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Updated Jan 05
Updated Jan 05

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Love the item but not the price? Use this new PM feature or discuss here to make an offer*! Trying to downsize closet quickly so open to reasonable offers and happy to bundle for bigger discounts. Will do my best to work out a fair price! Please be respectful when making offers and I will endeavor to do the same! (Please refrain from low ball offers, thanks πŸ˜‰) Feel free to use the new feature (bottom right of each listing) to make an offer. Happy poshing! 😘 *Unless it states price is firm
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kb2008 May I borrow? Toooo cute!
Feb 17Reply
cjtang @kb2008 Of course! πŸ˜„
Feb 17Reply
msjshirley I would love to borrow as well, please? Adorable!!
Mar 04Reply
cjtang @msjshirley Of course! Happy poshing :)
Mar 04Reply
cjtang @dblnjenn Sure, thanks for asking!
Apr 10Reply
cjtang @bingbing10 Hi, thanks for your offer on J Crew stripe dress. I could do $50 manually (or a new listing) which would get you 99 cents shipping today for $51 total. Let me now if that might work! Thanks! :)
Apr 19Reply
cjtang @nalaniperez Thanks for the offer on KS wallet! If I accept via your offer it' be $42 +4.99= $47.99... I can do $45 and get you 99cents shipping today (shipping discount promo today),if I create a new listing for you today =$45.99...would that work? (I basically save you more this way). Let me know! ✌😊
Apr 20Reply
nalaniperez Yes! The 45 with .99 shipping would be great! I'm getting this for my mother as a gift so thank you!
Apr 20Reply
cjtang @nalaniperez Great gimme a few and I'll tag you. Thats great! Want to make sure you read the description/conditon--it's in lovely used conditon but is used and want to make sure you're aware!
Apr 20Reply
nalaniperez Yes ma'am I am aware. Thank you for your help!
Apr 20Reply
cjtang @kristamattson Hi lady! Hope you've been well, so nice to hear from you again!! I'm commenting on this post because I typically don't give lowests anymore (too many people have asked, and then disappeared). That said, since you've previously bought from me, happy to discuss! For that particular VM necklace I can do $35 ($5 off, about 12% off), but if you were to bundle w other VM pieces or other items in my closet--I would then probably be able to lower further. Hope that helps! Let me know! Xo
Apr 21Reply
kristamattson Sounds good! No worries, I totally understand haha I'll let you know!
Apr 21Reply
cjtang @gabel1jl Hi! I like to discuss price on this listing or via the offer button. First, thanks for your offer! I can do $70 (almost 18% off), which should also get you reduced shipping. Let me know if that might work--thanks!
Apr 26Reply
cjtang @kristamattson Hi lady! Somehow I missed your reply! 😢 Definitely let me know if there are any other items you might like or want to bundle. There's $0.99 promo today too (in case you needed done extra incentive πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚). Hope you're having a great Sunday!! Xo
Apr 26Reply
cjtang @laureneliza Hi! Thanks for your offer on the dress! Can you do $55? If I reduce manually you should also get reduced shipping. Let me know! ✌😊
May 02Reply
laureneliza Hi, I could do 55 with the discounted shipping, that would be great :)
May 02Reply
cjtang @laureneliza Perfect I'll adjust! ✌😊
May 02Reply
cjtang @lauren_armes Hi! I do all non-offer button negotiations on this listing. Thanks for your offer but its a little too low. I could do $135 w reduced shipping if still interested. Let me know if that would work! No worries if not but wanted to counter here just in case. Thanks again! ✌😊
May 05Reply
cjtang @almondskin Hi! Answering here. Lowest for the MJ clutch is $350. Let me know if still interested, thanks!
May 19Reply
almondskin Ok thank you. That is too much for me.
May 19Reply
cjtang @almondskin No problem! Sorry we couldn't work something out. If I decide to lower further, will tag you!
May 19Reply
iwanthis May I borrow this? It's perfect!
May 28Reply
cjtang @jygold16 Hi! Thanks for your offer on the pink MBMJ bag! I do all public negotiations/discuss price on this listing. I can do $100 on the pink MBMJ bag. If that works and I can adjust listing manually (which should get you reduced shipping). Let me know if that works, thanks! :)
Jun 13Reply
cjtang @loveliesforyou Hi! Hope you're having a wonderful Sunday. Gave it some thought. For the Kate Spade bag can we do $185? With the shipping discount for $0.99 that's only $1 more than your last offer ($180+$4.99=$185) at $186. No pressure/no worries if not, but let me know if interested! :)
Jun 22Reply
cjtang @thuynguyen812 Thanks!! 😊 Same to you!! βœŒπŸ˜˜πŸ™Š
Jun 23Reply
cjtang @wcyangel Hi Willine! Hope you've been well. Can you do $65 for the North Face jacket? If so you'll get $0.99 shipping today amd total $66 ($1 more than your offer). If that works, l'll change listing manually. Let me know :)
Jun 25Reply
wcyangel Yes that would be great thanks doing great still shopping lol
Jun 25Reply
cjtang @aubrey_011 Hi Aubrey! Welcome to Posh. For the Soft Rock Kills sweater, can you do $40? (Your total would be $41 ($40+$0.99 shipping today only). Your previous offer would have been $35 + $4.99 shipping = $40, so only $1 more. Let me know if $40 works and I can adjust the listing manually to trigger the $0.99 promo. Thanks!
Jun 25Reply
aubrey_011 That works! Thank you 😊
Jun 25Reply
cjtang @fashionstar101 Hi girl! I'm moving our conversation to this page, so easier to keep track. I keep all transactions on Posh! If you're good with my last counter ($350) on the R & B boots and are serious about purchasing, can certainly hold for you. Can you give me an approximate date you think you'll want to hold until? When doing holds I like to find an agreed upon date to check back in (too many buyers have disappeared in the past). Keep communication open and all that! Just let me know :)
Jul 06Reply
cjtang @fashionstar101 With regards to the other items, I can certainly do a bundle deal. For the FC dress, Vanessa Mooney necklace, Vanessa Mooney earrings and the House of Harlow triangle cuff, the total would be $214. I will throw in the FC dress for free ($25 off), so that total would be $189 and I will do another 20% off for bundling so for all the items (4 total aside from the boots) would be $150.
Jul 06Reply
cjtang @fashionstar101 If that works and you’re interested, let me know and I can bundle. If you are ready to purchase tonight you can get free shipping too. Or if you need a hold, againβ€”I would just need a date to check back on. Let me know! Ps thanks for all the nice note about my closet! :)
Jul 06Reply
cjtang @fashionstar101 Hi! Wishing you a speedy recovery from your surgery!! And no problem at all! The total would be $500 but I think the easiest thing to do will be to split the purchases into 2 seperate listings. One for the boots ($350) and one for the bundle of items ($150-will tag you on that listing shortly).
Jul 06Reply
cjtang @fashionstar101 Posh doesnt do partial payments so what's easiest will be when you're ready to purchase one of the listings just message me and I'll adjust the prices to our agreed amount. Posh does discounted shipping (for 1 hr) after price drops so let me know when you're ready (want to make sure you're on app to benefit from the price drop/ship discount). Let me know if you have any other questions! :)
Jul 06Reply
poshfla CJtang I'm new to Posh so I'm curious how do you make signs such as this! Anybody want to help a newbie?
Jul 22Reply
cjtang @poshfla Hi! Welcome to Posh! I usually use photo editing apps like Studio or Beautiful Mess. You can use them to overlay texts or graphics on your photos. Hope that helps!:)
Jul 22Reply
poshfla That it does! Thank you so MUCH,
Jul 22Reply
cjtang @dksmiley728 Hi Debbie! Going to discuss the Vince Camutos Signatures here on my offer/negotiation page! For you, I could do $99 for the Vince Camuto Signatures. (Listed at $129. Take off the $5 I mentioned. 20% off $124=$99) I typically do 10% off for bundles, but will do 20% for the earlier cancellation. Let me know if interested for $99 and I can drop the price (hopefully triggering a ship discount too) :)
Aug 24Reply
cjtang @sanamshop Hi for the Zara bucket bag lowest on Posh I can do is $125. Let me know if interested. Thanks!
Oct 20Reply
sanamshop @cjtang what about $110 and u got a deal bc that's the only cash in my bank right now haha
Oct 20Reply
cjtang @sanamshop Hi! I appreciate the offer, but $125 is my lowest. If that changes, I'll definitely tag you! Thanks!
Oct 20Reply
sanamshop Yes please lmk if changed :)
Oct 20Reply
ashleyh8720 Thank you so much for the HP!!!! My first one ever!! I am so honored!!!! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
Dec 04Reply
aileenmp πŸŽ‰congrats on hosting!πŸŽ‰if you have time can you please check out my closet for possible hps? Thanks!πŸ’•
Dec 04Reply
she_the_seeker @cjtang I can't even begin to deceive how grateful I am to you and the hosts that've been supporting 😘 legends πŸ™Œ xx
Dec 04Reply
cjtang @she_the_seeker No problem!! Hope your items sell quickly!! Thanks for the share backs too! 😊
Dec 04Reply
she_the_seeker @cjtang to your continued success, too, dearest xx
Dec 04Reply
cjtang @pearl6 Hi, you inquired about the Mansul Gavriel green bag. Commenting here in case I make any adjustments. Looking for $425 but open to offers. Let me know if I can answer any other questions. Thanks! ☺️
Jul 26Reply

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