Welcome to my closet fellow Poshers!!
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I would love to buy and sell with all you Poshers out there!

18 others
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Thanks for sharing this!!
Sep 25Reply

Hi! It's nice to also meet you, virtually, on PM! Thank-you as well for all the shares,very thoughtful. Welcome to PM! I wish you the best on PM and may your sales exceed and enjoy while doing so. You are a beautiful lady with a positive outlook on life, a great asset! I also want you to meet the awesome ladies that helped me on the site as a newbie. If you have any questions please feel free to ask myself or any of these special ladies. PM Ladies... @chickykat @pamelam @katz2 @pehang @a2z6 @poppy64 @splendour @fabmello @poshnotpricey @linmp1031 @sethjoanna and so many more.....you will yet meet on here! Enjoy!
Sep 26Reply

Sorry I meant to put this on "meet the seller" geez. Also, best of health to you. May God bless you and always keep the faith. 😇
Sep 26Reply

@myspoiledwife thanks for the intro!! You are too sweet! ☺️
@hwiginton hi heather! My name is Joanna:) it's so nice to meet you! 😊 you are so beautiful inside and out! And you have such a positive outlook which I admire:) I'm fairly new as well and I am so addicted-I'm on all the time...and you will too, trust me! 😜 if you ever need anything or have any questions at all please don't hesitate to ask-I will try my best to help you! I've learned some tips from a few of the helpful women here and I thought you might find it useful! 1. Don't trade! Most of the ladies are trustworthy and honest, BUT there are some scammers on posh as well! 2. Share share share! 3. Follow--most will follow you back! 4. Try not to give out your email--again, there are scammers! 5. Have fun!!
I shared some of your closet to try to help boost your sales! Good luck and I'm always here if you need me! 💕💗
Sep 26Reply

@myspoiledwife Thank you so much for your sweet comment! Made me smile!!! I took off my listings about trading. I didn't know that was a problem!! Thank you for the heads up! I really appreciate you sharing my listings! I just added a whole stack of clothes and jewelry! Check them out and please share!! I always share back! You are so sweet!!! I really love Poshmark and I can totally see how it's addicting!! I've been on ALL day sharing and monitoring and tweaking my closet!! lol. Thanks for the heads up about sharing my email address. I will definitely ask you any questions I may have. Thanks again!!
Sep 26Reply

@myspoiledwife Thank you so much! I'm in remission and doing pretty well. I have continuing symptoms but my meds handle those fairly well. I appreciate the well wishes though!!
Sep 26Reply

Your are very welcome! I will keep you in our prayers, but always stay positive and have faith! You sound like a strong lady, very positive to be as well. I will have to browse your closet after dinner and see if I can find anything my size. I gained wt due to hearths issues as well but hoping to get back to my regular w/diet and exercise. Yes, never give out your e-mail nor trade. If you trade you are taking a chance of the other never sending your item and you being honest sending yours. It's something unfortunately that others not so nice PM people will do. Ugh! I have read about the scammers on here, I guess like any other site. Just be safe, ask, and go with your instinct. Again, stay healthy first, and if you need help with anything feel free to ask. But, again try to enjoy PM, have fun listing/shopping, and meeting such sweet people, like yourself girl! 😇😊
Sep 26Reply

Wow your closet does look even more amazing! I wish my sisters lived closer they are nurses...DON, RN, and social worker. Myself used to work in the health field doing home-based MT (could wear my pjs, lol) for drs around the world and loved it. See how addicting this can be? Sorry now rambling again, lol.
I like (all) the jeans you have posted but one pair may fit. I will post on them and if you don't mind get better measurements from you please? It's usually so hard to buy jeans online since they differ from brands and such. Let me tag u or ask on the jeans I'm talking about..thanks again.
Sep 27Reply

@myspoiledwife Hey girl! I have a problem. I sold a pair of pants on here and the girl received them. She reported them as not as described, broken or stained. They were perfect!! What do I do?
Sep 27Reply

You still have your original pic right?
Sep 27Reply

@sethjoanna Hey girl! One of my buyers got the item I sold them, which was perfect, and she reported it as not as described, broken, or stained. What do I do?
Sep 27Reply

Sorry yes you would have the pic/listing in your "sales" profile. Go there and it will say "problems/inquire" or something of that nature and that's where you explain your listing and proof from the pic, etc. Tell them (BP) just what you stated to me in more detail and you should have no problem. Have you checked her page/closet to see if she has any sales, many sales, friends, etc? I always do that just to see how they are and read some of their postings to try to get a picture of what they are like, etc. LMK if I can help in any way. Just don't panic, it will work out for the best. 😊
Sep 27Reply

Sorry should be PM not BP....have Boston Proper on the brain, geez.
Sep 27Reply

@hwiginton heyyy love! Everything @myspoiledwife said! Please do look at her page and see if she has listings, followers and look at the comments people have sent. See how she is and what she is like...if other followers are giving her negative feedback--she could be dishonest. Please don't stress and fret over it girl-everything will be fine. Tell PM everything and hopefully things will work out in your favor! You'll be okay!! 👌😘💗
Sep 27Reply

@myspoiledwife Yes. I have all four original photos. My husband packed the pants up and he saw their condition.
Sep 27Reply

@myspoiledwife She doesn't have any sold items in her closet. I sent her a message on the original listing asking what was wrong. How can I see comments people have made about her? On her other listings? How can I give PM my side of the story? They haven't even asked me anything about it.
Sep 27Reply

Did you see my above message? ☝️You can't look @ others ratings, that is confidential only for yourself. But, go to you "sales" that is located in your profile than their will be the pic of what you sold her then click on that arrow & below it will say "problems/inquiry" or something similar than click on the arrow and follow the directions of your issue. PM is slow on getting back to you. I think they have 24-48 hrs to reply. In the meantime, they will release her funds (within 3 dys I believe) and your payment should go through. Since they will see the original pic on file and listing as described and your statement . Don't panic people unfortunately can be ugly. If she has no sales, nor comments than she may be a scammer? I don't want you to assume that to scare you but myself I like to read their history, sales, comments if no sales, etc. Regardless, the original listing is posted with you as well on file with PM. Just make sure you comply to make a complaint as stated above....that there were NO issues, tears, etc., when the item was sold and packaged, etc. LMK how things work out. Don't stress, things will work out for you. After this is all over if I were you I would than block her so she/he can't purchase nor buy from you again and have this happen again. Sorry for your misfortune. 😁😞 But, again don't panic since all is on file. Just complete above ASAP!
Sep 27Reply

Also, if you can't go to her page nor read comments that means she has blocked you.
Sep 27Reply

@myspoiledwife She hasn't blocked me. She doesn't have many comments. Mostly her thanking people for shares. If there is an issue, it's an honest mistake and I have no problem fixing it.
Sep 27Reply

Did you explain that to her? Has she replied? And, for you safe sale complete the above in your "sales" profile. It may only delay you receiving your funds, in a timely manner, but I don't see anything else since you did everything by PM rules, possibly not even that.
Sep 27Reply

@myspoiledwife She wrote back! She said the pants were badly faded. They were not! She also said there were a couple of bluish stains. If there were, they must be tiny because I don't remember seeing any stains. However, she's saying I misrepresented the item. The item description was size 14 lime green flared leg pants. Look at the listing. Do they look faded to you? Do you see any stains? Anyways. I think PM will rule in favor of me because I didn't say there were no stains. I didn't say they were perfectly hued. Right?
Sep 27Reply

@sethjoanna Hey girl! The buyer wrote me back and said the pants were badly faded, I don't think so, and had a couple of bluish stains, which must have been tiny because I didn't see any stains. However, the item description states size 14 lime green flare leg pants. I have four pictures of the front and back of the entire pants. I didn't misrepresent the item. So I feel certain PM will rule in my favor. What do you think?
Sep 27Reply

@hwiginton hi love! I looked at the pics and post and comments...by stating "lime green flair pants" does not really say anything:/ I do understand that you didn't say "no stains" but your title needs to be COMPLETELY descriptive. If the pants did have the stains and you didn't say it on your listing...then I'm so sorry to say but you might be in the wrong. I'm not saying your pants do have the stains, but if they do and you didn't say they did...they rule in her favor. Please ask the girl to upload pics of the stains so you can actually see them. I hope this helps! Let me know what happens girl! You will be okay, you didn't know😘😘
Sep 27Reply

@hwiginton also love, in your description put that they were used. Say "pre-loved" or "used a handful of times" that shows people that they have been worn previously and are not in perfect condition--if they are not in perfect condition you should also say so. I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just trying to help! 😘💗
Sep 27Reply

Hummmmm...I feel differently since there are four different pictures with NO fading. Regardless, she knew they were used and all pants as well as jeans will fade with washing to a degree & the pics do show them as lime green, as you stated. Did she wash them after she received them thus being her fault as to fading more so if washing directions weren't followed? Also, of course they are not new because you would of stated NWOT or NWT etc., so I'm totally in favor of you being in the right. I would wonder if the buyer wore them and accidently had gotten ink on the pants which is where the bluish stains are what she is now stating since I don't see this in your pics or again were they washed with a blue ink pen? In my own opinion for $10- why would someone seriously complain when the pics tell it all. I would, after this incident, be very specific to what you post as some people can be very ugly expecting new items when this is mostly a used clothing site. I truly like all my purchases to be clean, w/o stains, and exactly as stated thus I ask questions before purchasing, but I have rec'd a few things that were smaller than stated but I just told myself "yep it's time to lose some wt." lol I'm not giving anyone a bad rep over $10- when I know when I sale an item it cost me my ink from printing, paper, my time from listing, my time to wrap, box, send thank-you cards (my doing and not required) , and then gas to get it to the post office same day if open...so plz don't complain to me after all I did for $10- minus what PM gets, seriously? Ugh! Sorry, guess I am venting for you....lol but my feelings on the sale. I can't reiterate enough that the pics are truly your best defense. We are here to sale/purchase nice items, meet nice people, and we work hard at trying to make everyone happy in what we sale/purchase as well as take pride in what we do, and lastly enjoy the site! Stay positive girl remember? 😊
Sep 27Reply

@myspoiledwife My thoughts exactly! I always stay positive. I'm not going to let this one chick ruin my great impression of PM, or all the wonderful ladies, like you, that I've met so far. Thanks for listening and for all your advice. I will keep you updated!
Sep 27Reply

Welcome & good luck!!👍 @myspoiledwife : Thx for the sweet comment & the intro!💋
Sep 27Reply

@linmp1031 Thank you!
Sep 27Reply

Definitely and u mean my novels?,,,,,,lol.
Sep 27Reply

@myspoiledwife They approved the case based on photo proof from the buyer. Wtf???? I emailed PM and asked to see these photos. I'm so upset!!!!
Sep 28Reply

@myspoiledwife My other sale got 5 stars.
Sep 28Reply

Seriously? Did you ask to see them? I definitely would but hey lucky it's only $10- and personally I would block her. Do you get them back now? That's insane! Woohoo glad you got 5 stars on your others....see there are good people mostly on here, just them few that can be, well u know, lol.
Sep 28Reply

@myspoiledwife Yes I asked to see them. It's ok. When I get the item back I'm going to relist it and describe it down to the thread on the seams!!
Sep 28Reply

😜😊 I am totally shocked ! I thought they would look @ the pics you have to make their decision? I don't think I would re-list after this ordeal. 😁😩 Now it confuses me, wonder if another purchases from myself or anyone for that matter & than decides to wear it...messes it up because they just don't want to spend the cash or decide they don't want them, size, etc., that's totally wrong! Did you tell your side of the story & show the actual shipping pics b4 they left your home? Geez just shocked since I seen the pant pics & even asked my hubby to check them out & he seen nothing either both our 👀 's seen nothing. I guess u learn who "not" to sale things to. Sorry u had such a negative experience. 😕😑
Sep 29Reply

@myspoiledwife I'm surprised too. I was not given the opportunity to share my side of the story. We shall see when I get them back. I will just keep them. Give them to Goodwill when I lose more weight. It hasn't ruined my impression of PM. I appreciate all your support!! Going to look at your closet. :)
Sep 29Reply

Great way of thinking! Stay positive as most are very kind on here but like stated b4 there are always the few who are not. Keep me informed. Take care and again keep positive energy, it's always the better choice! Have an awesome week!
Sep 29Reply

@myspoiledwife OMG. I just got the email from Poshmark Support. The pictures she sent are ridiculous. The pants are khaki in her pictures with two bright blue stains on the pants that were NOT there when I mailed them. I looked back at my pictures and there were NO stains. She is a liar!! I cannot wait to get them back in the mail. I'm so angry right now!!!! I emailed support my original pictures and when I get them back in the mail I am going to take pictures and send them to support. Some people!!!!!!!
Sep 30Reply

Wow how cruel and desperate can one be! Totally insane if you ask me. I would definitely put in a complaint of the original pictures & give your version of the truth! That lady is cRaZY!!! One lady I met on here had told me she keeps a list of her good sellers, buyers, etc., so make sure you put her on you "forgotten" list, lol. Best of luck & LMK what PM does after they see the real truth. Ugh!
Sep 30Reply

@myspoiledwife I know right? I'm stunned. I confronted her on the original listing. She won't write back. I want her kicked off the site. I'm so upset!!!
Sep 30Reply

@myspoiledwife Thank you SO much for your support and encouragement. I'm putting a listing on my closet that is in tribute to YOU!!
Sep 30Reply

B-R-E-A-T-H....she is NOT worth the stress! Remember stress is trauma? And, you certainly don't need that. Those who are in the right always come out in the end remember? You will win overall, you are not lying so she knows not to reply. Don't waste your time, so she doesn't use that against you too. Whatever happens, call it a learning experience unfortunately, learned from it, and all in all she will have her day. Don't they say what comes around goes around? Breath.....sorry you had to have such a negative experience on here.
Sep 30Reply

@myspoiledwife I know. I was very careful with what I said to her. It's ok! I'm not going to let her ruin my overall great experience here! Did you see the listing I made for you? Much love! You know I don't even know your first name?
Sep 30Reply

Awwww you are so very sweet. Remember there are so many sweet/kind people on this site and rarely will this happen, you just happen to get an ugly to soon, unfortunate. Sorry my responses come later than yours...my internet is slow @ times. Also, above should of said BREATHE,....forgot the "e" I see. Lol. Hope you are laughing over how ridiculous one can get over $10-...geez, seriously! Just NOT stressing over that lady, lucky it was only $10-. Makes you wonder how many times she has cried wolf? Hummm...... Is she a 10% seller? Lol 😀😊😜😳
Sep 30Reply

No I haven't I will go check it out, thank-you in advance! 😊 Too funny, do you often talk to strangers? lol. My name is Kimberly or short Kim. We have texted for days and no names have been exchanged, too funny! I guess I was just upset myself never even thought of names, sorry for no introduction over here... Kim
Sep 30Reply

@sabette Thanks for the like!
Oct 01Reply

Thanks for all the likes! 😊
Oct 01Reply

@sethjoanna Hey girl! PM emailed me the pictures she sent them. The pants are khaki in her pictures!!!! And the two blue stains she posted pictures of were not there when I shipped them!!
Oct 01Reply

@hwiginton that's awesome!!! I'm glad everything worked out love! I'm so happy everything is resolved! :)) 💗
Oct 01Reply

@hwiginton btw you should "block" her, I believe she just tried to scam you. What is her user name? Just don't put the "@"
Oct 01Reply

@sethjoanna I think so too! How do I block her? Her name is jennisau.
Oct 01Reply

@infinitelyyours @sabette Thanks for the like!
Oct 01Reply

@sethjoanna What do you mean resolved? It's not resolved. I wrote to PM support. Haven't heard back from them. They have been shipped back to me. I can't wait to see them.
Oct 01Reply

@hwiginton sorry I got confused I thought you meant it was all fixed, sorry! 😁 you go to her closet page, up at the top on the right there is a little box with an arrow...click that, it should have option to block the user. Do not block her till everything is resolved tho!
Oct 01Reply

@sethjoanna @myspoiledwife Hey girls!! Got the pants back today. They are lime green, not khaki. There is a blue stain, but it wasn't there when I shipped. There is only one blue stain, not a couple like she stated. They look a lot more faded than when I sent them. I think they've been bleached. PM support wrote me back and said to send them pictures when I got them back. They said they couldn't verify that they looked like my pictures in my listing when they were shipped. BUT....they gave me $7.05 PM credit for my trouble. ????? I want them to take the IND off the listing. I'm happy though!! I'm going to take pictures and send them to PM support. Thanks for listening!!
Oct 02Reply

@hwiginton At least you got them back and got a little $$! From now on take thorough pics before sending just incase this happens again! So that you can send the pics to PM and have proof of what your items look like-maybe even send the pics BEFORE sending so posh can see the condition before the seller recieves them. You should also maybe block her since she lied to PM about the condition. You did great girly!
Oct 02Reply

@sethjoanna I don't understand. They have me 7.05 for my troubles, after they took the money she paid me and sent back the pants. Now the 7.05 is gone again and I get a sale cancelled email. ?????
Oct 02Reply

@hwiginton omg! I do not understand what going on?!?! This is sooooo crazy! I'm so sorry you have to go through this 😁 i would say email posh again...I don't know what else😔
Oct 02Reply

Hi! Sorry I have not been on PM, having my "bad dys" ugh! And, we have had rain like everyday, no kidding. They r saying until next Wed, this has been insane weather. What happened in regards to you submit w/PM? They credited you than took it back for postage, correct? That sounds very unfair....thanks for your trouble, credit, than take back? I was raised there are "no take backs" lol. Crazy may I say! I would definitely send pics, resend my stmt to PM, and try to get it resolved honestly regarding the issue so this doesn't happen again to another. You should also, as stated by @sethjoanna , "block" this buyer/seller. I see many other PM people post their names if scammed so others will NOT purchase from her nor sale to her. A lady also told me to write their names down for future reference. Crazy that here you post, do everything PM requires yet they are not backing you up? Confused? Definitely only fair you should be compensated for such negative experience. Hope it gets better...fingers crossed, 😁😘 Remember me saying I thought she had washed them than thought 'hey let's make a claim?" Still think that's what happened after I seen the pics myself. Block her, submit a claim or re-submit, and lose the stress.....happier days ahead girl. 😀🌟💫✨
Oct 02Reply

@hwiginton Hi Heather😍. So nice to meet you😉. Happy Poshing💥💖
Oct 04Reply

@ddstorm Thank you for all your shares Diana!!
Oct 04Reply

@infinitelyyours Thanks for the like!
Oct 08Reply

@sabette @linmp1031 Thanks for the like!
Oct 08Reply

@sethjoanna Thank you for your sweet comment! I try to stay positive about everything, including my MS!!
Oct 08Reply

@myspoiledwife @sethjoanna I emailed PM support pics of the pants when I got them back. I think she washed them with bleach. They are super faded and there is one itty bitty blue stain, about the size of a hole you punch in paper, that wasn't there when I mailed them. I got 7.05 credit from PM. And can you believe jennisau gave me a three star rating??? Craziness!!!
Oh well. It's over. I have a pile of clothes to list tonight. Please check my new listings out and share please! Also any tips you might have I how to spruce up my closet would be awesome! I got a bunch of new photo editing and text over photo apps, and new collage apps!!! I'm going to make a cool listing with all my apps listed so others can try them!
I also found a bunch of really cool fashion quotes that I'm going to list too!
I love you guys so much for everything!!!!!
Oct 08Reply

@hwiginton aww you're welcome girl:) I'll def share you new stuff!! 💕
Oct 08Reply

Hey girlie sounds like you have to teach me some new kewl things. It's awesome you are learning so many things and listing as well. It's fun to shop but as far as the listing I am definitely slowwww. I have a few apps too that I have messed around with that are pretty awesome as well. I just have to get motivated and just do it., lol. I think it's great that you "finally got your $$" back from the mess that buyer did to you. Remember me saying I thought she most likely washed them and then made up her story...geez what another will do for what $10? Just be glad you are done with it, like you stated. Don't forget to log that member, lol. Have to stay positive as with everything there is always a bad seed unfortunately. I will definitely share and can't wait to look @ your new closet as well. I also typed you another novel in your other post, you know me chat and then some, lol. Take care & hugs too.
Oct 09Reply

@sethjoanna Thank you honey!!!
Oct 09Reply

@dallize Thanks for the like!
Oct 10Reply

@kerryonkrew Thanks for the like!
Oct 31Reply

Hey...I wanted to thank you for all the tags...Greatly appreciated...It's just way too many for me. I'm sorry...it's just eating up my news feed. Can you please take me off your tag list? Thank You! ♡
Nov 21Reply

@elizmul I'm sorry Elizabeth!
Nov 22Reply

No worries Chica...felt a little like a "meany" for even asking cause I do greatly appreciate it...LOL...it was just the only thing I'm seeing! Hehe ♡
Nov 22Reply

@hwiginton Hi Sweetie😘. Thank you for all the tags, I think I got them all😜. Hope all is well. Have a Great Weekend and a Wonderful Thanksgiving😍. Thank You so Much for Sharing💥😊. Happy Poshing💥😍
Nov 22Reply

@pearlyshells2 Thanks for the like!
Jan 16Reply

@tareegan Thanks for the like!
Jan 28Reply

@alise28 Thanks for your comments! That whole experience almost made me leave Poshmark! @myspoiledwife has been so sweet and helpful. Meeting her has really helped. I felt like my photos showed the pants did not have any flaws! It was so frustrating. But I didn't let it get me down!!
Mar 08Reply

@alise28 Thank you Alise!! When I got the pants back from her, I was stunned. They were easily 4 shades lighter than when they left my house ANDY two bright blue stains. The ex-buyer didn't respond to my messages. I even offered to send her something as a replacement. Yes I know I'm too nice. :). After all that baloney, I sold several items without issue. 5 star ratings across the board. I'm thoughtful with my buyers too. I wrap items in colored tissue paper, ribbon. I write s personalized note/card. I add treats and extras. I have bought a bunch of stuff from the SWEETEST Poshers!!! I had one mode transaction not go well. I sold a pair of shoes and they came unglued or something. I was not aware of this problem. I apologized and offered to make it right. No response. So frustrating! I really hate the silent treatment. I HATE unresolved issues. I want my buyers to be over the moon when they get their packages. So I will just keep doing whst I'm doing. I am meticulous about descriptions of ANY flaws. Anyways. I'm so glad we met! With the exception of those two fiascos, Poshmark is so much fun!!! I joined a share group Saturday and a Facebook group. Thanks so much for reaching out to me! Let's chat often!! Any advice on my photos? Listings? I welcome ANY tips and constructive criticism. :). Anyhoo..... Would love to chat later. I have a bunch of work to do on PM. Have a wonderful day!! 💜💕❤️💕💚
Mar 09Reply

@laskinr Thanks for the like! 💞💞💞
May 05Reply

@myspoiledwife Hey darlin!!! How are you??? 💕💕💕💕
May 08Reply

@hwiginton Hi Heather, so nice to meet you, I'm Donna. I'm not new to Posh but I just opened my closet for business a few weeks ago, thanks to my mom @ddstorm and my sister @desireebeth, and their persuasion😱. I'm so glad I did, I've met lots of great Posh Ladies and I'm having a Blast😉. Happy Poshing💥😍
Jul 14Reply

your closet is amazing!! if you have a minute could you please check out my closet, i am a new posher and have a bunch of great items that are all good condition or new! thank you so much for your time!💛
Jul 29Reply

@hwiginton thanks for following me, lovely! Super cute closet!! 😜
Aug 14Reply

@vashby Thank you doll! 💕💕💕
Aug 28Reply

Its nice 2 meet U
Jan 27Reply

@hwiginton Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jan 04Reply
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