asleep
Dec 30Reply
houndstooth These three items: Size medium Soft gray shirt $8, Size large Old Navy top (Navy) $8 and Size medium gray tunic $10
Dec 30Reply
lacci916 @houndstooth tell me on the listing this one on them
Dec 30Reply
sheerelegance @lnp916 THANK YOU FOR SHARING MY LISTINGS 😊
Jan 16Reply
lacci916 @peggywatts you are welcome
Jan 16Reply
elajoydesigns @lnp916 I am very sorry to hear that. You have been so helpful & kind to me!
Jan 16Reply
michelled5n5 Just wanna say "I LOVE your closet"! Im new to posh and your closet fits my style and definitely my budget. I will b getting w/ u real soon, I hv 3 kids n still recovering from
Jan 31Reply
lacci916 @michelled5n5 I understand I have 1 and 2 step kids if you ever see anything you want I will work with you
Jan 31Reply
alysha_worthen Maybe you can help me.... So I've gotten a few host picks but I never received an email from posh. I sent them an email the other day but never heard back(not even a "thanks for your email" email) I am getting price drop emails but that's it. What should I do?
Mar 12Reply
lacci916 @alysha_worthen your fine I don't think they send out emails on host picks anymore
Mar 12Reply
alysha_worthen Okay, it was strange because I got one on Friday then I didn't get one the next Tuesday. Thanks again Miss Lacci @lnp916
Mar 12Reply
bria2004 Your closet is WOW!!! Seriously top notch gorgeous 😉 I hope mine looks as good as yours one day. I'm slowly adding LOL I buy more than sell and I'm still pretty new to posh but I've had many wonderful ladies point me in the right direction to become a successful posher! Your closet truly is inspiring!
Mar 28Reply
quadriyyah Hello How are you? Just starting on postmark I really would appreciate your help to get more followers. I love your rules.😀thanks for your help.
Apr 21Reply
quadriyyah Thank you so much... Wow your the best.😀
Apr 21Reply
karenbatx Hey Lacci! I have a question. A buyer negotiated with me and I marked the listing Hold for her but someone else came along and bought it. I msgd pm... the auto response said a day or two to respond. Does it take that long to cancel?
May 29Reply
jesstb @rodriguezm08 heres another posh pro ive learned from just browsing through her closet. 😘😘💖💖
Jun 01Reply
lacci916 @jesstb awe you sweet thank you
Jun 01Reply
jesstb @lnp916 thank you for your awesome closet and helpful posts , Your closet is one to look up to and ive been able to learn much from you in silence without even having to ask. Its poshers like you who make this a great experience. Again thanks. 😘😘💖💖
Jun 01Reply
lacci916 @jesstb thank you that made my day I hope you have a great day sweetie
Jun 01Reply
jesstb @lnp916 same to you 😘💖💖🌷🌷
Jun 01Reply
dscrockett Hi! Please share my closet. I enjoyed reading your various message in your closet. And thanks for helping other Poshers. I'm going to add some messages to my own closet and offer the same. You inspired me!
Jun 07Reply
lacci916 @dscrockett awe thanks so much you are way to kind
Jun 07Reply
fabulous58 Thanks so much for your info. I have had so many questions that you have freely answered. I now have to take some things out of my closet, such as childrens clothes. I want to be a great Posher such as yourself. It seems so hard sometimes. People ask.a lot of questiond as you've stated but purchase nothing. Anyway please share my closet. I would love to talk to you personally if possible. God Bless.
Jul 20Reply
neenesboutique Awww thanks. I keep seeing BOGO what does that mean?
Jul 30Reply
lacci916 @neenesboutique it means buy one get one 1/2 off
Jul 30Reply
lacci916 @neenesboutique you're welcome
Jul 30Reply
shoplittlebird Hi. Im just getting started with my closet and I appreciate knowing that you are available for questions. It means a lot to a newbie. If you get a chance please look at my closet and any advice would be greatly appreciated. 😊 thanks and happy Poshing.
Sep 16Reply
shoplittlebird I have a quick question about sharing my closet. At the top right hand corner of my closet is a button to "share closet." Does this mean i can share my entire closet with one click? So far I've been sharing my closet one listing at a time. What happens if i share the entire closet? Thanks.
Sep 17Reply
lacci916 @thecuteone28 it's where the buyer puts everything into one order and you ship more than one item in a package
Oct 03Reply
lacci916 @thecuteone28 you can go into settings and make a bundle discount in your closet so it automatically does it
Oct 03Reply
emilynichole14 I'm trying to make posh more than just a hobby! My boyfriend is a lineman and travels a bit so it's hard for me to have an actual job. If you look through my closet and have any opinions let me know! I don't mind constructive criticism ☺️
Dec 06Reply
lacci916 @emilynichole14 ok I will in the morning and I'm very honest 😉
Dec 06Reply
emilynichole14 Perfect thank you!
Dec 06Reply
lacci916 @emilynichole14 you are welcome anytime
Dec 06Reply
secretmarvels In gratitude! Thank you!! :)
Dec 09Reply
lacci916 @secretmarvels 😀😀😀😀 thank you
Dec 09Reply
macaddicton Thanks for any information you can provide, when you request a deposit, how long does it take? Is there a certain day posh processes, like just Monday's etc? I am not sure if I should do this or just request a check. Thanks again
Feb 22Reply
lacci916 @macaddicton check would be slower, usually it takes 2 days to get money in the bank.
Feb 22Reply
macaddicton @lnp916 , Oh wow, ok. Yeah I read a check can take 2 weeks, but I wasn't sure if Pish only processed direct deposit on a certain day of the week. I really appreciate your help. Ty
Feb 22Reply
lacci916 @macaddicton you are welcome
Feb 22Reply

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Last Active: 17 hours ago

Powell, TN
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