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Updated Apr 28
Updated Apr 28




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Please do not leave negative comments on my listings, I can charge a million dollars for an item, it doesn't mean you have to buy it!! There are lots of other closets to shop , but I do truly appreciate anyone who happens to take a peek, like or share, and I do try my best to keep up and do the same, thank you all, sorry for venting!!
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jewelry_party Ooh you poor thing😚 that's no fun. I hope you have a great time here! I do enjoy stopping by your closet often.
Mar 10Reply
chray365 You have a wonderful closet. Some really nice stuff. I have my eye on a few things but need to make a few sales first before I can get anything!!!
Mar 29Reply
tink6351 @chray365 thank you so much!
Mar 29Reply
myalterego I like you already. 😜
Mar 31Reply
tink6351 @myalterego lol thank you so much!!
Mar 31Reply
tink6351 @tammashc lol thank you, just saying the truth!
Apr 01Reply
mpeskind The WORST comments are these "well since it has been worn and looks old will you lower price?" --- as if criticizing my things will make me want to lower the price!!! Haha thank you for posting!
Apr 01Reply
tink6351 @mpeskind lol thank you, I should make this my venting wall, anytime anyone wants to vent I am more than willing to listen!!
Apr 01Reply
zerahp This is suppose to make shopping fun and learn different styles oh my people with their rudeness.
Apr 01Reply
tink6351 @zerahp no kidding, I just wish people would just move to a different closet instead of leaving their nasty comments , lol you know what I mean
Apr 01Reply
k_lee chill fam ur prices are way too high lmao
Apr 02Reply
tink6351 @ashley5622 Ty I know, I do ignore, but also I do give a little room for "bartering " so some of my prices are on the high side
Apr 03Reply
tink6351 @ashley5622 aww thank you very much , you also!
Apr 03Reply
tink6351 @ashley5622 you are very welcome
Apr 03Reply
browndime00 I love this !!! And Hi thanks for the follow love , 😍your gorgeous ! Please get to know me, your seller, even better on a more personal level . My youtube name is queenlydiamond search that on youtube ill pop right up ! Hope to do business with u soon ! I see some stuff on your closet that im eyeing already hahah 😍😍😍
Apr 05Reply
idabae123 It's great that you stand up to the haters the world needs ppl like you to stop bullying and thank you so much for following me I hope you find something you can enjoy in my closet
Apr 06Reply
tink6351 @idabae123 hi thank you very much, just saying the truth, it's amazing I never in my wildest dreams expected to get all the positive responses I have received in regards to this posting, it's actually awesome!! Thank you again
Apr 06Reply
6miumius You rock it!!
Apr 06Reply
tink6351 @6miumius lol thank you!!
Apr 06Reply
tinny771 Your closet is AMAZING!!
Apr 12Reply
tink6351 @tinny771 aww thank you so much!!
Apr 12Reply
tinny771 No problem! 😊 idk why anyone would hate our closet though! It's perfection!!
Apr 12Reply
tink6351 @tinny771 lol thank you again, it's amazing the negative, or rude comments that people leave on some listings, but everyone is entitled to their opinions, I just wish they would keep the negative ones to themselves, I wouldn't do it to them!!
Apr 12Reply
katzkoz Here! Here! You gooooooo girl! That's totally wrong for someone to do that.. And you're right.....go throw sand in someone eyes!💗💗💗💗💗✋✋✋
Apr 15Reply
blue0271 God give me patience, because if you give me strength, I may just beat someone to death!!! LMAO!!! Just kidding . . but have to say, it is totally out of the question to leave negative feedback for a deal, especiallly since it takes time and "patience" to put a closet together, I'm sure. I am a newbie, but am getting my closet arranged to post. All you can do is all you can do, and all you can do is enough! "Nuff said!"
Apr 18Reply
tink6351 @blue0271 lol thank you! Good luck getting your closet together! Best of luck POSHING!!!
Apr 18Reply
blue0271 Thank you! I need it! Guess I need a manequin or a model!!!
Apr 18Reply
tink6351 @blue0271 you are very welcome!
Apr 18Reply
leoninus @tink6351 I recently received a 2 star review because buyer found item cheaper on another site. Same buyer has unsupported items listed for sale in their closet. Figures.
Apr 26Reply
leoninus @tink6351 Very nice to meet you, Carol!🙋🏼
Apr 26Reply
tink6351 @leoninus aww, I have had my share let me tell you, but with all the nice people you meet through their messages and sales, it makes it all worthwhile!!
Apr 26Reply
leesha_33 I am new to Poshmark and I love this message! I've only come across super nice people so far but I'm glad I saw this so early to keep in mind once my closet is put together :) Thanks for the follow! :-) Love your closet!
Apr 29Reply
tink6351 @leesha_33 welcome to poshmark!!!! Best of luck to you, for the most part I have had nothing but great experiences, there have just been a few, but it has not stopped me.
Apr 29Reply
miss_sandry When I do my pricing I go as low as I can, but as sellers we need to consider how much posh will take from us and people who will offer a lesser price. Sometimes I don't think my items will sell unless I mark it for $3 and then I'll only make five cents... Buyers just aren't that considerate of the sellers. I also hate when I mark an item down from $20 to $12 and someone offers $6 right away.....
May 05Reply
tink6351 @arianhnaphan hi sorry I do not trade, but thank you
May 06Reply
revampinstyle I hear ya. For the most part, I've had good experiences here, but my rating is 4.9 because 1 person thought I didn't give enough detail about the item. If you read the info I have under it, you'd think she was rating some other piece. This is after I gave her a discount.
May 07Reply
abbivirnig I love your closet! was just scrolling through some things
May 11Reply
tink6351 @abbivirnig thank you very much!
May 11Reply
sittin_pretty Hey is there a way you can help me out with something I'm sorry to bother you but I am new to posh Mark and I am trying to make a listing and every time I go to list after I have entered all of the information about the listing plus the picture it says unable to list item do you know why
May 11Reply
tink6351 @sittin_pretty hi I am not sure what happens, but I have had that happen a few times, I use an iPad and I have found that by shutting it completely down and then turn it back on usually does the trick! I hope that helps
May 11Reply
sittin_pretty Thank you so much for your reply I will definitely try that thanks again I really appreciate it
May 11Reply
tink6351 @sittin_pretty you are very welcome, good luck I hope it works, my daughter actually told me to do that when it happens!
May 11Reply
rozy7 I'm new to this. .no time for negatively.i luv your closet!
May 12Reply
tink6351 @rozy7 thank you very much, welcome to poshmark good luck!
May 12Reply
fazange Amen sister!!!
May 15Reply
haley93 Hey I'm actually new on here, I'd love it if u could share some of my stuff :)
May 15Reply
iam3rika Nice closet ! 😛
May 17Reply
tink6351 @iam3rika thank you
May 17Reply
melindaroger LOVE UR CLOSET! ! 💞💕💞💕
May 18Reply
tink6351 @melindaroger aww thank you very much!!
May 18Reply
novasma I hate when people do that!!! It's like go shop somewhere else!!
May 22Reply
chicchickdiva SO WELL SAID THANKS Can't we all get along !!! PRICING LOOKS REASONABLE... YOU GO GIRL:)
May 22Reply
tink6351 @chicchickdiva aww thank you, but I actually have it a little higher so I can price drop, but again thank you!
May 22Reply
fabbaby I say Amen! To that !
May 23Reply
tink6351 @fabbaby thank you!
May 23Reply
tink6351 @lalafro hi I really am not too sure my daughter set this up for me I can ask her when she gets back she just went to drive a friend home, she shouldn't be too long
May 24Reply
tink6351 @lalafro hi I am not sure, but if you click on profile and then in the upper right corner is an update button you may be able to do it there
May 24Reply
tink6351 @lalafro I am sorry, lol I am no help when I asked her she told me she did it when she made me an account and to go to profile, I am computer illiterate, and she's 20 she just assumes everyone knows
May 24Reply
tink6351 @lalafro aww I really feel so bad, I honestly have no clue I am lucky I know how to do this, I am on an IPad and still learning, I don't think I will ever understand this whole computer thing
May 24Reply
tink6351 @sarahe0215 thank you!!
Jun 07Reply
tink6351 @mommyjamz1 aww thank you very much!!
Jun 07Reply
travelingjoi @tink6351 Girl I know what you mean I have had two horrible situations occur and it was terrible but I will press on and continue to do my thing. Some people are just not nice !!
Jun 10Reply
tink6351 @travelingjoi I chalk it up to sometimes people just aren't having a good day!
Jun 10Reply
travelingjoi @tink6351 Exacty thank you for the vent lol ❤️
Jun 10Reply
tink6351 @travelingjoi lol you are very welcome, thank you also and Have a Great Day!!!
Jun 10Reply
travelingjoi @tink6351 Thank you girl you too !!!
Jun 10Reply
tink6351 @travelingjoi thank you very much!
Jun 10Reply
annetayb I totally agree but can I ask for some opinions on this: I recently witnessed a girl selling VS bikini bottoms for $30 and they're originally $18.50 on the website. A girl asked her if she could go down to that price especially since they were used but she got rude and said if people want her items they will pay her price. I just think sellers also need to be a little understand as well as buyers. Just my opinion
Jun 10Reply
tink6351 @annetayb I totally agree there is no reason to be rude by the seller, especially if a question is being asked, I know personally, and I can only speak for myself, some of my prices are priced higher so I can "price drop" to save the buyer on shipping, but if a question is asked, there is a nice way of telling the buyer, and most sellers are just trying to make up for the amount poshmark takes but if explained most buyers will either buy it or go to another closet
Jun 10Reply
annetayb Exactly! I do the same thing with my prices so that when people ask I'm able to go down a little before I'm out of my comfort zone but if not I just politely decline.
Jun 10Reply
c_noel_ Ahahahhahahahahahhaha!!!
Jun 12Reply
mary1383 👍
Jun 12Reply
772lexloo Check out my closet
Jun 13Reply
772lexloo @tink6351 PLEASE GO CHECK OUT MY CLOSET😊
Jun 13Reply
tink6351 @parisniles I never even thought of that, that would be awesome!! BTW you are a very beautiful young lady!!
Jun 18Reply
tink6351 @adaj40pb omg, you just made me really laugh out loud, love it!! THANK YOU for the chuckle!! But you are right!!
Jun 19Reply
tink6351 @flimplu exactly! Lol
Jun 20Reply
tink6351 @ivylasmus aww you are too good to me thank you very much, I am forever grateful, you really make me feel great, I happened to see this in your closet, my niece takes horseback riding lessons, so I know she will absolutely love this thank yo so much again!!
Jun 26Reply
clbillu37 Now who would go out of thier way to make a negative comment on someone else's taste. Pay them no mind. Do your thang.
Jul 04Reply
tink6351 @clbillu37 aww thank you!
Jul 04Reply
junee18 Lol it's soooo true if you saw it cheaper somewhere else go there and buy it😂😂😂!!
Jul 10Reply
bgrovres Thanks so much for sharing. I'm obviously very new to this, but I thought I would give it try since I buy so much stuff and never get the time to take it back due to our hectic life. We are limited due to dedicating our lives to our Beautiful handicapped son so I'm enjoying seeing so many cute and sassy closets (personalities) have a great day!
Jul 12Reply
tink6351 @bgrovres you are very welcome, and welcome to poshmark!!
Jul 12Reply
bgrovres Thanks so much again tink
Jul 12Reply
chloelove11 @tink6351 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 couldn't agree more with your post! My personal favorites poshers are the ones that ask a million questions and ask you to spend time posting requested pics and then they disappear LOL 😖😖💜
Jul 18Reply
tink6351 @chloelove11 lol so true
Jul 18Reply
a_l_l EXACTLY!!! If you don't like something MOVE ALONG!! People get nasty over clothing. First world problems for sure. Get a life!
Jul 22Reply
tink6351 @kewb1 thank you so much, welcome to poshmark and good luck to you!!!
Jul 23Reply
sgo709 Thank you for posting this, it's so true! Negativity hurts us all & is uncalled for in my book! I'm new to Poshmark & trying to figure things out. My daughter set me up also, lol :) It's crazy because our fashion style is what defines us & sharing, following, buying & selling should always be fun, not stressful or hurtful! I enjoyed browsing your closet and will be sharing :)
Jul 26Reply
tink6351 @sgo709 thank you so much, lol my daughter is the one who got me into this also good luck happy POSHING and welcome!!!
Jul 26Reply
sgo709 Thank you & for following me also ;) I shared your closet on Facebook! Happy Sunday Funday!
Jul 26Reply
tink6351 @sgo709 thank you so very much, I think I am the only person in the world without Facebook lol
Jul 26Reply
sgo709 Believe me, your not! My hubby hates Facebook & would never join but he always asks me to check on his friends, etc to see what their up too, lol! I have several friends & family that will never join either. I actually joined to keep an eye on my kids & stay in touch with old friends. It gets overwhelming at times so your better off ;)
Jul 26Reply
tink6351 @nickidevilbiss you are very welcome, and thank you very much!
Jul 27Reply
lruiz1 Omg me n u are on the same pages!!!
Jul 30Reply
tink6351 @lruiz1 lol thank you
Jul 30Reply
savannahbiggers I had a lady start a bundle and just leave it...i was so frustrated so i tell her ill ship in the morning and she never finished bundling and never heard anything back from her >.>
Aug 23Reply
tink6351 @savannahbiggers I don't have my discount option set up on bundles, but I,wonder if people do it to see how much it would be
Aug 23Reply
savannahbiggers Idk it made me mad though cause i put the option on just for likes cause she was gonna purchase. Btw your closet is amazing i could spend way to much money on PINK stuff if i had it 😍😂 Like right now theres a blue white and black crew with silver bling and im from Dallas and go to Mavs games ALL the time and i want it so bad but my parents said i have to come up with the money for it They always make me buy my victoria secret stuff but its so worth it haha the stuff is absolutely gorgeous!!😍😂💙
Aug 23Reply
tetianacompany @tink6351 I completely understand you, some people left negative notes for mine too, my iPhone was just beeping with messages on Poshmark. Some ladies decided that they have a right to judge, and leave negative comments. I tried to explain that everyone do business their way, but they didn't stop, until I just started ignoring them, 100% I support your message. Smart way to go, girl!!!! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Aug 25Reply
tink6351 @tetianacompany thank you, I do find that sometimes it is just better to ignore and not argue, they will eventually find someone else to bother, lol I learned that with my own daughter, I could argue with her until I was blue in the face, then one day I just stopped and she stopped doing it, it does work, plus I learned I am not going to argue with a name on the screen, maybe they should go clean their houses lol
Aug 25Reply
tetianacompany @tink6351 Yeah, kids are sweet sometimes;))) Anyway, they should go do their business, and mind their own success! And you should be proud of being successful!!!! Go, girl👍🏻🎉🎉🎉🎉
Aug 25Reply
molinda25 Love this note! 😀
Aug 26Reply
tink6351 @patty564 thank you very much!!
Aug 27Reply
kornbread11 Hope you enjoyed your vacation
Sep 13Reply
tink6351 @kornbread11 thank you very much I had an awesome time, wish I did not have to come back!,lol
Sep 13Reply
kornbread11 Where did u go
Sep 13Reply
tink6351 @kornbread11 I went to St Croix with one of my daughters and my hubby we had great weather despite it being hurricane season
Sep 13Reply
kornbread11 That's sounds like fun glad u enjoyed
Sep 13Reply
tessahouse @tink6351 amen on this post .
Sep 29Reply
chanelbaggs @tink6351 yes !!! :) you're doing the right thing your closet is amazing by the way
Oct 07Reply
tink6351 @chanelbaggs thank you very much!
Oct 07Reply
katzkoz @mpeskind Thats the TRUTH!!!💖Some people just h-a-v-e t-o SAY IT!!Probably beat up their cat or dog!
Oct 07Reply
katzkoz This is so great! I'm sure you've heard many stories!! I've had my share wit many but one girl was "playing" me. Its a good thing I had my comments left on my item!!!! But she commented on another item of hers.......and I found it!!! I think, if I were in front of her.....she would be bright red and embarrassed. There's NO NEED FOR THAT HERE!! NONE! Thank you for this page! Your closet is lovely! Keep the positivity alive!
Oct 07Reply
tink6351 @katzkoz thank you very much!
Oct 07Reply
crhodes208 Wow! M new and I don't know How this. Business works. Thanks for giving. Your experience . It really does help me! Also thanks for folk my close.I will do the same
Oct 12Reply
pinkbosslady39 I like it, you go girl!!
Oct 15Reply
tink6351 @pinkbosslady39 thank you again!!
Oct 16Reply
annylou @tink6351 more positive energy from us girl! #you rock!
Oct 18Reply
tink6351 @annylou thank you!!
Oct 18Reply
poshbossstyles Totally understand what your dealing with some people just really have to go out of thwir way and be like "oh I can get this item at a fraction of your price" but then why do they have to leave such a negative comment? Why can't they just go there any buy the item instead and leave or closets LOL definitely love you for posting this up! Happy poshing and don't let the negativity get you down, just show them you can still be successful even if they try to drag you down girl! :3
Oct 19Reply
yoselyn7034 Preach!!!!
Oct 20Reply
ohebertmuck If you can hold thank tank until next Friday, I will 100% buy it!
Oct 31Reply
ohebertmuck & the only reason I'm asking for that long is because I lost my debit card and they are in the process of sending me another one so they had to freeze my account until I got the new one in 😒🙄
Oct 31Reply
emtizee People are so mean, they cancel some of my things because one lady start to comment on my closet bad things and now everything is bad :( @tink6351
Nov 03Reply
raquel91407 @tink6351 love love love ur closet!!u have all my favorite things....and this is one of my favorite ones!!I say touché to u!!❤❤❤I'll come back later to vent. ..going threw something that's really like so unbelievable! !❤❤❤.usted try to fix it first!! Hate people that say something that it's not true!!
Nov 18Reply
tink6351 @raquel91407 aww thank you so much!!
Nov 18Reply
pacw_4glorysake Every gripe that we make becomes a future seed of hate, and so. I choose to bless those who despitefully use me, and offer them grace to help them in their time of need. I can learn something from everyone without having to let them know what I learned, especially if is negative. So stay focused on the power to create wealth that is in you. That's the best way to let others know that you can help them grow! BTW how do you put those hearts and image icons in your messages?
Nov 25Reply
tink6351 @pacw_4glorysake hi I have no idea how people do the little hearts, but I will ask my daughter, I know she will know how to do them and I can let you know
Nov 25Reply
rescuemom3 @tink6351 I complete agree with you. I didn't realize posh had people with such hatred and nothing better to do than recently. Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas!🌲
Dec 08Reply
tink6351 @rescuemom3 thank you so much , Happy Holidays to you as well!!
Dec 08Reply
pauline67 Well said. Who needs bad mojo when we are loving fashion?
Dec 17Reply
enjoythedayoff Shake it off! That's my Posh mantra. I had someone who liked a pair of my heels comment that she knows I purchased other heels before. She put this because I put on the item's info that I had to give them up because I can't do heels anymore. Can you imagine? She looked at my purchases and then posted that! I thought she was being funny because it is funny. But they were cute so I bought them knowing the pain. Then I realized she wasn't being funny and instead she was actually being mean!
Dec 30Reply
tink6351 @enjoythedayoff I chalk it up to people having a bad day, and if they are taking it out on me, maybe they will be nicer to others
Dec 30Reply
enjoythedayoff @tink6351 I agree! I can handle it because my life is great. Wish everyone was that happy for sure :) :) :)
Dec 30Reply
tink6351 @enjoythedayoff Have a Happy healthy New Year, and happy POSHING!!!
Dec 30Reply
enjoythedayoff @tink6351 Thank you so much. You too, enjoy! Have fun poshing!
Dec 30Reply
vipboutique There will always be ignorant people that just don't understand that their ignorant opinions should be kept to themselves because they are truly clueless to the fact that they are ignorant." We all know that we can set our own prices for OUR clothing and that if WE don't like what we WE SEE in someone's else's closet we can simply move on.. You can buy a hand bag at Walmart or Nordstrom.. The Mall or at Goodwill..Get my drift..
Dec 31Reply
tink6351 @vipboutique thank you, Happy New Year and Happy Poshing
Dec 31Reply
tink6351 @missspretty thank you!!
Jan 01Reply
saysamon Preach it girl!!! 🙏🙏🙏
Jan 24Reply
tink6351 @saysamon thank you
Jan 24Reply
kemp204 amen
Jan 25Reply
emismemi LOVE LOVE LOVE your closet♥️ I'd like 1 one everything please😉
Jan 26Reply
tink6351 @emismemi thank you so much, Happy POSHING!!
Jan 26Reply
photogrl35 I always feel like I have to lower my stuff just to make a sale, I have a lot of vs pink stuff and everyone wants it for cheap even when it's nwt , like I pay a lot for their clothes. I try to give a deal sometimes , but I don't think ppl understand the 20% that comes off of what we make, like we lower something to $20 , we make $16 for something that costs us $50, that's crazy! I've had my run in with a few rude ppl and I found the wonderful block button, lol
Jan 29Reply
tink6351 @photogrl35 lol I hear you, I guess some people feel better taking out their aggravation out on us, I do not understand why they don't just move along to another closet, it isn't like we are making them shop in our closets, but if they feel the need to make rude comments, lol go for it, I am not going to argue with a "name on the screen" the 20% is a killer but I look at it as a protection plan also !
Jan 29Reply
photogrl35 @tink6351 yeah you can look at it that way. The people who don't even have listings are who get me. Their the ones who want it for cheap and I'll go look at their closet and they have no postings but their own pic, they seem kinda sketchy to me. I actually lost a vs pink pullover to someone like that. She claims she never got it but it said shipped. I'm like unless it's stuck in the mailbox I don't see why u don't have it. So I was out my pullover and money for it .
Jan 29Reply
kristelahdz Lol i'm glad I haven't seen any of those in my closet. But I have seen them in another peoples it's kind of annoying and funny at the same time.
Feb 04Reply
bobbiejo21 I LOVE your closet! VS is one of my fav stores to shop at. Im sorry this happened to you just be positive :)
Feb 08Reply
tink6351 @bobbiejo21 thank you so much, I have learned to just grin and bear it lol and chalk it up to someone having a bad day, Happy POSHING!!
Feb 08Reply
bobbiejo21 @tink6351 i know i may not have expensive brands but if someone dont like what i have they van always move to the next closet :)
Feb 08Reply
1212ptc @bobbiejo21 hi hun I'm new to poshmark and I love your closet. I don't have a closet but maybe someday I will. All I can say is you go girl I love your stuff. I gotta finish looking at your closet it sure is beautiful. Well done your friend Phil Jr :-)
Feb 11Reply
koshik @photogrl35 I'm new here. Does Poshmark provide any security to the buyer if the package gets lost or stolen??
Feb 20Reply
photogrl35 @koshik I had the same situation where someone bought something from me and it got lost after I mailed it and never made it to the buyer and they reimbursed both of us , so they will replace it, you have to contact them and explain the situation
Feb 20Reply
koshik @photogrl35 Oh, good! Now what about the delete button for inappropriate comments? Is that available yet? TIA!
Feb 20Reply
tink6351 @kates_xo exactly, there are so many other closets to shop so people should just move on, but I guess they like to give their 2 cents worth, it is very frustrating, but there are so many others that are so awesome, that it makes up for all the "negative nellys"
Feb 28Reply
tink6351 @kates_xo thank you so much, yours is very nice , Happy POSHING!!
Feb 28Reply
cocobiel @tink6351 Yaaaaassss girl. Xo ❤️
Mar 01Reply
opalitekittin66 You have a great collection of clothes ^.^ no negative vibes here :-D
Mar 09Reply
tink6351 @opalitekittin66 thank you so much , you also, HAPPY POSHING!!!
Mar 09Reply
elevenjane @tink6351 😝👍💪
Mar 11Reply
rubylenlindley @tink6351 Seriously, I'm just so disappointed with the attitudes. My children behave better.👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Mar 25Reply
tink6351 @rubylenlindley I hear that, just proves we as parents did something right, my kids would never leave negative comments, if they saw something they did not like they would just move along!! Happy Easter, and Happy POSHING!!
Mar 25Reply
rubylenlindley @tink6351 Thanks, u too😀
Mar 26Reply
tink6351 @rubylenlindley you are very welcome, and thank you!
Mar 26Reply
keejus I honestly wasn't trying to be rude, I apologize if It seemed that way. I didn't know if you bought it at that price and we're trying to resell it, I was just letting you know.
Apr 29Reply
tink6351 @keejus it's all good, I am far too old to argue lol but just so you know, I paid full price for these I have had them since right before Easter, I,shop for kids, grand kiddos and nieces, I sometimes forget what I get then they give me back what they do not want, I hate returns so this is the place to sell Happy POSHING!!
Apr 29Reply
keejus @tink6351 I'm new to this app so I don't really know all the details yet
Apr 30Reply
tink6351 @keejus I am still learning and I have been on here for a year and 1/2, just when I get the hang of something seems they either change it or add more lol it it's awesome!
Apr 30Reply
minkstrinkets @brooker07 maybe you should read this
Apr 30Reply
destiny259 I wasn't trying to be rude, I honestly wanted to know.
May 04Reply
stephanielynn92 👌💕✌👍💋
May 09Reply
tink6351 @skinqueen thank you so much
May 25Reply
tribal_creation Hey lady I LOVE THIS ... your AWESOME SO IS YOUR CLOSET ... U GO GIRL sending blessings peace happiness to you xoxo my friend thank you Carla
Jun 02Reply
tink6351 @tribal_creation thank you , Happy POSHING!
Jun 02Reply
la_princesa1968 Loveeee it!!😂😂
Jul 10Reply
tink6351 @zombiechick03 hi I Do not know if there is a VS wholesale tab I know if you go to the last tab on the bottom of your screen and press retail then wholesale what is available pops up or if you go to shop you can put in VS or VSPINK to see what is available
Jul 24Reply
leahbyerly87 This is great! Love it! I felt this way with someone today!
Aug 15Reply
tink6351 @leahbyerly87 thank you, sorry you experienced a "Debbie Downer"
Aug 15Reply
mcjewells I love this! Your little notes crack me up! Thanks for the smile today!
Sep 15Reply
tink6351 @mcjewells aww thanks so much! Happy Poshing and have a great day!
Sep 15Reply
pwall2012 hi, my name is Paula & I wanted to let you know that I do the same thing you do. I post notes like that just to keep things real and try & make people realize why we're here & were all here for the same reason. Thanks for telling it like it is on behalf of myself & everyone else that responded. We appreciate you. thank you❣❣❣❣❣❣😘😘😘
Sep 16Reply
tink6351 @pwall2012 aww thank you so much Paula, I am glad you liked them, Happy Poshing!!
Sep 16Reply
txgratitude I love this. I hope you don't mind I copied it. I've run into some "mean girls" on here.
Sep 17Reply
lbgraham Amen!!!!!! I hate the ones that ask multiple questions and specifics only to tell you they just don't have the funds right now...really WTF!!!! Or even better the Lowballers!!! I swear I could have something listed as low as $1 and someone would come along and offer 50 cents!!!! Blows my mind!!! Ahhh...I feel better now!!!! 😉😘
Oct 11Reply
tink6351 @lbgraham lol it's the truth
Oct 11Reply
tink6351 @mctrenkler I am so glad you feel better!!! Happy Poshing
Oct 14Reply
tink6351 @pilatestrainert lol thank you Happy Poshing!
Oct 29Reply
tresdaddy Fo sho!
Oct 29Reply
trestreschic_ @tink6351 Thank you so much for sharing.! <3
Nov 30Reply
mpeelerlaw O honey...I love your closet!! Lowballers and rudeness is the worst!!
Dec 04Reply
skybluegrey Well said! Though it makes me kind of sad you have to write all of these notes. Is it that bad on PM? I just started.
Dec 09Reply
almostantique If there is one thing my mother taught me is that if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all.
Dec 14Reply
owlsareamazing Very well said!!
Dec 29Reply
diiormiistash 😂😂😂
Jan 16Reply
champagneems Couldn't agree more. We're all here to shop or sell. If I have the courtesy to extend the sale of a great quality item at an already discounted rate, I'm already being very fair with the pricing and a lot of the times dipping lower than the limit I want to go for price reductions. But I do also hope all the people I've sold to will enjoy their items and I've enjoyed all my customer experiences so far. We're all here to suppose one another 💕 sellers & shoppers alike
Jan 16Reply
tink6351 @champagneems exactly, well said! Happy Poshing!
Jan 16Reply
champagneems @tink6351 thank you, I'm happy you wrote this post! Your inventory is great and serves a huge market here on Posh. Best wishes to you💕
Jan 16Reply
tink6351 @champagneems thank you so much!
Jan 16Reply
jezzicaque @pwall2012 And this is why I am so scared to start my closet. I use to have such a strong character, never allowed anyone to walk all over me, spoke my mind and was an independent, self sufficient, financially stable, good mom and wife. Until I got sick. It not only weakened all my great qualities but also my diminished my strong, no crap, as strong as steel emotion capacity.
Jan 25Reply
jezzicaque Now I ball at rejection and cringe when I put myself out there , unknowing to the possible outcome. I'm a scaredy cat now and Idk how to overcome it.
Jan 25Reply
Jan 25Reply
tink6351 @jezzicaque no don't ever let a few "fun suckers" spoil it for you , my experiences on Poshmark have been awesome, with just a few who I will say we're just having a bad day, and for that the block button works!!
Jan 25Reply
pwall2012 @jezzicaque wow, and look how many responses she got. That's just the way it is it's a dog eat dog eat world. I think that's how the saying goes LOL well, hell if I know but you're getting a real taste of it lately. Sorry to hear all that, it kind of hurts because the reality isn't what it comes across as
Jan 25Reply
tink6351 @jezzicaque I am really on here to just have fun, anyone can be a bully behind their computer screens, but that's just not for me, I taught my kids to always be respectful, and if you don't like something walk away, and if they are having a bad day don't take it out on someone else, and on Poshmark if people do not like my prices they can move on to another closet there are so many closets to check out I literally can sit here all day looking it is awesome! In fact I do
Jan 25Reply
jezzicaque @tink6351 lol. Thank you for the response. It is encouraging to see women and men here who take the higher road and look beyond the negativity and keep going. You are all very inspirational, not just on here but also with other situations similar to these we experience not in front of a computer screen but at work or school, on the train or bus, walking down the street, standing in line for coffee. Just about anywhere. And everywhere.
Jan 25Reply
luv2havfun62 I've haven't experienced this personally, but I've seen some pretty nasty comments. I don't understand why people can be nice, or keep scrolling. Anyway, Happy Fri-Yay!! =)
Feb 11Reply
tink6351 @luv2havfun62 thank you have a great weekend, and happy poshing!
Feb 11Reply
bluesea38 Hi dear,thank you for the follow😘😘
Feb 16Reply
bluesea38 Hi dear,thank you for the follow😘😘 I agree 100% with this note, also, some buyers/sellers, do not appreciate the time that we dedicate to serving, it is a shame when the shoes not fit or the cheap merchandise do not include box or dust bag,they reflect they discomfort at the rate,rather than work it out any issue before, as far as I concern, it is nothing that will keep me awake LOL, but the things that I read here,is something that any women should no tell to another without discuss.
Feb 16Reply
bluesea38 We have to help each other's, but if they decide to make awful comments,well... They lose😂 I share this hobby with my two Daugther, with so much joy so I hope that you enjoy this and forget the rude comments, it is not worthy, have a blessing day 🙏🙏🙏
Feb 16Reply
tink6351 @bluesea38 thank you, Happy poshing
Feb 16Reply
veeshe No need to be Rude... like it or move Along!!!!!
Feb 24Reply
tink6351 @veeshe exactly, Happy Poshing!
Feb 24Reply
bluejay60 Hello everyone, I am new here. I stumbled across the site and signed up just to purchase a pair of New Balance tennis shoes I saw. Then ended up sitting up half the night scouring the site! Oh my gosh, I found so many things I want! I use to sell on Ebay and for years sold at the local flea market. I know exactly how mad a snotty customer can make you, but hey it's their loss. If they'd rather pay 3 times what you're asking for something to get it brand new more power to them.
Feb 28Reply
tink6351 @bluejay60 welcome to poshmark
Feb 28Reply
bluejay60 Thanks I've NEVER believed the customer is always right, they're not. You know what your items are worth and if they don't want to pay your price they can go somewhere else. I was thrilled to get the tennis shoes for $5, then I checked out the selling page, I felt bad, the lady got $2.05 for a pair of New Balance that look like new. I'd hoped to sell, but I don't have anything valuable enough to make it worth it with a $2.95 fee. Hopefully, I can buy more from here though!
Feb 28Reply
tink6351 @mellucille exactly , thank you Happy Poshing!
Mar 02Reply
tink6351 @cruisedog thank you you also!
Mar 12Reply
ninas_closet11 Yeeeesssssss as OMG I ❤️ this!
Mar 25Reply
ninas_closet11 Typo *as* was not suppose to be in there LOL (stupid iPhones)
Mar 25Reply
tink6351 @ninas_closet11 lol thank you
Mar 25Reply
lisaj0217 Charge what you want sis!!! If I had things this nice I would charge high too lol. Im new to selling and have no idea what I am doing! I can hardly keep up with thenews feed! I still have over 100 items to post! You have a beautiful closet hope mine turns out the same! !!
Apr 18Reply
tink6351 @lisaj0217 lol thank you, I am still learning and have been on here for a few years, but I am thoroughly enjoying it, , your closet looks great! Happy Poshing!!!!
Apr 18Reply
lisaj0217 Thank u sis!!! Its good to hear that!!! I LOVE YOUR CLOSET! Happy poshing to you too!!!
Apr 18Reply
0whovian0 Thank you so much for the shares! You have a truly wonderful closet. Happy Poshing!
Apr 24Reply
tink6351 @0whovian0 thank you so much, you also Happy Poshing!!!
Apr 24Reply
ctedesc08 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽So true!
Apr 26Reply
tdbydesign @leoninus a 2 star review because they found something cheaper?! PM should not let that stand. Stats are very important around here. At least they are to me as a seller and buyer.
Apr 30Reply
tdbydesign @aimsterjoe I hate that stuff too it's like I just lowered the price! That is the deal!! I love the "will u lower your price because shipping is so high!!" Are you serious?! Your getting 1-3 day PRIORITY SHIPPING it's actually less than it is if u go straight to the post office. It easily starts over $7. If we have to consider that AND PMs 20% then there is no room for us to make any money.
Apr 30Reply
tdbydesign No one should go into anyone's closet bashing prices or commenting negatively. That effects a sellers sales and overall just doesn't feel good. We all work hard to put these closets together. It takes time and money outright. PM is a place for all different types of people and their styles to come together...... something for everyone. Don't bash..... just keep a pushing and find what right for you. 💯😉✌🏽
Apr 30Reply
leoninus @tdbydesign They should allow us to rate buyers. Turnabout is fair play.
Apr 30Reply
tink6351 @leoninus I like that idea, how long it takes for someone to accept the package etc.....:
Apr 30Reply
leoninus @tdbydesign I never expect a buyer to accept before their allotted three days
Apr 30Reply
tink6351 @leoninus that's true but at least say something, even a "ty" would work
Apr 30Reply
anitasaw Hi! 🙋🏼🤗 Thank you for following me. If you see an item you like, please feel free to make an offer. 🌹🦋🎆✝️
May 10Reply
May 11Reply
wdp0618 I love this!! Honesty is the policy!!🌺🌹🌸🏵😉
May 29Reply
shoppelgangers AMEN SISTER. I am soooooo tired of rude people making comments when I don't accept their insulting offers. I think people fail to realize that a lot of us Poshers rely on our posh sales for extra income or that our closets are our full time source of income. But for all the negative Nelly's, there are so many more wonderful supportive Poshers who want everyone to succeed. The haters are probably just jealous because your closet is totally awesome!!
Jun 02Reply
tink6351 @thevelvetlion thank you, Happy Poshing
Jun 02Reply
tlabarge13 I LOVE LOVE it!!! My kind of personality!!
Jun 20Reply
luvvs Wow. I'm sorry you've had to experience such terrible behavior here! I have thought of Poshmark as such a wonderful, friendly place the past several months I have been here. It is sad that anyone behaves in such a manner as to make you feel so bad. I hope your future experiences here will be full of more love and kindness. Many blessings to you!
Jun 23Reply
mgreene24 I'm glad to see your comments. This is so true. I'm running a small business. I'm also an Independent Avon Sales Rep. I try to give the best prices but everything can't be $6.00. I have to make a profit somehow and I also do Fundraising. So the money isn't just for me. Evert price will not drop to dirt cheap. It is what it is so move on like you said. Your prices seem very reasonable to me. That's just my two cents. God Bless you.
Jul 03Reply
passion4poshing I LOVE this!!! Thank you! By the way, I also LOVE your closet! I think we have very similar styles & sizes! I love finding closets like yours! I know you're not a trader, but if you EVER decide to try it, please stop by & let me know! 😘
Jul 26Reply
hobores SOoooo True!!! well said.
Aug 25Reply
tink6351 @hobores thank you
Aug 25Reply
loamarie309 L❤️VE this post and entire discussion thread!!!
Aug 26Reply
loamarie309 😉💖
Aug 26Reply
believeinhope Compare with other prices or closet is so mean. Is like when you invite somebody to your home and that person comment a none constructive opinion. Every body need to respect everybody and help each other😀👍go girl
Sep 05Reply
miss_michelle5 So true I agree
Sep 13Reply
mbojorge Leaving nasty comments about someone's pricing is just not right. If it's too high for your little wallet then move on to the next closet. I have raised some of my prices a little bit because of the low, low offers I get from people. Offering 50% -70% off the listing price IS a LOW BALL offer.
Nov 09Reply
mbojorge We are all trying to make a little money on the side or get rid of some clutter but it does not mean we are giving it to the sellers for free. If we wanted to do that we would just drop off the items to the Goodwill.
Nov 09Reply
tink6351 @mbojorge exactly, I never liked to block anyone, but now I just block people I’m not here to argue or should I have to explain my prices to anyone and it’s true there are tons of other closets to shop in so with that being said lol Happy Poshing
Nov 09Reply
tink6351 @silverthings exactly this has become more or less a place to vent 😊 or just say what is on your mind,
Nov 29Reply
thefashionelf Right, right girl! Everyone has a right to make a living.
Jan 14Reply
lovelylady12345 Thank you for following! I feel welcomed ☺
Jan 22Reply
lubdub6 This... great post!👆👆 I so wish we could like comments. I just had another posher warn me that someone literally flagged all my Swarovski crystal threader earrings. She called them my “HATER” and “COMPETITION”. Ugh!
Mar 10Reply
mosephmoe Just a little tip. If you’d like to create a listing with a typed lettering and choose from a variety of backgrounds or frames check out PicCollage. I’m no way affiliated with them. Just thought I’d pass on a useful tip. Sorry to hear you’ve received negative comments. People are jerks. That’s why I prefer dogs.
Mar 13Reply
melissan1111 Love this it's so true people are so fricken rude😬😊👍
Mar 13Reply
shiloh077 Hahahaha 👍🏼😂😂😂
Mar 19Reply
catalina888 I love this! I was so shocked at how rude and catty some of the girls get about listings.
Apr 03Reply
tink6351 @catalina888 it’s amazing I actually had someone go find something I had listed at a price cheaper and came back to let me know with an FYI lol I’m glad you have so much time on your hands to worry about the prices in my closet is what I wanted to say but blocking worked just as well
Apr 03Reply
catalina888 @tink6351 I understand, lol. I had a couple of them make comments on my listings. So rude. Mind your own closet, lol. A lot of it is jealousy and competitiveness.. I blocked a couple, too. Such bullies! We should uplift and support each other as women. Thank you for posting this. I so agree! 😊💗💗💗
Apr 03Reply
tink6351 @catalina888 aww thank you sooo much good luck and happy poshing
Apr 03Reply
catalina888 @tink6351 same to you. Happy Poshing! 😊💗
Apr 03Reply
julie582 I support
May 21Reply
leoninus @mafelion Yeah those take the cake. I describe as is, not according to someone’s unknown fantasy.
May 22Reply
poshmaymay Love this & all your other notes, I need to add some like these to my closet😂Some of these people have nothing better to do than leave negative comments. 😉
Jun 05Reply
snicoles @tink6351 ha! This is too funny. Also offering $5 for everything is also offensive. Don’t know if you run into that a lot. Seen some strange things on here for sure....💁‍♀️
Jul 02Reply
tink6351 @snicoles lol just when I think I have seen or heard it all something better comes along, it’s all good, I just grin and bear it chalk it up to someone having a bad day, then the block feature works well when all else fails, Happy Poshing!!
Jul 02Reply
jenuinew It makes no sense to be negative, I cannot wrap my brain around it. At the very least it is a warning not to accept offers from them.
Jul 10Reply
mariekeith Love your closet 😊
Jul 10Reply
iheartmykids3 I Like that! :-) You should Never apologize for how you feel. Your feeling Matter and they ARE Valid...
Jul 11Reply
cwcoulter724 I love this ❤️
Aug 10Reply
raelynnscloset Lol loving your closet ❤️
Aug 21Reply
curvyheart55 I’m a newbie, so vent👌it teaches me what “not” to put up with...I’m following you too👌🎨💕
Sep 06Reply
gotdeb444 I am a new Posher. Your notes help me. Thanks!
Sep 10Reply
tink6351 @gotdeb444 you are very much good luck and Happy Poshing!!!
Sep 10Reply
tink6351 @ef2699 thank you
Oct 07Reply
monicav114 Hi how are you hope you are doing well. Check out my closet. And hope you have fun buying and selling. Stay blessed!
Oct 08Reply
goldenfawn Love this! Just received a nasty one yesterday. This app isn't for bullying!!!
Nov 09Reply
catlp22 @mpeskind 😂good one 🙌🏽
Dec 15Reply
deenice02 🙏🏻👍
Dec 28Reply
gdarwish So many trolls on this app 🥴🙄
Jan 09Reply
kblaqueboutique I LOVE this post!!! You have a great closet, and you are absolutely correct; you can price your items as you see fit! Make a reasonable, respectful offer, or move on. There are plenty of other closets to choose from, no need for anyone to be rude! I’m a newbie, so I’m still learning how this works. It’s like some people want you to just give your items away!! 🤷🏽‍♀️
Jan 13Reply
tink6351 @kblaqueluv Happy Poshing!!
Jan 13Reply
toobeyou Love Your Closet & Bold Spirit. Your So Right There Are So Many Other Sites & Closets! Be Blessed. Thx 4the Follow🌹
Jan 14Reply
brittdoesyoga Love this!!
Mar 28Reply
tink6351 @brittdoesyoga thank you, Happy Poshing
Mar 28Reply
aw162479 So sorry to hear that!! It’ll get better! I’m new here, but I absolutely adore this community already. ❤️😊
Apr 01Reply
dondolin @tink6351 I absolutely LOVE this... Can I steal it.... ???? you made me laugh and it is SO SO true..
Apr 28Reply
blackindigo Love ur closet ❣️❣️❣️❣️💓💓
May 09Reply
tink6351 @blackindigo thank you, Happy Poshing!
May 09Reply
mygi16 Your closet is great love VS. I completely agree negative comments can be left at the door! Keep on poshing! 👠👗👜
May 14Reply
tink6351 @mygi16 thank you Happy Poshing!
May 14Reply
shelby_lindsey @aimsterjoe OMG I thought I was the only one that happened to. $50 bundle, 10% off for more than two items and then I dropped it to $38. I was then offered $15. Low ball to say the least. Ignorant is what it is.
May 20Reply
blueyes868 I love ur closet! I am a #PINK addict lol .. I would never leave a neg comment.. I would, but I'd have deleted it 3x and moved on, imo ur prices cuz all I do is shop pink everywhere, is outrageous, and ur wiggle room I saw on a crew tshirt 70 to 60lowest ...I will choose to pass on, even as bad as i may want it.. but also imo .. if u rock it out, you go girl!!! U are 100% its your closet😘 u have awesome finds!!
Jul 29Reply
tink6351 @blueyes868 thank you, Happy Poshing!
Jul 29Reply
blueyes868 You as well :) just keeping it real ... I also use "another" app ..
Jul 29Reply
glamma2015 People are so Rude.!! This is a fun way to display and price your items the way you want to! To All Rude people! Stay Calm and Shop other closets that meet your needs! Thanks for sharing your closet!!
Sep 05Reply
tink6351 @extraordinare Happy Poshing!!!
Sep 05Reply
rizzyvibez I’m scared to share this 🤣
Sep 07Reply
california_gal You charge whatever you want to charge❣️ It’s your call ❣️ I read another Posher say “ she’s not dealing with low ballers cuz she’s not that desperate” 🤣 😹 I think about that now when someone sends me a low ball offer. YOU GO GIRL 🥰 🌊💝
Sep 07Reply
tink6351 @california_gal thank you Happy Poshing!!!
Sep 07Reply
tink6351 @rizzyvibez lol no worries Happy Poshing!!!
Sep 07Reply
Sep 16Reply
ad2786 Preach it! I was bashed because someone bought a pair of new shoes from me and there was a piece of dog hair on them. Like totally freaked out and made me feel terrible. When I looked at the photos on here, you could clearly see the piece of dog hair! I am a normal person selling stuff from my closet, I’m not some fancy boutique! I had to accept the return because of one piece of dog hair that could have been taken off easily.
Sep 19Reply
ryles_closet I absolutely LOVE your closet!!!!!!✨
Oct 03Reply
tink6351 @conversegypsy thank you Happy Poshing!
Oct 03Reply
lifeinstiches Amen to that 🤗
Oct 03Reply
saramaye3 You’re doing wonderful! Keep on going 😊🎀
Nov 09Reply
tink6351 @saramaye3 thank you, happy Poshing!
Nov 09Reply
nataliezigel We’re all here to help each other☮️
Dec 09Reply
trendy_finds_ I have to blame the low offering on Poshmarks commercials. They need to do better advertising, as a buyer I was brought by the way they advertise that you can get name brand for cheap just saying still I love to shop and pay a fair pric e
Dec 27Reply
trendy_finds_ @shelby_lindsey I blame it on the commercials poshmarks advertises
Dec 27Reply
natesmithns Hey check out my closet I have a really rare Harvard long sleeve
Jan 22Reply
midashuntress Great deals
Jan 22Reply
tammycraig67 I’m new and I’m still struggling trying to get my closet up and running I don’t have a lot of the things set up so I can only really share other peoples closets for them and I came across this and I would like to let you know I feel you handled it like a BOSS .. Your closet is beautiful say hello to positive Patty and goodbye the negative Nancy have a great day
Jan 28Reply
vixntage2 THANKS FOR THE FOLLOW :) If you see something you like let me know, well work out a good lower price for you! xoxo
Feb 10Reply
v_drummond Love it
Feb 25Reply
teddicloset I am so sorry to hear people are wasting time being negative. I am sorry you had to deal with that. this is a positive community. your prices are not too high. I hope I never experience that. thank you for letting me/us know that that happened. please know there are many good positive people in here who are there for you.💕💕💕
Sep 02Reply
puppylover7373 Hahah how cute!! Love ur closet too😊
Dec 02Reply
tink6351 @puppylover7373 lol thank you, happy Poshing
Dec 02Reply
afstarr @aimsterjoe right!!! I hear that!!👍👋😊
Jan 10Reply
elizabethand201 I don't know you, that's horrible. it usually seems that they are troubled people. Keep it moving and just be the best you! God bless!🙂
Aug 24Reply
tink6351 @elizabethand201 exactly,thank you, happy poshing!
Aug 24Reply
elizabethand201 @tink6351 you're very WELCOME! Happy Poshing to you too.
Aug 24Reply
smartinazmail The saying was, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, say nothing at all.”
Oct 04Reply
missink3383 hi 😊 hun u have no need to be sorry for venting. & its deff frustrating when buyers/sellers have expectations, & its so supple to be polite, accept pkg in timely manner, & give rating ⭐🌈 and EVER POSHER on here tries to be the best art what they do, but other don't appreciate a good closet, like YOURS 😊, (& mine 2, 😆) your closet is AMAZING, & I hope u continue having great buys 🍀💲
Nov 30Reply
closet_caliber @mpeskind right... you either like it or you can leave it!
Feb 01Reply
martha_la Fabulous Closet!!! I love it :)
Mar 17Reply

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