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My style? Militant Bohemian Vintage Goth with a spicy Caribbean flare! I'm a mother of 2. My son, Brax, is 18 & Autistic. My daughter,Josephine,19 & a sophomore in college. I'm the creator of The Best Poshmark Tips on Facebook & Advice w/ over 22,000+ members. When not Poshing I'm reading on my Kindle or making jewelry. I'm an 15 year breast cancer survivor who believes in the power of JAH'S LOVE. SO, enjoy and have fun reading my silly malapropisms & cheesy puns!

603 others
like this

@motherskiss Welcome to Poshmark! 🙋🌷🌷
Apr 12Reply

@ropicado I'm having so much fun here. Thank You for the warm greetings!!!
Apr 12Reply

tyvm, @jblacombe sweetie, for the intro. Followed and will share. Danielle, if you ever need any help or any questions, please feel free to reach out to me, too. I got a lot of help when I started, and I truly needed it, so I'm happy to "pay it forward"! Like my "Subtle Nuances to Happy Poshing" listing in my closet so I'll always be in your like feed! Read the pics and the comments, great tips and discussion there!! Welcome to Posh, you'll love it here!! It's a beautiful community. (It's not "just an app to sell things"), you stumbled upon a caring and supportive community!! 😃❤️
Apr 12Reply

@jblacombe ....thank you for the tag dear friend...Danielle...welcome to posh honey😘😘...hold on let me share you up 👯👯👯
Apr 12Reply

@motherskiss WELCOME HONEY !! My name is MARIA @alaskagem I am known as the prayer warrior on here !!!! So if you ever NEED PRAYER PLEASE FEEL FREE TO TAG ME !! God bless Sis!!! MARIA
Apr 13Reply

@alaskagem Thank You, Love. Everyone can use a bit of prayer!!! ;)
Apr 13Reply

Thanks for sharing💗
Apr 15Reply

No prob, Love! ;)
Apr 15Reply

💃welcome I wish you many great sales👏👏👏
Apr 15Reply

@prettydaisy Thanks, Love!! You too!
Apr 15Reply

Welcome! You're gorgeous!
Apr 15Reply

@linmp1031 Awwww shucks, thank you ;)
Apr 15Reply

@jblacombe Welcome to posh! If I can ever be of any assistance just click Mary447.!💕💖💕🎀
Apr 15Reply

Welcome dear . I m sakshi . It's nice to meet u . I would be glad if I could help u anyways 😘. Feel free to ask any Q u might have . I m sure you gonna have lot of fun like I m having 😍😍
Apr 17Reply

@motherskiss Hello, I am kind of new too. Hang onto your seatbelt, it's a bumpy ride to payday. Most Posher's have been terrific. Ask all the questions you can think of before you buy & list the answers before you sell, length, material, missing buttons, stones, rips, damages, new, worn, etc. That will save you and buyer lots of agita. The speed-bumps are called, interested? interested? Interested hun, interested doll? still interested, and I make good bundles if you are interested. Best of luck selling! mm
Apr 17Reply

@pcmacsavvy LOL!!! Hit a few speed bumps already! Im spending a lot of time really going through closets to see whats hot. Anything I share I truly like. Thank you for the great encouragement!!!
Apr 17Reply

Welcome to Poshmark🌺🌹
Apr 19Reply

@denise3102 Thank, Love! I'm having so much fun!!!
Apr 19Reply

You're so beautiful thanx for all the shares 💋💋💋
Apr 19Reply

@koldkashk So are you, Love! Sharing is Caring!
Apr 19Reply

@motherskiss thanks for following and welcome to Posh
Apr 19Reply

@2royalpearls Thanks for the warm welcome! Havent sold a thing but having a blast snooping through closets!!!
Apr 19Reply

Love your style!! Welcome beautiful, Posh is so fun (great time killer and money maker) ;)
Apr 20Reply

@blindingskyy Thanks, Love. I have only just begun....60 more pairs shoes to go!!!!
Apr 20Reply

Hi!! I'm Tracy!! Welcome!! Anything I can do for you, I'm just a click away!! 🌴🌴🙏🙏
Apr 20Reply

@ublookn Thx Love the name! Thx for the shares!
Apr 20Reply

Welcome to Posh! Let me know if I can be of any help!😊💖
Apr 20Reply

Apr 20Reply

💐💐 Welcome to Posh 💐 Happy Poshing😸
Apr 20Reply

@playmates Thx, Love!
Apr 20Reply

Apr 21Reply

@dimot Thanks, Love!
Apr 21Reply

@motherskiss I like your style 🌸🎉🎉nice to meet you :) 🎀🌸💖💕
Apr 21Reply

@isabellascloset Thx, Love!
Apr 21Reply

@motherskiss my pleasure 💕🎉🎉🎉🌟
Apr 21Reply

@motherskiss very nice to meet you👍👍
Apr 21Reply

@vpetersen Likewise
Apr 21Reply

@motherskiss Welcome to Posh, it's nice to meet you, I'm Taz💕Much success to you.💕💕Here are a couple of lovely ladies I like you to meet🌹@noy2312 @lucylou002
Apr 21Reply

@tazze Thanks for all the shares and introducing me to 2 awesome women!
Apr 21Reply

You are lovely! Visit me often!
Apr 21Reply

@susu49 Thx! I sure will!!
Apr 21Reply

@motherskiss Welcome to Poshmark, have fun and many sells!💰💰
Apr 26Reply

@ddbanks Thank you for the warm Posh welcome!
Apr 26Reply

@motherskiss sharing is Caring 😃🌷💖 welcome to Posh ! 🌹🎈🌷
Apr 29Reply

Fab 💝
Apr 29Reply

@shenneneilleen ;)
Apr 29Reply

Thanks for the shares :)
Apr 29Reply

😊❗️thanks for shares❗️🎈
Apr 30Reply

@budjatom ;)
Apr 30Reply

Apr 30Reply

Thanks for the shares hun. Love your closet
May 02Reply

@tamaria28 ;)
May 02Reply

@motherskiss 🌹beautiful pix🌹they are priceless beauty's🌹your closet is absolutely stunning & elegant🌹wishing you many more happy sales to come❤️🌹❤️have a lovely weekend❤️🌹❤️🌹❤️
May 04Reply

Hello there👋👋Welcome to PM, so nice to meet ya;$
May 04Reply

@smeans1 @classyvintage @lnp916
May 04Reply

@maxedout Hi! I have been snooping in your closet all morning Its stunning!!!
May 04Reply

Hi there..im patricia and great to meet you. Im fairly new also and love poshing.. i love your fashion style
May 04Reply

@pk1pk2 GREETINGS!!! And welcome to Poshmark!! This is the greatest site ever I tried eBay and it sucked!!! It takes a while to get going but it is unbelievably fun! Right now I am in a full blown Poshmark addiction! Lol! The key is to share, share, share! Update your closet often and share from the beautiful ladies who follow you. It is an unique and sweet community. Go ahead and have a blast!
May 04Reply

Thank you! I welcome your advice. Like you im addicted. Lol. I really have to control myself on buying everything
May 04Reply

@motherskiss Hi, welcome to Posh!! I'm new as well but have found there are a lot of really great ladies on here with so much help to give! Have fun and good luck! Happy Poshing!
May 04Reply

Welcome to PM!! If you have any questions please feel free to ask!! 💞Shared💞
May 05Reply

@bamagirl017 thanks for the Posh Warm Welcome!!!
May 05Reply

Sure!! Glad to have you here!🍃🌷🍃
May 05Reply

Welcome doll!
May 13Reply

@jermin Thx!
May 13Reply

@motherskiss 🙋hi welcome to Posh I will be here for any questions you may have. Just let me know I will get back to you within the hour. Some days after my treatments I'm a little slow and down but I always pick myself up. :). So let's be Posh sisters and give each other a hand. 🙋💁💁💁💁🙋💞
May 13Reply

@dreamadj THANK YOU for the warm welcome. Are you going through cancer treatment? I went thru breast cancer at 30 I got the most aggressive treatment (my family has the gene thingy) double mass 2 years chemo and 6 months radiation...I hope you are having a "good" day, I know how important they are.
May 14Reply

@motherskiss hopefully I took my last treatment. 🙏🙏 Yes it's cervical I found out I had it in 2004 right after I had my first son. I took fertility meds. Chlomid for 2yrs and had 7 surgeries to actually have kids. I had endometreosis so severe they said I would never get pregnant. But with lots of prayers and grace of god I had a beautiful 6lb boy. But. The 6week checkup was abbots and they done a biopsy and sent it off and 1st stage cancer cell. I done chemo and got remission and it has came back 3 times since. But I now have 3 little boys. And want a hysterectomy so I don't have to worry anymore. My biggest fear was and still is not getting to watch them grow up. I will know about the remission by Friday. Yes Breast cancer. My grandma on my moms side passed from it , it was already spread to bad when they found the lump in her right breast. She even had her breast removed but I'm thinking it got into her lymph nodes , I can't remember. I was only 13 then. But it was horrible. Then on my mothers side I have had 4 aunts dye from different types of cancers. So it runs pretty deep and my uncle died of lung cancer. 😟Cancer is horrible. In September 2012 I lost my little girl due to the treatments cause I didn't know I was pregnant because of the problems I always had I couldn't tell and I stayed sick anyway. She was right at 5mths along. It was very sad I had always wanted a little girl I got 3 boys they are 10, 6 & 4. Now mom fighting with the medical bird to hurry my sulu every along but I have to pay 40% which I can't afford because I'm living and raising my boys on a small disability check which is like $721 a mth. Not much. I never get myself anything and have to sale everything I have. I even have over half my sisters stuff listed and I get half of what she makes it goes tword my surgery, I don't advertise that on here because I had it up once asking people to help me share so I could sale my things and a lady commented and said why do people try to make people feel sorry for them and post such disgusting lies. Which hurt me because I wish it was a lie. I'm 33 and have had a very very rough life even before the cancer. But yea sorry for rambling I wish you the best of luck and if u need anything don't hesitate to ask. 💁🙋🙋🙋🙋👼🙏👼🙏👼🙏👼
May 14Reply

@dreamadj you have me weeping... I promise to share an item of yours everyday if I can. I have Sarcoidosis and the disability check is not enough. I feel you my Sister. My son is autistic and I KNOW I am here bc he needs me... Kiss kiss, Love.
May 14Reply

@motherskiss Hey Again🎉🎉 I am ready to do some bundling,,, can I tag on what I like???
May 18Reply

@loveleigh_68 Lets do this thing! ;) just to make sure I get it all perfect for you just say "yes" on everything you want bundled...cool? ;)
May 19Reply

@montana360 ok, gotcha! Yes it is 💕💕💕💕
May 19Reply

@motherskiss thanks for sharing! My other closet is @janninelavner 😘 your closet is amazing
May 20Reply

@pickmebyjannine yours too! I have another on vinted.com they have cool pop/retro/rock stuff!!
May 20Reply

Hi...thanks much for sharing items from my closet!
Jun 13Reply

@ilsegal00 ;)
Jun 13Reply

@motherskiss - I ❤️ how you title your listings! So clever.
Jun 26Reply

@klmvirginia Thank just trying to make my items memorable lol
Jun 26Reply

@ggallardo33 lol!! Thx. Gotta stick out somehow 😉
Jun 29Reply

@motherskiss I am looking at your closet and your SUCCESS wow, I love that you give pop to your Introductions.
Jul 01Reply

@dressyu Thanks! Gotta stick out somehow. I wish I could take beautiful pics like you! You have a very classy closet! 😉
Jul 01Reply

@motherskiss well, you KNOW when pushed against a wall You come back stronger, I had a closet (still with only 2 sales---started in May and it disappeared, ,,, weird right, but there has been amazing support and SOOO many persons encouraging me, Well I will keep checking on you Have HUGE success!!!!
Jul 01Reply

@la_boutique :) You both are cool ladies
Jul 04Reply

Love your style and you look pretty in all your pics esp the flower one. Great closet. I just need to lose weight now first.
Jul 05Reply

@supb Thanks soooo much 😘😘😘
Jul 05Reply

Your welcome! You're closet is saved in my likes!!
Jul 05Reply

Thanks for making me laugh! I needed it. Love your style.
Jul 05Reply

@susanatpaces THANKS LOL!!!
Jul 05Reply

You are stunningly beautiful !
Jul 10Reply

@gaylee gee, thanks!!! Im just average...😏
Jul 10Reply

Average? Not!
Jul 10Reply

Thanks for all the shares. I tried but I can't quite keep up!
Jul 11Reply

@platinumhobo lol dont stress yourself! I am good💕💕💕
Jul 11Reply

Jul 12Reply

@motherskiss Forget the clothing & other items, your closet has go to be the most entertaining on Poshmark!! Very creative. Enjoy yourself and have fun with the site! Have a fabtabulous rest of the week :)
Jul 15Reply

@frankiefrazier O-M-G YOU HAVE PUT A GREAT BIG KOOL AID SMILE ON MY FACE!!!😁😁😁😁Thanks sooo much!
Jul 15Reply

I may have said this already, but your titles & descriptions are crackin' me UP!👍😉
Jul 16Reply

Thanks for sharing my listings😃
Jul 19Reply

@maggie_4 👍
Jul 19Reply

@motherskiss I said it before but I must say it again❤️I love love love the creativity that you have in your titles❤️you rock
Jul 21Reply

@demitria67 Thanks sooooo much. I have more fun posting than I ever did buying!!
Jul 21Reply

God bless
Jul 29Reply

@sbousquet12 You also 💕💕💕
Jul 29Reply

Thanks for the shares! Will be posting more today.
Jul 29Reply

@motherskiss Greetings sistah! 👋😄 Lovin the red, green, & yellow..& I'm also loving your story. Congrats on being a breast cancer survivor✊💕. The power of JAH works in beautiful ways! ~Bless!✌️;)
Jul 30Reply

@bevans91 GIVE THANKS AND PRAISE!! Thank you and yes I am truly blessed!
Jul 30Reply

@alifitzpattykat Hi, I just wanted to give you a little tip, you can remove a lot of marks and stains from the bottom of shoes with fingernail polish remover. Just gently wipe and it'll just disappear😉 HAPPY POSHING!!!
Aug 01Reply

@motherskiss u are absolutely positively beautiful woman
Aug 06Reply

Your a very beautiful lady, not to mention your amazing talent with verse, wit and cute sense of humor!!! I have never enjoyed myself so much or felt so intrigued by what was coming next, as I have been right now looking thru your closet and reading your "title" for each piece. I can't imagine what your life has been like.... I wouldn't presume to do so....what I think is that your a true blessing to others, me especially. Thank you for allowing me to see a bit of you and share a part of your incredibly bright spirit.
Aug 07Reply

@dousja awww sooo sswweett! Thanks so much. You are now one of my new Posh BFFs...love the name dousja (sounds so cool outloud) what does it mean?
Aug 07Reply

@afoxxx2 it's very simple. Hosts actually look for these listings they like to know a little bit about people they give host picks to.💕💕
Aug 07Reply

@motherskiss the hat is cute on you. Very creative . I admire inspirational people. Thanks
Aug 07Reply

@afoxxx2 Thanks! I love your closet soooo much so classy!!!
Aug 07Reply

@motherskiss much appreciated😑
Aug 07Reply

I am honored to be one of your Posh BFF :-)!!!! Thank you!!
"Dousja" is a French word meaning "the spirited one". It also happens to be the name of my best buddy in the whole wide world! My dog, she's amazing and way to smart, at least she thinks so. She was born in Belgium, hence the French name and all her commands are in French too.
I so enjoyed browsing your closet, it was like reading a fascinating story!
Thank you again, I have a new Posh BFF!!!! Totally kool!
Aug 08Reply

@barbiesclose1 Thanks Miss. Lady!!💕💕💕💕
Aug 22Reply

@barbiesclose1 Thanks Miss. Lady!!💕💕💕💕
Aug 22Reply

A work with children that have autism! Love my job!
Sep 11Reply

@bellastrawberry It's wonderful, loving people like you who make my son's life (and mine) so much easier. Thank you!
Sep 11Reply

@motherskiss I love your bio! We have a lit in common 🎀💗
Sep 20Reply

@motherskiss Meant to say a LOT in common. Lol.
Sep 20Reply

@sequingirl Hi, I am Danielle. Don't mean to be nosy but...how? :)
Sep 20Reply

@motherskiss No worries. Just finished 2 1/2 years worth of treatments for Stage 3 BC 🎀and my nephew is autistic ❤️
Sep 20Reply

@sequingirl OHHHH, I hear ya! My family carries the gene so I had it all. Double mass. Chemo for 2 years and radiation for, I don't even remember how long. Lol. And autism affects everyone at some point in their lives. So nice to meet you. Love getting to know fellow "Sister Survivors"!!!!
Sep 20Reply

@motherskiss I just had the gene test done and am waiting to hear back on that one. I'm glad we both went full on with treatment. Only way to FIGHT!
Sep 20Reply

@sequingirl My grandmother and mother both were diagnosed. Myself at 30, my mother at 40 and my grandmother lived with it without treatment for 10 years and later passed away. I have stressed to my daughter since the age of 11 how important it is to for self examinations regularly. Early detection is crucial!
Sep 20Reply

@motherskiss I love your closet! Plus all of the names for every listing! Your closet is going to be addicting!
Sep 23Reply

Hi & thanks for all the shares! I appreciate it! You have an awesome closet and are a wonderful inspiration!
Sep 24Reply

@mummadoe No problem, Love! ;)
Sep 24Reply

Yay! Congratulations on being a breast cancer survivor! I went through treatment ten years ago for hepatitis C and it's been in remission ever since! It wasn't a fun treatment at all! I couldn't function for a year, it's very similar to cancer treatment. My son has been diagnosed to PDD-NOS and ADHD. It's a lot of fun lol. I live my stinker so much. He's a mini me that's for sure. nice to meet you beautiful lady
Sep 24Reply

@andrea_27s We have so much in common! Yup my life is filled with incredible ups and unbelievable downs. I love my big man too. He keeps me on my toes. So nice to meet you, Miss Lady!!! Lol
Sep 24Reply

Sep 24Reply

So beautiful..all the way around:) inside and out!!! Xo
Sep 25Reply

@xoxo73 you are so sweet! Thanks for "bomb sharing" my closet.
Sep 25Reply

Sep 27Reply

So very nice to meet you. Thank you for sharing of yourself. Thank you for sharing my listings. You are absolutely right, sharing is caring . Thanks, Annabella.
Sep 29Reply

Hi I'm Carolyn! It's nice to meet you! I love that you know God's name..you're on jwdotorg?
Oct 03Reply

@motherskiss thanks so much for all the shares!! I love your closet :-) have a wonderful night, lovely lady!
Oct 03Reply

@jess112 :)
Oct 03Reply

@motherskiss u r a beautiful omen my dear! I too am a cancer survivor ! I love those chest puns u speak of! Your closet is fabulous
Oct 04Reply

I love your closet so clever with personality. :-) I'm just starting out on posh:/ be my spirit guide show me the ropes. I am the silver tongued queen. But I can't type. So my listings seen as if there failing and attracting nut so good poshers I'm Dusti btw
Oct 06Reply

@dizz_distinct Hi Dusti! Thanks for the compliment. I have only been here since April and I am still learning. I would be glad to help :). First thing I would suggest is take the best pics you can. You need a "trademark" something that people can identify as an item in your closet. Like my red, gold, and green flag. Or you can use a pic app to add unique designs, colors, and words to your pics. I use picart, it's free. Make sure your pics are brightly lit and clear. If the item has any imperfections make sure you take a pic of it and mention it on the item description. You have awesome shoes, they will sell really fast!
Oct 06Reply

Thank you do much fir your shares amazing so much thank you :-) :-)
Oct 06Reply

@whatsleft thanks for showing me MASSIVE Posh Love!!!
Oct 07Reply

@motherskiss it was my pleasure!💞
Oct 07Reply

Oh my goodness, thank you for all the shares this morning! xoxo
Oct 08Reply

Thank you so much for sharing, i'll do the the same. God Bless You.
Oct 11Reply

@ch3wycut3 thanks for your likes and shares! ;)
Oct 11Reply

I wish that I could talk with you about cancer. I'm so happy that you got through.
Oct 14Reply

@celestia You can follow me on FACEBOOK Danielle Denise Hocutt .....eh, wasn't so bad.
Oct 14Reply

@b_love Thank you for your share, I am a newbie (since April) and its a great honor to meet a such a professional Posher!
Oct 14Reply

@gbeetx Hi! Nice to meet you likewise....anytime.. :)
Oct 14Reply

@motherskiss ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
Oct 15Reply

@motherskiss you look like such a fun & beautiful person to be around! You go girl! That's awesome!! 8 yrs! WOOO hoooo! 14 here, leiomyo sarcoma... Now those 2 words freak me out haha 👯💃👯💃👯💃✌️💕✌️💕😹
Oct 16Reply

@hollynoel25 wow, I had to look LMS up. 14 years is fantastic! Cancer is definitely NOT a death sentence!!!!
Oct 17Reply

@motherskiss no it's not! It's a booger for sure but we at bigger boogers haha
Oct 17Reply

Congrats on being a survivor!... And a newlywed!... Lovely family pics!... Thanks for sharing!
Oct 17Reply

@emilialuczak thanks for your shares!
Oct 19Reply

@mikamda Thanks for your likes and shares feel free to peruse my add on items ranging from $1 to $10!! ;)
Oct 21Reply

Sure, I will
Oct 21Reply

Love your style❤💚💛
Oct 22Reply

@motherskiss hi! i'm so happy to have stumbled upon your awesome closet! you have a beautiful family. i work with autistic children and love my job :) i hope you are having a wonderful evening! 😊
Oct 28Reply

@kaybrooklyn Thanks so much!!!
Nov 30Reply

@altaloma Thanks so much! Reading is my way to quiet my mind and relax. Happy Poshing!
Dec 01Reply

Awesome! My mother is a three year ovarian cancer survivor. I also have an autistic son. Your possess and radiate an inner and outer beauty. Very nice to meet you. 💖
Dec 03Reply

@chrimsonshane Hi! Congrats to your mom! thank you so much for your compliments and shares, so glad to meet you! :)
Dec 03Reply

My pleasure. 💖 love your style too, by the way.
Dec 03Reply

@motherskiss Such an inspiration❤️💛💚 thanks for the shares👊
Dec 08Reply

@ninnynyc No, THANK YOU!!!! ;)
Dec 08Reply

@nyreecox :)
Dec 11Reply

thanks my pleasure, showing Posh Love @tammyejones
Dec 14Reply

You are a beautiful lady and you have a beautiful family!!! Thank the Lord for beating that beast called cancer. I have lost two friends in the last year from that monster. I am on kidney dialysis and they both had kidney cancer. They both fought hard but it was just too bad. I know they are now free of pain and in a better place but I miss them. I just love Posh!! I just started a few weeks ago. I love meeting so many beautiful interesting people such as yourself. 🌹
Dec 14Reply

Thank you so much for all your kind words. My family carry the breast cancer gene so it's nothing new to me :( My father was on dialysis for over ten years until he received a transplant.That was over 6 years ago. So never give up! Welcome to Posh!!! It truly is a blessing to me and my family. Anyone can prosper here as long as you stick to the rules, Follow and share, share share!!!
Dec 14Reply

@kellilee64 oops forgot to tag you read the above message! Lol
Dec 14Reply

That is great that your dad got a transplant!! I have kind of a unique story. When I was 19 I gave my mother a kidney. When I was pregnant with my first child I got high blood pressure. I was considered high risk for only having one kidney but he came out healthy and I thought all was great. I just wasn't feeling right for months after I had him. I went to the doc. He said I was in kidney failure. Soon after I started dialysis. It is all good. I exceped the fact years ago that this is my path and there are reasons for everything. I did have a transplant for 4 years. I really don't want another one. I almost died during the first one. Well you have a wonderful day!! Keep in touch!🌹
Dec 14Reply

Nice to meet you. Val here. My Dad is from Kingston and my beloved Mother was from Barbados. ❤️
Dec 14Reply

Nice to meet you! My parents are from Trinidad & Tobago!!!! @gemsbyjoan
Dec 14Reply

@motherskiss I'm glad I found your closet! Your an inspiration and a great role model with the most ORIGINAL closets on Posh!!
Dec 15Reply

@motherskiss Thank you for your follow. I have several friends who are mothers of children with autism. It takes patience, faith, a positive outlook and support. Also, A loving and nurturing soul. My area of volunteer work is multi-faceted, mental health advocacy but also involving advocacy and awareness for foster children, adults with disabilities. One in four Americans face a mental health challenge in their lifetime. I often cross paths with parents of children with autism and related issues. I also love teaching arts and crafts at the Ronald McDonald House. I haven't had a loved one grow up with Tourette's syndrome, I am all-too-familiar with the challenges of taking things a day at a time. it is a blessing to have family and friends who support you and your children. Wishing you the best of luck and a healthy, happy holiday. Poshing is a great therapy, is it not?
Dec 22Reply

@motherskiss Oops. I dictated the previous comment, and it should've said I have had a loved one grow up with Tourette's syndrome…
Dec 22Reply

You should set up a "meet me" listing. I can introduce you to my die hard posh bff's. They can help you double your followers and will faithfully share your closet as long as you keep your closet Posh approved. ;) many of them are hosts. You don't have to post a pic of yourself if you don't want, but a lot of ladies like to know a little something about the person they are purchasing from :) @shopjomens
Dec 22Reply

Thank you. 😃 Tipping my hat and a saluting you all at the same time. I hope to do one. All in due time. And will definitely tag you once I do. I really appreciate all the help and the love. Much Love & respect to you. I feel like you're family. Greetings to all 💕
Dec 22Reply

I think I've gotten attached to you bc my daughter's name is Jo lol. I have never seen anyone blow up so fast on here like you! Anyway tag me if you ever make that post @shopjomens
Dec 22Reply

Ok will do. Tell Jo, "Jo says Hiii" lol. Thank you Again
Dec 22Reply

Merry Christmas 🎅🎅🎄🎄🎄
Dec 26Reply

nice to meet you too. You have some beautiful items. Bless your heart and miracle for your strength after your fight. You have some sweet kids.😊💖💘
Dec 30Reply

I love your closet. I have a question where did you purchase your dessert form from
Jan 01Reply

Thanks! I got it from amazon for $98 and free shipping.
Jan 01Reply

Thanks! I got it from amazon for $98 and free shipping. @mick50
Jan 01Reply

@motherskiss Hi :))) Is a pleasure to meet you 💐❤️❤️❤️... We all come to this world with a mission... GOD knows your mission is huge and he is in control of things that we can't explain sometimes... I cross so many woman's over here but some of them I take my time and I ask GOD to speak to them true me and I felt this way with you wend I stop and read your introduction... YOU ARE TRULLY SURVIVAL OF GOD.... HE IS IN CONTROL AND THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING...
We look forward to the time when the Power of Love will replace the Love of Power. Then will our world know the blessings of peace....
Motherskiss I love your style and your closet is unique 😉... Have an amazing day 👭💐💋💋💋
Xoxo... Daniele
Jan 07Reply

"We look forward to the time when the Power of Love will replace the Love of Power"......That is one of the most truest and elegant statements I have heard in a long time. Thank you for your words of encouragement, I am truly blesed to be her and to be supported by so many wonder Posh Ladies, like yourself! @allureofbrazil
Jan 07Reply

Thank you for your encouraging words. Sorry it took so long to respond, the holidays were crazy and my Posh closet is really picking up. Thank you for following me. Having an autistic child is crazy challenging and well as crazy fun. It's people like you who give children a way to express themselves through art and music when its difficult to express themselves in words. Thank you. My son also does and say repetitive and odd things like people who have tourettes. I am so used to it I don't even notice. Lol. It's sometimes funny when I have company over and they almost just out of their pants when my son says something very loud out of the blue, I just forget some people are just not used to it. I hope that doesn't offend you. Anyway, thank you! Happy Poshing! @brik33
Jan 07Reply

Militant? ~~ damn haven't heard that since.....?? I love your many faces and cheesy puns so I'll BE BACK! 🙋
Jan 12Reply

@motherskiss Hi I'm Laura it's nice to meet you!! I love what you said about reading books, as I feel the same way!!😀 I hope you have a wonderful day!! Laura😍❤️
Jan 12Reply

Hi, I am Danielle, nice to meet you! I have burnt up 5 kindles so far, I am poshing in order to get number 6 LOL! hope you have an awesome day too! @msu0712
Jan 12Reply

You have a beautiful family and you're an amazing Posher. 😊 I know that many of us poshers esp the newbies appreciate ALL the help and tips that you give us! 😘 (I adore the reggae song titles that you give your items.) May you continue to be blessed and prosperous in all that you do... ~XOXO, Mona~
Jan 12Reply

Thanks, my kids are big and too cool to hang around Old Mom, so I have a lot of time on my hands. Its my pleasure!! If it wasnt for Posh I would be on Facebook, at least here I can make a little money and make great friends! @mona410
Jan 12Reply

Nice to meet you!!! Your Beautiful and have Beautiful children!!! Congratulations on beating cancer's butt!!! 😊😉😍😘 That's more than awesome!!! Take care and have fun!!!! 💞Aubrey
Jan 13Reply

I am truly blessed, Thank you! @blingbliss
Jan 13Reply

@motherskiss Wow you are not kidding you are an avid reader!! I got my first kindle last year for Christmas, and I always thought I wouldn't like reading from it rather than a book but I love it!! I hope you have a great day, and please keep in touch!! Laura😍❤️
Jan 13Reply

I worked in a bookstore for 8 years. When I moved I had 15 large boxes of books (the movers were cussing under their breathes, lol) . I NEVER thought I would live without actual books. When the first kindle came out I gave all my books to charity. The only ones I have left are the signed author copies. I love my Kindle, I'm hoping to get the new lightweight one with the back light. The best part about having my Kindle is being able to "friend" a lot of authors on Facebook. @msu0712
Jan 13Reply

Ah there's the beautiful person behind all the Posh love💕💖you have a beautiful family 💖💕
Jan 14Reply

Awww shucks! You're killing me!!! Thank you. @tazze
Jan 14Reply

@motherskiss 😉😘
Jan 14Reply

@motherskiss such a nice family,God bless you!! Nice to meet you,please share and tag people on my following game want get 20k followers,thanks love:)
Jan 15Reply

You are awesome my lady! All Praises due... Have a blessed day!!!
Jan 15Reply

Yes another person that crochet.. Great work
Jan 16Reply

I am so glad to meet you!!1 If it weren't for nurses like you I would not be here today. When I had a port and it got infected I had to have it surgically removed while still awake. I had a nurse who must have been an angel straight from Heaven who held my hand and kept me calm. Since then I have the up most respect for nurses (sometimes even more than some cold doctors). Hope you stay well! @wearspinkribbon
Jan 19Reply

You are just too awesome..Congrats on your new marriage, just celebrated 30 years this past dec. My pleasure to call you friend, if that is ok with you...sisters in the (pink) fight! Seems kinda silly to me that pink is for breast cancer, we need a stronger color...So sorry to hear about your experience with your port..I am glad you had a good Nurse, I am from the old school of Nursing..and the time when Nurses wanted to be Nurses to help.oh well will get off my soapbox..you stay well and holler if you ever need to talk! Diana
Jan 19Reply

Sending You:✨Light✨L💚VE✨🙏Peace🙏😄Happiness🙌 & much $UCCESS💰.........Thank you for your inspirational closet!! ✌️😎💋
Jan 23Reply

My brother has autism too. They are angels:)
Jan 26Reply

@motherskiss I just read your story. God Bless you woman. I'm a 2 year survivor. Last December was a yr that I had my last chemo trtmt. I had one yr of chemo. There were times that I thought I was not going to make it. I'm still having issues because of the trtmts but I'm still here. AMEN. I've been married to my knight in shining armor. And if it wasn't for him I really do believe that I wouldn't be here(and I wouldn't be in debt buying POSHMARK either). But I take care of a baby since he was 2 mths old now he's going to be a yr old next month. I have severe issues with my neck and my back because of an accident in 2011, before that I had a complete hysterectomy and the bladder mesh ofcoarse was falling out so yes I was one of the lucky ones that had alto of problems but I was diagnosed with breast cancer so I had to put that off until I was done with the Cancer so last June I had surgery to remove the mesh. I've had 4 surgeries on my neck and my back and my dr now tells me that I'm not a candidate for surgery anymore. I have damages under my surgeries so he can keep me comfortable with injections and pain medications. So I live day by day and God blessed me with this little angel we consider him as our grandbaby he's actually closer to us than any of our other GRANDBABIES we love them all but we didn't have them everyday like we have this one. They are a joy and he is what keeps me going. Literally. I have always been a shopaholic. I was at Dillards every weekend for several years. I always worked I've worked since I was 16 I'm now 60 and I haven't worked since 2011 when I had my back accident. So I stay busy at home. I don't know about you but since I had my Cancer, it's very hard for me to get out of the house. It's very hard to explain to other people they don't understand except for my other 3 sisters that had cancer also. We carry the BRCA gene. My daughter carries it, my nieces carry it. I have four brothers and they have never been tested and they don't want to. I guess I don't blame them. My mom passed away five yrs ago with breast cancer at 81. Cancer changes you into a totally different person. But I try very hard to be me. I still love to shop I just do it on POSHMARK. I love it I gained 50 lbs with the chemo i was always small and now I just can't loose those last 20 lbs. even staying busy with the baby. This is why I wanted to sell my closet and start over but I'm just adding to it.lol. I need some advise on how to sell it I've been with PM since October and I had bought twice as much as I have sold. I don't have much time to spend on my closet the way I want to except on weekends. But I do follow and share everyone I can. Hoping one day it's just going to happen. Most of my clothes were expensive clothes and still in awesome condition. I was an ins. Agent be for I got sick this is why I have so many suits but I gave away tons and I mean tons of clothes , shoes and purses before I found out about POSHMARK. But I made someone happy. Someone in Mexico is walking with a coach purse and Nice expensive heels. It just makes me happy when I meet other survivors because you can talk to them and they know exactly how you feel.😘
Feb 06Reply

OMG! You are living my life! I got diagnosed with breast cancer at 30. Double mass, chemo and radiation was a 2 year ordeal.. Like you I am not a candidate for surgery, so I can not have reconstruction breast surgery.. So I have been wearing prosthetics for almost 9 years. I gained more than 50 lbs bc of chemo and can't seem to get rid of it permanently. But all that was a piece of cake. I suffer from a little known auto immune disease called Sarcoidosis (took the life of celebrity Bernie Mac) Most people have it in the lungs which ultimately turns their lungs into a stone like mass and kills them. I am fortunate. I have it everywhere else but the lungs. My liver contains a mass the size of a golf ball. But the worst part of it is the full body arthritis. EVERY JOINT in my body is always swollen, stiff and very painful. I have been taking steroids and pain meds since 2004. I started Poshing to pay for my meds and help pay my bills bc I can not work.( I worked in a bookstore for 8 years. I tried to keep working through the chemo but they let me go bc I had two many doc appts.) As you know my son is autistic, he will be 13 this month but he has to be watched 24 hours a day, almost like a toddler. So I know how you feel. I love the story of your generosity! I love shoes so I have a ridiculous amount of them. The irony is, because of my swollen arthritic toes I can't wear any of them..lol. I have met so many wonderful survivors on Posh like yourself! @sylviaharris55
Feb 06Reply

BTW Yes I also have the BRAC gene. My grandmother passed from breast cancer. My mother is a survivor and I plan to have my daughter tested when she turns 18. The sarcoidosis is also hereditary. My grandfather died from Sarcoid of the heart complications. My mother has Sarcoid in the lungs and my uncle has Sarcoid in the brain. The nurses at my local hospital know my family and I by our first names ...lol... @sylviaharris55
Feb 06Reply

@motherskiss You know some times you think that you have issues but then I find someone like you and to me my issues are a piece of cake. I'm so sorry about your son, my niece has a 6 yr old that I'd autistic and she takes him to therapy everyday. Wince she thinks he's better she stops taking him. She tells me that the counsellors tell her that it can be cured. I don't know about that but she tries to do everything she can for him. She thinks he's better so she sends him to school he doesn't stay there very long until he's back in counseling. But the great thing about these counsellors is that they work him all day he does theray and then he goes to the aquatics place and they do physical therapy and then he swims like for an hour. They keep him so use that he goes home so tired he goes home to sleep and she does this three times a week and she drives like 45 miles just to get the best help she can. I have another niece that has a three yr old and everyone else in the family knows that he has autism because he has all the symptoms but my niece and her husband deny it they are in denial and that just breaks my heart because she is very close to me she is at my house just about everyday but she doesn't like for me to tell her what my other niece is doing for her son and the worst problem is that my niece that is in denial just lives like 2 miles away from where my other niece takes her son. And they have insurance too. But I'm the only one that she will talk to about it even though she doesn't listen to anything I have to tell her but I don't stop talking to her about it. I just tell her one of these days when he's older you will regret it. Is autism genetic? Because I feel like it runs in the family ofcoarse I come from a family of 12 siblings. So we all have 3 or 4 kids and tons of grandkids and more great grandkids. Like I said, 5 sisters out of 7 have had breast , ovarian, and falopian tube Cancer. My older sister at age 69 had falopian tube cancer and it's a very rare cancer and she was coming out of chemo when I was starting mine so we were both bald at the same time. I have a sister that's 10 yrs older than I am and she had tubal Cancer. She had a full hysterectomy and the couldn't take one of her tubes out because it was way to high this was Texas tch Drs. Because she's a single mom and she couldn't afford to go to a regular dr. Well, she ended up having Breast cancer, again they just took the one Breast out that had the Cancer knowing that she had the gene. So then a yr later she also comes down with falopian Cancer and I finally told her that if I had to take her to another country she was not going to see these Drs again. So I took her to DALLAS Baylor hospital and she had a 7 hr surgery if she would not have gone there she wouldn't be here with us now. The mass was wrapped around her colon it was just horrific. Girl I can tell you now I went to MD Anderson because I thought those were the best Drs in the world. But the plastic surgeon cut my rt breast pocket too low so every time I had chemo I ended up in hospital I had to fly 790 miles from where I lived and would ended up in the hospital for 5-7 days with an infection on my rt breast even though my Cancer was on my left one they would literally drain a gallon of fluid from my rt breast and now my silicone implant on my rt beast is leaking you can actually see the brand of the implant it's a nightmare the bad thing about it is that I can't find a plastic surgeon that will fix his mess so I will probably have to go back to the same one. At this point I don't care if I get implants I just want these taken out. 😘
Feb 06Reply

Anyway, this is not the Breast cancer survival app. We have work to do and I love it I just need to start selling instead of buying. I am following all the people on your site so hopefully the outcome will be great. Thank you so much for your help. This weekend I am going to work on my closet and try to make it better. I do it all the time I enjoy doing this because it takes my mind off of everything els and I'm doing what I enjoy doing best. 😘
Feb 06Reply

As I was reading your story I was yelling out DANG!!! every 5 seconds and hubby would go, "What!?! What!?!" Incredible story! I know all about denial, My son's father was 23 years older than me and really old fashioned. When he was 2 the pediatrician said he was autistic but his father wouldn't believe it. He was a very abusive alcoholic- I stayed with him 10 hellish years. Anyway, I had to sneak my son out of the house to have him tested bc social service was breathing down my neck. He was diagnosed autistic and I left his father. From the age of 2 up until now, I have done EVERYTHING within my power to make sure he gets the right treatment. There was a time before he started school, when I would have up to 4 people (therapist- speech and occupational, social workers, Community support workers) in and out of my house every single day. The experts told me he would never talk or even be responsive to the outside world. Now he talks, it's a bit hard to understand, and he reads on a first grade level. He can work the computer like it's nobody's business. He can even cook his own snacks in the microwave. It's little stuff like tying his shoes or perceiving dangerous situations that he needs guidance. Your family members that you mentioned are really going to suffer if they don't give their son's the treatment they need. I know my son will probably live with me the rest of his life, I accept that, but I am going to make sure he is going to be as self sufficient as possible. I used to tell my family, "I refuse to change diapers on a grown man". He takes care of his personal needs like anyone else. Yup, for now, there is no cure for autism. There is no special diet, no shot, pill or therapy.
I only had breast cancer in the left, and before surgery you could actually see it, I swear it came out of nowhere! I asked the doc if I removed that one would it come back in the other, he said 80% chance. I told him take both. Like you, my doc cut too much muscle and left a deep indention. I can literally see my heart beating. Lol, took me a looonnnggg time to get used to that. I miss them but I miss not being able to wear cute strapless tops the most. There are some thing I just can't wear, oh hum, at least I am still alive. Anyway, you're right, if you can resist buying things you can actually make good money here, I usually spend about half of what I make here. LOL Gonna catch up on my shares! if you ever want to vent just tag me. :D @sylviaharris55
Feb 06Reply

OMG I will we have so much to talk about I really that I found a true friend because your stoies sound so much like mine!!! If you believe in God nothing is impossible. There has been time that I ask him why me God why me and then someone else comes up with a story like yours but see God gave you your knight in shining armor and he gave me one of those too just it time. I will contact you because I want to ask you more questions !!
Feb 07Reply

My pleasure! Thank you. Just spreading positive vibes! @beautyby_k
Feb 09Reply

Dani, I have NO idea how I missed this. First of all, where do I begin on your blessings! Congratulations, on your recent marriage to your knight, my knight's suit is a tad older, been around for 21 yrs. Would not trade him for a more galant king, not for the world. Secondly, my mom was just recently diagnosed with breast cancer and just had a mastectomy. Underwent a tremendous ordeal and has just started chemo. I knew there was a reason God drew me to you Dani, what a strong confident woman leaning on faith. Courage is to know that you sometimes can not handle the world on your own. What a beautiful family circle, complete because of the strength within it's walls! I send my thoughts to you daily and thank you for befriending me in the Posh community.
Feb 10Reply

Thank you so much! Sorry to hear about your Mother, I know EXACTLY what she is going through. The surgery and chemo are undoubtedly the worst part. Radiation is a piece of cake, there is no pain of discomfort or sickness afterwards. My grandmother passed from breast cancer, she kept it a secret from my Grandfather and her & children who are all ordained ministers, as well as herself. She thought she could heal herself with prayer....unfortunately she died. My mother is a survivor of 20 years. So, yes my family has the BAC gene. I was diagnosed at 30. I remember the doctor telling me that the cancer is the least of my problems bc they caught it in time. It would be the Sarcoidosis that's going to be hard to deal with for the rest of my life....she wasn't lying. LOL. Anyway, thank you for all your kind words. I don't know why we gravitate to other people, but I do know there is ALWAYS a reason, it's up to us to make it positive or not. Keeping your mother in my heart!! @healchno
Feb 10Reply

Yes it runs in my family. So, I am now so many times higher risk at getting it. Mom, had open hrt and was on blood thinners that they could not take her completely off of before her surgery, so it was risky, she almost died. She had to have blood transfusions etc. She had, is it the triple threat? H... Something or other. Dog gone it... I hate my memory issues... I am sure you know what I mean. Calling mom...
Feb 10Reply

Yes, just call her and tell her how much you love her :D @healchno
Feb 10Reply

Lol called her... estrogen, progesterone and HR2. Sorry. Thank you for saying that, everyone needs positive thoughts. Mom can use all she can get. ❤ I can't imagine having a negative experience when dealing with you. Have a wonderful day!
Feb 10Reply

You too, Love! @healchno
Feb 10Reply

Omg! I'm so glad to meet you. My son is autistic too, he is 3 years old and doesn't speak yet. The Lord is mighty and my faith is HUGE so now I wait for miracle
Feb 11Reply

@motherskiss...AWESOME to meet you!! I'm Elizabeth...wanted to stop in and say THANK YOU for allllll the tags in my Follow Game today...means a lot!! Came to pay it forward by sharing some of your terrific closet!! (hugs)
Feb 11Reply

My pleasure @elizmul
Feb 11Reply

You are beautiful. This is the best thing to come out of all this madness....meeting you! I am forever grateful to now have you in my life! Thank you for everything 🌸💐🌸. Happy Valentine's Day you newlyweds💚💚💚. Hope you two get to enjoy it
Feb 13Reply

AWWW shucks!!! I hope you have a Loving and Happy Valentines Day too, Dear!!! @poshlove78
Feb 13Reply

Nice to meet u 😊
Feb 20Reply

Nice to meet you too, you have a lot of nice shoes @keena43
Feb 20Reply

Thanks that's just a few of a hundred lol I need to stop buying
Feb 20Reply

Jah bless ❤️💚💛✌️
Feb 28Reply

Give thanks, Sis @sollyluna
Feb 28Reply

💗💗💗💗 Thank u! @alydacatt
Apr 12Reply

Welcome! I'm pretty new here too! Isn't it awesome? Thanks for all the shares!
Apr 13Reply

My pleasure!! @miamimommy98
Apr 13Reply

I shared some of your items too! Love your closet and the cute names you give every item!!!!
Apr 13Reply

I have one on the app and tje the other in my browser easier to switch back and forth if you make an short cut of the online site on the home page of your phone. @fireglowgem
Apr 15Reply

Blessings @motherskiss !!
Apr 15Reply

Thank you so much @lissainaugust
Apr 16Reply

@motherskiss how are you feeling? Just thought about ha and wanted to check up on you. I just read this post for the first time 👏👏👏 congrats...God bless u
Apr 23Reply

@motherskiss hi Dani!! I think I may have fallen off of your party notification list...I haven't seen one in almost two weeks.... ☺️😘😘😘 do you have a new listing to 'like'? I tried commenting on the tag a long post which is in my likes, but it's full! ☺️ I've missed your daily posts!!! ☺️💖
Apr 23Reply

You are beautiful @motherskiss simply beautiful!
Apr 25Reply

Xoxo @davies
Apr 25Reply

@motherskiss thanks for sharing
Apr 27Reply

Xoxo @kalenanani
Apr 27Reply

Thanks for following☺ @mismib
Apr 28Reply

Thanks for following @msmib
Apr 28Reply

@motherskiss Feel The Love😘
Apr 29Reply

💗💗💗💗 @zipper
Apr 29Reply

💗💗💗💗 @zipper
Apr 29Reply

Xoxo @zipper
Apr 29Reply

@motherskiss Have a good Night!! PFF❤️😊
Apr 29Reply

U 2 @zipper
Apr 29Reply

Hello Dani. How are you doing my friend ? I just saw a listing just now saying you are in Hospital ! Is everything ok love
Apr 29Reply

Hey there! Thank you for sharing my party listing. Just want to let you know, you are an amazing, inspiring, strong woman. I'd be honored if you would add me to your "tag team" :) great to meet you!
Apr 30Reply

You are so sweet, welcome?Would you like to be tagged for parties FG or both? @larakotys
Apr 30Reply

May 06Reply

@mamaskiss did i somehow fall off the list for follow games? I haven't gotten any in about a week :(
May 06Reply

Its the dang 500 character limit! Seems like when i gain people and edit the list I lose someone somehow, I fixed it, ☺ sorry, love @acinom131
May 06Reply

oh ok, thanks @motherskiss <3
May 06Reply

I didn't know that you have a son who has autism. I work with children with autism!
May 08Reply

Really? He is in the middle of the spectrum. He is a genius with devices, pc's and robots but cant tie his shoes. He adores Journey especially " Who's Crying Now" Drives me INSANE LOL @sssylviah
May 08Reply

Yeah I did direct therapy for 8 years and recently became a supervisor. I love this field and am now getting my teaching credential and masters in special education. Haha, let me guess, he sings it all day and hits REPEAT? LOL, repeat, fast forward, repeat, fast forward. lol
May 08Reply

He should be a film editor! If he like a sound, it does not have to be a whole word just a sound on anything, TV, CD, DVD he can go back to that sound over and over and over again at the exact same place every time. He also can mimic voices like a professional. It's cool but also kind of creepy. Good luck with your studies!!! @sssylviah
May 08Reply

Thank you for the well wishes! 😊 They are always gifted in some sense. I have worked with kiddos before who sound like your son and I'm like I can't even remember what day it is sometimes and you remember this whole movie!?!? It's amazing.
May 08Reply

OMG He remembers stuff from when he was 4. If you promise him anything you better keep it. He will remind you daily a million times until you keep your promise. Right now I owe him several DVDs.... That's why I really Posh, gotta pay for the next Pixar dvd lol!!!! @sssylviah
May 08Reply

Lol!!!! That sounds about right!!!
May 08Reply

Happy Mothers day, Dani! :)
May 11Reply

Thank you!! 💗💗💗💗💗 @infinitelyposh
May 11Reply

@motherskiss Hi Dani, I changed my username and didn't want to miss your wonderful tags! Old name: tdkbkt6 new username: @treasuresbytrac Happy Thursday! 🌹💐😊💐🌹
May 14Reply

How did you do that!?!? Did you lose your followers? @treasuresbytrac
May 14Reply

Its done! @treasuresbytrac
May 14Reply

@motherskiss It was SO easy! Emailed Posh support and two hours later👍 I had my new username👏👏😍😍 didn't loose any followers👍 nothing but the username changes😊
May 14Reply

Wow!!!!! @treasuresbytrac
May 14Reply

Hi Danni, thanks for tagging me to new poshers. Thanks for your help and time😄😘
May 29Reply

@fash137 XOXO
May 29Reply

May 29Reply

♡♡♡♡ you are 1 of my dearest PFFs, ty for all you have helped me accomplish and the support! Amazing lady!!
May 30Reply

Mt pleasure, Me Lady lol @txan66
May 30Reply

@motherskiss Dani how I never read this before??...... Oh man! Your such a queen, beautiful smooth chocolate skin 😍😍 yesssssssss #mysisterisbetterthanyours..... Your the best! So strong and beautiful! 💖💖
May 30Reply

Ah high thanks! "Iver" strong! Have an awesome weekend! @habanera87
May 30Reply

Thanks for following @ileana_isabel
May 30Reply

Hello my name restless! If you need anything I'm only a message away! Welcome dear!
May 31Reply

Nice to meet you! @restlessangel I am here for you too
May 31Reply

Xoxoxo - smile- xoxoxo
May 31Reply

Big Up !♥
Jun 01Reply

Respect! @rkuniquecollext
Jun 01Reply

Thank you for adding this to your LIKES. Bundles are 20% off @rbberg1
Jun 03Reply

♡♡♡ you already!
Jun 03Reply

Thanks doll! XOXO @smchop
Jun 03Reply

You are very blessed and a survivor. I had no idea. Much love and. Happiness your way...forever😘
Jun 03Reply

Thanks love! If it wasn't for pie I don't think I would sane ;) @callie5510
Jun 04Reply

Beautiful lady!
Jun 07Reply

Xoxo @onpointdesign
Jun 07Reply

Thank you for sharing my listing. Lisa
Jun 09Reply

My pleasure xoxo @lisadraper
Jun 09Reply

xoxo @poshgenchick13
Jun 13Reply

You silly dove, you're just now following the person who used your logo? Lol 😘😘😘😘
Sales good today?
Jun 14Reply

I'm cleaning out all of the people I'm following so I may follow and then unfollow you a dozen times before I get it all straight. So far this weekend, sales have sucked lol. But my Facebook group has doubled in numbers so that's a good thing ;) @callie5510
Jun 14Reply

Mark everything dirt cheap like I did. 4 sales in 24 hrs. Record!
I'll share your closet tonight and try to help the fundage. 🎰💰
Jun 14Reply

;) my prob is a spend more time sharing and helping others then I do my own closet @callie5510
Jun 14Reply

Well stop that behavior 😜😘
Jun 14Reply

I can't help it I see a closet with 2 followers and I'm like, "awwwwwwww" lol @callie5510
Jun 14Reply

Awe, you're a wonderful Mamma 😘👍🏼👍🏼
Jun 14Reply

You rock!!! 😘👏 Keep up the good work lovely lady 😉
Jun 17Reply

Xoxo @hila808
Jun 17Reply

Nice to finally see your beautiful face💋💞 You should have added it sooner.
Jun 18Reply

Thanks for the follow!!! 😊😊
Jun 18Reply

omg you have the prettiest lips !
Jun 18Reply

Awwww shucks, im blushing @hanabee
Jun 18Reply

My pleasure @bethany_george3
Jun 18Reply

@motherskiss , thanks for sharing:)
Jun 24Reply

@motherskiss Dani keep me in your prayers please!
Jul 07Reply

Always @habanera87
Jul 07Reply

@motherskiss thank you Dani!
Jul 07Reply

This is my selling closet :) @partymk999
Jul 10Reply

My oldest son, 17 is autistic, and my younger son, 8, has autistic tendencies. 💗 I know you're a hard working mama and I just want to say how much I appreciate all you do for our tag-along gang.😊
Jul 11Reply

Hey @motherskiss!!!!
I'm Zainab!!! Thank you for the warm welcome🌹🌹🌹.
Jul 25Reply

XOXO @zotam
Jul 25Reply

@motherskiss team Caribbean 🙌🏽
Jul 26Reply

XOXO @hauteflowerbomb
Jul 26Reply

Dani, I really appreciated and enjoyed being included on your lists but could you please remove me? I don't have time to be in my closet. It was being managed by my BFF/PFF @kittycafe but now she will be taking over completely. I just can't keep up. Thanks for everything though.
Aug 11Reply

@mikexp2 no prob :) thanks for participating!!
Aug 11Reply

❤️ ❤️ ❤️Beautiful! I love everything - truly. Your style, your photos, your sense of humor, your strength...thank you for being an inspiration! I'm Maria. So happy to meet you!🌹❤️🌹😘
Aug 21Reply

@motherskiss Thank you for sharing. You are a very interesting woman💝 Thank you for everything you do for all of us. It doesn't go unnoticed. I'm sorry if I was a whiner last night. That wasn't me it was someone else. Lol. Please accept my heartfelt apology. I truly mean it. I am so happy to be in this group. I owe it all to you. I have been listening to Bob Marley since I was 19 I'm now 53. He was playing in the delivery room when my Baby was born💝
Aug 25Reply

@greekmama1 oh no, you are fine. It's just when I edit my tag list when people join or leave, someone always get bumped off by accident. Lol. I wasn't much on posh last night and didn't respond. I just added you back. Thanks so much for the encouragement, i appreciate it. You were lucky. There was no music when my kids were born. Maybe if i had Bob playing in the background my daughter wouldn't be so high strung!!! Lol
Aug 25Reply

@motherskiss Shoot Motherkiss it didn't help my daughter at all!!! Lol she is such a type A personality. She is so hard on herself. Paul ( husband) and I never push her ever about grades. She is going to college to become an Engineer and she makes the Deans list every semester all we do is praise her she has stomach aches all the time. I don't know why she is like that. It's not from us.
Aug 25Reply

@greekmama1 LOL my daughter is the same!!! She is brilliant enough to make the principal list (High School) without taking notes in class or studying..she just remembers. But she is a serious perfectionist and germaphobe. And complains about EVERYTHING!!!!
Aug 25Reply

@motherskiss My Dear Sweet Friend I saw a suggested User selling perfume. Is that a new rule change? Can we now sell Perfume? I am just checking with you. Thank you so much💝
Aug 25Reply

@greekmama1 nope the rules have not changed. Its actually against the law to ship flammable liquids thru usps
Aug 25Reply

@motherskiss That is what I thought but I wanted to make sure. Thank you very much💝
Aug 25Reply

@motherskiss >>> @ verenicet is coping and using your Tag List 1. Calling her out on it and also letting you know. Took a snapshot. :(
Aug 29Reply

Nice to meet you! I am Mackenzie!
Aug 29Reply

@midmom nice to meet you too!
Aug 29Reply

@motherskiss hey can you take me out of the tags on followers and party host. I appreciate all you do but sometimes it just gets a bit too much!! Thank you
Sep 11Reply

No problem :) I feel you. Today has been re-donkilous!!! Lol @jen_is_lost
Sep 11Reply

Thank you for helping with my follow game. I appreciate it! Have a super day.
Sep 13Reply

My pleasure! @lalisaann72
Sep 13Reply

@motherskiss Hello, do you know how I can change the credit card on my account. I don't seem to find that anywhere. Thank you
Sep 19Reply

Are you trying to change the account on which Posh deposits your credit? @my3kngs
Sep 20Reply

@No, the credit card that I set up my account with has expired and I would like to change it in order to make purchases.
Sep 20Reply

Try purchasing an item and see if it offers you an "add a card" option. @my3kngs
Sep 20Reply

@motherskiss Ok, I will give it a try. Thanks for your help.
Sep 20Reply

@motherskiss Thank you that worked.
Sep 20Reply

Great! @my3kngs
Sep 20Reply

Sep 25Reply

Sep 26Reply

Sep 26Reply

Sep 26Reply

@mamaskiss congratulations on your remission and recovery! You will be in my thoughts and prayers for continued health and long life!
Sep 26Reply

Thanks so much!! @tsommerf
Sep 26Reply

Thank you for all the shares 😊 I love your closet and how you've named your items around music !!! 💕kristina
Sep 29Reply

No, thank you for sharing my Host Picks!!! @kmc1027
Sep 29Reply

Your most welcome 😊
Sep 29Reply

Thanks for sharing. 😊
Sep 29Reply

@christinael my pleasure!!!
Sep 29Reply

Jah Bless ❤️ @motherskiss
Oct 03Reply

@jessikab51 give thanks, Sis!
Oct 03Reply

🙏🏾🙌🏾 @motherskiss
Oct 03Reply

Thank you for all the participation in my follow game!
Oct 03Reply

@jjjadedd XOXO
Oct 03Reply

Omg 😍😍😍I love your hair how long did it take you to get yours that long I currently have locks do you have any advice
Oct 06Reply

@brittany5455 I had locs for 12 years. Then I had to go through chemo and lost them. So these are only about 5 years old. My advice to you would be not twist them because it makes your hair week at the root and will eventually break off. Just wash them and go! :-)
Oct 06Reply

Thank you and your so beautiful
Oct 06Reply

@🌸🌴🌸 finally found you on FB, ty for friending me. 💙💚💙🌸🌴🌸
Oct 07Reply

@motherskiss 🌸🌴🌸💞
Oct 07Reply

Hey there can you please remove me from all tag lists? Thanks!!
Oct 10Reply

Which ones are you on? @blackbirdfly
Oct 10Reply

I found you. It's done :) @blackbirdfly
Oct 10Reply

All of them 😊
Oct 10Reply

Oct 10Reply

@motherskiss Thank you for following me hun, did the same in return. Feel free to visit my closet and leave me some Posh love. :-) :-)
Btw cute pics :-) :-)
Oct 10Reply

Oops sorry I know you are on my #2 list and I accidentally posted it twice @caligirlinmn
Oct 14Reply

Hello, nice to meet you. Love your closet & your bio. I am a mother of 5 daughters & yes they got moody around age 15, lol. Been trying to find tips & learn more about tag lists & parties. Is there any tip you can give me to find out ahead of time about upcoming parties? I've been Poshing for about a year & have many listings, am rule compliant but have barely been noticed for HP & shares. Wondering if it's my merchandise or if I need to do something more. Thanks.
Oct 15Reply

Hi, I have a tag list where I tag closets in party listings and follow games. I am happy to help in any way I can. Do you have any questions? Oh and thanks. My life has truly a life lived. @cjmann
Oct 15Reply

💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟 💟💟💟. 💟💟💟💟
💟💟💟 💟. 💟💟💟. 💟💟💟. 💟💟💟
💟💟💟💟. 💟💟💟💟
💟💟💟💟💟. 💟💟💟💟💟
💟💟💟💟💟💟. 💟💟💟💟💟💟
💟💟💟💟💟💟💟. 💟💟💟💟💟💟💟
Oct 15Reply

Poop's, I was trying to make you a heart. Lol💕
Oct 15Reply

@MOTHERSKISS congratulations on 8 years. I wish you 80 more!!
Oct 17Reply

Hi! I am in need of a little help. I've been selected to host a posh party YAY -- but I don't know how to create a listing with an image and text. Do you know of an app that helps? Thanks!
Oct 17Reply

I use PicsArt its free. You can download pics from the internet & edit them by adding words and different designs. Whenever you get it posted pls tag me and I will tag my group. Also if you have any Posh questions, like abt hosting feel free to join my Facebook group The Best Poshmark Tips. There are hundreds of co hosts who can help ;) @aelalea
Oct 17Reply

Congratulations on being a nine breast cancer survivor!!! You have a beautiful smile and I wish you many many more years cancer free... :)
Oct 19Reply

@katieboutique thank so much!!!!!! XOXO
Oct 19Reply

I love your closet! I just joined the fb group, cant wait to soak up all the info. CONGRATS on being a bc survivor! My mother is a 7 yr survivor! Such a life-changing battle to go threw. See ya around Posh❤❤
Nov 10Reply

Thanks so much!!! Welcome to Posh!!! I hope the group helps. Feel free to ask questions or give us some tips of your own. @sterling5
Nov 10Reply

@motherskiss My Angel I bought those moccasins on eBay. They are $39 that's with shipping. Shh don't tell💝
Nov 15Reply

Congrats on being a survivor you gorgeous thing you! You give me hope. I have two spots where there are lumps on my left breast and I go in for a biopsy on the 12th 😖. Let's hope I live to see 25🙊.
Nov 25Reply

@curveadvocate oh wow! Hope everything is ok. ALWAYS get a second opinion. I had the works and both breast removed. It really wasn't that bad...all the drugs helped, especially the thc pills ;). Anyway, if you need to talk or whatever I am always here or you can find me on Facebook "Dani Motherskiss Poshmark"!
Nov 25Reply

Very thankful to you. All ur tags to the parties. U are the best!
Nov 29Reply

I wish someone pick the dress form I really need to sell it
Nov 29Reply

Thank you for all the posh love💗😍🤗
Nov 29Reply

Hi Dani, I wondered if you can advise me if we are able to block a seller & how to do it?
Dec 13Reply

Go to their closet and at the top of the page should be 3 squares, tap it and it will give you the option to block ;) @cjmann
Dec 13Reply

Dani's the best!
Dec 17Reply

@iambcross You are so sweet!!
Dec 17Reply

No my girl you're pretty rad.
Dec 17Reply

Peace Queen
Dec 18Reply

GREETINGS! Welcome to Posh! @simal
Dec 18Reply

@motherskiss Admire your spirit thnx u!
Dec 18Reply

Awwww shucks! Thx! @simal
Dec 18Reply

Thanks for the great tip you posted on my list👍🏻! Xoxo
Dec 22Reply

@motherskiss hi Dani! Can you remove me from ur tag list for the co-hosting parties. Thanks
Jan 07Reply

@motherskiss I asked to remove my closet from ur tag list for the parties
Jan 07Reply

@jedam021 XOXO
Jan 07Reply

Awesome closet!
Jan 09Reply

@motherskiss thank you for all the posh love😘😘
Jan 15Reply

Rightbackatcha!!! XOXO @dotty87
Jan 15Reply

Hi Motherkiss ☺ I have a favor to ask. You're a seasoned vet on posh so I was hoping that you could help me. I'm still fairly new to posh a little over a month. If at all possible could you share my follow game with your followers? I totally understand if you're not willing to. Well I hope you enjoy the rest of your night 😊!
Jan 25Reply

@motherskiss you are awesome thanks a zillion 😘😘😘😘👏👏👏
Feb 04Reply

@sauvignon ahhh "sooo sweet"!!! Thank you!
Feb 04Reply

@poshboutique16 the pleasure is all mine!
Feb 04Reply

How do you find the time to send out all of your daily notices, work, have a life and Posh for yourself??? Much love & respect to you, thank you for everything.
XO ♡
Feb 04Reply

@mamazthang lol...Im on posh 24/7 I'm a stay at home mom so I have the time. Its an addiction...lol
Feb 04Reply

@motherskiss I'm a SAHM too (5y ,3y ,16 mos & 5mos) and I lose. My. Mind trying to keep up with everything! You are better than me girl. ♡
Feb 04Reply

thank you for the follow!! it really does mean a lot! 💞😊
Feb 06Reply

The pleasure is all mine @taffetadarling
Feb 06Reply

you were one of the first people I "followed" when I joined Poshmark and you've taught me a lot! 😊 I appreciate it!!
Feb 06Reply

Congrats on being a survivor!!🎉🎉🎉I'm a Lymphoma survivor myself and I love seeing people who gave cancer the boot😀😀
Feb 10Reply

@fierce4fashion Awwwww thank you! Cograts on your survivorship!!
Feb 10Reply

Thanks for the shares!
Feb 25Reply

My pleasure! @pinksapphiregal
Feb 25Reply

@motherskiss Your closet is amazing! If I had the money to buy your stuff. You would be tired of sending me package after package. :-)
Feb 25Reply

I love everything about this!!!
Mar 05Reply

Hi I love ur closet! Just a few facts about mine I sell adult and teen girl clothes sizes! I do 10% off 3+ bundles and I do next day shipping thanks ;)
Mar 07Reply

@motherskiss I love your closet! I loved going through and reading the titles. Your story is amazing; you are an inspiration! 💖🌹
Mar 08Reply

@andrealeegibson Thanks so much! I try to stand out!
Mar 08Reply

I love your user name. And your story will inspire many.
Mar 11Reply

THANKS!! I got it from a Regina Spektor song that got stuck in my head about 10 yrs ago...lol thank you for your encouragement!! @astyleaddict
Mar 11Reply

I see that you have bundle Hun 💕 also thank you for the share 💕 I have other great items too you bundle two or more you will get 15% off
Mar 13Reply

I love your style! Really like your closet!
Mar 13Reply

So Its nice 2 meet U. What a great testimony you are of how much God loves His children.
Mar 13Reply

Beautiful 💞
Mar 15Reply

@ginga69 XOXO
Mar 15Reply

Thank you for for the shares 🌞your closet is amazing !!❤️💕
Mar 15Reply

@catwxo XOXO
Mar 16Reply

YOU LOOOK GORGEOUS- BEAUTIFUL !!!🙋🏽🙋🏽🙋🏽🙋🏽🙋🏽🙋🏽🙋🏽🙋🏽🙋🏽🙋🏽🙋🏽
Mar 16Reply

Thank you for all the shares and for adding me to your awesome Facebook group!!!😘💋💯💯💞🌟🌟👀!!! Thanks again Goddess😇😇
Mar 18Reply

I can't begin to thank you! Thank you soooo much for the shares! 😊 love your closet 😉
Mar 18Reply

My pleasure love! @sarahrgz
Mar 18Reply

@motherskiss Since your so experienced at poshmark I was wondering if you could tell me how you mass tag people in the follow games? Also I noticed at the end of your tags you put a "private tag" mark. What is that for? Thank you ☺
Mar 18Reply

@motherskiss Oh and BTW your complexion is gorgeous! So jealous 😄😜
Mar 18Reply

@solo73 I still have them but I have not reposted them bc I can't prove their size if someone buys and say they do not fit.
Mar 19Reply

Wow you are just gorgeous!!! such a beautiful face !!!
Mar 20Reply

Thank you sooooo much Miss Lady @aimama
Mar 20Reply

@motherskiss hello , can i be removed from the tags? thanks
Mar 30Reply

Thank you my dear for all your advice and help trust me it's truly welcomed❤️
Apr 01Reply

You're a doll!!❤️❤️❤️❤️ @ginga69
Apr 01Reply

Better?👍😘😘😘😘😘thank u beautiful💜💙💚❤️
Apr 01Reply

@motherskiss Thank you for the shares! Pretty closet! 💐🌷🍀
Apr 03Reply

@peachylux 💕💕💕💕💕
Apr 03Reply

Thank you for the share on a few of my recent posting! Spreading the word is always appreciated.
Apr 04Reply

Thank you so much 😘😇🌹you are the best 🍒🌸 you've made my day!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 I hope your day is as great as mine❤️❤️❤️
Apr 17Reply

❤️💛💚 @ttd2
Apr 17Reply

It is a pleasure and an honor to finally meet you @motherskiss My twins boys are 12, diagnosed with DD and just both recently got released from speech. My third son is 10 with severe Autism, my now 8 year old daughter was diagnosed with PDD, LRD and Global DD and get this, just lost all her symptoms and is now in a neuroptypical 2nd grade class with no shadows. I don't understand how, but I'm not going to question God how she came to lose all her symptoms.
Apr 19Reply

WOW!!!!! You have been truly been blessed! They are such an enigma. My son didn't talk for the first 7 years of his life and then one Christmas he just started talking out of the blue! Yes we must talk often. I am on Facebook Dani Hocutt 💛❤️💚 @warrior04
Apr 19Reply

@motherskiss It was nice talking to you last night. And once again, you are a wonderful mentor/survivor/beautiful woman! .... One more thing...💜💜💜💜💜
Apr 22Reply

Awwwww thank you!!! It was great getting to know you too!!! @antonetteo
Apr 22Reply

6 yrs out here... So much love to you. 🌞🌵❤️
Apr 23Reply

❤️💛💚❤️💛💚❤️💛 @dreambigger11
Apr 23Reply

Just stopped by to say Hi.
Apr 28Reply

@motherkiss thank you for sharing my party, You have a lovely closet!!!!
Apr 30Reply

@motherskiss follow
May 03Reply

Happy Mother's Day!!💐🎉💗🙋
May 08Reply

Thanks soooo much!!! @crystallavery
May 08Reply

@motherskiss thank you for all the shares!! Cute closet! :)
May 19Reply

Blowing kisses to ya! Thanks! Xoxo @dogpacksports
May 24Reply

Yup that me and 4 other wondeful ladies :) @dogpacksports
May 24Reply

spadoni57 lnp916 kellidavis05 @dogpacksports
May 24Reply

Thanks for the kiss😘😍😍😍
May 28Reply

My pleasure 😁 @blackbarbies
May 28Reply

Or where that came from been posting all day LOL😂😂😂 @ciggy732
Jun 05Reply

I meant to say, plenty more where that came from (dang auto type!) @ciggy732
Jun 05Reply

Just as a tip you might not want to say "Micheal Kors Look a likes" in your listing kinda against posh rules a lot of closet won't share your items unless you follow all the rules 😞 I am not that way though 😃 just thought you should know 😘 @ciggy732
Jun 05Reply

@motherskiss wow Thankyou so much much for reaching out and helpful tips. Will be sure to share your closet. By the way I love Durham my daughter is a duke graduate and lives there 💕💕
Jun 05Reply

I sold so much this weekend!!!! All because of YOUR help! Thank you for the share group, for always helping me out, and others as well!!!! You're beautiful!
Jun 06Reply

My pleasure ❤️💛💚 @son_of_a_stitch
Jun 07Reply

Thank you for the shares!🤗 Very much appreciated🌼✌ have a blesses day! 🌷Sandy
Jun 07Reply

My pleasure❤️💚💛 @sandy_98
Jun 07Reply

Can you please tell me how to add the offer button?
Jun 13Reply

It should already be in your closet unless your version of Poshmark app is not up to date. Try to erase and then download the app again 😀 @samslizzy
Jun 13Reply

@motherskiss thank you, I'll try that 😀
Jun 13Reply

Are you trying to see the offer button in your closet? @samslizzy
Jun 13Reply

OH POOH! I am sorry some of the items didn't fit. If you can reposh them that would be awesome. Won't offend me if you sell it for more than I had them listed. That's good business sense😀 up to you If you want to send me something just make sure a signiture is required, anything left on my doorstep will get stolen.😢 Thank you for the awesome rating! @dogpacksports
Jun 17Reply

Oh yeah I forgot to ask!! Did you find the earrings I left for yoiu in the jacket pocket? @dogpacksports
Jun 18Reply

Thank you so much! 💛💚❤️ @romekey
Jul 04Reply

Dani hey there mama😂😆question for you😬I would LOVE for you to guest a an Illinois/Chicago Poshmark meet up!!??!?? I know your in NC , anyway anytime in August 😬😬😁😁😁😁😁😁😁💝💝💝💝💝💝your tips are so worth sharing Lmk , Chris 😘
Jul 06Reply

Would love to but....A. Funds are too low to travel B. Wouldn't know what to do with my and 3. I am incredibly shy! 😂😂😂😂 Thank you for thinking of me!!! @ginga69
Jul 06Reply

You're shy 😳😳would never thought 👭 well as your Pff I can share as your voice 😬😳😀😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂such GREAT TIPS HOW DO I REPRESENT YOU?! When you get time if you could I would love to share your ideas and website 💜💜 this is all still a work in progress but I couldn't imagine even trying to speak for you, you are wonderful and a great mentor ! so if you're up to it and you have some things I could share you could message me💝💝 ALL ON YOUR BEHALF 👭
Jul 06Reply

PS... I have a great sitter and 3 of my own👍🏻a good FREE PLACE TO SLEEP 💖💜Chris .
Jul 06Reply

Well with a glass of sweet red I am not THAT shy 😜 can you message me on Facebook? @ginga69
Jul 06Reply

I'm new on here and just wanted to thank you for sharing my first posted items!!!
Jul 24Reply

😉 @lenaalbrant
Jul 28Reply

Thank you very much for following! I love your closet. Great style :) bookmarked so I can return and hope to make some purchases! Soon will have some listings in mine. I'll be selling to buy. Want to change up my closet and try new stuff! Have a great day! 💕
Jul 30Reply

@motherskiss I welcomed @miclothing to Poshmark and mentioned you as my mentorr. Is that okay to do? I should have asked first. My apologies if that's not okay.
Jul 30Reply

Thanks for your following me!!
Aug 02Reply

My pleasure @jannie56
Aug 02Reply

I love your wit and your kindness. I have crohns disease and a retired real estate paralegal with a 47 yr old wonderful son who holds my hand when I'm in the hospital. Had 3 surgeries in 3 yrs. Am doing poshmark to earn extra money used all mine on what the ins. didnt pay. Thanks for all ur input and kindness.
Aug 08Reply

Thank you so much. I am doing the same...posh practically pays for my monthly meds for sarcoidosis. So I feel your pain. If you ever need any help feel free to find me. 😀 @sandralee6
Aug 08Reply

Thank you again
Im sorry to hear you are ill. I dont know what that illness is though
Aug 08Reply

@motherskiss Love this!!! I always struggle with staying on POSH for 5 more hours or reading on my Kindle too...lol!!! Worst part Is I do stay on POSH & then start reading so I'm up till like 3am!!!
Aug 10Reply

Hi. I keep seeing your name and really wanted to learn more about you. I applaud you for all you have accomplished in Posh and towards life. I am so sorry to hear you have someone ill. I will keep you both in my prayers. When you return, I'm sure I can learn a lot from you. Sondra
Aug 11Reply

thx so much for sharing my upcoming Posh Party with ur Posh Peeps!! I so Appreciate the the Posh ❤️❤️❤️☺️
Aug 12Reply

The Marley shirt? @dogpacksports
Aug 13Reply

Wow! They are fantastic. I had a several Marley tees and they sold quickly. Good investment! @dogpacksports
Aug 13Reply

You are too sweet!!!!! Life is not all that great right now. That would surely put a smile on my face @dogpacksports
Aug 13Reply

Aug 18Reply

Yay! ❤️👍🏻💜
Aug 18Reply

XOXO @emotionaldress
Aug 18Reply

Love your style!
Aug 18Reply

@motherskiss Hi Dani. I hope you and your family are doing well. Just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you and yours. 😊
Aug 23Reply

Thanks for the lovely shares. I will have to check out your FB page 😀
Aug 23Reply

@motherskiss Hi Dani. there is a really cool bookstore in Asheville called Malaprop's. if you ever venues to western NC it is a great place to get your book buzz on.
Aug 24Reply

Well hi neighbor 🙋 , i am glad that you are here to tell us about it darling, thank you for that ❤
Aug 24Reply

Howdy neighbor!!! 💛💚❤️😜 @sona76
Aug 24Reply

@motherskiss I love your introduction! Breast cancer survivors are some of the strongest women I know!! Sending positivity your way. Beautiful closet. 😙✌
Aug 25Reply

@motherskiss Dani I need help pulling my closet together with a theme. The rainbow is your what do you think I can do???? Peek in my closet and tell me how it makes you feel or what I can do to pop it out like yours thanks mama❤️
Aug 30Reply

@motherskiss hey Dani I haven't talked to you in a while so I just wanted to let you know that I love you and hope you are having a great day xoxo 💋 your PFF Hillary Marek
Sep 01Reply

@motherskiss and I was scrolling down and saw this...I work with special needs children and I have sooooooo much respects for their mothers. Nothing like seeing how much they believe in them, love them..and best of all fight for them to have the best in life 💗💗💗💗 this makes me like you even more, not just for your style 😊😊
Sep 05Reply

😉💚💛❤️ @bgab
Sep 05Reply

Have a beautiful day gorgeous lady💕💕💕💕
Sep 05Reply

You too! 💚💛❤️ @gbullard
Sep 05Reply

Your back did you have a good fun filled vacation. I missed you happy you are back.. Sandy
Sep 05Reply

It was eh... Had to take care of some family business . 😜 @sandralee6
Sep 05Reply

I signed/liked your notice to receive all the follow groups. I joined every one. I was so happy to see they were all easy and under 500 members so I feel like I got in on the bottom floor as you were speaking in one of your other listings. I see my name under the tag along 8? group. Does that now mean I'm part of a follow group named tagalong eight? Is that your share group? Hope so. Heard so many great things about you. Sondra
Sep 06Reply

Glad you are enjoying the tags. You are under #8 bc I have 9 lists. You can only use so many words per comment so I have broken down the over 200 people I tag into 9 small lists. I dont have a share group but I do have a Facebook Support group called "The Best Poshmark Tips" 😀 @shelpen
Sep 06Reply

Hello dear. Can't wait to get my package. You have the prettiest face and great smile. A question. I have been staying up with the follow groups and party invites so far. I have joined so many groups, I had to make screenshots of them to remember where they were! So far I have kept up with you. Do you see this going on at this pace all year? I'm not quitting yet, just wondering what is ahead. Continued
Sep 12Reply

As I mentioned earlier, I am trying to get ideas on how to come up with my own follow group and like group! Trying to come up with something to tie it into a big percent off of one item each week if they like the announcement when I send it out. What do you think.? I really need some sales. Thank you God bless
Sep 12Reply

Most people don't like to be tagged in sales listings. Follow games and party listings are ok, though. I got my tag group by putting up a post asking if anyone wants to be tagged and slowly but surely people signed up for it. Sales are never steady here some weeks are better than others @shelpen 😉
Sep 12Reply

The pleasure is all mine! Nice to meet you! 😉 @kebbi
Sep 14Reply

So does yours. Finally starting to sell some thongs thank goodness. My husband just came home from hospital he had open heart surgery 3 bypasses. Sleeps a lot but everyday a little better of course he has only been home a couple days. I just hope I don't have a heart attack when the bills start rolling in. This year I could only afford pur medicare of all years not to have the supplemental we had other years. Oh well. Listen you have a great blue bird day. Take care
Sep 22Reply

Thanks for the shares 😊😊😊😊Just starting out and trying to figure it all out😜💕
Oct 07Reply

My pleasure! @jenny710222
Oct 07Reply

@motherskiss Good morning. I hope all is well. I read your profile and it really touched me.
I must say I looooooove 😍 your profile. Is there any way you could possibly assist me on how to gain constant buyers? Or any pointers?
Oct 14Reply

Hello.. Thank you for stopping by and sharing :-) Have a great and fun poshing :-)
Nov 06Reply

Hi! Could you please remove me from the follow game tag list? Thank you!! 😊💕
Nov 09Reply

Done 😉 @lisay71
Nov 09Reply

Oh Sweets! No problem! Thank you for the purchase! Hope you are feeling better. @dogpacksports
Nov 12Reply

🌵Your closet curating is stunning, such positive vibes! I love it!
Nov 13Reply

Thank you soon much. Once again, congratulations on your party!! @lovelyoutletsho
Nov 13Reply
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