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Updated Oct 23
Updated Oct 23

Tip - What CANNOT Be Sold On Poshmark



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Here's the scoop, right from the source. When in doubt, always ask Posh Support! Do as they say and report all listings that are not allowed.
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thevintageroze Awesome👍👍👍
Apr 20Reply
tammysbeachwear Great info💕thanks!!!
Apr 20Reply
randeescloset ❤💝❤thank you❤💝❤
Apr 20Reply
larochelle @katz2 thanks for the info :) xoxo
Apr 20Reply
beautyblack Love it, Thx Clara💝💝💝
Apr 20Reply
katz2 @katjo Kathy, received a great answer from Support. 👆
Apr 20Reply
katjo 👍😃
Apr 20Reply
katz2 Check out my new listing.👆 @maxedout @queenmum @saintchic
Apr 20Reply
open 👍 cool
Apr 20Reply
idahotammy Thank you. This is what I needed to know. I understand their stance on Men's clothing but we have men members selling their clothes. So they take that risk. This is why u get paid the big bucks. LOL
Apr 20Reply
katz2 @idahotammy lol Now you can report them!
Apr 20Reply
katz2 Check out my new listing 👆@saundie @trendyg @partymk999
Apr 20Reply
goldenpolkadot 👍 😘💨 @katz2 👏👏👏👏👏🌹
Apr 20Reply
trendyg Tnx for the tag👍
Apr 20Reply
katz2 @hamptongal 😘💕👍
Apr 20Reply
aprils2ndcloset 👍👍👍😊💖👍👍👍
Apr 20Reply
katz2 @hamptongal Thanks, Pippa😘💕
Apr 20Reply
idahotammy @ampr411 @katz2 I do not know if you knew for sanitary reasons were are not allowed to sell bathing suits. I tagged @katz2 she has a page on her closet that identifies what we can and can not sell. I am not trying to tell you what to do. I got you back by letting you know so they do not pull you listing. Sincerely Tammy Cook
Apr 20Reply
katz2 @idahotammy @ampr411 please read entire listing. USED bathing suits cannot be sold. NWT are fine. Just wanted to clear that up.
Apr 20Reply
ampr411 @idahotammy yes thanks Im aware of that. Mines are Brand new. I manufacture them. As almost everything in my clothes is NEW. Thanks though
Apr 20Reply
ampr411 @katz2 thanks!! :))
Apr 20Reply
idahotammy @katz2 @ampr411 maybe my confusion was these are not mark as NWT or NWOT. Perhaps that will help people know they are new. Thanks for clarification
Apr 20Reply
katz2 @ampr411 😘💕👍
Apr 20Reply
idahotammy @ampr411 @Katz2 let me under stand you correctly. You are a swimsuit / designer; all the swim suits you are selling are brand new. @katz2 explain new ones this week are okay to sell on Posh. Which is way cool; I am glad they allow you to do this. The only recommend I have is to say Yes in the NWT field so you will not be slammed with questions I really think it is cool you design and manufacture
Apr 20Reply
ampr411 @idahotammy all of them have been marked New :) Thanks. Yes Im a bathing suit designer.
Apr 20Reply
idahotammy @ampr411 do you do one pieces or bikinis with French cuts. I am very interested. I honestly think this is cool and what posh is meant to be used for. Please understand I was not picking on you. I have sen some strange stuff on here. I always like to let people who have talent like this I appreciate their talent. @katz2 thanks for the further explanation. Now if @ampr411 could change my body I would be happy. Hey thanks for all the answers. Happy successful Poshing
Apr 20Reply
ampr411 @idahotammy Yes I can do any type, right now I just have the ones that you see here, Ill be posting new ones soon. Not worries I understand that you are trying to help making this site a safe place. I appreciate your nice words. :) my pleasure if with my bathing suits you will feel as beautiful as you are. :) Thanks again!
Apr 21Reply
idahotammy @ampr411 great I will be moving in a couple of weeks. I will get with you then. I live in Idaho. We do not get good weather until end of June. Thanks.
Apr 21Reply
arigrldesigns @katz2 Thanks, Clara that's great! 👏👏👏🎀
Apr 22Reply
katz2 @pmgr22 It sure clarifies things.💕😘
Apr 22Reply
katz2 @reedg22 Gretchen, I'm not sure. Your best bet is to send an email to Posh Support and ask them.
Apr 23Reply
nayjay3 Hi Clara it's so nice to meet you. You have a great closet 🌼🌼🌼. I wish everyone would follow Posh rules. It would just make everything easier. I've seen so many people get scammed by trading, it's ridiculous. 🙈🙈🙈
Apr 23Reply
katz2 @nayjay3 Hi Jae, thank you. 💕 You're right, there are so many problems/scams with trading that I don't understand why anyone would even consider it. 😳 Another caution for you, never give out your email address. Keep all communication within Posh. We have had scammers ask for email addresses because they "had questions" about an item. If you ever have questions, let me know, I'm just a tag away.🌹
Apr 23Reply
clumas Thank you so much for the warm welcome I feel so much like home
Apr 27Reply
katz2 @autumn16 You're welcome💕
Apr 27Reply
radardog1 Thanks ! For the warm welcome!
Apr 28Reply
katz2 @radardog1 You're welcome, Jane.🌹
Apr 28Reply
vintagarama Quick question- Are we permitted to sell undergarments that are NWT? Thanks in advance for your reply.
May 02Reply
katz2 @vintagarama Pauline, as long as the item is NWT attached, it can be sold.
May 02Reply
vintagarama Thank you so much for your reply. I appreciate you clearing that up for me.
May 02Reply
katz2 @vintagarama You're welcome💕
May 02Reply
deedeedeveraux @katz2 is a bra considered an undergarment and are bathing suit tops allowed? I see them everywhere so its confusing
May 05Reply
katz2 @deedeedeveraux Bras are undergarments and can only be sold if new with tag attached. As far as bathing suit tops, the same applies, new with tags. I know people list them, but, it doesn't mean they are allowed to be sold. It's a hygiene issue.
May 05Reply
deedeedeveraux @katz2 thanks for clarifying that!!
May 05Reply
katz2 @deedeedeveraux You're welcome💕
May 05Reply
katz2 @julianna I received your message and checked your closet. The only questionable item is the jewelry holder. If I were you, I'd check with Posh Support to see if that is ok to sell. My other question is if you check your new feed when the hosts announce the parties? Sometimes in their listings they ask to be tagged so they can check out your closet. With over 300,000 closets, you need to be visible when the hostesses are scouring closets for Host Picks. I'll tag you in some Suggested User closets with great info.💕
May 13Reply
katz2 @julieanna See above, I misspelled your name. 👆 Not enough coffee this am😬
May 13Reply
katz2 @julianna Sorry, I tagged the wrong person.😟
May 13Reply
katz2 @rudegyal 👆 My updated email from Posh Support.
May 13Reply
rudegyal Really? Can you not stalk me. Ive read it, it says does not CONDONE. Maybe youll feel much more satisfied by searching out the terms that arent allowed? Spend your time doing that? lol I'm aware of the rules. If it was " BANNED " I wouldnt have it posted. Thank you for your concern. wow
May 13Reply
katz2 @rudegyal Sorry, just trying to help.😟
May 13Reply
ajlangley @katz2 I guess I missed the part about mens clothing (and I will take them down if needed) but I am a bit confused as to why? I have seen lits a mens clothing I see this the same as any clothing. I wear/buy some mens clothes. Why is mens clothing banned? Are men not allowed on here? If so this is this seems a bit sexiest not to allow men or mens clothing.
May 19Reply
katz2 @ajlangley Amanda, if you read the FAQS, under What Can I Sell on Poshmark, the first sentence defines what Poshmark is: A marketplace for women's fashions and accessories. There are other sites where you can sell all clothes as well as specific ones for children's items. Poshmark has built and continues to build a reputation for women's fashion. Hope this helps with the why. Men do have closets on Poshmark and they sell women's fashion and jewelry. 😘💕
May 19Reply
bethblue I stumbled on your closet through someone else's, and I'm glad I did! I'm new to PM and I appreciate all of your advice. Many, many thanks! :)
May 20Reply
katz2 @bethblue So glad you found me too! I'll check out your closet and officially welcome you. 😘
May 21Reply
jacquiio1965 Gotta ut! That help. I appreciate ur welcone intro and increase support for followers. Ur a jewel.
May 29Reply
katz2 @jacquiio1965 You're welcome🌹
May 29Reply
9sandy911 @katz2 wow thanks I didn't know... But know I know will make sure I keep with in the rules 🙊👍
May 29Reply
katz2 @9sandy911 Good, Hosts make sure you do not have any of these items in your closet when making selections for Host Picks at the parties. It's better to be safe than sorry.😘
May 29Reply
9sandy911 @katz2 yes! One of my forts listing included a no no but I made sure to delist it. Thanks will b checking your closet for more tips 😉🌺
May 29Reply
katz2 @9sandy911 If you have questions, I'm just a tag away.💕
May 29Reply
katz2 @dressyu Hi, I know there is an ick factor to used undergarments, even bathing suits. Share all you want. As for the frames, I use some free apps for the iPad, like Your Moments and InstaFrame. Check out the listing that @open has in her closet for great info on cover shots.
Jun 03Reply
winnell1 @katz2 Thank you for information, I'm pretty much a newbie at this. I appreciate you sharing my closet.
Jun 06Reply
katz2 @winnell1 You're welcome.💕 if you have any questions, I'm just a tag away.
Jun 06Reply
winnell1 @katz2 Will definitely keep that in mind. Thanks again!!
Jun 06Reply
katz2 @winnell1 💕💕
Jun 06Reply
gailsjewels How do I put this on my page please? Or can I? Guess I should ask that first. Thanks so much for all the wonderful help. I was getting very frustrated when I was looking for clothes and all I would see was nic nacs and mens clothes and garage sale stuff, not clothes or shoes like I was looking for. I hate weeding thru all of that mess just to look at clothes. This is awesome. I do see so many people on here selling half used perfume and nail polish as well as makeup, all used...gross!! I don't know why anyone would want to buy used makeup or underwear either...eww...ok I've said enough, sorry for the rambling on. Thanks again for all the info. Blessings always, xoxo
Jun 14Reply
katz2 @gailsjewels Gail, you can take a screen shot and then use it on your page. Be sure you report all those items that cannot be sold when you see them. Posh asks that we not engage the seller, just report the item and the closet.
Jun 14Reply
gailsjewels @katz2 if you report a closet does that person know who reported it?
Jun 14Reply
katz2 @gailsjewels No, the report is anonymous.
Jun 15Reply
my_boutique @katz2 I was not aware that perfume could not be sold on posh because it's not listed anywhere however I did sale 2 a few months back and I took the others down because someone suggested that I probably don't get host picks because of that. So my only problem now is I still don't get HP I got 2 and one PM editors picks however I got those while my perfume was listed. I hope I'm not being punished for a past mistake like I said I was not aware of the no selling of perfumes and it's still not listed under items that can't be sold on posh.
Jun 19Reply
katz2 @hayleesherrie Haylee, you could put up a listing stating when you were new you didn't know what couldn't be sold and that you've learned from it and now follow all Posh rules. It always helps when you state up-front that you are a Posh Rules closet. You should not be punished for what was sold is you are compliant now. Perhaps your items haven't caught the eye of a hostess. Keep doing what you're doing and you'll get a Host Pick.💕
Jun 19Reply
my_boutique @katz2 I see some closets get like 3 or 4 in one party and some items getting picked multiple times. I'm not saying they have to choose my items but when I see stuff that's not even the theme picked it annoys me I think I have a great closet I have 103 sales 103 great feedback I only sale items I would wear myself I'm flexible with prices and I love to bundle I will make a listing about following posh rules but I will point out that I have seen HP closets that openly state that they take Ppl and they have items that posh clearly states can not be sold
Jun 19Reply
katz2 @hayleesherrie Since I have not hosted a party, I cannot say what directions the hosts are given. I have heard that the closet must follow Posh rules for a Host Pick. That being said, the hosts are allowed 100 items, so they start going through closets looking for compliant ones. At least I have been told that by hosts. When the theme is announced, they now have to select the actual items, usually days before the party. Ok, so if a seller then lists an item that is not approved, unless the host goes back and searches their entire closet again, they may not know it. I'm not excusing them, just explaining how it could possibly happen. A logistic nightmare to return again to all the closets, plus keep up with all the messages, shares etc. Some hosts get 300+ news messages and shares daily once their notice goes out.
Jun 19Reply
my_boutique @katz2 yeah that is true it would be a pain for them to go back through all closets they trust That the person is still following posh rules and that makes sense wow a host must have a headache lol
Jun 19Reply
katz2 @hayleesherrie Ok, to continue. It was getting too long. 😬 The selection again is up to the host. If they favor a particular look, style of a seller, they can select more than one item for. The closet. Many times several of the hosts select items from the same closet. You can tell when looking in the Host Picks by who shared the item. So even though the seller gets multiple Host Picks, they are from different hosts. Whew, did not mean to write a book. Sorry. Just keep following the hosts and read their listings. Sometimes they ask you to tag them in one of your items.😘💕
Jun 19Reply
katz2 @hayleesherrie Hope you and I get to find out one day.👍😀
Jun 19Reply
my_boutique @katz2 thank you so much for taking the time to explain all of this to me it's all making sense now :)
Jun 19Reply
my_boutique @katz2 me too :) and great closet by the way
Jun 19Reply
katz2 @hayleesherrie You're welcome💕 thanks, you also have a great closet.😍
Jun 19Reply
hustlegirl76 @katz2 so what happens when i sell a purse and now she is saying she dont think its authentic? But i know its real and she filled a complaint will i get paid or can i just get my purse back
Jun 20Reply
katz2 @hustlegirl76 Sorry Anissa, I was gone all day and just returned. Posh will make the determination if it is fake. Did you advertise it as real and do you have tags or a receipt, or good photos of it? I guess you will need to defend your claim to Posh. I have never experienced it so most of this is what I have read on Posh's blog or learned from others. At any rate, if worse comes to worse, the buyer will get a refund and you will get your merchandise back. I'm going to ask my very best mentor to chime in and help. @katjo Kathy, can you please read her comment above and give your valuable opinion. Thank you very much.💕
Jun 21Reply
katz2 @vchacon2012 Hope this answers your question. 💕
Jun 21Reply
vchacon2012 @katz2 Perfect. Thanks!
Jun 21Reply
eeagn Good to know!😊
Jun 23Reply
katz2 @eeagn Yes, no doubt about what not to sell👍
Jun 24Reply
angieolsen @katz2 so guys aren't allowed to have an acct and sell their stuff? That doesn't seem fair at all. I know some men with some very nice clothes. Just curious
Jun 28Reply
katz2 @angieolsen Men can have an account as long as they sell women's fashion and accessories. We do have men selling women's fashion on here. This is all explained by Posh in the FAQS. Hope this helps. 💕
Jun 28Reply
frugalbee @simo1969 um thanks for your concern but the description reads it clearly states new. Still have tags. The one being modeled is MY swimsuit. That I personally wear. The one for sale is an entirely different suit.
Jun 28Reply
katz2 @frugalbee Hi Lindsey, you can always add NWOT or NWT in the Details or Description so there is no confusion. I read the description and you do state it, but sometimes the uppercase letters help. 😊💖
Jun 28Reply
katz2 @mychic41 👆 The short answer is no. No men's items, no health/ wellness. This is all covered in the FAQS as well as the email I received from them. Posh asks that we report any items that we find. When in doubt, always contact Posh Support.😊
Jun 30Reply
vintagekushdoll @katz2 Thank you so much! :-)
Jun 30Reply
katz2 @mychic41 You're welcome💕
Jun 30Reply
katz2 @sammy Check the email I received from Posh Support.👆
Jul 02Reply
sammy @katz2 I did find this going thru all ur posts. I snapped it to show to her and put it up. Thanks for ur help. I'm mentoring a few girls and needed this!! 💓💓💓🌹I'd eventually like to be an SU. I take it very seriously!!!
Jul 02Reply
katz2 @sammy Copy and post this in your closet if you want. Just remember Posh asks us to report, not engage with the seller. You don't want drama! 😊
Jul 02Reply
sammy @katz2 oh, I know about that. 2 yrs ago there was so much drama on here. I report mostly. I told that one girl about the boys clothing and she asked where it said that and until now I couldn't find it. I don't sell nail polish but so many do and I didn't know it wasn't allowed. I bought nail art wholesale but not for here. Thanks for giving me the references to pass to my girls!!! 💓
Jul 02Reply
katz2 @sammy Didn't know that. I wasn't here then.
Jul 02Reply
sammy @katz2 omg Clara. Back then everyday someone had a scammer alert page and pple had catfished accounts. Then PM started deleting the pages and put rules up too. It was nuts!!! Good thing you missed it!!!
Jul 02Reply
katz2 @sammy Wow, glad I did, too!
Jul 02Reply
katz2 @spapini Sherri, a listing in my closet. Straight from Posh Support.👆
Jul 03Reply
katz2 @spapini Sherri, Posh Support is great. They always respond, so if you have a question, concern or suggestion, contact them. 💖
Jul 04Reply
katz2 @spapini Sherri, did this answer your question about no children's or men's items?
Jul 04Reply
nissafish @katz2 So phone cases are okay?
Jul 04Reply
katz2 @nissafish Yes, as long as they are not fake/inspired designer ones that infringe on copyrights.
Jul 04Reply
katz2 @lindsandre Lindsey, a suggestion....mark your rings unisex and list the sizes.💕
Jul 05Reply
rosiejacab @katz2 hi I have a question since I'm new to this. Since it says on the website that the normal label is only up to 5lbs. If you bundle items do you use a regular bathroom scale to check how everything weighs? Thank you
Jul 06Reply
katz2 @rosiejacab Rose, you need to weigh not only the items but the box as well. I have a small scale for postage that I use, but I think the bathroom scale may work. Check out the USPS web page to order free Priority Mail boxes.
Jul 06Reply
rosiejacab @katz2 thanks so much for the info and quick reply. 😃😃😃😃😃
Jul 06Reply
katz2 @rosiejacab You're welcome😊
Jul 06Reply
anoliver Clara, I totally thought I was following you!!! I'm so sorry😞 I'm so embarrassed, I'm hoping I accidently unfollowed you at some point...
Jul 07Reply
katz2 @anoliver Angela, we think it's a glitch in the system. I have followed Robin about 5 times. It shows that I'm not following her, but she sees in her followers that I am. The same with Nahla, she just followed me again for the umpteenth time. Don't worry about it.😊😘
Jul 07Reply
katz2 @jerseygirlxox Ginaa, now let's be sure you're following the rules and a Host Pick will be in your future!
Jul 07Reply
anoliver Ok thanks!! That makes me feel better- I thought I was losing it!!😳😜
Jul 07Reply
katz2 @jerseygirlxox Ginaa, at the evening Posh a Party, the hosts select items from closets that fit the theme to Spotlight them. You must have a closet that follows all posh rules to have an item selected. Check out the party and click on Host Picks to see what the excitement is all about. Posh also selects sellers like us to be the Hosts. It's quite an honor, too. 😊
Jul 07Reply
katz2 @anoliver 😊💖💖
Jul 07Reply
gemmacapua Hi Clara, it's nice to meet you! 😊 I contacted Posh support with basically these questions and I learned that sports bras count as undergarments and need to be NWT. I also learned that leggings/stockings/tights and such do not count as undergarments and can be sold used. Just thought I'd share this info with you too.
Jul 09Reply
katz2 @gemmacapua Gemma, thanks, I did know that. All types of bras must be new with tags. The same with bathing suit tops. 💕
Jul 09Reply
katz2 @brittqberry I'm not sure if you had time to read the FAQS before you posted your closet. Please check out the email 👆 from Posh.💕
Jul 10Reply
katz2 @rlwiest This is what I was talking about. 👆
Jul 10Reply
katz2 @fausto123 Maria, this is important for new Poshers to read. 👆Just in case you didn't read all the FAQS.💕💕
Jul 10Reply
scavanjahh Saw a suggested user that sold a used swimsuit 😁
Jul 10Reply
katz2 @scavanjahh I hope you reported it as requested by Posh.😕
Jul 10Reply
scavanjahh I did😊
Jul 10Reply
rlwiest Wow is this policy ever abused. As i was reading through the list, I thought about how many of those listings I have seen.
Jul 10Reply
katz2 @rlwiest Rhonda, I know. Posh has great info in the FAQS and on the Tumblr app, too.
Jul 10Reply
katz2 @misty548 Misty, here's the info👆
Jul 11Reply
katz2 @missmojorisin 😊💖💖
Jul 17Reply
ximenak 👍👍👍 follow the rules ladies !!! 😉😉
Jul 19Reply
katz2 @ximenak 😊👍
Jul 19Reply
c00lstuff @katz2 is trading against posh's rule?
Jul 19Reply
katz2 @c00lstuff No, it's not against the rules, but neither are you protected. I tagged you in a closet that has a great explanation.💕
Jul 19Reply
lmd1410 Hi tthere! :) hope you are doing wonderful! I need some advice!! I stumbled upon someone's closet and realized I was blocked so I looked thru their page and saw one of my items being listed with all the same pictures of my bracelet that I have listed in my closet :( I have never had contact with this user so there was no reason for the block but I guess maybe they thought I wouldn't see my pics being used if I was blocked but I did... What do I do? I reported the users closet and sent an email. So not cool.
Jul 21Reply
katz2 @lmd1410 Lauren, you did the correct thing. Always notify Posh support for issues such as this. My only suggestion would be for you to take a screen shot of their listing showing their user name of course to include as documentation to Posh. That way you have proof and so does Posh. You are correct, so not cool!😡
Jul 21Reply
lmd1410 Okay perfect I did screenshot it :) thank you for the help I really appreciate it. You are so wonderful :)
Jul 21Reply
katz2 @lmd1410 You're welcome😊 Happy Poshing💖
Jul 21Reply
katz2 @viamarie Olivia, in case you haven't had time to read the FAQS 👆
Jul 21Reply
katz2 @hopelehmann 👆 a FYI
Jul 22Reply
katz2 @giannaiafrate Hi, since you're new, I wondered if you saw this info in the FAQS.👆
Jul 23Reply
azthreadz @irenekim1 here's another listing about it. @katz2 mentored me when I was new and really helped me with what can and cannot be sold as well as get more followers and host picks! Good luck! :)
Jul 23Reply
giannaiafrate Thanks for the info!!
Jul 24Reply
katz2 @anneka702 You need to contact Posh Support. Send them an email with screen shots of what she is saying. They will handle it.
Jul 24Reply
nightflowers79 Love this!!!!
Jul 26Reply
katz2 @cassidydaniels 👍😘💕
Jul 26Reply
cristinie @katz2 Thank you for the helpful info!
Jul 28Reply
katz2 @cristinie You're welcome💕
Jul 28Reply
katz2 @judy_yen Did you see this?👆
Jul 29Reply
kcappello Thanks for the tips!
Jul 30Reply
katz2 @kcappello 😊💖💖
Jul 30Reply
sparker1966 Is there a way to make the text bigger so iPhone users can read? Any help is appreciated.
Aug 02Reply
katz2 @sparker1966 Sally, sorry, no. The app doesn't allow the text to be made larger. My only suggestion would be to print it or do a screen shot and then expand the screen shot on the iPhone .
Aug 02Reply
sparker1966 TY dear I will try one of those as soon as I feel up to it. I recently had surgery and I am resting but didn't want to forget to thank you!
Aug 02Reply
longca1959 @katz2 I have a question I thought Key chains were a no no for Posh sellers? I saw in a suggested user's closet that had many . I made the same mistake about not knowing they were forbidden . There are such fashionable key chains out there with Coach , kate spade etc. But I want to make sure I read it correctly. I sold two before Christmas last year myself and sure hope it doesn't ruin my record with Posh. Thanks for your time 💜
Aug 04Reply
katz2 @longca1959 Hi Cindy, I really don't know about key chains. I too, see them in all the closets. Your best bet would be to ask that question of Posh Support. They are the experts. I would be interested in their response too.💖
Aug 04Reply
longca1959 @katz2 I asked Brenda and she said that they are a No No. I had some to list but won't list them now that I know. 💜
Aug 04Reply
katz2 @longca1959 Thanks Cindy! That's good to know. 😊💕
Aug 04Reply
katz2 @mskelseyc You're welcome💕
Aug 04Reply
katz2 @longca1959 Cindy, when in doubt ask Posh Support, so I did! The reply is in the email above. Key chains are a fashion accessory and are allowed.💖
Aug 05Reply
longca1959 @katz2 Thanks for clearing that issue up. Because I have a few I want to list but I saw that on Brenda's and I asked.... she showed a place where they listed them in the no category . But after seeing your email . I am going to list them . I am trying to become a suggested user and did not want to tarnish my record! You have been such a great help! Thank you!!!!
Aug 05Reply
katz2 @longca1959 Cindy, you're welcome. I think as Posh evolves, things change too, so I always ask Support.💖
Aug 05Reply
longca1959 @katz2 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Aug 05Reply
katz2 @longca1959 Cindy, have you checked out the Posh blog on Tumblr? They just posted last week info on becoming a Host and they also have info on the Suggested User program. 💛💙❤️
Aug 05Reply
longca1959 @katz2 no I haven't I need to sit down and figure it out . I had forgotten my password and I am in the middle of staging my house to sell . I am having an hour to myself tomorrow maybe I will try to figure out what the password was . But I will definitely read it . Thanks for letting me know! You have been so helpful!💜
Aug 05Reply
katz2 @longca1959 All in good time Cindy! Don't spread yourself too thin! 😘💖💖
Aug 05Reply
kalifreshness1 Such great info.
Aug 08Reply
krissy7250 Thank you @katz2 I didn't know this.😄
Aug 08Reply
katz2 @krissy7250 You're welcome.💖
Aug 08Reply
katz2 @tzanosjd Just thought you'd like to review this since you're new. 💕
Aug 09Reply
jbarnhart1815 Just a question, why is it that men's clothing isn't allowed?..
Aug 10Reply
katz2 @jbarnhart1815 Jaime, the answer is in the Poshmark Support Center, FAQS under What Can I Sell On Poshmark. Posh explains it very well. If you have other questions about their policy, contact Posh Support. 😊💖💖
Aug 10Reply
katz2 @marlanap @lolabella6 👆 This is what I received from Posh. No used swimsuits or underwear according to them.
Aug 10Reply
lolabella6 Ok, sounds good👍
Aug 10Reply
marlanap I understand that, but used and NWOT are not the same thing. The swimsuit I have never had a tag. It came in a plastic bag that I discarded. Thanks. I will take the time to read the whole thing. @lobella6
Aug 10Reply
marlanap Oops @lolabella6 See what I said above.
Aug 10Reply
katz2 @marlanap @lolabella6 Yes, NWOT is not mentioned. If you could get something concrete about that designation, it would be wonderful!
Aug 10Reply
marlanap @pearlfectfix See above which mentions both phone cases and keychains being considered both accessories. You were reading our minds because I just got tagged to this a minute ago too.
Aug 10Reply
marlanap I thoroughly read it and it still does not say NWT! @lolabella6
Aug 10Reply
its_tishira ❤️Great! Thank you!! @katz2 @marlanap❤️
Aug 10Reply
katz2 @pearlfectfix 😊💖💖
Aug 10Reply
katz2 @karmaskreations Phone cases are allowed. See above.👆😊💖💖
Aug 12Reply
karmaskreations Oh this was extremely helpful! Thank you so much for this!
Aug 12Reply
katz2 @karmaskreations Glad to hear it! 😊💖
Aug 12Reply
dhannon1120 Thanks again @katz2 😃 I never read up on selling here and I should have. I've been looking around since beginning of May but just started my closet a week ago and was going by what I saw other people doing and assuming it's ok. My bad! Now I know. ☺️
Aug 17Reply
katz2 @dhannon1120 Donna, it pays to be informed. By not following Posh rules, you can have your closet privileges terminated, plus you may not be eligible to become a Suggested User or co-host a Posh party. There's lots of great information in the FAQS. 💕
Aug 17Reply
poshinistajen @kittykat37 Here is a good listing on what is allowed on Posh! Check it out! :-)
Aug 17Reply
lakeforest @julbecool Hi Julie- here's more, FYI😊
Aug 20Reply
tippiejax What I find interesting, is that a particular posher, who hosts almost every party, sells nail polish! What??!! I see so many contradictions and rules that do. Or apply to the "popular". This is aggravating. Thanks you for posting this, because as a excellent example, I am tired of say, searching for pajamas, and being bombarded with an array of onesies. It really clogs up and ruins the search experience at times. So does a posher who changes a propaganda listing to a particular party theme and then posting their advertisements all over the party feeds. Thanks again, for posting about this!!
Aug 23Reply
katz2 @tippiejax Cathy, do as Posh asks, report the items as well as the closet. I have seen listings removed, so I know they check them out.💕
Aug 23Reply
tippiejax Thanks much. I do report but it is overwhelming at times. I just did a simple search on nail polish and 1000s of listings came up. I can do an "inspired" search on any handbag and those are everywhere too. I will keep helping, by reporting, but is seems such a daunting task. Thanks for fighting the good fight with me!
Aug 23Reply
katz2 @tippiejax Cathy, you are not alone in this fight. There are many gals on Posh who report daily, as we do. It's a never-ending battle! As long as people buy, others will sell. 💕
Aug 23Reply
katz2 @robinadi 👆 key chains are ok to be sold.
Aug 24Reply
robinadi Thank you. I've had keychains listed from the very start and even sold them. Than I started to wonder. Are you going to poshfest?
Aug 24Reply
katz2 @robinadi Unfortunately, no Poshfest for me. 😔 We have too many family events in November.
Aug 24Reply
katz2 @hsteinfeld This may help.💕 👆
Aug 29Reply
katz2 @fashionstar14 @hamptongal FYI 👆 Info direct from Poshmark. I keep updating it. You can always tag someone here if they're new.💕
Aug 31Reply
katz2 @dazzlindeals Part 3, if you're still awake. 💕
Aug 31Reply
sakshi9984 And this out too @ajoneal
Sep 07Reply
mossandvine Good to know! Thanks for listing this here.
Sep 08Reply
katz2 @mossgirl007 Minica, I try to keep things updated. The best closet for what can or cannot be sold is that of @queenmumm She also has a killer blog which can be accessed from her closet.💕
Sep 08Reply
mossandvine Cool, thank you for the tip! I appreciate your help, Clara! (hug)
Sep 08Reply
mossandvine I'm on my desktop w/no emoticons at the moment.
Sep 08Reply
katz2 @mossgirl007 No problem, Monica. I use an iPad, so they are always at my fingertips.😁
Sep 08Reply
katz2 @read247 emails from Posh 👆 When in doubt, I always ask.
Sep 09Reply
read247 Exactly! Moving it up in my likes.
Sep 09Reply
katz2 @read247 👍😊
Sep 09Reply
jojobear81 @katz2 Wow! This is crazy that I ran into this. Haha! I just saw a vacuum of some sort for sale on a page. It said "sold" though so I'm guessing I can't even report it.
Sep 12Reply
katz2 @jojobear81 Jojo, you may see many strange things! lol I believe you may still report them if they are sold. Posh will check the closet.
Sep 12Reply
katz2 @lmerlino Liz, you're new, so I thought you may not have had time to read the FAQS or the info above.👆
Sep 17Reply
katz2 @serenazhou Since you're new, you may not have had time to read all the FAQS. See the listing above for assistance in cresting your closet.😊💕💕
Sep 19Reply
melissahartsell @jwitte these I have in my likes to go back & review for my own safe mind.
Sep 19Reply
jwitte @melissahartsell ok went through my stuff and deleted what I figured was not posh rules. I never want to do something against posh rules. It's not in me to be a rule breaker. I feel like my night was sort of ruined with all the once excitement now feeling like I did something wrong but what do u do.
Sep 19Reply
sivanz Quick question :-) I have a jewelry box, iPad covers & laptop sleeves. Can I sell them on Poshmark?
Sep 19Reply
katz2 @sivanz The iPad sleeves are ok. The jewelry box is not, it's considered a household item. I am not sure about the laptop sleeves. The best thing is to go to the Poshmark Support Center via your closet and send an email to Support asking them. They will give you the correct answer. I will also tag you in a closet that has a blog which explains, in depth, what can or cannot be sold.💕
Sep 19Reply
katz2 @elpers6 Hi Amber! You gave a great closet! I was just checking it out and wondered why no Host Picks? Your items are darling! Then I spotted the used bra which cannot be sold.👆 If you didn't have that item, I'm sure the Hosts would jump at a chance to spotlight your closet. Thanks for hearing me out.😊💕💕
Sep 20Reply
elpers6 Ok I took off the bra. I didn't realize it was against the rules! :) thanks.
Sep 20Reply
katz2 @elpers6 I didn't think you knew! 👍 YAY! Hoping you get a HP now.💕💕
Sep 21Reply
leighd81 Thank you for posting this! I've been a member for almost 2 years and have yet to be chosen for a host pick so I try my hardest to abide by all of poses rules (although I HAVE made mistakes in the past) I can start expanding my followers and getting host picks... ;-) I see that nwt swim suits are allowed- would you be able to clarify... are nwt bras okay to sell? I've got a rather large collection I've been hoarding and have just started to list.... before I spend hours listing them * this acceptable? Your assistance is greatly appreciated on my end! :-)
Sep 22Reply
katz2 @leighd81 Leigh, yes NWT bras are perfectly fine to sell. I've tagged you in my other listing from Posh which has more info. I hope you get a HP soon.💕
Sep 22Reply
leighd81 Thank you so much! It's really nice to find someone who is caring enough to offer tips and instructions to others *new to Posh/inexperienced with the rules- (Like ME!!) out of the kindness of their heart. I truly appreciate your time. ♡♡♡
Sep 22Reply
katz2 @leighd81 You're most welcome😊💕💕
Sep 22Reply
sakshi9984 Great 👍👍
Oct 13Reply
katz2 @sakshi9984 Thanks Sakshi 💕
Oct 13Reply
nettykins @katz2 Hi, I'm still fairly new to this... I have a question about trading. I've been ask a few time if I trade, I don't what to brake any rules. I know some women don't share other listings if posh rules are broken.. I was just wondering if trades are okay? Slightly confused!
Oct 14Reply
katz2 @nettykins Trades are not forbidden, but you are not protected through Posh. I will tag you in a listing that has excellent information.
Oct 14Reply
nettykins @katz2 thank you sooo much for the information!! 💕💕 I appreciate it!!
Oct 14Reply
katz2 @nettykins You're welcome💕 It is better to be informed and forewarned than sorry.😊
Oct 14Reply
debbie043059 @katz2 Thanks for all the useful information, tips, etc... Very helpful❤️
Oct 20Reply
katz2 @debbie043059 you're welcome💕
Oct 20Reply
debbie043059 @coolgirljess Hope this helps answer your questions😊
Oct 26Reply
vogue_vice Do you know if nwt unopened sealed conditioner can be sold?
Oct 26Reply
katz2 @emilyclaire82 Hi, liquids of any kind are not allowed on Posh. Brenda @queenmumm has a listing in her closet as well as a great blog that itemizes exactly what can and cannot be sold. If you go to her closet, the link to the blog is at the top. Just click on the link and it will take you directly to the web page.
Oct 27Reply
vogue_vice Thanks so much! I had a feeling so in glad I checked with you! I'll check @queenmumm out too. Thanks for clarifying! 😘😘😘
Oct 27Reply
katz2 @emilyclaire82 You're welcome🌹🌻🌺
Oct 27Reply
tippiejax @heidihoney it doesn't matter what size the "kid" garments are. And curling irons & wellness products are clearly mentioned.
Nov 04Reply
katz2 @mydtrscloset Sorry, it's fine to read on an iPad or computer. I cannot make the print any larger.
Dec 08Reply
proverbs_31 @tthomas58 Another good one! Also, I have emailed Posh to ask if I can sell a certain item (umbrella -yes!). They have good customer service.
Dec 13Reply
leliluv Hi @abenalovesyou, here is a great listing explaining what can and what cannot be sold on Poshmark.
Dec 14Reply
katz2 @hedwiga Another list 👆from Posh.
Dec 17Reply
sakshi9984 @richa27 check this out Richa . It would clear all your doubts 👍
Dec 21Reply
havenb1 @shay3624 @smartyknickers she has some awesome info to help new poshers:)
Dec 22Reply
smartyknickers Thank you for the tag, @havenb1 ! I have seen lots of these prohibited items on poshmark and I've wondered how they got here.
Dec 22Reply
havenb1 @smartyknickers I know, and it is frustrating ! I know that your closet is perfect but some just don't want to follow rules:( Posh encourages us to report any listings you run across that don't follow the guidelines :) I really hope you don't mind all of these tags! I just want to give you all the info I can:)
Dec 22Reply
daisymae061874 Are we able to list authentic phone cases from like Victoria's Secret and coach?
Dec 25Reply
katz2 @daisymae061874 Phone cases are considered accessories and are allowed. For a complete list, check out the closet of @queenmumm She has a blog link at the top of her closet with the best information on what can and cannot be sold. She's our "gold standard." 😍
Dec 25Reply
daisymae061874 Thanks for that. One day I may become "the gold standard" you never know. Haha. Thanks again for everything!!!! You have been most helpful.
Dec 25Reply
katz2 @daisymae061874 You're most welcome💕
Dec 25Reply
sottino @katz2 Hi Merry Christmas to you snd yours 🎄🎅 I am doing a little bit of fun things on posh because i received a new awesome camera for Christmas just because of Posh!! Anyway my question is thus; remember up there where it says that keychains are allowed to sell? I know back when there was a little controversy over this . I have purchased for sale BNWT COACH KEY FOBS THAT ARE VERY CUTE. Very well covered usb drives in disguise. One is a red heart, one a two tone colored stick, and a couple of others. I heard that we CANNOT SELL THESE ??? I used to have people ask about them but not in a while. I would like to know for sure this time and would like to know if you know. I dont want to get called on them. Any advice you could provide would be fantastic ! Thanks so much !! Sheila 🎀🎀
Dec 25Reply
paulete Thank you for all information!
Dec 30Reply
katz2 @paulete You're welcome💕
Dec 31Reply
smartyknickers Hi @katz2 ! This is a GREAT resource, so thank you for getting the discussion started. I have a question: I'm pretty new (a few weeks into selling), and I've been told the secret to success is "follow, follow follow, share, share, share." And yes, it's totally true! In your opinion, is it advisable to NOT follow people who sell unapproved items, and also to NOT share any of their things (even the approved things?) I want to be supportive of my fellow poshers, but at the same time, I don't want to encourage/positively reinforce the rule-breaking by following people who are selling used swimsuits and lipsticks, along with their clothing --or-- by sharing any of their things. Basically, I want to be as supportive as possible, without reinforcing undesirable behavior. What do the experienced, rule-following gals do? I welcome thoughts and opinions from all of the experienced posh etiquette goddesses out there, including @havenb1 and @anoliver ! Thank you so much. XO!!!
Jan 05Reply
katz2 @smartyknickers The best advice is to go with your feelings. The seller who has a legal closet now, may post a baby item, lipstick or men's item in an hour. You would drive yourself crazy trying to vet every closet each time you shared. You would be following and unfollowing daily! Posh asks us to report and we do what they say. Posh does not give us a hard and fast rule other than reporting the items.
Jan 05Reply
katz2 @smartyknickers Sorry, I was interrupted. At any rate, I don't consciously follow those who have unsupported items in their closets. But I also don't have the time to go and check each closet either. As I get new followers, I will check their closet, but I don't go back again and again to see if they are still following the rules. As for sharing, I feel the polite thing to do is to share back, only the legal items. Some people tell them they cannot share because of the not allowed items. Again, Posh states do not engage. We are not the Posh Police! Always let Posh handle it. No drama, no problems. This is my personal opinion and I'm sure others have a different way of handling it. 😊💕
Jan 05Reply
smartyknickers Thanks SO MUCH, @katz2 ! That's pretty much what I've been doing: sharing the legal things, and doing my best to ignore the non-legal things. I would probably not follow a closet filled with entirely (or almost entirely) toys, makeup, used undies, etc., but if it looks good when I first peek in, I'm comfortable following them. And you're totally right: a legal closet today could have used cosmetics in it tomorrow. Also, someone who sold lotion a year ago may have decided to follow the rules more recently, and now their closets are kosher. You rock. Thank you!
Jan 05Reply
katz2 @smartyknickers You're welcome💞
Jan 05Reply
anoliver @smartyknickers Aww.. Danielle, I just adore you😊 Clara put it wonderfully and I think she gives great advice❤️ I have a hard time sharing anything from well established (been on here long enough to know better) closets that blatantly ignore the rules, but as Clara said, you'd drive yourself bonkers trying to police every closet!😜 I say kindness and respect win every time, so I try to be like that no matter what❤️ You are doing a FABULOUS job and have an impressive amount of followers for your short time on here, not to mention a gorgeous closet❤️ I'm so glad to have crossed paths with you😘 Sorry for cluttering up your listing Clara, I hope you both have a blessed day!!😘😘
Jan 05Reply
katz2 @anoliver 😘💕💕
Jan 05Reply
smartyknickers @anoliver Thank you soooo much for your thoughts / etiquette tips! I appreciate it so very much! I'm glad our paths crossed. 💞💞💞
Jan 06Reply
leliluv Hi Jenny @xovelezquez, here is another good one to use as reference. Please read the pictures, it will give you more details about a few items you can and cannot sell on Posh.
Jan 08Reply
katz2 @suzy095 I checked your closet and you have two things that are considered children's toys and do not fall under the category of women's fashions and accessories. If you remove those items, you will have a totally legitimate closet!😃
Jan 10Reply
katz2 @suzy095 Great!😘👍
Jan 10Reply
blkhenna @katz2 thx Jen 2 thumbs up to u!!!
Jan 13Reply
katz2 @blkhenna 😉👍
Jan 13Reply
katz2 @otepbunni FYI 👆 Just to let you know.
Jan 13Reply
marypaz13 Lingerie is considered an undergarment correct?
Jan 17Reply
katz2 @marypa13 I believe if it goes next to your skin, it is.
Jan 17Reply
marypaz13 Just making sure :)
Jan 17Reply
katz2 @marypa13 😊👍 Better to be safe than sorry!💞
Jan 17Reply
marypaz13 So very true!!
Jan 17Reply
i7portia @cljoi 🔝 :)
Feb 02Reply
cljoi @i7portia oh thank you for tagging me. 😊 I'll remove it .
Feb 03Reply
i7portia @cljoi Awesome! 😊 Glad to help! @katz2 Hi, Clara, this is Claire @cljoi , a lovely Posher who has a really cute closet and is following all the Posh rules. :)
Feb 03Reply
groovyfem2001 @katz2 hello. I am new here on Posh and started my closet 2 nights ago. Ihavenot sold one thing yet. Am i doing something wrong? Its kind of discourageing. I would love some advice. Thanks so much❤
Feb 15Reply
katz2 @groovyfem2001 Hi Erin, I just "welcomed" you and tagged some friends to your closet. You need more followers and more shares. When you share your closet, only your followers see the items. So, more followers, you share their items, they share your items...and your closet gets more exposure. You should also share your items to the parties too. The following games are a great way to build followers as are the share groups. I will tag you in some to get you started.💕
Feb 15Reply
gr8style @sherryflayyan I found this very helpful and thought you would, too, especially as you begin to fill your closet.
Mar 18Reply
ccherlee @Katz2 would lingerie NWT be a prohibited item to sale? I see undergarments on the list but assumed that means 'used' and not 'new'. I have several new lingerie items in my closet and wouldn't want to be a rule breaker. Thanks for your any advice.
Mar 19Reply
katz2 @ccherlee Cece, all NWT attached lingerie, bras and bathing suits may be sold on Posh. Happy Poshing!😃
Mar 19Reply
ccherlee Thank YOU for the confirm @katz2 !!
Mar 19Reply
katz2 @ccherlee You're welcome🌸
Mar 19Reply
thewifeysthings @katz2 Ive also asked directly and recently found out that makeup bags and duffle bags are prohibited items to sell...your definitely right if you have any doubts its best to ask 😀💕
Mar 28Reply
katz2 @bjgilliam 😊💕👍
Mar 28Reply
nelsongirlwow1 Posh support keeps crashing and then it shuts down my whole app. Im not sure why. I love that you have posted this. I had sold some contacts before i read these and i was almost suspended. Thankfully someone told me they were a no sale item. Posh is a wonderful app with very helpful people:)
Apr 04Reply
katz2 @nelsongirlwow1 Danielle, delete the app and reinstall it. That usually works.
Apr 04Reply
stylebytory The woman on posh are the nicest, sweetest people and have helped me so much! It is a wonderful system:)
Apr 14Reply
katz2 @torysfinds Tory, absolutely!💞💞
Apr 14Reply
stylebytory Thank You so much!
Apr 14Reply
aimeelove3 Hi this is a really wonderful post. I am glad I read this, because I recently searched for a Victoria secret perfume that is out of market and some one was selling a new and used( this was my absolute favorite perfume). If it's out of market is that okay to be selling it on here, since it's been discontinued? I am trying to make sure before I purchase
Jul 11Reply
katz2 @aimeelove3 Aimee, perfume is not allowed to be sold on Posh because of postal regulations, federal law. You cannot ship hazardous materials (flammable perfume) via priority mail, which is how Posh ships items. Hope this helps.
Jul 11Reply
aimeelove3 Thank you. I am guessing they font know about this rule. But poshmark hasn't told them to take it down either.
Jul 11Reply
katz2 @aimeelove3 They may know and not care. With all the closets on Posh, it's difficult to police, so we are asked to report non-compliant closets. Posh will get to them. Unfortunately they sometimes get their closets suspended, too.
Jul 12Reply
heatherschoice Helpful as always and lovely closet, as always!
Aug 22Reply
katz2 @heatherschoice Heather, thanks💞
Aug 22Reply
toshmarkz Very helpful!
Sep 25Reply
katz2 @toshmarkz I'm glad you find it helpful!😊🌸
Sep 25Reply
toshmarkz Can you look through my closet and let me know if I am violating rules? Im fairly new and looking to get a HP soon
Sep 25Reply
katz2 @toshmarkz Tosia, your closet is fine. Very nice.💞 I hope you gets lots if Host
Sep 25Reply
katz2 @toshmarkz Sorry, cat bumped me! I was saying I hope you get lots of Host Picks!
Sep 25Reply
toshmarkz @katz2 lol crazy cat 🐱 yay, thanks for looking!!
Sep 25Reply
katz2 @toshmarkz You're welcome😊🌸 That's what the crazy cats do best. Knock things over or bump you when you least expect it!😂😂😂
Sep 25Reply

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