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Thank you all for following Jazmin's Closet, Robin

45 others
like this

@kammieb , thanks Kammie😃😃
Apr 05Reply

@nkhob, @tammysbeachwear, @kimsthings, @katz2
Apr 05Reply

Apr 05Reply

YEA! I saw last night
Apr 05Reply

@mrsdiva703 💝💝💝
Apr 05Reply

@katralvin, @puddpudd0
Apr 05Reply

Back atcha PFF💖💖💖💖
Apr 05Reply

I love you too Robin💕💕😘😘. How are you feeling?
Apr 05Reply

@nkhob I'm tired, didn't sleep well, between my knee throbbing all night and the excitement of the party. I just finished up everything. Jazmin is out with her nanny, so I'm going to try and take a nap. Thx for asking💝💝
Apr 05Reply

Yes rest up cuz we are going to do some serious partying tonight. I'm talking the ground is going to shake all the way to Cali💕💕
Apr 05Reply

@nkhob , I hope so. I feel so bad cause there are soooo many great closets and I can't share them all😪😪
Apr 05Reply

Don't worry just have fun that is what matters get the new ones they will appreciate it!!
Apr 05Reply

@nkhob , agreed
Apr 05Reply

How is the craziness on the home front? You ok? How is the knee? Doing better?
Apr 05Reply

@nkhob I took some meds, trying to sleep but restless. U are wonderful to keep checking on me💝💝
Apr 05Reply

If I was closer I would be at your house Robin sitting your a--
Apr 05Reply

@beautyblack Thank you Sis. Love this. 💖💖
Apr 06Reply

@beautyblack hugs sent your way💕💕💕 Hope you're feeling better. Have a blast at the party! All of us are behind you holding you up PFF.💋💋💋
Apr 06Reply

@beautyblack How are you this morning? Knee feeling better? Hope so. I'll bet your still on a wonderful Weekend Wear Party high!😘💕💕💕💕 and it was a great party.🎉🎉
Apr 06Reply

@beautyblack u rocked the party last night!! greaaat JOB!!!!
Apr 06Reply

@katz2 , Clara thanks for checking on me. I was up til 3am, still so pumped. I'm so glad u enjoyed it. Your support during this crazy time was well needed. Thx again, Robin💝💝
Apr 06Reply

@beautyblack 😘💕💕💕
Apr 06Reply

How is my Robin doing today ? Is the knee doing better? Has the feed slowed down a bit?
Apr 06Reply

How are you felling honey? Is your knee doing better??💕💕
Apr 07Reply

@nkhob , Hey Nahla, I haven't been on much today, knee really hurting, trying to rest, had around 2000 feeds this morning , haven't gotten thru many but trying. Thanks for checking on me😘😘
Apr 07Reply

OMG you poor thing. I'm sorry to hear that! Just try to rest. Forget about your feed! Go have another glass of wine one for me and one for you lol😘😘
Apr 07Reply

@nkhob , just took meds, not a good idea😘😘 but I gotcha covered for sure
Apr 07Reply

Apr 07Reply

Really Robin I know your knee hurts. Why couldn't you twist your FINGER? Thank for share. Lol😘😘
Apr 07Reply

@beautyblack Hi Robin 😃 Just wanted to stop and say hi! 💕😊💕 Sounds like your in a lot of pain with you knee😁 I will be praying for you! 💐🌹🌷🌻🌸🌼🌺
Apr 07Reply

Apr 07Reply

@tdkbkt6 thank you very much, Tracey. I appreciate it💝💝
Apr 07Reply

Thanks again for my Host Pick Robin!☺️😊You are one awesome lady!!!!I appreciate you!💗💗💗💗💗💗@beautyblack
Apr 08Reply

@t_ms_sincerity , u r very welcome😃😃
Apr 08Reply

honey how are you doing today? i keep wanting to message you but i keep getting caught up with all these new closets. How is my baby girl today? Beging good I hope? is your knee feeling better?
Apr 08Reply

@nkhob , I know , u and Clara are keeping me on my toes today, lol. My knee is better, thank goodness. U know I have back problems , so I went to back dr today and we are probably going to do surgery in June😪😪
Apr 08Reply

back surgery? I have back problems and nerve damage in my back and his plus i have chrohs a Posher was telling me that there is a procedure or a unit that they can put in your back that can help with the pain. She said it is mainly used for back pain but her doctor put it in her for her crohns pain and she said it works wonders. im going to get you the name.
Apr 08Reply

@nkhob , it's called a nureostimulator. They give u a trial period of 5 days to see if it works and if it does , they put it in permanently. We are going to do a 3rd shot in May and then decide what is the best option if the shot does not work
Apr 08Reply

@nkhob , I'm sorry to hear about your chrohns. Would ur dr. think that unit would help u?
Apr 08Reply

Is that the same as a spinal cord stimulation unit?
Apr 08Reply

@nkhob , yes that's the same thing
Apr 08Reply

Robin i don't know. a Posher just told me about it. I'm going to ask him tomorrow. i have been off all pain meds since Aug because i was addicted to them. i did not know if the pain was from my chrohns or my back, and hips or what. It has gotten to the point where i cant sit for any long periods of time. i just lay curled up in a ball with a heating pad afraid to eat cuz when i do eat it hurts so i just drink water and try to drink smoothies. I'm down from a 12-14 to a 6-8 My weight is constantly going up and down. that dress i bought from you two weeks ago fit perfect when i got it now hangs on me.
Apr 08Reply

@nkhob OMG, Nahla, I can only imagine the pain that u go thru, my pain alone is awful. They have gotten good reviews on the stimulator so ask your dr. Tomorrow ' I'm glad u r losing weight but not if u can't wear that beautiful dress😃😃
Apr 08Reply

oh I'm not going to give up. This is just God's way of telling me here is more for your to endure now here is the Grace for you to endure it with. I believe that when people suffer it brings them closer to God and makes them thankful for all they have. I never question God Why are you doing this to me but instead i just ask him to please give me the Grace to endure the trials he is putting me thru. There are people out there who have everything and have never suffered but have no substance in their life because they do not believe in God. Any GOD.
Apr 08Reply

@nkhob , all I can say to that is AMEN, Nahla
Apr 08Reply

i will second that!!
Apr 08Reply

Beautiful "girls"! 💖💕💖💕
Apr 10Reply

@aprils2ndcloset 💝💝💝
Apr 10Reply

@beautyblack : You are so lovely to give me guidance and introductions. I am very grateful for your generosity! I heard I would meet some great ladies, and I am! 🍀
Apr 10Reply

@johnnasunshine 💝💝💝, we are one BIG happy family. Anytime
Apr 10Reply

😢 what did I do???? I noticed you unfollowed me??? Please tell me
Apr 13Reply

@kimsthings I didn't unfollow you. I don't know whet happened. U my buddy💝💝💝
Apr 13Reply

We'd also have to be very strategic AND creative as to where the bling word placement would go! Lol 😍@randeescloset @nkhob @katz2 @kimsthings
Apr 13Reply

I went to type your name and it didn't pop up like usual. I checked your "following" and I'm not in there 😢😢😢😢😢 @alexislovebee wrote me about 8 hours ago that her follows are messed up, and she had to re follow me. ???? Something odd going on. 😘😘😘😘
Apr 13Reply

@kimsthings I looked at it and it shows that I am following u, I will unfollow and follow again. I don't know what's happening. But u can't get rid if me that easily 😘😘
Apr 13Reply

@tammysbeachwear @nkhob @katz2 @kimsthings These are gorgeous photos, Robin!!! 💝💝💝💝 I hope you are feeling better soon--- we love you too!!!❤❤❤
Apr 13Reply

@randeescloset thx Randee. I'm doing ok, thx for asking. @nkhob , @tammysbeachwear , @katz2 , @kimsthings
Apr 13Reply

Hmmm excuse me, but... How can you have back surgery in June if you're going to be in maui ???🌴
Apr 13Reply

@tammysbeachwear , I know right?
Apr 13Reply

@nkhob Nahla, what you wrote 4 days ago is so beautiful and spot on. Your very spiritual and you "get it". I have never endured something terrible, without there being a reason or outcome of spiritual and personal growth. I am going to include you in my daily prayers (along with Robin and Christine) the love I feel for you ladies is real and I consider you true friends... Not just posh friends. God IS with us, and may he hear our hearts speak. Pray with love and absolute belief, and He shall deliver. Amen. Xoxo Kim ❤️
Apr 13Reply

@beautyblack @kimsthings @nkhob @tammysbeachwear @randeescloset Ladies, not sure what is going on, but some of the people I followed, now I'm not following them. So I clicked on follow one more time. A glitch in the system?
Apr 13Reply

@beautyblack @nkhob You gals know that you're in my prayers, right? So sorry you both have such pain. My old age osteoarthritis is nothing when I hear about you.😘💕💕💕💕
Apr 13Reply

@katz2 , Kim, @kimsthings said the same thing happened to her. That I was not following her but when I looked, I was still following her on my end. I don't know what's happening, @nkhob , @tammysbeachwear , @randeescloset
Apr 13Reply

@kimsthings Thank you honey. I see you have been stalking Robin again! Thank you for all of your prayers. I defiantly need them right now. I just don't like making a big deal of it cuz there are people out there that are suffering more than I am at the moment. As one Posher told me THIS TO SHALL PASS! I consider you a friend! Not just on Posh. But a true friend like I do Robin, Tammy, Clara, and Randee. 😘😘😘
Apr 13Reply

@kimsthings , @katz2 thank you both for your kind words. We know God controls all and he does not give us more than we can bear
Apr 13Reply

I don't mind being stalked by you guys, @nkhob , @tammysbeachwear , @kimsthings , @katz2 , @randeescloset . You all have been great friends and support system💝💝💝
Apr 13Reply

Apr 13Reply

@katz2 @kimsthings @tammysbeachwear @randeescloset this is weird I'm not showing I'm following any of you but when I go to your closets it shows I'm following you😳😳
Apr 13Reply

@beautyblack @nkhob @tammysbeachwear @randeescloset @kimsthings I wish we weren't in different states. We could be dangerous together, more so than on here.😜💋💋💋💋💋
Apr 13Reply

Isn't that weird. I had to go and unfollow everyone of you guys. Then follow you. This is weird!
Apr 13Reply

@nkhob , @kimsthings , @tammysbeachwear , @katz2 , @randeescloset , I just re followed all of y'all . Don't know what's happening
Apr 13Reply

@katz2 ,we would be in trouble 💝💝💝
Apr 13Reply

Hi🙋 yes there might be a bug, but I do hope that it gets fixed because I am really so uncomfortable randomly telling everyone no I've not just followed, 🙈 @kimsthings
Apr 14Reply

@alexislovebee I know what you mean girl. Remember to change all your passwords to everything because of that heart bleed virus. It's pretty serious. 😘
Apr 14Reply

Hi Robin. 💖 thinking about you today. Wondering what the update is with your back??? I'm feeling quite down lately. Coming to say hi to my pff to feel better 😘
Apr 15Reply

@kimsthings , hey Kim. I'm waiting on a date for my 3rd shot, it that does not work they will try something else. Sorry u have been feeling down, if u need to talk, LMK💝💝💝
Apr 15Reply

ROBIN!!!!! You were following me all this time! TISKTISK!
Apr 16Reply

Apr 16Reply

@mrsdiva703 I was all along, silly but somehow I was not following u any more. It's been happening to a lot of people lately. I had to re follow Kim as well.
Apr 16Reply

Thank you for the kind welcome!
Apr 21Reply

@beautyblack I hope you are feeling better?
Apr 23Reply

@finethreads thank u for asking, Kay. I'm hanging in there the best I can😃😃
Apr 23Reply

@beautyblack I will keep you in my prayers. How did you get so many followers?
Apr 23Reply

@finethreads thank u, I can always use extra prayers. I followed people, shared, shared. Go to the parties, I share the host picks. I'm on a list to b tagged with new comers as well, I welcome them, share them and follow them as well
Apr 23Reply

You are welcome. It seem like I am spending a lot of time sharing and not sure it is paying off?
Apr 23Reply

@finethreads , I'm sure it is paying off, don't get discouraged, it's slow right nice for everybody . Keep doing what u are doing. A lot of people are running sales to help increase their sales
Apr 23Reply

That is a thought. I am following 12,000 people and have 4,000 followers. Do you have any suggestions?
Apr 23Reply

@finethreads , no more than what I have already said. Are u sharing Host picks?
Apr 23Reply

Do you mean sharing the Host Picks after the party is over? What is the best way to do that?
Apr 23Reply

@finethreads I try to share doing the party, the Host Picks, if I don't make the party , then I will share the next day, I also share bomb people who only share 1 or 2 items from my closet, especially if they are not following me. I do make sure they are following Posh guidelines before I follow
Apr 23Reply

How do you know during the party who the Host Picks are, don't you find out after the party? So people who only share 1 or 2 items from your closet you check and see if they are following you? How do you check to see if they are following you? I hope I am not asking to many questions? Thanks
Apr 23Reply

@finethreads , when u enter the party , there is another tab, that says HOST PICKS, click on that tab and that shows you, who got host picks and u share from there. Usually it's people who I have not followed and if they only share 1-2 items from my closet, I share bomb them and follow them. Usually the host pick room is a GREAT way to get new followers. No u are not asking too many questions, I hope I'm helping😃😃
Apr 23Reply

Ok I will give that a try. Do you try and share all the Host Picks? Thanks for all of your great help!!
Apr 23Reply

@finethreads I try but it's not always possible because of my health. If I can't that night, I will in the morning
Apr 23Reply

Thanks so much for all of your help:)
Apr 23Reply

@finethreads , I really hope I helped💝💝, if u need anything else, pls LMK
Apr 23Reply

@kimsthings , @nkhob , @katz2 , @tammysbeachwear , hey ladies, did u know that y'all are not following me any longer?
Apr 25Reply

What??? It says I am on my end💕I'd follow you anywhere, robin!😍
Apr 25Reply

@tammysbeachwear , I love u so, Tammy. I check and none of u guys are on my list of followers
Apr 25Reply

That's weird. It says I'm following you. I wonder if the other girls closets say they are following you, too.
Apr 25Reply

I clicked to unfollow you, and clicked it again to follow you. See if that fixed it.
Apr 25Reply

@tammysbeachwear , I know it happened to Kim and I had to re follow her
Apr 25Reply

@tammysbeachwear yes ma'am, it's fixed. Thank you 💝💝💝
Apr 25Reply

Whew!!! I can't imagine not following you! It would be like peanut butter without its jelly!
Apr 25Reply

@tammysbeachwear , u r silly, and I feel the same way
Apr 25Reply

@beautyblack Yes, I am. It shows following when I click on your listing.
Apr 25Reply

@katz2 that's what it says but when I checked u weren't , neither was Tammy . She had to unfollow and follow again and then she showed up in my followers. This happened to Kim about a week or so ago
Apr 25Reply

Ok I'll do the same.
Apr 25Reply

Ok I unfollowed and followed. See if I'm there again.
Apr 25Reply

@katz2 yes ma'am, u r back. Thank u very much and congrats again on SU💝💝
Apr 25Reply

So glad to be back😘💕💕💕💕Thank you so much PFF
Apr 25Reply

@katz2 👏👏👏
Apr 25Reply

Good morning honey. How are you doing? I'm going to check who I'm following again. And go from there. It happen to me about two or three weeks ago. Let me check and get back with you
Apr 25Reply

@nkhob no problem
Apr 25Reply

That is so weird it shows I'm not following you @tammysbeachwear @randeescloset @kimsthings or @katz2 now I'm going to check if everyone is following me cuz this is weird. How are you feeling honey. How is the family?💕💕
Apr 25Reply

This is so weird this glitch again. I had to go in and unfollow and follow everyone. I don't know why this keeps happening?💕💕but Robin you. Know me I will always follow you where you want to go💕😘😘
Apr 25Reply

@nkhob , Nahla I appreciate ya😘😘😘. Thank u for re follow, Clara and Tammy had to do the same thing
Apr 25Reply

Good Morning I am in the party and don't see the Host Pic button? Can you please advise to where the button is? Thanks
Apr 26Reply

@finethreads GM Kay, the afternoon parties don't do HP's, only the night parties. Did u go to last night's HP's?
Apr 26Reply

Oh ok. No, I could make make last nights party had a prior commitment. How are you feeling?
Apr 26Reply

@finethreads u can still go in it, if u want to. I'm doing ok, thx for asking. How r u?
Apr 26Reply

I am good thanks.
Apr 26Reply

Ye we love you too
Apr 27Reply

@autumn16 💝💝💝
Apr 27Reply

Awww you are so sweet thank you sooo much for sharing all my listings will definetly share your closet
Apr 27Reply

@autumn16 thank u
Apr 27Reply

@radardog1, hey I'm Robin. I wanted to tell u never give out your email address on Posh, it can be a phishing scam. Always say that u can answer their questions on posh. They usually go after the new comers, I suggest u block her and change your password to your email. Just FYI
Apr 27Reply

Hi Robin, when you find out about upcoming parties can you pls tag me so that the host can check out my closet? Thanks
Apr 28Reply

@finethreads of coarse I can😀😀
Apr 28Reply

Thanks, you are the best!!!!
Apr 28Reply

@finethreads naw, just helping a FRIEND💝💝💝
Apr 28Reply

You are in my prayers!! Thanks
Apr 28Reply

@finethreads 💝💝💝
Apr 28Reply

I got a little behind with Posh!! lol You know how it goes.
Apr 30Reply

@finethreads I understand for sure, Kay💝💝
Apr 30Reply

So are u❤❤❤❤
May 03Reply

@nluciano , thx Nancy💝💝
May 03Reply

@hamptongal thx Pippa💝💝💝
May 03Reply

Congrats on your many HP's!! Plus size diva fashions on spotlight tonight. AWESOME!
May 06Reply

I don't know HOW I keep unfollowing.. I guess in the midst of me cleaning house! YIKES!
May 08Reply

@mrsdiva703 lol, I had the same problem yesterday myself
May 08Reply

@beautyblack Thx for all the shares!! I will share back tomorrow!! I won't be here but another 5 mins. Dealing with a migraine!! Thank you again!! 💋💋
May 09Reply

@bamagirl017 , no worries, really. Take care of yourself
May 09Reply

Hi Robin, thx for all of the party tags. I am other party tags as well. So you don't have to send them to me any more. Have a great weekend!! Thanks
May 10Reply

@finethreads okay, have a great weekend
May 10Reply

May 11Reply

🌹Happy Mother's Day Sister
May 11Reply

@charming_mhel thank u sooo much, sis💝💝💝
May 11Reply

You are welcome Sis🌹
May 11Reply

@puddpudd0 , Barbie💝💝💝
May 13Reply

@beautyblack thank u for all the shares.
May 14Reply

Hi Robin, I hope all is well with you. I need your advise. I have been out of town for a while and am so behind on sharing. What do I do ???
May 28Reply

@finethreads , hey Kay. I also have been out of town and a fractured knee. I just put up a post stating , I'm behind in shares and will do my best to catch up even though I might miss some and instead of share for share, I will share 3-5 items just to show good faith. I want be back on completely until next week. But I stay in touch with some main ladies who have helped share when I couldn't. I know @katz2 , Clara puts up a post that saids if u shared my closet while I was away pls tag this post and I will return them as I can. It's no way u can share back all, I have over 1000 shares since a week ago Sunday. Do the best u can. I also posted I would be out of town from x to x and shares would be behind. Hope this helps some, 😃😃
May 28Reply

Wow, I am so sorry to hear that. God please heal Robing knee in the name of Jesus!! I will keep you in my prayers. How did you make your sign? Thanks for the help.
May 28Reply

@beautyblack @finethreads Ladies, I am drowning! As fast as I share, I get more shares and comments! I have no clue how to ever get through this. I am only back to the last 8 hours and I was gone 8 days!😱
May 29Reply

@katz2 , Clara. There is no way I can catch up, I'm out til next week. Just trying to catch new comers and sales, lol. It has been crazy. Don't worry bout me still all and just do the best u can💝💝💝
May 29Reply

@katz2 @beautyblack I am right there with you ladies. I am not sure where to begin?
May 29Reply

@beautyblack @finethreads I am clueless. As soon as I start to share or answer comments, I get backed up again. I think I need to do this very early morning, before the parties start. Too many are on here now and as soon as I share, they share back.😁
May 29Reply

@katz2 , @finethreads , I don't think we will ever catch up, lol
May 29Reply

@beautyblack @finethreads (sigh) I believe you are correct Robin. An exercise in futility.😳
May 29Reply

@katz2 💝💝💝
May 29Reply

@katz2 @beautyblack I thought I was catching up!! The joke is on my.
May 29Reply

Thank u for the warm welcome!
Jun 03Reply

@mrs_jack_vue 💝💝💝
Jun 04Reply

@beautyblack Robin, Tour Family is Beautiful! Girl, I sure didn't know about your knee, I'm sure praying for a quick & successful recovery. Sherry
Jun 04Reply

@sherry8888 thank u so much , Sherry. I appreciate u taking time to share and care💕💕💕
Jun 04Reply

❤️❤️❤️❤️you too 🙏🙏
Jun 08Reply

Hi Robin, how are you feeling? Can you please tell me again the app you use for your closet?
Jun 11Reply

@finethreads hey Kay, I used Pinterest and just looked up closets until I found one I liked and then saved to my camera roll
Jun 11Reply

So I need to save it to my phone and then post it on my closet? Don't laugh, I have never save something on my phone from a web site. Sounds like an adventure to figure it all out!! lol Thanks for the info and shares!!
Jun 12Reply

@myfashionkloset thank u very much, Carolyn
Jun 16Reply

Hi Robin, I hope all is well with you. I figure out how to save a pic, now I just need to know how to get it out of the camera roll and onto the Posh listing? Can you please advise? lol Thanks so much!!
Jun 19Reply

@finethreads , Hey Kay. Just go to where u post ur pics on posh and hit the little folder on the right corner and it should pull up ur camera roll
Jun 19Reply

Thanks you for the shares. Connie
Jun 19Reply

@shows1211 💝💝💝, Connie
Jun 19Reply

Hi Robin, you are so smart!!! How are you feeling? Thanks so much!!
Jun 19Reply

@finethreads , I don't know bout how smart I am , Kay but I'm glad I can help, anytime💕💕
Jun 20Reply

You are a smarty :)
Jun 20Reply

@finethreads 💕💕💕
Jun 20Reply

Thank you for the shares
Jun 20Reply

Good morning Robin. The person that was giving me Party alerts got sick. Do you know of anyone that I can get on to a new list? I pray that you are feeling well!
Jun 21Reply

@finethreads try @vanessa_03 or I can start sending them to u again
Jun 21Reply

@finethreads i can add you to my list if you want. 😍
Jun 21Reply

Thanks ladies, you are the best!! @vanessa_03 Yes, pls add me to the your list that way it will save Robin a step! Have a blessed and joyful weekend!!
Jun 21Reply

@vanessa_03 , @finethreads 💝💝
Jun 21Reply

YOU'RE awesome!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Jun 22Reply

@emilyrubin thx Emily. U r too💞💞💞
Jun 22Reply

@hamptongal , thx Pippa💝💝
Jun 25Reply

@beautyblack Good Morning Robin, can you pls put me back on the party list? Thx
Jun 26Reply

Good Afternoon, Kay. Yes I will. Hope all is well, @finethreads
Jun 26Reply

@beautyblack Life is great! How are you feeling? Thanks
Jun 26Reply

@kaylen26 💕💕💕
Jun 29Reply

Jul 02Reply

💕💕💕right back atcha 💕💕
Jul 13Reply

@luvbucs28 💝💝💝
Jul 14Reply

@puddpudd0 got it thx, Barbie
Aug 02Reply

@mlobe , Morgan b careful and don't give your email address out to anyone for safety reasons
Aug 05Reply

Ohhh I know girl!!! That's why I made up an excuse not to give it to her! She said I could see all of her dumb pictures and I was like... That's weird hahaha. Thanks for looking out Robin☺️💕💕
Aug 05Reply

@mlobe I gotcha back💕💕
Aug 05Reply

Hi BeautyBlack...thanks 4 the PM shout out! ✌
Aug 12Reply

Your closet has been shared on Instagram. Please follow me @tamarismom on Instagram.
Aug 19Reply

Of coarse I will, Cora @tamarismom . Thx 👍👍
Aug 19Reply

@tdkbkt6 thank you Tracey for the share bomb
Sep 10Reply

@beautyblack You're most welcome! Meant to do sooner but life has me a bit busy😳 your always on my heart Robin! 💕💐🌷😊😃🌷💐💕
Sep 10Reply

@tdkbkt6 I totally understand that. i can't keep up with life, lol. I'm looking at those keds in ur closet, Do they run true to size? Never had a pair
Sep 10Reply

😊💙😊u too 💕🌹
Sep 11Reply

@calme hey Melissa, I'm Robin. Clara is @katz2 👍👍
Sep 25Reply

@calme no problem, we r all here for each other and Clara is a PFF and a great person💝💝
Sep 25Reply

@tdkbkt6 , Tracey thank u so much for sharing so much of my closet. I'm dealing with some health issues right now so I'm really behind. Thx again my PFF💗💗
Oct 24Reply
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