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Updated Nov 08
Updated Nov 08

Our closet's purpose

Meet the Posher



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This is our sweet granddaughter Lila May at Bloomingdales in NYC in Nov 2014 (1st pix) in a fashion show for children with cancer.. Lila fought for her life from cancer called Neuroblastoma. She passed away on 9/12/2015. Our handcrafted jewelry sales originally helped with her medical & travel expenses. Lila loved sparkly things! A shoe lover too! Our items are much prettier in person. I hope you will follow me on Poshmark. Profits are now donated to Neuroblastoma charities : The Sierra Rayn Foundation, Solving Kids Cancer, Alex's Lemonade Stand, St. Judes, The Elle Foundation + others.
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nellym Hi Ellen, I'm Nelly. You have a beautiful granddaughter. My heart goes out to her and her battle. I would love to help you share your beautiful jewelry. Make sure you reach out to other poshers and share their closets too. 95% of the time poshers return the favor and share back which will increase your followers and potential sales. I'd be happy to tag you on follow games and posh parties if you're interested😊.
May 07Reply
ellenasmith1213 Thank you!
May 07Reply
ellenasmith1213 I just bought something from you. I love your closet!
May 07Reply
nellym Hi Ellen. Thanks for your purchase. You have stunning jewelry and will be purchasing as soon as I make a few more sales myself ;) TIPS: Read "Your Guide to Poshmark" & the FAQS in the Poshmark Support Center. Share your items several times a day, including parties. The more exposure, the better chance of a sale.
May 08Reply
nellym If would like to reply to someone on your listing make sure you tag the person (ex. @nellym). If you have any questions, tag me! I'm happy to help. Have fun & meet new people while selling your items! 🌸
May 08Reply
erika75 @ellenasmith1213 hi Ellen, your items are gorgeous! Your granddaughter Lila is so precious <3 Lots of luck with sales for the little one- sending positive vibes and gentle hugs your way. I will be sharing for you, try my best to daily.
May 08Reply
ellenasmith1213 @erika75 thank you so much
May 22Reply
caeolyn77 @ellenasmith1213 absolutely adorable ! Hi Ellen my name is Carolyn
May 22Reply
emily21202 God bless that little girl🌸
May 22Reply
ellenasmith1213 @emily21202 thank you Emily
May 22Reply
emily21202 @ellenasmith1213 Your Welcome! God bless
May 23Reply
vieluxueuse God bless this darling little girl. I will be happy to follow your closet and share your items!
Jun 01Reply
ellenasmith1213 @mommakatt66 @vieluxueuse @coolmum2 Thank you for your kind words!
Jun 03Reply
leedjs Everybody share this closet please, I am praying for your grand daughter everyday,and that God will give her the strength she needs and the will to heal and live life to the fullest..god bless you
Jun 05Reply
ellenasmith1213 @leedjs thank you so much for your comments and share!!!
Jun 05Reply
ginag256 Prayers from Georgia ;)))
Jun 14Reply
cdunninger @ellenasmith1213 What a beautiful grandmother and beautiful granddaughter! I will pray for your precious family every night. And I will definitely be back to purchase some of your sweet items and help you out the best I can. God bless your family. Love-Courtney💝🌈
Jun 19Reply
ellenasmith1213 @cdunninger Thank you Courtney!
Jun 19Reply
ellenasmith1213 @tkamins Thank you Tailor!
Jun 19Reply
meg9813 Praying for you and your family. She is so precious. Hope you get good news soon 💕💕
Jul 01Reply
ellenasmith1213 @meg9813 Thank you so much!!!
Jul 01Reply
oneofakind_us May she she be blessed and cured by God! Will definitely support your closet! 💗
Jul 04Reply
ellenasmith1213 @oneofakind_us thank you so much and welcome to Poshmark!
Jul 04Reply
debbiefrayer She's beautiful hon, my daughter fights everyday for her life also, she is completely paralyzed on a ventalater and 4 other machines due to a massive stroke inutero from her bio moms drug use so I know how devastating it is to have a sick Angel. Prayers help and I'll pray for your darling granddaughter. I'm sharing your closet with my followers and hopefully you'll get some sales from my girls to. God bless you and little Lila Mae😘😘
Jul 22Reply
ellenasmith1213 @debbiefrayer Thank you Debbie!
Jul 22Reply
pearlyshells2 🙏🏽Prayers for pretty gal Lila. I will share with my posh lady friends.
Aug 17Reply
majicou What a beauty. I too have cancer; I was diagnosed in December, when I was pregnant with my second child. I refused to terminate my pregnancy and I am SO glad I didn't! We are all doing well as of right now. I hope your precious little granddaughter recovers fast. We are fighting the same battle, little one. We will overcome this!! <3
Aug 23Reply
ellenasmith1213 @majicou thank you for sharing your story Jane. I will keep you in my prayers.
Aug 24Reply
lacie510 I have been a pediatric nurse for a long time. Thankfully medicine has changed a lot since I started in medicine. My prayers for all of you.
Sep 21Reply
lacie510 @ellenasmith1213 I want you to know you and your family are in my prayers twice a day .... My heart so hurts for you.
Sep 29Reply
stacybaby124 So sorry for your loss. There are just are no words. May you find comfort in the Lord and know that she is with Him. Prayers to you and your family. 💕
Oct 06Reply
ellenasmith1213 @lacie510 I don't think I responded to you earlier. Thank you so much for your prayers. It means a lot.
Oct 06Reply
ellenasmith1213 @stacybaby124 thank you so much. Your note means a lot to us.
Oct 06Reply
lacie510 Just letting you know that you and your family are still in my thoughts and prayers. Know all too well the lose of a child. Heart breaking.
Oct 17Reply
ellenasmith1213 @lacie510 hi Lacie, thank you again. It is so heartwarming to get messages like yours. I have to admit I am really struggling far more than I thought I would. So is my husband. 💜❤️💙
Oct 17Reply
ellenasmith1213 @whimsyfashions Thank you. Love your closet too!
Nov 04Reply
pennyochoa Hi Ellen, don't know why,but have been thinking about you all day. It might be the pressence of the Lord I feel you have in you. Words cannot express the emotion you feel when you lose a precious child. I just want to say I lost my mother,and father to cancer,my mom in 2013,and my dad in 2010. If there is anything i can do for you and your family please let me know. I'am praying for you,and your family. Your friend penny!!
Nov 22Reply
ellenasmith1213 @pennyochoa dear Penny, thank you for your kind words. While I have experience a huge loss, I have also gained much such as making new friends like you. I have been blessed to make friends on Facebook with people from countries I don't even know how to pronounce. I appreciate your prayers and thoughts. Tomorrow I will put together a package for you with some special pricing. Please let me know what all items you would really like to have. Cancer is such a devastating disease. God bless you.
Nov 22Reply
reemal01 Hi Ellen. I'm sorry for your loss. I love what you have done and still are doing. God Bless You! Love your closet. Will be sharing. Prayers to you and your family thus holiday season. 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Nov 28Reply
ellenasmith1213 @reemal01 Thank you so much! ❤️
Nov 28Reply
drruthie She's such a beautiful little girl. Words can't even begin to express how heart breaking this all is. My prayers goes out to you and your family. Lila May is in your heart and will always be with you.
Dec 07Reply
ellenasmith1213 @drruthie Thank u for your kind words. It means a lot. You have a very nice Poshmark closet!
Dec 07Reply
drruthie You have such nice things too. I can see that each piece was made with love.
Dec 07Reply
joaniejohnson66 She is beautiful so sorry for your loss
Dec 13Reply
ellenasmith1213 @joaniejohnson66 thank you! Making jewelry is good therapy :-) plus we are still donating our profits to a neuroblastoma charity. Hoping to someday find a cure.
Dec 13Reply
joaniejohnson66 I luv your jewelry too I will point my husband to your closet for gift buying please check out my closet as well what I like about posh most the women and life stories I have a little 7 month granddaughter yours is no doubt now a shinning angel I so pray for a cure
Dec 13Reply
lancy428 Good evening ellenasmith1213, I purchased two necklaces from your closet and I love them! I want to buy another one as a gift for my friend. It is the exact the same as my first purchase. Do you have a email I can send you pic of the one I want buy?
Dec 21Reply
ellenasmith1213 @lancy428 Lan it is ellen_a_smith at hotmail dot com
Dec 22Reply
karebear51 @ellenasmith1213 💐💕What a beautiful little angel👼! I'm a nurse who has cared for children in this same type of battle and my heart goes out to you and your family. May God comfort and carry you all through this very painful loss💖. In His love, Karen
Jan 07Reply
sparky01 Hi Ellen. So sorry to read about your granddaughter.😢 Your jewelry is amazing though & I just couldn't follow & share without commenting. 😍😍
Jan 10Reply
ellenasmith1213 @sparky01 Thank you so much!
Jan 10Reply
clairebeck @ellenasmith1213 so sorry for your tremendous loss! I lost a child 28 years ago at birth and it's so devastating I'm so so sorry! Waiting for our first grandchild this week he will be born with a right sided CDH and will be at Children's Hospital in Milwaukee WI for 12 weeks! God bless you and your beautiful jewelry that you make in honor of your granddaughter! I will be purchasing soon!
Jan 24Reply
clairebeck @ellenasmith1213 do you have an Instagram page where you sell your beautiful jewelry also??
Jan 24Reply
ellenasmith1213 @clairebeck thank you Claire. I will keep your new grand baby in my prayers. I have an Instagram page, but I have never used it to sell jewelry. How does that work?
Jan 24Reply
clairebeck @ellenasmith1213 Not sure how it works you may want to look into it you could reach even more daughter asked me! Thank you for your prayers and thoughts!
Jan 25Reply
jilla67 Hi Ellen I hustled noticed that USPS did not update the status of your package I shipped it out on 1/25/16 along with another package the other package was received but I do not know why yours has not updated please contact me and let me know if you receive or have received the package I contacted poshmark for assistance with this issue I'm so sorry for any Inconvenience this may have cause you. Thank you Jill
Jan 29Reply
jilla67 I noticed You did not receive your package spell check error
Jan 29Reply
ellenasmith1213 @jilla67 hi, it has not come yet. I will text you the second it arrives. I have had the same thing happen on two of my shipments.
Jan 29Reply
jilla67 I'm so sorry this never happened before to me
Jan 29Reply
ellenasmith1213 @jilla67 I have even taken packages to the post office and stood there while they scanned them into their system, and they still didn't show up on tracking. If it doesn't come by end of day today, you can contact posh Mark and let them know. I am not worried because I have seen this happen to me 2 other times.
Jan 29Reply
jilla67 Ok I already contacted poshmark so hopefully they can help get me some answers thanks again
Jan 29Reply
sharkgirl23 @ellenasmith1213 So sorry to hear about your granddaughter. I send prayers to you and your family. You and your husband do beautiful work. ♡
Feb 03Reply
ellenasmith1213 @sharkgirl23 thank you so much!
Feb 03Reply
miataylor1974 @ellenasmith1213 Do you mind if I create a listing in my closet showing your granddaughter and directing all my followers and friends to you as well.. I am deeply sadded for your beautiful loss and my heart goes out to you...My fiance and I lost out child, I was 6 months pregnant and we both try to put good karma out there and help any way we can...
Feb 08Reply
miataylor1974 I dont even know if Poshmark allows they?
Feb 08Reply
ellenasmith1213 @miataylor1974 It's fine with me. I think it's great, as long as we are not trying to take sales away from Poshmark.
Feb 08Reply
ellenasmith1213 @miataylor1974 And so sorry about your loss.
Feb 08Reply
miataylor1974 @ellenasmith1213 thank u very much! Yeah i dont know ill check around ask a few people...i dont want to get booted off for making an error
Feb 08Reply
jodi_marina @ellenasmith1213 first might I say you're grand daughter is a true angel. I'm not over religious but have faith she's proud of you & is forever smiling. If I can help with shares or any deal let me know. 😃👚👛👜🎀👠💍👑😊
Feb 16Reply
ellenasmith1213 @jodi_marina thank you so much Jodi. That is very sweet of you to say.
Feb 16Reply
tdh1908 @ellenasmith1213 Hello and welcome to the champagne toast share group lead by our awesome host @fairlygirly .
Mar 03Reply
cajt62 I can't begin to even understand what you're going through. My heart goes out to you. Your jewelry is absolutely beautiful and I have saved several items in my likes so that I can come back and try to decide which ones to buy. The fact that it's so beautiful and goes for such a great cause just makes your jewelry even more beautiful. May God bless you and your family. I will be sharing your items as much as possible.
Mar 10Reply
ellenasmith1213 @catkat22 thank you for your sweet words. The support on Poshmark is amazing. 💜💜💜
Mar 11Reply
miataylor1974 @ellenasmith1213 u might get bombarded by girls i creared that page and quite a few are on there way over to look in you closet!! Hope you make tons of money!!
Mar 23Reply
ellenasmith1213 @miataylor1974 thank you my friend!
Mar 23Reply
miataylor1974 @ellenasmith1213 awww you are so very welcome....i cant wait to have my first event coming up here april 2nd where i get to show everyone what you do and the reason behind it!! U ARE THE AMAZING ONE!!!
Mar 23Reply
rocambolesco Your jewelry is STUNNING!! 😍😍
Apr 01Reply
ellenasmith1213 @style_by_sarah oh thank you so much. I love all your Kendra Scott jewelry.
Apr 01Reply
rocambolesco Thank you so much! Happy poshing 😊
Apr 01Reply
ellenasmith1213 @style_by_sarah I see u are from Irvine. I moved to Oregon from Irvine 20 years ago. I lived there from 6th grade on. I was there visiting friends last week. I love Irvine! (But I love Oregon more.). 🌲🌲🌲
Apr 01Reply
rocambolesco What a small world! I love Irvine. My husband and I moved here last summer from further north Orange County. I don't ever want to leave 😊
Apr 01Reply
kamykaze @ellenasmith1213 Hi, I just happen to come across your closet and I'm mesmerized by all your pretty jewelry 😍! def sharing and bookmarking your closet, it's very lovely❣
Jun 10Reply
ellenasmith1213 @kamykaze Thank you! You have such a beautiful closet yourself!
Jun 10Reply
bslaven001 Thank you so much for my beautiful necklace! You're right...they are even more beautiful in person! And the gift sent with it is beautiful too! Thank you so much! Prayers to you and your family. What you and your husband are doing is truly amazing!!!
Jun 21Reply
ellenasmith1213 @bslaven001 Thank you so much.
Jun 22Reply
marinenhisqueen What a beautiful closet, and precious little girl! I am so sorry, and will definitely share and purchase!!
Jul 01Reply
jenbrown76 Your closet is gorgeous, what stunning pieces!!!!! Wow ❤️❤️❤️❤️🌺🌺🌺🌺
Jul 08Reply
global_wardrobe Hi there. Will share your items. I work with cancer patients and think it's vital to help find as you do! My best to you and your family
Jul 29Reply
ellenasmith1213 @hsd_fashion Thank you so much. This Sunday is Lila May's birthday. She would have been six years old. I love being able to share the message and make beautiful sparkly jewelry in honor of her. 😍
Jul 29Reply
kstarmaui @ellenasmith1213 sorry that this bright little star is not giggling here with you.......though I know she shines bright in your heart. I imagine you must miss her beyond words terribly. Sending you lots of Love!
Jul 31Reply
ellenasmith1213 @kstarmaui Hi K, we drove 90 miles to Brookings to sit on the beach, escape the heat of the Rogue Valley, and to reflect on Lila. It's a good day.
Jul 31Reply
secondhand113 Your jewelry is beautiful and so is your granddaughter! I am so sorry for you loss! ❤️❤️❤️
Aug 03Reply
ellenasmith1213 @aem627 thank you so much.
Aug 03Reply
born_againbtq So sorry ❤️❤️
Aug 26Reply
jannies @ellenasmith1213 , So sorry to hear about your little Lila , can't imagine ❤️💧💧
Aug 26Reply
juliek8898 @ellenasmith1213 Hugs to u and ur family. I lost my 2 yr old angel girl, Cora, to a very sudden glioblastoma, 9.5.12. I see her often in my youngest daughter, Ellie. There are no words for such terrible, heart breaking loss. Lots of love to u all.
Aug 28Reply
ellenasmith1213 @juliek8898 hi Julie, thank you for sharing with me. I can only begin to imagine your pain as a grandma. I am sorry for your loss as well and I hope you'll keep in touch. 💜💜💜
Aug 28Reply
mommyc @chrissyn @thesavvyposher check out her beautiful jewelery ladies & treat urself to something pretty for a good cause 😉🎀
Aug 31Reply
mommyc I shared ur closet to my facebook too 😉 beautiful little Angel u have there 😉😇 my aunts battling now. Its hard. u r so very right..something a child should never endure. I cant imagine. Peacefulness & prayers to u & ur family.
Aug 31Reply
ellenasmith1213 @mommyc Thank you Candace for your kind words and for sharing on your Facebook page and with your posh friends. Poshmark has been a wonderful supportive place and I am endlessly blessed by the love shown here. Thank you.
Aug 31Reply
mommyc @ellenasmith1213 yes it is a great supportive community. Best wishes to u guys
Aug 31Reply
honeybeeoutlet Beautiful girl. So sorry you lost her. ❤️
Sep 04Reply
mook25r Hi Ellen, love my purple earrings. Was hoping to see if you would be able to make emerald earrings just like the same ones I received in purple. Is that possible?
Sep 23Reply
e_l_e_a_n_o_r Your "meet the posher" listing is considered ur closet bookmark :) @ellenasmith1213
Nov 03Reply
hauteinthecity 🎉 Saying hello from the Midwest! Thank you so much for following my closet.
Nov 29Reply
ellenasmith1213 @thewardrobecoll Hi back at ya from Oregon!
Nov 30Reply
enocharden Thanks for following my closet 💕😊
Dec 15Reply
leaditbackhome Hi Lila! Thank you for the follow! I just want to ask, would you be interested in learning about Rodan and Fields? You can email me at
Jan 29Reply
jlz1396 Hi Ellen thanks for the follow! Your jewelry is so beautiful! I'm a jewelry maker myself so I can appreciate others talent. I wanted to say how deeply sorry I am to hear of your granddaughter's passing. She was beautiful I couldn't imagine the pain of losing her and the fight she must of fought. We have a friend who's nephew was diagnosed with stage 4 Neuroblastoma and he is now 3 years old and has fought it twice.I also recently lost my grandfather to cancer so your cause is very dear to me❤️️
Feb 25Reply
ellenasmith1213 @jlz1396 Thank you so much. I appreciate your words. Sorry to hear of your loss as well. Do you shop at Fire Mountain Gems?
Feb 25Reply
jlz1396 @ellenasmith1213 Yes I shop with them a lot and mainly get all my supplies through them! I love Fire Mountain Gems!
Feb 25Reply
fivetenandahalf Thanks so much for following my closet, yours is great!
Mar 12Reply
dragonflybtq Can you make any of your rings in a specific size rather than it being adjustable?
Mar 21Reply
ellenasmith1213 @my3kidsark all of the ring findings are adjustable - none of them are set
Mar 22Reply
ellenasmith1213 @my3kidsark Thank you again for your generous shares.
Mar 22Reply
dragonflybtq @ellenasmith1213 of course! I'm so totally addicted that I forget to share my stuff sometimes! I know all your rings are adjustable & gorgeous! I was curious if you could make one in a set size for a special order. I'm not sure if I worded it right the first time. I have a habit of doing that! 😕
Mar 22Reply
ellenasmith1213 @my3kidsark Tag me on the ring that you like and I'll see what I can do.
Mar 22Reply
dragonflybtq @ellenasmith1213 ok. It might take me a day or so to decide! They're all amazing!!! Thank you so very much!! 💜🙄
Mar 22Reply
annseedee Your grand daughter was such a beautiful little girl and I bet she had a beautiful personality as well! I am so sorry for your loss. But I am happy for you and your family that you had her in your life, even so briefly. She is bringing smiles to poshers when we see her sweet photos and I am going to slow down today to give extra love to my teenagers! Thank you for sharing her story. Your jewelry is beautiful. I will be happy to share and purchase soon! Best wishes to you and your family.
May 07Reply
ellenasmith1213 @annseedee Thank you so much for your thoughtful words. That means so much to my husband and me. 😇
May 07Reply
lauramichelle26 Hi Ellen! I came across your absolutely stunning jewelry! (I have always LOVED Swarovski Crystals - the sparkle just draws me in!) I am so unbelievably sorry for your loss. Your granddaughter was too cute!! I lost my father when I was 15, and everyone always says how sorry they are for your loss. Their intentions are always pure, but the sentiment doesn't help much. At least it didn't for me. But there really isn't anything anyone can say that will help.
May 22Reply
lauramichelle26 What helped me was being surrounded by my loved ones, particularly some of my 30+ cousins. It has been 17 years since I lost my dad and it still hurts every time I think about it, which is all the time. I'in those moments it's loved ones that help the most. I know, in rambling, I just wanted to reach out to you and let you know I am always here if you ever want to talk. And again, I'm sorry for your loss!
May 22Reply
lauramichelle26 I will definitely be buying Christmas and birthday gifts here. I love that all the proceeds are given to Neuroblastoma charities. I am a singer/songwriter and I have partnered with Donate Life America, which promotes and educates people on organ donation among many other things. They have named me their first National VOICE.
May 22Reply
lauramichelle26 My dad had a heart transplant when I was a baby and when he passed away he had been on the list for a kidney and liver for 4+ years. A song off my current album was just released as a single and 100% of the proceeds go to Donate Life America. I mention this because since I've been working with them, it has helped me heal more and find a bit of closure. The pain and severe loss will always be a part of me, but I'd like to have it not consume me.
May 22Reply
lauramichelle26 I hope you also heal by knowing you are making a difference when donating to neuroblastoma charities. (Again, sorry for the ramble. I was just so touched and heartbroken when I read about you losing your granddaughter and how you Donate the proceeds.) sending you a virtual big hug!
May 22Reply
ellenasmith1213 @lauramichelle26 thank you for writing to me and sharing your story too. I will go to your website to hear more about your music. You are so kind to offer your support. Making and selling jewelry has been therapeutic for me.
May 22Reply
ellenasmith1213 @lauramichelle26 I just watched your video and heard your song. Oh my gosh, it's fantastic. I also just started following you on Facebook. Bless you! 💜💜💜
May 22Reply
ellenasmith1213 @lauramichelle26 I also love Swarovski crystals so so so much. I love the necklace you are wearing in your video. In my day job, I work at one of the largest bead and jewelry supply companies in the world so I get to see all of the different sparkly crystals that we sell.
May 22Reply
lauramichelle26 @ellenasmith1213 aw! Thank you so much!! I really appreciate it!! That's such a cool job!!! I would spend all my paycheck there if I worked there. Lol. I lack self control with things like that sometimes. I'm glad making and selling jewelry has been therapeutic! It's always important to find something like that. Crafts and writing are my main things that help me.
May 23Reply
ellenasmith1213 @lauramichelle26 Laura, Please let me know if there is anything you might want as a custom item. I can do some of my work in different varieties. I am excited to have connected with you. I was from Southern California, but now I live in Oregon. 🌲
May 23Reply
rjrkbythebay @ellenasmith1213 I am so sorry for the loss of your precious angel of a grand daughter. My prayers to you and your family <3 I understand the devastation of child loss, as I lost my son. It changes you forever, but like you, I try to put my energy into doing good instead of living my life in sadness. Your jewelry is beautiful. Rachel
May 29Reply
ellenasmith1213 @rjrkpt Thank you so much and I am also sorry for your loss of your son. What was his name? 💜💜💜
May 29Reply
rjrkbythebay @ellenasmith1213 Thank you. His name is Jordan and he is my forever angel 😇 I talk to him regularly like he can hear me. I hope he does ❤️
May 29Reply
tannerlc60 GM🤗Ellen, Hope you get a chance to check out my closet 💚👗👖👝👜👕
Jun 21Reply
mimisinc1 @ellenasmith1213 Hi Ellen, your closet is beautiful. I'm new so thank you for taking the time to share my closet. 😊🌷
Jul 09Reply
ellenasmith1213 @mimisinc1 thank you too. I am happy to help if you have any questions. 💕
Jul 09Reply
mimisinc1 @ellenasmith1213 Thank you. I sure will need a lot of help.🌷
Jul 09Reply
lakeforest Hi Ellen, what a wonderful thing you to for children's cancer💗😘💐I saw your note in our jewelry share group & my eyes welled up. I was diagnosed w/Stage 3c Ovarian Ca. 18 months ago and went thru all the surgeries & lots of chemo. I'm now 1 year ca. free & hope the beast never returns! My condolences to you re. your granddaughter!
Jul 21Reply
ellenasmith1213 @lakeforest Thank you Dorothy. I had seen your photo from previous shares and wondered if you were being treated. I will be keeping you in my prayers. Thank you so much for your support as well. 🎗
Jul 22Reply
lakeforest Aww.. thank you for those kind words.. I keep cautiously optimistic everyday.. your granddaughter was a beautiful little girl!💝God Bless..Dorothy xo
Jul 22Reply
siggyjewelry Hi Ellen, Thank you so much for the love and the shares. Your story and terrible loss of your precious granddaughter really touched my heart and I admire what you're doing to raise awareness and help the cause. Your closet is beautiful and I wish you and yours the very best. 💞
Sep 01Reply
ellenasmith1213 @siggyjewelry thank you. I love your closet too. We have some similar pieces. Do you get your findings from Gita-Jewelry? I get a lot there. I used to work at Fire Mountain Gems so that was a perfect resource. I wish you success too!!! 💜
Sep 01Reply
ellenasmith1213 @shelleyallen43 you have a pretty awesome closet yourself!
Sep 08Reply
dahliadeals Just read this. My heart goes out to your family. I'll share this and your post. She was beautiful.
Sep 14Reply
ellenasmith1213 @momandlo080516 thank you. Yesterday was 2 yrs since she got her Angel wings. ❤️
Sep 14Reply
dahliadeals @ellenasmith1213 "angel wings" so beautifully put. She was always an angel. She just had to leave early. I hope her story is inspiration. You can see the love for her in the jewelry.
Sep 14Reply
jjfaith I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your beautiful granddaughter, words cannot express... But this post is very touching and your jewelry is beautiful ❤❤❤
Nov 16Reply
ellenasmith1213 @jjfaith Thank you so much for your sweet words.
Nov 16Reply
splove515 I think you're so wonderful. It's so hard to lose a loved one. I lost my sister to leukemia. Your grand daughter was beautiful. As soon as I have some money I will either be purchasing from your closet or donating directly to the Sierra rayn foundation you listed, or possibly both. God bless you 💙💙💙
Jan 19Reply
ellenasmith1213 @splove515 Thank you so much for your kind words and I’m so sorry for your loss as well. I bet you miss your sister very much. ❤️❤️❤️
Jan 19Reply
goldenpolkadot @ellenasmith1213 Hello Posh Lovely💖 my name is Olga 🙋🏻‍♀️i just want to wish you a beautiful & POSHtastic day! Hope its a great one... i come bearing flowers for ya 💐🌷🌹😘💨 Olga Formerly Partymk999
Feb 27Reply
5starfinds Elana, looking at little Lila May. I am so sorry for your loss. May God bless you with the strength to hang in there 🍀. Your jewelry is beautiful
Mar 17Reply
ellenasmith1213 @becomewinners Thank you. You have a great closet too!
Mar 18Reply
delilahwear @ellenasmith1213 Hi Ellen , I love the earrings so much .👏❤️⭐️😊 Your granddaughter is smiling from heaven with all the sparkles her Grammie is sharing with others . Much love and sparkles to her ❣️👀👍❤️🌟😊
Mar 27Reply
ellenasmith1213 @delilahwear Thank you. I still can’t believe it made it all the way across country since Saturday. I only have made 2 pairs of earrings like that, so you have a unique pair. I’m so glad you love them.
Mar 27Reply
delilahwear @ellenasmith1213 aw.. I feel even more blessed to own them . Thank you for sharing your handmade earrings with me . I shall treasure them and think of Lila each time I wear them . I am a preschool teacher and I love children .🌟❤️😊❣️ Poshing is my second job My third job is running 👟👟👟👟 Hobbies - cooking / hiking / traveling We want to visit Oregon one day .. we have been told by our daughter that it’s much like our home in Maine .🌟❤️😊
Mar 27Reply
ellenasmith1213 @delilahwear I was in Portland Maine for a business trip years ago and it was beautiful. Poshmark is also a side business for me. I am in information technology management. My husband is retired but he has his own organic coffee roasting business. Coffee is big in the Pacific Northwest. I also love to cook and travel. We went to Mexico for Christmas this year and then went back again in February. Thinking about retiring there someday. The only downside is that Poshmark is United States only. 😛
Mar 27Reply
delilahwear @ellenasmith1213 aw.. so glad you visited Portland , Maine . We live only 35 minutes from there . If you ever come back , please ket he know . I would love to show you different places of interest . We have never been to Mexico ( heard it was beautiful ). We are leaving in 11 days for my favorite place Kauai , HI . I would love to buy some of your coffee . I have been eating organic for over 25 years . Health nut 🌟❤️😊❣️
Mar 27Reply
ellenasmith1213 @delilahwear if you want to email or text me from the info in the thank you note, I can hook you up with some coffee ☕️ - and likewise let me know if you come to oregon. I am at the south end of the state, 250 miles from Portland.
Mar 27Reply
delilahwear @ellenasmith1213 aw.. will do 🌟❤️😊⭐️PFF
Mar 27Reply
delilahwear @erjumper this is the jewelry I wanted to show you :)
Apr 04Reply
erjumper Oh I’m so sorry to hear about your granddaughter! No words. I can’t imagine how you feel.The jewelry is beautiful.
Apr 04Reply
ellenasmith1213 @erjumper thank you 🙏
Apr 04Reply
missmoonxoxo I'm so sorry about the passing of your beautiful granddaughter, Lila. I can't imagine the pain a (grand)parent must feel when they have to bury a (grand)child after watching them deteriorate. The jewelry you make is a wonderful way to help pay for her medical care & commemorate her life. Thanks for the follow ❤💖💙
Apr 06Reply
ellenasmith1213 @mocharocha thank you too!!! 💕
Apr 06Reply
zoewilmont Hi! Just a quick note; I am new to Poshmark. There are so many beautiful closets out there; I hope you will take a moment and view mine. Thank you, and happy Poshing!
Apr 18Reply
kmt1213 I am so sorry for your loss! I saw your comment on FB...thank you for replying! I am sharing now and wish you many, many sales. I will definitely be back to do some shopping of my own!
Jul 15Reply
ellenasmith1213 @kmt1213 thank you sooooooooo much. I will return the favor!
Jul 15Reply
sadiebellaave Good morning Ellen!!! Thank you so much for your rating and such kind words given! I am so glad that you are happy with your purchase!! I just read your bio about your granddaughter and the purpose of your closet. What a beautifully amazing way to keep her sparkle with you and honor her each day! May God Bless You in abundance and shower you with his love always! 😘
Jul 21Reply
tricia77r So sorry about her passing. Heaven got a beautiful angel! And Nice to meet you on posh. Hope you are loving it! ❤️
Aug 07Reply
kfab333 @ellenasmith1213 Hello there 💕😊thank you for stopping by - if you would like to bundle your likes I can send a discount and ship with your gifts 🎁 asap
Nov 16Reply
ellenasmith1213 @kfab333 thank you so much. I love your closet!
Nov 16Reply
kfab333 @ellenasmith1213 you are so kind thank you 😊
Nov 16Reply
anites_atelier I am in tears.... as a new mother my heart cant handle what yall have gone through... thank you so much for your hearts and diligence... hugs to yall! If i could i would definitely buy many of your georgeous items! As a stay at home mom my budget is very limited and whatever i earn here I send it to my family and church in a third world country... but i had yo stop and share my condolences.... sighhhh
Nov 19Reply
ellenasmith1213 @anites_atelier thank you so much!
Nov 19Reply
illuzion Your craft with this handmade jewelry is amazing and my heartfelt condolences on losing your granddaughter to cancer, may she sleep in peace and continue dancing with the angels
Nov 20Reply
ellenasmith1213 @illuzion Thank you so much. 😍
Nov 20Reply
illuzion @ellenasmith1213 you are so welcome ❤
Nov 20Reply
siggyjewelry Happy holidays to you and yours. Wishing you much health and happinesses. ⛄️❤️
Nov 24Reply
nursesuezq5 She was beautiful!! God Bless that angel!! ❤🙏
Dec 02Reply
nursesuezq5 @ellenasmith1213 you're welcome! 😘
Dec 02Reply
avavincent @ellenasmith1213 HI! First I'd like to say what beautiful work you do,! And then I would like to ask you if you would do a special request? Something basically added to a piece you already have (it's the Handcrafted necklace with Swarovski crystal #116 ). I'm not sure how I could show you except to put a pic up in my closet @avavincent
Dec 11Reply
delilahwear @ellenasmith1213 hi Ellen ❤️😊🥰🥰🥰👁👁 I have missed you soo much I hope your well Let’s chat soon my PFF Night night
Jan 26Reply
delilahwear @ellenasmith1213 GM my PFF soo nice to hear from you 🥰🥰🌠❤️👌👏🌈☕️☕️ I hope you are well . What’s new ? R u still working many hours ? How’s your daughters coffee shop ? How’s Posh ?
Feb 18Reply
delilahwear @ellenasmith1213 Ellen your closet is amazing and GORGEOUS🥰👌❤️♥️👌👌🥰😊🤗
Feb 18Reply
ellenasmith1213 @delilahwear Hi there, it’s so good to hear from you. Yes I’m still working a million hours a week. I have been doing a lot of Poshmark sharing and share groups, and I have hardly sold anything in months. I actually sold something last night for the first time in a long time.
Feb 19Reply
ellenasmith1213 @delilahwear this past weekend we were at the Oregon coast. The light there is so good for photography, so I took pictures of several pieces of jewelry. Wish I could do that full-time. Our daughter Heidi just had a baby boy. She is the one who lost Lila May.
Feb 19Reply
ellenasmith1213 @delilahwear her coffee drive-through is doing really well. We went up to where she lives a few weeks ago. Wish we could be closer because it is a 6 hour drive to visit. My husband is still roasting coffee as well. Since you and I last communicated we moved from Gold Hill to Phoenix Oregon.
Feb 19Reply
ellenasmith1213 @delilahwear how is your business doing? How is your daughter? I still think of you and the maple syrup.
Feb 19Reply
delilahwear @ellenasmith1213 It was so nice hearing your news A new house lovely !! . Congrats on your new. Grand-baby. You must be so excited It’s so good to hear that your daughter is doing well too ! Longboard coffee is sure tasty . It certainly looks like your hubby is doing great with it too ! I gave up teaching this past August. My daughter is doing better ( younger one ). Her and her boyfriend bought a house Maple Sunday is coming soon Would you like some ?
Feb 21Reply
ellenasmith1213 @delilahwear That would be fabulous!
Feb 22Reply
dogsnposh 🙋‍♀️ #3 stopping in! Good luck with sales today!! Shared a few extra for your angel. 👼🏼
Mar 07Reply
maidensmarket @ellenasmith1213 💍🧜🏻‍♀️🐙 SHARED 🐙🧜🏻‍♀️💍 hi love, no. 155 here, swimming by beautiful your closet from the 💎 JEWELRY TRUNK SHOW 💎 sharing event 3/16 // hoping you make tons of sales this week! I’ve shared 🌟 10 🌟 items from your closet. wishing you the best! 💍 🧜🏻‍♀️ much love, MIN.
Mar 16Reply
ellenasmith1213 @minhee_ thank you, so sweet of you to say hi!!!
Mar 16Reply
shugapantz So sorry for your loss, what a beautiful girl💕💕 & your jewelry is beautiful as well😊 you are doing a wonderful thing, I will keep sharing.
Mar 21Reply
ellenasmith1213 @shugapantz thank you so very much. Your closet is beautiful too!
Mar 22Reply
mdbeachgirl I’m so sorry to hear about your granddaughter 😢 I lost my dad and sister also to cancer. They are always with you in spirit ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Mar 23Reply
myvintagelady Passing by from the share event. Wanted to compliment your closet and I read your description. I’m so sorry for your loss, I understand your pain. 🤗💗🤗 Hugs! by the way, love your closet! 💗
Mar 23Reply
ellenasmith1213 @mdbeachgirl thank you for your kind words!
Mar 23Reply
ellenasmith1213 @myvintagelady thank you so much. I appreciate it! Awesome share event too. 💖
Mar 23Reply
rockcandystyle I will happily follow and share your beautiful items in memory of your beautiful granddaughter. 💖🙏🏻💖
Mar 24Reply
michellern24 Your granddaughter is beautiful, it broke my heart to read this. My little girl was born just 3 days before your granddaughter passed away, makes me realize just how blessed I am. My mom’s birthday is coming up so I will be buying some of your beautiful jewelry to go toward your cause.
Mar 27Reply
ellenasmith1213 @michellern24 thank you so much. That is very kind of you!
Mar 27Reply
beehappymarket Simply beautiful closet! Much POSH love to you and ❤️ your mission.
Mar 27Reply
yellowdaisydoor Just wanted to let you know that I think your jewelry is gorgeous! I will be purchasing some in the near future!
Jul 19Reply
kathryn_ramm I am very new to poshmark but I just came across your page. First I saw all these beautiful pieces and then I read the story behind them. Your granddaughter truly was beautiful. As for the jewelry, next time I am in need of that “special piece” I can not wait to take a look through here. Everything is so pretty and then knowing it is going to an amazing and important cause makes it even better. I can not wait to be able to support you. My thoughts go out to you and your family.
Jul 29Reply
ellenasmith1213 @kathryn_ramm Thank you so much. I have been on Poshmark for about four years so feel free to ask any questions to help you be successful in your sales.
Jul 29Reply
hometownhaute I can NOT imagine this type of loss, now being a mother myself hearing of stories like this just cuts even deeper! My heart goes out to your family and I pray for strength and faith when the hurt returns. You have a beautiful closet and a beautiful cause! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💖💖💖💖
Aug 03Reply
ellenasmith1213 @hometownhaute Thank you so much. Your closet is beautiful!!
Aug 03Reply
hometownhaute @ellenasmith1213 🙏🏻💪🏻 thank you dear I really appreciate that!! 🛍💖🤗
Aug 03Reply
hbvaughn My dad has olfactory neuroblastoma. So sorry for your loss.
Aug 05Reply
pursanality54 Hi Ellen, thanks for sharing my closet on Tumblr, I’m currently not using Tumblr but will be glad to share your closet with my followers. Have a great week!!!!! 😃❤️
Aug 05Reply
ellenasmith1213 @pursanality54 Thank you. Your closet is sooooo nice!
Aug 05Reply
ellenasmith1213 @hbvaughn thank you for your kind words. I had never heard of olefactory neuroblastoma. I just looked it up. Wow, I’m sorry about your dad too.
Aug 05Reply
dallascak Thank you so much for sharing my items! I really appreciate you! :)
Aug 30Reply
bobbett328 Hello🙋‍♀️Thank you so much for stopping by and following my closet 🌺🥰 Happy Poshing 🛍🛍
Sep 25Reply
whimsicalturtle Thank you for the likes and shares! Your pieces are beautiful—true artwork! Wishing you posh success & speedy sales! Happy Poshing! Amanda
Oct 20Reply
ellenasmith1213 @whimsicalturtle I love your jewelry too!
Oct 20Reply
aephands I’m obsessed with your closet!!!💗💗💗💗Everything is so beautiful!! are very talented! Your pieces have so much meaning as well and i truly admire your efforts and dedication to your cause. I will definitely be purchasing from you!! ( i need to decide what to order first! Lol) .. i would love to share your work daily with others !! 💗💗💗
Nov 17Reply
ellenasmith1213 @aephands thank you so much. I am also happy to offer bundle discounts. My items look even better in person. I’m also happy to share your beautiful closet out. 😍
Nov 17Reply
ellenasmith1213 @faith_and_nate Here’s our story as well.
Nov 29Reply
faith_and_nate Oh my. I am so very sorry for your loss. It’s a wonderful thing you’re doing, though. I know she’s looking down from Heaven smiling at the work you are doing in her honor. 💗 I’m sure it doesn’t make it any easier for your family.
Nov 29Reply
shabbyjeans50 Hi, and thank you for following us, I'm wishing you and yours the blessings from God this holiday season sincerely Ed and Linda
Dec 24Reply
joycemaze72 my grandaughter has type one diabetes so I know how expensive it can be will pray for yall
Feb 27Reply
ellenasmith1213 @joycemaze72 Thank you so much. I’m sorry that your granddaughter has such a struggle. Sadly our granddaughter passed away in 2015. I continue to sell jewelry and I donate the majority of my profits to 5 children’s cancer organizations.
Feb 27Reply
joycemaze72 everday I watch her take her shots it breaks my heart thank God for the med
Feb 27Reply
joycemaze72 she is 12 now and such a trooper she doesn't want pump and her doctor says not to push her I think she she likes feeling like she is in control that is mattie
Feb 27Reply
alluringstyle4u Thank you for the shares on Twitter. I shared your closet items to my followers. Stay safe and happy poshing!
Mar 30Reply
michellema798 May the God see and bless every kind soul. My heart goes to your beautiful granddaughter.
Apr 07Reply
marymax999518 Hello, My condolences on the loss of your beautiful little grandchild. That is great of you to dedicate your closet sales to charity. One day I hope all disease is eliminated especially in children. God bless you
May 21Reply
ellenasmith1213 @marymax999518 Thank you so much! You are so kind! 😍
May 21Reply
marymax999518 @ellenasmith1213 You are so welcome. I only wish I could do more to help. I wish you the best.
May 21Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Jul 28Reply
asavage01 @ellenasmith1213 Thank you for your time and stopping by my closet 🥰🥰 I have a bundle sale (💐3/15$) going on in women, home, kids & men. Look for the bundle of flowers 💐💐💐💐💐 Bundle 3 or more selected sale listings & each item comes out to 5$ + 7$ shipping fee. no pressure #poshlove A percentage of my sales goes towards a no kill local Humane Society. 🐱🐶🐈🐶🐱
Aug 08Reply
poshapc What a beautiful little girl Lila was! I love her boots - so cute! My heart breaks for your loss, but I imagine she brought much "sparkle" to your life. I pray that the legacy you created with your charitable donations helps other sweet children.
Aug 10Reply
ninagomez5711 Hello thank you for checking out my closet, I invite you to bundle up items and I’ll give you a deal/shipping discount 😊😊😊
Sep 18Reply
ellenasmith1213 @leasta2 Hello there, I see you selected some things you like in my closet. Please feel free to make an offer. My profits go to help fight against childhood cancer and my jewelry is very beautiful. I call that a win win.
Sep 19Reply
finbose What a little angel. Touched by your giving . One day I'll buy. We all live our stories, some much more painful but its what we do with the experience I believe that makes the world better. I am the mother of a prodigal child and I know the pain of nit knowing.
Sep 25Reply
ellenasmith1213 @mboutique4you Thank you for your kind words. I am grateful for your situation 🥰
Sep 25Reply
whimsical_cache Ellen, Your Lila May and I would have been best friends! I love sparkle, shoes and my middle name is May!! 💖👍🌼 I am always so grateful that we were designed with the ability to have memories! I know Lila May is the safest place in the universe and you will see her again ... but this time she'll be healthy, happy and hungry! Your closet is beautiful and a sparkly testament to your granddaughter. Thank you for sharing your story. Danielle💕
Oct 10Reply
wenmon50 Will lovingly share your closet for a beautiful cause!
Oct 11Reply
ellenasmith1213 @whimsical_cache Thank you so much, your words were so sweet and made my day.
Oct 13Reply
ellenasmith1213 @wenmon50 thank you so much! Sorry for not responding sooner, but I am in the process of moving and it is no fun. I would much rather be Poshing!
Oct 13Reply
uptown_thrifter omg love this😭!! my little cousin had Cancer too. I've had 3 friends with cancer too, one passed away and 2 are survivors🙏!! God bless this mission!💕 hope you have speedy sales!!!!
Nov 07Reply
agslane143 💗💗💗💗💗
Nov 21Reply
ebilisoly Love your closet!!!
Nov 23Reply
computershoptx Thank you for sharing from my closet! I hope you are having a wonderful Thanksgiving week and successful Poshing!🦃😊
Nov 28Reply
bettyboopertoo Thanks for following me! What a little cutie!! I’ll peek into your closet and share some of your items - hope you’ll do the same! Find some items of interest? Make a bundle (2+) and I’d love to send you a discounted offer! All the best, Betty 😊😊
Dec 01Reply
spreadlove Hi Im Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I am always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet - so I wanted to say hello. Have a great day!
Dec 13Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey I’m Emily thanks for following me if you like any of my items create a bundle or send an offer for a deal you’ll love! Happy Holidays😊❄️☃️
Dec 16Reply
honey_willow BUY ONE GET ONE FREE SALE!! 💰💖 Hey there! Thank you so much for the follow! I'm having a BOGO sale on ALL items in my closet under $60! Just add your favorites to a bundle and I'll send you a BOGO offer! I ship next day! Happy Holidays! 😁🎄
Dec 25Reply
shopaholicami You're items are beautiful and I'll definitely be sharing! I'm so sorry to hear about Lila! I know the desire to sell for proceeds all too well. I'm sure she would be very proud of you making the beautiful and sparkly creations! God bless you and your family!
Dec 28Reply
tawnyareber I'm so sorry about your beautiful granddaughter. I give to St Jude's regularly.
Dec 29Reply
ellenasmith1213 @tawnyareber thank you for your kind thoughts.
Dec 29Reply
clothesandbags Hey feel free to check out my closet and let me know if you like anything in my closet!👛👗👠Also share my poshmark story to let everyone know my new winter favorites👍stay safe and happy poshing!
Dec 30Reply
starshinefinds1 Thank you for the shares! I love your closet.
Jan 17Reply
janfast Thanks for sharing my Laura Ashley skirt! 🌸
Jan 20Reply
janfast Sorry for the loss of your beautiful granddaughter.
Jan 20Reply
fattybow1 Thanks for sharing!🥰
Jan 25Reply
beclassybebold Thank you VERY much for generously sharing my closet!!! It is very kind of you! I am pleased to share your beautiful things as well!!! I wish you hot sales, my Poshfriend!!😃♥️
Feb 03Reply
nannw13 Hi Ellen. So sorry that Lila May could not beat her cancer. She was a beautiful little girl. I love your jewelry collection and am curious if you are self taught or trained professionally to learn how to create such beautiful work. You should do well on Poshmark, for sure. Stay safe and healthy.
Feb 07Reply
ellenasmith1213 @nannw13 Thank you so much for your kind words. I used to work at fire mountain gems and beads in Grants Pass Oregon where I learned a lot. Yet, in my day job I am an IT manager nerd.
Feb 07Reply
danamariecre8 I am so sorry to hear that your lost your beautiful granddaughter. My prayers go out to you and your family and to your granddaughter. Heaven gained a beautiful angel. I have lost so many people dear to me due to cancer. I think it’s a great thing you are doing helping these children. No child should have to suffer❤️💕❤️ I shared many of your items. Your jewelry is beautiful.. Thank you!!!! Sincerely, Dana
Feb 13Reply
ellenasmith1213 @danamariecre8 thank you so much Dana. I’m sorry for your losses too. Poshmark is a nice place to spread love. Take good care.
Feb 16Reply
danamariecre8 @ellenasmith1213 Thank you so much!!! Have a wonderful night💕👍❤️🌈 wishing you speedy sales.
Feb 16Reply
ncbudgetboujee I’m so sorry for your loss. 💗
Feb 22Reply
dorothy_wirth Thank you for sharing my listing it is greatly appreciated. Be safe......Dorothy 💜
Mar 16Reply
melissabusbee Hi Ellen I'm Melissa! I was reading your posts about your precious grandbaby and I just had to reach out to you. My son Jackson, also died from cancer. He had a brain tumor. It was a choroid plexus carcinoma, to be specific. Jackson was 18 months old when he passed away in 2002. He was the sweetest baby. He never stopped smiling. It touched me to read that your profits go towards donations to children's neuro cancer charities. God bless you! ❤
Mar 16Reply
ellenasmith1213 @melissabusbee hi Melissa, your story made me cry. Lila May was also always smiling and joyful. I am so sorry for your loss, even after almost 20 years I’m sure you must think about your son every day. Blessings to you and thank you for buying from my closet. 💜
Mar 16Reply
necklace_shop Hey Babe 👋 Happy 😊 Poshing 🛍 Wishing You TONS of Speedy Sales ❤
Mar 28Reply
nearandfar_ Hi! Check out my closet :) I think you’ll like what you find💗
Apr 09Reply
sandycupcake P♥️sh L♥️ve 🌹🌹 🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹 Congrats on your “Deal Days” Win! Enjoy your guilt free shopping. Sandy
Apr 15Reply
carmenwoollums Thank you for the follow 💛 God bless ✝️
May 17Reply
thriftynavymom Hello Sunshine🌼 Congrats on Posh Ambassador. 🌻 Just stopping by to give you some page love 💕. I love your closet 🛍. Have a great wee and HAPPY POSHING👗👙🧣👚👖👔🩱👛👠
May 17Reply
05teddy11 Blessings on sharing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜. Super week and poshing 🛍🙏❤️🤟🏻💜
May 29Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi! It’s nice to meet you. I’d love 💕 it if you would stop 🛑 by my closet and take a look.👀Wishing you all the the 🍀luck🍀 in the world 🌎
Jun 24Reply
sg4ever I'm sure she makes a very beautiful angel...💞🌟😔
Jul 19Reply
kellyfrontino2 Hi there! Received the offers for the earrings! Gorgeous! Would you be willing to entertain a better discount if I buy all 3? 🤔
Jul 21Reply
ellenasmith1213 @kellyfrontino2 Hi. Yes. If you put all 3 in your cart bundle I will be happy to make you a generous offer :-)
Jul 21Reply
kellyfrontino2 @ellenasmith1213 Ok! Just did.. thanks!
Jul 21Reply
kellyfrontino2 How about $70 for all 3 pieces + $5.95 shipping?
Jul 21Reply
ellenasmith1213 @kellyfrontino2 I made you an offer in the bundle. I’m willing to work with you. I think you can counter there.
Jul 21Reply
ellenasmith1213 @kellyfrontino2 if not, let me know.
Jul 21Reply
kellyfrontino2 @ellenasmith1213 Unfortunately, if I counter offer it does not include the discount shipping.If it’s easier I can just offer $63 and pay full shipping?
Jul 21Reply
ellenasmith1213 @kellyfrontino2 okay because it won’t let me adjust the offer to you.
Jul 21Reply
ellenasmith1213 @kellyfrontino2 or I can create a new listing if you would prefer?
Jul 21Reply
ellenasmith1213 @kellyfrontino2 if you pay 63 and full shipping I lose money on that.
Jul 21Reply
magicmoonbodyco Thanks for all the shares! Good luck to your and your beautiful closet💞 Happy Poshing! 😊
Aug 14Reply
caribbean3024 Hi, thank you for sending me offers. I’m in 3 weddings next year and for one of the weddings,the bride requested the bridesmaids wear red and silver jewelry.
Aug 30Reply
ellenasmith1213 @caribbean3024 i can also make something to order. 😄
Aug 30Reply
caribbean3024 @ellenasmith1213 awwww thank you. Let me see & get back to you 🙂
Aug 30Reply
jlas69 Hi, Thank you for following me!
Sep 07Reply
laurencasey893 @ellenasmith1213 hello! I have kinda an odd question. A bit back I ordered some jewelry, which I love! But they came with a mask. I am wondering where you are getting the masks. They have been my favorite masks, I work in healthcare and so having a sturdy comfortable one is important. I want to buy some, but must know where you got them!
Sep 08Reply
ellenasmith1213 @laurencasey893 Hi there, I got them from A mazon. If you do a search for we care disposable masks individually wrapped. They have all kinds but their prices have gone up. They are now about $25 for 50 of them. If you only want about a dozen, maybe I have another piece of jewelry you might be interested in and I could throw them in.
Sep 08Reply
jewelsbysara Hi I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
Sep 11Reply
ellenasmith1213 @4lorisnotary Here is a little more about her.
Sep 12Reply
champagne_money @ellenasmith1213 such a beautiful child. Bless her sparkly little heart. I too love sparkly things and will think of her whenever I see something that catches my eye. 💖 Thank you for sharing.
Sep 12Reply
2ndfeature 🧚🏾✨✨I love your closet!! Just stopping by to wish you many many sales! ✨✨🧚🏾
Sep 14Reply
ellenasmith1213 @kfmarx01 thank you so much for your kind words. I really appreciate it. Even though we lost our granddaughter we have also experienced many gifts. ♥️ happy Poshing to you as well.
Nov 17Reply
shopper411411 What a beautiful granddaughter. I'm so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful way to honor her and help others.
Dec 04Reply
momcheevic 🙏🙏🙏
Dec 18Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Jan 19Reply
monicas45 Do you sell clip ons?
Feb 22Reply
ellenasmith1213 @monicas45 I have clip on supplies so I can make some things as a clip on. If you tag me in earrings that you like, I will let you know if I can make them as a clip on.
Feb 22Reply
yolandav57 Incredible items! I am sorry to hear about your granddaughter 😞.
Feb 27Reply
cashback7 Welcome to Poshing. Thank you for checking out my closet. Bundle 4 or more items together and get a 20% discount +$5.95 shipping
Mar 07Reply
mermaidsbd @ellenasmith1213 I just wanted to tell you that you're very talented and your jewelry is beautiful. I also lost a little one, my son, Malachi to Rhabdomyosarcoma when he was just 3 1/2. I can emphasize with you and your family's struggling pains and heartache. Best wishes to your future endeavors.
Mar 17Reply
ellenasmith1213 @mermaidsbd Thank you for your kind message. I am so sorry for your loss as well. There are just no words to understand it. I pray you have continued strength and courage to go on. Malachi would want that for you. ♥️
Mar 17Reply
mermaidsbd @ellenasmith1213 his name had true meaning to me. He taught me the biggest lesson in life. I HAD to go on for his big brother. Had he not been here, I'm not sure I would be here today. My children are my saviors. and I don't know if they will ever realize. Since Malachi, I then had twins, AND I AM A TWIN MYSELF (CRAZY)! And the female twin of the set, just gave me my first grandchild 4 months ago... I'm so in love. 🥰
Mar 17Reply
ellenasmith1213 @mermaidsbd ❤️💜❤️💜
Mar 17Reply
sarahpmills I'd like to go ahead and cancel the bracelet order please
Apr 29Reply
peruvianjewel So grateful for all yr sweet shares! Thank u for taking your time for us!! ❤ have a wonderful day! Wow, your granddaughter was a sweetie!! Sending love and shares your way!
May 03Reply
jillianchristia Congrats on hosting tonight’s party! Would you mind stopping by my closet for a possible host pick? Thank you so much! ❤️❤️🥰🥰🙏🙏💋💋🎉🎉🎁🎁🎊🎊😍😍
Nov 08Reply
gibriana Sending you love and best wishes always. Your granddaughters photos are so extremely wonderful. I am in Canada, when posh figures out how we can buy from each other, I will be buying from you.
Nov 22Reply
ellenasmith1213 @gibriana thank you so much for your kind words, that means a lot. 🥰
Nov 22Reply

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