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Last night at 12am my best friend died in a car accident. Please have me & my friends family in your prayers.

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I am so sorry Andrea......I don't know what to say.....you know how to reach me.
Praying for all of you!
Aug 11Reply

I'm so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you and all her loved ones.
Aug 11Reply

@sarkid @mixitup you I sometimes sit hear & wonder what I did so bad to deserve everything that's going on. Now my best friend. Her bday was next week what am I going to do without her?????
Aug 11Reply

It's not going to be easy. Nothing happening is your fault it's just life. It's hard not to take things personally when bad things happen around you. Can you get her loved ones together and plan something in her honer? I'm thinking people can chip in towards it. Sad things happen without considering timing. Then again theirs no good time to lose people you care about. From my experience very few people encounter one thing after another after another. Often it is more spread out for them. Unfortunately in your case you got so much around you but it's not you it's just terrible timing.
My heart hurts for you. Trust me when I say you got to be strong. Not because that's the generic answer people say when times are tough. Because I been there different things but all one after another. I won't lie it still hurts and this was many years ago. But I learned for my own sanity I had to be strong. I'm sorry for your loss that's horrible :( she probably would want you to try and be strong. She is still with you always. Never forget that.
Aug 11Reply

@mixitup thank you
Aug 11Reply

Your in my prayers
Aug 11Reply

@beautifulbutton thanks friend
Aug 11Reply

@krissy007 my best friend died Saturday night.
Aug 11Reply

@kanyejoyner I am so sorry Andrea 😢💕❌⭕️❌⭕️
Aug 11Reply

@jlt2681 thanks for commenting. I'm just so sad & lost for words.
Aug 11Reply

@kanyejoyner I'm so sorry :(
Aug 11Reply

@krissy007 girl I just don't know how much more I can take. Is your big day tomorrow?
Aug 11Reply

@kanyejoyner when it rains it pours it very true. Yes tomorrow :/
Aug 11Reply

@krissy007 please let me know you have a safe return home.
Aug 11Reply

@krissy007 and when the sun decides to shine in me girl I hope I get burnt lol
Aug 11Reply

@kanyejoyner ill do my best :)
Aug 11Reply

@kanyejoyner right! I would hope so! I'm stiiiiil waiting lol
Aug 11Reply

@krissy007 you & I are to peas & a pod. We will be on top & sun burnt one of these days.
Aug 11Reply

@jimsprincess thank you. The pain is still very strong. She was my heart & a great neighbor. She helped me through a lot. She will be missed by so many.
Aug 11Reply

My GOD Andrea 😔I'm so sorry. I need to pray a little harder for you. Be strong.... God bless her soul🙏
Aug 12Reply

@bholiday all your prayers are appreciated but yea more would be great. This has broke my heart💔. Idk how much more I can take girl‼️
Aug 12Reply

I'm so so sorry😔💕
Aug 12Reply

@bholiday thanks for caring💞👍💞. It's just so hard she was more than a BFF she was like my sister being that I'm an only child. I need to let go & let God. I know she's in a better place but that I'm still selfish bc I want her here with me like always.
Aug 12Reply

@kaylen26 thanks girl.
Aug 12Reply

Oh my , sooo have no words. Praying for you and her family
Aug 12Reply

Hi Hun, you can always call me if u need someone to just listen, and maybe cry with you.
Aug 12Reply

@ali65 you're so sweet but I'm all cried out right now. I've cried for over 24 hrs straight. So nice of you though.
Aug 12Reply

Andrea so sorry for your loss. I'm here for you girl. Email if u need me 💐
Aug 12Reply

Andrea, I am so very sorry for your loss. Please know that you have a friend you've never even met before praying for you in Florida. Much love and hugs to you! - Cathy
Aug 12Reply

@catmac1968 thank you Cathy from Florida.
Aug 12Reply

@naturelover thanks😘
Aug 12Reply

I am so sorry for your lost. You and Lori's family are in my thoughts
Aug 12Reply

My deepest sympathies for your loss. True friends are rare. Prayers🙏
Aug 12Reply

I am terribly sorry for your loss
Aug 12Reply

😘 so sorry for your loss🌟 hugs and prayers🌟
Aug 12Reply

My condolences Andrea! Praying for you and her loved ones🙏🙏🙏
Aug 12Reply

I can not think of a more sad thing than losing a dear friend. I am so sorry and pls know that you and her family are on my prayer. List. If you need anything pls ask . We are here for you . Remember that.🙏🙏🙏
Aug 12Reply

@kanyejoyner Andrea I am so sorry for your loss. Will keep you and her family in my prayers. 🙏
Aug 12Reply

🙏👼 RIP Lori
Aug 12Reply

I am so very sorry. I cannot imagine how difficult this must be for you. I ll keep you and her family in our prayers.🙏
Aug 12Reply

@isa_wine_lover @bkimh @katralvin @vanadzor @vacat @ginger71 thanks to you all for the kind words. I miss my friend so much‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
Aug 12Reply

@tamrra @classyvintage thank you so much. I miss her so much.
Aug 12Reply

My heart goes out to you💕🙏
Aug 12Reply

@kanyejoyner of course you do. I really admire you two friendship. Just think of her as another guardian angel for you and your family now
Aug 12Reply

So sorry!!! Sending prayers your way🙏🙏🙏
Aug 12Reply

@kanyejoyner Oh I am so sorry for your loss , there are no words to describe your hurt and I will keep you in my heart and prayers. You will see her again in the most wonderous of places where no sorrow or pain exists. Sending SOECIAL prayers for you and her family. Tommie
Aug 12Reply

@tomalee @lisadraper thanks ladies.
Aug 12Reply

Oh my goodness! My heart breaks for you! Sending u strength and love!!
Aug 12Reply

@erikagannon thank you. My heart is 💔
Aug 12Reply

@kanyejoyner Andrea, I'm am so very sorry to see this! I've not been on Poshmark that much lately due to a lot of different reasons. It breaks my heart to see this now after everything you're already going through! I truly wish there was something I could do/say to ease your pain! 😂 please know I'm continuing to lift you up in prayer!!🙏 Much Love: Beth💟
Aug 12Reply

@dramaless Beth you've been an awesome friend & I'm grateful for you. All of you. My heart is so broken 💔. I miss her so much. I'm having a real bad day😪😪😪😪
Aug 12Reply

@jblacombe thank you.
Aug 12Reply

@fashionstar14 thank you.
Aug 12Reply

So deeply sorry! Love & prYers💔😢
Aug 12Reply

@kanyejoyner 😢I truly wish we lived closer, because I would be pulling up in your driveway to give you a big ole hug and then sitting on your front porch with you, to listen to all your special memories of your best friend. You have to never forget, you will see her again one day and in the mean time, she is with you. Don't ever forget that! 💜💘💚
Aug 12Reply

Andrea, no words can't begin to help ease your pain or make things better. Many times, life presents us with the most difficult times and we wonder why, what and how? Why it occurred? Why her? Why me? What could have changed this? What is the reason? How am I going to handle and cope with this? These are questions often we don't have the answers for. In time, some are answered others we need to turn to our faith, family, friends and feelings of what we need to do for ourselves to cope. We all handle tragedies differently. Time will help. It's obvious what a difference she made in this world to you and I'm sure all those she came in contact with. I'm so sorry you lost your best friend. Imagine what a better place Heaven is with a new Angel!!! I know she would want you to do the things that made you all laugh! Anytime, and yes I do mean anytime you just need to express how you are doing or a friend to talk to I will respond. You have many praying for you. I hope God carries you and helps you to be strong during this time. Hugs, prayers and smiles sent your way, Diane
Aug 12Reply

@kanyejoyner I am sorry for your loss.
Aug 12Reply

@manymurrays thanks sis💞👍💞
Aug 12Reply

@dramaless 😘😘😘😘
Aug 12Reply

@dierks24 wow it was really meant for you to see this post. My best friends moms name was Diane which also is in heaven a much better place. I know everything you said is true but right now I'm being selfish some would say bc I just can't quit crying even some of her family members are taking it better than me but she was my BFF & I miss her so much. She was our neighbor & she was older than me by 6 yrs well maybe 7 bc her bday would have been this coming Monday but she used to change my diapers & as time past & we both got older there was no getting us apart. We were stuck like super glue lol. I miss her so much. Right about this time she would be walking over to see if my family was feed & were we full. Then we would talk on the phone for hrs ab our hubby's & our problems. Then the next morning coffee & laughs all morning until lunch then we would go home & do our chores. Life's just not the same anymore.😪😪😪😪
Aug 12Reply

@daisygirl321 thank you💞👍💞
Aug 12Reply

You are not being selfish. Nobody and I mean nobody knows how you feel and we all handle and cope in our own ways. I can't imagine what you are feeling nor the pain you are experiencing and I wouldn't ever try to think I knew. I will say I'm glad you are crying not glad you are sad. Two different things completely so hope it makes sense. You are coping with losing a part of you. It's alright to cry, it's alright to be sad. I realize everyone means well when they try and say encouraging words but above all just remember how lucky you are that God blessed you with such an amazing genuine friendship. I know you will be forever grateful for this life memorable friendship. Anytime, I know no words I say will help but please know you can comment here or on my page I will respond and I will be checking in on how you are doing. God bless you. Life is full of blessings. Friendship is one that we are fortunate to be blessed with yet it's the most painful feeling when we lose one. We think why??? And we just want to curl up, go to sleep and wake up and have it all to have bed a very bad dream. So each day when we wake up we have to face reality we want it to get better but time doesn't change the loss it does however help us as humans to learn what we need and how we can handle and cope. I hope you know I am serious and genuine when I say I'm here for you anytime. Hugs, Diane
Aug 13Reply

@dierks24 I know you're for real & thank you💗
Aug 13Reply

You are in my prayers tonight. 🙏🙏kim
Aug 13Reply

@kanyejoyner hi sweet heart I'm so very sorry for your loss :( . I just saw this now please be strong my friend I'm here any time you need to talk . God bless you and your beautiful family I'm praying for you . And may your friend Rip !!!!! 🙏
Aug 13Reply

So sorry to see this. I'm sending you prayers for peace and comfort. I'll be sharing some items from your closet to try to help. Please don't worry about sharing back.
Aug 13Reply

@kaylief you're very sweet💞👍💞
Aug 13Reply

We have to support each other when we can! Shares and prayers go a long way!
Aug 13Reply

@kanyejoyner Oh, Andrea -- forgive me for not seeing this earlier. I dont have words--I am thinking of you and praying for your family and everyone. 💓💓💓
Aug 14Reply

@pmgr22 thank you😘
Aug 14Reply

Aug 14Reply

I'm so sorry to read about your loss, you have my deepest condolences
Aug 15Reply

I am so sorry for your loss dear, i loss my bestfriend too in a tragic car accident this year april 25. I feel your pain. Let me give you an electronic tight tight hug. You will be in my prayers.
Aug 15Reply

@kanyejoyner I am so very sorry for your loss Andrea and to her family as well! Also for everything you've been going through! I know you're tough, stay strong! 💕💕 Sending prayers & well wishes your way.
Aug 15Reply

@lana_88 @charming_mhel thanks ladies. Every day I think it will get better but it doesn't. I miss my friend. She was not only my BFF but a lifelong friend as well as my neighbor. I miss her so much😪😪😪😪
Aug 15Reply

@charming_mhel I'm sorry about your bestie too. It's very hard I know.
Aug 15Reply

@kanyejoyner - you are in my prayers.
Aug 15Reply

Sorry for your loss...you will be in our prayers
Aug 15Reply

So sorry for your loss!
Aug 15Reply

This is sad. Sorry dear. Prayers from Cali. :(
Aug 15Reply

I'm sorry for your lost condolence
Aug 15Reply

@kanyejoyner I'm so sorry for your loss. Praying for you and your friend's family.
Aug 16Reply

Andrea, we don't know each other that well, but that would never stop me from letting you know you are in my prayers🙏 This life can beat us up at times and then spit us out, this is when we let God and those we love comfort and be strong FOR us- praying you can mourn all you need to while those around you take care of you, but know you will see your sweet friend again and you will get to spend eternity together🙏 I hope happy memories of all your time together will help bring a smile through the tears😘
Aug 16Reply

@anoliver thank you so much & yes tomorrow is her memorial but also her bday so lots of both crying & laughing.
Aug 16Reply

@rjoneal thanks for both of your sweet comments & shares.
Aug 16Reply

Oh sweet Andrea, that will be a difficult day indeed😢 Many prayers going up for your comfort, peace, and rest🙏 I can picture her looking down and beaming at all the love you have for her💕💕 Blessings lovely😘
Aug 16Reply

@kanyejoyner Be strong through the test. Easier said than done.
Aug 16Reply

@mskfar thanks my sweet posh sister. I need lots of prayers at this time in my life. We're struggling so bad. My hubby has been out of work for over a year now & we've been living off my mom very little check but besides all that my best friend up & dies on me. I needed her & I miss her more than any words can say. Also I didn't make another post about this bc I already have so much going on. My cousins daughter well my 2nd cuz got ran over by a car, she's 2 yrs old. Praise God she's still alive. She got 29 staples in her head & her face is so swelled that she barely can open her eyes not to mention all the bruises & cuts all over her body. Poor baby so yes please pray for all of us. I'm so beat from not sleeping. I feel like I can close my eyes now. I have to go to my BFF's memorial & bday celebration. Tomorrow she would have been 46. God bless you & all of yours. Many blessing to you my sister💞
Aug 16Reply

@kanyejoyner Oh no I just saw this. I'm so sorry for this loss. I can imagine the pain. Praying for you.
Aug 16Reply

I'm so, so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine losing my best friend. Have peace of mind in knowing she's no longer in pain and now she's watching over you. Prayers will be answered😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇
Aug 16Reply

Omg I'm so sorry to hear that @kanyejoyner I'm praying for you in this horrible time 🙏😔
Aug 17Reply

So sorry Andrea❤️
Aug 17Reply

@sdshopper thank you Heather💞👍💞
Aug 17Reply

@kanyejoyner I am truly sorry for your loss. May God give you and Loris family the strength to get through this difficult time.
Aug 18Reply

so sorry to see this Andrea, very hard to lose our loved ones.
Aug 18Reply

I am so so sorry to hear of this horrific news. Keeping you and your friend's family in my prayers.
Aug 18Reply

I am so sorry for your loss!
Aug 19Reply

I am so sorry for your loss Andrea. Keeping you in my prayers
Aug 19Reply

Oh man. My condolences. I lost a friend on this day a couple of years ago too 😞
Aug 20Reply

😭😭 I am so so sorry 😭🙏🙏🙏
Aug 22Reply

So sorry. Praying for you and her family
Aug 22Reply

@kanyejoyner so sorry my friend. Prayers for you and family 🙇
Aug 23Reply

I'm sorry about your friend. Bless her sole!! Rip she looks beautiful and like a nice girl.
Aug 27Reply

@kanyejoyner im so sorry for your Loss Andrea! 🙏🌹
Aug 28Reply

So very sorry for your loss Andrea.🌺Take care of you & your loved ones & don't stress about PM or returning shares. Let us help you...💕
Aug 29Reply

Ohh noo, I'm so so heartbroken to hear this. I lost my fiance in an auto accident, and if there is absolutely anything that i can do to help you, to listen, talk, etc...Please remember that i am here, Many Bright Blessings, and may the sun shine in your heart, where sometimes it may seem dark. Xoxo..hugs and posh love..from Orlando FL
Aug 30Reply

And also,my new friend, you have done nothing wrong. I have been dealing with the grief for so many years. Though you may not even think it will ever happen, i promise you that your heart will eventually lighten and not feel so heavy. It seems so very many moon's away, but your heart WILL begin, only when it is ready, to soften up and focus/remember all of the great things that you two brought to each others lives. Each day must be taken one day at a time, and cry, laugh, scream if you need to. You're allowed! Grief leaves on it's own, No two people deal with this in the same way, each person is different. You must take care of YOURSELF(body), and it's okay to do that. It is okay to ask for help too. I hope that you are going that. Xoxo Kristin
Aug 30Reply

@xoxo73 hi I've had so many comment & all I could ever say was I miss my friend even though the days passed I still mainly could say I miss my friend & I still miss her deeply. I choice to comment back to you bc I can tell you know what I'm going through. I'm so sorry about your other half & I feel your pain. Even thought Tootie (Lori) was a girl & not my hubby she still was my other half. I felt her crash without knowing. I awoke out of my sleep with deep deep chest pains like I couldn't breathe. As babies our mothers were co-workers, direct side by side neighbors & BFF's also. We went to the same schools, shared all our deepest secrets. We grew up together & both had 2 sons. I thought we would grow old together. She was always there for me. We talked everyday. I woke up to her voice saying get your butt out that bed. We rarely missed a day seeing each other. Our sons even have became what we once were now I barely can drive down her street. I'm still in so much pain & I do feel partly to blame. That Saturday night she called wanting to go out & I told her no bc my hubby didn't want me to leave home for some reason maybe it would have been both of us bc he never cares or never has been jealous of our relation. It's so many maybes like if we were together maybe she would not have been on that rd. it's so much to deal with & the for not even knowing me & coming forward & being so supportive.
Aug 30Reply

@xoxo73 I was trying to say thx at the end
Aug 30Reply

@kanyejoyner So sorry for your loss.
Aug 31Reply

Oh my! I am so sorry to tear. I pray for you and her family.
Sep 01Reply

Sep 01Reply

@tamarismom Cora thank you for everything😘💋💋💋
Sep 01Reply

I pray my shares and requests pay off. I shared on Fb and twitter as well.
Sep 02Reply

@tamarismom thank you so much. I hope it worked too.
Sep 02Reply

Wow, what a terrible tragedy. I'll e thinking of you 😥
Sep 07Reply

Oh no I'm sorry for your loss! Sending you hugs and hope that the find memories help you to heal! Please don't worry about sharing back! 💝
Sep 13Reply

@mixitup I was just thinking of my BFF. I saw her hubby tonight. He stopped by & ask me why I never come over anymore. We'll truth is it hurts to go there & over this time I've just been strong & moved on for the sake of my sons I have to sane lol but true. But as I was reading all these comments of what people had to say your comment touched me the most & even though I don't go to her house I think if her often & like you said she's always with me. You don't even know me but through here & with everything I've went through you have had my back & always been there. I thank you so very much💞👍💞
Nov 05Reply

On holidays maybe sent him a card. She's watching you and him. Loved ones are never far away from us. They are part of us always and forever. You're a very strong woman and I know your friend is with you. Always in your memories and heart.
Nov 05Reply

I can't go places near memories with someone I cared for and lost. It's really hard to overcome that. I could never visit a home where the person I miss used to live. I have a hard time just going to a few restaurants and places because it makes me want to cry and think of the past and my loss. I completely understand and if you're anything like me time won't change that. I learned to compromise with myself and allow some happy places to go there and I'm fine with that. But certain people and places too much remind me of that sadness I can't be around really. I do go do things and watch movies or shows I think would have liked. It makes me content because that's the best you can be. Not sure if any of that makes sense but when you get sad do something she loved it may make you feel better. I get to be a wreck every year on the last day and birthday. It's been many years but that doesn't change. Over time I now try and do happy things those days instead of just be sad. Theirs never a good time to lose people we love. Just holding onto memories and being strong is what we have to do.
Nov 05Reply

@mixitup thanks you always know what to say😘😘😘 have a great day.
Nov 05Reply

You too :)
Nov 05Reply
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