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Hey everybody....just a little bit about me since I'm loving getting to know all of you. I'm Nora and I'm a happily married mom and business woman! I live in the Sacramento, Ca area. I'm a mother of the most beautiful and brilliant children on the planet lol!! My son is a genius musician and gorgeous and daughter is everything u dream of in a child but rarely get..and she's gorgeous⬇️Continued below! ⬇️

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Sorry, too much to talk about with little room...I will be married this year to my amazing husband for 18 years in October. I have been a successful business owner for quite sometime snd I love every minute of it! I own which brings all beauty services to you for any event! My life has been built around respect and love and even if u don't show it to me....I will do my best to love u thru it!! Thank you for supporting me on this journey and I can't wait for more fun ahead! Xoxo
Apr 14Reply

@madmax That's one of the best things I've heard! It was my grandmas name and I hope I make even a speck of an impact on people's lives like she did!! She was a minister and lived so selflessly. It's nice to hear that the legacy of the name carries!! She's no longer with us as well!! They're probably somewhere laughing at us talking about them now lol!!! 😘😘😘
Apr 14Reply

Hey! There you are!! My cra cra friend!! Beautiful family & beautiful you!!
Apr 16Reply

@cshebat Aww thank u so much for that!! You don't know how much that means to me!! 😘😘😘😘😘
Apr 18Reply

Nora, u r as gorgeous as ur postings😊. Beautiful family too💛!
Apr 19Reply

@joey1234 oh my gosh thank you!!! Sweetest thing ever!!! 😘😘😘😘😘😘
Apr 19Reply

Wow... Amazing Intro Nora!!! Love it!!! Beautiful Snaps💖 Good luck with everything & Stay Blessed💖
Apr 20Reply

@purvee02 thank you that was very sweet of you.
Apr 20Reply

Hi, it's Penny (@joey1234), just letting u kno I won't b able to pay u tomorrow until I get home, anywhere from 7:30p-9:30p. I thought I was off tomorrow, but I was incorrect. Also, my check doesn't go n my bank til 9:00am. I'm usually extremely busy during the morning, but if I get some free time I'll notify you. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. Thanks much! 💛
Apr 24Reply

@joey1234 thank you so much for that but don't u worry at all!! I think u know by now that the only reason I would reach out is to make sure I'm doing what u need for your order...tomorrow afternoon, tomorrow evening...what ever works love!!i have an event that I go to for a couple of hours on Fridays so if I missed u I will contact as son as I'm done but no worries at all!! Make sure u look thru my new items too!! There's quite a few! Xoxoxoxo
Apr 24Reply

Ty soooooo much! Appreciate ur generosity & understanding! 💛. I left the house at 6:15 this morning & went to work! Grrrrrrrrrrr, wasn't supposed to b there! Giggles
Apr 24Reply

Your family Is just beautiful :)
Apr 24Reply

@cali1018 Beautiful you and family!! I think I am a bit older but no worries ! Everyone says they can't believe my age!! I think I just never want to grow up!! I am married 34 years this June with two gorgeous daughters. One is 31 and is a surgeon in the Navy in Virginia. Her last year of residency. My other daughter is 30 and lives in Roseville and is a graphics designer.
Do you have a Facebook so we can talk for real and keep in touch better? Give me your name and I can look you up.
Apr 25Reply

@sottino aww thanks love!! Ur so funny! I have many friends that live and have lived in Del Webb. I worked in the real estate industry for over 20 years so u have friends of all ages...I'm almost in my mid forties so maybe I'm older than u think two kids are grown and out of house and my husband of 18 years and I are thoroughly enjoying this empty nest thing lol.....oh my name is Nora Bal and i hardly ever go on FB..I know I should but I do have a page. Lol
Apr 25Reply

Hi Nora, it's Penny! I just got home. I'm ready to pay u, but can't exactly remember what I'm getting! Lol! I'm pooped! Ty for allowing me to pay u this evening 💛.
Apr 25Reply

@joey1234 of course problem at all! Here's the deal I remember some of them but I don't think I have all of them so I know ur tired but can u flip thru real fast and send a message on the ones for sure...? Other than these; peach dress bar III, the blue watch, blue chiffon top, yellow dress (we will talk about this one in a min...and what else? Just what's not on this list please and I will add it all up with the buy one get one half and Ur discount as well
Apr 25Reply

@cali1018 oh yes you are young!! Haha! But I didn't indulge in fb like I do now because that is the only place we in posh that we can say what's on our mind!! Sometimes I forget to go there but for planning a party, it may just be ideal. First let's see how many we can find in the immediate area..But first things first. Will get the flyer started maybe this weekend. My husband works out of state during the week and he just flew in and is on his way home.
Apr 25Reply

@cali1018 man I have such a hard time with that 500 word thing. Anyway I can throw something together tomorrow.. But I have much listing to do first.. Chat soon 😘
Apr 25Reply

@sottino sounds great love!! Go enjoy your hubby and we can talk very soon and get this all together!!
Apr 25Reply

Oh, doesn't matter if I'm tired or not, I can always shop!!!❤️💗💚. Let me look & I'll get back with u. Ty
Apr 25Reply

@joey1234 omg!! I found my doppelgänger lol
Apr 25Reply

This may take a bit, intranet not working out here n the country! Oh my, so country!! Lol💛
Apr 25Reply

@joey1234 worries at all..take ur time love plus I've added a few pieces as well
Apr 25Reply

May 13Reply

@cali1018 @clothestotoes ~. Uh huh u totally got me.... 😬☺️😏😕😢😬👀😕😞😟😭😭😭💬🆗 🏁🏁💗💗💗how lucky am I..
May 15Reply

@clothestotoes ur the sweetest person ever!!! 😘😘😘😘😘
May 15Reply

@clothestotoes I will keep my sale up for u love so u have time to look thru all new items to see if there's anything u may want!! Xo
May 15Reply

@cali1018 nahh neg dear.. Omg ok let me keep it 2gether nope .. Ahh Nora 😲😭just when u think damn! ?? happened 2 people??/??planet am I on?bcuz I don't get it- please & thank you Rso rare- simply smiling & saying "hello"&"good afternoon is apparently rude & code 4"honey hold on tight 2 ur purse- she's gonna jack U" True blue beautiful insideNout.Imperfectly perfect Doesn't Exist when RU going 2learn Alisa? Hmm☀️enters my world-Nora Bal my name is Alisa Marie Rey &pleasure 2meet U.
May 15Reply

May 15Reply

@cali1018 😳😱 you ladies hair color is so vibrant!!! I'm in love with it!! Shoutout to whom ever did it!! They did an marvelous 👏👏 job!! You ladies look great❗️❗️
May 17Reply

@amillion Aww thank you so much!! My daughter has had every hair color under the sun and she's beautiful every way lol!! That's really kind of u so I thank you! 😘😘
May 17Reply

Just love seeing you as the succeful woman you are and always have been, Thank you for sharing your life with me as I treasure it in my heart!
Love always,
May 19Reply

@booboolarue1 awww there's my love!! Thank you my sista!! I've been missing u for so many years that just hearing from u makes me get teary.xoxoxo
May 19Reply

Just love reading about you and seeing your BEAUTIFUL FAMILY!! makes me happy. I am so glad you are back in my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 20Reply

@booboolarue1 awww I love u too boo!! Did u see the other pics I have up with Alex in them? I will tag u now!
May 20Reply

I did see the Christmas pic of all you guys. Alex is soo tall.
May 20Reply

@booboolarue1 no there's a listing that has more pics of him...I just tagged u in the listing
May 20Reply

Ok, call me silly.. How do I find it when you tag me??
May 20Reply

@booboolarue1 lol look at your should show a message from me and all u have to do is click on the listing I put the message on and u will find it!! Let me know if u have more questions xoxoxo
May 20Reply

@booboolarue1 that's why u didn't see my tag......u weren't following me till just now lol...I will tag u again now
May 20Reply

@floridafashion1 thanks so much for all the shares!! 😘😘😘😘
May 20Reply

@cali1018 you and your family are stunning! You look like you have model DNA or something haha!!
May 21Reply

@danystormborn it's official, I'm in love!! Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
May 21Reply

who are you in love with?? Miss you alot!!!
May 24Reply

@cali1018 - you are so damn cute!
May 26Reply

I am so in love with your closet. Thank you for selling :-)
May 30Reply

Hi Nora was half asleep last night so didn't look at your closet etc. Your daughter is beautiful as are you. Glad to see a closet with larger sizes. Brayden is my grandson and my little hero. So many challenges but such a fighter and Jennifer is strong willed, that's what gets her through. Thank you👍👍💚
Jun 02Reply

@julieg1 awww thank you so much!! I just donated to!! I really hope you guys are able to collect all the money!! I will help spread the word for u as well!!! So special!!
Jun 02Reply

@cali1018 hi hun nice to see you love your closet
Jun 09Reply

Cali1018 WHATZZZ UP?!!
Jun 12Reply

@clothestotoes hey there chica, I'm gonna call u in a little bit rather than messaging back and that ok? I can explain what to do better via phone so u won't be waiting around or confused.....I'm doing a few things right now but I can call u in a little bit and we can wrap it up...okie dokey???
Jun 12Reply

Cali1018 no problem baby cakes if you want I'll give you my house number you can call my house number
Jun 12Reply

@clothestotoes perfect!!
Jun 12Reply

Ps smile and breathe i feel it!! Loving u❤️
Jun 12Reply

Csll cell 954 4786049
Jun 12Reply

@clothestotoes something has come up sweetie..I will text u later...I have to deal with this right now!!i. Pretty upset about it so I will text u later k
Jun 13Reply

Okay darling I'm worried about you listen you call me whenever you want one at whatever time okay alright I love you
Jun 13Reply

@clothestotoes you too love!! I'm fine don't worry!! Just a situation that's all!!
Jun 13Reply

Listen darling I think we both understand each other and it sounds like it's something that is very upsetting and dumb if you need to talk about it or if you need anything and I feel I can do the same okay cause sometimes so this whole process of living in the people in our life's is the kind of crazy
Jun 13Reply

@clothestotoes 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👼
Jun 13Reply

You are beautiful and your daughter is gorgeous...Thank you for your kindness and patience. There should be more like you.
Jun 30Reply

@gdtimn awww thank you that was so sweet of means more to me than u know!! Xoxo
Jun 30Reply

Jun 30Reply

@cali1018, Hi Gorgeous! First of all YOUR KILLING ME ; ). LOL. Anyway luv I'm so greatful for you holding the blue rose piece for I will be ready to make my first purchase Wednesday night I will give you the first part of my list tm and then I will hopefully be able to get the second half of my likes by Tuesday next week if that hopefully works for you. Again I can't thank you enough for working with me, You are an Angel & Do By far HAVE THE MOST AMAZING CLOSET IN POSHMARK. ☆☆☆☆☆.
Jul 14Reply

@adelehaddad Aww thank you love!! No problem at all!! I will go check and get right back to let u know chica! Be back soon!
Jul 14Reply

@annieree I can't even tell you how amazing that is.....just let her know auntie Nora will never forget about her!! I think once you have children and you see the blessing that are in your life you can appreciate every little special moment for example...just making her smile...that's everything to me!! We spend so much time complaining and seeing everything in our lives that don't work I try to find those moments that do!! She has already won my heart!! And so have u! Xoxo
Jul 27Reply

@annieree you have no idea how special that is for me!! To find someone that celebrates life the way I love to do! I feel like I've known you guys my whole isn't that weird how u can just meet people and they already have a piece of your heart and you didn't even know that it was missing lol! Miss diva Natalie has already stolen a piece of my heart for sure!!
Jul 27Reply

@annieree I can't imagine what that would be like to hear or even live thru. I think what was possibly the worst thing ever for you is the most inspiring story for us to learn from. What a blessing she is!!
Jul 27Reply

Nora my love, I don't have your number, my phone died on me and so did my contacts. Can you please call me on my cell 209-559-7226 and we can chat then. I have some paperwork that was left on our front door I have to talk to you about,
love you lots,
Aug 12Reply

Or you can call me on my lan line 209-920-3108?
Aug 12Reply

@booboolarue1 can u take a pic of the items left at door and send them over in text please?? 9164102282 thanks
Aug 12Reply

Ok love, just sent it over, Thank You!
Aug 12Reply

@booboolarue1 Yep and I just responded!! Xoxo
Aug 12Reply

Sorry to have missed your Birthday!! Happy belated Birthday!!
Aug 12Reply

@cali1018 thank you so, so much for sharing my closet! It is my 4th day active here and I am still getting the hang of it. Much appreciated! ☺️
Aug 27Reply

@coquete82 Awww.....welcome to Poshmark my friend!! Sounds like you are getting the hang of it pretty quickly!! There are a lot of really amazing women on here to learn from and just connect with but if u need anything or have any questions just remember I'm only a closet away!! There's always some thing that will come up that u might need help with and can't find the answers...I am here to help if needed!! Hope u are loving it so far!! These women are incredible!!
Aug 27Reply

@cali1018 Thank you so very much! You are very gracious! I will most definitely keep your lovely offer in mind. I m enjoying the experience very much! 💐
Aug 27Reply

Hello. What gorgeous children you have. You and your daughter look very much alike, you could pass for sisters!!! WOW. I also live in Sacramento, have 2 sons ages 31 and 28. I have 5 grandchildren who light up my life. My oldest, Drew and his beautiful long time girlfriend, have 3. Ayden age 9, Isaac age5, and Aria age almost 10 months!!! My youngest son and his beautiful wife Juliana have 2 kids. Walter age 5 and sweet little Evelyn, 6 months!!! I have stage 5 kidney disease. ⬇️down⬇️
Sep 05Reply

Sorry, ran out of room. I go to dialysis 4 days a week. It's no fun sitting for around 4 to 41/2 hrs. at a time with a couple needles stuck in one
Sep 05Reply

AHHH I dropped the phone and must have hit the POST button on its way down. 😂😙
Sep 05Reply

Ok.....needles in one arm and the blood pressure cuff on the other and not being able to bend them for Over 4 hours. I want to live for my grandkids and be there for them as much as possible! I have a wonderful, patient husband of over 33 years and he helps me out and takes care of me so lovingly. Posh is keeping me busy also. I do the best I can. Thank you for listening. I'm here for you any time. Cindy🌺💕
Sep 05Reply

@cindystuff omg reading your messages gave me goosebumps. You are so positive still in the midst of so much difficult things u have to deal with! That's so incredibly admirable!! I've had family that have had to deal with dialysis and it's one of those situations that just pains you inside. How lucky are you though to still be here for your beautiful family! What a gift to them!! Amazing! You are very inspirational my friend!!
Sep 05Reply

Thank you so much for the very kind words. I don't usually let all that out but for some reason my fingers kept typing more and more. I amazed myself. I hope you aren't too weirded out because of me pouring out all that info to you. You seem like a very special woman. You have a very lucky husband! Thanks again for your kindness😘🌹🌺
Sep 05Reply

I want to personaly tjank u for such an awesome closet am prices an the fact u will work with me I love on 700 a month an because ur willing to work with the I can wear pretty clothes..... rose in been in a depression my mommies died Feb 15/15 ty I'm so depressed my sister wrote a death bed will leaving everything to her self now I have to get a lawyer my heart is so hurt
Sep 17Reply

People like I redeem my faith I'm the goodness on people
Sep 17Reply

@classyroseangel oh no...that's got to be so painful for you to have to deal with so im so sorry. I love helping women feel beautiful!! Thank you for all the love! Means more than you know!! Xoxo
Sep 17Reply

My sister has hurt me beyond belief to have mypmmie at her weakest moment sign everytjing to her mom wouldn't have done that
Y sister stole over twenty two thousand dollars from her.i had to go give her baths she had not had one I'm four weeks an her bed hadn't been changed in six months but she called her self a care giver?!!?!!!
Sep 17Reply

Mypmmoe lived in squaller it's was nasty mommies begged me many times to come clean asuch as I resented cleaning after a grown adult I did it. Other supported her mom begged her to go to work. now she's selling an pawning moms jewelry am other things I'm just sick. Being able to get me things on posh help me to feel better when I buy argon prettyom would she
Sep 17Reply

Oh that's nice am most likely I'd give it to her lol.... ty for ur love am understand ing
Sep 17Reply

Four yrs ago when my d\ughter died of cancer that destroyed me. But threw it all I have god
Sep 17Reply

I love to make others feel better about them selves one time where I live a women an two little kids came to use my phone I was kind of worried about letting her in but something in her eyes seemed scared. I let her in an over heard her convosation herbhisband had decorated her hands an feet an pit a shot gun to her head
Sep 17Reply

An said he would shoot her he showered an left I got the undercover police to come get get her an kids an hide them now he's in jail an she's doing awesome.... I felt so good to help her
Sep 17Reply

I bought a pretty dress on posh an Gabe it to my friend next door she didn't have any dresses an I bought her a crochet top u later it over jeans an a top..... I could never sell things I love giving....
Sep 17Reply

@classyroseangel how in the world are you still so positive with all of the things that you have been going thru?? I was thinking when I read your messages that I've had a severe migraine all day and was feeling sorry for myself because of it but no anymore...if you can remain positive with all you have had going on I will survive for sorry love!! I'm so sad you have gone thru some of the worst things anyone could ever go thru in life! Xoxo
Sep 18Reply

It would be so easy to be angry. But I refuse to let the devil live rent free in my head!!! Lol when I feel sorry for myself I think of others or my daughter who went threw so much pain. Iv been homeless with two babies my own mother or family wouldn't help me. For the first time in my life I have my own apartment by my self sometimes when I'm walking
Sep 18Reply

Threw my house I tell god thank you for my couch thank u for my towels etc etc. Hon iv been kidnapped off the street at gun point I was raped by three men an thrown out on the highway but I made it. I'm here to love others. To show others how to keep a kind heart. Just because those men hurt me doesn't mean all men will...
Sep 18Reply

Always remember when ur driving an see those people that are homeless give them a blanket in the winter go to a homeless shelter an give a few hrsit will break ur heart at the moms an kids who are homeless. We have a shower just think we lay in a warm bed they lay on the ground or an empty building...
Sep 18Reply

Love others an they will love you... you have a wonderful heart let others see it... you will be amazed how much love u get back.... I live on 700 a month an I manage to do OK I go to the food banks an things like that for myself I buy things on poshmark an it makes me feel better I don't feel I'm poor. I was taught be good to my self.....
Sep 18Reply

Hun how much is my bundle... I'm gonna cancel two other things I have on hold I have to pay a lawyer 100 to serve my sister cease and desist for her to stop selling an pawning moms jewelry an stuff out of house an telling her either work with me or go to court an the will she wrote will not hold up in court... I want the bundle I have with u
Sep 19Reply

@classyroseangel im not sure.....let me put it together now...give me just a little time and I will out together and tag you love!! Xo
Sep 19Reply

Take ur time hun I'm in no hurry
Sep 19Reply

Congrats on your anniversary, that's a huge achievement! Just got to 5 and it does take a lot of work, especially fighting for attention with PM 😆! Both you and your daughter are beautiful, and you have such a lovely closet! 💕✨
Sep 30Reply

@auchieau48 thank you for the support!! Did you say 5 years?? Wow! You might be one of if not the longest open closet I've come in contact with!! I bet you have seen some unbelievable changes on this journey within the Poshmark platform. One day it would be fun to pick your brain and get more of the story and how it's evolved...thank you again for the love and support!! And kind words!! Xoxo
Oct 04Reply

Oh actually I meant 5yr wedding anniversary! 😄Have only really been poshing since July this year...I created an account in 2012 but didn't really do anything with it. I think all the time if only I started years ago though my back would be in better condition...from moving all those boxes with unworn clothes so many times! You're so welcome and thank you! So nice to meet you 💕
Oct 04Reply

@auchieau48 awww got it!!! That makes more sense now lol!! We have our 18th wedding anniversary this month on the 18th!! You have got to be proud though!! Many don't ever make ur to alter the let alone the 5 year mark lol!! No I've been pushing since January this year!! I signed up in December but didn't list until Jan! I just did a lot of research to find out to make a good run at it and I was blown away!! I made suggested user by end of March which I didn't know until after➡️
Oct 04Reply

@auchieau48 part 2) that it was almost unheard of!! Lol! I've worked hard at it but mostly....I've worked smart at it!! Lol!! I've sold on other sites for awhile but this platform is very different! It does take a lot of time though!! Are you selling as well??
Oct 04Reply

Lol Yes it does take a lot to make marriage work as we both change, but I think we got over the the biggest learning curve fingers crossed! Yeah who knew joining posh that it would positively change our lifestyle so much and be such an amazing platform for women supporting each other. It's genius ✨
Oct 04Reply

Can't believe you've only started this year and have built such an amazing closet, and congrats on becoming SU! The sales are picking up for me as my following grows, but my following is growing so slowly and trying to be patient 😌
Oct 04Reply

@auchieau48 just know I'm here for you if you need me!! I remember when I joined, I had many offering unsolicited advise lol! Most with good intentions and others because they wanted to give their expertise...however, I've always had an issue getting advice from someone that's selling less than I am lol. I may not have all the answers but I've found enough to be able to average about 5 sales a day on here alone. I've sold over 1000+ items on here since Jan!! I'm here if needed chica!! Xo
Oct 04Reply

Wow I would love to get your advice, thank you! 💕 I'm hesitant about asking because I know all the experienced poshers probably get swarmed with newbies and questions! I'll try to keep it short, and can send it to you on another listing if you'd like~
Oct 04Reply

@auchieau48 you know that's funny!! I actually think many times the advice comes unsolicited...but there are some amazing women on PM that are super helpful as well!! I have no problems at all attempting to assist you in any way! Just know, I'm never gonna be pushy so if you need me just reach out and I will be there! Other than that I am not the type to send you a message giving my two cents wilt being asked!! Xoxo
Oct 04Reply

Cool I'm originally from SF! In Vegas now for the past 15 years
Oct 06Reply

@dvpine I love San Fran!! I always wanted to move there but it's a hard place when you are as familiar and you are raising a know! I love the city though. NYC is where my heart is even though I've only visited lol
Oct 06Reply

You've got an amazing bio-profile! And congratulations and best wishes to getting married to the man of your life for 18 years. It was indeed a great blessing on top of having wonderful children.😍
Oct 07Reply

@elanie1971 omg you literally just made my day!! That's the sweetest thing ever to say!! Thank you! It really means a lot! I feel very lucky!! For many many things!! Xoxo
Oct 07Reply

You're welcome! I'm meant everything I said. I rarely do this but when I do I meant it. And you have the right attitude. You have to feel lucky in everything you have. It is the most positive way to perceive life as beautiful as it is. Count your blessings more than counting what you don't have. This will make it easier for everyone to appreciate how lucky they are in so many ways.😊
Oct 07Reply

Love your closet💖 thank you for following me 😊
Oct 09Reply

Ah you hot mama you!! 😍😍🔥🔥🔥🔥
Oct 13Reply

@susanleeyogi and I didn't think I could live you more and now I do!! Lol!! Thanks chica!! Made my whole day!! Xoxoxo
Oct 13Reply

@cali1018 😍Nora you rock!! 😘
Oct 13Reply

@susanleeyogi aww thank you !! Xoxo
Oct 13Reply

@annieree here the pic of my son....he's so amazing!!
Oct 13Reply

@annieree my son is Alex and he's 22 years old and has been performing and touring in rock bands since he was 15 years old and is currently playing with a band that's all in the 30's and 40' because they begged him to play lead guitar on their current tour. He's 6'5 and super funny and charming. I just saw him yesterday and he always hugs me and gets emotional because he misses me!! He's so precious. He's had quite the battle and is still working to overcome ➡️
Oct 13Reply

@annieree his depression. He's had depression for years and he now mentors young men who are going thru the same thing and teaches them guitar to help them get thru! He's special! I'm so proud! My beautiful daughter Audri is ridiculously perfect lol she is 20 years old and 3 months before she was working at old navy for 2 years and was offered a job at Allstate insurance firm and said she wanted to take 6 months or 1 year off before going to school to work ➡️
Oct 13Reply

@annieree and save some money and 3 months later (before graduation high school btw) she said they offered her to take the state insurance licensing so she was studying for finals and insurance test at the same time. She moved out 2 months after HS and then within a year is now the top producing Allstate insurance agent in the state of CA..I'm not kidding! Lol she's only 5ft tall (I'm 5'11) and looks 12 and she went to LA to get her award and they thought she ➡️
Oct 13Reply

@annieree was the receptionist lol!! She lives in a 1 bedroom apartment and last night she said oh mom..I forgot to tell you I've been looking at condos cuz I think I'm gonna buy before end of the year lol!! we have Sunday night dinner almost every week (Alex only comes when he's in town) I'm very lucky!! Two absolutely delicious kids...I'm very blessed! Alex and Audri are so much of me but everything better!! Lol
Oct 13Reply

Omg where have you been? I love your closet. I will def be back💙💛💙💛💙💛💙💛💙
Oct 15Reply

@cjmann best message ever!!! Lol!! I've been waiting on you!! Thank you for the love!! 😘😘😘😘😘
Oct 15Reply

Glad to get to know you better Nora! :)
Oct 15Reply

@cali1018 hi Nora!! Just saw that you added a bunch of my items to a bundle - yay!! Let me know if you have any questions about any of the beautiful items you picked out 😉
Oct 17Reply

so glad i looked at beautiful u and family. I am 65, retired advertising manager for a top-five fortune 500 company. I am proud that I did that just did it out of plain hard work and never saying that's not my job. Unfortunately no children, lots of pet babies. I lost four €20 cats in the last three years while I was losing my mother. I now have another two 2 year-old cats named Sheldon and Penny and if you watch that particular sitcom you will know who those two are.
Oct 17Reply

@shelpen aww thank you husband and I celebrate our 18th wedding anniversary tomorrow and I'm very proud to have made it that long because so many marriages never make it to this point you know....xo
Oct 17Reply

Love you💕 thanks for being patient✨ get back to u asap ! You are the best
Oct 23Reply

@aurahmorph right back cha my friend!! I'm so looking forward to having some laughs with you many more's funny how sometimes y just connect with someone right away....that would be the case with u my friend so I'm super happy our paths crossed!! Get some rest and I will talk to you tomorrow! Xoxo
Oct 23Reply

My sweetheart/I think I have a bundle of items to pick up/Tom had surgery yesterday/so it was a huge day! Sorry I missed you/And I'm having trouble w chemo side effects?? Really not good/but need to get you paid!! You have been so AWESOME/Patient!! You tell me where my listing is and I will get you paid in full!💞
Oct 29Reply

@lfowler01 here are my beautiful mommy brain excuses lol
Oct 30Reply

You are so pretty and you have a very cute family . You sound like an awesome person !! ❤️
Oct 30Reply

@arielismarcano aww thank you so much for that!! You made my day!! Xo
Oct 30Reply

~sooo beautiful!!!...and sooo kind-hearted!!!...many blessings to you in all that you do!!! ❤️😘❤️
Oct 30Reply

@cali1018 ... Hey, lady. Does your Glam Squad business operate outside your local area? I did a hair threading certification last time I was in Florida. I started lash extension certification training yesterday. I loved it and did awesomely.
Oct 31Reply

I am due to complete waxing and brow/lash certification in a couple weeks. All this is a huge professional change for me, but I need that in order to make a lit of money right out the gate once I separate completely from this living situation in a few weeks. I would like to discuss further with you. E-mail?😌
Oct 31Reply

@negradjo aww that's so great for not yet! Right now I'm having a hard enough time filling all the orders in Northern California lol. I just started it this past year and it took off with a boom. I'm so happy for you though. That's a great industry to get into. I've never personally done the work but I know how much that business is booming right now. Please feel free to email me any time love.xoxo
Oct 31Reply

@cali1018 ... Thank you, ma'am. It is a big gap from my banking & finance background. The appeal is the earning potential and my opportunity to express my starved creative side. We will continue this one by e-mail.😌
Oct 31Reply

@negradjo girl, I've had my real license for over 20 years and did mortgage loans for the mortgage banking industry for since I was 21 years old. And I didn't get into the business when the refit boom hit because I had switched over to another aspect of the industry long before I completely understand. You will be great!! Let's talk in email! Xoxo
Oct 31Reply

Thank you so much for the nice Welcome! I will be sure to check your closet out as soon as I get a break! 😍
Nov 18Reply

@morenorhonda10 sounds good.....can't wait to hear from ya!! Xo
Nov 18Reply

@deb_alexandra ok here's the fam!!
Dec 25Reply

Your daughter and you do look just alike. That is amazing. I hope she has your personality and pizzazz!!!
Dec 30Reply

@prettyflower777 that's the sweetest thing anyone has said to me in a long time. Thank you for that!! I'm honored!!
Dec 30Reply

Your so beautiful! Is that your family? You have beautiful family too
Jan 08Reply

My neighbors daughters name Nora n another friends daughter name Nora too lol
Jan 08Reply

@jenny7pino aww thank you!! Yes, my husband of 18+ years and my two kids!! Thank you for that. 😘😘😘
Jan 08Reply

You guys seem to be awesome ppl!
Jan 08Reply

Can't wait to see the rings hopefully it fits lol
Jan 08Reply

@jenny7pino thank you love!! Just a normal crazy family like everyone else!! Back at cha tho!! Xo
Jan 08Reply

@cali1018 thnx ma'am!
Jan 08Reply

@cali1018 Tks for the follow, paying it forward!✌️💖⚜
Jan 30Reply

Hi it's Toni I ordered a dress from you over a month ago and still have not recived it. You said you would send it when it came in is it in yet ?
Jan 31Reply

Hi Nora, my name is Viktoria. I just wanted to tell you that you have the most amazing jewelry collection! I love your closet! 💖💖💖xoxo
Feb 01Reply

@foryourbigdate aww thank you!!! You just made my whole day!! I so appreciate that more than you know!! 😘😘😘😘
Feb 01Reply

@clotheswhore2 omg where have you been my whole life!! Lol!! M already in love with you because if your closet name and flattery will get you everywhere!! Lolols thank you love!! It always means a lot to me coming from a fellow posher!! Right back at cha!! Thank you very much!! Xoxo 😘😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️😂
Feb 02Reply

I so love your closet sweetie! Thanks for hitting me up and I will be getting back into the closest soon as possible sweetie! Peace out! TTYL hopefully Tracy
Feb 14Reply

@hillbillyx3 omg I'm on love with you!! You're so sweet!! I'm here when u are ready and thanks a bunch for stopping!! I'm not going anywhere!! 😘😘😘😘
Feb 14Reply

@maureenmdonovan no worries love and yes of course we can swap them out for another item of another size!! That's never an issue with me as I only want you to walk away pleased with all your items as much as possible and I understand how every item runs differently in sizing as well as every manufacturer so no worries at all. Ok, so the black dress, we might be able to order from the same vendor I got e apricot from and get it the fit perfect so let me know
Feb 21Reply

@maureenmdonovan if that's something you may want to do. It's so weird how even vendors sizing can be off with the same item. If I order from exact same place it should be the same fit. Completely your call though!! I'm here on and off all day when u have a min to discuss!! No worries at all about swapping though.....ever!! 😘😘😘😘😘
Feb 21Reply

@maureenmdonovan yes they came from two different vendors because I paid extra to get you the free people slip because they didn't have the apricot with slip as a set so I ordered slip separately and then dress so it would be in asap for you which costs me extra $$ but I didn't want them to come in time for you for Valentine's Day. I can order the black one from same vendor as the apricot no problem. You can keep the slip for black and just swap out dress. Cont➡️
Feb 21Reply

@maureenmdonovan hopefully this makes sense. Either way, I can get you the black one in XL from same place as the apricot since u have the slip now and just swap dress. Just let me know and I will go order it from them now
Feb 21Reply

@maureenmdonovan you can't change the order chica but don't worry, I do t forget about
Feb 21Reply

@maureenmdonovan sorry I accidentally sent message too soon lol. I don't forget when it comes to items being ordered. Just like I did with the apricot dress when it came in and I shipped right away with a label I purchased my self I don't forget an item like that in an order. I like my shoppers to shop with me for life and not just one or two orders so dependability is everything to me...don't worry I just don't forget those. Also, what's you email address and I can email my address to u
Feb 21Reply

@lmyster omg so sweet!! Like I said I love you already. You're such a sweetheart!! I'm glad we connected for sure!! Where are you in NY?? I love love love NY btw!!
Mar 15Reply

@lmyster my husband went Christmas shopping many years in row in Manhattan and there's nothing like the city at Xmas time!! Lucky girl to be so close!! I really love going there!! Xo
Mar 15Reply

@tristiacon here we crazy family!! My little devils!! Lol
Mar 26Reply

You are beautiful!! You don't look like you got a potty mouth... but then again, what does one look like... right?
Mar 26Reply

@tristiacon aww thank you! Don't let the fake blonde hair fool ya lol I've been practicing my potty mouth for decades now and I'm really great at it!! Lol
Mar 26Reply

@tristiacon I will post the pics of the ring I'm talking about tomorrow love and tag you in the listing. If you have questions about anything else just let me know and I will answer them first thing tomorrow. We will find you the perfect replacement set for now!! Xoxo
Mar 26Reply

Okay! Great.. cuz I'm starting to yawn.. not that your boring.. I'm super tired.. been up since 4am
Mar 26Reply

@tristiacon no offense at to you tomorrow love
Mar 26Reply

Thank you so much Nora!! I really appreciate that you really made me feel at ease!
Mar 26Reply

Okie dokie.. Night.. I look forward to those tags..
Mar 26Reply

@cali1018 Thanks for the shares. You have a lovely family!
Mar 28Reply

@time2buy aww thank you love!! Right back at cha!! Xo
Mar 28Reply

Thanks.for sharing our sparkle! Accessorize your closet with our jewelry box! Use it as a tool to sell your garmets! Happy selling!
Mar 30Reply

@cali1018 ... Hey, lady. I hope all is well. I sent you a text. I hope to hear back soon.😌🌺
Apr 18Reply

@mrsmaradiaga here's my babies lol
Apr 20Reply

@mrsmararidaga here are my babies lol
Apr 20Reply

@mrsmadariaga I keep spelling your closet name incorrectly....good lord it's been a long the two messages above were for you lol ⬆️⬆️ 14 hours ago
Apr 20Reply

Wow! Both very good looking & you must be so proud! 👍🏼👍🏼 it sounds like you've got a wonderful business too. How fun! Definitely need to meet up with you soon & at least do a small posh meet even if it's just you & I for a drink sometime! But I better head off to bed and quit Poshing for the night. 😴😴😴 I've got a long day ahead at work tomorrow. Let's chat again soon though and try to set up a meet. So glad we found out we are close Yay! 👏🏼👏🏼
Apr 20Reply

@mrsmadariaga aww you too love!! Have a great night!! Xoxo
Apr 20Reply

Hey nora, would you trade that ring for my mk bag?? Is the ring real??
Apr 20Reply

Thank you for the shares earlier. ;-) My mom told me what happened. I appreciate it. I hope you have great sales this weekend.
Apr 21Reply

@shopnaway aww no prob!! It was my fault that I didn't read the message below!! Lol! Xoxo
Apr 21Reply

@shopnaway thank you for the shares!! Just saw that you returned them so thank you! Not necessary but always appreciated love!! 😘😘😘
Apr 21Reply

Anytime. ;-). Have a great evening.
Apr 21Reply

@cali1018 @clothestotoes do u havea min? Here is my c- 954-774-7248 🌺🌺🌺
Apr 30Reply

Thank you for working with me regarding my recent purchase. I emailed poshmark, told them we had resolved our issues. And that as I had received bulk of my order, please release all funds to you now. I have no worries regarding other items we discussed. Thank you for being a good vendor/ posher to work with and purchase from. If funds are not released by now, please let me know. You are 5 stars ..... ✌️
May 04Reply

@buzzscout seriously, I love what I do because of people like you!! We are all human and mistakes can be made but it's how we handle them that reflects our true character so thank you for being so great about everything!! You're a dream!! You really are. I haven't even checked on the funds but I will check shortly. I'm sure it's fine! Also, the pink ring set should be in today or tomorrow and I checked tracking on the other two pieces earlier and they're on the way 2 me xo
May 04Reply

@cali1018 ... Hello, ROCK STAR! I sent you a text several days ago. I would like an order total and shipping cost to Sweden as of today. Get back soon. Phone and FaceTime are also an option. I hope you are well. -- Chantal 🙂
May 05Reply

@negradjo omg I didn't get it!! I would have gotten back to you right away. It's been crazy here though. I will text you back today or tomorrow for sure love and I'm so sorry. I would have responded right away. Xo
May 05Reply

You your daughter and your husband make a wonderful family. I don't think I saw a picture of your son. How is he doing?
May 10Reply

@cali1018 Thanks for all the shares and for taking the time to look thrush my closet!
May 12Reply

@cali1018 ... Hello! Did you get my text from April 29th, lady?😌
May 15Reply

@negradjo I don't think so but I will check love! Did you get my email I sent you?? I sent you a long email after the last message!!
May 15Reply

Awww ...🙁 Check your texts and text me back please, lovely lady. I rarely ever check Poshmark right now, as I am still away.😥 I did not receive an e-mail from you. The last think I received was a text response on
April 19th, which was a day after my question.😌
May 15Reply

@negradjo so weird cuz I sent you a long email do the address from before about everything. It's too much to text so I emailed all the info. I will check text as well but that was all explained in my email too!!
May 15Reply

Damn ... Ahhh ... it was at my iCloud address. Now that I left that psycho, you may delete the iCloud e-address and use I apologize for that confusion.😌🌺
May 15Reply

Hello ! I received a shipment today ! It included the set of four pairs of druzy earrings that I did order. It also contained a 3 row eternity pave band. Beautiful, however, my order original order was for a six row eternity band. I will be happy to send you a picture of ring received.
May 16Reply

Maybe since we are having issues re this ring from the original but bundle, purchase ... Maybe just let this ring go from my order, me return the newest three row pave band and maybe work out something on another ring ?
May 16Reply

Original order for the ring purchased was 572302615a21fa87cb00ct13b with other items. Why don't we let this go... Maybe not meant for me, and work out something for something in white gold ? If you tell me how to pm you, will do to work this out. Each item is beautiful.
May 16Reply

@buzzscout wow, I looked at the ring and everything so I don't know how I could have missed that. We are cursed with the darn micro pave band. If you want to email me you can for sure. I think that's what you are saying to talk about the white gold ring. I know it's hard to talk back and forth with the limit in characters. My email is and just send me a quick note and let me know you have emailed so I will check it cuz I don't check email as often as other sites
May 16Reply

I was just thinking maybe to send back and start a new. White gold because the silver has not been so lucky for me ! Lol. I will send you a pix of the 3 row pave ring. Received today. Very pretty. Just the order was originally for a 6 row pave ring in silver. So... I am blaming the silver !!! Lol. Talk soon
May 17Reply

Resent 4th time. 1 ring 6 rows , 1 ring 5 rows several pix
May 17Reply

I love this!!! I may copy you in my store ❤️👌🏻😘
May 23Reply

@jennajadeleigh aww your so sweet!
May 23Reply

@excorpsman have you seen my kids??
May 31Reply

@cali1018 OMFG...... You hit the JACKPOT!!!
They are ALL gorgeous and handsome....
Your daughter looks EXACTLY like You...... 😃💁😍💋
May 31Reply

@excorpsman yes they both look like a much much younger me lol. The biggest difference is my son is 6'5 and my daughter is 5'0 and im 5'11 lol you should have see how confused her friends no did you end up so short lol. Anyways both grown and on their own and mama is booking a bit is appt before my 45th's hard to look at a younger version of you all the time reminding you of what you WERE LOL
May 31Reply

@cali1018 Nora...... Your daughter is a very pretty woman, but YOU are a VERY VERY beautiful woman.....You are a bombshell...... You have the beauty ANY and EVERY woman DREAMS about....
Please believe me when i tell You that i wish i was HALF as pretty as YOU.....
I envy Your beauty....i DO 😍😍😍😍😘💕💖💐💋💋
May 31Reply

@excorpsman see, that's why I love girlfriends!! They tell you things you need to hear even if they're not true lol! Thank you love! I'm certain you are beautiful too...I would love to see pics someday. I'm certain your inner beauty shines on the outside!! Xo
May 31Reply

@cali1018 And YES......i want to be JUST like be as pretty as You, as wonderful as You......
In EVERY way.....please believe me..... I mean every word 😊💐💋
May 31Reply

@excorpsman thank you!! You have no idea how much I needed to hear something good's been a long one lol
May 31Reply

@cali1018 I mean every word..... I will NEVER EVER lie to You or tell You mis-truths.......
We are NOW and we will ALWAYS be friends for life......Count on THAT !!!
I WILL be a very beautiful woman and when i am, i will tell the whole world that it is because of YOU, Nora......You inspire me and YOU keep me going and hopeful...... I will ALWAYS BE here for You, Nora...... Count on that !!!! 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘💕💕💕💕💕💕💖💖💖💖💖💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋
May 31Reply

@cali1018 You inspire me..... And You are welcome...... I carry You around with me in not just in my heart but in my thoughts too...... I will always ALWAYS be here to pick You up when You need someone to be there for You, just as You are the same for ME....Gracias, mi chica...... 😘💋💐
May 31Reply

@cali1018 And PLEASE...... Call me Savannah, or Vanna.......or Biatch !!!! 💋💋
May 31Reply

@excorpsman thank you biatch!! Right back at cha!! 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
May 31Reply

@cali1018 Did u get my last e-mail, love ?
May 31Reply

@excorpsman no but I will check shortly love. I host a share group that starts in a few mins so if I don't check before I will check right after for sure
May 31Reply

@cali1018 I know I am a pain...... Just an anxious woman lol
May 31Reply

@cali1018 Hello, chica !!!!!..... What's shakin' ???...... How's my favorite girl ???? 😍😘💋💋💐
Jun 01Reply

@excorpsman hey Savannah boo!! I am finishing up with this other thing real quick and I will be right back in 15 mins tops...(I think) lol! Xo
Jun 01Reply

@excorpsman you've got mail!! 😘😘
Jun 01Reply

@excorpsman you've got mail! Again!
Jun 01Reply

@cali1018 Hello, doll baby !!!!...... You've got mail !!!!!!!!! 😝☺️😘💋💋
Jun 01Reply

@excorpsman're it!! Lol
Jun 01Reply

@cali1018 HELLO, my pretty girlie-girl !!!
Call and check my mail now baby doll
Jun 01Reply

Hey, chica !!!!...........
Jun 02Reply

@excorpsman hey there!! Your package was shipped out today with lots of goodies and a couple of extra special gifts from me to you! Xoxo
Jun 02Reply

@cali1018 OMG OMG OMG OMFG......
I JUST got a delivery.....
I mean I J U S T got a delivery......
I haven't opened it YET but here goes.......
Jun 04Reply

Thanks for the follow! Feel free to check out my closet! If you like something but not the price make an offer! I will go ahead and share some of your listings right now!!!
Jun 25Reply

Hi Nora! My name is Stephanie and I LOVE your closet. Thank you so much for sharing so much of my closet. Look forward to doing business with you when I build up some cash flow. Any advice you can give me on my closet would be very much appreciated.
Jun 28Reply

@blackleocat OMG sweetest message ever! It's so nice to virtual meet you lol! I love helping out any new sellers that ask....I am not one to offer myself up unless someone asks me about it I feel there's enough "experts" out there for one fashion portal lol!! I've had a lot of success on Poshmark so anything you need just let me know! I'm always just a closet away no matter how big or how small the questions are don't hesitate...what are you questioning now cuz ur items are great
Jun 28Reply

Well...My weakness is leather...I love leather and I have an eye for it. So I thought why not turn my weakness(I buy a lot of bags & wallets) into a strength and generate an income. My question is this ... How to price? I am all for selling good bags at an affordable price...where do I hold the premium price? I have a Kate Spade that is Excellent and retailed for 700 and is now in outlets for 458. Not sure what to ask for it. What do you think?
Jun 28Reply

@blackleocat that's gonna be a hard one and it's going to be an ongoing issue for those items. Only because you're up against other people that get them as gifts and didn't like them or bought and too big or small. For example, I bought a brand new large large 15 1/2" plus pebbled Kate spade bag over the weekend in perfect condition for $110. Only because the seller (sweet sweet) didn't like how big it was once it came home... Here's an me your email address ➡️
Jun 28Reply

@blackleocat part 2) address so I can email you so we don't have to send back and forth a hundred 500 characters or less messages lol mine is poshin4life@gmail. Com and I will go more into detail about pricing them cuz it can be done very well but it's tricky tricky xoxo
Jun 28Reply

Jun 29Reply

@blackleocat ok perfect! It will be easier to have conversations in full lol. I will email you tonight and message you once it's there....may be a bit but tonight for sure chica xoxo
Jun 29Reply

Thank you...look forward to our conversations. Bye for now.
Jun 29Reply

@mamdragon8514 here's me and my crew lol. My kids! And hubby of course
Jun 29Reply

@mamdragon8514 OMG I would love to see your tribe lol minus the camera shy hubby! When someone around me won't take pics for family events I start taking pics of them all the time..I tell them since you won't do the ones I want or need u have to take pics ongoing so I have them for you in my collection. They usually decide to join in really soon lol
Jun 29Reply

There's only a couple of us who have their flash salsa up at top. What should I do with theirs? Just share the top four?❤️
Jun 29Reply

@jennajadeleigh if that ever happens just scroll down a few rows to make sure that they didn't just have sales or shares unexpectedly and if they still don't just share top 4 items in closet and I will message them privately after the share group to remind them xo
Jun 29Reply

@blackleocat I'm so sorry I sent the email so late last night....before I knew it was midnight and I still wasn't done with everyone I needed to do lol. Let me know if you have any questions love! Xoxo Nora
Jun 30Reply

@sammy here's my clan!! My munchkins lol
Jul 17Reply

@cali1018 Nora you are just adorable😍😍😍
Jul 17Reply

@clever102 awww thank you love!! See love is blind!! Lol!! 😘😘😘
Jul 17Reply

@cali1018 you SILLY girl‼️‼️‼️ 😳🤓👀👀👀👀 I see SPECTACULARLY!
Jul 17Reply

@clever102 heehee!! Did you get my message about a week ago? It was a long one (kinda) about the SU program??
Jul 17Reply

@cali1018 NO! I didn't see a long message about the suggested user program! Where did you send it to me at? I would like to see it!!! 💗
Jul 17Reply

@clever102 lol no I texted you!! I just wanted you to know I sent an email recommending you for a SU. I've heard that when someone is recommended by another SU that it can speed up the process so sent them an email! Hope that's ok lol. I just know how hard you work and you deserve it for sure!! Just an FYI...doesn't mean they will listen but fingers crossed that it does something for ya! Xoxo
Jul 17Reply

@cali1018 THANK YOU💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟 I appreciate that more than words can say🍾💐🍾💐🍾💐🍾💐🍾 You are THE BEST🙋🏻 love you Miss Nota😍😍😍😍
Jul 17Reply

@clever102 aww you're more than welcome!! I'm not sure it will help and you would probably get it soon without it but I wanted to do what I could to help it along!! You deserve it for sure!! I've heard from many people that if someone refers you that it does speed it up much faster!! Fingers're always a SU in my book regardless!! 😘😘😘😘😘
Jul 17Reply

@carolynqx thank you for the shares
Jul 23Reply

Hello. You recently purchased a Sadie and Sage dress called Eileen. Are you selling it? I'm looking for one. Thanks.
Jul 30Reply

@kristyh143 yes I sure do. I had two of them. I haven't even listed them in this closet yet but I did in another one and already sold one of them and only have one in large left. If you are really interested I will set up the listing for you now and you can take a peek to make sure it's the right one and it's all yours and it is the last one so just let me know love
Jul 30Reply

I am really interested. How much?
Jul 30Reply

@kristyh143 I listed it and sold one at the suggested retail price so I will list this one at the same price and we can go from there. I have a little room but not a huge amount on this dress since it's getting a lot of attention in my other closets but I will do everything I can to make something work for you love..listing it now xoxo
Jul 30Reply

Cool thanks. Please tag me when you have it up.
Jul 30Reply

Hi! Hope I can teach u this way. Did the stainless come in yet
Aug 09Reply

@natfashion30 my pleasure love!! I'm here if you need me!! Xoxo
Aug 14Reply

Hi, Nora! Thanks for commenting on my page & sharing. Still learning the ropes here. Love your closet! Xo
Aug 14Reply

@amatthis aww you're welcome love!! Thank you very much! I remember the first days well! Trust me.....I've sold over 4000 items here on Poshmark alone and I'm still learning the ropes everyday lol! I'm always here if I can help with anything!! Don't hesitate to holla!! Xoxo
Aug 14Reply

@cali1018 thank you for the share! ❣
Aug 14Reply

@cali1018 ... Hej, lady. I just sent you a text. Hope to hear back soon, ROCKSTAR!!!☺️🌺
Aug 17Reply

Hey sweets you are gorgeous wonderful and such a kind amazing lady I'm so happy I got to meet and buy from you it has been my pleasure blessings peace love to you my friend sweets xoxo Carla thank you
Sep 01Reply

@cali1018 🌺Beautiful lady, beautiful closet, and a beautiful Heart❤️ Thank you for the warm welcome and it's so nice to meet you! Hope you have many sales also!🌺
Sep 08Reply

@cali1018 Oh, and thank you for all of the shares! I'll return the favor! You are a sweetheart!🌺
Sep 08Reply

Hi Doyle have any gold wedding rings I really like the silver 18k but I love gold
Thanks joyce sanchez
Sep 09Reply

@joycesanchez3 hey doll, I actually have both solid 14k yellow gold rings and yellow gold filled rings. Which ones do you want me to tag you in? There's a significant price difference since one is solid gold and the other is gold filled so just let me know and I can tag you in the ones I have love
Sep 09Reply

Hi I would like to check out both gold filled and 14 K or 18k please
Sep 10Reply

@joycesanchez3 oh sweetie I have over 1000 rings in stock lol do you know how to use the filters at the top of the page? If not I can show you or I can start wth the soiled gold ones and go from there
Sep 10Reply

@cali1018 ... Hej, ROCKSTAR! I hope you had a fantastic summer! I never got an update after my last text and Poshmark message. I am still not able to make it back there anytime soon. However, I have a reliable friend/colleague who will be there from October 11th to November 29th. We agreed to have my purchases shipped to her. Thing is, it must be from one of your other seller platforms. Please get back soon. I want to select and tally up everything before she leaves here.😌🌺
Sep 14Reply

@negradjo hey doll, I responded to your text....I just assumed you got it! No worries at all. I will text you again tomorrow and we talk from there so if you don't here from me email me cuz that means my messages aren't getting to you again for some reason. My phone has been so bad lately since it's so full and I've been so busy I haven't even tried to fix it at all xoxo
Sep 14Reply

@cali1018 love your closet and BTW i am hardcore LUSTING and drooling over that Ombré sequin blazer. Holy god i need to find a way to make it mine....
Oct 04Reply

@afgirlie729 aww thank you love!! So sweet of you! Yeah, that blazer is pretty special!! I'm certain it would be great going home with you lol xoxo
Oct 04Reply

@cali1018 oh im sure it would too hahaahah. Perfect with just some jeans and a white tee ahhhh!!! I will keep an eye out and possibly save up that pricepoint would gove my fiancé a heart attack hah so
Oct 04Reply

@cali1018 I got u in already for Friday!
Oct 26Reply

@sammy for what Friday?? Do we have a date I forgot about lol?? Xoxo
Oct 26Reply

@cali1018 hi Nora. Yes. I'm hosting Friday noon party and you just got ur invitation. So, it's a date!!! Lol. I just got the theme Best in Boutiques so I chose yours already! 💕💕
Oct 26Reply

@sammy omg I'm excited now!! I'll dress extra sexy for our date lol xo you're the best!! Muah!!
Oct 26Reply

@cali1018 I can't wait to whistle at u!!! See u Friday!
Oct 26Reply

@cali1018 hey beautiful just wondering honey if you can ship off my first bundle well lmk honey thank you blessings peace love to you my sweet friend xoxo Carla thank you
Nov 05Reply

@cali1018 Hi Nora, I'm Theresa. I so admire your thoughtful kind attitude. You truly sound like a Lady I would love to emulate. My Beautiful Daughters name is Jennifer Nora, so truly a special. My other love is Claire. Congratulations on your Anniversary. That's outstanding. My hubby and I reached 31 years in Sept. Wow. Crazy. We've grown up together. I'm in the Fine Share Group of Lisa's. Yay. So a face to the person I share with 💖. I'll ck in again. Ttyl. xo Theresa.
Nov 16Reply

@jennifernora32 omg sweetest message ever!!!!!!! Thank you so much! Wow! Married 31 years!! That's almost like seeing a unicorn anymore lol! What an amazing accomplishment to achieve because it's only been 19 years for us and even though we are happily married it didn't come without a lot of work for both of us. It's also great to find another person named Nora that's not 105 years old lol I was named after my grandma who was the most amazing woman on the planet!!
Nov 16Reply

@cali1018 I so understand your feelings of your grandmother, ours as well, the most special ladies; each of our girls got our grandmother's name as their middle names. Claire Marie & Jennifer Nora✨💖✨ as for the 31 years of marriage it does take work it takes understanding it takes incredible perseverance a whole Lotta love and then A Whole lot more. 😍 He's my best friend, my vital support and he's just a wonderful guy I'm very blessed🙏. In it for Eternity.
Nov 16Reply

Just popping in to show some
loooove on your page!
Have a great night!!
🔹Follow my closet & join my tag list 🔹
🔹to boost sales and followers! 🔹
Nov 20Reply

Thanks for following my closet 😊❤️
Nov 23Reply

Thanks for stopping by😊
Nov 27Reply

@cali1018 Happy Holidays Nora and family! 🎃🏈🎉😍
Nov 27Reply

🎉 Saying hello from the Midwest! Thank you so much for following my closet.
Dec 03Reply

Wow, thanks for all the love!!!! :) I might have actually sold a pair of kicks cause of your sharing spree, you're awesome!
Dec 12Reply

@ragingrivers72 lols!! That's what it's all about when it works. Let's use these 220k followers for all it's worth! Lol!
Dec 12Reply

@cali1018 you are so beautiful. It's been a pleasure meeting you. And I will definitely come back for the rest of my items👍❤
Dec 15Reply

Thank you for the love, Nora 😘😘😘
Dec 16Reply

I am trying to notify anyway possible. I know you are in the west coast and it's way early. I need to cancel the ring order.You were so great to deal with on the counter offer I feel bad. I can't get the ring she changed her mind to for Christmas if this order isn't cancelled. I truly hope you understand I found out about the change after talking about how you accepted my offer. It's a Christmas surprise. So please cancel this ring. It hasn't shipped out Thank you so much!!!!!
Dec 19Reply

I'm in panic mode! Thank you for canceling this! It means a lot. And it means a lot that this year she gets what she most wants. So thankful for your understanding! Have the Merriest of Christmases. It's prob 4am where you are so I'm just glad I was able to contact you before places opened to ship!!
Dec 19Reply

Hi, Nora! I joined the share group Mama 🐻 Bear starts at 4 pm est and share 10 items. I tagged Charliesangels (followed by code) instead of my closet then code. Will my closet be skipped to my error? I don't know how I did that, because I'm a member in two other groups☺️Thanks and lmk!!
Dec 23Reply

@kjs_closet oh no love you should be just fine. It won't make a difference. No worries
Dec 23Reply

@cali1018 Thanks😊
Dec 23Reply

@cali1018 one other question we sign-out when shares completed?
Dec 23Reply

@kjs_closet yes always xoxo
Dec 23Reply

@cali1018 xoxo thanks! I've shared your closet..Take 5 group or morning buzz????I remember that beautiful jewelry😊💛⚜💛
Dec 23Reply

Congratulations on hosting a party. Please check out my posh complaint closet as I have tons of items that will be a good fit for this theme. I appreciate your time and thank you in advance.❤️
Dec 29Reply

Hi, Nora. If you haven't picked all your HP's, please check my closet! I have some really nice pieces.
Dec 31Reply

@cali1018 your closet (out of the thousands i follow) is my number one favorite! I love❤️❤️❤️your taste and just found out what my new favorite styles are! Yay! Spent the last hour trying to figure out how i am going to afford everything i I am trying to recover from xmas and i will b back!
Jan 10Reply

@sadcalie I can't wait to see what you pick out for sure. Also, I offer a build a bundle feature if you are ever interested just let me know, basically people shop for two weeks and tell me what they want for sure I start the bundle for them and they purchase on payday so I can tell you more if you ever want to know. So super sweet of you!!
Jan 10Reply

@cali1018 Yay! I promise I will do that! I sell on here and never really shopped, until your closet! Wow! I will start getting my favorites ready!!😍😘
Jan 10Reply

Jan 11Reply

Hi Nora, thanks for following my closet! Hope you see things you love💕
Jan 12Reply

Your family looks great!!! I love your daughters red hair and your blonde hair!!! My hair is in real need of getting colored. I'm blonde when it's colored. I am white and gray one it's not. I don't let it go that far though. I thought I look like a witch with white and gray hair!!! I should send you a picture. I'll get around to it sweetie!!!
Jan 12Reply

@moorehair2 just like this
Jan 15Reply

Like this😄
Jan 15Reply

@moorehair2 you still have to put a closet name so tag my second closet in this listing so you can see. @calisrack
Jan 15Reply

Why don't I see @caliisrack
Jan 15Reply

Jan 15Reply

Oh I see! I just clicked on it☺️
Jan 15Reply

@cali1018 hi
Jan 15Reply

@moorehair2 ok so let's talk about what the tagging does. The tagging is almost like an email address. What your saying is I'm sending this message to this person (closet) for them to see it. So if you comment in my closet on my listings you don't need to tag me but if your tagging someone else and you want them to see it you need to tell the message who to alert that your including. Since my second closet is a diff name in order for me to see it there I have to put the whole thing @calisrack
Jan 15Reply

@moorehair2 did that make sense lol, for ex I tagged you in the listings to look at. All I did was out your closet name...@moorehair2 and you know you did it correctly when you can click on the closet name and it takes you to that closet. So click on my second closet name so you will see it takes u to that address (closet) but you must put the @ sign that's a huge part of the address
Jan 15Reply

@moorehair2 perfect
Jan 15Reply

I put your closet name in the comment box is that right ?? ( just like we do wen we email someone
Jan 15Reply

Jan 15Reply

@moorehair2 yes's basically telling the message who it's for. Your name will come up automatically and then the closet name after when you put it in the comments. When you sign up for share groups you will out your closet name as the tag so it will show up twice basically but only in share groups but I can explain more of that later
Jan 15Reply

@moorehair2 that's the have to spell the closet name correctly lol I do it all the time. There's another way to respond but no need to worry about that now so just make sure you check spelling @calisrack
Jan 15Reply

Ok I will just take this all in tonight and see you in the morning / about what tine ?
Jan 15Reply

Nighty night!
Jan 15Reply

@moorehair2 the share group closes for sign ups by 1:00PT and then everyone can start sharing and you have till midnight to complete everyone's name on the list and share 10 items from their closet and they will do the same for yours. I will message you tomorrow about noon PT so I can give you info to sign up love
Jan 15Reply

After I sent it I realized it was wrong @calisrack
Jan 15Reply

Thank you I see everyone helps each other 😜
Jan 15Reply

Someone like you can't help but get more and more Blessings! Thanks for your ❤️
Jan 15Reply

@cali1018 Hi Nora, I'm Katie and I thought I had the most beautiful, brilliant children LOL. That's what moms do 😍 I love your closet! Wish that antique gold jacket was a Sm 😫😫
Jan 15Reply

@awaywardmermaid lolols!! I'm so sorry you had to find out this way that my kids are actually perfect lol!! You're right...they're perfect to us only!! Thank you for the sweet words love!! It always means a lot. The jacket is a small/medium in Fit FYI, it's really so amazing. I knew the small/medium would fit either size so I didn't order anything smaller but I could for sure so let me know xoxo
Jan 15Reply

@cali1018 Oh shame on me, doing something for myself 😇 I have $69 redeemable posh cash & my disability check goes through on Tuesday so I'd be able to offer more. Do you reserve? Would $75 work? Don't want to insult you or discuss on the listing, but I'm on a limited budget so I understand if it's not acceptable 😇💕
Jan 15Reply

@awaywardmermaid yes I would absolutely do that for you PFF and of course I will reserve it no problem... I will mark it now and just l I when you're ready Tuesday love
Jan 15Reply

@cali1018 Oh thank you 🙏💕I can swing the $75 now with my posh cash $$😇 I so love this site!! I feel as if I've known some of my PFFs for years. It's such a community of beautiful women (Oops, now men). Bless you & have a wonderful evening ✨
Jan 15Reply

@awaywardmermaid ok love..let me lower the price for you then because it might give you discounted shipping as well xo
Jan 15Reply

Hello how are you in ready for directions I'm very determined 😜😘😘😘thanks to your motivation
Jan 15Reply

Can you please tell me what to do to sign up 🙏🏾😘I'm scared I will be too late 😬
Jan 15Reply

Hi and thank you a bunch for inviting me to the share group I really appreciate your kindness❤️how do I find out about others??
Jan 16Reply

@moorehair2 no problem love. Keep one thing in mind.....there're are hundreds of share groups and I means hundreds. They are all different...different hosts, rules and themes. I run another today at 12:30PT but it's a live group and it's called flash sale so you put 4 items at the top of your closet on sale for one hour only and we share each one like this 1,2,3,4 and then repeat 4 times. U have to share them one at a time and we all share at the same time. (Cont)
Jan 16Reply

@moorehair2 part 2) it's a little more complicated. Most share groups you have to get approval from the host the join (not all but 80% of them) so I would go and visit @offcial_forum and check out all the share groups and the rules so you can decide which ones to join. Also, when you are sharing you have to share the first ones listed in category of the group so in mama bear yesterday just share the first 10 Avail in each closet that's not a sign, or sold listing. Does that make sense
Jan 16Reply

Yes I gotcha! I'm getting more and more familiar the more I scan they and speak to others 😘😘😘👍🏾
Jan 16Reply

Can you inform me when you have a group share👍🏾😘😘😘
Jan 17Reply

@moorehair2 sure love..I run the flash sale share group Mon-Thurs every day at 12:30/3:30 PT/ET and you're more than welcome to join. It's a live share group because we share all at the exact same time so I will tag you in today's group so you can read about it before tomorrow in case u have any questions xoxo
Jan 17Reply

Ok thank you when do I join .... I'm really catching on to this 💪🏿
Jan 17Reply

@moorehair2 great!! This one is completely different so please make sure because I didn't understand it completely in the beginning either lol. You can sign up as soon as the new sign in is posted usually later tonight or first thing in am and then I send out a message letting everyone know the group is closed at 12:15PT
Jan 17Reply

Do I share each persons items or just my own and repeat
Jan 17Reply

@moorehair2 oh you always share each person in every share group or there wouldn't be a reason to sign up really. Everyone has different followers so every time they share your items to their feed their followers will see it which helps you get followers and eye to your items for sure. This particular one requires 4 items listed with the ⚡flash sale on top and then you share each person 4 times each 1,2,3,4 and repeat u till you have reached 4 times each and go to the next one
Jan 17Reply

Thank you Ms. Nora you are sooooo patient! You just don't know how much it means to me to have you women here on posh to helpful. This is an amazing g experience. Now........finally I know what I. Suppose to be doing with my life I love this Amd always wanted to have my own boutique.
Jan 17Reply

@moorehair2 of course my friend......I totally don't mind!! I want you to be successful so it's my pleasure xoxo
Jan 17Reply

Thank you for all your help I couldn't have done this without you😘😘🙏🏾I appreciate alllllll your help. 👍🏾💕💕💕💕🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹Here's a dozen of the best roses😘nighty night
Jan 21Reply

@moorehair2 of course love xoxo
Jan 21Reply

Sorry I forgot to do your shared before signing out so I did them after I signed out I'm really sorry about that 💋💋
Feb 01Reply

@cali1018 hello😊just making sure I signed up properly 😊I love doing flash l⚡️⚡️
Feb 02Reply

My time is 2:30 your time is 3:30 I think I figured it out lol
Feb 02Reply

@moorehair2 yes ma'am looks good xo
Feb 02Reply

I'm excited also excited I'm Boutique status now lol😬😬
Feb 02Reply

Thank you momma for everything although I know u have a long way to go to be like you I will get there 😬😬😬your my Idol 😬❤️️😃
Feb 02Reply

@moorehair2 hey doll, that's so awesome!! Way to go love!! Sorry I'm hurrying to finish all my packages in time for the pickup today before my share groups start lol
Feb 02Reply

Your a trooper! How long did it take You to get real busy
Feb 02Reply

@moorehair2 hmmm I got busy pretty fast but I'm not a normal seller lol. I have traveled the country in sales and teaching sales with some of the greatest sales and motivational people in the country so I am plagued with the research bug. I did so much research on Poshmark to see what worked and what didn't work right out the gate so I wouldn't make all the rookie mistakes and get my start up going really fast. It worked great really
Feb 02Reply

That's amazing!! That's why your do talented at this
Feb 02Reply

I just want to be able to support myself and chikd with autism since doing hair for 30 yrs I really have not dint anything but I was taught to sale product and teach stylist to do color and sale products so hopefully I will make enogh to help fund my project ( autism
Feb 02Reply

@moorehair2 believe me.....I still make mistakes for sure but I didn't want to make the same ones that most people did getting started....I just made brand new ones lol. Research is absolute key to me when starting a new business. I sell on more sites than just here though so I move the inventory pretty fast....if you google how to make it work u will see so many helpful ideas to help you for sure
Feb 02Reply

Thank you sooooooo much it's amazing how God led me to you 💋💋💋💋🙏🏾this is why your getting all what's due to you and U will more💋💋
Feb 02Reply

@moorehair2 sweetie I'm not seeing you in the share group on time today. Please make sure you start at the exact time designated so it's fair to everyone who signed up. Xoxo
Feb 02Reply

Hello I started not to do this group today but I will set a timer to start I just can't stop because I'm uncomfortable I will get this down😀💋can you please send me the list of ladies to share before we start that's what I got confused with yesterday for some reason I did I'm so sorry if I inconvenienced anyone 💋
Feb 03Reply

Also u have the cutest boutique/ I found a dress in another closet I would like to wear to my friends party next month is there any way you can see if you can find it in my size
Feb 03Reply

@moorehair2 hey doll, this group isn't the live group so after I close it at 1:pm my time you will have until midnight your time to complete all the shares for each person. I will send out a final list of people for sure to everyone when I close it xoxo
Feb 03Reply

I will send you a picture of the dress I like also to see if you can find it
Feb 03Reply

Can you send you email I will send there
Feb 03Reply

Do we do the same 4x4 items each ??
Feb 03Reply

@moorehair2 no sweetie, this one is just sharing each person 10 times each
Feb 03Reply

This is the link to the dress I like
Feb 03Reply

@cali1018 dang I cant send here can you tell me where I can send s picture or link
Feb 03Reply

@moorehair2 ok I will get back to you after I get all the packages out from yesterday
Feb 03Reply

@cali1018 you may have this already
Feb 03Reply

@cali1018 beautiful closet🌹thanks 4 the shares💋
Feb 04Reply

I'm sorry so late but I just want to make sure I'm sharing the correct list
Feb 04Reply

@moorehair2 sweetie, I don't know which group you're talking about
Feb 04Reply

I think I'm done with shares so where do I list this at if I am
Feb 04Reply

Thanks for sharing 🌹🌹your closet is beautiful
Feb 07Reply

@hmsimon1 you're welcome and thank you love xoxo 😘😘😘
Feb 07Reply

Hi. Would you care to share with me the name of the app that you use to put the pictures on the glitter backgrounds? Pretty please??
Feb 08Reply

@dogpacksports awww sweetest message ever!! Thank you love!! I feel the exact same way about sharing posh ❤️! Thank you 😘😘😘
Feb 14Reply

@dogpacksports I'm pretty sure I'm in love with you now lol. So sweet! I am not sure about the stretch rings but let me check. I have adjustable rings that are higher end and not cheap looking but let me make sure before I say either way
Feb 14Reply

Beautiful Family !!!!! I'm Looking for a ring and I have a picture of it is there anywhere I can send the pic to see if u have something Similar ?
Feb 17Reply

@bebegirl ahh thank you love. If you want to post the pic in your closet and just tag me @cali1018 as soon as it's up I can see if I have anything similar and you can delete it right away...does that make sense??
Feb 17Reply

Thanks for sharing my closet 😊💕
Feb 18Reply

Impressive, you, the store, the products. Thanks for sharing my beginning humble product line. Case
Feb 20Reply

Thanks for sharing !
Feb 22Reply

Thanks for liking!
Feb 22Reply

Thanks for the share 🎊HAPPY POSHING 🎊😄
Mar 07Reply

Hi Cali do I still have time to sign up ? I will give it a try
Mar 07Reply

@moorehair2 yes you sure isn't closed until 12:15 my time PT and sharing starts at exactly 12:30 my time PT so we would love to have you
Mar 07Reply

Ok great I put your city on my works clock I downloaded 👍🏾💋💋
Mar 07Reply

Hey @cali1018 IIn my head I was thinking we started at 4:30 my time just tooo much on my mind I wanted so bad to get this right since I'm now adjusting so well to poshmark because I really love doing this / I do apologize for starting late I know how important it is to start all at sane time 😒
Mar 07Reply

Thanks so much for the share 🎊HAPPY POSHING 🎊😄
Mar 09Reply

@jbarney1 here's my crew lol
Mar 16Reply

Your daughter is gorgeous and your son is a cutie. I can say that since I'm enough older! So fun!!!
Mar 16Reply

@jbarney1 lol yeah they're both pretty amazing kids! My son is a successful musician/actor in Los Angeles and my daughter has been the youngest top producing insurance agent for Allstate in California since she was 19 years. I'm really proud of the people they are...that's all that matters to me
Mar 16Reply

@cali1018 of course! That's so great that they have found their passion. I am sure you are a proud mom!!! It's fun to watch them grow and I'm sure a relief when they make great choices with their lives!
Mar 16Reply

@jbarney1 yes it's a relief for sure but the hardest thing ever is watching them make the bad choices that you can see coming from a mile away. Those are the moments I have to bite my lip lol. They all do it....and it stinks for a mom so u just have to live in all the good ones because in the end who they are as people is all that matters. Even though mine have been amazing...the not so amazing moments still drive u crazy for sure lol
Mar 16Reply

Thank you for following me! You have a beautiful family and an amazing closet. Have a blessed day.
Mar 18Reply

@2017coffee aww thank you love!! Their soooooo much cuter now that they are grown up and on their own lol!! 😘😘😘😘
Mar 23Reply

Mar 28Reply

What time do you start central time
Mar 28Reply

@moorehair2 it's 2:30 your time
Mar 28Reply

Thank u very much💋💋I will get this right🛒💋💋
Mar 28Reply

I'm not sure what happened but I shared everyone
Mar 28Reply

@moorehair2 yes I saw your shares after I sent the message to you start coming thru..thank you
Mar 28Reply

I'm sorry just a little slow 💋💋
Mar 28Reply

Ok 😀sure! I will start now that's just 20 items 👍🏾💋💋
Mar 29Reply

@moorehair2 perfect
Mar 29Reply

I always love to look at your stuff anyway / will but when I get my taxes there late
Mar 29Reply

@cali1018 can you Lyell me what time I start please
Apr 05Reply

Thank you so much for sharing my item out of my closet 😊
Apr 05Reply

Just checking to see if I signed up in the correct spot💋
Apr 12Reply

@moorehair2 hey doll, no you signed up on the conversation page...just go to the sign in sheet right next to it and sign in there and please don't forget your ❤️705 next to your name. Sign ups close in 45 mins and we start sharing in one hour (roughly give or take a min or two)
Apr 12Reply

@carolsanders2 I'm completed sorry it took me a while to start // I did a few extra im truly sorry 💋💋
Apr 17Reply

Awesome closet!!💜🤗💛🌻
Apr 27Reply

@yolio awww thank you sweet!!
Apr 27Reply

Just posting to say hello since we're neighbors too and I like your closet. I'm west of Lincoln. Lol
Apr 29Reply

@carlahoney howdy it's not often I find someone that close so thank you for stopping by. Have you been on Poshmark very long?
Apr 29Reply

@cali1018 hi. I have been buying for about 9-10 months and just started selling to fund my habit and clean out my closets. It is addicting and fun. I have a lot to learn but it's hard working full time too. Wish I could retire and just do this and play with my animals. ha ha.
Apr 29Reply

@cali1018 💞💋❤️💪🏼🎉🛍😍💎🎁🎈😍💎🛍💪🏼❤💋💞💚🍋🔴😇🎁🛍🎁💋💞❤🔷❤️🎉💟🎁😘🙋🏻💁🏻💃🏻👚👙👠👗🌟🌈
May 09Reply

@mcmmaborder12 omg sweetest message ever!! Thank you love! I'm always here if you need me and you made my whole day xoxoxo Nora
May 10Reply

Hi, thanks for selling me the ring, this beautiful, can you give me the tracking of the package to know where it is?
May 10Reply

Hi, I was just wondering if you signed up for the jewelry share group today? Your comment says "all shared" so I wasn't sure if you had mistaken the list for a different day, or what was going on. Please let me know if I need to share you for today :)
May 13Reply

@misscole217 lol yes I'm a dork. I meant to just sign up but did it late last night lol
May 13Reply

@cali1018 Hahah no worries, just making sure :)
May 13Reply

Hi Posher Friend!!☺ Warm Greetings from San Antonio, Texas. Nice things in your closet, will come back and check again or message me for new postings. Sorry Ima busy bee at this time to post things. Lol HaHa. Have a Great Day. Mari 😀
May 25Reply

@nanamarie95 you got it love and thank you for the sweet words. I will add you to the new item notification list xoxo
May 25Reply

Hi doll, thanks for all the posh luv💟
May 29Reply

Thanks for the share 💋 XOXO
Jun 03Reply

Thank you for sharing the earrings :)
Jun 28Reply

Hi Nora! And yes, I'm already addicted! I was already a lover of all fashion, but this is crazy 😜 In a good way though! I've made a lot of purchases and met a lot of great sellers! I've also gotten a lot of great welcoming comments! So, thank you so much for yours, I am truly grateful! #blessed Lesley❤️
Jun 29Reply

@lesdan sweetest message ever!! I love it here too! It just gets better and better IMO! So glad to meet you love xoxo Nora
Jun 29Reply

Also..,love love love your daughters hair!! Makes me wish I was a little younger to give it a whirl myself! xo
Jun 29Reply

Thank you so very much Nora😊 Happy 4th of July to you😊
Jun 29Reply

@lesdan lolols me too! She changes the color about every other month. She's now back to her normal blonde (enhanced of course lol) so it's always fun to see what she comes up with. The younger generation gets away with so much more than I did.....she has tattoos everywhere and is an top selling insurance agent for one of the biggest firms...I love how much we have evolved!
Jun 29Reply

@dolly1370 😘😘😘😘😘😘
Jun 29Reply

😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚 Love Dolly
Jun 29Reply

@bevelacqua1 here are my "angels" lol! They are pretty amazing as well! Xo
Jun 30Reply

Thank you for ALL THE SHARES!!!!!😘
Jun 30Reply

@cabbo of course my's my favorite part of Poshmark!! 😘😘😘😘Nora
Jun 30Reply

@lindzz84. Both of mine are all grown up lol
Jun 30Reply

....and you are fast!!! How do you do that?
Jun 30Reply

@cabbo lol 3 years on Poshmark and 4 years with online boutiques and I guess you just get super used to it. Plus I have a turbo iPad lol
Jun 30Reply

@cali1018 both so beautiful, you're a very lucky Momma! 😊
Jun 30Reply

@lindzz84 aww thanks......believe me, it saved them as teenagers to be so cute lol
Jun 30Reply

@cali1018 oh gosh I bet haha...I'm NOT ready for those years! 🙈
Jun 30Reply

Thank you for sharing the Red Sox pj's. Happy 4th! 🎉
Jul 01Reply

@cali1018 Nora, I know you are extremely busy...but could I please ask you a favor? Would you please send me a message to ronscloset1 at yahoo ? I need your advice and it' s hard to write everything here. Thanks so much, Ron 😉
Jul 26Reply

@roninmemphis you just have questions about Poshmark?? Just making sure I understand lol...Nora
Jul 26Reply

@cali1018 Nora, I'm trying to expand my items in my closet and was hoping to get your advice on my manufacturers or wholesalers, strictly business, lol Ron
Jul 26Reply

@roninmemphis oh I figured business for sure....just wanted to make sure I knew which aspect....sure I will email you now no problem
Jul 26Reply

Hello, lovely lady! I hope you are enjoying your summer. I recently did a photoshoot and wore the black romper I bought from you as one of the outfits. My photos are posted on Instagram and I tagged @glamsquad2you on there. I think you will like it!☺️👍🏾💜💃🏾💁🏾
Jul 26Reply

@meimers aww thank you love
Aug 10Reply

Omgoodness this beautiful ring snags on everything!!!!is there any way to prevent this?!?!
Aug 11Reply

@jadaniels34 oh no....I don't know. I haven't had anyone mention it snagging. I don't know what to do it about that...😏😏😏😏
Aug 11Reply

Thz for shares
Aug 18Reply

Hi...hope you are active today. My name is Stephanie and you welcomed me when I first joined PoshMark. I need to ask you a question. I listed a Carla Mancini today and I received a response from someone who wants me to text them to give them my firm price. Have you ever done that before? Is this a normal practice? I would not consider selling outside of Poshmark but do you think there is anything suspicious about settling on a price? I would really welcome your feedback. Thanks
Aug 18Reply

@blackleocat hey problem at all. What you got was a spam message. Poshmark has been experiencing tons of spam lately so it's not even a real person. I always go and block the "Seller" and report as spam. It will get removed from your listing as well. You are 100% correct. I would never entertain anyone that sends a message like that and you are doing the right thing. Hope this helps xoxo
Aug 18Reply

@cali1018 Oh...yes it does, thank you for responding so quickly. I received an email the other day saying I need to update my account because a payment had not gone through and if I did'nt my account would be closed...I emailed Poshmark and of course they told me to always double check the domain and that they would never send me an email with a link for personal info....just letting you know so maybe you can let all these lovely ladies you deal with know so they don't get duped....
Aug 18Reply

@blackleocat that's crazy...thanks for the heads up😘😘😘😘😘
Aug 18Reply

Sorry, I love the skirt but cannot do it at this time.
Aug 26Reply

@ladybug818 here are my hellions lol
Aug 31Reply

Come check out my closet and I listen to all offers
Sep 02Reply

@cali1018 ...Hi, this is Stephanie again...I guess you are my go to person for I have a gal going through my closet right now and purchasing and bundling almost my entire closet. She purchased one bag at asking price, purchased a bundle she made an offer on that I accepted but now is bundling 7 items 2 of which are very nice for a price of 100 when bundled price is over 280. I am feeling very nervous. What do you think?
Sep 03Reply

@blackleocat hey doll, why are you nervous? I have people bundling items all the time and some buy and some make offers and some don't but there's no reason to worry about it either way. Maybe I'm not understanding lol. It's like when you are shopping online and you add things into a cart whether you buy them or not. Does that make sense?? She can't buy anything for less than what you have it listed for without you saying ok
Sep 03Reply

@blackleocat did that make sense?
Sep 03Reply

@cali1018 I guess I am not used to someone purchasing so much at I feel better though with your response. Thank you for letting me bend your ear.
Sep 03Reply

@blackleocat I totally understand that!! No problem.......congrats love xoxo
Sep 03Reply

Your page us everything! !!!!!♡♡♡☆☆☆
Sep 10Reply

@shopright2330 that's so sweet!! Thank made my day!
Sep 10Reply

Thanks for sharing.
Sep 11Reply

@cew8500 omg no I haven't gotten anything from you. I will reboot as soon as I'm home and let you know. I'm so sorry...this is the only one since last week
Sep 13Reply

Hi Nora just opened my fabulous silver sequin skirt it is the best thing I've ever seen love love love however it is so small it doesn't go over my hips I'm only a size 4-6 and the label reads XXL☹️☹️☹️😩😩😩😢😢😢😢 can I please return it for a even larger size I hate to spend the money on something I will never get to wear (my fat can shrink but not my hipbones) I will send everything back as it came including the free gift that was very nice like I said I love the skirt but it is way too small
Oct 03Reply

Please respond 😀 I need to return the silver sequin skirt for credit on your site you do not have to refund the cash please respond
Oct 03Reply

@cutebellacat hey doll, I'm sorry I'm doing packages that are going out today so I can get back to you as soon as I have finished those so I don't miss my pickup. I'm almost done xoxo Nora
Oct 03Reply

Beautiful exquisite jewelry!!!💟❤💗
Oct 04Reply

@angyinpink79 aww thank you love 😘😘😘
Oct 04Reply

@cali1018 need your mailing address
Oct 04Reply

Hey I'm offering a bundle discount and accepting all reasonable offers :) check out my closet and let me know if you see anything you like
Oct 04Reply

@cali1018 need your mailing address to send the silver skirt back I have bundled two items that I will take in exchange I will send it back priority Mail with tracking I left you good feedback already and excepted my package I threw the outer envelope away that the silver skirt came in that is why I do not have your address to send back
Oct 05Reply

@cutebellacat hey doll, email me at and I will send my address for the return and we can talk about which items you want to exchange for xoxo
Oct 05Reply

@cali1018 just messaged you thanks again
Oct 05Reply

Nora, I am emailing you with a quick question. Can you get back to me asap?
Oct 05Reply

@daisydukes1 sure love.....hope you liked all your items you got in this week. They’re some of my favorite items!! Will check shortly love
Oct 05Reply

Thanks for sharing my listing
Oct 07Reply

@cali1018 did you receive my silver skirt return
Oct 10Reply

Did you receive my silver skirt return
Oct 10Reply

@cutebellacat yes ma’am I got it in!! Let me know when you’re ready to use your closet credit xo
Oct 11Reply

@cali1018 I have two items in my bundle it's the best bitches three piece necklace and a wedding band in size 5 let me know if you see it
Oct 11Reply

@cutebellacat I’m so sorry it’s so far down my list in my bundle area that it’s gone away. Can you like another listing and then it will come back up to the top for me and I can see it again?
Oct 11Reply

@cutebellacat never mind lol, I went down about 20 pages and I found it. Are those the items you want in place of the skirt love??
Oct 11Reply

@cali1018 yes thx🤗😘 I know you are a busy lady hope the fires aren't affecting you
Oct 11Reply

@cutebellacat hey doll, ok sounds good. No I’m all clear of the fires but I’ve had some serious usps pickup issues this past week and it’s taking up so much of time. I ship out 20-30 packages a day and they hired a new postmaster and my scheduled daily pickups have been missed for past 5 Days so we are trying to get all that squared away. It’s too many to drop off every day but I think we are almost there with the solution...I hope lol 💁🙆🤷♀️🤦♀️
Oct 11Reply

Thank you so much for the share! Hope you have a great day and Happy Poshing! :)
Oct 13Reply

Hi Nora, I have recently become a Posh Ambassador and there are a lot of new Poshers sent my way. Would you share how you reach out to them? Most don't have closet info as of yet. Thanks for taking the time to respond. 🌹
Oct 22Reply

@denisekre22 hey doll, congrats on becoming a Posh Ambassador!! When you say contacting or reaching out to the new people what exactly do you mean? Are you wanting to find people that haven’t found you yet or just the ones that have? Just want to make sure I understand the question before answering....there’s so many new things right now that it’s hard to keep up with for sure
Oct 22Reply

@cali1018 it seems like every hour there is a new Posher following me but with no listings and no closet info. I'd like to share something from my closet but not sure of their size or likes. Do you just say hello to each of them or just follow back?
Oct 22Reply

@denisekre22 ok got it!! Many of your followers will just be shoppers. I have followers that have never set up closets but have bought from me for years now. I follow as many people as I can but when you become SU/Posh Ambassador you will randomly get out on the main page for suggested users for new people to follow. You can always say hi to anyone that you want (if they have a listing of course) but the followers will come in so many at a time now it will be hard to keep up...
Oct 22Reply

@denisekre22 my suggestion is just to reserve a time frame in the day to try and follow back and welcome any new followers but not too much time because it would be nonstop to keep up with. I get about 1-3k new followers every single day now so it’s really hard to keep up with them all. Does that make sense?? Lol
Oct 22Reply

@cali1018 ok got it. I started selling on PM to feed my shopping habit lol, but it's become fun and have met some great people. And of course, business women like yourself that are inspirational! Thanks so much. You have a beautiful closet.💜
Oct 22Reply

@denisekre22 you’re so sweet.....we all started in a similar way really.. I’m always here to help if you need me’s such a great community of women to be part of for sure xo
Oct 22Reply

@cali1018 thank you, I appreciate your help. Take care.
Oct 22Reply

Hi Nora, I'm hoping you can explain a new feature in the app. I've noticed when you want to send a private offer on a bundle that there are new opens to reduce shipping. If you choose one of those, is that an additional reduction to the price? What is the proper way to use that feature? Thanks in advance, I hope you're having a good weekend. ~Denise💜🌹
Nov 05Reply

@denisekre22 hey doll, it’s a pretty cool feature. You can use it however you see fit. It just all comes out of your bottom line for the item. I will usually offer it with a larger bundle offer as an incentive for the bundle. The offer just comes over with the bundle price and any discounted shipping your offering as well. Hopefully this helps but if not let me know and I can answer the question better lol xoxo
Nov 05Reply

@cali1018 ok, that makes sense! Another great tool from Poshmark!! Thanks for taking your time to respond, I really appreciate it! Hugs!🤗
Nov 05Reply

Amazing closer! Classy, professional, organized and just beautiful. What a talent
Nov 07Reply

@etrading awww thank you love!! So sweet! Xoxo Nora
Nov 07Reply

Thank you for sharing my item. Have a nice day. :)
Nov 13Reply

@cali1018 hey Nora!🌻🥀😀 so happy to read your amazing bio, wow, gorgeous family and yes your kids are remarkable!! What a beautiful family! Thanks for your support today sharing, I know I can make it to 10k followers with your help! Do you mentor? Sending LOVE from socal... xoxo ~M 💟💖😘🌻🥀
Nov 17Reply

@mariemari awww thank you love. So sweet of you! Yes you can get’s a lot of work but very worth it. Yes, I’m always willing to help anyone that reaches out to me....looks like your not brand new to Poshmark. Did you just start selling or just not very active at first?? Xoxo Nora
Nov 17Reply

@cali1018 thank you Nora! So sweet of you to write back. I bought a pair of jcrew shorts 2 years ago, but didn't become active until August 2017. First sale in September I think? I also wanted to say, your attitude of kindness and blessing those who may be less than kind in return, is really fundamental to so many things, isn't it? With this attitude we create a better world. Way to go. Mentoring others through kindness! Any and all suggestions for me are welcome..!
Nov 17Reply

@mariemari I will take a look thru your closet in a few mins and see what I can help you with right away love. So far it looks great but maybe I can help you get some quick sales..xoxo
Nov 17Reply

@cali1018 thank you Nora! No rush, I sure appreciate your help! 🌞😘💖🤗⚘
Nov 17Reply

Wow TYSM for following & sharing. I am a new Posher from California :) and you have a beautiful family
Nov 20Reply

@steveanna29 aww thank you so much Anna!! So sweet of you. Welcome!! I’m sure you’re already addicted or will be soon like the rest of us lol. You’re not that far from me!! How are you enjoying it so far?? Xoxo Nora
Nov 20Reply

@cali1018 u are not kidding, very addicted, lol. I think i might be getting the hang of it. I sure am enjoying all of the nice posher friends & everyone has been so helpful, its very nice.. Cali girls <3 Anna
Nov 20Reply

@steveanna29 Cali girls for sure!! I was addicted very quickly as well. I’m pretty sure I shopped more than sold in the beginning and I don’t regret it all lol. I learned a lot from shopping as well. I’m always here if you have any questions love...I’m just a closet away xoxo Nora
Nov 20Reply

Hi I'm backkkkk!:)
Nov 24Reply

Please remind me if how this goes ...totally forgot
Nov 24Reply

Thank you for following me! I can't wait to start POSHING my closet! LOVE your closet👗. Handbags are my ABSOLUTE weakness!!! (I have just over 450 - Coach, Fossil, Dooney etc. ) I wish you GREAT SUCCESS ☘️☘️ BEAUTIFUL closet 👗💞👗🌼
Dec 08Reply

@cali1018 hi! Nice to meet you , u added a lot of styles for men’s but I don’t have size XL for two of them. I changed the packs to 2S,2S,2M if you would like to re add the lunar lotus men’s T and snake seal T 🙏🏼. Thanks
Jan 17Reply

I put a bid for a ring... did you get payment ... it said it was shipped but I never revived it
Jan 23Reply

@rreininger67 hey doll, which ring was it because all of my rings have been shipped and/or received love
Jan 23Reply

2 pc 3CTW wedding set $50
Jan 23Reply

What share group did you share from today? I feel like I'm missing you.😞
Feb 02Reply

@debjross oh gosh girl......I’m not sure which one lol. I have shared for about 7 groups already this am. No worries though.....I’m sure you will get me regardless xoxo
Feb 02Reply

I saw that my order had been cancelled. Why? I was super looking forward to my goodies. Donnalee
Apr 03Reply

Hi. Thank you for sharing my listing. However I have not set up
My closet yet. It’s something I want to do for extra money. I live in SACRAMENTO!!!
Apr 09Reply

@crackerann awww no prob love.. that’s super cool so howdy neighbor Nora
Apr 09Reply

@crackerann just an FYI.....we will sometimes share the seller listing if it’s the only one to help you get my followers
Apr 09Reply

Thanks so much! Howdy to you too!
Apr 09Reply

@crackerann if you ever have any questions don’t hesitate to ask love
Apr 09Reply

Thanks so much. I may have question as I set up my closet. Thanks thanks thanks!!
Apr 09Reply

@jedfr098 aww thank you
Apr 13Reply

When you get the chance please call me at 213 493 4369 It is about your order? Frank
May 02Reply

@crescent_pm sure....I’m doing packages right now from last night trying to get them out in time for my pickup. Is there a problem??
May 02Reply

First I wan to apologize, for style CT4473 we are actually sold out of the plum but we have it in mocha did you want to swap the color? Or just ship out the Teal by itself?
May 02Reply

@crescent_pm ok do you have the olive in stock?
May 02Reply
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