Q-Tip of the Millenium!
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Wondering if you can sell that item on Poshmark? Here's a definitive list (written with Poshmark's guidance) that should curb any confusion and inspire you to build a blossom of a closet! Warning: it's a bit of a read (grab the Doritos), but I've PACKED it with eye-opening info. Just click on my blog link at the top of the closet... Or, copy and paste: http://bit.ly/1l1coqY. Then, LIKE this post if you love guideline compliance and please share! Thank you!

106 others
like this

@lilmscrys @lynnysimmons @ex_globetrotter @ellebee206 Whew.😅 Now I can sleep again!
May 10Reply

@fuzzynavel @mizfabulousity Would so appreciate your shares on this one! We're building better closets through knowledge and support!
May 10Reply

@katjo @ccargo Hey, lovely ladies!😘 Would so appreciate your shares for this very special tip. Hope it also provides a good giggle.😉
May 10Reply

@erikagannon @jaimerstone @blandw @bwenger @lmfashion @aclassycloset Here's what I mentioned in NC. Hope it makes you smile! Missing all of you! 😘👑
May 10Reply

@queenmumm I was just thinking about you and all I learned from you today!! I had such a lovely time getting to know you! I can see a Nashville road trip in my future! Missing you too!! Xoxo
May 10Reply

@erikagannon 😘 Missing you, girl! I'm definitely planning a Nashville thing. Gotta get my Posh homies together for an epic weekend!
May 10Reply

I'm coming to Nashville too!
May 10Reply

May 10Reply

@classyvintage @hollynoel25 ;)
May 10Reply

@maxedout Ty!💕🌺💕✌️
May 10Reply

@queenmumm Missing you too Brenda! Had a great time w/you & all my new PFF's. I wish we could have spent more time together. Hoping to make that road trip to see you soon! I'm going to Lynn's this weekend! I can't wait! She will def have to come with to Nashville! ❤️😘
May 10Reply

@lynnsimmons 👆👆
May 10Reply

I'll add this to my info share that I do each night Brenda! I share lots of great info that you -enigma and a few others have out there in hopes it puts the low beam POSHERS on high beam! Thank you for all you do! Lots of us notice and much appreciated!
May 10Reply

Yay! It's done. Now go rest my queen. ❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘
May 10Reply

Things to do list: Hook up IV of caffeine. Answer emails. Weed through mass tags, find questions, answer several hundred questions squeezed in between mass tags, scroll through mile long newsfeed to make sure no question goes unanswered. Share people asking to share their closets, party signs, sales signs, tip signs, vote for me signs, Mother Day signs, return the shares done while I got my maximum no times for sleep 2 hour nap, thank people for kudos on hp, answer all questions, likes, comments on ig, FB and twitter, maybe squeeze in a shower or just use the dry shampoo and pray no one stops by and sees my Don King hair. Think about what to order for dinner and wonder why I even have a stove, let dog in out in out in out in out feed dog let dog in out in out in out in out, list the mountain of clothes you been trying to list for the last few months, work on book that should be finished between interruptions by perhaps the year 2025, check on Dad, pay delivery boy for dinner, eat and posh so not to fall behind, ponder that question I ask myself everyday..where has the day gone? Followed by where has my life gone? Get ready for night party, share, share, share, tell myself tonight I will go to bed early (dreamer) share my whole closet one last time before bed, return the hundreds of shares of people who saw me sharing my closet, notice it's 3am, think to myself glad I got to bed early, go take a nap. Happy Poshing!😳
Share Queenmumms tip sign✅💗😉
May 10Reply

@ccargo 😘👑😘Thank you, Christine! Happy Mother's Day!💗🌹🌺
May 10Reply

@katjo Thank Kathy for sharing and share back in her closet. Start reading through Kathy's EXTENSIVE to do list and wonder how she stays awake. Decide that I must tell her about that one time made it all the way to ummmm, oh...who am I ...? .....zzzzzZzz 😴💤💤💤
May 10Reply

😂😂😂You're welcome! Sleep is overrated, really, who needs it? *collapse*
May 10Reply

@queenmumm @erikagannon We are coming to seeeee youuuuu Brenda! Sometime soon I hope! There are no more babies in my future, so no reason not to meet the queen. ❤👑❤👑❤
May 10Reply

@classyvintage Thank you so much, Marie!!! Hope you have a spectacular weekend! 😘👑😘👑😘
May 10Reply

@alvictoria @lorigalloway 🌹Please help share if you get the chance. I also hope you get a good laugh! 😁Cheers!!!
May 10Reply

You are welcome!
May 10Reply

@lchouser @cody7150 @nkhob @katz2 @beanbag Newest article re: the things we can and cannot Posh. Enjoy the read and thanks for sharing and supporting me all this time!!! 😘👑😘👑😘
May 10Reply

This is wonderful❤️❤️💕💕🎀SHARED🎀
May 10Reply

@bbarnes362 @tibo2008 For my Tennessee girls - a fun read with helpful info. Have a great weekend and Happy Mother's Day!!😘🌺🌹💗
May 10Reply

@nkhob 😁😁😁Thank you, Nahla!😘💗🌹
May 10Reply

@enigma 😘🌺🌹💗
May 10Reply

Brenda, this is priceless! ❤️it. Definitely sharing this.
May 10Reply

@katjo Sounds like you need a clone 😊😘
May 10Reply

@katz2 If @katjo got cloned, there would be TWO closets on Posh which blow us out of the water on shares...and I'd be doubly sleepy just watching the Siamese Kat's!
May 10Reply

@queenmumm @katjo Oops, never thought of it that way!😬
May 10Reply

@katz2 @queenmumm Wouldn't it be nice to have a clone? I'm still trying to teach Siri how to share my closet but when I say "Siri share my closet" she always answer "I'm not sure I understand!"😳
May 10Reply

Ps: lol at Siamese Kat😂😂😂😂😂😂
May 10Reply

Happy Mothers Day to you, too, Brenda! Hope your guys treat you like a Queen! 💃😜
May 10Reply

@katjo I still think a clone would be nice....maybe to do the housework and chores.😊
May 10Reply

@katz2 Absolutely, that would be the best part!😜
May 10Reply

@queenmumm thank you ma'am happy mothers day to you too :) Thank you so much for the info! Let's get together soon!!! @bbarnes362
May 10Reply

@roxyporter @73v3n Hey, Ladies! Please read and share if you can. Lots of info and a bit of humor. I appreciate it so much!! Cheers! 😘👑😘👑😘
May 10Reply

@ms88 @missrochelles @dizzyy @avadisilva New blog post up. It's detailed with humor and should help a lot of closets clearly know what is allowed on Posh. Please help share if you get the chance. I appreciate it!! 😘👑😘
May 10Reply

👣👣 shared my dear sweet Brenda!!! Your so amazing!!! Muwahhhhh!!!
May 10Reply

This was very informative and hilarious!! I do have a quick question though. Ok, two questions. First, we can sell sealed make up. So does that mean yes or no to lipgloss? I can't figure out if it's a make up or a liquid. Also- I emailed posh after extensive conversations and confusion over boxes (designer boxes, jewelry boxes, etc) and they said that they support selling them. Is that still accurate? Thanks!! 💗💗
May 10Reply

Shared ✌️💗💗
May 10Reply

I think this is one of the best Qtips! Between this and the share one. I still get confused on the makeup. Lip gloss is okay as long as unopened, correct?
May 11Reply

Too funny! I posted my comment before reading the others first. Guess I'm not the only one confused about lipgloss.
May 11Reply

@read247 @ms88 Great catch, ladies. Typo on the lipgloss. It is a liquid and not allowed. Sorry! And Michelle, I'm double-checking on the jewelry box just to make sure...
May 11Reply

Wow! Thanks! I just wasn't sure on that one. It's sort of a liquid but not really...
May 11Reply

I so appreciate this! Helps a lot with those confusing items.
May 11Reply

I just tagged you in a listing I wasn't sure about. Thanks!
May 11Reply

@rad2474him @moorepatrice @lmbohanan @lolabella6 @wkendall @tracy_36 @leggn @chemierre @newenglandgal The Queen strikes again! Helping us to be even more awesome and Poshtastic! 😀😌😃
May 11Reply

I finally got a change to read your blog/tip. I LOVE it!!! It's very informative, accurate and in true Queenmumm style...FUNNY!! I appreciate the thought and time you took in writing it and I'm certain others will enjoy it as much as I did. Well done lovie...Bravo!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️5 stars!❤️😘💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋
May 11Reply

@read247 The item is not supported. The beads that are used are fine because they are wearable, but the machine that attaches them into place is not allowed. Btw, there is no need to tag me to the listing in question unless it is your own. Feel free to inquire about the item (with no Posh usernames) on the comment section of the blog post. Thanks!😊😊😊
May 11Reply

@katjo Kathy, your opinion means the world to me! Thank you! 😘💗😘💗😘You do know you created a lil Posh monster👹👹👹 here when you mentored me those many moons ago...right? Just doing my lil Posh monster "thang" and helping to get Posh to the highest level. May take a while, but we'll stay on top of it the best we can. Cheers, lovey dove!👍💗🌺
May 11Reply

@blandw @erikagannon ROAD TRIP!! I'll roll out the red carpet and don the Crown Jewels. It will be epic. Selecting a date soon... 😉
May 11Reply

You're welcome. You are a shining star⭐️and watching you shine always makes my heart smile. Shine on my PFF! 2:30am, going to bed early again tonight...lol... Cheers❤️😘💋
May 11Reply

Thanks! The only reason I tagged you was that I wasn't sure how to describe it, wasn't sure the name of the item would be enough.
May 11Reply

@katjo. Lol. "Bed". 😂
May 11Reply

@katjo 🌹💗😘
May 11Reply

I'm trying!!!! I need to move to California, I need be in pacific time zone to get to bed by midnight!😬
May 11Reply

@read247 Totally understand. That one is not quite so easy to relate without pic. Thanks again for posting the inquiry on it! 😘👑😘👑😘
May 11Reply

May 11Reply

😍😚👌 I live in California and still never make it to bed by midnight 😩
May 11Reply

LOVE this!! I know this is going to help out so many people! So thoughtful Brenda! @caput1996 @robinj @poshaddict007 @cvz15 @bwenger @poppy64 @b_love @tibo2008 @bbarnes362 @dkcasy0920 @bschuler @emh122260 @ropicado @classyvintage @janicegw @excitedcupcake @cassandraknox @nadiafashion @mizfabulousity @lorlordeluxe @keg90 @shoogal82 @bikerchick64 @sexyprbae @jenndaech @allureofbrazil let's help spread the word ladies!!
May 11Reply

@queenmumm Happy Mother's Day Brenda! You know how much I love your tips. 😘💗💗💗
May 11Reply

@jglam @lrbennett12 @mommalaughing @vivacouture @gymjanice🙋👆🎉
May 11Reply

@ropicado Thank you for the tag dear!🎉💝💝@queenmumm Great tips as always!👍🎉💝🌟👏
May 11Reply

@lynnsimmons it's awesome! Thanks darling.😘
May 11Reply

@queenmumm HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!! 💐💋
May 12Reply

@queenmumm you are very creative!!! Thank you very much!!!
May 12Reply

@ropicado Thank you!!! You too, my friend. I'm missing the heck out of you. When shall we see each other again, I wonder???
May 12Reply

@lynnsimmons Thank you, sweet girl! :) <3
May 12Reply

@jglam Thank you so much!!! Please continue to spread the good word. We're building compliance one closet at a time but I'm aiming for a bunch to turn over a new leaf :)
May 12Reply

@allureofbrazil Thank you, Daniele! I'm so happy that the message is getting good reception. We just need to keep spreading it.... :)
May 12Reply

@nadiafashion Thank you so much!!! Please continue to spread the good word. We're building compliance one closet at a time but I'm aiming for a bunch to turn over a new leaf :)
May 12Reply

@lrbennett12 Thank you, Leah! So pleased that you find it helpful. Let's keep sharing, if you can. <3<3<3
May 12Reply

@queenmumm HANDS UP🙋... LETS DO THIS!!! 💐💋
May 12Reply

@vanemrto Can I ask you to share this in return?? Thanks! :)
May 12Reply

@queenmumm done ☺️
May 12Reply

@sherry8888 This is one of my best tips so far, Sherrybear. Can you help me get the word out? It's helping to build compliance to the guidelines. Thanks!!! :)
May 12Reply

@lovelm Would appreciate a share, my lovely! :)
May 12Reply

@elisehunter Elise, I met your pff @jaimerstone a few weeks ago. She's a scream!! We had a wonderful time in NC. Hope to meet you one day as well. Ladies, I need your help getting this info out on the feeds. It's helping to build compliance to the guidelines. Any and all shares are mucho appreciated! :) <3<3<3
May 12Reply

@allureofbrazil Daniele, are you a mommy, too? Thanks so much for the MD wishes! :)
May 12Reply

Let's build guideline compliance, ladies! Please help me get the share out on this one. If you can like and share often, you'll be helping us set a higher standard on Poshmark. We're all in this together! :) Thanks for any and all shares! @nugget_love @sheelagoh @missaisha555 @gordomom
May 12Reply

We're building guideline compliance! Please help me get the share out on this - it's a big one. Thanks for any and all shares! @kimmiedee @makenna715 @cboyd221 @fancypantsmcgee @shastenr @shenneneilleen
May 12Reply

@queenmumm yes I have 4 and I'm a single mother!!! ITS NO EASY BUT IS ALWAY WHORTH... LOVE MY LIFE🌈
May 12Reply

May 12Reply

@queenmumm shared and will keep sharing! @katjo I hear you!! It's overwhelming when you read it but it's true life has totally changed since poshmark I fall asleep answering questions!
May 12Reply

Working on building total closet compliance, ladies! Every gal who's trying to comply deserves a host pick and an unsuspected bottle of perfume shouldn't stop her. This article should help her figure it out on her own. Thanks for your support!!! @puraolivida @katef @fashionableeme @triplyksis @tracy
May 12Reply

@missaisha555 LOL... You not the only one... My kids keep asking if I ever sleep.. 😬... " we going to bed you are in ur phone... We wake up and you are in the same position" CRAZY POSH LIFE... But I LOVE IT!!!
May 12Reply

@allureofbrazil @missaisha555 HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!! Btw, what is a "bed"?
May 12Reply

@allureofbrazil yes:) love it also!!!
May 12Reply

@queenmumm happy Mother's Day
May 12Reply

@noy2312 @carenlovesgucci @kleinlori @vegasmarty @cindyciara Working on building total closet compliance, ladies! Every gal who's trying to comply deserves a host pick and an unsuspected bottle of perfume shouldn't stop her. This article on my blog is detailed and should help her figure it out on her own. Thanks for any and all shares!!!
May 12Reply

@missaisha555 @queenmumm lol... I'm in Florida and is already 12:30 AM... Lol... Really what's a bed!!! 😶
May 12Reply

@adrumheller @mzasher New tip, ladies! Hope you get a good laugh, too. :) Thanks for sharing!
May 12Reply

Love you, G-momma! Happy Mother's Day! @kimmiedee
May 12Reply

@missaisha555 lol! Poshing 140 hours a week will do that to you! I miss sleep, really. I use to really enjoy it when I had time for it!😜
May 12Reply

@queenmumm Thank you so much for posting this! I'm a newbie posher and this is an enormous help! Sooooo funny too 😄 Thanks again!
May 12Reply

@katjo lol me too!! I dream of sleep
May 12Reply

@jmroby Welcome to Poshmark, Melissa and thank you SO MUCH for reading! I promise that if you are following the guidelines, the closet shares will definitely follow. We LOVE to help you make sales by sharing. It's in our Posh blood.
May 12Reply

You're awesome for doing this. Of course I will continue to share this. Many of us forget what it was like to be new here.😊
May 12Reply

@katjo What's amazing to me is how well you keep your closet updated, Kathy. Your self-share number must be in the high ten thousands by now. Have you trained your fingers to share even when you do occasionally nod off?? ;)
May 12Reply

@nadiafashion Yep, we were all new, and we were all somewhat clueless, too. Nobody jumps on a bike for the first time and stays on. Here are the training wheels to Posh! :)
May 12Reply

I agree 100%. It makes the newbies get a better understanding of Posh. I will be tagging a few girls that come to mind that will benefit from this atm.
May 12Reply

@missaisha555 I'm taking 4 days off next week for a mini vacation. All I want to do is SLEEP! I don't remember what it feels like to not be tired all the time!😴💤💤💤💤💤
May 12Reply

Brenda my share stats are pretty steady between 22,000-25,000 shares a month. It's my OCD, I have to keep it updated or I feel like I'm slacking!😬
May 12Reply

OH MA GAWD @katjo I had a feeling it was high, but WOW. Kudos, sister. That's gotta be a record for anyone not equipped with elves.
May 12Reply

@katjo Oh, and you AIN'T slackin' if you happen to drop in the low teens. I don't want to read about my PFF having to be surgically removed from her iPhone because she was a couple thou shares short of her quota. 8^O (that's my best shock face emoji on my browser - my iPhone is recharging...)
May 12Reply

@queenmumm this is a must read for all poshers! Good job Mumm!!
May 12Reply

I have my stats listed in my closet on my "How to find your stats" tip listing, it keeps me motivated😉 I do wish I could get Siri to share it, she's so lazy, she pretends she doesn't know what I'm talking about when I say "Siri share my closet." She's not a good Posher!😜
May 12Reply

Lol at your browser shock face!!!!!😂😂
May 12Reply

@rts679 hi darling. So this is Brenda's closet. She our posh queen. Super sweet and very helpful. Read this posh she made to help new poshers understand how posh works.😊
May 12Reply

@angielarevalo Hi Angie, just wanted to share this post with you. Brenda is an awesome posher who's sweet and helpful. That's why she's our queen! Take a moment to read it when you can.😊
May 12Reply

My husband just walked in the bedroom and said "honey what are you still doing up?" Geez, like he needs to ask that question! Shared, and I love it. Good job Brenda.
May 12Reply

@cindyciara Thank you for the shares, m'lady! Lol. It's apparent your DH lost his mind momentarily to ask you such a question. My DH has given up and now just smiles all the time. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing. Maybe I should check for a pulse...
May 12Reply

I love you and @katjo sense of humor. Both of you have been a huge inspiration to me on Poshmark including @missaisha555 . I don't know how life existed before Poshmark. Seriously! Thanks for everything!
May 12Reply

@katjo lol! Sounds like me! My bf is like your on your phone from the moment you wake up until like 2 am everyday now - it's all the sharing that does it - it's impossible to keep up with it - plus having to measure stuff then model stuff - then answer each question - plus more sharing - then sharing - lol did I mention more sharing?😜😁
May 12Reply

Without question, yes!!! :) @queenmumm
May 12Reply

This is fantastic!! I'll share!! And you don't need to return any shares, my lovely!😘
May 12Reply

Thanks @nadiafashion ! I have been so busy at work. I will be sure to read this tonight!!!!
May 12Reply

@fuzzynavel once again...the Mummster has dug deep into the depths of Posh mystery and came out victorious with answers...you have probably already been tagged, but I'm just making sure❤️
May 12Reply

@queenmumm @kimmiedee yes I was thanks
May 12Reply

@angielarevalo awesome!😘
May 12Reply

I read this yesterday. You are so funny Brenda
May 12Reply

@queenmumm My Queenie, My Inspiror & My Dear Sweet Friend! You never cease to amaze me! This is #1 So BrendBeautiful! #2 So Very Informative & #3 and last but T-Totally not least So freaking Hilarious!! It kept my ADHD & OCD Attention from beginning to the very end & that my Friend is very hard to do! If I still Hosted parties, this would be TOP PICK! I Love You my dear Friend & will Host again when health is better hopefully real soon. Much love to my 👸👑QUEENIE👑👸 I will share on all of my sites! Thank You Very Much, Sherry SU of PM Shared 😚😘💨💭❤️
May 12Reply

@cindyciara Awwh you're welcome😘Life before Poshmark? I kind of remember those days, that's when I use to have time to get a good nights sleep and time to use that appliance that's in my kitchen with the burners on it, I think it's called a stove!😜
May 12Reply

@shenneneilleen Welcome to the life of being a Poshaholic!😜 Wake up check closet share shower check closet share eat check closet share share yawn loudly because you're exhausted check closet share share share take photos check closet share list items share share share party share! It's FUN!😳😜
May 12Reply

@lovelm So sorry Jolie, the husband has to go!😂😂😂😂😂😂😉😜
May 12Reply

@katz2 I can't believe u share around 20000 a month! I share 2500-3000 and it's wayyy too hard for me to manage lol! You have serious posh drive and dedication 👍
May 12Reply

Brenda, this is great! Sharing. Also, when you girls plan that Nashville trip, please remember me. I am in Memphis, and it's just a hop, skip, and a jump to Nashville.
May 12Reply

@katjo Kathy, you have to be the funniest person alive. I am cracking up and smiling BIG as I read your comments.
May 12Reply

@cboyd221 I love making people smile and hearing laughter, best sound ever! Many many many (geez, that's enough manys) years ago when I was in high school I was voted "Class Clown!" My parents were so proud😳😂😂Was a great achievement!😜
May 12Reply

@shenneneilleen Oops, you tagged me by mistake. You mean Miss Serious Sharing Lady @katjo I WISH I shared as much as her. 😜 I'd probably have carpal fingers from it. lol
May 12Reply

@janicegw @manymurrays @tuesdaymundy @stylergirl Ladies, I've written a new post that details the yays and nays of what we can sell on Posh. Hoping it will build more compliant closets. Can you please like and share? Thank you for your support!!! 👑😘👑
May 12Reply

Thank you brenda.. This really helps! So much more straight forward less confusion :) sharing
May 12Reply

@mzasher Cheers, Ashley! 😘👑😘
May 12Reply

@queenmumm Brenda, you are blessed with such an incredible sense of humor! LOL You could easily write script for SNL! What an incredible and fun Posh education you've provided. I love it.
May 12Reply

♥️Love it!! Liked & shared!😘😘😘
May 12Reply

@manymurrays @janicegw @jaimerstone 😘👑😘👑😘 Thank you!!!!
May 13Reply

@fabicase @erikame @ashley1985 Hey ladies! Thank you for all the support you've given me in the past. I do appreciate it! This is a new Posh Q-Tip that addresses compliance with the Posh guidelines - trying to build awareness in all closets. I'd be ever so grateful if you could share to your followers and help me get the word out. Thank you!! 😘👑😘
May 13Reply

You're welcome
May 13Reply

@queenmumm Great information! Shared and will share again. B-)
May 13Reply

@queenmumm hey I missed this! Just read now! Will share! Hope you are doing well!
May 13Reply

@queenmumm / very nicely done Brenda !!
May 13Reply

@keg90 Thank you so much, Kim! It means a lot to me to have your support. Cheers! 😘👑💗👑😘
May 13Reply

@chuchala99 Hey Ilene, can I ask you to share this at your FL meetup? This helps the newbies understand the guidelines a little bit better (with some humor). Thanks! 😘👑😘
May 13Reply

@queenmumm of course, these tips helped me so much when I first started & I refer back to them & have referred Poshers to your closet to review your tips my philosophy in life has always been to help others & I see you are doing that now every day! We all need to do our part to make this a better community !!
May 13Reply

Of course! 👸
May 13Reply

😂😂ladies y'all are so funny. Loved the read..new to selling on Posh..thanks for all the info!!!👏👏👏
May 14Reply

@1shoppingmomma Welcome to Poshmark, Jennifer!👏 We are truly a bunch of goofballs now and then😜, but we're serious when it comes to helping other Poshers. Hope this post will help your closet bloom into something very special. Cheers!👑😊👑😊👑
May 14Reply

Love Posh..just trying to get my feet wet selling...there is a lot to learn (rules are the easy part)...making that first sale, host picks🌷🌷🌷
May 14Reply

@queenmumm Hi there. I have a question about the names under " suggestions" when you search for people. Today I saw my name in that list for the first time and have no idea what it means! Everyone mentions you as the go to person for PM question!! I thought you may know why my name is in the suggestions" group! Thank you!!
May 14Reply

@spadoni57 Hey, Toni! I have good news and bad news. The bad news is George Clooney is engaged....😱😫😭 but the GOOD news is, if you've seen your name under the "Suggestions" list, you are now a Suggested User!! (or "SU" for short) This is a fantastic honor, and means that your closet is being suggested to every new user who joins the app when you are "in the rotation" on the SU list. Don't try to figure out the rotation. It goes according to an algorithm - one that I once actually tried to decode. My head exploded. You will find your follower count increases when you are rotated in, and many new users may start asking questions about the app. Do your best to answer - you are now an official representative of Poshmark! Congrats again and have FUN!!! :)
May 15Reply

@queenmumm I guess this is why people say to ask you!! I actually found the email from PM in my junk mail an hour ago!! Thank you so much for welcoming to the "club". I actually didn't have any notion of being an SU but it actually feels very cool!! Thx a bunch!!
May 15Reply

@spadoni57 You are so welcome! Make sure to share your closet (and others) when your follower number starts going up. Your shares are going into the new user's feeds when they first log in and will be their first taste of "Posh". Sales can be generated from that initial connection - all good for everyone involved! 👏👍😁
May 15Reply

Hi, please help me! I have had 2 customers tell me that they can't buy my items because it says unavailable . I never did anything nor even know how to mark it as such . I had to make new listings for both of them. But I'm wondering what has someone seen and liked and thought was unavailable ? In fact, this dress I just sold had the buyer wondering why it was unavailable, had she not asked , we would never have figured it out. I see it as fine on this side. Help! I'll tag you on the offending listing . I asked posh 6 weeks back but no response yet. You know all, bestow your wisdom!
May 19Reply

I took a whole year off because when I started I did not follow guidelines and the head ache that followed almost scared me away forever. I now know rules and guidelines are in place for a reason, and I feel so happy back on posh not worrying about things that are not an issue if you follow posh guidelines. Sorry for being long winded but I'm so happy to see this. I hope it will reach people just starting because it makes all of us look better❤️
Jun 03Reply

@zodin WELCOME back!!! And thank you - your post is so heartfelt. I'm sorry that your initial Posh experience wasn't what you hoped, but the important thing is you are back in the Posh saddle and equipped to build a fantastic closet and nurture new friendships. I wish you the VERY best! Keep sharing during the parties and get your name into the Posh stream. There are many other "Q-tips" in my closet to help you market yourself and shortcut to success. Check them out when you get the chance. Always happy to answer ??? you may have. Sharing your closet now. Cheers! 👑😘👑😘👑
Jun 03Reply

@lyann @manish Great post! 👆👆👆
Jun 03Reply

I will and thank you so much❤️
Jun 03Reply

@duro0310 😊
Jun 22Reply

@gigi_girl33 Lisa, guess we need to spend a little time in Brenda's Posters!! Great information for us all!! @queenmumm
Jul 08Reply

@mistielee gonna read ASAP lol after following up from this morn from last night hehe!!! Thk you soooo much Mistie & Brenda, cannot wait to read!!! 🌸💞🌸
Jul 08Reply

@gigi_girl33 lol, Lisa I haven't read it yet either... But book marked because I think it's fabulous!! I hope your day is going well. On and off today...appointments but my plan is to list all day tomorrow!! Te he... Remember!? 😊 have a super day!!
Jul 08Reply

@mistielee YES!!! We made a deal!!! Too funny I was just about to start sharing your closet when I was going down the feed & I saw this lol, I hope you have a wonderful day & chat later!!! Gonna play w/my girl after your share & come back to read & Posh more hehe!!! ❤️XO
Jul 08Reply

@beautybooster Read her blog. It should answer your question. 😊💕
Jul 11Reply

shared and bookmarked...got to read later ;)
Jul 11Reply

@lana_88 Read her blog for the absolute best explanation of what cannot be sold.💖
Jul 22Reply

@sherry8888 Hey, GF. I just want to come back on this listing and tell you THANK YOU for all your love and support! You know how the newsfeed gets - kinda tricky sometimes - and important posts can get lost in there.... Aargh! Every once in a while, I go back to my tip listings to make sure I haven't missed any comments. I apparently missed yours and for that I'm truly sorry. :( It's posts like yours that make me wake every morning and grin ear to ear as I jump onto Posh and do my thing. You are definitely a POSH gift, immeasurable in value, Ms. Sherry, and I will cherish your friendship always! I hope you are feeling better. Please let me know. I say a small prayer for all my friends here, in part to remind myself how fortunate I am to have you all in my Posh hemisphere. Cheers, good lady! :) <3<3<3
Aug 06Reply

@patteson2012 ☺️ This is Queenmummmmmmmmm When in question ask @queenmumm "she doesn't do Windows, I've asked" 😆
Sep 27Reply

Did I read it correctly, that you have 17 closets? 🍃💖💕
Nov 03Reply

@deenanelson Hi Deena - yes! I have one Posh closet, but it is comprised of 17 clients' clothing and accessories - all sizes and styles. I'm one of the many closets to turn Poshmark into a full time business. 😊😊😊
Nov 03Reply

Oh ok, I understand now. I was curious only because I have approx 1200 items selling at one time in my closet and had heard of girls having more than 1 closet and wondered if that was within the rules? I ask only because It can be so time consuming just getting all those items in order. And if I could split them up between 2 closets that would help. But I wouldn't want to do anything that was against the rules. Thank you so much for getting back to me 🍃💖💕I hope you have a fantastic Monday!🍃💖💕
Nov 03Reply

@azazelochka here's a post with a link to Brenda's blog. She's great about keeping us up to date about what is allowed and what isn't based on her conversations with folks at PM. She's also an awesome supporter in the PM community. 💝
Nov 20Reply

I hope you had a wonderful Mothers Day Brenda!! Did you do anything special?
May 12Reply

May 14Reply

@candykissa143 Hey Julie! Can I please request to be removed from your tag list? I am already on a few others lists and the volume of tags in my feed is overwhelming. I really appreciate the time you've taken to keep me informed and I thank you!!👑😘💗💕💐
Jul 20Reply

@queenmumm of course I know it can be overwhelming but your just such an inspiration. I absolutely will is it ok if I still tell people to read your blog I think it's extremely informative and very helpful for the newbees
Jul 20Reply

@queenmumm on my YouTube which is linked to my about me section I gave a shout out to you and listed you underneath it hasn't received traffic yet but I hope it does something great and I added some new bits of compliancy that you may have an interest in adding to your blog what do you think? Xoxoxoxoxo your a total sweetie by the way thank-you for all your help that blog wa a godsend and too cute with all the little jokes love it great read
Jul 20Reply

@candykissa143 Thanks so much, love! By all means please continue directing newbies to the blog. I hope it helps everyone gain faster sales and HP recognition. And thanks too for the shoutout on YT. I'll have to check it out soon. Cheers & Happy Poshing! 👑😘💗💕💐
Jul 21Reply

@queenmumm your freaking awesome have I told you that lately lol well you are thankyou for everything babe
Jul 21Reply

Well yalittle whipper snapper I'm walking talking proof of every bit of advise that you wrote. Thank you , thank you! I might be a tad overzealous but it works. I'm a bonified poster child ! 😜
Aug 30Reply

@classyvintage You are adorable! I am so proud when a Posher takes my tips and becomes her own sharing caring teaching machine. I consider you a "boomerang learner" - for you have greatly inspired and taught me in return - and proven yourself a valuable and treasured PFF indeed. Love you, girl! Cheers! 💐😘☺️👍🏻💗💕
Aug 30Reply

@vr2u Brenda is one of my other favorite Poshers who also has great tips in her closet, especially about what is allowed to be sold on Posh. 💖
Apr 01Reply

Apr 01Reply

Hi! Is it okay to post "In search of" listing, as long as they are Posh compliant items? Also, if I had any items that weren't compliant, but I deleted the listing, would I then be eligible for a HP or do I have to start a while new closet? Thanks so much!!
May 08Reply

@kileyleb Hi Kiley! Yes, you can place ISO listings for compliant items. As for having and deleting a non-compliant item, it's all good and you are eligible for a host pick. No need to start a new closet. We've all made mistakes before but the great thing is we move on. Good luck and Cheers! 👑💞👑
May 08Reply

Aww, thanks Brenda! You are so nice!
May 09Reply

Thanks to your helpful advice, one of my items was chosen as a Host Pick!! Thanks so much!! 💗
Jun 03Reply

@kileyleb That's FABULOUS, Kiley! Congrats!!! 👏🏻🎉💃🏻👏🏻 Here's to many more HPs and sales! 🍷🍷🍷
Jun 03Reply

@katjo You made me laugh out loud when I read how your day goes! It's me, with the exception of the book!! I just never seem to have the time to actually write it down but it's oh so true and this needs to be seen somewhere besides a thread! I'm sure it's the mirror image of other lives beside mine! Truthfully, I never imagined this is what my life would become! Posh ❤️
Sep 14Reply

@sassafras19 Lori😂 just another day in the life of a Poshaholic!😜💗Glad it gave you a good laugh, love that!
Sep 14Reply

@sassafras19 @katjo I had to scroll back up and re-read that post. After so many years, it's still incredibly accurate, Kathy! 😂👍🏻😉💕
Sep 14Reply

Ha! It sure is! PosherLife🙌🏼😜
Sep 14Reply

@queenmumm Hi Brenda💐Do you know if I could sell earbud jewelry? Betsey Johnson sells it, and it is jewelry but I wasn't sure if it would be ok since you dress up your earbuds not your ears! Have a great Saturday PFF!😘💞xoxo
Nov 05Reply

@lauras_boutique hey Laura! Not sure on the bud jewelry. It sounds compliant but I suggest sending a photo to HQ and confirming it with them - just to be certain. :)
Nov 06Reply

@queenmumm I thought it would be compliant too, but I will check with HQ to be sure! Thank you! Laura😘💞xoxo
Nov 06Reply

Love and miss you Brenda! Quick question, as it's not something mentioned in your blog; hangers- yay or nay? I thought nay, as they are kind of home accessories, and unless they are attached to a travel garment bag, or are small enough to be worn as earrings (ouch!) they are probably NG. Figured I'd ask just in case (plus it's always a good excuse to pop in and say I love you❤️!) A
Nov 07Reply

@rmccouture Hey Amanda! Miss you terribly, love. Hope you are doing well. :) Re: hangers, the answer would be no unless they are part of luggage being sold here. Great question! Hope you have a fabulous holiday season! Stay stylish! <3 <3 <3
Nov 07Reply

@queenmumm hey Ms Brenda 👋🏻🤗🤗 I had a question from a mutual friend she sent me your way and I told her that you were one of the first Poshers along with Caren that got me started, yay 🎉🎉 I'm liking your post here for the Blog in case I need another Posh Compliant question answered 😊 Have a joyous season Ms Brenda 😊🎉🎄😘💖Kelly
Nov 07Reply

I am so very thankful for your extremely thorough (not to mention utterly hilarious) list of compliant and non-compliant Poshables! (Why is this fabulous compilation not mandatory reading for us all???)
Aug 03Reply
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