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Notice how the INSPIRED bags don't steal the Chanel logo, they don't pretend to be Chanel they are just SIMILAR. And the REPLICA steals & copies the logo; FAKE. By the way, FAKES are not allowed on Posh. If you are trying to sell them I highly suggest you don't follow me.
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HA 😜! I LOVE IT!!! LOLOL!!! 😂😂😂
LMFAO Get em' girl!
I enjoyed reading this, straight up & to the point. 👌
lol I had to. People think they're slick @mizzterra31
Oh boy , my biggest pet peeve. I hate FAKE BAGS. A FAKE IS A FAKE IS A FAKE!!! There's no other word for it. Well those who like to think anything different , replica, inspired, oh there's more words I just can't even think right now. Nothing makes me crazier.
💯🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼PREACHHH girl!!💗💗
@andreagirl ok 1- I'm not fully knowledgable of copyright laws to begin to dispute what you're accusing me of 2- I didn't know reusing model pics on posh wasn't allowed 3- there is a huge difference btwn me using model pics as reference & promoting/selling counterfeit items 4-I'm pretty sure VS & any company for that matter would be more concerned with counterfeits than reposted pictures that are properly credited 5- I'm practicing exactly what I preach, this post was about lying & counterfeits
@lexiwen lol let me guess who's minion you are 🤔. I love the attention. Please continue 😘
Says the girl that just made an account today.. Leaving a comments on a bunch of my listings.. Right after I called "someone else" on their bs... Who loves who here? Lol clearly you made this account just to talk to me. I appreciate your time. I hope you do great in school today. 👍🏼
Hey there! Thank you so much for visiting my closet and liking an item ✨ all orders placed tonight will ship tomorrow morning 💃🏼 Happy Poshing!
Hello there. So nice to meet you here. I love the beautiful and cute nail art. I hope you love too. Hope you have fun here. All the best.
Hey there, I hope you have fun on Poshmark. There are some gorgeous jewelry in my closet. I think they are super matched with your clothes and you will be the focus no matter where you are if you wear them. Or they are very nice gifts to your mum, sister, wife, or girlfriend. So please feel free to check out my closet. Thank you and all my best wishes to you.
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