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Updated Nov 07
Updated Nov 07

Take some pride in your packaging!



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Something as simple as tissue paper & twine makes all the difference in the world! There's nothing worse than getting an envelope with your item either folded very unneatly or jewelry loose in an envelope or box. Every person I've bought from that took the time to carefully package their items, I've bought from again, if they have something else in my size. My customers love that I wrap my items because it shows that I likely took care of the clothing they're buying also. Read in comments.
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closetenvy2 It's very inexpensive to buy these items. I get my tissue paper at Dollar Tree. If you go to the hardware section of Wal-Mart, where the ropes/chains are, you'll see the twine. A huge roll is less than $5. Or you can go to a craft store and pay $12 for a roll. It's the same stuff. Buy colored tissue paper or paper with a pretty print on it. If you're sending clothing and using colored paper, there are 2 things you need to do that are very important: 1) put a piece of white tissue paper between the clothing item and the colored paper. This keeps the colored paper from bleeding onto the clothing. 2) Always put your item a in a waterproof envelope to protect it from moisture. If it gets damp, the colors WILL bleed. It's then your fault for not packaging it properly. I get tyvek envelopes FREE from the post office. You can use the Priority Mail or Express Mail envelopes if you're putting it in a box. If you won't be using a box, you can only use the Priority Mail envelopes. So please ladies, take some pride in your packaging if you want to be successful on Poshmark. It costs me less than $.20 per item to use tissue paper and twine.
Feb 05Reply
closetenvy2 Also, even if you don't use tissue paper and twine, you still need to put your items in a waterproof envelope. I've had 4 orders that got wet because they didn't do this. It's mainly because they didn't know they needed to, so it's important to get the word out. The post office, in most areas, don't care if your package gets wet. You'll end up with a very upset customer and a bad review even if it's not your fault. There's absolutely no reason you can't put it in a waterproof envelope since they're free! You can get them by: 1) walking into the post office and grabbing a handful, along with free Priority Mail boxes (be sure not to get the flat rate boxes. I'll bump my post up to the top of my closet that I did on that (more great tips from me and other seller). 2) go to and order them free. They will deliver them to your door. No charge for shipping either. It does take a couple of weeks, so you will need to get some from the post office in the meantime. I also order the free boxes on there. Read my other shipping post about the kind you need to order. If any of you have more great shipping tips for sellers, please share!
Feb 05Reply
closetenvy2 One more thing... If you're shipping jewelry, it's very important that you carefully wrap the jewelry. If you just throw it in an envelope, it's likely to get damaged. The post office stacks heavy boxes on top of your envelope which can easily break the clasp or the entire item. I wrap mine in tissue paper with some sort of cushioning. You can use bubble wrap or just several layers of tissue paper. Either should be fine. I personally think that you should always ship jewelry in a box so it won't break. I know a box is huge for a tiny piece of jewelry, but it's still important. I use cardboard/kraft paper to take up the extra space so it's not being tossed around inside the box.
Feb 05Reply
briewineposh Agreed! It's a little touch that says 'thank you' AND it serves a function. Great post! Thx! @vance289
Feb 08Reply
ginasjewels4you 👍👍👍 not only do I wrap all my packages, I get the priority mail "tyvek" envelopes for free and put my wrapped packages in that because its waterproof 😉😉😉
Feb 08Reply
briewineposh ✨Tip: ✨I save any bubble wrap, peanuts, clothing bags when I order online, those small bags of air, etc to use to keep items safe and secure.
Feb 08Reply
kecampbell A tip that might be helpful is that if an item doesn't fit in a waterproof priority bag, I will cut two waterproof bags and line the priority box. So if the box gets wets, then the item will be safe on all sides from the lining. Hope that helps anyone!
Feb 08Reply
maremurphy @closetenvy2 I've also after wrapping nicely put that into a white tall kitchen trash bag. It keeps all elements out. Just a thought. 🌹🌹
Feb 08Reply
janet0103 @closetenvy2 Yes, great post. This has definitely happened to all of us most likely!!
Feb 08Reply
mtnhiker @closetenvy2 Great post <3 <3
Feb 08Reply
maidmarian Absolutely!
Feb 08Reply
bkimh I totally agree. Packaging is all the difference when you receive your items. I enjoy knowing that my seller took time for me. ❤️❤️Kim
Feb 08Reply
lisadraper good info!!! shared xoxoox Lisa
Feb 08Reply
katz2 Melissa, I always place my items in clear plastic bags prions to placing them in the shipping box. I save them from items I bought on line. Another tip is to please use more than one piece if tape across the box to seal it if you need to use other than the USPS Boxes. I have received two packages recently where the top was caved in, the shipping tape did not hold up across the top of the box. 😕
Feb 08Reply
tamarismom I do all of the above except white trash bag which I'll definitely do if the priority envelope is too small for waterproof protection. I also stuff my mailing box with sales or newspapers to keep the item from shifting during shipment.
Feb 08Reply
jensysparkles 🎀shared
Feb 08Reply
lakeforest Great info & so glad you've brought this up again😊👍I use those waterproof Tyvek Priority Mail envelopes too ever since you mentioned this awhile back. If I run out, I'll use any plastic bag I've saved from another purchase or even those plastic grocery bags work well if you double them, then tape up and then wrap up in pretty inexpensive tissue & wrapping paper. Amazon has some great deals on bulk items too like tissue paper, thank you cards, and bubble wrap too😊🔷 @na25na25 @savvymediachick @wrighti just some good tips on prepping packages b4 mailing out.. Just pass on & share.. Thxs!
Feb 08Reply
savvymediachick Great tips @closetenvy2 I have never had these problems but better to be safe than sorry, 😁😁😁Thanks for the tag @motherskiss adding a few PFFs to get the word out: @lorenad_21 @love2dream @nellym @lakeforest @rbtanger @carolannedaroy @marya91 @stacyesd @sparklesdesign
Feb 08Reply
lakeforest @savvymediachick Lol, I already tagged you on this too😊👍
Feb 08Reply
savvymediachick @lakeforest Sorry Dorothy meant to give you credit! I must still be sleepy. Lol 😁
Feb 08Reply
motherskiss I always wrap my sales in tissue paper and paper ribbons that can be curled, with a simple pair of scissors! Cost about $2 and, lasts a long time! @savvymediachick thanks for the tag!
Feb 08Reply
na25na25 @lakeforest @closetenvy2 What would we do without you Melissa and Dorothy?! Thanks for taking the time to share...I hadn't thought about this one (rain/severe mishandling) and surely don't want an upset client with soggy clothing! My first purchase was from @stylistic and she wrapped my purchases (returning customer I was-Yoda!) with a card and made everything smell nice so I've def wrapped since day one. Next stop tomorrow- post office! Thanks again ladies! @sssylviah @jujumana95... ❤️❤️🙏🙏
Feb 08Reply
sssylviah I use sandwich bags which sounds kind of weird but it prevents the item from getting wet :)
Feb 08Reply
sssylviah And of course tissue paper and ribbon!
Feb 08Reply
lakeforest @savvymediachick No worries doll! I thought afterwards that closetenvy might have added you on her tag list too, lol. I get multiple tags of the same things a lot -Hey, your closet is looking so beautiful! I'm in trouble-we wear the same shoe size except for the heels.. Wish I could still wear higher ones but a past Pilates injury keeps me from wearing them now😢
Feb 08Reply
savvymediachick @lakeforest I hear you on the heels they kill my back as well and I have to let them go. 😕 As long as I can find nicer flats I will share. 😉
Feb 08Reply
nellym Thanks for the great advice @closetenvy2! Thank you @savvymediachick for the tag.
Feb 08Reply
sssylviah @na25na25 Hi, I forgot to tag you but I wrap in tissue paper and ribbon then I put it in a sandwich bag...sounds weird but it works to prevent it from getting wet!
Feb 08Reply
na25na25 @sssylviah Ooooh! Sand which bags- got it 😀
Feb 08Reply
dressyu @closetenvy2 I SO SO agree, I wrap and then wrap in Plastic.... Sealing the corners of the shipping box also... I photo at various stages to allow my kind purchasers to see my Items have been wrapped in love, you almost have to say, if this package was tossed out of the mail truck into the snow WOULD IT SURVIVE😰😁😰😁😰 if NOT WRAP SOME MORE
Feb 08Reply
dressyu @closetenvy2 I have many many friends that work very hard for the Post Office But they have warned me, YEPPER the bubble wrap because oops boxes can fall and can get stuck at the sorter at the Bulk Mail facility Thank you This is a great Post. Very important Home Depot has a huge round of bubble wrap that's cost effective
Feb 08Reply
dressyu @kookc @lovinyayahood @dierks24 @justfabulous32 @mytherapy @classyvintage. You all have great ideas wanna Share
Feb 08Reply
larochelle i totally agree:) shared💝
Feb 08Reply
hopesparkles ✨💖 Totally agree! I've done this every time!! In fact my last review said she wished she could give 20 ⭐️ because of the packaging and same day shipping! Reading that made my day!! Honored to share for you and all of us! 😘✨
Feb 09Reply
goldenpolkadot @closetenvy2 @hopesparkles 👍💕💕💕💕💕💕🎁 great idea! sharing 💝
Feb 09Reply
kristikreations You are so right!!!! I try to always make my packages look pretty. It is much nicer to open something that looks nice. I also include a Thank you note. I have found two times that I goofed and forgot my thank you note after I sealed the box. That really stinks!! Everyone should take pride in their packaging. Just like you should your clothes. I ᒪOᐯE TᕼIᔕ!!!!!!!❤️
Feb 09Reply
xaosqueen This may seem kinda DUH but I've received several pairs of shoes that were just tossed in a box and barely taped closed. These arrived even more scuffed! I always wrap each of the shoes individually and stuff the box with air bubble bags so they don't bang around. If possible I stuff the toes so they don't get crushed in transit. I use recycled grocery bags so the buyer can even reuse those!!
Mar 03Reply
closetenvy2 @xaosqueen Very smart! I also pack shoes carefully. Most of the time they're put in a shoe box, wrapped in a waterproof bag and put in another box. I hate it when people make no effort to protect items. I always tell them how to do it next time, lol.
Mar 03Reply
xaosqueen @closetenvy2 I've been selling (and buying) on other sites since before 1999, so have seen just about everything! ONE seller recently told me to "ship them back" when I commented that she neither photographed nor disclosed the MAJOR flaws (big-time scuffs on both front and back and the fact that the elastic on the ankle strap was DEAD and falling apart) on two pairs of shoes I purchased from her. Postage to ship back would have been almost what I paid for them and out of my own pocket! Sellers like that make me hesitant to buy! These condition shoes (in my 'hood) wouldn't be found in a garage sale (except maybe the trash/free bin) ... who the h3(( sells stuff that needs MAJOR repair to be wearable?! Damage was not just by shipping 2 pairs of shoes loose in a recycled box .... Sorry for the rant but this reminded me that some sellers don't disclose damage then try to blame it on the post office or whatever "packing helper" so it's very important to package it well and include something that says "thanks for buying from me"! Though to be honest I just include a little bonus and not a note. I HATE hand writing stuff!! :)
Mar 03Reply
closetenvy2 @xaosqueen I totally understand. It's very frustrating. I've been very lucky that I haven't had any major issues on Posh other than 2 pair of shoes that were not the size listed. I've had items arrive that got wet becausevital was left by my front door while it was raining. I always put my items in a waterproof bag that's free at the post office. As far as handwriting notes, you can always print pre-typed notes to send. 😆
Mar 03Reply
qt_incalif @closetenvy2 - Great information, thank you! I'm sharing this!
Mar 03Reply
hopesparkles ✨ Awesome words of advice! I've been using Tyvek envelopes as much as possible as long as the item fits. ✨
Apr 13Reply
nornie60 @closetenvy2 wow lots of great info, thankyou! @charg62 @babscloset @bkadon
Apr 30Reply
closetenvy2 @nornie60 You're very welcome!
Apr 30Reply
siouxshawn Great great great tips! Never even thought of the rain issue since I live in LA where it so seldom rains. I'd be mortified if my colored tissue paper bled into my items because I didn't waterproof the package! Sharing this posting with everyone I can think of!! 😘💨
May 21Reply
closetenvy2 @siouxshawn I'm glad it helped. There is another post that shows what the free tyvek envelopes look like.
May 21Reply
blonderaider21 Living in Texas and having had a drought these past several years other than the huge flood we recently had, I've never thought about packages getting wet! Or tissue paper bleeding onto the clothes! But I guess since I'm shipping all over the country and winter is coming up I need to be more aware of this! Thank you!
Oct 12Reply
its_kari_style I always gift wrap my packages even a few sales I added a extra gift. Which those end up just giving me 5 star and not a nice compliment I don't ask or expected but I feel that going a little extra should sometimes be a simple "thank you" I don't do free gift anymore because I felt so discourage. Now I just nicely package my sales and add a thank you card and ship the same day.
Oct 30Reply
closetenvy2 @its_kari_style I totally understand. It's irritating to me when someone is unhappy with the free item I send. I only do free gifts on larger sales or if it's a repeat customer. Once you kind of know what they like, it's easy to pick out gifts. An awesome gift to anyone that also sells is to buy a big pack of thank you or blank cards and take 5 or so out, wrap some twine or ribbon around them and send it with their order.
Oct 30Reply
closetenvy2 @its_kari_style I'd never thought of that til I got some a few months ago. I always leave a comment in ratings. If I'm not giving 5 stars, I usually don't leave a rating at all. However, if I truly feel someone cheated me, I'll rate them and leave a tactful comment. I just bought some Guess boots 2 weeks ago. There was no mention of any defects and showed no pictures of any. They had at least 10 large scratches on each boot.
Oct 30Reply
closetenvy2 @its_kari_style I gave her 3 stars and said that she needed to start mentioning the defects and show pics of them. I never heard back. The only reason I accepted them is because they were a great price, and I think I can fix them with wax polish. But ugh!
Oct 30Reply
its_kari_style Lol agh I know. I've ha great experience on poshmark. Honestly I can't complain. I've had maybe 2 times where I was really upset when buyers don't put specifics. One was a grey dress I bought it was retailed a good prices. I had to hint the seller online well her IG account because she wasn't active as much on here she finally sent me the dress only to open it.
Oct 30Reply
its_kari_style The dress looked like it came out of the washer half way folded all damp and shipped to me. I was very upset. The second time was a bathing suit. The seller stated sizes. I bought a large once I received it less just say my 15 yr old couldn't even fit in it little less I was. Poshmark refuse to have it returned because I didn't ask question. I let it go. Can't cry over spilled milk. Right?? Lol
Oct 30Reply
its_kari_style But overall I've found some great things and sold a fee good things at low and reasonable price. Lol.
Oct 30Reply
closetenvy2 @its_kari_style Oh yeah, some people are just clueless on how to package correctly. I've gotten at least 4 orders that were wet. It was because it was raining here and it sat at my front door getting wet. If you put the items in a free tyvek envelope, it won't matter if it rains because it's waterproof.
Oct 30Reply
closetenvy2 @its_kari_style I try to tell people that as much as possible. I've had 2 people get mad at me for mentioning it to them. I said that I knew it wasn't their fault but that the next customer might not be so understanding.
Oct 30Reply
shortygirl49 @closetenvy2 Love the info! Shared :)
Nov 15Reply
belinhacloset @closetenvy2 thank For for All The tips. Greatly appreciated! 🙏🏻😘💕
Aug 16Reply

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