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Updated Mar 06
Updated Mar 06

Saving in my closet *No need to share this listing



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Posh Love! This is an older listing... I came to Posh on June 4th 2014! I'm keeping this listing in the bottom part of My Closet as My Own Awesome Posh Memories! Thanks Always with much Love & Respect! Muah
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tiggerfriendly @rmarlar333 hello! Welcome to posh! You're definitely starting out great! Thanks for all the shares! From what I learned sharing is huge and people will return the favor and expose your clothes to their followers! Good luck and have fun!
Jun 21Reply
rmarlar333 @tiggerfriendly Thank you so much. I definitely have this Posh addiction and really have enjoyed meeting so many wonderful.
Jun 21Reply
andrea_27s Thank you for all the amazing shares! Your Rock! 😘❤️😘
Jun 21Reply
rmarlar333 @andrea_27s You are very welcome baby girl... You Rock as well!
Jun 21Reply
emilyrubin Welcome to Posh Rachael!!! ❤️🎉😘😁💕💚💙💕⭐️ my name is Emily!!! i am sure you are going to love this community of wonderful loving, supportive, caring women as much as I do!! Oh, and all their closets too!!! 😊☺️😉 haha! If you have any questions any one of us would be happy to answer you. Just remember to follow posh rules and HAVE FUN!!! Happy poshing!!!! Would you lovely ladies please help me welcome Rachael @katz2 @leggn @pmgr22 @mytherapy 💗💗💗
Jun 22Reply
mytherapy @emilyrubin Thank you for the intro Emily! We met earlier this week on another listing, but thank you for the reminder to come back and share!💕💕💕😘
Jun 22Reply
arigrldesigns @rmarlar333 Hi, Rachael I'm Ari and welcome to our Posh Community. This is an awesome place to sell, buy and you'll be amazed at the wonderful supportive ladies 💕💕Start by incorporating a "Posh Rules Only" closet. One of the ways we support one another is by sharing each other's closet. Attend Posh Parties and your closet will get more exposure as well! 😚 if you need help with anything, please feel free to tag me or any of these beautiful gals! There is a really awesome Newbie Closet in Stacey's closet @dollface86. It's filled with helpful info regarding Poshmark rules and policy as well as how to make your listing POP and creative editing. I hope you have lots of fun. You will love it. Thanks darling Emily @emilyrubin for the intro!💕 Happy Poshing! @janicegw @jaismeen @pamelam @jenniferrlee @leggn @pehang @caruh @a26z @anoliver @blingbabe10 @mytherapy @little_bit_hp @larochelle @roxyporter @katz2 @ex_globetrotter @mistielee @classyvintage <3<3<3
Jun 22Reply
jenniferrlee Hi Rachel🙋Nice to meet you & welcome to Posh! You will love this community of women supporting women 💖 I wish you the best & hope you have fun! Always remember to follow Posh rules & share share share 😉 Feel free to tag me if you ever have any questions. Happy Poshing! 👯👯 @pmgr22 Thank you for the intro PFF! 😘💕
Jun 22Reply
leggn Welcome to the fabulous Posh community!🌺🌸🌷💐🌻 Common tips: Follow the Posh guidelines, follow ppl, sharing is caring💞 and the last but not least have fun Happy Poshing!!!👑👒👠👢👗👚👜👛💍👙💄🎀@pmgr22 Thanks for the tag love😘❤️
Jun 22Reply
dollface86 @rmarlar333 Hi Rachael, welcome to Poshmark 😊 I'm Stacy, if you ever have any questions feel free to ask me I love to help out newbies 😊 Happy poshing! @pmgr22 thank you for the intro Ari 😊
Jun 22Reply
rmarlar333 @emilyrubin Hi Emily... @pmgr22 Hi Ari... @jenniferrlee Hi Jen... @leggin Hi... pleasure to meet you all and thank you so much!!! Indeed, I already love the Posh community and am thrilled to be apart of it. I am so very grateful for all of you! It's been a bit of an adjustment for I usually am not on my cell alot however, I am trying hard to get everything down... I am learning all the Posh rules and guidelines so I can make sure to follow them, as well as soaking in all the tips and wonderful advice from all the terrific women... Everyone has been completely awesome and so very helpful. @mytherapy and I met the other day... such an wonderful lady... Thank you Thank you Thank you all so much
Jun 22Reply
rmarlar333 @dollface86 Hi Stacy... Nice to meet you! Thank you very much.
Jun 22Reply
mistielee @rmarlar333 Hi Rachael💕 My name is Mistie. It is so nice to meet you. I like to help share and promote new closets!!💕 I was once a newbie and the girls helped me along the way. They are fabulous!! 🌺 Welcome 🌺 Feel free to tag me anytime if you need something. I will tag you to my friend Stacy's "Newbie Lounge" It helped me so much with insightful information... Apps, rules , suggestions, etc., I hope it helps you to create a Posh Rule Following closet that is Beautiful and Profitable!! You already have a great start!! Thank you for allowing me to share and Happy Poshing to you!!💕 Thank you for the Introduction, Ari,💕 @pmgr22 🌹Here are some more GReAT Sellers that you can follow!! 😊 @daliasg @dfizzal @anoliver @noy2312 @tdkbkt6 @gigi_girl33 @ginger71 @munci @marifun
Jun 23Reply
daliasg Thank you for the tag @mistielee! Welcome to posh @rmarlar333! Have fun!
Jun 23Reply
gigi_girl33 Hi Rachael😊 I'm still a newbie & learning- thks to all the amazing women who have helped & guided me, it has made it soooo much easier & soooo fun!!! Thx always @mistielee & if I can help you at all just let me know, you'll do great 🌸🌸🌸
Jun 23Reply
marifun @mistielee Thanks for the tag😊💞@rmarlar333 Hi Rachel, I'm Mari and welcome to Posh!💐Start off by following all the women who have posted here, share people's closets and share at parties. If you follow the Posh rules you'll do great! @Katjo and @queenmumm have great tips in their closets! @t_ms_sincerity @splendeur Welcome a new Posher!😊💞
Jun 23Reply
thejeweladdict Welcome to posh😊🙋It's so nice to meet you!💛Please Lmk if u ever need anything😊💕
Jun 23Reply
katjo @marifun Thank you💗
Jun 23Reply
t_ms_sincerity Hi Rachael! I'm Tai!🙋I've been on🌸posh going on 6 months.It's fun,rewarding,and awesome to be able to meet many wonderful women on this app!😊I suggest you check out the do's&don't tips on Poshmark if you haven't already.So you may have a more successful experience on Posh!Happy Poshing and stop by my closet anytime doll!💞Newbie in Poshland!🎉@lolosaw @valorieann@lmfashion @daisyd0102 @aprils2ndcloset @vacat@ej135 @jessicacampbell@anywherebuthere 💞TY Dolls!💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐@rmarlar333 ..Thanks for the tag dear Mari!@marifun 💕💕
Jun 23Reply
thesassyblondes Welcome to Poshmark Rachael! You have a fab start on your closet. Poshmark is a wonderful community. I know you will love it here. If I could lend a bit of friendly advice-transactions can only be done through Poshmark- so if you put this at the very top of your closet or somewhere visible, you will find that ppl will be more inclined to follow you & possibly buy from you. (See very top of my closet for example of what most users post). Also feel free to take a look in my closet for the list of things PM does not allow the sale of. Following/knowing all the Poshmark rules will ensure a more pleasurable experience. I am sure you have read all of this in the guidelines but just in case I like to share to avoid headaches later! 😊Good luck to you & if you have any questions I'm happy to help! TY Tai @t_ms_sincerity for introducing Rachael's closet!💞😘
Jun 23Reply
larochelle hello dearie, welcome to posh! just holler if you need anything :) xoxo thanks for the tag lovely @pmgr22 xoxo
Jun 23Reply
lolosaw @t_ms_sincerity Thank you so much for the intro Tai...
Jun 23Reply
lolosaw @rmarlar333 Hi Rachael, Welcome to Posh love, You will have lots of fun and you will meet beautiful ladies who will share Posh love with you. I will go ahead and tag you in my follow game to help you gain more followers. Happy Poshing !!! , If you have any questions feel free to reach out.
Jun 23Reply
vacat Hello and welcome to Poshmark – you're going to love it! If you ever have any questions or need my help, just let me know. Off to share and follow🐾 @t_ms_sincerity Thank you Tai for the intro😘
Jun 23Reply
rmarlar333 @mistielee Hi Mistie... @daliasg Hi Dalia ... @gigi_girl33 Hi Lisa... @marifun Hi Mari... @ginger71 Hi Gina... @t_ms_sincerity Hi Tai... @lmfashion Hi Lynn... @larochelle Hi Rochelle... @lolosaw Hi Lolo... Good Morning, all you fabulous women so wonderful to meet you all and Thank each and every one of you so so very much for all the advice, tips and help with my new journey of Posh... it has been great fun and simply amazing thus far!!! A question that I do have is what would be a good app for making the photo stand out... for an android phone??? Again nice to meet you all and I feel like I just cannot say thank you enough... Thank you!!!
Jun 23Reply
aprils2ndcloset Hi, I'm April, & It's nice to meet you! I'll start following you and help share your closet with my followers. Following & sharing are two of the most important things you can do to increase your exposure to potential buyers and make new friends on this site. By the way, welcome to Poshmark, it's a community of wonderful, helpful, & supportive women! If you ever have a question, I'm just a message away. 😊💖🎉🎈🎊@katz2 Thank you for the intro, dear! 😘
Jun 23Reply
thejeweladdict Hmmmm I don't hav any experience with android. Hopefully someone with android will c this💙
Jun 23Reply
thesassyblondes Yvw! It's my pleasure. I have an iPhone so not sure if you have access to these apps. I use PicFrame, A Beautiful Mess, Whitagram, Phonto, Photocollage. They each offer diff things. It's hard to find one that incorporates everything. If you need any help w/them let me know. I hope this helps!!😊💖
Jun 23Reply
marifun @rmarlar333 I'm not sure I have an iPhone also, but will share this and hope someone with an android sees this?😊
Jun 23Reply
mistielee @rmarlar333 Hi, Rachael!! Unfortunately I use IPAD. However my fave app for editing photos is AVIARY and I use MOLDIV For framing the photos. These apps work perfectly with Posh... Maybe they are available for your phone? Hope it helps and that they are also free for you💕💕 thank you for all those lovely shares!!
Jun 23Reply
rmarlar333 @aprils2ndcloset Hello April... Nice to meet you and thank you.
Jun 23Reply
rmarlar333 @ginger71 @Imfashion @marifun @mistielee Thank you, you wonderful ladies...
Jun 23Reply
daisyd0102 Welcome to posh! My name is Daisy. If you have any questions or concerns don't hesitate and let me know. I hope you are having as much fun as I am using this app. @t_ms_sincerity thanks for the tag. :)
Jun 23Reply
rmarlar333 @daisyd0102 Thank you so much and Nice to meet you.
Jun 23Reply
roxyporter @pmgr22 thanks for the tag! 😘😘 @rmarlar333 welcome to posh!! 🙋 my name is Christina! If you need help are have any questions please feel free to stop by my closet and ask away!! Biggest advice I can give is surround yourself with posh fabulous ladies who are here to help you create the closet of every woman's dreams!! Also share share share and since you've just started follow follow follow!!! 😉 happy Poshing!!!
Jun 23Reply
anoliver Nice to meet you Rachael! Welcome to Posh and I hope you are loving it so far❤️ If you ever need any help or have questions, feel free to tag me, I'd be happy to help👍 Hope you have a great night💋💋 @pmgr22 Thanks for the intro Ari!!😘😘
Jun 24Reply
rmarlar333 @ruthieb12 Hello Ruthieb... @roxyporter Hello Christina... @anoliver Hello Angela... Nice to meet you ladies and thank you for all the wonderful advice and help.
Jun 24Reply
gigi_girl33 💞💖🌸 Your so welcome Rachael!!! I will share some of your closet this evening & as far as an Android Idk grrrr I have an iPhone too, but let me ask a few of the Amazing Women I have connected with. That is one of the seriously coolest things I have experienced on here, how many generous & kind-hearted, beautiful Women!!!! It's wonderful!!!🌸🌸🌸
Jun 24Reply
gigi_girl33 @daughter14 & @ridinghood13 meet Rachael- she is a newbie like me😍😍😍 I don't use an Android & was wondering if either of you knew of a good PoshMark app???!!!! & I wanted to introduce you both too😉💖💗💞
Jun 24Reply
anoliver My pleasure!❤️😘👍
Jun 24Reply
daughter14 @rmarlar333 Hi Rachael, welcome to Poshmark. I have been on here since Nov. I absolutely love it💜 Here on Poshmark you will find the greatest community of wonderful woman . I truly feel blessed to have found my way here. If for any reason you are in need of any help. Please feel free to ask.💜
Jun 24Reply
daughter14 @gigi_girl33 thank you doll for the intro💜💜💜
Jun 24Reply
gigi_girl33 @daughter14 you are so beautiful inside & out, I'm blessed to have you as a friend, passing on the love!!! 💞💖💗
Jun 24Reply
daughter14 @gigi_girl33 thx 💜I'm blessed to have you in my life💜
Jun 24Reply
rmarlar333 @daughter14 Good morning and thank you!
Jun 24Reply
rmarlar333 @ridinghood13 Hello nice to meet you... I have the Samsung Galaxy Mega and would like to use photo editing app, I have tried a few of them however the ones that I have tried don't really have too many advantages seems one needs more than just on photo editing app to make the photo's really stand out... of course I must confess this is my first time to have a need to use an app. so truly it could just be the operator (me) vs the app and I just need to get through this learning curve. If there is an app that you just love, that might help I would greatly appreciate any advice in this area... ??? Thanks hun
Jun 24Reply
rmarlar333 @ridinghood13 oh thank you so much... I will look for the app.
Jun 24Reply
little_bit_hp Welcome to Posh! You'll love it here 😊 it's very addicting if you ask me 😜 feel free to drop by whenever you need anything or just to chat 😁👍 remember to always follow Posh guidelines and share away! Good luck❗️ thanks @pmgr22 💕
Jun 24Reply
rmarlar333 @little_bit_hp Hi Helly very nice to meet you and thank you so much.
Jun 24Reply
rmarlar333 @ridinghood13 That's wonderful thank you so much for the info.
Jun 24Reply
emilyrubin Thank you for all the posh love sweetie!!! 💖💖💖
Jun 25Reply
gigi_girl33 @rmarlar333 awwww thx for the shares back!!! SuperAppteciated & comin backatcha haha💞💗💖
Jun 25Reply
rmarlar333 @emilyrubin You are so very welcome... and thank you too hun!!!
Jun 26Reply
rmarlar333 @gigi_girl333 You are welcome dear and same here very very Appreciated!!!
Jun 26Reply
emilyrubin 💗💗💗
Jun 26Reply
dramaless @rmarlar333 Hello Rachael, my name is Beth. Welcome to your new addiction! 😮 I've only been on here for about 6 months, and it's absolutely amazing. There are some fabulous ladies on here and I'm sure you will bond with many from around the globe, just as I have. You are off to an amazing start! 👍💟. Let me introduce you to a few more fabulous posh ladies. Ladies, let me introduce you to Rachael, a posh newbie. Lets all make her feel welcome, just like I felt 6 months ago! 😘💨💨 @lucylou002 @luvbucs28 @juliafox1 @beautyblack @lisadraper @lorriebug @alba330 @rad2474him @pamelam @katz2 @read247 @sheerglamour. @janicegw @ex_globetrotter @jaaayneey @heathershu @marlanap @sarajane @randikandi @rachelwallin @classyvintage @nikongirlrocks @afchick007 @wendygonzalez @jaymoon @kanyejoyner @nadiafashion @hydrogirl @erikagannon @jblacombe @isa_wine_lover @mandavais @amandajean4589 @honeypig14 @closet_finds @pehang @blandw @maidmarion @sunkistchild @jaimerstone @beanbag @manymurrays @robin85 @roxygirl1
Jun 28Reply
lisadraper Hi Rachael...So nice to meet you!!! Welcome...just lmk if you ever have any questions I'll be glad to help :)) thanks for the tag @dramaless...closet shared :))
Jun 28Reply
sarajane Hi there!! I'm Sara, nice to meet you!! Good luck to you, you will love POSH!!💜💜💜
Jun 28Reply
alba330 Welcome to Poshmark! I'm Alba. Happy to be of service and help in any way I can. If I have the answer great, otherwise, I help you find it. The ladies 👆above are very helpful and resourceful.
Jun 28Reply
heathershu 👯👍👍👭🙋💋💋HELLO! Welcome!!!! As you can see ... Mega supportive Posh ladies at your beck and call lol!!! Visit my closet to call on me any time ! 😘😘 HAPPY POSHING
Jun 28Reply
kanyejoyner @rmarlar333 lol but @dramaless is correct PM is addictive but use it to your advantage by hopefully selling more than you buy. Hard at first but you can do it👍. I will share some items from your closet. I'm here if you have any ?'s
Jun 28Reply
roxys_treasures 😘@dramaless Thanks for the tag Elizabeth🌹@rmarlar333 Hi Rachael, Welcome to Posh, which is quite addicting if I may add! LOL💐 I shared & followed💕
Jun 28Reply
manymurrays Welcome! ❤Happy to help!😉❤ Just ask anytime! -Shannon
Jun 28Reply
closet_finds @marlar333......Welcome to Posh. If I can help in any way, just ask!! 👏👏👏👏
Jun 28Reply
jaymoon @rmarlar333 hello Rachael 💕😊 welcome to posh!!! @dramaless thanks for the tag 😊💕 I wish when I started December 16, 2013 (not even 7 months ago) I had a welcome wagon that helped me an welcomed me like the great amazing poshers I know now! You will love poshmark Rachael! 💕 I love to help people and if you ever need anything I'm here 💕😊❤️ poshmark related or not 😊 and I know @dramaless who tagged me an I'm sure who she tags and I will tag are great 💕 @jaqron @2cool @dramaless @saundie @amyzetterlund @pehang @manymurrays @ericasalen @gauthreaux105 @t_ms_sincerity @bellanblue @lchouser
Jun 28Reply
bellanblue @rmarlar333 hi Rachel! So nice to meet you sweetie! Welcome to posh. I will follow & help you share! @jaymoon thanks for intro. 😃
Jun 28Reply
sarahposhposh Hey there!! Welcome!! My best advice is to take advantage of the direct bank deposit. Especially if u sell something worth a little bit, as soon as your funds have cleared in your Posh acct, deposit it into your bank account. You will be able to save a lot more- if your $ is just sitting there it is so hard but to spend it on all the awesome finds!!! At least for me It is!! Lol. I love watching my bank account grow- it's fun and rewarding!! If you ever have any questions about anything- please do not hesitate to ask. I have been selling since December and I just love it. So many amazing women- as I'm sure u are aware. 💋😉❤️
Jun 28Reply
luvbucs28 Welcome darling , I'm half awake , so please forgive me , I will come. & fund you & help you with any. Questions that have not already.been answered , by the Posmamek family
Jun 28Reply
luvbucs28 Awwww, how beautiful of you to take the time to tag all of us , you're a dear heart 🌹💕💕💕I wish I could tag. I can never seem to find anyone when I try , Ty so so much , very sweet of you & so happy to be of help to any & all , ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️🌹🌹🎉🎉🎉Ty sweets
Jun 28Reply
wendygonzalez @rmarlar333 welcome !! Woot woot !
Jun 28Reply
randikandi @rmarlar333 Hi there Rachael...welcome to our crazy little world. Ty @dramaless for the tag. Beth is right...welcome to your new addiction. It's so'll c. So, enjoy, share, sell & have fun. If u ever have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Nice to meet u...😘😘
Jun 28Reply
beautyblack Welcome to Posh, I'm Robin. If u have any questions, pls feel free to ask. Thx for the intro @dramaless
Jun 28Reply
rmarlar333 @dramaless Hi Beth... Nice to me you and thank you very much for such a lovely introduction.
Jun 29Reply
beautyblack 💝💝💝
Jun 29Reply
honeypig14 W̥ͦe̥ͦL̥ͦc̥ͦO̥ͦm̥ͦe̥ͦ!!! i'm glad that you've already met some wonderful posh-ladies & i hope that you'll love it's super addicting! 😋 good luck on your sales & tag us if you ever need anything 🐷
Jun 29Reply
honeypig14 @dramaless thanks for the intro! 💘
Jun 29Reply
lifeinstiches 🙋Rachael, Welcome to Posh👏🎉 This is a very addictive app & for that reason I never leave the house anymore & drink to much Starbucks 😂😂 & spend more then I sell👍 I see you asked for some advice on apps for pictures. I used a few I found from suggested yours advice & also downloaded every free one there was lol I played with 1 or 2 pictures to see which I liked best & deleted the rest but I have found Instaframe to be good Framefree,PicLab & Pic Stich the best. It depends on what you want to do. But I think for being new your closet looks good 😘 if you every need any help just tag me. Oh I forgot my name is Heidi 🙋 & if you want I can tag you in a few good people that have great info on their page & groups that share to get more followers. @katz2 usually helps in lots of areas with new comers but she is taking a break to spend time with family but I would still check out her info👍 Happy 4th🇺🇸🇺🇸of July😘 & go get some sales😘
Jul 03Reply
rmarlar333 @amandajean4589 Hi Amanda... @honeypig14 Hi... nice to meet you all and thank you!
Jul 03Reply
rmarlar333 @hotpantsrhoads Hello Heidi... nice to meet you! Thank you so much, great suggestions, I'll check those apps out for sure. Happy 4th.
Jul 03Reply
wenrella Welcome Its nice 2 meet U ✌
Jul 08Reply
rmarlar333 @wenrella Thank you and wonderful to meet you too!
Jul 09Reply
51twenty Hi Rachel! I'm here for ya'✨
Jul 13Reply
ex_globetrotter Thanks for the posh love dear!!! Welcome to the community. You got great advice already but please don't hesitate to tag me anytime if you still need tips. 👍 Thanks @pmgr22 for the intro Ari! You're awesome as always gf!🙌
Jul 13Reply
rmarlar333 @kookc Hi Carolyn! Thank you so very much.
Jul 13Reply
rmarlar333 @ex_globetrotter You are very welcome and thank you very much.
Jul 13Reply
51twenty You're welcome! 🎉🎉✨✨💖
Jul 13Reply
skyeyas Welcome to posh! And oops! I'm sorry I was too fast with my shares. Didn't realize some of the items are not for sale 😁 so sorry about that.
Oct 02Reply
rmarlar333 @skyeyas Aw thank you so much... I have now been with Posh a few months but am still learning Posh and build a wonderful Posh Rules only closet...
Oct 02Reply
rmarlar333 @skyeyas No worries I have done the same thing before... thank you for all the Posh love!
Oct 02Reply
mistielee @rmarlar333 Rachael✨ Just checking on you!!💖💕 I miss seeing you in here. I pray all is well for you. MUCH LOVE XOXO
Mar 27Reply
rmarlar333 @mistielee Mistie, Thank you so much for checking on me and continuing to share my closet... My internet and WiFi was broken, 4 cable tech.'s later, it seems to finally work again! Oh Thank goodness... I have missed you all so much! Hopefully, my internet and WiFi will continue working properly as I play the catch up game here on Posh! Hope all is well with you my dear PFF!
Apr 06Reply
mistielee @rmarlar333 Rachael!! I'm so glad your back, lol you Ka⚡️Boomed my closet!! Ha ha. You are welcome!! I was a little concerned that you were giving up on us.😳 I'm so glad your not. I have been out of town all day... I was pleasantly surprised when I realized 1/3 of my feed was your shares!!! I'm sure I will run into you tomorrow!! For sure to share back. TY!! Sweet Girl.❤️😘
Apr 07Reply
rmarlar333 @lcjacks0210 Linda, if you would list something like this in your closet... that would really be awesome! To make it state "Not for Sale" put the Sale price at $0.
Aug 11Reply

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Last Active: Mar 13

Jefferson City, MO
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Last Active: Mar 13

Jefferson City, MO
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