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Updated Nov 18
Updated Nov 18




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BE FOREWARNED! Feel free to tag all known scammers here. To prevent fraud we video tape our packing process from beginning to end in a detailed way for every item. we have a non related, non biased witness, who checks the description & reviews condition of item, to ensure condition is as described & pictured in listing, at time of packing. witness then, accompanies our representative & signs a notarized statement confirming.
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royalliving @cody7150 Thank you for all the shares. We need to all protect each other
Sep 13Reply
shadowsgems You have a wonderful way to protect you & the byers You have such great ideas. Have a wonderful night.
Nov 03Reply
sublimefeline @royalliving You should add to report users who are selling counterfeit designer items, which is a Felony plus UNFAIR to the designers who paid their dues and shouldn't be ripped off by such copyright infringement. Amazing to me how flagrantly they say "INSPIRED" as though it's ok. Good job girl!
Jan 28Reply
royalliving @sublimefeline AMEN !!!!! 😃
Jan 28Reply
thefunkyroyals Again WELL SAID!👑
Feb 03Reply
gumbob @royalliving Love quite a few of your listings. If I may borrow them let me know, lol
Mar 22Reply
caribemama @momsmakeup karma always comes back to you!
Mar 22Reply
rkuniquecollext Hello! ! ! I'm just blown completely away! ! Unfortunately, I've just encountered my very first "False" claim report by @brooklynaz, indicating that an item sold wasn't as described. But when I asked the buyer to share with me her reasons for this indication she stated she misread my listing for the item purchased and wanted to swap for something else in my closet, then said she was "messed up"over the details she thought said the item was gold, but-
Apr 16Reply
rkuniquecollext continuing.....(2) -claimed she read all of my listings before making me an Offer :/... The entire listing represents the item as Brass, Clearly. Posh has granted this buyer /seller a full refund in which I responded that I prefer to have payment released to my account as this buyer knew exactly what she was making an offer for, my listing wasn't a manipulation to obtain sales and the item has now been in her possession for over 4day, and that I didn't know what damages and or other-
Apr 16Reply
rkuniquecollext continuing..... (3) -unlikely flaws has been sustained. It's now April 16,2015. I'm truly thinking of leaving Posh to it's misrepresenting No refund/No Accidental Purchase non-accommodating to their own rules Policy. I was with eBay and was never treated as such. and I'm still confused on how they determined the listing wasn't as described and ruled in her favor @#???justapuzzledmess So if anyone else reads the listing and the messages between myself and the buyer-
Apr 16Reply
rkuniquecollext conclusion... (4) -please let me know what wasn't as described, & I'll message the buyer, @brooklynaz, Apologizing for my reactions and her inconvenience. I'd truly Appreciate it.message me & I'll share it .. Thanks for sharing this listing & Blessings! Rk Unique Collext....♡
Apr 16Reply
dimeandy20 I almost gt scammed luk at my closet
Apr 23Reply
toryshop @royalliving I'm sharing here/I was hacked last year/and have been hacked a total of 4 times/yes it can happen more than once/the are insidious on tricking you /the last was the worst getting several thousand dollars/and YOU have to prove it was a scammer/not you!! @toryshop💞
Sep 16Reply
royalliving @audid Thank you. I shared your listing. I don't normally trade but, if you would be game to trade some of your things with my high end authentic ones. I am game, too.
Oct 21Reply
royalliving @audid Perfect! Why don't you take a peek at all I have to offer, so far. I am very interested in the cc bag and a few other things. 😉 I have a TON not listed yet. Be sure to check my feedback.
Oct 21Reply
adrideangelis This is awesome!! @mykiki123 now will know how justice works.
Nov 25Reply
adrideangelis @paulinajc622 read the last comments from @elegant52. The whole story is there.
Nov 25Reply
adrideangelis @avasky Don't trade with mykiki123 unless you want to get scammed. She is the one that scammed me and other sellers as documented here. I'm just trying to save you from a nightmare.
Nov 25Reply
royalliving @adrideangelis @elegant52 I already blocked her. I don't do drama! AT ALL! Selling or trading... I'm sorry this happened to you both. I will share this. All scammers can be listed here and they will be blocked and shared but, no fighting battles on my pages, please. I am happy to help in any way I can. 👍🏻
Nov 25Reply
royalliving @adrideangelis I appreciate your calm, kind demeanor. Karma will get those deserving. 😉 Thank you for warning others about such behavior.
Nov 25Reply
adrideangelis @royalliving Thank you for your words. I feel very flattered by then. I learned from my grandmother that class is not something that you can improvise. If a bad situation cannot be resolved through dialogue, then justice, karma and divine intervention will take care of it. There's no need to lowered yourself to the same level. 😊
Nov 25Reply
kenzie_alexis @sublimefeline or when they claim it's authentic when it's not! Just bought a pandora bracelet from shoegal415 and took it to the store to be authenticated, and they told me it's not real. Now the seller is mad at me for filing a report that it's not authentic..
Jan 09Reply
milly_vanilly @royalliving Unfortunately even though I am new to Posh, I have already experienced a scammer as well. @mirabedard bout one of my items and claimed it was not as described when she received it. I emailed customer service and asked to be told what was not described. They ended up ruling in her favor and refunded back her money.
Jan 10Reply
milly_vanilly I thought it might take long but realized that months had gone by and I never received my item back. She had gotten her money back and kept my bag. Fortunately, after contacting Posh Customer Service, I was given back my money for the sale since she had never returned my bag.
Jan 10Reply
klynn3887 @royalliving thank you for making people aware! I sold to @angiejohnson39 and sent it in the wrong package so couldn't get it back to resend it until day 5. I sent it out, kept her constantly updated (it was the holidays so mail was a mess), yet she still cancelled at the first chance even though she knew it was en route. Poshmark contacted her to confirm delivery and that she wanted to keep it, she lied and
Jan 17Reply
klynn3887 @royalliving said she never received any correspondence, all to the goal of taking the transaction online to avoid paying posh fees. When I said I wouldn't do that (I follow posh rules and besides, she'd proved herself a liar so I hardly trusted her to get the money to me), she went ballistic. In the end, I got refunded my earnings but she remains on poshmark, a miserable person looking to exploit and get by paying as little as possible,
Jan 17Reply
klynn3887 @royalliving even though I held the item for her and lowered the price to meet at a more than fair discount. She also sells unsupported items, and when I told poshmark about that and about her attempt to take the transaction online (all the proof is in the comments section of the sold listing), they said they'd handle it but nothing has happened and she continues to sell at marked-up prices and I'm sure I wasn't the first nor will I be the last seller to get screwed by her.
Jan 17Reply
klynn3887 @royalliving We've blocked each other so unfortunately I can't tag her to get the warning out to people. If you'd like, you could do that. I'd rather not see her allowed on poshmark at all, but the next best thing is to warn people about her. I hate that I'm jaded now but she taught me an important lesson about taking strangers at their word.
Jan 17Reply
klynn3887 @royalliving every time it autocorrected to "online" what I typed and meant was "offline." At least I was refunded my earnings but, like others on this thread, this dishonest buyer got a pair of my boots, in excellent condition and far nicer than anything she is currently selling, for free. Dealing with posh customer service was a long, drawn-out headache where I rarely heard back and had to keep pestering to get any answer.
Jan 17Reply
klynn3887 @royalliving And for all they talk about rules regulating this process, they're not doing anything to penalize her, a multiple rule-breaker. So I have unfortunately lost a good deal of trust in posh as well. Which is a shame because I love all the wonderful, honest women that are on the site!
Jan 17Reply
angiejohnson39 @royalliving so this is angiejohnson39.... @klynn3887 posted nothing but a lie! Posh gave me cancel button. It not my fault she got it out to late! I do have her boots. I have offered her several different ways to pay for them. Plzz go look at the listing comments. They are for the Naughty Monkey Catch boot. So everyone can see I have tried to make this right. She is the one who refuses payment . Crazy as it may sound!!! It's the truth!! Go see for yourself!!!!
Jan 17Reply
angiejohnson39 @royalliving so miss@klynn3887 Don't you go erasing the listing so everyone can see ok??
Jan 17Reply
angiejohnson39 @royalliving .what @klynn3887 ...Not sure what all her rambling about wrong package crap is... But she is the price gouger. Those boots are so old and damaged its a disgrace she even had them on there for sale at that price! The bottoms on both pair was severely damaged. The inside was cracked and peeling.
Jan 17Reply
angiejohnson39 @royalliving Just because the suede part looked good she felt it was appropriate to price gouge them. Posh refunded my money. I notified her the very instant I got it. Tried several ways to get her exactly what she would have gotten from posh. But that wasn't good enough. She wanted more money since it wasn't going through Poshmark . Now everyone needs to beware of this price gouging posher !!!!
Jan 17Reply
angiejohnson39 @royalliving Also @klynn3887 ...I feel she is the one who needs kicked off Posher. And I'm not trying to sell her boots!! You lie about all kinds of stuff don't you @klynn3887 !! Whatever the case..people please go to my closet and see for yourself what she is claiming is a bold face lie!! You need to hit your knees and pray out to the lord for what you have gotten on here and lied about @klynn3887 !!!!
Jan 17Reply
klynn3887 @angiejohnson39 I'm keeping it up because it's evidence of you trying to violate posh rules and take the transaction offline. You buy from me on posh, you pay me on posh. And the pictures of the boots show that they're in fine condition. The cracking on the inside was mentioned in the description. So don't you worry, the listing will stay up. And when someone brings up scammers, I publicize your behavior, stating nothing but the facts confirmed by the listing.
Jan 17Reply
angiejohnson39 @klynn3887 sounds good to me!! They will clearly see Poshmark refunded me...and I reached out to you immediately . Not never one time did I try to hide from you. I was so excited when I got the refund because in my heart of hearts I knew I could finally get your money to you. Your the one being bullheaded refusing it. I was even willing to set up through western union!! Don't see how I tried violating any rules when Poshmark already refunded me.
Jan 17Reply
angiejohnson39 @klynn3887 your acting as if I tried getting you to sell those to me outside of Poshmark when you still had them!!! I didn't!!!! I got my refund. I did what I could to try to pay you. You refused it!! How could I go through Poshmark again when they already refunded me?? Uh... How? So I did the only thing I knew to do which was contact you and set up the payment..BUT YOU REFUSED MY MONEY!
Jan 17Reply
angiejohnson39 @klynn3887 you said something earlier in (...) how you didn't think I would pay anyway... Well fact was.. Poshmark already released me the money that I payed with for them. What did you have to lose at that point?? I had my money back in my possession out of Poshmarks. But I reached out to you anyway didn't I? Only then did I make a comment about Poshmarks fees. When the transaction was closed and I had my money back!
Jan 17Reply
angiejohnson39 @klynn3887 in no way shape or form did I try to violate Poshmark rules when the transaction was active. EVER!!! I only spoke of the fees when it was cancelled and I had my money back!! Now ONE more time...EVERONE... @klynn3887 IS LIEING ON ME!!! AS SOON AS I GOT MY MONEY BACK I GOT IN CONTACT AND TOLD HER!! SHE REFUSED IT!!!
Jan 17Reply
klynn3887 @angiejohnson39 this is the last I'll say because this is spamming @royalliving. Poshmark contacted you to confirm that you wanted to keep the boots. You said you received nothing from them, which I don't believe. Before any final decision was reached, you offered to pay me by money order to avoid paying posh fees, as you yourself stated. I respect the poshmark community enough to follow the same rules as everyone else, thus I declined payment via a prohibited transaction.
Jan 17Reply
angiejohnson39 @treefrogjewel THAT LADY IS LIEING ON ME!!! Posh gave me cancel button so I thought posh label hadn't been scanned anywhere for shipment. The boots arrived. Poshmark had given my money back. I reached out to her immediately to set up payment.
Jan 17Reply
royalliving @klynn3887 @angiejohnson39 Hi, Ladies. let me start by saying I am sorry this happened to both of you. Scammers may be listed here and details given. I will then share the listing and let others judge for themselves. I DONT DO DRAMA AT ALL!- Selling or otherwise. With that said, you are welcome to post and warn others of injustices you have incurred while on Posh, but no fighting your battles on my pages, please. However, I am supportive and happy to do all I can to help. 👍🏻
Jan 17Reply
angiejohnson39 @treefrogjewel She absolutley did!! I'm not going to send somebody money when they are telling me no because it wasn't through posh. Posh refunded me. The money was no longer in posh. So the only transaction left would have to be me send her payment through other means. She refused.
Jan 17Reply
klynn3887 @royalliving sorry about this! I know you said earlier you didn't want fights breaking out, and I'm done for my part, but as this was a listing about scammers I thought I'd share because I sure wish I could've been forewarned about her, and I'm so glad to know which other users to avoid. I wasn't scammed as badly as a lot of ladies on this listing but I know how violated I felt as it was and I'm so sorry you all had to go through that!
Jan 17Reply
klynn3887 @angiejohnson39 but before you flip out yet again or tell me I need to find Jesus, just read more slowly. I never accused you of selling my boots. I said you ended up getting my boots for free and they were of better quality than anything you were selling. Much like how you failed to read properly when I never asked for more money, just that you pay posh's fee like any other honest buyer.
Jan 17Reply
angiejohnson39 I apologize. I'm sorry for the drama. I just got so upset she went this far.
Jan 17Reply
royalliving @angiejohnson39 Thank you. Have a wonderful day
Jan 17Reply
treefrogjewel @royalliving - 😱Thank you for clarifying. I've had a couple of bad experiences, with buying (a red & white polka dot dress that was stained all over-rude seller-when I told her, she told me to try to bleach it? & it had ink & animal hair all over it), -cont..
Jan 17Reply
treefrogjewel @royalliving -2 cancels after item shipped, was refunded. 1 bad rating, stated didn't get what ordered. I triple checked, was accurate, even gave FGWP, so to be nice, refunded & gifted items & she never changed rating. Hurt my feelings, only bad ever rcvd. Sorry you are having to go through such trouble, with video taping to ship items. I just keep the USPS receipt until accepted😕
Jan 17Reply
royalliving @treefrogjewel Who did that to you?
Jan 17Reply
treefrogjewel @royalliving - which part? 🙄😉
Jan 17Reply
latinalovely81 Many frauds selling Ray Bans on here. I report them all and I have spoken to their customers but they still have profiles and still sell. Its sad. Gothemshades is one I reported who still is at it.
Jan 18Reply
sublimefeline @kenzie_alexis Happens ALL the time. My Pet Peeve are the ones who have the NERVE to say "INSPIRED!". INSPIRED = FAKE, FRAUD, ILLEGAL, ETC. Posh doesn't really seem to care much. You report Copyright Infringement on Ebay and they are ON IT! Also, on Ebay, if you knowingly sell " Inspired" Designer items you are kicked off. It's AGAINST FEDERAL LAW.
Jan 23Reply
royalliving @peaches5282 please post any scammers names here. I will share with all of my followers.
Jan 28Reply
peaches5282 omg @simplelovee can tag faster then me lol are you able to comment ??
Jan 28Reply
annluggen Ohhh! I like this! Been scammed too many times! May I phot your pix?
Feb 11Reply
desireediggsmau well I have already I countered that!..the person said I set her a purse with damaged handles and sent it to poshmark they agreed and told me she,was,sending the purse back beging new to poshmark i sold three items that purse being one got five star rating for other two items and the purse in question she did not send back but 2 99c wallets!
Jun 05Reply
desireediggsmau I sent a picture of the two wallets and the picture of postage to poshmark and they did nothing g about it?..SO lesson learned but I have since cell blocked her from my page
Jun 05Reply
desireediggsmau the pisher in question is KDV I sent her a reply as to why she sent me these two cheap wallets,and not my purse and have gotten no reply!..she will not respond and Poshmark has yet to respond!..SO I just lost but I am just glad it was not so.ething really expensive so petty for 34.00
Jun 05Reply
desireediggsmau now when I started out. Poshmark I did hit the wrong button several times which resulted in buy not share and yes I did cancel because I never mentioned to buy and my disability Does not help matters!..BUT NOW I REALLY READ CAREFULLY AND READ IT SEVERAL TIMES BECAUSE MY DYSLEXIA CAUSES BE TO NOT COMPREHEND WELL SO JUST STATING IF I HAVE OFFENDED ANYONE MY DEEPEST APOLOGIES I AM UNDERSTANDING BETER
Jun 05Reply

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