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Updated Jan 14
Updated Jan 14

Calling God




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jakeamom12 Love this!!! Prayer is everything! Prayers bring miracles! Thank you for being a friend and supporting and sharing my closet❤️❤️❤️
Feb 03Reply
ndiangecloset 🙏Amen❤️😇
Feb 16Reply
jewelry_party @maviles45 All the time, puts a song of joy in this heart of mine.
Feb 17Reply
mexichica Blessings to u!!! :)
Jun 14Reply
mexichica Thanks so much for the shares!!!
Jun 14Reply
julieg1 Misty this is so true. Lady I can't keep up with your generosity, everyday you do more and more. I can't begin to thank you enough. Know that I do totally appreciate all you are doing to help Jennifer, Brayden and I. Thank you Julie
Jun 15Reply
jewelry_party @julieg1 do you live with Jennifer & Brayden? Is he their only child?
Jun 16Reply
julieg1 She did live with us for a couple of years, prefers to be on her own. With my husband job,e continually moved. That wasn't good for Brayden to be on the move, he needs a regular schedule. Daylight savings messes him up terribly. Anyway she is on her own. Recently had met a wonderful guy, we love him, he is so good and compassionate to Brayden. Tries to do normal things with him, he's awesome. Brayden's dad left him at a year old, he and his family has never reached out to be a part of Brayden's life at all. So sad, his other grandma sends him a card, maybe every 3 years or so. Oh well, we have enough love fir him.
Jun 16Reply
jewelry_party @julieg1 I'm glad she's met a nice man. They are so hard to find these days. And to know that He enjoys spending time with Brayden is so neat!
Jun 16Reply
jewelry_party @jblacombe on a scale of 1-10 in pain 10 being the worst ever. My Mom says she's about a 12.
Jun 16Reply
jewelry_party @jblacombe She has a doc appt. on Tuesday. The docs and nurses knew when she went home that the pain would increase. She can't get the IV drip medicine that was working. We'll see on Tuesday. She definitely needs more pain meds.
Jun 16Reply
guess214l Thank you so much for the shares. I haven't work since January. I'm battling breast cancer and need the money. Thank you again 💐
Aug 08Reply
jewelry_party @guess214l Hi Luisa, my Mom has been breast cancer free for over 3 years now. I'll pray for you. What stage is it in? Mom caught it at stage 3.
Aug 08Reply
guess214l Mine was stage 2. I had my double mastectomy on Feb 4th and a total hysterectomy on July 22nd. Super happy for your mom!! 💐💕
Aug 08Reply
jewelry_party @guess214l My moms hysterectomy was 12 years ago and double masectomy 10 weeks ago. She had a scare of possible cancer so she said forget it and got rid of having another chance of a scare.
Aug 08Reply
guess214l I did the same!! I have 5 kids I can't take a chance of another scare.
Aug 08Reply
destinyshea I love this!!!
Aug 24Reply
jewelry_party Thanks, God put this in my heart. I had to tell everyone! @destinyshea
Aug 24Reply
ali65 Wow, boy did I need to be reminded of that. All the miracles He has done in my life, begging Him, praying with my elders after every service Wed and Sun after service, that my dad would survive cancer. And then metastasis, and He did, 15 yrs later, my dad's Drs call him a miracle. And many other illnesses in between, and letting me... Me!!! Be a witness of watching my dad give his life to The Lord, right before all the health stuff. Never mind what He's done for me!! Yes, Lord please refresh in me Your spirit , to be bold and live for You again. Especially in these times we are living in. Thank you for this posting!!
Aug 25Reply
jewelry_party wow that's so cool! @ali65 I too got to see my Dad accept the Lord! Also was along my Mom's side while she faught off breast cancer. She is now cancer free and been so for over 2 years.
Aug 25Reply
ali65 Yes, the power of prayer, I'll pray for your mom . That's awesome u got yo witness your dad also, I was prayin sooooooo hard at My a Church.... He went just to shut me up!!! And the message , was right on the money, Pastor was talkin about the gull armor of God... Relating to a fireman and how they put their armor on, to ho into the fire. My dad was a NYCFF for twenty years. There was a lot more, it as sooooooo hard for me when he did the alter call, to not even look at my dad, just had my head down prayin hard, then I felt him get up, with tears running down his sweet face. Tough Army 6'2", man , I actually FELT the fight going on, he went up on second call, which my Pastor does not do often said he felt there was an older man in a real spiritual battle, my dad was shaking. Soooooo grateful, I'm crying again recalling it, happy tears!!!
Aug 25Reply
ali65 Sorry my iPad tries to fix spellings, and didn't mean to go on , just so blessed to see this!! I'm his caretaker now. God is so good!😊😊😊😊
Aug 25Reply
jewelry_party Oh wow that is so beautiful! You got me crying here. Is He now a man after God's own Heart? Sounds like it. My dad and I got baptized on the same day. @ali65
Aug 25Reply
jewelry_party @ali65 no problem. God is good and His love endures forever! I am my moms caretaker right now as well. That's why I hope this posh business takes off. I need more income. The government might stop paying me to take care of her and then I'll be needing something coming in as well as I need to still be here for my mom.
Aug 25Reply
ali65 You will be in my. Prayers that He will provide for you, Yes, he has changed so much since then, I mean really changed. And for it to work out, that I get to spend this " season" of his life with him, so blessed. We were always close, sometimes I look at him, and like your mom in pain, I know he's in a lot of pain. I hafta tell hi it's ok to take pain meds, he hates how they make him feel. He agrees after a little coaxing😊😊. I'll put you and your mom on my Churches prayer list, literally goes around the globe. I'm in NJ now, miss my home Church Calvary Chapel, I listen online, and am searching for a church up here😩😩😩miss my church, a lot . Be blessed my dear.
Aug 25Reply
jewelry_party @ali65 awe thanks! I'm a Calvary Chapelite too! Lol. I too miss it. Since moms been sick we've dropped out , but we listen online as well as Joyce Meyer everyday in the morning! It brings up moms self esteem and mood.
Aug 25Reply
ali65 Where is your Calvary?
Aug 25Reply
jewelry_party @ali65 Salinas and Gilroy California
Aug 25Reply
ali65 Oh neat! Pastor Greg Laurie is so where out there. I want to get the seahorse earrings, gotta wait a bit, gonna see if there is something else I can't live without!LOL
Aug 25Reply
ganonymous1988 🙏 amen
Aug 30Reply
sassysuzzy @ali65 Thank u Alison for sharing your Dad's story. I have a similar one about my Brother. God is faithful even when we are faithless, says The Word! Grew up a Preachers Kid in Riverside, CA. Attended Calvary Chapel a lot but since we moved to WA I only go when we visit my Brothers. They attend Greg's Church & I catch him up here on the radio. Neat guy!
Sep 02Reply
sassysuzzy @mistyheart Thank u for sharing. So very true. I am a Licensed Psychotherapist & a Licensed Pastor. Currently taking a break due to an accident & caring for my 89 yr old Sweet Mother. Just moved this past week so she can live with us. She is an amazing Woman of God.
Sep 02Reply
dashingdeals1 Amen!!!!!! So true. God loves to be good to us. He loves to see his children happy. Sometimes you have to go threw the storm to get to the rainbow but if you stand in faith God will prevail every time :)
Sep 15Reply
poshy007 Amen :-) xo and thanks for sharing my closet
Sep 21Reply
britgirl2 💓Amen sister🙏I just got back from a Christian retreat, it was so refreshing to the mind and spirit, life was getting a little crazy for a while just needed to slow down and be quiet....have a fabulous day my friend🌺
Sep 22Reply
julielapierre Love! Love! Love!
Sep 27Reply
jewelry_party @julielapierre Thank You, this came to me one day and I just had to share it with others!
Sep 27Reply
jwurmnest1 This is beautiful!
Oct 24Reply
jewelry_party @jwurmnest1 Thank You! God gave me the words
Oct 24Reply
momof2nuggets Ironic that I stumbled upon this...or is it? Thank you for posting :)
Nov 01Reply
jewelry_party @jamiesgirlat155 Hi Jessie! Thank You, I was trying to encourage a friend and afterwards I was like wow! I know that God was talking through me, cause it made sit there and think. You know what I mean? I had to post it because it reminds me to keep thinking of Him. As long as we are waiting and thinking about and trusting Him, we can not have evil thoughts. There is a scripture in the Bible of two men, one saw the entire sky filled with angels and the other man could only see the land filled with the enemy army approaching. The first man prayed and asked God to remove the scales from his friends eyes, after praying, the other man lifted his eyes and saw the entire sky filled with angels and he was no longer afraid. I want to live with no fear. I know that God says fear not for I am with you. There is no other way in the bible to fear not. I want to see what God has for me, and I want hear His plans He has for me. Jeremiah 29:11 I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future. I live by that verse.
Nov 02Reply
momof2nuggets @mistyheart My heart just skipped a beat. I live by Jereimiah 29:11. My favorite. I have a beautiful bracelet that another Posher made me w/ that Psalm on a charm 😉
Nov 02Reply
jewelry_party @jamiesgirlat155 oh awesome! Do you know the Posher's name? I'd love to get a bracelet too.
Nov 02Reply
momof2nuggets Sure, let me look through my comments/sales, 1 min!
Nov 02Reply
momof2nuggets @dgreendesigns Jerimiah 29:11 Bracelet, she didn't have one offered so I special requested it, now it's available 😉 I have just plain silver beads, nothing fancy, with the charm. Tell her I sent you! Good luck 🙏
Nov 02Reply
jewelry_party @jamiesgirlat155 Thank You! 👼 @dgreendesigns I've been searching through your closet for a Jeremiah 29:11 bracelet. Do you still have it and can you tag me on it? Thanks!
Nov 02Reply
momof2nuggets Let me see if I can tag you
Nov 02Reply
margiedaboss 🙏🙏🙏AMEN to that
Nov 13Reply
supermom36 Over this post! Great reminder for us all.....
Nov 13Reply
supermom36 I meant LOVE this post!!
Nov 13Reply
supermom36 Thanks for sharing this!
Nov 13Reply
katielady1982 made me teary eyed. :,)
Nov 14Reply
drea04 @mistyheart thank you for the shares an for being my PFF...LOVE THIS !! GOD IS GOOD... 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Nov 15Reply
shugahs Love this…
Nov 16Reply
colie55 Love this
Nov 18Reply
audkiss @mistyheart I love meeting others who love God as much as i do and appreciate what it means to have a relationship with HIM.. Be blessed hun!!
Nov 19Reply
jewelry_party @audkiss awe me too! I God is great!
Nov 19Reply
danystormborn @mistyheart perfect! This is so well said. Recently I have been working on building my relationship with god after allowing the stress and business and pain of my life to pull me away from him, and I have found so much more peace. Not only in turning to him in times of need, but celebrating with him and rejoicing in all of his blessings!
Nov 26Reply
danystormborn It's a relief to meet a fellow believer as well. I've noticed that among my peers especially, many (although not ALL)have seemed to not only turn away from god, but actively mock or discriminate against those who are religious (like myself). The other day, I bought an ADORABLE sweater from a very sweet posher, and it happened to have a cross on it. When I showed it to my friend, the first thing he said was "it's really cute, but you're going to catch a lot of heat because of that cross. Be careful where you wear it, or try to keep it covered". The weird part is, he is right. I can hardly ever wear a cross where I live without being verbally attacked or harassed. It's very sad that I hear people speaking down about religion because "religious people always discriminate against atheists and think they are better than them". I have friends of ALL types! All different religions, genders, sexual orientations, and I NEVER talk down to them, or try to preach at them. If they want to know more about my faith, I am HAPPY to speak with them about it, but I would never force it on someone because "what they believe is wrong". If what these people want is acceptance for their beliefs, then shouldn't they be willing to accept mine? Sorry, rant over haha
Nov 26Reply
jewelry_party @danystormborn Agreed! God never says once that we should or can judge atheists. It is only our duty to judge other Christians and correct them. It is not fair to judge an atheist because they do not share our same beliefs. Around here, if you wear a cross, your thought to be catholic but then He isn't on the cross and people sometimes get confused. I consider myself a silent missionary. I'm too shy to go up to someone and talk to them about Jesus but I like to leave tracts behind in like bathrooms, doctors offices, anywhere someone may be sitting for a while. But I usually get adult cartoon ones. Because if your heart is that of a child it's easier to see God's love He has for you. I try and get the ones that say that I'm not using Him as a crutch, or the neat salvation ones in as little as 5 steps and a prayer that can save your life. Ohh and if you get the chance tell someone, "when you go to bed tonight, Say "God? If you're real then show me." He will show Himself if they truly ask Him to.
Nov 26Reply
danystormborn @mistyheart Amen!! Honestly I went through a bit of an "existential crisis" recently, where I started freaking out about dying and I was stupid enough to let all the negative influences around me break down my faith and make me start to doubt God a bit. One night I broke down, and I prayed and prayed for a solid 30 minutes. I asked God to wash away my doubt, and restore my faith, and give me a few minutes of peace because I have just been stressed and felt so alone every second of every day and couldn't take it anymore! I felt this wave of peace wash over me. I felt more peaceful and happy and content in that moment than I think I have ever been in my entire life. I KNEW at that time that I wasn't alone, I had someone with me that cared about me more than I will ever know, and I was so happy I just started crying tears of happiness. I hope I will never forget that night, because after that I have no doubt that God will always be with me.
Nov 26Reply
jewelry_party @danystormborn speechless 😊 Beautiful! Isn't God good?
Nov 26Reply
danystormborn @mistyheart He is GREAT! There is really nothing more beautiful than his love, and all of the things he created for us.
Nov 26Reply
margorat07 I thank God, my Father every day for rescuing me. :) My best Friend, my King, my Redeemer, my Protector, my God!!! Thanks for your sharing hearts!
Nov 29Reply
jewelry_party @margorat07 Hi it's great to know Him and know that He loves me unconditionally.
Nov 29Reply
abstractdreams 👍💋
Dec 10Reply
jewelry_party @lchouser Hi thanks! Hey since you drink coffee... Have you ever had buttered coffee? I'm curious, I just saw a recipe for it. Blended and not stirred???
Dec 30Reply
forrestsnowcat Awesome indeed! Love to talk to my "Dad" !
Jan 08Reply
wigglelily I love God to.
Jan 10Reply
jewelry_party @wigglelily Hi Rachael, nice to meet you!
Jan 10Reply
originaldana What a beautiful post to come across .. Sending love and hugs .. God bless!
Jan 20Reply
mangga4ever God is good ALL the time! He is always just a prayer away...
Jan 30Reply
vettemama Amen!
Apr 13Reply
paulaalbe1 There is much truth in that. And much truth that The Lord wants to hear your joy, when you are happy also! 😘😘
Jul 28Reply
greaterfashions @mistyheart This is Great!!! Praise God for Posh sisters to hear from God.... May The Lord continue to Bless us All!!!
Jul 29Reply
delalunavibes All day! Me and my Savior! Blessed Assurance! ☺️☺️☺️☺️
Jul 30Reply
Aug 21Reply
kimsgurl143 Lord,please empty me of myself to be filled with more of YOU!
Aug 21Reply
wenrella Love this
Aug 25Reply
smarty21 What a beautiful reflection... Thank you. This just made my morning. Lots of love and prayers your way. :)
Aug 30Reply
smarty21 Oh, and thanks for following :)
Aug 30Reply
jewelry_party @murphys938 Thanks, God put this on my heart one day and I knew it was too good to keep for myself, I had to share it.
Aug 30Reply
jewelry_party @bambibrwneyez I'm glad! It sure gives me reassurance every time I read it that He loves me and that He is there for me. <3
Mar 21Reply
jenb18 @mistyheart I love this! So true and it's all about having a personal relationship with Jesus. Amen. God Bless
Mar 21Reply
cfroehli Thanks for this daily inspiration ☺️. We all need to remember that we always have a good friend in our father in heaven and in Jesus
Aug 30Reply
jewelry_party @cfroehli Amen. I hope you have a great day!
Aug 30Reply
sunshine606 Amen, Amen and Amen! Continue to blessed and be a blessing to everyone you meet!🙏👏🏽
Aug 31Reply
jewelry_party @sunshine606 awe thanks. Keeping negativity out of your life and only allowing positivity and truths that align with God’s words.
Aug 31Reply
msneverending1 I love this 2018 was not a good year for me: March had flu B w/pneumonia in both lungs hospitalized 7 days, May fell in bathroom broke rt wrist 2 places surgery w/plates&screws,June spinal surgery did not go well put on ventilator 10 days,3 days ICU left leg paralyzed daily PT some use but now walk w/4 arm crutches& permanent knee brace, Aug otpt surgery intubated awake w/tongue depressors W/glob
Dec 20Reply
msneverending1 Of Lidocaine ended up aspirating some in day felt like I was drowning&could not breath,went to ER admitted to ICU 10days. Lidocaine caused fld to build up in lungs, thought I had PE & heart enlarged& ended up w//pneumonia again.First day every time closed eyes flying thru tunnel as/white lite at end saw older sister at door reaching hand to me. I now pray several times a day,believe in powerof
Dec 20Reply
msneverending1 Prayer, it was not my time yet, He let me come back from the lite, it has made me stronger, I am a fighter, it made my faith stronger, and 2019 will be a great year, I will not get sick and heard the Holy Spirit speak to me to tell me 2018 was test of my faith and that 2019 will be my new beginning of the rest of my life and I will not get sick at all, I will adjust to & accept what happened to me in 2018. Love & Peace Carol
Dec 20Reply
jewelry_party @msneverending1 Wow that sure was a test! But I’m glad that you’re alive and that through all the hardships you stayed with God. Sometimes that can break a person from religious beliefs. But having a personal relationship and a knowledge of God our Father being with us and that He loves us is what keeps me. He knows my steps and my evil fleshy ways and yet He still lives me and has chosen us to be His kids!
Dec 20Reply

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