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Updated Aug 26
Updated Aug 26




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My way of sharing things that I have learned on Posh.
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jewelry_party Clean out and share your "Likes" list at least once a month. What I mean by that is, go and look through your "Likes" list and unlike the items that have been sold. Then as you're going through your "Likes" decide if you still like it. If not then first share the item and then unlike it. This way your "Likes" won't be all cluttered. Keep it clean just as you would keep your closet clean. ALSO, while you are going through all your likes, why don't you share them all? Unless you are like me and don't want someone buying it before I can get it myself.
Feb 03Reply
jewelry_party (The No Longer Posher's) In your closet at the top right it says how many people you are Following. Click or tap that and you will see a list of everyone you are following. Now for some of you that's thousands. At the top of the list are ( the floaters- you know when a fish dies it just floats at the top ) well at the top of the list you'll find all those Posher's who have quit, closed their closet or have been kicked out. You can quickly and easily click the Following button to the right of their name to unfollow them. I've done this every two months & it's amazing how many people I clear out.
Feb 03Reply
jewelry_party My best tip is to go to your search and look for the the like,follow,share games. I'm in about 50 of them and I just share each post each day and I'm bringing in around 30 to 50 more followers everyday cause of doing that. It really helps! But you have to share each game at least once everyday for it to work. I tried just leaving it for a couple of days and I found I only had like 5 followers a day. It's practically 1 follow every time you share a game. And each follow could result in a sale!
Feb 04Reply
jewelry_party DON'T unfollow and then refollow a person. Its rude. If you want them to notice you or get some shares from them, then do the right thing in the first place and share some of their items. They should in return share yours.
Feb 08Reply
chuchala99 Awesome tips. Can anyone add a tip or are they just yours that you have found worked. I don't want to intrude💋😘
Feb 15Reply
lovecolor7 I think the second tip is inaccurate. The people at the top are very much active, the people at the very bottom may not be but you have to check. I looked just now and the last 2 were no longer active , NOT the top people.
Feb 15Reply
jewelry_party @lovecolor7 sorry about that I've always checked them and they've always been dead profiles.
Feb 15Reply
lovecolor7 Maybe mine is weird😻
Feb 15Reply
chuchala99 Thank you, start adding your new listings on Monday. Shoppers start to look and will decide by their payday.
Feb 15Reply
emilyrubin Awesome tips!!! Thanks girl ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Feb 15Reply
hrhjenni This is great advice @mistyheart! Thank you for taking the time to do this!
Feb 16Reply
sarahposhposh The like follow share games, I scrolled really far down on your closet and I don't see any....u said u are in 50 or so. How do I find them? Thanks!
Feb 16Reply
jewelry_party @gauthreaux105 Hi, sorry about that. Go to your feed page, at the topic it there should be likes, feed, search. Go to search and in the search bar type in follower games. About 100 should pop up.
Feb 16Reply
jenie73 My like list is starting to get long. I have began liking sellers info instead of items because on my last purchase I was burned. Posh gave me my money back which I was happy about. The seller just relisted the item so it's likely the next person will be stuck with it.. She took a picture if a quality item and what I got was a bad quality item that was not the bag in the picture. So now I am more careful. I was lucky that all of my purchases before that where from honest people. So I look to see if the seller has shared any info about themselves and if I like it I heart it so I can shop from those closets. I try to weed out closets that don't appear to be people's actual closets but rather stuff you could get at the swap meet. Which is what happened to me in this case. I am trying to find a way to store my favorite stores and the like area is the only way I figured out where to put them so far.
Feb 16Reply
jewelry_party Hi @jenie73 yeah all the likes go in one spot, I wish we had "like" folders. One for our fave closets one for our purses etc... I know about getting burned, I purchased a water globe in here ( before I knew any better ) it arrived saying that I owed $18 to pick it up and THEN I FIND IT SHATTERED!!! Posh refunded me and I blocked her immediately. I find that if your profile pic literally looks like a mugshot, stay away. No lie I've found several mugshot profiles that are complete scammers. And now you have to be careful not to post the scammers name, cuz they whine and report to posh that you're lying and posh removes your listing. So watch out.
Feb 16Reply
jewelry_party @hrhjenni Hi, thanks, I've been wanting to do this for awhile but I thought I'd better learn more before trying to help others. Lol I'm still going to others for help.
Feb 16Reply
jenie73 @mistyheart Sorry to hear that happened to you ... I am getting it. My scammers name had something to do with being the best seller ever!!! I think posh did their job in protecting me but there where hoops to jump threw and if you don't do it in the time limit you lose. Posh however doesn't really do anything to the person this person looked like she gets lots of sales. I always leave good comments on people I purchase from. This person had so many listings it was impossible to really find out. Some sort of rating system would be good.
Feb 16Reply
jewelry_party @jenie73 agreed, but in the top right of anyone's closet you can report them to posh. Either the certain item or their whole closet. Also if they are really bad contact customer support, the email address is in your account page and you can tell them there and ask that they take care of it.
Feb 16Reply
jenie73 @mistyheart nice to know. I barely got my first sale and have bought much more then I have sold. I am learning the ins and outs.
Feb 16Reply
jewelry_party @jenie73 ok when I first started out I put just reduced signs on my items, but until you have a large following of people it's best NOT to do that. The reason is you can't bring the price back up. It's better to choose a few items in your closet mark sale and the end date in the tittle like ( SALE 2/23 ) and then make a special listing that says you have a sale going on and when it ends. Make sure all your (Sale Items) are just underneath your Sales Listing. Also a big deal is to edit your sale listings and put the sale price in, so that if I'm shopping in your closet, Ivan just buy it and not have to wait for you to change the price. VERY IMPORTANT before you change the price, write in your description ( WAS $??? ) x amount dollars. I'm telling you this because the first time I set a sale up I didn't do that and then when the sale was over I couldn't remember what some of my prices were. Lol. Also it allows the shopper to see what a great deal $$$ they are getting. But DON'T jack up the original price to make it look better. It's rude and if one person were to catch you it would spread like a wildfire.
Feb 16Reply
jewelry_party Like follow share games are awesome! I've gotten over 600 followers in 14 hours!!!!
Feb 16Reply
jenie73 @mistyheart I tried a sale in January where I was offering to knock off the cost of shipping on orders $25 or over but no one bit. So now I just say I will negotiate which I know can get sticky because there are people who I have seen in other closets low ball and walk away which is why I liked your tip about that
Feb 16Reply
sixivy Thanks for this! I'm new and the challenge is getting followers! Great tips!
Feb 16Reply
jewelry_party Sad to say, but good also is that I just learned its best to follow others Thant to wait for them to follow you. I made it to 3500 followers last night with only 600 I was following. And I've been on here since October of last year. I decided to start following people just last night and now I have 700 more followers in just 17 hours! It's insane! And totally awesome. I did follow 7,000 people last night but hey not everyone logs in everyday. @jenie73 @sixivy
Feb 17Reply
jenie73 Wow! I have 1400 and started in late November early December. I followed the first people and always follow those who follow me. I hate to say it. I think after I reached 1,000 I fell off actively trying to get followers and just get and follow back. Sometimes I am more focused on shopping and should be more focused on selling :-) defiantly working on increasing my followers is a good suggestion... Sometimes I see one pretty picture and then I find myself stuck up in someone's closet!!! So I think pretty pictures are important... On thing I don't like seeing is when people have messed up feet and take pictures of shoes with there feet in them... ;-( if your feet are clean and nice it's cool. But if there all dirty and cracked its a turn off! I have seen a lot of that and don't understand it! Pictures are important! That's my best tip!
Feb 17Reply
jewelry_party @jenie73 the best way to get follows is to follow first. The best ways to get shares is to go to your feed and share the items in your feed.
Feb 17Reply
jenie73 Lol I know that's a subject no wants to bring up but someone had to say it!
Feb 17Reply
jenie73 @mistyheart I always try to look and share people's items who follow me and if people share mine I always try to share there's extra! Sometimes it gets busy!
Feb 17Reply
jewelry_party @jenie73 yep that's what I do
Feb 17Reply
jewelry_party @jenie73 ?what subject?
Feb 17Reply
jenie73 @mistyheart lol what I said about the dirty feet pictures people put up trying to sell shoes. It really turns me off from their whole closet when I see that.
Feb 17Reply
jewelry_party @jenie73 oh yeah, I've often thought about that. That's why I don't model any clothing because I'm an xxl. I don't like to look at it in the mirror much less pose in front of a camera and make everybody else see it. Lol
Feb 17Reply
jenie73 I know they suggest that items sell better if they are modeled. I have weight to lose to and the items I am letting go of either don't fit anymore or don't look good on me.. Hopefully one day I will be able to get a manikin.
Feb 17Reply
jewelry_party @jenie73 Same here. You can get them here on posh. But the good ones are like $200 the cheaper half bodies are like $40 I think.
Feb 17Reply
leggn @mistyheart Great tips💕@lovecolor7 You gals both right, the inactive ones show both at the top and very bottom, the middle part is active lol😊hope it helps
Feb 20Reply
kzack7125 Ladies, thank you so much for these great words of wisdom. I have wanted to be able to "clean out" my feeds for along time now. I even emailed posh asking if I was missing something , someway to do it I hadn't caught on to yet. No response, which I just took to mean that there wasn't a way to do so. It really does get cluttered (w/sold items and items I already purchased a similar version of etc) making the feed a lot less user friendly for its intended purpose. I didn't realize it was as simple as reclicking "like" to unlike & therefore remove it! Omg! Should have known there was a simple answer. Thank you my dear Posh experts, you have truly made a difference! Now if we could just get posh to buy into the filing option it would be even closer to perfect? I totally agree that is a much needed and extremly useful option to add to future software updates! Thanks again! Your the greatest!
Feb 20Reply
jewelry_party @kzack7125 Hi Kim! Glad to hear you're able to get some control with your likes and all. Also something I learned, if you double tap a pic. In a posting it will automatically like the post. It was a mistake I made, but a lesson learned.
Feb 20Reply
jewelry_party SHARING YOUR ITEMS FASTER: it takes a while to share everything in your closet, especially when it's over 300 listings. HERE'S A WAY TO SPEED IT UP! Instead of scrolling to the bottom of the page and pressing share. Tap the EDIT button on the top right of a listing, then tap it two more times. It will say EDIT, NEXT & LIST. Three taps and your item is shared! Super easy and has shaved off at least 20 minutes of my share time. Now I have more time to go Poshopping!
Feb 20Reply
lovecolor7 @leggn @mistyheart I see! So the yummy middle of the cake is composed of active poshers, got it 😻
Feb 21Reply
jewelry_party Lol @lovecolor7 @leggn Also you can tell them apart because their name turns grey when they are not there. Active members are written in bold black.
Feb 21Reply
sarunski Agree - great tips.
Feb 21Reply
lrsorenson Love love love the tip about sharing faster!!! Seems so simple but never occurred to me. So much faster. Thanks girl!! 💗💗👏👏👍👍😉
Feb 21Reply
jewelry_party @lrsorenson hey yeah glad it helps. I got the tip from @queenmum
Feb 21Reply
jewelry_party @lrsorenson oops wrong tag. Sorry @queenmum . It was queen something.
Feb 21Reply
jewelry_party @queengina09 All this info should help you out. If you have any questions, just ask. Oh and don't put sales on any of your items until you have some real followers. I did that that at the start and it hurt my potential profit in the future. If you build it they will come. It just takes a little tlc to get started.
Feb 22Reply
jewelry_party @briannadipierro this should help you get started.
Feb 23Reply
fabmello Thank you so much for doing this!!!
Feb 23Reply
jewelry_party @fabmello Hi Melanie, I'm glad you like and if you ever have any questions just let me know. If I don't know the answer I'll find it for you.
Feb 23Reply
jewelry_party @tmaurmcwalt I just want you to know that when someone shares an item its just done to be nice. If they have interest in it then they like it.
Feb 23Reply
fabmello You are the best!!!💓💓💓
Feb 23Reply
jewelry_party @handbagparadise Hi Raquel, these tips should help you out. Hey @jblacombe we've got a newbie with really nice handbags!
Feb 27Reply
jewelry_party @echinyu here's some extra help.
Feb 27Reply
eastcoastblush @mistyheart awesome info can't believe I just found you. @julskewl here's some helpful info and s nice posher to follow
Mar 03Reply
jewelry_party Hi @jessiewing Jessie if you need any advise you can ask and if I don't know, I'll get help from those who do know.
Mar 03Reply
pcmacsavvy Happy I found this link. Thanks all! How do I share? Where is that area? How do I delete the email messages (not my personal email) the news or messages piling up on my feed. Can I post listings from my iPad, I am buying from it.
Mar 03Reply
jewelry_party @pcmacsavvy Hi, I'm asking a fellow posher about selling from your I-pad... I do it from my phone. You can't delete messages in you feed. Below the pictures and description of an item but before you read the comments, you'll see 3 buttons( Like. Comment. Share. ) tap on share and it will pull up another screen and ask if you want to share with your followers or to Facebook, twitter.... Only if you connect posh with those accounts. I will get back to you on the selling from an iPad when I get the answer. But does it say ( feed , sell , parties .... Like that, that you can view and such? I know when I'm on the computer the sell button isn't there. Hmmm? I don't know, I want to know too! I was thinking about getting an iPad.
Mar 04Reply
jewelry_party @pcmacsavvy Ok yes you can sell on your iPad ! Yeah!
Mar 04Reply
pcmacsavvy Thanks so much for your efficient help! Yea for me too. I left eBay a while back, scammers cost me a fortune. eBay removes money from PP w/o an ok from the seller. I have a fortune in clothing and accessories. Lost my job and need to thin my shelves. You have been a tremendous help. Cannot wait for daylight to begin.
Mar 04Reply
jewelry_party @paynejordan Hi read this. It will help you out. Also if you want more followers, you need to make the first move and follow people. I followed 30,000 people in two weeks and got in return 3,500 followers and sales!
Mar 06Reply
jewelry_party @mgvega if you need any help you can ask here.
Mar 06Reply
annaconda @mistyheart the people at the bottom of the list with the blank faces are the posher who quit..many people do symbols and spaces before their name to get to the top of the list
Mar 07Reply
jewelry_party @tianakai This will help you out. If you have any questions just ask! If I don't know the answer I'll find it for you.
Mar 08Reply
jewelry_party @pamelarenee92 Hi this should answer most of your questions. These are the things I learned from when I started 6 months ago.
Mar 10Reply
jewelry_party @custombowsby Hi Jacquee , this should help you out.
Mar 10Reply
jewelry_party @mardab Hi Marda welcome to posh! These tips should help you as you start up.
Mar 11Reply
jewelry_party @athomp37 Hi Alanna, this should help answer some of your questions. These are the things I learned as I was getting started 6 months ago.
Mar 23Reply
jewelry_party @lab1107 Hi Lisa, this should help you out. And if you have any questions you can ask me and if I don't know the answer I will find out for you.
Mar 23Reply
gabgavmom28 @mistyheart thanx for the tip on follower games and speed sharing kudos
Mar 30Reply
kayleemai18 I thought the "following" people are alphabetical. Not who's more active. Cause at the top of mine it starts with people with ! In front of their name then a' sand b's so on and so forth.
Mar 30Reply
jewelry_party @kayleemai18 Hi people are finding ways to be noticed. Some do it right and others do it wrong. ! That gets them at the top and if you do a heart from texting you'll be listed under the z's for instance my friend @jblacombe is at the bottom of the list. I don't think she's trying to get the attention though. She just made her closet name cute.
Mar 30Reply
kayleemai18 Oh no I don't have any issue with people doing that. I was just asking cause from your tip you said the people at the top are no longer active, but mine goes alphabetical.
Mar 30Reply
jewelry_party I'm sorry Janis I didn't mean to rude. @jblacombe
Mar 30Reply
jewelry_party @jblacombe Hi, yeah I follow other peoples followers all the time for a long list of people I don't know but will get to know later and when I do that I find you at the bottom of all the followers. However if you were to do !Janis! you'd be on the top... I often think about doing that lol. I think cause, after a while of following i usually quit around the W's lol I get bored.
Mar 30Reply
jewelry_party Yeah ive done that! lol found a good closet and friend that way! I love your new pic. it's awesome. @jblacombe
Mar 30Reply
jewelry_party Hey what kind of polish or something do you use to make used purses shine? @puddpudd0 @jblacombe
Apr 01Reply
jewelry_party @puddpudd0 Thank You so Much Barbie!!!
Apr 01Reply
jewelry_party That really works! Thanks again @puddpudd0
Apr 01Reply
jewelry_party @kiannashipp123 this should help you out. If you have any questions just ask me. ;)
Apr 04Reply
jewelry_party @kaytlynjenee this should help you get started. And Welcome to Poshmark!
Apr 05Reply
jewelry_party @unicorn219 Hi and Welcome to Posh! This should help you get started. If you have any questions just ask.
Apr 06Reply
jewelry_party @tkimber7084 Hi Tammy! This page may have some tips that could help you out. Follow people and they will follow you. Some of them will. Join in the follower games. How to is within this page. Any questions? I'd love to help out!
Apr 11Reply
jewelry_party @lkirkland Hi Lisa, I made the same oops one day! You can't buy your own listings. Trust me the buy button is there. I was just in your closet.
Apr 14Reply
pamela77 Enjoyed your tips!! Ty hon!!🎉🎉
Apr 14Reply
pamela77 Hi do you know how delete you sales?? I can't seem to figure out how to get them off??? HELP!! Lol pamela77
Apr 14Reply
jewelry_party @2royalpearls this might help you towards being successful on Posh. If you ever need help you can ask me.
Apr 17Reply
2royalpearls @mistyheart thanks great advice ✔️
Apr 17Reply
jewelry_party @daughtrey this should help out.
Apr 20Reply
shopgirlria @mistyheart Thanks for all the great info!
Apr 23Reply
jewelry_party @eeelisag Hi Elisa! I hope these tips will help you bring in some sales. You have a really great closet. You just need the world to find it.
Apr 26Reply
eeelisag @mistyheart great list! I'll def try some of these. Thanks so much!
Apr 26Reply
jewelry_party @missjacqui these tips should help you grow your closet and sales.
Apr 28Reply
missjacqui OMG!! Thank you! I needed someone to share tips with me. Just started poshing on Saturday and was just trying to figure it all out on my own. @mistyheart 👊 💋💋💋💋💋
Apr 28Reply
jewelry_party @missjacqui If you have any questions you can always ask me. If I don't know the answer I can get it for you from my friends.
Apr 28Reply
jewelry_party @myspoiledwife Hi welcome to PM here's a list of tips to help get you started with a great closet. If ever you need help you can always ask me.
May 05Reply
myspoiledwife Thank-you so VERY much for all these great tips and advice on getting started as well as all the additional info. What I did was take a pic of your list so I can go back and reflect on so much great info, hope you don't mind? Also, I have always thought to ask the person if I could "add/follow" them, I didn't know I could just follow/add them w/o asking, guess it's just me, lol. I will learn this yet! I have to say I have shopped quite a bit in the short time I have been on this site but have been so lucky to get all very nice people that have shipped fast and items as posted. No complaints yet but now I do worry about scammers as stated, is there a way to know? Why can't their name be listed to protect the rest if us? I haven't listed anything as of yet but your information has helped me when I do get ready....give me about 1-2 months then will begin, if not sooner, since I have a lot of extra stuff I no longer need nor wear as us girls more than likely know, lol. Another topic, if anyone needs help with regarding purchasing, etc., on the iPad/tablet I do all the time and find it just as easy. Again, I appreciate the time and info you collected to share with me being a newbie and others. You are such a sweetie! Hope to follow,shop, share,buy, etc., with you in the near future. 😊
May 05Reply
jewelry_party @lynnk4 Hi here are my tips to help get started wether you are a buyer or seller.
May 09Reply
jewelry_party @aliens_blood this should help out.
May 10Reply
jewelry_party @jen02ny Hi here's a list of helps and hints. If you need any help, you can ask me.
May 12Reply
elizabeth3374 Hey I did understand about how to know witch followers have stop being pm er
May 12Reply
jewelry_party @heretobuy Hi and Welcome to Posh. This should help you get started.
May 13Reply
jewelry_party @adrianaleal Hi I see that your new here and if there's anything I can do to help you get started just let me know. In the meantime here are some tips and ideas on how to navigate through Posh and gain some followers and make some sales.
May 13Reply
jewelry_party @cris_cashell77 Hi when you want to grab somebody's attention to something here like you tagged hollynoel25 you need to add this symbol @ so when you tag it should look like this. @hollynoel25 This should help in the future so you and others can talk back and forth and see each others messages.
May 14Reply
theonlyadriana wait i'm still confused lol i dont get how poshers are floaters? (no longer active)how do i know they are no longer active?
May 14Reply
jewelry_party @ffbgirl86 This info should help you grow your closet on here.
May 19Reply
ffbgirl86 This is awesome info. Thank you! I dont understand about the games though
May 19Reply
jewelry_party @psandrew check this out for more ideas
May 19Reply
psandrew @mistyheart Thank you SO much for tagging me on this! I'm relatively new to Posh and appreciate this more than you know! Have a great day doll and thanks again! ♥
May 19Reply
jewelry_party @thehappyanna this should help you get started. Oh and don't thank someone a billion times for sharing your items. It messes with our news feed.
May 24Reply
jewelry_party @missjacqui How are you doing? Do you need any help?
May 24Reply
thehappyanna I didn't thank anyone more than once? That I know of anyways.
May 24Reply
missjacqui Hey Misty! Thanks for checking in me. Yea I think I'm doing ok - I've sold two items and have been joining the parties daily. I did reduce some prices just because I'd like to move them quicker. Any tips on how I an increase sales would be extremely appreciated. And yea I love my Adidas hoodies but they've been in the closet for years, always hoping I'm going to magically be the size I was in my 20's! 😂
May 24Reply
jewelry_party @projohnson Hi Tracey, I hope this helps you get started. Any ?s just ask.
May 25Reply
pbell525 @mistyheart Thank you everyone for the great tips
May 25Reply
jewelry_party @qteejodee Hi Jovanna! Welcome to Posh. Here is my tips page to help you out here. It's loads of fun here.
May 31Reply
marsala Hi these tips are great! Thank you so much. Maybe you can give me a tip on how to bundle 3 or more items. I just don't get it. What I have been doing is nuts! I retake pictures of the bundled items , put them as added pictures to the original one, and then edit the blurb. It's a pain because if someone changes their mind, then i have to relist each item again! Help! ❤️
Jun 02Reply
jewelry_party @marsala Hi I go and mark each item as unavailable instead of deleting them. Its the same area where go and delete, you can mark not available. This way if your buyer backs out, you can go to each item and mark it as available. Then I make a separate listing with a pic of them altogether. If you take your pics through a program/app like instacollage, they save all your pics in a gallery. That way later you can re share them to your phones camera roll and put those photos in a bundle listing. I like to make the Covershot of the bundle listing be of all the items together to show the buyer one more time the size difference between each piece she's purchasing. Also if you have a negotiation page, you can divert all your price adjustments on listings there. That way if a buyer backs out of a deal you were making, another buyer can't swoop in and get that same deal.
Jun 02Reply
marsala Thank you for your help! It will be so useful! It will cut down a lot of time!thank you so much!
Jun 03Reply
jewelry_party @marsala have you updated the app today? They made sharing so much easier!
Jun 03Reply
chic007 @missesemj these type of posts are awesome
Jun 07Reply
jewelry_party @dwbella Welcome to Posh! Here's a page of tips to help get you started!
Jun 13Reply
jewelry_party @mizzneda Hi Verneda! Welcome to Posh! Here's a page of tips from many sellers. Hopefully it will help. If you need anything just ask😃
Jun 17Reply
mizzneda Awesome! Thanks so much for the tips!
Jun 17Reply
jewelry_party @jordash720 check out these tips for a quick lesson in learning posh. Need any help? Just ask me.
Jun 18Reply
jordash720 @mistyheart these are great tips thanks!!! I'm going through all the comments now too :)
Jun 18Reply
islandofstyle @pallas check out this closet. She may have something like the rings you are looking for!💖
Jun 20Reply
chictowear @marlanap amazing tips!
Jun 21Reply
chictowear @mistyheart thank you for the great tips! I have a great following game. Please stop by and join :)
Jun 21Reply
marlanap These are great tips. Thanks, Misty! 👏 @lorenad_21 Thanks for tagging me! 👯👯👯
Jun 21Reply
jewelry_party @ixnessxi Hi Vanessa. Welcome to Posh.
Jun 22Reply
ixnessxi thank you so much!
Jun 22Reply
jewelry_party @ixnessxi if you need any help, just ask. I love helping & learning new things.
Jun 22Reply
virtualtherapy Appreciate all of the advice, experiences, tips, suggested do & do nots. I had an incident with a scammer and got turned off. Time is so valuable, but you are reassuring me that their are many more honest Poshers than Scammers. Does anyone do this full time? I would like to be prompt if I set up my closet, but am afraid with my other obligations, I would not be able too. Your thoughts? Your advice does not go unappreciated by me!
Jun 25Reply
jewelry_party @virtualtherapy Hi Cyndi, I'm not sure if anyone is on here full time. Even katef and manish, two of the cofounders are not here full time. I'm probably here 4-5 hours a day. Only cause I'm addicted and I believe in great customer service. You can place an ad or post in your closet, that says I work between these hours otherwise I can get back to you... Or I check in periodically throughout the day... Only available to answer your questions in the morning... Or at night... It's good to have the notification banners set up on your phone to respond to a question quickly. However it's still a billion times faster to share your closet or anyone's closet on an iPad or desktop or laptop computers. Plmk if you have any more questions. I'm always puttering around on here. 😃
Jun 25Reply
jewelry_party @ishoptilidrop This is good for buyers as well as sellers.
Jun 26Reply
jewelry_party @linbh94 tips and such to help you ot😊
Jun 26Reply
jewelry_party @ashley_wolf This will somewhat. If you go into your account settings, you'll find a full guide on how to use posh.
Jun 29Reply
willbringyoujoy @mistyheart - I appreciate the tips! Can you please help a newbie with these questions? 1⃣ Is there a way to track our "shares"? Sometimes I don't remember if I shared first or if I owe the other posher a share! 2⃣ How / with what apps do you add text to your photos and make the text notices you post? Again, thank you!!!
Jun 29Reply
jewelry_party @klmvirginia Ok. Let's see, 1⃣ You've got the emojii keyboard already. 2⃣ When you are not sure about whether you shared already or not, it's just better to make sure and double share. If you did already, they'll probably share back again. 3⃣ Instacollage is the app I use for all my listings. You can make really neat listings by creating one picture saving it and adding it into the next picture layout. 4⃣ Text on the postings? Do you mean emojii? 5⃣ Descriptions can be made nicer like @ jblacombe by using the "notepad" app. Write your description there and then copy and paste it into your description. ❔❔❔❔❔❔❔❔❔❔ Let me know what else I can do for you. 😃😄😊😍😘 Please don't walk away with this look 😳 LOL.
Jun 29Reply
willbringyoujoy @mistyheart - Thanks for your help!
Jun 29Reply
jewelry_party @melissahartsell here it is. It's long but has really good info from me and other Poshers.
Jul 16Reply
jewelry_party @lprzybylowski here it is. This should help. It's a lot of info so just put in your likes so you can come glean off of it whenever you need. Also you can ask me questions on here and I'll get right back to you.
Jul 23Reply
jewelry_party @brittybrit07 this should help get you started. Also @marlanap has a list of following games to help get the followers to start rolling in.
Jul 24Reply
brittybrit07 Thank you!
Jul 24Reply
jewelry_party @loodji I see you're new here and this should help you out.
Jul 31Reply
jewelry_party @bitis09 this will help get you started. 😃
Aug 12Reply
bitis09 @mistyheart Thank you very much for the advice and for looking out for me. I will follow your advice.
Aug 12Reply
jewelry_party @jcastro0216 @lovelysparkles Hi You may already know this info, but it's stuff I've learned along the way. I hope it helps!
Aug 13Reply
lovelysparkles Thank you so much this was great advice!
Aug 13Reply
jewelry_party @neimanslover Hi, I was thinking since your still pretty new, that these tips might help you.
Aug 13Reply
jewelry_party @gbeetx Elizabeth, these are some things I've learned along my journey here. If you need any help just ask. If I don't know the answer I'll ask my friends.
Aug 17Reply
poshthrifter Thanks @mistyheart I was so confused about the sharing thing... Don't know the etiquette! Preesh!
Aug 17Reply
jewelry_party @purpleviolet San Juan Bautista Ca. 95045
Aug 21Reply
conceitedcloset 🎉👏👍
Aug 21Reply
lda @mistyheart Awesomeness😊
Aug 24Reply
jewelry_party @dozierb1214 here are some things I've learned along the way. Also other poshers tips as well. If you ever need any help I'm always here.I love to help
Aug 25Reply
jewelry_party @jmays0321 Hi since you are new here, I thought you could use this. These are things I learned along the way.
Aug 27Reply
jmays0321 Thanks girl! 💋🙋👍
Aug 27Reply
msimperfeckt I hope it doesn't bother if I unlove and relove their listing. It keeps them at the top of my list.
Sep 01Reply
jewelry_party @msimperfeckt I personally have only had 1 person complain about it and they were really new.
Sep 01Reply
jewelry_party @bethiepooh These are some tips in helping you get your closet up and running. Also try to get your pics in natural sunlight or indirect sun, it takes better pictures. Also try the instacollage app, it really helps with lighting and you can sharpen pictures. Also you can add borders and text. It also has a mirror option, so for example you stand in front of a mirror and model something with writing on it, the app can mirror it back to readable.
Sep 01Reply
bethiepooh Thank you for the tips. I truely appreciate it. ;)
Sep 01Reply
sassysuzzy Always love new tips. Thanks! I was wondering about your short cut to sharing by hitting editing. Since u can only edit 3 X doesn't this eliminate your future ability to change?
Sep 02Reply
jewelry_party I think you are confusing changing the brand name three times. You can edit all you like. Lower price for sales and make the item not for sale.... Like its a Betty johnson oh no its coach or maybe it was a lulu??? You can only change the brand 3 times. @sassysuzzy
Sep 02Reply
sassysuzzy @mistyheart No I've never changed the Brand Name. It's always the same. I changed price, etc. It only let me 3X
Sep 02Reply
jewelry_party @sassysuzzy I just checked and it still works. Don't edit anything just try to push edit through and share. Are you on an iPhone ? If yes and it still isn't working, you need to tell posh and they'll fix it for you.
Sep 02Reply
jewelry_party @pippypapoose Here is a list of all the best tips I can give you. Tons of conversations in here. lol If you need any help, I will gladly be your mentor along the way. I love to help :)
Sep 03Reply
jewelry_party @justtina I see that you are new, this is my tips page, it should help you out.
Sep 09Reply
jewelry_party @chiangtheory I see that you are new, this is my tips page, it should help you out.
Sep 09Reply
jewelry_party @abanner14 I see that you are new, this is my tips page, it should help you out.
Sep 09Reply
jewelry_party @lunanightingale I see that you are new, this is my tips page, it should help you out.
Sep 09Reply
jewelry_party @llsilvers Here is a little guide to help grow your closet/business. If you ever need any help I'm always available. :)
Sep 13Reply
jewelry_party @brit1ab here's a list of helps and a great list of help can be found at the bottom of @jblacombe 's closet.
Sep 14Reply
brit1ab Thank you for sharing this! You are super nice to help out us new Poshers! Makes me feel like we are a team! Good to know some tips and a couple "warnings," too--good to know!
Sep 14Reply
jewelry_party @noame here this should help you in the selling and growing progress.
Sep 15Reply
noame Thanks
Sep 15Reply
jewelry_party @cindystuff Here is my tips page. If you need any help, I'm always here to share, love and help. If I don't know the answer, I'll get my best friends to help. :) I'm glad to have found another sister in Christ!
Sep 15Reply
jewelry_party Hi and welcome to Posh! @luxury_lover If you need any help getting started, I'm here and ready to help. :)
Sep 21Reply
luxury_lover @mistyheart aw, thank you soo much! That is so sweet 😘
Sep 21Reply
jewelry_party @sarahsonshine Hi and Welcome to Posh! Here are some helpful tips to get you started.
Sep 21Reply
sarahsonshine @mistyheart wow!!! Thanks for the amazing tips!!
Sep 21Reply
jewelry_party @soundofharmony here are some tips and my friend @jblacombe has a wonderful closet and several how to listings at the bottom of her closet. Good luck and if you need any help I'll always be available 😊
Sep 23Reply
soundofharmony @jblacombe @mistyheart thank you guys for the great tips and support!
Sep 24Reply
jewelry_party @hopeyjoness Here are some tips and if you need any help, I'm here to assist :)
Sep 28Reply
jewelry_party @aims2kids Here is my tips page
Oct 01Reply
jewelry_party @whitlu118 Also here are some tips to help you get started.
Oct 09Reply
jewelry_party @shophotstyles Good Question! There are two ways I know of. 1. Look to see when the first item in their closet was updated. Some people check in once a day or only 1-2 times a week. However if the update time is old.... 2. Check the comments in like the top 4 listings. They might be chatting in them and if so it will give you the date of the last time they responded. Oh if you're looking to buy something and you have time to waste you can purchase something and if they don't even log in for 10 days and see it the purchase will be cancelled through posh. When you are following a list of people the inactive no longer open closets are at the bottom of the list and you'll see that their names are written in a grey text and active members are in a black text. I hope this helps😃
Oct 19Reply
jewelry_party @shophotstyles sharing your own closet is a must in making sales. Since your new and have less than 100 followers your best bet would be to share into the parties every night. Also if you follow people you'll get more sales. I have over 150 sales and most of them were bundles, so in all I've sold well over 500 items. And when you follow people they will follow back and for every thousand you follow, you usually get a sale! Or two!😊
Oct 19Reply
jewelry_party @amiebaker90210 This should help you get started.
Oct 21Reply
jewelry_party @all_for_charity If you need any help, I'm always available😉
Oct 24Reply
jewelry_party @bhaktababe If you have any questions just ask.
Oct 24Reply
jewelry_party @erikajimenezh If you ever need any help, I'm always here, I live here, lol.
Oct 28Reply
jewelry_party Wow @ridinghood13 it's such a contrast from me. lol I had know clue what was going on here. I had unsupported items, I bought unsupported items. In 6 months I was extremely happy with getting my goal of 3,500 followers and had only about 15 sales! Now I know more and have grown over 33,000 followers in the following 6 months. I started modeling for some things. Not comfortable with it though, looking for a mannequin. Following Games got me about 5,000 followers and then I followed all the people who liked the same item I had in another persons closet or like you said similar. It definitely works! Oh and now I just hit over 150 sales. I agree with trying to keep the covershots clean, I see people who have a ton of items scattered about on the covershot and I'm like "What are you selling?" Sometimes when you look at those you'll see the item they're selling isn't even on the covershot or it's there but it's a different color. I have a picture of a purse that shows it off well, but since it's the same make/design but not the same color, I show it in the second pic. It's the crazy and messy pics that make me turn and leave and not even attempt to figure out what they're selling.
Oct 30Reply
mrfike Great tips and reminders! I may have said this b4 but thanks for sharing with us!
Nov 15Reply
jewelry_party @hunkydory71 Here's some help and I'm always available to answer questions.
Nov 21Reply
jewelry_party @sandraeliser This listing is packed full of goodies, even between the chatter of other poshers, you'll find goodies. If you need any help I'm always online.
Nov 22Reply
jewelry_party @shannalapiana here you go. Please let me know if you have any questions. I'm literally always here! Lol
Nov 26Reply
shannalapiana I might just take that offer from you sometime!☺️ Feel free to buy things from me as well, lol!😋
Nov 26Reply
shannalapiana Thank you for helping me when I was a newbie to Posh! I recently put up 18 new items to my inventory! Check them out! A lot of them are super cute!☺️
Dec 08Reply
jewelry_party @shannalapiana Very cute indeed! If I was your size I would of bought a few of them. If you need any help I'm always here. Great Job with the closet, It looks great!
Dec 08Reply
jewelry_party @ewhit Hi if you ever need any help I'm always available. There is some good info here, you probably know a lot already. I love your closet, very crisp and clean.
Jan 03Reply
shesredhaute Thank you so much @mistyheart !!! I love all the very helpful tips!! You're a doll!!!!⭐️💕
Jan 03Reply
jewelry_party @redanna29 Hi Anna Welcome to Posh! If you ever need any help I'm always around. This post will help you out a little with fun tips.
Jan 11Reply
redanna29 Hi! And thank you so much! I've only sold one item but had no problem. But i've bought two, one on Monday and i havent received any info. So i sent seller a reminder and still no word. I'm not sure if i should be worried! Lol
Jan 11Reply
jewelry_party @redanna29 what's her tag name? don't put the @ in front of it, ok? I'll go see if I know her...
Jan 11Reply
redanna29 Limited2013. She was really nice but i just haven't heard from her since Monday.
Jan 11Reply
jewelry_party @redanna29 Ok you needn't worry, she is a good seller with some of her items arriving super fast in like 3 days and others taking a week to arrive. Also large city facilities take longer to process than others. Like Texas or New York always take a longer time to process
Jan 11Reply
redanna29 Ok! Thank you so much! I wasn't sure. I've gotten emails on everything but that and i've only been here six days lol! Thank you! Hope i can come back with more questions or just to shop!
Jan 11Reply
redanna29 Hi @mistyheart ! I'm back! Lol Question: How do I bundle? I have someone who wants to purchase multiple items.
Jan 11Reply
jewelry_party @redanna29 First of all Congrats! That's awesome. Ok so a couple of ways you can do this... 1. Gather all the items she wants and take a pic of them and make a new listing for sale with her name in the title and the combined prices for the sale price. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Use one of your existing listings and update the price bundle in that and tag her on it. --------------------------------------------------------------Either way, make sure you use edit and scroll to the bottom and select not for sale on all the items that you are bundling, except for the bundle itself....
Jan 11Reply
redanna29 Ok @mistyheart I'm gonna give it a try. I'll let you know how it goes.
Jan 11Reply
jewelry_party @redanna29 cool it looks great. Now don't forget to tag her name in the listing so she can see it.
Jan 11Reply
jewelry_party @savvymediachick here's my tips page. I'm always around and I love to help, chat & brainstorming with others. 😂😃
Jan 19Reply
savvymediachick @mistyheart these are great tips Misty! I really appreciate all the help. A lot of newbies like myself could use all these do's and don'ts right away. 😉
Jan 19Reply
jewelry_party @savvymediachick A quick tip, before adding a new piece into your closet, first check out what price it's going for on Posh. That will help you sell it. Either you can sell it for more than you thought you could or you could under price the others and hope for a good sell. Also when looking up an item, You'll see the tab "Availability" click on that and choose Sold items. This way you can see exactly what the ending price has been on those that have sold. Good Luck Carmen :)
Jan 19Reply
savvymediachick @mistyheart I just did that for a pair of booties I am about to post. You are seriously one life saver after another! Thanks a bunch... 😍💐💐💐
Jan 19Reply
jewelry_party @erikacastle You have a nice closet. These tips should help you grow and sell. If you have a question just ask. I'm always here. Lol.
Jan 20Reply
erikacastle @mistyheart thanks! & these are great tips. Especially since I just started :)
Jan 20Reply
jennifernora32 Love all your advice. How do I handle a posher that constantly low balls my offers.
Feb 22Reply
jewelry_party @jennifernora32 Yikes! Two ways to do it. If this posher lowballs and eventually buys from you, then mark your item as price is firm or put a listing up in your closet of what you consider a decent offer and say no lowballing... The other thing is, if this posher hasn't bought from you and is offering you like $5 every item,,, lol I've had those Posher's before. They will never buy from you. As soon as I realize I have one in my closet, I immediately block them. That way they can't like, offer or talk to you, best of all it keeps them from cluttering your listings up with spam and lowball offers of whom others may see. If you need any other help I'm always around😉😃💋
Feb 22Reply
jennifernora32 🌸💛thanks so much for the advice. You're very sweet and I really appreciate your advice and your time to share it with me. You're awesome 💕🌺
Feb 22Reply
jewelry_party @jennifernora32 The top 10 or so of your jewelry pictures are really blurry and dark. If you have the ability to take pics in the daylight they would come out a lot clearer. You need indirect sunlight. Which is actually shade, but it's so much better than indoor lights. Try it and see. Also if you have something in nature to use as you background. Like Ive used a bud before it blossomed to hold a ring, or rest it on a rock or a log and for your bigger things like a bracelet you can use the grass or what's working really well for others is taking pics in the snow. So wherever you are there is always a possibility for a great Covershot😉😘
Feb 22Reply
jennifernora32 😱😱😱ok. thank you for the advice.
Feb 22Reply
grace4d Wow this helps alot. Thank you! Dee
Feb 22Reply
jewelry_party @bluebirdcloset this will help and if you have any questions, I'm always around
Feb 23Reply
grace4d how do you share items w/o being tagged in that item? I've seen it happen. Do they have tio be a follower to see it at item itself? Just curious. Thank you! Dee thank you for sharing items you are wonderful
Feb 23Reply
jennekara Hi Misty. Ty for all the tips! I decided to do a sale for this weekend and saw where you said i cant put the prices back to the original listing price. I didn't know this! Can i delete the sale item & re-list them at my original price? I only wanted the sale for 2 days to see if I got any offers, so let me know what to do please. Also, i cleaned & shared my closet & followed all the people in some games and got over 100 followers so far in a few hours 😄 thx much! 💜
Mar 01Reply
jewelry_party @jennekara Hi yes you can delete and relist the item, however if you have any likes on the item you'll lose them. You can bring the price back up, it just affects the price drop shipping discount, and there are ways around that as well.
Mar 02Reply
jennekara Ok. I will see what happens tomorrow.😊 thanks again. And thx for all the shares 💜
Mar 02Reply
poshgirl111 @mistyheart thanks for sharing the love and all these great tips! 💕💕
Mar 05Reply
lakeforest Hi Misty😊I was in the middle of sharing back some of your things and came across this awesome listing of your tips😊👏👍I'll definitely be tagging newbies I mentor to come here.. Btw, way up👆in a comment you made about # of sales- when we all go & look at our stats & see #sold, it's a bit misleading bc I've sold many bundles w/multiple items.. I wish Posh had set this up so every single item/listing we've sold is counted vs. every transaction. To date many of my sales, about 30% have been bundles, sometimes with up to 3-5 items within the bundle!! So for example if I've done 80 transactions, you might as well add another 50+ bc of the bundles, but it's not reflected. I know this may sound a bit petty to some bc at the end of the day it's about the sales$$$$. I've come across hundreds of closets where Poshers have proudly displayed their # sold but they've lucked out & haven't done but maybe less than 5 bundles.. One of the gals I'm currently mentoring actually asked me about this as it relates to % of the # sold. I told her that the reason a person has high # of sales is bc she has a large closet, 300+ items listed, so in general the bigger the closet, the more variety a buyer has in selecting what they'd like to purchase... Thxs for all the tips, it's great to have whether a newbie or oldie, lol! I created my acct back in Aug 2013 but waited 9 mos before actually getting my closet up! Too many things going on back then but worked very hard to catch up!! Keep the kitty pics coming too; love those😻😻😻
Mar 07Reply
jewelry_party @lakeforest yep # of sales don't reflect items for sure. I have like 1/4 the # of sales as I do items sold. 5-600 listings at the bottom are sold. More items mean more add ons when it comes to bundling. You can have more specific sales when you have a large closet. Like a jewelry sale. Half my closet is jewelry so... Lol also my biggest chunk of advice is even good for seasoned Posher's, I want to get all the attention I can so I make sure that at all times I have at least one item available that matches EVEY CATEGORY.
Mar 07Reply
jewelry_party @gaby1012 Here is my tips page for newbies.
Mar 09Reply
jewelry_party @rolandawang Here is my tips page. If you need any help ever, I'm always here.
Mar 10Reply
gaby1012 @mystheart Thank you for all these tips. I have been reading all others concerns and your comments and definitively it does makes sense. I was surprise the things I was doing wrong. In the past I use to ask to myself what were doing wrong? My pictures from my closet are gouges and the presentation I could say outstanding. Today thanks from you and from the other sellers I learned what I was doing wrong. There are some other issues that some people like to do is that they want you to model your dresses, shoes even if you have already a maniqui. In one of a seller comment she was totally correct. Some people likes you to model for them and sometime you can but times you won't. I also I don't like seeing is when people have messed up feet and take pictures of shoes with there feet in them all dirty and cracked. If I see this I will totally remove this seller from my list. Discipline is very important. I won't ever purchase an item from this kind of seller presentations. Others try to sell things in dirty conditions as handbag, peeling off, and use to say it's not notable. This turn me off. I always use to say to myself, "remember the first impression always counts", so keep this on mind. I always have been successful when I use to work because my presentations was always neat. Trust me, the first impression says a lot of your personality. Thanks again for all your inputs and the inputs from the other girls too. Sincerely, Mitzylenzy
Mar 11Reply
simlpydressed Thank you!!! I'm fairly new to this, coming across this post of yours was very helpful. Thank you so much for sharing with us :)
Mar 12Reply
melanieshea Thank you so much for this! And WOW!, so true! I had a new follower, bought something from her, & will be a customer from here on out!! You're wonderful, and so is your closet!! ♡♡♡ Mel
Mar 13Reply
jewelry_party @melanieshea Hi nice to meet you! Let me know if you ever need any help. Im always here... Lol
Mar 13Reply
melanieshea Oh, thank you! I swear, I've met some of the most amazing women here! I greatly appreciate you & taking time to read what I wrote! ♡♡♡ Mel
Mar 13Reply
valentine562 Thank you, the best tips I've read so far!
Mar 14Reply
tudie11 These are great!
Mar 17Reply
lifeinstiches Misty wanted to say it is finally nice to actually met u in a picture 😘
Mar 19Reply
jewelry_party @hotpantsrhoads Hi Heidi! Yeah I was never able to get up the nerve to do it. I was actually making a listing and my back camera switched on and I didn't freak, usually it scares me to see myself lol
Mar 19Reply
lifeinstiches You should never be ashamed of yourself 😘 it is what is on the inside that counts always!! To bad the world is not all like that we would all be much happier 😘💞💞💞💐
Mar 19Reply
1smalltowngirl Ty Misty and ladies for all the great tips^!
Mar 21Reply
thewispygypsy @mawalk5 Misty has listed lots of great tips here😉
Mar 23Reply
jewelry_party @kimeteboutique I'm here often and I love to help. Going to bed now. But please if you have any questions, just ask and I'll get back with you. Good luck! I know you'll be getting a ton of followers soon! Hahaha.
Mar 27Reply
jewelry_party @poshkj If you need any help I'm always here. Oh and you don't have to thank someone for sharing each time. It saves time, instead share back, that's how we say thank you. It may not be as effective with only a few followers on your side but its the gesture that counts, besides when we share back you'll get a lot of love, besides just us...
Mar 27Reply
poshkj Thanks so much for the advice. I certainly appreciate the advice & you sharing so many of my listings.
Mar 27Reply
jewelry_party @shayleighpape Here is my tips page if you need any help.
Mar 27Reply
shayleighpape thank you so much
Mar 27Reply
shayleighpape hey, any tips on how to get more sales??
Mar 28Reply
jewelry_party @shayleighpape share other closets and follow people. It lets others know you exist. Don't spam other closets though.
Mar 28Reply
thewispygypsy @kaileesjb Kailee, Misty is an awesome lady and there are some great tips here!!! Misty, meet Kailee! She us new to Poshmark and is working hard toward SU!!
Apr 11Reply
thewispygypsy Misty I would like to introduce you to Alejandra @atorre57 a new posher! Alejandra, Misty is a active in the Poshmark community and has some great tips here!!
Apr 14Reply
chrimsonshane I'm so confused, Misty! Are jewelry boxes allowed to sell or not?
Apr 23Reply
jewelry_party @chrimsonshane not allowed. Posh told Lorena that jewelry boxes are not wearable.
Apr 23Reply
chrimsonshane Thank you. I've seen them for sale and wondered.
Apr 23Reply
chrimsonshane So only items that are wearable are allowed? Otherwise people could list almost anything and call it an accessory lol. Saying that something must be "wearable" makes more sense.
Apr 23Reply
jewelry_party @chrimsonshane Hey what do you mean? I don't wear my car? It wears me! I consider it a comfortable old sweater with shoulder pads! 😂😂😂
Apr 23Reply
divamom820 So when a sellar offers through other sites - and I've gotten a lot, to cut costs, as the buyer, id rather not. Is it etiquette-wise ok to just say "no thank you?" Thanks!
May 15Reply
jewelry_party @divamom820 I would say so. I can see if maybe their was more of a product that you're interested in, then it might make sense to go and look, otherwise as a buyer myself, I would just say that I want to keep my transactions safe and I'll only buy on Posh.
May 15Reply
jewelry_party @loveaclosetfind this is my tips page. If you ever need any help or have a question, I'm always here and I love to help. If I don't know the answer I'll find it for you.
Jul 04Reply
loveaclosetfind @mistyheart Wow thanks for tagging me here! I just read through the first couple of tips and they're very helpful! I appreciate it!
Jul 04Reply
loveaclosetfind @mistyheart Hi Misti! I have a question. So I had a couple people add my listings to bundles but no sales yet so I'm wondering if I should let them know that they might have accidently clicked on the 'add to bundle' button? Do you know if the listing will still be available for others to buy even though these poshers have added my listing to a bundle?
Jul 26Reply
jewelry_party @loveaclosetfind Hi yes it will still be available. Some people share just like they like to get sales. So add to bundle helps them keep an eye out for what they really want. But its still anyone's game at buying the item. 👸
Jul 26Reply
loveaclosetfind @mistyheart great! Thank you!!
Jul 26Reply
jewelry_party @loveaclosetfind liking an item again only alerts the seller and does not share it with others.
Jul 27Reply
loveaclosetfind @mistyheart Sorry about that misty! I was reorganizing my Likes! Sorry about all the random notifications!!!
Jul 27Reply
jewelry_party @loveaclosetfind lol no problem. Same here sometimes😜
Jul 27Reply
luv_wendi @mistyheart I was wondering about the best way to organize my closet Pics I see some closets group there items by the different categories or seasons are they moving the pics around is their some way I'm not seeing to move around or is order that you've listed them just the order they stay?
Jan 09Reply
jewelry_party @luv_wendi When you share or update your item in your closet it moves it up to the top of your closet.
Jan 09Reply
jewelry_party @luv_wendi Some people also organize by color... Also a lot of poshers will put the items that they would like chosen as a host pick up at the top of their closets so it will be seen by the current hosts that are looking.
Jan 09Reply
jewelry_party @luv_wendi a super quick way to "share" your own listings, if on your phone is by tapping edit at the top right of your screen and then it says next, tap it, then it says list and tap it. 3 taps and it shares your listing a lot faster. If you ever posh on the computer like I'm doing right now, it's a million times faster to share!
Jan 09Reply
luv_wendi @mistyheart thanks for the tips I love hearing about any idea that helps speed up the Poshing process. I love to share items including my own and wish I had more time for it but with my job it only allows for minimal time for Poshing. Thank you for taking your time to share what tricks you have learned. 💞 HAPPY HOSTING.
Jan 09Reply
rt4katie @mistyheart OMGosh, thank you! I've got lots to learn- and do!
Oct 24Reply
diblank Any new ideas about how to clean out inactive closets from closet you are "following"? The floater theory did not work for me. Unless, every closet I follow is still very active, but I doubt it. I wish Posh would suspend closets not active after so long.
Oct 25Reply
jewelry_party @diblank hmm yes it would be nice if they'd suspend closets... but I know that some "buyers" only shop for Christmas and birthdays. Instead of trying to get rid of inactive poshers these days, I aim for the most active and follow them. Under the tab New People you can follow those who have just joined. Try following a ton of newbies and then share your closet to the feed and see if that helps. Only your followers can see what you share to the feed.
Oct 25Reply
diblank I am more bothered sellers that are inactive and unresponsive but still have all of their items actively for sale.
Oct 25Reply
jewelry_party @diblank oh yeah I know! I'm trying to buy a bundle from a closet right now but they aren't there... so annoying! Try writing to posh support, they may update if they can figure out a smart way of doing it so it's fair all around.
Oct 25Reply
jeanhall34 Thanks for sharing your tips ! Much appreciated 😊
Jan 26Reply
jewelry_party @jeanhall34 you're welcome. If you need anything just ask.
Jan 28Reply
stacyol Awesome tips..helped me alot..thanks!! 😊
Feb 01Reply
jewelry_party @rose8859 Oh good! If you have any questions let me know.
Aug 08Reply
madzinc 🌼🌼 thanks for sharing I'm new here! This is great advice! Beyond thankful! ❤️❤️
Aug 25Reply
jewelry_party @graciousgifts Hi, nice to meet you!
Nov 01Reply

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