Alba330 Who?!
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Hello, thanks for stopping by! I'm Alba! I enjoy fashion, classic styles, casual yet elegant charm. Have fun browsing, shopping and if you have questions, ask away! 💋

197 others
like this

@serrabeck Thank you for sharing!
Mar 27Reply

@alba330 yw hon. Beautiful family you have👪your babies are adorable ❤️❤️❤️😍
Mar 27Reply

@serrabeck Thank you.
Mar 27Reply

@alba330 wow 🎉🎉🎉gorgeous
Mar 27Reply

@angelie10 me?! You sure? Haha... Thank you. After two kids, don't feel that way. But mind over matter, right?
Mar 27Reply

@alba330 happy family is important 👪 and you look good 💕
Mar 27Reply

@angelie10 thank you... And very true.
Mar 27Reply

@alba330 aww I have two sons that still run my life & they're 9 & 14 now. The live gets stronger & stronger through every stage. 🎉congrats🎉 on being a new mommy👍😊 & I wish you have much success here on posh & God Bless🙏you & you're family❤️
Apr 05Reply

@kanyejoyner Thank you so so much! It's because of people like you that make posh enjoyable and positive. Congrats on your family and God bless you and yours as well!
Apr 05Reply

@dayane5to Welcome to Posh! @mymy33 @roxy8499 @dnices23 @claudia91748 @nadrod
Apr 07Reply

hey! do you have a lv coin wallet? lmk
Apr 09Reply

@momena Hello! I have a coin purse (small wallet) but the zipper has a tear. I can email you pics if you'd like. That's the reason it isn't listed. Other than the tear, the leather and all
Parts are in good and working condition.
Apr 09Reply

yeah sure email me momenaahmed@hotmail. com
Apr 09Reply

@gbeter Thank you for following. Small world, I have family out in Mandeville, LA too. Perhaps you're neighbors :)
Apr 11Reply

@alba330 no way! So funny. Small world!
Apr 11Reply

@gbeter Sure is. If you encounter anyone with Aviles as the last name, that's them! My brother has a Latin food restaurant out there.
Apr 11Reply

@alba330 what's the restaurant?!
Apr 11Reply

@gbeter La Palma Grill
Apr 11Reply

@intimalena Welcome to Posh!
Apr 11Reply

I have a baby girl who just turned 8 months :) I used to be a director of a news station in memphis and I quit everything so I can be with her. It's so exhausting but the loveliest thing in the world!!!! You have a really cute family.
Apr 12Reply

@semza9 Wow, really?! Congratulations on your baby and your decision to stay home. It's tough, I can sympathize. Thank you!
Apr 12Reply

@bellanblue Thank you dearly!
Apr 14Reply

@alba330 alba thanks for your purchase. I will follow and i love to share. :)
Apr 14Reply

@bellanblue Uh huh, me too! 😊
Apr 14Reply

Apr 17Reply

@rodblake Hello! The username above is incorrect? 😊
Apr 17Reply

@alba330 hello I'm trying to show your beautiful dresss to my bf who is getting married and the dress your wearing is the style we the bridesmaid going to wear 🎉❤️💖 it's really pretty !!!!
Apr 17Reply

@rodblake It is a pretty style for a bridesmaid. Congratulations to her. Click on her username, it came up invalid for me 😟
Apr 17Reply

@alba330 ok I will and thank you for the info and also thank you so much for all you lovely share -:)
Apr 17Reply

@rodblake You're very welcome.
Apr 17Reply

@yvonne86 Welcome to Posh Liz! @mymy33 @roxy8499
Apr 17Reply

@dnices23 @dayane5to 👆
Apr 17Reply

@alba330 lovely :) your such a natural beauty!! To me that is the most gorgeous kinda of beauty :)
Apr 24Reply

@worcutestld Very kind words, and I agree 100%. Use what you got not what you bought, right?!
Apr 24Reply

@alba330 Lol I love it! Yes 100% agree!! You seem a lot like me in many ways, like the way you dress. Chic Classic modest style :) I'm not a flashy dresser. I know some moms can pull it off but I'm more comfortable casual type :)
Apr 24Reply

@worcutestld Oooh, yes!! Comfy is my style now and quick. Don't have too much time if any ⌚
Apr 24Reply

@alba330 What can I say.....Gorgeous! Tc
Apr 25Reply

@lenter Thank you! And you too 😘
Apr 25Reply

@alba330 Mwuah!
Apr 25Reply

@pao81 Welcome to posh, Pahola! Good luck! @yvonne86 @dnices23 @mymy33
Apr 27Reply

@alba330 Thank you !
Apr 27Reply

@mauganda Thank you 🙏😃. Love your name and closet as well. Same gorgeous pieces. Congratulations!
Apr 27Reply

@mauganda Thats cool! Not a common name for a woman. I've been to Maui and can see how Maui means beautiful. Not filipina but Salvadorian.
Apr 27Reply

@mauganda Really?! There are beautiful filipinas. I used to work with several Filipinos in the engineering dept. Cool and down to earth people. I'm mixed between Salvadorian native Indian and Spanish.
Apr 27Reply

@mauganda I'll look her up. I follow Cheska Kramer on IG, love her little family. Agree, like any race - good and bad people. I can hold my own 😃🙏
Apr 27Reply

@mauganda Wow, she's gorgeous!
Apr 27Reply

@mauganda Ok. Get some rest. 💤💤
Apr 27Reply

@mauganda I agree, some resemblance but she's really pretty. I'm more average girl-next door type. I thank you for the complement though 🙏👍😊
Apr 27Reply

@alba330 Thank U for the follow wow & shares u have a beautiful closet 🌸💕
Apr 28Reply

@isabellascloset Thank you, and likewise! I'm in love with your closet. I'll be back to shop.
Apr 28Reply

@alba330 Ty :) please do I"ll be back to share 🙆💛🎀🎉💕
Apr 28Reply

@isabellascloset very much appreciated! 🙏
Apr 28Reply

you have a beautiful family💕 please tag if post baby clothes. Sorry and I hope you don't mind asking to tag me
Apr 28Reply

@tm4shop Hello! Thank you. I was told we couldn't sell baby items on Posh. It would be great. I have so many baby clothes used and new that I don't have a need for any longer. I'll get clearance from Posh, if possible, and add them, and of course tag you. No bother. 😃🙏
Apr 28Reply

Thank you ‼️‼️
Apr 28Reply

@asparks33 Hello! You're very welcome
Use/wear it well. It was good to me and now it will be to you. No more backpacks (unless you're going to Europe!) 😃👍. Thank you. Enjoy your week.
Apr 28Reply

@framel8365 @ycordon Welcome to Posh! @mymy33 Myra, Yesse's here too.
Apr 30Reply

@alba330 oh cool....welcome to Posh @ycordon!! Have fun Poshing 😍
Apr 30Reply

Andddddd you're so beautiful!!!!! 😊💕 Thank you for sharing this! Have a great day today!!
Apr 30Reply

@yourluckustarr Thank you 🙏. You too! Have a fun and profitable Posh day... Always!
Apr 30Reply

@villaboysmom Welcome to Posh!
May 01Reply

@intimalena Look who joined us! @villaboysmom
May 01Reply

Hi. I am still getting the hang of this. You made curious when I saw your yellow Prada flats.
May 01Reply

@villaboysmom Ahh, yes, that was a deal
I made with style_101. I'll tag you in that post so you can read about it. I still haven't worn them, so pretty to just look at 😃. No worries, you'll get the hang of things in no time. Ask me anything.
May 01Reply

@alba330 Very nice to meet you!
May 01Reply

@munci The pleasure is mine, Munci!
May 01Reply

@cultiverre Can you believe it?! I don't know what I was thinking having Irish twins 😬. So true, boys are fun and practical - easy to dress and shop for. Never a quiet moment, and especially after I bought my 18mo old a drum... 🎶🎶. In all seriousness though, thank you for your kind words. My best to your gorgeous family and endless success to you, always! 🙏
May 01Reply

@alba330 - YOU are sooooo cute! And have great taste ;) I'm in SoCal you?
May 02Reply

@natikim Thank you, you too 😘. About my taste, thank you. Plenty of years of working and splurging. Things change once you become a momma, right?! Yup, Corona area. You're not far from me.
May 02Reply

@alba330 - such a beautiful family- and a beautiful closet! Congrats on your new baby boy! I am sure two boys keep you very busy! 😉
May 02Reply

@navarrecharm Thank you, Anna! You have a beautiful little one too, and your closet - amazing! I saw some JC items I previously had and made me reminisce. Two boys are fun, and double the work 👶👦
May 02Reply

Beautiful closet!!!! 💕💕💕💕💕
May 03Reply

@splendeur Thank you! Appreciate that 👍🙏💕💕
May 03Reply

Thanks 4 all the shares
May 08Reply

@tina2luv Anytime! And thank you too. 😃👍🙏
May 08Reply

@alba330 hey Alba!! Aww thank you so much, that's my baby🐶. That's awesome you get to be home with your boys, how awesome!! Btw Great closet!!! Nice to meet you and good luck poshing🍀
May 09Reply

@tamrra Gracias!! Yes, I get to stay home and raise my boys (and clean poopy diapers all day 😩). Thank you. If you ever need a sitter for 🐶 I'm your girl! Thank you, awesome and successful closet you have! Happy and profitable Poshing to you too!
May 09Reply

@angelic777 Thank you for the compliment, Debra. It's nice to hear my closet is a favorite of yours. 😃👍🙏
May 09Reply

@tenchab Welcome to Posh!
May 10Reply

✨Beautiful family😊
May 14Reply

@rachaelina2000 Thank you 😃👍💕👏
May 14Reply

Love your closet
May 14Reply

@casschristine84 Thank you, Cassandra! I love yours too - those beach bunny bikinis 👙
May 14Reply

@alba330 ugh I know!!!! I have like 10!
May 14Reply

@casschristine84 Lucky you - you must have an awesome bod to go with them. I'm struggling back to my size 4. Your bikinis are my new motivation 😓😅
May 14Reply

Ha it's always a work in progress!! I'm a curvy 6!
May 14Reply

@casschristine84 Ain't that the truth! Curvy is good 💃💃
May 14Reply

So nice to meet you! Love, love your wedding picture!! :)
May 15Reply

@emilyann1006 The pleasure is mine, Emily. Thank you! Your wedding looks amazing! Hope you had the time of your life!
May 15Reply

I got excited when I saw your name was Alba. I was a Spanish major in college so I know it means dawn/sunrise. The weird thing is that my brother's first name is Alba and he's the dad and grandfather were also named that. It's an old German family name and in German it means white/pure. Nice to meet ya!
May 15Reply

@hrachal Hi Heidi! No way?! Yes, you're right, dawn is the English version. I love my name but that wasn't always the case. In school everybody thought it was my last name, which is the more common usage. That's cool, a guy Alba! Pleased to meet ya!
May 15Reply

@yc31 Thank you for stopping by and all the Likes.
May 19Reply

What a beautiful family. What a blessing to be able to say home and be mommy. I worked several days a months to keep my nursing skills sharp but for the most part I stayed home to raise my children, as well. It really was a gift that I am so thank for!
May 20Reply

@mollys3 Thank you, Molly! It truly has been one of the best decision my husband and I have made with respect to out little family. My kids are healthy, happy and flourishing everyday to our liking. Happy to hear you, like me, had/have that opportunity. 💐💕👍
May 20Reply

@janel30 Thank you! Appreciate it 😃👍🙏
May 20Reply

You have a beautiful closet and seem like a really sweet lady, thanks again for the goodluck!:)
May 23Reply

@bellydancer714 Thank you for stopping by and your kind words. I'm a good natured and kind hearted person but I'm also human and have my moments 😩😃. You're very welcome! Good luck here as well and keep on dancin'! 💃💃
May 23Reply

@alba330 So glad to see that I'm not the only woman with a professional career that stopped working to raise children! I was mostly supported in my decision, but had a few raised eyebrows. I am sure it was the best decision I've made so far with respect to my daughters. I've been home for a year now and I love it so much!💕💕💕
May 27Reply

@mytherapy Howdy, Mina! Yes, I read your bio and had similar thoughts 😊 It wasn't easy, professionally, to make that decision. In hindsight, it was and is the best decision for my boys. I get to witness and enjoy seeing them grow and become little happy, healthy and curious individuals. I do look forward to resuming my career in the future. Or maybe not, perhaps Poshmark will make me rich & famous 😜. Thank you for reaching out and giving me a little bit of your life & time. 😘
May 27Reply

Same here, it wasn't an easy decision at the time, but so perfect now! And you never know- something perfect might just come along professionally too! I wasn't looking for work, but was offered a part-time job, only 2 days a week, no on-call responsibility, no hospital privileges, only outpatient surgery and office work, female patients only- and starting late enough in the morning so I can take the girls to school! Couldn't say no to that! I'll start in September, hope it will give me the right balance! 💕💕💕
May 27Reply

@mytherapy Wow, sounds ideal! Are you sure it doesn't come with a daily back rub and foot massage?! 😜 I think you hit it on the nail - balance. I think you appreciate things a little more when there is balance. I get cabin fever and find myself talking baby talk even to my husband. 😳
May 27Reply

I know, right?! It does seem a little too good to be true, waiting for the catch!😜 if nothing else, it will help me support my shopping habits! 👠👗👡👜👢
May 28Reply

@mytherapy Sounds like a win-win situation! 💃💃
May 28Reply

@mytherapy Mina - thank you! I know it takes time and the fingers hurt after a while, so a BIG thank you and much 💕💕
May 28Reply

@alba330 Of course! Your closet is lovely, easy to share!!!💕💕💕
May 28Reply

@mytherapy Thank you! I like to browse closets in my spare time and get a sense of who that person is. You have a lovely closet as well. The closet of a cool chic 🐣 who likes comfort and is not pretentious. And color and flowers 🌸🌺🌻🌼
May 28Reply

Thank you! If only you could see my real closet- that's where all my skinny jeans and super high heels live, the uncomfortable stuff that's too beautiful to part with! 💕💕💕
May 29Reply

@mytherapy No way?! 🙀Give us a virtual tour. I bet there is some really nice stuff in there 💎👠👖👗👛👜
May 29Reply

Nice to meet you!! :D @Alba330
May 29Reply

@alexiskaye Right back at ya! 😘
May 29Reply

@alba330 Thank you so much for all the shares!!! I read your bio, I also have two boys (18 mo old twins) that I am at home with now. I absolutely love your closet and will be spending some $$$ there very soon...:)
May 29Reply

@nickidicki Geez, Louise! I hope you have help! Yeah, it's fun, isn't it...Not! 😜 When you're ready! I 💖 your closet and the cover shots!
May 29Reply

Hi there.. How r u doing? Remind me, when is ur due date? I hope ur feeling well! Molly -
May 30Reply

@mollys3 Hi Molly! Thank The Lord, I'm done. I have an 18 month old and a 7 month old. I'm busy as you can only imagine. How are you?
May 30Reply

I'm not why I thought u were having another baby... I'm doing ok.. Been a bit crazy here but that just keeps my life interesting, haha. I hope u have a marvelous summer!
May 30Reply

@mollys3 Perhaps my pictures threw you off 😃. Sorry to hear that. I hope it becomes manageable for ya, and if not, take a breather and then resume. Thank you! Best wishes to you 💕💕
May 30Reply

Thank you!! My daughter goes to school in Santa Barbara and lives in Ila Vista. Her apt is across the street from the shooter. These poor kids saw far 2 much and will never truly be the same. Alexa came home for several day so we were able to talk to her, love on her and pray with it.
I'm heart broken for the victims families, the shooters family and all the young adults that had to see first hand what evil looks like. Thank God my daughter has extremely strong relationship with Christ. She's been able to draw comfort through Him and has a better understand of what evil is and where it comes from.
Alexa will only be living in ila vista for another week . Thank God!
Thanks for letting me vent and go on and on. 😘
May 30Reply

@mollys3 I'm so sorry to hear that! It's discerning to see what evil things people are capable of... I can only imagine the heartache you felt, and feel. They grow up but never out of your heart. Fear is a powerful thing but so is hope & faith. My thoughts are with you, Molly!
May 30Reply

Sorry if I missed sharing back today, I was crazy busy with my girls! But here come the shares...💥💥💥
May 30Reply

@mytherapy Mina - don't you worry about that! You have plenty of credit with me. Share if you can and when you can. It's tag-your-it kinda fun. Aight?! ✌✌
May 30Reply

Great pics!💋
May 31Reply

@linmp1031 Thank you so much! 😘😘😘
May 31Reply

@alba330 Hi, it was nice meeting u here in posh, thank u for the follow and for all the shares, God bless!!
May 31Reply

@rebeca3 Thank you, Becky! The pleasure is mine. And thank you for the many shares. 😃
May 31Reply

@alba330 you're very welcome, have a great weekend..
May 31Reply

@rebeca3 Same to you! ✌
May 31Reply

@alba330 thanks =)
May 31Reply

@wowenypon After all we've been through you're just Liking my bio... Just now! 😜😘. Hope you can keep up with my sense of humor... And if I ever over-step, let me know, eh! Love you, G!
Jun 11Reply

No, I'm fixing my likes lol. So I'm un-liking and liking back so this listing will go up lol. Love you too my pff! 😚💕💞💓💗💖
Jun 11Reply

@wowenypon I know, G! I had to do the same, otherwise my VIP listings get pushed wayyy down. Thank you for sharing my closet, which by the way, is out of order. I haven't had time to arrange it. I'll share you're back for all the nocturnals who shop at this time (and Hawaii).
Jun 11Reply

@wowenypon *yours
Jun 11Reply

No worries my Stylemate. My likes is overwhelming right now so I'm trying to fix it. I will unlike and like this listing again in a bit. ;)
Jun 11Reply

Its nice 2 meet U ✌
Jun 12Reply

@wenrella Pleasure is mine, Wenrella!
Jun 12Reply

@alba330 I love everything in your closet you have great taste .
Jun 16Reply

@fatlucy Thank you, Aida!
Jun 16Reply

@alba330 Hi Alba, I have meant to stop by to officially meet you! I love your closet!💞and you are so cute! I'm sure that engineering must not have been as tiring as chasing two little boys lol. Enjoy them! Before you know it they will be going to college like my son☺️. It's bittersweet seeing him grown up now!💞
Jun 18Reply

@marifun Hi Mari! Thank you for stopping by 😃 and for the compliment. No kidding, even my toughest corporate don't compare to my current role. It's a lot of work and non-stop. Congratulations, you must be so proud, and of course saddened. They grow up too fast, in my opinion. Enjoy my little closet, as I enjoy yours. Have a supersplendorific day!
Jun 18Reply

Jun 22Reply

@hildaak 💞💞💞
Jun 22Reply

Not a problem, I totally understand.
Jun 22Reply

@alba330 Hello Alba, between you and honey pig, you keep me laughing. And thanks for sharing your lovely family. I too raised two boys and it was a ball. What a beautiful group and Congrats on your HP. I seem to be sharing and tagging so fast I forget to stop and congratulate great people like you!!! Cheers, MichelleAnnette
Jun 24Reply

@michelleannette Hi Michelle! Thanks for stopping by. Yes, she's a riot, isn't she... Love me some 🐝🐷🐽 Raising two boys is no joke but it's a lot of fun too. Congratulations on raising two boys, share some tips sometime.
Jun 24Reply

@alba330 Good Morning! I need some help... I emailed posh support, but I was wondering if they have a # we can call for customer support? I've looked but can't find one. I shipped everything a lady bought in one shipment, under one label (thinking that would be easier) but now it's showing that I haven't shipped her other items!!! I've emailed support so hopefully I'll hear back from them soon. Any advice??
Jun 28Reply

@nickidicki Good morning, Nicole! No, there is no phone number for Posh. Communication with support is via email and through the app. Keep emailing them until they respond but give them time to respond. Sometimes, it can take days 😦. You can manually change the status of each item not shipped to shipped but eventually will need to be overwritten by Posh.
Jun 28Reply

@alba330 Thank you so much for your help! How do you manually change the item to shipped? Mine say "pending usps scan" which worries me bc I don't want posh to cancel the order after I've already shipped!!! I wish I would have thought this through yesterday, but I was so tired and just trying to get everything done. Grrr! Any help you can give me is greatly appreciated! Thank you so much for your time!!!
Jun 28Reply

@nickidicki Yeah, that's as far as you can get "pending USPS scan". Posh will take over from that point. Go to each sale showing "pending USPS scan" and email posh stating item shipped in this label xxxxxx (put the label # that was shipped). They will fix it and don't worry. It happens. Be happy (Posh is!) that you sold so much.
Jun 28Reply

@alba330 Thank you so much! I did what you said, went to each item and emailed posh on each one. Hopefully that will make it easy for them to fix and all will be well! I really appreciate your help, I was getting worried. Thank you so so much!!!! If I can ever do anything for you please let me know!!! Have an amazing day! :)
Jun 28Reply

@nickidicki Great! They'll take it from there. It's not a big deal and I'm sure they can fix in no time... It's just a getting an initial response from them can take some time. Yes, you can enjoy your boys and this weekend. That you can do for me AND not worry too 😎😎😎
Jun 28Reply

@ridinghood13 As adorable as you are! Believe that, I mean that. One of these days I'll tell you the words that I have reserved for you... Since yesterday I haven't stopped thinking about you and the lifestory you have to tell. For now, I lack the muster to cross that line. But I'm here to serve in any way I can...
Jul 03Reply

@ridinghood13 😊😊😊
Jul 03Reply

@alba330 Thanx for sharing my listings, too!! ;)
Jul 05Reply

@callyemeow You're welcome.
Jul 05Reply

@graciegusgus Hi Gracie!! Welcome to Poshmark.
Jul 14Reply

@alba330 thanks for all your shares!!;)
Jul 17Reply

@jwitte You're welcome.
Jul 17Reply

My two are almost the same age as yours! My son is 17 months and my daughter is 6 months.
Jul 17Reply

@starcat Oh my, Savannah! Like me, your hands must be full all the time. I remember thinking one was a lot of work... How wrong I was, two means no rest... Ever! Congratulations and enjoy them (even the frustrating moments!) 😅
Jul 17Reply

Yes my hands are full ALL the time! I get no sleep lol But they are so much fun and I love them! Even right now I'm nursing both while I posh lol
Jul 17Reply

@starcat Wow!! Nursing both and Poshing, hands down you take the gold! Do your thang momma! 👏👏👏
Jul 17Reply

Haha thanks! I enjoy nursing both, but sometimes I can't wait until it's over. It's like having two monkeys jumping all over you while feeding them hahaha
Jul 17Reply

@starcat I can imagine. It gets harder the older (and more mobile) they get. Hang in there.
Jul 17Reply

@alba330 Alba this is really sweet! Love the pix! 💑Beautiful wedding photo! I have two boys too- but they are 15 & 17 lol! Aweee how
I miss them at your boys' age😍😍😍Anyway love you closet 💘💃
Jul 20Reply

@pmgr22 Thank you, Ari! And I love your closet too! Two boys? And teenagers, oh-my!! Hope they loving, sweet gentlemen in the making. You sure you miss this age? 😜 It's a lot or work!
Jul 20Reply

@alba330 haha I do a lot- 😻But you are right It's a truckload. of work, actually! You're 100%on that! I do remember - mine are 2 yrs 2 months apart / which seemed reeealllly close together at the time - but yours are even closer aren't they? Anyway LOVE boys - they are sweethearts and still give me lots of hugs😜😛👏👏👏💕💕💕🎉🎉🎉👬😻
Jul 20Reply

@pmgr22 Aweee... I hope mine grow up to be loving and sweet boys no matter what. Yes, they are 12 months apart... Twins really! I'm teaching one to walk and the other to use the potty pot. It's a lot of work, and non-stop.
Jul 20Reply

@alba330 Wow - I thought they were close 😻😻Yes- total nonstop - but then you turn around...n-they are teens -and have deep voices lol 🙀😻anyways have fun - great chatting! 💓
Jul 20Reply

@pmgr22 You are right about that... Time has wings ⏰ It's been fun! Good night, sweet Ari!
Jul 20Reply

@alba330 🌙💕
Jul 20Reply

@meggienew The pleasure is mine, Meagan! Have fun selling and shopping on posh!
Jul 21Reply

Love your closet!! 💕🎀
Jul 23Reply

@nanobunny Thank you! Love yours too. 💝
Jul 23Reply

Jul 25Reply

@daliasg Thank you, sweet lady! ☺
Jul 25Reply

You are most welcome! 💝
Jul 25Reply

@ssepulveda Welcome to Poshmark, Sandia!
Jul 31Reply

How's your week going? Just wanted to follow up and say thanks for the follow and all the shares! I'm trying to keep up but having a hard time but promise to after the party if not before! Looking forward to seeing you all August 9th at the party!!!:) Have a wonderful weekend. Posh luck and love sent your way!:) Smiles, Diane (dierks24)
Aug 02Reply

@dierks24 Hi Diane! It's going and thank god the weekend is here. I enjoy having my husband around to help with the kids. How was yours? Besides busy with the extra traffic... It's a good and bad thing I suppose. I like to keep my closet manageable and hate to fall behind. About my shares, clean slate, don't worry about sharing back. Focus on your host picks and kicking butt the night of.
Aug 02Reply

Thanks for being so understanding! Your closet is amazing!!!! And I love your pictures!!! Enjoy a family filled weekend!:)
Aug 02Reply

@dierks24 Thank you! I'm happy to hear you enjoy my closet. You have a great closet too! Have a restful and fun-filled weekend. 💆👯
Aug 02Reply

❤️ your closet!!
Aug 03Reply

@tofumonster922 Thank you. Your closet is amazing as well.
Aug 03Reply

you are way too cute :))
Aug 09Reply

@lisadraper Thank you, Lisa!
Aug 09Reply

@alba330 ... Ty for sharing .... Great closet😄😄😄
Aug 11Reply

@wendyflanagan You're welcome! 👍 Thank you too.
Aug 11Reply

@ninacab05 Hi Nina! Welcome to Poshmark. Have fun buying/selling. Any questions, reach out.
Aug 21Reply

Just stopping in to say ur such a kind & classy lady!! 😘😘😘
Aug 22Reply

@tallison Thank you, Tamara. The little I know of you, I can say the same. Hope you're enjoying the party and your evening.
Aug 22Reply

Why thx!! 😘 I hope ur enjoying ur evening as well. Party is great!! I'm way too obsessed w/ posh! Lol! ❤️
Aug 22Reply

@tallison You and me both... It's my "me time"
Aug 22Reply

Me too!! Hubby doesn't quite understand!! 😂
Aug 22Reply

@tallison I don't blame him... I don't understand much of it too. 😳😜☺
Aug 22Reply

@alba330 Hi Alba! I'm Janet. I live in South Carolina!! I love your write up and photos!! You're so blessed!!!
Aug 30Reply

Its nice 2 meet U ✌
Aug 31Reply

@janet0103 Thank you!
Aug 31Reply

@wenrella It's a pleasure!
Aug 31Reply

You're so pretty. 💕💕💕
Aug 31Reply

Nice to meet you Alba, I'm Kasey. You are so cute! What a blessing to stay at home and raise your boys, right? I have two kids as well and was also blessed to stay home with them :) I am a J. Crew fanatic too!!! 😀
Aug 31Reply

@linsleppo Thank you, you're quite the looker yourself! 💖💖💖
Aug 31Reply

@kmadeoy Thank you.
Aug 31Reply

Lol thanks girl. 😂😂😂
Aug 31Reply

Wow! You definitely have your hands full! I am sure everyday is another treasured day full of memories and blessings! Posh ❤️😜🍀 sent your way! Diane
Sep 01Reply

@dierks24 I sure do!
Sep 01Reply

Sending you lots of 🍀😜❤️. Diane was in your closet to share away. Have a Great Labor Day! I'm off to share more!👣💞💖
Sep 01Reply

@dierks24 Happy & safe Labor Day to you and yours.
Sep 01Reply

You are just simply adorable!
Sep 06Reply

@dierks24 Thank you. 🌷🌷🌷
Sep 07Reply

now need to share back...(too late to tell u that..LOL) I know ur super busy and it's my pleasure to share...Have an Awesome time tomorrow night..Do you have a funny lil "sayin') hehe...Can't wait to see!!! xoxoxo Lisa
Sep 07Reply

Lisa!! And I've been going crazy keeping up with my news feed 😳😝 I'll let my fingers rest for now then... This time I'm going a little more serious and sentimental. It's glamorous style the theme so I'm toning it down... I hope you like my HP quote.
Sep 07Reply

@lisadraper look up 👆
Sep 07Reply

I'm sure I you my dear can be Glamorous and funny too...hehehe...Enjoy!!!
Sep 07Reply

@alba330 Thank you so much for choosing my listing as HP!!!!! I fell asleep early last night so I just saw this morning, you are so sweet & wonderful! I've never had a HP before-so excited & super grateful! So funny trying to explain to my hubby why I was giddy!! :) Thank you for being such a classy lady & an amazing PM friend!!!!!
Sep 08Reply

@nickidicki You're very welcome. I hope the extra traffic brings you sales.
Sep 08Reply

@alba330 beautiful closet and pics!! ☺️💟
Sep 11Reply

@taabella Thank you!
Sep 11Reply

Alba, I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for all your kindness, shares, and cheers🙏 I am in love with your closet and after reading this, a bit in love with you too!!😂😉 Wow, you have to have a very high energy level to balance everything you have going on!! 😳 Kudos to you, I imagine you are a wonderful, loving mother just by how you shine on here😊 Wishing you a very Blessed night😘
Sep 12Reply

@anoliver Thank you for stopping by, Angela! It's amazing how much we interact (virtual interaction) but know little about each other. Now you know me a little more ☺. Being a mom of two (under two) is a lot of work. I think I have the letter S on my chest now... Or a hidden cape somewhere 😝😎 Everyday I try my hardest to be a good mom. And every night there's always that recurring feeling of "I could do better or more..." But the little humans are happy and healthy, and that makes me happy! Your little one is so precious! For the longest, that's who I thought you were 👧. You have a chic closet and I enjoy your creative poses.
Sep 12Reply

Aww.. Thank you Alba💕 I know, it's so funny how close you become to ppl you've never met! I have some girls in here that own a piece of my heart and always will... I hope with everything I have that I get to meet them face to face one day❤️ As far as the mom thing, I think we ALL have those niggling thoughts of "I should have done more, said more, BEEN more" but we do what we can do and pray it's enough🙏 I have no doubt you do a wonderful job of being a mom, you have to very blessed little boys😘
Sep 12Reply

happy friday alba! i'm so ready for this work day to wind down. thanks for being so awesome! :)
Sep 12Reply

@bellanblue Aah, Jennifer! Almost, hang in there. I remember my Fridays were always stressful and filled with meetings but as soon as 330pm hit I was out the door! Thank you, and likewise! You're a Posh rockstar!
Sep 12Reply

Wow!!! Love the new profile pic!!! Gorgeous!! 😘😘😘
Sep 13Reply

@tallison Thank ya sweet lady!
Sep 13Reply

You changed your profile pic. so I couldn't recognize you from my following, lol.
Sep 14Reply

@ilovesunset 😝Did you ask yourself "who's that good looking girl I've never seen before?... Nevermind, it's only Alba!" 😝 Yeah, just briefly. I like the raspberry boa and sequin hat one instead.
Sep 14Reply

"Yah rite" for the first sentence, haha.... "I like your smiling face better" for the second sentence, lol....
Sep 14Reply

@ilovesunset Same happens to me! I get used to someone's picture when they change it, can't recognize them anymore. I'll change it back soon. Hope you had a good Saturday.
Sep 14Reply

A good thing about my profile pic is that it's all about my username. People will recognize me right away if they have been sharing my closet. That's the easiest way to get others attentions when they have a lot of shares at the same time. 😁 Good night, missy 😴😴😴😴
Sep 14Reply

@ilovesunset So true! It sticks to you and yes, your username is unique and fits that picture perfectly. Buenas noches to you as well.
Sep 14Reply

Okay~ I want u to shout it from the roof tops or in this case from the top of ur page~ SU!!!!!! Woohoo lady!! Congrats & so well deserved. I'm so so happy for u~ Ima dancing!! 👯👯👯👯👯👯👯💃💃💃💃💃👏👏👏👏👏👏🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉💞💞💞💞💞😘😘😘
Sep 16Reply

@tallison oh Tamara! Haha... I'm so low key, I just put it on my "about".
Sep 16Reply

Well, I'm very excited for u; however u celebrate!!!👏👏👏👏😘😘😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️
Sep 16Reply

@tallison Thank you! You are my número uno cheerleader! 💥💥 And I'm your biggest fan!
Sep 16Reply

Aww.... Love it!!! We're twinners!!! 👯👯👯👯👯👯👯👯👯👯😘😘😘💞💞💞
Sep 16Reply

@tallison Twinners!!! I like that! 🙌👯
Sep 16Reply

You have a great closet!!!
Sep 20Reply

@stephanykt Thank you! And now you know a little bit about me. ☺🌷
Sep 20Reply

Yes I do! You are super cute, have boys ( I have 4 & wouldn't trade em for anything) and wonderful taste in fashion, shoes and jewelry! Glad you left corp world. It will be there when these two little guys are older. 😄
Sep 20Reply

@stephanykt Awe, thank you so much! Congratulations on your four babies! Yes, I'm glad to be home raising them, although I miss my "other" life, you're right it will be there.
Sep 20Reply

Very cute closet and you are a sweetheart! If only I could fit those gorgeous shoes... Just sharing and admiring!
Sep 21Reply

@masha91 Thank you for the compliments and for stopping by. I like people to buy from my closet but most important, to get to know the buyer first. I'm the same way, I buy items but shop the seller first.
Sep 21Reply

@brandes78 Awee, thank you, Brandi! And thank you for stopping by. No worries, I will shrink them for you.
Sep 26Reply

@brittneylee410 Thank you for the Posh love. Welcome to Poshmark!
Sep 27Reply

@alwysluvkaren Hello and welcome to Poshmark! I'll tag you shortly in the dresses I found. Using the SEARCH function, you can look at even more dresses as options. Good luck.
Sep 28Reply

@spacdt35 Angela, welcome to my closet and to Poshmark!
Sep 29Reply

@alba330 you have been nothing but amazing! Thank you so much for all of your help. Hoping to get a reply tomorrow on one one of the dresses. You have gone out of your way with no benefit. Can't thank you enough!
Sep 29Reply

@alwysluvkaren You're very welcome! I hope all works out and you become a regular Posh customer. After your daughter uses the dress, you can sell it on here and pass along the savings to someone else.
Sep 29Reply

Thanks for sharing your family. You are beautiful!!! Hope u have a great day!!
Oct 02Reply

@need2save Thank you! And welcome to Posh!
Oct 02Reply

How r u?!
Oct 03Reply

@tallison Fantastic 😬 you?
Oct 03Reply

Haha!! Obviously exhausted. Just woke up!!! Good morning!!! Glad to here ur doing well!!! 👯👯👯👯👯👯😘
Oct 03Reply

@tallison Well, at least it's Friday, right?! Hope the weekend is restful for ya.
Oct 03Reply

So true!!! It will be a busy weekend but fun. Kids have soccer games! ⚽️ I hope u have a fantabulous weekend. I saw ur sales!! Wow!! Congrats. Go enjoy urself!!! 👜💅💇💆👍💞
Oct 03Reply

@tallison Thank you! Yeah, I went 3 weeks with no sales and then they started pouring down. Awesome!! Oh, I miss soccer... My cleats are in my garage getting dusty 😕
Oct 03Reply

Take em down! I keep telling the kids I need to join an adult league. Talk about a workout!!
Oct 03Reply

@tallison Yeah, it's a good idea just need to find a league that will work with my mom schedule. It's the best workout. That or swimming - plenty of cardio.
Oct 03Reply

So I need a pool & a soccer league!! If only it was hotter here~ I would invests in a pool. I love swimming. Too bad we didn't live closer we could play soccer together!! ⚽️⚽️⚽️
Oct 03Reply

@tallison That would be fun. Move to Cali... I can use a mommy friend.
Oct 03Reply

I would love to move there!! ☀️☀️
Oct 03Reply

@tallison It's a great state with everything within driving distance - ocean, mountains, desert, Las Vegas and even Mexico. 😬
Oct 03Reply

Nice to meet you! As mentioned numerous times by other Poshers, you have a gorgeous closet !! I just wanted to swing by and say Hi to a fellow Software Engineer :)
Oct 04Reply

@jaismeen Thank you, Jaismeen! You have a lovely closet as well. Not too many engineers on Posh, but the few, the proud!
Oct 04Reply

Oh yes , totally :) So proud !
Oct 04Reply

I just requested to follow u on Instagram. Wanted to give u a heads up so u know it was me & not some weirdo~ or maybe u will think that anyways!! 😂😂😂
Oct 04Reply

@tallison Too late, already think that! 😜☺
Oct 04Reply

I knew it!! 🙈🙊🙉
Oct 04Reply

@wonderkid23 Carissa, welcome to Posh! It's a fun app and can make you some extra money or take it from you 😬 but having fun is the punchline 👊. Need anything? Just knock on my closet door ✊
Oct 06Reply

@dinanaylorwells Thank you! I appreciate you stopping by and getting to know me. Yes, I'm a good person with good intentions always 😇. I also have a wicked sense of humor, so watch out 😝☺ Welcome to Posh! Need anything, ✊✊✊ knock on my door.
Oct 07Reply

@alexandraalynm Thank you kindly! ☺
Oct 08Reply

L@alba330 Ty for all the shares sweetie 💕💕✌️
Oct 13Reply

@denisatokosova You're welcome.
Oct 13Reply

I love the yellow satin slingback heels! Perfect for my feet! Thank you! You have a really lovely closet, love the new listing. Shared!
Oct 17Reply

@sunsunlili_posh Thank you so much! I'm happy you are happy with your new shoes. They are a beautiful yellow color. Thank you for sharing, I will share back.
Oct 17Reply

Thank you! Have a nice weekend!
Oct 17Reply

@sunsunlili_posh You too!
Oct 17Reply

Oh Nevermind!😜 We have a birthday boy tomorrow! I knew something was going down on the 19th!🎁
Oct 18Reply

@cherie_candice Hello, my sweet 🍒🍒🍒! Yes, tomorrow my baby is a little 2 year old boy! Thank you for remembering. I just got back from San Diego. Took him to Legoland and to the water park. He loved it! The baby is not feeling well and has had a fever (101 F) since yesteryear, so we cut our trip short. He's not fussy and eating well but the fever is persistent and without Tylenol, it comes back. It looks like it's the molars causing it. How are you doing? Can't believe Halloween is almost here!
Oct 19Reply

@alba330 Hi pretty one!!! This picture always makes me smile😍
Oct 22Reply

@savvyj Savannah!!! 😜 It makes me smile too... It was before I got married and had kids 🙊😝. Hope you are doing well!
Oct 22Reply

such a beautiful lady!!! and a gorgeous closet <3<3<3
Oct 24Reply

@norascloset1 Thank you, Nora! You have a lovely closet as well!
Oct 24Reply

Lol, I have tons of shoes yet I *only* wear my TB flats w/ skinny jeans and J Crew boat neck long sleeve tee's! Birds of a feather 😉
Oct 27Reply

And I have 2 crazy little boys, as well!
Oct 27Reply

@jamiesgirlat155 ... Stick together and wear TB flats! 😜😊 That's great! Congratulations on your boys, they can be fun and a lot of work too! 😓
Oct 27Reply

Mine are 4 and 7, I could write a book!!
Oct 27Reply

@jamiesgirlat155 😂 I bet!
Oct 27Reply

Beautiful family
Oct 31Reply

@valentinasan Thank you!
Oct 31Reply

@cherie_candice Look at picture #3, recognize the necklace? Oh, and that's my RP Wilson dress which I decided to keep. It's the most recent picture of me. Still 18 lbs over my target but getting there - slow as a 🐌.
Nov 06Reply

Aw, you look AMAZING!!!! You don't need to lose 18 more pounds!! How are you doing it? And that necklace is perfect with that gorgeous dress😍😍😍
Nov 06Reply

@cherie_candice Well thank ya! It paired well with the dress. I'm not excersizing just keeping an eye on what I eat. I think chasing after two mobile kiddos does help. 👦👶
Nov 07Reply

That's great! And I'm sure those kiddos keep you active enough!🙆 I have got to figure out a way to eat better! Working all night is hard because the only thing open is McDonalds! Blah! I hate that!!
Nov 07Reply

@cherie_candice They sure do! Most meals I'm busy feeding them I don't eat or eat less than I should. For you, the only way around that is packing your lunch/dinner and all healthy snacks. Keep eating as often to stay full and energized, but only healthy snacks. U lose 10-15lbs if I cut out all drinks except water (with lime wedges) and one cup of coffee. No exercise, just reduce my sugar intake and I begin to shed.
Nov 07Reply

Yes. Soft drinks are my downfall! And sweets!! And at night, I sit bored out of my mind watching people sleep so, I eat to stay awake! And all of this dang Halloween candy isn't helping!!!🍫🍬🍭🍩 and the girls at work are already making Christmas candy😳🔫 they are killing me! And yes, I need to do way better at packing my lunch. I have been working so much overtime and so tired and sleep till almost 6 and have to be there at 7 so I've been slacking on packing my lunch and my boyfriend brings me lunch around 12. I am so sick of fast food that I could die! I'm so proud of you for getting closer to your goal!!💃🎉👊
Nov 07Reply

@cherie_candice Oh, my! A recipe for disaster with the holidays upon us. Stay focused and committed - it will pay off, promise! And tell your bf to stop it, I said so! 🙅
Nov 07Reply

@kristinmangone Welcome to Poshmark! Thank you for the Posh ❤!
Nov 11Reply

@karriesfashion Welcome to Poshmark! Thank you for the Posh ❤!
Nov 11Reply

@chena78 Joyce, welcome to Poshmark! Thank you for the Posh ❤!
Nov 11Reply

@eelkee Welcome to Poshmark! Thank you for the Posh ❤!
Nov 12Reply

@alba330 Thank you so much!! And you are welcome.
Nov 12Reply

I couldn't help myself. I decided to celebrate loudly!! 😂😂😂👯👯💞
Nov 13Reply

@tallison As you should, heck, why not?! 👏👏👏
Nov 13Reply

😂😂thx!! U r a true gem! 💎😘
Nov 13Reply

@tallison Ok, but shhhh... Don't let anybody hear you! 😂😂😂
Nov 13Reply

Haha!! Funny but u know it's true!!
Nov 13Reply

@tallison Thank you! You are always too kind.
Nov 13Reply

Well it's easy when there's ppl like u!! ❤️
Nov 13Reply

@tallison 😘
Nov 13Reply

@ronniejeannie Welcome to Poshmark! And thank you for the posh ❤!
Nov 15Reply

Thank you for shareing👍👍😊💋
Nov 16Reply

@cerina1 You're welcome! Thank you.
Nov 16Reply

Great to meet you!!
Nov 16Reply

@styledbykblake likewise!
Nov 16Reply

@hdaphine Thank you for the Posh 💖!
Nov 19Reply

@landthorne See picture #4.
Nov 20Reply

Nice to meet You!💞My name is Katalin,...I have 3 little boys (oh.. boys! ..yes me too!) Not so little anymore..., 12,11 and 7! Yes, the first 2 are close in age, just like twins..,! More fun,....double the fun! 😎😎You will get the most experience ever!! So the 3rd one will be just a relaxing time forever! ♥️♥️♥️
Nov 28Reply

@craftcraze It's a pleasure, Katalin! Congratulations on your three babies. I wish I had energy and less years to go for number three but for now, I'm done with two. You have a great closet. Best wishes!
Nov 28Reply

@alba330 would you please share some of my jewelry? I would greatly appreciate it. Happy holidays. Thanks!!💕💕
Dec 13Reply

@vdah1099 sure, I'll return the shares.
Dec 13Reply

@alba330 thank you so much!!
Dec 13Reply

@alba330 HI Alba!😀 I'm Laura and I wanted to stop by and introduce myself and say hello!😀💕 I have been on Posh since November and I love it!😀❤️💕 You and your closet are adorable!😀❤️💋 Have a great day, and I hope we can chat soon! Laura😀💕❤️💋
Dec 15Reply

@msu0712 Hi Laura! Welcome to Poshmark! I hope your experience has been a good one so far. There are a lot of friendly women who soon become like family on here, not to mention the good deals. Thank you, you have a fantastic closet as well. Have a great Monday!
Dec 15Reply

@alba330 Thanks so much for the warm welcome!😀❤️ I do love posh, and I can understand why do as well!😀❤️ Have a fabulous Monday!❤️😀💋
Dec 15Reply

How the Heck was I NOT Following You!!!
Dec 20Reply

@mcalhoun2204 I don't know, Marty! Glad you are now. I fly under the radar most of the time.
Dec 20Reply

I recieved the hats. Thank u for the snowman bonus hat. they r cute n fit my daughter well!! im very happy with them :)
Dec 22Reply

@valeriemark Sorry, wrong person.
Dec 22Reply

@alba330 im sry about that!!
Dec 22Reply

@valeriemark No worries! 👍
Dec 22Reply

You guys are lovely!
Dec 24Reply

Merry Christmas my dear Alba!!🎅🎄❤️
Dec 25Reply

@cherie_candice Merry Christmas, Cherie! Hope it's a good one for you! 🎅🎄🎁🎆
Dec 25Reply

@ravishingarts Thank you kindly!
Dec 26Reply

A new photo!! Yay!!! 💞💞
Dec 30Reply

@tallison Thank ya!
Dec 30Reply

Happy New Year my sweetest Alba!!!!
Jan 01Reply

@wowenypon Happy, healthy & successful new year to you, momma G! Hope all is well or getting there! Take care!
Jan 01Reply

@bmackw Thank you for the posh love. Welcome to Poshmark.
Jan 09Reply

@alba330 thank you my dear!
Jan 09Reply

hi, thanks for following have some beautiful things in your closet...sorry can't wear them due to masectomy and lympkadema, but will share, they are so have a lovely family..Blessings...:)
Jan 22Reply

@wearspinkribbon Thank you, Diana! I'm sorry to hear that. Hope all is well.
Jan 22Reply

Thanks, I am a child of GOD so whatever will work out..:) You have a beautiful kindness and thanks for the shares....:)..Diana
Jan 22Reply

@nancyl1227 Your closet was shut down?
Feb 20Reply

😍💚💚💚 you & your family are so ADORABLE ! ✨
Feb 22Reply

@kitty_kat Thank you, Kat! 🐱
Feb 22Reply

Hello! I was wondering if you have any black Blazers or professional clothes listed. If so please take me!
Feb 23Reply

@peacelovezoe94 I do, Zoë! I'll try to list soon and tag you. Most are size small/medium or 4/6. Is that the size you are looking for?
Feb 23Reply

Yes that is perfect! Thank you!
Feb 23Reply

@peacelovezoe94 Ok. I'll start getting them ready. I have J.Crew suit pants that have been tailored to fit my height. I'm 5'2". Just an FYI.
Feb 23Reply

As am I thank you so much :)
Feb 23Reply

Mar 01Reply

@erenfudd10 ☺️😉
Mar 01Reply

@apack3 Thank you for the Posh love. Welcome to Posh!
Mar 01Reply

@hmjiron Replying from here for discretion. Would you consider $40 for both Lululemon tops?
Mar 03Reply

I'd like to keep it at $45, I just lowered the price and these are in perfect condition
Mar 03Reply

@hmjiron I completely understand. Thank you.
Mar 03Reply

Beautiful family!! I myself have a year old boy, and a one year old boy along with a 2 year old step daughter. I LOVE the dress in your first picture, my bridesmaids wore those dresses :). Good luck on PM!:))
Mar 05Reply

@mrs_daugherty Hi Whitney! Thank you, very kind of you. Congratulations on your little family. It's a lot of work and good times too. Welcome to Poshmark and good luck to you as well.
Mar 05Reply

You are absolutely STUNNING!:) and you made my night saying congratulations to me for reaching 100k thank you!:))
Mar 09Reply

@ametzger You're welcome, Amber! And thank you kindly! 💖☺️
Mar 09Reply

@shellynobelly I can bundle both jeans for $45 if you want to purchase today.
Mar 13Reply

@dulcetx Hi Dulce! Happy you found me 🙋
Mar 18Reply

@alba330 Hi! I downloaded the app on my new phone :) now I just need to figure out how this thing works. Took me 7 whole mins to find your comment and respond. Hahaha!
Mar 18Reply

@dulcetx 😂😅 It takes time but you'll be a pro in no time! If you upload any items for sale, tag me so I can share for you.
Mar 18Reply

@sarimolina I can bundle both skirts for $22.
Mar 18Reply

@rocingb I can bundle both skirts for $22.
Mar 18Reply

@mbellswim Hi Meagan! You're going to love the look and feel of the J.Crew pencil skirt you purchased. Did you also like the grey one?
Mar 20Reply

@alba330 thank you so much! I'm very excited.. Such a quality timeless piece for a great price thanks to you 😊 the gray is also beautiful but I don't know anything about tailoring... Is the hole patch up an easy and inexpensive fix?
Mar 20Reply

@mbellswim You're welcome! Yes, timeless and classy. I don't know how a tailor can fix but putting a same color material patch underneath or with fine stitching perhaps. If you want to try, I want to gift you the grey skirt. Let me know ☺️
Mar 20Reply

@alba330 that is too sweet of you! I will certainly give it a try. Thanks so much! I really appreciate it 😊 is there anything I can do for you??
Mar 20Reply

@mbellswim Ok, great! I'll include it with the black skirt. Both are dry cleaned and ironed. Ready to wear. I'm even thinking you can wear a long cardigan with the grey... Get creative if you will. Just enjoy them. And wear them well.
Mar 20Reply

@alba330 thank you soo much! I am a recent college grad just starting out in the professional world, so I really can't tell you how much it means to me to be able to have such nice, professional clothes to wear to my new job. ❤️ I'm still just getting on my feet, so I can't thank you enough for your generosity!! I will wear them often and love every second I'm in them 😊
Mar 20Reply

@mbellswim Congratulations! And welcome to the 'corporate' world. It stinks but you get paid! Learn, make money, save money & do plenty of traveling! That's my best advice 👻
Mar 20Reply

@glasscanoe2 Were you interested in my DW watch?
Mar 24Reply

@alba330 yes I have one already & love it, really like the color combo in this one! On Amazon it's 109 new & don't want to low ball you either! It's a beautiful watch! Hope you sell it(:
Mar 24Reply

@glasscanoe2 Yes, great watches by DW. I have two, a 40 and a 36mm. That's a great price for a new authentic 36 or 40. If it's a 26 you saw on Amazon, the price is about right. I purchased mine through Nordstrom and they cost a lot more.
Mar 24Reply

@larochelle Hey Lil' Lady! Can you take me off the list. It's temporary, but I need a break. Thank ya!
Mar 24Reply

@alba330 will do... hope you are ok...
Mar 24Reply

@larochelle Thank you so much! I sure am. Just slowing things down a bit to catch up. Hope you are well too!
Mar 24Reply

@cherie_candice Hi Girly! I created an account on a diff site today. Just to try it out. It starts with the letter M (don't want to spell it out). Are you on that site? They take zero commission for now.
Mar 24Reply

I downloaded it once but never gave it a shot, and I deleted the app but, I've been meaning to give it a try again!! Same username? I also use the one that starts with a V.
Mar 24Reply

@cherie_candice I just started so we'll see how it goes. I bought some LuLulemon headbands last night and the seller recommended I buy there for a lot less. Of course I bought through Posh but it made me go look at that app. It's ok. Still getting the gist of it. I don't have an account with V. Recommend it?
Mar 24Reply

I plan on downloading it again and giving it a try. Ilovesunset is on there as well (on M). V is okay. I have sold a lot on there. But, there is no option to share your items to move things around and it takes a long time to get followers. I only have 100 something now and have been using it for about 8 months. But, those bikinis sell really good on there. They take 19%....competition much? Haha. It's not as social as posh either. You don't make friends and chat.
Mar 24Reply

@cherie_candice That's how M is. Or I haven't figured it out yet. I can't share. And doesn't seem like you follow people.
Mar 24Reply

That no commission thing is awesome though. I will download it tonight😁
Mar 24Reply

@cherie_candice It sure is. And you have the option to offer free shipping which is more appealing. Just price accordingly. I saw a lot of your kinis. And yes, they're selling.
Mar 24Reply

The option to offer free shipping is a great idea. Oh really? Now I will definitely have to check it out :)
Mar 24Reply

@cherie_candice Yeah! Check it out! See you there 🙋☺️
Mar 24Reply

I found you but I'm not sure how to see your items :/
Mar 24Reply

@cherie_candice I see you! Tap on the arrow where 'Listings' shows.
Mar 24Reply

@cherie_candice I can't believe the nerve of that posher taking your pics w/o permission and then blocking you!!! I expect better from senior Poshers but that's proof they can be shittier. I had a bad experience with a senior one too...
Mar 26Reply

@alba330 Oh my gosh, I know!! Used ALL of the ones that I had laying out on the white rug. Hence my name written across them now. Morgan36 noticed it and tagged me and yep, then I was blocked. So I tagged her here and she just kept posting more and more and more. So, I turned it in and Posh and they removed the listings.
Mar 26Reply

Then another user was using them the very next day and had them removed too. But yes, a senior posher should have more respect. It would've been diff if she would've credited the photos but instead, she blocked me and said in her listing that they were the actual pics of the item.
Mar 26Reply

@cherie_candice Oh good! Can't believe the things I see and read sometimes! And she's supposed to be setting a good example... SMH
Mar 26Reply

And the senior posher, doesn't even have them. All of her items are, "pre-order". She doesn't order them until they pay for them on posh. Then states that it can take up to 4 weeks to receive them. BS.
Mar 26Reply

I'm dying to know about your senior posher moment!
Mar 26Reply

@cherie_candice what a bitc❌! Thief and a liar... Not a good combo! Stay away from lucinha too!
Mar 26Reply

@cherie_candice I'll tag you... Basically, she was a freakin pain from the get-go. Low balled me... I countered and she ignored. Came back and the rest is history. She changed from 5 to 4 stars because she was confused about the style. How is that my fault?! The nerve of her. At least I use my own pictures unlike her closet.
Mar 27Reply

Ugh!! People drive me crazy! And to change the rating? Wth? I'm going to check it out now.
Mar 27Reply

@cherie_candice Yep! If you don't like what you buy, tough luck... That's not the sellers fault if you receive what they described and told you it was. I read some of the convos she and methodclothe had trash talking their buyers. Just terrible.
Mar 27Reply

Oh my gosh!!! Even before the purchase was complete you said they were like a boyfriend jean!!!!!😡 "BOY" Jean is in the freakin title and description!! Then to say, I have so many bf jeans, if I had known, I wouldn't have got them?!?! Pisses me off!!!!!😡😠😡😠
Mar 27Reply

People are ridiculous!!!
Mar 27Reply

@cherie_candice Exactly!! She's not welcome in my closet EVER! If she had that many bf jeans, she would've known and recognized the diff. I looked up my pants on J.Crews style guide and that's what came up. Apparently the boy evolved into the bf. But you see, people try to be sneaky. If you read her 'Love' notes, you can see she has some unhappy customers. I bet at her original low ball offer, she would've been ok with the jeans... Smh
Mar 27Reply

@cherie_candice They sure are...
Mar 27Reply

I love what you said to her! Bravo!👏 I'll have to go check out her love notes. I love doing that, haha. And on the one who stole my pics...what's her shipping time going to say? 4 weeks? Way to make your self look bad. And buyers can cancel if the item hasn't been shipped in 7 days. How stupid can one be?
Mar 27Reply

And some already have cancelled!😜
Mar 27Reply

@cherie_candice Thank you! I try to always stay calm & cool but this one really did it!! No kidding, I thought the same thing about her ship time average. People don't want to wait and frankly, why wait to get paid too! Stupid is as stupid does. They cancelled?! Karma!!
Mar 27Reply

I don't blame you. That one would have sent me over the edge as well! Yes, a couple have cancelled. I think it's funny!
Mar 27Reply

@cherie_candice We all get what we deserve in the end... Karma for her. And for the other one too.
Mar 27Reply

Yes! What goes around, comes around.
Mar 27Reply

Love your new picture, you two make a great looking couple!😊💕
Mar 27Reply

@marifun Thank you, Mari!
Mar 27Reply

@kampy0839 Thank you for the offers. I can see you really want those jeans. I paid full price for a pair of jeans I can't wear and can't return. Hope you understand.
Mar 28Reply

@doriandmikeyd Thank you, Dori! 🐟
Apr 04Reply

@katiemarteney Hello! Would you accept $35 for you size10 Birkenstocks?
Apr 05Reply

@katiemarteney Ok. When you adjust price I will buy.
Apr 05Reply

@katiemarteney There's a specific 'shoe' box you can get free at the post office. Ask for a standard Priority Mail shoe box.
Apr 05Reply

@tallison Tamara, look at the last picture. I had to stretch the material enough to show the tearing. See how there's two layers of material?
Apr 10Reply

Ya. U think it would be easy to fix?
Apr 10Reply

@tallison If you are handy with needle and thread, I would say yes. I'm not certain though. Go to a seamstress and shoe them the pic above, see what they recommend. I can sell to you for $60 to cover the repair. Get an estimate too.
Apr 10Reply

Okay. Just sent the pic to one of my friends who is an excellent seamstress!! I lack that skill! 🙈😂
Apr 10Reply

@tallison Great! I can send more if you need more.
Apr 10Reply

Awesome. 👍
Apr 10Reply

@tallison And don't feel obligated to buy from me. I'm too honest to sell hard to friends.
Apr 10Reply

@cherie_candice I got the kini today 👙! So cute! I was impressed with the quality. The cup size fit but it was tight around my torso and I'm wearing 36" in bras. The bottoms were also tight and felt like a size Small undie on me. I suppose you want the bottoms to fit firm.
Apr 11Reply

Thank you for letting me know how it truly fits. I'm sorry about it being too tight and my description on the sizing was off😔 That's why I wanted your honest opinion. Do you think it's best to say 34" bust, and bottoms a size 4?
Apr 11Reply

@cherie_candice No problem! It's not your fault. It's the manufacturer... Yes, I think 34" is more accurate. And the bottom is best for a size small/med, so size 4 or even 2 if they have a big butt. One thing to consider too, you can get a batch of Large bikinis and all will be diff measurements. Best to measure each and confirm.
Apr 11Reply

Yes, I plan on doing that to all that I have listed. It won't hurt my feelings a bit if you want to sell it in your closet and feel free to use any of my pics if you decide to. The neoprene ones seem to run a little bigger. I hope that is the case!
Apr 11Reply

@cherie_candice you're so sweet! My sister is going to Cancun in June and I'm going to sell to her. Hopefully it fits her. She's a size 4 but C cup.
Apr 11Reply

Let me know if it works for her :)
Apr 12Reply

@cherie_candice Ok! Hope you're having a fun or restful weekend!
Apr 12Reply

Thank you! I hope you are as well!🍍🍉
Apr 12Reply

@jeanfitz6 When you're ready to purchase the dress, I'll change the price on the listing so you can get $1.99 shipping. The shipping doesn't drop on offers.
Apr 12Reply

@tejeda1124 Thank you for the offer on the Tory Burch shoes. $50 is lowered than my threshold. If you can do $65, they are yours. Price will go up to $80 today.
Apr 13Reply

@shoogal82 Thank you, Ria! Yours too, btw!
Apr 16Reply

@blondegirl2013 You can find me on another site. Starts with the M.
Apr 16Reply

@apeyg See pictures 2-4. My foot imprints and the front scuffs are the only notice wear besides the soles. If you are interested, I can create a separate listing. How much did you want to pay for them?
Apr 16Reply

Can you do $100? @alba330
Apr 16Reply

@apeyg I was thinking higher than $100. I'll list them. If they don't sell for my price, I'll consider your price. I have them listed elsewhere for $120.
Apr 16Reply

How about $110? I'll buy tonight:)
Apr 16Reply

@apeyg Ill post and see what response I get.
Apr 16Reply

Love love your closet!!!!
Apr 17Reply

@cwangler Thank you, Christine! 💕
Apr 17Reply

@blue_eyes38 Thank you for the offers. I appreciate it you considering my closet. At this time, the price is firm but I'm giving you $50 off. The bag is in pristine condition and the bandeau is brand new.
Apr 19Reply

@foxlimon See picture 2 & 3. I will remove once you acknowledge.
Apr 20Reply

@foxlimon Did you have a chance to look at it?
Apr 20Reply

Yes i did! Im still interested. Are you willing to do $110?
Apr 20Reply

@foxlimon Price is firm. Thanks for looking at it.
Apr 20Reply

@yvette7213 Welcome to Poshmark!!
Apr 20Reply

WooHoo!!!!!🌟👑🎀💐💝🎉 Congratulations my sweet🍭🍭🍭 Well deserved👏💃
Apr 21Reply

@cherie_candice Thank ya! I did get a little excited, silly I know... 😁
Apr 21Reply

Not silly at all!! I was soooo excited!!! I still get excited!!
Apr 21Reply

@cherie_candice Yeah, you're right! It's definitely an endurance test to be on Posh this long. This whole Lilly Pullitzer for Target drama has been entertaining.
Apr 21Reply

Ha! Indeed it has!😁
Apr 21Reply

@cherie_candice Some serious hatin'! Some lady was asking $100 on a make up pouch she paid $9.99 for and got bombarded with comments left and right! 😱
Apr 21Reply

I saw that!! Pretty comical😅
Apr 21Reply

@cherie_candice uh huh... Thank goodness we don't have LP fever 😰 Same thing on M too!
Apr 21Reply

Really? I haven't been on there in a few days.
Apr 21Reply

@cherie_candice Yeah, same thing...
Apr 21Reply

That may just have to be my entertainment for tonight at work...I've already ate a huge bag of gummy bears😔
Apr 21Reply

Out of boredom
Apr 21Reply

@cherie_candice But they're so addicting and good! I can eat an entire bag too 😔 Yes!! Read the comments and grab some pop🌽
Apr 21Reply

I DO have popcorn too!! Haha!!😉
Apr 21Reply

@mimihalim Just FYI - the LV Neverfull set is $75 off today.
Apr 24Reply

Hi Alba! Thank you for checking out my closet. I have two little guys too (4 & 1). I recently left the legal works to be with them and work from home with a fashion company and loving it. I love connecting with other. Women and supporting other Poshers. I look forward to exploring your closet abd sharing the love.
Apr 25Reply

@believebig Hello, Meghan! Welcome to Poshmark. And thank you for stopping by and your kind words.
Apr 25Reply

@o_theurer Hi Olivia, how much were you thinking to pay for just the bag?
Apr 28Reply

I could do $800
Apr 28Reply

@o_theurer No, I can't separate for that price.
Apr 28Reply

@alba330 okay..what price did you have in mind?
Apr 28Reply

@o_theurer My price is set on the set for now. If I separate, I'll let you know. I have the set listed elsewhere if you want to look it up. A different site.
Apr 28Reply

@o_theurer By the way, I appreciate you choosing my handbag vs the 100+ listed on Posh.
Apr 28Reply

@roxystenderaj Hello! If you are open to trading, I would like to trade for your two Lulu headbands. LMK if something interest you of similar dollar value.
Apr 29Reply

@alba330 do you have any size 6.5 shoes?? I would be willing to send you the headbands and pay a discounted price!
Apr 29Reply

@roxystenderaj No, I'm usually a 7 or 7.5. Those Tory Burch Caroline flats might fit you. And I have some Jelly Bean clear jelly sandals (not listed) that run small.
Apr 29Reply

Love the new pic!❤️
May 02Reply

@cherie_candice Thank ya! 💞🌷✨ I celebrated 20yrs yesterday. And next month it will be 5 years since we married.
May 02Reply

That is so amazing!! Congratulations! That is definitely something worth celebrating!
May 02Reply

@cherie_candice it really is something... The boys caught a virus of some sort and after two days of fevers, I came down with something and as yesterday my husband too. We stayed home and took it easy. Today we are better and heading to a BBQ.
May 02Reply

Oh no! I hate that for your whole family! Glad you are all feeling better today. A BBQ sounds like a fun way to spend your Saturday!
May 02Reply

@cherie_candice Thank ya, sweets! Yeah, BBQ and the fight!
May 02Reply

Oh that will be fun!!
May 02Reply

@cherie_candice Friends, food & fight... Good times! Hope you're having a fun or relaxing Sat.
May 02Reply

Thank you. About to go out to eat with the bf. I have an offer on the bronze bikini, did you want it? I can always get more if you are still undecided :)
May 03Reply

@cherie_candice Good! Sell it, girl! Make that chedda! I'll sell the pink one and buy the bronze next time. Thank you for thinking of me.
May 03Reply

Of course! Just wanted to check with ya :)
May 03Reply

Gorgeous Picture!!!!! nice to "meet" you! Great closet!!!! 😍😍👌👌👌😘
May 08Reply

@lovelyinlife Thank you! Welcome to my closet & Poshmark.
May 08Reply

Happy Mother's Day!!💐🌸🌷
May 10Reply

@cherie_candice Aweee... Thank ya girly! Happy Mother's Day to your momma. 💐
May 10Reply

Haha! I will tell her you said that😘
May 10Reply

@alba330 happy mothers day!😊🌹
May 11Reply

@dmenzel Thank ya! Happy Mother's Day to you as well! I hope you caught a break and was pampered today! 🌷🌻🌹
May 11Reply

@alba330 I did thank you! Had a whole week of pampering😊hope you had a wonderful day
May 11Reply

This is absolute beautiful. I can't wait to get married 😊
May 11Reply

@merijaantushu Thank you.
May 11Reply

@paigekruse Hello. I saw you purchased a pair of Millers today. I strongly advise you to take the sandals to a TB store or a dept store that sells them. I think they are poorly made replicas. Please look at the pair I sold recently and compare. If you don't mind buying replicas, no problem. It's your money. Good luck!
May 13Reply

@paigekruse You're welcome! If she listed or claim her sandals are authentic, then Posh will refund your money.
May 13Reply

Yep I live in the Apple Valley.
May 20Reply

@methodclothe I'm in Corona. Not too far, not close either - to you, I mean.
May 20Reply

Oh cool. I feel like I should make a so cal post just so we can keep track and figure out who lives in so cal.
May 20Reply

@methodclothe It's a good idea. I came across one not long ago. Didn't follow it but I found several Corona girls.
May 20Reply

@paigekruse You're welcome, Paige. Yeah, the quality was poor a fat that price, it's just robbing people. You can spot the real ones by comparing to mine if you want for next time. I have seen some good deals on authentic ones here on Posh.
May 23Reply

@apeyg April, that posher you asked to tag you when you gets TB Miller sandals is selling fake Miller sandals. Just FYI in case you care.
May 23Reply

Thanks for letting me know! Which one? @alba330
May 23Reply

@apeyg No prob. Alikettmer is her username.
May 23Reply

@kpowers3 Read a little about me.
May 25Reply

@kpowers3 For the purse alone I will accept $975. A copy of receipt can be included.
May 25Reply

@alba330 I can purchase the bag right now for $930 with the receipt. I would truly appreciate you considering this offer as I'd love to own this bag but can't go any higher.
May 25Reply

@kpowers3 I understand. It's a good offer but below my threshold. I do have it listed on Merc. If you're interested. Also, not the receipt but a copy can be provided. For personal CC reasons.
May 25Reply

@alba330 Please let me know if you change your mind. I'm super interested and have a great Poshing record. Please feel free to read my feedback. Enjoy this Memorial Day :)
May 26Reply

@kpowers3 Will do. Thank you.
May 26Reply

@lvlovercc Charis, I really like the TL Millers and the pinks too. If you see anything in my closet we can swap, let me know.
May 27Reply

Very beautiful of you and your beloved one!
Sure! Thank you!
May 27Reply

@lvlovercc Thank you. Happy to see you sold your tiger lily's. My loss.
May 27Reply

I was attracted to your name. My father and brother are named Alba...only guys out there with that name. Lol. My dads side of the family is German so it's a family name that goes back many many generations. In German it means white or pure unlike the Spanish translations. 😉
May 29Reply

@hrachal Hello! I've never heard of a man having Alba as their first name, it's usually a last name. It's a simple but great name. Pure, white or dawn are the only meanings I know.
May 29Reply

In Spanish class in High School I said "Alba es feo y malo" and she corrected me to say "fea y mala" not knowing I was referring to my brother which is completely understandable. Lol
May 29Reply

@hrachal Aah, yeah, understandable. She thought you meant the female version of Alba.
May 29Reply

Exactly! 😁
May 29Reply

How much for the damier via 🅿️🅿️doll?
May 31Reply

@esilver I don't sell via that.
May 31Reply

I understand . Are you negotiable ?
May 31Reply

@esilver A little, not too much as it's already priced to sell. I'ts also listed on Merc.
May 31Reply

Ok what's mercy ?
May 31Reply

@esilver It's another site.
May 31Reply

@daynamite84 Thank you for the offer. It's already marked at the lowest I possibly can. Hope you understand. Have a good one!
Jun 04Reply

@alba330 of course I do! Can't blame a gal for trying. 😘
Jun 04Reply

@daynamite84 Not at all 😊 I do myself sometimes.
Jun 04Reply

@kaimeral Thank you for the offers, I appreciate it. As you can see, my price is firm but willing to give $20 off. Hope you understand. Have a great evening.
Jun 06Reply

@alba330 I've purchased your bag. Thank you.
Jun 06Reply

@kaimeral I saw that! Thank you so much. I will package and ship tomorrow. It will go to Posh HQ for authentication and they will ship to you.
Jun 06Reply

@alba330 I'm excited. Thank you!
Jun 06Reply

Hi friend! How was Dland?
Jun 06Reply

@cherie_candice Hi, Sweet Momma! It was fun! We spent most of the day at Ca Adventure. The parade at 530p was so much fun. My little one kept dancing the whole parade. We left at 730p because the grad nite crowd was getting out of control. How are you?
Jun 06Reply

Aw, how cute!! I'm glad you all enjoyed it! I'm good, cramming🍕 in my face at work. Any more drama?
Jun 06Reply

@cherie_candice Pizza sounds good! There's a place by my house that sells lasagna pizza... Lasagna pizza?! Yep, and sooo good! It's my favorite now. Enjoy it! No, no more. Today she was active on two accounts but didn't make any comments. Let's see how it continues. I am, however, extremely disappointed in Posh's generic reply to my email about this chick. That had me bummed... But oh well!
Jun 06Reply

I need lasagna pizza in my life! That sounds sooo good!! They just sent you a generic message? I reported all of her closets last night but am going to email them tonight about it. Like you said, maybe if more than one person complains...I have a screenshot of what she said to me too. I'm sure it won't matter but it's worth a try!
Jun 06Reply

@cherie_candice I kid you not - it's really good! If I could ship you a box, I would! Hmmm... Maybe for your bday! Hey hey hey, whose bday is coming up, eh?! Yeah, ok, worth a try. Maybe you have more pull. I just didn't like Posh telling me to avoid contact and not engage with such people... I was like huh?! I didn't invite or solicit this crap.
Jun 06Reply

😂😂😂 You're too funny! Yeah, that's crap. I had these 3 girls on V who kept tormenting one of my listings. And when one person comments, everybody who has commented get a notification so when one would start, they would all 3 start all over again. So stupid! Grow the H up!! I reported them. V asked for screenshots so I sent them and then I got an email back saying they had given those users a warning. Are we in Kindergarten?!
Jun 06Reply

@cherie_candice Wow, just a warning?! Well, at least they took action unlike Posh.
Jun 06Reply

@cherie_candice People are so brave behind a screen and keyboard. Threaten them will legal action outside of V if they do it again. Or send me screenshots of their names and pictures. I can find "a needle in a haystack" on the net on just about anybody.
Jun 06Reply

Yes! So brave on the net! The whole bullying thing with kids is horrible. Causing kids to commit suicide and everything! And we adults are supposed to set a good example, yes, it's not to that extent but still! Detective Alba😎 I will do that if they keep on!
Jun 06Reply

@cherie_candice That breaks my heart when I hear kids do that! Now that I'm a mom, that's one of my biggest fears with my boys. I don't want them to be bullies or be bullied. Yes, be good examples and yet, you see grown people doing worse 😏. Yes, any time you need help. Google your name and see what comes up. If you don't want people to find info on you, start deleting or 'removing' connecting info from your name. Too many weirdos or crazies on the net.
Jun 06Reply

Oh I know! I can't imagine as a mom how horrible that would be. It really is heartbreaking. I've never googled myself before. I'm going to do that right now! 😁
Jun 06Reply

Well, there is 10 Cherie Spencer's on FB.
Jun 06Reply

@cheriie_candice Just you wait and see how vulnerable becoming a momma makes you. Yes, and tomorrow tell me what you find. Make your FB account 100% private. All pics and personal data.
Jun 06Reply

@cherie_candice I saw that...
Jun 06Reply

And apparently my boyfriend of almost 6 years is married and I'm a slut, or 'trick' rather who cheats on everybody. Wow, that is new info. And whoever wrote that needs to go back to elementary school to learn basic grammar skills. At least all of the other comments were nice.😳
Jun 06Reply

Sorry, I probably shouldn't have written that on your post! I wasn't thinking!
Jun 06Reply

@cherie_candice whaaaat?! 😳😧
Jun 06Reply

@cherie_candice No worries... It takes too long to scroll down 500+ comments. People most likely not see it.
Jun 06Reply

There's a stupid website called Topix and people talk crap about everybody on it, using a fake name. I've heard about it but never been on it. Apparently, I'm a 'topic' on there.
Jun 06Reply

When I look under Google images, there's s picture of Dave Matthews😍😜
Jun 06Reply

@cherie_candice I've heard of this social groups. Anonymous or not, so wrong. We have a 'confessions' group in my city and boy the things people fess up to. Oh nice! And I wonder who uploaded images of DMB with your name... Btw, did you read the TMZ story on Dave? About him pulling over a fan?
Jun 06Reply

That is just ridiculous! Why/how would I have a married bf for 6 years?! Makes no sense. And hmmm...I wonder how that pic of Dave got there. Was it when he was going to a concert and his bus broke down and he hitched a ride with a fan?
Jun 06Reply

I don't see much else on there about me. Just my Pinterest, FB and article about making the Dean's List when I was in school. I'm a smooth criminal😎 Totally kidding!
Jun 06Reply

@cherie_candice You totally are a smooth criminal and a 'trick' too! 😁😅 The story was posted on TMZ this week. He pulled over a fan who had a decal on her car. He wanted to know where to go for a good drink 🍻
Jun 06Reply

@cherie_candice oh, and you can totally do a 'discreet' background check on yo man! 🙈🙊
Jun 06Reply

Aw, I just read the article. I have the fire dancer sticker on my car too!! He hitched a ride with a fan once to his own concert, haha!
Jun 06Reply

How? Not that I would need to do it. I've known him forever and you always know everybody's business in a small town. I'd definitely know if he was married😜 I can't believe some idiot would say that.
Jun 06Reply

@cherie_candice He sounds like a pretty cool and daring kinda guy! About the background check, online you can find public records or pay for a background check. When I google, several companies come up and prices range $20-$150.
Jun 06Reply

@cherie_candice And I agree, you would know by now. Men can't lie!
Jun 06Reply

Oh yeah, I've seen those background check things. I had to have one for school, then another one before I could do clinicals in all of the hospitals for school and then another one when I got hired here. Yes, Dave is the man! My goal in life is to meet him😜 His tour tickets sell out in like 24 hours every year. I've even seen VIP tickets on eBay from $6k - $12k and people actually pay that. I always look at stuff like that on eBay under completed listings.
Jun 06Reply

No, they can't. And I'm around his entire family every day.
Jun 06Reply

There's none on there now at that price but, I have seen it before!
Jun 06Reply

@cherie_candice Google him and see what you find. Also, public records and free to access and some counties have online services.
Jun 06Reply

I will google him🙊 Thanks for the info😎
Jun 06Reply

@forzono3 Thank you for the offer. I countered your offer. Since it's on sale already, I only took $5.00 off for free shipping. Hope you understand.
Jun 07Reply

No problem! I'm just needs to update my billing so I can pay for it :-)
Jun 07Reply

@forzono3 No rush, take your time.
Jun 07Reply

Jun 13Reply

@pastelsky I've ran out of things to post. So I'll accumulate stuff and enjoy summer time with my kids. No worries, I'm not completely gone! 😁
Jun 13Reply
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