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Updated Aug 21
Updated Aug 21



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Passionate for antiques and flowers Poshmark has become my home I just can't stop I love all u ladies the team work and dedication is incredible I am so happy to be a part of Poshmark 🌺
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nlgka @kbelle911 THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH 🌹
Apr 07Reply
nlgka @naniejane THIS IS MY LOWEST DRESS PRICE WENT DOWN $10 yesterday this dress ones brand new with tags in its original bag the one you see is mine . It was so cute I bought another for my closest .MY PRICE IS VERY FAIR I CAN NOT BUDGE ON IT . Dress is cry nice reminds of the 70s baby doll dresses wow an like mother wear wearing on dates u will love it ! I'm sorry I need to make $ been very bad lately 🌹ALLISON
May 06Reply
May 06Reply
May 06Reply
nlgka @naniejane well I will be listing some of my new dresses tonight take all ok back please so are I one in Chico's clothes like for Chicos top would you buy a size one or two
May 06Reply
nlgka What I don't understand but the dresses in listing tonight are nice there is one royal blue very nice but the cold creek dress is so comfy can ware for any I Occasion out of all old creek winsome shorter than than the rest . Can't stand longer I guess I'm back to the 70s but to old to go that short 🌹LOL
May 06Reply
nlgka @christinecmc THANK YOU SO MUCH 🌹
Jul 20Reply
lacie510 How tall are you and where would this hit you?
Oct 27Reply
Oct 27Reply
lacie510 Love this but after reading where this hits you it would be way too short for me ....darn
Nov 02Reply
nlgka @lacie510 I will measure I was guessing when I get home tonight like 8:00 I will let you know I should of done that in the first place 🌺
Nov 02Reply
nlgka @lacie510 from shoulder done 36"from under breast down 26" if u need more measurements let me know please I forgot how cute this dress is pictures don't do it justice has side zipper a nice adjustable slip . The Brad work around the collar the it's pleated it's just beautiful 🌺🌺🌺🌺
Nov 02Reply
lacie510 @nlgka you said you are 5-3 and it was above your knees right? I need to find my tape measure ... I think a dog "borrowed" it .... I might need to just buy another one. I'm 5-6 and not comfortable in short skirts/dresses any longer. But I love this dress.
Nov 03Reply
nlgka @lacie510 I sent you 36" from the shoulder so from your shoulder down to 36" is were it will be I haven't wore mine in a while plus I wore only one time I was guessing eyeballing but yesterday I measured it try that when u get your tape measure from the dog I just picked mine up my cat unwound it for me . 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺
Nov 03Reply
Nov 03Reply
lacie510 @nlgka I finally got a new tape measure and measured a dress I have in my posh closet that I'm selling because its too short and I have lost weight and hoped it would hanger lower .But mine is 2 inches longer and too short. :(
Nov 10Reply
nlgka @lacie510 HI LACIE DID YOU GET THE MESSAGE I LEFT LAST WEEK I TRYED THE DRESS ON ITS SO SO ... Adorable it is just above the new not to short yo u will love it I wore mine this Sunday had so many complements Two lady's want to buy I'm waiting to here back from you first 🌺🌺🌺🌺
Nov 10Reply
nlgka @lacie510 I have size 10 or 12 the 10 fits me perfect I have 38c chest am 5"4
Nov 10Reply
nlgka @lacie510 weigh 138
Nov 10Reply
lacie510 @nlgka I'm 5-6 so it will be too short. :(
Nov 11Reply
nlgka @lacie510 wasn't sure how long you wanted it . Okay on you would be about an inch to 1 1/2 " above the knee 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺
Nov 11Reply
lacie510 @nlgka At my age and having ugly knees I gave up skirts above my knees .... And after breaking my left patella (kneecap) it doesn't help how they look
Nov 11Reply
nlgka @lacie510 well I had my son take a few pic ... While I had my hair fixed actually I need it cut and makeup on . Today is my daughter 18 birthday so went for dinner . I'm 58 I think it's cute for the old lady I am . It's longer every time I put it on LOL I need 2 knee replacements I'm not doing it unless they get really bad which they hardly bother me 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺
Nov 11Reply
lacie510 @nlgka Your hair looks cute. I have RD so I get chemo every month hoping it helps keeping things under control. We had nice rain and low temps so my knees are really hurting. (Along with hands, shoulders, feet) but the pain in my lt knee is really bad. Have a heating pad on them. Still wear a brace on my knee. :( If it wasn't a petite I bet it would have worked.
Nov 11Reply
lacie510 @nlgka I have a lot of Coldwater Creek clothes but they were made with higher quality before they reopened ...... I shopped through them for a long time. Don't recall this cute dress.
Nov 11Reply
nlgka @lacie510 I didn't realize they sold or changed I have had these packed away in the packaging I don't know how long I bought a size up and two my size I liked it so much plus my weight goes up and down but when I stopped working a saw Poshmark thought I haven't touched my 3 closets of work clothes in over a year so here I am I hardly were make up or get dressed up . It's bathing suit flip flops and my fishing clothes to bad I acutely like this pic.... Makes me feel good🌺🌺🌺
Nov 11Reply
nlgka @lacie510 WOW YOU SOUND LIKE ME I HAVE BARRETTES OF THE ESAUPGUS AND STOMACH BODYIS RIDDLED OF RA AND OTHER MEDICAL CONDITIONS I FELT GOOD TODAY ACTUALLY MY HAIR DOES LOOK GOOD IN THE person not so good I'm waiting to here from the judge on my disability. Seems like every time I got I the Docter these Kris show something new but I don't feel like I'm during just slot of pain my hands from sharing are really really bad .🌺
Nov 11Reply
lacie510 @nlgka Coldwater Creek closed maybe 2 years ago than another company started it back up. But the prices are the same if not higher and sadly most of the fabric is thinner. But I have so much and hate to get rid of any of it. But slowly I am with many still with tags on them. I was a RN till I broke my back at work. Then I had an internal spinal cord stimulator put in so I could walk again. Did some work in a Senior Retirement community and wore "normal' clothes .. Like you I no longer wear them.
Nov 11Reply
lacie510 @nlgka After my husband suddenly died do to an ER's error (he was 48) I returned to work too soon ... I went on social security disability and was dx with RD. Only took 7 years to agree on the dx .... But my doctor never gave up ... So I'm hoping I can make extra money on posh but it is really slow .... So I'm in a share group but I'm not sure if it is really helping with sales but I don't give up easy.
Nov 11Reply
nlgka @lacie510 WOW YOU HAVE BEEN THROUGH A LOT ME TO SEEMS LIKE MOST OF US POSHERS ARE ON HERE FOR THE REASON . I need to go do the party will write after 🌺
Nov 11Reply
nlgka @lacie510 I am in four share groups my hands burn all the to my elbows ever since I'm sharing all day long I love it but not good me . I think it does help but the groups I'm in are all the same PFFS soil think I need one that has different PFFS don't get me wrong they are all good groups just seems like I need more exposure with all different PFFS . You definitely need to follow and share as much as possible since I've been doing that I sell maybe 2 items a week sometimes 0 . 🌺
Nov 11Reply
nlgka @lacie510 IT TOOK A YEAR FOR ME TO FIGURE OUT THE FOLLOWING CHAIN THINGS WERE DIFFERENT NO HEPL I ALMOST GAVE UP . I then started watching other closets that is how I've been learning plus other PFFS know answer all your questions . 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺I will be taking pic... Hopefully listing tonight I work better when my children are sleeping then sleep when there at school or try anyways 🌺🌺🌺🌺
Nov 11Reply
lacie510 @nlgka I finally figured out doing the shares go quicker on my laptop than my phone or tablet but I totally understand the wrist and hand pain with it. Just as I get frustrated I sell something ...
Nov 11Reply
nlgka @lacie510 yes your right about that plus I can see everything looks nicer to . I'm just so yeses to this phone . My eyes went really bad just got a prescription for glasses from the eye Docter but I need to make $$$ so I can get them I don't think my insurance covers them but maybe tit does have to check it out . 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Nov 11Reply
nlgka @sweetpea45 This is beautiful I have in a 12
Nov 28Reply
pamlaleyan @nlgka you look beautiful 💐💐💐
Dec 01Reply
amydraper14 Welcome to posh !!!!! I wish you the best of luck in selling/buying
Dec 15Reply
dcvisions @nlgka hey there love your page,,I did wanted to give you an FYI ,my son was Taylor swift bodyguard four four years (he's not right now though),well anyway,her lawyers love to go after people who use her pictures in selling of items,,I just thought you'd like to know,,unless you have written paper from them please be careful,, well have a great night and once again I love sharing your things,Noreen
Jan 06Reply
nlgka @dcvisions thank u so much Noreen i will take her off i did not no that i mean i have heard of people being sued but that is for selling phony crap about movie stares or look a like items of there"s . really i apreciate all the info i was just having fun when i was taking these photos never new they would come out so nice there are a lot i have to redo was trying to hurry get every thing on for the holidays :::))) ALLISON
Jan 06Reply
dcvisions @nlgka ,,hey there Allison I sure get it I'd do it if I could,,, it is a great picture and it really does look good when you have a great night and let's keep on sharing each other stuff and get some good sales going take care
Jan 06Reply
nlgka @dcvisions yes I love to share I have been tonight for the last three hours I stay up two times 2 week when my children are sleeping I get so much more done 👗🛍👢💅🏻💄LOVE ALLISON
Jan 06Reply
bajanme27 Wow!!love this closet. .
Jan 09Reply
nlgka @bajanme27 well thank you ! Your closet is also fabulous 👗🛍👢💅🏻💄
Jan 09Reply
nlgka @tramnes1 thank u very much I also love your closet I've been in it beautiful 👗
Jan 12Reply
wenrelas_boutiq Hi, Its nice 2 meet U ✌ ( did you know this post is your "meet the Posher"?)
Feb 02Reply
Feb 03Reply
wenrella I feel like your telling my story! 😳 I may have found my Posh-mate 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 I hated going as well, but being broke..well, you already know. It's like that movie "pretty in pink" with Molly R. ! 😆😆👯👯 lets be twins! Haha. You really should open a second closet and only post your vintage items. I can't say I'm selling a. Bunch, but it's only been 1 month since I got the go ahead from PM support. They ask you why you want a second closet.
Feb 03Reply
wenrella think of a great answer ( I'm sure you will! Cuz your awesome! ) I'm so glad I found you. Or u found me? Doesn't matter. Poshmark ROCKS! I love meeting new people and when they live so close, even better.
Feb 03Reply
sous_le_ciel Beautiful closet @nlgka! 🌺💐
Feb 09Reply
nlgka @sous_le_ciel THANK U VERY MUCH HAVE A GREAT WEEK 😘😘
Feb 09Reply
nlgka @sheriban when ever your ready just let me know God bless 😘😘😘😘😘😘
Feb 16Reply
nlgka @sheriban I still have more to list I'm trying to get it all on then I will take out all the modern item for a second closet so one will be vintage only there is just to much in this one ❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘😘
Feb 16Reply
southerngal0724 @nigka Thank you so much for following my closet -- I've only peeked at a few items in yours and am already in love!! I appreciate the workmanship in antique clothing and shop that a lot at etsy. I find this environment a little easier to shop in, and the other Poshers are just so kind. I loved in Naples, FL for over 25+ years, and know your areas well. I especially enjoyed St. Armands Circle. The fun I had there, and the shopping! Again, it's nice to meet you and follow you.
Feb 25Reply
nlgka @southerngal0724 wow you re very very sweet thank u for the awesome completely I'm very happy Poshmark feel into my lap I'm doing what I love my dream has been to have my own little antique and flower shop but this has become my life I enjoy every minute of working with my closet I am so happy to meet you my name is Allison please visit me in my closet anytime 👗🛍👠💅💄Allison
Feb 25Reply
southerngal0724 @nigka You're more than welcome!! I agree that Poshmark is incredible. I have always wanted to have a shop to jewelry and clothing, but this fills that need so well! My problem is that I'm disabled and can't always work the work that I'd like to -- I have severe nerve damage from severe back problems that resulted in extensive surgery when I was 13 -- it's kind of falling apart now. but with great medications I can keep working.
Feb 25Reply
southerngal0724 @nigkka I'm trying to get pictures of my little gems up but can't work the camera because my hands shake -- I'm just going to hire someone. In the meantime, Allison, I'm going to keep going, and I'll visit your shop and drop you a note from time to time. Thanks for your warm note!!
Feb 25Reply
gracennelson Hi Allison! I couldn’t help but notice your beautiful closet! I’d like to invite you to become a member of The POSH Society on Facebook. Barbara Grant (@oceanjewelers) started this group to help drive up the sales for her fellow poshers. Go to: Just click to join the page and Barbara Grant will assist you! It's a really great community of poshers looking to help each other, so I hope you look into it:)
Feb 25Reply
hellojoce @nigka I love your selection of vintage Jewlery! 😍 I will be back often :)
Feb 28Reply
nlgka @hellojoce Thank u very much come visit anytime 👗🛍👠💅💄Allison
Feb 28Reply
hellojoce @nlgka Thank you for all the shares! ☺️💕
Feb 28Reply
pamlaleyan @nlgka aww thank you so much I have really been going thru it , and you look AWESOME !!
Mar 04Reply
nlgka @pamlaleyan love your closet we ladies do have fabulous closets hope your doing good I'm half and half but a little better working on my daughter almost there we've been spending a lot of time together I love it 💋💋💋
Mar 04Reply
pamlaleyan @nlgka I'll jump on tonight it's been a hard one for me , but aww you look so good and happy !! And I wish my son were closer I miss him :( he's 35
Mar 04Reply
bmcrampton Thank you for all of the shares :)
Mar 06Reply
cassiebadassie Thank you for the shares! 💋💋 You're inspirational, I hope I can be as successful at Poshmark 🙌🙌
Mar 07Reply
boutiquec @boutiquec Hello...I'm Crystal and I just wanted to introduce myself and say your have a beautiful closet😀...take care and I will be back😀!!!!
Mar 09Reply
redbug17 Girl your closet rocks!!
Mar 22Reply
nlgka @redbug17 thank u very much 😘😘
Mar 22Reply
flashnfashnista Hahaha, ur worth more than $25!😄 Jus saw that and thought it was funny!
Mar 31Reply
Mar 31Reply
flashnfashnista @nlgka hahaha, well, I think ur value is infinite..but atleast sell yourself for $10,000, u kno😄 I always love visiting ur closet, btw..u always find such unique items! Hope u had a great Easter! Know Im ready for Spring/Summer to get here😁
Mar 31Reply
thwelshbohemian Hi Allison I will send her a message. Sorry you're having drama. Just so you know she had a really bad experience on Posh today, she got scammed and is pretty upset and frazzled over it so I think that's why she might be a rattled with this situation.
Apr 04Reply
nlgka @bubblegoldfish awww I never had this happen I made a new listing left it at $69 so no one touches it all she has to do is make that $40 offer I'll take care of her send her something extra I feel so bad I don't even know the third party that bought it our how they did Poshmark had a reserve on it ??? Thank u so much I do no do business like this not ever 👗👗👗😘😘😘😘
Apr 04Reply
thwelshbohemian @nlgka Don't worry Allison you didn't do anything wrong. Sounds like a big misunderstanding to me. Don't stress over it. I had a situation on here last month that really upset me but I realised afterwards it didn't need to if I didn't let it. So now I try to not take anything personally on here Low ball offer, who cares I'll counter and if they don't respond so what. Disappear after asking a question, who cares their loss. Anyway 'keep calm and carry on poshing' 😘
Apr 04Reply
nlgka @bubblegoldfish thank u honey I'm usually like that especially when asked for more pic,,, I give never here again question same thing the ones that run me I expect not to here from today was a first won't happen again I'm fine I just felt bad for the girl that made the first offer I messed it up hit the wrong thing so my fault it's over I'm having a nice calm night I hope you do the same 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Apr 04Reply
thwelshbohemian @nlgka 😘😎🌈❤
Apr 04Reply
fabfindz6 Just read your bio. I went to Ringling school of art in 75, and have lots of friends in Sarasota. Happy Poshing.
Apr 12Reply
nlgka @fabfindz6 well it is very nice to meet u Joyce so you know Sarasota well are you still living here ? 👗
Apr 12Reply
baap48 Thank you soo much. I have a function on Saturday, do you think I will receive them by then?
Apr 12Reply
rutva @nlgka Hello!! Check out my closet! Every buy helps me so much! I have great deals and am up for offers. My clothing is very gently used or not used it all. Please check it out. I appreciate it so much 😊😊 I love your closet!
Apr 16Reply
smayberry38 @nlgka I just had to stop by and say your closet is absolutely amazing!!! Love all the vintage styles!!! 😘😘🎉
Apr 17Reply
nlgka @smayberry38 aww you are very sweet stop by anytime I'm always adding new stuff 👗👛👠💅💄Allison have a wonderful afternoon
Apr 17Reply
scotthempen @nlgka ~. Great closet !!
Apr 19Reply
nlgka @scotthempen YOU ARE VERY SEEET THANK U COME VISIT ANYTIME 👗👛👠💅💄Allison
Apr 19Reply
janimack7 Hello, ALLISON! 👋🏼 I'm Jan! it is great to meet you! 🌹 Your closet is gorgeous! (PS: Thanks for the tags❣)
Apr 19Reply
nlgka @janimack7 ohh thank u I need to look at your whole closet I love what I have seen will be back for more lol like I need more right just love Poshmark so addicting but I'm doing what I love thank u so very much 👗👛👠💅💄Allison
Apr 19Reply
tamalama56 @nlgka Hi Allison🌺 lovely thoughts from a gorgeous lady❣thank you for all the shares💕
Apr 26Reply
nlgka @tamalama56 Thank u you are very sweet 😘
Apr 26Reply
tristiacon Thank you for sharing 😊 🤗🤗 💞💞
Apr 28Reply
crystallavery 💗Thank you for the tag!! 💕🙋
May 05Reply
nlgka @crystallavery your welcome have a lovely evening 👗👠👛💅🏻💄Allison
May 06Reply
discount1 Allison is that your family at the pool is beautiful picture hope you and your family have a special mom day hope you get be top seller too have great day thank you for follow!
May 08Reply
nlgka @discount1 yes that's us that was a couple years ago when times were better we are wonderful getting back to good times baby steps works wonders wishing you a Happy Mother's Day
May 08Reply
discount1 nigka sorry about the rough times you have had hope this year will be the best yet for you prayers and posh love
May 08Reply
nlgka @discount1 ❤️THANK U
May 09Reply
wenrelas_boutiq Hi Its nice 2 meet U. I think I found my new favorite closet! Love from Wenrella ⭕️❌✌🏽️
May 16Reply
perfumedfabric Thank you so much for all the shares! Gorgeous closet! ☺️🌸💗✌️
Jun 08Reply
wenrelas_boutiq Hi, Thank You for all the extra sharing. How's your daughter doing now?
Jun 11Reply
carolynqx @carolynqx nice to meet you
Jun 25Reply
sugargirl77 You have a great closet! Would love if you would stop by mine and follow me back! TIA :)
Jul 27Reply
leaditbackhome Hi Allison! Thank you for the follow! I want to share with you my new business. I am an Independent Consultant for Rodan and Fields, #2 Premium Skincare in America. The Stanford based Doctors were the developers of Proactiv. If you would like to know more you can visit my site where you will find my email to contact me. I hope to hear from you soon, and I hope you have a blessed day! Thank you for taking the time to read this!
Jul 27Reply
nlgka @hdupere Thank u very much it is,a,mess,at the moment my computer blew 2_3 days shoild be back in businsess 😋
Jul 27Reply
funsize66 Thank you for your purchase! Item will be shipped on Saturday 8/6
Aug 03Reply
patriciamildred @nlgka thank you so much for your kind shares I just recently made a me the pot sure Spock and for all these months I didn't realize I needed that thank you again
Aug 05Reply
dottieloulou13 I LOOOOOOVE your closet!!! So many pretties.
Aug 06Reply
nlgka @mistressmaven thank u so very much I really appreciate your complement. Your closet is awesome also honey 🏵🌼🌱🏵🌼🌱🏵🌼🌱Allison
Aug 06Reply
dottieloulou13 @nlgka Thanks Allison. 😊🌹🌹🌹
Aug 06Reply
texanlady Hi Allison🙋 So nice to meet you and your fur babies and your family you have a real nice closet 😚 💕 💖 My name is Karen , I don't have a vloset to visit but I sure enjoy visiting every one else's lol
Aug 14Reply
antiqueorunique @nlgka hello it's Dyana aka @antiqueorunique. The email address I use for Posh is Drop me a note anytime. I'd love to get to know you better and to provide you some support, even if it's just an ear to listen. 🌸🌸💕💕🌸💕🌸💕
Sep 01Reply
packrabbit Love your closet!! 💕💕
Sep 01Reply
nlgka @moebeth11 u are welcome honey just. Spreading the posh love this morning 🌹🌻🌺🌷🌼🌾🌴🌿
Oct 07Reply
lynndiana @nlgka hi just stopping to say...beautiful closet💞❗️💞❗️💞💚
Nov 05Reply
nlgka @lynndiana Thank u so very much I thought I would do two one vintage then a the rest now that's there's men's and children's i need four crazy lol I have so much been putting on three sites will be nice to only use this one my favorite of all 🌺🌴🌺🌴🌺🌴🌺🌴love the compliment thanks again🌺🌴Allison
Nov 05Reply
secondimage2000 Thank you Allison for the shares and posh love! 💕💕
Nov 05Reply
nlgka @secondimage2000 you are very welcome Candis thank u I'm. Returning the posh ❤️ just follow as many newbies as you can there on the feed page it took me 1 1/2 years to figure out what I was doing wrong follow and share the newbies are almost all my buyers I saw u were pretty NEW my. Third anniversary is coming up I'm trying to hit 200.000 followers the first year I had like 20.000 and just a few sales 🌺🌴🌺🌺🌴🌺🌴🌺🌴🌺🌺🌴LOVE ALLISON
Nov 05Reply
secondimage2000 @nlgka where will I find the newbies in my feed?
Nov 05Reply
nlgka @secondimage2000 Go TO your Feed button at the bottom of your closet hit that at the top left corner their is a face with a + hit that it will give you the recent new poshers after u follow them then hit recent you will get the BRAND NEW do it believe me I wish someone told me that you should be selling I do it everyday that I can I also follow other poshest followers feel free to follow all of mine honey you want to sell your closet is awesome 🌺🌴🌺🌴🌺🌴🌺🌴
Nov 05Reply
kawther How are u miss u 🙏🙏🙏🙏😘😘😘😘
Nov 05Reply
secondimage2000 @nlgka Ok, it says fresh closets or just joined. Hit the just joined button?
Nov 05Reply
nlgka @secondimage2000 do both get them all ever time you YOU have time your hands might feel like there going fall off lol mine are horrible 🌴🌺🌴🌺🌴🌺🌴
Nov 05Reply
secondimage2000 @nlgka Ok, gotcha. Thanks for all of the advice! 💞💕💞💕
Nov 05Reply
nlgka @kawther oh my dear sister I think of you everyday always praying that your 🙏 s will come also all the 1,000s of people 🙏🙏🙏🙏for Neeley will soon happen I know god has a better plan for her I know he does I just can't understand what's taking so long I love ❤️ you so so much sister
Nov 05Reply
nlgka @kawther Neeley is in jail my husband had her arrested for taking my car she has no drivers license she has been taking the cars out for three years but he finally realizes he's enabling her
Nov 05Reply
nlgka @kawther and of course she is really upset with us both me REALLY bad because i see right through her. All the lies the addiction were all to our wits end the only thing keeping me going is my Poshmark thanks to you sister
Nov 05Reply
nlgka @kawther I work for 2-4 days straight no sleep then I'm dead tired plus depressed for a A week I do nothing I never go anywhere but tomorrow I will go see Neeley she was suppose to be arraigned on Friday thought she was coming home but I dropped the auto theft charges then they changed the arraignment till November 9th the day before her birthday 🎉
Nov 05Reply
nlgka @kawther so she never calls me if she calls her fathers phone and I answer she hangs up he's the that did this plus all her all bad choices I can't fall for her manipulative behavior anymore my husband wants her home I want her thee at least I know she is safe and drug free she looks like she did 5 years ago so BEAUTIFUL so what do I do just keep going and 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏I will never give up on her
Nov 05Reply
kawther Sweetheart she must understand what she doing is wrong let ur dad brother talk to her u cant stay in this situation until the end of life u are sick too i pray for god to help and end this subject to pest way for her be carful and take care of ur self
Nov 05Reply
kawther U must stand strong and leave her must have help from family to be more effect to her i know dads always like girls more than boys but she must keep away from what she doing god help 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Nov 05Reply
nlgka @kawther hHows your family everything okay oh we also have to move again this guy wants to sell but he won't he is asking way way to much the property is nice the pool but the THE house if I bought it I would gut it it's NEEDS all NEW the whole darn place we are looking but this is season starting hardly anything out there plus we have to stay together $$$$ if I worked everyday like I do those 3-4 her and there I would do great
Nov 05Reply
nlgka @kawther I now need 3-4 closets 1 for vintage jewelry and lingerie I for my stuff 1 for men's I have all my old bosses very nice dress shirts have to get those on plus my SO I have everything from size 5-10 I think all designer he never wore the stuff what do u think I always take your advice tonight I have so many pictures of jewelry and vintage purses have to get on the holidays are here 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄lil
Nov 05Reply
kawther My sister did another surgery stay 2 month here she left back home and i let nurse taking care of her send her $$ from every month $350 for one year what i make here send to her and the government over their not pay any one god help i have 75% off for bundle to make sale
Nov 05Reply
kawther That great idea tag me when u start posting will keep sharing to my follower good luck open another one to be successful and u can answer every one this closet its perfect now thank god 🌺🌺🌺🙏🙏🙏
Nov 05Reply
kdatsa Thanks for the follow and nice to meet you 😊 nice closet
Nov 06Reply
nlgka @kdm40 Very nice to meet you also Kimberly I wish u you lots of sales peaceposhlove if u need anything questions just tag me just follow and share as much as possible also put your stuff in the party's 🌺🌴🌺🌴🌺🌴🌺🌴Allison
Nov 06Reply
kdatsa Thank you and thanks for your kind advice! 😊 I really appreciate it. I've made a few purchases on here and so far I like Posh. Haven't started selling yet, still thinking about it and maybe start soon.
Nov 07Reply
nlgka @kdm40 That is exactly how I started lol🌴🌺🌴🌺🌴
Nov 07Reply
secondimage2000 @nlgka Hello Allison, I have a buyer asking me to ship some for free. Are we allowed to do that? If so, how do you go about doing that?
Nov 10Reply
nlgka @secondimage2000 I would never do that we do have specials ever now and then with free shipping . Do you give a discount if they bundle three items or more plus you probably took an offering I'm sure there is a way go into the questions MOST asked or search it on the feed page sorry I couldn't be OF help they would have to be giving me a huge order for me to consider. I have sold on four sites they ask the answer is no 🌴🌺🌴
Nov 10Reply
secondimage2000 @nlgka Hello Allison, you were so right on the newbies being the one's that mostly buy. I have been doing what you suggested every day sometimes twice a day and I'm already at 3500. My sales have picked up as well. Do you have a follow game or tag list going at all?
Nov 16Reply
nlgka @secondimage2000 @tpmom the pajama game and. SNL Saturday night live every other Saturday in @blucat closet or in @regret closet I think it's next Saturday so much fun there are more THESE are the ones I'm doing now there easy , fast bring you lots of new shoppers 🌺🌴🌺🌴🌺🌴
Nov 16Reply
nlgka @iqclothessavy this is a good one one of may faves it just to large for me so much time . 🌴🌺
Nov 16Reply
secondimage2000 @nlgka thanks Allison for all of the shares. Hugs to you 💕💕💕
Nov 16Reply
josie_alexandra @nlgka You have a beautiful closet and I love that you share so much about yourself and your life through your posts. I've just rekindled my relationship with Posh (inactive member since 2013 and now very active as of the beginning of this November) and I'm having a great time buying and selling. What would you say is the best way to get exposure and followers? I'd like to become a suggested user some day. Any tips would really be appreciated.
Nov 29Reply
nlgka @josie_c83 HI JOSIE NICE MEET YOU IT TOOK ME A ALMOST TWO YEARS TO FIGURE IT OUT FOLLOW EVER NEW PERSON U CAN THERE IN THE FEED SECTION ON YOUR PAGE ALMOST ALL MY SALES ARE FROM NEW PEOLPE THAT DO NOT SELL .I have met so many awesome ladies on here we also share but from each other get in some share groups also but follow till your hands burn my feel like fire I've been on her since last night I'm crazy 😜
Nov 29Reply
josie_alexandra @nlgka LOL!! Thanks for the tips. You sound like a Posh genius 😆 I'm going to go follow new peeps till my hands fall off 😉
Nov 29Reply
josie_alexandra @nlgka I have another question, which could be a silly one. Is it weird to post off-season clothes? I hoard clothes like crazy, and some of the items I need to get rid of are shorts and tanks. Is it weird to try and sell those items now that it's getting to winter? Do you suggest waiting till spring to try and sell those? Or is it all game all the time on Poshmark? Your input would be appreciated 😊
Nov 30Reply
nlgka @josie_c83 no I always do I live in Florida so they still sell I usually mark them down a bit 🌺🌴🎄
Nov 30Reply
josie_alexandra @nlgka Thank you for your response 😊
Nov 30Reply
secondimage2000 @nlgka Hello Allison, hope your doing well. I was looking to join the SNL game. I clicked on your link for blucat but it said there were no listings. Did I use the wrong one?
Dec 09Reply
nlgka @secondimage2000 I should be able to click her closet next Saturday is the share every other week in the hospital broke arm on Monday PRETTY Bad I'm hoping to go home today 🌺🌴🌴🌺🌴
Dec 09Reply
secondimage2000 @nlgka Oh no! So sorry to hear that! I hope you get better real soon, will be praying for you and a speedy recovery. I will try to contact her.💕💕
Dec 09Reply
nlgka @secondimage2000 honey to @dierk's24
Dec 10Reply
nlgka @secondimage2000 HONEY GO TO @dierks24 signup For tonight also Diane has a lot of other share groups in her closet you may want to try some ⛄️🎁⛄️🎁⛄️
Dec 10Reply
secondimage2000 @nlgka Thank you Allison, I signed up earlier this morning. Hope you are doing well. 💕
Dec 10Reply
secondimage2000 @nlgka Ok, will do.💕
Dec 10Reply
nlgka @secondimage2000 good I'm so happy thank u on the recovery I finally got out of the hospital last night I'm waiting on therapist I get a home therapist and a home nurse I really messed my arm up NEVER BROKE a bone till this week looks like 4 months to a year for healing we will see please keep in touch let me now how your closet is doing Candis ⛄️🎁⛄️🎁⛄️🎁LOVE ALLISON SEE U TONIGHT
Dec 10Reply
secondimage2000 Hey Allison, How's it going today? Yesterday was a very productive day. I had to basically stick around the house until about 3:00. Every time I got ready to leave, someone purchased something. Those share parties really help with sales. I try to get into a party every night or every other night if I am able to. The SNL group last night was HUGE! I was selected for 2 Fall Host Picks last week.
Dec 12Reply
nlgka @secondimage2000 I'm so happy for you Candice it took me so long to figure it out so happy I did also VERY very happy I can help some ladies like you SNL IS A SUPER AWESOME GROUP FROM MY OWN EXPERIENCE DO NOT DO THESE GROUPS 24/7 you want to share your closet to BIG plus do the parties at 10:00 PM I Always SHARE MY WHOLE Closet TO THE 10: 00 PM PARTY IM WAITING ON A HOME NURSE TO COME OUT MY SONS TEACHER ALSO HIS 2nd mother thinks my arm is infected
Dec 12Reply
scottlands1 Got your comment Soo sorry to hear about your hospitalization and style injury!😍. I don't know what bundle you are referring to. Refresh my memory...
Dec 19Reply
Dec 20Reply
scottlands1 If I paid go ahead and ship. Thanks!😍
Dec 20Reply
nlgka @scottlands1 yes honey u paid I will get them ready to ship in morning ⛄️☃️🎄☃️🎄☃️⛄️
Dec 20Reply
scottlands1 Thank you Very much!😍
Dec 20Reply
ohhmygeeg Hey there Allison! Thanks for stopping by and following my closet. I update it with new listings often, so check in again soon. Happy Shopping! 😉🙏🏻🌹
Dec 26Reply
kikistore Great closet ! Trying to clean my closet out. Shares are appreciated thanks!
Dec 27Reply
nlgka @kikistore Thank u honey will do follow and share u will have great sales🌺
Dec 27Reply
kikistore Thanks for the shares!
Dec 27Reply
holly4u hi love make me an offer on the floral top
Jan 23Reply
leaditbackhome Hi Allison! Thank you for the follow! I just want to ask, would you be interested in learning about Rodan and Fields? You can email me at
Jan 24Reply
margiebailey Thank you for all the shares. Have a wonderful wknd!
Jan 27Reply
nlgka @margiebailey 🦋🌺🌿
Jan 28Reply
queeniedee Hi, is this a size 12, if it is then Sold!,Please let me no.
Feb 15Reply
tamdeew Love your closet. You are an inspiration to me and I'm sure many others. Love poshmark ❤
Feb 24Reply
nlgka @tamdeew AWW Thank u so very much u made my day 😘😘😘😘
Feb 24Reply
omalleyallycats Love your closet!❤️
Feb 24Reply
nlgka @omalleyallycats Thank u Ali you are very sweet 🦋🌺🌿Allison
Feb 24Reply
icemon Gorgeous
Mar 04Reply
sophiams555 Hi Allison!!! Thanks for sharing my listing!!! You have an amazing closet!!!
Mar 16Reply
nlgka @sophiams555 Thank you Sophia🌷🍀🌷🍀🌷🍀🌷🍀🌷🍀🌷🍀
Mar 16Reply
tpmom @nlgka Love all the family photos and you are GORG-EOUS inside and out !
Apr 06Reply
nlgka @tpmom aww thank u I do not feel that way I did loose a lot of weight the last few months I'm happy the way I am at this weight hopefully it stays this way 😘😘😘😘😘
Apr 06Reply
tpmom @nlgka Goodness shines through no matter what.
Apr 06Reply
charbysmom Thanks for the share!
Apr 08Reply
tevees143 I love how you display your things. Beautiful family🌸
Apr 10Reply
nlgka @tevees143 Thank you honey 😘
Apr 10Reply
pirategirl0169 Love your hairstyle! It's really cute!
Apr 13Reply
nlgka @pirategirl0169 Aww thank u Lori I do love it short so much easier just mess it up with wax and go thank u for visiting my closet I'm wrapping items to be shipped you should have soon . YOU HAVE A VERY HAPPY EASTER HONEY 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷Allison
Apr 13Reply
tillie1415 Allison, I have all kinds of jewelry alot..I mean a lot. It was my Mother's Grandmther's and GREAT. I would love to talk to you. I would make it your time. Rose.
Apr 13Reply
nlgka @tillie1415 I'm out right now should be home around 7:30 are u trying to sell your all your precious treasures honey-sounds like you have from generations of your family I just said the same thing yesterday I never thought of selling my personal jewelry like you from three generations
Apr 13Reply
nlgka @tillie1415 I was saving it all for my daughter my only child. My daughter Neeley passed away January 1,2017 I have so many I mean a lot it was all for Neeley I work on Poshmark so never ware any of mine for like three years know yesterday I can't take it with me I might just start selling a little here and there I have no clue but I can tell with all I have I went out the last 3 days buying like crazy to add more to my closet
Apr 13Reply
nlgka I would want to keep all your things they would defiantly make me happy if I could afford them poshing is like having my own little store that's all I've ever wanted a little antique and flower shop . I had a hard life up worked as a waitress for 42 year so I finally doing what I love just am lost without my beautiful daughter neeley had just turned 19 still in denial that she is gone message me in a bit
Apr 13Reply
josie_alexandra @nlgka THANK YOU FOR ALL THE POSH LOVE!!!! You have a fantastic closet full of incredibly beautiful pieces. I really appreciate all your shares. Thank you!!!
Apr 14Reply
nlgka @theclosetninja you are welcome was spreading the posh love today was wondering how u we're doing ? Your closet looks great and I see u have many sales so happy for you it's worth your hands burning almost everyday 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷J C YOU WISHING UNA CERY HAPPY EASTER SUNDAY 🌷Allison
Apr 14Reply
secondimage2000 @nlgka Hey Allison, how are you? I hope you are well.
Apr 15Reply
lemon_bar Such a cute and chic closet!!
Apr 21Reply
beanie8524 I didn't mean to cancel that order lol
May 03Reply
beanie8524 I will take them for 30.
May 03Reply
aarikabc Thanks for the follow! 😁
May 03Reply
nlgka @aarikabc 🌷🌷🌷
May 04Reply
alexchris_89 Firstly, you have a beautiful family!! I send special heart filled hugs for your special Angel 😇 in heaven💞! Secondly, do you really want me to style you from my closet? I've never been asked and not sure if you hit that request on accident? Lol let me know 😘
May 04Reply
nlgka @alexchris_89 I must of hit that on accident I'm so sorry . Thank you for your special words means the world to me🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷Allison
May 05Reply
nlgka @csebert4112 good luck to u and thank u very much for visiting my closet will see u Soon🌷🌷🌷🌷allison
May 07Reply
spreadlove Happy Monday! Just stopping in the say hello and wish you a wonderful week! Have a great day!
May 08Reply
nlgka >3😘😘😘
May 08Reply
nlgka @richard827 You are very welcome 😘😘😘have a wonderful night 🌷🌷🌷
May 10Reply
hillaryshouston @nlgka hey beautiful 😀 do you by any chance sew? I have some designer dresses that go perfect with your collection but they each have some small piece that needs to be stitched or repaired and I don't know how. I will gift them to you if you pay for the shipping. Lmk k 💋
May 14Reply
nlgka @hillaryshouston That's very nice of u Hillary yes I could fix them and if not I could have my alterations lady look at them I would be happy to pay shipping just let me know what the cost is your address so I can send to you 🌼🌼🌼🌼Allison
May 14Reply
hillaryshouston @nlgka I will get them all boxed up tonight and I will just make a listing on here for $20 and tag you, make sure you like it and then I will drop the price to $5 so you will get the discount shipping and it should wind up only costing a couple of bucks total. That's what I usually do for mystery box trades and gifts.
May 14Reply
nlgka @hillaryshouston okay honey thank u so very much 🌻🌻🌻allison
May 14Reply
vintiquevenus You have some amazing vintage jewelry pieces in your closet! I will be back often!
May 30Reply
nlgka @vintiquevenus aww thank you very much 🌷🌷🌷Allison
May 30Reply
nlgka @vintiquevenus so do u beautiful closet 🌷🌷🌷
May 30Reply
bethybd Hi I'm Beth and it's nice to meet you! 🖐💜💋💜
Jun 07Reply
nlgka @bethybd nice to meet u also 🌻🌻🌻
Jun 07Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! So glad I found you on posh! Hope you check out my closet and find things you love (to bundle)! 👀handmade jewelry✌🏻💎 Happy poshing 😀 have lots of hamsa bracelets 🤚
Jun 08Reply
fitz50 Please unshare my listing
Jun 08Reply
beautyshop888 If you love chanel , check out my closet! I think you'll find something you'll like :)
Jun 13Reply
ronimase Allison! I'm in Venice! Just love VTG and your closet 💕💕
Jul 02Reply
nlgka @ronimase Thank u nice to meet u 🌻🌻🌻
Jul 02Reply
aliceoflies Thanks for the follow! I do special orders on certain items ( and am happy to discuss the potential for trades and offers. Happy Poshing!
Jul 05Reply
spsiro I live in Sarasota too! You have very nice accessories. I love accessories.
Jul 05Reply
nlgka @spsiro aww thank you let me know if I can help u with anything🌻🌻🌻Allison
Jul 05Reply
gatorgirl868 Hi I'm Sarah! Thanks for the follow! So nice to meet you! I love ur closet and shared some items! I always share if you share!! Feel free to check out my closet! Happy poshing!!
Jul 10Reply
nlgka @gatorgirl868 Thank you Sarah you also have a beautiful closet happy to share it 😘
Jul 10Reply
bbunny420 Hey girlfriend thanks for checking out my closet lemme know if you have any questions. I try to add new items frequently so keep stopping by. I do accept offers. Mind you mY prices are not firm by any means, they're Just suggestions. I'd love to hook you up with a nice deal girlfriend❣️😽thanks Again n happy shopping ❣️🛍💰 Much love 🖤 •B P.s. Bundle your likes n I'll send you a special private offer❣️ 15% off bundles🎁
Jul 15Reply
birdgreen I just want to tell you from the bottom of my heart how special you made me feel. I love everything and the watch and the Indian decorative jewels and the necklace and the bracelet are all beautiful. For some reason after I read what happened to your daughter I just kept thinking of you and how hard that must be. I'm not kidding you when I say that it made me cry thinking about everything. Take care of yourself and God bless you and thank you for such a kind note that you wrote ♡
Jul 16Reply
nlgka @birdgreen Aww Doris it really wasn't much I had 10 of the watches in my closet no one was looking at them just need a battery they were all working a year ago lol also other items I decided I will gift them to special lady's You made me feel better the other day plus he necklace and those pretty tattoo rhinestones were Neeley's I wanted you to have them visit me anytime in my closet
Jul 16Reply
nlgka Yes I am working extra hard so I can move on with my life that's what Neeley would want for me 😘😘😘
Jul 16Reply
sunshineseams Heyy Allison just wanted to thank you for stopping by my closet! I really enjoyed yours hoping to purchase a few items soon. I did notice you liked the listing for that beautiful floral off shoulder top and added it to a bundle. Do you want to add another item or would you like a special offer on that one item? If you have any questions feel free to ask me!
Jul 16Reply
starcruson Fabulous closet and you are so sweet. 😘🌷🌸💐🌺
Jul 23Reply
bwederquist Love your closet 😊
Jul 31Reply
nlgka @bwederquist Aww thank you Becky you are very sweet enjoyed see some new closets 🌻Allison
Jul 31Reply
nlgka @stacymudra Thank u Stacy 😘
Aug 03Reply
nlgka @romiekey very nice to meet you also I will keep an eye out for your items and share them 🌻
Aug 08Reply
thehoneychild Gurrrrrrrrl! Come on get you something good and click that buy now button!
Aug 11Reply
nlgka @thehoneychild Does it look like I need more stuff. This isn't even my personal stuff I have enough stuff to have a very large antique store . I also need all you ladies to start hitting that's buy button heck bundle get a better deal 🌻🌻🌻Allison
Aug 11Reply
mcc11793 @nlgka what a fantastic closet and thanks for the shares, it's appreciated. 🙏🌸
Aug 23Reply
nlgka @mcafarelli Thank u honey you also have a fantastic closet 😘😘😘
Aug 23Reply
mariemari Hi Allison! You are precious! Thank you for the posh love!💖 Would love your feedback and support as I make my way in poshworld! Just started several weeks ago. Sending you a hug! 🌞🐥
Aug 28Reply
nlgka @mariemari welcome to Poshmark Marie you are very sweet your closet is beautiful ! Best advice share and follow everyday share your whole closet share your listings in the party's like tonight I might do the one at 10Pm also you could join share groups the more you do this the more poshers to see your items for sale 🌺🌺🌺 Allison
Aug 28Reply
mariemari @nlgka thank you Allison! Your support means so much to me. I didn't know you could share a closet. I will try that! Blessings on your day!💖 Thanks for making brighter! 🌞
Aug 28Reply
nlgka @mariemari yes just hit share on each item if there is a party when your sharing your closet it will give you the option share to party. Or share to your followers 😘
Aug 28Reply
btpope Thank you for sharing 💞💝
Aug 28Reply
nlgka @btpope your welcome Betty ! Just sharing the posh love 😘
Aug 28Reply
vickyrich LOVE your closet Allison 💗💗💗
Oct 01Reply
nlgka @vickyrich Thank you so very much Vickie stop by anytime I also love ❤️ your closet . Today is my sons Birthday 15 😂 seems like just yesterday he was a baby ! Have a wonderful day honey 🌻Allison
Oct 01Reply
bbunny420 You coulda countered I’d give you good deal share buddy 😽
Oct 07Reply
nlgka @bbunny420 I hit bundle by accident I'm sorry
Oct 07Reply
cutied @nlgka - Gm Allison 🌸come chk my closet out 👯🌺🌹😊
Oct 08Reply
tetullis Hello Allison, nice to meet you and thanks for following. Happy poshing
Oct 16Reply
nlgka @r0sary Thank you Laura I needed to here that at this very moment 😘
Oct 20Reply
sinsofcyn Good morning I'll check back later needing to run,read your intro and it's very WELCOMING, IM NEW & NOT A TECH SAVY WOMAN, KINDA 😝, will try to view this weekend. Used to be a personal shopper Bloomingdale's👠🍷❤️now middle of nowhere up north🦌🐾❤️ cynthia
Nov 03Reply
leeleebarkley @nlgka Thanks so much for all the shares from my closet, very kind!
Nov 13Reply
nlgka @leeleebarkley your very welcome spreading the posh love 😘
Nov 14Reply
maidmarian You look absolutely gorgeous!💞💞
Nov 25Reply
themodstyle @nlgka Hi!!! Thanks So Much For The Shares!!!
Nov 29Reply
hb_accessories Hi Allison! Beautiful family :)
Dec 11Reply
nlgka @hb_accessories Thank you honey 😘
Dec 11Reply
trunkles Hi Allison! I got a message that you shared on Tumblr... im not familiar with it. Is this something i should get into? I'd appreciate your input. 😉
Dec 12Reply
nlgka @trunkles Actually I signed up when I starting Poshmark on my account it asked if you wanted to share on Facebook, Pintrist . Instagram ,Tumbler and Twitter so I would get more exposure when I share there all lit green means your stuff is being seen Facebook I always RSVP for the parties but the others until they added stuff I’m getting so many emails
Dec 12Reply
nlgka I have no clue how to do any I did try to sell on Facebook I set it all up then they wanted a weekly fee it wasn’t that cheap can’t remember so it’s still waiting there for me to go for it indeed to learn a lot more I used to to eBay for many years Poshmark it so different a lot of work for us eBay atomically shares your listing it takes me so long sharing 1 at a time I’m definitely going to look into these messages I get over 3-400 a day
Dec 12Reply
nlgka Randi knows how they all work something about copying pasting your listings but when I hit copy it says copied but no option to paste it or were to paste it . Poshmark may have instructions on each site if it helps sales I need to learn I don’t even know how to do the request from all these woman’s to send them items from my closet The next 3-4 months I will have more free time if Randi thinks it will sell more I’m going to try it 😘
Dec 12Reply
nlgka @trunkles So sorry all those apps are like Facebook same type of thing think they were out before Facebook
Dec 12Reply
ronimase Hi there Allison! Love your attitude, closet and Posh! You’re my next door neighbor and am so happy to meet you and share in our triumph! You go girl! Lol. Your creativity shows in the way you stage your items. The backdrops, the pristinely ironed and obviously loved closet. Here here! ✨💜
Jan 02Reply
nlgka @ronimase You are very sweet I needed this kind words today ❤️
Jan 02Reply
bbunny420 You coulda countered love 😽. I’ll work w you
Jan 10Reply
nlgka @bbunny420 I'm sorry honey when sharing I hit the wrong button
Jan 10Reply
bbunny420 I figured but once u didn’t unbundled I was like okkk maybe she’s actually interested lol
Jan 10Reply
adriennef315 Hi! Thank you for following me! 😀 I hope you like my items! I'm constantly adding a variety of new items! If you see anything you are interested in or have any questions please feel free to reach out to me! I am offering combined shipping on bundles & 10% off of bundles with 2 or more items 🤗
Jan 30Reply
rangerric Wow!!! What a collection! Last time I saw this much lingerie was Christmas Party at the Playboy Mansion... Lovely!!!!!
Feb 02Reply
nlgka @rangerric Thank you Jill wow playboy mansion way back in 1977-1978 I dated someone who worked for playboy never went to the mansion but there was two huge playboy parties I will never forget nor will I ever forget that glorious year 1 1/2 I will be adding more hopefully tonight 😘
Feb 02Reply
rangerric @nlgka As they say.... those were the days...
Feb 02Reply
nlgka @rangerric Definitely were ! My love for all this vintage lingerie comes from my mother she worked at Carson Perie Scott was a manger in the lingerie Dept. Once in a while she would take me with back then 8-11 years old I hated being there all day I would hide in the middle of the racks just watching my mother she was so talented sewed everything I mean everything
Feb 02Reply
nlgka We were always at the material shops the garden centers garbage picking ! Well today I love it all have since I was like 20 so poshing has become my life I was selling on four sites I'm only doing Poshmark now found it to be my favorite for now 🥀🌿🍃Allison :)
Feb 02Reply
joe37s Thank you for all the sharing!!!!!
Mar 24Reply
nelsontorres760 Nice to meet you I’m from philly but I’m always in Florida to visit my daughter and grandkids she lives in corral spring Fort Lauderdale 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 you
Mar 24Reply
nlgka @nelsontorres760 Well Thank you I’m originally from Chicago been here 20 years love it !
Mar 24Reply
jessyjosh Thanks so much for following. I'm CLEARING OUT HUBBY CLOSET 📣📣📣📣 Our lost is your gain, dont be shy make your best offer we want them gone 👀👞🎩👖👕👔🕶 IF DOESNT FIT, YOU COULD SHARE FOR ME maybe is what someone else is looking for 🤠 P.S. PLEASE feel free to use the offer button I bet you wont regret 🤗Be sure to click through the photos so you get a sense of each garmet and its fit.
May 15Reply
nlgka @kaytimae You are very welcome Kay just spreading the posh love it’s been so slow for a week now hopefully the weekend will be good 🌺Allison
May 17Reply
nlgka @valentine5074 I’m sorry Jan I do like it just can’t afford to spend $ right now . Thank u very much for checking 😘
May 18Reply
cactus_cowgirl Hello, Welcome to our closet.. We are "The Indiana Hillbillys" offers welcome! Bundle for great deals!
May 23Reply
stephany771 Beautiful closet. Love everything 💕
May 26Reply
nlgka @stephany771 Thank you Stephanie ♥️your closet also !
May 26Reply
kkdollshack Thank you so much for supporting my closet 💕🦋💕
May 26Reply
nlgka @kkdollshack Just spreading the posh love ❤️Have a wonderful holiday weekend 🌹Allison
May 26Reply
cutebellacat Great cruise photo
May 27Reply
nlgka @cutebellacat Aww Thank you Wendy My sister in law had that selfie stick so many photos amazing how well they came out My Brother and nephew took me on this cruise was the last thing on my mind They were worried about me I lost my My 19 year old daughter Neeley just 2 months before this cruise I need another one 🌻Allison
May 28Reply
cutebellacat @nlgka I’m so sorry for your loss 🤭😭😭😭
May 28Reply
nlgka @cutebellacat 💔😢💔😢 Neeley’s always on my mind still does not seem real 💔
May 28Reply
nlgka @allyandivy Thank you so very much Allison Your closet is awesome Have a wonderful Memorial Day 🌻Allison P.S I love your name we even spell it the same
May 28Reply
thevintagekat Hey! If you’re ever interested in anything you bundle, lmk and I’ll send you an offer (or you can do the same!). You always have such good taste. From one rockin’ retro lady to another 💛💛
May 29Reply
trunkles Hey Lady! Thank you... one of your shares just now resulted in the sale of my Nike sports bra! 😘
Jun 05Reply
nlgka @trunkles alright that’s great ! 😘🍾🎉😘🎉😘
Jun 05Reply
nlgka @123lynne Allison Eileen Your daughter sounds wonderful you may see grandchildren I had my daughter Neeley Leona when I was 40 I was so blessed with the greatest gift of my life ♥️Take care of your account I have had to go through the same trouble like 4 times since February with my card Talk to you later honey 😘
Jun 13Reply
jasminenova You have some really awesome things in your closet! ♥️ I see that you have had a couple losses that were too soon. I feel your pain. It seems that the older I get, the more I realize how hard it is to live a lifetime.....
Jun 23Reply
nlgka @jasminenova You are so right Jasmine I just turned 60 🙏for peace love and happiness for my senior years also been in a bad marriage for 19 years my husband is verbally abusive on a daily bases 🙏 this is the last year I’m working very hard to get out he’s also 20 years older I should of left him many many years ago I feel my beautiful daughter Neeley watching over me protecting me almost like she still here. She is definitely finishing unfinished business from the other side 🌻🌻🌻Allison
Jun 23Reply
nlgka @jasminenova Thank you for the kind note honey you stop by my closet anytime I’m giving good deals need to make that green paper ! You seem very sweet and bubble 🌻
Jun 23Reply
janjan009 Congrats on being featured as a Bella Donna today 🌺Jan
Jun 23Reply
nlgka @janjan009 Thank you so very much Jan Enjoy the rest of your weekend honey 🌻🌻🌻Allison
Jun 24Reply
jasminenova @nlgka ---Oh no Allison! :( I'm sorry to hear that. Verbal abuse is devastating. I've been witness to that. No stranger here. I hope the very best in days ahead for you. And yes Neeley is looking down on you most definitely! ...and you seem very sweet and bubbly yourself! I'd love to buy a ton of stuff from you, maybe even one thing in the time being,..., but still paying off a hot water tank and now I need to take care of some car maintenance. Ugh! Hopefully one day soon! ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Jun 24Reply
nlgka @jasminenova I totally understand Jasmine I’m in the same boat my husband has no idea how to handle $$$ I lost everything staying with him even our daughter Neeley would always say Mama I just want to see u happy again just thinking about how I’ve lived like this for almost 20 years
Jun 25Reply
nlgka Can’t believe I put up with him this long it’s always about the $$$ can’t afford 2 rents well I am ready even if I have to put all my stuff in storage For a while I told my son I would rather be homeless than live like this even one more day
Jun 25Reply
nlgka I had my daughter when I was 40 I made it on my own since I was 17 always made it he thinks I can’t do that again well I have fought all my life and always made it I will again just for the peace I need and yes that’s what Neeley wanted for me she is watching over me protecting me I will make it
Jun 25Reply
nlgka You come back to my closet anytime I’m always marking deals to keep some $$$ coming in you have a wot week honey 🌻🌻🌻Allison
Jun 25Reply
queenfish @nlgka Hi Allison! Love ur closet and excited to share and so happy that I came across ur closet. I ❤️LOVE❤️ ur positivity and energy! Hope to get to know u better. Wishing u an AWESOME weekend 😘😘😘❤️❤️
Jun 29Reply
nlgka @queenfish Thank u so very much Dana 🌻😘
Jun 29Reply
blacklotusvtg Not sure if you meant to bundle or not 😉 but I went ahead and sent you an offer anyhow ❤️ I have bundling fingers when I share from my phone 😂❤️
Jul 07Reply
nlgka @intrigueu4ever I’m sorry Jolene I also have those fingers I need to talk to this phone instead of typing Lol 😘 Allison
Jul 07Reply
cowgirlkrissy You have such beautiful closet❤ I love the vintage pieces you've showcased. I wish I could own 1 of everything❤❤❤❤❤❤
Jul 07Reply
sabrina880108 Thank you so much for following me! You are so kind! Happy Saturday💕🌸🌼🌻🌺
Jul 07Reply
jme236 Love, LOVE, L❤️VE Your Closet❣️ Sexy & Classy!
Jul 13Reply
nlgka @jme236 You are very sweet Jamie you have a wonderful weekend 🌻Allison
Jul 13Reply
jme236 @nlgka Thank you! Have a wonder weekend as well! 🌴☀️
Jul 13Reply
andiblack1977 @nlgka Thank you so much for the follow. I love your profile it is the type that keeps me inspired to keep at becoming a Poshmark Ambassador. I am sorry for your loss, just know you’re in my prayers. YOU ARE AMAZING!!! I love your honest interactions with other Poshers. Thank you again, so much for the follow.
Jul 13Reply
giacor I am in nightgown heaven!!!
Jul 15Reply
nlgka @giacor ♥️ Your closet
Jul 15Reply
nlgka @valentine5074 Hi Jan I was just sharing back I wasn’t in the share group today so I just went down my news and shared every one who shared me. I will share your vintage also . Thank u also for sharing my closet ♥️YOU ARE VERY SWEET
Jul 25Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Jul 26Reply
Jul 26Reply
jadarie04 Wow! Thanks so much for sharing one of my items on Tumblr! That really means a lot! Feel free to check out the rest of my closet too! Thanks again and happy poshing! 😌💞
Aug 08Reply
nlgka @jadarie04 Your welcome Jada have. A wonderful week 🌻
Aug 08Reply
caylifornia Thank so much for all the shares ❣️
Aug 08Reply
crestlineseller I was in the Pajama Game share group with you today. I have over 60 styles of Men's underwear and you chose to share swim suits. I'm a little confused by your choice.
Aug 11Reply
aperfectbuy 😊😊🌻🌻Thank you for following me. If you see something in my closet you like click the   and "like" ❤ the item and/or use the new bundle to it receive private offers and sales.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions with either buying or selling. Happy Poshing 😊😊🌻🌻
Aug 27Reply
ljadec1973 Gorgeous family, of course, they come from great stock! Awesome closet! I'll be shopping NXT WK, I've been going nuts since I came 2 poshmark! One day soon I'll have to set up my closet to make some money BK! LOL 🤣
Sep 09Reply
nlgka @ljadec😘
Sep 09Reply
txblingqueen You seem to be an awesome person. I will definitely share your closet and hope you take a look at mine. I’ve been under the weather and not working it like I should be. So glad my customers are patient with me🤪
Sep 09Reply
nlgka @txblingqueen Thank you Joanie I love ❤️ your closet I also haven’t been working as much on here recovering from surgery seems like many of us poshers are in the same boat good luck to you ! 🌻Allison
Sep 10Reply
txblingqueen I sure hope your feeling better. Surgery of ANY kind is no fun. Blessings to you beautiful. Your attitude is wonderful and I admire that. I’m working on LEARNING to be a nicer person.
Sep 11Reply
dolly127 Allison thanks so much for sharing I really appreciate it!!🌻💕
Sep 11Reply
nlgka @dolly127 just sharing the posh love 😘 peace posh love happiness , Always and Forever ,Allison
Sep 11Reply
oliviasdream @nlgka hey sweetie! I’m shipping that pj set out in the morning, if you could let the other posher know I would be greatful❣️ love Olivia ❣️💕💖💞
Sep 20Reply
nlgka @oliviasdream All done Olivia so sorry for the mixup I felt so bad I couldn’t even do my Poshmark for a week I feel so much better going to start working tonight .You are ladies are Awesome thank you for all your patience 😘🌻🌻Allison
Sep 20Reply
oliviasdream @nlgka Sweetie, things happen for reasons we don’t understand sometimes. You’re a beautiful woman and a strong spirit! I love the top, it was worth the wait! If anyone else is reading this, I highly HIGHLY SUGGEST buying from this dear sweet posher! Much love, Olivia!
Sep 24Reply
nlgka @oliviasdream Thank you honey so happy it worked out and you finally received the top and that you love it 🌻🌻🌻😘Allison
Sep 25Reply
catinagrimala Hi Allison!! I'm running a Holiday Special, if you're interested. Choose any 5 items that are listed at $35 or less from my closet, for a discounted price of $60 for all 5 items, with just one shipping fee. Approximately 50% of the items in my closet are marked at $35 or less. Limited time offer, while items are available. If you wish to create your very own unique bundle. Please do so & send me an offer. Thanks so much!! Happy Poshing!!❣
Sep 29Reply
nlgka @catinagrimala Hi Catina Thank you your closet is beautiful As you can see mine is bursting at the seams! They use to call me damage queen when I started poshing almost 5 years ago I was collecting for my daughter I have so much more to list medical problems have delayed
Sep 30Reply
nlgka Since I lost my daughter I stoped it’s killing me so many beautiful things I would be buying Neeley So I I really don’t buy anymore my passion is selling vintage jewelry and lingerie you are very sweet I will share your closet and sale 🌻Allison
Sep 30Reply
catinagrimala @nlgka Thank you so much!! You are a beautiful and sweet spirit!! My heart goes out to you and your family!! I will keep checking back on your closet, as you have a beautiful closet as well, and I enjoy buying, selling, and wearing vintage items. 😘
Sep 30Reply
dunamus2018 Hello Allison thanks for following me. You have a beautiful family. I'm meeting a lot of veterans in the Poshmark community. Keep that smile shining bright happy selling and shopping 😁😉
Sep 30Reply
nanookmom @nlgka hi Allison. Thanks so much for all the shares 😘💕. I’ll be sharing back on and off. Been under the weather so I can only do so much and then I need a break. Hugs 🤗 and love 💕!! Vivian 😘
Oct 12Reply
nlgka @nanookmom Aw Vivian me to ! 💕🌻💕🌻💕🌻
Oct 12Reply
dolly127 Thank you so much sharing 🤗👜👙👕👒🧢👠👢👗👔✅💰💜!!!
Oct 13Reply
nlgka @dolly127 your very welcome just spreading the posh love ❤️
Oct 13Reply
kwea42 Thank you for following me, though I have no clue what all that means. I do like and need a little attention though. Beautiful!
Oct 26Reply
denise70child I promise to make you a sweet deal. i need to get more sales to be a posh ambassador
Oct 26Reply
jasminenova Allison! Just looking through your closet again! I love it! I wish I was your younger sister! lol. If you ever stumble upon any vintage nylon stockings or pantyhose, let me know. Love collecting them. Love the package/design/art of days gone by....... ❤.
Oct 29Reply
ariesleotaurus What a beautiful family!!
Oct 29Reply
nlgka @kmo2 Thank u
Oct 29Reply
nlgka @ariesleotaurus Thank u so much
Oct 29Reply
nlgka @jasminenova will do 😘
Oct 29Reply
malibupgh Thanks for the share! Love your closet💖
Nov 02Reply
msneverending1 Allison just wanted to stop by and welcome you to Poshmark and thank you so much for hating my listings. I hope you have an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Dec 07Reply
nlgka @msneverending1 Hi Carol next week it will be my 5 year anniversary with Poshmark I have no idea why you would think I hate your listing ? I love everyone’s closets especially all vintage-wish I could buy it all I was collecting buying for my 19 year old daughter Neeley I lost her January 1,2017 so my buying has pretty much stopped . 🌺🌴🌻Peace posh love happiness 🌺 Allison
Dec 07Reply
nlgka Carol welcome to posh your closet is lovely I share it in my vintage share groups 🌻
Dec 07Reply
msneverending1 Nigka I must have fat finger syndrome or I misspelled something and it auto corrected, but that you hate my closet. No that was a mistake, I didn’t reread my message, because I would never say or text that someone hated my closet or any one else’s. I’m really sorry that I didn’t read what I texted. I love everyone ‘s closet. Please forgive me for texting & not reading what I texted. Love & Peace Carol
Dec 07Reply
msneverending1 It was supposed to say thank you so much for sharing my closet, I am so sorry, please forgive, me I know you give me shares all the time, l just need to reread my messages that I have texted before sending. Thank you for letting me know, I hope you have an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Dec 07Reply
nlgka @msneverending1 no problem honey I’m always hitting the wrong button ever since they added that offer button and like I love so many things I do not hit that button the sellers like me think you want to buy it I get hounded then I have to decline Im apologizing all the time for hitting that button while sharing lol
Dec 07Reply
nlgka @msneverending1 we all have. Fat fingers syndrome while sharing groups especially always in a hurry 🌺🌴🌻Have a wonderful weekend big sales 🙏
Dec 07Reply
msneverending1 Allison this time I will read what I text, thank you so much for sharing my listings. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Dec 08Reply
nlgka @msneverending1 please do not worry I usually do the same thing on Facebook always in a hurry I assumed the Dictionary app I have takes cares of mistakes well it doesn’t lol😘
Dec 08Reply
wrforrest Many thanks for sharing my items!! Love this share group!!
Dec 13Reply
nlgka @wrforrest Wanda I’m happy to share your closet you have many beautiful vintage items 😘
Dec 13Reply
wrforrest Hi!!! Its a stunning work of art !! That wire brooch!! Unique!
Dec 19Reply
tatycloset Thanks for the shares!!!! 🙂🙂🙂
Dec 28Reply
nlgka @tatycloset just spreading the posh ♥️ Thank you Tanya
Dec 28Reply
nlgka So sorry I meant Taty Have a happy new year honey 🥳
Dec 28Reply
wrforrest Lol.. You can tap the bundle button all night. Its ok!!!!
Dec 31Reply
sandycupcake Hi Allison, my name is Sandy and I’m 3 weeks in the Poshmark family. I read about you and I too have felt the empowerment and support that Poshmark offers. If u have any advice for me, constructive criticism, or what to avoid, please share. I’m loving the challenge, the process and I have my husbands support. Happy poshing!
Jan 22Reply
nlgka @sandycupcake Hi Sandy Welcome to posh mark looks like your doing well your closet is beautiful make sure you share your stuff all the time also share your closet in the party’s and follow and share 24/7 😘Allison
Jan 25Reply
kitty2528 @nlgka I am So Glad you came by tonight! I have Missed you! You sound as if you have been extremely busy and had your hands full, but I Do hope to see you again soon! You always speak up in Just Jewelry and Vibes4Vintage and you are So Sweet and Fun! Take care of yourself! Just wanted to say Hello! 💓
Jan 26Reply
nlgka @kitty2528 Aw thank you Kitty Yes sometimes I speak to much 😆 your photos are beautiful look so much like my daughters art work ♥️
Jan 26Reply
j0ss Good morning and Thanks for the Follow! 💯 I’m offering New followers 10% off anything in my closet 🧚‍♀️ —-Simply comment on your favorite item(s) “NewPFFs”🌞— Happy Poshing 🍭🍬💄🙏🏻
Jan 27Reply
hoova52 Thanks so much for following me and have a blessed day
Feb 01Reply
nlgka @hoova52 just spreading the posh love ❤️ I
Feb 01Reply
hoova52 Thanks so much for Sharing Allison!
Feb 01Reply
susanstclair Good morning Allison. Thank you for choosing to follow my closet. I see that you are a Poshmark pro. Wishing you lots of shares and sales. Stella
Feb 01Reply
nlgka @susanstclair Thank you Stella ! I still have so much to learn. Just have to keep spreading the posh love ❤️
Feb 01Reply
msneverending1 Allison just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for sharing my listings today. You have some very lovely jewelry. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Mar 10Reply
nlgka @msneverending1 Aw Carol you are very sweet ! Your closet is awesome, hope your having a wonderful weekend 🌴🌺🌻Allison:)
Mar 10Reply
anythingclothes You have so many beautiful things! Several reminded me of my Mother. She was an ‘Avon lady’ when I was little. I will be back to buy once I sell some more from my closet. 🌸🌺🌻
Mar 15Reply
nlgka @anythingclothes Thank you Love Sweet story Avon jewelry is hot know I remember at age 15 buying makeup I never liked the jewelry now I love it Thank you so very much for visiting my closet today 🌺🌴🌻Allison
Mar 15Reply
msneverending1 Allison I was reading my news and noticed that you put two listings from my closet on your bundle, the Ross¥Simons lab created Faceted Emerald Ring and the Ross¥Simons Sterling Silver Tassel Necklace. I didn’t see a bundle in my closet, are you still interested in purchasing these items or on they on your wish list? Love & Peace Carol
Mar 16Reply
nlgka @msneverending1 I’m sorry Carol always hitting the wrong button when Group sharing . 😘Allison
Mar 16Reply
mdp2724 Beautiful family, I hope I can reach to be one of the top pusher like you. I just started and today is the first day I see you. I went through some of your closet 👍👍you are awesome. Congratulations!
Mar 17Reply
nlgka @mdp2724 You have a beautiful closet also have a wonderful day 😘
Mar 18Reply
nlgka @ghmarschall Your Welcome just spreading the posh love 😘
Mar 18Reply
mdp2724 @nlgka ok I will 😋
Mar 18Reply
lalulushop Clever photos!
Mar 19Reply
nlgka @lalulushop Thank u 🌻
Mar 19Reply
timeandtreasure Hello! I see you started a bundle - let me know when you are finished and I’ll make an offer!!
Apr 28Reply
nlgka @zazz12 I’m sorry hit the wrong button when sharing 😘
Apr 28Reply
timeandtreasure No worries at all!!
Apr 28Reply
msneverending1 Allison just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for sharing my jewelry today. You have a wonderful closet and beautiful pictures. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
May 03Reply
nlgka @msneverending1 >3 Carol love your closet! Have a wonderful weekend 🌻Allison
May 04Reply
lydiadan1 I read your awesome story. I’m new to Poshmark. And I too find the people are truly caring and very fine examples of love and respect. My name is lindy. Love your closet it’s a pleasure to share your items. The best success to you always. ❤️
May 20Reply
nlgka @lydiadan1 Aww thank you Lindy you are very sweet ! I can tell you will be a true PFF posh friend forever ! You will get the sharing in groups it’s very easy just hit the ❤️ then comment @lydiadan1 that signs you up you won’t be up till 12:00am sign up closing is 8:00 pm you can start sharing in morning just check back when u want to keep up all day I’m usually done by 8:15 😘Allison
May 20Reply
vintagebitchaz Lots of ❤️ from a vintage vibes sharer! Best of luck on sales!!! 🎩💄👛💎
May 23Reply
nlgka @vintagebitchaz Thank you honey >3 on sales for all of us ❤️
May 23Reply
cdub1979 Thank you for all the shares, I really appreciate it!! Love your closet! Such great vintage items! Happy Poshing to you 😁🥂
Jun 12Reply
vegoodson Thanks for the shares. I really appreciate it! 🙂
Jun 12Reply
msneverending1 Allison just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for sharing my jewelry today. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Jun 14Reply
nlgka @msneverending1 >3 Carol ♥️
Jun 14Reply
jennymess822 Thanks for the shares! As a thank you for sharing my items please feel free to visit my closet and make me an offer(s) on any item(s) you make like. I'm very reasonable with pricing! Happy Poshing!
Jun 14Reply
lydiadan1 such a beautiful family can you tell me how you manage so many lsitings I want to list a bunch for higher variety just not sure i can keep up plus i want to share the groups too any ideas? kindest thanks for always being there you are so sweet.
Jun 15Reply
nlgka @lydiadan1 Took me a couple years just kept adding . I have so much more to list just recently moved so I stopped adding for now I have a lot of work at my new home,so many things to do not enough time lol .
Jun 15Reply
tracycathal Thanks for following my closet. I just joined. I shared many of your cute listings. Would you share mine so I can grow my network. Thanks!❤️❤️❤️. Great family pictures!!
Jun 25Reply
aj9063910 Hi Allison! My name is Annette. I'm kinda new to Poshing but have viewed your closet many times ! Great stuff!!
Jun 28Reply
nlgka @aj9063910 Hi Annette your closet is also beautiful ! Welcome to Poshmark! Happy Poshing ! 🌻Allison
Jun 28Reply
msneverending1 Allison just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for sharing my jewelry today. You have beautiful jewelry and I hope you have an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Jun 29Reply
nlgka @mspate0223 Your welcome honey your closet is beautiful also you have a wonderful night 🌻Allison
Jul 15Reply
nlgka @msneverending1 Hi Carol Thank you for sharing my closet all the time ! Your closet is beautiful have a wonderful night 🌻Allison
Jul 15Reply
texascatfan Such a fab closet! I hadn't seen "Barbizon" since the '60s! Just browsing all the items brings up memories.
Jul 19Reply
nlgka @texascatfan Thank you honey ! That’s why I enjoy it so much all the memories 😘
Jul 19Reply
msneverending1 Allison just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for sharing my jewelry listings today. You have a wonderful closet and beautiful pictures. I always enjoy sharing your beautiful jewelry. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Jul 25Reply
loulu56 💞 you have an amazing closet 😃😃 So many unique items ❣️❣️
Jul 30Reply
nlgka @loulu56 Aww Thank you Honey your very sweet 😘
Jul 31Reply
msneverending1 Allison just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for sharing my jewelry today. You have a wonderful closet full of beautiful jewelry and I just love sharing your beautiful jewelry every day. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Aug 02Reply
nlgka @msneverending1 God Morning Carol no need to thank me honey I finished my groups so late ! Hate when I’m not constantly checking my closet sharing all day & night ! Lol 😆 Drives me crazy if I have trouble with my WiFi 🤣
Aug 02Reply
nlgka I love your closet there are so many new vintage poshers with amazing closets photos are outstanding I need to get more involved like I use to be before I moved . I’m getting there I have so pieces to list plus many of my collections I just started fixing a room in the house for all my Poshmark stuff I’m going to start listing anything I can.
Aug 02Reply
nlgka Just not sure if I should try selling home goods on here or going back to 4 other sites I was selling on before Poshmark . It’s been 5 years I stopped the one site i was buying and selling vintage Barbie dolls I bought and resold 1280 Barbie dolls I kept some of my favorites been checking out my old site the dolls I sold 5-8 years ago are now selling for outrageous $$$
Aug 02Reply
nlgka All the auctions were so different the listing pictures are crap descriptions like one sentence ? Before you had to have perfect photos and write like a book for every doll ! Like I’m doing know lol I see you live in Gainesville I’m in Venice lived in Sarasota for 21 years
Aug 02Reply
nlgka Well I hope you have a wonderful weekend and that we have lots of sales Need to make lots of that Green-paper we all need My life has changed so much in 2 years It’s like starting over at 61 This home we bought is a lot of work our home of 16 yrs was twice as big never seemed like a lot of work . My husband is 20 years older he still works full time I tell him I have no idea how your still moving I’m 61 have a lot of medical problems
Aug 02Reply
nlgka I’m going to try to take a nap 😴 in the pool for 1 hour the sun is always out early when I get out there in the afternoon the sun goes , storms everyday it’s looking like today will be the same it’s getting a little cloudy 🙏just one hour . See u on here later today Have to go pick up my sons girlfriend soon 🌺🍃🌾🌸Allison
Aug 02Reply
maucri @nlgka hi sweetie, how are you feeling? Did you get your room finished? Txt me when you get a chance, we spoke a few weeks back when you were having some arthritis pain. Try soon.😊
Aug 05Reply
nlgka @maucri Hi Maureen, My room almost finished I can see it now was sky high with boxes finally unpacked it’s like Christmas just love looking at all this stuff. My arthritis really sucks just doing Poshmark was bad , with moving it’s 100 times worse I’m almost done unpacking I push my self for 3 days then I’m down for 2 it will be worth when I’m done
Aug 05Reply
nlgka I still have to sharing in 3 groups was out most of the day Then starting taking photos of many vintage Barbie Dolls just don’t know if I should put them Poshmark or go back to the sight I bought and sold in for years 1250 dolls years ago ? How are you doing ? Your closet is beautiful I will talk back and forth while I get my sharing done honey 🥰
Aug 05Reply
maucri @nlgka awww I totally understand! Be sure you rest as you need to, but it will be worth it when it’s done, lmk when it’s finished!!! I’ll talk to you soon & try to feel better!😊😘😘😘
Aug 05Reply
kozy_kloset Thank you for Following my Closet !! 💜🛍
Aug 10Reply
trem777 Thanks for the shares! Check out my new promotion I am starting. You can get 5 items with the 🔥🔥 symbol in the title for just $20!
Aug 10Reply
livpark240 Hello!! Thanks for the follow☺️ Check out my closet!
Aug 10Reply
1wildone Amazing closet!!
Aug 11Reply
nlgka @1wildone Thank you stop by anytime 🌺🍃🌾🌸
Aug 11Reply
1wildone @nlgka Your selection of lingerie is very nice. Not sure how one aquires so many pieces?
Aug 11Reply
nlgka @1wildone My Mother was the manager of the lingerie department . at Carson Pierre Scott’s in the The late 60s early 70s I had a lot from then Sold so many beautiful pieces.🌺🍃🌾🌸Allison
Aug 12Reply
msneverending1 Allison I don’t believe it is allowed to sell toys even if collectible on Poshmark. I tried & they pulled mine.
Aug 18Reply
nlgka @msneverending1 When I started Poshmark I was selling Vintage Dolls and toys on other sites for a few years. Economy went belly up I was a buyer on Poshmark My good PFF said I should sell all my clothes ... so I tried it I had 4 vintage seasons Barbie dolls they were so high fashion Paris, New York , Japan , Canada because Barbie really is a huge part of fashion I opened my closet yawing these 4 very high fashion dolls as display for clothes models examples I new the rules They took them off
Aug 18Reply
nlgka I was so upset because there were so many closets selling electronics books movies everything that was a no can’t sell . When I asked why some were aloud they said they have no idea if a closet is listing all prohibited items unless other poshers turn them in ! So I started reporting them over 100 a day ! I got sick of taking my time to report to Poshmark when it should of been them doing there job I stopped after 3-4 months. When home goods
Aug 18Reply
nlgka Started I searched to see what was load didn’t see-toys our dolls, So I contacted Poshmark they said many closets were already selling them I debated really rather have them in auctions but I thought I would try if they don’t do well I’m 3 other sites I can put them .
Aug 18Reply
nlgka Using
Aug 18Reply
nlgka When did they take yours off ? Also sorry my spelling is Awful I’m always in a hurry !
Aug 18Reply
nlgka @sobertwenty2 Aww Thank you honey you are very sweet 😘You and your family have a wonderful weekend 🌺🍃🌾🌸Allison
Sep 07Reply
babsannc7 Hi Beautiful! I love what Elizabeth Gilbert, wrote. Sure is true. Just wanted to say "Hello"! I loved your closet. I liked some of your things, maybe you can make me a great deal! I am hooked on Poshmark. It has put me in debt!😪 I am happy, though!😁lol! Happy Poshing! 😊🌹👯😊🍀✌
Sep 07Reply
nlgka @babsannc7 Aww know I feel bad 😔 when u bundle 3 or more in my closet I always give 20% discount off your total sometimes I go lower depends what it is I’ve been making great deals for everyone just some items are already marked down. 🥰
Sep 07Reply
resamcc Thank you for sharing my watch!! 💖 Have a lovely day!! 🌹
Sep 12Reply
lindacurtis845 Hi nlgja! I shopped your closet and noticed you sell night gowns and robes. I have 2 elegant gowns you may be interested in. Shop my closet to view. Thanks
Sep 22Reply
nlgka @lindacurtis845 i checked Honey did not see any nightgowns . I🌺
Sep 22Reply
sport_gear_nc Thanks for the follow.
Oct 19Reply
charliee33 Thank you!😁 not sure what tumblr is? Lol
Oct 19Reply
nlgka @charliee33 its another social media sometimes when we share your listings they are seen o Tumbler , Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. 🌺🍃🌾
Oct 19Reply
dms1955d How are you able to use models and actresses photos without their permission and without paying them?
Oct 26Reply
nlgka @dms1955d Wow didn’t realize I could not cut photos from all my old magazines. Thank you for your concern. 🌺🌾🍃🌸Allison
Oct 26Reply
nlgka @runingncircles Aww Thank you Michelle you are very sweet made my day ! 🌺🍃🌾🌸Allison
Nov 09Reply
purplepixiemom 🍒Happy prosperous poshing!🍒
Nov 22Reply
vtsquare Thank you for the follow on Poshmark! I also followed you on Instagram...squarevt2018 and hope you follow me back as well. Working together is the best!❤️ Happy Thanksgiving!🍁
Nov 28Reply
nlgka @purplepixiemom Thank you honey 🥰
Nov 29Reply
nlgka @vtsquare Of course follow and share Happy Thanksgiving Honey 🌺🌾🍃
Nov 29Reply
vtsquare 🤗🥰
Nov 29Reply
farrahfatale Thank you so much for your generous shares ❤️ 💋
Nov 29Reply
morticiaaddams1 Nice Barbie collection I am in love I’ll have to tell my sister about your closet she is a Barbie collector! Thanks for sharing on Poshmark!
Dec 18Reply
nlgka @morticiaaddams1 Aww Thank you honey . You and your family have a wonderful holiday 🎄🎄🎄
Dec 18Reply
chopkins0086 Thanks for following 🤝🤝🤝
Jan 26Reply
vintage_style Thanks for the extra shares, Allison! 💕💕💕
Feb 02Reply
nlgka @vintage_style Aww your welcome enjoy the rest of your weekend honey 🌷
Feb 02Reply
augustbellhome ❤️❤️❤️❤️! Beautiful day. 😊
Feb 03Reply
nlgka @augustbellhome Thank u Pamela your closet is also beautiful 🌷
Feb 03Reply
t6363b thanx come by for a visit to my closet
Feb 14Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Feb 16Reply
robynridge Hi! I am new at Poshmark. Your closet is imaginative, creative and so much fun. I shared a lot of your stuff so hopefully you’ll get extra visitors. I made a big bundle, because I could not stop finding things I love. By the way I cannot believe the amount of work it takes to reorganize your closet! Are there any tricks?
Feb 17Reply
nlgka @robyncantor Welcome to Poshmark Robyn ! I wish it were easier you just need to follow and share exspecially your closet . Share your closet in party’s also join some group’s . Thank you for all the posh love . If there anything you want to bundle just let me know I accept all reasonable offers.🌷🌷🌷Allison
Feb 17Reply
Mar 14Reply
augustbellhome You create worth pictorials and leave One wanting to Share The Closet. Worthy offerings presented from the Eye 👁 of a Artist of Visual Marketing. Applauds as always! Such a real treat to stroll & share “YOUR CLOSET”.! Beautiful day. 🌷🌳🌈❤️😊
Mar 14Reply
polka5dots Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing!
May 02Reply
nlgka @polka5dots >3 sharing the posh ♥️
May 02Reply
nlgka @augustbellhome Aw Thanks honey ♥️
May 02Reply
polka5dots Relating to your statement ‘I am the mother of an angel’: my first son was born with a hole in his diaphragm which allowed the intestine to enter and damage the left side of his heart. After major surgery all was repaired except the heart. He passed away 22 months later in his sleep. The right side of his heart couldn’t continue to compensate for the left side’s deficiencies. The pain I feel subsides but never goes away. Bless you for your acknowledgement of this silent pain. TY
May 02Reply
nlgka @ppb1960 Thank you honey your closet is beautiful 🌷
May 04Reply
jrtexas99 Have a Great Day Beautiful 😘😘😘 Stay Safe Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
May 09Reply
lydiadan1 Hello love. I just came across you again. I bought a fabulous purse back a while ago. Love it and can’t wait to get out of the house to wear it. Please make a visit to my closet too if you get time. I’m happy to share your closet it’s beautiful ❣️❣️❣️❣️
Jun 07Reply
cuti1959 Than you for following my closet. I appreciate it. ❤️ There will be more to come as the days go on. 💫💍🏋️‍♀️👡👚👢🥼👠👙👓👛 Happy Poshing 🛍 MJT
Jul 22Reply
cuti1959 Than you for following my closet. I appreciate it. ❤️ There will be more to come as the days go on. 💫💍🏋️‍♀️👡👚👢🥼👠👙👓👛 Happy Poshing 🛍 MJT
Jul 22Reply
lilac_and_daisy Thank you so much for sharing my listing!!!❤❤❤
Aug 03Reply
lillievonstoop1 Thank you for the follow 🌠 Happy Poshing 💞💐!
Aug 16Reply
vintagelives Nice closet !!!!!
Aug 16Reply
lillievonstoop1 Thank you so much for sharing my closet ❤!
Aug 17Reply
nlgka @lillievonstoop1 young very welcome 🌷
Aug 17Reply
nlgka @vintagelives Thank you honey 😊
Aug 17Reply
caninowbe hello my name is Katherine and I love to shop. I buy for everyone.. I presently have some new baby clothes. and have some woman plus clothing from woman within and Roamans.. have some smaller younger clothes.. and even some miscellaneous items. come on by check out my closet. 😜. you have a wonderful day and enjoy having friends 💗 come check out my closet...
Aug 18Reply
nlgka Hi Katherine my name is Allison I will check your closet out as you can see I have to much stuff So I haven’t been buying anything I’m looking for masks there’s so many! You have a fabulous day 🌷🌷🌷Allison
Aug 18Reply
garisb Thanks for visiting my closet and sharing the love 💕😊
Aug 19Reply
nlgka @garisb you’re welcome honey 🌷
Aug 20Reply
oldskoolvtg Thank you so much for your purchase!!! I’ll get that shipped out tomorrow lord willing!!! Thank you!
Sep 29Reply
nlgka @brookehclark26 Tank you honey ! No rush take your time. Have a wonderful day 🌷Allison
Sep 29Reply
copasjennifer02 I have really have enjoyed looking at ur vintage selection is unreal so so many things I love and want. Great taste and prices pretty great too. I have never seen this many peices that I love and want. I'm picky and not done looking at everything yet. I'm interested in doing a bundle and after I have went thru everything I will go back and select stuff I want right away but can't afford everything I want can buy a little at a time till I have more money to buy everything I want.
Oct 04Reply
copasjennifer02 I'm new to this sight my husband told me to check this Poshmark out today is my first time on here so really just trying to figure it all out but I have been using Mericai and definitely love the way you can search for yourself in specific size and things I like and I have been on ur page enjoying your beautiful collection.
Oct 04Reply
nlgka @copasjennifer02 This is just like mercar I think you will enjoy all the closets there is so much to look at ! Thank u for all the posh love all the sharing ! You are very kind come back and see me anytime. 🌷🌺🌷🌷🌺🌷🌺🌷
Oct 04Reply
copasjennifer02 Hun how do I go back and see all the stuff I hearted
Oct 04Reply
nlgka @copasjennifer02 on your home screen there is that option
Oct 04Reply
sunfloweracres Hi, I read your reply on another seller's page and want to wish you the best taking care of your husband. I know how much work it is, I took care of my mom for years:) Take care of yourself too!
Oct 17Reply
avakaywear Thank you for following me!
Nov 04Reply
mkaay Love your Barbies!I used to live in El Segundo, went to the Mattel store a lot, my daughter did focus groups there for awhile, I have a few prototypes that didn't go into production, same with Matchbox😁
Nov 07Reply
nlgka @mkaay That’s cool if only we all saved our original barbies from the 50s and 60s I see what they go for wow we would be rich!
Nov 07Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for following me I’m Emily if you like any of my items create a bundle or send an offer for a deal you’ll love! Happy Holidays😊❄️☃️
Dec 15Reply
kalawrence05 Hi! I noticed that you are a Poshmark ambassador and I have a question. You recently followed me on Poshmark. I am in Canada and it was my understanding that we could not buy from or sell to anyone in the US unless there was a post office box involved in the other country, but since the border is closed that won’t work. Am I missing something?
Dec 28Reply
nlgka @kalawrence05 I follow everyone that’s blue u must of been one on the new people list. I don’t no anything about the rules for buying from Canada. I’m sorry I couldn’t help u more.
Dec 28Reply
kalawrence05 @nlgka thank you for your reply! I know you can’t do anything about the rules...I just thought that since I have so many Americans following me that maybe there was something that I was not aware of, but I guess not! Happy poshing and thank you again!
Dec 28Reply
rmccouture Thinking of you today Allison❤️ I hope you are doing well. Sending you love & light . Always❤️ Amanda
Jan 02Reply
nlgka @rmccouture Thank you Amanda ♥️Same for you love ❤️ and light.
Jan 02Reply
charminglady107 Hi🤗 Thank you so much for all the shares, Super Kind💗💗💗💗💗 thank you and Happy Poshing🤗💗🛍
Jan 09Reply
nlgka @charminglady107 your welcome just spreading the posh love 💕
Jan 09Reply
charminglady107 @nlgka 🤗💗🤗💗🤗🤗🛍💗
Jan 10Reply
stephanie332021 you interested in buying?
Jan 18Reply
carmenwoollums Thank you for the follow 💛 God bless ✝️
Jan 29Reply
nlgka @carmenwoollums Your welcome honey 🌺
Jan 30Reply
christine0513 Love your closet and I love antiques!!
Feb 02Reply
nlgka @christine0513 Aww Thank you honey 🌹🌿🌹🌿
Feb 02Reply
tommyswink7 So $904 a month would buy?
Feb 05Reply
potylp7 Hey 👋🏾
Feb 12Reply
amagib hello! just wanting to say thanks for the shares. you've got some great jewelry pieces in your closet!
Mar 30Reply
nlgka @amagib Thank you 😊
Mar 30Reply
nlgka @mitchellwynder hi thank you for sharing 😘
Apr 27Reply
mitchellwynder have a great day hope to do business with you next week
Apr 29Reply
nlgka @beautifynails Thank you you’re closet is amazing 💕
Dec 21Reply
cutehosiery @nlgka Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Aug 17Reply
rad0529 Hello Alison, my new friend, I pray your day is truly blessed as well as all your tomorrows, God Bless always, Rhonda
Apr 18Reply

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Cortland, IL
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Last Active: Mar 14

Cortland, IL
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