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Updated Jul 26
Updated Jul 26




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nugget_love @vivacouture @finchen ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Dec 30Reply
vivacouture @nugget_love OMG Barb !!! That's what my hubby and I always do !!! We don't let go until he does and these days with him starting preschool he has started saying " don't touch me " so when we hug and cuddle I Cherish every second !!!
Dec 30Reply
finchen @nugget_love @vivacouture : aww, so true and I never let go before Sofia does! Today she was very generous with giving us kisses! My heart was melting!! OMG, they grow up way too fast! I can't imagine Sofia going to pre-school, I still see the little baby in her!!
Dec 30Reply
nugget_love @vivacouture oh nooooooo!!!!! He says "don't touch me"??? That would break my heart!! My son is such a love bug it's crazy!!! He's ALWAYS coming up to us an hugging us and telling us he loves us. Melts my heart every time!! Tonight the last thing he said before he fell asleep was Him: "mommy.....I love you". Me: "I love you too buddy" Him: " happy???" Me: "I am muffin (one of the nicknames I call him)". "Are you???" Him: he pauses....."yes" Then he grabbed my arm to hold him (we were spooning) tight and fell right asleep. Seriously.....stick a fork in me....I'm done. 😍
Dec 30Reply
nugget_love @finchen I'm right with you!!!! Get so sad every time I think about either him going to school, daycare or possibly someone watching him if I go back to work. 😢😭😭
Dec 30Reply
vivacouture @nugget_love yes it is the whole preschool thing where they learn a lot of things !! It's a double edged sword ! He is the most affectionate loving cuddly boy full of joy and love and says I love you etc but this is what he learned from other kids ! Then he apologizes and says I am sorry ... Come mommy let me love you ! I tell him " oh your love is the best thing in the world ' he says " are those tears of joy ?" I seriously melt ..., he started sleeping in his own bed recently and just comes and says hold me mommy I need love !!
Dec 30Reply
nugget_love @victoriadove so sweet!!!!! Mine is still with us in bad I know....
Dec 30Reply
vivacouture It's NOT bad at all !! In fact the contrary !! Trust me its been a few nights and he asked himself to ...we take turns sleeping in his room and its been a few days ... This time will never come again -- don't rush anything enjoy it ! The emotional strength he is receiving is priceless !!!!
Dec 30Reply
vivacouture @finchen awe it does go by way too quickly !!! We look at his baby pictures and tears fill my eyes because it all went by so quickly !! We may try again for another one in 2014 If its meant to be....
Dec 30Reply
nugget_love @sms2811 😘😘so cute isn't it??? I will never let go first again.
Dec 30Reply
tatyana123 I love this one!!!! Hugs and kisses to your boy! Happy 2014 to you, guys ! Tat.
Jan 02Reply
nugget_love @tatyana123 thanks!! I love it too! Makes me smile when I see it. Thanks for visiting! Nhappt new year to you as well!!❤️
Jan 02Reply
jjaquess ❤️
Jan 02Reply
frantasticslp So true :-)
Jan 02Reply
sheelagoh Stop tormenting me :( @finchen @nugget_love @vivacouture Eve used to be super teeny, clutching my leg and then holding up her AMS for hugs!!! Although she's a lot more demonstrative than most 14 year olds, it isn't quite the same.
Jan 03Reply
nugget_love @sheelagoh 😢😢I'm sure the relationship changes as your children get older.....but i am soooo not ready for that!! 😭😭
Jan 04Reply
skyeyas I have to remember this. 😊
Jan 05Reply
miloandzoesnest This is beautiful, my daughter is always asking for hugs💕💕💕
Jan 12Reply
nugget_love @lchouser you were??? I hope you got the hugs you needed!!!😘😘😘😘. This is another one of those i saw come across Facebook and it really moved me so I wanted to put it on here.
Jan 12Reply
nugget_love @lamariela2012 awww.....she is?? My little one does too. We are very lucky!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jan 12Reply
miloandzoesnest Thank you, she does it whenever she's in trouble and she is getting a pep talk. She says mom by the way, can I have a hug? Ja ja, she's a smart girl💕
Jan 12Reply
sdshopper 😍Love!❤️
Jan 17Reply
carenlovesgucci @nugget_love Barb.. I am not really an overly sentimental lady.. Caring YES.. But not the typical emotional female.. This post, literally brought a tear to my eye! I don't have kids but am "aunt" Caren to dozens! Last year, one if my good friends mom passed! The funeral was literally 20 hours after I had hernia surgery.. I could not not go! At the reception afterwords, I saw my friends 17 year old stepson standing by himself .. Out of sorts..I went up to him, put my hand on his shoulder and he just sort of collapsed in my arms and he began crying, just let it all out! We stood there for a long time! My boyfriend, later.. Made a comment.. (Not Mr Sensitivity, plus, concerned by the recent surgery)) " I was wondering how long you were going to stand there holding him..." To which I responded.. " As long as he needed me to!" Thank you for posting this!
Jan 27Reply
blondefarmwife I got tears reading this! You moms inspire me @nugget_love @finchen @vivacouture are all such kind ladies, I know your little love-bugs are so fortunate to have you as mommy's! Xoxo💗💗I mean that to the fullest extent!!
Jan 27Reply
vivacouture @tevavold awe Thank you Tami ! Evan is my little angel and the last two weeks he has been crying when we say we are going to "date night " . He says mommy please don't go !! I have a solution - you stay home on the couch and daddy can bring you a drink and you can have fun on the couch for date night" . !!! Such a sweetie and scared we won't come back . It breaks my heart when I hear him share his little / big feelings ! I love him beyond words @finchen @nugget_love
Jan 27Reply
nugget_love @carenlovesgucci your story just made me cry!!!!!!!! But in a good way. You are a kind and sweet soul. You can tell.😘😘. So happy there are people like you in this world.
Jan 27Reply
nugget_love @vivacouture awwww!!!! That would break my heart!!! Funny you mentioned date night. Tomorrow is my wedding anniversary. A friend of mine will watch Nugget for just a little while so my husband and I can have a date night. It will be the very first date night we are having since he was born!!!!😁😁and that will be 3 at the end of March.
Jan 27Reply
nugget_love @tevavold are the sweetest!!!!! That's why I ❤❤❤you!!! Well, one of the many reasons.
Jan 27Reply
vivacouture @carenlovesgucci awe I just read your post . My heart melted . He was blessed to have you there in that moment . Glad you were there to be the shoulder he felt trusting enough to melt into !!
Jan 27Reply
paperrose I love this posting so much which made my eyes wet☺️ I have a 11 & 8 yr olds who think they're too big to hug their mommy😁 Enjoy your moment w/ your precious little one as much as possible😊 because time goes by so quick!!!
Jan 28Reply
nugget_love @paperrose so glad you liked it! I ❤️❤️ it too. And I am not ready for him to not want hugs...😢😢😢. I'm sure your little ones will circle around....
Jan 28Reply
vivacouture @nugget_love Barb !!! How did I know post to your post above ??? !!! Happy wedding anniversary !!! How many years ?? How did it go ?? I hope you enjoyed yourselves ! I know how hard it can be to leave and go out. We don't do it very much and when we do all we do is talk about Evan !! So fighting another flu here ! It's been nonstop 😱😩😩😩how is nugget feeling ? Btw I emailed the recruiter your hubby's info . If I see or hear anything else will let you know 😘😘😘😘
Jan 30Reply
nugget_love @vivacouture awww, thanks for asking!! We just went to the Cheesecake Factory....but it was great to have a date! 😉. Nugget did well. During the day he would off and on cry and say he wanted to come with us. He was begging. Broke my heart!!! But a girlfriend of mine watched him and our kids are like best friends so I knew he would be fine once he got there (and he totally was). I sure was happy to pick him up though!! I'm way too obsessed with my son. lol!!! My husband actually just started a new job this week!!! Yay!! It doesn't pay enough....and absolutely doesn't pay what he was making but it does pay more than unemployment (which is what we've been barely living off of for 5 months)....and we'll Have benefits so he took the job. Hopefully there will be some promotions soon there as there are positions open....he just needs to learn the business first (Restoration Hardware). I'm still waiting on a call for an interview to manage an animal hospital. I've been in contact with the recruiter, but they have someone in the position currently so they haven't started the interview process quite yet (but told it will be very soon). I pray everyday I get a call!!!! Thanks for asking!!! And oh no!!!! The flu?? That is awful!! I am JUST NOW getting over having a nasty case of the flu turned into a NASTY sinus infection. I've been sick (and a lot of times sick in bed) for over three weeks I think!! I pray your battle with the flu is a short one!! Does the whole family have it???😞😩
Jan 30Reply
vivacouture Oh I am so happy for your husband ! RH is a great company from what heard ! I love there stuff ! Our place has so much of their hardware it's Beautiful !! You know it's a great start for the new year and you never know what it will lead to ! So you still want to go back to work ? I am glad you had a chance to get out ! Evan begs us to take him too ! But lately we aren't even going because he just will wake up so many times . And with being run down from lack of sleep I keep getting the sinus stuff too I have it now . It goes in cycles ! Glad you are all better and really Happy for his new job !! The universe works in mysterious ways ... Xo
Jan 30Reply
eastcoastcool Love this😍 Definitely words to live by!
Feb 01Reply
andine @nugget_love this is SO TRUE!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ and mine still sleeps with me too and says half asleep "mama can I cuddle wif you?" Love that "th" is still an "f" sometimes and that she reverses her "n's" and "m's" as in "Renember?" Cherishing every second! @vivacouture @finchen ☺️☺️☺️
Feb 17Reply
tamikay26 Love this!!!
Mar 09Reply
nugget_love @tamikay26 I know!!!! So do I! When I saw it, it really touched me. I knew I had to have it posted in my closet. 😘
Mar 10Reply
tamikay26 Totally ❤️❤️. Thanks for sharing.
Mar 10Reply
kristyblocker OMG! So true 💜💜💜💜
Mar 15Reply
playingblogger 😍😍😍😍 My baby is starting child care in a week 😩😩😩😩 after 18 month SAHM!!
Mar 17Reply
nugget_love @jules2209 oh no!!! I'm sure she'll be okay......but how will YOU be?? I would be a mess. Be strong Momma!!!!😘
Mar 17Reply
jakeamom12 How true! Love this💖💖💖💖
Mar 28Reply
poppy64 ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 08Reply
justjessi @nugget_love 💗💗💗💗💗 all FIVE of mine get this from me‼️‼️ so true‼️ 💋#xojessi
Apr 14Reply
ludazaiter Great closet I don't know what to choose🙆 lmk which one you prefer between the 2 I liked
Apr 15Reply
nugget_love @ludazaiter sweet of you!! need to make something a host pick. Promise. You just go and have a blast!! You have an adorable closet!!!😍😍
Apr 15Reply
samaruda Love this!
Apr 18Reply
nugget_love @cdfielding thanks Chelsea!! ;)
Apr 20Reply
vonahn so sweet! and so true! Who doesn't want those innocent arms embracing you. Best feeling ever
Apr 22Reply
blackcherry7 i love your new profile pic <3
Apr 24Reply
syejunior @nugget_love Wow, so true. I need to consciously put this into practice when hugging people in general. Thanks for sharing!
Apr 29Reply
kardinalkandy I am a teacher and know this to be oh so true!!
Apr 30Reply
fashionfever88 awwww my good friend is "best friends" with Ariel and Elsa at Disneyland and she says this all the time! ❤️
Apr 30Reply
nugget_love @fashionfever88 really?? That's so cute!!! I love this post. I share it everyday...mostly as a reminder for myself. 😉❤️
Apr 30Reply
miwickedstyle awww love this. my son hugs all the time. the want all the love you can give them.
May 08Reply
deenanelson Absolutely love this!!🍃💖💕
Jun 04Reply
generationxgirl @nugget_love - I LOVE THIS!!!
Jun 09Reply
nugget_love @generationxgirl me too Gina!! I like sharing it everyday to just remind myself!! 😉
Jun 09Reply
generationxgirl @nugget_love -That's not a bad idea :)
Jun 09Reply
vivacouture Hi barb !! So am I finally going to meet you at poshfest ?? Xo
Jun 11Reply
nugget_love @vivacouture you're going this year?? good for you!! I can't go..... I don't have anywhere near that type of money to go. 😩. And sales on here have not been what they were last year.... For me anyway. You'll have a blast!! Post pics please!!😘😘
Jun 11Reply
vivacouture Oh no !!! I was looking forward to meeting you but I understand !! It is still far off so maybe things will turn around ? I Live in LA so San Fran is a quick flight and I plan on going so hopefully I will make it !
Jun 11Reply
kellyjoy @nugget_love Thank you for posting this!! What a blessing to read! I have a 10 year old daughter and she absolutely adores hugs and this just made me tear up thinking about how much she needs these hugs and how much I cherish her hugs and how I need to always treasure them as much as possible. This just made my night reading this 💛💛
Jun 26Reply
twss @nugget_love Barb, thank you soooo much for the shares earlier today! You are too kind 😘 I saw this post in your closet before but wanted to tell you it inspired me. I have two little boys and this is a good reminder that they need me more than I need anything else. Thank you!
Jul 04Reply
nugget_love @twss awwwww.......two boys.....double the ❤❤! I love this post too. I like to share it everyday to remind myself. I'm glad you like it! Thanks for peeking!😘
Jul 08Reply
nugget_love @kellyjoy we are lucky we have little ones who like to give hugs!!! I soooooo hope my Nugget doesn't ever stop that! I had to add this to my closet.....and share it everyday to remind myself. I'm glad you like it!! And thanks for visiting. 😘😘
Jul 08Reply
classy_sassy ❤️❤️❤️
Aug 01Reply
mollys3 So true! Love this!
Sep 18Reply
bafelus I LOVE THIS!!!!!
Dec 31Reply
nugget_love @bafelus I felt the same way when I first saw it Beth!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ love it!
Jan 01Reply
eila Beautiful!!!
May 27Reply
ren23p Awww! That's so sweet!
Jul 25Reply
ceceliatalisman Love this! I hope you don't mind if I share!
Oct 23Reply
nugget_love @sanssouci please do! Thank you for even noticing. Welcome to posh!!
Oct 23Reply
ceceliatalisman @nugget_love thank you so much! And you and your family: adorable!
Oct 23Reply
nugget_love @sanssouci awe!!!!! Thank you for your kind words!! My family is my everything!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Oct 23Reply
bewilliams @nugget_love EXACTLY! 💖💖💖
Jan 31Reply
angelfire1 That is so touching! My 27 year old son is very sick. Because of his illnesses he told me he doesn't want to live anymore he's in such pain. My heart is breaking. I don't know what to do anymore. He never leaves the house. I love this saying because.......If you have a child hold them and never ever let go. It might be the last time you do..... I'm sorry, my heart is aching.
Mar 01Reply
nugget_love @angelfire1 Cindy....I am so sorry to hear this! Praying for you and your family. Hoping you all get some healing soon
Mar 02Reply
angelfire1 Thank you so much. He needs all the prayers he can get. I appreciate your thoughtfulness. God bless you and yours also.
Mar 02Reply

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