I'm sleeping...zzzz
Not for sale
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31 others
like this

Mar 22Reply

@matadora1978 sweet dreams !
Apr 02Reply

@reeaadd hahha ty my friend!$😁
Apr 02Reply

@matadora1978 you are unbelievable! I just signed on to check messages and I see a bazillion share from you!😳😳💕💕💕thank you so much for this surprise. I just love ya Jess!
Apr 24Reply

@saundie hahhaha! I told u i was going to as soon as i could get my hands on a laptop! Lol i love u too my angel!! 💖💖👍😊
Apr 24Reply

🎀Thanks for sharing, best wishes on your sales Doll. Happy Poshing!!! 💕xoxo💕🎀
May 25Reply

@sukinukiss yw !! Likewise😊
May 25Reply

HaHa!!!! Either you're sleeping or at Six Flags enjoying the day! Regardlesssssss You GO Girl!!!!
May 26Reply

Girl!! Im stuck in traffic looks like its gonna be a while im gonna fall so hard on that bed like you wouldnt beleive 😪😪 but im still gonna try to share some stuff when i get home...have a goodnight darling !😊
May 26Reply

@partymk999 btw thanks a million for all the shares!!! ☝☝💖💖
May 26Reply

Waykie.... Waykie!!!! U been share bombed back!!!! 💣💥💣💥💣💥💣
Luv ya!!!!
May 26Reply

😊😂😂your too much!! I love ya!! 💖💖@partymk999
May 26Reply

@matadora1978 thanks for the shout outs and Posh love!
Jun 16Reply

Hi, I appreciate all of the tags. But at this time I am in the middle of packing and moving and is going to take us approximately four weeks to be totally moved in an organized. Until then can you please take me off a tag list because I'm overwhelmed as it is. Thank you I appreciate it so much I will put a sign back up when I move that I'm having a big but blowout sale and then you can tell me all the time💋👍
Jun 16Reply

@hotpantsrhoads np heidi!! I hope your move goes smooth wish you all the best 😊👍💖
Jun 16Reply

@allienotacat yw !😊happy to help and keep you posted on stuff!👍💖💖
Jun 16Reply

Jun 16Reply

@hotpantsrhoads yw
Jun 16Reply

@matadora1978 Good morning Jess! Just wanted to thank you for recommending my closet for Host Picks. That's very kind of you and I truly appreciate it! 💕😘💕
Jun 16Reply

@sonpaises good morning to you too Ana! im more then happy to help my friends! and your closet is gorgeous so why not?! hahaha :) have a great day pff!
Jun 16Reply

@matadora1978 Aww your awesome Jess! 💕😘💕
Jun 16Reply

@sonpaises and so are you!! <3
Jun 16Reply

@matadora1978 good idea! 👍😂👏
Jun 18Reply

@latina_style 😊💖💖
Jun 18Reply

@matadora1978 oops i was sharing yo fast and threw this in by mistake! 😁 .... Hope ur wide awake and enjoying this beautiful summer day Jess! 💕💕💕💕💕💕
Jul 18Reply

@partymk999 hahaha!! olga your so hilarious ! ty so much for all the shares i truly appreciated....i will return the favor tomorrow right now i dont feel so good i feel dizzy and my stomach is upset ...so your right after all i will be going to sleep in a few min...thanks again your a doll! nite nite ! xoxox
Jul 18Reply

@matadora1978 ohhh nooo Honey . Well i hope ur resting now and so i will share ur closet to tonights party. Plz do not rtn thr favor! I owe u tons.
Jul 18Reply

@matadora1978 Jess You are the sweetest woman. Thank you!💕✨💖 I'm eating but will catch you some shares in a bit!! You have blessed me!!
Jul 23Reply

@mistielee you dont have to share back dahlin' its my ...'i appreciate all you've done for me' sharebomb...xoxoxox
Jul 23Reply

@matadora1978 Awe Jess TY❤️ Your so sweet. I think you shared my whole closet! Lol. I really appreciate that! Xoxo
Jul 23Reply

@mistielee yw!! have a great night!! :)
Jul 23Reply

Hi Jess! I have been looking for a comment a Posher left about sharing with my noon group...was that you by chance?
Jul 24Reply

Hey can you remove me from your list please. My phone keeps getting blown up. It's a little overwhelming lol
Aug 11Reply

@mimismenagerie hes rexuperating they had to do surgery so im just worried but i know everyting will be fine im gonna go tomorrow to see him...today he was just feeling so tired dudnt want to talk all he did was sleep which made my mom nervous but.you know...i tried to.explain to her that at night they.dont let him sleep so he has to.sleep n the day.
Aug 13Reply

I just hope.he makes it cause eerybody is on edge rigght now....@mimismenagerie hes not.the usuall uncle
Aug 13Reply

ty darling right now im just trying to catch up ! ty so much thou!! love ya!! @mimismenagerie xoxoox
Aug 13Reply

@matadora1978 I like this! Being an On the East Coast, I feel like if I am not on until 12:30 am, that I miss out on sales. The West Coast Posher don't realize how late it is here after the nightly party. If they have questions & are ready to purchase, I feel that I miss a sale due to the buyer not getting their question answered quickly. Even if I post the answer first thing the next morning, I feel like they have lost interest.
Aug 15Reply

@matadora1978 Hi Jess: Is there anyway to Private Message you on here? Or, is everything for all to see? I just had a horrible encounter on here and wanted to talk to you about it. ) :
Oct 04Reply

Hey Jess! your Adorable and I really want to thank you for your Posh Loving! If your Ever in Vermont look me up The Pink Slip is a real magical place you would love! Taks for your help. this was my first tag sale attempt! xo SJ
Oct 04Reply

@matadora1978 hi how are you?? I am pretty new to this .....how do I gather/create a list of names without typing them all in???? Please help !
Oct 04Reply

@lynndiana unfortunatly there is no way of copying someones tag list ...thats considered the ultimate rude thing to do and you will get blocked by many poshers i guarantee it...😯 rhe right thing to do is to ask poshers if they want to be tagged by you this way you will have theyre permission and dont run the risk of people screaming at you for using tgeyre name with out theyre knowledge...tgatz why tag lists are so much work
Oct 04Reply

@lynndiana you need to ask each posher...theres is no other way...so sorry diana😯😓
Oct 04Reply

ok thanks! I never got on the list of the 747
Oct 04Reply

@lynndiana :) xoxoxo
Oct 04Reply

I did not even notice how does she know you miss me❓
Oct 06Reply

@kornbread11 idk she said smt about look at the feed...but i dont see anything ...😯 but lastnight i was outa of it in a hurry im in like 4 share groups abd if i dont get a chance to share at work im screwed ...😂😨
Oct 06Reply

I did the same thing yesterday signed up for a bunch thinking I had to take my mom to the doctor and I could do It then My phone did not have any service but don't worry it's all good u have a good day
Oct 06Reply

Oct 23Reply

@mamielovve sure! After i throw my party ill join😊 can anybody join?
Oct 23Reply

@matadora1978 Okay U Can i Have A Morning & Nigght Will tag U
Oct 23Reply

@matadora1978, I would love any advice, hints or anything else that you could offer to help sell my closet. Thanks for the offer!!
Oct 29Reply

Wake up your missing this beautiful morning LOL
Oct 30Reply

@cinnamon1111 awww ty my dear share buddy im already up! Just been too busy at work to take the sign down😂😘😘
Oct 30Reply

hey I'm wondering if I can get taken off your party tag list but keep on the one for fg?
Oct 30Reply

sure thing!! @carolinebarrows :)
Oct 30Reply

@matadora1978 , i am kind of confused. A buyer asked me to reduce price of my garment so that the shipping would be reduced. How does that work exactly? Also, i just created a little sign about my closet being on sale, but not sure how to make it say that it isn't for sale (like you have above). Would you mind helping me?
Oct 30Reply

@kalondia hey! so for the post to appear not for sale just put 0 on the sale price and 0 on the price purchased and it will automatically say not for sale
Oct 30Reply

@kalondia for the shipping to be reduced you have to set the price at least 5$ less then what you have this doesent always work on listings that already exist thats why sometimes u have to make a new listing set the price real high like 80 or 100 then tag the posher tell her to like the item and when she likes it then u set the price to what you want her to pay and then she gets discounted shipping
Oct 30Reply

@kalondia i hope this helps let me know if you have anymore questions :)
Oct 30Reply

You rock!!! thank you!!!!!
Oct 30Reply

@kalondia yayyy ty!! So do you yw!! 😊😉💖
Oct 30Reply

Hey thanks, this like hit n miss some ppl are really nice some ppl expect more to pay way less, but, I dont give badd reviews bc most the stuff ive bought ain't pic perfect but it's what i wanted for wwwaaayyy leessss so, Idk some of the buyers on here :(
Dec 22Reply

That is a great idea that you have - when you have new pieces. Best regards. @matadora1978
Dec 28Reply

@footcandy @noy2312 @iqclothessavvy please forgive me but i cannot share this evening ..ever since i cam home from work ive had this migraine that doesent let me focus my eyes on the computer screen i promise i will do my sharing of all closets tomorrow ...again my apologies,.
Jan 06Reply

You are always good in Material Girl. No worries, no rush, no problem. Faith and family and health always first. Take care of yourself. You know where to find the sheets when you have time and are feeling better. All my love, big hug!
Jan 06Reply

No worries at all...feel better!
Jan 06Reply

@iqclothessavvy good morning julia ty so much for understanding i promise by tonight it will be all done ..your an angel😙💖
Jan 06Reply

@footcandy ty ebony this am im feeling better ..on my way to work...promise my shares will be completed tonight the latest😙💖
Jan 06Reply

@biddy719 your awesome!!
Feb 19Reply

@matadora1978 Hi Jess, I am letting you know that there is another non-compliant closet namebrandnew I have block the closet. You might want to take a look
Feb 20Reply

are you being harassed by this closet? @samipoo24
Feb 20Reply

@matadora1978 she has sent me numerous requests to share her closet and she would share mine, so I blocked her because I was getting tired of her asking, she said she see's that I am into the sharing because of my share #'s whatever that means. So I do not have to worry about her catch me off guard I blocked her.
Feb 20Reply

did u report her? if not u should ...ill block and report too ty for letting me know dear @samipoo24
Feb 20Reply

@matadora1978 blocked and reported, thank you
Feb 20Reply

good job ...we gotta keep these trolls in check...lol hey do u have fb?
Feb 20Reply

@samipoo24 pls read above ...forgot to tag u :(
Feb 20Reply

Hello @matadora1978 😊 I would love to be on your share group! I have a question if you don't mind... What programs are people using to be able to get effects like writing on their pictures? Backgrounds? Etc THANKS!
Mar 10Reply

@michelle4boys i dont have a tag list but i can refer you to some good ones..also i use pic collage personally and my notes on my ohone and then i just screen shot ...or ill screen shot smt from google and then i edit on my camera 😊
Mar 10Reply

@matadora1978 , thank you, that would be great. Was it you that told me about a posh blog somewhere? Or a FB posh page? Sorry, it was months ago when I first started. I was a bit overwhelmed.,
Mar 10Reply

theres numerous ones on fb one of them is called the best poshmark tips ...look it up dani i think its the hsot of that one (motherskiss) @michelle4boys :)
Mar 10Reply

Thank you once again @matadora1978 ! I have sent a request 😊
Mar 10Reply

yw! :) have a great day ! tomorrows friday woohoo! xoxox @michelle4boys
Mar 10Reply

@matadora1978 Hey You....it's ME 😃💋
.....I'm back on my feet because I found a GOOD psych who's helping me with new meds and a new therapist......
I've not been myself for quite a while and I just need to get back on track.......
Please don't be mad at me for being distance..... I have missed You.....
Yes, I have😌
Apr 06Reply

@matadora1978 It's nice to see still have a GREAT closet...... 🙃😛
Apr 06Reply

@excorpsman hi there! Is nice to see your doing much better eventhou you left me hanging with a bundle ...😂😂 but whos counting right?! Lol have a good one.☺
Apr 06Reply

Goodmorning Jess @twinkletoestoni is having a bad time with these young girls on Posh mark look on her closet under the wet and wild makeup, I have already reported and blocked the closets that are giving her a hard time. I just wanted to make you aware, so you can block them also. I had a similar problem in the past.
Apr 09Reply

@matadora1978 Goodmorning Jess @twinkletoestoni is having a bad time with these young girls on Posh mark look on her closet under the wet and wild makeup, I have already reported and blocked the closets that are giving her a hard time. I just wanted to make you aware, so you can block them also. I had a similar problem in the past.
Apr 09Reply

@samipoo24 hey dawn! Maybe she took it down because i dont see that listing...and if anyones bothering her she should block and report...theres really nothing else she can do becausr posh will not get rid of poshers for harrasment ..yes..i know...its unfortunate but posh is a bussiness and money is theyre first priority ...im sorry this is happening to her
Apr 09Reply

@samipoo24 ive had my share of trolls but i block them so they cant comment on my listings maybe she should do that also..have a great weekend dear ! Stay away from the trouble makers! 😊💖💖
Apr 09Reply

@matadora1978 and @samipoo24 Thanks ladies. I've emailed them all to pm support and marked them as not for sale until I hear back. I have blocked all the mean girls. I think I may take down the Wet n Wild though, and just leave the elf up. Both are cheap, but these are special subscription orders I get from the vendors. 💕
Apr 09Reply

@twinkletoestoni im sorry toni i wish there was smt i could do but you know how this works...😢😢 all i can say is keep your head up and ignore thr bs ..its not worth your time your much better then that and seriously who has time to fight with these trolls when were so busy sharing each others closets!! 😂😂 have a great day my dear !
Apr 09Reply

@matadora1978 I know Jess, I'm just really mad. All that work listing and now I have to start over on them.
Apr 09Reply

@twinkletoestoni i understand you completely ...i dont understand what they get from doing that..if you dont like someone just stay away from them and they stay away from you...you know...why is that so hard for some people...all were trying to do is get a piece of the pie...why do some have to hate on that...idk😢😢
Apr 09Reply

@matadora1978 Exactly. They are young and extremely immature. Oh well, such is life these days. 😁😜😜
Apr 09Reply

@twinkletoestoni exactly nowadays people only want to have the last word like thats going to prove them right ...they dont stop to think or listen or even reason with you or agree to disagree ...is a very important skill that were loosing.. And it has such value!
Apr 09Reply

But theyd rather bark at you and defend theyre position with out hearing yours out...its what the world has come to and im really sad about that..all i can do is pray and try my best to teach my son moral values and decency..thats another thing that is sporadic nowadays...😕
Apr 09Reply

@twinkletoestoni and you want to know the worst thing? You cant change these trolls! 😡😡 ...cest la vie my darling 🌸🌸🌹🌹🌼
Apr 09Reply

@matadora1978 I can think of a worse word than trolls for sure! Thanks. 💜
Apr 09Reply

@twinkletoestoni 😂😂😂 i hear ya! 😂😂😂
Apr 09Reply

Thank you so much for the goodie bag from the LI Meetup today. It was great to meet you :)- Dahlia
Apr 10Reply

yes! it was great meeting you too! it was so fun! hopefully we can meet again in the near future :) xoxo @citytoseaside
Apr 10Reply

Ahahah @matadora1978 so simple yet so amazing
Jun 16Reply

@254stuff hello there!! you are my 80,000 follower !! ty so much as an appreciation token im giving you a great sale !! you can buy one get one free on any of my items !! but hurry sale only lasts today! ty again and have a great sunday !! :)
Jul 10Reply

Just wanted to say hi!! 😉 Thanks for sharing Women! Hope you had a nice weekend! 🌷
Sep 12Reply

hi my darling !! your always welcome !! im trying to go to bed but the tv doesent let me ...:\ i hope you had a great weekend also !! @flutter_buys
Sep 12Reply

@matadora1978 I thought you were sleeping sweets!!!
Jan 04Reply

@dinofinder I was good morning !!! 😍😘
Jan 04Reply

@matadora1978 good morning ☀️
Jan 04Reply

@dinofinder good morning! I won't be poshing much thru out the day I'm currently in a company training from 8 to 4:30pm ...but I'll visit your closet tonight ! Share,share,share!!😍😘
Jan 04Reply

@matadora1978 how was training, babes?
Jan 05Reply

@dinofinder well to my surprise I didn't fall asleep..lol
The instructor was very pleasant and funny! So we had a good time and food was great...i could use a bit more days of 'training' hehehe...how was your day darling?🤗🤗
Jan 05Reply

@matadora1978 it was good!!! Thx!! I kicked some butt, ran some errands had a coconut milk chai @ Starbucks... life is good!!!
Jan 05Reply

awesomeness!!!! yes cant complain life is good ! @dinofinder
Jan 05Reply

@matadora1978 one thing that would make it better would be to meet you in person!!
Jan 05Reply

@dinofinder YES!!!! OMP!that would be the best thing ever!! 😍 that would be the icing on my triple chocolate truffle cake hahahha!! 🤗🤗🍰🍫
Jan 05Reply

@matadora1978 😂😂😂😂😂 that I would have to WATCH you eat....😥
Jan 05Reply

aw come one!! you can have a small piece a ...very.. small ...piece ..i share ;) @dinofinder
Jan 05Reply

@matadora1978 I would love that if it were gluten and grain free!!!! I can do small portions of chocolate now... but it has to be GOOD DARK chocolate!!!! 70% or more! My thyroid is starting to heal, so I can't "gluten" myself... I found out that just 1 serving could set me back 6 months!!! 😳😱😬🙄🤢😫 I would love to indulge.... but is it worth it for me??? 😢 sadly, no🤧😥😭
Jan 06Reply

Hey Woman! 😃 How are you doing? How is mom and grandma making out? They and you are in my prayers. 💕🙏💕 Just wanted you to know I was thinking about you! Love ya! 😘
Jan 17Reply

@flutter_buys hello darling my mom is good and my grandma is home with her oxygen...no one really knows whats going on with her now since she avoided the hospital at all costs so...were just waiting... and hopefully she wont have anymore attacks (grasping for air) now that she has the machine ...im hoping she will be stable for some time :) ty so much for asking! your so sweet ...hows everything with you ? hows your husband ...how did it go with his procedure ?
Jan 17Reply

Hi! Glad to hear that she is stable and not in any pain! 👏💕😃 My hubby is just fine! Everything went well with his procedure! 😃 we are just waiting for him to be called back to work. Otherwise I'm doing good today too. I'm able to take pictures today so that's a good thing! 😃 Have a good night Jess! Ttys 😘💕
Jan 17Reply

yayy!! im glad everything is back to normal ! take care doll ..@flutter_buys ;)
Jan 17Reply
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