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Updated Jul 09
Updated Jul 09

Willful Selling/Buying Counterfeit, Inspired, Fake



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Did you read the FAQS? If you think you can get away with selling/buying counterfeit or "inspired" items, you need to know the legal ramifications. The moderation team is serious about eliminating counterfeit items. I did not know the item I saw was counterfeit, but Poshmark did!
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thevintageroze Thank you Clara for the info can I use this?
Apr 02Reply
katz2 @nkhob Yes, be my guest.
Apr 03Reply
thevintageroze Thank you😘😘😘
Apr 03Reply
katz2 @elisehunter @saintchic👆
Apr 03Reply
aprils2ndcloset @katz2 Important information! Not to mention the fact that it's unfair to the genuine brand name's profit margin, hence ultimately we all end up paying more for these items, due to the counterfeits in the marketplace.😁Thank you, Clara! 😊🌹
Apr 03Reply
tangibletakes Thanks Clara! Awesome info !
Apr 03Reply
alldivineposh Question. I've noticed a lot of replica items and also in posh parties. I've reported however they still have closets open. Very frustrating. I am wanting to become a suggested user and want to be as informative and supportive as possible, ~ does this mean that I should screenshot these and send in ? Isn't that a little time consuming?? Help!!! 🌹 @katz2
Apr 03Reply
katz2 @alldivineposh Keep reporting, as this protects all of us. I don't know how quickly the mediation team responds, so your question would best be answered by Posh Support. Send your question directly to them.🌹
Apr 03Reply
beautyblack This is awesome information. U know I want to use, pls?
Apr 03Reply
katz2 @beautyblack Robin, please feel free to use it! 😘💕
Apr 03Reply
cboyd221 Thanks for sharing Clara. Good to know.
Apr 03Reply
beautyblack How can I cut and paste it? Is that possible?
Apr 03Reply
katz2 @beautyblack Are you using a PC or iPhone or iPad?
Apr 03Reply
beautyblack Whichever u tell me to use, lol
Apr 03Reply
katz2 @beautyblack I think you could snap a screen shot/photo with your phone & then edit it. Check with Nahla @nkhob she's using it too.
Apr 03Reply
thevintageroze @beautyblack Robin I used my iPad
Apr 03Reply
beautyblack Ok, thanks, @nkhob how are u going to put this listing in your closet?
Apr 03Reply
beautyblack Did u just take a picture, @nkhob
Apr 03Reply
mytherapy @katz2 Clara, do you mind if I post this in my closet too? I'll give you credit for putting it together. I'm most worried about the unsuspecting buyers. Thank you for sharing!
Apr 03Reply
mytherapy @beautyblack You can take a screenshot (if it's ok with Clara!) with your iPad. Just hold down the button on the bottom middle of the iPad and the one at the top right at the same time when you are looking at whatever image you want to capture, then it will go into your photos and you can make the listing. Hope that made sense, I can't remember what those buttons are really called :)
Apr 03Reply
katz2 @mytherapy Mina, be my guest. This is the best explanation I have seen from Posh.💕
Apr 03Reply
bmoller @katz2 Thank you for screen shot tip. Wow never knew how it was done💐
Apr 05Reply
treasuresbytrac @kacipez Such great info Clara! Ifs it's ok, I would love to put this in my closet? Also, I was blessed with a Host Pick last night 😊😊 but didn't receive an email and don't know who to properly thank. Any thoughts on how to figure out who I received it from would be greatly appreciated! I hope your having a wonderful morning! 🌹🌷💐🌸🌻🌺🌼
Apr 05Reply
hausofhounds This makes me so sick! I probably report 10+ counterfeit bags a day. Some get removed but others do not. The worst is when a seller is advertising a fake item as authentic and sells it successfully for hundreds or thousands of dollars!! 😰
Apr 05Reply
katz2 @tdkbkt6 Traces, be my guest! The more info we can get out, the better. As for your Host Pick last night, Sharon @noy2312 selected it. When in doubt, just look at who shared it to the Host Pick room. Sometimes, we don't get emails. 💕
Apr 05Reply
katz2 @liimegreeen Emily, keep reporting! 👍 If you find the item still there, report again and follow up with an email to Posh support. 💕
Apr 05Reply
hausofhounds Thanks, I will!!
Apr 05Reply
treasuresbytrac @katz2 Thank you, Clara! So wonderful how you always take the time to help everyone! 💕😊💕
Apr 05Reply
katz2 @tdkbkt6 Tracey, sorry for misspelling your name above.😕 I don't mind helping and am happy to do so.💕😘💕
Apr 05Reply
raggs Thank you so much. I'll be sure to read thoroughly 👍😊 "Host Pick"??
Apr 06Reply
katz2 @raggs I've tagged you in a closet that explains Host Picks.🌹
Apr 06Reply
katz2 @twggy Keep reporting all fake items! 💕💕💕
Apr 09Reply
katz2 @twggy Are you reporting each item you find? You click on the upper right corner, select Report Item and then select the appropriate term. You can also report the entire closet for having "replica items."
Apr 09Reply
katz2 @twggy 👍😘💕💕
Apr 09Reply
katz2 @twggy Yes, and that makes for another report!
Apr 09Reply
katz2 @twggy Did not find it when I searched.
Apr 09Reply
katz2 @twggy She sells a lot, plus states they're not real! Wow!
Apr 09Reply
katz2 @twggy Ditto! 👍
Apr 09Reply
roxyporter @katz2 🙋 hey girlfriend!! Can I use this!?? I think this is a fabulous listing and all new poshers need to see this!! When I first started here on posh I did buy some items that were inspired and did not know it was against posh rules!! I feel horrible that I did this but now I know the rules and most of all the laws!! I feel this should be a postings that is automatically attached to new poshers accounts!! So there protected and this way we follow all the rules and laws!!! You go girl!! 👊
Apr 11Reply
katz2 @roxyporter Yes, you may use the entire listing. 😘💕
Apr 11Reply
stephaniamaria Some brands are sooooo very hard to tell what's authentic and what's not! I wish there was like a guidelines book for real vs. fake lol.
Apr 13Reply
katz2 @stephaniamaria Actually, there are quite a few tutorial on the web showing the differences between real vs. fake items. Just look them up by brand. Many gals here also have listings. I'll tag you in a couple.
Apr 13Reply
stephaniamaria Great, thanks!
Apr 13Reply
katz2 @stephaniamaria you're welcome🌹
Apr 13Reply
signaturestyles @katz2 Hello Clara, this is Miriam, I wanted to personally thank you for your warm welcome & for your invaluable tips!!! I'm so excited to be apart of this wonderful supportive community of women!!! Looking forward to developing many friendships & building a fun & exciting fashion career!!! Good luck & best wishes my friend!!! ♥ I do have a question - I'm working from my Samsung Android - how to you put your information bixes together? Do you use a specific app? Thanks!! Many more items to come from signaturestyles!!! HAPPY POSHING!!! :-)
Apr 13Reply
katz2 @signaturestyles Hi Miriam, glad the info is helpful! 💕 I use an iPad, so the apps I use are Justgramm and PicCollage. Not sure what you would use for Android. I'll tag you in 2 closets that discuss apps. Maybe one of them will be useful for you.
Apr 13Reply
dramaless @katz2 May I copy and post in my closet?? I see several "Inspired" bags, etc. On here daily, and it makes me sick. I report every single one, but they are still posted and/or sold. A lot of them are listed as authentic, and they clearly are not. I hate that for the buyer, not knowing they spent good, hard-earned money on a FAKE bag. Hopefully, if we all post this and share several times a day, some of them will remove the trash from their closet! 👍😘😘
Apr 16Reply
katz2 @dramaless Hi Elizabeth, sure copy the whole thing. 💕
Apr 16Reply
julieg1 Wow you have so much info here,I tagged this so I can come back and read more. Can you tell me, what do you do when you come across a closet that is not following the rules? Do you share them etc? I'm trying to improve my sells. I did good the first week I started posh, been dry for some time now?
Apr 19Reply
katz2 @julieg1 Hi Julie, Posh asks that we report items/users that don't follow the rules. If you check the FAQS there is an explanation how to do that. It's an anonymous process, and Posh asks that you not engage the seller. If you notice the party hostesses all state in their invitations that you must follow the rules in order to get a Host Pick. 💕
Apr 19Reply
katz2 @julieg1 Julie, sales are also cyclical, so you just need to keep doing the basics. Share your closet several times a day and follow more people. Check out the parties and share/follow the gals with Host Picks. I'll tag you in a closet to help you get more followers. Be sure you are following everyone who "liked" your listings, too.💐
Apr 19Reply
julieg1 Ok thank you. I'm going to read all your info and hints help thank you so much.
Apr 19Reply
katz2 @julieg1 😘💕💕
Apr 19Reply
katz2 @electrasshoes So sorry that happened to you! That's awful! Posh Support is great and it's wonderful that they stand behind our purchases. Just keep reporting those fakes, inspired items.💕💕
Apr 22Reply
msbsboutique @katz Can you explain why items are chosen as Host picks when the seller has listings in their closet that don't follow Posh guidelines? When I first started selling on Posh I didn't know you couldn't sell hair products, specifically hair spray but removed the listings when I found out. I follow Posh rules & also report listings that don't follow Posh guidelines. I see closets that get Host pics sometimes 2 or 3 times a week and some that get Host picks on different listings the same night. I wish the ladies hosting the parties would spread the love and choose closets that haven't had Host picks instead of choosing the same closets over & over. I've also seen items that were chosen for Host picks & the seller is selling fake bags at the time their listing is chosen as a Host pick. 😉 😘 😜
Apr 25Reply
katz2 @mslorrieb Lorrie, I know it's frustrating when you see people get a Host Pick and yet they have items in their closets that are not allowed. The hostesses do get guidelines from Posh with specifics on making their selections. I also know that selecting items from the thousands of listings takes quite a bit of time since they are limited to 100 items. I'm not making excuses and I've not hosted a party, but I'm going to ask @katjo to assist in this answer. @katjo Kathy, could you please help. Read above question👆
Apr 25Reply
katjo @mslorrieb Hi😃Host are sent an email with rules set for hosting. While the majority do follow the rules some do not. It's imperative that members report these listings/hosts as every report a members receives goes on their permanent record and jeopardizes their chance to ever host again. I'm a huge fan of hosts that pick from closets that never had a host pick and I'm proudly the first host to ever do a "Never had a Host Pick" theme. Hosts closets are inspected before being chosen to host, however some may slip some new (not allowed) listings after receiving the email which are sent out several weeks before their actually party. So when you see any listings/closets not following the rules, report it. This helps Poshmark immensely as there are literally millions of listings and can be like a needle in a haystack to find them.
Apr 25Reply
katz2 @mslorrieb @katjo Thank you so much for the clarification Kathy.💕
Apr 25Reply
msbsboutique @katz2 @katjo Thanks ladies! I'll keep promoting & following the rules. 😃
Apr 25Reply
katjo @mslorrieb You're welcome, and don't get discouraged, in my experience the rule breakers never last.😉 Happy Poshing!💗
Apr 25Reply
katjo You're welcome Suggested User Clara!😉
Apr 25Reply
katz2 @mslorrieb You're welcome Lorrie. Just keep reporting, like the rest of us. 😘💕
Apr 25Reply
katz2 @katjo 💕💕😊
Apr 25Reply
msbsboutique @katz2 @katjo Thanks! You ladies are inspiring! I needed that! 😘
Apr 25Reply
katjo @mslorrieb 👍😉💗
Apr 25Reply
katz2 @mslorrieb 😘💕💕
Apr 25Reply
msbsboutique @katz2 @katjo Thanks for all the great information Clara! I think you misunderstood my question. I've had a Host pick and am very familiar with the guidelines & rules. I follow all the rules & report closets selling fakes and items that aren't allowed. My question is why some closets, like yours and others, get multiple Host pics on different items on the same night. You have a fabulous closet & great items and I can see why your items are chosen for a Host pick. What I don't understand is why the same Host would choose multiple items from your closet on the same night? I didn't know if this was because you're a Suggested User & having multiple items chosen on the same night is a benefit of being a Suggested User. I was just curious. Not trying to be rude or throw you under the bus or anything. I was looking at all your great items & all the Host picks you've had so I could try to make my items more appealing like yours.
Apr 25Reply
katjo @mslorrieb Hosts can choose as many listings from a single closet as they wish and 5-10 from their own closet, they just can't exceed 100 picks. If a host loves a particular closet it's their prerogative how many items they want to pick from that closet. The whole thing about hosting is to pick what you love. If a host loves several items from someone closet they are allowed to pick more then one. I generally only pick one to give as many people as I'm allowed a host pick but it is not a rule. Here is a portion of the email sent to all hosts: Important Things to Remember Before the Party: Only share 50-100 listings to the party and only 5-10 listings from your own closet Please do not share counterfeit goods and note that we only allow women’s fashion and accessories items Please do not share from closets that accepts offline transactions/communication–we do not accept PayPal or any other transactions methods Please have a fabulous time! It has nothing to do with being a suggested user, it simply is the host choice to pick listings they love from closets they love.
Apr 25Reply
katz2 @mslorrieb Hi Lorrie, sorry for the delay. I just became a Suggested User yesterday, so that has no bearing on my Host Picks. The party where I had 2 selections actually were from two different hosts, not the same one. If you look at the shared by info in the Host Pick section of the party, you will see which host selected the item. Host Pick items are at the discretion of the host as long as the item meets the theme and the seller follows all Posh rules. Beyond that it's a matter of the host's personal preference/taste which items are selected.
Apr 25Reply
msbsboutique @katz2 CONGRATS on becoming a Suggested User! I thought you were already a Suggested User. You certainly deserve it. You're so helpful & kind. 💐🌷💐
Apr 27Reply
katz2 @mslorrieb .Thank you💕 Hope to see your item(s) in the Host Pick room soon.🌹
Apr 27Reply
msbsboutique @katz2 Thank you! You are so nice! I'm going to rework my closet and pretty it up. I had one buyer that almost wiped me out so my closet is kinda bare. Congrats again on becoming a Suggested User. You're my inspiration! 😉
Apr 27Reply
katz2 @mslorrieb If you need ideas for apps for an iPhone or iPad, check out the listing @open has in her closet.
Apr 27Reply
msbsboutique @katz2 Thanks but I have plenty of apps. I've been doing Posh for a little while. I just need to add some more things & take better pics of what I have listed. I'll definitely check though cause I love new apps. 💐🌷🌺
Apr 27Reply
katz2 @mslorrieb Me too! Especially if they're free. lol😘💕
Apr 27Reply
katz2 @manolo67 Glad this was of help.😘💕
May 08Reply
jessnelz This is great! I hate seeing inspired items when Im looking for the real so Im glad to hear they are cracking down 😊❤️ thanks for sharing this info!
May 30Reply
katz2 @jessnelz Hi Jessie, whenever you see fake or inspired, be sure you report it! It's unfortunate that people try to pass off junk as designer. By being vigilant, we will get the stuff off Posh. Thanks!😘💕
May 30Reply
fiomilagros @katz2 I'm new here and I honestly wouldn't want to upset anyone at all purposely but I have two items that were gifts and I have no idea if they are authentic or not. Which is something I also mentioned in my description and I really like this site. Is it something I can get in trouble for if I'm not sure? Or can someone look and tell me if it's authentic or not so I can take it down if it's not. Pls help:(
May 30Reply
katz2 @fiomilagros Hi, the best way is to search on line, like Google or eBay to see if there are items similar to your items. Of most concern are designer brands that are duplicated and being sold as authentic. You could always contact Posh support when in doubt.
May 30Reply
dutchydeals @katz2 sooo very informative! I'm so scared to buy stuff sometimes... A good rule of thumb is, "If it seems to good to be true, it probably is".. I've seen closets with almost everything in them "inspired" or some such hooey, and selling them for hundreds of dollars!!! Shameful!
Jun 07Reply
katz2 @dutchydeals Lisa, you are so right! It's important to read the comments in the sold or feedback listings too. As for inspired or fakes, be sure you report it. Posh will remove the listings if they are reported.💕
Jun 07Reply
aimeek608 Amen!! Thank you for the generous welcome!!! <3
Jun 07Reply
katz2 @aimeek608 You're welcome 💕
Jun 07Reply
katz2 @manolo67 Joyce, report it again. Report the item, then report the closet. Posh will check it out. Let Posh handle it.
Jun 13Reply
katz2 @manolo67 👍😊
Jun 13Reply
lauradough Tell em girl 🙌
Jun 14Reply
katz2 @ridinghood13 Do what Posh asks in the FAQS, report it to them as a replica. Posh will investigate. You can report the item and the closet. Posh asks that we not engage the seller. 😘👍
Jun 19Reply
katz2 @ridinghood13 Jen, here's a thought- put up a listing in your closet stating that you can authenticate the jeans if someone is interested. List your qualifications and then share the listing. We have gals who do that with other items. I'll tag you.
Jun 19Reply
katz2 @ridinghood13 YAY! It's nice to have experts. Tag me when you get the listing up. I will share the heck out of it.👌 😊
Jun 19Reply
tinkergal Wow, so does that mean if someone says something is authentic and sells is on here and the buyer buys, and they report it to poshmark, they do something about it?
Jun 30Reply
katz2 @tinkergal Claudia, Posh stands behind all purchases as explained in the FAQS. That being said, Posh also asks that we report fakes, inspired, etc. so that they can review the listing and take appropriate action.
Jun 30Reply
tinkergal Thank you! I feel so much better, I bought some toms and the girl told me they were real. I told posh and they approved the return but I thought that's all they did.
Jun 30Reply
katz2 @tinkergal Posh is serious about infractions such as this. They can remove your closet, not only your listings.
Jun 30Reply
tinkergal Wow, cool thanks! :-)
Jun 30Reply
katz2 @tinkergal You're welcome 💖 Remember, when in doubt or have questions, contact Posh Support.
Jun 30Reply
tinkergal 👍👍 😊
Jun 30Reply
katz2 @1hermitcrab Lori, I wish the offenders would read it. lol😊
Jul 02Reply
katz2 @1hermitcrab You are sooo right. Plus they are making money at it! That's what angers me the most. They sell junk, but they sell it!
Jul 02Reply
hopelehmann Hi thanks for following! Please take a look at my closet because I'm trying to save up some money for college! Thank you for your time!
Jul 22Reply
katz2 @anneka702 Sorry to hear that. 😕 Just block nasty people and move on. It does no good to worry about it.💕
Jul 24Reply
nikiwhit @katz2 Thank you!!!
Jul 27Reply
katz2 @nikiwhit You're welcome💕
Jul 27Reply
katz2 @chicbikerbabe Tara, sometimes the price, sometimes when you ask if it's authentic, they say it's inspired. If you are familiar with the brand, the interior lining may be wrong, there is no date code or identifying tags. Lots of warning flags. You can search the web for the items to compare them. You can also search for info on how to spot a fake. There are also gals on Poshmark that can instantly tell a fake because they have worked for the designer or major retailer that carried the items. As with anything on the web, buyer beware.💕
Jul 29Reply
katz2 @chicbikerbabe Just remember to ask questions, read comments from other buyers.
Jul 29Reply
cupcakesssss @lilmistam I LOVE this post!!!!!!! I'm 100% against fake merchandise & always have been. SO happy to be apart of a community that shares my views ❤️❤️❤️
Aug 21Reply
lilmistam @cupcakesssss I totally agree!
Aug 21Reply
katz2 @gracekellie13 Jenn, love the lusting in your closet! This also spells out the fines!
Oct 07Reply
katz2 @gracekellie13 Oops, hate autocorrect 😱 *listing
Oct 07Reply
gracekellie13 @katz2 I share this a lot! I'm so fed up with fakers so I calls them out nicely on their listing! It just ruins it for the rest of us! Do scored this user who is suggested and is selling fake Kendra Scott jewelry! As a Texan that makes me even more furious!!!
Oct 07Reply
gracekellie13 @katz2 hahah I totally understand ... Dang Siri!
Oct 07Reply
katz2 @gracekellie13 Jenn, I hear you. It's even more aggravating when it's reported to Posh and they still have the listing in their closet! So, I just keep on reporting!
Oct 07Reply
gracekellie13 @katz2 right?!? That's why I stated placing this on their listing xxxx ⛔️stop selling fakes, it's illegal to buy and sell⛔️👎👎👎
Oct 07Reply
katz2 @gracekellie13 The only problem with the message is it can be considered harrassment and with several complaints, your closet suspended by Posh. That's why I just report and report and let Posh handle it.
Oct 07Reply
gracekellie13 Hmmm @katz2 true... GRRRR I reached out to posh and asked cause I reported several fake listings and they are STILL on posh... I'll just report and report! Share this and my listing over and over!
Oct 07Reply
katz2 @gracekellie13 Yep, that's all we can do. No sense in jeopardizing ourselves. Just keep reporting and so will I. 💕
Oct 07Reply
gracekellie13 And this one @suzanne9800 ... Share them all the time!
Oct 07Reply
islandofstyle I recently received two purses and was unsure if they were real. I found a fabulous posher who took a look at them for me. So as a suggestion there are loads of awesome helpful Women here that will help! I always contact support if I have question as to whether or not it's a supported item. Sry Clara I get lost in your closet sometimes! I look up and I've spent an hour reading helpful info!
Oct 16Reply
katz2 @sparkling1 I know the feeling. There are other closets, too that have lots of info and I get sidetracked. Have you checked out @lolabella6 and @officialforum
Oct 16Reply
katz2 @sparkling1 oops got the last one wrong. It's @official_forum
Oct 16Reply
lolabella6 @katz2 thank you Clara 💕💕💕💕
Oct 16Reply
islandofstyle Thanks! Good lord you won't hear from me for days!!! 😃
Oct 16Reply
katz2 @lolabella6 You're welcome Landry💖💖💖
Oct 16Reply
katz2 @sparkling1 lol lol😃
Oct 16Reply
gracekellie13 @ashleyd13 very important as you're new!
Oct 25Reply
katz2 @wenrella Here's the original post.
Nov 22Reply
sheri219 Wow! I had no idea how serious this is! Thanks so much for sharing!
Nov 23Reply
katz2 @sheri219 Sheri, neither did I until I received the email from Posh! I hate the thought of helping criminals!
Nov 23Reply
cynr54 Would never sell! 😎 But have gotten burned on a Gucci purse! It's great of you to post this! 😎
Nov 24Reply
katz2 @cynr54 Sorry to hear that Cyndi!😟
Nov 24Reply
sheri219 Agreed!
Nov 24Reply
lmpasternack @katz2 yay! I did not see this before I wrote my other note! If these people want to go to jail... All an FBI agent needs to do is search for the word "inspired, or replica" easy. Investigation could begin. Who would risk that?! I never bought a fake bag on the streets of NYC but I know so many shops there that sell them like crazy. Hopefully that has been cracked down on since my last trip there. And they have the nerve to try to tell you they are REAL! And selling them at discounted prices. Really?! Ugh! I'm pretty passionate about this since I found it is linked to terrorism. And yes, to the very group that attacked their city in our Country. Ok... I am off my rampage! I need to put this post in my closet as well. I think I will screenshot the rules and do the same. Thank you for doing this. 🙏👼
Dec 05Reply
katz2 @lmpasternack Lori, the thought of supporting terrorists or criminals just infuriates me. But people don't think when they buy!
Dec 05Reply
leliluv @abenalovesyou here is another good one: no counterfeit/fake items.
Dec 14Reply
abenalovesyou Ohhhh thanks! @leliluv After your finish with your group share, can you help me understand that and "hp"
Dec 14Reply
havenb1 @shay3624 @smartyknickers more awesome info:)
Dec 22Reply
bonafidebeautie @kelseykentner so more info for you chica 💕
Dec 25Reply
daisymae061874 I don't even own a knock off or counterfeit I have never bought one in my entire life I can't stand those and I can't stand when people try to sell them
Dec 25Reply
katz2 @daisymae061874 When you see them on Posh, just report it as requested by Posh and they will handle it.
Dec 25Reply
daisymae061874 I already do that actually I'm pretty good at spotting fakes my mom is a police officer of 35 years in Texas. so I am a stickler for the rules I grew up that way. Now she's been a criminal analyst for 20 of those years made officer of the year every year for 10 years she's one all sorts of awards the woman is a genius. Lol.
Dec 25Reply
katz2 @daisymae061874 Awesome mom!😃
Dec 25Reply
footcandy @vintageretroroc - you'll love this post. Check out Clara's other posts too (esp the tips one - it's extremely informative).
Jan 14Reply
motherducks Thank you and very helpful!
Feb 17Reply
katz2 @motherducks You're welcome, Karen💕
Feb 17Reply
lips184 I wish more people would listen to this. That's one of the reasons LV, Chanel, etc. keep going up on their prices.
Mar 15Reply
katz2 @lips184 Joni, we can keep reporting the fakes and have Posh remove them!🌹
Mar 15Reply
pammalla Clara this is great. I do the same as many of the other girls by reporting fake items. It really bothers me to see so many fakes on Posh and users blatantly posting them.
Sep 18Reply
katz2 @pammalla Just keep on reporting them! It's the best we can do when we see them.🌸👍
Sep 18Reply
frostingjewelry @katz2 LOVE THIS!!! Seriously need to post something similar in my closet!👍🏼
Nov 27Reply
katz2 @frostinggifts You may copy this and just say you got it from my closet !👍
Nov 28Reply
melissalarcher I totally agree!!! This type of behavior causes so many unknowing first time purchaser of a nice designer bag to end up with a fake! I'm even scared to buy bags. I really really check the person out and their other closet items and always ask for proof but it has become more of a total full force research unless your buying from a trusted seller who you know well. Thank you for this reminder!!
May 02Reply
katz2 @melissalarcher Melissa, there are lots of tutorials on line that help when purchasing bags. They show the real vs fake and what are telltale signs. For higher end bags, over $500, they all must be sent to Posh first to be authenticated. 👍🏻 You are correct in checking out the seller, too. It doesn't hurt to ask them, either.
May 02Reply
79littlered I had to report someone and the "lady" knew it was me and left nasty messages on my page last week.
Sep 13Reply
79littlered Can I use this in my page?
Sep 13Reply
katz2 @79littlered Christina, sorry you had to endure that nastiness. Posh is serious about fakes, so they always should be reported. You may use this as long as you state where you copied it, example ...from the closet of @katz2 with permission. Don't want you to get reported for copying my work.
Sep 13Reply
sassystylinfind Thanks 4 the info
Jul 25Reply
katz2 @sassystylinfind 😊👍🏻
Jul 26Reply

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