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Updated Feb 21
Updated Feb 21

The damn truth

Michael Kors



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If you paid $100 for it and have had it 3 years what makes u think I'm gonna pay you 90$ for it
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the3ds4ever @ladyb561 yes the truth I be like ppl is crazy I need to repost this pow
Oct 16Reply
berry212 @ladyb561 I have infrared 6s size 5.5y with box $100🅿️
Oct 17Reply
shylah1 Omg thank you. Took the words right outta my mouth.... like for real? ! U must think I'm stupid tho?!?! Brand new some items aren't even as much as some of these broads be requesting. And seriously all the vs Pink that's overpriced.... crazy insane. Get a clue girls!
Oct 18Reply
ladyb561 @shylah1 okkkk and Justfab heels for $50-$60 when u know u didn't pay that much for them to begin with
Oct 18Reply
shylah1 Haaaa hell yesss. Like come they are most expensive @ 39.95 and 75% of the time u get a deal anywayssss. Lmao. I love u @ladyb561
Oct 18Reply
imagenkv @ladyb561 so true !!!! 👍👍😘😘
Nov 21Reply
ohyesimblessed Girl you ain't never lied...half stuff I see on here it takes everything in me, not to call their bluff. I seen a girl on here selling a dress I know she purchased off of Amazon for 14.99, because I have the same dress.. but she had the nerve to be selling it for 50.00 I wanted to snatch her and the dress up. Lucky I'm saved.
Nov 30Reply
ladyb561 @ohyesimblessed okkkkk they be over pricing everything I understand u wanna make something off ur stuff but be reasonable don't try to break my pockets and then ppl selling knock off "replica" handbags for 3-400$ girl bye u must be crazy 
Nov 30Reply
glamglittergold Haha amen🙏
Jan 04Reply
caraschicstuff @ladyb561 LOVE THIS! Thanks for this post hopefully people will get back to reality :)
Jan 08Reply
kallidowns You tell 'em
Jan 15Reply
hola13 @ladyb561 I kept this in my likes and I just read it again and it could've not been in better time. The scenario is a little different but still applies. I checked one of my fav closets and I found out that three of her items are pieces she bought from other poshers and now she has them listed at much higher price because she wants to get back exactly what she paid for PLUS shipping! So the next buyer will pay a 20% and 4.99 more!!!!! It makes me soooo mad! And those are only the items I know! Who knows how many more!...I clicked unfollow...oh!!! Also, selling sweaters that if you go on the website are about $20 less...I was so tempted to just call her out...but then I don't wanna start drama. If people don't do their homework before buying then I guess I shouldn't get involved. Rant**im sorry😔
Feb 06Reply
ladyb561 @hola13 yessssss tell me about it or selling stuff for almost the store price yess I understand u wanna make something off it but come on it's used so u can't want me to pay u almost store price for that I should just go in the store like the LV neverfull it's $1200 in the store and u want $900 I can just save and buy it brand new for that matter ughhh 😡😡😡
Feb 06Reply
hola13 @ladyb561 exactly!!!!!!! 😡😡😡it's very irritating, and especially when I see that those OVERPRICED items have sold. This is supposed to be an online consignment store!
Feb 06Reply
tinamam Omg I can't share this Enough ! I have things with the tags still on but I know THAT isn't even worth retail anymore.. Malls still exist, if someone isn't getting a GREAT deal, might as well buy from the store. That's why I am the easiest negotiator, ppl can practically name their price as long as it's not ridiculous I'll take it !
Feb 20Reply
maniq I'm so late but YES! The number one most overpriced items I've seen on here are the PINK hoodies and leggings. Sorry, but just because PINK pulled it off their site last week does not mean that it is "rare" and suddenly worth $100 when it was $55 retail. I also hate the girls that jack up their prices because they want to get all of their money back. Why would I pay $70 for something I could get elsewhere for $55? Just so you can get your extra money back? I've seen girls comment on $300 Michael Kors listings offering to trade 4 PINK sweatshirts for the person's $300 purse! #GirlIfYouDontGet
Feb 21Reply
justlive412 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
Feb 22Reply
modishthreadz YESSSSSSSS
Feb 22Reply
lupitah50 Greedy people. They act like their "closets" are a legit store for us to shop at! 😂 so they want to price everything at retail price, new or used. I've seen some pieces with stains, tears and holes and are still at high priced bc they are name brand... honestly, I donate any items with holes or tears even if they're not noticeable bc I feel it's almost insulting. Some flaws I understand, like if it's really tiny but in that case, the item better be way cheaper! Not still retail price! Lol
Mar 22Reply
nells_world01 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 yes honey!!!
Apr 26Reply
shoprobyndonyea Yes !! For used items
Jul 05Reply
division @ladyb561 I ran across this post and was so glad to see that someone else was thinking as I am. I'm fairly new to posh mark and I have found a few good deals but.....most items are way over priced. I can't believe that people actually pay these prices, for used stuff. It's cheaper in the stores because everything eventually goes on sale. I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking this. 😉
Nov 04Reply
nmsfinest Omg agree!!! What really bugs me is when poshers have items listed for a year or two plus still asking retail. Or claim new without tags. Then it's not new. It's been at ur house sitting for who knows how long touched and tryed on by who knows who.
Mar 06Reply
nmsfinest Example. I saw a pair of baby gap booties for my 5 month old son. On they are $20 new. She wanted $19 and claims new without tags yet mentions they have been worn a few times by her son. I'm like ok whatever I still want them. Offer her a more than generous amount bc I'm nice. I offer $12. With posh's new shipping that would be plus $5 so im paying $17. $3 cheaper than the store. She declines and says these are new without tags and says to offer closer to her asking price.
Mar 06Reply
nmsfinest What the hell? U want me to pay u retail when these have been used plus shipping? U r crazy. And i come back to her closet 7 months later and she's still trying to sell them dropped by $1. Umm.. yeah goodluck on that!
Mar 06Reply
nmsfinest I find people who are selling baby items are the worst! They think selling it for so much because their baby wore it and it's worth more because it has sentimental value or something?! Getting tired of posh and all the crappy sellers.. it didn't used to be like this... but I feel you girl I feel you..
Mar 06Reply
tatalazzarini i agree..
May 16Reply
thepursecloset 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯
Jun 12Reply
bustershops I totally agree! I appreciate someone being able to speak about it! It is so annoying I would like to buy things but not at those prices I’ll go buy it new!
Jun 27Reply

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